11 Tho Art of Agriculture TD T. 0. rKSSKNDB.S, AH halt llit art In which we owe W&ntOr ilvfi tiappinMi below The source of all. In church nr tatet Or rofinl life thtt's oodor great, For itiouhl once agriculture stop, Kociety mutt ihtil lip t hop iiur hrifhlesltiflles anil beam mutt please To dwell la fctvei and hollow tree I On rooit and acorns dma, like shoaii, And tup on Icavesind hudsillke goals WootUhucIo would burrow in 8late street, And t mini woIve prowl whtre lnercltania meet I i hurthe hy catamount? be hmntut, And gruff bears growl where hymns are rhitd, ,Owl hoot church ai ra w hit pipe sonorous, And croaklnj crone caw caw thecliorut I Phould cuttlTflton fall, their Tall Would linpllcleand rniti til For at old Alias heart the pnek of all the heavens on his broad back. The farmer by hit care and palm The subliinary world tuttalm i And if by soma mischance he tiumbtes. The nhole wide world lo ruin tumble. THE TIMES. COGITATIONS OF AN OLD FARM til, Hard times I So, everybody says ; nnd bo say we for tho "times do bother us, everybody clso is bothered JOSSluly WO " may not bo so badly damaged as Pome others, but wc know enough about tho hi . t t it. n aru SCratCUlDg WhlCtl tbey inlUCt UpOD US to wish tlicy were otherwise, C IlavO bad "good" times loo, nnd quite a run of them for several years, until a few months ogo. So tho samo "everybody" told us time and again. Yes, they were good times. had frcc-toado, and Tree credit abroad ; and xto used it freely ton, with a vengeance. We have built a long array of free rail roads, freo lo tho select coteries of speculators who got them up for their own especial bone fit, mind you, on bonds which were gobbled up by the usurers wiih decided freedom. Tho roads gave freo passes to tho legislators, and judges uf the country, as well ns to various editors, for which tho little share that we had in tho riding wc shall ncvor cease to thank tlnin. Wc imported millions of free go. ids that wo did not need, but which wo have made out to near, and eat, and drink, and dispose of in one way and another; and the beauty ol it is, those which are not paid for, or used up and there aro many tho owners arc freo to send back to where thoy came from, as many of them probably will( or let tho goods lio a long while in tho bonded warehouses, awaiting belter times for sale and consumption. Ihe tiuth is, for tho last eight or ten years we havo built eitrivgnntly, dressed nonsensically, lived lavishly, speculated wildly, trusted everybody about us, as wo got trused abroad, and ''hid loose" around, generally. Our larmcrs got great prices Jpr their produce to feed the fools and ty rants who were doing up their own fighting in Europe j and they fot such prices so long that tbey supposed they were always to have them. Our towns were so prosperous and people in them got rieh so rapidly that a vast many others, old and younj, who were doing well cuough on their farms nnd thought they could do a great deal better in town, left them to know little peace or quictudo afterwards. Our women and girls quit spinning stocking yarn at home, nnd took to spinning street yarn, and wearing crinoline abroad. v stead of thumping the clothes in the pounding barrel in the kitchen, tbey took to thumping tho piano, and tho melodcon in the parlor j while the boys, and "Young America," took to " fast horses," " long nines," ''cock-tails,'' and a gcreral "cut up," all (round the board, and so went the world Theso bo homely tru'hs, bluotly spoken, we admit. Hut aro they nut truo 7 We opine them to be so, for wc havo seen just such times before bating tho railroad speculating twenty years go and which w.e have the best reasons to remember so lung as wc live Our lives are a mixed commodity of good and evil. The old patriirch Jacob, who, after many days of prosperity, clouded occasionally with a triflo of advorsity being brought in deep affliction, and qucs tioncd by Pharaoh ot his life, answered 'Few and evil havo been tho days of my pilrimago.'' So a great many of us may say now ; yet, with a'l the warnings ofwiso men for some time past, like Jcshurun of old wo "waxed lat and kicked" at tho sbdow of calamity afar off; and with the t . i ... . uiiiitijr jiruvuru, uuvtug uanccu, wo now must play tho fiddler. In short, we have ti tqu.ro accounts those who can and tor those u ho cannot, they must du tic lest ihey can, and get "clear of tLo ropes,", somehow. In sober truth, we must ".settle' S up," and again go to work. We must -ccaso importing goods wo do not want ; wo ' must abandon superfluities wo do not need ; we must btick to our f.rms, our workshops, and our tradss, whatever they may beif' wc can get a living by them and if we i. . ., ... cau not uo mat, iauo 10 inoso ai wuien wc can. Insleau ot spenuiogonc, nre, or ten hundred dollars a year, and spending more, wo mutt earn all wo can, and spcud less. That is tho only truo and honest way to fortune. A great master of human lif has said : 'fweet are the uses ofadversltr. Whicb, likl ft toad, ugly,.,,! venomous Ilsirt yet a precious Jew.t in its bead." Ho did not know much about toads, however for thov are decidedly- food thiWa IloweTtr, ior luoy .ire utttueuij goou inipgs in n imrslim Miner? .Tmirnnl. DE COLOGNE TakO Of lemon, bcrgamont tnd rosemary, each 2 drachms ; havcuder, 1 drjclim; cinnamon and cloves, of each 8 droprr ahoh:!, 1 i pint. 1MEW YORK L1WES TltR 0AMI1KN AMI AMHUV RMLUOAD AND rillLM'Ki.i 'in a Anil iHbniun hailiiuau COMPANY 8 LINES, From Philadelphia to M Tork, and IVey Plates Leaves as follow lii Tare., At I A, M , Troin Kcnslnglon Depot, via Jersey City, Mnll At 0 A. Mm via On mil 01 and Jeisey City, New I Jertey Accommoiiallon-... a 1 At 6 A. M tvla Camden ami Ambey, Accmmnodt 1 tin 3 Ai ? A M., via Canute n and Jersey City, Morn In Mall... . 3 At 10 A Mby steamboat Trenton, via Tacony , and Jersey Citv. Morning Kiprets .... 3 At2r M., via Camden and Amr.oy, U.andA. Etpresii. . , . , 3 ' A) 1 M.( via Camden and Jersey City, Evcnlnc I 1 Mali....... '....I 7 3 At 3 I M i via Camden unit Amboy, Aecommo ! , .lit I mi, )l CI. in 3 At 3 1' g, via Camden and Amboy, Accommo dation, tft Class.. I ' At U P. M, via Camden and Amboy, Accommo dation, lstClms- 3 At 6 1. M., via Camden and Amboy Accnmmo- ilillon Cd Clas 1 . The 5 l M lino runs daity. all others Sundays ex j ceo ted. f Hxp'ess I. (net stop at the principal stn'ltnt only. For llolvldere I'nsion, FMnlngion , &c.t at U A, M. mid 4 I. M. (rnni Walnut street wharf. I For Water Oun.titroiidiburg.PcranUn.Witkesbarre, I Montrose, Great Bend, &r., MM, M. via Delaware, f I J.sekawanna at Western Knllrond. tor r rernu it nt b a. Ai.anii v r m. For Mount Iloliy nt 7 A M., and SI and 3 I. M. WAY LINUS Tor Dristol, Trenton, &e , at -il and 4 P. M. WAY LINK For Palmyra, Rnncoras, Beverly, Uurllngton, Ror dcntowii, &c, at 3 P M. WAY L1NC For Mount Holly, Ruilingtoo jntt Way Stations at 5 i tnlalflA M., and fjr Uordentown and Intermediate t.. .t Ol I M "I .... . Pteainuoni irerinn ror j a cony ni niano 1 1 a. aim -and 4 P. M., and for Uurlinptnn nnd Rnstol at 4 P. M. kj-r in v run nil ni nnziiEf inn v n i inn cam in- iPi.jcr. Pasxfii ersnreprotiibiHdfrointakiiiBnnjlliIng yzy Fiilv podiKlt ot hns4iA ftnlvnllowed each pit-' over tirty poondu in be paid tor fvtra. The Company limit tiieir rri. ... nihility r.ir i. ;tnceti nue iioihr iT pontic, :.nJ will not lie linl.l,-Inr nny nniount I tlvo. eicenl bv npecial contract dcjjoimi 11,11 II. GATZMCR, Agent, V k A f. K CO. n. n. MonnLLi., Atent, Sept 56. 