COIiUMMA DEMOCRAT. LEVI L.TATC, lilllTOR, Bloomsbiug, Feb7l37l85S! OTATK CONVENTION. At a meet O Inn of Ihe Democratic Htntn Committee. Mil at Durhlrt'a Hale I. IMttliliutf. January 13, was Uttoleti,! lilt lhi neit Democratic Bint Convention he Mild at llnrrlHiwrj. on the 4th day of March next, Pursuant to said rcnolutlon. ilctrialai front tin sev rl PenntnriH auil Uiprescntatlre iliitrirls of Hie elate will convene in inn itaii o. me unmc ui "H" DouglnB-Dcinocrnts. Wlio arc tlio Douglas-democrats 1 Every Mack republican from Maine to Mexico, is a Douglas-democrat. In his war on the- administration Ihry liohl up liis hands, anil they pat liim on the back. While the Senator insists that his present position is the logical sequence of that of 1851; his Mark republican allies shout amen to his conclusions, though they (tented every position in his argument. If Douglas is right now, then the repub licans were wrong in 1850 i and if they were wrong, what has so suddenly and clTcctually opened the eyes ot every For the Columbia Democrat, Mn'. Eimorw The local department of a newspaper is, in every way, an interesting one, and to many renders tho most so ot rebellion Jn both Honiblo Murder at tho Poor House 1 by an Iusa Wo nro determined to avoid all compii-1 q Monday afternoon .. i ...... i . -nr. - . J canon anu uctau or laots. it o aim at, ouiy t . .... r no-netratc Within tho next few wcolts tho great grouping groat and admitted ones, and wo poor i0lls0 j (Jrccnsburg, Westnioro ran mi wjitmaotos union. l,im to put down tho xo uvury iruo Jjumuurai, xxuriu 2rrilories. ana oouui in ana oui oi con gress in tho United States. HKIDGK Ui'lTlNCJ.- HP IH.1II 13n1?I'0"l:?llll!rMvc.lnlil,ol,,0 f ..,., , 28th Ult.,all0r- ly.l..rb,iildH.on MK CcWred overU7i'! ilntthoUouiity . Ti1abi;,Nai,,'S7eriTrKrKr:Sf' Commissioners, nnirn llljonulililj, Tell 11, IfSi J. N. HuTmtssoH, R. J. llilBIMAK, frcrr'arirl, ren'atlvei.nttlie Capitol, on TnURSIUV. MARCH . ,J.u In . M n nrilflnl.B IOP JUllffO of tlie 'fliipre'me fiiutl anil Canal CommlMloner, anil individual ill tllC party. Blalicll, TraV. for the iransncilon of sueli othe-business n pertains ' . " 11 it lint' CAM'.W. rnatrmm. , .... , ..... ... rt . t is not an mis 111c result 01 ins opposi tion to the administration ! Is it any love for Douglas, any belief in iiis doctrine of popular sovereignty I Look around you Douglas men and sec where you arc standing see if you arc not in the very midst of a crowd.halc Icltows well met, with whom you have lately been at war. Observe into how sudden favor, men heretofore known as democrats, have any page of tho paper i but the interest question of tho admission or rejection ofppoalio tho records or past ovonts to sus- ,and cmmly ra( hy all insano irishman Jnly t?. i" I'iul c. continues only so long as tho information. Kansa3 into th UnioD wlU lmvo o bo tain what wo have said; and now tho namcll t,,.nj(I8, 'flic volm, child, t0A,e'y,j', ,h0 " given is now and reliable. When it ceases! decided. Her admission will depend on question is, wuat istliobcatmodo ot fiuouing who90 motlcl..H nams, js j-KIrz. Dennis, to havo these qualities it becomes at onco j 11,0 dnoeratio Parly aln. 'Iii0 blaok" 1 tll0S0 two concerted rebellions t Concerted, ig (ll0 man who sf)mo two ycarg ag0( was a nuisanco and a pest. I invariably turn 1 "publicans will, of course, voto against for thcro is now no rcasonablo doubt that, tried in our Uourt for arson, in burning to tbo local column of tho Columbia Dem. ucr- -uioro is now, ami always uaa uccu, utc ituacrs oi vom tiro, aim nuvo ucon, ,)l0 uarn of a Mr. Noel in Deny town- a perfect understanding among tlio mom. acting witli perlect liarmony of plan and B,jjle jj0 waa acquitted on tlio ground bersof that party, whether in or out of tho purpose. ' of Insanity, and whs ordered hy tho Tho government is now in tho hands of Court, to bo confined at tlio poor House, tho democrats. Its President, its cabinot, 1 as a man unlit to run looso in society. its Congress aro democratic, and liavo been ! Ho has been an inmate of that institution, I More or icm, iioumieii madoo by tho voice and voto of tho in dividual democrats throughout the nation A common responsibility, therefore, rests Innit ! i.Vn'r; Jiiel.T.iT. "A!"'11. JLTO 0" ... 