JT Corn and Cobmoal. The ritrr assumes or takes it for gran ted that llio question ns to the value or Use. ol'r.obmeal lias been ileftnttoly setllcil. Not being fully satisfied in my own mind, A.wl .I.,, l.n.it.. ..ttilrt i ilifnraif V nfi-mitl.. nun iinii.i.iiij, jiii.w j ! inn nn flip stiltifrt in (bis riMriotl. I liro- 1 , . . , pose u give a lew ngurcs tur tut: muist deration of your readers. i In the "Patent Oflice Hcport," for 18S5, page 103, 1 hnd t lie analysis of sevrral varieties of corncobs, by Charles T. .lack son, M, I) of lloston, Mass., which ' weas undertaken with the view of as certaining how much nutritive matter is contained in the cobs of Indian corn." The specimens vary a little, but average n little below 3 J per cent of the. cob. The "Dulton" com rob "yielded an analysis, of matter soluble in cither, alcohol and water, about 3) per cent ol the cob." Tor convenience, and to give it all it is entitled to, say 31 per cent, is about the average ol our common kinds of Indian corn. The amount of nutritive matter contained in Indian com, as shown by "the analysis of Sir Humphry Davy, which arc relied upon as accurate in the average of numerous experiments, is 77 percent." Thcso figures would show that one pound of corn is worth as much as twenty-two pounds of cobs, or one bushel of corn is worth as much as twelve hundred and thirty-two pounds of cobs for feed. Allowing corn to be worth fifty six cents per bushel, which is all it will bring here now, and allowing fourteen pounds of cobs to u bushel of shelled corn, the cobs from a bushel of corn would bo worth, to feed, nearly two thirds of a cent. v What cow, or ox, or horse, if ho could reason, would not revolt at the idea of eating twelve hundred and thirty-two pounds of cob meal to get as much nutri ment as is contained m one bushel of corn X It is the opinion of many, that corncobs arc worth more for fuel than for iced, and I confess, I incline a little to that conclusion. The cobs lrom one hundred bushels of corn willlgo about ns for as a cord of wood. I always calcu late thai the cobs will pay for shelling the corn, for fuel, and the increased facility with which com can bo handled to take to mill or market is no inconsiderable item. As to the digestion of cobmcal, 1 shoulll SUppOSC It WOllUI rcqilll C a CllSt i . " , . . ' iron sioiuacii, or sruuieiiiuig as Mrong, 10 do it. Why use cut Peed? Ail intelligent farmer ?sks for tlie philosophy of cutting hay. lie can un derstand that it is useful to cut corn 6talks. and COUrSC fodder, bccaUSC the cattle will cattUcm better. Hut vUcn,:;, nattle will eat up good English hay per fectly clean, why should it be passed through the hay cutter? j Our friend evidently supposes, that the j stomach does its work upon everything that passes into it, with equal facility, and without any tax upon the rest of the system. This is manifestly an error. All food lias to bo ground up before it can 8imilatcd, and pass into the circula-' DC assni itdii-u, anu iiivu wiu uiLuw tion of the animal. If food is not artili- fiallv nrcpared by cutting, grinding, or steaming, the animal lias to prepare it ' himself, so far as lie is able. Certain kinds of food will pass through the sys tem, imparting to it only a part of their nutriment, because the teeth ofthe animal j have not perfectly masticated it. Whole kernels of corn or ol oats are frequently seen In the focces of an old horse. The more perfectly food can be pre pared, the mora completely will the sys tem appropriate its nutriment. If the whole labor ol gi hiding up the food is thrown upon the animal it is a serious tax upon the vital energy, which every good farmer wants for other purposes. In the rase of the horse ami tlie ox, vouwanti the strength applied to locomotion and to j draft. Whatever strength is applijd to grinding footl, is so much taken away i from their capacity for labor. If three orl four hours of strong muscular labor are I spent in working up hay and straw into j a pulp, there is a grest loss ot strength i ami oi itiuL. In the case of fattening animals, you want the aliment to go to the formation of fat, and flesh. This process goes on successfully, just us the animal is kept quiet, and comfortable. No useless labor should bo oxpended in tho grinding up of food. The straw-cutter, working up the hay into fragments ot half an inch in length or lcs, pcrformc a good part of the jaws, and makes the feeding of the animals a light matter. If the hay could he ground up into a line meal, il would he still better; as it would make the work i of tho animal still lighter, and would more completely yield up its nutriment. ! If it could bo steamed it would be best of all as it would then bo wholly appro priated. Wo have no doubt that it pay.s quite as well tn(pass hay through the machine, as the coarsest lotldcr. A root-cutter is also an indispensable adjunct to the barn, ami tho more perfectly it comminutes the roots the better. The farmer who has ever experimented with these machines, and marked the results- of feeding with hay, and roots prepared in this way, can have no doubt of their utility, haziness, wo apprehend, has qulto as much to do witli tho neglect of these machines- as ignorance. It is work to- turn- the crank to cut up hay enough tu feed twenty head of cattle, and in prospect of spending" the olbow greas, it is vory convenient to believe that it will not pay. Sloth, however, is a poor counsellor in this case, as in all others. Wo should as soon think of feeding cattle in the open field in tho bleak Winter weather, a3 of feeding thein with uncut hay. A warm stablo and a straw cutter are both goad iiivctmrntt. ,'tmtrirun Mgrhi'llurtit. NEW Y OB K UN23.' TllR CAMbr.N AMI AMIIOV HAII.IKIAD ANtl I'llft.Mllll.rillA AMI TUUNTON HA I LRU A U , COMPANY'S LINKS. From Fhtledtlpkh It Xeu I'.rA, end ti'ov Flare ' l.rntr, a lnllnw. tl?i I'APr. At I A. M , It "in Kon.irijlAn Ill-pot, via Jcrtcy Clly, .M ill SI At ti A. M CnimlHti and Jci.ey City, New Jprwy Accntnmoil.Hion. . 3 A I li A. M i Via C'uuitk'ti mill Alulioy, Accoinmoila Hoi !! A 7 A. M. via C.iiiitlcu ami iem'y Ciiy, .Murn- I lie Mt.ll AUII A. M..1.V "Icuiiilinit Trr-iiloii.VIa Yacuny ami Jpr.cr Uitv. Mnniii'il Hxiircti Aim. SI., via Cuuiilt-n uml Anituiy, U. anil A. tnn- At A r. M.iIj Uniiiileti nml Jvmry City, HvcniiiR MnjJ 3 At H r M Cuudi'ii ftitil Amlioy, Acconimu diil ion, 1st Cl.tsd Al tl I'. H vln Cumlcii and Amtxty, Accnminu it,it inn, Cii t;i.ij l AtlilVM. vli Onnulpii ttint Antimy, Aceoinmo tMlluii, Ixt (,'l(ln S At(U',MMUit Cinitl.'n and Atnboy, Atcnintno- ihlion U.I i;iasa 1 TiiuSl'. l lino tuns dally Mt oitiefs entubys et f;vV'r' '1,cf r'np nt ttm iirlnrlpnl ulaM n only. l'tr i:ilviilutii Kiutnii, ri-mtngtoiu &.c.,Jit 0 A. M. ami 4 I'. M i Irnui Walnut xtri t wliarf. Tor Wat" r (J.ii),f injmlI.Virir.!1(,MU)ii-ii( WllkPfliarre, MotiUopi', final lie ml Icr , nt ' A. M,t via Unlaw tiVe, L.icknr.uiiia ai Wet tern Itnilroml. Tor rreiliot.l nt '1 A M.ainl 2 V M. Tor loiuit Unity nt 7 A . M.. nml 21 nml 5 V. M. WAV I.IXU3 Tor Urlilo!, Trenion, fcr , at -'l and 1 1'. M. WAV MM! rnr rjilnivra. ltnnrocni, Itcvirly, Ilitrlirigloti, Ilor iti-ntowii, r., nt 3 1' M. WAY I.IMi Tor Mount Holly, llurlltislou 1 Way Stations ut H V. M . Sicanilmnt Klclnrit Stockton lor lltirlltitni nntl ItriM tnate( A M-, mitt for Itnnlentowii unl iiitfrmctliatc plarfit jl 2J 1'. M. tfirainlnHit Trenton for Tncony nt lOnno 11) A. MM ntiit 4 I. M-i nnd for llurlnigtmi uml Itribtot nt 4 V. M. Alt IIiips.pxci M 1 A. M , trnvo Walnnl Ft.wlmrf. 