Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, January 30, 1858, Image 2

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iBloomsburg, Jan. 30, 1S5S.
O lnfofllic Democratic SWif Cnmnitltco, In Kt at
lliirliler'allotnl, ILirrlslmre, January 10, ItiM, It wm
Ii hhlil At Miirrllnr2. on thft 4th dnv of March next
utsoirtd, l nat ilia next licwoerailc emin unnvoinion
.KXTl2JS;?;AlT?;lT.;rR'e' J
wea'StlSe' c"n
.Vti?'s"ai!rc'nw Coi'li 3can'commio"ncr,ui!n!i
' SOrrti
for ttulrnniactlon orfuchofhn-htitincstiii pertains to
thtiuthoritgr of m
Ch LVrtTf ntr An
U. R. UUUKAI.l.W, Caalrnan,
ii N. Itrrrciitiitnit.
II. 1, 1I1LMXIK,
Wo publish on tho eutsido of this day's
Columbia. DcmocrAttha inaugural address
p i . t 11 . i it
or Gov. 1 acker, and wo call to i tho es- j
pecial ntlcntion of ourroadcrs. It is short
and plain and-pointed. It is a document
to reach tho hearts and understandings of
tlio icorpIt!. On tpicstions of Stato policy
it is sound and couscrvttivo ; and wo be
lievo agrees in sentiment with -the great
mass of the citizens of tho commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, On the currency, on
-:t t Lii: .. it. I
io finances, tho opinions ana views of
r ,. . J
tov. Packer are thoso of tho pcopio of
, . 11
Wo hope that ho In conjunction with tho
Xegislaturo will fairly endeavor to carry
them nut wo aro sure if they do, they
will bavo iho warm and hearty support not
only of. tho party, bnt of tho people. Gov.
Packer .should remember, however, that
bo -wlio goes into office with so larjjo a
popular majority requires steadier footing
to keep his balance, than the man who se
cures it by iho skin of his tettb. There is
need to be circumspect and frank, and
above all to live up to tho doctrines of
Stato -polioy promulgated in his initiatory
Tho administration is now in the hands
of the democracy tho party that can suc
ceed and has succeeded ; and at ils head
aro somo of the ablest and purest men in
ALvs stato. Wo heartily wish them the perfect-success
which wo know, it will bo their
ambition to deserve.
Vieksburg Jan 14th I65T
Editor, eftbo Columbia Democrat
Dr 5ir
Your Paper Comes to tins oflico But is
not taken out I do not Know any such
man here perhaps it should go to Brady
Kalamazoo tho vilUao is called vicksburs
T Bosro D P AI
The abpvo note, vcr hatim, reached out
oflico a few days ago, in duo course of mail.
It is dated ono year back, whether by
design or through ignorance, wo cannot
tell, but as it has no intimation of from
wliatStato or Tcrritoryiticraanatcs.neitber
mention of (he name -of tho subscriber to
wbom it was directed, nor states tho
length of time it has lain in tho office, wo
havo reason to believe, that tho writer of
tho above is ono of tho Jackasses, who
supposo they were placed in oflico for tho
puiposo of swindling Printers. For nearly
three years, wo havo ovory week regularly,
sent the Columbia Democrat, to tbe address
of Tiios.WniaHT, at Vieksburg.Kalamazoo
Co., Michigan
Wo now forward our bill to tho above
named chuckel-headcd "D. P. M,,Vi and
demand payment n3 directed by Act of
Congress, owing to his neglect, of duty,
lie is clearly in for its paymont. And so
wo shall serve every skunk who fails to
duly notifiy us of tho refusal of our paper by
tho subscriber within iho period prescribed
by law,
Biography of Elisha Kent Kant, by
William Elder. I'hiladeMda : Chllds
fy Peltnon, 1858 410.
The lifo of Dr. Kane deserved to bo
writ'en, and 1o be -written now, whilo tho
"facts in Jhis great career were fresh, end
attainable, If we had time and space we
should liko to review this volumo at con
slQcrabto longtb, both for tho matter and
tho manner. o arc sorry to say wo
never read his Explorations, but wo "have
read his life with great interest and wo
are now anxious to read "his works. IIo
was a'man of groat energy of cliaraoter,
whom no difficulties could dctor, -and no
dangers appal honest, frank and goecr
JIow beautifully, touchingly, and clo
Huontly has his biographer told us of tho
man, his trials and his triumphs his boy
.hood and his mauhood bis sick cess and
'his death ho died at tbo ago of thirty
soven. His whole lifo was a stiugglo with
discaso and difficulty. In it thcro is a
lesson to bo .learned,
Tho book is elegantly got up, and hand
Eomciy illustrated, and wo .thank the
publishers for,thur j?romptno3s and kind.
