Tho Thrifty Farnior. Ths provident and thrifty Farmer adopts threo rules for regulating Us business, which la observes himiclf anil enforces on I tllOSO around Mm, viz to do OVOrvtllina in J , , tho rieht lime, convert OVOrvtliin III 1.3 6 ' ... . UroncrUSe, put CVCrjtlimiJ 111 its proper 11 ' 1 i o . place ,, , , . ill 110 UUVS only UlO improved orCCUS Of ... , , , . - , , cattle, horses, sheep and SWino, and keeps ., , , .., .,i j DO lDOrC tun n llO Call Keep ncll, Cltlicr in . y fUinnier Or Winter. J Ho always drives on bis work and novcr lots bis work drivo him. .J His animals aro never underfed or over worked, His Out-bouses, Wood-bouso,. Spring house, nnd Uorn-crib aro nicely "hitc Tvnslicd on tho outside, and kept neat Ml'lhin. Ho has a tool houso, and a placo for every tool in it, which way bo wanted for any ordinnrj purposes, such ai.. moDding implements, making axe, or hoe, or fork handles, &o., and also for stowing carefully away such as will not bo wanted for another eeason. no has sheds around bis barnyard to protect his cattlo from tho weather, and warm, well ventilated stables for bis cows and young stock, nd also a shed to protect tho nianuro heap ,. Ho has leaves or other rcfuso vcgctnhlo natter, to gnthcr with soil from his head lands, convenient to his ,barn yard, to compost with bis nianuro heap through tho winter. Ho docs not allow tho liquid manure to escape into tho nearest stream, a quarter or half a mile from bis barnyard. His barn, and seeds, and dwellings, aro all supplied with good spouting. His fonc;s are nlways in good order, and materials for repairing or renewal aro collected and made during winter. His woodshed is filled with wood out in Augnst, always one year ahead. His uifc never scolds, because ebo never has occasion to. Her cellar and pantry aro always sup plied with tho needful rain materia!, which she. works up in a palatable form to fill up vacancies at meal times. Heavy bread, cold buckwheat cakes, and rancid butter aro novelties which her good man and tho children havo heard tell of by somo of the neighbors, but havo nover seen. When a friend or two calls to lodge, a plato of good ripo Rambo apples, a pitcher of water, and a dish of boiled chestnuts aro brought for discussion around the stove, of an evening. Ho considers it his duty to promoto the ! circulation of Agricultural papers, and has saved himself somo hundreds of dollars by following tho advico of tho Farm Journal, His crops aro always equal, and often better than any in tho neighborhood, and are kept clear of weeds. He watches tho markets, and sells his crops at ihe highest prices. j Ho makes il a rulo always to spend a little less thn ho makes. Himself and wifo nro both industrious, tho children arc brought up in tho sarao way, and aro sot allowed to shoot tho birds, Emoko cigars, or chow tobacco. He buys and Belli on tho cash principle, and thus saves himself from losses and bad debts. Ho has a large fruit orchard, well sup plied with every variety of fruit in succes sion. IIo studies tho theory as well as tho practice of firming, bs cleared off tho last 9100 of mortgage, and is seriously talking of making a bid for his neighbor Sloven's farm which is up at Sheriffs silo, Ho goes to churoh on tho Sabbath, minds bis religious duties, and brings up bis children to do tho samo, lives respected, and dies regretted, as a useful man aid good christian. Fenn. Farm, Journal. Points of a Good Working Ox. The Lead should bo long end slender. Tbe abort beaded ox may start tolerably quick at tho whip but soon forget ir, Tho eye should bo sharp but pleasant (lio blacked eyed ox is npt to run nway. For strength ho should havo a cood bosom. For trave ling tbo legs should be straight and the anslo smaller than tho foot. If the animal too out, tbo kneo will bond in, and