Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, January 30, 1858, Image 1

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    i nrv
41 JvL
Editor, Publisher & Proprietor. $
"To liolcl and trim the torch of Truth and Mravc it o'er the darkened Earth"
Que Dollar & ficuiily-five elf, In AiTanrr.
YOL: XLNCh 47;
Cflltunimt l)mil
FuUhhcd every Saturday Morning, kl
In Bloomsburg, CoIumbia""Co.
OrnoE. In the. ncio Brick Building, op
posile the Exchange, bj side of the Court
Mouse," Democratic Head Quarters."
i Tsitifs or iOnSCRlPTIO.N.
01,00 In mlvaiioo, for 0110 copy, for tlx montbl.
1,75 In ndvanco, forono copy, one year,
2.00 If not pnM within tha first thrco monthi.
zl li not pam wiinm mo nrsistx inomii.
2.50 If not rmldwitliiu llio your.
10 N miburlp'.lon taken for loss than sU months,
and no paper ilisoontinod until all ftrroarascsahall
Iiatq Ijocnpnld.
ID" Ordinary ailrortisomonta Insortcd and Job
work exocntod at tbo established prices.
urrmTt c liOCjk Hospital
rpflK founder of this Celebrated Insti
ll lullon.ciiTiri the montrcrtalii, sprrity, and only
riTtctual remedy In the vorld for rilcrti for filcM,
Hrklnrtu, ricminal wnrltncFi, rain in tli llns,
;nUmttniial Debility. 1m 'Olrnrv Wf ukiin. nl Win
(joikini'l Miiitif Anctimi vf the KliirirjF, r.!pltn
Hon of Urn llPfirt, iJiper-ia, Nwoiii IrriUi-ilHy.
UUtpn l Ilia llt'tid, 'lhtmil, Nne i-r SMn, ami nil
ihm? irioii nnd mcluncholy liordrs arMnc front
I hi? iitMlr-iftlve tinlnti of Viiiitli, which ilemny Imtli
UA mil mind, Thenc r-cret nnd nohtirj prank",
jirc infirc, filial to tririr vlcilnit limn lliu k'iik nf tlir
Mvrmi ta-tlV mariners Ul) -kpk, MigliUiic Mifir mnt
Urlllniul liapu of nnlicipaiiuns, rnidermg mnrntigc
tv. , iinjio3jilc.
Wtt (fJ per-irttif.or Ynng Mi-n rontcmplatlnp rnar
rl fnf .iwtira of I'liyncil ir ikii"K, nrsonir An
hilny, dtforuiiliOK, K.r., plinilJ itnutf.tntrlr ronul
lir Ji1intin.nni lie roaturcd tn prrlrrt lifhlih,
lie who pit ff himnflf under I In enm nf )f John
Mori niiv rMfitily cbhrliln in hit li"inr es n r,miV'
nifn, and tontiflfiitlv rrty upon Inn skill n cph picm ri.
Qrga n ic I Vcakn es i
iiani'ihUtly cured ami lull Tipnr rctnrril.
Till dm--,Hi U llir ponitty mnt ln-qiifrily piHhY
tli mc ".vim li vr liicouif I Tic tirliiu nf linprtipi r itntul
);nci)'. Vu'in? pcr-i'ina rtr loo iipt i imntuit .
from not lie m nw are :ir Uto drrtidfnl rMnriipiirc
th4t nm ven '". Now, wfm thn undi-rinnil tic nth
JitI will pretmJ to df iiy iliit llm powrr nf prncrf.1
It in It lot pnii!T Iiy IImm-! rallmn into hnprop'r
iiatnt ttun In 111 prudent, In in di'puvt d nt
Hi pltiaurf ol htalt!iv nHn(n4 'lie hmhi t.crliun
n'H il irueiivc ) niptoms to btVi hmly ;uid mtixl
nrl. Tit" nvttiMii li.'cui'H ilcrinpfd; iln-
Ml Ttiftit pinvrii urahencd, ttrrvniti ilcliilny, dyi
p'Pi. UJlpiUti'in of tlitt lie irl .in.Jirjlni.,a w-itig
nf ilittaii-.riiiish symptom of o-Himi tur J Ji fcr.
j-iitTW Nn 7$yJTi fR8irT.tiixrtrKkKT,fev-nd(iiir
frmn tU 111 mare iirtei lUti il-t. llif turn Ur
pnicntur Innljumni thtNAMHand Nl .Mtil'K.or
th t il nmtaVf Hie plrc.
ACr$ itarrantt4,rr va Vhirgt M&te, in frpn On; If
7Vn ley.
Mnml"r of tin Unyil Cnllrge nf ftiirgi-nttr. l.onilnn
iir'dnntr from ono ofth V"" ' 'intn'! c l!rar ( Hif
y mfcil rttn. apd Hit r jiir fi.i 1 1 titwlin-n IHr lmi
jitff ii Hpnni in 11 firt llnnpitnlii ot Lmntuu . T i Vi J hii
lndlpiii jind Hucv irn. Iittn eflprl-d jumi't ff ihp hkinI
ft" tn 1 It t lift cjifp-t th-il rre r'tr Klinn n J in my tronb
11 Willi rinulrij in Hit; ln-al ami i'an Mint axtrrp,
ft-Ai miri,ilintlyn. hulnp al.irnifd al "udil- n .iniimU.