83T Atlantic Monthly for February, is
oa our tallo. It has twenty ono articles.
mi .. tSl I 1 n ... 1 f .
a no icauer i i uu um "Uuro, auu J3
A well written, looiiblo papor. "Tho Au-
tocratol tbo Ureakfait table" is capital.
oiho of the poetry is very good ; tbo sto-
.rics aro well wriltoii, It ia a better nmn-
'Lor than tlio last ono has a great deal of,
excellent reading I'aper and typo beau-
83 00 per yoar, Philips, Sampson
sSi Co., 1$ stou, Maaju'lmsctla
Mr. Thomas MaokEi tho celebrated
VnWnlino ihliiufacturcr, comer of Second
itnilChcstnul Street?, Philadelphia, ndver
tiscn Jiiairictiils ana tiio publicum nnotlior . mo most brilliant siglits cm vltnosscd at viz,:
column, -Chat ho is prepared to fill their j tlio Stato Capitol. Kvcry nvcnuo w3 Coinniiltco on Vinanoa Messrs. Hticka
ordcrafor any thing ia tlio lina of Vnlcn ( thronged, and every placo of .public resort low, Coffey, Wright, SoulhcT, ami Metier,
tines wholesale- or retail. "Wo havo doalt by citizens and strahgers, by soldiers and I w.V,.n,n",,,,.c0 cn JJic'"y Messrs.
wi h AI r. Magco for years-know him to j civilian,. It is conceded, on all sides that . 'Vpmfcl3ii?,!I??W ' fn
. ,. , , , , . . I., ... i ' , . 1 ominittcoon Hants .Messrs. Crosswcll,
boa gentleman and scholar and confident-j Iho attendance was far greater than ever Finney, Uell,-Ooffoy,. and Marsclisi '
ly commend him as a fair dealer, and his 1 beforo" seen hero, Lou,! beforo daylight I ' Committee on Coiporations Messrs,
wares as unsurpassed for beauty and
cheapness. stationers, Paper-dealers,
SLop.kooPc, Ac, should at oneo send !
their orders U Mr. AI. and havo a good
'""PP'j" o c,lo!co Valentines, Knvelupes, .
Uartls, etc, m uuo timefor St, Valentino's
annual visit upon tho Mth of next Fcbru
Oirard Lifo Insurance Company.
This old and well tried Lifo Insurance
j and Trust Company, is located at No. -108,
1'- , .w...vw ui nui-iuuiiiuu uuiui uiaiaiii.ii auu I'.tnui uuil. (till
clicstnut fi(rce M T M Commander in.
v-mu ,u nuuiucr comraii oi mis paper,
by which it will bo seen on what terms
Insurances can bo made, and to which wo
invite special attention. Wo know that tho
Company aro honorable gentlemen and ft
is everywhere regarded a safe anil sound
Wo adviso our friends in Columbia and
It is
, . . ,
'ho part of wisdom. Wo havo been ap
t i r .i
roiutcd Agent for tho Company, am
. -n ... , ...
will tako great pleasuro ia giving all
necessary information.
Speech of Wm. Montgomery,
Hon. William Montgomery, of the
Fayette District, has eur thanks for a
copy of his recent ablo speech in Congress,
on the Neutrality Laws and the arrest
of .Mr. Filfotstcr Walker, by Commodore
Paulding. Mr. Montgomery takes tbe
right view of tho matter, and nobly defends
the action of Commodore Paulding, in
arresting ihe outlaw, whether found on
American nr Rnroiftn TnrrtAv rpi.
onnnT, ; r, r v -ii i ' Governor and Governor clod, with
speedi is one of commanding interest, and , tLo Ch.irman of Joint Committee of Ar
is truly creditable- to tho head and heart , rangemonts of the Scnato and tho House,
of tho talented young democratio Kcpro-j 2- Tho two Secretaries of the Common
sontativo of " Iho Star of tho West." I ,voal'h, with the Cbairmcn of tlio Joint
t Committoe of tho Senate and House, to
Rfir.trn ixt thn l wait on Heads of Departments.
llCV. O. JSumttt, wbo pretends to ,
iiau lrom No. 831, Broadway, N. Y., is a
cheat and swindler. lie mannered sonje.
time last August, to get his hunibu" Card
nto a number of country papors, on fair
promises to pay, and amongst others, tho
Columbia Democrat. We now post tho
alleged Rev. C. S, Burnett, a scoundrel
and swindler, anil caution tho public so to
rognrd him everywhere.
Petorsonss Detector.
Wo aro in tho receipt of " Peterson's
Philadelphia Counterfeit Detector and
Bank Note List," for February. This is
a new publication, handsomely gotten up
and well arranged, and believed' to bo
correct and reliable. Address, T. U.
Peterson & Brothers, No. 30G, Chestnut
Street, Philadelphia ; 51 00 per annum, in
monthly numbers.
SST Hon. William Smoso, tho -newly
elected member of tho Supreme Court of
this Stato, is a leading member of tho
11 .... . .
f.roojr.crian unurcu in tlio cuy oi Head-
nig. xioTvas Dupenmenuent oi tuo Sunday I
; ti-- ri . i , ... r. , I
SCU001 COnneCtOU Wltll hlS Uliurcll, A few
ounuays since no presented UU of his.
scholars who had ncquirpd proficieucy in
tho eatechism during tho past year, with
a handsome new Bible.
Election i.w Kansas. Tho result of
tho lato election in Kansas, is still shrouded
in doubt. Wo havo different reports
somo -of which allege that tho Democratio
State ticket has been clectodj and others
that it has been defeated. All tho Tcpoits
B,..,., "'"J"". Ztu1
taw iiwuuiiiiuu uvuaubuuuu tyiii uu very
Pclel son's Ladies' National Magazine
The .T-nnnrirv nrul TM.rnttrir rmmUi-a nf
this popul
i.xT..- i r !. ...
s nonular National itlafrazinrt aro on our
Desk. Wo havo perused its pages with
interest, and much admiro Its rich adorn
ings and tho beauty of its artistic skill iu
way of fine fashion plates. Address Charlo3
J. Petorson, No. 300, Chestnut Street,
Philadelphia ; 82 por annum, in advance.
Suprome Boncli.