18-7 I'hHn l"r. R R.Cn. or nil ill saeu t ttiegrcnt, flr't raue firingi Irom neglirt or Nature's laws. SUFFER NOT. WHEN ACURE 19GUAHANTCXU 111 AI.I. STAGES OF tSECKET DISEASES, Self-Abuit, Jferroua Dtbihty. Strictures. GUtta. O ravel, t)iabtet Dheatei of the Ktdittyt and tilnddtr, Mrrcu. rU! tihtumatum bercftilti, palna tn the lionet end A ties, Disest$ pf tkt t.unga. Throat, JTob end Ffftt, Ulcere upon the Body er Limbs, Cancers JJropsjf Ifl leptie Fits. At 'ittt'i Pence end ell dittajtt arising from derangement of the .ko( Organs. Such a Nervous Trembling, Loss of Memory, I.rws of Puwer, General Weakness. Ihninesa of Viimi wlih peculiar spots appeal In tt bed. re the c)e Los of Sight, Vaelulues, liyspepi.i, Liver Diseafe, eruptions upon the I! eo. Pain inihf back anil liead, rem ah; Ir rRUlariiies and all Improper dit herpes fruni both sites. It matters not from u li.it cause lue, dise.is originaied, however lone standing or obftinate the case, retotcrf is etrteln, nml in a rhortcr time than a permanent cure can be etl'icti d by any other treatment even alter ilie di. aBe hn baflled tl-e fkill ol emiint phystriatis nnd resisted nil their mans of cure. 'I hat ini'dieluc nr pleasant without odor, causing no sick ncHsand tree trout mercury or balsam. Durinp twemy vais ol practice I hive rescued Irom lh Jaws of beaili manv thousands, u ho, in 'ac last stnecs ol the above nimitiitiird dienes had been given up to die by their physicians, which unrrants me in promi'lng In the aOIicli'd, who may place themselves under my care, n perfect and mol sperdy cure. Hecret dineae!i are tie ftrcniest enenncs to In alth.as they are the firt cause ol Cnnsumptinii, t?crofn'a and many other ihs eases and vlioulil be a terror to the human lamily. A 4 a permanent cure Is vrarcely ever efitcted, a nnjorltv of the cases f.Ulinp iutu t lie hinds of incompeteiit persons, who not oul fail to cute Ihc disenses but ruin the comtituthn, fillitig the system wiih mcrcur, which, with the (luuase, hastens tho tulU-rcr into a rapid Coniumption. lint sliuuM the disease and the treatment not cause death speedily nnd the victim marriis. the disease is entailed upoii the chlldien. w lio nre Lorn with liable coiittitulUMis, nnd iherurreitt of life corrupted by a time which bflrnjii irscll In Scrofula, 'leitei. Ulcers, r.rupilont and nihrr affections of the skin, cyee, throat, 1 and Lungs, entailing upon Ihem a U-ef existence of sufferin; nnd ri iifignins ihem to nn early grave HV.tA AUL'iBis nnotlor formidubic en m lobealt'i, for nollihij elso In the it rend cntalozue of human dis eases causi-a 1.0 destructive a dram upon tho system, drawing its Ihouinnd of victims tbronsh a few jears of sutTenh down lo an untimely grave. It destroys the ncrtou fyrtein, rapidly wastfe away the cneit'R nf lite.rauses mental draitpt'!ii"-iu presents Hie poor duveloptnenl of the ysiem. disfiili Urn fur oiarri.tp1, soL'jpjy. buiiuees, and oil en r I lily linyiluvB,niil Jimvi'S the sntfTer nreLked In body and mi ml, predispospd lo cnnsuiiiptlou and a train of evils more to be ilnaded thin ilenth itself. With the fullc&t confidence I assure the unfortunate victims ol Pelf. Abuse Hint h perunuent and speedy cure can be elTected, and with the abandon ment of ruinous prattlers ny patients can be restored to rtbust, vigorous health. The afllirtetl are cautioned acalnsi tha usn of Pnlrnt Medicines, lor there are so many inscni usnares In tne columns of the public prints in catch ond rfb the unwary suflercrs tli.it millions have llicir connitu lions ruined b ihu vile coniuoundu of uuark dru tors. or the equally poisonous nosiiums vended ns PjIpiiI ificuiriiiei. k iiitvu cireni rv anaiizfii iitanv 01 1 ue so-called Patent Medicines and find that nearly all of tiiem contain uorroi-ive munn ne w urn is one 01 thi ftroncest ntenaratlnns ot mercuM and a deadlv potsou, which iiMreauoi curius 111c aiseasc uisabies the tvileui lor life Three rurtbs of the patent 11011 rums now In use nre put up by unpriiieiph-d and ipuorant persons, who uo out unucrsiaiHi vwu 11m nipnonf 1 01 in ranreria medica, anil ure equally ns destitute ol any kiiowlednc of the human system, having one objecl only in view, and that tn mke money rrpar lets ofiousequeecei. irrieu ir 1 es ana an niseas' 01 main a un leina ei treated 011 principles etoMthtd by iweniy yars of practice, aim sancuoueu uy inuuraiiim 01 mo most rc markable cures. Medicines with full diiectlons sent 10 any part of Hie unitiu eiau-s or Lunadai, by a tients "ttmti uutrailn; their synipinuit by letter. Uusi. ness correspondence strictly connueni ial Addrjip, J. SUMMEUVILM:. M. I.. Office, 1131 FiLitRT street, (old No. lnO.) I to low Twelfth, Philadelphia, Pa. Jutvll, l7-(March4 " MAN, KNOW THYSELF." AN INVAMIAltM! HOOK FOB tMCCMTa. IJVCRV' FAMILY BIIOUi.il IIAVI! A l.'UPV. i i ,, im tiuivTi:ifM.tii:i)iCAl. .! ! i ! M A MtIA 1. k HAX'IIIKllltr 1 l uit iiii; at l-l.u.TKll, eontjlniiij an outline, of tho , 'rtL, VXSZ- ease conimcte by nroin icu otii sexual inlercouran. hv pell' abuse, or by sexual ex. cess, wiiu utivicc ior ineir prevention, wr'tlen In a lamiliar style, nvmding bii memrni irruniciiiiiif , anu oeryiuing inal would n trend the cur ol ilecenrv. Testimony of the Professor of Gbtcrlts in Vmi Collect. Pktlade'phi.tIt IIUXTEWS MKMCAL M.lJfUAu tin ainiiur oi iiii-i work, unliku the - major. ly nf tho"' who advirtis''lo cure tin Oinoaiei of which It treats, is a graduate of one of the best U. Colleges in ilio Unitfd tiiates, It iiffirdo me p'ea- I sure lo recoiomfiid him toilm uiifortuiiaie. or to thevktimuf mnl pnctire, s a sucresrful and ex LU pt-rienced praciliioiit-r-in whose hon tr and integ. (J) iity they nuy place tho to eatest rniiflileiire. '"fi" 'ttiiiiunk.. iii c. i From A, Woodteaxd. M. IK of ptnn, Uivertitu, I Philadelphia, It rives me nleasuro lo add my lestimonv tn the professional ability of the uho of the "Medical Manval.n Numerous eases of Diseases of Ihe Oen I ital Oigans, some nf them of long SMudmit, have) romo uuder my not ice. In tvhich his kill has been i manifest in restoring to perfect health, in some in&tanMi whre the patient has been considered ( q ' oeyona llieuicni am .nine ireainieni ol selllinsi beyond medical aid In the treatmeni ol seminal 2 weakness, or (ti-arranjeim in oi the lun'iions pro - dueed by & iff Abui$, or rce's or venery. I do nut know ins superior in tne proiession. l nave been acquainted v ilh ihe Author some thirty yiars.and M deem it no more than Justice lo him ns well as a . kindness to the untortu iale victim of .arty iiidi.. rretlon. to rrrnmmeiid him as one in nbose i,ro t fessiotial skill audiiilcclllylliey uiiy saltly coutidc themselves. Amen VYoDwir.D, M. D, One copy, serurely enveloped w ill be lorwardcd free of postage to any j.nrt ol the United rH,les, lor 21 cen Is. or tl copies. Tor $1 00. lES-Addre.s COSUEM li CO. ,1'ublnhers, Boi 107, I'liilailelphla. tr ttookseilers, Canvnssers and Cox Agents ,Pltllti en th, molt libt'dl ttrmi, D.C3, 1837-v O'MJINBT Vt'AliE IIOOMS. i miin iiii.lersisneii resnecuuuy invites the atteniio. xufuw public