r. i7 To Mako Yollow Butter in Wintor. 1'ul In ,t!io yolk of eggs just loforo llio Luttor conns, near tho termination of the churning. This has been rcpoatodljr tried, and it makes very fino sweet butter. It is kept by many as n great secret, but its great valuo requires publicity. Dr. Dadd gives tho following directions; Coloring Winter Bulla. As butter made in winter is generally pale or white, nnd its richness at tho sjiiio time, inferior to that which is made during tho summer month-", tho idea of excellence has bocn associated with the yellow color. Moans nro therefore employed by those who pre pare and sell butter, to impart to it tho yellow oolor, where that is naturally want ing. The Biibstanecs mostly employed in I'ngland and Scotland aro the root of tho carrot and tho flowers of tho marigold. The julco of either of these is expressed and passed through a linen cloth. A small quantity of it, (and tho proportion neces sary is soon learned by experience) is diluted with a little cream, and this mix turo is added to tho rest of tho cream when it f Dlcrs the churn. So little of thh color ing matter unites with tho butter, that it never communicates to it any peculiar tRBtO, Pood for Fowls. Fowls aro, of all birds, tho most easy to feed. Every alimentary substanco agrees with them, oven when it is buried in ma nure j nothing is lost to them j they arc seen, tho whole day long, iiicessititly busied in scratching ar.cl picking up a living. In well-fed fowls, tho difference will bo soon, not only in tho sizo and iho flesh of the fowls, but in tho weight and goodness of the eggs, two of which go laithcr, in do tnestie uses, than threo from hens poorly fed, or half starved. It is customary to throw to the fowls in a poultry yard, onco or twice a day, a quantity of grain, gonO' rally corn, and somewhat less thau that which they would consume, if they had an abundance. Fowls, howover, aro more easily satisfied than might bo supposed from tho greedy voracity which they gone rally exhibit when they are being fed from tho hand. It is well known that, as a general rule, largo animals consume more than sin ill ones. There is as much differ ence in tho quantity of fo"d consumed by individual fowls as there is in animals. It Ins been found, by careful experiments, that tho sorts of food most easily digested by fowls, are those of whioTTlhey eat tho greatest quantity; they evidently become tooncst tired of and aro least partial to rye. It has also been found that thero is considerable economy in feeding wheat, corn and barley, well boiled, as the grain is thus increased in bulk at least one-fourth nnd tho saino btrlk seems to satisfy them ; but there is no saving by toiling oats, buckwheat and rye. GATAWISSA, WILLIAMSPOItT ERIE RAIL ROAD. Direct Railroad connection between JYiagara Falls and Philadelphia, Shortest Quickeit and Cheapest Routs from lt'S rn JWw Yorkta Philadelphia, Ilarmbnrg, Pittsburg BatttuwreWashngton, city, and the South, iAS3CNGER TRAINS leave Ulmlra dntlv fon.n XHtmilnys,) at7 A. M, passing WHIIaiiupori nt 10 151 A iU connrcting witii ucuu ug itun iman m rortui i !) to n.u nil reach ins Pltilarttlplita al 7 30 P. AI. Itcturniuti.lPavB Philadelphia frcm corner nfRrivwl anil Vineitrrcu.at? .Hi, A. M, reaching WilliaiiiBnott. -a 1 I t AT n n J ii nlulnt nl Tl. In mil n 1 1 rAsacNncu trains will le'avk PORT OLINVON FOR IIARRISBURG Dirucj, via Dauphin and SiiBqttclianna Rail Road, on the arrjvmoiuaiawiia irain.ai 4 40 r.fli, reaching liar riihurc at 8 1. M. Kitiiirninii leave Ilarriitnreat? 15 A.M..eonncitinf at rortClmton with OatUwJs:t train bound weii furm iiibiiio inoitdireciiotue to jiarrjf burg, rhtskurg, Hal linioreanitlhe Soulhiconnrciins thcio points with al urlhwetern renntvlvaniaaiiit WedcrnNew Vork. Oonur .inent Elmtra with t rain on New York and eric ifu i iioiid ; also, wiin me liimira, UananUngati Uorhf .er, RuaTaloandNingaroratlt, t'r .lectlnrdirectlr wilh tho Great Western Rntlroa at Biiinenilun bridee for Detroit, ChJcnso. St. Lou it alt ( , thus makinx the hortrt,and thcar-est route fron u i mucin ma toinorc puiini. A FKE1UHT TRAIN. Will leave Witliamsport DAILY, al C 30 A. M.fo riiltailelDhia. Freightlraln to and from Philadelphia withouitran tiipaicnt.froiu Reading Kail Road rrciglitDcpot.corn croi uroau anu unerry sirecis. TRAINS rASS DANVILLE AS FOLLOWS UOIKO EAST. rassengerTraln rrciglu Train . rassengerTratn , 13 M, SSI A, GOING WEST. 3 'J5 P Si! P. i leighl Train. UctweenrinladelpliiiandRapert, ft 40 Danville, i CO Calawissa, i m Tamatua S SO Milton 3 10 Wiitiamsport, 3 'M rifttpottnits of personal baeeaie nll-iwedto eaeli pass accser excess charged at double llrsrlasslreiblratei II A FONDA, frrliilfJt. Jan SO, If3 rillLA. AND KEADNG HAIL HOAD Ifintrr Arrangements fo rassengev Trains, January Isf, 1857. UPTralni, cnliic North, leave Pliiladelpltit !( A M.aiut SI P. M. Down Tralnsgoingdoulh, leave rmtsvlllcat 71 A.M. Ice. and i P. M. J llptnlii.niia Rcadingnt 10.51, A. M.anJG,?JI M. downTrnlna" 5,13, A. M, 3,43 P. M. The ClprsnTraln tr dteennflmrcd until further no tlcH. Close connections are made by ibe 10,9,? A. Ml Ilia Tmln from Pol t Clllilnn to nimlra nnrf all inl.rm.. ' iliata points: and by the 0,3 P. M tip '1 rain fiom t'ott Clinton to Cluiira.Canaiidaigua Il'ifle!o. Niagara. ile iiot, Chicago, m, Louis, Davcniort. and Iowa Cily ; Miking Iblsroute Ihcshjilestand cheapest to tk, Liit Wa4CI. j unBunjays.tii't ifiiwii a. ..i irain irom rnusville, find Up P. M Train from Philadelphia, ,ouly, run. IUrrhscsg Coatamoas, by Dauphin Railroad at Ail 1 bum A sp.clal Aeeommndation Tassenger Train leaves WoiT sraiuiri i.ai.i.iiun WAY PAHJiS FllOM UEnrNO TO -Fiiom Remuno to hUadefpliii.SI.75and l,W; I'ottsvllle l,0J and 0,8i; Auntirn. u ta. THROUGH FARES, In Harrlsnnrg J 53; Tutnaqua I.3S; WiUismsport $1,10; nimira 0.:Ut Cinsndaia S-IJIO HjTii or NiagraJKI.OOi f-aveind $10, h rni-dn 8U.73t Cinetaiiatl JIO.CO i Chicago e;u,rR), iik ismnd Q'.'a.ou. Abb Pass.ngorawiKpnicare tleken lefojeeliterin etr- lOccnueiiro on rare, paid ill ihe earn, tfbi .of persenal RaggateaKowcd each Passennie of over that wolehl atcliarzed Extra Rercnee1 0 A NICIII.t.9, Janaary3d KV If. Cen'fPup'i frs TST.U fltrlT X Hrc-fi's. -t 305B f.r (If S.-ason ul HEW YOFm UttS TUB (MMDKN AND AMI10Y RAILROAD AND riltt.MIKM-lltA AND TKEMON UAIMIOAU COMI'ANVB LINES. frtm rkiladetpkta to AVio Yttk, and tt'.y Vlattt Leaves n follows, vitf r'ARa. At I A. M , from Kensington Depot, via Jersey City. Mall .... , $1 Al 0 A. M la Cam.lcn and Jeisey Clly, New Jerrcy Accommodation. ...... ,....,.i..,.. 3 Al 0 A M .via t'amileii and Amboy, Accomwoda lint 3 Al 7 A M.i via Camden and Jersey City, Morn ing mill. ... 3 1 At 10 A. M ,hy stcninhoat Trentun, via Tacuny i nml Jersey Ollr, Morning Eipro. a, 3 A12P. M., via Cniuilcn and Ainbiiy. U.and A. Etpres 3 Al 5 r. M.,vla Udmitoit and Jersey City, Evcnlng Mill 3 At :i l' M . via Cnmden and Amboy, AccomuiO' l.itinn, lit cl.iss 3 At 3J'. is , via Cnmden and Amboy, Accommo dation, 3d Class. ...... ...... 