Gov. Tackck, ia .appointed William
A. Portk lato City Solicitor, to tho
Supremo Houcli, in place of Judge Knox,
Sentence or lVni. jllnilcr,
Judge Oonyngham, has passed sontenco
of death upon William Muller of Luzorno
co( for tho murder of Georgo Matthian.
t&rThc leading mercantile houses in
RIontrpal and Quebec, have discarded tho
"pounds shillings and pence" system of
account and adopted the decimal, or
, "dollars Aad cents" currency.
Mf gamusl IIamwcr) of DanTaii.f
u appo-mtca rout, agcn, from Scrallloa t0
oa tl)0 LackawanDa naa Bloomi.
. ,Vaj 1Uilroad
Valentines. Tbo prettiest and ug'icat,
( tbo cboapcBt and most modern Vale.nti.nks
and Envelopes extant, cjn bo bud it tbo
fljro of the Culumbia Democrat,
Lcttoi1 from Ilarrisburg.
HAnnisnuna, J.miary So, 18ii8. '
Tho inauguration of Wui.'F. Packer,
yesterday and its concomlUntf. was one of
tho notes of preparation wcro heard tho ,
military wcro bnmislnng their anus, tho
citizens iheir turnout,, timt everything 1
might combine to make tho affair go off
with success. Nor could the weather have
neon nioro propitious., Tho previous day
had been lowering and heavy i but Tuos 1
day morning opened bright and beautiful,
...... juc. vuujj.. v. .. .rt.u& ui. "ii
eager air, ' to give a zest to tlio sight
Dr. Charles IScjlcr, of Ilarrisburg, was
tho Chief Marshall and JUjor Gen. Win,
uinct ot tno military. i no procession
icommouced its line of march at eleven and i
reached tka cxpitol at a littlo after Iwclvo
o'clock. At tho "Jones House," Gov
Pollock was taken into Iho carriage in ,
which rodo the GoVercor elect. Tho fol
lowing is tho order of the proccson :
Mai. General Kcim and Staff, consisting
of Maj. S. L. Young, Mnj, A. Jordan
Swartz, Maj. W. A. Sands, Maj. J. G.
Herr, Maj, James Frecland, Col. Goo, A.
0. Seller, and Surgeon Dr. Itcid.
Pennsylvania Dragoons.
Lancaster Fencibles.
liarracks Band.
National Guards.
Lebanon Artillery,
Martial Music.
Logan Guards.
Brig. Gen. Williams and Staff, consisting
of iMoj, W. A- Dolaney, Maj. V,
K. Boloy.
Maj. Jas. It, Espy.
Brigado Inspector, Maj. Jno.
Harmony Hand Pliih.
Buck Hussars, as cscoit of Gov. elect,
a- 'i-'l'0 ,wo Attorney Generals, with
two of the Joint Coiumittco of Arrantm.
i. 'I he two Dcnutv Secretaries of the
Commonwealth with two of tho joint
committee- to wait on Heads of Depart
ments. 5. Auditor General and Stato Treasurer
with two of joint eommittco uf Arrango
ments. 0, Surveyor General and Superintcn
dent of Common Schools with two of joint
eommittco to wait on Heads of Depart
ments, 7, Caual Commissioners and Stato Li
brarian. Gen. Seiler, Chief Marshal, and Aids.
Adjutant Eystcr.
Newport Artilery.
Sisbcrvillc Guards.
City Band, Heading,
Heading Biflcs.
Valley Iofantry.
A platform had been erected In front of
tbo Capitol largo enough to contain about
two bundrcd and fifty persons, which was
occupied by tho members of tho two IIous
es, ex-ciembers,and distinguished strangers.
Mr. Sneaker Welsh administered tlio oath
0f cfl;.c
Vrm iln swMr IW n innnnrt.
,bc Constitution of tho United States.
You do also swear that you will support
tho Consiitution of the Stato of Ponnsylva
ui3j and mat you will discharge your
duties as .Governor of this Commonwcaltl
with fidelity."
After which His Excellency stepped to
tbo front of tho platform, and in a loud
clear vcico road his inaugural to an audi
ence so vast, that tho half could hardly
oatch its highest tones. It occupied about
1 half an .hour in tho reading, and I know
u ti ... , x
you will readily ngrce with mo when I say
o - - -- J
I tho manifesto, then will Gov. Packer's
administration bo a fortuuato ono. The
'letter part of it, on tho Kansas question,
11 1 '
was vehemently applauded, and tho speaker I
was compelled to eus.pond Us remarks forj
a moment. It was delivered, too, in a
bold, fcavlcfs and emphatic manner, that
added very much to its effect. Thero is
no doubtiug as to which side ho is on,
In tbo afternoon Gov. Packer reviewed
tbo troops wbicb wero drawn up in Market! Attorney Getieriilllon. Jno. 0. K.NOX,
Square, and mado a most soldierly ap- f Clarion county,
pornneo. Ilo was accompanied by Confidential Clerk in the Secretary's
Adjutant General Tboraas J. Power. ' office John A. Innis, of Easton.
Tbo day previous to tbo inauguration, As wo before intimated Wji. A. Poiitek
tbe retiring Governor gavo tbe -Governor Esq., bas been appiontod Judgo of tbo
elect and bis Oaliinct a dinner at tlio Jones '.Supreme Court to supply tbo vacancy
House. Tbo party consisted of Governor occcsioned by tbo resignation of the Hon.