to ins etni.ivea,nriinniiorcai.iuei F Urn IIUTC ail" " niinMHiti kuwuiiita ofpr-o intteri-ilsaud tu a wnrknmnlthe marines. At his Ustablishiiicut.caualHa)! be found ag(odaeort ment of FASHIONABLE FURNITURE, Which isequai in styiennii liniih lo thai oi run . adelphiaor New Voik cities, and at as low trices, Lllelus of dilTerent styles and prices, from K47T.W SJ5 to Sin. Divans. Loilnres : Wal.w ' ' " 1 nut nnd Malioitony, Tarlor chairs, Rocking and e.ii i BOJirs, l iana sioois, linn nvanriyoi npooi.iereii wotK with llressinraii.l parloiburcaus, sola, card centre and nlertald s.delaslius, clM iremers what nuts nndcomnn dres.nud all kinds of fashionable work. Ills stork fit bureaus, enclosed ami .common wash stands, dres., ,.)iei.cor(.,c,iiK,nrds. sofas: breakfast tables, bed ' " '"d common chairs, is Ihe lar esl ia this sett (or. of the country. He wli also keep a good , arsbflmenl of looking suissei w'h fancy silt and com mon i runes im win uivu luruisu spring uiair'sses fl'le'' 10 stiooi beadsteau. which are superior far Boomi(,lr(! Apf eUlt 85(. wvs. ' " ' NE,V-"' 5 !,AC,fEnH'"'J" "''SSm one noM.An a yf.aii, Circulation over luti,U()0 Voptc. Weekly 25 Witnesses, OR, THE FORGEU CONVICTED. JOHN 0. DVn Is the Author, who hat had ten vearsejporlenre n a Hanker and PuMUhr, and AiithnrffHeicrarM et iht Hrondmey labtenetlt when, for ten ru-cesslve nuhti.im-r rr AO.twO I'eople Greeted him with rounds nr applause. hlleho ex. hlblted lite minnerln HilrliCoiinicrfrlters execute their I run lit, and the surest and ihoiteit mean of ilelirll rit llirni I 7ft i Dank Engravers all say that he It tke greatest Jmdtt tf Tctsr Aticv litlne Greatest Discovery of the IWsent Century for Detecting Qmntcrfdt Hank Notes. Iecrihtne everv Oenulne Hill In existence and ethibilipg at a glance every Couiitirririt In rircu a lion I A rrangeu so nnminioi y ,inai iteiercnco ib u;iy nnu DcU'di'wi Inilanlancous it Nn in einmlne I No oners to hunt un t Hut tn nlmp lined ami nrran Red, Hial the Morchaut, ( UankcraDdltuslnetMnncan see nil ct a glante, Ktelitk Frtnth and crma7 , Thin each may raa the tame In his own Native . than tnfitnde. and notnlng they more dre.id mr tear of Tongue. themselves! no rpr0s'' nf manner, no earnest nrss no Most ptrect Batik Note List rbhhcd.'Ha"M '"" '"' 1 Alinnliilnfntltlip I !... ... .r ,t i . iuhi.li rniVATH IUNKi:tiS IN AMCBICA. A tnmiln Bunimiry nf Hit Pimiict or F.nnort a , AurmA will hi mibiuhi'ri in riifii pitititut i t-ftlief . with all the Importnnt NTAVfl OF Till: DAY. Also, A HCBICd OF TALI B Trom an ntd M.int.icrlp' I'cvi nil In tlio Cast, It fur nlihet the most count l t history of , OR1T.NTAL LIFH. I And detcrihlnj the most p-i plexinp posittont In wlnrli the ladiRsuiidffd.itteiiieii oftlm rnunlrv hnv been o often fnund Theiie rtorhs will continue throughout the wtiolp year nnd will prove the moj 1 entertaining ever oflVred in the puhlic tJ" Furnished weekly to Suhsrribfn only, at $1 a i year. AllUters inuot be nddriMeil to I juin r. it i ti, ttrtiKir , Pnblirher nnd Propriet'r- 70 Wall t , New York. OLEUM LIQUOR. CE11TIFICATE. TTK, tho utttlcrsicnod iiouso Painters, y fletrf,y Cl,t(v Uml we Imve jlvf n tlie newly 'Invented Olviiiu Minor m inufacl'tred by llreln iitttmin ft uremic, in rntiaueipnia, an impart . trial and hiefiuimt it n't em'ient subMilute fr L 1 seed Oil. tar superti r to it In everv resprt, nt n t I of only alrout h ilf as mucli. th is rimsldi'rably redtielnj ihe pinensc of nainilna. Wp would fhereftre recoin mend the public to Its general une. nnd after It has been tried Its superiority over Linseed Oil will be at tested to by all, ciiahmir amen, AMOS UNfilllt. WIM 1AM WOl.LH. LtHVAUt) I) UN II A It D. June 13, )?. T IIKRKHY ccuiy tha I Invo haJ 1. House Tainting prnic led lately wlih the above named Oleum Llpior, nud concur in nil repp en s with Ihe rfcomnie'iiinimn ot th above Minted gentlemen, and will he'c add, that in fuliiro I will have no paint in( upetalicns perruriHed without tho ndmiituru n Ihe above nam,d valuable lienor Thor who may ileturp lo view iis eflfclk, will rail nt my residence, where they can coitvliico lhrjirlves of oil tiMt Is re presented of Ihe OlcmnLlquor in reir'l lo beauty and durability. J. ISAAC DRHINIG June 13. 127. J. S. & E. L. 1'ivROT, Prodtico and General CO.MMISSW N MEIi QUA N TS, No 30 North Wliarv . I'llll.AUlM.rillA. RKFKRfNCISi Jnlin P reni.ton.C.q Phlladi'tpliia, Mi.r ll.ickcr, Lett A. L'o. ' St I'r re . Uo " lltieknnr .MrCmmon K Co. ' " Cliarle. Im U Co. " 8. Morris nln t Co " OntertirMee, Arvov & Co. Cliarle At Jn.ejili I'rrol, ' Thomas c Malvvtll. New York. C. M. McClung k. Co., SI Louis. Mo. J S. Morris Si Sou, l.oiifsvitle. Ky rnrrh 13, Ittitl-v EVANS A: NEWC03IEK, (Forvtrly Webb 4 Ntvtomer, At eh aroi.', nhnvo Third, Philadelphia. Hours or muai.h llRKAftrttT, H, 0 and 7 o'clock to 10 DtKtLR.tieutieineirsoriiiiiary, I o clock to jn. Ladies, y o'clock. Tea. lOo'cluckto II. UVAN UVANS.J U. S.NCWCOMCIt aiis.Ui mil'). y . CI1AUI.KS IJ. MAUPJ.K'S. W INK AM) LIQVOIl STORE, A. 143 North Third Sirtct. Above Race, K.iet Side, Two doors above theUiccl I Ion I . PHILADELPHIA Has constantly on hand French Itrandlpg. iiotlund ('in nml n iteneral assortment tf rumen Wim-s. also. nil kind of Aiiierirjin FplrJis, he. Marrh 1.1 M.tii v National Hotel. ( LATE WIUTi: SWAN, ) Sides tS Stover. Iiace Sticttj above Thirty Philatlflphia Petkb Sims, laiuofihednn 3teveuB,(!oliiighcao&Co JamuT fc--ovi:R. of the Union Motel, Annum Q I '6 DYKK'S HOTEL. Cattawissa Pa. r IMP old and wcllknown !lotcl,inthetown at CattuwisKa .Isstill konl bv tho under. alsued, and In spileofalllicensc laws, he ist U terminutl to make his house one ol the iiiosicumlottu bteplaresfariravelerstostop at, that can be found In i lie interior ni rennfyivuinn ins tutiie will bet uminh cd daily wil lithe best th- Market can aftord. My oldfrlendsand traveller igcncrally arelnvilcd loran JAUtllt UVLK, May 'ji, tea. y . States Union Hotel. roiuini:itLY ucd lion hotel.) No. SOU Market street t Philadelphia. -iCOUfin W. II I NIC LH Pronrivtor. ftirmfrli nfHn ' H tumbia, Pa., would inform his friends and tliepub ic iiii hccuiiiiihicb iu neep me nuove nameu llolul which is well nnd favorably known throiighouiltiH . aiaiea s oiiimii ne oiupsinuo mosi cnnveiiieni uoteiin horitv I r P loine ne mosircspeciiuiiyaoJtciuaKu.ireof puu- April , icaa. WM. S. SMITH & CO.. Produce Factors AMD OF.XF.lt.1L COMMISSION XF.ltCltJittTS, No. GO North Wharves. piiii.aiii:i.iiiia. The Maikei Ta'ue or all coiisignuicnts advanced In Ca.h when desired. March II, im y JIONTOIIK MOUSE, CUHMIlt OP MARKET AND MILT. STRECTS, (nmciatey eppotUi tki Curt HouitA UAlW'll.l.i:. I'A TTAl AVIN'O been recently renovated nnd refurnished 1 llin a superior stylo. this ele-ant n.iis now reopn tor the reception r si rangers and visitors, whose pu rouage isroMieciiuiiy requesieu S. A. niiADy, lyi. IftSG, JOHN 0. YEAGEIl, Fashionable Hut & Cap Store NO. 103 NORTH THIRD STREET , lll.AD-LHMIA. rt" Merrhnnts nnd visitors from orthern Pcnnsv vanin.nreres icrirnllyinvitcdlp ive him acall, when visiunr. riiraiieipuia, Juno ia,lfcj(i.-y. PHILADELPHIA. OABPET S ' ORE -tARI'ETlNCS, Oilcloths. Window Rhodes. Malta n jt Mattin; s Just received So, mm pieces new stvle nuiaciureo nuu tmporieu expressly lor i;Alll'Er LL. Merchants and Housekeepers will please no. Nos. lHaml '.'Il North rJecond Buret, lit door below nst's 'hurrli. Marrh -.'