tbo leg will bo as much weaker than a straight ono, as a crook cd stick is weaker than a straight one, for bearing a weight placed on tbe top of; with such a form tho inside claw is liablo to be strained. Avoid the long peaked hoof. Let tbo back bo straight from head to tail though from tbo hips backvmda, if ho tlopoa littlo it is not much of a fault ; but don't let him riso in ibat part. For hardihood tho round built ar round ribbed ox, ono that is not in danger of knookint! his hips otf in going through tho woods is best. He should bo trained to tho yoko quito young. Three pair early put to work, but not overworked, would do as much labor as four pair not broken until thev havo noarly attained their growth. BSyJt is a very mistaken idea that fresh liorso nianuro is a good protection for plants which requiro a winter covering. The jnanuro attracts and retains moisturo.wbioh freezes upon tbo plants and injures thorn Vta dry clcau straw or leaves, nrelldlsaesel thejrcai, ttrsteaete Springs Irom neglect of Natare'slaws. SUFPE NOT, WIIK.V ACUKS lS(IUAllAtTECI) HIALt. STAHES OP SliOltET DISEASES, ettr-JIHtt. Mrrant lltUmy. StrUltree. Oltttt. flratet. UltUlti, Meiaett of tkl KUntft and Blatter, .Venn. rial Uimilum,, fats, la le Holm sad OAIas, illteaix. Af'i tktttt, A sd IX.fn irpsa rls i( sr (.Int., Cancers Drapey. Ifl (relic Fit: St (tut Vinci, end alt ill mil tiling from a dtrunffmtm tf (At f.xwel Org am, H.h MntHimi,. MetnrtfV. L(H1 ' of l',.wi.r,l!rnorsl Weakness. Dimness of Vision wlttt neiuliar spots apiearlngbtlurc the eyes Loss of Sight, ,Vnitctulr,e.e, lijannma, L.lver Disrate, nriiptioiia upon mo II ro.l'uln li ilio hoik nml head, 1'ciualc Ir. !rtularllles and all Improper lllirtiatfca rrom both seles, II miittf ra mil from what ennso the disease originated, houeter tons, stnuitlng or ob.llnutc Ilia ense, i-.eorfry li terrain, and In a shorter lime than n, ' permanent cure can be effected by any other treatment I even alter Ilia dluse lias liBllli d Ihe skill of i inl lent physicians androsislcdalllliclrniratisofcnre. IliM medicines nM pleasant "sithoul odor. causing no rick nPMaml Irro from nirrcuryorlmlram. During twenty i seats ol practice 1 lnvo rescued from tho Jitti of tlenlh mi i thousands, who. In last stanisoriho 1 uoove inaniini"u ui ur imiu givi,, "i-- vi their phyeiclana, which wnrrnnl nie In promising to care, a perfect nnd most speedy cure. Secret dlseaaes ! tllC aillicttil, won may pmcu iiicnieovrB umiir my are IIo greatest enemlca lo lualtn.ns they nrcllio lirsi ranae ol Consumption, gcrofuia and many iilknr ills- fasea and snoulil be a terror to tue unman lanniy. ah human lamllr. a perinnneiit cure la srarcely ever cfltcted, n ninjoritv of tha cases falling Into Hie hluris of incompetent persons, who not only inn to cure Die uieenses uui ruin Ihe constllutian, Allltig the system with merrurv, which, with the disease, hastens tho sullercr Into a rapid Consumption. iitiL siiuiiid ine uiscnse ami um ireaiinciu nu. v.iu-u doalli speedily and the victim marries, tho ilisenso s , entailed upon 'ho clilldien. v. ho aro born with feeble . conitltutlons.niid the cnrrriil of life corrupted by n virus which belrnys Irroll In Scrofula, Tcllei, Ulcers, Erupllor.i and oilier afTertionsof the sk n. ives, Ihioal. , ami l.unge. entail ng upon mem a brief existence ol) i, ffe. In i nn.l riinstpnirfv the III to nil carlv aravo SELF Alll'Sr. Is nnather formidable encni) tn health, for nothing tlse in Hie drend catalogue of human dis eases causes so destructive a drain upon tha s)rtcui, drawing its thousands of victims through a few years of suircrlhg down to nil unllniely grave. It desiroya the nervous syrlein, rapidly wastes away the cnetcir-s nf Hie, ranees' mental derangement, prcventa Iho poor dcvrlopmeal of the system, dlsqualidea fur