COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT ALCM n. TATH, LOCAL L'MTOH. IIlooiiiMfmrg, Vch. lit, 1858. UtciiAnn FnmT, Esq., of Wltito Hall, Montour county, keeps a first class coun try Hotel, and the best entertainment in Northern Pennsylvania. , - t (1 V ' HCV. r A OJl AHHKl i a l'uiiimun ion on Tuesday last, was a magnificent affair largely attended by hosts of liberal contributors. jKSThe Kcv.Thomab Bowman, 1). D., of WHIianisport preached in the Metho dist Episcopal church of this place Sunday evening; last. on I ' m-Wc have been rc.uestcd to mate, l . u i . i- that Divine .Services may bo expected in 1 I the Episcopal Church, to morrow even ing, at early cauillo light. 8S5Ciinnot there be .1 btop put to the nightly assemblage of boys in front of tho At ..ilimlisf M.nn'li. with their infamous and profane talk f Their conduct tic Herrm speedy and severe punislimcnt. QThe new M. I Church was dedi- cati'd last Sabbath, on which occasion rnnrtpr'n liiniilrril ilntlars wnrn miiIi- Hcribcd for the liquidation ..i1 ,1... .ii,, , created in its erection. Tim Weather. The weather has ta ken a turn, and the breath of Winter's cold and sleet is hero at last. Hn has ushered in his reign with a tardy pace, and on the ninth day of February, 'Sour is his front, and fiiri ow'd is his face.' . - . .. Dull. We do not know thai tins wnrd. extiressivo its it is. Sltllicicntlv do scribes the condition of our village- at tliis time. Jt is dull duller uuuesi ! ne forc we go to press again wc do hope that there will bo a dug light, a runaway match, or that something beyond tin; or dinary routine will turn up. Some hope yp.t. The cold weather ol "Weilnesday, warrants the hope that we may have a continuance ol it long enough to make that indispensable summer luxu ry, ice. If we don't have it soon, our ice houses will have to groan under a beau tiful profusion of emptiness. Boous Coin. We call the attention of our readers lo iho fact that spurious coin, representing American quarters, r'imcR, and even a less denomination, are in cir culation in this neighborhood. The quarters have the full weight, and in their perfect apparancc are calculated to de ceive without great caution and exami nation in receiving them. JBaSyThc protracted meeting, which has been held during the past week, by the Methodist congregation of this place, continues with increasing interest, The large congregation in attendance at these meetings every night, is an evidence ol the interest felt in them, and betokens the power and presence of liod, in awaken ing, convicting and converting souls. The niter is nightly visited with humble peni tents, wrestling and agonizing for the comforts of that '-peace wliich passes .all understanding." i" In another column will be found a communication, over the Hgtiaturo of an index or JStxr, criticising the conduct of the Local Department of the Columbia Democrat. It was written, uu-doulit, by some kind (of a) friend of uurs, partly lor the purpo.e of correcting our juvenile imperfections. traits to which youthful inexperience has ever been heir to and partly (only a little more so) for the pur- lioieor PWicly cx!,ihiliigliisowiial.ilitioSlldfimlljfou.jJitiwnyintoCourti Frccz0lors. Dr. Fran-is gives as tho reas.ui- ua a literary rritii "r v"i'" "'"u " may, wc wouhl uilorm .Mr. JOzJ-f , that wc will try to profit by his admonitions, beg ging him however to lemember that, .sometimes Great Oaha from smtll Acornn grotvf Which adug, we fear, will neer bo verified in his rase. Not Yet about. Our own town has not yet experienced any of that -sensation - - o n whieli the new Parrisian fashion of redltiffj Frcczo for Defendants, peticoats lias produced in "tlin different! - citic.i; but we expect, every day, to ho fitartlcd hy seeing Home lady very grace-, fully raise her rich dress at a muddy crossing, and disclose not a snow-white embroidered, Iacii trimmed underskirt, hut n flaring red flannel petticoat such as dames from the rural districts have worn for centuries, and been laughed at for it, by ,l,r.,nnu ,.i p,i,in ,i . ., . , take pride m exhibiting the same mllam- atory article ol dress. Like riinoliiic, the innovation must come, Parrisian va - gary tho' it be, for fashion, the inexora - blc god has decreed it, and his slaves will iuhmissively yield. Good Mc.-A7cTitio7hIs been nu - inerously signed, in llaryhind.praying the Legislature to pass a law for the'protec - tiou of birds. Such a law is much need- ed in l'cnnsylvania, and wc hope our, Legislature will lake the necessary steps to prevent the wholesale distruction of all kinds ol birds, lnuepcilent ol their use fulness as destroyers of insects which in fest and materially injure the grain ami other crops, there arc many other reasons why the little songsters should be pro tected from the cutis of tho idle and vis- cious. Wc have no objections to the killing of what aro considered game birds but against the indiscriminate slaughter oi rooms, torn-tits, ac. wo carucstlv pro test. What member of the Legislature will do a great public good hy introduciiis' and urging the parage , Miialii lull lor llu jiuiiKiki ' 'COURT PROCEEDINGS. 1 BLOOMsnttna, February 1, 1658, Court oillcd at 10 o'clook, A. M. lion. Warron J. Woodward, Present; and ir t l ii i ui vi! 1 lion. Jacob LiVans anil lion. 1'ctcr KllllO ., n , .On WO JSOnCII. The usual morning business was trans- '..U. ilm .Tnrtr nnllrwl. ownrn hivu, v...u " - j ntmrirml and mint out. Tbo first cam tslten o" ' w i r ii Commonwealth vs. llucv.-Indiotmont. Latccny. Littlo, District Attorney, for tho Com'tli i Clark for tho Prisoner. Verdict, not guilty. Commonwealth ea. Charles nasscrt. llccognizauco of tho Peace. Frcczo & Littlo for Com'th i Clark for tho defendant C -i 1 r .1..1 . 1, - -n..a ni,l . ,V,fn . . 7 e ve ba l n tho sum of 8200 to bo of good k' . , , i c , LnLnnini. tntrnril llin f.nnil ritlZCIlS 01 tllO Com'th; and especially to Air. Issler and family, for the spaco of ono year, and stand committed till the sentence is complied (!ntnmnttwt,nt(!i im. Jacob flirton. As ' - I. -1 11-. . . 