a mm Tlio Now Sugar Exporlinont. w i .1 e t t i. n MO imvu rcccivBu irum. i'ir. .insulin a. Lovcnng a pamphlet account of hig ex periments with I lie 'Serglium Sacclioratutn,' I or Chiticoi sugar cone. This paper is raionte ih Hi description"! of firoccsaes nnd results, not only in the writing of tho sue nr. hut tho culture of the plr.nt Ac vumtiuii viiil: iiiu liainmjiufc vrcri; ffperiiuuiis t . , ., , , . of the sugar and tho syrup the Inttor of ... ... . 1 Hue quality, ana tlio tormcr ranging Irom , Jmperfcet samples to quite n superior nr- ticlo. The only question is one of econo my, Mr. Lovering, in a nolo addressed to us, pronounces tho rcult ''highly en couraging." Tho pamphlet will bo fought with great interest. Wo subjoin the conclusions at which tho writer arrives j and wc need hardly remark that ho is most excellent authority in tho promises . . rni . , . , , , . ( Altai U IS OOTIOUS IIIUI lUCrO 13 a culminating point in tho development of the BUgar hi tho cane, which h tho best ., t ., mi . . time for sugar making. This point or . T- r i Season 1 OontlCler to be, WllCn IllOSI, if not ,11 ...,l .l r. 1 nil toe seous are ripe, and after several, frost,, say when tho temperaturo falls to 2A rlnrr nr rlnir Ti" ! ;u ueg. or ou oeg. r. 2d. That frost. Or even hard fror-vino- . .. iuatiiii,ui ivlii uaru ircLLlllg, i does not injuro tho juico nor the sugan but thst warm Indian summer woathen after tho frost and hard freezing, docs injuro them very motcriaily, and rcduco both quantity and quality. 3d. That if the cano is cut and housed, or, shocked io tho field when in its most fevorabla condition, it will probably keep unchanged for a long time 4th." That when tho juico is obtained, the process should proceed continuously and without doliy. 5th, That tho olarifioation should bo as perfect as possible by tho time tho density reaches 16 deg. Hcnumc, the syrup having the appearance of good brandy, Oth. That although eggs were used in theso smH experiments, on account of their convenience, bullock's blood, if to bo had, is equally gocd, and tho milk of limo alone will answer the purpose; in tho latter caso, howcvcr,moro constant and prolonged skimming will bo required to produco a perfect clarification, which Is highly im portint. 7lh. That the concentration, rr boiling down, after clarification, should be as rapid aspos'ibla withoutscorchinj, shallow evaporators being tho best. With these conditio ns MeqtsjLtWSir ooour, as easy io maitrj-fj su from '?e, Sfiafano as to make a pot of good 1 - m inusb, and much easier than to make a kettle of good apple butter. North Ameri cut. CunE ron Lice on Cattlh, Colts, and Puis. During tho win'cr, farm stock aro apt to get lousy. The following articles will diivo away or kill tho lico : 1st. Soft grcaro of any kiod, and Seotch snuff an ounce of snuff to a pound of grease mixed and rubbed in among tho hair, on Iho affected parts. If you have not the snuff( uso tho groaso without it. It will effect a cure. AVo havo trido it. 2d. Powdered charcoal, or ooal dust, sifted into tho hair. 3d. Ashes from tho blacksmith's forgo, sifted into tho hair, For lico on swino or pigs : pour buttor milk along their backs, freely, so that it will trickle in littlo streams down their sides. 'Iheso havo all been tried with entire Buccess, so that no one need havo an excuso for lousy ftock. If sheep got tickR during tho winter, open Iho wool along their backs, end sprinklo a littlo Scotch snuff, from tho htad to tho tail. A tablo-spoonful is quilo enough for tho largest sheep, and from that down to a tcaspoonful for a lamb. A PnoLiFic Potato. A corrcspondont io the lust Eumber of tho Ohio Cultivator, named Joseph Moslier, of Morrow county, speaking of r potato which he cultivated last feJBoa, and tho seed of which was obtained irom the "Eastern States," sajs . tvnn. .I.vaa v.nnlra I. a wn.an.t Mm kwu. ..uu. iui ucvao uu ,iiuu . . . f .. t over BltT boeiielB." J llOV aro B Willie i 1.1.1 il meatea Olid good tabic potato, rOUgliml ,,r 1,. ll, .a t at.. OUUVU, MUUU, VU ...U MU.UU IM AIIVI1U 111 .UU Eaat, wis lost. Others raised also very j large crops. Ilo says also that the Mexi-1 can potato ts "tho most pleasant of all table potatoes thst I havo yet cultivated." Wo have raised potatoos hy this name, hut they were by no means a good pottto. and soon got out of character in this region. Agriculture in Viuoisia. To iho fatrner, Virginia is one of the most desira- ble sections of the Union. Her mild and salubrious climate, richness of Boil ant otber natural advantages, aro justly celo bratcJ. It Las been truly said, tbat ihe is a land " most blessed by Heaven and most neglected by man," II cr soil, so easy to cultivate and so faithful in return ing tbe grudged and scanty labor of the ilUSDanaman. una ueeu mucu neglCClCU. 3Jut a now era is dawning. Tho cruigra- tion at present tending Lithcrward, ,111 pretty surely bring out her resources. It take. 5 pouuda of corn to form one of tcef. Threo and a h.lf pound, of cooked Aicj1'P-1 form, one pound of pork. T'fi'EW YOKK 1 3 WES. I .TU! CAMI1BV AND AMROV llAll.ltUAl) AND i Brl tT. llk!l.l'lf I A AKU I'llftVlflM HAlinilAtl1 CO.UPANVS LINES. From faiaaVeM. it Aim Terk. end Ha rares Leave, as follow . lit fr'ARB. M , A. M., from Kenaington Depot, M l A.M., from kenaington Depot, via JerePY Cllr. .Mall At B A. M .. via Citndsli nnd Jetsey City, New Jersey Accommodation....! ,,, ,,, 9 'At 8 A M .via Cuidf n and Amboy, Aecommoda Hot , . . 3 At 7 A M., via Camden nnd Jer.py City, MOIh- Ini Mall 3 At IDA M., by atrambnal Trenl'in, la Taeony anil Jcrery Cite, Morning Illinois ,,, 3 At 2 l' M., vlu CitniiUn and Aluhoy, V, And A. , j At :i 1 M , via, Camden and Ainhny, Arrninnio itation, mci.ih s At 3 1. . via Camden Mtitl Alnbnv. Arroiiiiiio iiatimi.iid om t Attn M. via Camden and Amboy, Arcoiiimn- datitin. .l.ii. . . Ate P.M., via dmlen and Amboy, Arconunu- ii moil .ti i la.e,,. The 5 1' M line rune daily, all ollion Pun, Lire ex trptpil Ol' ii. Etpieaa l.lnea amp at Ihe principal itailtna only. For IlelTldero IM.Ion. riemin.ton. &c., at 0 A. M. and 4 I'. M., Irom Walnut afreet wliarl. I For Water (lup.titroudat.urir.PcntiUit, WilkeaSarre, i .Monlroae, Crial !lend. c at A. M , via Delaware, l.arkawnnna at Wcatern llailrond. ! I'or Freehold al C A M.andsr M. . ; For Mount lloliy atT A M and 2 and 5 V, 51. 1 WAY 1.INIJJ I I Tor Drfetol, Trenton, &c , tit '.'t and 4 P. M. I WAV I.1MJ rorininiyrni n.iurocna, licrny, ifiirnnsion, nor ucniou, etc., ill j ru i .j, ror Mount iioiiy, rtnriingtou un Way siailotu at Vte'amlioat Itlchanl Stockton Inr lliifllnston anil nrla- tolattlA M., and for Uordcntowo and intermediate piacea it at p. .m. Sleainltoal Trenton for Tacony at 10 an.llll A, M., and 4 P. .M.,andforllurllnlon and Itriatolat4 P. M. All tinea, excrtt 1 A. M leave Walnut at. wharf. uy nrty poumiaoi bajsaie oniyaiiowed each par- mJVM ocr ntly pound in he pnld lor extra . The Compaoy limit their reanonaiWIIIy for haajajeto one dnttar per ponno,. nnd will nut be llahli-lor any amount b.yond gigg except liy atierlal contract WM. II, OATZMCR, Arent, C. tc A 1. It CO. II. C. MOItRM.I., Atenl, Phila Tr. P. P.. Co. Pepl SO, 1857 Of alldiaaeae; the great, flratciu's Fjiringa from neglect of Naturc'alawe. SUFFER 0T, WIIE.t AUURl: 13 GUARANTEED til AI.I. 8TAGM OF SEOItBT DISEASES, SlA-4&ute, aAVrront Debility. Strictures. Ohttn, Orattl, Diabtttt, l)itnsta rf tht Ktdntyi and ItlaJdtr, Jlltrcn. rta! ItkiumnttMn, strnfula, 'nfm tn tkl Bonn n4 Jivllts, IMttastt f ta tMg, Throat. A'eta and Egti, Vfrtrs w;9n th Hody tr Limb3, Canter i llroptf, teptte ru$, it Vita't Dtnce, and ell iitttitt aritivg ron dertitgemtnt of tho tetnal Organs, Puchas Ncrvuu Trembling, Lom of Mfmofy,T.om of r(.wer.