Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, February 06, 1858, Image 3

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alcm n. TAii:, i.ocai. r.WTOit
jS!oomHr, Tel), fllh
l!T- Protracted Mectiiijr, commences '
this evening, at the Methodist Episcopal'
Uiureh, on Tli'rd Street.
,, 1 ,, nr .1 . '
K5T The members of tho Methodist i
.urch.of Oraiifrevillo and vicinity, del
e,i ..iving the Kev. J. Y. RiminooK,
, Donation visit, on Wednesday, the 17th '
. (
J8QTXI1C new IHClliouni r.piscopai
Church, on Third Street, Bloomshurg,
will be dedicated Id the worship of (!od,
to morrow morning, at 10 o'clock. Bish
op Scott, and Ilcv. Thomas Bowman, arc
expected to be present.
I-The cold, bracing and wintry air
of the last two or three morning's, made
folks stir their stumps considerably.
There was quite a contrast to the spring
like, balmy weather for several days past,
but still things do not begin tn wear a live
ly winter look.
The other ccning, out of motives
of curiosity, wo attended the protracted
meeting, held by thn colorf d people of,
this place. Their minister, Mr. Lewis, I
officiated in that capacity, with honor to
liims.lfand his race. His discourse was
delivered with feeling and cifei't.
A very l'lTiAHLK SioiiT. A misera
ble, poor old women, very drunk, was
seen on Thursday evening last, on Jluin
street, Bloomsburg, with a child of some j
tun years endeavoring lo lead her home. ,
The pilving, patient expression of the
little child as she aided alone her uu-
- , , , , , .,, r,i t
furtunato parent was a lesson ol laitlilul- j
ncss. The inionsidernte laughed, the 1
wicked jeered, but she did not lieed then,
intent upon her duiiful mission,
m ... ic ii. ii i- iiiuiviii iiii- fiiuuai ,
TMK Koa.,s.- that ,n "y , ..I, v,' a good man to his ,.
phecs roads could bo eiy much improv- iv,.s s:,i, i,js Htllo sister, "and mother's
id willi very little labor. The water long comb, too, in three pieces !"
which is allowed to remain in the eeutro j Wt4iThe .Semite of Virginia has appro
of the road could at the proper time bu prialed Sn.OtIO to puiobase Baiber's
condueluil into fields, at a terv trilling ' f,,, of Amerii-a." Mr. llar-
, ,. " bee is a native oi Virginia.
expense, if each laruicr would pay a ,, , , r ...
, , . ,. .. , .' )t. 1 lie good people of Miiiifv held a
little attention to this, so as his prop-' ,,,,,. ln(.L,lin;, ' lc r)th ilHl( m,pt
erty cvlends wo think the satisfaction he tonic means ol preventing the rowdyism,
would derive from the improved eondi-' driitikcness, theft and gambling which
lion of the roads he must so often'l 1
would ample compensate for the little la-'
bor bestowed upon them,
Wintkii. The length of the evenings
in Winter, which render it necessary to 1
find some sedentary and domestic diver-'
muii, mav also contribute lo render read-
ing a mute favorilo aimisement than in , w hy tho people dnu't go and let 'tin: bars
nimin'-r. Well selected books au.l news- j down !
papers enable tho imagination lo create a' lli.ooMiNd, The dandelion, in many
-".iininer in the midst of and snow. ' places, i- said to be in full bloom, and "a
i ... , i-i i-i , i gentleman a lew davs ninec informed us
itiul with the assistance o a eheerliil ire, , 7t . ,t ti i-" i i i
"that the lilacs in his varil were budding,
whine conilortablu warnilh supplies tin" ilM,l the leiu es big inning lo appear,
absence of lite sun, the winter may Lc ! tjyx.Tnu latest l'.n'is Fashion eoudeinn
uu de as ple.uaui as the scii-on of vernal Ihe iim1 of hoops, bustles, wadding, or
breeze or solar cll'ulgciu'o. j any thing else ! isn't it awful, ladies .'
. Only think of it ! Hoop, Hunlles, Wad-
St. Vai.knti.nb's Day. ecording lo l tlinir, or uiuithint' cUc ! Oh Horror!
time honored euslom, St. Valentine's
dav, will come olVim Ihu 1 lib inst,, and
tli c 11 is tlic time fur nunlcst young (jcnls,
who ban; been tryinp in vain In inakr
an iinpri'Dsiiin upon tin: licarls of the
lasscs, to send one of those handsome,
billets, which never fail to Mi in fairladv
The ladicsof course arc all on the tip
toe of expectation each unci hoping she
may be the happy recipient of a cairn
tint. Wc hope none may be disappoin
ted, and mureover, that ere. aniilher 1 Ith
of February comes arumul, each and all
may be supplied with a valentine iiith
boots on.
SsryThc Uloonisbur"; Dramatic Insti
tute, we are pleased to learn, intend, in a
few weeks to give an other series of en
tertainments. On which occasion will
be presented, for the first time, in Ibis j
place, Smith's Celebrated Moral Drama,
entitled the Drunkard, or the fallen .saved.
The piece is well worth the price of ad
mission, and is very well put upon thu
stage. Indeed, the main effect of Ihe
piece consists in the representation of the
itar-eharactcr, Edward Middhton, which
is well represented in tho person of their
Stage Manager, .Mr. U, Jacoiiv. The
other character's, "except a few in our
opinion, are well executed.
C&'AVonicn are often accused of gos
siping, but we a 10 not aware that it has
ever been the tulijcct of legal penalties,
except at St. Helena, where among the
odinances promulgated in 1709 wc find
the, following :
Vhcrcas, several idle,
gossiping women, make it their business
to go from house to house, about the is-
ln,,,i i.,..o.,ii., 1 .! i-i ,
,11. wining .ihu 0I1 UtlUUl l.liau Ullll
scandalous rejioits of the good pcoplo
thereof, and thereby sow discord and
debate among neighbors, and between
men and their wives, to thn great grief
and trouble of nil good and quiet people,
nnd to the utter extinguishing of all
Mendship, amity, and good neighborhood
or the punishment and suppression there
of, to the intent that all strife may be
ended, charity revived, and friendship
' Jntiimcd, we do order that if any women
nn henceforth shall bo convicted of
de telling, mischief making, scolding, or
iiiy other notorious vice, they shall be
punished by ducking or whipping, or
such other punishment as thoir crimes
or transgressions shall deserve, or tho
Governor or council shall think fit. We
know of other nlaees hr.rn .1...
, , ,
cnactincnts might very properly be cn.
fore eJ but wc will mention no jiamc.
- -i ' -
Bffl-Oii the decrease hoops.
EQ3i.Self prnlfo is no rcccoinmondatiuti.
JiST To save a quarter. Take the
Democrat, and pay for it in advance.
teir Expensive Sweeping the streets
Willi Silk UrcSSCS. I
AI5X 13 IIU l I). OOCIUIV nnUlllQSl IllU
",, r , . , , h
- ' .,, ' ' ...
ar ,i no weatner on n
a1 MP'Hilotls as a coquette.
ISgiir 'I'ho wcatlicr on Thursdav, was
To he popular. Spend all
money, in treating your friends
HQX-O11 the
inciease smart men in
HQX-Onr town was quite lively the past
BQX.Two things made to bo lost sin
ners and umbrellas.
BQJulf you want a good liursc and bug-
gy call on Capt. 1'heniis.
lK$uOn the increase Our subscription
ftaS Cheerful. The appearance of our
streets, during the past week.
RSf Our variety is principally exclud
ed by the President's Message.
BQuThc launch of the great Leviathcn
is progressing slowly.
BSW'l'wenly newspapers are published
in Kansas,
B5&-ln Mi
Michigan it is said that the III II .
!.!.... ,.C t- i i ..
S-r -as aireauy com- j
! menced
BSXAn Irishman says that n collin is
tins liuiibc a man lives in when ho is
B6X-What is joy f To count your mon
ey ami liml it overruns one hundred dol
BgjIn Town The young man who!
wears upon his shiit-bohoin -tlftl young'
lall.v''s '"""st-pin. I
S9X-'''I' Vl'a having failed at New ,
i ork, llierc is some talk ol transferring
-n () pinnij,),,.,, I
j,,,,,, 18Mto )Kr(!) ,,,, om'
the ocean, was four tliousand three'
hundred and ihree.
v..., i i i l. M.-.t.
prevail m tlic town
BS2..1''.irodi, the prima ilonna, now in
Havana, rereives im less than Unity thou
sand dollars per annum a larger salary
than thai paid to tho President -of the
United Slate".
Ki5XA correspondent writes to know,
in eario the (ireat Ivtstcni steamship can't
iMinie over lite linrs ulinut Sniiilv lln iW.
w li ri t :i 'itftion !
ti" The I.adic's llcncM'lcnt Si cicty,
of Danville, we understand, have invited
the Dramatic Institute of ibis place, to
yi vis tlirni an entertainment, for the ben-
ent ijl the poor ot Danullc. 1 lie invita-
i tion has been acceplod.
flljy Took the hint. The rich man,
who was in the habit of burrowim: his
poor neighbor's Democrat, subscribed and
and payed for it on .Monday.
