nnimncii III IJ 1 I I Carrots for Stook. - Can anythlni; be better as Winter food ' lor all kinds of animal., than this familiar roott Wc have used it for several veart with most gratifying results, It is not only useful as n "relish" with other , , ,, . fodder, as apples and vegetables are lor , mankind in the Winter, but it contains valuable nourishing properties, and may1 be used as an alternating substitute for , other food. Wc arc not surprised to learn . that the keepers of livery stables hi ! ., k.lnnii.. In n on nifr,,la f,,i-' ""-6 b '" " "" horse food. '1 liny hold that a prek of carrots and :i peck of oals arc better for .1 horse than two pocks of oals. All animals require for their healtn and comfort green food to mix with their dry fodder, and their winter bill of farci is deficient, if it does not include carrots. 1,1. ,,... ui ...J.V... -j , made by a careful farmer to test the j , . , i . i i I relative value of several Kinds OI food for milch COWS, with the following general ; . . i r . i . i result; three pounds of carrots equal toj onc pound of hay. 1 his would make three I tons of carrots equal to one ton of hay i. c, for producing milk; hut lorfattcning purpo ne,ve should place the carrot nciucrupon a par with hay. This also is true ol it, that it yields larger crops than the potatoc, is more nutritious, is letter adapted to this climate than rutabaga or turnip ran be more readily and better kept through the winter, and is moro easily prepared for feeding, as it does not require boiling or steaming, unless it be for swine We sometimes meet in our exchanges, with various receipts for coloring Winter made butter a rich golden hue, like grass- made butter ; but we believe the best way to accomplish this is by feeding the cows on good orango carrots, and leave to them the work of coloring tho butter. The Culture is not difficult. Give the ground a liberal manuring with well decomposed dung, and if to tin's is added a mixture of muck or chip dirt, it will help the matter. Of course the plowing and harrowing must be thoroughly done. Sow in drills two feet apart, if for horse tillage ; if done with the hand, at less distance. Sow when the soil is a little moist, and press the earth firmly over the need. m As carrots germinate slowly, look out for the weeds as soon as they appear, or they will get the start of the carrots and overshadow them. If this seed is drilled in, two pounds to the acre will be suffi cient; if sown hy the hand, three or four will be needed. Thin the plants at each hoeing, until they are four or five inches apart. By good management, a crop of 500 to 700 bushels to the acre may be expected. Tne Long Orange is generally considered the best variety ; though the White Belgium is very nutritious and is most easily harvested. Slmtrhan Agri. culturitt. What Is the fllaflcr with the Turkeys? We have ucen very few really good turkeys this year,1' said we, the other d?y, to a large poultry dealer at the mar ket. " What is the trouble ?" Trouble enough, I've been scolding at the farmers for a month past, for bringing such lean, half-grown things to market at all ; and all the answer I get out of them is, They arc the best wc have, and you must take these, oi none" On examination, wc find the truth to be, that, as the last Spring was late, cold, and wet, the turkeys laid late, hatched few chickens, and during the wet Summer brought up a much less than the usual quantity of young. A turkey must get its growth, or nearly so, before it will take on flesh. Tho pullets arc tolerably fat and plump, but less juicy and sweet than usual ; but the gobblers are decidedly lean, dry, and stringy. They will not be really good (ill Mnrch, and must havo fiood feeding for that. An sjraiu is plenty JVUU H-tOlH- IUI IllUl. 4X3 IJ1UIII IS JHUII and cheap, wc advise our farmers who!x have many turkeys not now in proper! . ., .,i, ., . coiiuiiion, io winter incni uu iney arc t , ICally good J then brillfftlicm tO market, and they will get a good price for them. Don't feed them on raw corn, cither, j all the time. Give them a change such as buckwheat, oats, and barley, if you have it ; and then cook it thoroughly, ' with bmall potatoes if you have theni carrots, beets, rutabagas, or parsnips, if the prices of thr roots arc-cheap enough to afford it. A deal of flesh-making ma- j tcrial is used up In masticating, through ' the operations of the crop, so much hard provender ns is usually given to poultry ... . . ..... i. wnuc cooKing noes an mat severe work for them, and they feed much easier with such help. It U said, that charcoal aids the fattening proces in turkeys, greatly. We have not tried it thoroughly, but have heard so manv well authoitticatcd facts ......, .u... .-. ., ii 1 , fUlUlUU iiiJUUV ll lllul V Hit juvuuvt, think it may he so. Wo believe in 'J'urkeys; decidedly nn.!....!..!.. m, T 1 1 ,1 fl 1 S IT ! I' 1 11 f . f! ll r I fc t HI f. 8 I . b . . r , .r- .1 .... am fUCW lear a. e raiso llteill, too, as . . ... 0Otl as any Uouy, anu a greai uetii tetter than sonic. Get a hen turkey tat in the Ft.ll. and it costs 110 more to winter than ..... it does a put ct ch eken. They saunter , ,, i ......!.. about tlio piace u iiii-i-kij iu ,wm.,,,, vhilo the gobbler-, strut pnd fame about 10 vociferously jmt Lko somc?ufrt wc bave scen American Ac;.i:tltrit, JT'NEW YORK LI WES. .TUB I'.WIDL'.V AND AM 110 V UMI.IHI.M1 ANll ' riiti.Anr.i.riilA and hievion rah.roaii ' coMMNva lines. I From rhlledrllhtt tn York, and flit tlttn Leave, as follow Mr F.nt, A,A; j,'". ,,:n!0.nI.'T..V. a. !"'y ti At o a Jf'" -'" ''! Aio a'm .via Camden m,i Amttny. Accoinmodn lion, i .i. . Allft',,,l v,a .e"' wV-''..'."'.''?. : At hi a. i.,'b itmi.n.ii Trenton, via Tacnny nml Jersey Cltv. Mnrnli'R I'.tpreo : At sr. M., ti. o.mntiii ami Amtioy, o. mm a. A'sV"u,'vil'6am'i-'n .Viij jViiii-ycViyViVvVni'tii ' At' :iV m' Via dimtW ' , vin'ind'cni'd AmboyV'Accmiim'n-' Am""i!miHi Vni Amiifi Meommii-' a t'rtivaKrVVri" iniVn n It'i "ini-Vy. Aci'niin -' ll Itlun "il Lla.S TIIOSl' 31 lliio run daily, all others Siindays et frnlcd. CtpTM l.inc t'op aiuinnrietp-n atn'itn oniy. 'or ll'ltfttare 1-ai'on, Fl-mlnpton , Aic.( at 0 A. X, I tp'css Lines t'np at tli" principal a In I hi, only. ami 4 ( i . Irnm Walnut irctt uli.tri. for WntrrOai.itrou(lFlitr2.iacniitn,Vilk.'jlh1trf, Voniroie. Unnt 'tend. Ac, nl tA. M., via Dilaw nrr, I Lackawanna at Western llnllroffil, I'nr rroilml.latliA. M.anO P M. Tor .Mount llohy at 7 A M.. ami !? and 5 IV M. For Bristol, Trcni Slc , at '.'( anil 1 1'. M. WAV I.I Nit I'nr ratmyra. nnncocA, l'.cvcrly, Burlington dentowu, Ate, at 3 P M. Hor WAV blMi t..n, Hnllv .ll.i. tlitstn.. ..ml Witv Kt.lllnn. til .1 p.m. ,,,,.. ,. Steamboat Rlehinl Stockton lor lliirlins.to.1 ami nrls tol ate! A M., nnd fir lltrdenlown and Intermediate ''siMeiiit Trce'ton for Tacony nl 10 an.! 111 A M., and 4 P. M.,aml for llnrtlnglnn unrl llnttot at I P. M ah iin,ri-ri a. Ji . ii-av wainnt tt.wiinrr. im nerinreprnltibULdrrnnitakinB nnlhltiir at unncnge diii incir ncnrinc ni'p.irri. nil n;i!;aRi over filtv poiiiiilH 10 lii paid lorptra. The Oinpany limit their rfrtiinnnlhillty for batrnniif to onn dnllar per pnunri, Mid will nut be linblit lor any amount beyond SIHO, Picept by special rnnlract IV.M II. (1ATZMCR, ASent. C. fc A I. II fl). R. 11. .MOIinl.l.l,, Anent, Sept!0.la7 Plllla 'lr. It R. Co. orall iiii.iee; lh" great, (lrle.itic Spring. Irom tt?l'jrt nf Nature, law.. SUFPEIt NOT, u'lic.v Acur.i; isouAUANrr.no lit At.r. stages OF SEOIIET DISEASES, Stlf.Abke, .Vrrrfla Dthihttj. Stticturti. Gltttt. ti ravel, Diabtte, Diseases of the kulnefis and JJhtlJer, .Vereu rial lihtumatism, bctonfi, faini tn the Honei end JinhUs, Diseases f the Limits, Throat, Nose avd t'pe Ulcers upon thr. Hady tr Luabs, Vantcrs DrepJiy. ipi leptie Fits, St I'ltn's Dance, and all ihtattt arising from a derangement of the Sezuat Organs, f ur ti m Nervou Trcmhling, Los ol Memory I.o- of (Vwcrteueritl Weakness. Dimiieps of Viiimi with peculiar spot h appenrini; Itclofc the ejc-i Lnt of Siuhi upon the U cL Pain in the lutck nml hend, rniuh- lr I r-giiiariiics nnn an improper ui-ronrci's irum ooiu sces. It mutters not truin wlml cause tin; oVeape originated, however lou; slniidinz or ohftluate the C3.'