marriage, society, budiness. and all earthly happiness, and leaves the autrcrer wrecked in body and mind. predisposed to consumption and u train of evils niorp lo he dreaded thin death Itself. With the fullest confidence 1 assure the unlortuiiute victims ntelf Abuse that a permanent and spepilyeurc can be effected, and with the nbandnn inent of ruinous practices ny patients can be restored to rrhust, vigorous hinlih, Tho ntftleted arc cautioned against the use of Talent Medicines, lor there are so many Ingcni us snares In tne columns or Hie public prlnrTn ctVn om' r0D tne unwnry sufferers Hint millions uvc jh'ir conrtitu lions ruined by the vile compounder qu!fk: doctors, or the oiually poisonous nnsliums vX,ie,i ag l'otenl iiicuicines. i nao cireiui'j nBir. man) i 1,1 so-called Fatcnt Medicines and find thaU..,!, nil of 1110 SITUllK' , (,vi,Jint,,." v I'.i"., m.u .. poison, which Insrcad of curing the dispose disables me sjsiriii lor ine Three fourths of the patent nostrums now In use are put up by unprincipled nnd ignnnnt persons, who do not understand even the nlpliabel ol Hip metirta midieat and aro equally as destitute ol nny knowledge of tha human system, having one object only in view, nnd that to nuke money regardless utronse'iuppcrs. IrrpptiLirltlps nn.l all nlepasps uf males and females IrpatPd on principles established by twenty y,ars of practice, ami snncuoiicu uy niuimiiinp oi iuu uioai re markable cures. Medicines with full ditertlons sent to any part of the Unitra Btatefl or Canadas, by a. ticnla comii'unltuling their symptoms by letter. Dual ness correspoiidcnco strictly confidential A.lrfr,..,. J. SUMMERVILLK. M. D.. Office, 1131 l'iLBT street, (old No. 10'J.) IJelnw Twelfth, I'hilaiielphia, Fa. Julyll.l657-(March 4) CATAWISSA, WILLIAMSPORT & ERIE RAIL ROAD. Direct Railroad connection Itttrern Niagara Fcll$ avd Philadelphia. SAorttft Qulrkitt and Cheapest Rout from ifit'ern "eit York to Philadelphia, JlarmbiLrgt Pittsburg JJaltmort, Wathngton eifjf, and Me South, TjAPBCNCEU Tit A INS leave Hlmlra dally (creep J. Smutays.) at" A. M. passlns Wlllinmsporlnt 10 ISt A M. connect ine with Rpad'ns Hall Kond aiPorlL'liii- ton.untl rrachlniT riiilidtlnlun at 7 SO I. M. Kfiiirnlnir. leave I'luIndelDliia from corner nfnrnnd and VlneBtrretii,at7:t(l, A. 31. reaching VViin.niKrnorl. at 5 13, P. M.t nml nrrWitiE m LI it; Ira atP, P. M , PABSliNGEIl TRAINS WILL LUAVfi PORT CLINTON FOll HAUUISBUltG Direct, via Daupliinand Susquehanna Rail Road, on Hi arrivnlofCatawissa Train, at 4 43 r.M. reaching liar risburg at 8 P. M. Re lu ruing I cave Ilarrlsburgat 7 15 A. M., connecting at I'ortC Union with Cattowissatrnin bound west lor in ing tho moildircctroole to Harrisburg, l'l tsbitrg, Ual tiinoreandllic South. connecllng theso points with ai Northwestern rennsjlvaniaand WeslemNew York. Conner. Infful Etmlio Willi tralnson New Yorkand Erieltall lload ; also, with the Elniira, Canandagau, Roche. .er, lluflnlo and Niagara rails. Crrnectlngdircctly with ilia Oreal Western Rallroa at Suspensioo bridge for Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, A.r , thus making the shortest, and thejpestroute fron Philadelphia tnlhoin points. A FUKIGUT TRAIN. Will leave Williamsport DAILY, at 0 30 A. Philadelphia. Freight train to and from Philadelphia without tran sit Ipmenl.f rom Reading Rail Road FrelghtDcpot.corn. er of Uroad and Cherry streets. TRAINS TAS3 DANVILLE ASTOLLOWS uoto ajLiT PaseengerTrala FrPighl Train , 15 M. 0 31 A. M ROINC WEST, l'assengerTrain , 3SSP-M. l-ielgtil Train, FARES. DctweeiiPliiladelphhandltupert. tl 40 iianvuie. ou Catawissa, 4 so . Tamaqua 2 no Milton 5 11) Wiiliauispori, S 00 Pifisnnunds nfnersonalbazaage nllowcdlo each nass secger excess charged al double ursi-classlrrighlralei Jan 30, US PHIL A. AND HEADING RAIL ROAD ilnter Arrangement! far