1.411 ....1 siiuu uuu itaiicrv not uiiiuu uui, uuu . , , . . I ucroiiiiaii cooper, rrnsccuior, 10 pay mo 1 I , ft costs, ocnlence accordingly. Commonwealth vs. Joseph Henry - inl licious Mischief nut a truo bill, and Solo- luoD liowcr to pay tho costs, co Bcntcnceu Commonwealth vs. William Linden. Indictment, Gambling not a true bill, and county to pay tho costs. Commonwealth vs. William Agcr Assault and Battery. Deft, pleads guilty. Sentence, to pay a line of twenty dollars, nnd costs of prosecution, and stand com- lllitted, &C. lialdy & Littlo for Colu'ill J IPln1, fn, lloff ! Commonwealth vs. James IIcss. In- dh'lmcnt, felling Lirjuor, &c. i Deft. pleads) guilty. Sentence, to pay a fins of 810, of nrosccutiou. and stand com-' tllC COSt: mittcd, &e. Commonwealth vs. Owen dictmcnt, Malicious Mischief. Magcc. In Little, Dis- trict Attorney, and Wirt for Com'th; Frccze, Clark & Hurley lor tho Defendant. Verdict, not guilty. County to pay tho coats. Commonwealth fi. Bichard Stnffurd. Indicted with Owen Magcc, but claiming a soparato trial. Mageo having been ac quitted, Com'th offered no evidence against Stafford; for whom were concerned Freeze, Claik ii nurloy. Vcnlict, not guilty. Commonwealth vs. Jcrcmiuh Jones. Indictment, Larceny. Little for tho Com'th; Freeze for tho Defcudjut. Verdict, nut guilty. Commonwealth vs. Beniamin Winter- ileen nr.,1 fnl.,, '!,.,. A t,..l I u.ww.i uui uui,'. tl IlllClOH.-UU, iiMauiiauu Battery. Clark for Uom'ih ; Freeze for Tiofor,,ln,,t v..i: ..:i.. . a.. ... - of Benjamin Wiiitorsteen, thirty dollars fine and the costs; and in case of John Wintcrsteou, ten dollars Qne and tho costs. Commonwealth vs. Charles Hasscrt. Assault and Battery. Littlo and Wirt for After evidence Com'th ; Clark for Deft. in, plea of guilty. Sentence is, fino of ten dollars and tho costs. Various other indictments were fouu against divers other persons, which wcro continued until the next term of Court. ' On tho civil Hit, wore taken up and dis. posed of tho following causes. Henry Stark vs. Hillman & Nicely.' Dcfentlants wcro sureties on an article of agreement for the lease of a Tavern House in Luzerne county. J.ickson for tho Plain- ; tiff; Stewart for iho Dofrndanta. Verdict! for Plaintiff $907 03. T . L . 1 Joshua Lcttennan w.James Ralston. This action was begun before a Justice, in, order to settle ami adjust some differences j which had arisnn hntwron tlm nnrtiAa ami ' k .Tncltson for I'lainliff: f'lrtrk t,, Tlofr Verdict for the l'hintiff 18 80. J. A. Moore, Kudoncc, &c, vs. Graham & Ilro, Action on a promissory uote given by Defta to J. D. Uichardaon, Tho defense rested uncn the cvidoneo of onn of ttm on. dorcrs,Whom the Court decided eould not bo a witucss ; and directed the Jury to! r , i. t mm a vuruiui lor rtRihilu. craiCl ac cordinslv for PGOU 07 Hark for PJain- Why was Pliaroah's Dausliler Hue a Broker!" Bccauso sbo got a littlo prnnhot from tho rushes on tho lunhs. The above is a pretty good conundrum, but it is not as good as tho fact that tho ! more nulics thoro aro upon tho banks of , S. Swan k Co.'s legalized lotteries at A,.cto n, il, .o, fit , ' , .. ,. , , ... . . the parties making tho rush. Wo antici- pato for the next drawing a rush from all , parts of the Union for a chanco of tho ' profits in tho mngnificoDt prizo of S7O,O0O. ! Tho investment of S10 will cntitlo tho (purchaser to a whole tiokct; while 5 or !8 fiivc ih Il,olle,r an rr0rtunity of gatheriug up tho liundsome little profit of ' 15,000 or 30,000. . Bffi.Washingtoii Irving 178V!. was horn in ' Ncw y k , . J DEATHS. At tho Aincrioan Hotel, in llloomsburg, on Monday lasl, where ho had lain for eonio threo months by a wound inflicted by an axo iu tho knee, Mil Jamf-s Hand, 111 tlie Cjlh yarof 1,13 "S0 Mn Hand wna an exemplary morabcr of the Presbyterian Church a good citizen ami an humble sincere Cluistiau and died as ho had lived in full hope of a glorious immortal 1 SELECT POETRY. Aft Sl'.NU I1V MT.S. II, 1. IIA1N11V. tmrk la ilm night t Mow ihtki no light, no firoi ooli on llio iiei.ttii inn lust 1.1111 spatus capiroi snivel,,,,, , tYiitehcsbyllieiiadlii'a aide, I For him tlif pledged her love Ion year a Hide. Ilblkl llln IntptiletnJ tit. no, In gone I ffiftlg 'X ffKI'S.V'i-iS w fclH. Anil I bolicc I wri, III In it I now Mind, Now blind tnpo, my bnno, reii on. 'i if Hungers fry, ?.'(' '"' ".'''" Lf?',,!rfL0i".lr,,,1,1 .milium nnu coin ineir wrnnm worn inv imiihi. Bail, my iicnrt tnuu ircttK, nnu men my cunu inut mo lluth I the cluck ittlkea ONEI Yet I'll not rnrac him no, tlt nl I in vnini "1'ii Ion k to wnll.yri ante he'll come again, And 1 could ftatve nod blvaa him lor you, myclillJ. Oh I my hnaluiiil I oh I my htulmml I l.'.ln lie dcfictt 111 ? fur lie kliowa l atuy Nltftil nanr nl:ht In loni'tineaa to pray For hit re turn ) nnil yel he acta no tear No l It cannot he I Oh I he will he lierel lluili I the clock tulkciTWOl Hark l the ljnlmnrda creak the lilnal howl hy Moan on, ye wlnila. through the cloudy sky I llnrkl l hear Ilia knock I he coiuea once moral No I 'ita but the Intlicn flop ley hope, my hope Iao'er. (?ai, he depcrt ua I Tor he kimwa 1 amy Nlltlit allr? nlfilit In lonelineaa to prny For hi. return ; mid yel hi area no tear N'o It cannol lie I Oil I he will lie herel Nerll i now clnaplv. inv dear one, to nu heart i Thou nrt cold, thou art Itccilitg, but we will not, will not part. Iluatiiinill I diet rmlier 'Hi not he, Ii la not net U,ljudl pre Kct my chlldl Oh I prolert my child I II mil I tlic clock alilkeaTlllimil i,,v' ."T. K. "'.""J' !."". H' nam hphi Holli tile nnd cliilil aro nnniherpil Willi the il'ail t tm 1110 cuiii maith nuiftritcin ii in miemn mi Thi' li-ibi: lay froziin on ita nioiher'fl hrpniil. 