. rtcoeerg is etrtain, nnd lu ii slmrtf r time than n permanent cure can he tl'i cti d by nny other trentmeiii cvcnaitrr ine oif-im ucis innifti ine prim ni rim ini pliypicjaim nnd resisted nl I their mmus of cure. 'I hat iRfdiciucit nr pleasant without odor.cjusinj; no rick ncs and (roe from mereur) or halpam. During twenty years of pr-cticc I hivo rescued Irom the Jius of IJcnth man v thousands, who, In 1!ie last tnj;f s of the above uieiitioued d it-rase t had heen given up to die by their physicians, which warrant' me in promiinjr to the ntHicted, who may place tlit-inst'ltes under my care, a perfect and mot speedy cure. Secret diFPavcs are tl e jf rente it enemies to h alth.as they nr the ttrst cause ol Consumption, Scrofu'a anil many otliT din cusei and phould be a terror to the human Inmf ly. A a permanent rurc is irarctty ever cntctt-u, a nnjorltv of the cases filling Into the himis of incompetent I persons, who not onlv fail in curu the diseases but ruin the constitution, tilling the system with inernm which, with the thsease, hastens the sutlercr into n rapid Coiipumniion, ilut should the disease and the treatment not eaue death speedily and the viflim nnrries, tho fliscatu is e nl at led unou h chl dieu. w I o are hern with luehle eontftitiiltntn. unit lliRrnfrflil nf lifn i nrr untisl bv n vin s wiucn ueirno ifFeii in rrro nia. iciiei. r -rn. ' Cruntior.f andoilier,iirertionM of the skin, t-yo, I lit oat. nnd LuiipH, entailing up'in them n brief existence of utlerinc ond ceiisicuiiiz them to nu early grnvo. ai'-l.f AIJCcBls n n otlnir form hiabiu enemy tohealti, for nothing tlsc in the dread C'tlMogiu! of huuau dfs cases causes pu destructive u dram upon the syptcui, drnuinii iu thousand of vir lints ihroueh n few enrs of sutler ill? down to an untimely grur. It ilotrnya ine ntrvous pieio( rnpnuy wnsii s away ine nneigii of lite, eauscB niPiital oeranpf nnnt prneniB the pmir uevciipinetii oi in pysieni, oiFTuainiMt ior mnrrngc, society. buiiuesM. nml nil enrlhly hnpoftiesH.aiidlfjives the rnferer w recked in body mid mind, predisposed to consumption and ,i tmin of evils more to h dreaded thin death itself. Willi the fullest conlldetire I . injure the unfortunate victims ol If Almce that a pennment and ppeedy euro tan m; etifctt u, ami twin tne anauiion , nient of ruinous practices my patient can be rcflored I to rrtiiKt, vigorous hiaHli. The ntlticteii are cuiiiotieu nttamsi wip use m t'aieni : Medicints. lor I hero nrr so many inseni umnnri i In the coliiutiiB nf tho public prints lo catch nnd rob the i unwary siiilerern that inillmin have their conrtitu lions ruined by the vile compounds of quack doctor, i or the equally poisonous nnmninn vended na Pntcnl I lcuieiucs." l mtve circiui'y nuaijrfii many oi inr so-called Patent Meuieines nml hntl Ihat nearly nil of them contain Corrosive Subitum e whith p one of Ihe strongpat picpirations ol mercury anil n deadly poison, which in-trend of curing the disease disables thn system Inr life Three fourths of the patent nostrums now In upc are put tip hy unprincipled nml Ignorant persons, who do not understand even the nlphabel ot tli ntorerfa mtdica, and nre equally an debtuuie of nny knowledge ol the Im in tn svsie m. having onu object only in view, and that to mike money rcgarOepp ofronst-qiiencep. Irregularities and all olseasep of males and females treats on principle estnMiheil by iwrnty nrs of practice, anu fanciioneii uy ui"nr,iiiiif in mv uuni ru niarkalilc cureit. HIidiciue with full tliteitlons sent lo any part oTthe Unilrn Plates or Canadas, by in ueuls cotnn'itiiiuitiiifi their pymploms by letter. Uusi nets corrcsnondeiirf! strictly continent tal ii f jmHinnril i ut r AUUIOrr. J nu.il HUiillui.n, in. Office, 1131 I'lLHtFU sued, (old No. UlU.) Iltlow Twelfth, l'hihiilelpbia. Pa. Julv 11. lM7-fMMcli4 " MAN, KNOW TUYSKLP." AN 1NVAMIAIII.1! BOOK TOR -'.-. CENT3. UVIIIIY FAMILV SI10UL1I llAVII A I'OI'Y. ' ... , nit iiuNTi;it's.Mi:moAi. i . V i1 1 !' t'fj MANUAL Si HANDBOOK i?f?i;''.1011 T,lll: Ari-i.n.-n:u.-crl!'!7rfii contalnliis an onlliiie. r Iln v?irnfc origin proSrrf. treatmen :iii,.ciiip ore.trv form of ill, the treatment ZtZuM -:ise couirnctet h proiniscti j O oui eiuni intercourse, uy O bo I f abuse, or by f xual ex- NrnVW" cts3. with udvico for their prevention, wr'tteu lu u faiuiliir ftyle, a voiding all medical technicalities, and everything that uould o ire ml tho far ol decency. Testimony of the Professor of Obsteries in Penn ColUga Philadelphia. Hit IW.XTEtCSMKMC.1h JILIXUAI The nuihnr of tliii vmrk, unliku ihe mititriiv uf lhou who adlcrtMeio cure tin difcenca nf which It trcntv. i u sra.luaic of one ol ihu best Cnlluet in I he United Stums. It afj'rdn me p't-a-fiiro to r'x n ''ad In ui la Urn unlortunnic, or to H.vl.tm. .,r li. il.nr.trtirf. fli :i llfVCS.if ll I fl III! lit. li. 1 : i Sy Ui pur kneed prjttllioner.iu who lion r and intfg (Fl illy they tuy plac tho iriratcbt ronfiiJenee. ' . F. . lmd,d. .uTtf Sra"i"i., I t- Philadelphia. ll plvea mQ pleaduro to add myicFtimouy to the h 2' . ... .1 p I lio !'-n Itil (liL'ani. sniiio ol lilt' ill i.f miii! m-iudniK, have riA Kn.ir niv miiirtf. In which hit vkill ha tieeu ( maiilet In resioring to perlect health, in some. beyond medical aid Jiiiho treatment of fccmiual 2 woakneM. or u.-arranm. ui nium h i-iwh i-n- know hi supriir in tlm proleviiioii. ii.ivp been Rcriuajntedwiththe Anihi-r somu thirty yiar. and dtem it no more th.ui jualice to him in wuil n a i T kindue lo the tmforlunule ictj.it uf t-arly imli Z rri.tinn m rfi'itniiiicud him at onu inwhuso pro-, leiionalBhill aud Integrity they may Kafely contldi tlit'inaelves. "5 Aikiud VYoodwaiid, M. D. Ono ropy, necurely euvel'iped will Imj forwarded free of postage to anj part ol the United Bt Act. lor'iJceiita.ortirople. (ur j$I (Ml. C-Addreii(JU.'iDi:!V&UIJ..l,ubliiherf1Ilox 1117, riuladrlphia. wr (onka! rr taiivniccr nu ogv-m- supplied an the mott liberal terms. u c a. jnji- BJI,0 0,ia l!S U1I , CAUINKT WAlll! UOOMS. m,iL Tiir.,1 rcnftcltti iv invilca l He allrnt 0, t X oVfiw pluiie ia in. piii-ii,ivea,oriiiii.in orcoimift , Vi'"'"'!"!? iiu i:.tabiuiimeni.cauiay. he round ogUoaa.,ori """AS 11 ION ABLE FURNITURE, j ; W i.ewVoXSn ! ' i29.lle a. I ni pirn j ni iitri Ji" " - - , ' auiuis, erarara of different Ulle. and price.. fromS . ,-. tn ,tn ll.vmid I.nlliltie. 