4.. I At U I'. M.. via I'amtlcn and Amboy, Atconinio ilalinn. lit Cla 3 Al G l,RI via Camden and Amboy, Accnniiuo- lillun Sd Class 1 TncaC.al line runtdaily. all oiheri Sundays cz cepted, i:spes Lines slop at tho principal aia'lins only. Tor tlalvlitoro r.aiton, Fl-mlnglon. &c.,al tt A.M. and 4 I. M , Irom Walnut street wharf. For W.Uf r Gap,&tloutllurg,r'crait,.n, Wilkesharre, Montrose, (Jr tat Uend. fee, tu l A, M., via Delaware, Lackawanna flt Western llallroari. For Freehold at 0 A M.and 3 1'. M. For Mount Holly at 7 A M nnd SI and 51'. M. WAY LINUS Tor Bristol, Trenton, &c , at si and 4 1'. M. WAY L1N1J Tor Palmyra, n.ttirorns, Utterly, nurllnelon, nor dentown, &c, at 3 r M. WAV LINE For Mount Holly, Burlington J ml Way Stations at 5 P. M. Steamboat ltlchard Stockton (or tturllngton nnd flrli. lointH A M., and far Uordenlown and liitcrmcdialc places Jt'.'l P.M. steainuntti jrcr.tnn ror Tacony at lo nn.tui a ni. and 4 P. M.,aiidfnr lliirllnginn nnd nristol nt 4 P. M. Alt lines, excclt I A. M , leave Walnut St. wharf. ITS Flllv rounds ol bassoce onlvallowed end) nis- senzcr. l'assenrers arc prohibited from taking an)thlnc ai baggage but ilictr wearing arrarrl. All back-ago over Ally pounds to be paid lor extra. I'lio Comtiany limit llielr responsibility for baggage to one dollar per pnitno, iinu win not no nauiu lor any auiount ucyonu sjihu, except uy sprciai rnntrnri WM. II. GATZMCtl, Agent. 0. It A f . II CO. It. n. MOItllLLL, Agenl, Sepl20.1S57 l'lllla Tr. 11 R. Co. Ofnll dls.ienei the great, flritcame Bp ring Irom neglect of Nature's laws. SUFFER KOT, WHEN ACUUU 1SGUARANTEUU III ALta STAGES OF SliOKET DISEASES, Self.Abuie. Xcrrons i)ebilttv. ftrtetvres. GUtls, Gravel. Diabetes Diteases ff the JCtdntvs and Bladder, Mereu. rla' IChtumatism, bcrofula. Pains im the Honrs end Ankles, Vueases tf the Lungs, Throat, Aose and Fyts, Ulcers upon the lioda or Limbs, Cancers J)rop$v hpl Ifptie Fas St f'tta's Dance and alt distant at lung jrom aaerangemeni oj ins s-eiuai urgane. Such as Nervuiu Trcmliliiifr, Loss of iMrinnry, Lohs oi t'i.werutni:nti weiihnM. utmnei s oi vuimi wiin peculiar spots appearing iti'Iorc the tjci l.ofs nrisht VatcIulne8, l)rptpij, Livr Dliaf-t, Uriiptions upon uiu i; ce. i din nil ne iacK anu iuau, tcinaio ir r-gnlaritJes and alt improper !ich&rgcs Troni both exes. It matter hot frum what cause the dlsLam oriffiimtctl, however loiur utandln or obslinntc the ca, recovery i$ certain, nnd in u ftiortcr tune than ft permanent cure can ue i nectta uy tiny caner trcatinciit even titter the diffuse has tnflkd ibe. tMH nt Lini.i?tit physician n and renisteii all tnetr mtans o( cure, i rial infdicincit ari nkasatit without odor.CJiimiiji no nick neimaiiil Iree from mercury or l.nlrnm. Ditrine twpntv years of pnclice 1 luu rescued irftti tli Jaws nf ucai ii ii ia nv i uusaniin.wi o. in me inn Rinct ni inc above mentioned diincs had been giw n up H the by their phynicljhf, which warrants ine in promising to the alilictrd, who may place liit-Mtu-hes uudtr my care, a perfect and in out nperdy cure. Secret diseases are tl e greatest enemiei to health. at they are iho ilm cause ot C'onsnntption, Pcrofn'a nnd many other i'h- eases and fliould he a terror to the human lamity. At a porniiinent rure is Fmrccly ever clTcctoil, n mnjorllv n f the cases falling into the hinds of incompetent persons, who not oulj full to cure the diseases but ruin the constitution, filling the systrni with nicrrurv , uhich. with l lie disease, hastens tho luflcrer into a rapid ConsumpUon. itui enouiu me uisente anu mo lrcaiment not eaue death speedily and the victim marries, the disease is enlailed iinon Hip chiMren. wl o are lorn nlth Itelile constitutions, nnd the curretii of life corrupted by a inn which ufiru) iricn in orronna, icuer, u icers, Lruptloiti and other atJeftions of the skin, eyes, lhto.it. and Luiizs. cntailicir unn them n hriel eiistenco of suffering and cneifitiins them to on early grave. SCM' Alt L'iC 1 another formidabie enemy tohealt'i. for nothing cIfc in the dread cntalogue of liuman dis eauen causes to destructive a drain upon the cynteni. drawing Its thousandi of iclims through a Tew jenrs of suiTerhs down to an itntitoly grave. It denroys ne "crvuun FyHfitii THpiuiy wiisies away ilie cneigii s of lilt, rouses mental deraiiiTditi nt iirnit'itiB the onor devclopmpirr nf tjj syjtreiii, (IfqoalifJrs for mnrri.igo, Foriety. buiiue, and nil earlhlyhnnptnesi.nndlciives the sniTtver u recked in hody and mind, predirpoved to consuinntioii and u train of evils ninre to lie dreaded thin death )telf. With the fullest conddeiire laure the unfortunate vicHiim n(belf'Mtufe that a perin.inent and Fpredy cure can he f fleeted, and with the abandon ment oi ruinous practices try patients cau uc rcstortu to rt bust, vigorous luallh. The utnirled arc cautioned against Hip use of Fateut Medicines, (or there arc ro many ingeni us snares in tne columns of the public prints to catch nnd rob the unwary suirerers th.it millions have their conttitu linns ruined by the vile compounds of n,ucrk doctors, or the eiunlly poisonous nostrums vended as Patent fliei lr.niHS." i mivi rcirtmiiiv nnnuzeu nmnv tii inn so-railed Patent Aledirines ami find' I hat nearly all of them cent ni Corrosive Sublimit e which Is one of I he stronirufit meoarations ol mrrcurv and a dead v poison, which unread of curing the disease disables wig sysn in mr ine Three fourths of the natent nostrums now In use are put up by unprincipled and Ignorant persons, who oo noi nnucMianu even me oipuauei oi inn mntena medtca. and are rqiiallv ns destiluic of onv know ledtrc of the human system. having one object only in view, und Hint to mN Ke money rrgn.-i less ofronseiuercrr. Irreeul.irilies nnd all diseases of males and females treated on priucip'en citobllsbfd by iwemy nrs of praritce, ami sancnoneii ny umiunuiis oi me most re markable cures. Medicines with full diicrtfous ncut loony (tart of the UniKa Slates or Cuuadas, by a ticnts epuin-uuiiatlng thrlr try laptoms hyjellL-r, llusi ness correspondence sir)ctt confide inini' Addrcn, J. SUM M ERVILLli. M. D Ouicc, 1131 Tilbirt street, (old No. 1HJ,) He low TwetftliiPhlladvlpliia.Pa. July II, 1857-(March 4) " MAN, KNOW THYSELF." AN INVALUAPXn HOOK TOR 'J1 CENTS. EVERY 1)11 HUNTER MEDIC AZ Ky)lXLlh''S MANUAL & IIANIIUOOK VC?f;fe',l'OR THE AFFLICTED, Niii?;contal,lill ""time, of the &J77 jffwrtsfeZ or'6'"' Purees, ireatment .?mai-L' case contracted by promiscu JaiartSMrvs ous sexual intercourse, hv 'Syyrffn fit'ltfOO ubuse.or by sexual ex. prevention, wrUlen In n familiar style, avoiding all medical technicalities, and every Utluc that would offend tho car ol ib-rency. Testimony of the Professor of Obiteries in renn College. Philadelphia. DH. JJUWKK'S JUtWIC.1L JilJf The author of this work, unlike the a majority of those who ndtertiselo cure the diseases of which it treats, is a graduate of one of the best UU Colleges in the United States. It otl'ordii me p'ea I sure to recommend luui In tho uufortu nalc, or to . , the victim of mal-proctire, as a succesrful ami ex HI perienced practitioner-In whose hon-ir and Inter. (f) illy tlify may place the greatest ronfldeni-c. . JnxicFil Lonosiioiie, M. D. From A, IVoodttatd, Jl. I),. of Penn. University. -p Philadelphia. , It fives mo pleasure to add my testimony to Ihe f- professional ability of Hie Author of the Medical JtdsMa." Numerous rases of Difeates of the (IVn Ital Organs, inmo of them of long standing, have come under my notice, in w liich Ins skill has been manliest in rtsiormg to pentct health, in some Inslancis where 1 lie pntlrnt has been considered bevund medico) aid. In the ireatment of seminal o wp.iknaai nr dia rranpemen t ni thw liin-l mm nm, T duced bv Self Abuse, or r.ieess of vencry, I do not mJm know