rasttnger Trail's. January 1st, 1857. TTP Trains, going North leave Philadelphia at?) KJ A, M.anil ai r. ai, Down TralnsiioinsBouth, leave roiuvllle at i A.M) leave roiuvllle at 7 A.M lee and 4 r, Al. Untrainspiss Reading at 10,3, A, M.nndO,5:P.M. down Trains" 5.13, A. M, " 3,43 1. SI. The nrpreslTraln is discontinued until further notice- Clu.e connections arP made by the 10.23 A. M. tlu Train from PortCliutonto r.lnilruand all iuterine dlnto points: and hy the G,'.1 1. M UpTraln from Port Clinton loElniir.i.Canandnigua Uutlp'o, "Niaaara, De tot. nhlenen. fc!t. l.nul.. Davenport, and Iowa City: Slaking this route thcshorleslaiid cheupefl to tht Lake KrleetaniCanada. OoSun.lava.tha Down A. M. Train from Pottiville. and Up P. M. Train fruni Philadelphia, .only, run. IUkrisboro Cohhections, by Dauphin Railroad at Au bin n A snedal Accommodation Vassonccr Train leaves Iteadincdaillr.feiceot Sundays )al7. A.M.. returning from Auburn aid, V. M., on arrival of 3.10 P. M. Train from Harrisburg. WAY FAKKS t'ROM KEADINO TO oiilladrJphl-i.Sl ,7:anill,4j; l'ottsvlllo l,0S and 0,83; Aiiniirn, u,j.. 1'ARES. tn llarrl.buri!. (2 33: Tamnaua 1,33: U'iCianuport SI, 10: Clmira d,:i3; Canandaia 431.UU Hiiiitir or .-iasri.ii.u''i .,n..u si. Toledo (14,7 ; Cincinnati 10,IM) , Chicaro s.u.00 nlc tolnri s-. r.n. ALL rassengerswill procure ticket, before enerinS n nn i lflrpnts extra nn f ares pa (i in ine cam. tylbs.,of persenal lligiaionl'owcd each Pas.euoge oiovcr that weight aschargcdl'slrn Bnecaco- u o, h.'ii-i.d, January 3d. 1837 tf. GenWtiujrt MArtntAOP. GUI DP. BY Dtt. WILLIAM VOUNO. jiAimiAap. nuiiii: hy nit, william youko, .MAItltlAdU aUlllC RY nit. WILLIAM YOl'Ml, jiARisiAtin mime hy dr. william yiiijnh. maruiaoi: cuini: uv im. william youno, MAttitiAiii; (juinr. nv int. william youno. MAUltlAUU OUIDK UY Dlt, WILLIAM YOUNU, MARIIIAIinaUIDn-YOUlSO'SGItEAT r5SSPIIVri0I.oaiCAL VVOI1K: THH POC'KL'P iw'fisSSA'.-iUULAPIUS, or Tvery One his own "W Doclor, by W. Youko, M D. Ills written In plain language for lh general reader, and Is illus trated Willi upwards ol one hundred engravings. All young people, or inoso contempuiiuf iiiarriajc. a, . i lnvlna iho least Imiiedlment to married life, should read this book. It discloses aecrects that every ono shoul I be actuainted with: still, it la a noon mat must he kept locaeu up. anu nonio ai'ou. me uuti.c. i.ti.m bo sent to any one on Hie receipt of twenty-fly rents 153 Spruce street, nbova Fourth. Aug 29. 1837 FhiUdelpbia, Fa, WILLIAM J. BEIDLEMAN, 8aiMc ani) axt$$ BIANUFACTDRKIti Blooiniburg, Aug, 13, 1337, NEW WAGON SHOP, I Willow Grove, South Itloomsburg. , TUB undersigned respectfully Informs his Irienda and tha public generally, that he ha. taken the1 stand occupied byMr Robert Urc..t,lii Willow I Orore, South liloomsburg, below thelt.l,road,nl,er I lio will continue in. lie will continue mo ruJ.a .W J style and niniodetuieleruit. Also Renslrini Waious. Ouriies, t'arrlnces, Sul- kinds, ate . done lo order and on suurl time. HJ- Produce taken for work. CII AI-.I.C3 PKITWER. tiloomsbr April ; leOV-m ON II DOLL Alt A YEAR. Circulation over 100,000 Copies Weekly. 25 Witnesses, OR, TI1E FORGER CONVICTED. 10IIN a. DYl: la tlio Autlior, who has hail ten ) rara ei pa Monet' ai a Ranker and Publisher, nnd Author nfiMtlv'.cel.rrit Ms ttreaty 7airaar; when, for Uu successive niihts.ovcr rrj so.onoi'roplo flrecled him with rounda or applause, wliltelie ex. MM. .a ihn man nut tn wil tell Cniftlrrfelte f r if Cute their Irouila, ami the surest and ilioilcit means of delicti ntr llicin I 7)1. Hank Avr Eng rattrt a1 any Hat he it tkt grtittit Judge of reptr Money tiring Greatest Discovery of the Present Century for Detecting Counterfeit Hunk Notts. 