1 al. nut ami .Mutniaoiiy, rarior cimir,, uorKint,' ... vt cliair. I'i4ii .tool,, and a variety ol npiiol.tered woik wltlilreinniid parloi bureau,, .ora.canl teutro anil . .l...n.l.. .Inri.iiii... ml, ,1 mil, : It, I ,,1111,1, nut ami .Malnmony, IMrlor clmir,, Uorkiii).' and ca.) 1 I nlA.l.ll,l . . ll?ta .lltf. . till tlfll I C I WllJtnOt. ll i .in-., a ml all kin.la ol l'.ililonHile work. Ill.itorkor pier lam ,iii-i.i ". ....... . ..II L n. . nt t ...I, In nn I,Ih uilrlr. III. .Irirkot ... - . ,. i. ., , bureau,, oncio.eu ana eoi.iinoi a... . a...... u,"., 'ubiM.eorinr clipboard.. "f; breakf.1.1 lable.. .el i .,r,d. canea a.. n. j.t' ,' ''VcL n Vo.'d , i'Vn.u. ia.n, iimc, win, fancy cut ind c,.,,,. lie will a No ltirni.li sprms nuir.s.es U'Zi 'SSi'a o t SlZd w K.'S iSnci'rr, 'dj.abliirvandcoinilortloauyliedinti.o. ' d'"i"""ly " a ' simon o. Eiuvcr nionm.bure April fth. It - IVIMKNT AND 0 TTLE ( 110 LI poWDERS. -roRsala r.t the office of tic Ojnilia i, ncni'm ond dollar a vnui. Circulation over 1110,11011 Copies II eckli. 25 Witnesses, on. THE FOllGKH CONVIOTKP. TOI1N H HVn In tlit Author, who tin li.nl ten ) yenriexpflMint.! nn n HanVrr nnil PublltM f( mnl AniUatnrnttritft, tsdurts at the n read way Tab truer It wtirn. fnr ten rirci'Mltr ntclil -over ; (I reeled tittu with rmitit! ol ipjiltiiiPP. 1 1 i f 1 1 o ct. Iiibttoil the nnn nor In cU Uitiiniirfi'ltfr rxttulc ' tlifir irjititf. ntx! 1 1n surct nml ihortirt inpaii of I itr-ttrtll)(T the in I The ll&nk ,Xott F.ngravtrt all $ay that he it the gnatttt f Judfft tf Voptr Monty liiingt I Greatest Discovery of the Present Century ! for Detecting Counterfeit Bank Notes ' 'prucrltilnp tvrry Ocnulne Hill In rtlsicnrf. nml rxlillntipp ni n it inn co ntt Ciunlirfiit In rirni a lion t Arrnnsro sn mimiraiiiytunt itcicrenro is unty nna . ' tie I ret Ion Itif.tniitfti)cnun. , rf Nu lihtfx tncvamlnol No natrc tn lmtil tip' rtnt flinnHficl nnt nrranpott, t lint llio Morrliant, i Ujiikcranl l'.udnrM Mnu r.ui cp all eta gtanu. s i i.ufU'tn, rrrncn an iter man, ; Thin racli may n-nu tho name 1 n Ma o n N'atUe , Tongue I ,i;nc mvfrrt linnh An- 7 Ihthhthed MOSl ptTjCCl IHWh i0(C 1ASI X UOllSUCU, Aluo li 1 1 Pi n f nil t he WIVATn HANKHUS IN AMTRIOA. romnlrte Pmtnnary of Hie I'inascc or r.ntorR Act Auitiri wilt hR mibllnlifil lu neh ctfitlnn. u tether with nil lite Important NKWrt or TIIH DAY. Also, a pcHirns or tam:r IVoni nn oM Manuscript I'o'ind in thu Kftst. It fur nlshtu itio most fomnif t" hiJlory of oiui:ntal i-fru. And ilencriMnti the most pprpleTlnj ponllionp In which the Indlc nuitgtjiitlomcn of that country Imvp hecn o often fnund Thcr utorlri will continue throiulmut tlio wlioleyear nnd will prove the ino cnttTtnlntiiR evrr offrrrd lo the ptilillc Tumnlted w kly tn Rutipr rl Its only, fit $1 n ypar Al Deters mint be nildMrti to JOMV P. I)Vn, Ilreker rubllfhernnd TroprklT 7u Wall bt.. New York. PHll.A. AND HEADING KAIL UOAD Winter ArTaiftemtnU for rassenfftr 7Vatnr, January lsf, 1857. rTPrraln-t, Koine North. It-mo Phiiailclphla 1 at?l KJ A M.nmi i r Ji. Down Traiiisi;oin(tioutht IciucFoltsvilleat ir -iii.l A 1 M J A.M Uplniliirtpifs HcadinK ft 10,2i. A M.amIG.22P, M. ilown Trains ' 1 5.I3.A. M, " 5.4J P. M. The nsnreaiTmin 1 diPContlnued until further no tlce Cloicfonueciionpnre niadn hy tho IM.2J A. M , tlia Tialn rromPoitlJllnlitnto Ul mini and all inlcrmc; I tltitepointtr and bv the t,V2 I' .M Up'l rain from IVrt i;ilulnu to Clniiri.O.iiiaud.iiKua lluile'o, Niaparn. He. pot, Chicaco, i?t( i,onl, Davenport, and Iowa Citvi i M.'kius this route thcpItorlesUud cheapen to thi Lahe ErttctandCttftada. ) , " . , , , . ... OnPumt.ivs.tlil Down A. M. Tnln from Pnttivllle. ii mi up i . . i mm nuui i ii i ij nt; i I'll 1. 1 1 uii ij , run. II ARtiiFnt ro CoNvKrxioNs, by Diuphln Railroad at An Ulllll A special Aecominndaf inn Pnnpnjrrr Tfoln leave eiidiiiEil.utly. (except Pumlays )at ?1 A. -eturiiiiiB from Aulmru nil P. M., on arrival of 3,10 f .11.. iraiuirom imrn-Minrjj WAY FAKES Fiiom Heading to Hiideph'n.Sl.TSnudl.l,!; PottsvWIe 9I.U3 and 0,85; Auburn, U 7.1. Tfllinimn rAnra. to UarrlBburg Tamaqua 1,.1; WiUimupport ?l,10; Hmiin $3,:t.l; Canand.n.i Itmfiti or NiagrnStll t'ii Ci'.iveand Slh, lW-dn 3U.T1 ; Clnctnnatl 9IU.DU , Chicago S.'D.UO Ok IW.inil S'.'.i,0t'. ALL Pagcnffcrsw iiprncure tickets befure e uterine p cars: 10 cents extra on l-'.ire paid in the rain . t y I In, ,of persennl Mascacealowcd each Taste no g ol over that wcichl aschared llxtr.i Il.icL'ace O A. NICOI.L8, January 3d. 1357 If. OenWSup't J. S A: K. L Produco and FLUOT, General COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No 3ii North Wharvi s, riii,Ai)i:i,niiA. RCrERFNCES! John I' PoniPtnn.Csq. Philadelphia, Mefurs Hacker, l.e.i & Cr. ' ' iiu i, l'r u a. Cu. " llurlinrr MrCnmmon &. Co. ' Charles III lis Co, " f . Morris Wnin it Co " Oiiterbridpe, Arvov & Co. Charle & Joseph Pt rot. Thniuati At Maxwell, New Vork. " C. SI. McClung It Co., Pi t.otijp. Mo. J.y. Morns & Son, Louisville, Ky Vnrrh l.i IPl-v' HVAXS X- NKM'COMUll, (Furm.ry It'clib $( Xcwtomtr,) Arcli 9rro, nbnve Third, Philadelphia. ' HOURS Ol' MliAI.U I'.tiKAKrA.T, A. 0 unit 7 o'cloch to 10 DiNHER.fii'iitlPinPii'Fnriliiiary.l o'clock toln. ' l..ithp.(2 o'clock. , Te.. inn'clockto 11. CVAN UVANS.J U. S.NCWCOMr.11 J JNationaL Hotel. ( LATE VTHITIJ SWAN, ) Sides tS' Stover. Race Strctt, above Third, Philadtlphin P.tcr Sipk.. late on lie unit Mr veu..'liol I i iijj. hea il & Co JamT trnER. of tile Union Hold, Aiijim li. IH.rai DYliR'S HOTJ'fli. Caltawissa Pa. ri IMS old and wellknown !InteI,iuthetown , J 3l Cattuu Issa ivfiill keiit hv tbti umk-r. iigneil, and in h pile of all licmise" lawn , In: is J 10r1 tili'plarp.rortravcltTiitoiitop ito Hint can lie fuunil In j thPilurrior on'enii.ylvunu 111 ' ahlei. ill tic Turn Uii. I cil tlaily wllh tlif lic.ltlip.Marke y:an atToril. I ILT..iy oin iricniiianu traveller sttaitcraiij nrp invited ' to rail JACOU IJYUU, May -21, IP53.-y . Slates Union Hotel. roRM r.r. rly u cn i,"r Ji hotel.) 1 No. 200 Market slree' Philadelphia. tnoitf.n W. IIINKMl. Proriclor.formcrlyofCo V.7 In nib ja, Pa., would inform Ills friends and thepuh ic that tmconltnueH to keep tho above named llniei which in weltnud favorably known throughout!!! Stalea oKcofthcoldcstnnd ino I roinenieui Hotel in he, city . II most respectful ly solicit' a nhnreof pub-rp-iouucu, April 7. Id55. WM. S. SMITH & COT Produce Factors ANIt- OKVRK.1l COMMHSIOX .YKtCIMXTS, No. 0!) North Wharves. I'llll.ADCI.rillA. Tlio Maikrt a!utt uf all culi.iznniciit. ailvanrctl In Cash wIil'u tlt'.lrptl j Marcli II, l4.-ly 1 31 ON TO UK HOUSE, 1,'URNr.R OT MARKET AND Mil.!. KTIICCT3, tli'toiedlattlji oppotlte the Court llovic,) ijAis villi:, pa TTAVlNtl licfn recently rentivntnl nml rrfw rnl.tir.! i ..in a fcupfrmr sly le. thi clen.ini 1 1 u I In now reupn (nr ,,B r(,tVpti.i ol strai'i;erund iaitor,wlioiepa rou age Ii ruapcctlully re'iutitud. S. A. BRADY, Iyi5, JOHN 0. YE ACER, Fashionable Hat &Cap Store NO.IOJ NORTH TIIIIID BTKIICT, I'HI LAUKLPHI A . Mfrchlnt. nml visitor, from ortlicrn Pennpy VQiiia,arPr,iiir.ifnlly Invtlcilto give dim a call, when vimiinc I'liiiaacipiiia. ' Jii.ii) 'Je.lfcio. y. HlllIjADKLl'DIA OAIIPBT S I ORE -AAltrCTlKcei.OIIOInilii.Winilnw Shall,,, Matran J Mnttitig. Just rtcciveil !:0,utiu pierr, ntn .ivlr niitictuiptl nml in t.or io .1 eiirc,iy tor t;A)tlL.i 1. 