1 lieemnliipr cainc nt Inst, nut nil ni o ur. uiKdu Blivurn ri'ipnrii iirnnnn I The clock alturk FOUItl Vm, PASTE &3CJSS0RS. B?a,They had sleighing at Cumberland (Md.) on Tuesday night. ISy Como and get cheap and fine Val. cntines. I 1M1 Thrre nro forlv two l-ti'iiiers ill the 1)..,. .,!., I nll?,l,. I J .lll.c . "It I " .1 fi Ulllllll . . ., . , i m , . , w. 1 mrnlia liln , ,, Aln ,l n Intnl. ',,,.... -, ,.,prMPts ! Mlr,.,ilin ' ... I nm .lliiw to make n winter slinrt. Cct L i,,(.tv (lav's nolo discounted in a Haiti:. j - Kf-Tho only thing which every oho ran do, and the only thing which any "lc 11L'''d do, is his duty. I HQ, Mr. Levi. J. North.tho well-known ' equestrian, now a Chicago millionaric, is i a candidate for alderman in that city. I wefi Thp TCinnrcss nf France rnrnnllv anncarrd at a ball wcaiimr 88,001) worth of Jewelry, and 81.20,000 worth of laces. c,0. K, Tho ladies have at last fcund out the only meaning of theso'mvs tcrious capitals, which is Only Kissing. BS2XHcautirul is the love aiul Kwett the kit.s of a sister but when you haven't a sister handy try your cousin tisnt much I worse K2iIt has been estimated by Professor Bache, that the waves of the sea, travel at the rate of six and a half miles a min ute. B.Wm Baker, of Morgan county, Va. w as biauiieii 10 inc ncari on me join uit., by Uavid Davis. The murderer is in jail. tnSV lad named Edward Hoyt died of hydrophobia " Huflalo, a low days since, Ho had been bitten by a dog about three months previous, tf$J he weather seems to be as remar kable in Europe, as in America. There aro gardens in the vicinity of London, whrrc summer roses are in full bloom. uguJohn lirown,a Ulacksmith of Read- ' ing, pwformed the feat of making one him. ami f.tft trct'7((y iiutitu snuus in one uay. John must be a "fast" man. B4uThe receipts of the Philadelphia & Heading Railroad during 1857 were a, 00ri,5'JI .50, while the whole expenses (working) were 81,181,715 ''i. BQk,A pint of water will make UIG gal Ions of steam, which will supply force enough to raise a weight of thirty-seven tons a foot high. n,Tho demand in America for old German books on all subjects has caused tho price of them to rise immensely in Gcrmany Tj.c wntencoiof Winslou; Eddy, of Ronton, for the wilful murder ol his wile, has ljmi comniutcd by Gov. Banks to imprisonment for life. fi$a.Marricd men always are less troub- le.l with the rheumatism than are Iiaidio- ! "" 'Kvl' Sentkxim:w. John Lulz, tried in Tills- hllrsll for the IllUldcr of Itichurd O'l.carv, was lountl guilty and .senleiued ,m the lilld iniit., by Jlldyro MeGllirc to be huiltr. ' n - tSaJr-Tllt1 Slllo survivor of tllC Wvomillir ,. . . . liian.sacrc is Asa A, Uorc, now livnm in ! ,owu ot re,iton' 0u""- !lt l,lu at' 01 ii) years r a ,. . . , fcyMnv flow-era arc blooniinp- m the - , W(in.iM nf nnd AuA. f:,., I'huselt.s, anil a hutlcrllv canit! out at the Marine Hospital in Providence onMonday. BQi.Cicn. Carey, the temperance lectu rer, and also Ncal Dow, are expected to arrive in St. Louis shortly, and deliver lecturer for the benefit of the temperance cauic. ILIX-K-V-Prcsident Tvlcr is lviinr vcrv ill at his residence, "Sherwood Forest' I 'hailcs City co., injinia. lie has been wiiflcriiijr for several weeks with a severe ' chronick attack I . mi , .. . . . . , Kfft-tnii iiiuians soinuriuiig at n asn- , iii"ton, lately pave a grand war dance at it r"0......a ilotel7for the amusement of the fashionable guesls hording in the house KSuRichard Joucs, formerly proprietor of Jones, Exchange Hotel, Philadelphia, accidentally fi 11 from a third story win dow on Saturday morning, and was kill ed. Abolphus Patthhson, Esq., of Wil liamsburg, is recommended iu a commit- iiti.'itini, in tlin I In! lil'i vcliirnr .S ?,,, vil r . ... ., ' ,. ' for nomination us the next Democratic candidato for Canal Commissioner. . . . . , t-, .. . K3i.An absent-minded bailor having courted a girl and applied to her father, tho old man said: "Well, you want my daughter, what sort of settlement will you innk-n I V laltl'l vnn Itil'llhrr " "liivii linr," replied the editor, looking up va cantly. "Oh, I'll give her a puff-" Take 1 1','- i,.i!,i .iw,i,t ,,, I A clergyman was walkiujr out ono j day, and passed two little boys one whom made a bow. As he walked away he heard tho following amusing conver sation. Why John did'nt you know that was Parson May ' "Of course I did." "Why did'nt you nuke a bow." "Why 'lWihei hm't hi 1i.ii . i ii ' ,i i ANNUAL STATEMENT of this IlKCEim AND KXI'IJMHTUKKS 01' COLUMBIA COUNTY. Vnr Ilm Vnir 1U".7 I'Of 11IC lClf I8J7. ,,. i.,.j7rrrT,i. j i... ... I ............ -..-. ... - ii" "' iiMj.ii piiiiuc .L arrniintR of (hillliiilda rouuly, liliv. fx in. I neil thei . . ' V. ' ' 1 "'" i .my. icar, nnu reapi ciiii oy lay niiore Die llonnrablu Juilgpa of Iho Court of Common Flena Hie To low I nil Hlatcuient nnd Ucporta ngrteahly In tl,o SJ I Kecllou ol an Actof tliedcecral Aaaemtily of Una Ciuunion wealth, Jilraeil Iho 4 1 la dav or Aplil, A. II. le.ll. J ACOII II AllltlH, i:ai.,Tie,nrer of Uulnmlila counly, In account with aald county. M 18.17. ,aituary. To laxea outtinndlng for iSS'l nnd prevtoua ra, SIJ70 71 To cnah ol J. W. Itenderahol fol plank, i jj do of Jackaun Ikeler for plank, 4 m) do Jury fceaol Jicoli F.yerly, l'rothonnlary, H on do of Jeaan Shaniioli fer repnirlmt lencn, .1 ,Ti do ofl! II llaldy, I'.in , land redeemed, 7 117 do of I.W. Cvi B&ll.kilclieil do ; pu do of II Cicaay, i'o 17 do ol I'.ll.i! Illcka, do I tv, do ofaumlry persona for 118C of Coultllouao, 25 01) To County '1'Jt u 11 rented hnd, 1,3 do do unanutud do 7 19 do Rend do do do ji, do 1'oor do do do 1, do Ten day nssestaienl, j ,, do Jury leea of Jacob Uyerly, 0.3 nj do no and llnea of Stephen II. Millar, Slieriir, u7 'I o uuioiint 01 inxusaearcil lor le',7, Ulllill tli Toruth rcci'lvedfiirMil'lary,ialeameiitforlf57, 15 00 I do otJno Doak, Kat,, lale Treiianrer, 35 no 1 mi ,11 uenry 1 noiu lor iiicil a nl 1 rcaru rer'a Hale, 107 ft) do ol gjinon TiHibn,land redeemed , To balance dun Trcnsuter. 4 31 f,l9 !U S13.872 17 i ?'T3 (11 4.