(Jenprnl Wcaknna. nimticM of Vltitm wilh nrculiar fpoU uppparfpRhrdtre the rje l-ops (if Sight, Wakeful lie, liysppf-jia, Liver Viti arv. Crtiptiom upon thj itcc.l'ntn ml he li.ick nnd hiatl, rpmalc lr rugul&rliic nnd nit improper difrlmrcrs from bfiih exeii. It nuittprs nnt from what fausp Hip difpnuf nrigtti3t('d, liuwcTcr long Ftnitdln or obttlnntc ttic caBf. rttottrj is ttrtatn. nml in n thorlcr time ihnn a permanent cur? en it lti (Tucted by nny other Irfolmriit rven alter I In dlrnre (inn I nfllfd It'c (kill of pmii?nt physician n and reninted nil 1 lie f r miait of cure. 1 hat rufdirinrn nr- plfannnl wittinut odor. Criming no rick nesnatid lre from merenry or tmUnin Purine twcniy yrari of priiclic 1 hivn rciit?d Irom lli Jaws of Ueaili man v ihniinndu, who, tn ill taut stage ol the : above mentioned dlrea?pff had been eiven ut to rire bv thrtir physician, which warr.nit nip In promWnji lo inc DiniciPti, wnn niny piace infintrncs iimier nty rare, n perfect nnd nmit fpeetly cure. Secret diKcnses are it c urcniest encniieiln hcaltrr.af tfiey nre the first rause ot Consumption, herofu'n and many oilier rtia eaes and houtd tip a lerrnr to the tinman family. A a permanent rnre i fcnrrety ever rffetted, n majority of the casrs falling into tho hinds of inrompeient persona, who not on Iv fall tn euro the diprai.es lut ruin Ihe eonrtlttitlnn. filling the ayntpm with memirv, uhiclt, with the dist-nac, limtens the ftiifcrcr into a ipid Consumntlon, Jtut shntiid the disease and lite treatment not csuce death speedily nnd the victim marries, the (lineage la enlniled upon Iip rhtldien. w ho are lorn with Ifeble cniittltiif lout, nnd Hie current nf life eomi!'!p5rV - vlrua which l.pirajs irell injfiffirrmp? 1 !iie CrupMoM nndothf SkV .? fSft nnii "yrftnrTn- lino them a brief exi.iftnrn nf for nothing dsn in th dreatl citalogne of human dis eaen raunrs t.o destructive n drain upon Hie svitein, drawing its thonsnndsof victims through a few'jears of sutrerlhg down loan untimely grate. It detro)s the nervous pyiem, roptdly wastes nway ttie eneigips nf lite, rati res mental doranprnvnt. presents the poor uvcinpmcsi oi me sysiem, uifui ii ncs ior marri.igc, sociPiy. business, n,id all rnrtbly happiness, and Iraves tho suiTcrcr y retked In body nnd mind, predifposcd to consumption uud u train of evils nu.re to be dreaded thin death itself. With the fullest confidence I assure the unfortunate victims olbielhhuso that a permanent and speedy cure can be effected, and wnli the abandon men t of ruinous practices m patients can be restored to rrbust, vigorous liratth. me nuiciea are cauttonea againsv inc use or i'aient Medicines. Inr there. are so many ingtiiil us mares in the columns of the public prints to catrh and rob the unitary sufferers thst millions have their constitu lions ruined by the vile compounds of quark doctors, or the equally poisonous noatiums vended na Patent Medicines.' 1 have cireful'v finalized nianv of thp so'calleu l atent Medicines and find that nearly all of them contain Corrosive Fublimnc which is one of the strongest piepiralinns ot mercury nnd a deadly poison, hich in read of curing Ihe diEcaso disables tlin s)stem for life. Three fourths of the patent nostrums now In use are put up by unprincipled and Ignorant persons, who do not understand even the alphabet ol the material mrdiea, and nre rinnlly ns dcstntiieol any knowledge oi in, numan iTsient, naviug one oiyccj ouiy in view, and that to nuke money rrpari-les of roiisriucrees. Irrcsuhrlties and all olieases of mates and females treated ou principles established by iwrnty isrs of practice, anu rnncuonea ay iiioiiemiun oi mo uiost rc niarkable cures. Medicines with full dhertlons sent to any part of the Unllca Elates or Canadas. bv in. tienls comrrunlratinjt llielr symptoms t.y letter. Uusi ncss rnrreiponocnce siricity cc.nuwuT.Hi iuuri;rs, ouiu.niiiii'iis.iii n.. Office, 1131 riLBStvr street, (oh, No. 1()0.) Ilelow Twelfth, i'liiladclnhia, I'a. Julv 11, IPST-fl-larcu 4 " MAN, KNOW TIIYSKLP' AN INVAUIAHMinoOK FOR UJCCVTH. nVCUV '.... I ... , I,a HUNTint'SMCniCAh V N'A kt L iffj MAMJrt I 11 ANDHOOK 'pryrUjg rnntalntn- nn outline, o'f the I '.LJjf' aim cure nfcvprv form of tlii. ease contracted by promiscu ' self abuse, or bv sexual ex. rt 9i, with udvice for their wntit.t oircnil Iho oar nt dpcuncv. . Testimony of tut I'rojestor of UDsltrttt tn renn Collets. Philadelphia. PH. IWJWFJC8 JUF.DJC.tt MANUJlt. ' The nuihorof this work, unlike Ibe majority of tho-m who adrcrtiipfo cure Hiediscaies " of which M treats, f a prail'inti f one of mo beat U Cotleses In ttie United Slates. It nflWdl. me piM. i snro to recoinnend him to the unfortunate, or to ui CO the victim oi m.ii-pr.ictire, ai n sucrcsriui ami ex perb'ncvd practltionrr in whose hon iraud intec Illy tney my piace ino Birnifsi runnuenco. Jonkru Looiiiorr. M. D. From A. Weodwaxd, M. li. of renn. Uittvertiti, I'toiatcipM. It rives me pleasure to add my testimony to ihe I professional ability of the Au'hor of the "Afcrfiea 1 .Vaims'." Numerous cases id Uncases of thj (en ' Jtal Oigans, seme of them of lone standing, have come under my notice. In winch bis skill lias teii manifest In rcilorinj to perfect health, In some Instan&is where Ihe patient lias been considered beyond medical aid. mine ircntmciil nr seminal . r . we.lKlieaa. or iiiaarranaimrii. ui me iuiim inua prn- duecd bv Silf Alutt. nr EzutM of venerv. I iln not 51 know 1, a aunerlor In the nrofe.alon. 1 have been I ncTianlcilv.ilhthe Amhoraonio thirty yfnra, and am it no more Uian Juatlcolo him aa well aa a .inline...,, in. ........ . ' C 2 - rreilou. i recunioteBd him n.one in uhDS pro re.aional t a lit anil lutcctitythcy imy aafelycotifiile tlieinielvea. Alfbco Woodward, ,M, V. One eopy. aecurcly'envelopeil lll be luruarUcd free of poatnie to auj part of the United ttea, lorSOcenla.urOcnr.lea, for $1 00. tVAdlresaCOSDKN&CU.,luUia!ieri,Dailtl7, Philadelphia O nunkaellrrB, Canvaaaera and Box Areata ntpjdtti ou tho Meat liberal trrmt. 1J. e 3. 18.iT v it 1. oo iias si vkh, OABINKT WAU13KOOMS. TllCuudersljned reapeclfully invites tho allenlioa "f Ih. "public to Ins oileusive a.sorlruent of t'.lunet FurnitureM.ilChaira i which he willwarrant HUiii e nnnn ...niMrtnl. jud lii a worhnKin iko maniiei. Al ui.Eatnbii.nmentican.iwaj. be found. tooda.,ort I FASHIONABLE FU11NITURB, Which iseipial In alyleand Aniah to thai of I'hil yt, adelphiaor New Yoik cities, audala low prices, wJ:.?ttv.r.Mir! nut and Mahogany, Parlor chnirs, Rockinf and east chairs. Plana steolg, nnd Tandy of upholstered wutk , with Dresnln ind parlorbureom, soJU, card centre oaj pleriabl i.tlrtashiis. cheflenlers wiutnots andemnon dres and til kinds of fashionable- work. Ills lock of' bureaus, enclosed and common wash stands, dres. tables, corner riipooards. sofas i tireakust ituics, nea ' " i.rm' A'V- 'VnA ataoriinenl of looking tlasses whh funrv elll and com mnn frmuii. Ha will alto furulsti snrlnrf mairrsses jiww.njrf j 8oon,,u,,r,Aptliei,,,ii-a.. m'" e"'VC' "OKSB LIN1MKNT AND CATTLE T,0R at (ho j ,hc 0olutnbin J1 iiemoero ONU DOLLAR. A vc.n Circulation over 1011,000 Copies Weekly. Witnesses, on, TI1K FORGER CONVICTKD. TOIIN r). DVI, l llic Author, who lift lint ten .1 )enr"eparlpnreaeatJaiikpfnnd Ptililtalter, nml Am ho r.