nni Int'if Uni"fl,1fU, fri-'plfnl M't-lin;;, titti'iidrd
m-iiin' with lUr'rtnlfi'iiieril ol iii'imI vi-rt:ctltrd i
ui-lUUly. ,
1 Certain Disease
lYliiti -hi inijuidd ntul nnp'itd''iit vtttnry nfhtp.v
f r fin In h- Iliu imtnli-( tlii wfAn nl tint pmuliil
t(lt'f( it too nlliMi luipprnn tint nn f 1 1 h f titt umiumiI
tunic, or drn id til ili .nn-ry, drtern hi in Irotu nif! I
in( 1 tlinx't ult i frrtiti fdiic.ilidii nvd jfxpviUnilllt
run jltnc hffri'Mhl Hint tint iynt till tin tnn t Um t l"iiy
yinploiiia nl Him horrid dit Mink Urn r npni'iirnri
mirh -k nlrrfjitfd uttrit t , diiti'nm'il ntiftf, nnctnrr,
p tin in lUr. limd Miid Iiin1i,t!uun'ii nfflislit.dft nfnnul
!) tin (lit t,kin b'Hii i., jin J arm. blnirhisfirin en
lifinl tncftt an tt I rm"i I , prn?ref ihb h i tli ti ip tjt,
rsiplditv , till ni l4tt ihn piliiM ofiht iiinniis hint
linufj of tlii noe lull jn ,:i nil Ihi v i.-lhn n tli I in; tlit
ih " r Itfcaiiiri a horriI olij. ct nf cwmmii'"r.ttifin till
d 'h p'H x pfriu'l hi ilriMdfui niiUVrini;, i-y in
iiisH'iiMH i 'Hut Imitrihi Iroin wh'-iifi mi trnvi-lt-r
rt-t irii", Tii ftifli tlii'rt'fore Ur, Jiilnirtmi plfdnf
Miui(-irtn pri m rvn tlm imml fiivioiiltln rcruv itii't
from tin rUMHlif prurtiff in thf firni llnphnH if
Kiruiii nnT Atiif iicj, lie rnh riiiifidfhllv rM'niiini"iti
( mi I Kp'dy enm to Hie iinlnitinintR virtjitiiif UH I
h tiflrt rlM'iti'
Tukc particular JSttice.
Br. J nddrfvHf ml thnif ntm Imv-, fnj-ireil tlim
irlvf ly pnvdt'i Mild improper i inliilfiirep,
Tlie nre on.e if iIih ttjil unit iiirUnrliiili' lTrct
prn-lurfd hyeartj hiilutu iifyonili. tix Wenknern rf
tint Mack and l.iinlix I'.tin in tli" (lend. Ihuiiif'int
Hilit, Iom n Povwr. Piilpiuitmn nf the
Hf-irt lVipeptn, Ni'rvflM" Irntildliir. nrr.tiiernienl
n f llio, lligmtivc riinciintil.tjuncral lttMhty,nyniptiMiii
ofO'insnm ptmn.e,
MCrVTAItl.Y The ffaffnltVITrf I iipm the mind
ate much in htjdrrnded, Itwti nl Meitmry, UoiiIihIoii nf
Ideas Donre'inti nl tint bpirltn, ttvil I'tirelindiiiK'.
Avertitinf riucfety, Timiiy.&e., nrc loine nf thcevil
Thoniindi of pernnni nf all n?!! fan now Judge
what ) HictuaQtirtlieir dfctlttins helillli, t.'Hiiiiir
lln:!r viigfmhi'Ctiintnx weak, p ilemtdeinarnled, liavtng )
unjiiLir nppiiirnnrtj nboulihu cyei,ciU;liaiid )inp. I
tmnt of CniiinnipUoii,
Dr. Johnston's Invigorating Honed for
Organic Weakness.
Hy l hi and important remedy, eaKneM nrihc J
OrpitMiire fpeedtly cure I, niillnil vinnr rt-nnird
I'll i M itnUof the in nst niW'i'io ami df liililJt'tl. wim ,
fi 1 1 I at all tinpe, iiave liccu iiitmadnlHy retit-vrd All ,
ip-'dniieniR ti Marri-iiff -Piiyoirnl ;ini tnt:ii Ihiinn i
idrititn, arviiui I rntalntity .Treinliiinc nod Weak- I
a-jHi, ,.r iiauni"ii nl Hie iniit Icarful kind, 'iipeedily I
eurid hy Donor Jo'nxlon
Young Men
Win have injured themir I vei hy n errtiiti practice,
indttlid in ulnii nlnne i htliit f r"iien 1 ly learned
f r'tin I'vltco'iipJiilotH, or a I iclninl the effect h fin hirh
nre nightly frit, veti when nln"p, and if nt cured
render' mirrii7e iin.toxtiilile, :in l ditruyi bold mind
')! lutdy, iliimtil apply imhtniniily
vhit a pily lliAta vnunj in.ui, the hopq of hi conn
try and th' darlin of hi pnreutf fdiwi M In unalclied
frpm all pro peel and enjoy nf ft I ft of lile.hy 1 lie ennfe
rfmnrei m'devlnt n fr-mi the rath of nature, and in
d'llgliif in a curtain -fifl habit, Bucli pcrion before
ilinild reflect lint a found mi ml and tiri'.ynrr the mot
necit.iry reqtiUiliestn promo e euinf nlinl liappiuess
I tides 1, wiiho'it th crnt ,llio J'mrney Hi ronuh life, hecnmeii
a weary pnsnmnse, tne prunpi:tiiimury narkcii 10 tii
view uio in i tid tii'cnmei nh.idowcU with ilrepair And
rilled with I Int ni'laitrholy reflection thai the li.iftpiuoi
nf nnothur h'-cbiiiv" hhithted with nnr own,
ornouNt),-! HtlUrii fii;i)i:Rif;i; sr..0W.ferr..v
Auu PUitdiuAit ornitATioNH i,i;urot,.Mni.
H , T I nn false mainly prevent ou, but opp'jim
mediately elthur personally or by letter.
'Jb Strangers.
Tim many thmisauds cufd at llii institution witlt'ti
Ihn Lift 15 yearn, and the rluniffotiiinijiortanitfiirciral
(;pi4tlfns performed by l)r Johneton, witneed by
(he reporteroot the paprH innl many olher persons nn
etit of which have appeartil again ami tigihi bdore
tli dnbltc, hfuldes bin itandlng a a centleman nf cha
Mclerand reiptinsibility iia lufTicient (jnaronttc to
the alllicttd.
Take Notice.
M, n. There are nmany Ignorant and worthies.
Quacks advertising thcniselvee t'hytician, ruining
th "4lth ofthe nlreidy afflicted, that Ur, Jolimton
de'iii it necer.iry tosiy, epfciatly in itioie mthc
ins(neri with hit reputation, that hi rredcntiaU and
(jmlnmnaalwayn hant in his office ,
jrraNoiCK. All letter must be postpaid, and
-mnin a pusuge stamp for the reply, or noantner
f.fWill sent
.nuarly 7 1857.
IL T H Q ffil (0 .