-13(1 31 1 mi 07 370 4'l 7371 04 I ill SM I 5U r.n. lly hnlnuco ducTieasurcr front ISti, II y- Taf ea nulslnnilini: Jan 1, 1858, lly einii'-riitl' m made during the eor, lly Conilula,lon allowed Cullcriora Ity aiiioiint ol ordira redeemed. It v i niiiuilaalnn oil 9374 04 a 3 per cent. Il Comiiiiiion nu iimratcd land, Sl'J.eJl! 17 EXPIlNlltTIJIIIlH. Hand and tilings t'tcKi Amount po.i i aiindry puriona lur Vlewa, do (.o lor Uridgc do 01 110 15 OH ,. SI 1U 00 ItrldiTS Conlratti. Amount paid ll.miel Koiucnliader, lloaringcreek tOIVllfllllll. 50 I Anionni Paul Daniel Kostcnbader. Franklin lownrhltt! 183 Oil Amount puiii ll.iii'lMcMeury, lien ton town alt in. i-.j, on I miio"". '.I" .r'l r-.tiuiKu,,, iitu a i.rt'enwoo.l ..... .... ' Amount paid 'Jacob li. Sllickcr, Fiihingmel. toniUlllp, on() IJ70 00 8110 74 ' llrldft lltptlrs. i Amount luiid alllidrv lu-raona lor rettalrs tin John Siijder, for repairs nt Or ' nnccville bridge, Amount paid John Cut lor repairs at Light St. ' bililge, I Amount emd II. R. Kline, for repairaut Orange bridge. 3JJ 69 410 31 18 10 SJil tS $100 Git 33.111 31 3.17 95 CommaaifraIA'J Cottt. Aio'l pnld sundry persons ns witnesses, tic , FJtctton Kiptntct Amount expenses nfsprlng Election, Amount Expenses of (leueral Klecion, $001 31 Jitenor'i fte. Auioiinl paiil to the dnP'rcnl Aasessora for uiaKtng spilng assessment, ContlahU't llttnrns. Ilet'irn lo February Temi, do .May do do September do do Heii'inbvr do I '173 71 S3.i in '.'li 44 Si 38 SO 49 5, CO 3d ens is S10 30 S'si 04 S71 ltd 1021 57 $13 00 IS 09 13 00 13 00 $10 09 Jurort ran. Grand & TravracTebruary Teru, do May do do do September do December do JijJ SUrtl. j ft"" 'rZ'n I rf. piemiier un lluLcmbiT do Court Crltr. Anion lit paid Moscg Collnian, February Term, do do May do do do September do do do December do $14 no 13 CO 10 09 10 no S 10 0J ' .4'torntu Fta. Amount paid It, XV. VVtvr. Attorney to Com. C13 Bit District tlameu. Amount paid K. II. LittM, Kt'i , 879 50 tun , Amount paid A. J. Lvans foj coal, 'J.iil" 51.7 ,11 ! do dn do (J. iitmstf, 1M j do Jeinfh.iunon ilj do Ut 11 do Win L'olciiian . do Jiil, 4 ) do M. 1. Lycrly, lot nf old boards, ?i , , G37 Jluthtor s pay. Amount paid County Auditors and their Clerk, $27 50 Aniount paid V. Win, Lu,., 'Trolhuiiotary and llegiylcr act'l," 1 00 $.1:1 20 insurant. Amount paid Lycoming Inuruuce Coniptny. iim'iiil No 1 i, 19 31 Vox Scalps. Amount paid diHereui perMiu-., 153 J.1 County liuildingi. Amount paid John M. Chcmburlni, pnintiufr Court Holme lence, 2" 00 Amount p.ild T, A. Hurley it J. V Lloyd for two .Miitt of liloouitflnirg, 10 00 Aiiumui p. ud sundry pernis for repiirs, i.c til 01 SUU 01 tm o) 3D 00 3 :.u Printing, Amount paid It. V. Weaver, da Levi I, Tate, do Levi r Irwin it Co., do CharlC3 Cook, Blank Hooka. A mo i nl paid IT, W, Weaver lur one ci of As ses Fiucnt l!ookn. Amount paid .Mrs. Caroline Clark for ono !C31 iiook. Amount ptid Mra ( Clark, Blank Hook, Uc Dnplirntes, .tuuuot paid Chatlcd ft ah I binding, 313 00 IC 0) 18 00 I till sn oo C 21 j incidental Amount pii.l sumlry ptrs'ina fo'r nrliclca usi.'d ''ndu'm',llr,;,i 1 Amonnlpaid Ann Long r lean lug Court Iious, inquests. i Init on body of John Kmilkncr, ' Itoad Dnm.tJit. S17 00 1G G'.' e og io mi 55 00 tf.i 00 5 l.ll U 00 Btl 00 81111 W j0n i;i,t. Loeuti tuwiisiiiu. WiIImiii O. Harris, Orocnwuoil twp Jesae Mnlliar, do II. Ililli'i.tiender, rishliigcrcrk twp., I'lliliji Kliiif, Ml I'lcnsnnt twp , li'fi!ii'n Litzarus, Uctilon lwi , rt'lcr Uvrus, 1I0 Tat Refunded Road, School and Poor Tax on unseated .and refunded lo tow iifhiim, Prothonotary. Amount paid Jacob Lyerly as billsi Jirgtttcr's Fees. Amount paid Daniel Leo fur Recurding, tr Postage Amount paid V. Unangn I year'a postage, Medical iervitts. Amount paid K. II llrown. Agricultural Society. Amount paid J. W. Ih'iidernlint, Commiutonitt' and Clerk's Pay Anio-int paid VVm. 3 Ikeler, do Jonas Kahrirger, do lie ry IliituLbender, do i:iias Dieierick, do K. C. I'ruit, Clerk. 8IE0 2-3 8131 l 3a 00 81 Ul $1:15 00 143 00 i;i'j 20 1.1 .Ml ?00 00 S'Ul 00 HsriJ'a Bills. Ainoum paid B. II Miller, boarding prisoners, notifying Jurors, &c , $330 TO Conveying Muses Caumcr lo U. Peniteutiaiy, 71 00 Convejing George Kujdc do 70 00 8171 0L) Interest. Amount paid Joh rt pnak, Hsi.. Intcrcbt on $170, 1 year y.i so rKi'irri uteas Ain't paid Jacob Harris for Treasurer Deeds, $147 31 Total. 975(11 Taies outstanding and uvcolltcled. Caunfy. fieri. $1 iO t'J 73 S3 02 7 S7 3u) 43 eo 93 3J 68 3d i oa I 71 133 152 84 S3 art 7 40 13 Ml SI JS si n.i :u 47 -M 11 31 17 53 1 1 30 07 1-3 37 3 53 1011 17 51 41 fo m pi 7 tit (W 12 41 . 511 57 I'. C I .Samuel Arr""1""' Suiarloaf, ihm ic,"!;,r,fyai!!Vin?r "oa' Nelson Kile, auaarlcir. i;- j lv1,B53!,a,'"u", , ft"1' iiayman, do ! jHcot'tSt'imii. emiiwliia, JnconBieni,i.ociii Uenlatnin Uaynun.Orance, lt5j. Thomas W. Voitllg Jnckson, IVilluai titiuliuiis, tiugurloar, 1'i'lcr A nplcinun . Dentin, .I.I..1..1 ... Ul ii-,..d. of cSlUJri'S,,,,o. .John l.nzurus. Flsll.llltrravk. aiuutl Ilogart. (itpomiood, Isanc 1, ifil y, licinlork, William Goodman I oeilst, llvan Wtlliver, .Mol'luur, Ilnoeh I'ux I'm Ju"ili II HoliBins, Hcoll lri7 iMI'lc n tl ll " ' id 111 74 ll 13 3ns 78 l4 All 181 51 3 33 511 7J 201 r. 1-9 18 1117 Ml 317 111 173 01 V'li II I Sltt 7'J Ii3 SI 1111 01 SOU 77 7 04 170 01 7'J HI 13 II IMI 87 71 84 3i as S3 1 80 117 on III 05 101 19 433 21 1 Jlslun U'omcr ronyiijiiiahl, John Lnr.-tru.. Fi tlilntti trek. ll.ivlilO Allirrtran. (Irtennood, 145 17 I" Shoemaker, Hemlock, 310 M Innlal roust. Jackain. 33 55 'ih'iinis iiowei rrnnkiini CI 31 William (loodmnii, Locust jnlill Mllllll. .HIDHSOU Hvni U'clliver. Monti ,n.....n. 177 21 sun fi 7'.l 5(1 J.14 19 171 01 ia si HI 81 r,i .1! 413 18 iinac l ener, .name Joaepli I'rawrord Mt. Pleasant, I.eula llrkronl, Mlfllln, Michael Keller. Ornnae, llenj.nnlu IVIuleriilecil, Fine, Michael t-rdernlf, Kn 'ringcreck, John M. Cole Supnrlonr, niiiha II. IMiirl, Scott, Total, 8 l .vm Ul $-,111 Hi Wfl. llif n irtriff n t Aiiilttori uf llic county ul Co ln.r.tjia, Ijfitig duly rlrrteil tci .dli'itl :iml Kttlc ttm nt roil ut of tho Trmmirrr ninl t'onunifnioiicff M.ivo rnrffitlly exntiiitinl the atcoutiti ami Vfmrlifi of ihn Mtiip, irom urn 1ft iifiy or J.iii'i:iry, l?.ri7. in iho m d.iy I nf J.imiiiy, do rtjitlTy llint wo find llirni rorrrct u Ki-t forlli In tlm forfutiln' KtiitiMMi'rit.utMl llitt vc I (IiiiI n linliiir diip Jacirj llarrlJ. lU'i .'I'rf.imircr rrmn J utu runniy m ni iiiinureu ami nincir-en iifjfiarn anu . nlnelv.tliree cenla. (liven under our hanJa Hi j a Cth day of January, A, I). 