-if.esrlra. .return at the Broadway Taieruacle wnen, lor ten rii;cepaivp niriu,, iiver I fr 80 wo People jjx Greeted hi in (villi tnumli r ipplnuap. hllelio l Minted Hie manner lit nHicliCiiiiiiteffeltera eiacule I II, Ur Irauea. and the eiireal anil shiilteil nirana of I ili'ltrllnr tlinn I 71 liank J'ole F.ngrarert all .ay that keil the grtallet Judge if Paper Monty living Greatest Discovery of the Present Century for Detecting Counterfeit Jlank Notts, lleacriLllig every (leonine Hill ih pxiaionrn, nnd exhibiting nla trlancc every Coimurfili in rircu,n lion I Arranged soadnilriibly.tliat Reference li Easy and Detcrllon Inatantanr otia. rr No Index to examine t No pasea to hunt Hp! tlm Morclwiit, , AgUntt. i ii own NitUc . jii a an aimniitieii nun nrrangen, trial liankcrand tltialnets Man run are all at llvrltlh, Frcnth and Uerma Tout earli may rean the same In hia Tnni.IIA ' . . r?..j. t n..Lt:-i...1 i onaiie. "'"" uu:j.wt, xnuiiutm. Alan nllatoralfie i dMOi'ru iiaiuIi.iiu tu ..ln,na I rillVAlb UAnKI.KH IN AM1.RIRA. I A complete Sunmnty nrtlic FtaaHci op r.tiRnri ana America will be pub I tailed in eneh edition, tt pe'licr 1 nilh all the Important NEWS OF Till; DAY. Alio, , A SKKIF.S OF TAI.la From nn old Mamurripl round in tho Ea.il. it flit- niahea the tuoat romiili ti history of OK1HNTAL 1,1FC. And ileacrlbinit tho moat pi-rplexln" poaltione In which the lailietanilontletneii of that country have , been ao often found, Thcee atoriia wilt continoo i Ihroujhout the whole year nnd will prove the moai I enter! aim nj ever olTerril to the public J rD" ruruiahcd wcikly to Bubarribera only, at SI a ! year, A 1 1 Icters muat be add reaped tn JUII, H . Iivii. linker . riibllshcr and TroprlcUr. 0 Wall kt , New York, PHILA. AND HEADING HAIL UOAD lllataprraafemcntaiip Pantngn 7Vatna, January 1st, 1857. Ur TraiiM. going North. leave riiiladclphh af 71 A. M.nnd 6 V. M. Uowu TratnsfoingSouth, leave rottivllleat "I A.iM ice. and 4 I1, M , llptr.iinipan Reading nt in, 73, A, M.nnd 6,921. M. down Trains" 5.13.A. M, 5,43r,'M, The niDriasTrain Ii discontinued nnill furthnr nn. Ilea. Close conncctmna are made hv the 10,12 A. M in a i rain irom ' 1 V""10"" ail tiiiefmo. ' .ii.ilu "inns . 'iiu iw- i . in v t j mill 1 1 (Jill iwri flint..,. Irt 'Im Irn. dtmn.Ul.ilPi U.itt.ln Mi I... pot, Chicago, St, Louis, Davenport, and town Clty Asking trti- mute thchorlCBUnd clicapcet to tht Lakt F.rlces and Canada. OnPundnvs.th'i Down A. M. Triln fnm Potlsvlllc, aiidUj.r.M. Train from l'hitad'Iplii.i, oiily.run. ., , , , . , , lUtmiEBfUfi Cotfcrnoxa, by Dauphin Ralrond at An .1"nn, . . , . , A peclal Areommodatlnn IMsiengpr Train tpnvea Lending dnilly, (except Sumtaya )it7t A.M.. ri'diruing from Auburn fttul p. M., on arrival or 3.10 l M, Train Irom lliiri'isburg. WAY FAKKS FROM READING TO 1 ''1,lHJ?'!'.l;i.1',?ii""dl'45i l U5 "d I THROlTtill FAUUS.tn riarrlsburg. 8.55; Tamanua 1,33 j U'tiamport SI, 10; Uhmri 9ti,:U; Cammd-iiit j SHOO HutrUi or NlngrafliMiO; CKiveiaud 310, iTot'do $1-1.71 1 Cincinnati $1G,UU, Clficam 90,00 ! Ok Island S '.'5,nn. , Aljh Cas'L'ngerswiflproeurc tickets before e merino e cars: 10 cnt extra on Tares paid fn Ihe cntti . tylt)s.,of persennl Haggace alowcd each l'asacno olovcr that weight ascharged Etrn Uagyage' I O A. NtCtjr.l.B. i January 3d. 1357 If. Gen' Hup't J. S. & U. L. PiiltOT, Produco a n '1 General COMMISSION MEllCltANTS. No 30 North Whnrv j, ' i-mr.A I) r.i.nriA JfT. .Vni'on.Ean. fi,e.era Hacker, t.ci it Co. riilladel)h!a. hiier, rnee u. ' llucknnr. nlrCntnmon Co. Char lea Cilia k C. H.Morria Wain ft Cn. ' i Onterhrnlge, Arvnv t Co. " Charier u Joaeph fcrnt, i . Thnmas & Maxwell, cw York. " O.M. McClunir &Co ,BI. l.nuie. Mo. J. B. Morriat Hon, l.oulavitle, Ky Vnrch 15, 18311-v If Ml Off! EVANS A- NEWCOMKII, fr,.i.f.it'.thr. Arcli sreo, aliovo I'litrj, I'hiladclpliia, Houna or mi:.i.s ' ItKEAKrtaT, 5, anil 7 o'clock to 10 I)lHifER,lentletiien'aorilin.,lry.l o'clock tolrt. I.a.liea, 2 o'clock. Taa. IGo'clockto 11. EVAN DVAN8.J II. 3. NnWCOMUft AitLlLlPSL-v. National Hotel. ( LATE WHITE EWAN, ) Sides $? Stover. J(acC Street. UOWC 'lllTt!. rkUadltphxa 1 rETeRSlDRS.tatcofthc firm Stevens. Ksl I inirshPailJLf'n JahitsT a-f-ovEa. of the Union Hotel, August I) lT'H DYtilt'H HOTEL. Cattawissa Pa. a IMP old and wellknowu Ilotel.itttbetown jCattnnlsft,Utill kppt by tte under sisurd.andinsnilenf ulllicpnee law, lie i -JLIIIH determined totnakelus houe one uf the most ctmilotu blenlaresfortravetcrstostop nt, that enn be found In theimpriorofPciinylviinla Mis table will bufu mi th cd daily with the tiestlheMarketcnn afford. D3"My old friends; tnd traveller sirenernllv arelnvltitd lo call. JACOli DYlIIt, I May2l(l833.-y. States Union Hotel. rOP.MUUItLY RED LION HOTKL.) No. 201) Mnrkttstrect, Philadelphia. C-iCOUnU W. IIINICLF,. 1'roprictor. formerlyofCo' T lumbin. Pa., would iurorui his Iriends nnd thepiib ic thnt heeontiniies in kepit the ntmvc nnmpd Mnt-I I which is wellnnd favorably known tliroiii;bnutlhi) Qiieiu inn omusi an u inosi couvcnicni Hotel tn lie iiiostrespcclfullysoJiritntKliafcnf iub upc,lJ cpaonatc April 7, ldS.5. W3i. s. smTtu & CO., Produce Factors AND aE.yEIlJIL COMMISSION XF.nCIIAfiTS, llo. 00 North Wharves, rmi.ADr.Li'iiiA. Ttie Miikft alue of all conaisutnenla advanced In Call when deaired. .March 1 1 , lei! ly "jfONTOUlt HOUSE, UOItnn Ol MARKET AND .VIM, TUCnTS, (fntmeJlatey oppoiitc tht Court Ilouat,) UAWVI1.1.K. I'A TTAV1NG heen recently renovated nnil refitrniaheil 1. J in D E lllfl l'l III a.jn a iiiperiur aiyie una eicgnni ii.Lcua now reopn . : .- :,.,.,.. r,irnllf.ri la,,nrH u,.ni, ' , lor the reception or jtrauitera nnu viailora.whnao pa rnaSe ia reapecmuj reiueatcu. 3. A. UltAUV. lyti. 1650. JOHN C, YKAGKH, Fashionable Hat & Cap Store no. 103 NottTit Ttimn BtrtnnT. HIIII.AOKLI'MIA. r?jr Merchants nnd visitor, from Northern I'ennay vanin.areroapectfiillylitvitcdto give him &cali, when vlaiiint Philadelphia. June StS.rfcJO -y. PHILADELPHIA OARPET SPORE , -AAUl'BTifJCa.OIICIoltia. Window Shades. Matian I niifaetureil find Imported expressly for CAUPIIT "f,ren"',Jl 'L0'" 'fa'!"'