nn 1. 1 itinu nil jl I.r.V.L.T.VrLVEblTOIW Bloomsbuifi g, Jilll. 23, 1858. aminww . I R "nirl-Hnnnn auiol S. Dickinson. Wo regret to .learn-by. telegraph tint a soriousi Occident happened to Govornor , liol.-ii..r. nil Rnliir.lnv. ' .lnffon.lv ' .wn.u v,. . ...U.....J. ,,u u. ....... ...j l.nnn i!mr. IiU lifn nmu tin .nnri.il. Tim ' loss ofisuch a man'nt' any timo would be a calamity, and never moro so than now, when scclionlism u still rampant and ilio . j.i t . 1 ,. ranKS 01 tno national wemoerncy refjturo to bu licpt up to their full strength. Air. ! im-Kiui 'ii, uuiiug ma puuiu: 111c, nas tiuuu al v ,ys on thu.sme old-fashioned platform 01 tbu Democracy laid by tlio wisdom of JctTcMon and sustained and defended by tbo firuino3S of Jackson. Ho has given bis boarty support to ho Adminislration of Mr. liuchanaufwhioh bo rightly dcnouit natcd as Jacksonian, and to wliich he pledged himself aliko to defend again t open or, secret foes. No man is at this moment moro dear to tho Democracy of iNew York tlian Daniel S. Dickinson, aud I rr it .t. . t. .1 it. n .1 mi i ' "deeth all .things well" in bis ; ii nc wim wisdom should uld remove him, there, would bo . ii. .1 i ii .i i r.jra sihnil nf. mrinv ft Iintmnlinlil flirnnrrli j a , oui-Stato and nation. Mr. Dickinson, has been omphaticaljyjtho Abdiol of tbo lead crs of tbo Democracy of tho North., No frowns of official, power, no blandiih ncnts of patronsgo, neither tho iiiiportunatc do monstratipns of popular prejudice nor tho impertinent de'uiands of Executive iuflu cues ever shook his honest and well-based soul. On tbe peacoful day of rest wo join our pemocratio brethren in tho earnest prayer that tho hoary looks' of the patriot may lonij be spared, and that they may bo as eow, a crown uf glory iu the oyes uf his countrymon for many years 1 to come, until replaoed by that better ono which is the recompense of a well spent and viriuous life Popular Sovereignty.. Borne .Democrats may be deceived by ! the laudation which tho opposition press . lJouglas jitid .popular .sovereignty into iho bolief that ,thoy have been forced by pub lie opinion into a coucurrenco with that Bate and, true principle winch underlies our frame of government. It will bo wire lo VhTJiie opTEToti" pflmt3'suilcTrtri2lV'""ih: tbo (. .. ..... ' . k'. lut , I iruo, and that, if tho opposition pres3 and lajdoM were difposcd to adopt thoj ooplo's will to tho disrogard of specious, timcscr vlngt wl captcfnduin tippeals f. r success in tio,hopq of plupder, they would necessarily fojlow iho lead, But tho leaders of the opposition never did and, never can feel with tho people, Ytid it is idle and absurd to expect hat they vijl ever concede to this principlo its true, position. ,Tho Chicago Tribune has had tho boldness to f tato onco moro iho true atiitudo of tho opposition on this question f J.ct tho Republican party onco come into power, and, n3 Western men say, it will knock Mr, Douglas' popular sovereignty and its author 'higher nor a kito.' Ii is tho llcpublican creed that Coo-rcss has, and should always execrcise tho right to prohibit slavery in tho Territories of the United Slates; but hat it has cot, and caur.ci cicrciso tho right to establish it anywhere. This is their position, and they will Dover willingly yield it, but will retain it, until, as in the caso of National Banks and similar exploded absurities, tho people rofusa to bear anything more in favor of tho right of Congress to override the will of tha people when legally expressed. Bloomsburg. That Bloomsburd; possesses advantages and facilities foi business beyond those of any other town on tho River Susquehanna, is now generally conceded. Situated in lbs midst, i(nd being the County tjcat of a Oguiyj rich in Coal, Iron and Lime Stono; tho eitieens of which aro a law loving and law abiding community; it possesses attractions o$ a place of residence very much Buporior to ihosc of tbo sur rounding villages, on cither branch of the Susquehanna llivor. The natural scenery is unsurpassed in beauty by even tho famous Wyoming Valley, no eicknere lurks among us, or pays us pcriidio visits. Wo aro unusually favored in every respect. Tin Caltawissa. JVilliamsport & Eric Kail lload brought us, by its connection with the Philadelphia & Heading road at I'ort Clinlon, to within eight hours ride of Philadelphia, and nearly as convenient to Niagara Falls. . : . Tho Lackawanna & Rloomsburg Rail j in Oregon and Washington Territories, aud Road, connoptin? at Rupert with tho .is to be, called -tho Northern Pacific Road, Caltawissa, Williamsport and Erie Rail' It is understod tbis latter road will boa Ro-id, brings over" life" older roads an 1 continuation of tho Dubuque nnd Pacifio immense amount of travel, and "enable us ' Koad, when terminnt'-a at.Siouz City,.atid to get from here to 'tho City of'Now York is already completed -10 or 50 miles, and ly titylttbt. Wc think wo aro warranted is' under contractor a -hundred' -miles in s yiug tint few if any towns In tbis more PitUlurg -Post. jcgion are up to'Rlonniburjj. , I ..V.. '" Salk or A Newspaper. Messrs, It. k 5r7i ;. Our lhanki are flue, Mr. "Steele, of tho Senate, and Mcs'jrs. E.nt .end Smith of the Ilou?c, fur fjvors. Letter frOlll tllQ Editor. .JlAitnisnund, Janu.IrY 2U, ISilfl. ; Vtar licatier : k , , TL5 Inauguration 5 .......... ...',. lUl ilILLIAH 1'. l'ACKKn, oamo offyostcrcUy, ogjGovornoHcopany th report". Joes not possess ilio of l'ouus) lvuia. Yl today was,ouo oho most pleasant of tJio tcason, admirably adapted to tho occasion, and everything ' pertaining to tbo Inauguration was uo' ( S -r r i in decency and in4 order. It U believed ,t . . ., , that t hero never was as hnro a concourse of people together in Ilarrisburg, on any occaeiou nut even excepting tbo standing rm. ll.. I n.nt t.nrn .l.i.tnn l.n 1V. .l-.l -....j .UUI Ulkt 1V1- WUIIUj tub bvivuiawu Unnl-clmi W,v ' Governor I'acter's Iuiuguraf, ircgarded' as a well-timed aud .appropriate Stato I'apcr. Asido fio'tiioDO or too'ekprcsious ' ... n . . . ... . on tlio Kansas Constitution, winch jn our judgement might hive been omiitod, wo moi coruiany concur in tiro general pnn- 'elplcs enunciated by the Exceutivo of the. .Commonwealth. The SIcssago will be read with interest. 