13" l'tity cmiiiils ol b.igi.i?!' mil v allow pt cacli iuf ifiisjcr. t'atMHrfnrcprtluliin il from l.iUltis iinjtlilnii in Uneffisf 1ml ilictr wennnj npparvl. All bagi,racu mer iliiv noil ntf- io Uc tanl lur Vlra. TJic CoiiiliaiiV limit tlioir reMio tiPitHtty for b.ijsnpf to otic dollar cr i liouwi, aim win nm uu uai'ii- mr any aiuouiu uujuim S1U0. rxcviU liV spetlnl roulr.irt W.M. II. UAT.MCrt. Agent, J. k. A ! . II. CO. It. V- MOURLIil., Ascnt, ScitCU.19i7 l'liila "IV. It a. Co. Of all dis.iew; the great, firt c,iuie tarings lrom ncgloct of Nature's laws. . sumit xot, WUCN ACUr.i; lsaUAKANTUUt) 111 ALL STAGES OF SISCUET UlSliASKS, Stlf-Atm, ATtrtOK J)chtittf, Strlttitrtt. Meets, Gravel, Diabtted. Distates of the KtiiicKs and UlAdder. Jilcrca. rta' ilhtumatism, errfala. Paint in the JJones and Ankles, Discard f the Lungs, Throat, A'vse and lUjct, fleers upon the Itody or Limbs, Caaeers liropsy, Kpi Itjttie Fits, tit Vita's Dance, and alt mheates arltwg front a derangement of the Sexvnl Organs, Such ns Nervous Trembling. I.riss of Memory, Ln-i of Pi,wer,iencrfil Weakness. Dimness of Vision with neriihar snots nnnrariui! before the eve Loss of tfialil. Vakeliiltiets, liypi p"i.i, Mver Hi ae, Hruptious upon Ihti lire, Pain in the buck and head, I'emale In t r'KUiarilics nun an improper uuroaries irom uoin me.w. It iiiitlirtt not Uolii w 11.11 rauso tlie itienf)e originated, however long stnniliiiz or obstinate i lie case, rttoccrif is ecitain, and in a phorter time than n permanent cure tan be i tlec ted by any other treatment even a iti r the di"-at liax tallli il the skill of cml i"ut phynirjaiifl nnd resisted nil their mi. In? of cute. 'J hat medicine are pleasant without odor.CJUsiiiE no eirk nesnaud free lrom nicriuryor ha I fain. During twenty years of pratticc 1 Invc rescued from the Jaws of llealli man y thouiauds, who, in the last stapts ol (he abou mentioned diseases had been given up in ihe by Hmir physictaiif, which warrant me in promislnp In the atllicted, who may plate themselves under my rare, a pcriert ana mn-i rpeeuyeure. cucrei (ittefnt are il e ureatcet enemies lo In alt h. as they are Hie first rause ol Consumption, b'rrofu 'a nnd many other du uic nudshouldbe n terror tu the human laniily. As a permanent riur is sinrccly cut ( Heeled, a majurilv ot the cases tailing into the hunts of iiiconipelent perfone, w ho not utilv fail to cure the dUeases but ruin the constitution, III ling the yiem with merrurv, w Inch, with the disease, liaetetis the sutlercr into a rjpid Coiijtiiupiinn. Jlu l Flioii lit me disease and the treatment not caue death sinctlily and the virtint marries, the disease Is enlnihd upon Mif1 rhildien. w Ih arc Lorn with lei blu I viruit which betrti)fc irell in Srrofula, Tetter, UUirc. Urupl ior.f and nllur atU'ttloii' uf lli akin, ryt's. lliro.il unil l.ungc. 1'ril.nliii? ii poll tlii'iu a liricfexLltnce o ior.f anu ouur auertioiisoi ine skiii, ryes, iiiro.it, uiii:k. eni.iiliii! ii noil them a brief existence o 1 1 BUtlerin: ami cuiisignlm; tnem to an early grave. SUl.V Ai!L'tCis another lonnid.ibie piiemyto dealt, ' Tor nothing else In the dread catalogue of human dis- , cae causes t.o dPEtrucilvc a drain upon ihc syi.teiu, , drawing its thousand; of victims through a few jars j of stiirenhjr down to nu iiMimely grave. It deMrnys the nervous fvfteui. rapidly wastes nwav Ihe eueimt s , of llle, rauses mental dernngempnt, prevents Hie poor development of tlie sysicm, iI1subIi lUtf for marrf.re, ?ofjeiy, business, aiidall earthly Jmppiiu'e-t, and h-avo the suilvrer v recked in body and mind, predisposed to consumption and a trnin of evils more i be drealrd thin death itxelf. Willi the fulliHt coutldenre Injure ami speedyrurecnu )m eirected, and with the abandon- 1 be atllicteil are cautioned again si the use of Patent Medicines, for ihereare so inmiy hicni us snares hi the columns of the public print to cutch and rob the unwary sulferers tli.it millions have their coiiftilu lioim ruined bv Ihe vile compounds of nuark doctors. ' or the equally poisonous uostiutns vended as Patent Medicines." 1 huvo carefully nna!td many ofihe so-called Patent Mcdiciueti and Hud that nearly all of them coiilain Corrosive fciiibllmu e which is one of Hie strongest picpnratlnns of mercury nnd a deadly poison, hich inireadof curing ihc diteae diiables the system lor life. Three lourths of the patent noMrums now in use are iml ut bv unurluci nled ami iifiior.mt persons, who 1,01 "lrstand even the alphabet ol Hip maria nedicat and nre t-pially as destiiuteol nny knowledge of the hum in system, having one object only in view, mid that to nu.kc money rf girt less ofconseinences, Irregularities nod all uheasesol u.ahsand females I i treated on principles established by tweniy yiars of, prarilce.nnd saiuiioued by thousand of the most re 1 markaMe cures. .Medicines with full illterHuns cnt i to nny part of Hie Unil to Rules or Canada, by a.j ticnls coniii'tinii-aiiiig llnir symptoms by letter. JIusi , ness lorresnondeuce sirictlv confidential Addroi.. J. SUMMIHIVILI.H. M. D Ollice, 1131 rautiti'tjtrcei.(old No Hill,) lielow Tivrlftli. l'ltiladelnhu. Pa. , Jtllv II. lr'ST-fMnreli 4 MAN, KNOW TIiySKl.IV AN JNVALUAM.tt W)OK TOll WOITVm UVUIIY FAMILY SIIOUI.U 1IAVI! A l.'Ol'Y. . ... ... iiii uuNrr.ii's jir.nicAi, 'if.. . A A . fj- A- I lm: vjif.r..'..ruii Tiin An'i.itrrKii iyiv-ujJ1l(;7ycte;ciiiiuli!lii! ai outline, nl Uin V7jY i&XHrTtic'i o'ifi'i- lirosri'rt. trcalmcnt CilTJf:- aim curn ., t-vcry form of .In- caaijroulrnctfl.l byproiitiscu , WnlKIi: W. UtN'KLi: Prnnrlcl.ir, fitriiierl) olt'o oiHFixu.il nitticourc, by , V i luinbla, would in farm his Trie mis and ther-iib oil' n.ii, or ny ef'tuii ex. llii ctdi. with mlvirc lor lhoir prevention, wr-tlcn In n laiiuliir Hyle, uvoidin-; nil medical icchulcnlitis. and c try llilna that uo'ilil nirciid the cur o( dixcucy. Tettimomt of the Professor of Obttrics in Fenn ; j Collejs, Philadelphia.-'DIt ULWF.lt'S MF.DlC.iL ' Jit.H.'UjiL Tim author ol Him uork, unlike ilie . majority of thoi'i who ndwrluclo cum tlio itiscares 1 ( which it treat, is a rn1iiate ol onu o( tha tn'il Cull-irs in the United Slates. It ailrdb mo p'ea tuire in rccMUMtieud hi in to thn unfortunate, or lo j tlie victim of nrtl practlre, t a eticroerful and cx purx'iiciMi pr tctiiioiifr in wiinf uon tr ami 111103-1 nty they may placu th! !reaiet rnufitlence. CO X From Ji. U'oodicard, M. D, of i'cin. University, 1 Philadelphia. It plvf inn ideal urn to udd 111 y icrriniony to the prob'tvinna) ability of tho Author tf tin "Medical 1 -Ufldiifl. NuincrouB cac of litfe.iep ofthe (In ital Orpan!, dup. of thfiu of Inn;; en inline, havo conic uiidvr in y uoiiri. in which bid skill I in a been manifest in restoring 10 OTfect he.iltli, in koiiiu I OlIHlaliCIH IIIU piiuciii Uiis uutn cuiieiuf rt-11 bey li ml iitcdicnl nld In Ihe treatment of tcmiinl 2 wenkiieg. or ili-iarraiij:i,iiiriii ot thu fuirtmnn pro T (tuced by e!f.1bse, or Excess nf venerv, I do not A know hii nuperior in the prolusion. I have been nc'iviajntnluith Ihe Author tome thirty yiau.utid deem it no more than Jutlicoto bunas well n3 a z s kindncs 10 the iiuior.u'iaic viciiiu 01 rany inuia cretion, to ricomuieii'l him nn onp In Lose pro-1 !u"'1UuU iinK.D vouu HM, .... ... One eoiiv t-rrurely cnvtloped will lm (orwarded frro of p ..la?, to an, jiarl of the U.utcU at.te., mr'Jirpiis.iiriii-'iffi"! t"i 91 r.-y Minn O'OSUKN ii L-U.,I'ul)lulier, llox PJ7, rinlaili-lpllia Itj- l'..)'.!i!