1.. Mfrriiunt, nml Hoiisttkrrueri will iilfa.e no. ,Vo,. H anil yuNortlt Second Stret-i.lit door tie low nht'. Mi 11 tell. IH'.O FALL & WINTER Til B.inlrrlg ncil recpectrully iiiluiiu lil. friend. nno tli. pitli. ic atlarg. nntl tlio rest olmank.nu Ilut lielia, i',l4tilltnt.u a spieuuiu - ,u iiierif.K,i n , Ju... nre. Cnluinuu couiny, l'a.,wlirc,lie Iin. now opened ' la rue and choice nur line nt of , f...ll 1 't.,.,. I n H a run UUU KllllUl UUWS. . ... . . ' ... wmeii nr I. tii'ter i ne.i .' mi on ii-ii ""in. u rwix . --- feast , n llii. vicinity, who are-In want , "'" ,,, ,,eircunon. . I nl..iiei Ta.liecn . elected lil,n,ucl,cro and will '?' U?JI"'";: ',''' and without j ftjlnt t"eilr ninnin.nu ,e7''"3l V' " tli.A-.. n.k no.Ulna in, a..n,inl, friend. ll,a. I v rylliinj tually . pt in 1.01111 try on. hada iutie ei,roper t in i he r h P'ft . ' y Country p'oltuce. inclndlnj Grain, I. I v rylliinj ftusllyktpt in Oomilry Siores.can hero lie umur r,&e token lueichniifn for coods Itolirs'turi Jan 1 le-fe, y vTTcNT iSAll CL CRINDER? .'OR BAIE M" ltlUI.. I'lKI.MIIOLU'S UENUINK riUM'AII.VTION i i-f , iiioiii.v contentratcii compoi'mi fluid IJ.VlRAUrilUl'lltl, For fil'teiel of Ihe Iltadder hidnrnt. O tarel. Jrejy, ntanetitt uotirurttonr. wrirr itssr.. ttnvit Com plain tn, mnd all IHttact tf the H ft hit t Arlnlt-jr from HxcpMrs unit lirrtnlenelp( In II 'b, and rmioving nl' ImpriipT IM'rlnrpi' from I lie U1.ulJr, tlfdnrys.ur denial Orsnn. wluitirr i xlftltig In MALI ok niMAi,i:. From uliatt'rr rnnc tlipy may havo orlglttntP'l, ond no matter of imw lonjt xtnii'injr Riving ticatilt anil mkoi io inn iraniP, nnn ninom in inn nmiii cnci'Rt iit- Tn i'p awl fTfi t tl ltcurp("rvonndltiilllntMlflult.'reM,nniffnhv all thpyimilomn.nmoii wfiirii will dpioiiihi lo.Hipo : ;;" P V110?,,1'0". TO1."" r1J,rn,"rv; Itlrticulty of Itr'atiiliij.dcnrrftl W 'nknp. Ilormr of tlifcaxo. Wrnk Ncri t , TrrmMttiK, Pr-nilf il Horror of IHiilli, N'ictil hwrni tVIrl IVrt, U'akrliilneft, I'lm nvn of VMon. l.:(ti2tior. ITnUcrml I..uIliiIl of Iho Miiwtilir H)lnn, ttitrn tlnormoii" Appi the w th byihicpllr t nitiMi. -iJol Mfin.U, I'liutilnv ot tlio llttly. nrvnopfor tn Skhi iMlMiii;niintfnitet'Hii(i i.nitiniii tui'llic rnc( 1'iln In thf ll.u k, Hinlnrii of ilir Vac- i, rn-iucnlly IHnck Hpolr flnjr brforn Hie r,yrr, w th Ti itipotiiry Hul'iiiion ami l.n nl Sl(lit J want of Altrni Inn, Ureal Mi-liilily, UcitlcMnri, willt llnrror ni n'ici iy inninii); 11 iTiipiriirniiiiiuoi'i ruin u,m,iii than militudf ami nmulnc thry mum ilro.i'l fnr ft a r nf tliPtnrneni no tp1''' h mannrr. no rnnicm uv no ppccI.uIii, but a Hurtled transition from enc que jw ton10(jcr 'rim if vnininm. if nlloupit'tn pa on wlurh this incdiciiir 'intanahly removes poon f'llloun l.om of l'oui-r rntnity.and Hpilintlc Kilnhi one or ntuMi Ihf patient in:iyejlre Who ran mj tint the ck (rnnvs nn tint fri'itifMitly totlowed hy lhoso direful Itynml i;nimiintpiion i 'l !tc rrronm oi Iho Insane ApiIuuh, nnd the melnntholy dealh hy tonsumpiion m-ar nmpm wuiifFs io nn iruin ni iu. npsertiotis. In I.uiinllc Apluinii Iho mnst inetnnrholy exhihltion nppenrt 'I In countenance I nr Unity od .inn Hrl nn iin iliMtUnn! tiflth'T mirth nr crltf ever vlita It. Miuiitd u found of the voice occur, It Is r.uelyartinilalP. I ''With woeful mensurei! wnn despair ! how sullen pnuud III frlff hipui't'd " I)ehililylmotterritilel nnil h.ia hrnnglit thoupind unontlmuMmh tn untimely craves. limit hhistinc the ! . . r.n nMn ioi.iIi. I, irnn U futnA lit. nmhitlon ot natiy .ioMc outhn. It can he cuicd hv 11m upc cf this iXFAiimt.r. Mwtr.ttY. If you are puiferinjr with any ot the tihuvedistrepslnij ailment, the r 'iild l! timet lluchu 111 corn you. Try il and he cortviiuod ot It ffirnry, Itewnro nl (lit xh Niitrnnn nnd Clunck rtnrtnrp, who falsely lionet of tihtliin'iied rclercnrPH fiilzeiu know iiml.avoid tln'in and sovrlim? sufWing money, ami ptpo-iure, hy tend i on or railing for a hnttle uf ttttt pnpuinr ii mt iiiu iwhiuiiv It nliys nil pain ami Inuammil.nn, p perfectly p1eunntin its lasic and odor, hut liiiiueili.ue lu its uctiou. i HRMinot.D'a i:thact niirm; , t prepared tlirertly ncrnrdlmr to tlio rules of Pharmacy and Chtmhlrjl, i-.i in' ( rnminn.ninn. K,.(t irfli,.Biir i.,.w.'e,ValuiihlrVorkon in pr.viire of phydle, and n,0,rof ihe I if Stand ird Wnrki ofM''dleue, , ' ' trs-uNU UUNlHtKO UOIil.AliH ' jmVTdred dollara witlhepaid tn arvphyslcinn who ran prove Hut thi Mcihriuu ever Injured a I'n llPnlt nm nM ii-Kihimny orthouants run im produced io ( rne tint ll d ureat irond. Cases of 1'ioiit one week totliirlernye.r.P pfandius hnte been . tl.rteil i. ..ruihin . v lentininnv in ifi'inn of lt prnprleior vourhiimit virtues and curitlve power. I f n tnimensii, tiuuriii ib ipa.ima , n.u-.n ,m, , and Paine. ... , . , 100.0(111 hnttie nave eeen srio nun noi a eiugic in i sianri 0f a latl'trc h be"n reported I personally appeared heforu me. n-i L'o r.nnrtlly niiui-nrtMl hPloni incn'l AMirmin or tlm t el'y of I'n Uili'liliint ll. 1. imnntn i;iiciiitt, mho ' br Ins .(ti I v H0til dor. my. Itial liii prpnirnllnn con. f tain, no Nircolic, .Mercury or injuring, iltus, lint nrn purely .rpt.iMi m.LMn0 )i Soto tnti,il ,rtnr.-r. I Pivnrn nml iiilxcnlii'il liclnro ine tlua KM ilay of N'o i vcmber IMI. W.M.I' I1IUIIAIIU. AMcrmiui. Trice $1 pir boltlt. cr tit for J I, Jrli'tril ti '; ml. ifrej. arriiinp.iiili'il liy ri lulil" nml reppon-iHilis rrrl.li f.itt. fruiri l'rof.!.ors of .Medical Collies. Clergtincii, J'l'ri:pa "d anil sol.l liy II T. IltU.MIIOi.U, ' l'',n'liciran'l analytical ChemWI, N'o .15 Foiltli Tl'.N'I'll St below L'lltslnut, A.lrirtllly llull.llni!.. rhllailKlplill. nT 7'. be hal of .1 It JIOYI'M. Moomtburg. ondof all Dtuffgiiti and I) f alert throughout tht United States, Canadat and Britith I'rorlnret nr.wAitr. or t-ouNi nnrnlTri. ASIC ro'i lllil.MIIOI.lr.-" TAKE VO Ol'IIHR. I UUIIU CiUAIlAN'i Dill, ! Jlllln 13, IS3T. Franklin House. IMfiKElt & I.AliU), Proprietors. Cliosnut St., between 'i'liird and Fourth PHILADELPHIA. Si'ptcmbiTlH, 1P51I. CATAWISSA, WILLIAMSPOR'f'A Kltlli HAIL 110 A I). Direct Iloltrotd comuriioii between Niaari Falti and PhUadi.lpMn. Shrtcl Cl'iitkrst and Cheapest ttotita from lies-em AW" l'rt M I'httddeli.hia Jlarruburt;, Pttttburg ' JtcJtimoi-c, lt'attgton cUJ. ani t b $onti j PAr'tfr.NGr.lt TUAINS le'ive lllmlra dtll (exrrp Hiiitd i)?,) nt7 A. XI pnlui Willi.imspuri at 10 'A A 1 rouuocUni; wilh itiMd'ng ll.nl ltn.nl utPur(Cliu inn, uud rnichins nu'.-nklpln ut 7 IIU P. .M. , IteturiiltiR. leave Philadelphia fmin corner of Itroad i nnd Vine rtrectk,el7:uf A..M renchiuj; Villiaiut.port, -at 5 13.1. M.. and arriving at Ira nip, P. M . i PAreuNfjuu TiiAixa wni, miavi: ! TfM'P IT TVTfW Imj II I TnTLM)TTT)n POlll UJjmlUiN VUli MAlllilbiiUJlG , Direct, via llauplilnnnd tusTiiehatiii:i It all Ilotiri.on ihc j arrivalolC.ituwUaTrtilh,at-l4ar.M.rcacIlliiB Hur rinhurpnir P .M. Uetiiniiiiu leave HarrUtiiir"iil 7 13 A M . .connectinc I Til Port Clinton with t'ul law i?at rain bound weal lurm iugtlio mosiilirecltouie m iiarrtpimrs, I'l.ttmrtr, Hai ti mo rc nn d the Huiilh.vouurctln Hicfu point with al Northwestern Pennsylvania nnd Weslern New York. Conuei .innt lllmltu with traiiiitun XuW York .itid Kriella'l Po.id : also, with the lllunra, Uaiiaiidajnu. Uochf ,er. llutlaloandNitisara 1'alln. CVr.tectlnpdirectly with iheCreat Western tlailrna at Smpuiibion hrlduo tor Detroit, Chirjo, Pt. I.oulu, Sr , I Inn making the itiortest.uiid thc.i pes t route t'ron Pliiladulnhla initios polntK. A KKjilWlir TKAIN. Willteavn Willianipport DAILY, at C 30 A. M.fd Philmhlphi.i. rrrighiiraln to and from riiiladclphJ.i wilhoullran- shipment.rrom Ue.idltift U.til ltnud i'rel(;litlt'pot,cor u urnl lit Oriil .i ii I Cherr t-tu'etp. I Tit A INS PAetJ DAN VIIiMI AH I'OLLOWS UOIbU LlKt. ' P.iJ'i'encefTrniii rrnshl Train, 0 "1 A.M GOING WEST. rniseneerTrain , 3 '.'5 !' Jl. I'm igl.t Tram, SJP.M. VAnns. Uelwi'en riiilodelpliiianilltupert, $1 40 Danville, -1 bO ti t CaluM.,a, 4 llll ii I Taiua'tua i HO ,i Mill, Hi S 10 . ti Wnliduihpnrj, 5 no nrt'Pntludfi orpernono I baepnae allowed to each pu iccier esccscliareiilal doublfliritt.cIaeglreiBhlrateJ H A FONDA, fu;erll!tnidlitt Jan 50. 