'lle.rrlhliitf fvi.rv nonulnn lllll In ptlllence. anil eslilliniD( at a glance octy Counttrfell In rircuia lion I Arraneedaondmlrably.lhat Reference la Eary and Deleciluii lnitantancoui. rrr o index to oiamme I nn pnjea to nnniiip i Rut to almnllneil anil arran god. that llio.Metclunt, ' uaiiKcr acil limine ainn run aei" att or n riancc. , t:rlliA. fVeeA mnd Hainan. Thill each may lean tha aamo In hl on n Native n,f'' e . r.;. a r J.i 77,7.VW iuw. ircci. nana, .iw. t.i'v i v Also n lisl of all the I'IIIVa t u iiawmho i.h Aaii,iiii;A . ,...o n....rit..x......n. , Amaioi will be published In eaph edition. t aether ' ..I., .ii ,t. iMnnrii,ni NKWs rip Tim ii .V. Also. I Willi all the Important NF.WH OF Till! DAY. A BUitlr.a ut l A l, La rrom on old Manuscript found In the r.ast. nlshes the most ronintitp history of It fur- UHlliniAL, 1.11 u. Ani, describing ,. n,osl perplexing' positions In ,,,,,, U, la,, u(eallicmcrl 0f t,at country linvo hfn , orPn ru,, Thc,0 otltl M continue throughout the whole year, and will prove the mo., .niptiahnne ever nOefed to Ihe nubile. ir Furnisher! weakly to Subscribe only, at SI a year. Allleters mustbe addressed to JOHN S. DYE. JJrrr rubllrher nnd rroprletrr.TO Wall tt New York. OLEUM LIQUOR. CEHTIFIOATE. WE, tho undersigned Houfc Painters, herehy certify that we have given Um newly Invented Oleum Liquor, in innfactii red by Preln , (Initnietn fc llreinU, In rhiladelplila, nn Impart , trial mid havo fount! Il atn-tHif,nt ubtilute fur L teed Oil. -far suppritr to It hi everv rpnpect, tit e I of only about h.ilfat imich, tli'igconvldcrablvrnluclng tho exprnw of painting. Wn would therefore recom mend the public to Hi ? ft" era I use. and alter it has been trie ! ittt uttpcriorllywcr Ltniccd Oi will be al tcttfH to by all. CI MR 1,1 :S QUIER, AM03 UNGI1U, WILI 1AM WOLLn. KUWAllD DCNIIARD. June 13, 1857. T HEREBY certify tha I hivo ha.1 Home Palni-ntf pro tcied lately with the above named Oleum Lluor, and concur in nil rerpeet with the ri-cotmiiPKiniton of lh above nimed Runtlenicn, and wllllip'e add, that in future I will bive no paint inj operatiens performed without the admixture o l lu; nbove uaint'il valuable luinor Tlmso who may itefire to vifw Iti e fleet c, will rail at my residence, where thpy can cnnvlnco thf.nsclvtB of all U.-'t I re presented oftbeOlcuinttluor in reard to beauty and durability. J. ISAAC BR 11 IN IG June t2.lS.17. J. S. & 15, Li I'MIOT, Produco and General COMMISSION MERCHANTS No 30 North IVhnrn n. IMMLADCLrniA. RErCRERCSi: JohnF Fenliton.Esa. rhiladelplila. Mevirt Hacker, Lea & Co. ' Bltur, l'rre At Co. lluchnor MrCammon & Co. ' Cliarlei EWtt fc Co. " B. Morris Wain tt Co m Onterbrittpe, Arvov & Co. Charles & Joseph Perot, m " Tlinmag & Maxwell, New York. C. M. McCluntT tc Co., St Louis, Mo. J,8. Morriitk Son, Louisville, Ky Varch 13, 1830-v ttf m m rsij mi s as. EVANS is NEWCOMER, torverijf n too Gf jvtweomtr.) Arch i rcc, abuvo 1 hird, PmladclDiua, rjOURS OF M U A La nr? mm. ,i.a JLX (.rear fast, 5, 0 and 7 o'clock to 10 DiNSEn.fiemletiien'sordinary.l o'clock lo3. l.ndlcs,2o'clock Tea, Iflo'ctockto 11. CYAN EVANS. J U. S.NCWCOMER, aus.i i , inc3. y. CUARMiS II. MAKPLIi'S. U'INB AND LIQUOR STORE, iVfl. 143 Xonk Third Street, Above Race, East Side, Two doors above theEjgcI Hotel. PHILADELPHIA Has ronstantly on hand French brandies, Holland Ctnnnd a general assortment of Foreign Wines, also, nil kind of American Spirits, &c. Man. i 15 'fijG-y. National Hotel, ( LATE VIlITn BWAN, ) Sides $ 8 lover. liflCC Street. QbQVe Third. Philadelphia ! consistency ns to worklreenHdeapyutidertlie brmlt-PtitRSmvs.latofihfirmavPnB:i:nn.1r-iinr,Hn t'V tlw !' Japan, lite paint will bo rend-red still Pbier Sicks, late of Hiefirni3tevens,llolliiishoad& Co I.U..T Hn.u,D nil)., lint.,.. Hn,, August II. ITiO DYER'S HOTEL. Cattawissa Pa. ri HISoldand wel I known Hotel. Inthetnwn Xr-nA J MCatiawlssa Isntill kept by the under. I"'! lgned,andinspileof nlllicensc laws, lie isdUJJj, or termined to make hie lioiue one of the niostcomloitn blcplarraforiravelerstOBtop at, that can bo found In the interior or.Ynny I vnntri Hit table will be turn! sh ed dally with the hesttlicMarketcan aiford, My oldfriendsjud traveller generally arHnvitcd io roll. JACOU DYUU. M.iy31.l835.