Polkck, Attornoy General Franklin
Sccrdary Curtin, Deputy Socrctary Sulli
van, and Schools Superintendent Ilickock,
of tbe old regime ; and Messrs. Packer,
Koox, Hicstcr, and DiC'enbccb of tbe now.
Tbe diuncr was got up in Coverly'a, best
(itjle,-ana tuercturo was a superb atfair. roado au Brcc,aot with Mr. Worrell for
It was a graceful act on tbo part of Gov. ( tll0 purciso 0f tbo "Griffith property" on
Pollock, and bespoke for hinnthatkindncsst ,ho rivcr baok a, a rcsiacncc I'or tbo Gov
of heart 'that even bis enemies bavo not" crn0P - tbo prieo to bo paid is ten tbou-
(1cuictl L!mJ sand dollars for tbo property, and ono
tSr-Xfa do our friends a real service in hundred -for the gas fixtures.
.HltlHii M..W.I.VM .'.V...V.MU V. 0UW.
acknowledged merit as WJstar's IJjlsam.,
Wo are all liablo to couMis and cob!.-,
w'jlch ccbso to bo danaoroui wheu rccourso
13 Ld to tbo Wild Cherry.
Tho Sonato Oominittcca.
irAnfiisutino, Jnn. U. Tlio following
Standing Coininittccs of tlio Senate wcro
announced to-day bv tlio Sneaker.
Tigiit, ooutuor, btccl, bchell, bhaciTcr,
Uommitteo on ltailroads Mossrs, In-
gram, Unzzam, Urcsswcll, I urney, and
on Education Messrs, '
llrcwor, Harris, Wilkins, Gregg, and Mil-
Cj 4jr,'m 00 0n Aecounl3-Jlr- vaus,
' 0,"' auJ EscLcalMr. Uell,
On Pensions Mr. Gregg, Chairman.
Cn tho Library Mr. llaudall, Chair
niiD. On Canal, ifcc Sir. Ely, Chairman.
On Election Districts Mr. Knnfinlil.
. Chairman.
On Kotrenohnicnt
Steele, Chairman.
0n Agriculture, Sic
and Reform Mr.
-Mr. Knox, Chair-
'' 1
n- r .I- f.
Mr. Laubacli, Chair-
I luuu.
I On Vico and Immorality Mr. Alillcr,
i Chairman.
j On Claims, &o-Mr. Sohell, Chair
On Printing Mr. Gazzam, Chairman.
On Buildings Mr, Marselin, Chairman.
On Now Counties Mr. Craig, Chair
mail. "All tho Doconcy."
The Fro Stato I.egislatuic of Kansas
on the the receipt of President Buchan
an's Message, passed the following reso
lution ;
"Resolved, That Jaraios Buchanan,
Prcsidrnt of the United States, be entitled
to the name of Muggins ; and that a cony
of this resolution be sent to him. 'J he
resolution passed amid deafening cheers."
Tho Free State Iegistiitors, if all their
ngcmiity had been directed to damaging
their own cause, could have found no
more sure method of securing that result
Jhan by iho use of such disrcspoetl'ul
anguagc towards tho Chief Magistrate fcf
the nation. Billingsgate is tho alterna
tive for argument only when the cause
for which it is employed is too weak to
be bolstered by sound logic, or when, as
is usually the case, the logicians are from
Alsatla and tho five Points. President
Buchanan cannot be injured by such pu
ny attcinpts,nor is it likely ho would have
any other feeling than a proper contempt
far those who attack him with such scur
rility, should ho over bo apprised of it.
But the country will resont the insult for
lim. He luisbecii endorsed by tho peo
ple of tho Union as the most fit man in
the Union for its highest office ; and he
will be supported in tho position in which
he has been placed, despite the black
guardism of any person or class of per
sons. Tho Pleasure of Paying Cohts
Wo have no higher enjoyment than to
pay IwneU debts, and we "had as lief lie
down in a bed of nettles as to have men
como to us and ask for money when we
have it not. It is really a fact that wo
have recently been "working for nothing
"anil rinding ourselves." Thousands of
dollars arc due us in smaJl sums that it
would'hurt no :one to pay, and yet if we
could get them together it would enable
us to satisfy every one to whom wo are
Next wveck our regular term .of Couit
commences. Hundreds of our friends
will be in town, anil wo ask them TO HE
Let us bo able to say that wo havo re
ceived money enough to pay up the ex
penses of the Columbia Democrat. Let
those who do not come to Court send the
prices of their subscription and advert!-
' 1... - :i. t.
Wc shall be grato-
ful for such a remembrance, and wo cimi
work iu tho harness much better, for every
ono knows that "money makes tho marc
go." Doul forgot to pay the printer.
Gov. Packer's Cabinet.
Secretary of State W.m. M. Ujesieu,
of Iltrks.
Deputy Secretary IIenuy L. Dieiten-
, iucii, of Clinton county.
' Jno. 0. Knox.
aovornor's Mansion.
Tbo Joint Ouminittee of both Houecs,
tbo Socrctary of tbo Commonwoalib, Stato
Treasurer and Auditor General bavo
T), narficmcnt has to ho ratified bv
both Houses bctoro it can uo inauoi)iuuing,i" oUm.uS uu ruu
but ihcro Is no doubt of its satisfaction,
. -
aud Oovernor Packiji will in that
A High Qompliuiont.