W? andrfcim.d, graierul for pait patronage, re
L spenfnlly inluais Im ci vtnmeri and t he public
vncrvliv, ihut he tia jutl received from tha Easltrti
'i't 's.the larpcsl ami luimt select slock nl
Kilns yet been opud In llloqitiilurtr. tn which he
it ihu ntfiiHun of hie friendi, am asrurvs thtiii
it hey urt otic re a tor m a at great bargains, II u
irK rninpripci a large ntortment of
Ucntlcinni'ft "Wearing Apparel,
fousisling of FARIIlON'AIU.i: Ultr.Hrt COATS, 'f
every dtterfption ; Pants Vests, lilrl Crnvatsi
"tucks, Cnt'nn Hundkerchieff ,Ohie, fc'tispruders.
Gohl Watches and Jtvctty
Of every deseriptinn tln nnd cheap
N, II MAcwiiir's rwpffriwin M
Call and see. Mu chuige Inr eiHtniiiinn tlttde
C w6grg Uj i; tf07
Selected Ipoctrji,
The lear n loving mother weepe,
Abovo the new made intuli,
Wherein her first born Infant slepi,
lit death befirr itn hi nr. in ;
The tear of nvtrs when In death.
Their loved ones coldly lay,
Arn team that almost sink beneath
And damp tho nioldcring clay.
Hut never yet o'er a tiy grave,
Ha such hit tear, been plied
AntlonUcd iroin oifnrplinn slavo,
While bendlnrnVr ihn dcndl
I iav liltt kneelin on the mound,
Thaleovered the remain
Ofll he had oiiove the proii"d, i
Wcoie blood coursed in li'c veins.
Oh jpwlirt think ye live (n gloom,
Think nftlii mental's way
Whose otilyjoy was o't-r a tnnih.
To weep and mourn andpray;
Whose only hope wn Hint for deal.',
Whose love for Hte was driven t
Who lHa,td n sigh nl i-very hrcsth
That found its wry lolicavcn,
t aeo him yet hi ymtthfut hrnrt
With sorrow drepU breaking; him when h lu to part
When he hi learei tnkln-i
With that djrk pot win re buried Iiup'a
Of his are lii n forever ; ,
And through the world in I'nrkne rofiB
In quest of dfath'a dark rier.
1 e ht bruUed finpert ihake,
With Dptiny nf di pur
1 tee tli- f tf.irt he uint nuke.
To send to Neeven a er ;
His ence bricht y tritl fhine nn more
llig teir it" fires have dfnwn'd,
The Jo) of lift for it i in nre o'er,
J he grate's lUmj- dukness gone.
The day l-id passed he iiop'pi'jfl,
No mornn ci Hrcd Bl.ive ,
Hut walk 1hriiiih tile nmin lh fron,
Then fill a Irceman's (jravn ,
He'd rtihr rbe a menial now ,
I'nr ntar hts plare of gloom,
Dow n in a swampy valf y low
Is dug his mother's toiiib.
If tlftvs hare font thif nrrer di,
They nr iui I lo th free ,
If not." Ihn dnth ritlt?ion lie.
Tin hepfd tin t ennnot f,
Thn why were helncn horn to serve
Their 'i ta ' neath the rod f
None can on cirth an ,niw er give,
And none in Heaven but Hod.
A Goocl Auocdoto.
OHo of 1 lie papers revives a story Hint
ia be'ter now than it wa? liofore these day?
of fpirit-sceking :inil bearing.
It .seems t Im t nn oM Sen-Cnptain, who
iiail rc'ircil from Fcrvlco and was lirinjr on
a farm, had a wild, harum-scarum ncpiiew
living witli him. lie could neither drive
or frinliten saiii ncpiiov; li do anything in
proper time. Nor c uld ho get him to
drive the oows up to milk heforc dark lie
had i'i drive tticm up' from a bjck pisturc
through the sugar brush. Finally, the
Captain asked tho lad if ho wis not afnid
t' go through the woods in the dark.
' IVatd I What is that I 1 never seen"
a 'raid,' " replied the hoy.
"Well, never mind, my lad ; you w ill
fee one some of thoso nights, if you do not
get the cows up before dark,'' said tho
Cap'ain, meaningly-
That night tho boy played uii'il dusii,
before ha went for the cows, as usual. Tiio ;
Captain took a sheet and fo'lowcd him.
Now 1 ha Captain had a tamo monkey who!
., , i-i vi I
S5T7 the performance, and monkey like,
... I
took a table cloth and followed tho Captain
at a res'nectful distance Tho Captiin
went iDto the luiddlo of tho woods, whore
., i- 1 1 11 ttf x .'1
HierewasabH o tLepath
Going to iho further end of it, he vona
tliesncct arounu nun, got upon 11 ami fioou
s ill. Tho monkey gdt 0.1 the first end
without noise and did tho same. So the
wuuoai nouo uuu um u,u ui... 0 UJ
panics siuUu i..i .. uUjr .i.. ....ii-Mint,
along with his cows, ihey shyed a little
upon seeing tbo ghosts, which caused tho
boy to look ahead.
.. ... ... ....... . 1
IU I wbat is tliat . bo slioutca ,
"by golly, I guess its a fraif; and then
spying tho monkey, ho sung out, "By
Jorusaleni, if there aint two frails a big'
CriM iml o litiln friiil t" Thh caused
.I,o Ponton tc look around when he
saw, for tho first time, Ins ghostly com
panion. IIo thought ho was afraid,
sure enough Tbo old Captain streaked it
for home, the monkey chasing him, and
.1 . ; j , , , . ,. , . ,
mo wickcu ncpucw ciappmg ins nauos anu
Bhoit'ing, " Ruu, big frid, run, or little
fraid will catch you
. ...
EST The following acccdoto, which
. Which a
of the ohil-
fricud rotated tn us as an actual
smacks sotnewhat of the stories
dion related by the Knickerbocker;
t t.i.. ....
s 11 . . 3 . '. .
engaged in tho manufacture of a stool,
which, on account of a disparity in tbo
length of tho IcEf, refused to stand up.
After fruitless efforts to mako it do so, tho
boy inquired ;
" Moilicr,docs tho Lord sco everything!"
" Yes, my son,"
" Well," replied tho young hopeful, I
guess ho'll laugh when ho sees this stool.''