1..i.. v. .it Governor Paclicr enters upon the dig. , charge of bis t.xecutivo duties under very 1 aMspices circumstances. Cominc into power, with so largo a majority or the popular vote, be has only to pursue a ... . J 1 . straight forward democratic course to retain' ins stroDg lioia upon tlieir atlcction aud confidence. Wo have known General confidence. racier, intimatclv from bov hood, nud cntertain tbo most implicit confidence in I.. . .u V!- -1.11:... 1 . 1 ivt.v... ... 11 ul3 uVllnyt iiuiiusiy auu uuciuy, anu uavo no fear that tho democracy of Pennsylvania will ever bo .disappointed in his admiuis. low years past imposed upon tlio cairying trativo policy of the Stat3 Government. b,avo bc,1.owr .romuncrativo rr o ,, r. ... . standard. 'Iho roSult of this rotivontiou Henry S. MoGraw, was last Monday ,Ult be, that they will be compelled to fix ro-clcocd State Iroisurcr. Mr liuckalcw thoir loll? upon such a basis as to yield a voted in caucus for Win. Yorkmnn, and hona fldo dividend to stockholders, corn Mr. Ent, voted for Col. Mott. Ultimately, "I:n3U'to with tbo capital invested, and .i, i..i. . .i.i .1 to abandon tho existing suicidal tyfctcm they both voted for tho caucus nominee, 'r .:,; ,, . ., ..;,?:. Mr. Ent's polite attentions here to his friends and constituents is worthy of crcat commendation Your humbly .servant, L. L T. A. now Governor. , . iho inaugeration of Gen. William F. Pacl;er,as Governor of the Uommouwcaltli I of Pennsylvania took placo at Ilarrisburg Ion Tllpsrl.iv l-ttif 'flirt rlt'cl.... nf miMt,ry aud c!viI authoritic3 . the altcn. danco oft,10 mcmbo of , on, - as well as in coming administration brought toccther a numerous assembly. ; Gen. Packer enters upon his administra-, lion with tho bc3l wishes of all classes of citizens, and ho lias but to travel in tho lino of safu precedents to be overwhelming- j., e-..i 1... .1.. 1. J , , Wo trust that between tie state and " Tint fl f nitltiriilvrniliAno thn ,1 l'. - party will 'come fully up to its professions, and redeem itscir completely by giving us a moro extended specie basis for our circa- lating medium. Give us ten or twenty dollar bills, and an undercurrent of cold .1 0 anu Sliver, Ool. Henry S. Mott. Ilia form nfnirim n,n.i n.mm..: ....... w-wu.vv a u.iiui vwi.jiiuaaiuuui has now terminated. For tho last three vn... La I,.. n,i r:.i.r..n ..1...1 .,v uu .,vn uuu luiiuiuiij nuiuuuu anu served tno interest ot the Common. ( wealth, in that Capacity. His open, bold and firm courso taken with tho Pennsylva nia Kail Koad Company, in tho sale of tho Main Lino of our public Works, saved for the Commonwealth many thousands of of Dollars, wliioh would havo gone into tho hands of that overgrown and mammoth co-operation. In all his acts as a public olhccr lie bats displayed great judgment, skill and abilitv. Wo are hannv to wn.l. como him hack, to Iho old tenth ..cion, ..... . with tbo welcome always given to tbo worthy servant. 11 41 .1 9 I t it i nn uui.u. jjuhu iuu liiuuiui We are happy lo ndd.lhat his successor Mmrod Stnekhnd, Esq., is well qualified for tho position, and it is expected that 4 no win prove an ciacient anu popular officer. Taciflc Railroads. Senator Ctwin, of California, has inlvo duccd a bill to " authorizo and facilitate tho construction of a Northern and South ern, aud a Central Pacific Railroid and Magnetic Telegraph through tho Territories of tho United Stales,'' 'J'llO bill nrOVidcs' .v wuim,ui.3 for tbo settirj'! opart fortius purnoso of a . ... , , , iiuaiuuy 01 nuuno ianu enuai 10 tue alter- nato section for tbo fpico of twelve miles' on each sido of tbo roads from their eastern to their western tirminus, Tho first is to commence in Texas, to extend by tlio most j eligible direct route to tho navigable waters j of tho Pacifio, and to be called tho Southern Pacific Road. Thcsccond is to commence on the western borders of Misiouri, to tcrminato at San Francisco, and to bo called the, Central PaciCc Road. The1 third is to' commonco on tho wcetcrn borders ' I of Iowa, and extend by tbo most cliciblo Iroutoio tho naviaablo waters of tho" Pacific, I". AjJiakcr hivo sold tho Jcmy Shory Republican, lo Mr-. J. R. Coolbaugh, by hom it will hcrcoftcr be publiehcd. TlioCaiinl ftmmlsslourrs' Ilrjiorl Wo'littrd'Tfccoivccf. fjrttif3 tl hirisburir. a copy of.tho panal 'Ooniniifbiojiers' roport "fnrtlin Wl vr. 'A ll.n'ni!i;n L. -.ati " "v ! - HUUAM IMbpfcn sold W Hin fl'iiiinrll.inln Shorn enlil ir? t.o rP.lm.r en.. In v. r,Mw1 Importance ami Interest. Jho following aro tho receipt? ami expenditures of tlio worts for 1857 ; , l ' jj nH nt.. Columbia R nitron 1, 1 ? !7 pnriaiio-Kniiro.-ni, ' 11,1171 n UvpVuliturr.' , S3'".8 UI 49 Hl.l'J.ll ICTU'I 3D S:,1D9 'JO H3,S40 7,1, til it l.lite rami , Delaware Division. loi.n.'n :i7 213.011" 3i q'uehnnn'a Divllinn, JupiSryi!r L'auni'romml) lne M. Secretary , &t., SfO.ndi a; '.','JO.I (11 C 1)0 oo PJICry HUM LllglllCCT, Tonnare tax, 917,011 10 To''' ' 'S-'eSi'SSs 07 Rpt,ovcrr..pcnd'. sioi,s;s 7.1 SS')3 400 17 "Tbo receipts havo""faifcu' off uno'11 slfUic 1 improvements o( tbo Oummonwoaltb, but moro especially upon that portion of the public works which sljo retains. In addition to this, tbo lioard wcro compelled to meet what they consider to ; bo merely a temporary corapoiition from rival works, iu iiiuku a uiiuuiiin reuuoiio 1 in tolls, csp'eciaiIy upon fl0ali Tui3, witll 1,0 decreased tonnage, produced by tbo causes just mentioned, has conscnuoutly reduced tbo roTonuea from that source Tlic,a0 (romarbi Pf1' t0 B0.arl.!'11 products conveyed to market by these cbanucls of communication. This deprc- cialion in revenue from the low rates