On tlio occasion of tho celebration of
the eighth of January by thn Young jMctiV
National Democratic Association of Cin
cinnati, tho following was the regular
crson in d.ivo.ion to democracy, nad Joliavo 110 iwilallon in saying wha is Voj-.r.,.. S.jJ
Jacksonintletermlnedexdcution-- ,f?' nowlcdgcd, t: g Vfl c.. S
, . Ilcpituiictm is among tho very first oppo- J M. ji,,i &L'f JS
Wlirn it was read, (says tho (;ncinna-1 ' . . . ' p ViX'tV. imr&X r., tm
ti Enquirer, tho thrco deafening and cn- , ? 8 , , U'0, " l , f " WZniXC?' ti iSTpJ'
.. . .. i , ,ityand tho high-lancd charartcr of its ,i,',?r,.. . ' ' 'JIS'V"11."""'. nsi
lliu.iastie slinuts that followed ravc an 1 :. .. . .,.n'm',,r:'llf'.... JAn., iwithiT i, ninker. 1 7.t
assurance that tho President still retains
unabated and undivided, tho confidence
of the association, as well as tho olhrr
democrats who were present. And tho
brotherly feeling that marked tho inter
course of tho hundreds in attendance
demonstrated that Iho Kansns dirt'ci-piices
had not yet begun even sow tho seeds of
alienation. Tho celebration was, in oi c
ry respect, a decided success in tho ma
terial of the feast, in the sentiments and
speeches and unbounded g-ood feeling,
nothing was wanting.
1ST" At a meeting of tho stockholders of
tho Lackawanna and llloomsburg Hail-
road, held at Kingston, on Monday last,
tho following officers wcro elected for the
cosuing yo ir :
V. Resident William Swetlakd.
Directors-. Hon. Goo. W. Woodward,
H. Gaylord, Samuel lloyt, T. F. Atbor
'ton, AI. W. Jackson, Col. G. W. Scranton,
Maj. E, McNeal, Col. C. F. Wells, Jr.,
James Archibald, T, Strong, John Dris
bin, Better selections for tho post of Presi
dent and Vice President could not bo
made, while tho Hoard of Directors is
composed of gentlemon well known to tbo
eamiLunity, men whoso cxporionco and
business qualifications render tho Board
one of the most efficient that could poBsi
bly havo teen chosen, and fully competent
to act vigorously and wisely in any emer
gency. Berwick Gazette.
'Tum Up."
B. M. Mcllcn, the Chicago pcriodicf-d
dealer who disappeared so misteriously
in May, 1855, wclcarii lrom the Chicago
Tribune has returned safe and sound.
Meantime, his wife, supposing him dead,
married a man by the name of Austin, I
between whom and Mcllcn a struggle is
now going on for tho custody of the lady.
Mellon states 'that he was insane when
he wandered away, and that he first went I
to Memphis, thenco to New Oilcans, and 1
thence to California, from whence ho
now returns.
Deceased. Georgo Kenton Harper,
Esq,, who for nearly forty years was tho
editor of'tho Franklin He osilory, died at
Chambersburg, Pa., on tho lUth iust. ,
aged seventy niuo years. In tho war ef
lOinl .1 nr r!
two campaigns ; first on tho Canada lines,
and again in the defences of llaltimore.
On tho latter occasion ho and Capt. Cul-
bertaon wi 1. drum and fife and the flag of
tho old Blues, raised a company of over
n, rt l.i.nJi.n.l .1 1..t .1... .t.
v j uuuuiuu mull, 1.I1U uuu lllU-ltl IUUILU
to tho scene of action in a few hours.
Offloial Vote for Governor.
On Friday both branches of tho Legisla
ture mot iu joint Convention for tho purpose
of opening and counting tho returns of the
election for Governor. The -official vote
was announced as follows :
William F. Packer, 1 88,8 10
David Wilmot, 110,139
Iaae Hazlchurst, i!8,09G
Packer's majority over Wilmot, 42,707
u " ' over both, 11,011
tSfWo learn that Samuel Hill, Esq ,
who lately represented the county of West
moreland in tho Stato Legislature, died
suddenly at his residence, in Washington,
township, Westmoreland county, on Satur
day, the lOlhinst. Mr. hill had occupied
several important publio posts, in all of
which ho faithfully and ably discharged
bis duties. Ho was an honest, upright man,
and an exemplary Christian.
ArrOINTMENTS by the GovxRXon. I JIr- 1''nt, tbo dcecoscd, was a
U. Harrett, Esq., of tbo Ilarrisburg Key- younger brother of our immediate Hep
stone, to bo Superintendent of Printing, j rcseuUtivc, Hon. Peter Ent, worthy
Chailcs Iiarnett, Esq., to to Soalerof, aDlJ csfiinable citizen. IIo was a member
Weight and Measures for Alleghany
John Maekliu, Esq., to bo Flour Inspec
tor at Pittsburg.
Deceased. Kcv. J. J. Lchmanowsky,
died in Clarke county, Iiul., on tlio lib
instant. Uc was a Polo by birth, and a
distinguished ofliccr in tho Napoleonic
wars, but Homo linio after his arrival in
this country became a minister in tho
Lutheran church.
Lebanon Valley Railroad
President. Hon. Simon Cameron.
Directors. Isaac Eckert, G. Dawson
Coleman, John Banks, G. A. Mieolls, J.
W. Killiiigci and James Millholland.
Seaclaty ami Treasurer, Daniel S.