.1 IH',11 11NEV JONBS. FALL &, WINTER T H nunderslgnedrespvct fully Into no hiifriendan, the pub.ic ailarna and :hu rest vfu.uiikiua that Helios cstaullshtda splendid th. elecnnlnewolore House, lusiercclr.l in nnh. nrr Colniiibu county, l'a., where lie has now opened largo and choice assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, Whioh hris deterinine.i to sell on such terms aswill induce lint lcal in this vicinity . who sre in waul oi .iiercniniiize.ioextenu nun llielrcuslom . His slock liasbeenselected v, ilh niiicbcare and wilt rcl rence to I hu want soft it is community ond without solas toentcrtiilo n utiouleen itineration oft he various kinds he risk nothins iu assuring liis friend, that e ry thine sually kept in Country tiiores, can lier.be had a "little cheanerlhan the cheapest ' Country produce, includiu; Grain, Lumber. li tasea incxcnanzb tor gooo, WlLfON AOP.R, E1rrS,'U'rf Str. 1 ff: IIIILMnOLD'S GEXDINB rRCPAUATIOX I rilOIILY CONCCVTRATRtl COMPOUND n.UID EXTRACT I1UCI1U, ftr fibeesee if tkt Rleiitr Kldntfs, Graret, Dropsy, j It'toknfsee Obntrurtlont, tocitt l)iiatt, f'fm Complaint $, mi ell Diteatti f Me A ma Orgnnt, AtWlfff from i:irpxr nnd lmnrudchc ICS In ll'h, and removing nil Improir Dlchar(rei from I ho Uliddor. Kldneyt.nr ricinal Orpnn, whether existing In i MAI. if OK Fi;MA!,U, From whitever cauc they inny bio orlvlnalnd, and no nmlter of linw long ttiiHln(tt dfvltijr henllh nnd Vigor to I he frnme. nnd htnom to th pnUid check, JOY TUB jIFFMCTXntll Il curesNi-rvotttanit Di-bilitnled8otlirers,and remnvpt nil i lie pjmpiomt nmoiiff w hkh w Ml be found Irnlispo slilnn lo Ux4rtlou, Lens of I'owet, I.otn f Memory, ltitncitlty or llr'-nttiliig.Oeiiernl V-nknoM, Horror nf Diseise, Weak Nervts, Tn-nibliiig, Drfnirrl Horror of Denlh. Nteht hivtfili.LVId Vet. Wiikrl ilites. Mlm nen of V Isiorii l.nnsiKir, Hiilverra Lnvsliudi! of the Musculnr Reiu, (Uteh Rnormnis Appt llte, w th (ijspeptleHymptnmt Hoi Ilsrlds, t'luHhlngot lltellndy, iirynepvni if nKtn i nil in iminirin'iccnini i.tii (Minos .on the F.iro Pain In Hie If.ick HHjitluusi or the Re Wil. I'reauentlv Itlnck Pnots flvlnir brforo theRtrt. w th Tempmurj HuPiision nnd Lom ofliht; want of AHeiillnn.Urrnt Mid-I'ily, ReilletinrM, with Horror of Society Nothing in morn dislrable to tut h Paileiile mrdiemo lnvntinl.lv rcmovci-MinS TolloB. 1.0M r.r Th Tmvi r miulty.nn.l Kikfilc I'm-ln imc of wlil'h Him tiAtlint mjv pi i Irp Wlm rnn nv that I cikps nn not freiuntf Inllowed by tlmac direrul ihseaes Insa'iiiy und Consumption f The records of Hie Iuane Astluini, nnd the nflanrholy ilrnilis by Consumption hpar nu'pie wiluepn to the truth ol llteee asirti"in. In I.unnilc Asylums lite ninxt uiflaiH holy exhibition appears Tim countenance a nrtuilly ud den nnd quite dtiiutcneiilrr mlrlh or crief ever visits It. Himtld a sound ofthe voice occur, Il Is rarely art initatc. With woeful measure wan despair iw iitlen uniitirt hit Brief Instil 'oil. DrMlity tsmustttrriiilel nud his brought thousand upon thousand to untimely graves. thus blasting tho 'ambition ol many ,ioMc jouths It can be cuted by 1 1 he use titbit 1WFALLIBJ.P. strJtiF.Dr, Kvou nr riiflVilnff with nny ol Hie ntiove illntrcFPing nilmenl, mi 1'inu uxirnri liiicnu 1 ill cure you try 11 hr. Pnntlnrn.1 nl il 1 fflmev. I lewaieni uuxk Nolrnmi and a iack Doctors, whi falsely b:ntnrnbil.ttesnnd relere.tres Utizen kimw an-t avoid lli. ni and svelont sufTerinf money, and eiposure. by sendinr or calling for a boiUc uf this popular nnd sp-cinc remedy II aUays all piin and liifln.iimat.on. it perlec ly pleanutln Its tasie and odor, but Immediate In its , action. 1 nKLMiioLn nxTUACT nucnu Is prepared directly iicrordiim to the rules of Pharmnry end ChrmUtry, With the b rent est iicuiracy nnd cheuii'nl ino'Iedpe nnd rare devoted In i(t coiohinntlon. ben Professor Uewt'cs' Vulu.ible Works 00 Ihe practice of phjaic, utid mol oftho lit" tiandinl Works nfMedirine, trjruNn iiusDttnn uollahhj One hundred doliirs will be paid to nry physician who cnu pi ova thtl the Medicine ever Injured 11 I'tl l ent ; nnd tl" ifstimnny of thouanis can o- produceil rove thai it d ea erent pfnitt unseii 01 iirttu one '1 ho miiM ol volnn .i s tcstunoni In nnsiesRion of tho proprietor vouching!! virtues nnd cunlive powers, is iinmeiisc, embracing iiaums we'l known loS icnce nnd Fame. 100.000 bottles have been sold nnd not a single In stance of a failure ti.i ben reported J personally appeared before ine, no Alderman of ihe eiv of I'll Indelphia, II. T. Hti.nni.D Chemit, who bfi'nc duly sworn dns say, that his prepirntlon con. tit us no Nircolic, Mercury or injurious I)iug, but nre purely veccubh II, T IIULMHOLf), Sole Manulicturar. Sworn nnilu!ribed beture me ihisiJ3d day of No cinbrr IWt. WM.P IIIUUAUIl. Alderman. Price $1 per bottle, or six for t, delivered to any ad dress, accompanied by reliable and reFpuible rcrt.fl rated fnun Profoiors of Medical Colleges, Clurgytiicu , and others. Pretiarf.il and sold bv II T IIELMKOLD. IVpctlciram! naljtical Cheinlnl, No T1 Sou III TCNTII Ht., below Ciiestiitit, Astembty Hull. line. I'htindelphia. C7 To be had of J H MOVER, Iitoombarff. end of alt Diugffists and Dealers throughout the United States, Canadas end Uritith I'rotlnres iiEWAim of rouNTnnrniTH. ASK FO'l IllILMHOLlrS TAKIJ fO UTIIHR. CURU3 UUAKANTUr.U. Juno 13, IS37. " HEW AND USJ3FUI-. OLEUM LIQUOR. A Substitute, for Linseed OIL f PATENT APPLIHI) FOR rrHH umV'ruiiiMl nfler to the public tin ir Oleum L J quor ns an nVimuub'.timte Tui Linked Oil, as n thin hit fir all sorts ot Taints eround In OILcxci pt Veni'ti.in Red When thinned with the Oleum the Paint will cover belter dry quicker nud will l: more tlunblp, nnd w i-u nrnllied, the p.iini will have and rituiu the mofrt gnsy appearance; u mil lie ehislicity of tho thinner will enablu the pain, to iuiri to tlii vaniuh ; und tho cracking and pe:lnig oil", no coimukmi in ordinary di . nifhed oil i.iliils is mlfrely nvulrled 1'or piintiiiK Tin Hinds its 1411.1! lonimt be fun ml. The OUuin rjn be hm-sI bj it Fell, 'r in fOjiiiimn with Linseed Oil Vurnibh, Japan or '1 urptntiiu at the op tlon i f the Fainter. Its coht is about one-half of that nf Linseed Oil j tliiH roiiiidrddy inducing the expense ofpaiutiiifr. I We f.uthtully rt'commeud it torull puritosen itulica , ti'd.uid w.irr.tnt It to (jive satifactioti A liberal dis count to lh tr.tde, I UIRi:(HlU.S. Thin the p.iini with theO'eum LI I quor nud uork it well, until it (Ijw s lrcly from the 1 bn-hli. I Thcbrili must be free from all miitureand Itwa riably on p lit to vt so iked well with thu Oleum Liuo , previnus to piiinthij; mil'.' Pi.ltliiJi iiil- iinir nun in ninrrnvcr niEIII. as p uoure gt in rally d, thev oujilii in Ik? put hi the Olt'iim Lhnor, which will greatly i.icihtute Hie work. The paint mixeti wiiu inc uieuui i.tquor will work belter if It be alhiwtd 10 na.id from 12 toVt hours pre vious 10 lis h'iug used, and then ihi-ined lo such a coiiFiitency as to work Ireo ml e isy undrr the brush y the uo of Japan, the paint will be r-ndned still firmer. Mix the Japan first with the paint and ihuu thin it with the Oleum Li'juor in ihe manner men tioned nhove. Xfir 100 poundsof Paint thinned withthe Oleum Li quor, will rover a lirger feuiUcu than 13 poniiJi thin ned "iih oil The Oleum Liquor Is not 'to he ue.l with Venitlnn Red, nor wih I'aint rontiliuns nny pioportion ofit. URi:iNUi. OATTMAN At UHUINIG, Aiiu'ridii Paint and Coler Woiks, Corner VMth and Cncn ts.,Philadt Iphia. Office N E cornej Third and Wood st., P liladci plna, P.i June li. 1H57 Franklin iJousc. IMIIKEIt .V LA1UI). I'rojiriftnrs. Cbesuut St.. between Third and Fourth PHILADELPHIA. September!. 