7r.T. ,1.,. van uu I o-n on ibn ame day after tlio Iclllnj, tho old brl.lj Uyordcr of tho County CommlMlon'ffi, HOUCRT C. riiUlT. Clttk. Tho Kansas Message. We republish on tho outside of tho Columbia tkmoerat to day,!llio ablo and convincing mossago of President Buchanan, acoompanying tho transmission to Congress, of tho Constitution of Kansas. Wo need not say thatjwo are impressed: with tbo importance of this subject, nor that wo grown with tho opposition ask yourself regard the President a3 clearly right and wi,ethcr this new friendship is on account eminently sound in his views ; tho fact that 0f your flrm, consistent and reliable do wo republish thcjlmcssage is proof upon mocracy ; and if not why I those points, and wo ask for it a cool and Remember the story of the spider and dispassiunato reading. To our mind, the the lly. reasoning of tho President is as clear and ! uuanswerablo as u mathematical demon-! Black-Republican. Consistency. etratiou i it proves him- to possess J what bad j j Wiih a few exceptions, those who oppose I the admission of Kansas into the Union under the constitution framed atLccompton favor its reception under that manufactured by tbo bogus convention at Topcka. The latter, they profess to think, is a model of justico aud wisdom, wbilo the former is full of gravo objections, ono of tho gravest o: ,.t.:i. : .t, f,ii,.:n . A !.., .Infivitinn nml dnlraetW In the , "mv" ,u" 4V"U "'UB , . , " Seo. 14, After the year ono thousand tare ot abuse anu uenunciaiio... no iaKes ( cigutnundred nnd sixty four, whenever the the repotiiibility ; aud wo havo no hesila- legislature shall ihink it ncccsary to tion iu saying that tho great heart of the amend, ahcr, aud ch.iugcthis constitution indeed beon universally accorded to him from tbc beginning, eminent ability, pro found statesmanship and a safe conscrva tisu; and it proves hiju too, to possess in the very highest degree, that glorious charac teristic, aud abst lutely necessary qualifi cation, without which no man can be a statesman, Jackson firmness. democratic patty tlut elected him, ii with wcy snail recommenu to mo electors, at ,. , .f , , . ... j,. tho next goncral election, two-thirds of tbo mm land tbo only men who will go down ' , b e . , ' '. ' members of each house coneurriig, to voto m ibis storm, aro i hose who have raised for or against calling a convention." tneir toices agiusi me aunumsirnion. .j. provision) jt j3 contended, prevents litis now Kansas excuciuoui win soon , nitcrDation or amendment of tie con vcur iteli out, tuo lermory wm tpeeuny stitution until alter tbo vear 1804. Sun bo admitted as a state, tho question "HI pose it does, (which wo by no means admit,) pass from tho minds of mcu, and with it will pass the names of those who raised it. They have lost their hold on the hoart of tho people, they aro regarded as unsafe and unreliable, aud an ctcrnal'rctircment awaits tbc termination of their official career. It Is truo, in Pennsylvania, wo have been staggered by a blow, from an unex pected quarter; tho fruits of our victory have teen quietly surrendered to the enemy, and tho party finds itself subsidized. Now is tbc time, therefore, to look to tho great Leader whom tbey followed so gallantly through tho roar and smoke of the contest of 50, and closing their invincible and serried ranks around htm, bear tho gallant old champion, on their filial shoulders, to a full fruition of their own and his viciory. Wrest from tho bands of Congress, tho J3Uck Republicans and their traitor allies, the Territory of Kansas, by insisting upon its admission as a state, and when that is done, wc can securely rest upon our laurels. "Until that consummation, nothing is won After so hard fought a contest and so brilliant a victory, are wo to be paralysed in tho enjoyment, aud havo our prisoners plurk tbo fruit from our hands t Wo have said, and we repeat it, tho people will Bustain tho President, and Pennsylvania, notwithstanding lato events, will stand by Buchanan. They will not, they dare not desert him. If they do, whero will they go I They will go ovor to tho black re publicans, epposo tho admission of Kansas m a state, and hand over tho people of that territory for another year, to the tender mercies of Jim Lane and tho freedom el-riekers. For that wo do not believe tho people are prepared but tho question bas only two tides rejection and agitation, or admission and quiet with vvhat consistency can the friends of tbc Topeka constitution object to it, when they know tint tho constitution contains I ho following stringent prohibition against alteration and amendment " Stc. 4. No convention for tbo for malioo of a new constitution shall be called, and no amendment to tho constim tion shall by the general assembly bo made, before the year 1805, nor.rnoro than onco in fivo years thereafter." Philadelphia Democratic Couvcntion. This great body met last week in the City, and at tho end of tho third day's pro ceeding, after appointing Delegates to the Fourth of March Convention, passed resolutions unanimously in favor of tho ' Kansas policy of the National Adminis tration." Tho opponents of tho Adminis tration fought fiercely but woro utterly foiled and vanquished, Wo rejoico to know, that tho strong holds of the Demo cracy of Pennsylvania most unmistakeably uphold tho wisdom and endorso the princi plc3 of 'James Buchanan. ocrat beforo I read tbo marriages and deaths, tho talcs nnd anecdotes, or even tho learned political disquisitions of tho senior editor or his ablo assistant. Hut I confess thatjfor somo timo past I have been dieappointed in my reading. There seems to bo Sn many cases great carelessness in composition and 'great in accuracy iu facts two things against which a local, paragraphing'cditorshould sedulously guard.Lct mo pointj,out in your IocbI column ofJan. 