1S5S. JACOB 1IFAIOTT, 1 joiin it. voiii:, "'t'-'' i Altest, W. Wirt, CYerl. We llio under, imied Cnmnilaiinnera of Iho Countv I of Cub) nihla, do certify (hit the forepolnu la n correct ainteuieni of tho itccoiinta of aald courily for tiio year A. II. 18.17. In le-llinony whereof tre have Hereunto ad our lianda litis dill dav of Jinirirv A 11.1858. JOVAS FAlllMNril'.ll. 1 Corn's I niiNiiv iii i"n:Mii:uni!,f 0 I'.I.IAfl IIICTnniCK, )Cot. Co. Alien, II O Fri it, llcrl., February 'Jd, 1858, approved liv llie Court. J KCOIt F.VA VH, I .fiaaclile i'irn:n kmnu, j jmicn. These have since paid in full III. mm, I, .!,(;. Feb (1. 1854 Special Notices. cs-to r Aim cits. - ! Till! NEW VOHK WEI'.KI.V NEWS, ia mi excellent New York city pnper for country rending It cont.tlm the f.i licet nnd moil corrcrl Cnllle mnrkct ntttl IVnce reports, with all the tietva nnd lute I licence of the . Trv Hnn tl voi 't'l like II. Onl .1 VL.1r. l'llljllslie.l nt Vft 10 Naamu atrrtt.Xew Vork. 1 . ILrnii.Ki. i mJ rui.ll Huiitiaar.tu, it at! the ntUerlUf muit in nnolher column, lnntled"lUliu. hold's (ienuine I'repiratioii." O-THOMAS W. M.VITSON, Itereltri' lite Priz, at llio World's Fair in lyindjil, 1811, for TIIUNKS.OAUPUT II.HiS, llenn, ,l,o.' ami nurna. ,. rein iit'tLti , -in.; ui tttu ii 'my nu I'ti-ii i" pn itii.isf-ra ttt nit: above articles. Thlaia niucli tlietarge-t .tnckoltrnnka. Carpel llagi, Valices.&c .in Philadelitiiia very cheap, or cull. .Miiiiif.ii'torleai 130 Market Street, S W. corner, and l-JS M.irk"l street. S II coruerof Fourth. UT THE KANSAS CONS II I'll HON A venerable gentleman, who, when lu active life, held a very (lis tinsuished positiini in the Democratic parly. Bays : "llriolhea there a man with soulao dead, Who netier to himself jrjth said, That lite outypLiie lo procure fa.hionable, ditiabtc, nnil Lheni clilbnin'. la ut tho Melrop iliian Etlnblish inent of Granvillo Slokts, No. t'07 Cbesnut street I" ITA NEW 1'IltM AND IIUSINE3S UPON NEW i PnlNl'iri.ES. THOMAS P. DIM, t CO , have be conic p rnprlilora of the Wiitra It all Cnontive IIazsac. i corner of Fourth and MJrk( t streets, Philadelphia but will not follow in Iho h'nten track We arc satisfied Hint the only way lo build up and keep large hnsinesa n io pci Rood it cuenji nun gi vo aii8i.icnMi locnsfincrs (fitrtoiic! will not aiiflwer and lininbug Ins iia tiny) ninl wo intend to 1 1 our good lit 5 ppr cent, ndvnnce upm cost (no lc3 nnd no more) ami nrtvana-t tion i ii markctl pricrs '1'lns f jPtcin w ill tuitahi ittp wlitiont putlng. Wc shall buy and sell cacIusivcIj lorC'afdi. Our Clothing will be made us well as cloth ing cm bf inndc Our assort incut for men tind boys is Hi! largest In L'hilatlclphhi, and our prices much lower th a ii others- Call mid ecu Tor vuursctf. TMOMAH 1. DILL U CO., White Hall Clothing rsj'..iar, South West comer 4th and .Market rMs., rhilndelphia EQUALIT1' TO ALL 1 UXtrORMlTV OF ritIi;nHl A .w VeilURE if Hrjiti.sKH. lU'ery onefat oicn SdUtmevt JONLrf (c CO.. .Of the Creseent One Trice Clo'lilng Store Xo. .Mirket qtreei.aliove Sixth, I'M I. id Iphia. In addition to having the largest, most varied and isi'loiialde xtocli of Clothing in riuladelphu, made pxprehsl) for ridnl talcs, have roimlitntcd every one hictowu snlesumn, by having niarKed in figures, on eachartlilc the cry lowest prireit can be sold for t they cannot possibly ary nil must buy alik Tii gojdsarc will sponged andprepnred.andgreat pains' taken with the making so that all can buy W(Ui he full aiurauc ofg.'itin; a good article at the very 1 owe si price. Also, a large stock of p.ecu goods on hand, of the 1 itcst stle and bust qualities, which will I be m.iilf to order, in tho moat fashionable and beat iinnner,2"il,fT cent, In-low credit prices. 1 lie neitiber tho Blreel, So iiOU. Crcsctnt, in Market, above Sixth JO.Vi:3 CO. rS"l.(HJ,l ltnWAitl) WILL 1H IMin toil ANY C,C OIL lor lh" following die.i!e8:-nheuniatlfin, Veiirnlr.ln.Snin.Tl AllVetionP. Contracted Jni nts. Cliolic n.iD i..inJi,,ri,wi.irtPi!nriv.ii..i1i.'irt.A 'iVmi ii notiat Sprains Sore Threnl, j-'iU, Urutsi-4, liurns, and all diseage" nf tho iHiti, r.tfjlo' and the (ihnda. None gi'tiuino without the s.ialurc nf "I'ratt Uute.hcr" attached to each Principal olH..'JO-i Wasluug ton Btrcet, Ilrnoklyn, Ncw York. Sold by (I. M. 1I (nNDUCH, Druggist, llloomsburg. CTThls laiocerlify tliat hae made but one appti r.iilou of the la31c Oil ,;'' iingtsrs, which have been drawn from tnntractiut j'' U rordu, brought on by rlieuicatbin ,'ennr'i'lycurt'il. 1 clii'rrfu'lly nco'iaincnd and 1 am n'jw it to all nlliclud liltcwiFC 3. M FIMHtOtjK. 72 Locust hired, llurriyburg. Augun l.iHj? X3 A OA III) TO . nil. l.Ainus.-ini. hi iiiMa CnLbLH fiEc!I Pills are i-tfalhbls in rvii ovtng stoppages or irregu'arities of the mnses. Tliese Pitts are nothliic new. but havu been uned . .. . , . , r. . a. inc uorior tor ma'iy jeirK , ojiu in i ranee un t Aiiieri c.tWitli uiipnrailubd Fiiccrifs ietr cane , and lit) ia urged by many thousand ladifu who have upcI .hem, la mike tuo Pills public, for the alleviation orthoe suffering from any iiregulnrui ts whituver, us well as a preventive to th-iac Uli"i whuu hoalth will not permit an iucicanu ff family . Preznant leiiiales, or those icjiitmitit; themselves tire cautioned against using Iikku I'HU.ui the propn - i"u"j mtion, nlthouch th 'Ir mildness would prevent any ir. Ctiriittnn fitiumnn. Renvcr, Jacob Wcllivrr, Uetiton, Ail.nn Hull. Iltlntcteck, John miur Ccittri't Jolm rtroit., I4sn, jury to health; otherwise, these Pills art) rvcom " 00 I meiidfd $100 00 ) I'lreulons acc'impiuy each box. Price Jl. fold oi:oK(u: m. iiAnt.Niiucii, (Jcncrol Agtut, lU.oaisburg, Pn Un will btipply the trade nt the proprietor' it prices,, and fend the Pills to ladies confidentially) by