-y . States Union Hotel. FORMHERLY It CD LION HOTEL.) No. 200 Marlctt street, Philadelphia. GnoRHi; W. H INKLE, Proprietor, formerly ofCo. lumbia, Fa., uoui i Inform his friends and thepub Icthat hocontinuesto keen the above named Hotel which Is well and favorably known tliroiichoi.ithn Siateasoneof the oldest and most convenient Hotel In hncity. He mostrespecttuilysolicitsashareni pub licpaonase. April 7, 1655. WM. S. SMITH & CO., Produce Factors AND anffF.n.ii commission- MEnciMtrTS, No. 00 North Wharves, I'lllLADULl'HIA. Tha Market value of all con.ignnients advanced tn Cash when desired. March II, IH4 ly WONTOUlt IIODSB, CUUNr.R OP MARKET AND MILL BTREETS, framciiatey opposite tht Court UouteA DAWViLLE. I'A HAVING been recently renovated and refurnished In n an prr lor sly le this elegant II. Lei is now rcopn lor tne reception oi strangers and visitors, tvnoaepa ronage Isrespectlully requested. B. A. BRADY, lyiS, 160. JOHN C. YEAGEH. Fashionable Hat &0ap Store NO. 103 NORTH THIRD STREET, I'HI LAUKI.l'HI A . trv Merchants and visitors from Northern Penn.y vanla.arereappctfiillylnvilcdlo give him acall, when Visiting l'lilinnclplila. Junu '.'a, 163Q. y. C. C ZADLER CO., sj.-irl, Tir..,,. q m,:.,l,i , WU . U . ir II ate H ree I'llllatlel p I, ia COMMIE8ION MERCHANTS, and dealers in i i.ard , Shoulders , Uhoese llama, Bucket,, forks riolircxc. An hi I lP.VI-lv. PHILADELPHIA OARPET STORE -4AR1T.TINGS. Oilcloths, Window Shadea.Malsan J Mattings Just received yo.000 piece, new stvla nufaclurcd and Importail eipressly for CARPET I.I.. Merchants and Housekeeper, will pleasn no. Nns. Id and 30 North Second Street, 1st door below aBt'a Church. March V3 IC.O, DNI'.Y JONES. HORSE LINIMENT AND OATTLE POWDERS. TjlOR salo nt tho office of tho Oolarabia J7 Democrat. OLIPflANT, WOODSIDE & 00. Importers and Wholcsalo Dealers in ( 4-1. v . itlutcs ani) tquors, , tn n-.t, G( .ilnt,A , No. 10? Arch St. above Fourth, PHILADELPHIA. (luritiirr. J Woermcs, Gtg. flcAinl- January 3J.1!37.- y IIF.LMBOLD'S GENUINE ritUI'AIIATION iiioni.Y cONcr.NTRATnn compound fluid EXTRACT nUCHU, Per DUnsrt tf tt Bladlir, Ktdnlyt. Oratrl, Drcply, ft'antin, Obitnetiont, Setut bittantt I'emalt Cmnplaintl. end aI Vllltltt cf Ml iff val Oraaa, ArlilPR from Exccaaes and lnipruileneiea In lilb, and removing all lmpriip,r Dlrclinrfea from tho liladder, Uldnrya,or denial Orcnn'. whrthrr exittlnt In MALI. OR FDMALB, rrom v-liitftrar caue they may nave originated, and no matter of how long atamtlng, giving hcalih and vigor to Ihi frame, nnd bloom to the pallid check. jor ro rim jifvuctf.di ii It curctNervmia and Debilitated snlli'rcra, and remnvra all the ayniptoma. among ulilrli v.111 be found Imliipo. tlllnn to lliamon, I.o of Tonri l.oeii of Memory, llinlclilly nf llreathlng,(laneral W-nkiieia, Horror of !,1,l1,'0Vt".k2'e,V,TTi,i'".,v5ri,"'!l,Il0'rnfr!1 Death. Night fewcaii.C,.!, I ect; , Wkeio nes,. V'ra , neaa oi tinon, i,ini, """" " " ma Murcular Hjilcm futon nnormouB Aonetltn. w 111 Dirneptle rltmptoina ilotllflmta, riuililngoftheltody. Iirynevaof Hit- Bkln railldOountninticeaiidnrdpiloiii lii'8klii ralllciuouninnaticeaiidbrnpiioui .WVJeVBM ,?:ly..irn ,l l i!.f n the l'ace, Tali. In the Rack, lleavlneaa ot trie bye. ni,, imii ,!." .V ni, villi t'mpo'r "' ' 7.'" ,' "' "'""M'm'',' "1 ofBoclely Nothing la morn desirable to enrh Tallcnl than ao itude, and notning llteuiielvoai no repose 01 manner, norarnesl news, no speculation, bula Hurried transition Irom