90th, somo ex amples of tbo faults I mention. S&" Wo aro exceedingly bard up for locdl news. Wo should like very much to havo our friends keep us posted in Jocal news, provided always, tltey can find somi. Tho construction of that wholo para graph could worse, and we shall not point out any particular fault. tcs- We aro pleased to seo tho indivi dual improvements going on in Hopkins- villo. Why individual ? Is somebody chang- ina and nmendinir his modo of lifet The word individual would indicate something of tbo kind. Why Ilopkinsville t Docs the local editor not know, that by act of Assembly that plaeo has become a part of Rloomsburg, and should be so spoken of? Call it East Rloomsburg, if jou will, but not ilopkinsville. Scg Scarlet Petticoats. Rod petticoats arc coming in fashion. Why not say into fashion ? Or better perhaps say, Red pet'icoats are coming to bo tho fashion. I will not stop to inquire how the local editor knows that to be the fact. If it is really so, I am satisfied. I only want to be sure. Lock ur Your Houses. Frequently we bear of peity instances of theft iu dif ferent sections ot the county. Why not say " we frequently hear of instances of petty theft, &o(" Doubtless that is what tho editor intended to say. Thcro is. a diffcrenco between " petty in stances of theft" and "instancos of petty theft." Thcro is, I believe, in the law, petty larceny and grand larceny ; and it is tho former kind, to which we presume tho local paragraphistrcferrcd. f Is Friday an Unlucky Day 7 Tho year 18C8 begins and ends on Friday, January, April, July, Octobor and He cembor, end on Friday. There are fifty three Fridays in tho year. Wo trust, however, that it will not prove moro disas trous than 1857. Tho ncgligenco that would pen that paragraph ought to be cracked over tho knuckles. It is truo tho year begins and ends on a Friday, But tho month of Jan uary ends on Sunday, July ends on Sat urday, and October ends on Sunday. Territory, to prevent tho settlement of tho slavery question and to kocp it open for perpetual agitation and mischief. Tho wholo matlcr, therefore, rests wiih tho democratio party. That party has from year to year, and from election to election, SHERIFF'S SALKH BY vlrtuo of o will nl llcrl r.iclji in uio direeird, wilt lie .ioo.l Id public mile, nl Iho (.'oull lli.ntr. i,, 111 .liili.atil, r. n hllv.ti n-. .. .... . . . 1 1,1 .....j, -.tin oayoi l rltruarv. .M.. Ilio following fciute, 10 Jer- iVcic, lllion, More or leaa, hounded mi alio Norili l,yn mad p,tiMi. from Mid town to Jllllvll'el on il,o Jo.itU by lot of WOlllll Hie widow Wetllvers on It.-. Hnal by Will in. llntbe, lilouiniburir. on ti.iinrdty, (iio qth, day HIBl.t Dl I D CIOCK, 1 Will All llul crrinln lotorploco of hud, iliuate In icytown, Columbia county, containing Unc-I'oiirlh of an exerted itself to tho utmost to bring Kansas I on a)i dcmocrats,1is well .n office as out of oihco, to Quell these rebellions, and to restore law and order to both Kansas and Utah, Tbero is no cseapo from this responsibility on tho part of democrats, whether they aro in publio posilions or privato Hfo, Tho President placed in power by the democratic party says to Congress, quell tho rebellion in Utah by sending thoro a ever since, cvidt'nllv insane ho v l l e l . l i .1 r llnd " Wi'it by lot of Ncul .Mi Cgywii, , ., IlC 111 bed for about a Week, and then Tor , ereilc.l n Tno glory frame I)vrcl."'Y,-''Wi. ! ,., . , , , . r . . r .1 ' Willi Uio upptirtennncra -'n",al"'! u uivr punuu Keep uu ins iuui musi ui mu up to tho point which sho has at last reached of standing at tho door of Con. gross with her constitution in hand, re publican in its character, knocking for admission, Tho democrats alono havo brought her to this point. Tho opposition, or black republicans, on a former occasion brought time without exhibiting any indication of vicious habits. On Monday last a young lady who teaches a private school in this Itorough, at the earnest request of a number of her ivt'm"'l.'"