eharccd by compotinc railroads musi ceaso at uo distant day. Tbcte companies' f!.J!?'J? ' T" i . ' JJ eyes to tho tact tliat racro tonnaiio or travel nlono do not . -fa . :. constitute proDtupon thocipltal invested and that tho rates which tboy have for a provomeuts by a sacriQcc of capital, an increaso of debt, or a toll disregard of tlio mterests ot those stockholders who nave invested their funds under tho promise and expectation of deriving at lctst tho usual interest therefrom. When this policy is adopted, as it must bo shortly, there can bo uo fear but that tho works now owned by tlio Commonwealth will continuo lo receive their fair sharo of tho carrying trade, aud that no diminution of her reve nues Jrom this sourco need be anticipated. Tho demand for tlio products of Pennsyl vania, and tho coostantly increasing de velopmctit of her resources, promises to all tho main channels of communication to '""ket, a profitable sliaro of the tonnage, without any of tho sacrifices of a ruinous r.f rcf ', l0 dim!nlI,tnn in rn. nucs from tho Susquehanna aud tho north and west branches of the onal, as compared with tho year 1800, it must l'c borno in mind that alter tho transfer of tho miiiu Hno, their officers were deprived of the tolls t,;i, 1, ..r.... ' s..i ... .t..: II Llll U lUUt UUIUIUIUI U lUIll IVI'U UH'ir .k,,.nn,t; l .1 C il . C . . 1 k canal of the Eastern Division, cstonding (?( 3unctiun witIa tho Ju,liata to tbc Vj? irU nAW nronm1 t,,rt Prt wealth ore as followcs : Susquehanna nivuion from tiie juciion wiilulH Jnnlata nivinon at llic lieoil oiDuclimau'n Jslnnd to Norilmmlii'rland. 41 niilea. niUrancli Division at Hie head ofili line, ii)C, utlrtif-Uie LewlEbutg and U.iM LaH.' crnff-ciits. -.? Lower North Urancli from N'nnliuinlicrland ..i.0..V',.W.n.,.!.- - 3 CO " uciu.vurc ifivision irom liaaton l (n llrlctll. '"Sfiw Yk StaffuS. l-'"0 Total lemjlh ol ivorks now owned I.y tlio Cominoiiucallh, Tlio Reading Railroad Com pany. The annual meeting of tho Stockholders of tho Company was held on last Monday morning, at thoir office, at Fourth street an Willing's alley, Philadelphia. 1 Tho Annual llcport of tho President II D. Cullcn, Esq, wa9 read, and is highly ( gratifying to tbo Stockholders, From it wo learn tho followinir statement nf tl, I 1 receiptsof the road for the year cadinc o November 30 1857, Travel, Sill, G?7; rqu-M to 107,033 throunh i.afclleni.rj. 32s7,53j 3i i ! Merchandise Freight I87.C37 101 in ii. SrilerleiyaTslna';, .lf .,, Working iiinhsm TrmutliirlrHmrt nnA c.iuoji ir ; i ii7H o- JJtU7d 1 SJ,lCj,5'JI IU Koauwny, SI,33p,Ce0 21 Urawunclis anil M lancc 1 13,039 01 M3i,;o S3 ' NlI nrofil fir inr. l,583,7;r. U Ton I luirre.i inr Hie yiur on llriiitlcil rcLl r.tiienal fund, $(19,-1M 00 JW.UllS SI 533,4-4 ill llivltlend I'.nil rortliecar, Wl.ldl hai liei n ilitpuseil ol Hi follow L,r. UaUnreofliiiure.t arcoiint $101,518 M Itr. Ilalance ofKeiicwai I'mul, 90.019 40 Flnhinu rnnil. Kill fnlil tin $1.01433 Vi J,"y"vlilenJ,4percent4l7.4'J7 18 Hlale In. n,wllulH ,1. ll.n ri '.l'n,t 1,11 iteiiitaw iilua 05 Ueirrrnl fur Jai nary 'hviik ii.i rreii-rrej tHocb, 'J pel cent,, 4dr1Sl 000 010,033 10 Surplus, 5 1 3:1 1,0 J 04 Aner llie adjournment of Hie meclinc, an election for ollieeri ivaj lield, null llie (ollowinn result! rrctiilcnl R. I). Cclle.i UlhAOEltf . Painuel .Morris, I John Atliurtt, C. a. linker, I llaviJH llrown, U. IV. lllchards. J Jll.B. Ricliarn., (of Rgaillne,) Treasurer Simcel l!iunroR.n. becretary V, U.McIluekny, Licenses and Bonds. Persons applying for Tavern Licenses, w' Application and Ro.nd, In legal tbrm, neatly printed at tho office of 'll0 Columlia t emocrat. Licenses will only bo granted, for tbo current year, at tho February and May Terms of our Court, and tlio Application or Petition, signed by " twpho repntablo citizens," must ho filed j with the Clerk cf tho Court, ono month in advance, in order that ho may givo tho 'said application at least thrro week's j publication in not less than two county newspapers. Each applicant for License, should Lear in mind, that thoy must pay Y muai, tiuy 'roihonotary 2S cents at tho timo to the 1 to pay for advertising. awaUiDBlLooioauttAubfiho&althiiinnnn -f .1.t:.I. mi ... ... t " 1. , ?,, A V . ' 9"ge, JllChocl Oancemi. and JanlOS Sheribcrd. ThaJflAl munlered a Mr. Swanton, stubbing 1 .. I-. . . ... .. . - . .. ntn to tho heart wh.lo walking with his wife on ono olthd avenues. Tho second, uatiooiiii, Bit eu a police o ocr named , , ' Andcrfoir, whorwas in tho act of arresting ii , . ,, "... ' - him fur burglary. 1 ho third was convio- r,V, . ,, . ted of urson, setting tiro to his own bouse, . ' ,, ' and burning up tbo remains of his wife, i .... . . . ' WUOUl 1,0 Had nrst murdorcd. , r.VTbn Jlmtntl Olirr lirnnrfi Tiialnt.r. but .1110 jwsioh vine uranui nasiotig boon alllOHLV Our niOSt favorite CXchancCS. . ; "fa"' It has Intcly.chatixed bonds, been enlarged , . " , ' . 6 and unproved, and is now in everv respect ' "V "r -i " "' ' . . - a nrst rate family paper. Tho publishers . , . aro makniK crcat cxcitions to satisfy Iho , . , , ' , , ; ' patrons of tho paper, and offering largo inducements to subscribers and clubbists. Iho paper couiCsat 00 per annum, nnd i nnl.lii,n,l l.v .Tr,i.n ir hio. a. iv.. v .'j .aw.... -a. uv'w. .v wiu- pany, No. 2JJ behool direct, Boston Death of an tminont Ministor.i ,, T Jlev. Ucoitui: I Mli.r.s, of tho Haptist ni , ,ii-ii,, . . VllUrcll, recently died at MU'Catmc, Iowa, . ,, - ,. ' 111 tlio i) 1 th year of his ago. Mr. Miles . . . , ,, , . was raed in Milcsburg, Ueutro, county, Pa., and was possessed of unusual oritorical abilities as a public speaker. Ilo leaves j three junior Brothers, all eminent ministers Ot thOuOSpcl. t3r Mr. Allibnno, the great financier of ! tho Dank of Pennsylvania, is returning in 1 tho fetoamsliip Aiueriti, which tombed at Halifax 6n Saturday last. She has prob ably reached New York by this time, and in a few hour ho will most likely bo in j Philadelphia. Wc can then see how he i will explain his official conduct. I Jy Tho I'cnnsijh'ani'in, of Philadel phia, appears in new typo, and exceedingly fresh and handsome. As Uro- lticfi enjoys tho full confidence of tho adminis'ration, ho has been enabled to cut fat Micc3, and can well afford now clothes. When our turn comes wo shall do likewise, -.