ono quea i tiou to another. , ., , The.c svmploms. if atlowcil'lo go on-whirh this meiucine ininnnniy removes soun iioiiuna iw" rami Tatu ty.and cm eotic riii in one or wnicu the patient m.iy eilre t bo can say thin theie ex: cemci 'are not 'freiuently followed by those direful iliBcaiei luanty nnd Connumptlon ? Tim records m tlio Insane Asylums, and the melancholy deaths by Consumption, near ample wiliiees to th truth ol tlicm aiietrtioni. In Lunatic Asyluini the most melancholy exhibition nppear. Tho countenance Ii aclinlly od den end nuite dflitiluto neilher mirth or eHef ever visits It. Should a touiid of the voice occur, it Is rarely articulate. With woeful meaiures wan def pair Low Biillcn sound his jrrief bfgui'cd." Debility Ii limit iprrii.lel and In bro-ight thouand9 iinnn linn a:in ii In unt hnn Iff itravcs.lhUB blasilnn' the cesses 'are not 'frcauer ambition nf many noble jouihs. It can be cuicd.byj I 10 UiO of tin u txFALUBtR itn.ur.Dr. Ifynuare putlerinjr wlih nnyot the above dilt rcscing oilmen t, the Fluid Extract Iluchu wl II cure you. Try It nnd be convlncod ol 11 rfflency. Ucware of Uutch Noil rums atnijaunck Honors, who falsely buastofabiliticsnKd relerences citizens know am)tnvold thiMii and sovclontr sulTuring money, and exposure, by veiidlujr or calling for a bottle of this popular and upTlfic remedy. It ft'lays all pain and inflammation, Is perfrctly pleasnntin Its taste and odor, but Immediate in its action. nnrjMR0UV3 EXTRACT nUCIItf ts'prcparcd directly accordum to the rules of mar maty anu tntminry, the ffrcalest actumcyand rhcmtral knowledge and rare tkvnied in its combination. Poo rrofpssor Dewep' Vulu.tblc Worki on the pra'-i ice of physic, and most of the hi Ftandnrd Works f Atfdlcinp. CTONB IIUNDREI. DOLLAKH43 One hundred dollars will be paid to ary physletin Who can prove that the Medici tin ever injured a F.i ttentl; and the testimony ortliou.imls can hf produced to i"Mve tliat it d-tes preil pood. Cases of fiom one wepk tothirlrrn ycats' (ttandinR lia.e been efT.xtc-d. n hn mms of volu in.i.v testimony I n noses-ilon of the l proprietor, votictiingita virtues and etirttive powers. and Fame. ... ... 100,000 bottlos have been sold nnd not a finglo In ftanto of a falldrc has be-n reported I 1'ursonaily appeared before me, nn AHermnn of the cpy of rii.ladflphia, II. T. Iltt-Biiin, Cliemlt, wlfo bring dulv nworn does nay. that hii prcparalirtii con talus no Narcotic, Mercury or injurious Drug, but aro purely vegetable 1 II. T. linLMHOLH, l?ole Mamihctunr. Sworn nndsubicribcd brtore nie thin 23d day or No v ember 1654. WAl.l'. MIliUARU. Alderman. Price $1 fir lottle, or iizfor $1, dtltverttl'to any ad' drcti, accompanied by rclmbl and responsible certifi cates from L'rofessors of Medical Colleges. Clergymen , and others. Prepared and II T. IIHLMCOLD, I'rpctlcil'nnd analytical Chemiit, No 52 South TENTH St., below Cheat nut, Assembly Building. Philadelphia. 53- 7V b had of.r, it JltOYER, Dloomsbarg. end of all Dtvgcitti and Dcalcrt throughout tht United Statu, Canadas end Itritlih Provinr$a. 11BWARC OF COUNTURFniTS. ASIC FO't Hni.MUOLH'f TAKU NO OTIICll. CUUCa CCARANTUHU. June 13, 185". NEW AND USEFUL. OLEUM LIQUOR. A Substitute for Linseed Oil, PATENT AITLlCn FOR J rpHF. underpinned nflcr to the public iht-lrOleum Li J. quor as nn efficient euhtiiute foi Llnsred Oil, ns a thinner fiir all sorts ot I'jints eround in Oil, except Venetian Red. When thinned with Hie Oleum lite Paint will rnvcr belter. ikV IlllCker nn.l will tm tnnm itnr.t.1n. nn.1 ivlinr. varnlshid, the paint will have and retain the moot ginMyjipprarancc; umtiiic elaMtrlty or the llilnnfr win emioie ine Dflinr in mn .1 tn t .a virniFi : nn.l i in crnckmir nn) neulmff on", o common in ordinary vai- int'j"i' I'm i ii m is r ii iirc iv nrui'iru. Fnr pilnting Tin Kools