!k'!" V",1"'" Hi" properly of ritlntaa Wiiiiver. cieerawd, in tl.e lml. or liii ndmlni.tralor. Ncuolt Wei liver. AtSO, lly virtue ofacveral ivrlu ornaiNthaf upnuio mo directed will be told, nl th! rauin lime nnd plncn.all Hint rirlnltl lotorpi'Teol laud, tltunte In Cinylown, Scott ton n. Nip, Columbia county, containing fit width thirty pevctl, be Iho hnioe moro or leaa. nnd In ticpili one hundred mm any leel more or Inn, bounded 1 I on II, f tin. II, l.v mi nil., .... . lllipils, visited tllO Poor IIOUSC, aCCOIll- ,'ofanldlpwn on the imlhy lot ortl.c Lutheran tlmidi, ' ' noil on Hie wot, lt ... o. ' tied by somo twenty of her largest, 11 erected a Two Storv scholars. Tho Steward, Mr. IlAsnmn, ramo Dwelling House, pann accompanied the lady, and her school children through a portion of the building when ho was called into the office on business. The lady visited tlio basement of the building, and in the long hall met Dennis, who showed evidence of excitc- ber beforo Congress, also, holding the powerful and afficicnt army to subdu Topeka constitution in her hand, and do-1 RHghain Young and his leading coadjutors, mantling admission upon that a constitu- and ititg tbclll t0 juU an(1 logal puuih. tion not founded on any lawful authority monti As to KansaSi he say3 that aftor whatsoever, but created against all law, all htlvio cono tLrou,. manv tribula.!on, nm1 constitution, all usage ever knownof in trials while in tho midst of rebellion, and !mcllt !lt tho children ho appeared to thiscountry. When sho stood and knocked .11 n.- imnpdimr.r,li 1ii,li T.-ino .,,,1 want to Khun them rubbed his hand for admission into the Union on tlio Topeka Robinson, the secret aid societies, and tho ' mu' "hied oil' to 011c side. After passing constitution, founded solely nnd exclusively black republicans every whero havo created, ' tMC o'Wrcn he proceeded to the hall door nnrehcUion, every democrat in Congress Ri,n nt last stands nt Hm lnnr nf nnnnm i "here the child aged between one and promptly voted again.t reociving her. vfith a constitution admitted on all bauds lwo 'cars v.v ,ling. He stared : Now she comes with a constitution founded , ta i,G clnin(nilv 'rrntihli'naTi1' 'nrmnrl bv a moment, then took it by the feet tt it and on and sustained by the regular legislation a jegai 00nvchtiin ; admitlcd by Walker slruuk it3 ll0ai' wi, (""'cc 011 ,lie of Confess, the regular legislation of her' ami Canton and Douglas, and Bilost 1 'loor sill, knocking out its brains and kil own Territory, and on tbo free and indo-' everybody else, (but James Lane.) tohavo,lh, h isl!l,,.v' Aiother insane man pendent voto f every citilen of Kansas been a legal convention-a constitution I "ameJ M,LLEB- who Wi,s car at 1,alul who chose to give bis vote. Such is tho voted foP( a3 it relat(;S to tlie onU ditputtd . sprung at him to seize him, but failed to present attitude of Kansas. She is at tho suhjut embraced in it, by every' bona fide sec"r,! him' Densis thcu ran nl" of tlll! door of Congress. She must be admitted inhabitant who had a mind or wish in ' 'art1' mot onc r t,lc mal G'ng or rejected. Thero it no ilterna Ivo, no vote a constitution which can bo moulded middle course. There she Btands. You and shaped after admission into tho Union must let her iu or send her away from your jU3t as tho pcoplo from timo to time may door. Which shall bo done ? If you determine. Kansas, etandiiic at tho door reject and send her away, tho black-rcpub- 0f Congres with such a constitution as lieana ot tho Territory will raise the shout 1 tbi3) the President udvises, should ho ad towards the house, struck him 011 the head with a stouo inflicting a severe wound. He ran down the road near where some inmates were chopping wood. , Hon. 1'aul Leidy. A i it is possible that the position of ' r Congressional Heprescntatvc, lion. P ul Leidy, may not be fully understood, r. may be misrepresented ; because his name does not appear among tho votes o tho proposition of Mr. Harris of 111,, to t f.-r the President's Kanses Message to select Committee. We deem it due to J'ini, to ouiselves, and to the party, to ex plain that Mr. Leidy, in view of coming homo to attend Court in Danville, had greed to pair off with Mr. Reilly of franklin County, who had already left 1 . home. Mr. Leidy, U decidedly and clearly w ". the national administration, 011 this --tion j was in his scat when the vote ' taken, and at the call of his name, ur "ie an'd stated, that, but for the agree ni".)t with Mr. Ileilly, he would have so viU'.'. There was no dodging on hjJ f . , -tnd he stands fairly beforo his con - .1 ,?')ts on the side of Buchanan, and r .'"tenting fairly the sentiments of the Ij 'moeracy of his District. Wc arc glad to assure him that he needs .1 to continue hia straight forward ., to bo sustained hy tho whole 'y of tho party, which in sound to tho B-Blackwoods Magazine, for January 1858, being tho beginning of a new vol ume is on our table. Its leading arti cle is a most excellent one on "Hunger and Thirst," It contains Part VIII of Uulwcr's new storv. The bells of Botreaux, a legend. Bcrangcr and also somo articles on tho Indian mutiny. Now is the time to subscribe, Leonard Scott & co 5t Gold street, New York Three dollars per annum in advance. jQUlf there is as much crying for mer cy belotv, as there is for money here on earth ) the description of the awful weep ing, and wailing and gnashing of teeth, in the former place, is not overdrawn by the