- . t&T IIenhy A. Fonda, Esq, Supt. of tho Cutt.wissa, Williamsport and Erie Bail ltoad, will accept our thanks for a special Jivor, Wo also make aiimil: racknowlcdgcmcnt in behalf of the Assistant -Jililor of tbo Democrat, fcrSnow fell on Tuesday evening, but melted almost as fast in tho street. Wed nesday was like Indian Summer, but for the chilliness in tho air, from tho snow on tlio bills, it would have boon warm. On tho evening of the 17th of January. 1 853, by M. Colo. -I. P., Amlrcw Law- bach, Esq., to .Miss Enicliiic Sttfhins,iA of fuyailoaf. On tho ilti, inst , by Ilev. W. Goodrich, Mr. Jicujam'in Folk, of Madison Town ship, to .uhs C. G. Johnson, of Centre co. On tho 21st inst. by Hcv. II. Hoffman, Mr. Win. Hernia, to Mi s Surah tiering, of Orangevillo, Columbia co. In Berwick, on tbo 14ih iusi., by Rev. I.Bihl, Mr. Jacob Jiralbender, of Beaver Valley, to Aliss Caroline liar man, of .Maine twp, Uol. co. mm. In Hollenback twp., Luzerne co., on the 11th inst., John Yah?, aged 31 years. In Fishingcrcck township, Columbia Co., Pa. on tho morning of the Oth inst.. Mre Matilda Mcars, wifo of William Mearsi nSed about 37 'C3rs . IMr3, Meaus L?d i"st tal:5,n har, soat in a WQiton. rGtuminn' from (ihnrrli. nn l e ni i ID U wagOIl, returning from Church, on I Sunday when she was thrown out back vard aU( so severely injured that ho died on i uesuay, ono was a member ol tiic M. E. Church, an exemplary Christian, t T i p ti i i i i r and died in full bopo ol eternal LlC. Mrs. M, loaves four small children to mourn their untimely bereavement. COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, Tbo following aro tho receipts to the oflico of tho CoLUMMA Democrat, during tho month (if December, 1857 : lion, fjeorci- rcott $ 00) Hmatiiiel RllW, I Clittinmel Nollnil. 3 50 175 ,1 00 II. I', VMiiieinan, I.S.KI r.irton, ttaniel Hmc'ey. Com ol IVinisylvania J vli" J. ftllrs. Jicob Vi he, Jr., UhnrleaCllill, ('oluiuliia County, Iiaac llavis, C-i., Aleramler Miarf, Levi rjarreai, llev ll S Toblan, W. n In.uranee Co., Jnn. It, Lornnli.on, Batnue) KHckner, l.aac l Krukbauin, Juliii Karns, rr , llcnj. Wliitertttcil Jalm-.K liver. J. It Uolilini, llsi., John ltirliarl, Knq., Chewier 1C Ituclies. 3(iiKJ,n 3 McN'inch.risa 1 75(11 H llowo. 1 mi J I) rlliiiieroil, J tioJpiiiiiul Kvr-11, 1 ,'Oillt-njainlli Jones, I 0(1 ) I K. .MeColl.im, J 00 , llenrv J Ynple, M I), 4 1)0 1 a.-, 3 in .101 1 on 0 01 .Samuel r.irer. tt, 3 (0 5 00 1 (Ml 2 50 I 50 1 IK) 3 00 1 51) 5 00 3 01) 2 00 SIB) J I'O'Jii. tl McMiicIi.Cm: SlOO'.Matllills (iilbttt, 1 t'OlVni 1-npiili, I040)r;iiien i-oit. 1 00)11 V. Whilenian, 2(1(18 A llraily. 1 72 John Laiibacb, 3 50, J Wrltrhellunm, '.'20 Col Co An. Society, 1 50' Joseph llnslon. 50 Jaenlill. I'rjtt. 1 00 1 11. M Cairoll k Co., 200) i; ji Parker, lOODi i: W Conkllni.. 1 00 2 51) In., 1 2.1 4 40 1 7.! 5 50 75 SOD 7.1 lion raui l.eilty, 1'elerK. Ilerlnon ns.9ti0, llloomsbiirir llram Jacob liyerly, Hsq., 4 H0( Wm Mntiler, Joshua Cole. 3 00 John K. It ul.'ii l,s, ntrs. C. Hlroup, 2 -51 Atram Voing, Cstata of Cliai. lives, 5 HOC Henry Try. Oeoree Ohl. 1 00 II nltlenbcrder, Michael P. flyer Iv, I no) ll-orce Kroilcr, riiiup unanjsi, 311 r We aro proud of our last monthly return. Our friends havo dimo well, and wo iako ' plcasuro in civin them duo credit, for tho ? , . . taitbful uischareo of a known duty, trusting ,. . . ,t 1 . tbey may continue to bo "mindful of the n . ii 1 - .1 , Fruiter," and enjoy tho addiuonal satis- , .. , ,. ., . . faction of reading their tiainos prominently - . .1 1 11 t, recorded on the iioll or iionou," Few newspaper establishments in tbo country enjoy a better patronogo, than tho Columbia Democrat, a continuance of which wo shall Btrivo to merit, aud hope1 our business intercourto, during tho currdut year, may prove mutual and increasingly cncour.ging. ' 1 - 0-- oo- 1 tST Mr. AMibone, PreSident of tho 'li.Dk of Pcnnrylrania is returning home, r. f DUOlUll.UUUlUIAIJJ'Ull louq, ..Tim wiwira ijirrt rtp .r'JSiwJfD.,,'-1,',1'1,,ilB uJiWIMIBHUIIU rtltuitd Vaili. simhmMi end lltMt. " L rromilNd ui.ttlor (.irllllkn for ir.vel lo nJiv lZ'!l'Z ...1 -. .... . . . . . -. 57.T'EW il.'iMV! iiSlVST' n""u", "'lnJ wi. rn"""; m. " coinrmrotnric (hroitjliout Nfw llitf land, 'J'ne JoiRt itoinli t iho ''TV1, NEw..t:n!,n,:U'.rl!s n iio ,?"ainu luMd'SlIn inikn lip n ro'lllt.li, otlltrirllrl5 tin veitt ret? Tiii.-poniiJcm it im ntinnni iiy purminj a .ii'ady, itranlii.loninnl cmiro In all rirpcclif nnd uy '"'rim nciiiior nuorot money in mvo iim inimi imn - liscncc nnd iho iyiiicji rpporta nrnrt uiatrcra'ur Unetcst ' iho nicn mnni'm. n ita rciici nnon in on uwrim.lllid not lluon llto rri.rctciilaliiiilii nl onnvnmcrt or dmininiri" tqcilnlorll lite ronndtnto nnd M. t riimgn o; iitt- i.tmiie nnd iho rcinli ln-i-n thai it 11 IB NOW A LIU (TLA Tint llORR 1 HAS t'OCULK 111AT or ANY rirFR nrlTB class it Nttw i:.HOl.AKD-ondnt no prevliua llm. ,,,, ort,ltatl0 inim.,d ,, rnpiJ,y mn ''"'I" lll,l,"l ill mnnlln. Tlio proprietor Intrmla ly cmploymcnl of ejpcrii-ncpd nnd loinpoti-nt men i '" 'itt-ii.iciii oi t hn ct.iililiinr-nt. nnt i.y tiic I inoit lllir,il oull.iy or iniincy In tliu proenrlnii i.l Im- i'"""111 ""i n luamrs, 10 n,.iko the jourhai. mill morp wnillir Hir nnnio of fmortle paper of 'c" ''''"' " mi wiui im. .impi. aniniunci-uiriu no Invite. Jlio ntlenllotl of nr.vpnper rrtartrsi noil nei.apcr umicr. iiirouciinui tiiw iinpinnd m iiio fultowlnj iitntriitoiil of Hie1 icrtu. lor tin siveral cd. tioinofTiiEJocniAi.. I Tllu 1JO"'0,V nAI'J J"un:VA''' Morning end rltf, Contain. Hi laicii news reeeieii i,y tho malls owl t'J T?.'" 