1850. THE HEV. C. S. HURNETT. while 1 laboring as a Miisipnary in Southern Asia, nis 1 coer"il u Imple and e riain cure lor resi(iiipion..1fA I via, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Jierveus DtbitUy ami all impurities ni me ittwa; aio, an easy anu fiiciuao mode of Inhaling tho Jtemtdy Actuated bv a desire ll benefit hii sutlerlng fellows, he will cheerfully send Ihe Rerjpe (frei ) in such as desire it, with full nnd explicit direction- for preparing and bucccselully using me .m'uiciuo. Atiuress, Rev C. S. BURNT.TT, 831 llroadway, N. Y. City. August 1, 1857 Cm NEW WAGON ISHOP, Willow Grove, Soul li Bloomvburg. 'plIE tindersielied resperlfully inforillk his Iriends X. and tlic public cenernlty, Iti.-it be has taken the stnnd 1-iUlv oriupleil byMr Itoherl It ic I sl.lu U illov, Rrove, B.miiIi lllunmbiir,', below IhelUi ii.ad, v,i-ere he will continue the rWlZ- Wasnn-makivg business. In all its vatio is departments, in good stvle nnd 1 Ulnridernle lerin.. Also Repairing Wnsons; Rurclt. Carriages fiu. kinds ttr . iioiie lo urdernnd on sliort lime, iT Produce laken for work. CHARLES rtREWER, nioomsburg April S5, lEST-Su, MAnniACE mnnn nv nn. william vouno, MMtltlAGC CUIUi: V lilt. WILLIAM VOUNO. Mauri mic ouinn nv mt. william vouno. MAuitiAct: otiinc nv nit. william younij MARRIAOE CUIIll: I1V DR. WILLIAM voiinu. MARUIAUE QU1IIC I1V lilt. WILLIAM VOUNfl. .MARRIAGE UUIDB 11V Dll. WILLIAM VOUNO, MARRIAGE GUIDE YOUNG'S Oil EAT -CrilYlilOLOUICAL WORK : THE I'OCKLT ygiSSJ'.SCULri tm, or Ever) One his own s Doctor, by Wm Yodno, ,M . I) ltis written iu nluin lancusge for tlie general reader and is illu.. trateil with upuard.nl one hundred engravings All I young people, or those contenipliliiif marriage, and 1 hiving th' least impediment In mariied life, should! read this book. It discloses sncrects that every one should Imi acquainted with still, it is a book that muir 1 be kept locked up. nnd not lie nhoiitthe liniire. It v III i tut sent loony one on me receipt nl Iweniy five rents Address, DR. tVM YOUNG, 152 Spruce street, above Fourth. Aug S3, 1637 Philadelphia, Pa OLIPIIANT, WOODSIDE & CO. importers and WLolosalo Doalers in tUincs anb iqnors, No. 107 Arcli St. above Fourth, PHILADELPHIA. .OuriiAKt, J. Woouiice, Uvo.McAtpin. January, 3J. 1357 -y WILLIAM J. UEIDLKMAN, SaDblc anb Sjaxvitss HANUPAGTDRKU. ifr(Jrrt'P'i,rt Ang 1 1fY rs SALAMANHRIl lflltM AND TfllKK iPTC TUB LARdMST ASSORT- ment In the Untied ttates. Wntranled to be einai in nny nn iv nnilf. nud wl II be tntd on nt jrood ternn,nrnn be obtained rrom nny other huiif in the country, nt F.VANS tVAlwn-Ci TIUTTII tfl MlnllTY AND WIM. PRF.iAILI Ilrportflftht Cnnmitttt,pfitntta tptrtteil tht Hum tng tftU Iron nr, aiJliaHifg F ttnary t!7, 155; ' ItsjAtuMi .Mil tel. 4, IM7 The unilertlfncd, menibers of the coniiuiliee. di rrnif tti'llv rcpnfi, that we taw ti c two sites, oil;) tinllyneried mion by Farrelsfc Ilf rriiiR nul llvausfe Wntsnm pine-il sliM hy side n n lurn ice, vie t The Hate n si' l the pa) muster of llierhlladelpitia and R radii p Rnttfiini C n d n ti. Mr nlllwnl KertdluK tnanurarturrd bv Furrt lst II, rrina ftuc the Hale ir iu hy tl A I. tint. In hit lo' uiinjla'ttured m Craosit Watson, and put In books and papers) ti elsely nllke. llieilr" wassta tied nt f?J o'clock, A . M,flnd kept lip until lour cords of Rrren h'ekory. iwn rniils dry "I1.""'' j"','; Vh in.i inn 'J '!,f",' .JV,; tl,, a,,1l,,r,, I.IL'.V . i' sunerl ntrnitenr of Ihe tubscrlbeit membe rs nl the Committee. The H.iles were then cooled of! with water, af er whtfh they were nrened nnd tile hoKs nnd panert lakrnntitby I lit Committee nod fenl to II A, Lnntx'e store lor n libit ceinmlnntioannd on rke d by the Com mi t leo. - linnK" nml nap fmakrill rtiaKenironi in e s.ii e Aim nine . i rnllvH ier DMrnnl ea were fu our jiit)tmenl, nt .morctliau those taken 7.1 from nvnns it Wat ton' Pafe. Wc bellrvellie above tnhave been n fair and lot n.-irtial trial ofthe rcsnirtl ve miailtli s of noih Safes. 1 JACOR II. DYPIIKR. PAN 1 1 I s iiu.ti;r. Having been alisenl dUflnc the lntrnl ng, we fully rolni ide wlih the iibove tt i lenient iftht condition nf the papers and bookstakeu out of the r' sporllva Bafi't. O. A . NICOM.. II. II . "tiUIILP.NltRP.rj. JAB . M1LIIOLLAND, Mirh S'.W7i DIPLOMA AWAUUED nn. renntutrnnta State Arr-tuhuml Sotictvani h I rrn i'oHPtM Sveitltes. to IihF.t.YItl . FHOA'KFl FLt I n., v,i.i f... i 1 mrit 'Jvr .:.V."."D w" ' """"" 0R iInr(tct,t It Is nn ituuli.nble re medv for Ihe euro i anA evcniion ol all i!Meaes Incident 10 t.V uoImp mil(, Vl .-Iilemper, Umigli. Tarry, Kever, Fiv J,,, n,nt ai-eose-' Lun iHaea.-n. Itrh. Orea-e. Cinpei, Infl.imiiialiou, J.iuudice, Kidnov d senses, (iiandirs, Thick li-3s. Ilid-biud iil.er Viv.-itf. , ,.,,. ri7irrV.L. Fuu.id..rs. Hir,nsht Hair. ivnnin. Hori-s. 4C for vn.vr oaitle In Jiutillre, Vellowji, Hoven or Mlown, moody Urii e, It ed Water Miirrinn. l.o of Cud, Lots of Ap petite, Dintrhict or Lomsmhcs, llmif disease. Wolf in lli't Toll. Hollow Horn, Uloody Milk, lllood disease, Loss rf Milk. ron 1103. In Bwetled Xeck Itjleo in the Liver. Abscesses in the Lunps, Ulcer a of the llowehpasms uf Cramps. Choke disease. Tin lafmer shoifj bo Aith ut it n slnrp diy I It Is In slier wu'CPor nu uisense m ins Ftuih. 1 1 1 111 irux' Ir'iui nji'ii ntiiouuts 01 loou at ifai imiu :u to per rent us the eiperieiif e ol ew r lOOuO larmers, win have tuul it wilt trstify nl any ti in'-1 ANornuit ni:w niacoVnnv! OATTL li MNI M KNT. L'nininllt y any ot her Liiilii.eni or nmbrocntion nil ji tun lo the world, It is good fur the !l loKinp dlienfres, n'ld has proved itsMI in th- hand" ot ilioufands f-t farrifrs, fitrnersaml stage proprietors to cxci ed unjihinn f t In- kind eti-r oflVn tl toih'- public HIF, C-iTVt.E LlXMtJW S GOOD FOH CATTLK. HUMAN BODY Rpralns,llriiisus, It heumatism, Weak Joints, Ctiutractud rimefl'i, Trosl llitei, Chapped Hands, Swullinps, Tumours, Toothache, i'aiu In the liCjrs, I'a-n n the Hark, l'.nn in th- Blrouldcrs, Xervnft I' .una, t;iillil.iinx. llttesof Anlmils, Hi i If Ji ati. Spavin, Sweeny 1 I Mil I II, PI "il r I (J ills ofevery kind, Wiin'sn'M H.md Cracks, L.imeuei'i.riniiits, i?crnich'' or Oicai-c, rinrk um, llartl Tumours, R'niibonp. Poll CvIU Cracked Heels, ft'ttten Hoof. Mi "ire. Horn Dutenip-r, And many n her dirntev It in 1 lMrt. tm iii-a aomph'te nml itnivcrfal Liniment tint science ban ever yei pn tiiireu Betetre of QountrrftVs, ni bothonr valu i'de dir..v r leu are nlrendj rnuntc rfeited hypfisnii in 1iir r t pirts of the Fine Our powder has our written fig nature 011 each bottle. Mauulactu red ontv bv iiuciNiti, FRnvnrnu.n u co NJ.3l? iV. Tuirdst . N. U corner Th irtl tc Wood. 1'hil.i'tctphia. Dcnit VO, 1657 If IIOVKIVS LIQUID HAIR DYE, 'plllfl 1IAIR DYi: needs only n trial tnsatry nlnr I its pTOrtion ns a Dye, and th fnthnvini; tefti. in on i 1 1 from that eminent A nalvtic Chemist. Profot. or llooih, of the U H Mint w III only ronihin whit thou f.ilidi h.ll'u prei iul liorof Icsiintoiiy to, 'Laboratory jor Practical Chemistry ) Ht HK'j.'i-h'm Place, I'bilnt'n. ( Relng well ncquninted wi th I tie vtibi inures compos inc IloverV Liquid Hair Uyn 1 nm patieiVd that by loMnwinir the simplo .lirerliont jrivrn tor its- use, j'l win nul injure iui iinir or nkiu.tjut nut given nniu ral ami dur.iblti color to tlio hair. J AMfi O. POOTII. Aug 2J,le57 Analytic Chemist. HOVKivs vnrriNa inks, iNCLliniNtJ HOVHR'n PLUII) and IIOVF.R'3 IN l ncl.lUI.U iNlCS.aii'to.iwi'llkiiwnand ititrnilueed tt require any ad Jit i mil t-'i'timiuy of their ch.v irt r Tin s ill's have bet'ii 1 urreaius ltre thetr first iiit'n ituctlo", jrl vin vi lenc th U th" a tides truH po'H-tf that intrinsic mint ct.iinnjd a. lUit (or tliem by the uiiiiuf.icinrr. Orders. ail treetjpd loiht! M,inuf.irt i , o 410 Ilnre struct, abovo Fmirlh, (old N. 144.) Fhladelpliia, wilt re cc prompt utteutun. Aug ST. 137 -IV fiMufjfursr. 