VST litis season ol thu year is one
which in cities is ituually dull and iniiii
Near Jcrsnytown, on ihe Hint of Jan
uary, Mr. fiiioncn: Diimott, and 3Iis
II.miassaii ADA.MS.all of Columbia county
'I'he happy coujile, in ihu midst of
their felicity, rcmcnibfiicd the Printers,
in the presentation of a delicious liridal
cakc, and we trust that in their condition
they may soon
'! Ity sweet experience know
That, marriage rightly understood,
liivcs to the virtuous anil the jronil,
A paradise below." '
On the 31st ult., by Kev. K. Wads
worth, lr. Samuhi, 15. Hrrurr, to .Miss
l.imiMiA A. Cii.ri.N, all of Ilunliugtuu,
Iiiizernc county, Pa,
At Jei'fccylown, on the 'Mlh of Jan., by
J. Thomas. Hsu.. .Mr. .1. W. Uv,; v. nml
Miss ClTii.iitvn Iw.ll, r f
wood, Columbia couulv.
Ill Dr. Watlsworth's Church, hy Kcv,
It. hupnersutt. on Tuesday. Jamiarv.
1858, Col. W?i. S, Cami'iii:i,l. of tho St. I
Lawrence Hotel, Philadelphia, to Mrs. !
Ada l Kini.iis, of Virginia.
1" lllnoiiisburir, on the i!!)th of Jan., by
' . ' iUolns' , 111. Iluntingtou to
1 Ahss Hannah Meliride.
- ' '- "- :
At his residence in Greenwood town-
ship, near Millville, Columbia County, i
.... 1 .i. iii. ..e 1 M
uu .iiiiiiiiy, me ii 01 January, ,tir,
HuiiKiiT iIoNTilOMi;iiv, in the eighty. fifth
year of his age.
The many Cures of Dusncnsia and
kindred diseases performed by tho Oxy.
ecnatcd Hitters, after all other remedies
have failed, should bo sufficient to induce
every Dyspoptio to give tho medicine a
trial. Its Success IS WOodciful,
Sick Ilcatl-Achc can bo cured by
use of DU VAU.'S OALVAMtj OIL,
in from o to SO minutes, Soro llrcasis
and Soro Nipples aro cured soundly by tho
u.s. of tbo Galvanic Oil and it will rouiovo
a.r? auPam a lew minutes
gold bv C M lloficnbuch J 11 Mover
'nlld E, p, Liitz, IlloomBburg,' and Country
Mevchanw, ijeucrall) .
, OP Till!
For tllC 1857,
rpiii: Aiuiiints tiotir.iTTTuilMii.J n.ijiiM ti.n nubtic
J- aicuunls or i;nluiiibin roomy, have nxjntlneil ihu
lint ilny of Jnim.iry. 1W7. lo ilic first
'liy, lO-ir, linn rrsnei y my uen'iu uif iiiininmim r iim turi of common i'ien ni i
rilntemeut nml llrporii nureetibly lo the 21,1 Hertion nl
m Acini me uenerni Asseniniy ni iiiisuuminunweaiiii,
lassed ll.ii llli al.iv if Annl. A. II.
JAUOII II Attlllrt, l;. ,T'icasiitcrorUolumbla county,
lit account Willi ald coiiniv.
1657 .Arnimru.
To laivs outstanding for lEflu qui previous
1 )tnr, SHIO 74
10 cam oi j i . iicnuersnni lor piatiK, u
nf Jackson Ikelcr tor, 4 3U
Jury lecsolJicuh nerly. I'rotlionotary, HOD
of J"jio Hhnnnoii Or leiuiltliifi h-nro. . :Ci
oft; II llaldy, Hst, land redeemed, 7 07
of I.W Fvis It JI. Kitchen tlu 2 HO
of II Crcary. in 17
ol 1 : Ua Illcrti, ilo 4 t-rt
Ol Ktiiiilrv nrrdoitu Tor ilsn of L'o'i tt llmttn
J n uoutily Trfx on Mntctl Mini,
do ilo umeiiti'ij lt 7 j'l
do Road do do do u3
do I'u of ilo (tn do 50
do Tin Jjy aoriinMil. It (it
Io Jury lets of JurrO Uyrrty, 00
do do nml fines or tSirplicti II. Miller.
siiprlrT, if,7 .10 I
i a umoiini m rni ntufUBPil ror i"j7. w'J'J KG
TociiJtt rect-ivnlforMil (oryniM'sstnentfof 13j7 13 00
do nfJno Dun k i lli'i t latp 'I'na.Mirf r, 33 00
no M iienry w rooic lor Jit-cdnai Trcasu
rcr's Silp.
107 10
do ofSimon Tubb., land rrdecnird,
To balance dup Treasurer.
4 3.1
!,H1 17
SIT I 01
inn ii
101 07
370 411
71171 01
a: i :!
I!y etoupraliinis mailo ihirlnn the year,
Hy aitiotnit ol order rrduriiiuil,
It V t (Jtiiiiilft oil nil :i74 01 a 3 urt rout.
uo,.nilou on united i.,d,
Sl'J.CiJ i;
lload and llridge J'ieu
Aiuuunt pail fliiudry pcriom iur View.,
do lu for llriiljic do
S03 ro
12 Oil
.. n S 10 00
Bridge Contractl.
Amount p.uil llaniel Kostenb.tiler, lloariusrreek
township, $11? 50
Amount pant liaulol KotU'iil,a,l,r, I ran k tin
lownslilp. im oil
Auiunulpnl.lll.iirl.Vi'llenry.llinlonliiwaihip, Gil j
""loHnlnii,,1''' ""'"'voo.l
Aiiio'iin p.iKi jacuo it. mucker, i iinii;'crtc k
to Ilfilllp,
'-'00 00
U70 OiJ
$!I0 "t
Amount tnlil nulrv wttimi lor r.'nnlrti.
do Jolin i?it)di r, Tor rt'Mir at Or
ntii'CvillL' lirhlt'c,
Aiticiinl (mill Jiilin i:ui lor rujiairn .t f.i;lit t.
Aiiimnit r-aidll. R. Kline, for repair at Oraniu
3jj cri
410 3.
13 10
l 'JO GG
sr.', .no
:t:i; o.
Commomrealrh's Cmii
Ain't paid u riilry pftfimi .t wiin..l,M;sl A.c ,
tlttlton l'.tpentes
Aliiotnit ovju'tinfit orrtfTriiiu l.kitiun,
Amon-it Lsptiigcj of (IV ii cm I Elcc ion,
Ainoiiiil pnt.f to the diil'i.-ciit Axaoh for
luaKiny Mlug a iii nt
Conitahlt' litturns.
Ilvt'irn to h'tltriiMry Teim,
do Miy ilo
ilo Hfpieiiihef do
do Ih'cunlier do
!75 71
SU 10
Sll 44
-'ii as
i.'U 4U
S.OU 31
SJ16 K
-'.'.o :io
V'i'i 01
J7I 0M
1IIUI 57
Sll! CO
I': I'll
1:1 no
l.l no
Jttror'i Pan.
and Trai-rse, l'cbruary Ttrm,
May d.i
fPptemticr do
Deteiiibir ilo
Tip ittttit
IVIiruary Term,
Mev do
Hepleliitirr tin
lleieiubiir do
830 0)
Cenrl CVlfr.
Amount pud .Muses Coirman, I'ehruarj Te
do do M ly
ll'l dil Hi l.lember
da do licet !iib-;r
511 tin
I ! nil
Ill III)
In no
Sll ml
Jittortiev Firs.
Amount paid" ll. IV Wia,er. Atlomc) lo Coin, g7 p.i
iulttrt t.ttorney.
Amount pnid 11. II. Little. i:i , $;o q
Auiuuni pal. I A. J. I. vans T s i I
ibi do ilo C. house,
lln Je.sP.SIl.lllllotl if,, do i
do Win Ciileiiiau, do j ii,
do .11. I". llycrly, Im ofuld boards,
a .11
II is
II 111
i m
$01) 37
Jluditor't jmv.
Ainouril paid ,:ounty Auditors ami iheir Clerk. $57 50
Amoiinl paid W Win, llsij., "Prothoiiclary ami
r.eBlsler arc'l," v! m
Auioiint paid I.yrouijii; lusiiranre C'ompniiy,
31!) 3.1
For S-tatps.
. in oil lit palj tlifTeieiit ii rsous.
CtlUlirw tlMtltlittirt
3 1 3.1 15
Amouiil paid Jolin .M. Ciieiulierhn, pniullns
Court Hons" i-uce, i (m
Aiuuiii'l paid T. A. Hurley lc J. V l.lojd for""
to Milts of lUooinsbuig, Q on
Aiuuuut pant sundry perst us fur repiirs, 4.C., ul Ul
Sll'J 01
$37 00
till (M
J'l HO
.1 .iu
Si'.H 40
Pi inting.