'L1.' '.' 1) S 'J'f.!'"" r"t: "?.P",-.'l.J"1!"".' on uik t.i. I an i.iLID.ii I 1ST .!", Ill iVCIV lllplnnd wliirti enables lid lo hold hark tho form until ttir? vtty latest mom pill, and (till work ort'ihn orflilon In afafon i uii cnnion i it ipamn It H pulilIslR-il at tho inr inn nirtiis nnu represses. Inn- rain nf s,x "fi.r.Ans a vuari ciNotn conns 2 crs. Till! BCMI-WBCKI.Y JOIJRNM,, vumioj ai r,u,t Mmtit. 'lontitm oil llin ri-adl nir mnil-r inilillaliiil In Tud Piltv JraKHil.rnrllii-llirpcil.lv prwillng nvcrasln Irnm filrty nut It Iktrtf ( ull talnmni 'I'llp nib trrlii'lon i.ncu uniii-fli-ini-ivrr-My Jounmi in TIIRCC IIOI.I.AIlrt A VIIAR. to oi.ups Si Tw"vc Do W,7?itSt Wri, 23$; jortnoKttK it isjHrmenea at lltjuuoicinirverri law rau. five copy one yitar, '1 ii n bocURii, Tiro copiti, one ytar. 1 11 It ER lloLLin. lire cvplcs one ytar, Pik llnit.iltH, ' Ten eopittt one year. Tin loixiltd. i r- la getter vp pf rlub Tteenty cpji, ant year. Thevty UoLarii, 4rf lift. ft. petler vp ef rial IfJ- The JoURvll. is for tale at ell ttte J'cupartr Depote. anil on all IKe Ititlroaila throughout Jt'ern JZnfland. .Ill order fhotild le addressed to , uii.Mti.r.a a nnnnnns, Journal ltHttdtnff, Uo 11 State site:. I'.oslon, Mncii. Jan S3, 1FJS THE GOLDEN PHIZ 13 I'Oll 1858. lUAhTIlATr.D. 'pnn Xew York wiMly OOI.UUN PKIZi: Ik onr i.f X tUo largest :ind Ipbi Jtter.iry pajif-l-R nf the; day I An Iiiip-Ti.il (lunttn cont iliihi.rr e;o Tpinni.tir mmv (OMiM-i ni cnifriaMiin original tinner : anu fLtuNr- ly it. rarKATEn rvory ueoK prrtented t) tarh lubseribir immediately on tcceipt of the iuosertpiton money. TCR.MS: 1 ropy for 1 vmt, 2 HOnn.1 1 elft. 1 ei'jiy (or J yea re, .tSfiaiiJ -'cllii. 1 CMpy f.)r 1 jc.irs. 3 00 ami gifts. 1 ropy fur 5 jrari. &rf tidniiil H glU, AM) to tt.rna n cf-pis 1 jenr, S 00 ami 3 (;ift-. Acopic. I jiMr, l0antl.1viN. IOcopit'8,1 cnr, 8l3 0itnnl IDfrifts. 'it ropii'-j, I )fnr -JO I'll mid 'JI ullU, The articles to be dlstnhvteU arc cemprUtd tn thefJhie . partnuKi ui uuiui cum in iiiiiK o uu tu L'iirn. 5 ilo do $0()tlcar!i 10 tfi UO SII'O 00 rarh. , 111 raltttit hpver IlitntiiijCJJCti Watch ca. SH)l) tin uicli VOGolJ Watches &7u00cich ' 50 In 500 CO each, 1 1'tO ito ft'moocarh i 300 Ln!ir-4 Got! W inch re, SVi 00 each I '.hio Sit r l In tiling Caictl Watche-i. $10 (ill rattt i Ma t-'J'vfr Wnlchrff, SIO lo St.1 rarh. 1DU0 Colli Giriril. Vt tc T'lh Chi ins. 510 to ?U) vmU 1 OotU Lockets, Bracelet. Ilroofhts Ear Drips, Br tan rtnstCuJ' Tinj, tltrrc Button titn , t-lii't . uh, Hatch Keu Gold and iilter Thimhtes, ami a variety of cthrr , articles ict rhf remit) eentM to $1.1 00 each. Immtotitthj oh rretivl of the nbcriitian moneu tha whicrihir's name vill be entered upon our eubfaij'tfon bonk oppome a nvmtitr, ana th ryt corrttpovaxng wirn tnnt intitiu'r iriu vnjnrhraraiH iriimn cut wctix, to me twiiirtjcr, t mat I f erre$ pBt pntd .: -f jill tornvhuxcauovt skcvltt be attirentd to , liix'Ki: r &t co.. I 4$.niil 19 Moffat UiiiJiins,yja llroiilntv. N'w Yjrk Fpocinifii copies sent (ree. Jan 13, IMU AOKNTS," ATTENTION 1 DO yon ih to fimt good r mployment, anil malto niutii'y ivitli little or no imcstmcnt, anil willit.ui intcrffriiig "Hit your regular Lmsniefij f If ou do, rUUl ill l iltlVlTtlflMIK'tlt. O. j; Todd Si Co , of 302 l'mome utrrct. New Yi rk. urn nuuiH-iuiliic anil n I.i up maaMve Gojil Oiifjlt. lur 5j eacn.vwnirn urecunapai nmi prtre.j mi Uirv throw in a gift or prize with cmii iVncii. orih irom S J lip to S3. $tU, g5, 820, S'iO, $iQ 75 , 810't, $200 and &5M0. Don't cry out llninltitji I LotUryl' U' no mi ill thing Tim lVncil tire eoM al their cash . value, aiitl all ( profits over the first rot-t nn thron n into the cilH, which actually col tlia purchaner no Ji Ina. Tiie prizes are ilmtrjli.iifil on a snnpJe plan of drawing, ivhlih wuuhl take tno much room tn cxphin, Lut hvlucJi liaa never failed t gin cntnlcle nalivl-ic 1 1nti. W'a linvu ilrnwii ami unit to purchaser lr.l cold wRicIioFof various pnrt's, 74 pUMPn of gold ildliiri', 2'W cord IrcKCtf, hOgoId chains, and ,i coir'FpotiitiuM' iiuwhar of other prize?, within two month. TIIDRK ARE NO BLANKS, Hutevrry punlinspr drawM a prize worth Ql rcralii, nn l it vtiiids lhnuaij(U of r haticrg lo Le n JjijMicr fiffiuc W'c uanta t'oriil age nt in every neighborhood through out the country, lo solicit purchiserF. ni.d any ngent, to be fuapEfiil, imift Inve a Pencil and prize lo exhi. hit. Wc pay agent $ cash for ctrli nurrhan'r Le ollaliia.and the Jirel permit in any i.cifih'iorhoud jho applies lor a IVrcil and gilt, wll receive the agency Tor that locality. Should an agent oMain a vatiuWp ptizc to exhibit witji hU I'cncil, he wou'd Jiivc halt iliiliculty in idiulnlng tcortistl pitrchdsers, and niaking il a pi)ii!g hiisinesB. ' A NJiW 1 11CAD11 KCAD11I We oek nobody to scud lh"ir money im iiPy know ni prize inev irraw. Any pcriun ivitiiiii'' to tr their lurk.cnn Oral rend ni their uamp uml ad.lju win i prize tnev draw. Any person within;' to try jind we will mike the. r drawing and inform them by. return man wnat prize tney drew, win it they can semi 1 on nud take tho Pencil nud priit", or not, wlmh.-ver' tlrey chooa. We givn this privilege only onco to a ptirchttHr Alter the tlrpl dintving, every ptirilmsrr i will b retnired to send in advnnte, Uirough the eu- luuriKtju .iin.. iv e win solid witu (flcii drawing ine t number taken out, Willi ful dtscription of the fhLt ol O. K. TODD k CO., 302 Droonto street, New York, Jan 9, 1BJ?