nis superior iii uiu iruieision. i nave ueen licq'iaiuleduill) the Authi'r some tturty yiars.and ai-eiu i no more man jiimice tu mm as wen as a kindness to the unfortunate vieifui of early indis. eretlon, lo recoinmeiid him as one in whose pro fesi lonal skill aud integrity they rosy safely confide (hem selves. ALmso WnoDwiRD, M. D. One copy, securely enveloped will be forwarded free of pistageto an part oftlie United t.tes, lor 23 cents, nr tl copies, for 91 00. trJ-Ad.lress COSUEN U CO., Publishers, nor 197, Philadelphia. Zf llookselleri. Canvassers and Dor Agents tupplied n Ike mit Ubtral term,. D.cS, 1837-V f 5 ts it S Bt U It G . OAIUNET WAltEHOOMS. rplin uudcrsl.'nc.l respectfully invites the oltentlos X of the Public to his eileiisivcnssortmeni ofCutilnel Furniture and Chairs which he will warrant lobe made ofcouiuuterlilsaud In a tvorkmanlike mariner. At bis Cstablishuieni.canalways be lound ojuojanort 1'ASIIIONAIJLR FURNITURE, Which isivjual In style nnd finish to lhat of nil I adelphlaor New York cities, una at aw low prices, lie uai SCI Ii A s- - . u, , ; Syijoren, .vie. andpriee. r. TO , ;,j uj.,.. r..,in. ri..... nn,i,in. . ... chairs Plana sioofs' , and a variety of npiiolit'Ted work Willi Dressing and parlor bureaus, sola, card centre and nlcrlabl s.detDsbiis. clietlVuiers what uots andconmu dres.and all kinds or fa.hlonnble work. ill. stock of bureaus, enclosed and common wash stands, dress, tables, corner cupboards, sofas, brcakfist lables, bed steads cane seat nnd common chairs, is the lar est in this section of the country, llu will also keen a eood ussorlmeiilol lookinir glasses with fancy a?) la. nnd cow inon trsines lie win also nmi su spring luairesses nitea oany siio oi neaa.iean, w i ci uro superior r.r ' djrablbtv nndcoincforl la an v bed in u.e. HIMO.V 0, BII1VE, nioomsbarg April fib. If". vrriv .o 1tcltEnpt, just rcteivednt . IIAllTMNS ONE DOLLAR A YRAR. Circittation over 100,000 Copies TlVfAy. 25 Witnesses, OR. TOE FORGER CONVICTED. JOHN 3. DYE Is Ihe Author, who lias had ten yea t experience ns ft Ranker nnd Publlther,nitil Author a fa nWc j of Ltttvrrs nt tht Hrandieay Tabtrnaels when, for ten su'eesslve nighls.nver O-.inrjCO People 43 Greeted him with rounds ol applause, fchllehe ex. hlbiled Iho manner In wlilchOuiinterfelters ciscule their irams, and the surest and shottftt means of deli Ming them I Tht Bank .Vote F.ngrorers alt say that ht is the greftttst Judge tif paper Money living Greatest Discovery of the 1'rescnt Century for Detecting Counterfeit Hank Notes. 'Describing every Genuine Hill in existent, and cxhibtiirg ai a ghtn'ce every Counttrrt-lt In circti n Han I Arranged snndmlrablytlliat Rcfcrcnco Is Easy and Detection Instantuneousa If No Index to examine I No pngrs In hunt upl But so simp llfid and arranged, that Ihe Ma reliant, Uankcrand Hunine's Mnuran see all at a g lantt. English, French and German, Thus ench may reou the same in his aw n Native Tongue. iWosZ perfect Dank Note List Published, Also n list of nil the miVATE UANKEKS IN AMEMCA. , A comptetp Summary of the Pitiakie nr Etmnpt: Am r Rica wilt bp niibllflhed in eneh edition, tt geliier with all the Importnnt NEWS OP THE DAY. Also, A SERIES OF TALLH from an old Manuscript found In the East, It fur nl shes the most rniopti t" hlilory nf ORIENTAL LIFE. And describing the most petpleting positions In' which tho ladies an d gentlemen of that country liavo been so often found. These stories will continue Ihroushoiit the whole yenr and will prove the most entertaining ever offered to the public. VLTi urniaiiea wniKiy 10 nuDFrriurrs oniy, at 91 a year. ah isiers must ue noimiri-u i JOHN S. DVE. Breier ritbllshcr nnd rrrprieur.'O Wall tt., New York. OLEUM Liciuoit. CEIITIFICATE. WE, tlio undcrsigDcil Houso Paintcrii, lirrcby certify tint we li.ivo given tlie newly Inventcil Oleum Lienor. iuinurii'aliirr(I liy Drein , (litlnuii k. Ureinl, In riilladelplila, nil Impart , trial onil have foil ml il an cflkient substitute f.ir L sceil Oil, far silprncr to It In cverv respert. lit e. t of only about h-ilfns much, thus considerably reducing the expense ol painting. We would thcrebiru recent, mend Ihe public In Its ganeral usc.niid after It lias been tried Its superiority over Linseed Oil will be ul tested to by all. ciiari.f.s atitntt, AMOS UNUUIt. Wll.l I AM WOt.l.C. EUWAIID IJUNIIAIID. June 13, 1M7. T HfiltEIlY certify tha I lnvo hail JL House Tainting prose ted lately with the above named Oleum Liquor, nnd concur in nil repperts whh Hie recommendation of tho above nimed trentlemen, and will hce udd, lhat in futuru I will h ivc no paint ing opeiaiicus peiformed without the ndmixturn o the above named valuable liquor Those who may desire to view its cflccts, will rati at my residence, where they enn convince tlie.nselvcs of all th 't Is re presented of the Oleum Liquor in re.ird t biauty and durability. J, ISAAC RREINIC' June 13. 18.17. J. S. & 15. Ji. I'KUOT, Produce an'J General COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No 30 North Whnrvs, I'HLLADELPIHA. R-trBitincEs: John r renistnn.Esi. riittadelpbla Messrs Hacker, Lea Co. Biiei, I'en e Co ' llucknor MrCnnimon t Co. Charles EHis k Cn. " H. Morris Wain & Co Outrrbridgp, Arvov t Co. Charlef tc Joiepl, Perot, Thomas tc Maxwell, New York. U. M. McOluiig Ac Co., SI Louis. Wo. " J S. Morns Sz Son.'Louisvllle.Ky Varch 15, lfl.I(i-v EVANS As NEWCOMEIl, (Formerly Webb $ Newcomer,) Arcli free. btvo rhird, Philadelphia. HOURS OF MEALS HacAKPAST, 5, (1 and 7 o'clock to in Dinner, (aentleioen't.nrdinary. I o clock top, Ladies, o'clock. T, IGtVclurktD 11. EVAN EVANS. J U. 8. NEWCOMER OIIAKIJ5S II. MAHIM.K'S. tt'ISB A D LIQUOIt STORE, A'o. 143 North Third Strict, Above Uace. Eiill Side. Two doors above tUeCicrl llotrl, PHILADELPHIA Has constantly on hand 1'rcnrh It randies. Holland Rni and it uenrral nssnriment c rorciEii Wines, also. nil Kinds of American fpiriis, &c. itmrrn i, x National g Botcl. ( LATE WHITE EWAN, ) Sides Stover. Ilace Street, absve Tiirti, Philaililnhia fsTKR Hides, luta oftlie (Irm StPVuns.t! o 1 1 ngshcad & Co lllgilSI 11. IH.il. DYEK'S HOTEL. Cattawissa Pa. n IIIAoManil wcllknown Hotel, iiuhtown dlOattaw issa .Isstill kenl bv lbi Ir.r. fffssrU Isiird.anilliisnilrofDllllrelise lews, lie l. l!l ai'lcrnilucrt tu make ills house one of tliemosicoiulotla blpiilaresfortrivclersloslop al, Dial can be found In llir interior of 1'ennsylvanla His table will bo furnish. cn imiiy vn ii tne nest the. viaraetcan alTord. tnrMyotdfrirnilsandlravclleregeiierall) nrelnvlted l0.I". .or. JACUII UYKIt. May 21, 1833. y . Stales Union Hotel. rORMCEItLY KCD LION IIOltL.) No. aoO Market street, Philadelphia. pCOUOC V. IIINICLU, Proprietor, formerlvofCo VI linnbia, Pa., would inform bis friends and thepub ie tbnt hcconliiiiies lo keep the above named llotei which is welland favorably knou n thronghoutllie r3tateasoneoflhootdeNlaiid most convenient Hotel in hecliy. lie moslrespectfullysolitits asbarenl pub. Srpaortaso April 7. 18i5. WM. S. SMITH & GO Produce Factors AND OEtfEUAL COMMISSION XFMCIIJItfTS, No. 09 North Wliarvos, PIIII.ADUM-IIIA. Tlie Maikft value of all consignments advanced In Cj.Ii when desired. March II, IM4. Iy MONTOUIt HOUSE, CUROTR OP MARKET AND Mil.!. UTRCDTS, (nuierfisfey cpwoiit, th Curl skis,) DA.SVILI.K, PA TTAV1NO been recently renovated and refarnlslicd J. Jin a superior style, tliis elegant Jlsuolis now reopn . Ir the reception of strangers and visitors, whose pa ronage Isrespectfully requested. S. A, RRADr, Iyi5,l5fifl. JOHN 0. YEAGElt, Fasliionablo Slat & Cap Store NO. 103 NORTH THIRD STRL'UT, HKILAUKLPHIA. 