Amount paid 11. W. Weavir,
do Levi I, Tate
do Levi V Im tu U Co.,
do Charles Cook,
Anio'lnt paid ll. V. Weaver for one set of As
sessinent Hooks. x
A moil nl paid .Mrs. Caroline Clark for one !ecd
Amount paid .Mrs C.Clark, lllauk Book, ic
Amount paid Clulies Etallt bin ding books,
$M 00
li 0)
is no
4 (It)
$71 00
9Vi 11
Amount paid minify persons for ardrlcf uund
In and about the Court Houi-c,
Cleaning Court Jhute.
Amount paid Ann Lonir eb nmag Couit IIou3,
luiucbt on tody of John FoulKnir,
lload Damagtt.
Jolin Kline, I.orutt towiit-lnp,
William il. Harris, (IretriWnod tvvp ,
JeiM' Maiher. do
II. Ititteiibfiider, Khhinjjcnek twn.,
IMlilin Kliiii Ml l'linciim tun
317 00
3 OG
10 uu
M 00
X 1)0
5 in
11 co
i'O oo
Hteph'Mi l-azariu, Houton twp ,
I l'eter tvtniB, do
Tat lirf untied
i Itoad. fiehnoland Poor Tai on unteated land
reiiinoeuio l'jwiihii'n,
j I'rilkonoiary.
, AjiiouiiI paid Jacob Ujeriy an per bilffi,
I Ilegltr'a I'ces,
i Amount pi id Daniel U-n for llecordin. &.C.,
Slto is
31:11 St
3d 00
41 91
$1 01
Sioo 00
313.7 (10
HI 01
M'J in
1:1 .'.11
310 00
331 00
Umngii 1 yarn postajo,
I Amount paid
,ii tat eat itntecs.
Ainomit paiu it 11 lliow u,
. Amoum mii J- IV iii'm..-iiini.
Ar..,t nJu?r,, CUrk'' ra,J
Jonas I'ahrimiir,
lie ry llilteubeiider,
Ulias llieterick,
ll. C. 1'rilil, Clerk,
.'Icriifj Bills
Amouni piid S. II. Miller, boardins prisonets,
nnlilylm Jnrius, A.C , $330 70
Conveyiiif; M nnuuier to 11. 1'cnitentiaiy, 71 00
Uonveyins fleorue Ituple do 70 00
3171 01)
Aniountinid John Ilo tk, lls'., Interest uu 3170,
I 1 sr"' ,., rw.
: so
Am'1 1""' ,aco1' ,lo'rls forTrcasunr' Heeds, 911731
3)5m 31
County. Stats.
$1 50 8'J 7J
S3 d
7 27 3 G3
43 es
93 25 rd 3d
1 00
I 71
121 'it 132 81
7 40 13 b0
24 5
21 !15 31 47
fil 15 31 17
','9 H 39 b7
VA 37
33 53 10'J 17
f-0 61
7 61 f.H 42
10 17 V
7 diss oulrlaHuiRir ai
Samuel Apnlemail. Bugarloaf,
Jacob IV. Warner, Madison,
Peter'iiayman, ormse,
; 0
, ftS &2i'."l",,,
! Henjaunn llayman.Oranee,
Tlioinas V. Young Jackson.
I'aiih Juitn.t aiiafa,
w.iiin,. iioo,inu 1 oc.t,
,,v"n nmeioui.
st , DlM11,
111 ?l
112 fit
son ?s
1HI Sll
I SI ill
:i M
SI I 711
B0.1 I
.-J IS
317 M
1711 01
!!H 01
:im 7-j
li l 3d
101 01
SOU 77
7 IH
170 01
7-1 III
I'l II
lf-0 7
71 el
3j as
117 lid
10 (11
Ml io
4i1 21
I Adim full llrlnrcrcek,
j "ii 11 .unor i.emro
John !ult, (,'iitl,iv 1 1 a ,
Jishus. Wnmcr. Ounynghain,
John I. u inn, t'lthlnucreilt,
i nouns nnwci rrniiKlllii
fill 31
IllvldU Alii n I in ii. flrennnond, I 111 17
II I. Plionniki r, llcm Inch.
3.10 HI
Iii'iicl roiMi, JnekMitii,
IVIIIiatu Ooodnian, LikuiI,
Jolin rmiiti, Miiitlon,
Uvan UVlllvor. Montour,
laac Yfllpr, Maliip.
Jon iili Cranfnnl Ml. t'lcaiaul
I.pivla lktoat, Mllllln,
Mlrhr.Pl KcIIit, Ornngp,
llunl.lmin Wlnli rilppn. I'lnp.
:i:i .vi
im n
177 HI
Sllll 111
7J All
U.I I 111
17.1 01
CO .11
MkllJPl Itilirulf, lln rlncrrctk. HI 81
John SI Cota.ttiig.'irlii.if, lit 1
llli-lia II. Tuucl Scoll, 4ia IS
SUIU 31 S". 151 03
vn. uif iuicicrignrtl .liiilllortf or Ihu cimnly nl i:o.
liMiliuii hFlnt duly rlirtoil lo iiiIJiikI nml trtila Iho
nrrniiiit i.f llm Trpnmiror nml CoiiiinkhIoiii'M Imvo
ranlnlly ttamlncil Hi.' nirontil nml voiulm of Ilia i
um', Ironi tlni liit iby of .T.i in... ry . 1H57, tn tti- nt .1 ly I
of J.immy, li-SH, ,o rcillfy t li.nt wn liml llitm uirtict
na art lotlli in Inn fori'solm miiIimiiimiI , nml Hint wp
nml n liul.iiir.. iIiip Jncab llarri", nj'l .Trplmurcr rnim
llio rnniily of Hit ImniliPd ami Hi nctlon dollnra anil ,
. OIvi-ii nnilcr our liaml. llili Dili day of January, A.
1 1. lS. . .. .
juiin ii. vim i:.
Alien. V. Wirt, f'ir. '
Wo llmunilrr-ianpil t'riinini.nionrrs of Iho IJiiiintv '
or (..ilumlila, d.i ci rtiry lint Ihe fnri-Bolnj in n currcr't i
MatPiurnl of llie accounts of said county fortliu)car
A'."'. . . . I
In li'Mliii.iny whereof u Iiivp lipreunlo iiA out '
lialids llii Dili day of January. A II It.'id. I
JOVAH l'.llllllNdKIl, ) Com'i '
lll'.Mtr HI'ITI'.NIIi:,VIICI, J. of i
... . .. ,:,IA? I'IC'I'tlllICK, JCbl. Co. I
AIIPM, II II I'Ri'iT.ltrt.
1'cliruary Ud, 1S58, approved bv the (oort.
jii;oii i;vih, I Jl'smlale
I'KTCIt KI.I.NC, j Judge),
These iiave ?incp paid in lull
lll'lUIIISIJIirf!, . ru o, l?3d
c;-to rARUCUS.
Tin: nuiv vor.K wr.r.Ki.Y
NIIWS, Is an ntctllpnl New Yurk city paper lor
coiimrv rea-llne It eont.iius tln r.illeht and umti
iUjijjj.ii'j.miiA.jJiJiuji iiw iKTOi'
Special Notices.
rorrirt Untile market and Produce ri ports. Willi alll!'"' nfu scries ul splenih I wnrkaol art. conni.l llieday. Try ilan d you
wi'l like it. Only 91 a year. I'ubliihpd lit No. 10-
1 N.i,,nu itri'it.Npw Vork
- - . .
j . ,,.,, , ,inl,er coiunin, la,!ed"Ilclm.
biild's lit iiulnc I'repiriilioit."
t7- TIIO.MAS W. MA'ITVON. Ilrcelver. the Prize
Medal at Ilia World's Pair ill Loud jtl, le5I, for
'I IIDNKS.UAIII'IIT IlAnS.Ilprits, shoes nndllilnn.-
O rent iuiluceiiieuts nre iioiv ull'ered f. p irchasers
iboi ii articles. Thisls iiiiiclitlpirset .lockultriinks
iJ.irpelll.igs. allcpk it , in Philadilphl.i very cheap,
or c.nh. Miuuriiiories: 1110 Mirkct rltreet, rt. W. I 111 Mukel street. S II corner nf rourlli.