During tho session of a country
court iu tho interior, a witucss was asked
. if ho was not a husbandman, when he
caolly replied, amid the hughter of the
' cjurt, " No. sir, l'tc not marrifd "
nrrrTTA'Ar n t a n ir i?. t
FELtOW Citizens: In appearing be
fore you to enter upon my duties as Gov
ernor af tho Commonwealth, I consult my
own inclinations in conforming to tho
I usage tthich demands a popular address;
I nnd, in the first place, 1 gladly embrace
Ilns opportunity to return myprolonnd and
gratclul thanks to the people of Pennsyl
vania, for horjorina mo with tho Chief Kx-
ecutivo office in their covcrnmont. Their
kiudnois will ncTcr bo forgotten, nor will
tlia oonuuenco tuev liavo rcp(
ever bo intentionally betrayed
them and to myself will requiro th&t the
jury to the publio interests. I
advance a charitablo judtment
official conduct that it shall be
upon mv
construed '
nn no :. '
with kindness and toleration so long as it
I appear to be prompted by sincere and
ist motives and I hero cfUgo in this !
io'and lormal manner, to" regard tho 1
suaii appear
d jiirr.iioii win nil 1 11 ivn c mKnn rn nie. i n , -f - - - 0 . . n
i,.Jr 1.1, .i..i:. :it. R.i.i!... .1.. 11 . the provision that lulls neither sisnrd nor business of tho banks and tho people, it is facilities artkcqual to thoso of any country, cicty, and the promotion of mans
' m fnltlifnili nliA.l . nn,l it, i.:i.. I returned within ten days, shall becomo well worthy of earnest consideration. Our Common bchool system is justly dis- ' and substantial happiness, unless it
I fir na imasJlilo dm nnniilor ,i,.!.i.;' i laws, was intended as a guard against! In refurming the currency, a fiuglc ' tinjiuishcd as onq of tho most practical and , up n a foundation moro permanent
Doubtless I may couimit crrcrs in a position I ' o :a:o can accompiisn uui a noueraio 1 ciuuiule iu mo uirou., iijcn c.iicr- , japor arranjemoms, or 1110 ucoung im-
involving so much of respomibi ity but I Pcr'''i ani' not 113 n niodo by which the amount of gcod,- howe.vcr ?inccrn intelli-j ish' this traditional poliry, coining down to pulses nf iho. hour 1 The recognition of a
will hoDo that none of ihcm will l!n nf n ' Esccutivo might causo them to taUo effect, gent and earnest it may bs, without tho ' us from the .falters .of the Cnmmopwcalth', Great Supremo I'owcr, which rules the
. ,.v,,u...i ."i.iwu, . !. I . .1 . ... " l- l ..... . .. , I .IT-'- . .1. - T t-. I- li... it - ..... . .7 ...-.. .
., ,,,,.. - riP-,ii! :,i :., ! without the responsibility of acting upon oo-opcration of otiicr otates, and especial- , and Iiy every moans in our roccr fester .affairs of nations and of men, is t lis only
will of the people, tl.o publio cood. ftlld I '"at in sueli ease it shall becomo a law join with us .in tho repression ol small paper
the commands of the Constitution as I ualss Eont baok wltulD turco dys after and in such other particulars of reform as
the guidin" li"ht. by which my course is 1 1,10 "oxt mcet'1DS- 1,1 modem practice a require for eomplcto success their co opera
to bo diroctodr With these aims constantly lars llumbcr of bills aro usually sent to tions. Meantime to tho extent of cur pnw
in view, I shall induce tbo plcasint; hope 1,10 Govcrnor nilbiIn ft fow days the ! or lot us exert ourselves '9 furnish our 611
of doin some good in the hiah station to ' adjournment of tiio Legislature, which it is izons with a safo and stablo currency, to
which I have been called by the public i ,raP0SS'bl ,or b'm ,0 consider duly before I prcvont future finmcial convulsions sirr.ilir
i.... .i- . - ......
nf lliprfieiitativcs :lt .vill bo my ardent
desiro to cultivate with you, as lfcprcscut
ntives of the people-, tho moU amicable
relations, and to unite with vou io tbo
adoption of all such incisures as the publio
nml miv!rn Tim .i;(r.,-. i. '.!..
XIV. ' , ' y I lii IIIU I 111 111 1 U
of tho government, alihouh ehar-ed with
distinct duties, are to be roL'ardedteas nirts
i 1 ? ..1 1. . .. . ..
ol one harmonious "hole; aad it is well
when all these parts move onward without
jir, interference, or colli-ion. Nevertho
Io s, iho distinut ilutios of tho Executive,
when duly and honest y performed, may
rccnsion differences with the Legislature,;
but, in sucli case, it will bo cxp dient U
cultivate a spirit of compromise anil con
ciliation for tho di.'posal of such differen
ces, or, at least, lor mitigating tho feelings
01 alienation to wlncli tuoy tend
It is one of tho duties of the Exccutivo
from timo to time, to aire to tho General
Assembly information of tho s ate ol tho
commonwealth, and recommend to their
consideration such measures as ho shall
0 expedient; and under usaao this is
ilono Iiy messages in writin". which aro
voice, ami 01 rcpressirg somo evils wlncli " J 1 1 " K , -v
may threaten tho publio welfare ur tbo i many srnt lo. lum ln'10 very closing snmo time been struggling ; and to relievo
individual rights of tho people. ' 1 b 'ur3 "l0 sesslon- 'l would seem , the government in its iisonl action from
Icllmv niiiP7in nf ihr s.i,'i n.,.. plin th it the Hxcciilivo could reasonably i tho dancer of depreciated or w cthlcsa
entered among the publio records and ro-1 not bo sulijoctcd for long periods of timo to
main a part of tho official history of tho ' ''10 solicitations of thoso interested iu bills,
State. I do not understand this as a t nor should ho bo subject to the imputations
power of dictating to tho General Assembly of indecision, or favoritism almost, una
the measures they shall adpt, nor even as voidable in such cases. Nor is itrigntthit
a power of initialing laws, but as an inform-! bc should have in bis bands the moans of
iuir rind Bui'irostinr' noivcr. in im rosm-cr 1 influence which tbo holdins cpon of his
trenching upon iho iust and nroncr mrisdio
lion of tho legislative department of a free
I't.l. I -. ..1 1 ; .. . ...