-II'rJ. Canvooon an.l Uo Ajcnls evpptled en the ittoit liberal termi. I), c .I. U"i7-v It 9i O iTl ti 5S U it i C A li I N K T W A 11 E R O O 31 S . rpllE imderf'rsned respectfully iuvite ihe attention J. of iiiu Tublic to ha elenilvo asdnrtiiifiit oft'iibiimt t'urniiuruaii'l Chair' which h will warrant tubvinadt) ofnooiimteriiliutid in n workuianlikii inaruier At hU'U'tablKhiiiiut.can alivayi he found sgoodaigort '"""FASinONAllIiE niUNITUIlE, 1 Willed I.riitalln .lyleand tiniail to ttiat of I'llll tfc, ailrlphiaor New Yoik citiel.amlal J. low pricel, 33.110 In." of ailTornit style and pricca, ffomg?g?J iml and Mahojouy, TJrlor chalra, Hocking and cap) chiiro, 1'iaiia Ptoohi, nnd a variety of upholstered work Willi Jirif ''lUS ilHU iaiiuiuyvuy, vi., i..iiii vnniv " ..u.i.j.1 d .ii.tn.lnu -lirtir,.nli.r ivh:il unlit fi nil r.iiiiia n t.u.tfj.l. B.itetailiu.. clieirunler. whatnot, andcoinaii ilrra.ooil nil kinds ol' f.iihionao'e ork. HI. .tuck of uiimiuii oneloied anil coimiioit wit. It aland., drei.r table. .cotner i-niiboard.. nolast brcatit'ost table,, iibd .leads, cane .entaud common cliair., i. llio lar.csl ill lliil .fction of ill. country, flu Hill at.o keep a cood a.goritnenl oHookuij ulat.e. with fancy sill and com mon frame.- Ho will alio fittni.li iinii iiialri-i.e, hue.l loony .lie of beaditead. which are u.nor f.r durability utid come fort to any bed ill il u. .iimim o. Klltvif. Uloom.lnir; April etli. IMI HOKSbJ LINIMENT AND 0ATTL13 I'OWDEltS. 771 OR salo at tho oflico of the Columbia 1 Iicmoerai. "It Circulation ovtr lUO.liMI dimes Weekly. 25 Witnesses, Oil. THE FOHGKH CONVICTED. ...IIM it llVn I m I hi Aiitli.ir. uin in. i.li Tin I01IN t, 1IYR in t h 15 Author. J ninriiinnilrnri n. a It.l likrr I .1 i Vn V i t nrt Ho n mi n n Mi iikpr n nil Piilil l.lirr. n inl AulliaralflMrlr.pJ li.le.ree at the llroedwaff Tab..rtiacle " f . .. .. . . . . yi irr. m iai iirvaajcuw . av..riut,. wlicni Tor ion Ml'lPmlvp maun, ntrr ff ill OtiU l'lnilo .O nrfinilYilin vltli ynmiiln nr .irmliiu.r . U IiIIp 111 ft Iillillcd llio nijnner ill nlildiUuiinii tli lli'M it.cnlo ner in wiiiuiuoiHili rn ilPt t tfcmc i llielr Ifiiiitf. the entctt nml phot t't nii-uun 01 1 its I I ft I II (f llll'lll t I The Bank Al r.ngraterii all nay that hell the greatest Judge tf Paper Jilontg tieinp . Greatest Discovery of the IWscnt Ceittttry fir Detecting Counterfeit Hank Not(s lccrltlns rvcry (Irnulta Hill in uxlsnencr. nntl rliilHiitg nittglanto eVcry Ccuiiurfclt In i-irrti a tin n t t Arrnng',il sonilmlrality.tliat Ucferencc Is Huty and Dctrtilon timttihtniird'tn. ! i No liidrJc Hi eta in I m I No page to hunt up I lint Mnintlfictl ami nrriiiixctl, ilmt llii Miuttianl, uaiiKcr ami itutinnn jiinn ran ficc nit ei a giante, IlfpHth, French and tertnnn. ThiM each may rtau the same in lilsown N'jlVrt i OliptlC Moil ptrftct Hank Koc I. hi Published. .1 in a i ipi ii i a 1 1 i iii- IMtlVATi; IIANKCRd IN A.MI'.UICA. A rntn)i1oip Pnnitnafy til t lie t'litstn r Ei rofk Aa AMmiri Will li'l Hl1ili?lM'it lu racli cditlnu. l.gp'lil'f wltlinlltliulmporlnntNi:WrtoK Till: Alio. A 8 CUIUS or TAMH Prom nn old Mam. crii Co-mil in the HatX, It fur ' nlslics tue mot rnmi'H t't liliory of I ouniNTAii urn. And dcpcrllihiif the ntcmt (irrpliins pnnitinim In I wlnrh t Tic ladicflaiid'ii.ttleincii (tftli.it conntry liavt IIh'pii o often found. 'J'lit'f.! Horlc will cimiIIihic i lliroiialiout tin wliolnyear. and itlprbvc the moi enlfrtahiiiiff ever oM't-rtil to ilie public XCT I'lirtualn'd vi'kly to Hnbrrihrrs only, nt $1 a , year, AM Iclcrs must be ailtln-'il to JOHN H. llVH. Prokrr ruldiphrrnnd I'ropriel'r. 70 Wall t., NuV York. 'PIIIIiA. AND HEADING HAIL HO AD lllntir .1rraKtmtntt fji ratecHger Treiet, Jnlttlaiy Isl, 1S57. ffPrraim, going Norih. leave Pliiladlrhia ni?l KJ A. I M.ainl SI I'. M, llnwn Tralnspoinsiiouth, lenvcroltsvlllcal 71 A. M ice. nml 4 1'. M. ! Uplr.iiiMp.Hri Reading at JO.Oi. A, M.nmloV.VH'. M. down Trains " fl.lU, A. SI, " 3,43 V. M. The r.upreaiTrain Is discontinued unlit further no tlrn. (Tlrun rniitifrtioii arc maile bv Ihe 111''' .. SI- ttia Train lrom Pott Clinlonto Cluiir.i ami all interim!. I diate points: and bvthi!A"Jl' M Hp I'r.iln from Port uuiiMMi in liiinir.i. u.tnaau.nau a. is'in.'io, niaparn. lie nt, Chlrai;u, ft, t.ouif, Davenport, ami lowaCuv; .kins nut rouie iiieiiorutaiui cucap't to ine i-ae 'rlccsandCanadde OnSiind.ivs.th'i Down A. M. Tnlu from Poltavitlc, and Up P. 1M. Train from Phil idtpliu, only, run. llAtitiiPiit'Ru CoiiKiTioJis, by Paiipliln I'alroad ntAti bin it A special Arcommod-iiion P.isiencer Train leave Iteadiueilailly. (exrept Sundays )at l A, M., returning from Auburn nlrtj IV M , on arrival of U.1U P. M. i rain iniui u.irrieoiirg. WAY FAKES Fiiom Heading to 'hil.idcphli.Sl.TJaudMi; Pottsvlle 81 U5 and Q,2o; Auburn, D ?.. TIIHOUHH CAIing. to llarrisburg Si 53; T.imamia 1,3.1 ; Wii am t. port 3 1,10; Cniira $'i,:i.i; C.in.ind u.i $HM0 liuirii or iiagra$lu.mi; 7.Mvciml in, uTodo 614,7-1 ; ClJiciiin.il I SIU.OU , CI near" S.'O.I';) Ok Uand 5-.'5,0i.i. AM, Pagju'iigerswilprorure ticket) before e uterine 0 ears: 10 cents etira nu Pares paid hi Ihe ram tybs.,nr perseifnf HatriaceaZovvetl enrh Pageno g 01 over ihat welcht nsclfargcd Kttra llaeate1 OA. WCOI.r.K, jinuary.ld. I317 If. neu'fup't J. S, ti P ro d u c o li, It t'KHOT, a il General COMMISSION MEll Oil A iY TS, No 3'J .Vurlh Wlutvi , I'llILADtl.PIIIA. Rl!FERE!t(Ct! JiiIiii T Ti'iilston. i:.'!. Mcrerl Mackcr, I.p.l & Co. HlllaiklClii.'I. r-iti't, rrjt-it i;o ' ' ililrknor SliCaninioti A. Co. " " Charles L'llin c L'o. " S. Morris Wain ti. Co n " Onti-rbrtili;!', Arvov &. Co. ' Charle. k Jojpph Prrnl. Tlioin.is tz .Maxurll, N'ow Voth. " u. Jl. McCInn; h Co., SI. I, mm. Mo. J t. Minris& Hun, Louitivilk'.Ky Varrli 1.'.. Ifl'ili-v wffl m rIJ: m 1 1 Ms EVANS k NKWC03IKU, (Form'rtij Webb Xiiccomer,) Areli srno, abnve Third, Philadelphia. HOIIItS OP MI'.AI.rl ItHUAKr.m, 5, 11 ami 7 o'rlock to 10 IJi'.Neii.tlentleiiieii'fiiriliiiary.l o'clock top, ' Latlirit,2n'elock. Tea, ri'cHkto n. CVAN LVANS.J UT. S. NLWCOMI'.Il Aits .11 .1P5V-V. National Hotel. ( LATE WHITi: SWAN, ) Sides 8 lover. Iletcc Street, above Third, Philadelphia rET.nSiDKa.l'itDoriiii'llrm .itevHii.,i:olliiiy.licaOiiCo Jam.d T. SnivKit. of tin) Union ilolei, An-iul '.). Kill DYIiR'S HOTEL. Cattawissa Pa. r lilt? otdnnt! weltknmvn !I ottil.l tu he town ii y. jl Cannula IkhIiII Kent bv tho mulur- sisnrd, .tin! in Hpttrof all hrciisc laws, ho i Jj8' ttftcrinincd tu inAHiis bouse ouo of the mosti ouilutta i un- ii i ui n I" I 'ihiwi-i " " " J n i mil. mi il u IUI1IIII II IhaliiU'riorol L'umiylvuni.i IN table w ill bufumikh. 1 cd naily with tin bi'stthcMarketcaii aflbnl. I 1TM void rrieiidsaiid traveller ejncralh nreinvifnii m rail JACOlt UYWt. .M,lV'Jl,IB33.-y. States Union Hotel. POKMUnULY HUD LION I10TLL.) jXo. 200 Market street. Philatictvhia. jcthat he continues I hei-n the abovu iiauicil llnei uliichU wtllitiiil favorably kiMiun thrur.glionttho Siatt .ii oh to ft hu oldest a ml moet convenient Hotel tit hncity. II o iiioslrctipcctfuIlysotlciUashnrenl iub rpiiuigc, April 7, W)I, S. SMITH & CO., Produce Factors AND ay.xF.ii.iL co.umissiux .yf.iicii.ixts, No. 00 North Wharves. rlllLAIILLt'lllA. Tlci Mil kit talne of nil coiisiinnicnlii ailvaaccil in (Jili lu-n Ui'iiiri'il. Marcli II, ICS! 310 ST 6 U H 11 0 U S 1J , UURMIll UP MAItKLT AND MILL I'IIECT3, llnimciieU'lt oppottte the Court Jhuee,) I UAiNVII.l.K, PA HAVlNtI linen recently rrnovatcil am) refurnilieil in ft.iipi-rinrslylQ.tlu. ok'sant Ilou-lin now rconn lor I lie rcci'tition ol trangfri anil vi attorn, tvlioiepa' ronauQ iaru.nuctUlly re'iuv.tcd. i B. A.DRADV, I lytJ.IsSG. TMUV n VPUM.!) JUUiN w, irjrtULU, Hat &U.11) Store NO, lli'J .VOUTIl T1IIKO STUIXT, unit aih't tmii Merrhan ,, vl.,,r f0m vrllcr , Pi"'v .. . . ....... . . . vani.i.nnri'S)i:ifu11yinvilciIlu give him acall, when VMitini; rimauL'ipiiia. June 'Jd.lfaiG. y. IMI I LAD ELI' IMA 0 A UP E T S?i'0 U K CAliri:TlfiS, Oi ICIothft. Window fl linden, Malrati MaUina Jut received ii'J.UUU pu-ctu new uivlc niifactund and Imported cxprcnily fur CAItrlVl' IiL. Merchants and llougekevpers wilt.nlfatu no Nm. Id nud 2(J North decond Street, lit iloor bcluw Qkt's 'Jhuri'h. t March '.M IHO. DVliYJONES. FALL &, WINTER tiooris. rpilCnniler.lsncilreipeciriillyiiilorm liUfnendt nno X puh.ic ullargg ami the rell of nunkiiitt lli.lt helioa citabllihcd a oleniliil in i lm plePAiit new Storn II ouic.luit erected in Itohn rirff. Coluuihia comity, I'a.. where tie liaa now opened R(E(J miU VHU"-- "' I 1 A " .V, - I! , I r. iiiu uuu uiuiui uuuua, which helm iletcrmiiieii to icll on iticli tcrmi aswlll induce ull.it least in this vicinity , who ate In want of Merchandize, to extend him theircmloin . ti is stock ha been tutected Willi mnchcaro ami wi reference lo tho vuut s ollhl I c om in unity und without B0)ns to enter into niniiiuie numeration oft ho various klnd.