CJ- Til 11 i: A STtTilVsTmiTruN'' t enprable
Ijeuilemaii, w ho. when in nctlve life, lie 1.1 a eiy ills,
tinsuished posilinu in the lleniiicralic piny, bij s :
"llrenllies lln-ie a in in wilh si ul o dflld,
Who never in liliusilt hull said,
Thai llie onlyplaru m procure f.nhl.inabln , duiable,
and cheap clolhiiii h nl the M.-tn.p ilitti IHuMixli.
liieut of tlranville ieiol,es, No. f,07 CI e-niit streil f"
tr a ni:w and inj?iNus"m'NT.'vV
IMIlNtTl'l.llS.-TIIOMAS ! Ul I.I, A. CO.. have be
come proprietors of the Wimc HtLt Ci.otiiiso IIazsak.
comer fl". r, and Mlrkr, street,. Philadelplil'i, bu,
will not follow in Hif b'Hten track. Wc ore satiilicd tlii only way to build up nml Vi-cpn largo biimncM
' I j frit ft ttHL.Aj t-Unin nn.l nlt'i. . ill Lf ,el inn I
l ... . i i
(piilenctj will not nnsttr and Immbui; Ini lud its
d;i))aiiil wc intend to ht-It our good at per cnit.
indvanie iiptn cost (no Irss and no more) ami no vnria-l
lion , ., , ,,l.e,l pric, , 'I His sjst.m will install, itscl
williiuil ptidiii. We shall buy ami sell exclusively
InrCash. llnr Clothins will be nndc ns well aa cloth.
1. , ... .. . .
I in:, ran bu m.i.lo Our a-sortiiieut lor men and hois is
the Lucent iu rhiladelohia. and our nr.,es much lower
,ln" "Ibers.
Call .iml see for vourself.
TIIO.MAS 1'. 1MI.I, k CO ,
White Hall Clotuio; lluuar,
Pou'li Wrsl rnrner llli and Market sis., l'hilndclphln
rTNU'OHMi iv or i'Kh:i:st
Ni w I'ka runt it
.'very one ht oirn SttUintat
' J'lMIS Si CO.,
Of Ihu I'reerent One l'ricc Cloth In? Store. No. 5200
Iirket hlri''t,fibne iixlh, riiiljrleplil.i.
In addiiion to li.i vinj,' Uielarget, tmM varied and
isnioiialilo stork of (;iotlilt: in IMiiladelplna, made
rxpienfy for rital s-ile?, hae ronHitnied evrry one
, hinowit salesiuiii, by haling nnrke in figure, on
1 each artit le the vcrvlnnrsl
price It can be sold
.all ,iu, bv ,,1,1.
r ca""
Tim cojds
,nns, ,.,,,,.
" -""" i..,j-u,ii,iili,il) ,ll)h
sari! well sponueil nndprepared.uuilgreuc
pins' taken with llio maklnj; so tlinl .ill tan bn w,n,
liefull asuraureofseiti,,, n o,l article al llieiery
, i.M.w.1 uiiei- ..ii.ii.ii i.irgu siiick oi piece goons on
hand, of tin: l.ncst sleun, bust pnlities, which will
bu made to order, in the most fashionable and best
manner. a'i per rem, below crulit prircs.
lie ueiiiher tlic
Sircei, No end.
Crcsctnt, iu .Maikei, above Sixth
JON'ns i CO.
la-i.tiin iti;VAi;n wiu. in: iAin roit a.vy
Mcdinm-thil wiltenvl I'llATT At IIUTCHCIfri MA
C.iO Oil, llir th follow-in; di-.e,i9fB Ulii'tiiiuiij'iii,
Neuralffia, i?iiul Atlcctious Coulracteil Joints, Clinic
Tain, t'siiim in the .Sidi r Ibick .HuxdJClic, Tooth ach1,
Snrain4 Hnra M'li t'ltta. HrilML'l. Hums, nml :ill
"'' " s '- n
Ki'iiuino without tho tisualure of "1'i-att ft llulrh'T"
attathed io r.irh Uhtil. rriiirl,ial offi-e., Vahi ng
ion street,, New Vork. Sold by 0. M. IU-
nu.NBt'UII, DnijigMt, llloomsburs. have made but one nnnli.
ration of the Ma?icOj mi my ftnsur b which Invo been
il'flMn If... i I.,,.....! ..t Ihn I.rn....l.l n 1..,
' 1 ' ' ' "( "
rhe'iiuaiifin. It wan of ieventccn months htaiuliitj;
and I aai now entirely cured, I cheer fully n commend
it to all idlicteil IiKcwipo.
j. M riMHinoic,
?.! liOCUfUtreet, llarricliurj.
j AllKUlit 1. irV7
It A CAUI) TO Tlli! r.AllIUB.-Da. ltL'tnco,d
Colplv ritE Pn i.s are tnfii'M'jIt i'i rfl'f itrln uteppages
r iriegulantitM pfthc menses.
These l'lilsarc nothing new, hut have tieon uted by
the I) net or for many yeirs, both in IVauce an 1 Am mi
ca, with unparailcltil tuccrm in every ra se ; and he is
urged by many tliousand ladic who have uned them,
to make llie 1'itln public, fjr Ihe alh-vialion of those
(urtVrin from any ur'ulanliiB wh.iievcr,.n well
a a pr -entivo to tli-Hn la lies wh ii health will not
pi-rmit in incie.uj i-l liuiily.
Pregnant female, or llio lupomng thcmselvei o
are cauiioued ajaimit using these 1' the propu
clor assumes no riponkibility alter the atoe admi
iiilion.alilioiigli their in il-meas w ould prevent nnv in
Jury to health; otherwise, t lie fa I'i I Is arc recotn
Diri'ctionn amuirpiny each box. Price 31. fc'obl
wholttalu fiid rrt.ii I by
ticoKoi: m. iiAni:itui7ii,
Ccneinl Aft? ut i IllooiiEburs, Pa.
He mill supply ihe tr.ilo at lli'j prnpi letor'w prices,,
and send the Pills to laili1-! eon$de,iiiatlj) by null on
rec ol"iit 51 Uu iltiii UbioiiMh Wi P.iit O fi;j
rlMUi citizen- of I'looinsbtir? can now have tlrcir
.1 daily inpiTu furnilii'd il,em at tlu publuhei'ii
Prices, tliun 11 iins their rot:iiii
Puii lie I.t'i'iirr (daily) $ 1 I'O per annum.
1'i' ' ft ('U
DjiIv IV ii ' b 00
Daily News 4 HO
New V tk Tribune 7 at) "
Herald " 7 ())
' Time ' 7 00 "
New Vork Ledjjci w eeklyj 00 '
Or any other Papers or M.icazineii, pu'difhed in New
Vork tm phi'udelplna, in all cases 111 advHiire,
No subhrriptioii received lor less Hun u mo 11 tin
Mr" - Jssoc (1 I'LAKs Is aulhori edto receive sabtcrlp
tion s for the same.
General A'twipaptr ,4get.
nioomshurg, Pec ?G, 182731
Q I rr" 111
TllK undorsicned respteHtiHy infomit the citirens
ol Hlnomsburg and the public In general, that he,
jjooi una anoc jisiaiHisiiineic,
In tho white bnlblini. nn Main street, nbnve dsn's
k Wilson's llakery. iviicro lio naa con.unily on liund
a large assnrlmeul of
Hoots, Shoes, 0 alters, Ac,
Ami will makeup work to order on short notice lln
lone einonenee in the blisnieKi . nnrt unnftnl know.
ledaH oi th" vantio iho n''onlu, will enable him to
render niifartion to all hut customer and houlil
1 secure hi in patronage which ha hope o uierM
Bloomsburc May S U57
1?X iTv
nro,r.i.-F.s iff o.vr.'i
7nry Ihtmand CpjAtl Ike hint Ahnthltt
rivi: noM.Aii r.NoiiAviKu to nvr.av nirn-
nillli union of llntnrfon'it Macnxlnn nnil I'ltt nntn'M
J. Mummy gl(n lo tun (,..! work,
cirrillnllun .t'ciiilil In but ntii .hntlar inlilfcitloii in
1 lliorniintry, mnl Ii.m RtnirrJ lor it crimluiiltlnn ol
j UliTnry nun nrll.lic t.ilrnt ptili ilily ilnrlvu'led by any
oilier Mnalno in Ilic worM, lliirilin tin lirt monlli.
. llli tilt; In ilic irailn and ili-tnoml Iron) unlHcrllipri, rx
cpi-iii-il UU.llon ropiuHinml I ho niimlicrs nlrunrty MbiiciI
'of llio cuilAoliil.'ileil woik mil tmivpr4nllv cciieiilnl in
""".buii.ih-ii, ,h ririiiu 01 un-ir iiicrnry rnn.
;'l.nil I lio livnuly nml of Hint flrloihl
'','lf.Hi.ii, any niuri'lm' pvi r ltorn l.anril Itom llin
!,""'"r;'" I'""' ''"tuinci'il hy lh-f cvlili'iicca ol
,,,v,r I'll- mlillslipri Imvo iliMcrminMi n riininirnci' tlii
",cw vnliiwo In Jmiury with a III mlililmnnl nltrar.