A very scrcro caso of Soro 'Eyes,
L. It
of 5 years standing, was cured by
' . ... ..... . .
quicung agents mat can do nan. in jiry.
eipcl" of iuo co, it will often remove tho,
j.puiu iu 10 miuuirs,
Wo had tho ploasurq a few days ago of
calling on ourfriond Dr. John of .tho
ItnmMican. Wo found him in excellent!
it-.. .. ,.,i . .u. .1- m;.1 C: ii
siitlM?, iiuituiwaiunuiiw uiu irini ,111111;:., ,
u:. ..: - r. re i, ,. r ,ii
Alls iiuj'wi ia u mil iiiiuua ui initial... iti- :
editorial department, as well as tbo lasto ,
, ..
and neatness of its mcohamoal execution. 1
n. it !.t ...... .i. i
of our friend Col.T-ato, editor of tho Demo
vreit, wiioro wo spefit a very ploasant hour.
Thcro is something very attwetiyo in tho
courteous and gentlemanly bearing of tho
Col, while his social qualities nro of iho
highest order, Ho publishes an excellent
family paper but unfortunately it is affec
ted with tho very worst form of modem
democracy,- still It is full of interest, and
is ono of tho leading journals on that side
of tho house, Col, Tate is tho President
of tho "Koystono editorial Association" a
position for which ho is admirably adapted.
Iu tbo success of that Association wo feel
a deep and abiding interest and with a
presiding officer of his urbanity, diguity ;
anu quicK perception ; ami witu tbo clear
judgement of such men as Dr. John on
the tloor, we may reasonably hopo for tho
best results. Montour American,
. ... .. , ,.,
Death of Joseph Steele, Esq.
Joseph Steele, Esq., tho venerable
Father of Senator F teelo, died at Hanover,
Luzerno county, on Tuesday, tho 1 Oth
instant, in tie 80th year of his ago.
BSU Washington Irving, now seventy
five years old, walks to Dr. Croigliton's
Church, in Taiiytown (of which we be
lieve ho in a vestryman,) and back, live
miles, nearly every Sunday.
gy- On Tuesday, last week, tbo U. .s.
Sonato confirmed the nomination of Hon.
Nathan Clifford, of Maine, for Associate
Justice oftho Supreme Court of tho United
Oxjgcuatcri Kilters.
Worcester, Juno 2
Gentlemen. After sufferimr much for'T"l: "t'-riiSn-d, tra'rrni r, pas, pntranair, rr-
t -i necniill). inform lilt friends mill ctmo.ntra, lliat
nr.' suiira iia&L irwiii .LMspi-palu, i ivas 111.
duccd to purchase of your Agent in Wor
cester, a bottle of your Oxygenated Bit- j
ters, and .-after a trial of less -than two'
bodies, 1 find myself radically cured.
I have not tho Ieaot hesitation in
recommending them to all who aro 1
. I
afflicted with t hid distressing coiiipluiut.-r- 1
You aro at liberty to use this as you think ,
best to further the sale of this excellent
Yours truly,
Any Individual suffering from woa'.cccss
... d . .. , anv cnn . c., .
by mis mcdicino.
Sl-.,lW Vnn.t . c. n w,.i.;.
Strect Prop,-e.ors. Sold by
j j. M Dloomsbur-.
' &
On Thursday evening, 19th inst,, iu
llloomsburg, by tho llov. D. J Waller,
Air. Sainu I JJrooks,o( Cattawissa, to Miss
llclecca, daughter of Harman Labor, Esrj,
oi ur.mge tnp, (JoluuiLua co.
On tho 28th, of January, by tho Itev,
W. OoodricU, Mr. Sclli .Shoemaker, to
Miss ill . O.'it, both of Hemlock town
ship, Columbia oo.
In Ucrwick, on Iho 21st inst., by Rev.
I. llabl, Mr. Adam Suit, Esq., Coustablo
of Biiarcreek township for four years, and
U. S. M.iil I'ontracter onroutOiNo. 32'50,
and Miss Savilla Hitler, of Btiarorcck
township, Columbia oouuty, Pennsylvania.
On Sunday morning, January 17th,
1S58, in Ncscopeck, Luzerno county, Mr.
Ihiiry Kuchner, to Miss Maria Ilartzcll,
both of that place.
In Marion county, lovra, ou tho 23th of
December, of dUeuio of tho brain, Charles
.U, ntt :igcd years, formerly of this
of tbo Order of Odd Fellows, by whom
bis remains wero attended tu its fiinl rest
ing placo, with all tho honors and tolcni
n'uies of tbo Order.
In Columbus, Luzerno county, on the
23d of January, 1853, Daniel JCcons, Esq.,
aged 69 years, 8 mo and 8 days.
Tbo deceased was ono of ibe earliest
sctlers and most respectable citizens of
l.uzcrne county. Ho was tho Father of
tbo Hon. John Koons, of New Columbus.
to mourn fhc loss ofan affectiouato father.
Mr, Koons was an exemplary member of
tho Evangelical Lutheran Church.
In Hazleton, on tho lfith inst., Ario,
son of jCJco. It. tt E. A, JUIarklo, aged 2
yonra and 9 days.
Till: SL'lWUniBKft rnpertlully mformt the
ifw .u' "- u iiiiuiiiiuiirB aim inc public tu tene
IfWaili tliit he Ii as opened a
A'ew Watch and Jcuclry .Establishment,
inm'd.-niol"rm,! ill .onS of ""'
Watches, Clocks, itc,
WI fllPnor 'I'lllllV la 111 kl . Ir nti.l nl In. ii. iab
. cj-ui.ouks anij v.vaMij:.i raren.iiyand oi
i-fpaVuc unmniumi Mtwm r .
r.iuonnln( Jm 1, isj
Tll following nro Iho receipts to tho ofSco
of tho. Culumma Democrat, during
. . '"V" ui .January, itjriH :
V "' ,'tl1.t Si Uriah 1'. Mcllcnrr,
wninrn it-iifr, i tl 1)0 1 tv in, t'MPi Kan, ., 4 no
is, l. ,. ,v::i'::':::'" ? 'vlwl
Irl Mrllf.i.f.