15 NEW WAGON SHOP, Willow Grove, South Itloomsbtirg. T1IU underdiitiied respectfully ir.fornih In, irieml, and the public crneiullv, Ihal lie lias taken the ji t a Ti ,1 l-ilelt orruii-eu hvJIr Ilf.berl II tnl .l.lii N illo.v G rove, etiiittli llluomEburg, Lclow the ll i i iatl, wl ere lie w in continue inu Wagnn-mal ins Business. ;trlo t, ilepartinentB, in good aVi -r ntyf nml i i lininilf rale it riui,. Also Ueiiairiu!; Waeon,, lliiccl. ft. t-arrincea Su kiuil, fre . tioue to urtler and on .lion tln.t. iTJ l'roiluce taken fur work. CIIAULKS IIREWCR. llloomiLiirt April 53, IHSi-Soi MARRIAGl'. GUIDE 41V IIU WILLIAM YOUNG. MMtltlAGi: IHJIlli: IIY Dlt. WILLIAM YOUNG. MAiiuiMn: ouiiii; iiv nn. wii.i.iam young. .MAltltlAtlE (li:il"E HY lilt. WILLIAM YOUNG. MAItltlA'ii: CUIIlrrllY DR. WILLIAM YOUNG. .MAItUIAGU GUIDE IIY DR. WILLIAM YOUNG. .MARRIAGE UUllli: IIV Hit. WILLIAM OUNU. JIAItniAGlVCIlinE-VOUNCa GREAT 5iul!rl'IIYr'IOL)GIJAL WORK : THE I'OUKET )SS?S3!.l'.SUULAI,ltIS: or Every One 111. own L Doclor. by W. Vooito. JI.l) It I, written in plain lantiuage for the general tentler nnd . Illiin trateit with upward ol'onc bundreil enitrivipgt All ouni! people, or tliono.conteiniilalln;' niar-lage. and invlllll lliu least impediment In married life, should rend thi. book. It tli.rlo.ee gcrrcrt. that every one should lieaenialnted wln still. It Is a hook that must he kept locked up and not liealniittthe house, ltvill be sent toauy ouo on Ihe receipt of lwenty,fiv cents Address, Dlt. tV.M. YOUNG. 152 Spruce street, ahoe I'mirlli. Au;S'J, 163? I'lillailelphia, I'd. OLIPIIANT, WOODSIDE k CO. " lmrjortcra and Wliolcsalo jUcalors in iTKucs anb Ctquovs, No. 107 Arch SI. above Fourth, PHILADELPHIA. .OLlriiiNr, J Woon.ius, Gto. MtALvts, January, 3d,19S7.-y. AVILIjIAM J. UEIDLKMAN, BaiiMc auii harness ai.lXUFVOTDIlHU. Ulooin.bilip Aug I . IS57 SKKDS. PRIM IS Tlmolliy ond Herd lira,. Heed,. Orchard lira... Iinlimi Urn Rras.. Aiiieilra,i,ao,I.-tli:ll.u LowiiOta.,Kentiirky Illn" liMH, fcr.. nt "Vt , l'AdCIIAI.IVWlltlH ti CO . . liiinlrinent mid Heed Ktere 1th andMarkct Hre is, i'liilsdtlpliis. October 10. ie.i7 'llii rillllii llattnun . iicjl al SALAMANDER PI UK AND THIEl'' PROOF SAFES. tut: i, linear assoht- nmnt In iho Unllctl t?tatf.- nnui mil d. Alii WtliUf RO I (111 ion. ni forjiltt:rmh.ann br olitalnnl from liny otlHT Iiuukp in tlio rountrv. nl t'VANfl h VAT.(Vf. t 2U S. 4lti U l'lilltnIclMil.1, rulmi if m in mtv and uu ruiiVAiM lttpari iJ1tCitniltte.appottriito ivptrlitjne nttrn 'J 1 v v - i " o i f u'.t o iron oji ""V'T' . . Th .Iniir,..tl,nle(1. mpniliom ol llif co Hilee. tto ' M,,h trpuri. thai urnw tlc t:V n.ifcs, nrljtl in, U,tetw Snnnhy Pnrr.'UA lUrrlnj tnti UV-m-A Wnloti p,np MI" F,Mr " .' i ; rni I" ff hv I he paj n.nplrr of tin riill.ulclpiila nn-1 ItrnrlltB Iloll'rnni' t' mpMi In Im nllieeat Ui ulliiff. nmnufari'.irfd hv rirrelP& II. rtinf nnc the 8alr tr n, by II A l-nni7. In hlv ftoi" tii.iiiui"(iJtrfi' hj r.vmipt Watson, ond put Inhonki and pnjrr if rlTho3r"twapftn rted at ? n'rlork, A . M,.and kept nil untlt lour rnU of green h'rkory. two ro)d dry oak nd hull rli..Ptml lop wood win enliri ly ron i (, the whole iin.ltr thepuperlnlrndnir ol tho fliil.pcr litem ftienilifm nl tl.f (JomnilliiT. 1 ho P.iHn were then rooleit oil with w nter, nf r uhlth they wore mcned nnd the hnka and pnpr tnki lioutliy tho Oommlli1'' nml urn I to II A jiinlz stoit lor piilitirexniiitialioi.nul marknd hy thr (Commit lee Thnh nnn nod n.tp r p taknlrom i li riafo . fHinufnc lured lv PurrelP U Merflnp Were, In our jinljment, dnmnired fully fit lent per rout .nmrr than those taken from Kvan tt Wtion's (Mlf. XV P IM'lieVf ine aimve in nnvr nrni ;i uiir nn partial trial of the. reipjaltniua Itli a of J?',,t J..li.HI II. Ml T Eilll dam I a iiUivrr.it. Mnvinjr heen ahsent durine the hurnltiff, WR fully rolni Ide with the uhoTo i i t'Tiient fthn Coinllllon nf the papers and bonks taken out of the ruspTllve Safe. O A . NMOOt.t.". il, ii . titMir.r.Mncito. J,S . MIMIOM.ANU. DIPLOMA AAVA'DKD JlUtht VrnntnlraMa State Jgrenltural Society and by , vcral County taeitttt. to HHKfA'M. hltO.YKFlKU) V 0 .for their Celebrated Vegetable CATTLV. I UWDEll i 1 1 OH t US I several Uottn, CO , It Is nn itivnttiiihte rnmeilv for the cure and p'evenimn ol nil dleat9 Inchtcnt to the nohie nninifl. vi7. PiMempiT, Cmight Tarry, Iever. I'n l ut. i, Knot ilitnse-. I .ii ft d"Beat!"p. lull, Orenc. OriprB. Iiitluninrtlion, Jaundice, Khlnov (1 'uti, ui.iitdcrs. Thick Iliilltiud St itrcr. Viv rs. tllci-r In luni!. Surfeit, ruintd.-rs. rtir tight Hair Worms, tioriR. Ate I'Olt VIJAT" CA'ITI.D In Jiuulire. Yellows. Hoven or Ithwn, Hloody Urhe.Ked WMer. MiirrJnn. of Cud. l.o of Ap inMlte, Dinrrhaii or Ii0iginegt, lloof duna-o. Wolf lit ih Tail. Hollow Horn, Itlnody .Milk, lllood dLMsc. l.llKMbf Milk. ron lions. Ill Swelled NNck.Piles in the Liver. Ahrrppe in the Iiiinps. Ulcrrs of the IJ.iweH.uini t-r Cramps. Choke dipeniii'n. No lanner sboild helth"iit it a pinsh d-iy ; il is his fhertai rhor lor dlsare of his rtoik. li hirrenvrs the. nnmunl of milk. hiMteranil latti htfatthy nnimnls trout i1," '1 nmomin ol fund ut li nt frui -'n In M per t.nl. Ktf tin exp rlenco ol over 1U Out) tanner, win liavc ufiC(1 ,( Wii leu i rv at any tiiivi ANOrilUll iiVAV DlaCOVnttY 1 n rn m i i, I 1 V I K N T Uueinnlli-y any ot her l.hilmenl or rmbrocntion r i t i I wn lo the world. It U gond l"r the lot imlii?diaetiFep(a:id has proved Itselt In lb" hands ol thnurnndp 1 1 f.iirr". hi tin rand stage pmpritiom to ect rd ritiihiiiir r.f I he kind ever otlu n d to ih" public inr n-m't f r r it w ts nOOD FltU CATTLI1. HUMAN UOUV. i pprainn,nniif(.'B, Poiimtercd 1'eet, gpuvln, Scny, I riKtula, ei'.l.iM. 1 Calls ot every Kind, Wiudea'U.Knnd Cracki, Rliciimill.ni. Wi-ak Join'.. (Nmt racloil Hincw., I'roit Bill". IJIiappiMt ll.inil., Fwi I ling.. 'ruiiiourfi, Tootlmclic, Phiii In Hie IiT'i t'.vn n llw Hack. I'm ii In tin1 WinillilMl. Nerviinii Pain.. CliiM.iln.. Illlfi nf Animal., !.iir Joinli, I,nm,ne,s.p,iraiM, Hrratches nrOreac, I'Jiich Us. Tf.t'rd Tiimoiift, Uttiahnn'. Pull Cvif. C'rarKt'd lle'lj, Ri.tlen Nool, M.l'5' Horn nHUnip'r, Ami iinnvo'l'Lr illrnp It . I .lifirl inn nioji nnmplete and uiiIvlhI l.intmf nt tint tclence has ever yet pr ituced. Bctoire of Coiwterfttts, it both our vnbuMe dieover is are alreadj cmniti rleitod by peii-om lit ihlfreni part k 01 til f Mile Uiir poWtUT mis our wriuuu ms nature on earh bottle. Mauulnclurrd onlv bv imiiiNiii, ruorrr.Finr.i) cn So. 3li .V. T.tird at , N, U. corner Third Ac Wood, Phila'lelphia. Ilenu ''0, li.17 ir 1S5S. S'UI.VG and smnfFK, OEO. HUJ.PIN & GO. .c;ii7.v(. .1X0 M.i.wy.irrmtF.ns, 171 rilKsNUr STItHUT, Art nut. prcparptl to exltil'lt tlifir .New Sly!, FOR SPUING TRADE, ICI.UIHN(! Hlnlick und rnlnred-llk MnntiJIat Ch.intly l.ac" Man M.ictlM,i8. riench htire Mnu til ti, r.inhroiilered Hilk -"IIM,i it'tpicil Uiirn ami rt l .'Winning, .uuuriiuii: Mnntlll.it.. Itiviui.Talniafi, ic , .c., All nl" which will bo i-trorl nl tin Lowest Price. cr.O itilMMV i. 174 Cheuut Htrect, nt.nve Philadi-hia. IVb7th. I " r?OR .Manufacturing and Iluriiing purpoi.es, for sale by J 11 A k St. At.l.CN, Noj. 7 and 8 s?oillli Wharves. I'hil.l'lelphi.l June 0. 