. f," No. ,1" ami 'Jit North Beeond Blrc.l.lit Joor below 1 ""'f Dv 0rg .Marcn iJ teiu. u.r.x jiini.a. . - VVTlV'S'lT't? A UU fy 1Lli 1 Lji' 00(l!. , PTMIEuniteratsned reapeclfitlly intorm hlafriendapi ' X the pub.ic atlargs and the rest of mankind Itiat he has established a splendid mw ids, n the fUrinl new Store House, Just erected in ItohM colnniliia county, I'a., where he has now opened large and choiee assortment of Fall aud Winter Goods, Which he is deiormiiieii tu tell on such terms ntw.U induce allat least in litis vicinity , who are in waul or ucrriianuizo. io czteiui mm tueireusioui. IlisstocWIiasbeeiiselLeteUvMihiuiirhcare and will (oini to enter inlo n minute enumeration oft he various kinds h risk nothing in usfcurin? his friends ibnt ev ry Hi inn sually kit in Country Stores, eu here he t hail a "hair cheapcrthan the cheapest," 7 Country proiucu. including Uuin, dumber. c, takcu Ineichuiifb fur goods wji.so Acnn, nnhriHrr Jnn I lf.i8,y pAIIKNl SAHACl. Gr.lNDUItH FOB BI.BT Hi:LMI10M'S GEMINI ritmitATIOlV HtniiLY coNrr.NTnATnn rnMrouND i-'LUio hxtkact uuniu, for fliitnfti tf lh$ Ithiitr Kidnep. Oravtl, Jrnty, kvrnj'faiJiif , no n wfiteiu vj iat htiuttOrpant, AtNWff frnm)Cxf?ii:r and lmprmlrnclpt In llfr, nnd rriiioving nlf 1 hiprtipr liUftinret from tho ltl.itldor. Kldnn-s.ur 8cnnl Orcnti. wli-ihrr rxlillng In From wtmtfvrr cfiup cy nmr h.ie originated, nn.l no mnitfr nr how long MUx'tug. Ivtnr licit ih nitil Tiff to I Jrc fr.nnr, nnd l.t.iuin to tlm iifi'Ilfi rlicrk. JOY 7V THF. .iFFUCTKDItt U cnrrfNcmtiii nnd lu billialdaiillTflr,nnd temevrs nil tlio sjiiiptoms, niniti w htrlt will Iq fotrnd IniliijrO' it'Ion to r.xnion, nf Powrr lo cf Momorv, DtlUciitiy ol nrrnUilnj.UcrifrAl V"tiki!P3s, llnrror of Dinrisc Wrnlc rJi tvf n, lpmtiinf , Ufnlfnt llormr of I)nlli. Niuftl SwniKi CVId IVil, UnkLl.ilnt-vt., I'ln ik-m nf Vifllon. hftiiG'tor, Unhrrral tjfitMlinle nf tlm Mtisciilnr Pvilrm, O'h-n l.tinrmonn A)'iLlll, w Ih I'vrpcptlr mptnmn.llnt Hindu, I'ltuhlnK ortlif Ilody, DrynPtnof th'1 Klilii Vnllid t?niini(tnncnnnd trupllon on lllf Kucp. Pi In in ILf llirtc. HVmltiPM of Hit wlll.Trmi.orar HnftitOoiS nnd t,nn n( PlPl,l j nntil of Attrntl.n( Orp(it MoM'liy, KesllCMnciti. Willi llirn. ofoclrly NMIili.uUiiinrpdPBlMKPtonirliPrtilrfit ili,m ilitihlc,.ind nninh-c ihpy mori drrnd for fenr f irequrniiy i.i.tck rpni njnig, itcinre Uipj.ipp, tl ..r .......... ............... ...ii,iin i,nn iinnlni Mn.u'mn IN..,.'....... T ; ,,", - n... .,, ... ...,.....,.,. 1 III' P IIIIHOIO , . II lllinwi-tl ll ffl, on wriril 11113 mi dicme Invariably reniovea-eonn 'f.illona I.oaa of rower Fatuity, and Ilpileplle rila In one of which the patient may ex Ire, Who can pay (lint thete ex r..,,c on' not frcnienlly lolloneil liv theee illrelul dlacnc-tinniitennd Uunmiini lion 1 'The record! tf fin lnwihu Aiiliuui, and Die melanrholy dentlia hy t'ofiaiiniptiou. hear ittnple wilneaa 10 the trtltll ol theae naaertmofl. In Lunatic Aavluma Ihe, moat luelanrholv exhiMtioit nppenri. The counlenanre la nrtullly od den and 'pute deatitufo neither niltlli or crlefa ever viaila It, Hlmuld a aound of Ihe volfco otcur,lt la Miely ortlrulale. Willi woeful meaattrca wnn deapilr 'ow a" lien enond hia criefbeput'eil." Debility ia moatlerriiilel anil Ins brought Ihouaanda upon iimuaaiiiia l'l uniiniciy Eravea.iuua diisiioe iiii: amhilion nt many itoble voutha. It can be cutcd by I tie lion t f thin iXF.iLUBi.n mwr.nr. If you are puireitttj with nny ol tho ntmvc tltst reusing nilment. th r uid llxtrnct lliiclm vi II cure you. Try It nnd !'? ronvinrotl ol IM flicnrv. Ilpwnto or (iti ick N'MtruiiH aini;Qiiack tlnrtorn, ho f.tlcly b uu nf iibiliiicsnnd rilc'encs CiliiLPns know and,nrod tlivnt and avolonj sitCVring itnmey. nnd cxposnre. by npiidinj or calling far n bottle of thi popular nnd tpirillc rem'dy. It all'ty nil pitn nnd inflaiumntlnn, ia perfectly plrtitrtnt tu ita uatc and odor, but immediitc in its action. iifcMirtoi.rvs f.Stract niit'iiu la prepared directly according to the rulca of Pharmacy end CJitmi$trp, , With tho grenlprt nccuracy nnd, c!emlra1 k.owfpdirf nnd rare devoted in its combination, i-eo Vrofclml ppwi-er Vaht.iLle Wirrkei on the pntmcf ofphyaic, and mofl oririP hf Standard Works ofMedlcine. trfrON . U?"" On" liiiiiiirrd flollirs will he paid tn ary p!iynl;inn w lntcan nrovn tint the .Mfibclni ever inhirpd n I'n injureii a lienf: and thr- te-itimonv ofthoiian,i ran op nrndncpd lo prove that it d-tn sreat rood. Cnsca of fmni ime wiek tn tin rtt-en jeniB' ianding luno bien ctTcted. "Iho maol volnn.a y letnnmiy In pognpiiiloa of the proprietor mirhiug its vlrtuoa andcurttivc pnwers. R iiiirwiri'i ciiiin.ii.iiia naiH'j i i Kiiuwii ii m igiicu atll famr. Jim.wboiilps hnvp bepn nMd nnd not a ringle ln atnneeofn lalliirelu- Ii-mi npurt-d f pcrFfin.UIy itiipi-ared before me, no Alderman of ihe ri,y Df I'jmd.'lphia, II, T. Hubold. Ohemit. whn b,-ing dulv cworn dnps ay, thnt his prep iratlnn con. nm no Nirrmic, Mercury or injurious briig, but nre PUr"y "C,V."t IIKr.Mnor.il. Sole 5Ilnhc,nrar. nwnrn ami BUBcriiini irrinrw me tins 'i.jii nay ui mo vcmbrr XVM.V IlIIIlIAUn. Aldernnu. Prlet $t ptr bottle, er tix for g?, rfft'irrrerl to any ad' drctf, nccompanied hy relrililp and ritihl? rrrrlfr cates lrmi Trofeiaors of Medical Collegi-a, Clergjtncn nif-t rtlii'M. Prepared and antd by II T IiniiMHor,D, I'rpcticil'nnd nalvtiriil Chemitt, N .WHiiiithTCNTII Ht , below Chestnut, Assembly Itulldingt. nillndetphia Ct To bs had of J li MOYF.R, JJtoomtbur, nnd of all Jit vg gists and )ratm thrftthoat tht United States, Vanadat and Ilritinh I'ror-lntt iir.WAun nr roi;'Ti:nrF.iTs. Ask nn ni:t.Mitot,i-TAKi;jvo-aniE:ar iJuitns uUakan'i i:uu. " Juno 13. 1W7. Franklin House. P.1HKEU LAIUD. I'ropriclors. Cliosnut St., between Tliivd rtnil l'trurth FlllLA UELI'llIA . 8epteniherl3,lPoti. CATAWISSA, wFlLIAM SPOUT A ERIK RAIL ROAD. tiUftl ItetlrO.d eonnrtllnn btlvren Wtepara Falli find Pnitfijtlphln I Aerfrar fairaaiit an,! Chenpert Riutt fran llcern .Vein 1'erft to Philadelphia ttnmsbiir'r. Ptitsburtr llalumore, IX'ashngttin city, and tht South. PASSt'.NOUll TRAINS leave ElmlM ililly (eicen Kunilnyii.) nIT A. M paa.liia Williainaport at III I si A M. roiinectliiB Willi Ilea I'nir ttail Itiiail ntt'orlCIln tnn.ullil renrhiiia I'lillailllphla at 7 :ill 1'. M. Ilcluruins. Irnve fhilnilerpliiafrom comer nf nrnn.l anil Vineatreela,nl7 till, A. M. renrhlnp Williamapnrl, .Hi 15. P. M., nml urrhint at J'.lei Iranlll, I'. M . rs.si'.N;r.(tTUAiNsvii.r. i,i:avi: pout nT.TVTOV won n npTCPTinn w j.v i i vti 1 iwa-iwiiuijciivi i Direct, via Dauphin and Hup Turin una Uail I!oad .nu the nrnv.tlolc.iinvisuTrain,nt 4 -10 l. .M. reaching Uur ristiurc al ri 1. M Ueturningleuvr llnrrlsbiiriral 7 1.1 A,M..eonnectin nt Port Clinton tlh CiitlawiFS.it mi n bound wesi form, Injt th.- inostdirecttoulo lollarrlsbur, f'i.tKbiirir, Il.it ilmoreandihe foulli. connect I up these polns with al ;urthW(Mprn Pennsylvania and tvesiern New York . ! unnnp..lngnt ulniirti wiih tralnson New York nnd ' l;nB,laM ', W,UI '1,,n,ra' Ciiu.iiHlagan, Crroectln -.'directly with the Ureal Western Unitrna nt PiiBpension bridao for Detroit. Cbirojo, Pt. I.otils, t.r .thus ma bin 5 the lnrti st,.md thenpet route fnm Philadelphia tothofe points. A FKEUUrr TUAIN. Will leave Williamsport DAIIA', al G 30 A. M.ro Philndetphli. Freluht train to nml from Hiil idelnhin without Iran- i s1iipm'iit.frni Ucadinn Rail Huad rreighlDepot,corn crofllfi.Td and Cherry firrrts. i TUAlNa PAi8 PANVlLhC A3 FOLLOWS OOlJiO EAST, I'asfenger Train Freight Train , 12 Al. 0 31 A, .Mi GOING WEST. PnssoiiperTrain , 3 V M, rieisliiTrnlii, S'i P.M. rnrs. CclweenPhilailrlpliirnndnuiierl, 54 40 Danvillp, 4 HO C;itfiwiisri 4 .10 " T.imaiua li !io m Mlliiiu A in " U'iillnmspnrj, 5 VQ rtftuponn.ls ofifrhonalL;iL'?npe nllnwedtn enoli puss ncnger-eecssrhnrceclai deni-l.'nrs'.elnppireiphiralei It A rO.S'OA, tMj'rinlfnnii. JnnQii.lHS NI2W "WAGON SHOP, Willow GiovPj Souih Bloomsbiirfj. rplti; nnil'Tiicncil respertfnlly in form h 1ms trkmla X nml tho piil) he "ciicrally, lliat If histnlten the sianil Intel. ornipeil hMr Itohrrt ltri.1 f t.in Vjt!f. flrove. Hun th Itlooinsburg, hcloiv ihell i rr-nd, w l-cic he will eoniiuuc Ihe Wagnn'mahing Business. In nil lis vaiM is rtepnrlmciits, in good ttvle nixl i nniodrrnte irrint. Also Itfp.