sacred writers. And if it is as utter ly useless in the first case, as tho experi ence of most of us has found 111 the second; then indeed may thoc who enter thcro, abandon hope, Resumption. The Banks or Philadelphia aro now navinir out Kiiccic tor their notes. The Hanks of Haltimurn, Georgetown, Wash ington City aud Pittsburg havo also re sumed. So also havo the Hank of" Ches ter county, Bank of Danville and other country Banks, and a general resumption may be expected before the first of April BSuTho Democracy of Clearfield held a meeting in the borough ol Clearheld.on Tuesday of week beforo last, and adopted resolutions approving the course of tho President and that of Senator Biglcr on the question of the admission of Kansas into the Union as a State. i?Wc are indebted to President Uu v . w for a copy, tinder liii own frank, - prvial Mc'vage on Kansas .itlans. Appolntiueut by the Governor. Eowin 0. Wilson, Esq., of Venango County, to bo adjutant General of Petin sylvauia, in place of Thomas J. Power, Esq., resigned. Samuel It. Wood, late of Chulasky Furnace, Northumberland county, died in Philadelphia 011 Tuesday last, aged 07 yearn, EQ,May people think that it is the iditor and not the paper they buy for two ilnllai' a year, For tht Columbia Demotral, ROOK PAINT. Col. L. L. Tate. Knowing that you are over anxious to communicate to the numerous readers of the Columbia Democrat, all matters of interest and importance' whether in relation to Arts, Sciences, or Discoveries I propose to add my mito to the list of gratuitous contributors for the "dissemination of useful knowledge Having recently had occasion to test the good clfects of the preparation called Rocfi Fawt, gotten up and used to some extent in this neighborhood, during the last five years, by our enterprising neigh bor, Mr. Nathan Case, of Espy, I cheer fully recommend it as the cheapest and best Paint, now extant for out-door pur poses. I have used this Paint in paint ing my Barn, which is a beautiful light Brown or between a brown and red color. with the appearance of which I am well pleased, and think I would bo safe in saying that all who have tested its good qualities will concur in recommending it to more general use. Mr. Caso has ta ken a wise course in permitting his Paint to recommend itself, as it is now doing, by which means it will work its way into general confidence for why should w go abroad for that which is to be obtained so cheap and found iu gTcat abundance in our own fertile 1 1 ills and Valleys. Let us encourage domestic cntcrpri7.c. JOHN KOWSON, Farmer, Scott twp., February 1, 1858. We seo by tho Court records that the two counterfeiters, V uite, ol Buffalo, nnd Lawrence, of Eppiny;, N. II., havo been placed under tn thousmd dollar bonds each, for making and selling imitations of Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. This is right If tho law should protect men from imposi tion at all it ccruiniy should protect tbcm Irom being imposed upon by a worthless counlcrlcit of such a medicine as Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. We can only complain that tho punishment is not half enough. Tho villain, who would for paltry gain, deliberately trifle with the health of his fellow man, by taking from their lips tho cup of hope, when tboy aro sinking, and substituting a falsehood an utter delusion, should be punished at least as severely as be wLo counterfeits the coin of bis country, Grtin Co. Ilanner, Carrollton, III. of jny and of gladness, and as sho retires the same party in Congress will follow her into the wilderness, and whisper words of encouragement to furthor civil war and rebellion. 'I his brings us totho prooiso object of writing this article. Nothing but rebellion has complicated this wholo subject. It was rebellion that prompted the black-republican? to rcfuso tfi register themselves as required hy law. It was rebellion that induced them to refuse to voto at any and all tho various elections wbioh from time to time have brcn bcld in order to seouro tho popular rights of a free "government. It was rebellion to raiso up the self-created government of Topeka against tho lflgBl government created by Congress. It was rebellion that elected a governor (Robinson) to displace your governors appointed by the Exccutivo of the United Siitcs under tho constitution. It was rebellion that appointed a general (Lane) with bis myr midons to fight against a general (Harney) and his army, scut thcro to put down tho rebellion, and to seo that tho laws of the United States and of tho Territory wero duly and lawfully executed, It was re billion that furnished them, from several of tho northern States, with mon, money, and arms in order to carry on this civil war against all tho first principles on which our government was founded by Washing toe, and tho other fathcra of tho republic. But thcro is another chapter on