1837. FALL & WINTER GOODS FOU lftr,8t rPIIR subscriber rc?pcctfnUy informs bis I cuetnmrrs and i lies public yi-iierally, tlial lie In a rcceivctla fiilMnuk of clioic Fall and Winter Gooda. enmpneinp n full usmjrtnieM of Clntlii, (;.iiBlinrra, Satiuelt. Iti'lutnet. Urlitiers Caiirucii. Slc, Kyvtlur wilha Rival v.iuety of oilier articled usually kept lu Uout.ttv Hiore. ALSO -Hardware. Cnlliry, Giii'cnswnre H.ili, tili, MoijI.nnPi. (rori.Htpel, lliiif, C,-iin, KimiI.HIumib. lc. r I'mtiifrv n mil lire, nrlililltl-' (a rant, l.uuiblif. A.C.. taken tit t'xrliaiiKi- for comln ly i iiau Kin 1 lur pa vi p iiruungu no reprciuuiy uskj a cdiiiu-iaticii of the name TUOMAS E. EVKS. MilUilIf, Jan , l?J-y. NEW GOODS. FALIj ANI) AVIXTEil OF 1858. r ho undr-rfinrd, pratolul for former I liberal pttrnna.o. reinclfu ly fnfcrmn hit Irienrt u tut inxtoitiers in RiMieral, that In lug rnmj nicnced bumneisin Iiih cparmiu New Fitu House next ilunr tn I.'t.di rilmni.ni'n Hotel, whtre he has Juit received, afnllmipply nf FALL AND WINI KR GOODS, enmprislnsivery varletynf Itslilon ..ialitv anilstyle itminll u Lmil ill tin. Iii.il (lurui llFnirliii Hi. nrnwiiftit luttally Kept in the bunt ttnrt'b. (Jro'i,ri',i,Uiiiiicewiirc iiurtiware nfi. ii'i ini". i ap-. i...n, noe, c., which wjl I be olil on nccnmnion titng Termti. Cirain and p-udttrc of ail kinJ w nied, A & S. ANDUEWS. Monville. Jan 1.1 Pja y. WliS I'UviC IH i i'.h, 0, 11, 13 and 1 5 Oourtland etrcct. NEW YORK. Noa. U. D.WINCIlESTEIt. TllOft. I). WINCHESTER 11UNJ. I'.WINUIILSTUIt. My3l. 3ni OIIAKI.ES II. MARIM.K'S. H'ISB ANI) LI QUO II STORK, A'n. 1 13 Xorth Third Street. Above Uice, l'.jit Side, Tun doors aliuvo tlie Iliscl I llout. I PHILADELPHIA ! Ilai fonatantly on hand French II rand i en, Holland Cm nnd a penrral afniriinent of Torcin Winui, uUu, i all kindn of American Fplriit, ic .Marcli IS laai AGRICUL'l URAL IMI'LKMKNTS 1 AND SBKDS. Cot: MAN"'" I'.MIM "ll 1 1,1,. for n rinli ng nil kinds of train nf any desiretl llneness I 11 inter. Ilay and eiirawnnd Fodder Culler, for hand 1 or horse power these are tiiisurpa.scd for i'tlicfeiity, ' sinipitriiy nni' iiiiruui "iiy net.slism's Talent I'ortableSleainer for ronkinir food for slock-n went improvement on any that have ever hefuie been list d nV- I d li'i.li '' Shcllers o! supoior 1'ri'nushs1n Il'elll variety end nf the nwst npprovel p.ltrrn. Hunt Cutlers. Hueor Mills, 1, line an, I IJ 11.1111, Hpreitlers, and all oilier iriplemenis ne.dtd by the tarioe. anu gardener uroers soncuea nnn piotnptiy attended to rABCIIALL MORKIH le CO . Vortti East esrncr "tl ai'i .Mttkct Jif .ae 0 lei? rhi.sitiiti.a Pil OILS, j STRAM HNGINHS AND BOIMilt 1 l,K in"'"'"' '"crind " Mmiun" tower upon tho 1.ik'lluiprnv dpi an, ami will hit I hi J" inlcr du'iblMind Plii!li portnblo ciiginep from 111 lfii Kjmniiuwei.Ulirccil uuon rarrlnirep whli Holler fcnr' Ui it t pump nllromph'tennd ready for action AIpu -c 1 tinier ihtciiiid luhulurhntlrrs rait iron con hreakc ir p.itenled In IB3 Tor thrrphlng prnin fimt crarklnr torn nml now Hindi- nn n large ntnlo for t-reekhijt o ireaklnft tonl lleitvv mining ptiinp and llrr rni(ine rlsfffd roniiiletewllll tt.itthln nctln? inrlne pump.ni kind oT mill Ren r I up i nd tiuue c;itl tift uiatlfl In order I htuephafliutt with mi) desired ntxea ol pnlleyn nnlnhn wlih haiwrr Irtm planluir done pnv',-,41lret tone-n KliuUol Irnn litrnlitf heavy prem nnd other icrew turned wild any diMred prli ti ol thread . Thi'het UohrIi Iron tlirrplilllff .Machines, that ever come he fore the nuhic,rnt I rot and w odenmnchlnei made to itritt r. Jevrr nower, ii.aln or trend lower ninde la urucr- A I no takup orilerii fnr thPfiillo np tu.i rhlneryi llnrrlnn' !ntt patjilt irnln mill 0D0nf. feredln the f AUnleclorlmjinnl It will grind lnt!od line mi'al'i.1 hmheliiiii one hour Also h"it nnd etevn torn til In nt.ler.aipttncale'fi Patfntllhiwer.mniitifartur ed hv 0 H HnrrM Co., tho umt powerful lilnwer now I ii im v ithliieleant iimiiint ofpnwr, che ofo-hirh wM'P1 Pt 1 11 nl Hie roundrv for nshlliitlnn , lot thenhnvo works wl II In: warranted toh whul ihcy i fold lor. AIo Take ordcra for Fcoir Pntenl ni.irlcmtlli flt riVrr, niidrlnhtpto npe them Intheeotuilii'p olf'oi lib. Mn.i)tir.Norlli'intl'e.rlJinil,I,vf.tniinp, iilUvnn and L'lihti.n . nuc of which can he pern ni niv ithni, l.rlVVIrtll.MAIIS. M.iri.h:2. IP.lfi. r.loomPhit . Ur.iii.H rc , i. t-J5. J IMIM undi'rinett rcspeo fully informs J hl fric-ul. nml tin: public timt lie Liken Hie i f xtaanga uoiei in limoinpiitirt, lorntui on am in t?trei, t dine 1 1) o'lponite tlio .Courl llniipe, u tilth Ikih been throu:ii1y rrpnire(i and ImpV-ed. where he Ik nrcl I" nt tomn.n.tnle hH ciitouicrs with good uud to iti ni Ml nnlMni t ion He nlso has in conucrliou with the titchnnee pre. larc ni" ill'" ii.!? i ii c nu ui: 1 1 1 un nun i nc i c nn iigu n O' lei. an ect lit i t OiMiXlliUS AiVE. rqnnltijrrirulfirty aeternltitiii r per day ,to and from the Depot on the arrival ot tho Can, hy m bit h (i.trxKui; cm will lie pleasantly couvejed to ttie'liepot Station .oi taken lr nni uud returned to their redeitfeR, lfdriri-d. jr McwJll ulway be hnppy to entert'ilu iiudncconi niodatc his I Hemic to the iiiiuoni ul hi? iilnlili'-f. pi:ti;u iiim..mi: iiit. VravnttOTy niooniibutfc .April ,3 .te.'t: y. Aviso's (JiuiS on RAi'WATiintJ i:vni.itvsTonciSu; jNo. Ti, rnortlt OKCoud bircci, or roSITU TUG M"0NT VliBNON IIOU3C.rH 1 1. A ISi.l.l l.fVK r Wutcli.-a Til II Jhu ellcil 1 c) 11 (.'arc. $'if U Silvir iln lib "n ito I. piil n e ilo 1' "l, (tnariier. S (illto ; uu (olilripcctl'rtc., 4 501 o IU "'I Hilvi'r ill, o'o rillVi'tTalilidpoiins prnctt, I I 00 1 o I f II II do llr.prt .In ilo ti 11(11 n I no do Ti'fl ilo tin 4 7510 7 .-Jo nolill'pnfnntlOiiltlO.'l.p., :itf5tb .Ion ito Silvor tin Torctlii'twiili a vnrlcly of ll tip flnltl Jpuplry riol iir.iIiiart'iintirnliOliainii . A I litoo,). wnrrnntt ctt,, .ifprp.piiii'il. W.nclif. antl J i!i!t rupnirt iiini i, lip.lniniitii'r N U. Altnttlnr.sP.nlliv piinrtnall) ittPinlpilto . VovPiimp r I? H"il 1 'iy malliitolliprwilcn illlj. FALL & WINTER m 'n Sj, AT MENSOU'S CIIKaP STORE. rJ''HE tindcr"i(;ucd havinj; removed liH 1 Ktore.np town, nl the ftt.lliit, lately oeetlpiei Iiv II O Al I W iinrlni.iii whfre wllh nre ier iurteJ lacilitiesilicisennl'letl Inotl'irn ful!anr ittil Fasliionallu Goods, Whirli ho has Jut rtreiveilfrinn I lie En-tern Uniei roiiiprnini! Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard, ware, (lii.rMii, ware t.eil.ir-wnre llnlln-w nre, Drnes. 1'l.h. !.ali ic ri.lftter, Iron, Nail,llools,ellloes,llals.i;aps, ic Itr Also-READY MADE t;LOrilL(j lushort.i'vety tm-p imually kept in couniry stores tn winch he , itvit,', the public iteiifrnllv l,Jr l.'snh, Lu nlinr, Old Iron ami Unuiilry I'rndnre taken! iieitliangclir Guods, at I he hi:esl markel prict' A. U. MKNSUU. lllonat.lnirp. Jan 1, IF.1ft. FALL &. WINTER . GOODS. Wlfelvy, ;eal & CO., I'lAVING nl reteivetl anil omneil ll.elr .i.,-L ., i J in.TClin ef.ir-priiiRj-ilei, whleh ei,niirli.c Ihe l,.lli;UT . UII EI'LST, nml IIANDtlMt'sT ai. I n.eul ui.w ullered In IN', TOW V .1 lavlnK paid ureal .llltnti.inli.l!,. .elttllo ihrirenllre ntnVk. a. u, prireuiid .unlily. ihey llaller them.H.i il,:,i t'.,,. ran compe.e with I he rl,ea,,t, :,, alllhnfto ni,hn,s In t;uy rt';,i, can ciive Inline) bv fiviue us a can. We have nil kinds nl Gntiils 'mil Wares to ,111111!. I'm. I'eople. Avrylartelm if LADIES' DRIiSS GOODS, Trench Merrnoes.Wooiriaiils, Alparas. ll(u'iVi'lnei. leblisf l nplilis. I'.ir.ipietta clntlls, .Mnhliir Lustre. Muslin De Lniiies. I'er.Iitn clalhs fiihglinais.oaliiies, kr . WHITE GOODS OP ALL KINDS Fl'fVc,. Collars. Il.iiidkerrliifls, ihiunciuus, bauds ami t r i i.i.u I r,,. f l.arcsanileilelns.lionnnl ribbons, in lar-'evirult velvet ril.li.nis, nml braids, ki""., collon.aiid if,!,. 