73- Mr rr bants nnd visitors from Nortbern Pennsv vania.arrrespectfuHyinvitcdlo give blm a call, wben viriuiii; I'liiiaaeipnia June '8,lbi0. y. PIIILADELIMIIA OAllPBTSIOUE " ARPETINCS, Oilcloths, Window Shades. Mat sail J Mattings Just received SO.UOIl nieces new stvte niifactuied nnd Imported expressly for CAU IX I I., firrcnanis nnu Housekeepers will please no. Nos. in and 'Jo North Second Street, lit door below l.n.Kl. ast's hurch March '.'.I IHO. ONIiV JONIJS. FALL & WINTER Goods. epiIEunderilgned rcepactfullylnlutm hlsfnendtane 1 ill. nilll.l. .1 In... i, ,1 I. a ..... n I ... n I. 1.. .1... licnas established a splendid - mw mum, n the elerantnew Ulorn House, lust erected In Robe.. n rg, Cnluiubu county, Pa. ,u here he has now opened large and choice assortment uf Fall and Winter GooJe, Which heis deterinineu to sell nn such lenns nswlll induco a I lat least in tills vicinity , who ore in want of. Merchandize, loexlend him their custom, rclercncelnthuwaiilsollhlscoiuniunilv and without ins .inch iLisucrn setecieu Mini luurucarH nud will ,oing m enter i iKo n minuteenilmeratioii oft he various kinds-he risk nothing in assuring his friends that v rv thine suallv kint III Country rJtores.can here be luada 'Millie ehenperthan thecheapesl.' ttf Country produce, iiirludln; Uralu, Lumber, &c, lu.eii mcjcnaiigv lor guuus o , , . , ..a WILSON ACER, IIHIiDIDOMI'S CEM'IMI I'lU'AIUTIOX c, IHOMLV CONCrRATnn malrOOND FLUID i:ritAvrilUmiU, i For Diseases cf the Bladder, Kidneys, Ovarii t Drcpry, ntanneisci. imtrttettonr, enet instates, ttmatt Complaints, and all Distaste of tht bet Mat Organs, Arliig from Excessrs and linprudcnclei In life, nnd removing aP Improper Disrlntrges from (he Itladder. Kldurys.ur do ton I orsnn. whether existing in MALE OK FEMALE, from wlntever cauo they may have originated, and no tuft iter of how long stit'iunir giving lientlh and iiut to th' frit me. nnd bloom in th" pa'lld check, jor to rut: affuctf.di n i curcsNertoii nnd Ih hilitatedpiirterers, nnd re in ores nM Ie,'nyi,il.p'.0.n' nn.," wf S'Jl I i n m e J nli C t!!!?..1.! I'sXHilrl?r.: tl?. JJ1" ?r??Sl.r IllfllciilLV nl llr nthlfia. OenerAl W 'uknets. Horror nf Disease, Weak Nervts, Trembling, Dfndfiil Horror of Death. Night Swrnls, Old Fed, U'nkr Mines, Dim nes nf Vision, Languor, llnlverfs) LAssltmle of Ihe MiicUhr Svrteni, OHen Enormous Appetite, w th I'yspi'ptlr Hvnipionts Hot Hinds, Flushing of the tltdy. l)r)iiefsof the tfkln I'nllid Coilnleinnceand Eruptions on iheFuce. I'lin in the Hack. Heaviness of the Eve. lil.Tempo.PM bKioK nnd ""V.i s?;!,, of lid, fri'tuenlly lllack Hpois flying before the Eyes, Aiteni on.wpnt Aiournr. itesnessness. wiin unrror crudely Nothing is more desirable to such rnKenls than ifd.iud... nnd nuinlnc they more drrad for fear of, Ibemsrlvcsj no rpnn of mnnner, nornmcstnrss no 1 speciilntimi, butu lluriicd transition from one que Thee symptoms, if allowed to go nn-whicli this medicine Invariably removes-soon follows Loss of Pw.r raiulty.anJ Epileptic l'itsln our of which theimtient m.ivextlre bo can savthat iir oi cess's 'nre not fre'iupiilly lollowed by those direful ttiscases insa'uiynnu ;onsii"i'iion( rue rernrus m the Insane Asjlums, nnd the nelanrholy deaths by I'iinaiitinni inn iinr utitnie ivuness in ne i rin n ni inri4 i assertions. In Lunatic Asylums the mast melnnchoiy rxhibitlnu appears tiv countenance is nritntiy ou den und quite destitute iiellh"r mirth or criefs ever visits It. Bho'ttd a sound of the voice occur, It Is rarely nrtiriilnte, With woeful measures wan despair Low sullen sound- his grief beguiled." Debility U most terrible I nml Ins beooght thousandi upon thousands to untimely graves, thus blasting the ambition nl many itoblc jouths. It can be cuicd by I Ik: use cftlii" utrjit.UBt.Ti nrjUF.nr. If yotinro snifeiiiig wiih nny ol the uhovo dlslresstng nilmeut", th' Fluid Extinct Ituchu ill cure you. 'J'ry it nnd bo convlncod ol its 'fllcacy. Heivaro oftlti ck Nostrums nnd;Qiack Doctors, who falsely boast of nbilitiesnnd relcrences Citizens know and .avoid litem and ssve loni suffering money, nnd exposuro, by send.ng or calling for a bottle uf tlili popular anu speci cremeuv t nlensnntiii its taste and odor, but immediate hi its " " .''in h .: i ri V 'Vr ,, action. IIELMROLD'3 EXTRACT HUCHU Is prepared direnly acrording to the rules of Pharmacy and Chemistry, With the greatest ticturucy and rliemieal knowledge and rare devoted In its combination. Hep 1'rofessor Dc wees' Valuable Works on Ihe pro' lice of pli sic, uiid most of iho l.i le Ptnud ird Works of Med jr ine, tr?-OVE HUNDRED DOLI.AI! One liundred dot lira will be paid to ury phtslrtan who can prove tint thn Madicitm ever injured a Pn ( bent ; and tlio lestnnnny m tuousanns cuu tie prouucu to i riive that it dies ureal enod Canon of fiom one week tnthirteen veatB standing hate been etfi-cted. 'I hn mass of union. a y tcstimoiij In possession nf tho ..nn.l..,y.r ..n.if-ltt.ii, ItJ vlrlllPI Illlil PlirllU nntunn is inimensc, embracing names wu I knort ii to d. iencu nnd Fame, llJli.POt) boliles have been sold nud not a tingle in Btnnco of a lailure h n be-n repnrted IVrsoiuiHy appeared he lore me nn AMprinnn oftlie ci'y of Ph ladelphin, II, T. Htt.coiD Cbemit, who being duty sworn does say, that his preiurntiun con taltn no Nircoiic, Mercury or injurious Drug, but are purely vegetable il, T HELMHOUL Sole Manul icturar. Sworn and subscribed belurc me this 23d day of So vembcr WM.P HIIHJAUD. Alderman. Price SI per bottle, or sit for ftl, dthvcrtd to anu ad dresi, accompanied by rehubit nnd riipon-iible ctrtifi- j rates irom rrotessors i iijuicui uuiiegcs, Jierguicu , : nnd mhers Prepared and sold by II T IIELMROLD, IVcclicirnnd itatytitul Chemist, No .IS Am Hi TENTH ft , below Chestnut, Assembly Biiiltlinc-', Philndelphi.i. HT''fl bnhadof.t Ii .MOTF.fl tiloomtburg. and of all Dtvggists and Dealers throughout the United States, Canada and British Prooinres IIEWAKE OF COUNTERFEITS. ASK Foa Hl'I.MIlOI.D'P- TAKE NO OTHER. CURES fJUARANlEED. Juno 13, I7. tNEW AND USEFUL. OLEUM LJCtUOR. A Substitute for Linseed Oil, f PATENT AITLIED FOR J rfMIEumlenifjiud otler tothe public HnirOleum Li J Muor ns an eilii icutsubMiiute f-n Linseed Oil, as a i t In n i u-r fir nil torts ul Paints v run ml in Ol I, except Vriietiati Red. 1 When thinned with the Olruin tin Paint will cover better nry n,uitkor uud will ) more (Hirjble.jind when vnrttUheii, the p.ni.i will have nnd rUani the moi pln'sy appeaniure j a in the eliiniclty if ihe Ihiuni'r will en.ilile the puiu: to ,)leid to th. arntih ; ond the cracKiiiL' aitu nettling oil, an cooiit.nri in or ill nary at nished ii (ulnis in entire K nvu irfi'l. mr p mi mui t in itnois its equal raiuiot he found. The O It mil ran be uped bv It sell, nr 1 n common with ! Linseed Oil. V.'irnifh, Japan or '1 urpentiiu ul lite op : lion of tlm rantit r. i Its d'-t in 4lout one-half of that of Lin need Oil thus ro n nidi raldy ledufius the expense of paiiitinn. Wefaiiiilully rerommend it fnrull purpuai.