1858. SiMtlMC AKD SU MMPK, H Jli 1 I; &i u OKO. HUI.PIN & CO. IMPORTER AXD M.IXUF.irTURF.RS, 171 MIKnNU1 STKKKT, Are now prcpired to exhibit lh-ir New Styles EOli SPUING TRADE, lCI.UIIIN(3 nialark and rnloredSitk Vatiliilas Cbantly !.ne-Man-Manillas rrenrh l.are Mnnlll n". U.nlirn'itlered Hilk .Mnn1illn, Ihiffled Lnreauil Net Mantillas, Mourning Mantillas. Itasqnes, Talmas, 4.C A.r., AlloTwIuch willbe MTered at the Lowest Prirrs. OCO llll,PI At CO. 14 Chenut Street, n!,nve7U, l'hiladrhia. Marrh7lh. IH57. OILS, IOR ManuUcturlnc and Hurning purposes, fur sate ! by J. D. A & B. ALLCV. Not. 7 and ti South Whnrvea, riiilnilf-lolila June C, 1857, FALL & WINTER GOOD3 FOH ief8. PIIE 8llbaCriber respectfully informs bis J ciiMoint-rnandthe public cei.eruily, Uial bolus Fall and Winter Oooila. coiapririnp n full uiForlmeM C (loiln, t;.isimeri, Baliuett. DclaitiPh Itrhxlers CailriH. far, tnfili.tr nilli a Krcut vaiiciy of other article upimll kept in ALSO- Hardware. ('uilery, Qiieenfware Salt. Fislt, Mnjliie1!. Iron. Steel, llnu. Caps, liools isiioes. &.c. trj-Country produce, Mii-ludliig Ciain Lumber, ic,, 1 taken in exchange for rooiIh n3Ttiauklul for p,itpitrouage he reipcctfully aikt a coniuduuctforthoiaiiin 1 TUOMAS E. EVIiS. ' Mlllville, Jan I, IRM-y. NEW GOODS. FALI- AND WINTER OP 18(58. rl ho undereipDcd, gratelul for former I liberil pntronaje, reiecifuy inrerina his Iriends and customers in aeneral, that ho has mm! ntenreil l, ti.ea a I I.la nnx.i.a si ,, neit.loor lo l.iah SIiiiio.io's Hotel. where lie has just received, alull supply or PALI. AND WINTER GOODS, eoranrislnBSvery variety of I isliiou uiialitv n nd style u.uall) kepi in the besl store., r,ro,.eries,Quinceare Hardware. Kisu. s.lis, Hals, l'ap.. Ifi.in, flioes.ikc., which will he sold on Aceoimiioiulliig 'Perms V3" Grain andpiudure of ail kind w med. , A & S. ANDKEWS. Manville, Jan 1,1P5, y. I Wl.'CTt.'l t K9i ww V Ui79 I tVlf I8U I t't4f Nos. 0, 11, 13 and 5 Oourtlond ttrcct, I D nwivonMR u. U.WJ.MIinaiE w,NrIlrTPI. nrJ ? wim.ii JE5 Mv,, 1ln, l.!iJ. .WIM,HL8TER. , pATTBNT MltAOr. ORINHUU I'OR 8AI.B T -1- MHTrNi' DIM WWUtfiS r t-fr LN STKAM ENOINKS AND BOIIiKll IltC siibnetlbi rti now prepared, wtlh new Machin0 ry, to biillditntloiiory eoghirt Irom fltn limliottc toiver.upoti the lniet improvi riptatis.and w III build tp irdcr iloubleimd single portable engines from III In4u iorsepower,HlggeU upon carriages with Roller gear' I n h pumps nllroiuptfieniid ready forarti'inj Also -cyliuiiur flueauil tubul.itboters cait iron loa! break trs p.MMited In for Ihreslilng grain nndcrackinr or u nud now nuide on nlnrgeerale for ofetking ai ' trekking inal Heavy mining pumps and lire tiiginel rigged cnmfdetf with duiililo nctlng forjlng pumps, hi kind of mill gearing md house tailing umde in orderl , Lliieshftniug with nny dnel fcl ttxi s nl pulleys Dili lie wlih banners lrnnnlailuff done sav'-!4.leet lonatn. LlndmMrnn Hi r nl I ft henvv prest and ntlicf sctew turut'd with nny desired ;ntrhol thread, 'I hi'bei Rough iron threshing Marhine that over cppie before the pubticcart I roc ami w' oden machines made to ntd r. Lever power, il.nln or trend lower made la enter A If la Re rthtersforlhef.il low Ingma ehinery t Karri ont 'niiLpal nil e rain mill lliuo of frrrdln th" Put i nlf v (nr In equal tt ill grind In i;"od fine im-aty.! husln'tsi n one hour Al Imlts anil elrva. tors a II In nt.lfr.niso)l cole's Patent N lower. tn:tiirif.irtiir ed by O D Harris At Co , Iho moil powerful Itlower now I ti ti se w ithtliMo.Mt inioilnt nfpower, one ofo'lilrh wllltieputlu useal (he Foundry for ethiblllon . Iu lli-tibovo works wlllbc warrunted tob what they, sold (nr. . . Al-o Take orders for Fcotl's Patent Rlncksmllh Ptf)ker,n ml rights to use them intliecnuuliet nlColum. hla. Mos.mtf. Vnrlhumerlnnd.L Coming. Fn 111 van and Clintn , one of which can be seen nl inv shop LRWIrfll MA US, Marh32. 1850. tJtftoiii'bu Colombia ft , KiiHftflfiS Bom. P3 tmm 'pllK undf rsiirnnl respec fully itil'orniH J lil fn-'i.l nml tlir pi.nllc tnnl he li.it. taken the h'ltkanet IfatlUlt P.lnou pl.it r if. Inrnti it nn Main SlrpM. directly r.ipnnitc llin Court llniiKr. Mliktt lias been "''V1''1 JlLr,l "n.d I'roved. f-In te he ls ptc Pur.r" V" . . , ' . . P 'e "is customer customers with eood l.irn nml to seni'iul silinlarlioi' He also nns 111 connection wlih the tixchangc II o le, 1111 etc lit 1 1 OMNI D US LINE, riinnlnereeularlv eriiltin.c s ncr dav ,lo and from the Hepftl on the arrival nl Ihe Cars, hy which passeng ers tVil I he pleasantly convej ed to the Iit-pol Si at ion, 01 l bki' n irom nnu rem men to ineir rcstueiires, 11 uesireu jT" llcwitl ulwnyi' bo happy to rnterttln ninlnccoin inodnte his Iriendt lo the ill most nt his nhiltti'i PF.Ti:il UlLLMLVr.R, Froonetort (lloomsbiirfr April, 5 l8'f. y. Aviso's Xilii CIlCAPWA'rClltJI'.WI'.l.ltYSTORE, Nn. iti, txortli bfootid Street, oi'i'oairc tii c mount vbrnun iioiipi:,iii i i.a Colill.i'verWatellesriillJewcllril I8H Cases. Hllver 1I0 .lo is; 00 ito l.enine do tl do lliinrllcrs 5 out o 7 Hi ColdSpectnrlrs, 4 SOI a 1 1 l Hllve no 3(1 rtltvprTatil, Spoons perselt, do Pes.rl do ito ilo Ten do ,lo ColiU'rnfandColiiCaes. 14 OHlolf Do 0 OUt n I Oil 4 75to 7 .11' 3 7Slo s on r On do Mllvrr do Totetlierwllli a variety of fine Cold Jcnelry .Col itr.t.ilart' nn it fob Chain s . A 1 1 nnods warrnnle.'t ..t. ifpresenien w.itenes anu j cwclry repairer n i ). Iie.tmnnner N n. .Mloiilerssentliv'iy inal loroihertvlfcu lliht Voveni.'err.' litl Iv FALL & mjvrKR. AT MK.VSOII'S CHEAP STORE. ' II R nndcrfipned havinn; removed liis I Store, up to ii, ill the nnnd, lately orenpieil hy II C K. I W II ii r. i. an where with grcier inrrea,e.l 'nrililic. he . i milled tootrera fiiPnimoriiiciUur Fnsliioiiallo Goods, Which he lias ju.t n reivrdrrom Hie I'ji.tern Cllles. roiiiprisini.. II ry 4oods,tirnci'riea,llnrd,var,iili(.,,i, ,nre Ce.l.ir ware. ilollo'wnrL., Druus. I'l.h. tnlt s.e I'la.ter, I run, M.iils.llo.its. tJlioce, lints, Case, h.t ttt Ar.so-iu: J)Y MADE (JLOTllIvG In sliort, every iln"p usually kept in country Stores l nnitii in; iiivnepiiic pn in ic go ne r n 1 1 y ;Y Csali.l.n ..her. Old Iron and Country Produce takciiin iichnni-elor (Joods, at tho hiffest i.i.ukel prict A. V. iMKNSHH. Illoonirbnrff. Jan 1. 