&tate' , ia "rt tt was never intended to
cive a legal control over tho proceedings
$f Jj0 lfcBprc3entativc3 of ha onlo l,,P
j enactment of laws. It is, therefore a
richt of communication with thnm. which.
! whijo prudently and reasonably exerciser!,
can uivo no iust occasion for iealousv
objc.oni0r eU'JVocuav
' exercising tliia' ri-'lit, i3 Lut pert'orm-
- ,g a pa,n duty, and can apprehend no
! difficulty in speaking with a respectful
t"m even upon quesfons whe'ro an
j agroernjrJt 0f sentiment eannot bo
. j . -., mr
delicto power which pertains to the rola-
' tions bctwoen tho Legislative and I'xccu
i ityo departments. Hy tho twenty-third
' nnl twont.v.innftli ...ilnn. p i.
.1 . .1 .
q Uon,titlltio a, bins ( b
tho (;encrai Assembly and mosr. of tho
orders, rcsolclioiip anil veins in which ih'o'
may occur, are submitted to the Executive
and it disapproved by h 111 can onlv be
made valid by a voto of two-ihirds of each
House. This power of disapproval is
ammjl t10 moi:t innortant duties of tho
Executive, and is constantly becoming
limro so, from tho operation of obvious and
natural causes. In my opinion it is the
clear and binding duty of tho Executive to
f con dcrntinn nvo,v l,ill nnlor
resolution or vote, prcacntcd to Iiim which
I ho oannot approvo-in other words, that
' tho assent ot his judgment and oonsoienco
1 .t..ii i. ......11.. .. - 1
' " aiiiuniij given n any uacasuio
1 before bo permits it to tako 1 ffeet ; unless,
in(lcc(i) ;t B(J passc,i :igAttist his objection
j yy a two-thirds voto. Tho words of the
bo actually given t any mcasuib
:. . :r. 1.1.. ir. . 1
Constitution aro "if ho approvo he shall
' 1. l.Mtif im .t.nlt ..nt o,.np
,...,.,. n !ii. 1,!. .1' ri
in which it shall havo originated." Words
pould not convey a power; and prescribe a,
duty in a moro clear and definite form. It
.i- nun ii uujuvuuua fcu luu sigu.u
luu 4vu-w
is manifestly tho intcntiou of tho Constitu -
tion that the deliberate and conscientious
in each House, shall bo so decisive as to
clearly indicate tho wi.dom of tho measure
It is truo hat upon thin s trivial or indif-
foreut, where no gloat interasts aro involved,
nor constitutional principles in question,
nor privato ri -hts assailed, eoiisiderations
of expediency nny bo taken into account
approval ol ti c Governor shall bo given to I additional security, (.ottior man specio) to wiucii suouiu tear uicir proper uuu in eausiamiy oc urrmg in mu .c.i.w.jr mi 3, Th(,r0 h . , . -n , , .
a bill before it bocomos a law, in addition 1 consist of the bunds ot this Stato or of the amouduieut and reform,) wo may well bo will afford matter for I onrcssional do- -, , ',
1 1 111 rr ... . 1.. , ... ,,.,i r.i,: i ...1.....:. .r....t .ri,.. 1,.. .,i n,.., nv,pt t.n ultmntp dooijn. 1 our town, who recently wished sho was a.
to tiio approval ot tUO two llauses tliat havo , ULitiai states, lor tuo rcncmpiiuu ui . ..j.. uu.. ...- m.... .......... v....m... .... . ,
previously passed it; unless tho majorities circulating notes, including in all cases poople, her instilutions and hor laws. She, I o the peoplo of Pennsylvania the ad- cart whocl, because it has lots of 'fcltoirs.
afterwards L-iven to it uooii reconsideration ' individual liability of stockholders and has becomo groat, prosperous nnd power- mission of a now Stato into the Union
by tho Executive: but certainly no sub-
..i.:.. .!... i! r till UUJUlUUIIf IIUIUUI Ul J" l.U J Ul Ul
principle, can bo waived by him in view
of his until to support tho Constitution
Ton days (Sundays excluded,) aro allowed
tho Kxccutivu to consider a bill, and to
approvo or veto it. after which it will bo ,
come a law without his signature, if not
previously returned. Tho practice of my , country. Whenever a practicable, convo- roviTO and to furnish a strong and rclhbJo i Lppocf, that Congress will raako ueh pro
predecessors has been occasionally to permit n'ieiii and cfiicicntschcnic for tbo operations bij fcr thu resumption o'f artivity in all vision for other Territories that the present
tills to becomo laws by this limitation of iof tho Troisury upon such a basis can ho tho channels of employment, and in all tho ' difficulty will have no repetition in tho fu
time. 'J'hcvhavo taken effect in tho entire presented to mo by tho Representatives of , operations of trade. That government '. turi.
absenco of lixccutivo action. Hut I bcliovo (
this has only oecui red whero tho Exccutivo
has found it impossiblo to form a posiiivc 1
npimon upon 1
ion Iho measure where, though
.... .....
nl "nrj'"t.e, it was trivial or,
'reposed in mo 1 n'lcro 'l wn3 nianlfcat that a ycto would
yed. Duty to'"0' causo 0''e!l' This Exccutivo
.rii,. ii,. 1 11 I prootice ought not to tio oxtondod, nn'd the
iiuiru iiiai ine 1 . ..Vi . . e
tlipm. If. wrtlllil Rnpni nliiv ftiflf flio nrnotipo
'10'''in4 t'icm ovcr fr 6UC'' purpsie
cannot 00 'lofonded.
ihn tho l.ocisl'turo by its adjournment
W"J1,' tcI? a,f.tor "? Pasa!leo ( a blni
ma aeP"V0 lie Exccutivo of due time for
oonsi,IcrinR an licn " is provided
tho Ul inllrnmnnr. tnkpq n IM. Ill t.lpr. In l i.t nm ur iv hi. i inrnmmnmtv lina iiw
ask in such caso only iho full constitutional 1 paper, and tho embarrassments nriing
period of ten days for forming his opinion, I irom dependence upon corporations of
nnd tint all bills he believes it his duty to l her own creation.
approvo shall be actually signed within Tho people of Pennsylvania by ib'o re
that period. By tho exorcise of reasonable 1 cent adoption of an amendment to the
. ... ..
iniiiiMry tins can 111 aucisc3 no aceom-
Plishcd- Tlion, such bills as ho disapproves
wlU bo ,,icld .ovcr, l? bS. rclur,nod t0 ,tbo
nrnne.r nnnoh of too fieneral Ass-mlilv
.' . . , , - , --j
wiuun tnree i iys ancr tucir next meeting,
acceding to tho constitutional provision.