-B iudlca ted nud warrant It to give satisfaction. A liberal dis count to theinde, Dt REO t IONS. Thin the pat nl with the oleum L. quo r uud work It wul I, until it (low's freely from the bra h . I he brush mut ho rrpe from all riliturft nud inra riably ougbt to he soaked well with iho Oleum Liquor , previous to p.iiniiiifc. Instead ol ptaung tliebrushes in water over night, ns punters generally di.. Hie oujihi to bo put in the O'eiun Minor, wlncli will greatly facilitate ihe work. The piint mixed with tho O-enin Liquor Will work h-tter if it be aibmid to Hand finm i'i to i!j hours pre vions lo its bliig iiicd.aiid then tlil'iiied to stich a couststency ns to woik Ireo a ml eisy under the bnnh. y the iho of Jap hi, tint paint will he rendered still firmer, Mix tho Japan hisi with the paint and then thin it with the Oleum Liquor in Hie in miner men tinned above. C JtiO pounds of Paint thinned uithltie Oleum Li quor, win cover a larger suiucc man la poauds thin ned with oil. The Oleum Liquor is not to be used with Venilian Red, nor with Paint (ontainiut? nny proportion of it. RRE1NU1, OATI'.MAN & IIUEINIG, American Paint and Colrr Woiks, Corner -4th and tireen its..Piiladepha, OOire N U cornet Third and Wood sts,, Philadel phia. Pa. Juno 0. 1HS7 Franklin isO- tMUKER & IiAlUl). I'ropriclors. Clicsnut St., lietwccn Third and Fourth PHILADELPHIA. 8eplenibcrI3, 18S0. r-lE HEY. 0. S. I5URNETT, while JL laboring as a Missionary in rioutliern Asia, ms coverall n luiple and c, rlain cure liirCessumnll.R.siA iia, iJrencAills, Otunki. Cold., JVcrrcus litlilifii. nml nil impurities ol Ihe Wood; aho, on easy nud tll'ccluao moue oi miidling ine r.cmray ACtualeii uv n desire 11 benefit bis Hufrarinu fellows he will cheerfully send Ihe itecipo (free) lo such ns desire il.wilh full uud explicit directions for preparing and successfully using Rev C. S. nilRNETT, 631 Uroadway, N. Y. City Aojtutl.lK'iT-um NEW WAGON SHOP, Willow Grove, South Bloomsburcr. rpHK undersigned respectfully informs his Iricnds X and the public generally, lhat he has tnken the stand blrll occupied by Jlr linberl lliol sl.lu Uillow Grove, ri.iiith niunmtburg, below the II oi u,i,d, nl etc I Vann n-makivc Business. In all us vmlo ts departments, In good Alio llepairing Uegons, lliifclie, Carririge, Bn. kinds. &c . none to rrdernmt on sholl time, irr l'roduce taken for work. ciiAiu.ns riREWErt. illonmsbur: April 53, 1P57 3m mariiiaok rsinnn nv riis wii.liam vouvn WII.I.IAM VOUVO, WILLIAM VOUNO. ' I.I.U11 VOUMI WII.I.IAM VOUNIi 0UI.1 tl.l. OUIIII. v Ult MAitiUAci: (uiinr. nv nit makiiiari: ni'ini: nv nit jiAitiilACi: tiumi: nv nn. ivii.i.iam vritiKn MAituiAcr. utiiiii: nv nit. wii.i.iam vouno. MAItltlAUlI IIUIDi; nv Hit. WILI MM OUNU. i MAmiMtiuouinn-voiiNo'soiir.Ai '1! I V.8 1 0 LufilCAL W01IK. Till! I'OUKLT M.fCUI.aniM, or Uveri One his own llorlor. bv Wh Vnnvn. .M 'it it Ii u. rllfnn I iii pi.un lansuace lor tup emer.il .eadrr nml Is 1 1 j is a lr.ifd Willi upward, ol one hundred iiujrJVinss. All louni peopio, or uioso cunieiiipi.iiiiir niarnot'' . ami hivine iho l-n.l inipi'dluiriu In m.niieil lire, should read tlii. honk, It discloies sirrerts Hat pvrrv line should 1.011-iuiilnti'dwiih : still, it ia n book Dial mutt he kept locked up and not lie nlmultlii; housi', it v III liu sent tonny one on Hie rereipl ol' tw pnty.iit rents Address, llll, ,VM. VOHNO, 153r?prucc slrccl, uhove Pourth. Aug S3, 18J7 fliiladelpliia, I'a. OLTPIIAN'l,) WOODSIDK & CO. Importers and Wholcsalo Dealers in lUincs nub iquovs7 No. 407 Arch St. abuvo Fourlli, PHILADELPHIA. . li r ti an r. j. 1 Janunry. 1957, y Woodbiub, Cto.aitALrii. ' WILLIAM J. UE1DLEMAN, SnDMc auD lijarucss 5IANl)F.t;Trli!U BlreiflUrr; Auj JI. ISffl SALAMANORR FIItE AND THIEF l'KOOF SAFES. arF Till: LAROMT AMOBT- -J KIWMwjjSm'i'l 'J Iho U"""1 a."!t"- ""r ,14 inde, and wll bfol'l id lcrm,fttnn he obtained any other houso in me mum country, THUTII IS MIOIITY AND WIT.t. ITtliVAlM ntporl oftktCommMH.apimtiitiAtt luperlilt'i (Alfliifn. Ine if Ike Iron nM, l (misf.raarr 117. 1537. Ittimin, March 4, IB.57. Tim unilcrilsneit. members of ilia ronmiltife. ito respfflH.IU report, thai we saw the two snlci. orlal naysBUedtmonhvrarrrls&IlerrlngiudEvans& iv.i.n.. . ntF. ii .liM Iivr tie Iii n Inrniee. v t! ihe Hale In sr by the pnymssler of ihel'hil.idrlplila and H rod 1 1 g 11 nl Iron ii Ct mpan In hit oflirent Heading. iu.-tniifirturrd bvFrtrrelsfc Herring nnc the Hale lr ii by II A Laulx. In his mom manufactured bj Evnns& Wntson, and put In books and papers tr clsety Alike. 'I'h.firf wnt tin rled nl 81 0 flock. A . M .and kent ! ''"' ' St"';". " "7". . r'. . :t. . . :r.. . " " e,r " snme.i, ue wiisk unm r "'"' ' ""bstr bois men.bf rs ol ll.o Lo.nmltire. Tl e i 8. Irs werr tlirn roolrd ofl with water, nffrwhich they the Onmmittir and sent to II A.LnnU' store lor P L 1 1 c a m i n a io fto ti d HSVf"01?1" ?T 'l hehookt and it up r stakenlrom the .ife . An tured bv r arrels Her rings damse-d fully ilftcen per cent, morethau those taken from Lvnhs lc stson s Ha e. cm..-" .... ....... - - pattiallrlal oftlie tespdcilvcqua itirs nf J" '' Safes. , IIANM I, S. HUNTER. Having been absent during the burning, we fully cointide wlih Ihe ribovc suit ment nf I hi cn million of tho papers and bookilakcn out of tha ri.sp"cllve t5nfes. . A . N 1 COLLS, tl. II. ttIH I.FiN ItERQ, JA8 . M1LIIOLLAND. Mafch S9.1M7. . DIPLOMA AAVAUDKD By the Pennsylvania Stati AtrUnhural Society nnd by several County ioetette. to BliF.tXM FMWKFIFJ.lt fl CO., for ihttr Celebrated Fegeiabls CATTLE I OWDRH HOltfiEH. 10 It Horses, it Is an iuvnluable re tnedv for the cure ; and prevention o! all (! Nerves Incident in the noble Z ml, vi2 Distemper, Uoughi. Tarty, l evcrs, v ii Ortpt'S, Inflammation, Jaundice, Kldnev d Mnses, '"landers, Thick Legs. dr biitind.HMztfer. Vivrs, Ulcer in Lungs. (Surfeit, Founders, Hirilghl Hair, Worms, Mores. &e. FOR ET CATTLE In Jauntlse, Yellows, Hovcti or niown, Bloody Urii c, Itrd Wntt'r, iMurrian, Lns of Cud, Loss of Ap petite, Diarrhri tit Loonenrgs, Htrnf disease. Wolf In the Tall. Hollow Horn, Bloody flilk, lilood disease, Losst'f Milk. TOR HORS. In Swelled Nick. Hi Irs In th" Liver, Abcrsses in tin Lungs, Ulccts of the Bowels, Spasms or Cramps, Choke diseases. No farmer should be with out tl n single day ; it Is his shuctai cbor lor diseases of his ttnk. It increases the amount ofmilk, butter nud lat In halihy n mini Is irom tt.u.il amounts of food nt liu'l frnm 0 to V3 per cent tis Ihe experience ol over lUUOlk larmers, wh) have used it will iittify at any lime! ANOTHER NEW DISCOVERY I 0ATTLI3 MNIMI5NT. Uuiuiiilley any other Liniment or Embrocation M 1 1 jt ' I wn to tho world. It Is good f.r the fol lowing disenr-rs.a'id has proved it sell In the ha ltd ol thou Fa lids t-l farrius, Limn sand st:ige prnpriors to exct I'dntijiliinc cf the kiml over iiflered loth" public Till. V-ti'lt.iZ LI.yiMrJVT uvuji vn CATTLE. HUMAN UODY. Ppralns.tlrniies, Foundered Feet, Spat in, Swieny, Rhfitunti mu, Weak Joiuis, Contracted Sinews, Frost UUti, Chapifd Hands, Hw-elhiigs, Tumours, Tooihacbe, Pain In the I'Cgs, Pa m ntl.eU.ifk, Pain in tin Shoulders, .Vervous Paius, Chiblnini, llilen of Animals, HliiT Joints, --tgtul.t, Si'.r.tn. null i nl evev Kind. Windgu'ls. Hand Cracks, Lameness, otrains, Pcru'ches orCrcafc, Thick Lgs, (lard Tumours, R'ncbone. Poll Evil (Racked Heels. Ri-tien Hour, Horn Di8tennr, Ann many oilier tiirasps. It is i . i-hort. tho Diost oomplftL and univcrbat Limniunl tint science has ever yet pre dured. Beware tf Cunterftttt, nn both our valu.ililfj disrovfr ii's are alreailj rouiitrrfMi-d by piMFous in diiFrnt parts ol the r-ntt Our powder lias our written sig iiiiure on pjcIi boutc. .Maitufatturfit rmlv by iiuniMi;, rnoNxnci.D & co No. 317 N Third t , N. U corner Th ird Sc Wood, riiil.i'clphia, Dentt Vo, 1357 H t HOVER'S LIQUID II AIR DYE. 'T" II Iii HAIR I3VU uteris only a trial to saii-ify all of -m- im iTirtiniii im ii iji",uii(i nil H 'I I HVI M 2 IPStl iiionial from th u pmitirnt , tialvtic t.'hi-iuist . I'rnln.iir llonih. of Ihe II H M i nl . w ill only ton fir ri wlut thoii sands Irntu previ'udy larnr lisiMniny in. Laboratory for Practical Chemtttry I St. ie(UM'a Place, 1-lnlad.i. Itolng well nrinn hit I'd uiiliiiii; uli-ttnnfe compon Ins Hovers Li piid ll.ilr Dye I am FulihlVd tint by lo'lowliij the Dim pin , rcrtinti (iivcii inr it ih", it will not injure thf 1 1 in r or HI, m but Hilt give a natu rat ami dtir.dile tutor to tiiu hair. JAMUt o. noorn. Aug 1157 Analytic Chemist. HOVER'S WIUTING INKS. rNOLuniNd unvnnvt tluih and HovaiM s- L DHLUIIjI: INKri.atetoo wel I known and Intrndiirnd t requir! any additionii P'ttiinoiiv of their rli.ir.irtrr Tin sales ha be n lucreafinz since tlifir first intro- ttuction, glvitiui'vi'ienty that llu ,i-Hclis truly puHss lh.it iuirinsic inrit claimed ub first for them by the iiiamif icturtT. Oriliirs.adlfer(-d tothe Mann fact i,N'o.4t(i Itirr siruci.nuovo r ounn, (oht no, nt.j t'hla leiptua, will re cc prompt altciitijn, J03CPII n. iiovnu. Aue 20, 13:7 IV Minnfatturtr. 1858. SPIttNO AND SU MM Kit, m if i w n i ii & w G120. IIULPIN & CO. iMrnitTKiis jj.v m.ixofjictom:rs, 171 CIIESNU!' STIIE15T, Are now prepared tnexhiblt their New Styles FOR SPUING TRADE, lNCI.UWNtj nlalark and coloredSillt Mantillas Chanlly I,ne Man Maclillis. French l.ace Manlil.ns, embroidered t"llk al.tulillas, rtnaleil l.nee and Net Mnntillas, Mourning Manllllas Itas'iues. Talmas, &c . Ac., Allofwliicli willbc Ufcred nt the Lowest Trices. cno nm.i'iv st t:o. 1TI Che.nut Street, abovoitli, rhiladcllia. March7th.lH57 10 It Manuladuring and liurninE purposes, for sale by j. n. A t s. Ai.i.nv, Nos. 7 and o South Wliarvrs. rhlladHpliia June 0, 1817. FALL & WINTER .i.a.-mn - UtJtJJO UUU ioltO, Vim subscriber respectfully inform Lia 1 eustnmersand tlm nnlilic generally, lhat he has receiveda InllsMi k nf clii.lre rail auit Winter UOOUS. cnniprifinp 0 full uisnrtnicM i.f Olniln. Cassliners, Butmells. I)-laine llrlmiers Uaiiroes. tc. lnSelh.)r I wilha eri-alvaliely of oilier arlicle, usually k?pt in I Country tilores. ALHO Ilutilvvare.fiillerv. nupRnaivnm A.,H. Pi.h ! Mol.ilasos. Irun.Sleel. Hats, dps, lliiols.Hh.ies, .c, I ITS" Country prniltice. imliidinir tiraiu. I.tunlier, fac, j laken in rxrhanse for goods I EJ'Thaullul f.ir pan purouaje lie retncclfiilly asks T 10 MAS E. JJVl-.S. Millvillr. Jan I 1, IRH-y. l -r xXT riAnnn ! IIIVV I -w I 9 I B I I S ! v vjlUi FALL AND WINTER OF 1858. r ho under-isned, (jrutclul for former I liberjl pitronaje, respeeiful ly infrrnis Ins iriends und cuslomrrs ill teneral, that hn has romi nicnced iiusiiiesslu hi. spacious New Btoru Hum" n.itdoor lo I.eiah rlhiiin.in's llolel.-wherc helms juslreccivcd.ariiilsupplyfif FALL AND WIN TER GOODS. "n,P,ll"BY''fy variety of fashion,. pi.ilitv and style ... (.lire. i luceries.iiiiinceware ll'.'ut f "'m ,,"" l'"'H' """"' which will be snlil on Acroiiiiiioil.iliiic Terms ICr"Oraili andii-odure of all kinJ w nled.' , , A & a. ANDKEWS. Manville, Jan l.IPi?, y. W'OSTSOKC lid t i! 9. Nos. 0 . --" - 11, 1.1 anil IS Oouitlorjll ilrect KF1V Vn 7' V ""i, NEW YORK. n. d.winoiicstiir TIKIS n WIKPIIKt-TKR My. II. "BNJ.F.WINOIII.Hri.U I pATTCKl' APiAOB RRIMitES J-Olt haj.b AT " -ARrMANB, OILS, STI?Af ENofNES a'nD DOIhER l'llllsiibseilliorlinowprcrnrcil.witlintw Matliln" .iw.'AS'li-f.'li-llW .McriloulHruinlaliiBk poriablo emit,., rrnin 10 lo4. torse t'oweriiiiggc" upon curriugi'j.wiin iutnr ui i n u pumps all rnmplete and ready for action. Also j .cyinld,.,; ihteaud tulmlttrbolfers cast I ton cOa! breaks; , irtJ patciitPl In IMG, for threshing grain nnd oracklnr I Flggetlcoinplrtewlllidottble acting fgl'lnt pumps, nl i kinds of mlllgearingiiiiii house casting mane to omen Mficshnftiug with aiiyderlnd stkesot pulleys finishe with hangers Ironplanlng done sayU4feel long! kltidsof Iron turnitg henvy press nnd other screw turned with nny desired pitch ol ill rend, eoineheroro tlicpubltcttl Irol nnd wodenmachlnce mai,. to order. Lever powrr.il.nln or-lrcnd power Tneorst uougo won inrcsning .narnines, inni fver mniln i n nrrier . Also tn kes order a Cnr t he nil low I nc ma rhtneryl Hnrflfon'a latest pat in tsraln mill, 9 looil of. fcrcdb thn rntentecfprltseiual. It will grind Ingnod fine men Iii5 huslielsin one hour. Also bolts nnd elevn tors nil InmJer.nlsottnggle's Tatrn ill lower, manufnetur e d by O. D llnrrls tc On., the most powerful mower now I n no with the! east i mount nfpotver, one of which wiii"fl pntin list in inc i ouiiury ior rxniniiton.' j tui w0"s "'"""v.rranled lob what llieyu., AIo Takn orders for flrolt's Patent ItlarUmtth Piriker, and rights to iibp them In t hccnim lisi nf Coliini bla. M on .our . Nori ImmHerlnnd.L. coming, Pullivan and cllutun . one of which can be seen nt mv shnn- LEWIS II . A1AUS, Mar.h?2,185G. Rtnomshu. Columbia rc , rtUE undersigned rcspro fully informs J his fr ipo ils and the public tnot Ire has laken the F.ickangelUttl, Itloomsbure. locntcd on ut Street. directly opposite the Court House, which has bern ihniugbty repaired and Improved, where he Is pre- parru io acioiuuMMiiiie niscitstoiiicrs with good lare uud to geni tal sat i nIik lion lie also da's th connection with the Exchange II o lei. sin excellent OMNIBUS LINE, runnlngregulnrly severnltin.t s per day .to and from the Drpnlon tlicarrivntnlthe Cars, by vihirli paiseng rrs willlm pleasantly conveyed In tlie Depot Pintion,ot taken from and relumed to their reside iiccs, if desired. t3 He will nlwaysbpliappy to entertain ntidnt.com mod ate his Iriendstu the utmost of hlr abilities. PETER UILLMHVCR, iriTUfjr, nlonmsburg .April 5,18oB y . Avise's iV3 o 1 1 n a p w a tc 1 1 v j B w r. i. n v s to n n i& iNn. ii, Worth be co nil strcei, OProalTI'.TIIUMnUNT VCRNON II OUB '. ,1'H I l.A liolilLcvcrWalcliesrullJcwclled ICR Cases, S'.'B 0 Silver do do .MIU ilo t.epine do li uti (inarllers 3 (lOlo 7 l) ColilSicciatcs, 4 5ot0 inOti silver ilo So .SlIvciTablnSpoons pencil, H' 0Hl o I E Dll do lleseri it" do Liootoliliu do -fen do do 4 Mtn 7 ill noli'.Pcnrani'dolilCases, 3tflo Sort do Silver do (Jq Tocetherwith a variety nr fine liolil Jenolry.Rnl ii r.tlunrilnnd fob Chains. A 1 1 ann.ls arrnnli ('ti,b aFirei.ited. .itches and J ewclry rcpiiin i l n 1 1 bestiitanner ii. N II. AlloiilerFsenlbv'iymalliiMlherwlsc.i,. piinetnallyitleiideilio. 'ovenlher., M3"l 1 WINTER AT ME.NSCH'S CHEAP STORE. JMIE nndcrsipned havinr. removed his ., .H.'I?,'"n louii.atlhoslli.d, lalelyo-eupiedby II Ij ft I tv llnrlinii where with uriuer, l iern iso.l Incihlics, he Isenul.lnl umlira f,il'aorr eutnf l'aslitonat.lo Goods. Which he Ills Just reel Itedrniin II,,. I'.n.leti, I'..,.. rompr isllig Dry lion da, (1 nicer le,, II urit.w ire, Ui ns wnre Ceil irw urn llcillo- are, llriics. l'lsli.bnli fce. I'liislcr, Iron, M.ills.llouls, Shoes, Hals .Caps, .c.i.c Also 11BA I) Y MADE ULOTIIlrvG lusliort, every tlife usually bent in rnnnlrv ntn.... to which he i nvitestiii. public jeuernlly rJ l.'sall, I.u uber. ttld Iron and Cniiulre l'rn,li,. takcuiuoicli.iiigelar Unods, at the ln;:cl maikct price A. V. itl I'.iNaUlI. nloonnburg. Jan 1, IP53. FALL & Wi.VTflR COODfj. iT3'2t:H ftcal &i CO., n A VI NO Jni-l rni'iu'il nmi npcnril iliolr slork o iiirilinnili.i'l.ir-'iir in sales, win, h i iimiirlM's tlie i.Aiinuvr rinii'iihT. iin.i iiAMiviiM. nip iiwnl now nUVn-il in this TtlWV I lliivim. nn allfiuwiilnllii di 1 lion nl llirir ciuirc slnrk. n In nriii'Miiil innlily, I li- llnlii.r lln'msi.. n,.n i.mu ran rnmnc.i' Willi lln!ciocr, anil iillllmtc wishliip .,..,..) i;urarf villi Hrf v UHlllt- y u V Kl V I llf l H r H P liavi- all klll'ls ol flnoils Dili Wuri'S IP snnnU tlie rcoplt. A vry large Im nf I.ADlKs' DUKSS GOODS. friMich .Vorrnnrs.U'onll'liuils, Alinr.is, lliinili'irlnrs, iu ii.mht; . ujiiuis. 1 ,ir.iinrii-i ciniiis, ,iinitiiir l.n.ires, Muslin l)c l.nliifs.l'crslan r.lollisCinslmiiis.Ualiciics, WIIITi: CIOOIIS Ul' A I.I. KINIJH Fli'vrs.Cnllars. Ilnmlkurrliifls, ririunciiigs, humls 1111,1 trlimninck, l,n.saiidi'(llnj;s,tinnnnl rllih ons, in larRii variifly , vrlvil rilih'ins, unit limiils.kii'.cutlon, ami lisle llircad frlnvi'K. .Mnl,nil initls. kc . Wi linili'ntirrneiiils nml the pilhllr jtcnerattv to l VP us 11 ill luriiirr pi! re mining u lini lu-ru. Vlhn r liniii-htour ennilsal l.tiwi-slCnsh Prices. anil will urn he tin ersolil liy nii bml y . nr ttic rrnt oinn 11k I nn . McKl'.LVV, J.,AL & CO. P.lnnn. burp, Jan 1, IP.'H. Dr. J. S. Oon;liton's GIIEAT CUltK FOR DrSWSPSIA. V'rXlZm HOUOHTON'S . Juice rreiared from lEcnuct, or the fouiih I Stoiuneh of the fix, alter I dirertiunsof ll.ir"ii Lie. hi?, tiic .'real l'hytio(i ichi ttieuiifi, ii) j ti To'i5hton,.M 1) , Plilla delplilu Ja, llr isN.ilure'finvvnIl'-metl) tor on unhealthy Hio mari;. No nn of man can equal it rurative powerH- ' conlaliiB no Alrhohnl litieri Ai id, or Nnuuaou F uas. 1 1 1 Hxtremely 1. kici abb lotlifinitcand may t c taken by the most feeble patient v bo c.iuiioi eat n r'nlercrackt- rw thou 1 acute dlKtrer: UnwareofOruiged tiiiitatioiiB l'i ptiin la not a Drop ty'a'l ontlie Auent. uud iet a Descriptive drrula hrnliJi, civlnf.' a larce ainmiiil nt Bciemiiir Kvidenre fri)inLiehi-ii Auliiia 'i.heinli-try'l'r.Cnnibe'ttplijaiinloy l)i!PKtioni Dr 1'rreira on I'ood nnd ihet;I)r. John V 'f'aper, ofNew Vork Unlvereityi I'ror. I)uiillf.niri 1'yniolnpyj Prof, 1man.11 1 ValeCoIledpe; Or t;arpen lei'tl'iiyxlology; AcioRctber with reporttof Cutei from till paitfof Iho United Stnn. Hotdhy I' 1' Lutz and J. U.Moyer, IHoi.hiiImi rc S It. Ilowmau Ilerw'lck, Oct3, 1833 ly. Itloomsliurg Tlinvaic and stove Sluri, rniir.iiinlerBigncdrMpr'c'fiilly informs hU oti friend X uud cuntoiiiiTfl. that 111 baa nurrlinaed Ins hrnllicrB lnlcrealiiiilieabovee;ilaiili,hiiMMit,aiHlilief(iicernvvill hcreatlcr he coiulucted by liinwelf exclnnively. Ilehna yiri M-ceivcii ana unern 10. thn larpem ntni t .tWft ever Introduced Intolbis market, 11 ms 1 c 1 1 11 r 1 y 11 s x r 1 ni 11 1 111 1 iiPiuy biuvtia "Crsfi 1II nckcoiuibtr4of a eomplitoassortiueiit ol xutXT.iSTy: .'IS.". '?."'.V': anil lluxdiuves. K.ilistors.(Jvlliiitcr Ptovus, Cas! Iron Alr-Tiiih 8hivs, Cnmi'in Hmvps, ftc, A.r . ' ("y'y tpennu rinwnriT.iii.iaiiiiji.ii li.nil unl inail- 1 ,. .. Ii ,, ,,, V- l" r. ineVnf old .ncuTril.onVa .piuiiuiiy sonnipil . V . '.I. n n ul irntlirillU IIUI1L. IIS Id friends nud new customeri re nttiM'n-n JUoniinhnrir, Jan 2, 1?.. 4, if S T AlfKKIUU-Tn Att L K Y . CII CAP WATCHES A XI) JEWEL BY. WllOl.nsXUl AMIti;TAir.,al tbo Thilcleliilim aifh and Ji uclry Siore,' No 1 id (Old No no) lT ..- n nm i 1, riMin-r in li'inrrv, riui.nn 111111a Itrici'ltia, .... ac0 J.nuy h ilo il 1'encils, . i nn Hill er 'IVii Hpunns, set 3 no Oidd IVns, nith 1'entl1 and Silver holder, 1 CO (laid rimer Hint's. .I7 rents In $c0 1 Wnirhli lasses. Plain, Ul cents, paiem le, l.unel Sjj 01I11 r nilirles In proporlinii. All g'.o.lj warranted 10 be what Ihey arusu.il lur BTAUriTII t. IMniXV. Hl-On hand some Oold and sllrer I.tvtri and l.eplnes Hill lower than tlicab' ve prices. October 10. I.'i7 1 Espyloivn t'oatli anil H'agoii Factory I i uniiersitncil lint ins surreedeil Jacob 8. i:va i i i"' '"aril nui I. Inc bus) ness, nl Ins , ' . , . im, i.uur 11 inn 1, 1 u( mi si ness , ii 1 11 1 s , ' .'L''" ,;,l',""" rcspectiuliy ininrm their frient andtha iiiblii.tluiilbi, rnniinuiwilltlio Ilr';o Making Business. Inall ll. depa inienu. , ,.,!., . . 1,,'ppy irre u'r Wheel birnms made tonrdcr nnd ullkinds nl repairingiloiieoiisliuriiioiirr . 4 HAQCNtLCII, (lold 1 ( verVatrIiei,niJt:wclleJ,jy caret cabbs. S2at'0 . cnerj-y nml tone lo the entire f)n in. (J u I.I lupine, in caret. . , . iii 10 . Stc irlne u lib lu Wrerlu nx arut ) nny n n ol Silver K ver, lull jew-cllcd. . . J2d0 l Uniled Hiaiei and raiiinai l,j ruticnla re'n'iui'id Kilyer KepnteJeweU, . . , gnu laimif ibrir ff) mi toiui by Ii tier- l(ut ibe cure vould iipi riuruunrlitfrs, .... 7U0 nmre ceriain if ibe pal 11 i l t utd 1 aj me a vim!. (old Hienclt, .... 700 wb rli wt old pive me nn eppuuijniiv lo rMimine iio Cscyiown Jie7 )e5u y AYER'S PILLS. ron all TitE run'rosEs of a FAMILY PHYSIC. Tiicnis lin lnn ctMcd a public dcm.i"i4 fr an cITcctUc jmrualhc pill which cotihl Ig rclitA on m auro M,it pciftrlty safte In its operation. IhUhRi hrcn prepared to inccL that demand, fetid nn exU.1 sio trial of its Urlue-t hat conclu-iitcly shdtmlth what success it flccompli-ihct the pttrposo dcaignni. It is tMy lo make a physical ;if7, but not ny lo tna.V.e the best Of ail piM-tjMj which should have none of Ihe olir clions, hut all the adtantnRrs, of ovrry other. Uhis has horn atteniptpd. here, and with what Miercks we would rcpecltuily submit tn the pnLlta dcriilori It hai hrcn tmforlunalo for the patient hitherto that ahnnit ccry purgatlro tiH'dicinc is aerimoniou-i and irritating to tho bowt els. This is not. Mnny of them produce to much griping pain and revulsion in the sjalcm as to more than counteibalatiee tho Rood lo be dethedftom tht m.- Ihcsn pills produce no irritation or pain, uiiicia it nt is o from n prcUotisly exiiUnp obstruc tion nr drrntinrment in the bowel. Uciiijt; purely CKctallle, no harm can arise fiom their ue in any quiiiitity j Iml it is better that onj, medicine shouh'l bc'takru judiciously. Minute directions for their uio in the dot oral 'disease to which they arc ap plicable are picn on the box. Among the com plaint which hate been speedily cured by them, w may mention Liter Complaint, in its various forma of Jaundice, Indinesllou, Languor and Lois of Ap nelite, ListlcRMiess, Irritability, Unions Ilcndnche. llilinun 1'cnr, 1'cer and Ague, I'aiu in the Side and Loins for in truth, all tlicne are but the con Fefjueiice of dicired action in the liter. As nn aperient Ihey nfforfl, ptornpt nnd sure relief in Cos- incnefi, i lies ouc, i)FCucry, jiuinor!, ocroiuiiv nnd Sonny, CohU with sorrtcj$ of the body, Ulcer and iinnttrity of the blond, Ifjpjularitie.-. ; In short, auv and etcry ease where a rurgattte is required. 'lhev have tUo pioduceu some Angularly sucs eetful curet in Kheumatism, Gout, t)rojpv, Ornvel, KrjRiprlas, rnlpitnlion of the Heart, rains in tho Back, Stomach, nnd Side. Ihey should he freely', taken In the spiing of the year, to purify the blood and ptep.ire the system for tho change of seasons.! An occmional doe stimulates the btomach nncV bowels into healthy notion, nnd restores the appe tite and ugor. They purify the blood, und, by their stimulant action on the circulatory system, reno atc the .strength of the body, and reitorctthe wasted or diseased enemies nf tho whole organism. Hence an occasional doio is advantageous, etcn though no set ions derangement exists; hut un neceiwtrj dosing tshuuld netcr be enrried too farf as every "puigiitite medicine reduces the strength, when taken tu cxeeis. 'J he thousand cases in which a ph)MC is required cannot be enumerated here, but they suggest themselves to the reason of eterv bed) ; and it is conlidiiitly Ulicted this pill will answer n heller purpose than any tiling which has hitheitu been available to mankind. ( When their tirtnes me once known, the pnblicwill no longer doubt wlut rimedy lo employ when in need of u ctthailic' mmlianc. Unng sngtir-wtnpped, they lire, pleasant to take, nnd bring purely tegctnble, no harm cuu urNe ft ton their ue m any quantity. I'ur luinutc dhccliuns, see wiftppcr on tho Box. l'HDPAIIKl) KV )H. -TAMES C. AY EH, I'l'iic.tit'iil :iul Aiuil) tit til r'liviiiisf,' LOWHI.L, MASS. Prlao 25 Cents per Eoi. rivo Eorcs for SI. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL,- l-'or the inplil fine of CO.'MHS, ,fOI.I)S, IIOARSHNKSS,' RltO.M'iitTIS,' l00PI.(-C0l'(;il, t'lton. Asni.u.t, .txft This remedy hat won fof ieil mteh notoriety frnm itn cures of ever) Mirietv of puhnenar) dhtase, lhat it is entirely imnec'ar) lo retount tlie evi dences of its virtues In any ( nninninity whrie it hiB h in niiplnjed. ho whle Is tho field of its fiilneMs, and i numerous the cases of its cures, that almost evcrv hot lion of tlie country abounds. In per-'tm puhlii-I) known, who have 1 n il tcstuied fiom iilnrming iiftd even dc-piiale dist-an-H of the lungs by its me. "IV ben t.tue tried 11h MipritotiTy over pn-ry other medinnp. ctf its kind in too appa rent to escape t.liscivdtinn, and wberp'iU viiluesarc known, thr public no longei 1 txltalt.- what ntittdot? to employ for the distresim; and d.mfecre.'j nirfCt thins of 'the pulumnary oinHtis width ore incident lo our climate. Not inly in fuiniiduUe nttucksj upon the lungs, hut for the milder vaticT.es of CoUjs, Cot (.111, Iliuitsi.MM-. Ac. i and for (Jit ll-mii-s it is the idciiKauteRt and knfi'ht mcdliine that can he obtained. An it has long bern In eouslaut uc throuphout this .section, .c need not do more than nuMtro tlie people its quality i kept up to the best that it ever has been, and that Ihe genuine article Is sold by JT II I' I.UTZ, an I a'l lliu tnun in Itloo imburs. umt l)?,i.r in .Mcilicitira evvriwh te Jan. 9, lr-5ri IMl'OHTAN V mSOOVEKY I " AND ALL IHSlIAhKri T T.lli LUNCH AM) TIIUOT ar Mrllivly curable by iitliaitttiun, wlnrli coiivfvti the ri iin-Jii to the cnviinr In tln uih thri'DKli tlio .nr tumxast-i anil ctniiii'j in ilit"t rnntiirl uiih tlio liM'iis.r, n(ulrnlirii tbe f ! null r iiutier.altayp Hit e until rmihi n r. I r ami i n i i toratioi, luali Ilie lungH, pun Tit t i ht" b'ooil. in ;iM r ui r wul vitality to llio nirviuit Fjtin. ).'ivii(- t hat torn unrieiuTfi) to ImJii-pi'iit-atilf fix lb n t'rnin n 1' liiiallli. 'l'o bt iilile to Kltiie riiiili.U'lHIj that I'm miih t ion t eiiral.Iu by inbulutiot , it lo mt i ii utri f ;ntia l) itl plenum. It ib at uiiitli iMulir'iIii' roitM i- uieditnl t rent merit ni nny olli-r f.'nni',nl)lf ilensi j ninety not uf ever) lniudrt i un inn In n rul in ilte 11 1 pi tiaci and filiy per cent in the pi run it ; I nt In thr third ht.igc it In impitaVililc to have more I linn ie pi r cent , for the lung are bo cut up by tin- i'im-'.h' iii lo but defiance to uii-diraUkill l.trii. Iinvve rr in the l.it htitijcr, inbalntioti nirunin cxtrr.orihiiin) r I it f to the uiih niiR title. imIimi tb i ftiiful t-ct'ii r i: , w Iik Ii nn nually i.pviro)c ninety ll e ihouvniid pern i in the Untied fcMiilcs alone ; and n correi 1 fuleuliitn u fhnw that nf tpe present pnpul.iiiii ol lie iiirili, fijjlil lull Il oiiB ore tti ptlin d Infill t hi ( UfcUliipUi v'h j.rav e 1 rnlv lit (iiiivt r i f deiiili Ian no .urov. to fotiil m (V.tmi in lit luri . In nil tin- it has been e cii t-t in n ) i' lit, tnr it Fp.iiefl iK-ith'r iice i r mi. i m mm 1 1 n nil alike the biave, tbu bf.iulirul, Ihe (.race fn I . and Ihu pifti d. 11 the ln'V ul lh.il Mipn n v I vup fit n whom (noHih every pnotl and pt-rhrt flit- 1 tun einb'ul in dlPT to tht: aillutid a prrinnmnt iiniUMid i'lin in ('oimiinipticn 'J he ttH cniM- i f lul.errlt t it lr n itf. pure hleod, .ii'.l the liuuit dinte i fieri, rn('rced h) t l.t-ir icioctt ion in Hih lu ncn, is lo prevent Unfile ni'iuintii.ti ofuir inio ilieairretiH, whicjiciui'tn uinli in tl vita lity i It ron-Ti the entire 3 etc in 'J (it n hki I) ii j ihcrn ratioiinlloexpecl icnter foodfrom medirinrv enteri' v the rux fi ol the I u tips than from il.arv adm jiijMctfil tb rou jrli the eioinnib ; the put it in will nlw.i) c find ilie iiiih free nud Die bri at In n fr tary niter liihani.f rt me die Tbua, Inhalalion U a local remedy, iicverlbelira It acurnneiiliitlfinnlly, uud wiMi moro power nml re r l.iiutv than reiuediPB aduiliilfcteredliy the MMnaeli 'I o prove the powerful and direct Influence ol On inoile t.( u ml niit r.it nut, cbloiolorm Inhaled will eniirdy de ttroy nitfifiilny 111 n few minulea ainlvtinc Ihe en tire iiirvitifii)eiii Pctlmta limb maybe amputated without the sliplitf-at pain t inhniine Ihe ordinary burn tl st ir is ta-ill sls.klru lif., I is n f..i. ' he h,imialiou of aiuu.onia will rcufe the pvKteni 1.. rntntii.fr ti.n.nP.i u- .., .1 m-i... .1- , of the medicines ia prrcepliblc In the r Kin a fvv uilif ute after being Inhaled and 11 ay be Inuiudiatelv dc- lected In the blond A mm Incinppronf of ihe cointi. lutional eirrctB onnbalniion.in f lie fjcl thai ifkicM is nlvvag produced by hrfalhiup foul air b not this poittvu evidence that proptr reniitlicp. raitfujly pi- i Wir "" "l" '"'' boud produce the motl liappj n Kiilu I Inirinp irh . teen jeam' prariite, u.un tfnuimm's nillerinp fiom deai-ct of the IiincKundtliro.il bavehten under my cure. and I have jtflertt u iiiqiiv reuinrkabiecuren, evrn uder lb' FUlbrirti b.id In en prnm umeil in the nt tO(fon. wlnrli fully aaiisliea me llu t tounttiipiioii v no louder a fatal cll.oui-e JMj iMutniml ol consumption ii orisiua), and founded nu lour expi rlenre and a Iho roufh in f it lfitii.M. My pufict nrqunintnnce wiih theuatittcof luberclen.tkr , eiioblfs ni to diatiiifui )i readily, the varloui forini of dinnt,H ihnt simulate coiiinmi linn, and apply li e proper rrmruier, rarelv f in St in lata fen even in a tingle rape. 'ihn fan iharili in ronnertioo uiih certain palfiofnfiral and niictonr'o pic diroveii(b, enahlcp me in re'iev e the In tip n frotl thtt eiri-em or conlrarted cbegtr-; lo rulaipr ihe ihoi , Piirifv the blood, mma it In il ri in u il isiniit.s .1.1.,. tviiat nty 111 d then the- cure could be cfltetcd wiihoui my sieii 1; ihe imuent r.cnin. O W GUAIIAM. M I)., Offlce, im FiiLiBi tin 1 1 , (old n. 109.) , , . llelntvTnelfll, 1'Mladclphla, Ta July II, IFS7-(luiiii i) TltUNKSI TJIUNKSTI Tin: I.AHOEST, nrnT liiutls oniest and chtapi si as tnrtnient 01 Holu Leallicr fio'ld lliveleil TItJIt'KLlJHI TnrXKS, VAI.IHf: TRUNKH. Mia' tloiinttt Jrti, 7sl irlllf.IiUr.Vrt fiisr.iii.ci rropeiirrs.l ic. 4Vc,,al rropollrrs, Leaihtr und Carpel Uass". Tackluj Trauli Celibraied i.omion rii Medi'. iinproted sic. bul ''IS ' Viaim: l''r 'ri?rr','.Cl0r'' . A""""1 , , , JUIIMCU'I Tin.varc and tlliett Iron Slanufarurer-Fi r n, Mr. bticcl Ulow i:iictt' eioti