rebellion that must bo read in connexion with this ono in Kansas. Congress organized several other Tcrri toricsofthc United States, all of which, except Utah, iu pursuanco of law and the constitution, aro quietly enjoying all the blessings of civil andrcligiousliberty. Not so with Utah. In a short time, and, we might say, simultaneously with Kansas, sho, too, openly rebelled against the United States. Tho governor appointed by tho United states openly renounced our authority, proclaimed himself governor by usurpation of the tide, raised his army, appointed his generals, and is now in full, open, undisguised rebellion against his country. Such is tho condition of affairs in two Territories of the Uuited States, Utah and Kansas in open, undisguised rebellion against liw and order. Brigbam Young is tho leader iu tho one, and James Lane beads tho army in tho other. To put down this rebellion the President has stationed an army in both territories. mittcd into the Union on terms of equality nith the other States of tho Union, Air. Buchanan is a democrat; bo was put at tbo head of tho nation and tbc party by democrats, As President of tho United States, ho bos been braved iu Utah and Kansas by Brigham Young and James Lane. Ho has met their treason with great forbearanco and kindness ; but tho time has come now when, in tho discharge of his imperative duty, ho is obligfd to appeal against them to Congress and tho country sent, in person, Mr, Hammkr who was in pursuit hallooed to them to stop Dknnis. They attempt ed to do so, when he ran violently against one of them, throwing him down and breaking his collar bone. Beforo Di;n NI6 had recovered his feet, Mr. IIammi 11 caught him, a struggle ensued, Hammer I struck him two or three times with his fist, when assistance arrived. The mur , derer was secured in chains. Tho Fight in Congress. A member of Congress who was witness to the difficulty in the Howe, on Saturday What democrat that was pro-. 0 r " s 6" at Cincinnati when' ,. ' " ,, ho was nominated; what democrat in all1 X- . J . t- , ' I makiug any remarks, Iveitt said, if yuu this broad land that voted for bun in his I aro going to object, return to your sido of election, can now draw ou Irom him ant , the House. Grow rcspanded that this 13 go over and stand by the side of Lano I Yet, to vote against Mr. Buchanan's re comraondation to let Kansas into tho Union is it net to join and vote with Lano and his associates, whoso perpetual cry is, " Yple against her I" " keep her out I" " Keep her out!" There is no unsoundness in this argument. Tho democrats arc right on this issuo, or tbo republicans aro right ; James Buchan an is right, or James Lano is right, And no good domocrat will catch at nice and a free hall, and every man has a right to bo where ho pleases. Kcitt came up to Grow, aud said ho wanted to know what ho moaut by such an answer as that. Grow replied that ho ment just what ho said that this was a free hall, aud a man bas a right 10 bo whore he pleases. Kcitt, taking Grow by tho throat, said, " I will show you. You know you aro a damned Black Republican puppy I" Grow knocked his hands up, saying, " I shall oocupy such a place in tbc hall ns I please, and no nigger-driver cau crack bis whip over met" Kcitt then ajniu grabbed Grow by tho throat, and Grow knooked his hand away, unnecessary aisunctsons in orocr to enrol when Ksitt C3rao at j,im. Crow then himself, in or out of Congress, on tho sido knocked him down. Tho fight took place of Lane, the traitor and robcl. Thero is not (wo believe) ono democratio district, North or South, in this Union, when history shall duly record tho great faets in this case, that will support, by democratic sanction, the exclusion of Kansas on the Lccompton constitution. What would bo tho fate of any democrat, in or out of Congress, who should refuse to voto supplies or soldiers to crush tho existing rebellion in Utah? Tho black republican enemies of democracy and her President, and ber Congress, may voto to favor Brigham Young, and put their oppo sition on the ground of undying hatred to democracy and all its ways ; but how can any democrat hold up his head and look ono moment on tho convention at Cincin nati, and the glorious platiorm which it ordained, and then not stand firm by James Buchanan I Wo repeat, that no democrat in tbeso days of obvious disregard of law and order in Utah and in Kansas, nnd indeed in manyotber quarters, will fail (in our judgment) to stand firm and unflinch ing on bis principles firm and unflinching to tho President of his choice firm and unflinching to that nation il democratic party which is now, amid tho loosening tics of social order, the last and only hope at twenty minutes to two o'clock this morning. Grow and Kcitt have both appologizcd! Another remarkable cure or Dyspepsia Boston, July 3, 1851. Gentlemen. Agreeably to your sugges tion, it gives