This will probably dispose of nil bills in
his hinds at tho adjournment, unless indeed
it bo allowed to hold over bilh and permit
them to becomo laws without his action,
The propriety of signing bills hy tho
Govcrnor between the sessions nf tbo
Legisl.ititro has been questioned. U docs
not accord with tho old practice, and is
i certainly liable to abuse. During my
term it will be strictly conDn:d to the first
ten dlys aftor an adjournment, and all
bills not then approved, may be considered
as awaiting tho next meeting ol tho General
I Assembly, to bo returned with tho Exccu-
' ttvo disapproval. I ho Kxecu ivo should
I decision upon bills during a rccos3 would
cooler. Besides a great wrong may ho
1 "one to inoso interesieo in legislation, ny
continuing them for an undue period in
lv,ccrtain.y as to the lato of tills in which
1 their rights, tli. ir property, or their business
1 may be involved, Theso are evils which
Theso are evils which
Execmive may obviate, by settling his , years in relation to
pdiey firmly in tho outset of his admmis- nave been creatcU 11
Ltiou. It would bo well, also, for tholl'Ian; are excessive
Legislature to so shape its aeliou as
avoid tiio necessity ot sending many im-
Pliant bill to tho Governor in the closing
days or liours of a session.
1 Ffltcw C?ircsAltliough it will not
ue CXDOOtod that I should at this tinlo dis-
cuss in detail the particular questions
I'wIi'kIi will probably como before the
government during my term, I desire
' hrii'tir tn nivn nvnris.ion to tho rr'neral
vic,r3 of public poliey t0 wIlich L ,1I)U) ;
their appli, ation to practical issues now
pending. Tho currency of tbo Stato is in
such a disordered oondition, Hut a general
and wuoiejoino public opinion.uomauos its
reform, and tho establishment of effectual
barriers against futuro convulsions
is a mbiect which will test tho intelligence,
tbo firmnpss, and the patriotism of tho
Hcpresentativcs ofthe people in the Log-
islativo dcpaitmeut, and may impose grave
responsibilities upon tho Executive. JJy
views aro decidedly hostile to the emission
and circulaiion of small notes as acurrcneyj
to' tiio inoroaso of JJankiug capital under
present arrangements;' and to tho issues
i,.i,i h.m. 11n.11 ..ritiia iirulofiiintn
of hank paper upon securities inadequate
!.: ,:r, 1...1 .( nn .
i'i' mj... svu....vr ....... v. j-.-
for their redemption. Tho, want of unt-
formity in the logal provisions under which
existing banks operate, ia objeetiotiablo.
In tho revision and
mendment of our
lionkiiifr evstcm. the, nuhlio interests in
mv nninlnn iloiminrl tho .vtonsion nf Dm
"J v. ...u
j i
tpecio basis upon which issues aro mado r
tho suppression ofthoruiallordcnominaiioii,
of tcs hcroioforo allowed; thorough
' reports of tho condition and business o:
banks with their frcquont publication ;
directors, fitted for convenient and actual,
enlorccmoot ; with a supervisory aud cou-
trolling power in somo proper officer or
department ,i( the Government to restrain
or -uspend tho action of banks in caso of
their violaiion or evasion of tho law.
When a specie currency shall be secured
to tho people by prohibiting iho circulation I
-r u:ii-r .11.1 : :n 1,. I
Ul UlllS Ul il millit UUUUIUIUU.IUIIi I. Hill
hichly desirablo tint tbo Cscal nff tirs of tbo
Stale government shall bo wholly separated
from thoso of tho banks ; in other words, 1
that iho munev transactions of tho aovern-'
mcut both io its collections and disburse-
mcnls shall ho in tho lerral coin of the
tho people, it will meet with a checrlu!
approval. Tl-crc aro difficulties in the (
case, however, far greater .than those
surmounted by tho general govcrarncnt, in ,
tiio establishment ot its independent
Treasury system i but tho. object being one (
cfjho first magnitude,' and calculated to (
exerciso a most salut iry influence upon tho !
... t .1 I
lv nl llmen Ivlitnl. ..ninln it
, aro not stopped in their j5ow hy imaginary
Stato linos, nor dois it ccen'i possible for a
Stato altogether to prevent f.ircign notes
1 from circulati.MiW!tbin
; hy the most ttringcn
, must, therefore, invoke
in her borders, even
cut enactments. e
qur sister States to
. ..........
(JonPti'ution on llio subiect of rublle In
I debtcdness, havo imposed nn imperative
I obligation upon their servants to practise
in.nnnmv In limit nYnptiflihirn nnrl
, - ' : o""
their best efforts to dio cradual but event
ual extinguishment of the existing put lie
lobt. After eicht 3'ear.s of experience un
der the sinking fund act of 1819, wo find
our publio indebtedness but slightly dimin
ished. Tho cons itutional amendment just
adopted demand tho establishment of an
effective sinking fund for its payment, and
I shall con-idcr it ono ol the leading duties
of my administration to sec thai that a
mendment if carried out both in its letter
and its spirit. I cann 't regard tho reduc
tion of the thrco mill tax on property m ide
at die last regular session of tho Legislature,
othcrwio than as inopportune ; and doubt
less existing financial embarrassments will
for a lime reduco the amount derived from
other sources of revenue Nor will any
very laro amount of tbo purchaso mony
of 1 ho main lino of tho publio works be
realized by tho Treasury for a consider
able period. It will, therefore bp necessa
ry for the Stato to husbaud her resources,
arul to increase her revenues as far as is.