-nrinj; WflEors. Ilufulcp. Carriages Sul kinils . (nn tn order nml on ihort lime. 1 (IT Produce taken for work. ci!.ULns nuewnu. niooirrshurg April 21, 1P57 3ai MAURiAdR fiuinn p.v nn wiu.iam voumj. MARitnoi: tjuiur. hy rm. wilmam vouno. .11 Auul Ali li lilJliru I.Y UU. Ull.MAM VUHNO. MARUMni; ctiipu uv nu. viij.(.m younu, MAKRlAOn OlMnil HY UR. WILLIAM YOtlttll. I MARRIAdt: Gl'IIli: HY UK, WILLIAM YOUNO. MAUUXAUU UUllMi IIY UU. WILLIAM YUIJNO. MAURIAlIi: filllDI-YOUXfi'SCRIIAT Pll YHIOl.OlilCAL VVOItK- TIIIJ POCKUT .r.suULAlM US, or Uvery Uun his own Doctor, hy U'y Yousia. M . n It is written In pi jIii Inntjunpt; lor the Rcneral tenrfrr . nnd Is illus irnteit with upwnrdu ol one hundred eng riviC. Alt youug people, or those contenipUlnif inarrioge, and In Tiny thu least impediment to inanied life, should rc.id this book, It diseloses secrects that every one should tioacqualnteduttb- still, it is a hook that mut be kept lorked up and not Ire nhout ihe house. It r ill be sent toany one on Ihe receipt of twenty ft rents Address, UU. VM. YOUNG, 15J Spruce street, atiove rmirih, Acs n 1857 PhiUtlclphia, I'a. OLIPilAN'lVwbODSIDK & CO, Importers and AVholesalo Dealers in lUiucs ant) CtquovsJ No. 107 Arch SI. above Fourth, ' P II I L A 1) KL I' HIA. .OuritiiTi J. U'oodsips, GKu.McAt.rii. janiiory, j.i. isj y WILLIAM J. 11KIDLEMAN, Babble aub fjarucs hmnufvdtirku. Bloomr-hurp Auj 15. 1857 SEEDS. TJRIMR Tliuotlty and Herd firaaa Seeda, Orrliard '.nn -.'h.'J and r.n2llau I J rlrnaa. Italian Rve Graes, Ameriean Lawn (Iraaa. Ketituekv Itlue Oraaa. Ilc. i 1'AHCIIAI.I, MORHIH & CO Iiiiicnicnl-.iiid Bepil HterP 'III aitil.Markit strc Is. riuladelihia Oeiubcr It) lf!7 IIB Tfl I U l anlval uf CU.OU3 fur Hie Season al Ilaitiiutn': SALAJtANOnil VUXti AN!) thief l'JIOOK SAFES. TI1U I.MinL-JT ASr.UKl- !?ir.JS,"'u l" V""1' ;'i"'- IfSSffl Warranted lohoetnal loony now undo, and willlie w on ( Conilterma,n"can in ooineu from any other honen lit the I'VAKM i VVATBtfV'ft. TRtrrit ir MinriTY and wim. fnr.vAtt.i Irperl etleCtrntttttt.eipttnttdtt aapreialearf re liirrt ins oIHa ran nl, al ntmlt'ir- t' lti'l i' l-WJ. 4 Ita.nnn. March 4, 1837. The nnilerilcned, pienihera of the eominlltee. da reaptrlti.llr report, Inn I we eaw tt.c two ejfca, ollxl nnllynprie inion hy raffled tlrrrlnit mil I'.V.inaA Wnfon, plne,d aide llvalile lit a lilrnice, vlf. t The Hale In i ae hv tho pa j mauler l'l" I hi I'lilhilelpnia and p.enilltp I'.nl Ironii 'iin i.tiv in ManMleont Keadini; tiimnrart'treil hv Pnrrela h llernns ant tin' Palo ir tiai hy II A I, num. In hia pioti iMiiiiir.tr! In ret hj J'.vnoaA. Wniaoti, ninl put In hooka and papera) If tlarlv alike. nielire W.I a atartpil aiH10'PinrK,A.ni..nnn hrpi !' nll fmif cnnl. nf rpri I ir h "'"vnft( ,y Imll tli;.MhuUon wood rrn rnllrely ron. m l 1 !m t lift!" under ihi wtipprl ilt nilorr or tlio "tibitr llntB lifinLcm ol II.p CnmnilHip. Tlin mip were then cooled of! with water, af er which they were 01 eneil nml the hooka and nanrri taken out hy Committer and aenl to II A.l.nnl'.'e atorr lot ...i.in. n,i... n......i.jt,.ii.,lo..,i,.iiipn ' .n u... .... Tliehooka nod pap ratakenl'rointllo Safo . jinniirae- tured hv Farrela fa llcrrinea were, In our J nlsment, riamnpeil fully 11 1 teen per cent .innro than thuee taken freoi F.vntie t Walaon'a Sure. We belli ve the nliove In have been a fair nnd 1m patnal trial of Ihe roapi ell ve iptalltlea or holh Hires, JAUtlll II. DVMIP.U, n inili. a. HiixTr.li tl.tvinir tieen ntiaent rturlnp the liurniufr, vc fully ret in lilc llh the ntmvc ettteiiicnt of the co nit II Inn or the jiancra ami t'ookataken out of the reapeetlve Sntci. r.. A . NICOM.i", ii. ti . vtuiitxvnnr.a. JAR . M1I.IIUI.LAND. March g.a. I DIPLOMA AWAIiUlU) Bv tht rttinttilvantn State Jtcrtmltural SoehtV and ll 1 srrtral County HcUttts. to JtHKhYM FlHWhrir.M) CO.. for thetr Vcltbratrd freetablt CATTLF. I OWDEH 1 nuitHi;. IOR Horses, It Is an iinaluahle remedy for tlio cure ' uud p'CM-'iifion ut all i!l?ca.Hos incident io l!i noltle nnliinl.vix PiPtntiper, mgln Tnicy, Tcver", Hi t n l.i, Toot Uft ne lng disease', ltcli, CreaTP, i Onpe-i, lull iinmatlon, Jiundlrc, lil Inev d paffs, , (Hinders, Thick Lpzi. Ilid.tinnd, SUg;er. Vivts. , IMreri in l,uncF. Hurfelt, I'uiiiidors, KiNight itoir, l Worms, tSorts, Kn rot: xv.r CAiTi.ti 1 In Jaunllee, Vellow, Ioven nr niotVn, nlooiiy Urite.lUd Watilr, Murrian, .ois of Cud, Loss of An petltp, IJlarrlur i or hnospiies', llnnf dlst nse. Wolf in (hi Tail, Hollow Horn, llloody Milk, llloud disease, l.osscf Milk. i ron noca. In Swelled Nrck, Hiles In the Liver, Alucesee in tho Lungs, Ulcers of the Uowel'.c'pnims t Cramps. Choke dinjusrs. No lamicr shnild bo without it n slnjln diy j It Is Ins sheet'iircbor Inr dispate-i of Ms ftink. Uincren?s Iho amount of milk, butlnr nnd fnt hi hthhy nnimals, Irom et.tifl amoints of fond nt Icnt from 20 In "!i per cent, rs the experipiirp nf iver lOOno Inrmcrs, whu have used it w til trstlfy nt nny timf 1 , ANonintt ivmv inscovr.tivi 0 ATTL K MNIM liNT. I Uncunillcy any other Llitluient or r.mhrocatlon ft t t t Inn to the world It 1 cnl f(,r the fob lowing disptifex, arid has prnted itsell in Hip linnd nf r thou funds rd ftifriff". hrmprsnnd stage proprirtors to exceed nnjiliife r fi be kind epr oflerrd ioin public lf iif.K LIMM -Jl IS nuu fun CATTLH. t Fprninn,!Jntises, I roundcrrd rVet, Hpnvin, Sweeny, I'ljitila, r'.l.ist. Rills ofevcry kind, 1 Windgu'H Kind Cracks. 1 Lameupss. Strains, Hcrntrhes nrOrcnfe, rtitek Legs, i Hard Tumours, Ringiionp. Toll Evil. Cracked Hi'pIs, t Krtien Hoof, Miege. iiorii I'tslenitil'. nhPiinnlism, Wpnk Joints, Cnntracted Binews, Vitn Itin". Chipp'-d II iriJs, Swrltings, TuuiniiMt Tootharlio, I'niu In Hie Lpg", Ta-n n Hark. I'.mt in the Hhottlderi. n on I'.nntJ, Chililnin, IIMps of AuinnlSi i?:iiTJolms, ann iiiiny o-i'cr iiifPHFrs. It is i h rt. me r.n.i 1 nomplei't nml universal Linuni-nt tint science has ever et prf tiniu'd. , Bemire nf ComttfrftUi, ni hnllt our val'tublo discover ps arenlread) coiiute rffit'-d by ppnn in lrirfi 1 1 1 parts ot the St tie Our powder lias our written tig iniure on rnch botttn. I Manufactured nnlv bv .p.nuiNiii, FiiONnriF.Ln co., o. 317 N. TlnM st , N. E corner Th Ird & Wond. riiilareinhln, nenip0. JS57 if " 1S5S.' RiMUN'G AND SU UMFR. GEO. HUI.l'IN & CO. iMPonrnKS .ixn Mi.YUF.-icTimKiis, 171 t'HKSNU Y STRKUT, Aretl'Mvprrpareil tncxliilll their New gtylci POR SPUING TRAOE, ii;i.uiin(! r.lnlr.eV nml rnterrilsltl. Mnnllllna nimnltv Tunr.. Man- Maclillla. l'rench I.nre Mnnlil.n. Uinhriililereil Hilk Irr.', A" J."':.'' r?"" '""" Mllur'nlU., iiinni ui.ts(1i.'inqups, i annas, c.r. , ft.e. All ol'which will be (.flcrd ut ttie l.owpsl Prices. QCO Itnr.PIM At CI). 