mail on ree ol'iipt 81 throlithe Ul'joitwbur ; IVhl odi-1 bllOL ULOOMSUUKG HOOT AND STOllE. nillll uinlor,ii.'ni'il ri'.pictfutly iiiroima the riiizena ot llloomstiurir and tlie public in central, tliat lit' lias uifiiLa a Boot and Shoe Establishment, In 111" wliiM bniMlng. on Main strtfi, Rliove Clsa'a ti. Wilson's llaker. wucrc lie naa cnnstanlly on liand a Urge aasottiiicnl of Hoots, Slioes, Gaiters, Ac, 3J I Anil will make up u oil: 10 onlet on short notire His . Ions iixperiniice in tlm business , nnd general know ledH nl tilt uantmf tlm people, will enable lilui to tender aatisfiirlion to all his eiMtmnera. and should secure linn p itronage uhicli licliupea to merit HENRY KLC1.M niooinsburc. MayS, U57. ffl KVArtH, 10,000 PIClNTUIl, a ij Jards per Ilonr! H W TV Preita .firlonkl bhkil ll V" , A II frM. tl tht lit 4 rttiiMitut .n't n Pr K A Eitib.iimi tet?iVB p,lnU.C.UieMU I u O" tfcfrrl-ltWtJrp,ttMf,itirJ4 ' ror.IJbrsry.FOrilTII MT. below riietnnt ' FOR KENT. Till' umlerfcigned oilers for rnt his GHOCFMY, kuowu us the llrnrrnt-k Orncery. sltuntc tin the ( 'a tin I bnnk. about three m i lo from U rvi tr, iorc liter with a dvvHIttii: houe. out l"i st d Ics. w'hirti is .i rare chnnie lor anv iiorbon wi lii ii; to rent on reuion;iblu terms. 1 oi paitiuUta apply to t luic li p 'rut t wlmrf, he.. SWAN & CO.'S LOTTEIttES. JIVTIlonlZKD BY Tilt. iT.ITH OF (ILOIUllt toy- $70,000 For Ten Dollars 1 J -fea The lollowlnit Bclieina will kn drawn hyS.Hwinfc Co.. Atnuaiiera fr Hie Cp-iria Academy l.oiiery, In each . of lliclr Hiiiglo Number l.olti rlea for Fibruiiry, 1H.'H, nt auuusi -n, ueorRin, in puniic, unnil too aupunntcn. '-"tfM To bti drawn In IIia city of AiiKoln,fleortla, in public, on saiiiKiuy, February uii, leas. UI..1Q V, I To be. drawnin iho city nr .usiiita.fjeofiiia, in public, 1 oiifalulday.I'iliruary I3lli,lt;8. i t , , . , ui.Atta 3, , To bedrawn Inthe cllyof Auguria.ncorcla, In public on Saturday, Februury s-utii, leltj. To bo drawn in ibo cily ii Augiiain. Ileuritii, In public, ' ON Till! 1'l.AN OF BIM1I.I! Nl'illimtS. Mra 7'Aearanif Four Hundred and KtuhtU Ftrr Ptf.til Nearly one Prize to every Nino Tickets. Mwxif icr.jvr scnu.VKi TO bK DRAWN nACII I'nxeof batuiuiay in rnnitOAnvi t JIMlOT 4 I'rlae of i .t 4 4 4 50 5U Kill 10UIHI 5,11110 4 0011 3.0HO 1 .500 1 ,lKI '.'3i AI'I'UOXlMA'liOX I'llI.FH. 4 I'riies.SI'iUAppriK'iiig to till laiol'nteaic Sirao 4 31111 .Hi cod I'.HO I I 4 t I 5U0U SI0 I '.'5 1119 7.5 .10 to art 1(1,0110 S.oru 4.11 io 3.00 1 1,5(10 too 500 i ' 411" " 3iM ' SII0 lfKt.OOO Siao.unn $3; Ul'.u:- .Hull t'rj7es nmou tiling lo WHOtU UliKEIS ?I0S HALVES TEIIS !l flan of the lattery. TlieNmnbers Irnm I lo ,1(l,(il)ir, correspontling It la tlio.e Ninnliais on Iho 'litkeis prlnletl on aeuarule alipa nl pipe r.ure encircled Willi a ma It tin lubi amid !pl,ict tl in rue wheel The fmt 457 I'rizei, siiniltrltf prililid t ltd Cltcir cletl, nte pi if etl III niuither w lift I , The wlteels nru then revolved, nnd u number Is . tlrawn Irnm llit who 1 1 f Numbers ami at Hie same I time n t'li.e la ilinwu front the oilitr whel '1 he I Number and Prize draw n out are opened nnd exhibit rd to tin: audience, and reciti red bv the ( oiniuis aloncra; Hie I'rle btliig plaretl again, t tlm Nnuih't Uaivii 'llim niieratiou la rtneiiiid until till the Prices ore dt.iv, ii out J;prolietii)n 'rues The two pieceillug and lite ,7 Prirea will be entitled to the 58 Approximation I'nxi.s. Fur ei.nntil,..' II 'l'llii 1 ly.,0 t. llie 470 OHO I'rire Iho.e Tiikil tiln'red 1 1 ,SI8, II Hill. II -J.1I. II iit, will each heeiilillid lo$lill IfTickel No .l-IOtlrawa tho $ 1.1. 000 Pne, those Titkcta ifiin bered 51-1. .', I'l. .1.11 . .1.1'.' w III null be eniitkd to 4 WO, ami an on n. cording lo the above scheme. 'I'm. .-.Ill II I'.l.n. i.C 'HI .l .11 l. ,t..l.. ....! o.l t.u til 'list II (rure nf theNtliulsT thatiltuw tin' 3T0 COO l'rl?e Por example, il the Number drawing iho tj.oiuib I J,Irl?r r"'i''' " 'V' ,'' V,'.";' "".iVl" s"V""2.'? 'il'in!' Nil inner ends wiih No 3,1111:111 the Tith.ts xhere llie Niiiulier eutla in 'J will be ontilled lu t4:o and so on to u. Ccrtifiuit's ol Packngea w ill Lo iold al the follow ing rules, w Inrh ia the risk Certllicatuof l'nckageol 10 Whole Tirketa. 90 do do 111 UUI f do 40 do d-i 10 (loader do SO do do It) lliablll do 10 IN or.DnittNG TICKETS OH CEII I IFICATI'S, lliirliiito tho money to our address for the tickets ordered, on receipt of wlncti Ibey w il' be lorwiirded liy oral in in. i-iircli.isorer.ln nave tllKets emiliig lu on; iv limine they may dealpnuie i it lie List of Drawn NumbTa nnil PriKeswillbe ecnt lo p irrlincra immediately nfier tin: drawing I Pnrchisera will pie un write I hoi r aignaturcs I lain, a no give tn-ir t-ost (itnce, county nnd sinlo Il'imeuilier that evi ry Prize is drawn and payable in fu 11 without dt iliiilinn . All Pnnes of Slouila nit miller, olid i mined inlely after tl.n ,tr.(Lli.nll,..r P, II... t ......... f 1 1, . .1 u loya. l All eninmunirations strictly confidential. AJJr0" 0,,ll!" furqT,f-,.Vr.,Cr.U,ht'" rcrsons residing near .Moiitcoiiipry Alti. or Atlanta, (t.i .can havo their orders tilled, iimt au lime, by ndiireing B Pwan 6c (Jo,, at 'ithfr ol'lhme cities A lUlol tlin niiinbers that are iiriiwn from the wlni-l, with I hi a moil nt of the prize tint far Ii on in entitled to will be pnhlUlicd niter every drawing in the ftllowiii5 pnpi r ,'AugvstaOto )CoitiUtvttonnlttt, Vcw Qrttana Dtlta Mobile Kesiitcr. Charlttton Standard. .Vus&rii'fi (lazttte. Atlanta Inttltigtnttr, A'cw York IVtckbj Jay Hook, taraitnak Jllormn Acws Richmond Dltpatth, .yew yorh ufpaicnnnu rauing ijim tiorton Jnn 3U je5d THE GOLDEN PRIZE FOR 1859. iLLu.iTn.irt:n. ! rfMin New York weekly (iOLDHN riUZn in one uf jl iue urriesi ana in'81 nur.iry papr oi 1 ui tiay An Imperial Cluaito containing kid t piuKs.or ortv luLtMKJ. of entertaining original ni.iitcr : and 1.V ili l nl Rife o eivry wueK. Jl Gift worth front b(i rents to SifiO 00 in gold, vVl bf rretenttd tj tarh tuIiJcnUr iiimtdiatctu on rcumt bf the 200 ' subscription vionty, I TERMS' 1 ropy for 1 yftir, S2 1 gilt, 1 copy lor '2 ra.s. aO.ind JgUH. 1 copy for it cars, S 00 nnd :t giHs. 1 copy for 5 jeard, &i tiOaud 5 gilts. AMD 10 tU'UJ 3 copies 1 year, ft 00 and .1 gift?. 5 copies, I year, $i bO and .1 itiiu. 