Cos3ible, without oppression 9 any interest
in order to meet bop current end necessary
outlays, the' dcriands ol her sre.ditors.and
tho positivo obligation ofthe constitutional
There id a grcntlack of consistency and
' principle in tho laws passed during somo
relation to incorporations. ..Xlioy ' Where elections are so irequent nntl tue , upgiriy - no, uon t be a lion, liill, bo
n created upon no settled, uniform right of suffrage so lib ral, as in this eoun- ' a wasp, and then you can sling tho school
e excessive in number ; and many ' is peculiarly the duty of a cood citizen I n...i.. "
toof thorn unnecessary to the accomplish-
1 muub ui ") si-Si.iinam puipu.-u imj
'e doubtless encouraged spoculation.and
I in yanous waySi contributed .0 the recent
financnl convulsion. Various and moon.
, sistent provisions appear in acts establish -
inrr ftp eYftuit iniT fhr. nntrpr nl rivnnrntn
ing or extending the powers of eorporato
bodies of the same class and general char-
aetcr. The tax laws relating to them aro
in somo confusion, and consequently taxes
, paid by them unequal, while some wholly
, escape any share of the public burdens
I brief, our system of incorporations has
become so vast, diversified and difficult of
fiCut.nwul n,.yuuiu ,..,
, try can master tiio whole subject, andun.
derstand precisely where we are drifting.
A tb'irougli revision ot our laws on this
subject, and the establishment ol general,
uniform, regulations for picji class of cor-
porato bodies, with tho avcitTanco, as far
ag possiblo, ol tpecial provisions lor par
tii ular corporaiioLS, aro reforms impeii-
ousiy demanded by the public interests in
which I shall heartily co-operate. I havo
no hostility to express against lncorpora-
1 tiorui for croncr obioets bovoud tho power
' "0 tor proper objects bcyouu tno power
ol individual means and alii I : nor penor-
of it
. ally
( pjio:
acainst locislativo tactlities for the art-
plication of labor and capital to, tbo crea -
, tion 01 weaitn, wucro tnuivmua. unprompt-
oil action will not co. Hut no ono Can
assert that wo have limited ourselves to
j , -
I ,, ... ,
fc.ucli a policy, nor mat our laws on tins
subject mvo been careful, consistent and
JJut, notwlthslanding all topics of regret
or criticism in nur puuio career, rami
,i a
lul; ranking among the first ot tho Slates;
am ncr couuitiou at iiomc anu cnaracicr
abroad bear teitiinony to her meritr, aad
1 rromiso for her a distinguished future
Besides her agricultural resources, which
, aro great and first in importanco, slio is
capable of in untold qumtitici
ti i .1 . . r.'i .- iit : -
those two nrticlci of primo necessity and I
':-....s i. i... : 1
Ull..v,au. uai, llllll llllt. WU..
times of widespread financial calamity,
vihen speculation ncd .extravagance have
done th' ir worst t.i cripple tho operations
ol" canitol. and Slav tho hand of labor in
its useful toil, tbo leading interests of our '
State mav be counted amoni! tho firt to
TwnuTd bo unwiso and blind which would
administer tho public affairs of this State,
oiherwiso than in a spir.t nf kindness and
protection to theio groat and capital inter-
From th oarliost period of our. history,
it has been tho polioy of I'eiiMylvania to (
edu'eaio all her citizens : and at this timo '
: 1 -i1 1 - . j 1
1 fully pniducing tle results so ardently do-1
' sired by tho palricfia moa who havo gono
1 before us. I
While our domestic affairs and polioy
naturally will occupy most of the attention
of oijr Gnyerutucnt nr.d ur people, il is
uol to be forgotten that Pennsylvania bears
1 . 1 ... 1 1 . 1 .. . il. . .. . 1. .. ...... . r 1 1 ' . 1 t ... .
j)an Holes uuu Mruiiuuuuii uii; imiiiuiu-. uuw auL'uusa- auiinuri, ui mo'ju virtues which can niajto a
very interesting relations to tho other my own conscience, and behold I'cnnsyl
States of the confederacy, and looks with , vania advanced and secure in her position
an anxious eye to thcprcccdings and poli-' as one. of the great communities of iho New
cy of the General Government. It is both j World her standard aloft, and proudly
our duty and our interest to cultivate the bearing, untarnishedjber motto of "Virtue,
most friendly relations with our sister Liberty and Independence."
States, and to frown upon afl attempts to 1
sow among them feelings of alienation.- gy.'yyhat busincsJ was J0ar fatbor ,..
Wo should exert, pur wholo lofiucneo to ., . . .... ,
keep tiio government of the Union in its 1 "Vld .an ""Pious Colonel to a modest
true position, as tho common agent of tho ( looking Lieutenant. .
state's and tho peoplev exercising high 1 " A tobacconist, sir."
powers in trust for their advantage end u yiiat a pity bo didn't make you ono."
welfare, and deriving all its powers from no. i -n n
the written constitution whid. called it into ' ably, s,r ; and now will you allow
being. At this timo we liayo strqng rca- rno to ask you a question I"
Bon to conGdo in that Government as wo j '' Certainly what is it ?"
know that it-3 administration is in safo, able " What was your father t"
1 ..... Il . -it -. -i I ! ' - 11
anu painom: nanus , auu lani- may oe
j the country
losuhordinali-n an utter disregard and
contempt 01 just anu lawiui autuority nas
heretofore produced difficultio in the Ter
ritories of Kansas and Utah, and, in tbo
case of the latter, has now precipitated a
stato of armed hostility bctwoen the inhabi
tants and tbo General Government. In
the former, tho peaceful American remedy
for tho redress of political grievances, roal ,
or imaginary the ballnt-box has bcen.i
, . 11 . f ,. 1
lor a long time abjured by a considerable i
porti n of tho population, and a strucgle
between legal authority and unlawfuland.
irregular combinations continued down tp
(ho present period. Weantirao, contribu
tions ol money and aid from tbo f3tatos,
havo kept up cxcitcm'crt and turbulence. iri
tho Territory, and enable designinu men
tkcro to inflame passions, which otherwise
wcufd Jong since bavfi subsided". The'
judgcment.and opinion of the rouniry can-
UAbU. luu iiwuiiM uiiuiiu.iui. ill 4Ul
of tho laws, and against all wbq rise Up to
1 it l : t '!
n.nt-bo too strongly favor
opposcu touni uy uoauiuoriu racuns. 1
Nnr can the excuse for rcsistancu to the!