17 1.Cheuut PlrVct'. abnve?lb, r liila.l t-ti a . Teh Tlh, 1H.'. IOI; Mar.utacturlng and Uurning purposes, . 1)V for s.ile , J. ft A. A. S. AI.I.r., Noi. 7 anil 8 South Wlinrvee, JunuC, 16o7. riiila,p,lii.i FALL & WINTER G00D3 FOll 1658. nnilH subscriber respectfully informs Iiis ! I niatn.nr.ro nnit I ltd mil.lin iTiiiinr.illu ll.-.t lw l.nJ received a rnir.lVn k of e'linieo " ' Fall and Winter Goods. I rnmnrisiii? .1 Tull Hhfiillmf 1 t nf Clnthi. CTBaiincre. iPatmeits. Dr-l.ilneH llrliv.iors CaiirorM. Lr. toirrih..r I uithn crealvanety of other article usually ki'pt in finiLlpu Clli.roj ALSO - Hardware. Cutlery, (Jure ns ware Pit Fish.! Moiil.isB"s, Iron, Rtcl, WntF, Onn, itnois. Shoes. tc. iLJ- t-ouniry pronucc. iniiiKiiiig ijraiu. i.umucr, vc inrten 111 Pini3ti"p mr goons rTThiuklul for n.it nitroungc ho respectfully aska a ionnuaiiccofthep.nn''. THOMAS E. EVKS. Millville, Jan 1, im-f. NEW GOODS. KAiji. and winter ov ierB. I u,luri; ,ni,lui i,riiui tor .urnicr I liberal pitrniin;e. rnspeclfully Infcrnis lua i irienus nnn ciiHiomcrs in penerii. mat tif has root nifiiceu Diisinessiti nts sparioiis nnvr ltnre Housk ncudoor In Isfiah Hhiiman's Hotel, where he had jusf received,nfiiliuppy of FALL AND WI&TTI3R GOODvS, eomprisliiffivery v.trlety or fashion, nmlitv nnd slyle usually ki piiuthe besl storei-.Groecries.tJiiincewnre Hardware. Fisn. f.ii. Hats, lnp-. Hoots, yiioes.ie., which will be told on accommodating Terms. yjr riini anu p'miur-j oi an kiiiu w iu"a. A & S. ANDUKWS. I Manville. Jan y. U'ES't'liSC- BBOl'I-lIi, Nos. 0, 11, 13 and IS Couttland ftrcct, NEW YORK. ; n. D.wiNcnuBTnr.. TllOS.n WtN'CIICETCn I nENJ. P.WINCIIESTCR. , My 31. -3m CHAHI.KS II. MAHI'LE'S. WI.G AND LKil'OU STORK, No. I4IJ Koith Third Street, Aliuvc Hare, Kail Bule, Tnoiloora abore the Diiel Hotel. riULA.DEI.PlUA Has constantlv nn hand French Timnrfira n..tiiwi ('in and n e'neral nsixirimnit of Toreisti Wi ncs, also, all kinds of Aim-rican Pniri's, b.i. AGIUOULTUIIAL IMl'LKMUNTS AND SEEDS. COr.VtAV'H FARM MII.U far trhldi ns oil binds of Sram of any iljalreil Aneneaa ij.iniei'a nay ami straw anu rndiierumler, fnr liaml WR,V7:ar,w Newalinm'a 1'ulent 1'artuble Steamer far ennkine fnnd for Block a great linroveineul tin any that hare ersr SX'l'.'tlWiV!. c"a slHer. 0! supe'lor qiinliy and nntali I'lonalia In great variety and nf Ihe moat approvel paltern. Knl C, , ll.fr, Kiivar Mill., Lime and Kiiann ppreaiiera, anil all niner linnleinenls needed Iv iha farmer and gardener. Orders aoliciled and ptontiitly attended lo I'AKUIIALL MORRIS i CO , Noi lis Ua.i torncr Till .in I .MHrkel ?ia , Jan 'J, JM7 I'hil idclpina in utmw MtSKFSlR mssm 7! OILS, ! STHAM ISNOINK8 AND DOILKll IIIU aiihartili. rla now prr pari-il ttlihew tInrhitiQ ry. tn luill i utatloiiary cn?)uea Irom Ato lultliorai i, t . iimiii I tn. ttii 1 1 mi nroi t il ill it na. mul i 1 1 1 liii lot inlcr (loiiiilennil aloitlr potiMilo oipsinea frmn 10 in 1" ,....,,.,, ii,f,i , tar rl it. a tvllli nollerl'inr ArVumpa all rompl.ile and rendy fur action. Alan .tjlinder llnealiil liilni larlir I'e r r cnl iron on! hrenkc tm pntrntrd In hM tot lliri-dilnf crntn ntid crathittr (orn and now inndr on (ilnrporfliB for pfcekhiir on wr.iHng roil Hp.ivvmlnlnp pimipi nnd fire (iiflnrl rljippdrnmf lrtvMlnl".)iitdP nrilny rnrjlnff punipi.ni klndt of lulllgprtrlnfiind linu cit t mnna to ordpr) I.tnfpltnniitft with nny dr,lr"d mr.t $ ni piitlpyM Hiilie with linnprr Irnnflanltis dmip V-lirrpt lonft t n kind of Iron tuMliir limvy tircn mid oilier icrpw turiH'i Willi nny drsirrd ;ut' hnMlirni) J'hP ttfttl Itiiiintt I ron tlirrtlilii? M-irMiic . Hint (t i H ciniplilnrp tlip r'itdic.cnt Iron a'l tv odMi nutlilnpii Hiadp t ord r l.flvrt nowpr.tlnin or irrnd lowpr j'lide 1.1 crncr AIo inNp orders ft r f f c r 1 1 Inp ii.i eltiiu-ry Hirrlimi'n laulpil -nicrnln mill SIOiMiof. fefrdl'y Hip rntriileiMorlt-Piitnl II will arlnd Invod lliMiiu'.itiJA IhiIm-1im nppifniir Alf"ilioitnnfHpi'n- m XZ; llltW I 11 ll, Willi IhPlPnat llltillllll nPnnwnr. nnn iiru.liUli Milliie imtln iiacnl the 'nilndly for ehlltillp.n. . lol Iheahote work! wlllho warr.inteil tob what thryi, Atao Ta!te ordera for.Eeoll'a rntefii ttlnekpm'ih Slfiker, timlrialitpto nac llipin IntheenuntieaolCntum. lil.iloi.our.Nortinmierlatid,l,vriiiniifr, Hulliian atlil CHhtn , one of which can bo aeon m mv ahop. ... . , M1WIS I1.MAI1S, MnrihM, IPSO, Illiioiiialiii.Oliitnbiii n , ri'xriL' ....! .1 - - r ii c 'PH h Utiaomgnell rcflpro fully infornifi J his friends and the pnhlic thai tic hat taken the h.Tthavce Ilotel.Ui ltlnnmtlnirLr. tot ii ! M.iLn Rift. ilirfctlvoppotlip the Court ltotif. whiifi lias bpeii UiruUKlilV reii.lltcil nnil tnilirovcit. uherc he ia lire. , wiierc ne is pre pnieil to nccnlninn.llite hie eustoinera with gontl Inre ami in iieueinl ailialnt I inp lie nan tiaa tn connection with ttie Ittctiangc Ho tel, an cci Hi el OMiTMUS LINE, rnnnhiprrijuLirly peTernltim s per day ,to and from the llppol on tl.e nrrfvalotlhf Cars, bj shirli p.isspnj;. ers will be pleasantly conveyed t n top (jepoi 11 ntion,ot taken from and returned to their rcsMenrex, ITdestrrd. tlVHewdl nlwaybe liappy to entertain ntidmcom modate Ins Inct.ds tu tlirntuinsl nt bis nlulttifs. put uit uim.mm r.n, Proprietor. nloomsburc .April ,.,! S."C y. Avise?s rJiuSE -'ttr,A tir,AfWATCiitji:wi:i.i!VSTonriJ Mn. r-J, INortb bi'eonti atrecl. nproatrn th u mount vhrson iititjsn.pn i f.A nelrlLuve:VVi!irKepfi(l)JuncIleil 16 ft Caaca . J js it ni ive r 110 no j'j uu do l.eplne do U UU Uuarliera A nnt ? on UnlJSpectatlea, 4 01 u 1 1) UU Silver do so ilUel lalili rfpooiia peraeil, 1 4 01)1 i 1 ( Ho n iieeerl no uu POOlollOG ilo Tea ito do 4 75to 7 .IP CnliirenannilftolilUaaea, 3?iio 5 0D it Htlver (I r 00 Tocethern It h a variety of fine Gnlil Joivclry ,0 nr-niiiirdnuilI'nbChalna . Alle.ooila warranli (-t. aaire.i.ine,l Walchca and J cwelry repalri l'l n 1 1. heptuiaitner " N II. Alliiiieraacniuv'jymallnrothefivlae.wllli.. piirrtnallylttenileilto. ' Vnyenikerl'.' Iv FALL & WINTER, AT AfRNSUH'S CHEAP STORK. rPIlR iimlcrfipncil liavinp; rnmnvo'l 11 JS Hiore, iiji tin. n, 'it the an ml, lately ore upieilhy C At I W Knrimiii where wilit cieier iiicrei.eJ Incllillca Veiaer.nl leil inclla fiit'aaanTuientuf l'asliionablu Oooili, Whirh he Ina Ju.t ri-eeiveilfrum ihe Intern ;niea eniiiirialus Dry (looda, (lroecrloa,ll.iri,.' ire, aueeua warn ('I'll.ir-wnrn. Ilollo-ivare, llruca. t'ih.t;nlt &c I'lnater, Iron, .Vatla.llrtils, Slier a. Hal a .Cups, ic kr Ai.so-lti:nY MADE OLO THING Inelinrl.iiii'iy tnie(r uaunlly kepi in country Blorea tu tvhich he invttealhe pulilieannernlly 13' t.'aali, I. ii ntier. Old lruii nml Cmiptry rrodiire mkpnlneicbiin'relsT Gno.ta, nlthe hicear niarhel prici-" A. O. MISNSUH. r.lunn ihurr;. j.in I, i.w. FALL & WINTER fiooi)s. MKlvy, .cai & CO., HAVINC )iipi reepivrrl nnit opened 'hcl'r rlorl, o lii,Tilinuili7.ef.ir'prtn8Mee,ieli1'h,mpri.e.m, I.AItllltsT.t IICIT.Sl;. and IIAMisoMiSt '."n,V mi'ili now iHiirrril in YIMH rim N I 3V n. i.nl.l attention lii II I. rllnn o llieirenllre i0ek. na in I'lireand ..ialil;J, lliev fl.itii r tlieme.ie. t,ai t.v rdii enniie.e wi'li llic etfore.l. and allllmae nisliln liiliuj olieap, ran nip n.i.nej liv aivinir ua run Wo have all kind, ol ftood. n.,1 Ware, to uaiply the i'eopli-. A y-ry Inrje lot of I.ADII'.s' l)R.;ss aOOCS, ''""'.''"noea.Woiill'Inlda. Alparaa. Ilomliailnea, 'i"i'f. i ii.iineii.i rniiiia, illiiliair l.ir.lrea Mm tin lie (..lines, lvrilan clnlh. i;ir 3innt, oo'rieo'ea WIIITR OOOM or AI.I. KlNnS Bievea.Cll.n ll.indf-eri-.iii . HoilLCMisa, bands in,, I trimiiiin.a l.aeea;in.ledeli,!e Imnnel ribb ona. In tame tnriei velvet ril.li'ina. nn,l l.r.