10 copieR, 1 jear, $12 (lu and lu gifts, ill copieii, I )ear .S30CUaud 'il Kilt'. The articles to be distributed ate comprised in the follow ing list : packages of GoId,containIng .S'DO 00 cadi 3 do do SJiW HO each 10 do do Si lii) 00 each. 10 Patent Lever IluntiiigCascd Watches. 9 WO 00 each. '-0 Gold Watches $73 00 each do S'iOtOeacfi. 100 do AiOOOenrh UUU Lldies Col I WatchpR. Sii 111) nneli 1 ii"0 Hilver lluiitiiig Cased Watchei, Sf 00 each 5UII Silver U'utcht-K, &10 to Sv'.i earh. i iuouiioidinr.l. Vct rob Chains, SI 0 to SJ each. Keys Gold and Silver 'Ihimbhs, and a variety of ether articles tcorthfrovtoH cents to 81a 00 each. ! tumtaiatelg on receipt of the subscription money, the subscriber' 3 name will be tittered upon our subscription book oppame a nninntr, ana the gtjt corresponding witn trial numbtrtcill brforwarded vithiitonetccckjothe lubicrtbcr, by mail or ei press, postpaid E All communications should le addressed to ui:cki:t k co.. 43 mid 40 -Mil i '.it lliiiiding, 3:15 Hroadwny. New York Stieciinen copies sent Ircc. Jun'JJ, tetfd PKtVATK SALE Ot' ! Valuable Real Estate. mill; tinderHgited oiTcm lo fccl), at Public Sale, J. valuable iivu&iu jilmj JjU i ui u iikjuj.yut '...., 1 1 i n ... . rfiTTHTl 4 7V IA T-J-A m All A ll-TTrl aid pmp' rty in .1 corner lot, tutu He on Main fttreet, "JM0, V"IV" Y?,0?! 15,,rl0"1 "lierto'1 bv ..... i.mi m mi t t m r --?Wr2,r1lK I'JIA.U Tl U Y lit J i U L o ' f. HOI ?IL KIT(;Hi;, AM) FRAMI; HPAHLII, wiih the re'pimte outbuild. 1112 A iiurnn and wlII of cood water, c$v at tlm door vvilh other convenient vs. 1 A large and exrolient (iarden, is attached to aid prfimed, which is In giid rtnulition. Ha id propiriy i? rent rally located in Frpy, adjacent to the riteim favv Mill Lumb r Yard and lioat Yards, niliirding ti defhable risidencu, cither for h buriuebu so . mm or a tiriVTlo indivnlu I. - ?rj-fhuld thfnbu.- named property not bj- sold mi private snle, bMuro fc-aturdav, lit -tnh of lebiuary 11,. i. 11 win on mat uay, tm t.uered at ruuiic sale, on me premueq ut 1 n ctocK, v .11, Terms made known ou,ipplicalion to tin- Hubscriber. AllUAM AUVIMI, tfn. Jnn 9, la 0IIEAP FOR SALE at nm orrui or Tim COL milU A DEMO CI! A I POCKIIT UIAIIlllS. lor 1H.', ol vari.i.ta .lies, neatly got up and bound i it Turkey, llovtn's WcitiNu Inks, 111 irk, Ulue and Red, ill bailies ! iu tnrioiis sliapes ami sizes. IloiER'a Liquid Hair live, nliich uill color Hair and i&urd nerleetly blllrk i HraTiuMeav, romiirising pens holders, pencils, sealing wax. niaiih hooks, run i,s. a.r. CxTr.s Hi'v-sunae ( rtaia Altianibra Laid Note l'tiperand I'aury iluvelopes. ni.NKs, lleeds, Hcliool Orders, Marnae Cerliricatca. Justices, Constables and all oilier lorms ManiciM'., Hyrup of Varrow, Ague (,'iire, llhckhcrry tfrii), L'allle I'owder. Horse Liniment, i tc. niecutcd at al) Imik, hi various colors Aluava Ncally, Dec SO, If57 rlicaply and eipcdiliou?!)'. WATI IDIAKI2U AM) JKU'HIiLKK. aTllll iflMlsCUIIirall nspefidilly mfunnsllte . f ili7ni nl ltl...inl.nrrr n nit I 11 p niilil is iti I'mm. n..iftrnt. nt he tins nnental n a,(K.o i 1 ,509 I 1no L' I . T I V ...I loo mm i'cie Watch and Jewelry Establishment,' In IMoonithurs. on street otmnritc the Ui chance. in Ulse &. Wilson's Ituildmss where he oireri lo sell, on moderate terms, all sorts ol AVaichos, Clocks, 5rc.( Of superior qnaiitv, iito nnd .it low prices. CJ-CI.OCKS AM) WATCH i;s carefully and prompt, ly lepalrcd. Thfl public are invited ta call and ftsnm'ne, JOIIX WOOD. ninombtirc, Jin 2, ISJ3 1IOWAUD EXIMtKSS COMPANY. OUWAI'O and deliver paeknees vu ilie line oTthe L Poltsvile nnd lieadin.' L'att.iw isa . Wtlliamsport and V.te. aed WilliauKport nud I.iburn Kailutuli Ilrufu. Notes and Dills promptly rolkcied Oitirv -In CjietKiui ( rit r i r .ooiU rietnered aim (.ontis alii q (ft ct flioiif' Pn adtlptu 1 lei' v few $ wjaW , ' 'Accident on tho L. & B. R. If. g 'Wo loam that an accident occurroci. last Thursday morninp;, on tho I.ackawati- , , ' ,, , d i and Bloomsbura Hail Boad, near . . . , , . I'lytnoutli. It appcara that tuo up-train rn II cfftllC tr.ick, by which Col I J illm all ami n I.ady passenger were slightly injured, j with tcrious broakago to the Car. This is i the first accident on this lino and wo rejoico I thot it wa not serious In its consequences, LANDBKTIl'S AGHlCULTUKAb ?,. WAIIEIIOUSK. gSa: ,'i.. .. . Te.) 08.51 & 23 POUT1I SIXTH STREET, rVJSA I r,cnr tue siaio iionae.i ."tm r pmuinr.hFMUi. ''FN lloorsnf thiaapicl ils building er'Cted 1 lur Hie I'logirielots' triide. arc storid ullh Iteeds ritiil Iniiement- of Inlerest lo Farmers and Oanleiars. StXTV VliAltS 1 he suhicriliera ilesire to cnll the nueniiou of eicry rue inlerestld In fnrnillignnd f-itdetilng, lo ilielrwell sel-rtt it alniK nl AOIIICI'l.TltltMt IMPltF.linNTS k MACIIIMTIV. (Jrent variety of bnrlicultural tools. Wairaitled flaitbn nnil I'litwer Settls. Oiaea and Field Sect's of tin t reli.ihli ipialny The lii'ptenienli aobl l.y ua aro mes ty maiiul.ictiiri'tl at our 8tcam WorkSt, Pn 1 1 .i v in q mud up till eslti'itislittieut wlilinul recard to cxpen.e, Willi llio lunsl complete innrhiitery, lur III uiaiiiiiriiire ( f Mie vnrieui kiuda (if Agnrtili'urhl 1m pli'ineiita. we me now pi i pared lo aupplt nil altlrlfs In Una line tally einl. 11 not superior, to niiytliint of Ilm kind i ver bolero offered lo thi p'tltlic . l.nlidrelli'a I IVarrinleil (t.inlen Mill- Lave been licfnre the public for upw ii rd, of sixty yeat" their wide sireml pupulai 1 ity. and die irnsijtiily 'ncreusing deuiaiui iiom jrar I In year, ia the best uvtdenco ol' their superiority ov. r ullnlltels. f. Country Merehnnla ran be supplietl w lh seeda I in p ipers, or bulk, on the must teaaounhle te'nis, , llloitnlstl.le, near II r 11 ..I , Pa intr Garden Seed I ( louitds. colilalos three liiiudreil ami aetent) ucret, i anil Ii the Is not ctibliahment of Its kind in the ! world. I II. I.AXllRr.TH Sc. KOV, I Nos.oi mid tjutll Sixth street, ! Hoc 19 157-II Pbliidelpl.l VALUAI3L15 WILL I'llul'ElllY rpiIK subscriber ofl'errt for sale that do i slr.itit MMI property (titiuite in (IrcHiiwooft v,.t MJ, fnlnmlim (,'ditiity roimiftiits .TJ.H-. r.f a. (IHT t I f. I. Ii-at-i.. nf ftinnc. OvpnUot liijrlit rind ,i JJUelUVE IScvs" rin'l Uarnt Mcehc,1ti vf with a I rati of ox 3$w tV 1 M UV. It T . A V n Conciotiiiff ol JG0 ,i;nnfl The abovi' nilllnrf itMa icil ujmhi a HrtiTit Birriitn of Wnf r- mul in a nlihhor civlng nufiicicnt ciiFlom to knip Unn tunuicg coiHtaiilly 'Hit ftlmvp property in located 5 mile from Ilbcri Inn; and H ' r"ni iHlvlllf. 