mo pleasuro to stato, that somo fivo weeks ago, I purohascd two bottles of your Oxygenated JSiltcrs, and commenced using the samo according to directions, and experienced the happiest effects. I had been troubled with dyspepsia about three ycais. During tho warm season, and at times, was obliged to give up all attention to business ; and although I had n. Stable. With the nonitrletinnreo. Heircd, -Hid taken in execution hi the properly of Jitnc Ah'jnlt, deceased, In llin haniU'of Ocorse W. Abbott, Adluinhtrator ol Jane Abbott, decerned .. , ALSO, At the same time and plneo, nil Hint rcrtnln lot or puce of land, illuato iu Wcdjeiowu, Hemlock town snip, Columbia county, containing One-Fourth of an Acre, lie the eaiuu more or los, bounded on til" Norih by an nlley.nn the West by n rod Icndinc from lllooninliurr In Jersetowii,on the Sou'li-lltst by n ron.l; tvhmecii U erected a one and a half mory Frame Dwelling House, A Tramn Pttblo, n good Well or Water, with tin ap purlen nreit. Wclzeil, and taken In cxciuilon at the protxrly of mills Olrton. ALSO. At Hie r-ame time nnd, nil ilut ceitnln io rontI(uou lots or picres of lind. ituate i n iLu buroujtti ofllcrwick, Columbia county, containing Ono Acre, la the Rime moro or ieri, Imutided on Ihe Northern side of from street of said tiorouchnf l!rwlfk, on ihe nnl liy n lot formerly of Robert M'l'nnl on the p n r I It by Si'rnnd street, on Ihe West by rinotl.-r lot, formerly ol'llobort M'l.'urdv, nnd on the oiilhey From slt.el, b-inc together ninety leel ou I'miil strict nut! ol tend in' bark one hundred Ulld oighly-olo mid one hall feet to Second Urerl, and being numbered .V ami Hi in the said ooroii-li of II. mick, .villi tin npptuteunucrft. Seized, and (alien iu execulio i n. Ihe properly of Tliumjs'ltukcr. MErnr.N ii. Mii.r.mi. FhcrilT's Office, I Sheriff. r.lonruslitirc, Fib 13, 1S5. SPLENDID GIFTS AT -13!) OilE'STNUT STREET, PUlUWLLPlUjt. The. Only Original (.ill Hook Store. Gi G CVAXrf w en id I it fori.) In 'riftuN nnd the r imtilic ili..t In him rnniiYcil liti Hinr riltt ttoek fmrt' ninl t'ilihti:i IIuiih, to ihf Kih m'l't Si ore ni Itrmvii' Iron lltiililm;:. 4:i I Circs Unit airn-l tno .((.(ii In lovv t'Htli, wlieic tile p-irclidrr "I emit look u ill receipt' one of tin I iUi mp jiillf- valiicil ui Irnm US cltf. to SllW, ruiU'iiig ol (Jolit Wut rites, Jfvilfy,At. WllltTM raieni uniien j.cvcr uni i watciitP, Jurti-'ni ihriinr j,, 40 Ltdiea' (loM H'.iirli' n?k cno, dim Hilvi r I'i'vrr VV.itcIii's, uttrraiitttl, fiUuriirJor Tinu iiieruB. SDOCauMo Sf-tn, l.tir l)topn Htitl Tins. IiiulitV Ciilil llrnrf lels, 00 Celt I'd Vf r L'linhiR, lUlHMlnlit LorKUs, Inrgr mzc, HOW) C.oUl I.nckdfMtmill Ui JUOUCdM LVncil Uii'cn, nith Col.l rum, I'M 10 Txtra (j'ulri l'i 11, Ouv smt Iloldiiv, 2iH) Uold 'eiicilti. l.ndifH Vs'H Lndk-s' GoM I'etis.ullh Cases, 0"uo Cull Ith'L'r", Ladic' '."DO CtiH'd Uoltl Uiliffa, Luiliv' iota lli:tiitiin :UifJ Mift(fi' (itiM llrcahtninv, 3000 I'm k't Kniv-'R, Si'OO P-ils (Senl's (Jul.l Itnuotn Simla. OOI'O t'o do Hh-'-VP Rullons, '.'noot'airg Indies' Tnr drops, MVO LaiIicm Vvntl ;jrtl LWn( I5.MKJ Umiipu Ji-tor r.r c Pun, '.VioO Liulii's IJanieo 1 ninl IliliSori Vint, 5U00 i-'elriihfp'H IUI111 ot I Hid Pin u era. 1IVANH' NUW CATALOG 111 cnnlniin lill llm mint po liooks nf llie it.t, iiml the iifUft tnliirnlinni. ull of nhich iil Iio foM ns Irnv tin can be ob'uinfil at tit It or slnrci. A tnmplclc rntalouue nt tiookv fpul frer liv nuphcahoti tliroiijli idu tmul, by uJiJrf miug O tl . I1VANS, 420 ClicHiiiit fctr IMiilaitdpliia. Afeuu waned In I'vcry loun in the Uiriicd Miteit. 'itione (Icairlni to iu net can uLinin lull iinrtirulttrs ly uiJ ilri'fsing tis atiovti N It. In citiiBcqticncc nf the mo my crifid. ami nu HKrv)U4 f.tihircx, tiie t-ulicrilxT has la-m eiiiihled to jiurrlnpc from ftigpirv an iimiif-nsf ttork of dcokR. litnlj racing cvtry (l('i.iriini'iit or Iilrrriture at unrett which will coaMp him in yv' S5iu uorili of the utove giluon cvrry SKKNlot I k sold An uxirn lionk. with a gift, will be sent tn encli ptf mn ordering TUN books to bo Bent to un uditrcis, by Ux press. TO-SUND TOR A CATAI.OdUK.a Jan 3D, ie;-i OAMBHA AND ttLOOMSHUKG MAIL COACH UNt. fiMlH umleraiBiiiMl would inlorm the traveling public, L that be lus become the j-ropridor of ihe bbov naiimd Itnuie, and has prciurril him-elf with liii- bust Ktxii or iiottsr.s ami a nliv tkuv cuacii, for the accommodation of ih travcliritr public Ilia 'Jojctt will run,. is hcrerof r. Til wiekly, hiUvtcen ItUJOMrfllUKO AM) IMMIiltA, I.pavins i'.unbra evcr Mondav UVilnt-sday and Fri day innrniitgB, at 0 o'i lock, A. M .arriving nt lllnom burn nt bull past 11 o'cloclx A M . hi linxr to couiitrt wiih tbfi rillLAIinU'HIA TRAINS nt Kupcrt Htalion Sniiihtiml Wt'st, Leading lilonniHtnirR fnrli day nf Ida regular trips, on the nrrivtil of tbq riillidelptiia Mails, and itrnvfB at Cauibra at lialf past 8 o'clock