...iiiniu iiciiiiciiaor, I
?'"T, ,,. J "" ' "m. n.-wriiivcr. :im
J"PPII '-''ly. , lll,8,M.IVUtillllfcCo.,UGII
'n"l.Hooirj L o,.kmi ur.a.M.iiastnfcich. lono
::."."' K.,r.,.,...i.. ?y. ?w
Bolt ScliiiolllKlrlct,
Pclt-r lU-flf,
! u, Khaa Unwell, & to
lira llmrjr Hiiteiibcn.lcr, S ml
1 JO, Unato S. A.Homnaii, 1 K
Special Notico !
Wo aro now sending out bills to nil in
arrears, with a view of having every
account settled up to the first of March,
with tho closo of tho Eleventh Volume,
This must bo done, after which time, no
subscriber, out of tho County, will get tho
Columdia Demoobat, without paying for
it in advance, and thoso then in arrears,
will bo stricken from the roll, and their
accounts placed in legal hands for speedy
collection. Wo find this oourso imperative
to our own fcflrmrifv. ivnil will rnltaimul.
carry this measure into effect, as wo intend
to open tho Twelfth Volume under new
arrangements and with additional improve
ments. Nctu&&uciti3Cffients.
7 N prcparatio
J. vai.eni-im: i
linvp Jiil rf-ceiv.-il
ion of the coming annual
HOLIDAY, (Fi-lirunry 1 1. 1M nn
il anil ituftju lor lala n l.imo mid
In autlliil nsirtmiMit "I
0 II 1 1. 1) HE N'S V A L E N T I N E S,
'-J,f.'A77.Vfi CARDS JX1) KtffFMrUII
All of new tlml hamUnmc aty and varying pricrg.
1.. 1.. TATE.
Jin an, IMS
Imiiorttrs anil Jvbbtri Pf
Silks, P.ibbous jimI Millinery Coods,
llavu ii'iihiwiI from Nn. 15 01 III Sccnml Strctt, to
lliclr now mid cli-R.illl tturr,
no, .sua chestnut sritr.r.r, ox-u noon agove
Eioiri 11.
.Wlifrii Ihi-y I II 1.0 1'U-ai.cdlu ten Hmlr friends and
aln- trail' pi-ni-ratiy.
Jan 30, lttS-2m '
Cppttltt tht Court lltuu indntzl door tht Vtmotrat CJfiu
A New Barber Siojk
Iu Court Nome My, lint dmrlidow tlio olTice ot
thn UnluinLia Dctnocrat. where tie will be liapv i
Hall upon old anil new cutnnicr, nnd lrom ki:ic tt
tcMCtictj mill strict ntlcntinn to IxKitirsi, tie licpct vt
merit aittl receive u tilirrtl thurr of)'ul-tir initrniiati.
Clj" AM Ihlnjii Iitc "tlonc lit !ftCPliry nnit In nrier,'-
VA1EM7 )
I M'OKMAI ION in KiorpkiTiif r nt a itiitniicr.
Jl MAtiCi: Lisr op rmas
HW) jrosi IJomic Vain tnt nl tfil trna tifr rros.
JOiiO pru-ig (Vmie V.ileitilncK at .111 ent pr griH,
.n'uu cr4 (yHiinr. AMicniiHCii hi 91 per triH,
Oiu) tt.iton HriitiLu!iit;il V.i'entiin 8 nt "J'i ct. r ) t,
.lull tl.,tin H(;nimi(' Vilti(iiica nt J7 ct u r due.
Slid il i s cn fN.'iiliiiiCMul V'nli-nlnie nt .VI 't. MT ilnz,
.'iiO tlozcn Hcntiiucntiil Vnlfiitiiux at 1 19 prr doz.
It i0 tloz.'ii tfci'tiuici ml ViilciiilnrMMt 62 Pf i'oz
300 il 02-n Sentiment il Valfiitnun nt 91 "3 par tU
:idu iiiuoii .it i &o, 1 ?j, s;t 91, $1,
Ami at prices r.iiiims; in $u tm ht iJi-tpii,
V.ilPitiine UrJR over hity ihli'-rciil kinds.
AIpo, Knvdopi to him :i m Vjlfiiuii'!.
lorrkt'opt-is t imli.iin' ctiH nil oil ilm itlinvn nixl
mnrlf nptxulti tin niMutiir itfeaoh kiittl rfpiircd.
vleinlid HI.dw HilU ptu up with fiirh 1t.
TltOMAa MACI'X, Hationcr,
N. W..cnrner ttcoiid ;tml Cltitimt irn'n,
J.ui 30, ld."6 I'lilUiklphia.
drTwalton's Ayni ilia an
joy to run .ihh'ucTF.n t
OMJ final I liox of I'iIIh cur ri met vnl n fnnri out
nt n hu mlritl. No l'..iUnm. no .Mtrniry, no cilnr
mi the brent lit no tear nt iMfriinu. Two an 1.1 1 1 pill n
lnse;.taainl(!s onl'.t' Mfl nit wmcr. Pull tti roct 1ii
ire e 1 ven, io Hint tlio iifiiHiiUcati curehimsrlf n crUk.j
ns with the advicf tf thn mot tuperivucril n rerun,
and iniirli hettrr than with lim .ulvkc of one nl I lit Ik
oxprrii'iiro in thin cl.ns ol Iiiiti.
fti;T I1Y lA'Ili T ANY PA HT OP 'I'll I! COLIN
TIIV hy enclosing one dollar to J)r. ). O. Walttn, No.