1658. FALL Sl WIST Bil GOODS' .TI'Kclry, ft en I & CO., 1 AVISO iini received niirt one n rti their utoek o 1 i inerrli.tmiue f'ir springs ili-s, which tomprlsesthe LAIUIKT tHi:Pi:l nnd IIANDSOMI.ST assort menttMiw otfered in litis TOWN ! Ilnvlnp pnldpreai attention tn fit cl' clion of their entire slock, ns to prirennd quality, they flatter ihemp.vr that tney ran com .e. e with the ektopest, nnd all those w iililnj to buy cbe.iu, ran si e mnue hv L'l i Jnfr us a r ii' We havo all kinds nl On nil i sad Wares to supply the People. A vry Ii,rtfe lot of I.AUIK' l'lll'SS GOODS, r'renrh Merriioeo. Wooli'Jaids. Alpurns, lloniliaKines, te li.n.e I'oiiIiiim. r.iraineita clotlm. Moliair l.n.tres. MiiHlin He ..lines, Tertian cloths Cingliain. Oulicoes, Wlll l'n COOns Ol' ALL KINDS Sieves. Collars, tl.tiidkertliielK, tlouiii'l iis , hind, and triiiint'ng: l.sei ..llldi'dsini'i'. bnnncl lil.h on,, in lare viir,, v velel ril.l.niiK.aii,l t,rnid..ki'' collon,nnd lisle thread !loveK .11 n i.u 1 1 nuns ne, We Im iteon r rrieniU iilid the pulilir genernltv lo 2 1 ve il s a a 1 1 lie fori' pure ha sine eleu here . Wehnve Imiii utn oi. r ir.ioils.it (..iweslCaih I'rices and ill not be un cr.oti' by an h.uly .or tin rentrinaiikiiiii .il civ r ij v X , IN u, A li ic UU, Bloon, burp, J tin 1 , lr5e. Dr. J. S. ilotighloii's GHBAT OUUK FOR DYSPKl'SIA. IMIU True Difeetlie aViVicBH IIOUOIITOH'S . Kluiil. or Juice I'lepiirt'tl Irom Ut iiuel, or tlie fointh dloni ich nf ln Ox , nfter I i ri i iiiiitf.ot lt.irti I,ih lup, Uiepreat riiyviolojr tea) Clu Iiiltt, b) J. H' Touphton.M I) , Phi la tl u I i h i u 'a. g5 Tli leNatiire'towiiR-nieily ior nn unhealthy Ft" mar No ait of niun can eqou) l cirative pownrs 1 contains mi Alitioliol I i tt . rn.Acida, or Natisaons J uct- It 1 e.itrtiiKly agret nt'lf to ttie tatte,nint may etakenby tlie most Icehlu patienlD who cannot cat a Tratercrjckerw, thou taenia diitrem MewareofDrinjeit Imiititimis I't pin ii not n I'ri'F L'u'l on the At-nt. jtul get a Dencrlptlve Circula t rati, iilvini! a Inrce umount of Scientific Ilvitieoce (rouil.icliljf'ii Aohiia hfiiilflry.UrJJoiiibe'BlMiisiolocy I)ijei"tioii; l)r I'eri'irn on rotl and Diet; Dr. Jlni XV T'aier, of Kew York University, Prof. imnglKoo's Iyintc; I'rof. Sil.iiuin.iil Yali Oo'leilecjDr f'urpen te'f Iliyiiolopy; tcr. . together with reporuof Cmei from all puiuolthe United Stnen. t4oilhv I! l LntzQiiil J. U.Moycr. nintnniLurn 8 It. ilowman Rerwlck. OCI3.1835 ly. Uloomhurg Tiinvarr. ami Stove Storf ri Utluihl-iriigiu-tl retpec'fully itirornis Ills uiit fr ienrii ) I and customer, thai If ha porrlii.ed Ins brothers ' iniercsl imlieattove citihIihnient.antt the concern will hereulter ho couloctel tjy lniiu It exrlueively. He has jiivi leceiveil nmt oilers for s-ile the largest ami ,;f?) ''' eitniilv aorlniciit ot FANCY STOVW fitultever im roiloceil in tot Ins market. iliu mocK ron ii st k of a coiui'lcto assortment ot It l.lliufil r!nr.Llnirnl,,l nirlilr Itiiun. ltt I lio ,n,Lut tn. Uie-rer with ttove risturenoC every tleifcriition,Oveii VV i!"11" '' l';''iilorii.O li ,lci 'BtoVes.Uasl Iroti nsn ptmii,, i.iiiii 'ii . tinrii, ai,, i; Slnvpil peand Tiii'reeoiylanil3 on hand and man. iil.icltired to order All khida of repairing done, an Ml" 111 (1 BH'H I (Mil I Tli ti'iiroo ice nf old friend ind new cuitomen re iicotriilyoliciird A. M, IlUt'RRT. nioonnliortf, Jan 3, IH54, If STAUFFliR k II A II KEY. CHEAP WATCHES A A" J) JEWELHY. WIlOLHHM.n AM) RCTAIL.al the 'EMuladi Ijthia Wotrh and i-ty Hiore,' No MH (Ohl No tlb) Norili Si;t.MlND a i rent. eoriHT nfUuarrv. I'hilatH hihia (3 old l.everVVftirhes,fullJewelled, 18 caret eaten. 9l OH (In lit l.niiie, 1 H caret. 4 iu J20 9 m 7 ItO 7 on 1 5(J 3 00 00 3 00 Hilier Lever, full jewelled, Hilver Lepmc jewel f, Huierlnr tliiarliers, od Siicctacler, . 1'ineSilver do. . t Gold llracrlfli, . Lndy'i ;nd I'encili, Hllver Tta riioioni. iet . Gold IVn. with I'cnci' and Hilver holder I (10 f'i Fiucer It i tie. .17 1 renin in ScO : Walrhnimei 11 tl ii, l-.'l centi. patent If, Lunet S3; oilier aitirlct in proportion. Alijooilj warranted to be what they are ao.d for, BTAurrrit u iiahlev. C9On hand iflmn fjnid nnd Silver Lcvcri and Lepmei t-illl lower than iheab ve pricei. October 10, 1H47 Kspyiown Co.idi anil U'agon Factory , fIMIlJn'lPrsigncti havlnir succeeded Jacob B. r.vs J-i'-IlieWogunandt'oaclimakliipbiisiness.athiK .Ke';,!! i Wagon AMig JtuMineu, Inlllllldenaillnents.viherell.eytvillliehippylrr. f,rive "c" "'IPn'f'l)uteallhuinussintliti line, with neatnessnnddespatrh wllBe' harrows made lo ordcr.and sllkindi p "'m fc nwrMwnx lUitjimvn Jirti.r ivjit... y AYIiU'S PUIS. ron all the runro3E8 of a FAMILY rilYSIC. TitRnc hat long cx!tci n public demand for an efTccthc purgnlire pill which could be relied on as auro and perfectly nafe ih IM operation. This )is been prepared to meet tliat demand, and an exten sic trial of ill urtuf ba coticlmhely shown with what fucccti it nccomplishcs the purpose designed. It i ttty to malcc a phfcical pill, but not oaiy to make the best of nil f one which should hato none of Ihe nbjrrllnnt, Imt all the adtantnges, of crry other, 'lhii Jiai been attempted here, and hh what iicceiswc would respectfully Bubmli to the public decision. It has been unfortunate for the jmticnt hitherto that almost ecry purpathd tnediciuo ticriinonious and irritating to tho bow els. ( Diii. hot Jinny of them produce ro much griping Jihih and remlsion in tho system as to mors than cmmtcibnlai.ee tho pood to be deritcd ftom tlltni. These pills produce no irritation frt paifi', unless it arise from a ptcUously existing obstruc tion or dcrnnMlncnt In the bowels. Tleing purely vegetable, no harm enn arise from their use in nny qurtiitity ; but it is better that nnr medicine should be tnken judiciously. Jlinute directions for their use in the sceral disen?es tb which they, aro ftp plicabh nrp gt.cn oil the box. Ambhg tne com flnlltM nic1i have been speedily cured by them, w mav mention JMtr Complaint, in its taHous forms of Jaundice, Indigestion, Languor nnd Loss of Ap petite, Ltstlessness, Irritability, Bilious lleqdache, liilious. l'evcr, Ketcr nnd Ague, Tain In the Side nnd Loins ; for, in truth, all these arc but the con sequence of diseased action in the liver. Aa an flbtrient they nlTord ptOttipt find sure relief in Cos tneness, riles, CoK Dysentery, Humors, Scrofula and Stun v. Cohli tnth soreness of the bodr. Uiccra nnd impurity of the blood, Irregularities; in fchortf any and eery rase where a purgatiTe Is required.