-u.li. ki' eoClon.and dale tlirea.i yiivea Mol.au i.ullp Jt-r V invite on r rrii'.ril k naitl the pnblip eeneraltv In jive na a eal I l.ornlepiiiclini.ini.' elaeuhrru Welinve liniialilonr gtMjiJprfi l.uneptt'.'i.h I'ricea and iill not beitn craolil liy aljl.oly r.rllieriatii' riinnkinn .HcM-.LVV, MiAL & CO. Itlenn. -I.tirp, Jnn I. JeJH. Br. J. S. IJoiiffhlon's (3HKAT 0IJ11K WOlt DVSTtwsrv i I i''i,n,i o , ii.; ;.cm Houghton's . IJiiiro rn p.-tri-d mm Rennn. or the foui'h SH'in.irh of llioOx.uiM'r dirtrtioi.tmf II. iron l,m, i liip. HnicreatPhysiolo"-ti-.il Chi in in, l(J j k 1 Toii!litnii . M ll Pi.i u ,taS jta nn. . ,' " 0.lVnjr.,",:' !'.'! " is . nature's own i;iiie. int nn n iiii...i i i. uin nu rl. No nrl o mnnran eniinl its rnniiipnimnas ' contains no Alchnlinl .Idtli rs Ami, or v.ni ..... f ' 0 2 It l rtreni' Iv sere' nhif 1 1 t tit i nsti. . n,i i..nu 1 t-ctnkenlit tlw most iVeble patients who ranimi o.n Mlerrr.itkcithoiincut distress U'iwJireofliruced , I liltlr.ll.tllB l'l hsin la tin) n Urate. " V I 011 tin-Aiii nt. and set a Uescrmlirn firrntn trait, smug a Lirir' ;un'iiil nf Hrieniifir r.vidrnee Irom l.irhit' Animn ,uhrniiftry;nr.Coinlp,lt,iii-'o(ipy I Digestion; Ur IVreira on Tood and Diet jjir. John W T'aper. of N'ew York Univrrsliv; I'rof. I)iin-lieotrs rysiology; I'rof, .Silnnifin.o J VulcUo!lcd(ij;lir Carpon toi't-lMiy iologyj rVciogoiht't with r-poruof C'uics f ron .ill paifi-nflhp tJmird Atnes. Hold by I.. 1 . Iiiitznml J. R.Moyer, llloonisburg K II. Ilovvmati llerwick. Oct.1, If.i3 y, Rloomslimg Tinware aud Stove Stor. an, ril,toiner. that he tin-, purfhnrfed his hroihcr" interest Inthenbovo fst-ibluhniunt. ami ihernncern will licreulier be conduct dl hy hlnM-If rxe lusivrly, II h has jnrt lecoivt'd and ullers for suto, the largest and f?1 most I'tEteiulve assortment uf TANUY yi'OVKd fftB everinirodured intothis market. Vz Mis stock conitts of a competeaisortm',nt nt theger vHU tftove I,utur'sof every descrinth n.-.l Mo-fitovrs. lU.listors.C Under Stoves. L Air-Tiah atoves. Cannon Sloves. &c. ir cuiiievi ,ooK,pgnnu nirior stoves tn ihe mnrkfl.to on, Oven .Cast Iron titovroir nrniut Ti nc.'nri'A nntln n 1 1 1 nn hnnrl .i.l nnn. ulaclitred to order All kinds of repairing done, as usual. on short noiiee. Tlif paironajeof old friends and noxv customers re lieuiiuiiy soiicitea A. M , RUrCUT. ntoomshnr,. Jan 2, 1854 If STAUFFEH & HAHLEY. CJJF.JIP WAVCHF.& JI.YD JEWFLBY. WIIOI.C3 LF. ANU RCTAir,,nl the -Thiladelphla Wnich nnd Jrwelry Hiore,' No H8(OdNo00) North SiiCOMJ Sirn t, comer orauftrry.niitadelnhia. fioid UeverWnirhes,fuIJeHelled,l8coretcmes,528 PO Cold lupine, iHcart. . Si 10 Bilver Lever, full jewelled, 12 DO Pilver Ltpine jewels, , p HO Superior Uuariierv, , 7b0 tJnld Hiicciaclcs, . . 700 1 fine Pilyrr do. . I JO Cold lfr.ictels, . ICO1 Lady's Oold Pmcils. . 1 no Bilver Tea Spoons, set - 3fi0 1 Un,,l 1'ens, wi t It Teiici and Silver holder, Oold Finger Klnys, U7 cpius io$Mt; Wi if r, uu Walt lifTl'siHi. Phln. Jit OMits, iMicnt tPJ, Lunei 25: oilier articles in proportion. All giodj warranted to be what they UI O MUlU IU', BTAUn-TR t IIARI.EV. Hl-On hknil annin Oold and Bilver Lercr. and I.epines plill l.iwpr llian llieabrve erteea. Oetl.ber in. IH.4.? Bwiowii t'oacliaH lVi.Kon Factory rpllUiindersiencil Ii.lvinc surieeded Jucoli rl. F.t j.nitue i acuiiuna tvedcli ma kins: nasi neaa.al ni. alaml.in napylnwn reapectlully jnlnrm llielr fcleni. andu'e-. c, lliptlhry emilinCr will Ihe ,.r . . UgOH Making JStlSWrSS, dcpailmenla, here they villi he li'ippy Irr. vi'i.c uiutu ann irniiiniiy eiri-iiieaii auainsas in uici line. Willi nc&l lie. sunuileppatrli, tr- Wheel barrows made lo nrde r .and a 1 1 kin da u rcpaiungdoneonahorinntier i:vAr & innr-Niu'i'ii, Uapylown June7 I85H. - ) 8 J&FQktZs&z -3 iu&&ii3l. " of .iT'C 3 CHERRY PECTORAL For tho rnptd Cure of . COUGHS, COLDS, HOAllSIiXIlSS, JIUOXCHITIS, VIKIOI'IXG.COIGII, . ' ' fcltOUP, ASTHJIA, AND CONSILIII'TION. litis rrmcdyii oilered tn the oimmunlly with the eonlideiKowo feet In nu article, which seldom lulls tn ttulue Iho happiest plWts thnt rtii be dralred K wide Is the fi"M nflis uspfnlnpss nnd su iiunirrons Hip cases of Its turc, that almost Mery sretlnn rf tlm country nbnnnds In perstns, publicly it now n, u ho have lit'eii tesl'ircd Irom alarmlns and even desperate dls rnsus nf the lunge, by Its use. When once tried Its superiority over every other medicine of Its kind is (on appaien to ctttin nbsprv.itlon nnd whro Its VI r i l''S nre rtliowii i lie puiinc imi Mttn urniiiir i imi I antidote to employ for thr iliftresslng nnd dnnrerouK a.TKtions ofthe pulnoniryorg;tn9,whicli are incident to our climate. Nothing t.as railed louder for the earnest enmilry of mciiic.il mrn.tlian thenlannlnsprevalenco nnd latably I nf consiimptivo compinltiti, nor lm nny one class of n ura en lit 'i morn oi iifir invru;i.iiiii uiki enre nut n yi no nu"inio rcmcuy nns oppm prni.ipn. nn 1 which Dm puhlic could doiu-nd for proKCJon rrom nt t t.icks upon the respiratory urgriii. until Hie In Undue i i ton ol tlip t'lii-rrv (Velni At. This nrilcle N henroduct of a loiu, laborious, nnd 1 bpljevr sucrrstTl?ndpnvor, in nirntMi inc roniinunny wnn sunm rrnuMij- in mm l.i'sl sta'emetit the American noile nrr now iinniifl rs prcpniLii, 10 j'li'C"! mo 1 Hl'P'-iii 11 11 rni ncirnrr m ilint itrnllnn. II Hi prr l niiv ilunondeiic? lo lit 11 Lent in what men of every class nnd Mailon eerltlv (t has done fur ihtni If wernn trust our mvu sense-, when e see itniucriMif nlTfCtious of (he llitnat nnd Iurt;tt jield tn It, tl wo can ticpnim on tne nxsurnnce ni lute; it f-11 1 1'livsict.ins. uho 11 mkc It the r hurinis In knou in short, If there is nny r' lit rice upon nnUmij?, then is it irreiuiani) nroreu mat mis niruicmc tiocs rtnrfe nnd dots cure llie r)nsi ol iisenes it is designed for, hiyi.ndnny nnil nil others that are knnun to mankind. If tldi ln true, 11 cannot lie 100 freely pul'tUlied, nor by ton widely known. Tho oiHicted should know it. A remedy that curr Is pricilcss to them r.iientsrhouM know it their children arc prlceltss to I hem All should ftmv it, f'r henltli can he priced to no one Nit only thnild it be rir'ultited. here, but tvery w tie rc not nn ) v in (his country but all countries, lion fjith fully tu linve act tdon this rouviction, m shewn In the tin Ilia 1 nlready this article has tn d- the cirri" r f .Iho gnle. Th sun nevi r sets on Its limits. No continent ts without it. find hut lew rcopies Allhoncli not 11 311 jrncnl ue In otlwr uatinns in tlii". it s rmploy eil hy Hi'1 more intelligent in nlnio-t n 1 1 c .v illzetl toun tries. It is ntf nn v ly rintird In hmti inierle.'ts- tu nnr'-pe, Aril, AfrlM Australli nnd the fsr off is lands of th sea. I, lie Isns dear to it io,n trior ih 10 n here, nnd they prssp nt a v'n:tM' ri'ioeily w itli even morfn idily thin ourselves Unlike most preps rat ions ol it Mini t Is nn exp?nrivr rniupnliiori ol cottly mat rin I. Kill! It Is nrTnleI to ilir pub lie. at a rriiM n nhlv low prlrc. and wtmt is of sslly merely ln pnrt a ore to tlini, its quail I y l ncvir suffcrrd lo drrlnu Irom its oril ml standard ot exi eltr-nrr. Va erv boitl of this medicine now mauulnriiufd is ns good us ever liTeliocn nnde heretofore, or 11s wr ae rnpal le ol nu kin;. Nn oj or cost is spnred, In innjr.iainins it iti the best perlection which it l posnibin to ro.lurr. llenrr tho patient vhu prorurrs Ih' c,'iiui,e t-'iur.nr l'tcToRAt. enn rely ou h tvt r; ns gnoo no nr'fcle as has cvt'T hc n hid lv thof who ttstify to lis rarr . Ily purfUlng this courrio I hnvn the hope tf doinj son ip good in the world, as wt-ll ns the sntlslucllon 01' Im Ijcvinc that murh his been dour nhradv. I'lttTAiti:!) nv nu. j r. aycr. rtiACtiCAi. and AN'M-VTIUAIi U1IRMI0T I OWEIiL, MABfl. 