Nop til PevciitU ifprt, bdmv Itaco, riilhtlf'phla
Jl liberal dlttount to tht trade. None "Aimlite Mlttiont
the (cri(ei Rifiintnrp orl) U. Wnlion , Proprietor.
Dr- IV.' irpntmuni Tor H-'lf AlitisfWoaknef s, he,
ii entirely illttcrcnt from iho usual conrio Dr. VV.
lias cured humlrcd who have tried oilier without
heuelit, TIip trenitnent i 11 rertain to euro nit tun
inn i to rise. PuclriFP n Mlaiiin.niitl add rets Ur. W
a nlnvuti'ivinsi a full history ol your case, and uit
wmi dics mi! n.iv ynti hip puurt 10 secure wm.i
is certain A KAtllCAIj CURD.
Jan 3U lti.-d f.'m
"I QPCQ P'n'coient luititution, ettabluhed by rpc
J OOui -cfo endowment for the rtlitf cf thti ttak and
dHtrexed otiutid uith Virulent and FpidtmU UUtaiti,
Oircclor rriliiji well knouii lnstitutiuii, lit
J fx Ann. Ueporl upon llm trial utenl nrfrxnal
Ditrax i , fur tlic jear eruiitij Jjntuiry III, 1658, vx
Ii.u nuemleil Uie Inborn ot Iho CohkiiIiih- Surscoii. in
l tin turu of tiperiuatorrlirca, Hi-initial VVcakHeaa, Jjujio
tenco, O'unorrhaia, Gleet, fij iliitn, tho vice of Unj0
lm, or a clf.Ai'Uic, ice., ami onlfr a CDiitlnuance of
till) canut nlail. for the riisilniz rur Tlio CnnmiltlnLr
tfurseun authorizcl to givo MCDIUAIi ADVIUK
tji. i lb, tool! who apply Uy letter, with a (Irirrittio.u
oCtliuir condiUou (nu, ormpalion, UnhU of life, fcc ,)
nntt in r.isos of exirnut poverty, to riTUNItill MCD
lUINl'.runnurCII.MUjC Unicoi the new rtw.Ie
nihl mclboiU of Ircat iiient. discovered iliirlug the lait, are uf great value.
An admirable lie port nn SpTinntorrlirci, nr Familial
Wrnkni'M, thn Vico ot (iuu.i.u, Mikui tUtien, or
Bclf ui'irr iliirnnff of tlm fiennl Or-aiu,
hy the Consultida tSurgPon, will In sent by ruftjj (in a
nwileil letter envHepp.) t'UCn or CIIAKUII, on ra
cMipt of two stamps for postage Other Keporti ao.I
Tracts, on the itnture and tnatinctit of Bt-xnal iUh
'QH9, Dirt, &c., nro cnnstantlv being publtuhed lor
sratiiitniiniiktrlliulinn anil wit) lr rem lollioamicied,
Aillr', for Itrpnrt or trpatrnciit, UR.iCOUUU H,
UAI.IIOfJN.t'oti nltlii; 3 n r pi on, Howard Amociation,
N'a.SHuuili Ninth ImuPbiladelplua. l'a,
Jly order nf Mm Dilution.
II.UA I), ur.AUTWUI.L, rrttldent,
CroRcr J'iinaittD, Stc'v,
Jan 30 , laja-l'Jiu
Tllr.aiKARD UFK IfflVOAtfCK.AJtmilTrAKa
ornrh, no. 40d uieimit aTRLkT.
UAl'lTAI., (paid up.) SIOOVOO.
Clarttr I'trptual.
llic itiosl rcaanualilojniin.
Tliccjjiiialtciuii fiaiilupnnd J nvnktjcil. tofreMicj' itli
i larcn uud conainQily iucreafinj; lueivcd land, oflM
a perfect evurny to Hie inaurrd.
'J'lio jjrcoilum. mu; lc jiajd ycoily. Iialf yearly, o
'1'lie Company add a 1IO.VII.S nciiodically to the I uiu
rancci for life. Tin KJIIST Ilo.VUS opproptialcd ui
llocBinbcr, IMI, Hie SKUUNI) l;OSU3 in Uccemkir,
lilJ.ilJOlJIIIII) UONU4llll)crmlicr. Hit.
lO'Thcie addition aro mado without roqulrlns any
ilicremo in llm prrnuumi tab, paid to the Company.
Tlio lollowins ara a few yiample, from Ihw UrgUtfr
Amount ol I'uhcy and
lionui to bo inrrcawd
by fnturn additloiii,
:l.:r-.l oo
!.! 5U
No, f0
' 133
.1 K . " "IT
lion. Inrm. oravpllnifni, an.l luilhcr Inlotnuiion
3-J5 30
ti.-co oo
eju bfl foiltid at thfl officii.
Jso.r. JMF4. Attitoru.
I.HVI 1. TATU. fn.
T (' (Uni'i'fii, Fxawttitn plioiUitn,
Ocin'itT I", l".'.T-ly '
i;KucillS aiwuu iuitrictiviil ami lot lale it n
Jj.iin 4 'jlore