'iolM,aihl In oirr nrli Iniliiii'iiirnti to rnlitcrilict. na
c.ail"ul lJ" I" lilaco It In Inn. at llio lioan of
Ampicaii iiiailiipf . with lhl view tlii.y niiw an- fiillnvi lnf nt..n,lnl nr........ n 'l'l...v I....
i'auh.ncil that n.ivil. and foftlyiltil nla'c ensravins,
"llli: l,ABTHUiTI!U.
anil will irppnl ll tu iciv : nl.rriliiT for Hip vpar
IM ll a. entravpd nl aio.l of ovrr SVOno. bv IN- 1
Intn rrli.l, iii I ...I A I. Iill. i......n. .t.i..-,'-, i i
Jln.l i,l,.r i.p..,...,.i,? ... vi ,.i , .'..i' ' . ..V..
flrrl phlp plleratllig pvpt rtriuti-d in tliii cni'intry,
belns lhri'ellniilio izi ol the ordinary llircu dollar
tniirin Iii(.m.
'I'l'" liml i.iiprpsiona of thin rt.srvliiR arc held nt
SID. and II no a the Intni'iou nfth,. artist that noni "I
Hits i nscavhiii shnuld iot bo uII'itpiI Iur a pm Him
'ball $5, lining rlihly worth ihal iiiiimnil. 'Iliusrtpry
Hint dollar iulnrribcr will rpreitn Hip Mjiiarlup one
yar-rlieaii at ill-ami llumiil, ndid iiifraUnj. richly
wnilli Sll lliui ielllii lor . I the ului; i,f
Vp shall cmniiioiup striLnift oil' the eucravines liu
; nirma'eiy, yet It ran lianliy bu expected Hi it imprr
fliinsol .i iarirn a plito tan bo Liken as Ian nn lliey
Will I,p railed Iur by tuliicrlbeiH. We fliall, lllerelorp,
1 .1 r ill -Ii I lit- ni in til" order in which siibiripllons ire
received. Thine who desirutn niil.iln Ihrlr I'liernvinaa
I'nrllMinl from the first lniireisloup, slunllil send In
their subscriptions wlllinul delay. 'I be ensr.lvliiK rait
bo sent iiu toilers, bv mall, or In any ullicr inanui r, ns
snbicribers shali order.
In nddillon lo the suprli eneravinc of "'i'ho l,at
Pupper," which villi ha presented to every llireeibiilur
.-!,--, r iur eo;, i'i-piiiiii.ners hat e rniiiiililrd ar
i rauarments fur llio iliriirilmiinn n n.n 'i.,i. ..r n..rA...
, Vm, s. m, i i hi ai Uh.' AiVi'., '7
i Pfel ."a"' Ungraviltsa. wollli fnuu l.l In ?5 each, nml
....... .,..,, wnrin lo Slpain,
lii.lklmi in nil over ihree thoutand "'Sit, wntth lienii;
Ihoviind dollars.
lair lose $1 In tho rubllshrrs and you will cnmiiipticu
irceivnii; llie .Mn;niiio by relnr" mall You will i,ln
. ... ni ,V,,,,i.. . .... ,. .,' ' nuiiiieicii sulicrlion
'""' ' ' ""snivinisri
"Till! LAST KIJI'IMlll,'
cianrp lo draw one o thi'se ThrPO'
' I'.llAl-OV WHY YOU pl'I'SCIIIin.; I'OU
i"n.iiMJ ai.iu.tziNi; roil l-'.iS
isi.'isp i:s nter.iry eoiiteuls will, diiriiic II e, embrace toiitributioiis lrum oir one liimilred
ililkr,.nt willers . 'iiid tlni.keM iiiimli. i ine nmoiii- iheiu
the must lllsllliiru hllPil of Allieril.ill .-iiitborv.
'-'il. ll-iauo I' h ill pun menu. "(Iur Pluilm,"
"Dor Vliii'i,w."and"l)uroll,i,"v,illiarh be roiidm ted
by .in nlilu tdiinr and il win niinu, in ihe vnr'riv
1 -I III. r 1 1 II IK' eft O! I IF L'llllOf Ul l j ... i,t .,il,s
(7...... 5''
:td. IVraune il will rnitinln. durfnp tb" wir. nr-arlv
Will on3iiial iint' ilJusirMmrn horn dcn'iirin Ly the
-lih Ih calico f.-r the ftiim r,l 3 yon will recrlve llih
fjili'iHlid imtiiihly. moru liclny worth ihni pinu Ihui
any i.thur iinsnnn. and the fiu.cil. nigr.tvhia vt 1 'J'he
l.-ui t!lipiier," WiMlll Si.
,illi. IVntii'e jno will be cry lik'lv ro drniv one nf
...u i.ii i ..nmn.ii .Min?--. 10 nu lUMrthiiircl on the Will
d.ivui Ittceinber ldifil.:iiioiifi that I w urih $11110.
' Nolw illisUnilini! Hint these rxttaoiiliiiary im!
' uTSi'&VV 'It vKed',
publisherH without further eihjru, wt ill y havedefr
luiiii'U to riiiiuriiiu iiirough the year.
Till: fiUCAT I.IIMtAltV ni-ppn
To any perron who will p-t up n rlub ot twenty otir
i dubsi rilii"-, Other ;it ntifrr more not oiTlcr wo v.n
, on-nt a t,i, lll Murnrv. r.-LL L lr ,1 VV'.'
1-rpo boniitl Voltimco, ciidinrin tho most
' vr(kH j" J mirkel. Tho t lull may he formed at the
ulll Po'.sC llimT
' lil ami desenptiou ot the l.ilna y and specimen ropy
"I,,',1."' )ViirZ"iiIi" f 'ii'li ''"""''Il'd ';u receipt of sj
i rents, .Over "Oil Libraries, or SHOO volumes, have .it
. readv b i dKtribnied In mi,,l.,n. ,in, , , :
' ami we should I e Ca.l f an onnuriuiiin- to r i . ,.'
I I II.... u. ... V ....
or to some one ol cvr ry pon uince in the country. ' '
Aor.N'ia criTiNr men.
The -urees which our acnia me meiting with Ik
klmovl uKto'iUlnue Aiuoiitf thu ninny tvulciici'n ot
Uu f-ct. we are permitted to pnhliFh the lollowtit'
I iisnM:is : The follow in? (.tetsin njatlrii tn fjit
I ymirAs-nlF aie donur in this section, miy he nf use to
The ll v John ll
. .ri-i r..?.nK lll'iri'H I'l ua III O eillll'lllMilHlit
j.iruon m ifinpl.ieii.h-tMiiailf mure j
list Cliristiiiiis ovir SlbOll In his nc urv Mr lijil.l
M il'Mlh, nl lliilelv Mo. lour ii r n ,'i i', mVn
Co. is miking S i,r day on m h tnh en li
by linn, and .M,.ssrs. u eimerft. Cvaus.ol Oregon, Mn 1
jour iiirrnu lr Hull louiily.uremakiiislmiii fH to
S.'J Per day. nml jour fi'liu ilo serv ml has made, smeu 1
the Till day ul last January, owr S, 171)1). I, 'sides pa vine '
lor HUH nr,es nf lnu, out ,,(' lc. husini'si worth iier
SIllJU Vou are al liberty to publi,h tin, tteineiii ifl
for,)0" llkt'' "lld '" tgl' r,l.n '1"' ,lf 11,0 P'"ln' named
, Uarrnlton. J
, n 111! slirn ni'1u''eini'iits as WO Olfer. nnv I.,,.!., .m.
obiain sulncribers We Invite every gentleman nut of '
""l"! inciii, aim ewry lauy nun ursires a pleasant 1
;eci. Applir.inis should eml.i.e , ,.,.ts (, I
. 'i"-, iiii'-n ...(.y,u mo aiajra.ine , nilien will tilwaw bu
lorw.irded with anfwer to applie.illon hy return mini.
i e-ri:i:i.Mi:.s' c.vriiavimi.
I As we desire lo pt.ieo in the hands of every person
I whciprnpo.ei tinjel up a club ami aUo nl every a-ent,
a ropy f the cucrnwigril 'The l,al Supper," as ,i
. spiriiiieu. i ai h apoliranl nieliHiiiy us $.1, will rrreivu
U l fjr i i n j; posrpnil by return mail.ul.nperiuieiis
ol our i uhlicitiim indinieiif the uiim'iereil .uheriplion
, reeei Is, enliilius Ihe bolder In Ihe .Mae.lii n,e lenr
and Ion rlnnec In the ilt'lrihiltinu Xlii i Her is made
nmy io loose who Heme lo acl ae agents or lo form
clubs. Addre.s
oaksmitii it ro ,
, No.371 Ilroacnvay.Xew Vork.
Jan 'i I, lf5d
, MU.T. .7.V MiCUIXF. CO.VfXVr.