115 U r MHZ, mil nM tni cists 111 l!owiMsbiirg and Df.nlers in Mrdicinrs everywli'ie Jan. , lfSH IMPORTANT DISCOVERY 1 rONStlMNION. AND AM DISlaAnK (IF T.li: I.UNCB AND TllIHiAT nre pokhively rur.ible by inhalntioii, uliirh colivfjs I tic rrmrJit-s lo the rnill lit the lui.jii Ihro'jsl'i the nir pimrngf sndconiini in tliritt roiiiart vfilh Ho disfai, ituUmIiz-s the iibrrtulti r m.itter, allays llic cough, cnusi s c tre and i nsy ejt e lornlioi, hi-,ils the ltitipc, ptrjfif s h btofU. Inpurt rrnened Vitality t the nervoux sstrm, riUng thnt tnnn nnileneri!) so llit!tt'p,''fible (or lh tesluriilM-u of hiMlth. To bf able to st.ite cuiii1ilviiil lliat CuiiMimv lioit is rurnbl'' by inhalation, i lo me u source of .itsl 1nil plroMii'e. It is as miirh iiihIit the rontrM ol in i-ti 1 1 n I irriitmcnt ns nny otlur lorutiiatte dieuF , nlnrty int of every liuudrnl mr ran lie ruml in lb llrcl ftagr and fitly per enl lu the setond j but id I h ihinl stage il is iinptrsrlble lo sae mors ilian five rr rt'iit . Inr thr hiiir arr hti eiil ii n bv llir ill n to ri.r.i hp. in nifiiirnl t(il I l.vpn. Iinui-vrr. in ills. I.it stages, lithti lation atlords ril n oriii)ar ri-hrf In Ihe iiilliTinc nlteiidrig this frbtful srourr. bnk nu uually drrtros nitivl) five tlioiiFfiurf pfriois imllin llultd Hiates alrtne ; and n eiirn-rl i nlruluti' n iIiuih thulol ihfj prepf nt popiilntiun ol th-f.utb, right lions tt r i! flined ti fill the rPHsumpli r' jrave Trut v th' Tiivt r 1 1 itrath bus no nirou o f..a ('oiistimittion. lu allngi s it bin b"en l.i ft'O rrmty of lib-, lof It "j-iaren in'ltlnr nrr ri, but swin nfVnlilte te binp, llir" b null In I. thr ''rncefu I , a nd ir jjifteii. Ily tin- lif'p of thai huprrme prhtg ire rl, -VMr.m conuth every gnpd and prrltci pill 1 nm erabkd ri off r to tlic at!!irled a prrnnnnil nndsprrd) tore lu Con sumption i he firM eai.Kr of tubrrrd t. irom j:i, pun- h.ood. and tin itnmidiate r fin I, prodirrd byihfi neposlHonlnlh' hingSj i- to prevent ihlree ndinjV-. of.iir into ihcBrr rr v hit hratir tr urainlrii vira litVtliron? t-V r nil re sjfifin. Thrn siirrlj JH- tnem r.tiiuna 1 t.i r-iprcl greafr good from inedj'citu u mu rlnf iho rnvi'i itH nf tlm tun!? thnti from thopr aitinintrirH lliloilfh the iftoiiiiirli ; ibr pal Inn w i II a a r find iH lon-js free ami llic hrmitiing ritij' atl r iiibaimg r A iIms Tlim. tnli I'Mion in thed remedy , urrrrlhi ! r il arts ronriilntionnllv, and v. I'll inore ir r and n tulnlv than remedies admlm'i,.,ri'd ,j tn .jKnh i (t wrovt'tlii1 pnM.1 rfnl nnd dirrrl Iriflncnre ol rbiai nr-ilr pt aoiiiiintiiainii, cinuroii'im ihii.imii imhuij dr slrny sensibility in a few minulM riinh7irp ibe en tire in rvi us sj stf-m rcihala lin h nav be ampiiin,!' ,1 wtlhout the si i? hf si pain . nili1nn tin-ordiiarj Ljr.i it g gas will d'-Mroy tifc in n l'v hi urs.,, '1 ln in'HlMion nf nniinoia wj'II rr;ie the sst'ifi u b n talnthij or appart in l t!(ai 'J ot'or of n.nny of th'1 mod h inen is pi-rrrptible in die rin n iVw mil. iiti-s aftrr he in if tnh.iled at.d n ny be Inimediatfiy t'r iicinliii i lie blood. A rnnv inc igprotif of ibr con-fi'-lutionial cH rl orinlialatiriu Is ibe furl i fiat fickurrs if nluin proil'iLttl by tn allnug ft ul air. In tint ibis pociiui' ry itb'iirr Hint proper remt rllrs. raretull) prr pared and Judir iout-ly tT rm n rd ihroucji tie luncs, shoiihl prtHiiict'lhi- nml h.ippy reKtiir fin r in; rifli li'fii ji-arn' prnrlirr, n-ituv tboufonds sud'cring fn-m dit',iics o the lungs and throat, liave breii under nr rare. ami I have rflVcltd mauv rrn.arknhlrcures, rteii alter Ih" suflirers h.i.l brn prnttLiinred in the Ukt stagt s. which fully satisfies me lint roiisitmpliou is ito Inugrr a fatal ilisra My lrratmtil nf ronsuinplion is original ami founded on lonr'Y" rf' uri- nml li ifio lough iivt-tigaii.-n. My pi-rleei nr-ii-itlntauri' ;uu thenaiuieoltuberrlps, hr, . eniUU it me to ilistiripiii i fiii.y, Ibe iirlnus torn.w of dimix- that hiniiilnte c I rmmiiun tinn ami apply lie proprr ruiititiep, rrirts . 1'fnij lujuntrn pirn in a sini'le cut-f t mo rati I Jin r ii t in mm f ition wit), rcnain paliiolofiral nnd niinr.ri. , pic hroi eif, enables mo to reit i- the tnpgs front IhftiTfits ol contracted rltr-sit; lo enlaipr tbcrbrit piirity Ihe blood, impart to it renew (. yilplity .civiHR energy nnd lone lo the eniirr strti m Mo ifint's with lull I'irrriioits sent tnnny parlor the United Flairs nnd i'nutt'ns by p-U'eni rrmmiini inilng their sjinpioms by Tnirr. lint ibr rurc wouM bo more cirl.uu if the pain nt should nj menvUii. wli'rhwrutd give mr nn eppuiiunitv lo examine the lungs and enable mi In prei.ertbn Willi murh iirenur reitainly. and Hint the euro tould be e fleeted niiltot-1 my secii-s Ihe palii.t ngnm. O W fill All AM, M p., Omce, l mi FltsiST Hrrtt'.fnttl No. (,9,) , llelnw Tncllih, rhilajclphu, Ta JniyJM8i7-(Marcfl ii SAVING r7nD NATIONAL SAFETY TUUST CO. OKr-Ci:,WAl,NUTeT.,H V COUNUR OFTIll'nn Arrangements for Butiven dirfnf the Suptn$n tf Svecie payments I the Banks. 1, Deposits received anil pay merits made dally. 3 Current I'ank Notes, Checks and (Specie will bn on deposit .!. Denoails made in Dank N lea ar (Jhee&a will h, paid Uaek in current Hank Nnlea, 4. Uepoiits made in roldjur fc'i'ver will be paid back INTEREST FlVn PGR CKNT. TCR ANNUM. lir.MtY ti, IICNNeR, Frnldsal IVs J. RffD Secretary. Nn 58.1Ca7 TRUNKS 1 TIlUiVKSIl TUG IiARflEST, DEBT hanils'imeatand etieaprat aa snrlmenl nl Bo, Leather Bo'nl lliirplrd MJirRUXfl TliVXKS, VAI.I8C TRUNKS, Laiiie' (( i- f)ra 7Val f.'IMMiRr.N'i) riiArilpai rreppllcra, Leather .ad Carrel Ilaia. rirk.n.Tia.t a &c.,A.c.,ol , t J TIIOMAH V. MASTtlON'ai. CelabraleH London Prise Medal, Improved Ble. Spun;, Solid Bole Leather Trunk Mamirrclorvi MJ. ISO MARK 1ST rTRKF-T. Bouthwesi earner Tourili and MarUt, J'hlladelphla A-tsnal 8iM7 If S. L. Paucoasf &, Co COMMISSION MEHCIIANTS. A N H B lJJrt IIRALF. FISH, PROVISION'S, SALT, .J-c. 17 N'orth IVIiarvei Philadelphia. C. C, SADLEll CO., NO. 0, North Water Srppt Philarlel. lihia COMMIHPION .MUr. CHANTS.. nil ilealers In Lard. Bhoulderi, Ulieese . Hams, llutketa, I'otkp, Dour a.e April I IF33-ly. A. .M. IIUJ'RRT Tin. vare and rJhert.Irnu .Mantifarurpr-Slur en flreel lielnw lllipitl's Hlorn M.I