'I'prritorial laws, and for failing to perfprm I
tho dut'es of citizenship uuilcr thqin, that,
i r ..1- . 1 1 1 J
wrongs and frauds were perpetrated at
. elections, be admitted as a justification.
, to obey existing authoriticf.and even objeo-
1 uuuau.c m, miu,.iS m luu mracr
bo changed, and the latter rnqdificd or rp-
pealed within a very briSf period- And
1 as to disputed elections. tbey must bo dcci-
! UeU by tiio proper legal auttion y, ana not.
, by individual citizens, or irregular self
'oonstitutcd assemblages, , .
Insubordination .to necessary and right-i
! ful authority, instigated and encouraged
w im iviriiirtl ritt'flnR. nr trrrxmlar RiIr
by unworthy men in the organized States,
1 who desire that discord (.hould continue,
nnd wero willing to contributo to that ob-
ject, is the prolifio fountain Irom which tho
,i., ..... ..t.u.M,u,0 jy.""
It was natural, ncrhans incvita-
I W01 that this conduct by a rary,, in the
territory should provoke an opposito party
to many unjustifiablo acts, and to inuclj
imprudent and unrc.asooablo conduct,
Thus extremes act and rc-act upon each
oilier, and wheu tue laws arc uclieU and
individual action let loese, wrong, oulragn
and v
violence aro necessary result.
Tho last phaso of the Kansas question,
hich is upon tiio constitution framed by
iomto.naiit tjonveoiionj is peculiarly lor
1 10 luilrrcmonS ol (JonrreES. to which t ut
power ot aumtttins new Mates is conudeu
1 by iho ccDStitution of the Union, Tho
1 rcprcscniauvcs 01 1110 po 'pie anu 01 tue
ijtatcs in Congress assembled, will meet
1 that nuestion under all the responsibilities
. it- i. i 1
.1 .... i
wlncli tuoy owe to tneir consiituonis, ana
wWch aro imposed upon them by their
oaths of offico ; and with full information,
upon matters ot lact important to tne lor-
." i f 1 '.T A r 1
maiion oi a una; juugcuicni. vcnis nro
( into that conlcUcracy olwrnwi she is a
memoer .nuat uo at nu umcs a euojece 01
high interest. And I boliovo I express !
' their sentiments a3 well 33 my own, m do- :
daring that all tho qualihed olcetorsof.i;
, Territory, should have a full and fair op-1
portunity to participate ia selecting dele-
gato3 to. form a Constitution preparaloiv
1 o.i. ir j..i.i 1.
,iu,iiidiuii U 1. Ub,Ut uuu, 11 UVII tn
thorn, thoy should also to allowed an un
qualified right to voto upon such Constitu-.
tion after it is framed. Of curso thoso
who then fail to vote, in cithorcasc, cannot
complain that tho pr eceding? goes on
without their naitieinition. It is lo bo
In conclusion, normitmo lo obsorve.that
a.11 experience and reflection prove that
Ihn moral virtues form the only firm foun
dation of public order as well as individu
al charrfdor, and their support should
therefore cngago tho
Gcvprnment, and tho
gocd -man. Frail i
therefore cngago tho profound attontion of
cooperation 01 all
indeed will bo any
people distinguished and prosperous, and
git7c to Government duration and success.
Sincerely imploring the Uivino guidaneo
in the performance of duty,, I assume the
post assigned mo by by tho people mdul-
1 ging tho b'opo that at the termination of
, my service 1 shall enjoy the approval of
A gentleman, sir."
"Well, then all I havo to say is, tHat
f"'8 f,(7 1,0 didn't moke you one."
It is needless to remark that tho Colonol
'turned to the rigbtj.apd left.'
1ST Taking ix Coom.v. An unfor
tunate husband residing out Wost, having
been deprived of the society of bis charming
XT;f0 wi, icft for parf3 unknown, thus
:,. v .1 . .1
gives yent to Im fccluiss ihrouzh Iho me-
dium of futhc advertisement :
My wifo bis Ipft try bed and bnii'd,
. Tor a few ilny. ; Irtv day.i
ttht ttnpe.l frum lieri nt'lirr ownarcord
WIulo I ras ovay from home.
! warn thu world that no amount,
Nqw n-dnyi; noir.a.itays ;
Ytll I payon (hejade's account,
lor home alie'll 1 ever rnuie.
METErpsycriosie ash ltEVEsac
Jem : "Now spos'n you was to be turned
I . . . l. n,
1 in!. an an"nn1' wbat would Jou llfeo to bo,
lit 11 V
-: . . ,
Bill. " 0, I'd like to bo a lion, becamo
he's so 1"
1 ,,,r m t, 1 , .
J.iitlo fwno has had some recent
. . . . v
Pninlul at school, interrupted
' - .
JEST" A Want SurrriFD A merchant
, ,. . adver.isemcnt in , Jll.
; olj.pu an advertisement, a a newspaper
1 thus : "A Hoy Wanted."
alio next mornin2 his vision was erected
t-fii . i t . . .
Uiti, a jan'dbox on the door st eri .'0 n which
.- . .. 11
I ' J ' ' c .
How will this answer !''
un examination ho fonnd a pico, chubby
IccLiog specimen of the articlo bo wanted
warmly done up in flannel.
CSJ-Tvi-o Irishmen happened to get in
to an affray, in which one of them was
knocked down. His comrade ran up to
him and exclaimed
, l( , 1 ri'
' ems, 11 jc
ye ho dead, cant ye
. "l'-wi
j "I'm not dead, but spncbless," return-
' P,l ii,e ntlir.r
a 1 , , . . .
t "j- "V"- '
"iii5 nu 011 enow mat lilt iv totiac-
Precocious youth (slifily) to ret tho
: : . f , , , ,
ri-v"i hit n a
S?"l3 that clock right over there?"
asked a visitor the other day.
"Right over there?'' sail
said the lioy ;
u t;nt nni,- t n
I mh.iiiviu vmvi
8SJGood men arc the stars and p'-ja
cls ol- tie aps jicrej ,ICV i;rf.- ih j
jIust , t) tj
' "
r-T, ' " . v
r iup speairsr -i0 t00 tiu. flon,
has be. arrtsicj ' MMiml! i,b, ,