1 ti rVu.l Sloven, Miil.nn nulls, (tr Wt; liivitenilrlriii'iils lAu tlio public generally It. stive us a tall before rnrihn.Enu el.i.tt l,i,,. 'v..,f... , ho.i s I11011 r it.ioilsat l.owestuasl, t'rices.and will not tnij ouiiy .ur infresto' inn 11 kin 11 , McKKLVY, NKAL & GO. Illonti. 'turp,Jiiu I, lK'h. Dr. J. S. 5 lough ton's GRKAT CURK FOR DYSPKPSIA. Ji.icc rreparetl fioiu G- zsr n vJlP llennct. nr the fun ill, fai" a ! n Stomach of the (ix, after ugja, MVfi&l tiireriiotisnt n.tri'ii l.,e big. lliegreat 1'hysiolog ir.ii ,,111 init.1 1,1 j h Tnuiihtuu,.M D , I'luln delphin .'a. in- H xatnrc'anwn lliiHd tur an iiniii .ilthy Ht ' tnarl No nil of in ii it rnii e'liinltla rn m 1 1 v t. rw...... . 1 containmin Altlmlu.1 llttiri Acidn, nr Naiuatm niiio. ii i cxireiiieiy agrei lu.ieioillf iuite..lthl ei.ileiiiy the in list feeble patiente who ciniint cat a u'htPrcrarKcrwithntti'iriitn tlintresB ItewiirtufDruij 't'd linilatnnis 'i pt-in n n'M a Drug " tJa't on the An'-nt, ntitl get a Denrrlpiivp (,'irnila Lratifl.civilit! n Ulrire niinnnl uf Scieiilifir V.vnipnrn llroiiiliiehij's rlma"i henilHiry.Hr Oninbi'tlhii'inn(;y Diirpatiuii: Ur IVrfilrn on 1'ouil nnd Die i: Dr. John v i ;aM-r, oi m-u ydtk uiMv.Tniiy; rim, inttijciioii'i rysiomny; rroi. iiiitnnn,ii i iiirtvi icticr;ijr arpfii tp'PlUKinl'tgy; cinpctliPr wllh tvpattvoT Cuiei Prof. Situinnn.nlVnloCo'lcdcejDr i'arpf n nnvi A.-r..if,..nthPr wllh r.hnriwr.r Pn. 1 1 ruin un pniiKoiihe unitud inrs Buldby li. V. I.uiz and J. .Mnyrr. Iiiunmslitire OCI3, 1835 ( y. h It. Ilowinaii Iterwick. ISIuomsburg Tinware and Stove Stuns 'I'M V undersigned re pec fully infurnm llii old friends L und citktnineri, th.it Iin I). in pnrrlnucit hi brnlher" in teres I in the above fiiablulinnMit audi lie concur n will iKrealiir bo conducted by huns'M exclusively. He tin" jntft H'ceivvil and ullern fnr tain, the larpeatand mnt PYiRimivi assnrtinent of i'ANUV ai'OVliS jgmttcvi'r itii rndnrrd i iiinihii mark ft. i llif t"rK cnnUt nf a coinpk'ieaiisnrtm',i.t nt tilc....r wlu, tf,v; risluresoreverv deFcrlntirin, Oven 7 .. i. . ..... . ' .- : . utuebi i;onMii''ntui parmr sinves in ihe tnnrket. lt nml ltuxioves, Uailiators.CvliiMler Stoves. Cast I roll Air j i!ti ritovs, fMnnnn sttnvcft, &c, Sir . Htnvenit pejnd Tln.vnreou i.lnnti nn linnd anil m.in nl.nctnred to order Alt kind, of rfn.uing done, ns usual on short nnllee. The patronage of nliirrlcndsand new customers ro speotftillysoliclted. A. M, HUIT.HT. nioonislintR, Jan. S, 1631. If STAUFFKR & UARI-.KY. C IIF.. IP tr.lVCII K8 JIJVD JHWF.I.IiY. Wiioi.i:aLn anu ucr.n.,ai the riiiivieipiiia Waicli and Jewelry Siore," No 113 (Old No 01.) V...II. I. I '11 VI. til r... , .......... nC r..,n .... 11, . In .1-1 .. I, I . Hold l.everVntrhc,',fu'llJeellcd,llj caret ca.es ;Kt".i unlit ,,i'jiiit;, ,n .uie,. - rillver Li ter, full Jewelled. . .12 00 Silver l.epine Jewel,, - 0 M Hnpeiior tluarilersi .... 711(1 linld f-'nerlticlei, 7 00 11 111' Hi I vit do. . 1 30 (lidd llratelels, 3 00 l.a ly s fluid I'encil, I 00 Hil.er Tea tlpiinns , set . - at)H Uold I'eiis. with rend' and HilVcr holder, IHO liold I'niser Klnes .171 reins in f rui Wattli (liaises, pi iln. Ul tents, paicni lei, l.uurl Si; i.lher aiticli, ill prtiporlinu. All good, warranted to be What they are so.d lo.. si'Aiirrni t imri.uy. HI-O11 liand some Oold and tiilver Levers and l.epine. slill lower than lliethove Tiices. Ofli.lier IU. e.,7 Ksiiyiowii t'oucli anil IViigoii Factory ritllt: umlersiLMieil imvln,. snr...,li,ii jnrnl, H. llvs .1. 111 Hut Vjn .hi, I L'tuclt iiuklntr hn.l ne.s.al hm siiiml.in Ksp.tiiwn reapecthiliy inform their fricnt andtlie nildir. thoiihey ceiitinin willihu , Wtlgall dMakillS DllsiltrSS, Inall lis derailments, here Hit 1 uillbellirpv lore eeive nrtli-rs and pi' tnlilly cxcrtueall bu.in. inthii line mni neaiiie.sqntiiie.paitn fry WJieel barrtiw. niadn to order. and ullkinds tif icuairinedonc unshoriuotiee IJVANS t HAuUMIlUClIf t-sir." own jubl7 it'Sb I DA'&eil iJ CHERRY PECTORAL Feu' tho rapid Virt of coiJtnis, coins, hoausmxess, BU0XC1UTIS, MlHIOPING-COUtill, CUOUP, ASTHJIA, AND CONSUMPTION. i 1hi remfdy In otu red io the ci.hiintnity with ttlti coiihilviire uii fed lu nn article which seldom 1.uj to n all re the happiest eltTH that can be dtairni 8o uiiir Ik the tlehl of Its ufffiiluesn nnd o minierous iho entail nf its curci, tliat nlmost every striion ('film eountiy nl tminU In pi rfl' tip, publicly tuown, tvhc have lean restored Irnm alarming and vi n di'rpernie it ia tnw-M or the liing,hy tU use. When onru trh'U it I pjprliorlty nVer evirv other medicine of itr kimi In 1 i.o nppntrn to rrrnpo olni rvutinti nnd Uhre Its viM'n are known ihe public no longer heni.ite what 1 hntldnto to employ fur ihe ditt irsstiifr nnd ilmrirous n in rt Ion i ol the pultnoiiarj'orgiinstuh.ch nrciticldt-nt ; lo our rlimatB ' Nothing liim rnlleil 'onder for the rarnrsl enquiry 'f met'lral men, than the nlaruilim prevalence iiixt titn'itjr of roncuhipllvu con. plan-in. nor hui n tne cln of diea'cs hid more of I lie I r Inveptlpntion Mid cure lint u yet no ndrrtinlc rciut il) hm I'ten ptovhlid. oh ulneh Hie imhhc could dcei'inl fur iitbl'clioti horn lit tackstipon the respiratory orpnns, untl I tho iulroduc t lion ol the Cherry nxto'iii l uis arncH-1 tor proiiiici ni'n Iopu, lahorious.nud I betjeve t uccepp lit t etulenviiri to in r li if ll llic i iiiuiuii'iiTy nun n ii'iiiniv , ji mid I last M Moment tin Aiperican p ton If lire now tin im I i tirs nrenared lo ludee. and I ni'p',al wllh co fli'i nt c to ilirir itciii(iii It thi h in ni-y iccih1i nci-to I p pLti tl ti !int moil if rVrry rUrt Hint ninlrou c" r I ly it ium ilcitu; lcr tin 111 If wi' ran trust tjur it a n imen, win n p wo lnncrniif ntlittlotiS nf tlto ltirat nml )tril in it, H'we cnu (Jppciul on Uiu nMir.iic! nl imi It pent I'll) s iti jih. iWiu make it tin r Luiltit si tn kt ow, tn Hiorl, if ill TO ti any reliance p" iittilni-c liitfl is it Irrrluiatilj irocn tliuttliia nitUiciiie 'i"Mt rdievti unit itnio cure Hip rlax n( iHn-n It i itciierril lor. (ni) 1. tnl 11 nv and till rt tiers lint .in: known in nmiikiiid. II' tlii true, 11 rtiitiiMUc i(i Truly uiMif!i. it, m r U luo wnlfly kntihii, Ttio olHirleil fIhuiIiI, kimw ii. A rrlncily tliat rurrH In priulo tt I In tn IirtilmtliouM know it. tlinr rliiliirrn arn iricdiM til tin-in A rtiniilil k-mv it, f.-r lientili ran Ijr priCdl in nn one N t only tlmulii It In- tirculatul lirclnt (vcr)uliern, 11 nt niiiy In t'tU cciimiry litit ill rnuiitrifp- lluw Uih rjlly IniVo nil id on ihii cohv lotion, ic ifif.wn in thu l.ia thai ulrcitily tlilt arlitlr litm in it" Hit' rlrcli- if Hie gll.e. 