' rAM) I.U1.I.A1'.S.
rpnls Comiiinj hasbeet rrSanUed Willi the above
IX rilntulior tile piirilosu of supnlVIUI! tllo demand
for the
I U llli Ot!l' T I III p TO V Td 111 It III IierV-
illi'V IilVO lllirc UPed llio I'llliro m..rhntrti !,....
niTi'i.iiore r.irrn'd on by J. si. Ijh-ihiii &i t;o ,.io the
.jiui:iiii,i;r; tiiiK8ai i oiikitm. on tin- II iiiIpimi . near
1 thin eiiy, and w ith lln experience and fu-ihiiex com
hined mi its orgTinnti'm are prepiind to lurninli ma-
ihincry ol all kinds .it mom liberal ruir s, tli.m ever
beii uili red at nu y mh r it I'lli-hineni.
I 'J ho t oiiibin.nli)ii S.iw Mill tv. n n it., 1 t"in...iflv
1850, .m , i,ow uicrapy .a know j,.,!,.,! m be the
, cliiape!, and most prarncal .and itliLiciu lumber m.i"
j iifJU'ttirinp machimi in llm world A uumiier nf im-ui
aru in nicei'iiui operation in dilli-reitt nctiou ol this
I country, Canada. Coin and youUi Amema. and wher
ever tlu ir mrrits htuehci'ii tinted theyaiebciiiL' adopt 1
! cd by lumber iiianuMciureiK in prelerence to all nth r
m ills.
I Tlii foil owinir lc tier cvprMfieji Ui1 Reneral epmion 1
1 of those who ar asm? the Oi'iubiuatioii
, .Mmas. i:ninioM & Co. Opiiiletiten 1 bue trinl
the na w dull purchased of jou.aml u Jl' av that it
nirluruii well, and mor ihau nieen mj iixiiet-i.nious
1 1 am wi'il pleated witu id pirfurmnicc. I 1 n up
j to a iiu.ill stream that allorded coiut nit water .ih'iut
ai thick .tn my little lliijrcr, wlurh w.m nun n i.hiic ma 11
I ninicieut 10 mpply tlif boiler. Wo are able to rut .HWC
fu(t liiuiber in luuirx, wilh somrtliMr
b'n ihan oin cord of wood. It is th very iliin;' we
i hive mo much uet'di'd in our county lor a long time
, With a little trouble and fiptiui', c an- ablt to moe 1
it from fivr- to Im mlb's p-T daj . .uid "t it up m itn
heari 1 1 1 Ju- iiuitmr, wbith avi- thu prut burden of I
haulms tlu lo a Ion;' dMuucc to tht nml. ;
1 Vuiira, repectlully, JfarR ICrnn, Jr ,
' Loulsulii', TenneM,
1 Ph" rompiny has purchased I. unfit Patent I'etd
1 Ari.tiisenient. whu Ii filtufirat"it and i'efnliediu ihu
Seieuttflf .itncrlean for October "H. Tills adds jreatly
to thu Llhi n-iii y ot thn nul I.
thi: rovHiA'iin mim..
wi 1I1 all tlie rec 11 1 improv nu uu, ami i am powfr on
1 13 hor-ies, ja e.ipiblu nl K.iiie Irmi 300U to -)UU0 Ket
111 I. liourK, and U sold lor $1 (V) ,
I thi: Ntnv voitK ciiuxti.u haw mim, !
N nnnui-irtured nit hj Huh conn any. Itisoi n-pc
not conxiMitioo, nnd sold lor i'i per cent e thin
I oib( r nulls of no uri-.iter laparny A null w ith 31 to
,J4 null saw eun be iold f . r tr" to g.'no, and with .t
i!0 hor4e enin-i and h'dier in uM fur Si.'JOD.
Huam Hniiici and Hoib-rs : ilnjiniea of lrum one to
nm unoe power ; i.oroniouve, JMbuiar, l ine nnd t y
liudw Pollers furiiuhed at greatly rei'uced rtccs from
former uuoi itionn
Hrawtnj;, with phns ami specifirati-:n or hiiild ngs
and inathinery .tumnheil trans m our customers.
Competent im ch mies nro tent nut to lut up and sit 1
in opcralion our mn hiuery, when renlt'd.
U a l o inanuiirturo dhingle Machines, Plamnj
Machines, rtusar Mi IU, and maehinery in ecu ral
Hjtedjl atlenlron paid lo cHttng up Hhalllnnnd
Pn Mies for mauufaciuries, and ail kinds of mill wtieia .
work. I
llm company are selling In great number n Patent
Conical Hiirr-eStoiin Mill, lor (lour, corn meal, und all
' "".n nuir-Diniiii i 1 1 1, iur iiour, euro meal, aim (111
. kind of feed, which Is pronoiinreit by experienced
' millers, both in tli is country an I Uu rone, llie best null
ever foil. inu led ll ill Srlnd mnie grain ill Ihu
same time, nml with hall llie ptmer, ofany null of the
mm. ,,,,,1 ,1. Il,n ..L.. .
I ,ve diso luriiisii utnra'yica 01 i,rist anils, when
) M. r.MIHlsO.V A CO.. Avenu,
. . No. J?l Uro.nlay, New York
Jan S3, I?:s
I mllR stlbsrrilers havu liiit retlirtlsil from ihe rilv.
i- with a cood assortment of fioods nt nnec lo suit
the limes, which lliey will diposc of at pricts for
ready pay
We iimie nil persnns who wih in hu cliaap. in cat!
and iannne our stock Country Produce taken as
11 C I. IV 0fliMAN
jtUTiionrzF.n u)r rut: h'.iti: or nr.onaU.
m- $70,000 ForTcn Dollars ! ! - j
TIip lollowlnj Kchrmi) will lip drawn hy B. Hwaii k i
I'n . MnnastTH nl thu Hparli Atadrniy l.otirry, in each
of ihrir Htnple Xiimhcr I .old riu. for 1'thruary. Is.i8. at
AUUUsrA. (linrcla, in public, under Hie .uiicritiliin -dpiitr
of CoiinnliflioiiPia I
To bo diawn In Ihiultynr Aurutta.nporcla, in public, '
on dalurday, February bin, IKia, i
io be urawnin inc
inthetiiyor Augusta. ricorsla, in imbtie,
riaiuiilay.l'iliriiary I3th,ltj.
oi.abs i,
Talieilrann Inibecliyof Annutia.nporcla, In pdMic
vi, uhiuiuqj, f ifiudijr .uq, ,CuO,
To bo drawn in Ihu ciiy ol Aucusii. f!rori!ia, in public
on Saturday, I'i brunry S7lh. IMS,
on tin: I'i. an oi' himii.i: numumiis.
Five TAovunit Four JIundrei and FJgity Fite I'ttteit
Nearly one I'ri.o to every Nine Tickets.
MHlXIFCKXr sciK.vr.i
ro in on a i N
n a c ii
1 I'riza of
1 i'
I "
I '
rri'.i: of
:ra oijn
4 Mill
a. mill
1 .Mill
1. 01 10
a r rniix i m A'i ion ear. us.
4 l'ri7.i's,$liiiiApprut'lii: to 970 uun 1'rin'aie Slr.OO
;io uu
lira ii
110 ara
1 (11)011
M(in Prizes nmoumina to
wiiolu thjkuisi sioj
TmiH s"i.
7'ii)j of the Lottrri,
TlicNnniliPta Irom I to .'.il.OOD, tiirrespnnilinr; with
llioso Nunibets on I lie Tiikets printed nn separate
sll'- ol paper. nrecucirr led with small tin loin anil
pl.ieeil in one w heel
Tho nisi 457 l', sitnilirlv tirlntid l nil inrir.
cleil, are ptired in tuiollier wheel I
Tim wln-ils nru Iheu revolved, nnd a tiuniber Is
dfawn friiui llie wliei I , l Niitnbets and at tbo same
lime tt I'lirels drawn from thn nthcr wheel 'I he I
Number nml I'rlri'ilrawn nut jre opened and exhibit
cd In the nuilieiicp, nml reyisli red by the Ciniitiiis
sinners, llie 1'r'ze being plai ed iiifnimt the Numbi!
diawn 'I Ills operation is repeated until nil the
Crimes nre druw n uu I
JlliprtHlmtttioit i'ritci The two ptecedins and til
two sin ct s .J 1 1, Lf Nuliiliers In thnsedr.iwlliL' the first
7 Prizes will be entitled In the Mr1 Approximation
I'ries 1'or elnmple ii TiikitNn. Il'i.'i0 draws llio
S7uoi'0 l'n.p.lho.o Ticlitts numbered 1 1 ,'.' I s, 1 1 'J l'.i.
11,1151. 11. '.'.', J. will I'.'iih beenlillid Hi 1 1 HI II Ticket
Nu iiu draws thu ft'lil.noil I'lize, those Tickets t.uin
bercd JiH. 5'J, ,r,5 . ,r,5J will rni Ii lie eiiulli'd to IS'.WO.
and so on adornlne in llie above silu-me
TlIP 5111111 l'n.e ol
of R-' will be ileleriiilueil bv the
last llcuri'iif llieNiimler thatdiuws the &;! nillll'rUe
Tor ixiuuple, il ihe Number ilrnwins ihe tjitnob
lri I, X'.. I il. .... nil H.n T..Lni. i..,,.r..