-Qni PRIVATE SALE op Valuable Real Estate. rpllG 11 11 it,-r I5 11 c.l offers to sell, at Public Fate, a HOUSE AND LOT OF GIIOUN1),' Silnale in llsnylnwn. Columbia cnimlv. l'.i. l?ald properly is ucori.fr lot. situHe on .Main tureet, oppohitii tho rcsnlcnro ol Cynis iiartou, Mhcrion la erected a lingo mid coinforiaUc Ptrx FRAM l) 1) W KLbING CjiTli' HOUSU, KPICIIUX, AND PJEAMi; tS3FoiS? WAIJLC, With thn reiul-itn outbuild-tvtt&z- a inn pump nnd well of guod wai'Ti E&z23&&f ut the door u iih other convuk-ni es. A Urge iind excrl eiit Garden, is allached to taiJ prcmifuit, winch is in gnod condition. t?'iid nronrtv is reiitrnilv located In lUov. in'IaceiiL lo the Hi (1.1 m &uw Mill Luiuher Vnrds and Hunt Yards, i nnnruiu a iiusiianie r siuencc, ciitur lor a uumiicss linn or a private indiviilu I. CJ Biiuulil the nhove iiamcd properly not he sold at prhnlo snto. I.eforo Baturt'av, ih1 tUnh of pdiruary iii'jt. it ivill on that diy, lui ottered at Public Sale, on tin premise! ni I o'clock, P M. Terms uiRi'c known onapplicntinn to tlio subscriber. AMIAN AKV1NC, HR. Jan 0,11523 HQS? m kEWE!R3 REMAINING iu tbo Post Oflico at Uloomstmrg, Pa., Quarter endinj Dcremt)er31stM Alluood Davis Lloyd Thomqs Lemons Luanda Mnsteljer Jouatliati Mantle Ceorgt) Pnilips Harney I'rrtiiin Arthur Peck Martin J B-i lids J 1! Sharkh y WHlUm Wanner nenlamin !!,." '"" uramer Amo JJaiiy I'anieiaa llavidllavis i-'haries lrelt Cttr :'' Adam (icruiau John limit a George IIIIIReberfa iiariman Michael Hart lldivaril O Jones wiiiiam Jones William II Jonron Janus ! WasnerO L weriman Henry Wlds Josrpli John V Lloyd 1 Thomas Lloyd itlrhnrd ltnwland I Ship Thomas Martm T ailll Illrnni Lloyd John v 3 Vj" Per sous callins: for thn .aboie iiitnrd in nim.. HIV Ih.u itr nilti-rli.ail " I'HIUP U.VANCST, r. M. Jan 9, 1853 SHMffJ IDSSDfl"iMTQ53 T?V Divine reriiu.tiiin. the lllonintliurc M U Church ! ,,1' r.hoiAVsciTaVlVlio4,?,1;; 'r iw. ui.iiop , tsci.it ti. 11 Ktv T lioivinau, i'-,!!,, W m' ""lC,t" 10 ' ?iouhn"m"m &&wgm3mm , .,,,,i . .,,,.,.. ;. ' WffiM'Sf .y.'c!?:ife nnln. In, Hi ' ' m'.h7t-auo, iiM, xtjmWfrniii iSKHK aoi.vn .oiirii. ; . , 'P""." ;!''"'' s i0"",'.',. . " J 'JJ 1 !rP ',!,,; l ".'."i'i"';'' , ., I " B"' 0,1 N. r. Accn . Mull. tlatl 7 on A . M, flillaila 3 I.". P. M. r id da 3 '.'1 I 7. 1 III 4 -ir, 4.10 a so c no u:io a ni 3S 0 30 ilo .T i.rin oa.i 0 .11) 10 DO i r. m. Wji.mlng, 1 1 limr-lt, Arilvo it 9 30 Bcrnnli.n, in no do 3 13 7 01) do The Nvw York .Mull Train ronnortt ivllt, it,n r lili'M rolnj Un. on U. I it. IV. Itailitiml. Atrivijin .Nov -Yotk7 15 V. M do riillailclnltin, by Camden tc Anboy Itall toail.tSOr. JI. rare Irom Uiiprrt to New Vnrk (( (10. The Accoininod.itioiiTriln North, con ncct.nt S:ran Ion with the L'tprni Train West, on Uto v.Ji. k. W, Kallroad. , - nomo south rliiln, Acrotnmo- N. Y. Mail. .I.i tin n Mail. l.pnvo yrranton I'lttiton, R ooa.M. iijca.m I nor. m. n .iu no 13 .10 4 30 4 40 W)Oiiilnjj, ess ooo ViiO Arrivo nt Kliieton, l.cavo Kiiivstoti. ohlikuhlnny, llearh llavt-n, Item Jck, lllooni Arrivo nt Hiiperl, , 1 00 do S 00 do 10 00 do do 6 11 7 25 7 50 R 10 8 51) II II) 1131 11 .VI do 1.40 I'. M. 12 JO do Iho Philadelphia Mall Train eolnc Smith, connects uilh tho Muirt'raln tit Rupert. roIiic Hart nl 1. 10 P. ,11, I'orCJtliwIm. I'dil Clinton, l'niuvllln ICOTdlne. Jtc, nrtivms til l'hll.i,li;lphia. lit 8-iUl' M. AUoullh Mall Train gt.l hb Wen nt 3 n'cl 'ck u H. fir l)millc, Milton, Money, WllliatilFport and Illmiin. l'.iisciiitreliy Hir 4 n clo.k I". JI. Trln jolnp fonlh enn take tho 1 1 o'clock l. M. l',iiri!.j linin lor Klmirn nnd thn Wi-l, or lodgo ut lllnomnlitira and tnko the 4 o'clock A M, Train t'oing lint, nrnvlni nt l'hl add. phi i at 1'J iini.n. I'lie-rupcrp fnr llnrrlrlni rj. direct, il lako lire ,V Y. Mall Tr.iln. (4 n'flork t' SI ) cnlnj South, rotin.et Injl at Port (Linton with Hie llanpliln nitdSii'qneha.ti'i l!nliri.,id, arriilnt'Ut llJrriluirk' at IS o'clotk noon, next day. v. s. i.cAvr.wounr. Jan 10, IBM urnnltni(ii! jjcbvnan) oiut. lMlOOLA M ATION! TT7lli:rtRAS, tin- Hon WittRti J,Voonrinii,Prcsl- iieni ot tno uonri oi urritlitlTirmiri('r undl.o. ticr.il JiMlDi'llvrrv, (Vtrrl r-fUinrhr Hmnons t f Ue lntc ntiil Couri nt'tJomninii rieaatnl Orplinn't Court, In the Tiwnty. Sixth Ju icial tljt-tritt, rtuipopctl ofthe cniintici of Jol'imlh, f 'ilhviii nnd Wyuniirta, n licit nc II rm Jacvh IJvais ntid I'nm Kuxk, Apnclaie Jmljos nrUolumm.iri unty. tnvc imncd thfirnrpefnt. ipnriii'T j d ilu l lie I Mil i iv f-r Pi ci'inhT. in the jtar o( onr l.oid '' ijii'i" i IK it l imi'Uiru nun itij II ,Ullt) 10 1HC II 1 Ri-itf rnl Jail Delivery, Cencrat unarter fceciioim uliha j peace. Common I'leonnd On li.tn' Court, in Ulnnm. 1 1 urg. in I he county nl'Cidumrtri, on tlin tirr-t Moninv, (Ueing the Ut da) of rebmary next and to ronliuuv onr ei k Noik b li liorchv civen to the Cormier, the Jititirrn of iht Peao and Cnnitable of tlio ?id cruntv of Co liimhta, that tluy hi Ih-n nud thorf In their proper jnrsnimit 10 oVlor,- ijtio lorrnoon t-feald I'av. with I iiiirir rri ariis. iiituiMunnK anu oilier ri luemnra nctf tn i ilu lhoe thingf vtiieh In Ihc-tr otlirrn npperir.in tone i done. And 1Iiob thai nrr Imiitid by ri'ti-Bfizanro, to i prosecute agalnul Ihe prinm rx that art at may he in the Jail of tuiil county ol Columbia in bet lieu and tliert! ' to prosecute tlirtn it rh.ill tiT-Juct. iiiri t are rcrpiiFt rd lo tic punctual in th ir Hlteut'Aiiio, Dr?t-ably to iliolr nuticcit Datfil nt IKmimsl nrg. th'! Dili dry t,t ' J muary. in theyitir of our Lord mio iliniiotid tight , hiinilred and fifiiwijjln, and In the Mil i-ar nl lite In dvpeiideni u of the U mterl Sluti n of America. i (God sarc tho Commonwealth.) STr.NIUN II. M.U,ntl,4Arrtf-. I Jan o. it-ra LIST OK CAUSES FOR TRIAL. February Trnu, 1855. 1 Willhm KooiiF r rieorjje d Kline ft al. 2 William KirOiix r ;roige 1,. Kline, :t loeph Biackhonm rj (JiIIm rt Vow ler. 4 Tli'Muis Tarkor vi Jnhu II . 1'arkr.r 5 Im c Urowii r lloheit J l.on. 0 Jamh Hclim n-r n Vil?on Ager V I'lirUti'iii 1 1 fist vi Daniel ti'isircr H M, t liu .Mmvry 1 1 'linMii.tft tM kJiouvH et fcl 0 Dinti'l I. Winlr'-ntrrn rsChnti.iu hhunuu. 10 Janit'i Kitflihotirii' ri liirnfv Hole 11 J.noli U'arner is The ?i.itii Mutui) Kire Coinnan;, 13 Hi-tily SI. 'irk M II. 11. Illllinnii rt al III Aihi'ii H.rmip W It. II. liunirl et al. U ;ofiioiii8 Ml;rrf ii rs Henry J.Tojilo 15 Jothua rvurrmm vs Jam iJaUtim l'l Clemuet fl Klrkrlt rs John Cnvfiihovei). 