-lie ink iiouilnt Hi ijbiirin( i iiih irieni a mat f c ij ,. , ,...... i,,t!i ..Utile ehennert iaii the clH-aDe.t tt.'Coantry produce, mr I nding Urain, Lumber, Ac.( takcultiexcansotornooo. WI,S0N A0CRi Bolirs'iuri. Jn l.lPSS.y JATTCV.' SAUJAOU OHINDEUa FOll SAI.K AT iu:l9IIiol's ulwhxk rm:PAi!.Tiox I lltatll.V coNri.NTitA'rnn cnvroNli t'l.Utrj DXTIt.M'T IIUUII1', Far Dheetrs 1 He Uladdtr Kldartl, llrarrj, Dreply, 11'ealiHeneea. ObHrnrttons. Strttl lUtieera. Female Cemplatntt, end ell Dinette ef tkt ... "" "1 " . . Arll lrom i;tccc niul I mPriiiinicic-i a ".ana in. iv iii it mi i iiiiLniipr niM-nnrni. irui i u i? i.ijiiiilt. Klilury..ur Hernial Orurtli. ttliitlifr Miitlne in , , "... j. .. a...a.. .i...il...htlii I lllflllll VMV , ..,.(, . rro'M.wnatr-Yrr cau-r XnrV may tiavu nrtiilnatnil, anil mi iimitrr 01 now ions iiiiinins, liniima. glvjiiff henliti ami R oom lo Hi" pallid ell". . . . . 7llnoll. ,rn j. .mv tit vin: JFFr.tCTiDi ! r nil tlicfjinptoniii iimotur, willed will bo found Indifpo II riireorrVlll Ulltl in mm uni Dunnuif, iiimi j.-iiiw.. a flUOtl III l.TI'-MIIOtl, l.lllKl)l limn.imnill hi-iiih i ) IHlbtiilty or.llr'aililncrtnueral Wukn'-i. Horror, tt DWiuu Wenk Neri, Tremblmc Hreadfol llornr of Ddiib, Nifflu Swiidt Colli IVtl. Wakfil.ilm.'Pi. Klin iirH of VlMon. l..tiiunor. ItnlverFtil l,nMiinM of ihc Miirlar H)tnn. mien lluorniotis A . I it", w III Jtyfpepttf Hviiipinim Hot lliind. riiihlnmil thn Uodyt IJr ut'ior tlirrklii I'lillid CoiiiitPiiiMCfaiiil Uniptmris uu'rit' I'Jce, 1'iln In tin ll.ick, lt'-;iinci or llio l'.e lld, frtiienily lil.irk fc?pot ll)iiijr, beforn llio I!yi'i, w ill) Trinpourt Hnl'iislou nnd I.oh iI Sljlit Wixui ot Attention, (Irtn't Al odi Illy. llrall('MiiPi, with Horror nffnrMv Nothing N tuont tUflrablc to vim Ii I'aiicnlP ll.aii solitude, nntl notiili'S tlicy mure dread for fear of UiMiih"Mj; nn p'poae oi manner, no earnetfi nests, no WZ'muX'' """U''' lrJ"!""" lro"1 """ IliiMt BVinplonn.if nllowrd lo go on-wlurji this medieine huariaMy reinovrs-cnon rniinw l.omi i powtr ritliiitv.and Hpileptic Pits hi one of vvhlrli the p'llienl ni.ty ei Ire Wlio can say that thci! ex ' ceses are not fre'iuenily billowed by tltone direlul I diseases lna'iityaud Consumption t The records of Hie Insane Anliim, nnd the mclam holy deaths by 1 Con eitrnpl fan. lie.ir ample wltncs tc the truth ol then I nastttiniis. In l.uii.ille Asylums the mo?l mehimholy exhibition appears 'i he coiniten.utce it artu illy od dun and M"'t" de-niiuti neihT mirth or eriefi ever visits it. SUoald n sound of l ho Voice occur , H li rnelyartUulnte. lenv sullen niiitd hH prief In pui 'ed.' i lb billty la moiUerrlalul add h ii brought lhouainN i npnn ihoilMmli to uiitlim.'ly graves. thus tilasil u g Hie . iiinbitioii ut many .mble ) out lis. It can be tuied by I he UOU If till i'FjiT.t.mt.i nr.Mr.DY. If v on are Hifl'ittlug w Hi any oltlie above dlst resihi ailmeiif. tie- 1' uid i'.vtrr.rt Hucln rrl ll euro you. Try il and be eniniurnd ol its t flirnrv. llewaie id (hi 'ek NnsiruuH amt.thiick l)ortnr, who l f.ils.-lv boast of nbililiiv.ntd relereure Citirens know and avoid them ami savelmi eiitrariuii mtniey, and ipo!ure. by sending or railing for a buttle tf litis 1 pnnutar and sperlllc remedy It n'livs all piln a'nl iiiflnmnntloii, perfectly 1 pltannt'hi lis taste ami odor, hill immediate hi Its I nc!im1' n:i,MllOM)'3 KXTRACT IHJCIIU la prepared diridly ncronling lo the rules of Pharmacy and Chemistry, With the greatest nriur.icy and rhemiat Mioutedgn 'and care devnted in Its rnmbinaliou. rVe PrnteHsor t 0rihu li'tu t?iamhrd Work or.Medh nruNt; IIUN'IHUHI DOI.I.AItr DeWfev1 VidiMble Vork on ine pr.u lice ol pliysic, and ilirtue. pfiiNM: IIIJN'D UHI DOI.I,AltH:l One hundred dollars will be paid In any physician whovau ptuve Hut the .Medicine ever injured a P.t I. ent ; and Hie tent i in my ol lhoti.ui's ran ue prmluced to rove that It d-tes ureal cood. Casus of fioui one week tntlnrleen im' standing hne been rll-tted. "I ho init of volu u .1 y tetiiil"iij in pnseioii of I Ik; proprietor ourhiugits virtues uml uirUive powers, 14 immc'ise, embracing iuiuqs we I known to Hi ieiice and P.ime. ... . , lOU.utiti bottles have been sold nud not a single in stance of n lallure h.i b.i-n reported I Personally appeared beforo me, an AMormnii of Ihe ehy of Pli ladelphi.l, II. T. IUirolu Ctieiiiit, who being dulv sworn iloes say, that his pri-p iratiou con taiiisuo Nircotic, Menury or injurious Drug, but ntu purely vegtlabh; II. T HlIf.MUOMl, Solo Manuf .cltirar. Pvvorit and suUicrile-d betore me ibis Odd day ol o vcuiber 11. W.M. P- HIIIUAKD. Alderiinn. Price 31 per tett'e, tr tit far $T, drlivcrctl to etiy aj. I rfrcfi, arciitiip.iiiieil liy rtj..lj.- nml ri'Jponnilile n rt.11 - tales fpnil Prof-Jjaora ot' .M-'ilicul Collfgi-s, Clergymen, uml rtlicr.. PupariiUKilaolilliy II T IIIILMIiol.I), Priictictranil n tlytii-iit CIhmiiI-i, ' NNi .-i2 niltll TCNTII Ht , li!lo t'lltatliilt. As.i mlily i lluililiuc.. I'liU.iili'iplii.i. ET To be lied ef . I II .WJVI.'R. Woom-bnrn . nod of ell i Ihtirglstt end lltnltre Ihronhoitl the United Mates, t'anadnj end HrllUK I'rorlncee. iir.H'Aiti: ir couNi'Unrr.n'f. ASK i'D't iii:i.m i-.oi.ir.-. taki: vu Ul'IICIl. i;uui:s uu.MiANiuno. Juno 13, Irti. Franklin House. IMUKEK & LA1KI). J'ropridors. Chcsnut St., between Third and Kourth I PHILADELPHIA. . tfrlUtmbct 13, P;ti, OATAAVISSA, WILLIAMS POUT A Kill 10 KAIL H0AD. Mrttt liallrctd eotmrttion tctirccn Xfapara FaiU and Pht'adt,:ii'na, ihortcU twrAof and Chcapnt Hunt from He. era .V" York to Philadelphia IIarrt3br, Pti'tbur j Uctltiiuare, llUsingtJii ett-j, and the Saatk ijAr.Nfil-U TKAINfl Ifnvc r.linlra dally (i-xron , riinnl.tj, :U7 A. ,M i.iB-iin! W 11 i;t in ipn r i at 10 lCi A M. loii null n wllh U.'.nl'n;' Hail lloa.i at I'orlUtin ton,. utd rent lit riiiladiiphid at 7 'M l M. licuiruiua. I'-aw riiil.i.U-l'hi.ilroni corner ofUrop..! anil Vlnctiirrtit, ut A M r.irlt i it Vill.imnort, ai5 l.i.l' . M., iiimI tirrlin at Jll.i.ir.i alt), I'. M , l'AHs-UMiliU TKAIiNti WILL IXAV1I POUT CLINTON VOli IIAKKISJiUPiG ltirn I, via Uaujiliinand Siu'inchniin.i Unil lfn.nl, nit llio nrrivalod'aiawisa Traln.nt 4 4jT..M .rcuhinc IJ u r .i.i.... i i Ui'iumiuiilruvp llnrrlfl urpnt 7 1-7 A M .counprtlng ' ut I'oriC'liiiiou iili Cat law in.ti rain bound iw nt lo rut i iii' (lie tmioldiriTt loutL' inllarrifbtirt,', I'i tM-urtf, Hal tiiuoieaiiillhu South. cuiiiM'ttinj; tht'hu iu1iid with nl N'or lliwtulrrn rnnisjlvaitiaanil Weelrrn e York . ! Ctniiicr. Iniit Klmnu with train on cw Yurk.iud Hrii'liu'l lloud;alo. with tho Llinirn, C.inaiid.ig.ui, itiii u&r.cr. liuu.iioiimi .Miiy.irii r uiii. t-Vr.,ir( liuyiiypctry wiui iiiu (i real wcjitprn itaiirna al HufnpinMon brlttnu tor Ui troli, ChiiaL'Oi Ht. Loui)-, , I hu i nu kin i! the xlmrtcai.aud then peat rout v fr on l'liiladulnhia lotlto-r vohits. A FUKUUi r TRAIN. Will Ir-ato WilliamJliort DAILY, at 0 A. .11 .10 IMiil.i,l.'lilii;i. rri-ishl t rain to nml rroin riiilailrlihin w illiont Iran 8liiimiiit.rroni Urniltnit Kail Kuail t'riisUtP',lot,corn- vroi nroiiii .mil uni-rry .ititik. I Tlt.MNS VAS UAN'Vtl.MJ AS I'OI.LOU'S OOtNO LAiir. riengpr Train I'rcigln Train , I'aFif-iipcr'rrain , 1'ri'islil Train, IS H. a '.'I A, M , COt. NO WEST. .1 I'. '11 f. -I'AIIES.