! lb'' Number ends, in I. 'will Imenlillcil in m. II Ihe
Xoiitlior end w Hli Xo 'J.i l.en ii 1 1 the TUMI where
the Number endd in ii will be entitled lo SVU.and o
011 to 0.
Certificatf-i of lVkupi., will bo told nl the follow
Iny rale, w Inrh 1 thi rik .
UcrtibeatL! of lik.j;eor 10 Whnln TicketP, 5a0
do do jo Hull do -10
do d) lOQunrier do vo
do do 10 i:iitlnh do 10
in ounnitivti TirKi;is oit cniriintiATi'H.
Kiiclohf the money to our ti'Mms I'jt the tirkcH
nrdfred, 011 rercipt ol wlncli Ihry wil' ho lurwardrd
by firrtt mail. I'uri'Ii jf,crirju liav3 tickets cmiinc in
nnv (ijuie they may dr nif-iiu c
'l iic Lift 0 1 Dniwn Nt.inlitr and Prizes w ill pent
lop inlm-fr- imm"liuiWy ulier tho drawmji
I'nrcti iticr will plet write 1 lie 1 r xiirnaiuri's Iain,
a I'll ive their l'oai Olllcc. CnuntV and State-
Ui'iiiember ev ry lriy.c isdrawn nnd pajublc In
III 11 YVilliimi. u iiiirnon .
All rn' of Sl'I'iO.iud under, piid im'nediatrlynfler
the ilr.iuiiis-olhcr Tribes nt the unual liric of Ihirly
All cominiinirations utrirtty rnnfitlentiil.
AdJruss old era lor Tirketn or UerliOcate to
S SWAM & 10 . siugvita, Oa.
Terfon rei'liriir near Montgomery. Al-t. or Attan'.n,
fj.i . , can hnvo their ordirn lillid, and fne lime, hj
ntMre(ini S. Sw.m c Co., ai I'ither nf llitic' rltien.
A lint ol tlits num'aers ihtit nro itrwn from the
wheel, wilh the amount nf the prize that ea It one in
i' tit ith d to wit I be publf Phrd aht 1 evcrv di awing in
the follow i m paper Jtupttsta (tto ) Constitutionalist,
JVcw Orleans Urlta .Volil Htgisttr, ClmrU$ton-$tavdardt
A'mkrille Gaulle Atlanta Intelligencer. Mia York ll'erUy
nay noon, raiannnn jijroirtir -eio mehmana iJiipitcfi,
1 w U'r ami raiding Mas , Clario
.... ,u ..j.
TIlRNen York weekly noi.Ul'.N I'lll'n is one il
llie l.irirest and best literary papers of Ihe day
An Imperial lluailo rout linlnj; cm TPsots.or iohtv
coumn of entiTlaiuinz origin il mailer and smiis r
tv ll. i srBAiiu every eea.
""h I""" " l'"0 1,0 C'd. "i t
prrnntidti each mliertiir Iinmrd.ady en rfrniK rf the
'"""'P"' ""!.
1 ropv for I tear. SJ 00 and 1 elft
1 copy lor 2 years, SH.'iOnml 'Jgifls.
1 ropy fir Uyejis, Si no nnd :l Bills.
1 lopy fur 5 years, 3 DO and 5 gills.
so 'ro ( teas
.1 copies 1 year, $3 05 and 3 gifts.
J copies, 1 )ear, S-l III and .1 nuts.
luco 1 year, SI? OH nod lOeius.
II .,,n,n. I ,, -Wllill I. I-
The artlclee to be distributed are comprised In t 'hcfollou I
me- mi
packages of Gold.conlninlns SlnOPOcarh.
-i do SJiill no each
lo do do sum no each
111 Patent never lliiuilii" Cased Watches. Sim) on each.
'.'0 GolJ Walclles 37T 00 each
40 do $01) no each,
lull do sin 110 each
llllll I.idies (.'old Watches, sr. 00 eaili
;no isiivi r lliiniing Cased Watrlies. sin 00 i nrh
.Kill Si'ier Wntehes, ll 10 s.". eoi Ii
1001) Hold (in ird. Vest tc fob Chains. SI0 tn $.10 eich
Gold .orlrls, Itrartlcts, Ilropehes. Drops. Breast
rtns, Ci'JT P.ns. iJcree lluttone. Ulogi. ihUt Hads. IVateh
Krijs Gold and Mlver Thimhtes. and tt tarhttj of other
aitlchs icorthfromZltrcntii feSl.i (10 rorA
Immtalatclij on rtttipt of the subscription money, the
subieiiber's name ictll be entered iiun onr sub.cnptlon booh
h malt rP'e1 postjatd
i ltcom"lul'lcatlPn9 't'OUldbt addmstdta
i UnllilSji llradway.
' New Vork
. Rneeimen mill... ,., I,...
' Jim J.I. I MA
Valuable Real Estate.
'II IS underOijned ofTcrs to sell, at Public Sale,
ShujIc iu Utpi town, Columbia cooiny, P.i
S.ild properly 1 .1 corner lot siiuate on -Main Utreet,
oppofciio ihe resident' ol rus Itartou, whereon ii
fritted a Jaife ami comlorlalle
feJSTlLJ iioi'ii. MTCIin.V. AM) ntAMi:
rfiulfSHrAliL11, w,,h ft-uiJto onlbuitd.
J$$-'fit!!ji"Z ' pump nnd well of good water.
Cwaitfiar at ii)i dour, w ith oilier cnnvenl'-iirc.
A l.l r po and eePeut (JjmUk, 13 uifaLhcd to t,i'f
prtniiiM-A, winch im nt K nl I'onilniuii prop -ny u lontrully loeatt d 111 I'.rpv, artjarrnt
lo thf 8te.un tS.iw Mill I. umber Vard and Itoat Ynr.M,
ailiirdim; a ileitable r ndc-iice, wilier for a uupinebfa
iniu or a private imlituJii I.
. 3 Should thf above uamid properly not l.e sold at
pm.ite, n.ile, beinrc tf-ttuiiav, the Sb'tti of 1'obiairy
next it will on that day, hu 1. IK-red nt Public ale, on
lln premises at I o'i bx k, p M,
TertiM iiiiide known nnnppliculinn to ihe mbccrilier.
AliUA.M AUVINi:, Hr.
AT llfl. OpriCG OF 1HK
POCKIIT 1)1 AP-ins, (or ISM, vt various ,iZM, neatly
L goinpnnlho I in Tm key.
IlovtR's Wuihm iNKs.Hlick, itluo and Red, In bat ilea
nt ,11 10111 feh 1 pea and turn
Ilostn' bumii Hm Die, whieh will rclor Hair nnd
Heard ptTieetly l.laek.
Htatiohhiy, romiimhis pens, holders, pcneiM, sealing
wax blank beokn. rheiks. Ate
i:rR Ht-fiiBrist t ream Alhambra Iiaid Note Paperand
Fancy HnvelopeK
Ht.SKs, Heeds, School Orders, Mnrnaje Certtllcitcs,
ausiicuSi 1 ousiiiLies nnu an min r lormn
SIhmcim, r'yrup nf Yarrow, Apuo Cure, Hlackberry
Hjrup, Latllc Powder, llorn I.iniinenr, etc.
nircuied at all limes, iu ai mus colors
Aiwa s
Neaily, flieanl unu exiieditlouslv.
Dec SO, U3J
(-? .TIIU SUIISUIUBnil rripnllully lliforins the
.1,' linens in iiiuoiusuiirs ami llie puouc 1 ll lie lie
fcEiiural, llial lie lias nuened a
tt... Tir , .1 ... r 1. n, 11. 1 ,
which ami jmury jismwiswitcw,
In llloomshiir;, on Main street. rpiosile Ihn Uxchaucc,
.n t'la- ll'.I.Ai.'. II... Hi h I. r... ,.. ...II
on moaeraiu lernis, an sons 01
Watches, Clocks, c,
Of superior 'I'inliiv. latii style, nnd at low prlcr
C3-CLOCKS AND WATCH Ld carefully and prompt-
ly lepairrd,
The public arc invited to call and mam'ne,
i.ioomtinirg, jiii iolki
- -
Jewelry, rerfumv.1
Arc . to bft had at ,
N ntsemmont of Confetlioiieiv,
iV ry, Hoapt , Ila:r Oils, Pomn(e, jtc , to had at i
CLAUK'H HockBtoic.
Illooiiihurj, Mny 3! Ibj7.
News Itoms.
Tho Legislature recently passed n bill
establishing n rag-paper-Mill in Scranton.
- , ,, , , . ,
for grinding out Mini plasters, which bill
Governor l'ackor vetoed, and the veto
was unanimously surtaine'd liy both
The Legislature also repealed the Act
appointing ', Maflil, Superintendent
of the Noith Hranrh Canal, by means of
which llio superintendent1- of said Canal
reverts to the Canal Commissioners. Mr.