'I'ln! tnu iii'i r i"i'la un lU IlimU. NiJ ccilllliciit in wlllinnt It. nml lull lew rroplfi AH Imiigli ticil n iii coiirNil ti"' I 'i iH'mr nation nits in thi. it Ih ftnplny il liy llic 111 on Intelligent In ulnio-t till evil iitd on ti tri e. Ill csti'tisuci) i ui)loi il In Iiotlt tim ric:s (11 r'lr' pc, Afi 1, Afrlm Anrtrali t nnd tin- tm tfl iv InliiifKif llnitiu t lit1 Hm ih at in it idciUfscr tli rn a li' re. ninMlirt-RUiBi nt a V-'nitl'lu ri-n ( w itli f i n niri:iiiility Uian mirfi lm Unlike must pri pajntioi-e nl ttf klmUM is an rtpfnrivn mtiipoI'lon nl cnmly iii.itrrl.il. V till It in n Hunk (I lo the mlilir. nl a rr nc n iilly inw prlru. and wlnil if ol utiy imri'ly lupoit fiiirij In tlii-l'l.Mft 't.uty n iu v r B'ttlr r d tn ilciliiie I Mini Itn ur iyi ii'tl 1tt.u1il.1rd it fin lit me V, v ItHl" nf lliis ttictlicliic liuw inuiiilt,iriiiii-t! i tin fiiud h vi r tn'i'ii tn.i'li InTi-'niofo nr w inpa' I' 1 1 m.i Kiiil Nn i ii ir roHl i n)Hiicit, In in:iii..u'iitiii! t in !hu lKl (M'tli-rlioii wl.itll it N pr.Militc In rnilri Iti-nt-i-tlit pntielit w'n ifneurPii 1 1... p-tmi ; fiikrcr I'tTurtAi. enn n ly n-t Inniiif! an Kiinnaii nr'iclf ai Un t'Vi r Ikm-ii li.nl liv tlio.i' ulkutlily in its c.ir d Hy piirxuhitr litis rnurm' 1 Iimvis tlm i.-p. i.f dfint! Minn' jjenil In tint wnrld, ax will (is I lie ftitHlacln'ii i.t tirlii vlinl tlml imirli Inn liein do'M' a liwiily fit i:J'AKi;i) IIY UR J I! AVi:il, fit SOT1CAI, AM AV U.Y'J IOVL CltLMIT I OVVCIJ,. MAPS. l 11 I' MTZ, mfl a'l I'n: fiiij lit Uloninnburj;, lietlfr in .MidinmK ivi tvuti u: J.i'i.'J, Ihuti IMPOHTANT DISGUVKUY 1 (0.SlLiriIOi, Nl) ALL DUIIASl'.H CM' T.lii I.UMJR AND THHOVr nfL Mirliirl nralilo liy inti.il.Uiuu, wIirIi iuliPrt till: n liti-.liiF In I lie r.t ill, i In ifie lnnyn tliTotiith tlm air iiaMfiieK mnl nm In;' in dirirt ront.iit Willi tin dtM'iiM', nfutrulir. t In tilM-ritiltif mill tur.nl la j it lliu ciiHj.ti u.iini f t. lr i nnd i iuj a pi i turatio't, tiiMlf tin limp, pi'Mies iln hlood, hiMti riiiMvid vitality in tin iiirvuuK jhttm. yltiiii; Hut in nnilttierpv m huliopviisalili Inr tli rrinruiiii nf iH-.illli. 'I'o Ni: iili'e to stale cnitiMeiill) that i . iui -t inn mriiralili- liy i niciliition, U tn me .1 vimrri uf .mnl Injctl pteamri. It if us ninrli ntnler tlm miiirnt M im-ditul In ntnii'i.t tn nny nlinr rnrmh nidi- dinbvi ; liilirty nni of oi ry Inilidrul rinrrtan ! ri-rul in tin tirsl lt1l:es nml filty pr n'ni in Un n'mnd ; t-nt in fli Itiirtl nt.itfe it ifi impi M-lLli tn hiir inure tlian fixCyrt reiiv.lnr llio lutif:iin! o cut tip t-j ilm hiii'mo u tn liiil delmtire In nn iht aUU 1 1 1 Lwu linui'.ir in tlm l.it ftiii''. Iiili.il.itioti iitlonlH rtr mdiiiiir) rdxf lu the Hiitrentiy alii mint! Ihift ti iilul trt nrtii-. w 1IM Ji nu mi ally ttni i o k ni im ) Mi' ilKinmi.il i-iim i t, hi lli ' I' in ifil 1 till i s iiiiii' ; ami n enrrt'i t rait nl;ii' n tl.uiM tli.it nl tlm pri'U'i.t pntMil.Hiiin nl Hi i arilt, i tfihi mil ImiiK nre iU ftiin d In till tl"1 roti "inpli . rrai- '1 rnlv i In- niii I 1 1 tit 1'im iiit airnu hi f.it.il ut CniirtinipiHin In all n-ji H has !im n I . i pr at im m i.f lilc, tur it -p.iii n neii'Mr a cc m r Imt Micipi otr alike 1 Itc tiiiic, i Iji-anliltil tlit- (.thci fn . and tl,e i-ifleil. it villi' In-'p nt lliat Mipn 11 v Olny frt ti. ulinm cntin ill i-vi-ry iriniit and pirhnt'llt I am i-naLlrtl in nll'T tn the tilllulfil -i f tlniltillil and si viy t nrt- j ii L'mimiiil li'in '1 In fml rai.t-e i.l tuhi iclt .f.s Irmn im pure blend, and lliu I in in diale i tit el, prnjtifcd by th lr iii-ijuslliiiiilii tin linifi'ii- iiiprLtcni tin-In i- ailnn-MMi nf.ilr IIU" llii'iiirifllB. lui licaii-if n wr-nLr-ni it vita lily ilirmiRlt l In- i-ntiri: ftjMt-ni. f Jh n mid i) m, rntinnaltni xprci jiu afr turil from n'ri'itfiu emrriiiy Uiu cuv (lies nt tliu Inni'i tluui f r tun Hhm aifiiiiniK.Ti'd Mirnnjili t lie lnmar li ; Hie pat u tu uw ny$ (inj in litnjit) free and the LriniluiiK i nj ait t r I nli.un? rrmc dicx rimc. i;i!i.ilutJoti Ik u I'-'l nit.Oy. iif t nl.tlrvii it nftt) rnniiiilMnnli , and w i'h n nre pir.wr and rt t.ilnlv tlmn n ineilM'sadinlilUliTi'dli) I lie Menutrh 1 n pt-nve tlie puwnfnl and dif X iiiMiienrt nt tlijt niMlr ct aiiiiniirntien, ch1uiniorn inhaiid will intirdy tie fctrn, hi. nfLliiln v in n ft tv niiniiii' narjiiiiiii tho in tin- nirviuiK HFli-ni ft. tint a ttn.ti ma) ampulnlu! u it limit tin: "fhlit' t pain : inliant-y Oie nni (nary luni He pas will d't-ttnv ttln In n lew Uuurt 'Iln Inhalation nf (iitin.niil.i will reiuc tin pyvteni when raiiitln or nppnri Tilt v t!i nt' '1 In nt'nr rf inn'i.v nl Un medicine h pern ptilili- in I lie t ki u a few initi iitrn afti r In ing Inhaled and n ay be Imimdiately ifc lideilin tlii'tdonil. A i otivini iiijpnjrir f'f iln cnntl intmnal eflu l nfinhnlnien in Iln fact that cickiirm la alwae prndntfil liy lirratliit'K ftil air I mt iliia poHhe. LVidtiirc tliat prniict retniilicf rmrtnlly pre paietl ami jiidiunnsl) .nhnlnUteitii I Ij r c njili the lungn, it'innld prniinceilM m in I happy reftilic' linfinp t ipli tivn jiMrn prnrtirp, niiny tliuiiMiin' stiilerinp fti in it deafen nf the I'tn-iP and ihrn.it liav v tin n nnder my rare anil I liavn i-fiVrim manv rt'tniirlinlili ciirec. c en a'li-r tin pnll'Trm li.td dien pMirieiini ed m tl-e luft tjiaiji a, wlmli l"lly i:ii(iei ine i,t cDiifim pti'-n it nn limiji r a fatal if im ae .Mj t ri tilti in nl un nun pi inn in nriiii.il, ami Iniimled nn lout! lei rji mi mill n llm ruiipli i ii v t titration My perl rr nfii'iilntuni i wilti t Ii u natn le nf inhere leu Ac , rlinMi h nn tn I'blititni li readily, thr lartnitii lornit tr ttrvnf tlini tlti.titntf ) riittini linn, and opnl tin (irnprr rniiiiim, rnrilv tn i-niim riimi wnii rertnin pniiiniogirni nnd nnriotm plC ilii ineiiew, elial'lei. me tn fetjn e 'he h' l-t t. f rom lite i (Ti-i tc nf cn tit fnr tnl chtUt; to i nlnrj7e ihe flit pnrli) lliu blnml impait in It rrnf-w i d vitohiy . pi nig energy and torn In tbf entire m t-f m. Me jrirm with lull i'in t iinrifc kt nt l nny part o tin Unllrd .Slate and ( aii-ii'm .y paPrnis rrn niitm taiin' ilii-Ir ni trine ly Inter. Tut the nire l.mild u, ,,,1'lr,, c,,r :"" " fc",,"" I" nien vuii. ' 'Irrli winld jrlvc inn an rppuitiiniiy in i-Jtuninr tlm t it ntrs and enable m to nrcBrribe. w ith in nth trinitr. ctrtnlnty. and thru the cute teulil be etlectcd without my teii c the patient r.tinin. tl XV fiHAIIAM, M D., OlUce, ml FlLDEHl stir. I .(niil No, 109,) lleltw Ttvelfih, I'liiladclpta. Pa July 11. lP.it-(Marrii 4) SAVING FUND NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST CO. ori'ici:, WALNUT BT 6 w cornuu orTiuun Artavgtrxenls pr Dutlntss during the Suspension of ttpno.ils rereiufd nnd imvnienls made Hallv. Current ilntik Notes. Checks and Bpecic will bo rt'iei.t-il nn tit p'Mii 3. fli'ii'isils iiiade in Hank N.tcs or Cheeks will be paid back in current Uant Notes 4. Ilepo. its made in Cold nr hi'ver ill be pnid back in Coin INTEREST FIVE I'CR CENT. TJIR ANNUM. IIP.NRV U. BENNER, J'rW U t. J, ntrn, Secrttonj. Nov 8. 1P57 trunksiTtrunksm 7IIR LAR11EKT. PFfT handsomest and clit apt .1 as ftnrtment nl Hole l.etilhar So'itl Il.velt'i . ritjiy F.i.i A-a thvxks, V.I,SK TllUNKH rffiaw v ni t. 1 1 p. 1 r c Vc t:i rropclkru. heather nnd (.'yrptt Itjgi. I'&cklnc Trunkii ic , ii.c,t at THOMAS V. MATT?ON'g. Celi'bratiil London i'lizn Medal. Imrrnved tileo Sniing. tsolnl Hle I.i uttier Trunk .Munnlrctory. HO, 400 AIAHKDT iTKI,i;Tl Smith weil corner Fourth and Market. I'liMailclphia A'lffiut 8 lP57-tf r wm S. L. Paucoast fc Co COMMISSION MERCHANTS. anus iNn deam: FISH, PROVISIONS, SALT, .J-c. 17 Nfifth U'hiirvpt. I'lnlitilelpliin, C. C. SADLER j- CO., NO. !)', Nfiitli Walrr Srcrt IMiiladcl nhia COMMIMilON MKRL'IIANTB.nisI dealers 111 Lurd. hhoulderi, Cherso , Jlains. Ilutkuls, l'oiks , 1'Iuur i.c April I lri3-ly A. M. RIJI'KRT 7iu'are and rilteri Irnn M.i.iut.iitiri r u iJtictt bi'uw it tv iu I Mi