17 llnntiler Sejhetl rs !m Is I.nke et al. Irt Johu A Moore rt nl vs V, (Irahnm cl nl. iO B. 1 I'rinre ri Jnuie- H. Woortn. ill! Henjimin Yotki tsThomtis W. Young. 31 K, W. Woavur rs Hphmiui ArrjUrong cl al. Jan 9, INiD LIST OF GRAND JURORS. Illoom Aaron llendornliot Ceutro Willnm Hhainr, lhl!ip Miller. Conyngliam J-'rederirk It Wohlfarth Greenwood niisha Alberlson. JackfonHiifli SliuHz Locust Francis Kornn, Leonard Adams, Suiiucl J. Keller, Charles Met., Holomon Yragnr. Madiimn IMhitrl Whipple, XJi rham IliddJe. Maine Daniel Yctter, In tec Vitter. Mifflin John MrtntHlej, Abrnm Suiiih. ()ranrff.iHae Wcbh. Pine Ira Ha n dors, All ert Htmtpr. 1 ?citt Ki iu not Mttick George Sloan, John Bhumau, Henry L Gcirhart. Jan fl. IMH TR A YE USE JURORS. Benjamin r. ilarliuan, Jot-bna l ttcrnuin, C torse V l'otrr. ttonlori John Oavi. SjdiucI Kline, Skuntiel Rhone. Heaver I'eler Ilaick. Unarcrcek-Iicvi r. Iruin, George W. Ftjr-r, Unoa tu I'owlcr, Lewis Moke, Jacob ShafTer, Sleplien Tiioinas. Centre Jrlin Cchroat, Dunet Ilajpnhiirh. Catlawla-Pele.r Denver, Moses IJarlman, Telej Kera. Pish ingc reek r.Irm Pealer, Aaron IIsf. l'ra 11k tin Clinton Mcndonhail. Green woor, I'lius Wert man. Ileinloctt Thomas J. Vanderslicr, rosslwell Foullt. Jame: D. Purse I. Jackrnn fiporg" Tfpatli, Locust George Haup, Br., Potomnn Fctierroan. Madison II lias lloparl. John Keller Mliltm Henry G. Miller. Montour D.inirl Wortmin. Orange JatncH a Woods, Pine Jrihn Whilniycr. lioanngceek John T. Ctsc, PtiRirl'-nf Daiid Lewis. Jan 9. msa SHERIFF'S SALES. !b Y virtue if several writs of tend, trponai to me di I House In lllonm Hbu rs, 011 Munitay.lbe let iloy 01 ' ruary next, nt I o'cluik, V. .M , ihe lollonme lie; ol Pcb Ileal Cv- late to wit : 'All tint certain lot or piece of land, situate in Die town of Uloonistiurg, Coi'iiubifccqntty containiuj one foil rlh of an aero, he tho samo moro or pi, bouiidejd oulhn oorlli hy lol ol'i;iizilclli nud M.iry flovvyrr, an ' the Houih by H.innali Uooue, on tbo wan hv ea-lstrei 1 1 of finid town, on the r.ist hy . whereon are ctecieu 11 one una u nun story FraniG Dtrellincr House. "KOTliM as the rropenyof! Miohaei Walter. -"''"ou 1110 uroperiy 01 ; ffl90SHa9ESS9S19a3atei !"'a":.' . 'ir.!..r,f '""7.'".' P'"?.. l" '!'!l f..t'ln'oAnodeTato :ku.nlZ' 10 niece or ttacl of land situsie iu Locust township, Colum bia county, roi.tiiiiii.f llurly ono acres, ho ll:c initio niiiro ni n-., iiiiunuio on me north by a load leailior 'j Jf, IS fr"iher, irom Mlillellia In Dear Clip, nu Ihe south In Peter Uillii-r on the Unit hv laud f li.,v,,l 1 and on tlio we.l by land of Henry Gable, nlieicon ato eroded a lie story Dwcllina llousound Stable, ivtih the appurtenances. Belied and taiton in execution, as tlio properly of John Fetternimi. Al.i'O, Auini same ticte and jihee, bv vlrliia tif a SViM.f. . ""IV u'i 0 r lot i-r Iflnl rittiaie a".1', . . -!'""" '''' y,u,T"1 "'lf Miilalnlnt One ni' ,'," ir,,V"'",'1"," U"''"''lJlMi;fil,eiU.rollul, On llio.uoilh nnd weilby lanof Kmaiiuol Kerin.on writ ol Fltrahaciai all ihatpiece nr loloflard situale iho soul ti amleast by lands ofeainuet IVhnrv. whrrni. are erected atuo atory Pramc DweCUis flousei one otI.cr hiiildio: used as a foao Mui.ul.itliuy uitlithe aspur'enonres Kela.daiid lakcu in ncrulion as Hie properly ol Joel Wliary. niierill'j olBce, I B. U. MILLER, nioouiibilr;, Jan 13, IMd. SkttiJ. NEWSPAI'Elt AGENOY. THn citizens of Illoomsbiiri; can now have their daily papers furnl.tied iliem at ihe publnhet's prices, thus satin: their roslaue J'ubiic Leuaer (daily) $4 CO per annum, repnsylvanlun " li 00 " Daily I'reis " 0 til Daily News " 4 00 NcwVirk Tribune " 7 00 " " Herald " 7 (1) " '1'iuies 7 00 i New York l.edgel wee k ly 2 00 Or nny nthsr Papers or Mje.iii,ef,pui,ii,iied m Stw York and I'hl'adolphia, in nil cases 111 advance No subscription received lorj.ss than til liloiillis. Mrs. Juit o Clark is authcri .cd to receive sabscrip. tio as for the same. 1 rj. W. CONKLIN'G. , General Jfevrpaver Jtsent. nloo'nsurl!, Dec 6,1857-31 " t-, ECEtVING NKW GOODfl Al 1 tuTtiiip .t & ' WS&af ' B!r,?n'.,l.!o,r",'u""'"'lJi"lJ rv,'J"' al rUDLIO SALK 'f or 1 Valuable Real Estate. TN pursnanco of anordenof tbo Ornlian .1. Courfn rni.l,u ,n.i. ""ijiiiani i,9',Bffle1,163'' ''"tmnj, ,., ji.r.ii.i.in 1 . ( ricn. .nnininitiraior. &c , of l-ii.. , sii'o-vpSrt-,s"," y rulMc Vcni",c' ""V-t' Tract of Land, flrtntfiliitfirr TMlBTV.lVn AUttxa ' i;li;j,,.,.l,crr'eK" J,"", u- ws: HOUSE, 8TAUIE, RAW- MJJI. nnd oiher building,, all Clred Alio one Lot of Oroutid, Sllimiii In N'civ Mnlla. mljolnliu ni-oriro rcli'rmii.. Jolin Ltviiii nndrtlrrSiiyiliT, containing one tlili.l of an acre, moie or te, on wliltli In errcieil a FRAMK IIOUSE.'SnOP & Also, one nihil r Loi of Ground. Cnnlalnlnj ovrj ACHH, more nples,, n3Jlriflij Inmli h Ii 1 c h "rec t n'l c r ' ' M r I" 11 H-Oli-avcr nnUoilitrnion Fkame nousri:. inIi-?leKi,l,!rIlnt0 .of J'nl, ,,eccl"'Ji i"tuatq In tlio nloointliiirg, Jan 1, 1B.H cler. VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY"" && SAM. TUB Bubscriber offers for salo that do ilrablo Mill property. .Iiniti- In Greatiwonil iu p., ! t.'oliiniitln tJomiiv rnnyhlins SPSsCSWi 'i'u. ihi. run (irtfiono. Ovrr.hoi e&Affijf'XJeK "ifSS Wlicil ir fret lncti.niiit n ori! niiii, a jjicruing House aii'l JJarn, tMitSJ. Toeelher Willi a 1 mcl ol iSMBER LAND, Coufidtlnir o,CV60 ACQPS The nliovr mllln'iire Uut led upon a Uroin stream of M'aler. and in n nelchbnr. hood (fitlng BiHticleut custom' Ito keep th cm njnning constantly Tins nhovn property U located 5 rollcs front It horn burg nnd 8 I r mi Millville. Terms tntcai im rcceMng possennlon, anil thi rcinnitii'or in three ciunl Kirl payments. IT? Vor further pntiittHarsiipply to tint cutircilfacr in Tutbut Iqw nslnp, NorthuiiibcrUtid co., or mlilrcss JOSIIU.r UOIJi. Mltton. Pa.. Dec, y, 1?57.