'lVrms.$Hl)iicasIi oi rurcivina possesion, and tbo nintiiiiilcr in three Piml J tl paniriits. rj-Tor turlher iipply tn the tibicribr i ti Turbut towiiiliip, iorthmiiLrrUniI co,, or nt'ilrr Ft Milton. P.i. Dec 19, 1?ft7.-&m HKAK TUB MILLER. CIUSTOMEUS to the Aqueduct Mill, vli' have itnceitled nccounlfj with Die ouburriber t'lrrUKH. ft.OUK. &p. . are rcpfttluiy mi ItUd, that ai they hnve been arominodatid I hope that they will now turommoil.ilc mo, and make iimm n y nient. WILLIAM IJLCRfl. Aiueduct Milta, Nov. 21, ie:". 1)11. WALTON'S AMERI0AN 1'ILLS. JOY TO Ttir. AFFLICTED ! YOUNfl AMCIUOA V1CTOK10U8H Nil Final 1 box of I'll 1m cures ninelV'ti inc cases nut ol a hundred. m li.ilam, no .Merrury, no orlor on the breath, rtn (ear ot deiertion. Two stnnl) pills a dose; tatele8 and liarmleHS ait water. Full directions arc given sotltnttlirtnatieiitcuncurelilnuelf ascertniu as with ihc advic of the most cip-rienced surgeon, and mueh buttfr with the advice of one ol little cxp'Tienre in this el.Tfg ol disease, hCNT BY A AIL TO A.VY PA UT OF Til E COUN' TUY" by enclosing one dollar to Dr. 1). G ll'clton.Tio, 15 North Seventh fct'ret. Im-Iow (luce, Phil ide'phift .1 Itbiral dhcount to the trails None genuine without tliii tertttcti MiMinliire oi U. (i Walton . Proprietor- Dr W tre-itiuerit for Self Alms', Weakness, A.C, is entirely ditferent fioiu ihu usual course- Ur XV, lias rued hundreds who have tried others without benellt. The treatment Is a certain to cure at tho sun is to rise, KhcIom a btatnp and addresDr.W n above. giving a lull hist"ry nl voiir case, ami lou will Llcsi the d iv ou made the ellorl to secure what Jb certain A KADICAL CUKC. Jan 30 ie53-12m PUKE NOH1G 10 AL C ABLVET. C-T. THE Plirenologicnl Cabinet of Fowler, Well NY,fc t;o,. late ttll Arch mr?et Philadelphln, h. bee 11 removed to Iti-JClH'snut st reel .Mi .Camk. v'wliohas hnd the mannsiint nt ot Hip establish-tf-O luent fur lh'1 list eighteen months, will continue in f.indnct iliebiMiiHiftum heretofore in all il branches. Standard wnrku on Au.itomy, Phvsiology, I'hrenn'oiy, Water Cure. I'hoiiocr.'pliy Kc eonttiutt on hard Pbreiiological ex.uiiltutiuua w ith w r 1 1 ten deer npt ions jjurn tla)!y. I'lireuology taught in private, 'n classes and in public Iffture-. All otdr-i sent by mail w ill meet with alten lion Hciidints id tieighlinrini; villages dt Jru g a krture i r C'Mtrso of leclnrf s nit PJireiiology.fur further inturiuatioit should adoros JOHV L CAriX, )2i Chesitut street, Pliiladtlplna. Dec 13. IP57 KEW UAIiniiti YAH I) IX HLOOMSCUIIG. HI RAM S. CAREY HAS opened a Marble Yard in Court Alley, opposite the Uictun-n. wh ro he is prepare.! to liuish.lhv bet work from Italian r American .MtirbVfor MOlSUMi NTS, TUiMUS, Toiub-misties, Tables, Mantles, Window-sills and len liU. l'ortlie ciiararier nud finiFh nfhiswork he refers la FiirhaHlin liax made is tills rounty Iff will furnish ursiiid for work or cxerute uuy tluil may bp fitrnMi fdtnlilin. Hi" work shall aiwn)s be suiitfaciory 1 u ii-t I a ml reiiBonablciii price. llljonisliiirs, lec f.lt5ii pni iiMim? mi p Avn LUlC-UUUO UAI.L AAJJ FEMALE iLiLJ'jiU X , ls i rrtHE WINTER TERM of thin In-tit-.tion will rnm ( A. 'ence tm MOVOAY, iho 4tli dav of Jiinua-y, L-33, U I Jiwtrmtiiin will be giviMi in all the hranches of an Academic and Cnui'in rrial l.duralion. J Tli'Tf wll nlo .it th opening ot the next organized u coiunlete Manual JMpirtmau, Tor the IVucnlion and training of Teucliers for Public Si h"U For farther particulars tie TKC3TKK8 Now Cotiitubits, Lnzeerne to. Pa. Her MO. Irf.17 EAGLK FUUXDHV, Kl.OUMSBUHG. Slovt ami TiiiMare. rj'HlI subtrnb'T Immii er'a'l a l;.rgo new rirk J I'uuiidry and .Mntliinc Shop, in place nt the va dn,'. is prep ired to imki- all kinds of c.istin- at tlm lowest pru s Plow? Cf.ii-Jiainly on hand, '1 h rub criln r Imh nNo ri-iii'H-ed his Tm fhnp fmni Mam st n tli Foundry lot, w here he has eicctcd a building ItogithT for Htov and Tinunre , I'lieCortking MMveKCMiiftift "f the VM. PKN'V rrAroMi;, uaiiii i'ook. vam.ihh ccmik nud JrmtUl'Mt lllt rTOVr.S nl all kinds, the Kn (,Y 'CiVt.lVUtlll All kinds of Spoilt, if .ii.nlt io order josnrn aiiAitPLUtid. IIUimOirg. Apt II 11. If-.)". N K V 0 A T f A G K K8TABLISH.MI2NT 7A' BLOQMSBU11G. la llio Ncw brick thrco Story Gorriago Factory, in Main below Market. Till; sutiHmticr uoutil ri'specifully .niriouncc to tlie public, th,t lie liajcoiiiineriretl ihc S UAIllilAUl'a & Wfi0 5IAK1NO UU-V SINKtiS, til nil ilal'ralli lies lie is lireiiirail Ineveeute nil nnler. 1 ami lias on band id reseiilannasortinenlornnisheil work I u Inch purchaser, uillSudil lu llieir advantage tocia-mine I'Ainixn. Will liedono in Hie most moiiiui and carefui manner and upon let ins which cannot t'.nl u, give aatislarUon, iitoomsburg, April Mif. 1113,1. 1) E N T rs"Tu "ivr" is. as. i3wiao siR(;ro. DKMIST. p,i,onMflnLKa. Columbia co., I Residence, first llruk briidin? below llartmau's no I on Mam ttreel, j pUSpnC'ITITMA' t'lT-m tu services f II lo the li'iies and centlmiin of Hlnomohurr atxt I vicinity li1 is prepared ti nttendtna I 'he virions npi-ranonf in iicnuitry, nm is provmcu wiiu me n est iniptovenieut . I'o rcc lai n Tccth Winch will if iiifi rtpd on pivot nr gold plate to look f wi-M as 'tit 'ft ir it i v A "upt ft oi t ur t I'ownrn tl I 6 r o V s "