name evening. Iteffuliir stopintip plnrrn ou caii Route arpnfnlnnf : NUW COhU.MIllJS, URANRCVIIJj; k I.U1HT rtT. flJ-The patronigc of tho rnniniunily it nnhcitert, nasnred that it will I Uie ambition of the Proprietor to rrndcr gfnoral t-alif fiction. I'reight, Hufiirngc, A.C., rarrlcd hi mod ;' pricrs. Canibra, December 1. FALL ARRIVAL. Qa "f IU 0 . T1II1 undersigned, ftr.itrful for past imtronaite. re specllully iiifirtus Ins cistomers nud the iuil,iie eenernlly, llmi ho lia, just rcreived from the Caiieru dti's. the Inrecst nnu most seleit slock ol 1 00 til) 3H till l'i tin 1U0 in On 13 to !3 qi IU CI) 3 HD 3 ID 111.11 J fit) 1 11 1 till UTS S ill 1 Ml 3 (iu 3 DO 2 'M i til) 3 UU i UU FALL AND WINTER. CLOTHING Thnt Ills yet heen niionedln Itlooulsl'llrir. tn whirl. l.I tlio advice of manv rronJ nhviioinna T i ijivlie; tl" ntteniiou of his friends, nnd ussures them mu uuit.o ui juuu jjuiiu puysiotHDB, 1 was unit they nro ollereil lor ni'n nt croit li.tre.ilns Ilia confined for sis weeks to the house, and: s'oco,,,prUesuia,l,on.o,i,,,entor .... . t . , 1 Gcutlemen's oariii' Appirel, continuca to grow worso, until I took yourlco tinu of fasiiionaiii.i: Biicisi (;oAra o( medicin"; ; I am now almost cured of every Tho army of tho United States has heen found, so far, inadequate to both purposes. 0f our country, It was suUieicnt lor either, but not lor -- both, Tho President, hopim; that return- Sprained Ankles and Wrists can disagreeablo symptom, and ablo to do business as, The wholo credit of my rcstortlion to health is duo to the Oxygenated Hitters, Your obedient servant. AltNElt SMITH. Central Square, East lioston. SetiiW. Fowi.f.& Co,, 133 Washincton Street, lioston, Proprietors, Sold by J. ; Si'?. "rhcW.'tVn inrMr H. Moyer, Bloomsburg, ever v ni'c mmon : rani vrai. a ria rtUUb. Stocks, Oottiin HandkrrrhiefFjlnPf, fuvipndrri, &.u Gold Watt' lies and Jticetiy Of every drirriptlon fine nnd cheap N. U Uenieml-fr "Uvtubttg9 theep Finrortvn." Call and co , Nu clinrg fur etsininii.g fin di. n, . a nn "AVID LOWUNHEUO. Bloonin'nirg Aug 23 ln7 Brick! Brick! lirick! GREAT UriRGAINS. T7IVE nUNDRED THOUSAND 1 ritlMi: ltlllrjIC. lust turned mil .1 1U ......1 Cloomsliurt;, Jan 0, It. II. ARTIlUlt. !D SI A 'f Q (D S3 WflSQ". V K i 11 K ing reason and patriotism might dispcnso;bo relieved of all swelling and pain in 5 to with tho army in Kansas, was about to! 30 minutes by tho free uso of Duvall's order General IUrnoy and his troops io Galvanic Oil, It net by imparting Elcc W'leViiW ov. proceed to Utah and rut down tho rebel- tricily to tho part affected starts up a j L'uluml":l 'muV wii' riMiEa, lion thore ; but Uovcrnor V alkcr solemnly new action in that part, aud a euro Is at , .uonuay, jtisi oj inarch, nrnlPStod no-ninst it. Ho assnrrtil tlifi I ,ll.,l ' The follimlns de.crib.d personal propeMy. vU V .. l v . . i ii 'i JJ - " "" '."iiiij give a iiona on t iebeiiefit ol lljr J V. Koiliitoeir at residence la .....Se....,.o,i ..runvsujy, ol til,ruaiy,I8J8. ( ommmce oj .'irrungrmcnts. mauv w iini.jir.v. ' JOII.N Kr;l.LLR, reuo ipog t'llltlH'A riAVK.VI'ORT. orin.HI II Al.t.. SUSANNA KlCIIAItT. ri''r.' i .Mil rti.. inMiiorn a rr-rt immr'. .-.... . President that lis would not bo answerable- Sold by G. M. HageDbuch. J. R. Mover Tintm: milch cowb VNi n-iSeTl rf rnl., f . Ja U U DiI for the of the Territory, a single 'and U. P. Lutz, Uloom.barg. and Country! MNvSSS'S3!! 1 ,7 irVS iSJv.0 hour if Gen. Harney was withdrawn ; that Merchants, generally. , 0LtoIM VJZ, Wltel SI&S thero tvas imminent danger constantly that .. - d.w. M,i -,.u.UnUa p " 'tt '.V.iS'KSf Iiir., o"c"c"' a"d lc" a civil war would break out with all its rl,Cre arc k,10W" t0 1,0 ,eu Pcrs0"8 "$ Zl?wu?,lnUtt' c"inL"i" ; Fcbc .... BUlicr.w, , a civil war would breaK out witn all its Uving, who were at Wyomiug at tlio time .iTi.rc.ff.UIMi?hic.aarioii.i,' !luc-IM .. ! bIool1y hM of the Massacree-Asa A. (.'ore, of Pres. . "tf'air-'r.,1: TtT. a. m . .,f .,d ! SSkaSlfS!" t,Grcon peas and new potatoes arc faul to be abundant in New Urlcaii Tho President, thus repeatedly and ton, Cl Mr.Wm. Ilrown and thrro daugh-' iZ'"n'."l offieiallv informed of tho rebellious condi- l.crh ' U0IC- 111 "'ailloril co ami . . ei- . .i it i i .. touror five in Luzerue county 110U OI lYUUOU-ftlslllvu UUll 1113 forces there, and lias been compelled to v- ti,ii mu iu.iiis inaye i.uniwr.ll linn Jurjl iuilll;nin Aeht ' r ir n. 1,m Mhnnl II nn. ) 7 JOHN IS. lUr.TCRJCK. "rnt tho residence of Mrs. J. Ilarlon. RpaS'pnng tloweis ate m blos;oiu 1 T it feb 13, Ifcja ucniviNo new coons am. tiik timc. Illooiiil)itrii. Nov '.'H. RJ7 II !' IIATO.N ask for an iucrcisc J the army to enable the gnnlnis of Norfolk, t puociir; smu-isjuitftcuuaai umin s cioic IIAKT.MAN'a. A N nsiorltueiit.if t'.iiitotttouert Jemiry i'nltiii, lHownju,e, iu. m "-A". 3 l.i l.a.o(e
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers