Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, January 16, 1858, Image 2

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'from on excess of sturml fovlicnranco ou
pjSs our part, (tint " an infamous ucst of Mor-
i tnonites" have crowed fiver us,
If patience in this matter over was ft
virtue, which vro liavo always tloultcJ, it
L'lMJJliA .WJJjUUUH Jl ll certainty lias no rlatm to ttio metapiionoai
- ..nn ,..',Tii, -1 or philosophical ilosicnation now. Wo a to
- lnlnil that Iho President tliililia so. anil
in i . . T m maQ . .. a .
iilO0111SI)lll S , dull. .1.0, XOOO. heartily consur in tuo views no puw lorn
Newspaper Arrangomontsi
I'N-oa Toi.AN, Esq., has entirely renewed
his paper, the "Carton Democrat,? Hha
Democrat is tlio organ nf tiio Democracy
or Csir'.ioti county, and wo hopo thoy may
t id, appreciate his liberality and common
(Ullo determination to givo themja'first
i ite country uowspaper. It U"mucli hn
1 r ved in appoaraucc. t
M.sfw. DiErrpwuon.& Wilson have
i-olv d tho firm of tlio Clinton llwiocral.
ami the promptness no rccoinmomis in tlio
premises. Tho President holds that hu
manity demands tho strong arm of tlio
United States in Utah, and that only hy
its prdsonco can a useless effusion of blood
bo saved.
Sinco tho President's Message was de
livered to Congress, tho nows from Utah
confirms, in its most rebellious phases, tho
accounts of Mormon opposition w)'!,ch wo
had previously received. Th-0 determina
tion to resist tho entrant of Gov. Cummings
House of Ilcprosenlativcs, at Washington,
It is by far tho most important
of Congress, and its chairmanship ono of
tho moat influential and rcspon:
of tho Government. All money bills must
originate in tho llouso of Jtcpresoutativcs,
and bo submitted to the scrutiny of tho
und the official 'pointed by the 1'rcsidont,
Mr, Wilson retires. Mr. Dicffoob'ach will. is confirmed, by ncta as woll as words.
ontinuo to conduct tlio Democrat, and also .Does it. not scorn ridiculous for an Ameri-
fulfill tho onernuj duties ofDcpuFy Secjc-jp,, citizen to hear that the duly oppoiutod
tary of tho Commonwealth. Ou? fricivi,
1)., has mado an excellent Dpainoratic
Editor, and wo trust ho will alsosmako a
good Secretary. JP
The. Lady's Home Magazine, fey T. S.
Ahtiiuu and Vmai.NiA If. TovrNSENn, h?s
U'n received for February. -JThis is a
vork of high merit, rare cxccllcnco nnd
tingular beauty. Truly a Jfvalunblo
" present for your Wife, Daughter, Sister
cr Friend." Philadelphia: $ 00 per
Tlio President vs. TlioiPropliet,
untlc shi's mission Tqrnn baijcts.
Tho President's Mcssago is distinct,
forcible, and peculiarlyjraphio on the
Mormon question, covering all Iho ground,
and indicating tho only measures equal to
tho emergency. -.'Matters have gone to
muh lr-ngths, thbt it is, in our opinion,
" hoping ngaipst hopo" to expect or dream
of a peaceable subjugation of tho Mor
mons to allegiance, lnsatiablo ambition
based on ignoranco and guided by irro
pponsibility, in tho head of Mormonism,
ond lust, rapine, and fanaticism in tho
hrdy of iho organization, it is not to bo
expected that citLcr ono will easily yield
to tho other tho jurisdiction of that law
nnd Christian order which is tho natural
enemy of both
Drigham YouDg and the Mormons, the
prophet and tho saints, aro respectively
and mutually tho growth of congenial awl
accommodative vices, as tinners aro tho
BoldicM of evil, and vil tho offspring of
sinners. They aro to all intents and pur
poses a unit in their opposition to, and
depredations' upon, tlio United States and
tlio citizens thereof. Young relics for
success on the fanaticism of his followers;
aid tho latter, from tho depths of their
superstitious bcastiality, lools to him as the
cno light which is to guido them Uirougli
all opposition. Ignorwo and immorality
which may render an individual a coward
havo exactly tho opposite effect when thou
sands aro actuated by an identical indi
idualitv. Unity is strength. Under tho
effect of combination, thy ignoranco be.
comes blatant arroganco, and tho insulting
menaco is quickly followed by tho defiant
For Drigham Young to change his policy
of bullying tho Unilcd States, would bo to
unprophet himself before his people. In
Iio impunity with which ho has been al
lowed to disregard law and order, tho
Mormons havo been accustomed to regard
his invulnerability and our weakness, if
hot fear. Ho must act his part out to tho
last, and ho the direct means of sacrificing
his followers on tho altar of moral as woll
as political justice,
To trifle with iho Mormons, says tho
President, is to- encourage llicm, and rcn
der them formidable. Unhappily our cx
pcrienco endorses and illustrates this opin
ion. Tho matter has been trifled with,
encouraged, and rendered formidable by-
Mr. Buchanan i predecessors. .
The head of a church without a Christian
basis-, tho prcacl':i- of a gospel, tho first
principlo of 'which was impurity, should
not havo been made, or, being mado,
should not have Leon allowed to romaiu as
tho temporal governor of a Territory bo
longing to a nation tho simplicity of whoso
laws exhibits their Christi m origin.
Absolute over tho Mormon Church,
Young boeamo absoluto ovor the Territory
of Utah. Standing on tho former, bo
grasped tho latter. Umh was synonymous
with Mormonism, of which ho was the high
priest and guardian, ohief saint ond soldier,
pr ;.het end protector,
ovcrnor and officials of a United States
Territory would eulcr tho sphcro of tliur
duties "if possible."
Wo see it stated that tho news from
Utah has greatly excited tho pcoplo of
California, and that they desire to conduct
the war against their Mormon neighbors
It is evident that California could ci-cpcr
ate very effectively with tho United States
troops in tho movement on tho doomed
The sooner tho recommendation of the
President md Secretary of War is complied
with hy Congress, tho regiment raised,
and tho United States soldiers brought face
to face with tho Latter-Day Saints, tho
rarWc havo been looKing for a couple
tif weeks for tho annual Kcportof tho Phil
adelphialtoading and Pottsvillo Rail Road,
desiring to givo it an insertion in the Co,
lumbia Democrat, Wo nro now closely
connected with tho traveling aod business
interests of that road, by reason of iho
O&tmwissa Williamsport and Brio Uoad,
and tho Dloomsburg and Lackawanna
Road that our readers naturally desire to
know tho connections all tho way throngh.
In another part of this paper will be
found tho advertisement of the Road,wbich
is still"uudcr the Presidency of Mr. It. D-
Cullex, an able, excellent and efficient
man; aided by Mr. A. G. Niciiol, whoso
services as Ganeral Snpcrintendent could
not easily bo dispensed with.
J'rffm tkt Enqntrtr.
Tho, DifToronco Botwoon tlio
President and Souator Doug
las. A respected Indiana correspondent ask
us to "stato tho real dlfforenea between tho
views of tho Prcsidout nnd Mr. Douglas ou
tho Kansas question." Wo shall endeavor
to do so, as wo understand it.
Mr. Douglas nnd thoso who act with
hhn holdin the Gr3t place, that tho Lo
compton Convention was an irregular
body, tho Legislature authorizing it having
no power to call it ; and thnt such nn
assemblage Can OUlv hn P11,.i1 inln lonnl
.;m,pnl n .1 ,..v .i ..r committee. Somo idea can bo formed of
grcg3i j the labors and responsibility of tho com-
The President and those who act with ,nl,,cc. lon 13 rocoiiceiau in... mu
him hold that the Lecompton Convention a,.'u a"JU3t 0BU vs-
was a regularly and legally constituted pr"pn"3 ' "'""J"
assombhge, authorized by tlio Legislature 1 1,113 " vu" xu" uu.'" . ;" J
of the Territory, which had tho power to , lho bills aro timet inflmto. whlii to
call it, ond, and direct tho pcoplo to veto ovcry UP;""" u l'uu"u "
for delegates, and, as a consequence, Hnd to a11 ,ho complicated and vast ma
that its acts must be taken and held to bo ! clliuory of 1,10 government. Then the ex-
cffaj ! puliation anil auvoo.icy ot all those mils in
In'our opinion, tho historical precedents ho llouso of Representatives imposes on
favor decidedly tho views taken by lho 'bo chairman of that committco a most
President. Gov. Walker himself sustains herculean and exhausting tasK : to say
tho President on that point, as ho distinctly nothing of lho constant efforts to procure
ecognized tho Convention as legitimately 1 mrougu ino commiuo appropriations oi
called and organized. The very idoa of .Uoubtlul, or moro than uounttul legality
popular sovereignty is against tho position , anJ propriety. Its Chairman holds the
taken by Senator Douglas. When lho 1 Vts strings ol the nation,
pcoplo of a Territory aro, by act of Con I To this sovcro and responsible task, Mr.
gross, formed into apolitical community, ' J- Glancy Jones brings a ripe experience,
they possess, according to tho principle of! groat intelligence, undoublod integrity,
tho Kansas bill, tho authority to govern anl those sound principles or Democratic
themselves in their own nay, subject only 'economy in tho administration of tho gov-
to tho Constitution of tho Uni'cd States; eminent that insure a faithful and prudent
and in that authority is tho power to call discharge of his trust. Ho has now boon
a Convention and form a Constitution for 1 a member of tlio House for seven or eight
a State, when their population is sufficient years, and stands confessedly in tho first
to justify it ; othcriviie tho government of : rank of its aulo and distinguished leaders.
Licenses and lfondS. J$m &&OCrti0Cmtilt0
From (At bittihutg r. I
TTnn. .T. ftlnimnv .Tnnna. I
" j , . r ,1, T! -
The announcement that tho above nam- aPf,vlnS lnvor" "aD.s- i",,, mnTmnrPAWnfftW
.,1 nni1mnr, ! intn,l Pi,!rm,n -r' vfill find tlio Appmcation and DoNl'i in HDflieuM !SSiDuGiXa!fJ
cd gentleman is appolntod Chairman of, nf'-DYi)ivin1-r.rmi.ion,ii.eiiion,n.b,M i;.uhdrch
tho Committee of Ways and Moaniof the , " - " ' - - - r!S&Vu
jjlLUuaw nVj T. Mtiflmll. nrn int-fli-il Id nn.tcli
t i.l .......i n (turinir llin itnv.
will give great and general satisfaction to , J B"mou '"r lu" ' " 1 , I b,,vIc., i io -;'.
it ? 1 r o i iii i tho February and May Terms of our Court, Jaii iu, ihs7 oi.onui. VAiinLN.
tho people of Pennsylvania and elsewhere. ' lil!., t. wim,, ,,,,, ,775
. . , . n 11UU IIIU J11IUI1UHIIUII VI luniiuu, aigiitaw UU11U1V JLUlUlllUllJllM 1 k;
UUUIIllllHiO,,,. , ,, ... , , ... , f . v Llll I H f I 'lllin f.H
twetvo rcputanio citizons, must no uiou iJSiSHsSs'SSJ I r -Hlftl'
with tho Clerk ef tho Court, ono month in on tub Lackawanna anii ltLoo.Msuuiin g$m
ndvanco, in order that ho may givo tho irronniNO mpenor inciii.i.. Mr travel to New', '."J" .f."??,","
said application at least threo WCckS i Serantn.i ivllh ihn tt.ln. of llin Ucliinar. I.nrka- iurXiEi Pn VII
.,!,,,;. jn n-f t).. wn pnnnrir wl"" onilWrncrii nallrond Ompaiin nlao for travel nirorilliu V ilojlrniilp
publication in not ICS than IWO county s,Mkaml ,riw, hi L'HIowImi, Willlamriiott anl ,,a", r ni"lvato ln.U
newspapers. J.acii applicant lor i.ieenso, i wii?fnii ran aViftwM .Wr: IW T
Valuable Real Estate.
Tim undorilgned oiTvrt to tell, ni TuMc Sato, a
I iBwiown, uniuruiiia county, vn
Paid properly l n eorncr lot. tituaio on Main lltrcrli
nppoilto 1 ho roliUnco or Ujrtm llntlon, wlictoon la
urtclcil a larsc anil romfortal In
WssalS(W"0U81 Ki'i'i-'tinN, anii rp.AMn
t-Vij B II llR HIWll.ll .villi llin ri.rtllt..ln ml Hull 1,1.
niffi. A pump nnd well or uooil watnr,
should boar in mind, that they must pay
25 cents at tho limo to the Prothonotary
to pay for advertising.
State Central Committee. lion.
Charles It. DUckALew, Chairman of tho
Democratic State Central Committco, has
issued a call for tho assembling of tho
Democratic State Committee, at Huchler's
Hotel, Harrisburg, on next Tuesday Jan
uary 10th, 1858, at 0 o'clock P. M.
Tho object no doubt, is to tako measures
for tho calling of tho next Stato Conven.
tionfor tho nomination of a candidato for
Canal Commissioner.
the- Territory would not derive its just
powers from tho consent of tho governed.
In tho fcoeond place, Senator Douglas
Pennsylvania is at leuglh assuming that
just position in the administration of tho
Federal Government to which the weight
holds that tho refusal of tho Loeompton . of her position, her population and wealth
Convention losubmittlioontire Constitution entitle her. She has now tho President,
Gov. Biglor's Groat Spooch.
A Washington correspondent of ihe
York Gazette, in his letter of lho 21st ult..
thus refers to the great Epccch of Gov.
Digler in answer to tho " Littlo Giant,"
upoil tho Kansas policy of tho Adminis
tration :
The crcat event of tho day was tho de
livery, this morning, of tho great speech of
senator lSiclor, upon tho lvansas policy o!
the Administration. Long beforo the hour
of twelve, tbo floor of tho Senate, and the
galleries, and every availablo stand-point
were densely crowded, Tho ladies' cal-
lories wero througcd wilh tho fairest of tho
beautiful women, from far and near, of
whom Washington is so justly proud while
tho floor of the Souato was tilled with dis
tinguishod men from all parts of our great
Among the latter I nbscrved the impos,
ing form of Attorney General BUck. Gen.
G, W. Rowman, of Dedford, tho newly
appointed superintendent ot l'ublio Print
inc. was also present, receiving tho con.
gratulations of his friends ; and Hon. W.
II. Wittc, ot Pa., with a host of others
At ono o'clock tho Hon. Win. Dialer took
tho floor Gov. Digler never looked better
Timo has but lightly touched his locks
his faco is rounded and full, and his
firm and rcsoluto manner, his dignity of
carnage, and imposing mien, givo a ma
jesty to his presence. His stylo is quiet,'
forcible, and very impressive, and at times,
when ho yields to tho force of his emotions,
rising to thrilling bursts of impassioned
oratory. His ablo cxpoMtion, and lofty
vindication, of tho Kansas policy of tho
Administrator, was listened to with quiet
and earnest attontinn for noarly two hours
Ills telling points wero loudly applauiled,
and a murmur of approbatiou ran through
tho Senato. Pcnnsylvaniaus, hero, havo
cause,, to feel proud of William
Wo havo tho abovo speech in our pos
session, and, notwithstanding i's great
length, wo shall endeavor to give it to our
renders beforo long.
is a violation of tho principlo of popular
sovereignty, as enunciated by tlo Kansas
Tho Prosidcnt holds that popular sov
ereignty docs not require that every law
hy which a peoplo are to be governed
should, before it binds them, be submitted
to them for their approval ; and that the
submission, by tho l.ceompton Convention,
of tho slavery question, is a substantial
complianco with tho requirements of the
Kansas act.
Senator Douglas thinks that what tho
Convention has done should be treated as
a nullity, and a new Convention authorized
by Congress, which Convention shall bo
required to submit their work to the people
for approval.
Tho President thinks that tho shorter
and more practical modo of settling tho
difficulty and affording tho pcoplo of
Kansas an opportunity of forming their
own institutions, in ihcir own way, is to
admit Kansas under tho Lecompton Con
stitution, after which the people, in tho
capacity of citizens of tho Stato can, in tho
language of their Constitution, at any
timo alter, reform or abolish their Con. i
stitution in such manner as they may think
Tho difference bclwcon the President and
Mr. Douglas, it will be seen, is not ono of
principlo ; it is simply a difference of opinion
as to tho best modo of arriving at the
samo point, which is that of affording tho
people of Kansas an opportunity of forming
their own institutions in their own way,
and at tho simo timo relieving Congress
and tho country at largo of lho agitatiou
and excitement that has so far attended
tho Kansas question. They both agreo in
this, that no pcoplo should have a constitu
ti"n forced on them against their will.
Thoy both, as do all Democrats, bclicvo
in popular sovereignty, or self-government,
but as to the manner of reaching it or
applying it ia particular easor ihey disa
the Attorney General and the Chairman
of tho Committco of Ways and Means,
and they aro men of ability to do credit to
thomsclvcs, to tho State, and to the country
in their high positions.
While Girls Knocked off In Church.
The Inauguration Excursion Tickets.
Excursion tickets will bo issued, ot half
tho usual price, by tho Cattawissa Railroad
Company, to persons wishing to attend tho
inauguration of Governor Packer to tako
place on Tuesday next, (lOth inst.) Tho
tiokcts will be good for returning until the
following Saturday.
Itench Haven,
Arrive at
YV joining;,
Arrive 'it
N. V. Aeconnno
Mall. ilallun.
J 00 A, St.
7 10 iln
7 51 ilt,
8 10 ill
8 35 do
t SO do
or, ,a
9 SO ilo
10110 do
1 41 P. M.
i! Ill llo
3 30 ilo
3 IS ilo
S IS I'. At.
.1 '.'5 ilo
4 10 ilo
4 US do
4 SO do
3 SO do
R (10 do
0 50 do
0 30 do
7 00 do
nbove named nroncrlv not be sold at
prlvato pale, lieforo Paturrtoy, the soth or Felirmry
null, it mil no t nm liny, ihi miHrcu hi i nunc omo , on
tlio iirenliras lit 1 o'clock, P. M.
linns inauo known onappnratinn to ino pitaReriner,
A tilt AM AKVINIl, B.
Jan !, 1S53
10 30 do
Tlic Ntw York Mall Train rnnnneli with thn nr.
prcM going nnnt.nn I). I,. Ac W.llailroad.
Arrive In New VorkJ IS p. M.
do Piillailelnlila, by Camden & Amttoy Hail
roid, P 30 P. M.
Faro rroin Ilnpert to New Vork $G 00.
Tlic Accommodation Train Nortb, connect! nl
ton wuh the ntpreiD Ttaln Wct, on the 1). J,. & W.
Phil.l. Aceommo- N. v.
Hill. dallon. Mail.
P 00 A. M, 11 .in A.M. 100P.M.
8 30 do 13 30 do 4 30 d.)
8 S3 do 13 40 do 4 4U llo
Arrive at
Klnirf Ion,
licatn Haven,
Arrive nt
Convention or Old SoLDiEns. On
tho 8th of January next, thcro will bo three
Conventions of the soldiers of tbo war of
1812 ono in Washington, ono in Phila
dclphia, and ono in Now York, Those
who served their country in Maryland and
Virginia, and othor Southcrs Statos are
expected to attend tho Convention in
Washington city.
13 SO do
The Pliitaili tnhi.1 Mail Train cann Hiinlli. rniin.-elt
nllh the Mall Train at Kuncrt.iroin; i:.isi at 1. 10 P.M,
Oir Callaivim, l'oit I'lliiton, l'olt vit lu Heading, be,
arriving-nl Philadelphia, at S i', P VI. AIhohiiIi Mail
jrani going iveu nt J ncmcK r m. rir uuiiville,
Milton, Mnncy, Willi.imipnrt and P.lmirn.
Pagycnucra bv the 4 o'cln.k P. M. Train coiner Hoiilh
can take the 11 o'clock P. M. r.xnrcs train for lllmirn
nnd the Weal, or lodga nt nlooni.lntrg and take the 4
o-ciock m. i rain going uiat, arriving ni nil miel
mil i nil. imnii.
i-HMcngers lor iiarrmniirg. ilireei, will lako trie n.
. Aian j rniii. n o ciock r.m.igoing Hoittii. ennnret
ns nt Port Clhlliill Willi Ihe D.lilnliin mid Siimieha Ilia
Railroad, arriving at HarrUburg at 13 o'clock uonn,
ncji lay.
I . J. U.A V I. IV I Ml I II,
Jan 10, 134 StiptnutintltHt
Lackawanna & Rloorasbtirg Itallroad.
Wo had tho pleasure of meeting with
Mr. V, J. Leavenworth, tho Superintendent
of this now and important road,
Tho Lackawanna and Dloomsburg Hail-
To allow tho continuance of his rule as j road cstonds from Scranton, Luzerno Co., Governor, was to link tho United to Rupert's Station, on tho Cattawissa,
ftit i Government, through its official, Willi amsport and Klmira Itailroad, a dis-
wl'i the barbnrism of his' ecclesiastical tanco of fifty-sovon miles, through a vjI
Eailroad Completion.
. trii)C3. Using his position, not to for
v rd the interest of tho Unitod States
; ,v. rutaeiit,Tjut to build up an organization
.V r'y and dinmctrieally opposed to its
H u;tnnos,he has ultimately attained power
,i warrant him in throwing off all allegi
apee to this Gavorcmeut, and audaciously
proclaiming that ho is Governor of Utah
ly l'ivino oppoiutment. It is somewhat
p .rdouablo that the London Times thould
uueer at tho effect of our " cheap Govern
j:nt," which, representing over "twenty
,oi!imm nf neonlo. oannot nut down tho
rcUUion of a small State, the whole popu- tCf Col. James L. Orr, Speaker of tho
Jai n or v,hichmn, women nnd children Honio, in Congress, like a great many
put nmount to much luoio than a other American btatcsmen, started from
i . i .1 tboM- md.'' It has not been, liumblo lifo.
r t , ..('' ' '-u' C r U' a clock r.t
uublo region of country, a considerable
portion of which is coal, iron and limcstono
land. i
Tho regular through trains commenced
running on the 21st of December, and the
Superintendent expresses- every confidence
in tho comploto success of tho road,
Mr. Leavenworth is well adapted to tho
position ho .occupies, and it is mainly
through his energy and pcrsoveranco that
tho road has attained such early success.
Iteuding Gazitte.
Wo are glad to announce tho completion
of tho Lackawanna and Bloouiiburg Itail
road, whioli extends from Scranton, Lu
zerno county, whero it intersects tho Dola.
ware, Lackawanna and Western llailroad,
through Kingston and Plymouth, Luzerno
county, and Berwick and Bhiomsburg, in
Columbia county, to Kupcrt's Station, on
tho Cattawissa, Williamsport, and Elmira
Itailroad. It is fifty-seven miles long, and
posses through a ccnsiderablo portion of
coal, iron, and limcstono lands. Tho dis
tance from Philadelphia to Rupert, via the
Reading, Littlo Schuylkill and Cattawissa
Railroads, is 147 miles, mating a total of
201 miles from Philadelphia to Scranton.
" Berks County Press,
It appears that thcro is a surplus fomalo
population in Now York 'metropolis.' A
society was therefore formed (it roquiros a
society to do anything now-a-days,) by a
gentleman of cheap aod diffusive benevo
leuce, who undertook to facilitate tho em
igration of young girls to tho Western
states, and to provide them employment
in the hnmcs of tho farmers inthso remote
regions. In tho ordinary prosecution of
this enterprise, a Mr. Tracy lately arrived
at Jancsville, Wisconsin, iu clnrge of a
party of thocC indigent females, and the
Independent of that town thus narrates
what disposition was made of those white
'A charge of ten dollars was made for
eaoh person, the money to be paid by the
employer and to bo deducted from tho fu
ture earnings of the young women. The
Free Church was thrown open j tho young
women occupying tho scats in rows, somo
of them crying. Customers then walked
along tho range with perfect coolness, cx
amining their condition one by one, and
ns they found ono suitable, they planked
the cash and carried off tho prize'
Ncgrophillist of Worcester 1 this was not
in New Orleans, where you suppose Mrs,
Stowo's fictions to bo in course of the daily
realization, but in free Wisconsin, which
gavo a majority of twelve thousand for the
'Man Who Parts His Hair Iu Tho Mid
die,' and luxuriates in the enjoyment of a
supremo court that overrules tho decision
of the highest judicial tribunal of the re.
public 1 Just think of it I Tho 'custo
mers thtn wilked along tla range with
perfect coolness, examining their condition
one by one.' Doubtless they wero curious
to know if thoy had ever been ill of what
disease and were perhaps inquisitive
about their age. Tho Jnncsvillo Iudcpcn
dent docs not inform us what kind of 'cus
tomers' Ihcso girls found, but it is probablo
that tho brothels of tbo town did not nog
lect so fair an opportunity. What a glo
rious traffio 1 Tho 'philanthropy' of New
York groaning over tho traffic in negroes
and by way of solace, transporting tho iu
noconco and youth of its maidens to bo sold
in open market at tho rato of ten dollars
per girl 1 Shall wo not have, from tho
Bccchcrs and Grcolys, a new anathema at
the 'slavo-oligarchy V Will not somo ono
an ex-dcacon would answer yell out a
good, round curso at tho men of Virginia 1
Do shriek for freedom, somebody 1 only
mind that it bo a shriek for freedom, of
TnK Mission to Russia. The Wash
ington correspondent of the New York
Times states that tlic Hon. Francis W.
Pickens, of South Carolina, has been
nominated to the t-'enato for tho mis.-iou at
St. Petersburg, and not Mr. Buchanan, of
Maryland, as rumored.
Sfip Wo observe that Dr.Elders life of Dr,
Elisha Kent Kane, tho immortal artio ex.
plorer is out. Wo have a sort of a notion
that we arc entitled to a copy. Hope tho
Publishers, Messrs. Childs and Peterson
Philadelphia will look it up, and snd u
XSirGcorgo 1). Prenlico, of tlm Louis
villo Journal, has lor more than two years
written his editorials by an amanuensis, hi
lands being paralyzed tosucha degree that
io cannot uso them.
Jgy Tho Capitol at Washington was
commenced in 1793. With the improve
moots now in progress, when finished it
will bo ono of tho most magnificent build.
ings in the world.
.orresioi uouniorieuors. r:nnT, n.wr. Thn T.t, .... , ti,
A iiLiAMsroRT, Jan. 11. Philadelphia Hanks havo been strengthen
J.-our men, namcu varies .winor, themselves dailv for tho last two or
William Anderson, William Lowis and
Peter Havicr, woro arrested at iho house
of Mrs. King, in this borough, by the
threo weeks. Their coin now averages
considerably more than thai required by
law. They will continue to strengthen
.... ... .-!. r. ...i. I
.-norm, noout ten ooiocu on oamruay t, ,clngolves and bo ready for rosumptio
i l mi ii n .1 t a1. j
nignt. x uoy weru uu wen uruieu. xu mo m mrh(st praeliMNe pc,ioll
garret oi ino uuuuiug, vuuoicneiuug ap
tSf In Cambridge, Mass., last week
A. G. Patten was put on trial for stealing
a hen, but the evidence showed that the
fowl was a rooster, and Patten was dis
0 00 do
10 00 do
11 10 do
1 1 33 do
11. ',5 do
1240 P.M.
1 00 do 5 CO do
0 13 do
7 35 do
7 50 do
8 10 do
S SO do
0 00 do
AND wo nro ilotcrmlnrtl to Invo our nld Accounts
ncttlfdbf'fnrcitclosofl. lftlion persons whu hive
nn fit. ii for n Innir tlinn dn Hot Coma fornnrd nnd mV
orvttto their nceonniv. o "ill Ihj und'ir tlid plnfu t
iipccfiiiy oi nantiinrj mem ovrr io uto jiiiucc nun mm
In a vu ry fhort timo. Friend', IT you forget this notica
w c win not,
II. V. fc I, Y, UAUT.MAN.
nionmsliurjr, Jnn 1 , IP58 3i
TVOTII'n ) licrfthy glten tlio followlnR prrFOn
ll hi tlal.lmliln rolintv. lull o Hlpd UiPll Rtivcrill ni'tl
tlotin In tho Courtof attnrter Smloim or tlic inld
county, far a tavern lircnee In llirir rcfpcrtlv toui
Ejur-i. U INCH BHIU pi'llllOIIB Will l,C lirrni'llllMI 111 IIIU
raid Court, on Hominy, tlio Ul tlnyof riliriinry next. if
wlllcli till rifrionn tiitrrrplcd will lipriliy Hike linticp,
nnd tin! licences for the Comity or Coluinlilj, will to
grunted on Wi'dneiday, tlio .Id day of Tilirunry neit,
ni o cioik, i . M,
J, J. Urowrr, llloom, St ro.
A. J. Evans, " More.
Josoph Kistlcr, Cattawissa, Tavern,
John .fossop, Scott, Tavern,
rroinonoiory'i umcc, r t r-nrt rvnm v p;.a
llluniilriinrjt. Jan. 0, 1833. JAC0B lA nRIA C"r'
T) EMAINING in tho Post Offico nl
XVi Uloomsburj, l'a., (lunricr cndlnu DercmljurSltt ,
Alljood null
KlllilllFFS SAl.ES.
BY v lrtu i r scvcmI writi of vend. etponas to mp it j -rcrted,
will Uv i jipronil in ruMfc Sit to at the Court
fiouac In iwooitmimrp, ou Motulay. t'ic (nt tiny ot Fui
ruarv next, at 1 o'clock. I'. ,1 . llic lollnuiiiL' Hs
mte to wit :
Al tlinict rtntn lot or n rrc of lnntl. MiinlP in 11m
town of lilouniiMir-f . Coliimtila county, contninlii; ono
fourth of nn nero. lie thi nmo nioru r lc. houndpil
on tlio norm ir lot ol i;mxj1iciii nnd lnry llowyrr,
the South by liannih IJoone, Mi iho wvti liv cnlfitret l
or MM town, on im pnn ny , wurreun are
urected n nuc nnj a half mtnry
Frame DwLllinfr House.
with thf nppurnnnficrii
Sffii aim inKcri in execution m ttio property ot
.Mirhir-I Wnlter.
AttSO, At thi H'mn tinitntit1 n'nen. nil lint coitiin
pieroortracief In ml cituttetn LnciuttounMp, L'olum
ma county roi.nniitir iiurty on1 ncrc, no tr.c name
more or le, loi rirlil on tin north bv a rnnd Icnlni2
from Ntiinrdia to li.-.i? fliip, mi Wi tnuth bv nml nl
Peu-r ititiifr on tlm llm-t y lutd i.f U.ivnl ttn-JjIier
nnd on the w?st hy la ml nf Henry fiahle, wIitcoii irc
errcteil a ne itnrf Uwciliug House and Rtahlo, wilh
Hip npiuirtPiuiir1.
Stfizfd nnd taken in the properly of
John Ft'lttTinnn.
ALsu, At tho name lime anil place, hy virltu of a
writ ul FUra Fatin nil that piece or lot ufland rIiurip
in lociin townhip, t ol utnlj i.t rniinty. cotitainlnp (Jno
Acre.plnci tnritB'U lioninlnl and ilfucrihed nfolov:
(in ihe noun nnd wcfct by lan 'sof Hmanuel Kt-rni on
thu touth nndf.ift hy l.nnil Tf'niuiirl Whnry, whrrron
ate erected a two niory rrsmo Duelling II oue no
oilier tuillifiiift tiicil as a Pi;in Mnim racinry ithtlio
Hfl7.'il nnd taken in eierutlnn n the property ol
Joel Wlrny,
Mi"tii'j ohve, ( s. it. .mi i,i,i;h,
Ittmiiiishure. Jin. 13, 165rj. i Mniff.
jjdbvuarn oiut
Ilrown Joiliua
Cramer Amoi
Dally Dnnifl S3
David Davis
l"ot Clnrlcu
Oretl Ufr
Crio Atlnni
fiPrnmn John
Herring A Otorjr
Hill Kr-Ir rrn
Hnrtmnn Miclinel
Hurt r.dwnrd O
Jonrn Wfllinm
Jones Willi nn It
Jnricoti Juniea
IC'iuioR Jriahun
Lloyd John V 3
I.loyd Thomrm
Iiftnom Liicind.i
Moslrtlrr Jonnllintt
M.i n lie (leorco
rtiilipH Marney
prcni l Arthur
Peck Mnrtiu Jl
Kindt J IS
Slutklry U'ilHntn
H'njner Iletijaiiiln
WisnrrU I
Wirtinnn Henry
VM Joufph
Ji.lin V LoA
Thntnn TJovd
uiclnrd It nnt. triil j-Elilp
i ihiiim im until
ry iVmoim culllni for the aioc Ittteri will nleaio
iiy they nrc ndtcrtised.
PfllLU UNAN03Tl. M.
Jnn 9. tP5-i
CGT John Ilolloway of Montgomery
county, has within tho past few months,
lost hy death, six ohilJren. Tho disease
which produced their death was putrid sore
Hesumed OrEn.vrioss. Wa learn that
tho extensive Holling Mill of Haywood,
Loo & Co., at Pottsville, has resumed
operations with the full nuniher of hands.
jSr'Tho Democracy of Pittsburgh, on
Wednesday, nominated C. Maoee, Jisq.,
for Mayor; John 0. Davitt, for Treasu
rer, and W. J. MomusoN for Controller.
tTT" Of tho thirt -sight standing Com
mit tees in tho llouso of Representatives,
at Washington, tho Chairmen of eight of
thorn aro members from Pennsylvania,
Id lierick,al the residence of tho bride's
father, on Tuesday last, hy the liev, 1 no
Sherlock, Mr. William li. Schuyler, M,
D., ofllcach Haven, and Miss RfbecaiL,
Jacoby, of tho former placo.
On the SOth of December, 1857, by Rov.
Win. Goodrich, at Jacob Good's Hotel, in
Orangcville, Mr. Hiram, Merldc,wvA Miss
Eliza Thomas, both of Fisliingcrock twp.
Columbia county.
On tho 31st of December 1857, by the
samo at tho samo nlaeo. Mr. Jacob Hum-
ri?, to Miss Elizabeth lltmsinger,hoi of
lMshingcrccu township, Uoluiubia county,
At the saino time and placo, bv tho samo
Mr. Chirles F, Kendig, to Miss Rachel
Wavier, both of I'lsuiugcreek twp Colum.
bia county.
Ou tho tamo day, by lho same, Mr,
Samuel lender, am Miss JJlizabtth Wen-
ntr, both of l'ishingcreck tov.nship, Go
lumbia co,
On th samo day, by tho same, Mr.
Jackson Ate, ot Urangovillo, lo miss Mary
Ann Sluchtr, of Jnshingcreck twp., Col,
paratus wero found. It is believed that New Sank. Tho Hollidayshurg
an extensive combination exists in this Rcghtcr announces that tho "Central Dank
vicinitv. for tho makioir and passing of of Pennsylvania." chartered at tho last county.
counterfeit money but through tho clue 1 session of tho Legislature, is about to go 1 In Kspy, on tho 7th inst., by Rev. Tho.
!... nb.fllned. it is crobablo tho rumr will ' into nnnrMinn. Ti Wntion U Ilolliilnv. Sherlock, Mr. J. R-ytyk, t Lyooniing
. , o B ..... .r -j. a . . ..namu. ot uerwick Uo.
ghebbt mmm
For (lie I'npttl Cure of
Thin remedy W otrered In the comniunity with th
confidence w i fcrt in nn nrtlcle wlilih seldom fniU it)
rinli7.o the hnppiriti ell-rtt that can he dMlrt-d &q
mkIc Is Ihe ll-hl nf Its n ncful ti And o numi-rotin thu
rami of lw curiR. itnt alirnmt ory preimn uf iho
count i y abon ndi In pprs" n, pulilir ly known. v Iio hnvo
hue ti rmiorcd Irotn iilirining nnd even dipr-me di.
as'u of the lung.!, by ltd use. When nnm tried in
Hiipvrinrnr over everv nuier nieuiciueui in mnu i
tr npparcn lo ctirnpc nbtiervaiion, nnd Mhrrc Hu
viriU'-'R nrc known ihe puhlic no longer heatiate hai
nnthlotc in employ lho diitrmjitie nnd dnnjtfroiig
nlTL-ciioni nf the puhnunnry oriiiu, which nri incidrnt
to nur ctitnato,
Nothing linn ml led 'nuder for tho carneiit eniuiry of
mdirnl nirn, than nlarmliK prev.ilence nml laixhly
fiT ronoutnptivn complnhitti. nor In any one rhi'i of
dnu:iei h. d tnoro of their hiveMlcMioii Mid enre.
lint ni yet no ni'cqoate retneilv ha hcen proviilrd, on
whei tti puhlic could depend fur proiertion ftnm nt
tnckBhpon ihe respiratory irtrnm. unlii llni intrml'ic
lion of the Cherry Perto-al TM nrtlcle i the protltict
iiTn Ions, l.i'iorioua , nnd 1 believe uccatltil endenvor
tiifiirnif!i tho rniiiiiMi'iiiy with Hiirliu retnedy, Ol thi
l,ini fctntement the .AiiTOticnn pinjih? n'o now themrel
vch prepared to ju '!!' nnd I iippdl with em fide nee iu
lheir dcUion. II iIitu U nny nupundciici to be pliced
iu wli it men f f very rt.i mi'l Hintiun ceittfy it Ima
done for thrrm If we ran trurt our own fcntteii, when
luii-uia, (lint lUvy Im then ami I here In proper I m'M t It, II we (trpoiid mi the nnir;iiice nt inlt'l
pnrfOiinl 10 o'clock jn ihe rorctuinn of s:nd dn , llh i I-rpjU l'li atcinii. uho in tl.n U the r luMtits In know.
in Niiori, u iiitl" it nny n-u men uprnj mijiiiing. iicn
h it Irrtfutaiil) proven Hint this meititjiie does rthevn
uitd do if euro the elns- o ihheatiei It is ilrsij-ncii (or,
beyond nny no. I nil others that are know it to mankind.
If this bu true, it can not be freely pnlihiheii, nor bi
loo widely known- Tno mil it led should know it. A
moody that cure la priceless to them I'-ticnta should
know It, their chilitrrn nrc pricelea lo them, til
nhoulil krnw it. fr beiillli can be priced lo no one
TV. t only thould It be drculoud here but cery httre
not only in this oouniry but all countries. How fait Ii
l'ully we havu nclrd on this conviction, in hcwn In tlio
lael that nlrendf this article I ins m-il- thu circle of tho
glohc. The sun never seis on its liniils. Nn continent
is without it. und but lew peoples. Although not u
pn general ufc in other nation ns In this, It is employ
ed hy the more inttllipcnt in nlmo-t nil CtVilIud vouu
1 lies It li exti'tisnely emplnynl in both American
In En rope, Asl'ii Africa Australia ond the far ofT is
land of tlienea. l.lfe Uns dear In its pnsdfssori thero
ni liere.and they grnsp at u valunblo rcmcd with even
more avidity than ourselves Unlike most preparations
nl its kind it Ih nn evptMislvo rnmpoition of costly, ill it Isnifurderl to (lie public nl a reason
ably low price, nnd what is of vastly merely import
nuce lo thrm.ils quality Is never sntlVrcil to decline
from its original slnmlurd rf excellence, Cverv bottlo
nf this me illclue now manulactnred Is ns good us tver
h-tsbeen made heretofore, or ns we aru rnpnble ol ma
kin?. No toil or cort Is spared, in innir.ialnim; It in
the bru pe rfrction which It i pmsible to product).
Hence the patient who procures the gentilito CiiBRnr
lVcTotui. can rely nn having ns tjoooan onlctea has
ever been had bv thoso who letttty lo its enres,
Hy pursuing litis rourse I hnvo llio bopn of doinp
somo food in thu world, as well ns tho satisfaction of
believing that murh his been done n Iready,
ID'IJl' HJ'J, ami nM Druplds in Ulouiublntrg,
sndUeaters in Mcdicincv everywhere
Jan.O, ima.
WIir.URAS. the linn. Warrex J.WnnDWJinD.rresI.
ilent of thi CNmrt of 0er hihI Terminer and iu
ucrnl J.iil H'literv, L'niirl f (luarter Hiioiii of the nml four I of Onriunon Pleat and Orphan' Court,
In the Twenty. S'nth Jn icinl HJt rirt roniped of the
counties nf Columbia, Hullivnn ami Wvenii ng , nnii
lluu Jmn KvAicniitl I'ktik Kiimc AVoriate Jtideeri
firColuiiiiiiii county, have issued their precept, iifiiring
dale thu I Ith day of li cembr. iu the yi-nr of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred nnd fifty vix.nuti to ine di
rirled fnr lioldii'f! a Courtof )(r and Tmninir nnd
(cnerafJail Unlivery, CeneratUuarter Pccpinnfi nlihe
Vt ace. Common Picas nod Orphan's Court, in Utonnis
lurg In the county of Cnluuibin, on tbo flrM Monday
icing ino m uayj ui rcuruary nr.xi ami to fonlinuo
one week.
No iue is hcrebv piven, to Ihe Coroner, tho Juillera
nf tho Ieae and Congtnbli of the i-ald munty of Co-
thplr rrronU iii'ini-ilinn nnd oilier remeinbr.i nres in
do thoie tbinus which to their othci s apperlr.fu to be
done. And ihnte thnt nro bmiud by ricosniznnrc. In
proppciite flpnhist ihe prisoner that nre or may bo In
thu Jail of paid count) of Columbia-lo be then and theru
lo prnseniie them ni thiill bejUFt. Jurer? nre remitt
ed to be puncinnl in th ir nttent'iiiice, agreeably to
nimr imiicrii ni ihimmih uurn, lilt; Hill (lay di
January, in the year of nur Lord ono thousand eicbl
hundred and fifty-eichl, nnd In the t3d ear nf lho In
depeiid.mre of tho United Biates of Ameriin,
(Uou suvo tho UoinmonwcaUli.)
Jan 9, 1H5fl
February Trrm, 1S58.
1 Willhm Knom rs fJporgo I. Kllnn et nl.
2 AVilliam Koons v$ Ceorgo L, Kline.
:t Joseph Suckhouso vi titlliert i'ow ler.
4 Thnmis Parker r John H.I'arker.
5 Inane Ilrown rs Robert 3- Lyon,
ft" Jacob Pchuyler xt WiNnn Ager
7 Chrlsllnn Heist rs Daniel fiipt'T.
H Martin Mowry v$ Thomas Stick house e nl
0 Dnnicl L Winle'aleen rs Chrltinn Shunian.
10 James Itiltenhoute rs Harney Hole
1 1 Jacob Warner m The Pinto Mutual Tiro Comnanr.
IS Henry Htnrkrs II. H, Hiilinan etal
13 Adim Htrotip et el rs It. II, Itiipert et nl,
1 1 Cornc'ius MrUrren r Henry J Yaplo.
15 Joshua reiterinun vt Jiunn ICnloton,
Iti Clcnmel G Rickets rs Jnhn Covenhnven.
17 llontiicr Sebert rs Lewis Rnko t at.
18 John A Moore et nl rs V, Crnham et at.
IU ts, r X'lluco rs James p. Wornt!,
2) Uenjainln Voiks v Thomas V. Vounji,
21 H.W. Weaver vt ITphraim Arnutrona it al.
JaniJ, IC58
Bloom Aaron (Undershot.
Centre-William ghatlir. I'hllip Miller.
Conynfrlmm Frederick R, Wohlfarth,
Greenwood Clisha Albeitson.
Jackson Hugh tihultt.
Locust Fiancis Kerns, Leonard Adams, Bam del
L. Keller, Charles Mete, iSolotnon Veager.
Madison 11-lhtiel Whipple, Gcrhain Uiddlo.
Maine Hanicl Veiter, Isnac Vftier.
M I fill u J nil ii MnBtellei, Abrom giuiUi.
Orange Iaac Welfh.
li ue Ira Zanders. A IL-ert Hunter,
Bcott Kimuel Milick.fJeorcyioan, John Shuman,
Henry L. ficarhart,
Jan 0, &d
Lavo to cliango head-quarters.
I burg.
i lumlin county.
Ronjamin F. Ilaximan, Joihua L'ettrrmnn, Georec
W Toner. 6
Uu n to a John Davis, Samuel Kline, Bamucl Rhone,
Reaver I'eter HtiiiClc,
Rriarcrefk Levi 1. Irwin, Gfnrgc W. flyer, Knng
L, Fowler, Lewis Enkc Jacob Shaffer, Stephen
1 hniiiai.
Centre Jrhn Kckroat. Daniel HnreubucJi.
Caltawissa-reler Reaver. Moses lUrlman, rlcr
rishlnjicreek Rha Prater, Aaron Heis,
i'ramVhii Clinton Memtenhall.
Green wooa Llias Wert man.
Hemlock Thomas J. Vamler.Iiec, I'ossiwell I'oulk,
James 1), t'ursel,
Jackioii Georg" Heath,
Lorn i George Ktiip, Hr,, Polomon Fettermnn,
Mali. ou Hlias Ilojrarl, Joiin Keller
Mitltiii-llcnry G. Miller.
Montour Daniel Wrrtman.
Orange James 8 Woods,
Tine John Whiim)cr,
Roanugceek John T. Case,
Bu5irlaf David Lewis,
Jan 0, Ifd
a, II, BiKKIS. wsi, OdTrailotTT,
.MauxLjatiUTtrt ana n&oieiau IHoitrt in
-r 11 . t TV. nilil f OR-C 1 .1
. I , , .ii ., i . in iiorwicK, uec. uiu, iooi, py u,0
Iffl-WM. U. iuOOUEIIEAD. MCI., nas' sri OUO HOI UCSpiSO ailinoio WHO UJVO ,, , ,,,,, ifmllrh nhnn . , M!. Unit. ..,. Kirn... , 1 . . 1I.W,
' . i ... i i ,.,r,... ..UM iiiiu i iiiiiii i, n lQ'.ao,
Tt r.i c.,, i.nnn o a m 'rnc i ntif ni i m siinimrv nm vines, nut mcso w no nave not nno ro- tit..t.7.. c 1.,11. r t i no sin m Aincri stiipivi- r.,..,i.. i
JJli imilCr WiU w VVl" liiU wvviu'. i lur..v v. t..v j - JI4fJtt4H J JiCCy. (VUIU Ul VJUUVU"11UIU. ,r..aii,j
DO you wish to And good employment, nnd rnako
money with little or no imeslment, and wlrhnut
intprfcring with your regular business? If you do,
read this advertisement.
C. II, Todd & Co , of 302 Rroomc street, Xew York,
nro matiufirturing and selling massive Gold Pencils
for 55 each, (which aro cheap ut thnt price,) nnd thev
throw iu a gift or prize with each Pencil, worth from
$ j up in 33. 9 10. 15, $20, ?.Vi, 3:10, $50, 375 .9100, $300
nnd $5il). Don't cry out Mlumbuiil Lottery !M H
no such thing Tim Tenclls nre sold nl their cash
value, nnd all tne profits over the Aral cost arc thrown
into tho gifis, which actually cost the purchaser not It
(113. The prizes are distributed nn n simple plan nf
drawing, which would take too much room 10 esphlu,
but which has never failed to givo complete satisfac
Hon. We have drawn nnd sent lo pure haters Id3 ijold
untchesof various prices, 74 pursi'i of gold dollars,
y:w poid locxers, t0eolU chains, and a correfpondjim
number of other prizer, within two months,
Rut every pun baser draws a piluo worth $1 certain,
and it tt imli ihousaiil of chancm to be a liiglif r figure.
Wo unntn good age tit In every neighborhood through
out the country, to solicit purchasers, ami any ascut.
to be successful, inuet Inve a Ctncil uud prize lo eiln
bit. We pay a;enls $L cash for each purchaser ho
obtains, nnd th first pernui in nny neighborhood who
nppliei lor n lei eil and plft, will receive the ngency
for that locality, Khoublan nijent obUm u valuable
pi ii) lo exhibit with Ills IVncil, lie wou'd have littlo
ditiiciitiy io obtaining scores nj purchasers) and nuking1
it a paying business.
We tsk nobody to send Ihcir money till thy know
what prize they draw. Any person wishing to try
their luck, can first send lis their name and address,
and w will nuke the. r dranlug and inform lbrm by
return mail what prize they drew, whtn they can send
ou nnd take the Venal and prim, or not, whichever
they choose. Wo give this privilege only oncti to n
purchaser. After the first drawing, every purrhver
will bo rciuircd to end in advance, through lho on
Ihori.eil agent. Wa will scud with each driwlng Uin
number taken out, with full dcsciipliou of the plan of
drawing, Address
C I! TODD tt CO.
302 llrooiiio tlreet, Nw Yurk,
if rio Kailrotttl Comnan"
tleemirji.' virtue,
Lus. couuty.
BKOC1IU Sbawlc Just weetvt
man s clfrc
d und lur rale ut llatt-