Mallit, resigned. EmVAlili V. Gay, Esq., ,
!tate Engineer, it is believed, will bo
appointed the Superintendent, assisted by
two Supervisors.
The Act establishing the "Bank of
Bloomsburg," for which our citizens liai v
pctitionrd the last two or three years,
has not yet been reported in tho Legisla
ture. linn. Thomas II. Burrows, has been
elected Mayor of the City of Lancaster.
The I'iltsburg Banks have all resumed
'PHf'! sub-criber oilers for salo thitdo-.
Jl sirable .Mill property situate In Greenwood twp.,
4 I'olnmbia County ronsistiug
. .X, of UP. 1ST M I I, I., linviej
lSi.. Ibrie run nfdloiie. Ovcrsbol
IAW! Mlleil 17 feel high, and a
&'Vtfw Mill, a Duelling
-fmmWltiS Unwind 3am,
'SSis 'iWf'TOji'rosrlhcr with a 1 met of at
-i5i51 cellent
Uouitiiiii nl W0 ACUHK The above milU arc Uua
ted itiou a . s're.iio of Water, nnd in a nuiihSor
hood clvinj Kuinca-nl tustom to krip them tunning
'Ihe almvp property i loettted 5 miles from Ithort
Im re and H t rum .MillvMtn.
Terms .il00 1 .ixii on tLfclvin? pnnseasion, and (be
ri in.iiinier tn threi; vin jejirtj pajn-tntn.
5" for luribrr pmiifU'.irn apply to tlic rubfirribrr
in Torbut tuwnthm. Northiimlarlund Co., or atldrrn
jo.shua colu.
Milton I' 19, If 57. Sin
"jy I'Ttell Is In uby glien that the followiig prrron.
IN In Col imbis iinllily have filed theil several pili
linns in the Cuurlof lluurler Sts'inus rf ihe sal't
nullity lor a laiern license in t lie a r respecliv town
ships, whuli said petitions will bn presented tn the
said Court, on )1unil.i), llie Ul dayol I'tbruary
v liicli .ill pi'tfons interested will lienby lake police,
and the hreiises lor the County of Colun bla. ill be
.'rallied on Wednisilay, the lid day of I'tbruary bell,
al 'J o'cloik, 1. M.
J. .1. Urowrr, llloom, Stcre.
A. J. Evana, ' Store.
Joseph Kistler, Cattawissa, Tavern.
John Jcssop, Scott, Tavern,
Prolhonoturv's Ofllre.
lllonln.liuri;. Jan U, Ia5S.
Estat? of Samuel A 2owjnant late if
j Nifjhn tmcnsfiip, deceased,
TlirlH'irx anddintriliuieet ef ihe Hstaf of Samtcl
A, ll.)WMN, lute ol the lownihip oOltniin in thn
1 County of Columbia, d''ceap'it, w ill lake nollce that thu
iiiiur r'i?nru stppoiiiici rtimuortiy ine. urpnan n ionri
of Columbia con my, lo niuke dim i but ion of the dalantc
iu Ihe In ml of S linnet Creaky and t?t III It. Ilownian,
Adiiiinjitnturt ol Samuel A. How1 man. ri e'd, nmonc
the In 1 rs ol the doct dent, w ill attend at lit dhcciu
Illonmburt. in nah! foimty, mi Thurnday theVtih day
of January nM at 10 o'flork ol suit day when and
whtre all iMrtirn intertilled can aitmd if tliev think
propir. UOHRRT F. CI.AItK.
IMoomsb'irfc', Dec. 19, 1857. 4t. Aciitor.
BY llivine Permission, thu nioonisburi; M. 11. Church
mil be rieili.n'ul lo the uorsliin of God. on Sunday.
tebruar-,lh. DMiop I. Scott. IIM).. Ilev T. lloivmaii,
I) P., nml llev.T, Mitchell, are ciptcteil lo (ireacli
during Ihe day.
Cervices to commence at 101 o'e lock, A. M.
Jan Hi. Iti7 nnoiiGi: w.usitnv.
riUSTOMERS to tho Aqueduct Mii.r,,
J who have unsettled account, wilh the subscriber,
lorrniSD, ri.OtJIt. &,t, are nipectlully notined,
thn an Hiey have been accommodated I hope thM Htoy
will now atcuuimodatu me, and nuikc imimdiaie K!
Aiueduct Mills, Nov. 21. JP.17
JOY TO 77; .IhFUClT.n I
ONII Fmallhox of PilU cures ninetv nine rases out
of n hundred. No It.iltam, no Mercury, no odor
mi the breath, no tear ot deiertioii. Two I pills a
dnt-, MMelf'fin and harmlcs as water Full directions
are aiven tmthat thejnticiilcan cure himself ua certain
a with the ndvtr' of ihu mosi expTieuced surgeon,
and inurli Ik Ifr ilnn willi Hie advice of one ol little
experience in Ibis rlaps o diuease.
TRY hy eticloniiij; one dollar lo Dr. J). G. IValton, No.
J a4 North Seventh blieel, belmv Knee, Phllade'phia.
.7 liberal di.roiini to the trade None eiiulue without
thu tcnttcn fipnature ol'J). ( AVjIlon , Proptielor.
Dr W 's treatiuunl for 80 If Abuse, Weakness, fee,
is entirely dillerent from thu 11 ma! course. Dr. W.
had rurid huudredii who have tried oihera without
bi'iichi. TJie treaimeiit in as certain to cure ns the
euti 14 In rise. Hnclofe n Ktump.and addresf Ur.VV
a nloe. yivinij a hill history of oiir case, and jou
will ble-H Hie iitv jou made the effort to secure what
is c.itiiii-A UAHICAL CUUH.
Jan 30 18.3-I2ui
rtr, TIIU Phrenoloiral Cabinet of Fow ler, WelU
SOy Co , late 211 Arch tr-et PhilaJelphia, lui ,Ii.'pii rrmoiedlo 92(1hepnut Blreet Ml .Cfin,
s ' who has had ihe inanasenu-nt of Ihe estfih!ih
t1 meut Iur ihu lii eii!itueu nioiilhii, will continue
lo conduit Hie lU(in"Ma heretofore in till 1 1 branches.
Ht, i ud. in' workx on Anatoui, PliVFioloy, Phrerio'opy,
Wan r Cure, Phonoyraphv r.. const.intl on hard
PtireiiolMfMcal t'amluaiioiii with u rUii1!! descriptions
pi ven dai'v. Pnriniiloay taubt in puvate, in classes
and in public lutiurex
All oiders sent by uuil will meit with alien,
lion Itesidents of tieiplilinrintr villages dcsinrf a
leciiire 1 r coursi of Irrtureiton Phrenol yy, lor farther
information should address
022 CliPMiut strti t. Philadelphia.
I llee 12. 1M7
' TT npeuvd .1 Marblti Yard 111 Court Alley, opposite
Li tne llit.ii in-e wlffe U" it prepared to finish the
,,c1 tturk 'J'i'iVVJ "n nu . V n I?r
M O MJM 1 .IN 1 t. lU.AII,
Tniub-stmies, Tables, Mautlm, Window-'.ills ftd Icn.
1 Portlie rhararter and finish nfliit work lie nfrrs to
stit li n- Ho ban made 1 thii tv lie will "-nrniIv
, -1 hsi lorwork or pm i ute un Hint may b Tumuli-
Htolnui. Uu work shall uUmji Im hUlivT:iciory in
itFtylennd n nfoiribleiu puce.
lIiiniaiMiurn, Hee
. - .-
aHIH WINTF.Il 'IHini of this Institution will cook.
menu- on MHVD Y, iho UU d.u of J11.11.wy,
Inmuriinn w HI be given m nit thu hranclifs of an
Academic and Commercial Hducaiion.
There wH also, at the openins ol the next 'jyriia.tft
orfaniied a complete
formal iJcpirtmcui,
For the Ki'tication and training ofTiutiliCCi for Public
For further narlicular ice
! New Coliiaibiit, Luzerne-Cs Ta.
i Her'.'O. IH.17
, Stou'S nml Tinware,
I nIII su)ncrlber liiviiij eroded n l.upfr iew bririv
undiy and IjcIihic Hhe-n, in Mure n the old
Dae. is prep ired to muMi a!) kinds of c.mtins at ihi
i lowrst priei Plows constantly on hanj Tliti ut
fcnUer lias also remoed bis TmHIicp from Mam t
o lh Fotindiy lot. where he has erected a building
lio fiither for Cloves and Tiiiw.'tre
Th Un.ktn? Stoven-oiunt nf Hie WM PUN.S
riVi'iiuk liAim rnok M.iimi iuk.k nH
svSKKI.Olt KTnVP.S "1 nil kinds the Ciltt CV faTOVL ti. All k.uiu of bpuutm
in a uc 10 oider
pnt 11 837