- Ut-twecit Pltlltulr Il.liii andHiir.r-rt, C4 10 ' D.inville, I ol) ' ' t'dtjUllld.'l, '1 HO '. T.im.i'iiia M HU .. 1 1 Milton .1 III . William. port, 5 I0 riftipoinnlfr ofi)Prtonalli'i!ri;at'i' allowi-ilto oacli ynse ,sngor cxccs.cliarjfi-ilal iloubli-llrB'-claFPlrnitrlitrfit f. 11 A I'OXUA, Vujierliilrnildit. J.miSO.lM NEW WAGON iSHOP, Willow (irove, South Uloomsbilrg. riilir, iiiHiL'riiL'io.l ri-flH'Ctfully inloiink In, Irienils J. ami tno I'lil'li'- ei'iii'rall.v, tliat lit- liax lnl,i u tho atanil litilj oiniilril liyjlr Uolierl lln I tl.li, U lll u lirovi-. rijiitli ltlu..uiLn rt'. Iitlotv the 11 i loitil, wlieie lie will lonuiiue llic I ra"on-makiiii! Business, In all its talio in ili'iiarlnienlB, in gooil !iylc nml oiiiuoilciati' ti-rini-. Al.o lteii.iiriii!f WflL'Oim.yllni.'jrli f, Carriaci s u. khiiU &r . itoiii' to nnler nml on tliort time. T I'ro.luce taken for uork. oiiarlus nsfcwnii. llloomiburs April 25, 1I5T 3ai makriam'. rihih: iiy nn. MAHUIARU CUlUi; IIY lilt .MAituiAiii: cuiim: iiy im MAiutiAdii Ri'inn iiy nn MAiiiii.vii; (iL'iitn itv im; WILLIAM VOIINO. . WILLIAM VOUNC. . WILLIAM VOl'NO. . WILLIAM YDUMI WILLIAM yni'NO. MAituiAiii: ui'iDii nv im. wiij.mai youm; MAUKIAOU OUllli: V Hit. WILLIAM OUNt;. MAUItlA(llUilJlI)n-YOUN(i'f(IJIli:AT SriivHiui.tJdiUAh worn;. Tin: ioc'Ki;t 2J5Sy.T:riOULAriUd, or Kvery One hii own CS- Doctor, hy U'm Youva, M I. It U written in plain tauuau for the gi'tieral render, nnd la illus- J uatfil with upward ol onu hundred cngravlnca. All j young people, or ihoho contemplating inarnaso, and, hiVMi-r ih't ltd! iinnedhneut to nan led life. fchouM read tills hook. It diar-lot srrrcctn tint every one should beac'iuaiuted with . still, It I p a honk that miii't ho kept locked up. nud not lin ulioutihc house. It v ill be sent loauy ouo on the receipt nf twentyllvo cents Addrusa, DIt. tVM, YOIJNO, 152 Spruce street, nbove 1'ourtli, Aug 33. 1827 I'hitidclphia, I'a. OLIPUANT, WOODSIDK & CO. Importers and "Wholcsalo Dealers in ' tUiuc0 anh Ciquots,! o. 407 Arch SI. above Fourth, PHILADELPHIA. . OLiriUMT, J. WoODitDK, Gk.0. MeAr.fl.1. January. Jd.lSi y. WILLIAM J. BEIDLEMAN, JHAXlIFACTOItlJlt. ninomhur. Aug 15. le'57 PRIMn Timolhy and Herd Grass Seeds, OreharJ Grasn. ttnlun Hyo Grass, Aiuyriraiuaud Uuilliti Lawn Grass, Keutuelcy niuo Grass, ke., nt l'AHOHAU, MDIUtlri U CO., Iinplement and Setd 8toro 7 Hi and Marki t ttr ti. riuladclphU October 10, 1857 fpllU-TlMRU arrival of GOflDS for the Seasoji ji i S IljrUiau'. salamanijuh lrniH and thief PllOOK SAFKS. Tlltl IiA(ir.8T APSOrtT- niRiit In llio Unllcii Siatoi. Wurmntoii in do finni in nny t.mu In. nml will lin mill mi rroiti nny oilier lioiuo in llio rountry. nt ..,.. SH S, 4 til H.. I'liiladulI'liiJ. nuiiti'it Id AVI1 IVtl.t. PttCVAlM . tffUCommHttt 'h'tointrdte- Bui'trhtentl the Hum 'i Jm itHtatUpp. F'trunm J7. 13.-.7 - ' Pi.:,.,.,, m,.;. . 1. 1..?. J'Iia iimtnrctff rifit liiPinhom fil tlin riillllltllll'C. da rrpf f thillv rrport i tlml tv nw the two s.ilci. or 11 nally tijirird upon by rarri lt II rrl ug iml Hvnntfc Wntpnn, plnnd edit! by fid" In n Inrnirc, viz. The Ha In fit i bv tin- pn ma pier of tlii'l'liilidelpiila nnd Itpndli p Utill'road Ciipl'iv )n ilMiftrt Kiadhitf. matin niMti n d t.v I'arn lf& Ikrrinn nnr the H.iii In Mm by II A !niiiT. In lil toio m mulVtiimt bj IWrnii1 Wat"oii, and (ml In book and pnpcrvj ' cl'i'lv aiiltr riifir" w:m fin rtctl ill o'rlorh A M..andkcpl up until tntiffnrdir irmn h'tknry. twmords drv oak nid hall" tli.sliiiil lop wood win- cnllrcly i sinned, tin- wholi under tin snpcrl ntnnienr, t.f llio itubrcrlhotii iiicmberf ol tlif Coiimtltlu. 'Hi'1 S.ih'i with then toolid ofl with wnter, nf i r ututli tliey nifiied ti ml the liimlis A ltd pniers Juki ti mil by ibn Cniiinittlfi and H'lit to It A.liant-, tore lor publicpxnmlnil.ort.nnd markn 'I by the uoiumm - iifi ""K" i' ' 'w1""'1" i iipml bv i'n r re I At Iter rlnus Were .in mir ludzuient damage il fully HI teen per rent .more than those taken froii Uin in & Wptson'tt Pale. We believe ihe above tohavp been a Tnlr nnd lm parlultrlal ofthe resparllvr'p'n"!'!1 "I l,ntd Safes. 1 JACOI1 If. DVHIIKH. DAN U l S. HHN'TI'.ll. Having been abent during tlm liuriiipg, wo Cully cniiuitle with Hie nlniVo sli lenient nf tin cnndHloii of the papers nud buoksluketi out of the resp-etive caie (!. A . NMIJOLt.S. ii. ii . iiuin.r.Ni!i:r.n. Jas.mii.iioi.lanii. Mirrh ,1W. DIPLOMA AM'AUDHI) Ilulle I'cniuilcama Jirtnitlurnl lotlrtu o,( t) , l..rrflf 1 VlMHtM cernlVenitln tvctittn. to lUtt'JXUI. yilOXt:l-'It'.l.D V CO , Jer BJiCtr Lcituretctt t cuciau, u;i 1 1 i.t. i tin no:iai:s. 1"t'l lliirfi-s, II lin in'.nliialilc romMv fir II i' rum ' anil i I'U'iiliun nl .ill ihc s luclili'iil i u I : i'l aiiiiuil.il. Ul-i i"T, C.iiibIh. 'I'.ury, 1'i'vcr-. I If lilla, 1'i'dt iH-iai.!- Li'liil l i, lit li, (.n'n-fii UtlillR. IllllHlllliall'HI. JllllltliLO, Klilncv il instfii'M, lll.ll.iUrn. Tllli-k I,'",'.. III.I'Iihim.I HI.imit. Viuti, L'kcri in LuiiL'r. yurl'iil, I'uun J.ts, tilr ii jlll Hair, Wutnid, Hun p. i: l'DI! Vli vr UATTI.I! In J.iilinlirc, Vi'llnn.. Il.ivei. nr lllown, tllnoily llrii !, Hi il WAlci. .Mnrrian. l.n- nf I'ml. Liw "( Ap ...ill'-, kli.irrl or l.fn9iiii'e-. Ili-nf ili-omo, Woll in lliu T.ill. Ilnlluw lliirn, Uluuil) Mllli. lilouil ilUc.lse, LoSJilMllk. I'Olt nuns. In Swi'ltoil Vick. liili'K in Uin Liver. AWjsch mi tin' I.uii(:ii. Uin ti ol" tliu l!uwcl(inm. ot Cramp. CiinUi' iliiieiin n. Nu lariuiTnliiiiM tiowitlimit it :i .iiiulu ilay I It la Ins flml'ai i nor I'm ilmi'iin- nf Iii. mule. Il Inrrrasm ti. anii'lilil nf niilli. Iiulli-r anil lat In Ik'.lllliy aiiiiniU. Irui I nnimiiil. or lunil at lial tnmi 'Jll In '." mr unt. us II"' '!" rli'liif nr ov.r III DUO UrmiTS, in li.ivii llffil l ill titiry at any tllin! ANDlllllll Sr.W IllstUOVUItVI C A 'J' T 1, Ii 1. 1 N I M K X T . 1 L' 1 1 . 1 1 ii 1 1 1 ' any nl ln-r Llnlmriit or 1'inl.ri.cntlon 1 1. 1 i. l n io tln viorlil It i S'""l fr tli t"l InnliiK iIIji iim- I li.is ptot oil itH-ll III Hi" lianila ol tlinufai.ili. i.l l.iitHti. I.irini maml utasi .r irn lnrs lo L'VCi lilanjlllll'l I I 1 In' I-lll'l "IT I'll'iTril llilll"inlillC 7 tin d i ri.r. Lixi.vKvr is noon nut UATTI.IJ. HUMAN 1IUUV Sprains, ltruls''8, I'minduM d I'n t, tp.niu, tfweuiiy, ristul.i. titi.isi. Cm ills olWrry kind. 1 Wiin'y.i'li.Siiid Cracks, I.aiMeii'-fn.Hlr.iins, Meruit h'- or IJuum:, I'luek hi (k, I ll.inl 'I'liiimurs, Uubone. pull IMI, ' t.'racK-d Uiilri, . Uotteii Hool, Mai bp. Horn Ili'tempT, ' And in u ti v in her divrnf-es. Hhcuin'itisiti. Weak Juluin, Couiracltid tfincwi, Trust ttilet. Cli.ippal Hands, 3eltitiIJ, Tuuiou ri, Tnotlmche, P.'lili hi the Leg', Piim nthulturk, I'.i i ii In tin Humidor?, Nervou Pain;, (,'lithl.i!n. Illlenr.lllui'll9i Hlill" Jniitf. It in i tiirt in' "lost . iiimiplete and universal l.iniiuuit thai tiicncc 11,11 I ever jet prt duietl. liewxre nfCountcrfiUs, nn both our vahublo diieover i ie areulrendj i oiintLrleiP-il by pcimni in dill rent t pari nn the rt He Our pWikr h'u our written U iLilurn on earh botlle 1 .Maiiur.iLtuii-d nulv bv Mitr.tNh:. i'iior.rn:i.i) ft i;o.. 'n-3!7 s Tnr.it N, 1. LMirur Til ml W ood, Pinliiblphia. !'".'