-Ctn. PUBLIC NOTICE FOR LICENSES. TV OTICli Is hereby gDen that tlie following pirsom M in Col iii)Im3 county have lllfd ili'D several ptti tions In the tVurtof auarter Utsloiis if ti.e raid county, In r a tavern -ccinc in lli"ir ropcrtiv tuwii ihlpi, which bh11 pfittioiM Mill ho prtfcnUJ in tha paid Cutirt, nn lion day, Hie )j ti.tj id I'tbrunry mxt of whkti all p'-rfouii intrreMeJ will liertly Hike nftice, and the lireiioc forth'. County of Cfilim bi.t wiltbn granted on WtdntFilay, ihe I'd t'uy nl IVbritary nrxt, at U o clock, T. M. J. J. llmwpr, JJIrom, St ro, A. J. Evans, Jtore. Jepoph Kistlor, Cattawissi, Tavern John Jcssop, Scott, Tavern, ITAthonotnry' Ofllrr. Inrmrvrpiv n . Uluoui'.hurg.Jin 'J, l-M. j J-H03 LVI.KIA , Clnk AUDri'UH'S iXUTti E Estate ol John JVcavtry lute op Mahoning township, Columbia ( ottnlij, dccl 'PlIU Uifciiior and Lfgiiron nnd n'l Mhi r persons L Intorapud in il.e l.stutc ol John Wnm-r lute of Mhhoning mwurhip. iu the Coiinlv CiumbiK, de teaed, will lako notice tint Ihe uiiiUtm tucd appolu ted Auditnrby the CrpliMi'tt Couii ti Cnluinbia Co., lo make distribution ot iho buhtiii- in tho ham's rt' the lIxeruiorH i.t the raid John W-aver, dcci-asmi, among the Legalec nained iji tlio Ihi-I will nud te taiuetii ni' the bald John Weaver, iVc'd, wilt annul at is oilice in idonmtbur in hfid Count. on Snt urday, th :ih day ol Jjnuaiy nt Ml i lot k . A, M of Fnid itiv. w Iimi nnd v,ln re it It pernm tn tcrested may uttoud If they tluim prop, r j!imn i. rr.i.r.zn, Hloomsturj, Dec, m, ie.7. -ii . At mi on. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. EsLttc of John SnyJerM title of the Jlotouh of licficick, d erased, Tlli: heirs aud .li.tri!i'tt,ea of the IHte of Jt.nv j. mtpkii. i no oi xijc UMwirjii . Morwick iu th" County of Columbia, dicensod wi'l i.iko notite thi.t nc niKtr-r-lgtird, nppointrd Atn'itor of tho (rphiii'4 Curt of Coin inbn. Count v, to nuke dlt-t ill-ut Ion f lint hilincp in the hands o I'a.irles Snyrltr. AdiuluiMr.ttor ol John Snyder, ihr'd aiuong tlio h-lra of the dt-cei'tnt will attend nl ln(imco. Jo lUonnnburg. iu nal 1 county v.. iiiuivuij uic.-iu HKj ui jiiiiHiity ifii.ru l o Clonk i . hi., oi F,Hi i h j , worn anu witori" ji" 'i v tun n If u thi nk ptnret. I.ulll Vl L'l, A It K it woinsuiirg, lice iv, ieiij 4w A IT linn. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate, of Samuel A. JIqwukhi, late ij AlijHn taienslup, dercji.vil. MHIK heir, uml ill. Inlitiii'i'r 1 ijju Kjlnl rf Samiti, 1 A. IIoh'Mik, lute nl Hie loiviiflup ol .Milllin in Hir Comity orColiiniliit.ili'riMm'il, ivill lako nnllir mat tin-iiiuti-ri-jenetl upiioinlet ihliii.-I,y , J,. (irplian. Court ot Columbia ion nl. lo ni.tki-ili.t'iliitiiiiii of Hi- linlann In Ilic IijiiiI. ol jiuii I l.'rea.y nn.l Hi 1I1 It ItfHiiiaii. AtliniuUlrdtiiri ol Hemm-I A, Itownnn, it-r.'il, Bniou Hie heir, ol tlit il-rril'-iil, u ill uiti-iitt al lit. illiieiu Ulnom.liurir, in Hill, unty, on Tliutmlny thi-tlHili dnv or January u.at at It' o'rlurk 01 nin .lay ulit'ti n ti-l wlivre all partK. lutcj-c.ieil can mi'uil ir tli.y tliuik proper. ItOllUKT ?. Cl.AIlK. UluolOkliiirg, Dec. 19, lf57. 4t. AuKllOR. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of riilip Dodder, late cf Fishing cicck toiunship, deceased Tllr.li"ir3 uml iliitrilutii, of the pslatc of Philip llmMer late of ri.hinrrlrrk township, Columbia euilnly, ilireised, will nke noliro. Hint tho unilrriitii el, apiol4Pil Auililor by tin. Orohin's Court of Colilm b'artiiiity, to liiakeillslribuiioii of llie bilame in 1I11 liamls nt Jokn I'arl, Ailmini.lrator ol the soiil l'lilllp DoilertibreRsi-i' ninonj tne li-l:s of llieilcreileiit, ivill nlleml at hii odlce Iu llliioiusburg, In said county. 00 Tne-iLiy, Hie SOlli il iy ol January neit, at 10 o'clnrk of Falcl ilay. when uml wlidii all partus Inleresteil rsu attend ifllipy think proper, ROIIEUT P. CLARK. AuoiTiR. llloCMnbur;, Dec a, 185741 A UDlfdit's" NOTICE. '. F.slalcof llanicl Fbiclcr, late of liriarcrttk Uwnship, deceased. Tim tlnter.i;ncrl, appointed by the Orphan's Court orcoltimbla enunly, an Amliior tnrilstribute asset. In tli haiulsor Hie Administrator 01 Daniel Fowler, dieeaseil, mnonj; creditors, hereby eives notice that h win ,,urrru it, umrnariie uie nuurs iu ills appoint- 01 n o'flof k, A. M., nl his otfire. in the Itnroimli nt I!fr. wick, w hen and where all persons lute rested rn ait nd I it' they think proper. 1 11. IjITTIsU, Auditor Dec. 12, 1857 4t WATf HMiKHSt AM) JKU ELLEI. CJV Tlir. HIJIISCMIIIIK resperldilly informs Iho ih- 1 I" , , ' .'."um-uxiB i,,iu inc puinic 111 seill- t'MlMlAH! IH'l. uc lilt. fipuilCU a WH JcH1 i jtioomshiirs;. nn Alain jurci-t. oppoi-iie tlir i:xclimi;r. Watches, Clocks, &c, Of superior quality. I.110 style, ord al low prices. I tfglSS? AN'D ffATCIIU '-y- PP- ine pnuiic are invited to call nndniam'ne. . J01)N WOOD. nioomi.bur(, Jan 2, KM OOOD NEWS FOR HARD TIMES. ' rpllR subscribers hive Jun returned from the city, j 1 will! a eooii aorliuei,t of Goods at prl"e. 10 sum times, which Ihey will dispose of al prlc.s fo ready pay. suit C.r . v in oik .in prr.iin. wno wisn 10 ouy cneap. ,0 call and oxaailae our slock. Counlry Produce taken as usual. 1. C. U I 0!t 17. l57 W. JIARTMAtl. HE Alt TIIE MILLER. pUSTOMERS to tho Aqueduct Mill, j who have unsetlled nerounls with the iiibscrihej. lorrKKI). Fl.OUit, he, ryre repectlu1ly uoijfled, that as they have been nr (oiumodated I hupo that they will now accommodate me, and niako tmimdiate pvy went. WILLIAM llKL'ItU. Aqmrluet Mills, Nov. 21. U57. esfisiLiseir 3 liJ fD IL A aUARTUIlJIAt) JUST COMJIKNCDK. Apply r for admission at tho Behool Itooni on Third street , or at itie residence or Mrs. J. Illoninkbiirg. Nov 23, IP17 11 T EATON. A N assorlipeiLt of Conlcclluuery Jewtlrv. t'erfunic 1 ry, soapi, ttuir Oils, t'oum , Boapi, Jiutr Oils I'oiuaites. ttr. to bo hud a I LARK'S JloukStOiC. llloonifiliure. May 30. 1H57. pXTRA O. I MACICKREL for.sjln at S'10MU 0WA'' """"".J'V S'"' """i- iiKi AiAn n 4. W. N. CMi.SY lor Caihal luili.u.