- 'Ihcy have also produced some singularly atid- ercsfut cure- In ltheumatism, (lout, Dropsy, Gravel, r.rysipilas, Pnlpitation of the Heart, Tains in the tiiVlt, Stomach, nnd Side. Ihcy should be freely tnlien in tho spring Af the year, to purify the blood and prepare the system for tho change of seasons. An oceiisional do'so stimulates the Rtomnch and hmveh into healthy action, and restores the appe tite and ior. They purify the blood, nnd, hy their stimulant nction on the circulatory system; reno vate the stienglh of the body, nnd restore the wasted or diseased energies of the iVhole organism. Hence an occasional dose is ndnnlngeous, even though no serious dernjigtmctit exists! but un necessary dosing should nccr be carried too far, Hi eerv puigathc medicine i educes the strength w hen tahi ii to eveess. The thousnnd ewes in which n phj sic is required cannot be enumerated here, but they stigcest themselves ne rrason uf every hodyt nnd it is confidently belle ed this pill will nnsMor a betted purpoe than nny thing which has hitherto been available In n nnWitid. When their virtues nre" once Vnnwu, the pnhlic will no longer doubt what remedy to employ when in need of a cnthiirlic medicine. Ileing sugar-wrapped, they tire, pleasant to talc, nnd being inncly vegetiiblc, no' harm can nrie frum their use Jn any quantity. For minute directions, see winppcr on the Box. riH'.l'ARKD BY DTI. JAJIHS 0. AYEB, riiir.lii'ii! Mini Aiutl) (leiil Chvilllsfr I.OWKI.I,, MASS. Price 25 Ccsts per Eoi. Tiro Zozcs for SI. Y K 1 S CHEREY PECTORAL, l-'orllir rnplil Cure nf COl'd'S, (Ol.l)S. HOARSIiXESSr HUOM M'nS, WIIOOi'IMM OKiH, ntorr. asth.u.., ami coxsi'jinio.v. This rem til v 1ms won for itself siuh notoriety from itsdirosi.f nt ry inrietj of pulmonary disease,- that it is cntireiv tumecesMtry 10 reeuuni me vti ilenecs of its tirtnes in any community wlicre it has been cmjiloj ed. Eo uirie is the field of its use fulness, nnd to nnmerouH the eases of its cures, that almost eury secliurt of tl.c country nlionnds in inrkons pjnMitfy l:aoin, nlio liaie been restored from n!rirti'in? and ei en desperate iliscni.es of the longs by its uc. When onic tlied its superiority o-ter firry other medieinc of its kind is too apn. rcTrl to escape ol,scmillon,nnd where its lirh'rtar'e known, the public nn longer hesitate what r.tidnte tn employ fur the illstrt-ssinp; nnd dangerous nlfec tions nf the pulmonary orpins whiili arc incident to our (liroate. Not only in formidable attack,' upon the Iuprs, but for 'ihe milder vnrietics of CuLtia, CoKoit". IIiiaiiskskss, Xc. ; and for Ciiti. DHKN it is ihe plcnnntcst nnd snftht medicine that can be obtained. . . As it lias long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure th. pcoplo its qwiity is kil t up to the best that it ever fcas been, ancf that the genuine article is sold by X.T F. P I.tJTZ, an I a'l Iliu eisis iu ltlum.bucv anil Dealers iu Medicines evuwh-re Jan. U, irirt. I M I'O ltTA NT DISCOVER Y I t'ONKl'illl'i Itl.V, t in AI.I. DldLAvKrl OK T.IU LUNUfT AKII i TIIBOIT are posilivrly curalile by ii.halslloii, xrhlch convey, the feineoi, s lo the cn.ltlts in the luni:s throueh the ntrimsnces and coiuii-e In iiirrrl lon'nrt Willi Ihe dnen.e, utal rulir s ll.e tuterrulu ,,iier nll.i"s ihe coiiph c.,n. s a In i and in.) eipec ratio'a, ;..'al. l..nir.. ....,B. the lilnod. ,n.rM. ire, e.l . ini'ly f nervous system, civint llil tone anil ci ernv I" '"l- e.able lor v!l- rr.loru.,, n of ion aiiuini r.v r r(llh,leullv last Conmilip V ' . r..,n. ! , i Z nlVaillinil. """" "f )rd.K .Hire. 'it il a, l..'"" r" meiiual treatment ai aay on." r J J' j J, ninety mil of every Imndrid cuea fH 'V.",' fi , tirnMnsfB and tiny percent in the ,m'''1! "J '! J, ll.ililMnj.eitipl...pitMem Mtfinnre lV:u cent, lor lhelunearesocul up by the "' iw bid defiance to imditaUMII Lvn. howner. n II l.i-t Kinces, inhulJliou Mtunli cxtr.'oriliuai) relirf lo theniitrrrinnalundi'iglhiB k-fciful i irir, huh an nually deiiioH ninei ihe ilioiifai.d United Hiaie alone; and a eorretl fokulut'1 " ft , Dial ol Ihe pn'Hiii pp'''tio" or lie lailli, cji. lionr ure demneit n till tin roniniiilive' Jtrve Trnlv the quln i f rieaih lm no arrow fn fJta Consumption. In nit ns It hat been te refc' tnrTiiY of lii lor ll ppare neither nee nor ez, but f,ffr" off alike Hie biave, the Ueaulitul, the graceful, and ' "e jified. ilylhe help of that fc-nprenic I clnp.fn m wboh.' coiueth every rood nnd )ierlrci gift. I ttiu enabled lo olU r to the uirtit-ieil u permanent and ipeedy cure in CAiipomption 'J he tlffrcai.fe nf luberrler U from im pure Itleotl, ami the innifdiale fflfft, produced byllieir oepoiltion ml he lung, lo prvveuMhefree ailniirxfon ofdir into ihe uir cells whkhrau-esn ueakened vita Iity llireiigh tin entire i)t-teiu '1 hen nnrelj It In mere ratioiialloi-xpt cl jriiitfr t'ondfiuin innliciM-n enteilnx' I Iif nivhlei of the titnps than from ihone adminlvtercd lliroujih the loniflrh ; iliepulieiii will at aj hnd the InngR free and ihe breaihintr iafy alter loliann: n-ni" tlica Thus, iiilnUHion in ii IocjI rtmcily, reeitlielf it acn coiiilitntionally, and vt i'li more power and cer tain! 1 lion reiiit'dici adinliiUtercdby thu itumarh 1 n prove the powerful and direct inflnencc ol thu niode of udminiitrfitioii, clilorolorm inhaled will entirely Je ffrey frnfiUiliiy in u few minute, paralyxine the en tire nt n en a ht in sl that a linli may be amputated 1 without the fliirlifut pain; inlinnng the ordinary burn j ii c p.n wtn tiehtruy nie mi d tew nuri, , 'the liihatullou of ammonia will rouse the tyitem ( when fuiiillxit or apparrntlv dead The odor of many of ihe medlcinei If perceptible in ihe kin a few tnin iitiN after beinir Inhaled and u y be immediately de tected in the blood, A ronvincinpproof of the cnntli lutional etr-itiiorinIiatatiou.ii ihefjct thai sicktieii ip always produced by breathing foul air. Ii not lhli positive evidence that proper remi dieo, raietully pre pared ami judiriouily atlniinUtered through Itie iHtipi, !i on Id produce the inosl happy reuu? Durinp eifh teen )e.in prarlire. inBuy ilioutuiiiir vutlermir from di-tenee. of the lunci and throat, have been under my rare and I have eiTt-cltd mauv reumrkahlecurei1, eteii alter th f-uflereri had been pronounced in the I flit 'agei. which fully uniiidei me ihit coonuniplion li no loniccr a fatal disrate My treatmeni of coimumplion 1 1 original, and founded on longrxpericnre mid a tho rough invcftipnti' ii- My perfect acquaintance wil I the natute of luberclei, &c , enaMeH me to duliiirtii h , readily, the various forim of dipeate that simulate foniuiiii lion, and apply lle proper rfineittes, rarelv bfinp" ruiitafien even in o single cafe- 1 hii fnn.t liority iu roniirclion wjtli certain palliol(iiicnl and mlcior-ro pic tiroveiiiH, enables ine to relieve the lungi from the effei is of conlracted chest t ; to enlorpe ihe chet purify Ihe blood. impart to It renewed vltolity giving energy ami tone In the entire s)sti in. Me iriiTt wlih lii'l I'irrrifons sent to nny p rt el the United Stales and Canada by patients rnminoiri laiiuif their sjinpipms by letter Hut the cure would bf more cerium if ihe patient should pay me a tint, wlrrh wruld pive me an opportunity to cJamine Ihe lunrs and enable ma lo pretcribe wlih much greater certainly and then the cure tould be cDeclcd . it hoot my seeing the patient naain. O W GRAHAM, M P., Office, 1191 Fiieist strrtl,(nld No. 100.) Helow Twelfth, Philadelphia To July 11, lP57-(Marrn 41 TIIUNKSI TKUNKSI1 TUG LArtfJKflT. BEST handsomest and cheapest ss snrlment ol Solo Leather So'id Hiveled TltJirKUtM TRUNKS, VAI.lHi: TIIUNKH. :f Ladlti' tlonntt Drill Trunk UIIII.UIti:N'B COACHES, rmpellcrs, Leather and Carpel lings, rucking TrunVi &c, &e,, at TIIOMAB V. MATTSON'F. Celebrated London I'lire Medal, Improved Ste, Bpiinc, Solid Pole LentherTru.k Mnnnlrctory, NO. 4O0 MARKI1T hTIICnT. Pouth wesi rororr Foil i ill and Market, rii'ladelphl. A lius! H. lBi7-lf A. AI. KUl'HUT Tinware, ind Hhrrt-tron Maniih"arc (Jtoi cn Sll Hi, i I. In Rut cr. f'lnie