. n, i",7--ir 1S5S. S.MtLW AN'D S(J MMKTl, UKO. IIUI.I'IN .t (JO. i.uronrr.Hs .qki m OTfamu r.ns, 171 tniKsNur STitKi:T, Ale now (irrp-ired in uxhiblt lln-ir if t?t ks POll SPUING TRAOEi lN'CLIlDING llhW-l r.nil rolnri-:lsllii M.intilla Cli.mlly Lac Man M.irlill.i8. I'ri'iirli Lau- M.tnlil a, liiiilirniil.-rril tilk .M.intill.ii, ltiilcil Liiri-anil N'rt .Maniill.iH, Mourning Manlill.i. lt.n-liM-8. 'r.llm.i., . A.r., All orulncll ullllio circn-il ut tin' Lou-mi rrii-r". UUO lllll.l'IV k I'D. 1T4 fllli-finilt Strei-t, tiliovo7ll', riiil.uli-liia. IVIi Till, IH1'. OILS, I?DU 'Manufacturing ami Ilnrning pnrjioc!., for salo a. uy J. II. A. i S. Al.I.n.V. N'o.. 7 ami 0 Soulli WliarveM, riiil.nli-llii:t Juno 0, IS37. FALL & WINTER GOODS roil isr3. jIIIO subscriber respectfully informs liirf . riiftomerf nml tho imbhc guuuraliy, ihat hu lus ruccivt-da luIUtotk ttf choln; Kali and Winter (lootld. ronipripinp n full usfortniei.t nf (Jluihi. Ci'siiners, P.itiurtta, IMaini'S Ilrhlors Cuinn'i). Ac. tngetli.ir it li 11 pn'iit v.u M'ty of oilier article usually kuyt in Cuiinlrv riinrcc. AI.HO-ll.irflwari'.Ciiil'Ty. Oufrpvare ?.ilt, Fish, Mciili??u. Iri'ii.Sicrl, Mali-, Oapy, liooin Miotri. &s. tlj' Cdiintrv prmiuc, mm hiding Ur.uii I.umucr, lie, takuii i u ei liatiijH fui fooil.-t riTh nikliil fir u.it p itrounsc ho respectfully asks a cwiiui j uacu ui ine iiaiun THOMAS U. EVES. Milltilli!, J.in I. Idj-i-y. NEW FALL AND GOODS. WINTER OF 1858 ''l ho undersigned., grateful for former i liberal patronage, tmpectfut ly lufcrmfl Ills frii'tnln and cutomrr fu oiieral, Ihat li'i has rum iii'Mircd buslnnesin IiN eparioiis Now Htorc IIdihu iifMiloor lo In:'iah humnirs Hotel. where lie has j il a I received, afullsupply of KALI. AND WIN'I'IiH GOODS, roinpriiiis 'very variety of fashion, nualitv and style iiaually M pt in the bent stnrcfc, (J rocurieK.tiuiiiccware Hardware. 1'isii, H.din, Hats, Tap, thiol , flioua, Ate, IhlIi (il I bo sold on atroiiiinoa.it ins Term. 13" Oram and p-odurc of all kind w uie(), A & S. ANDHEWS. JIanvillc. J.tn I.IFJ, y. Wli. S'tiSS E20 J'BiPi. Nos. 0, 11, 13 and 1 5 Oouitland street.' ,'i?irr vnif ;r I) llAVI-i)ll!'jJTIP.. i TIIOS. I) WINTIinSTIIR I IIUNJ. F.W1NUIIL.BTER. I My 31. ?m UIIAKI.KS II. MAllPI.E'S. tl'IXK AND LIQlIOR STORE, A'. 1-13 North Third Street, Above Race, K.nt Side, Two door, above the litiel Hotel, PHILADELPHIA 1 lias constantly on hand t'renrh Ilr.iudefr Holland (im and n cnrrul aiortmcni of i'ureiju Winci. also, nil U mil 4 nf Ami'rirfiii Hrtlrlli. Lt. I Mnrrl. 1.1 IUM' V. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS i;tiNf i i iiuy uiim piii" "mi nuuvr nuntf, nr ininu , or hone power thepo are uuiurpased fjr cUlcicncy. ; ui in plicity nnd duruhlhty. Nenffham's Patent I'ortahle fitenmer for cookiug food t for ilork n great improvement on nny ihat hove ever Dedereck's Hav Treiscs. Corn Shelters of sunn -lor miaul and Aiiibli f riough In ureal variety and of 1 ho most approve I patterns, Rfcol Cullers, Hujar Mills, Lime nud Guano Bpieat'e,rs, and all other implements needed by dm fanner and gardener. Orders solicited und ptoaiptly atlended to. rA SCH ALT, MORRIS ic CO . N'oitU L'ait corner Hh and Market , Jan U, Jtj7 I'hllaJvlpliM- I aw mm steam engines and boiler IMin ubscrlbrrli now prepared, wilh nr-w Mnrbin8 1 i imllil kitiihultirv niff I lien lrom 5to 1UU liofc tower, upon latest Improttd plans, u in! V.HI biillitl" irdcr donbleand sJuglc pormblu engines irom Hi lo 1" lorno power,Ultr(icd upcu carrl.icoa. will' .Tloller Rear tug At pumps nil rouipluli1 hnd rendyToraclion. Also cylmiter llueaml inbiilaibotlers tiit iron coa! brcakjr lrnpatrniPd hi ie:m,for llircflhlng priiin nnd cratklnr torn nnd now imitln on n lartto xriilo lor rreckiiiR m Lrenkinp coal Heavy mining pumps nnd, firr tiinintl rigped comidetewilh doiilln acllnp forclnp piiiiipni kiudA f uiillptnrlng.ind Iioihv caftlng in.ula to onleri I, lur nil, tiling with iiiiydetlrl mtvn ot pullryii hnlnh wltlihanper I r?n ntanlii? done ry '-'IJIrel lonm n klmti of Iron turhll f heavy pres mid other screw turned wild any detrc il pit h ol Hi rend . Thebet Uougli Iroiuhrchlii? Marhinfi Hint eter romeberore th nblic,ca,l Irop ami w ndenmathlnei made to nrilrr'. I.evcr ndwer, tl.ain or tread lower made ta c'nicr. At(toliikedorilerRfortli',foHoti2ma rlil ne ry llarrf ion' latent pit nil it rain m il I r (T 1 UUO of fen d by tint Patent re for il final 11 will ffrind In ti'-od Ihic mi-.t I'JT liuliel?i u oni hotir AU'o bolts and elevii' tor ti ill In ot.ler.aif ol'it!ple P.i lentil hi wer, tun nnf.tctiir ed by (1 tl Harris t Co , tho mot pnworfnt IMowrr tmw i ii u?e iihthele.Mt iiuotiiit nfpower, ouo of w hleh uitliif pull n uieat l In 'on od ry foe exhibition, Mn tbeabovc works vv 1 1 lUu wauaiiioil lob" whai llicyu sold (nr. ANo Take orders for HroltN Patent lltarkxmlth PirlKrr, andrlf-'litx to tiite them in t her nun lien o Colum .la,.Moit.our..Norlli'tni'iirland,I.vrunnnp, Hullhan nnd CHnUn . nnc of which ran be reii nt mv tbnp- M'.WttS 11.MAU3. Mar.-li-i.lS.'r,. ntoniucbu .Coltutdiia fc , I fed AD-Wlt' .;uu:..n.rl DA3nnA f.,1l.. . 'JMJh UIHierflned rC3pPC fully inlomift I tilt. rrioiuiB lllill. till! Itlllll! iilir t iii t he has taken the F.trltnHfe ltvtc!. I lMm)tiflnlri!. luruK il mi M.iln ltv ilirrrllyfiipislU' Uin L'ourl llon-f. whkli Ii.ib liron llirninlil rni.ilri'il nml 1 1 u)i r. . v.-.l . niii'fi' Ii" la .rn. 1 parnl lo iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIiiIi- lil.ciuluiii.'rp Willi gooil l.iru j i ml I ii ij i-III 1.1 1 Kill k I'll I 1 too He al5i h'i Ih cdnhuttloii hitli the Uchrtiicc II o tcl, an cxci-lli ui 0.1 Nil! US I.l iXE. riinnlnsrepulnily fteVe'rattiii.ef perday.ln dnd frinir ihe Ih-jml on Ihe ariivnl nt Hie la ri, by whirh paneti:r ith will liu ple.iF.uilly convej edtn tlie'lli pot Elation .01 taken lrom and n lurned to their rVpldeticefi, tdlestied. X3 Uuw ill always be happy to rnti-rt.iin andiitcoui inudalt Ink Iriubdn to lheutiuoi ol IiIk tibilili'1. PUTIIlt P.lIiliMI i:u, Provrntor lllooiunbur-i .AtUil ,5 ,1 f .10 y . Aviso's gk 1; 11 rj a i" w a to 1 1 & J 1 : w 1 : 1. 1: v sto i; c iiuSS an, (!, iortli bfcontl Blreoi, OITOSITi: Til II MilUNT VIIKXOX IIDUdCl'll I LA UiililLcvurW.tlclii'aliilUonvllL'il It 11 "t.'ac'J . S'.'s " Silver ilo .to r- no !l (III S (Kilo ; nu 4 .illl o III oil I 30 It. 14 Ollto I MIO ! lllllo I I II C lo Lcpinc lo ..iijriierti . nnlilRiii'clarli's, dit.er ilo .SllvcrTalili Spoons peMi no ui'Fnri no ilo Tea ilo lo (iiltlt'entauilCnlilCa.f s, ilo Silver ilo 4 7.'.tn 7 Tncollierwilli :t variety of Tine llulil Jenelrv (lol li r.t! mini a ml l'nli Chains . At I uooiln warrtintr t tnii iifiri'ente,l. w.ilclies anil Ji'Melrjri'ii.iireili ,, ii, lie.tmaniN'r N II. All)iilera.etttl,viiymai lorollieru Ise.ullllir. ptinrinallv tttenileil to . Voveiilhe r I V M1:l l FALL & WINTER AT MENS'JII'S Oil HaP STOIIK. rPIIK undersigned having removed Iii--" Hlori'.nii linvn. at III,- nt in, I. l.iti'lyoi-Diiiii'iiliv II (! I V ll.irininii wlii-n- with ur r iii-ri'.i',l lacltilii-i he l h ii :i I h ininrir.i liilla.'orniciitiil I'atliionallo (Jcotb, Wliirli lie Iiik j il t ri-rt i ill friini tin- l'..i-ti-rn tJinr. cnnirihij Dry l.'iiiiil3.t:riici'rlu.,llari'.-v.iri. tti w.iin t.'i'ilir wiirn Hollo wan:, llruan. l'l.ll.b.ilt A.0 I'lanti-r. I run.' V i II.. I!, Hi, Slum , lal . I.Viik, 4.c he Also-It K A I) Y MA DM ULOTIIINO liisliuil.i'.vi iy iim"c miially liopt in conntiy Slon-s to ulin-li lif invili'.tlii' iiil.tiriii'iii'rallv l, I's.itl, I, ti nli.'r. Oh! Inn) :itnl (.'on nl r i- 1'rn.l,.. uUniu-'M.li.'iiiijt'lijr Hi. ii. I.., .it Hi,. iii;i'i iii ii,,.i pr,,,. A. V. Jll'.iNSUJJ. lllonnifl.iirp Jin 1, H.'.H FALL ;& WINTER GOOD .13'S4t;lvy, Weal As CO., TAVINtl n.l ri'ii-ivi'ii ami np.i.Hil Mielr Block o I Sur,'''?-m'i.rJ'oi,'1!';'l',',"',w! ' 'I'.tl... I. .MILLS 1 .1.111.1'Lr.r I IIA?;l)St)Mt.sT an.ort. ni.iit !,.. i.llcri-cl lu tltix TCHVV I liavins .,,,1,1 ,..- , alli'iitionloU,. .,.,rt,n t.ir ,.. ,1,,', , l'ri,-i-anil -iiialliy. fn-y tl.it t,.r u,..,,,..,,., lh,,t fHV rail c.iiiii.,,. , u, 1 1, eleip,,,, ,,,,p i,,ln'e to uityc lira ii, can auvf inoni't l,v cii Inj: ii a ri.n. We Nave nil klmU oi tloiiiln t, wute, lo mii.ply tiie l'coiili'. A vry large lot oT ' ' I.ADIUs1 DKKSS GOODS, rn-lil-li Mertnoi'H.Wooin.ii.ls. ,M,,tn,, .,17p,, lun.iise l oiillii.. I,),, tta i'Ioii,., jolnr Linirei. "v ' ii ."r-'iiinrioiiisuiii5lianis,Ojiioi e, WIIITI! CtlOVfl OP ALL KIMDS S.i'.eK.Collar., " Ilii'ri-liii'ln, 1,01,1, rinun. I, amis ami ttiinmiil"K l.aii .lllili-il.lli;'t,,,.,,it'l ril.l, M( :lr vllri, ' velvet rililioii., niul l,ra:il.ki.' colln,anil ifde tltrftiii al n ', Mokiiii mint i We invileiiiirl'rii'iiil iilliI the pnl. lie Seni-l a II V to 81 ve no a ral I before iiiri'linm; elu lo-re. Weliive lioiU'llloiir itooils.it l,oel t',n, I'r ire. .uml will not lo mi er.oldliyni,)liinly orlt,eri .lo''ii,a,iknitt McKliLVl', M;.Ui .V 00. Illnnn. i lirp, Jan , 1 Dr. J. S. IJoiigli ton's GltKAT CUIIK FOll DWl'Kl'SIA. T"i??;o"';"'.v,:;::Dii.ifouoiiTorrs juiru rrcparfii irom Ki'iiuci, or the hm Plfllilirli ortllf(), dircrtioiieof D.ircih tlt'.t hi-great I'liymnl leal ChcmiM, U J toion Ag isa RbBQ Tmiahioii.M. I) , 1'ljiia ueipiua .-a Ill' isN-itiiro'sownU-iiH-ii) lur nu until nlthy Htn niarji, Nnartoi man e.ui ciunl hj rurativf nnwer ' coittuinK im Ah h'lhiil IMtttrh Ai nit, or Nuni-noii I Mist-. It Ncstri'iiii'ly(i?ri-ialii iMhetniio.and umy 1 ciakfiilij the mueil'ei-hk' patient lio r.uiniii lata water enrkfrwillHHM acute dl-tircBs HiiWareulUruifril lliill.ttloiii I'i p-iii Jh iii't a Drit' " Ct'l on the A jjr nt, and -ret a Di -rriptive firm In. f rails, jilviug a lar-n ainuuiit of ciiiMic IUiiIoiich from IiIi-Iji'k ui ma it-lu inn-try :llr.t'imilif 'nl'l)iifOny nijtoi-tiou; I ) r IVreir.i on l'mnl and In? ; lr. John U T.'ai'er, nt Svw York Uuivercilv, t'rof. IliiliirhMiii'a I I'yinlntiy; Prof. Silnmaii. of Vnli-Cu'ledpf, Pr t'arptii ti'Tf INiv-inlnsy: .r..ifi!ri'ther with rt portvof Cuiea , from alt p.ni" o I the United Sinen. Holdh i: IV Lur. and J. K.Muyer, Ulnombiirfr 8. II. Ilowmaii IlenvicV. Uct,l, ldj. jy. Illoomshiirg Thnvarc ami Stove Ston rpHUunderaigned rr pcfittl informs hid o,i friend 1. und nistiMicr. that ho has purfliaf-d his brother inlerrnt iiiiheahnvc eetahlihirirut arnt i Ii curicti rn i i 11 hcrealu r ho conducti d ly liii.Tji'll pxt-1uivrly. He hni k jut tecricd and ulTcri fui s.ile, thu larccet and fl.i moBtPXirtiidivo assortment nl" PAN'OY STOVKil itKAl f-'Ver i nl renin i ed 1 ntuthu market. Hi? ntntk cnuiNU nf a com pli-tcanaor linen t ol eulhesl Cooktn''nnil o.irlor stoves in thf ninrkn.tn theser with Hlove rixturetiof utery dci-triptiMii.Oveii nnd lloxriluveit, Iladnitorn, Uy tinder Stoves, Cm Iron Air TijjU Stoves, Cannon 3tov, Stc, ic . fllovrpit peand Tiuvareeoistanit) on hand ami man ufactured ti rdcr. AH kindg of renairins done, as unual.oii vhortuotiec. The pTtroniifit'of old friends and new customers re speotlultysolicitid. A. M, UUl'URT. iigon)iunrp. Jan. jcj. tr STAUI'TEIl & IIAUIiEY. cjiF.sir irjiTCHF.s jixd jf.wf.luy. XXJUOLY.AW.V, AMI IIHTA II.. at tho Thlladrli-hia W Wnlih and Jewelry rilore," No 113 (Old u HG) I North t!i:COM) Hlreet. corner nf Qitarrv.fliilaildnhia, (old l.everVatrhei,fullJcivelIed, IB caret cut-erf, S-'tf 00 Gold lupine, IH caret, . ','1 Cil Silver Lever, full jewelled. J2 00 Hilver I.epinc. Jewels, - UUU Hupi'rinr Huarlleri, 7 00 Cold FpcctQClcs, 7 00 I'ineHilvcr do. . . 1 50 Gold llracetctn, . H 00 Lady's Gold Pencil 1 00 Hilver Tea Spnons. e et . 3 00 Gold l'en, with 1'ciiclt nnd Silver holder, I CO Gold Finger King, VI7 1 cent to $t0 WattliGlasics, pl'iln, liij cents, patent 1HJ, I.utiet i.'5j other nrticlcs in proportion. All goods warranted to be what they are sold lur, BTAurrmt & haullv. tiyOn hand soida Gold and Silver hevers and I.e nines elilt hnver than thuahove prices. . Octohor 10, h,'i7 Kspytown Coach and Wagon Factory fpill undcrigncd having succeeded Jacob S. Jva J. 111 the Wagouand Coach making husineii'.at his riund.in lspyiown respeittully inform their frlcnc andtho nulitic, tlmtthcy rontinui will tho Wagon Making Pusintss, In at) its dcpai tmenis, here they will he hippy loro reive orders and promptly executi-all huvines In thi Mae, with uealncfeaiidilef patch X3T Wheel harrows tnado to order, and allkliiili ol repairincdonc on shor inoilco UVANS & IIAUUHUUC1I. Lljwii JuneT, ltO.- y 1 1 iji .. n.igSnmwMimTmmmmt mum PECTORAL t Vnv lio lap hi Cure of C0U1J1IS, COLDS, HOAltSllXIlSS, KltONCHlTIS, M'HOOriXG-COlJGUj CROUP, ASTIDIA, AND CONSUMPTION. This rimedy Is oilired to Hie c iiinily with Ida ronndi'iicuwitliM In flu nrtlcla which ntdom hits tn rtatle the happiest eUVrii Ihat ran b" desired 8n wide th the field of ha usi fulness nud to numerous (he rni-ei of ts itirei, tlwl nlmosl every sertion cf the country nnouniis in pirsi u, uuuuy mh ii, who nave nepu resioicu iiuiu nui niiiis u"" ""r ime uh' easen rf the lung.?, by Its use. When onre tried lti f npcrlorlty over everv otln r medicine of It kind 1 4 foil nppaitu to ifcnpo otsirvtion. nnd whne its Mrlip s are Known the public na longer hesitate uhat niitidolu to emploi lor the ditreslng nud dangerous uilectioni ofthe pulmonary organs, wh'ch arc incident to our cliniaie. Noibing ban rallril louder for the earnest enquiry of medical meii.tMu the nlarmliiir prevalence and fatality nf consumptive rotnpinln!. nor lias anyone class nf discncM hid more nf their Investigation Mid rare. U" t a " y 1 1 no a de'i u u t e r i iiied v li as I' r ti provided, on ,lic)l tVpnbUr could dopemf for protirtlon fmiu at. tacks dpon the respiratory iirunns. until the hitmdnc Hon ol Hie Cherry Ptctmnl. This article h ine producl oi'u lotej, l.ibyrious.ni.d I IirMcvo ucreiul,endeaVor, lu furiilfU III 'innipilly Willi mi li n rinirily. Olllil. la-t Mat'-uii'lil tlie Alrorlran piciili! arp now llinnrfl cs prrp'iri-d to judct'i nnd 1 urpfiil wllh cm tide nee io llinr ik'iiion If t lirr Ik any iopf nriniccto hp plarcit tu w hat men of i ver dura tnul ntnlton certify it has dune lir Hum if wonni triittour own fences, when ' d.intiiri: ullVctloiis of tin: threat and tiinjt!) jk Id to It, If we ran upriid on the niuraiice nl lnti-1 hpi-nt l'lijatii.niB, who iL.ikn it thu r Imslniss to know, in fl.uri, f there U nny r'llanco upon nii Ihiiiif, tiit-u U tt HrMutnMj proven (hat thid tnedhlue ilors relieve nntl ittnt inrti Ihe i;is. ol diciisen it is dcrigncd for, lipjf.iul nny and till Mlirr that are Icnpwii la nmiikimt. If Uitfl ho true. It muiiiit he mo Irn Ir puMitihril, ntr hu too widely known The attlirM d ehmih! know it. A n til' dvth.it curcn in prici vnn (n them. I'a ten ti rhotitd knnv'it. their cliihmh an priceless to ihem All should ki iiw il, ftr health ran he prin d lo no one Ni t oi ly should It he ciriutnti d herri hut everywhere. iMitnulyin lliiw couniry In t fill unintiim. How l.uih fully wii havo aclid on this Lnniitioii,jt t-hf,w n In the lacl Ihat ulre.idi tliln tiilitli: linn m d- the Irt t rr tho ghilio. 'ltu sin new r sen on its litull. No ronl ini:il is without ll. rind lull lew people AHhnugh not u hi ceiiernl use lu oilier nut ion n - in Hii. it is employ i d hy Ihe mo in I lilt thrill lu lillliiit lilt Civilized lolin I r M'F, It i t' teisiely ( mplowd in hnlh AmericnN in Hurt pe, Al.i, ATrica Australia anil Ihe far nil i hunt o ilo xti. I. lie is as dtar tn il Pitoessnr therek ni In re, and they grasp at n Vt'iiaMe remedy with iei; iti'ironvjiliiy "h in nnrfKt" I'nhke most preparations ol itn kiud.H ii no fipeusi-io roitipofitiun of cosily. iiiali-ri.il. Mill il 1 iillnrded io Dm: pulilic nl a rr.iM-n nhlv low prn-i and w hat is nl 'ully merrly Import linn to Ho in its niia'ity h im r fiiHWf d to del line lrom iti original standard f rAtelltiuc. Hveiv hottle of lhi) iiM'ilictiH' intw tnaiiul.unni'il is a pooil n t-vcr h i lid ii made hretooro. or i we si-v inpal le ot nn. kiii! o h'li orroht 14 spnicil. in uiali.iitiniu!! It ut the hel n'i"clii'li Which H I pnsjlle 10 produce. I I e ui i' the pa i h nl who p reti I lie genuine I'umnv I'i i i i uml ran rely on ln ii-t n moo un iirHi It as has r-r hi en had hy tlin.e w ho ti hhly to its rnri f li pnr-uliiL' hi 4 ronrii I hnvt' the hop r.f doinc i)li'i nni In Hie World, fl Wf II (is the sat isl'.illioit ol hi le hii! lint unit h his heit ihk ii heady ntniuui.ii un nu j u avi:u. I'UAtrncAi, am; A.N M.YTH' li riiHMia r i.ovvut.r.. MAHH. , IT? i; I' I.DT.. ant a'l Hiu ii.it in HIoouiHliurg. and Di'.ilfru In Medo Intu tverjwti ie J.in. ti, in i.mpuktan r DISCUVEUY 1 (ONKlMiniOiY, i Nil AM. IHHHAM:: tip T II! I.fNHK A NH 'rilll'MT nte p'lrimel) turahli) hy tulialAlioii whuh niiej- Hie riiiii.ins to lite uailn In Ihe Iiihs Ihriiuuh the air pai'-iif!' " unit mini n- in iliitil contaU with Ihe tlin-;iM'. neutrali? the thhernilar m.it tei ,n 1 1 ij s Hie cntih t',t.s i. t r u lid t l.sy epi t lor.itio-i. Inn li Ihe luiis. pur.hi s I lie hlnud. m p.tri ri in-wnl ii.ility in Hie i.rrvi'it hImh, (.'ivniL' I hu t loin aildeiiiMSt Mi itti!-peii",il.le lll III" It'KliTiitli II Oi IomH'i 'lol It ( I" -I..I. t oi'lldi'llll) I li.it riUiMimf- : i urn I.-1 ur.il.h ! . hlini.il i" i . i- in me a m.uh p of una I Injeil pli iimim Ii ii- ns imidi uiiilir Hie contit.) n; iiiitin.il Irtntiiit-iit nt iiii!. i.iIhi loiiiiH nl-le (1 in. i-i , o i in ly out oi evet IiiiihIm d i .i-i tan let un d in Hie 1) rst ftnges nud lit ly per mil t it Un mm olid ; in Hit third si.iiif it is iiiipifMt.li; lo ntvr inoru Ih.in (He per cent . I tt r Uin luusure ho cut up ly the ih'-zicci at f' tiltl deluiliie in ineilital tklll I. veil howitr III lliw Lift Mh:m iuliii t.itioii iiir.inls t-tri rttiuaiy r'-lirl to tt.e s-illtTitu aiiLinliMjj I Iii t'i Mini m i uriM-, wik j an nun Iiy detrojf iuui'i i iIi-umiiiiI pern. its in t Ik U in led St nil nlnt e ; niul a (uruiii nh nlnti n Mi fit that ol the pn-t nt pupu l.ttmii of lie liinh, eiht mil llot'S tiro ill fliliid I oh II the i oiid.Ii Inpt ive'. j:raf!. Truh iheiuiei t iit.iih lut no airow- i-o fatal di I'oiunipiioo. I u nil nj," s il tint. Ijeen t .c grtoi cin my of Itie, (or ii paies ut iiht r ajie ntr t , hut swt'ts (ill alike Hie in.iw, Ihe te:m 1 1 Inl . Iliu t'fiiii ful,aiiil the Bifted. Iiy 1 1n he'p ol Hiat Mipn me I'eliif. in mwlmm roim th every iiooo und pi rh 1 1 .ilt. I a in L-rnhh d in oll'-r to the ailticitit a piiuwnitiit nintspiedj tore in Coitstilnplioli 'lin I'lti-triiiM i. luhi-ri It fl lrom l lu pine hlcnd, lltid I he I m no illltle ( Hi ( I, prodlirru' Iiy Ihejr itrporitiou in Ihe tu i I o pit rt ii 1 1 he i u tnJiui'tUtii of air into ihe air eeiiti lm hcau-i s n t akt neii jj.i lity l It rui-t" I h' i nl-! -Jeli oi 'J In li urt 1) Uin moro ntioii 1 1 to i v 1 1 fr i t'-r turd irnm no ihriui n enterfni Hie cavil if? nl llu liimrc thu it Iroui I lien- adinini.teit if Ihrnuch tin t-1 i. Ii ; Hi' p.itn in w 1 1 r I ; j find iiiij;h tree .iml tin- lot aiding' .ir) ulli r iiih.ilinj; rente dies Tlnifl. mil il.iiiuii i-nlir.i rt medy m vt rlht less it -ii Is c iiiir-ii'iutioii.ilU , and w i h more pnwi r and it t.iin'v thi.n reu eiln ,i.lmluitereil In ihe tl ni'irlt 1 pruvo the puwi'iml and ilnei 1 iiilnein e ol thin moite (A iiili.iiin.-lri.liiiO. tl. tun, 'Mini iiih.ilid will tltlirtly tle- slroy t-eii-ibiluy in a few minute, paialtzini Ihu cn Iliri mrv u- ff in si lint i tin li may he umpiilntcT w ithout Hit1 fiilil'st pin ii ; i ii lin ii 11,1 thf urdlnar) hurn' i J!:i" W ill d r-Uny life in a l w lioiirx. '1 he liihuhitiiiii ol nmuoitii.i will ritie ihe s)sen , w hen lain tiny nr app. n utlv ih ml The uTnr of innny rit the uiedn In w i pi iieptihlp in (lie j-Mn a fi w mi ' uli s at li r Im i ii l' inhahd ai.dua he i nmitiiiaielt Ii ( led In the hi I A toiivilit disproof nf the coIikIi- tutinui.l etli 1 1 ol nihil lat ion ih tht laci (hat sit km is nl w proiluteil 1 v lin-alhing font nir. Is tint this io-itf.o cviti'int that proper reiiudief, ran tnlly pre p'iriii t.u.l iu'fin"iish iuiiniiii-:t retl throupli the lime, -'lou.d ;,n ii tin u. o-1 h.ipp ret-nlu' Iiuring ei;h leeii jear-' ir.irijie. uuihv tlioiuaiu's sulleriiift fit iii lllMlacs ot I he luuuk Jilitl ihro.it h ive ln-rn under 1117 rate, nnd I huvit eitecnu ninny retiinrknhlcctires, evei tiller the Milh rirs li.nl In ell pfoiiiililiri'il ill the lan uiayec. w hn h fully ;mi(ii me Ihiit roiifiimplion If no lonLirafit.il dif-e.in . My trt atui' 111 ol coiiMiiiiptinn 1- iTi,'in:il. and f"U n!ed on li.ni'epi rieiife and a tho. rouh un ftivntf n .My perlitt nr'iimlittanci wiift the nature r.f 'uln p Ic, .V.c , eiiulih g me in illhllngiilHi . nadily, the vnrloiis lonns of difenn' ihat simulate roiiBumi tion . and npply Ha iroprr rrmntlrs, rarctv being niiitakcn c wn 111 u sinpir can. This familiariiy in fniiiiecilnti witlHerlnin juillioIOiifr.il nud microeru pic dnroMTii t, t uiihU'H me to relieve tlie lunps from thoftfiits nl' r ftitriit t d rht.sl! to enlarge the chrsf purify llio liluou . uup.iit to it rtuew cd v ilalily , giving tiergy nud tone in the entire sygtcm. Me iriue.i with lull oi ret lions si nt loony part of the United Htnies and I'.nmr'ns l.y patieuls rojumum taiing (heir symptoms, ly Inter. Hut the cure would Un more eeri.1111 if lite pal m i.t should pij me a viit, wh-ih would (.-ive n.c no f'pputiuniiy to examine Ihn Itiuss and emblo mn lo pn (.mint with miuli greater riTtalnty, nud 1 Ik ii the cure could he cllcclctl without my seeing ihe patient iifom. G W GltAIIASI, ftl IV., Office, IH I FiLCkHi strii i.(old No, 1U9,1 lielow Twelfth, rhlltnlelpha, Ta July 11, lPaT-QIarci 4) A V N GF UND NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST CO. OtTlGi:, WALNUT ST. , S. W CORNHIl Or TIIIIID Arrangements for Jlusittess during the Suspension of Soecie payneit lj the Hauls. . Deposits received and payments made dally. S Current Hank Notes, Checks and fcjpectc will be retclvi'd on deposit 'J. Iiepums made In Hank Nctcs or Checks will he paid hack In current Hank Noies. ' .1 r . j ,.,n(n 1 11 --l,l ... .. in 1 1.1 t..L.. 1. ui"imo tiiuuv 111 vwih ui ui ui mil uv paiu uuvr. in Coin INTEREST riVC IT.ll CUNT. PRR ANNUM. IIDNKV li, UKNNEUi President, Wm. J, Reed, Sctrttary, Nova. 1M7 TRUNKS I TRUNKS M JKEtQJfa-iMa-" L-lllLIiltr.vs i:iiAnin:R. rropcllcn, I. collier anil Carpet Has , racXIiic'i'runka kc, tte.t at THOMAS W. MATTSON'f", Celtbratcil I.onilnti rnzo AlcJdl, Improvcil Stes SpiJng.Bollil Holo Lfiithfr Trunk Alanulnclorv. NO. 4M MAItKKT H'ltlXT. South vp.t conif r I'ourlli and .Market, I'lillodclpliia A icust rJ. JW? If S. L. Pancoast & Co COMMISSION MRROnANTS. ANitB iND nr.Aw: FISH, PROVISIONS, SALT, 17 N'ntlh WlmrvPi, riillailolpliia. lj'-C. c. c. a a dl eii iy co., NO. 0, North Water Srcct Pliiladel- plila UOMMlfSION MIIUCllANTa.aiiil Jcalcre in I. anl. Bliuulilen, C'licno , n.iiua. lliitkein, l'urk , l'lour t.c. April 1 . 1p55 ly " A. M. llUPliUT Tinware and ;hfeilrun lauufacurf r Ptcr en flaj Btiuttctotv Hnpeit t btoiv. i fROTft TIIU LARGHST, IIHST 5 ""c t33 Jiandsomeet ami cheapest as AWW$&i sortmeiit ol Sola heather JWjir So'iit Riveted vSAgX&R Tlt.1VF.LlM TRUNKS 1 1 SFJiflirJssr VAMSr: 'rniiNTta. rit&JkP&iit Ladles' llonnit&r Dnss Trunk