its en,ual rannnt be found. The Oleum can he ued by ilsell, nr In rummon with Linseed Oil. VarniBli. Janan or 1 urr.ei.tlnj nt llm on. tlon of the Fainter. Hi cost Is about one-half of that of Linserd Oil. lhu cinsiilcf,,ty reilucinir the eincnue of naintiiu?. Wp f.iithiully rernmmend it fnr nil purnois Indlca ten nun wtirrani n io give BJiifciaciion. n nueri uis count to Hit trade. DlREOl IONS. Tlnn the paint with the Oleum LI. cior and work il wel I, until il Howb Ireely irom the urusii. Tho br.uli m'ist be free from all mpiiturc and ina riably ought to b-i soaked welt with tho Oleum Liquor nrnvious to nulnllni;. Instead ot plarinj thehrushes inuaterover night, ns painters generally dw. tliv ought lobe put in the Oleum LiT'r which will grenlly lacilitaie the work. Tim naiut mixed with llm Oleum Minor will work better if it be allowed in stand from 12 to 2j hours pre- firmer. Mix ihe Japan first Willi the palm nnd then thin it wiih tho Oleum Li-jnor in the manner men Untied fllovf. tTl lot) pounds of Taint thinned wlththa Oleum I.i 111 or, will cover u nrjier uriato man ig pounud nun ned with oil, , The Oleum Litquor is norio uc ti'Oii with Vcnitlan fted, nor wilh Faint contiinmj; nny pioportlon of it. JiUUlMU. stl I it 1 Arl K. lilt Ul IN lu Anifrican 1'nim nnd Coirr Works, Corner tMth and Green HtB-JMillad-'Inhla. Cfilrn N E cornei Third and Wood ets F iiiadei plua. Pi. IMPORTANT TO EVERYBODY. XJ'OR the last three yearn, I have been en paged In o . bufiuesi know n only to nnsrlf. nnd. eomrarutivc ly.iewotiiers, winm t nave insirucieu tor tu sum of 3.'iii eacn, wnicn nas averageu meat mo rata or S.'ooo to 830 UO ner nnnuni! and ha vine made nrramremeiitR to go lo Europe In the Spring of IrCd to ensagn in the same punnets, i am wining 10 give inn inairucttnug in the nrt to nny p'-rson In tho United StaltB or Cnna das, who will remit me the sum of $. i am induced, Irom ihn success I have been favored Willi, and the many thmklul acknowledgments I have icceivedfrmu tlioae whom I liuve instructed, and who are making irom u io ner uuy at ii, iu aive any iierson nn onporiuuity to ensaee in 11, j a buciiasit, which is p)fa.ant, and very p ollubte at a small cost. There is positively N'o IIdmdco in the matter. Refcrtnces nf the best class can be given as regard) its character, i and I can reter tn persons whom I have instructed. wno win leM.iy inai iney nru m&King irom rs o 513 per dny at the same. It is a biitlneis in which either Indiep or gentlemen can engogo and Willi ptrltct fase make a very handiomo income. Several todies in va rioug pans in Nuw York, renniylvaula and Maryland, whom I have instructed, are now making from Si to 91I per day at it. It is 11 Centueis IlCiiNFas, and but a lew fliil'ings is required tu start it. Upon receipt of 91, 1 will immediaiely send to the applicant a printed circular containing full intrucilon in tbe art which can bj perfectly understood at once. All let'ers must bo addressed (post paid) to ALLLN T. TAUSONS, 335 Broadway, New York. Eept 5, 1657-3m Franklin House. PiiniiEIt & LAlltl), Proprietors. Chcsnut St., botwoen Third nnd Fourth PHILADELPHIA, September), 1P30. rTMlE REV. 0. S. RIIUNETT. wltiln laboring as a Missionary in Soulliern Asia, ois covered u imple mid crtaln cure lor Coniumptton.Ailk ma. Hronekilti. CoVffks. Coldi. Xtrvovt Ittliluv .anA all impurities ot the Blaod; also, nn easy and crTcrtuao lnoue ot itinaling ine uemeay. ACluaieu bv a deilro II bcnelll his sullcring fellows, he will cheerfully send Ihe Ueeipo (frpp) to such as desire it, with full ond explicit directions fur prepariug aujsuccesslully using lue diuuicina. Auuress. Rev C. 8. BURNETT, 631 Broadway, N. Y. L'ily Aujuit l,lft",7 Cm "OOSTAR'S" RAT, ROAOII, EXTERMINATOR. Put up in COc, 33e .GSc, nnd SI buses. "COSTAIt'S" IILD IIUQ UXTLMUIINATOB, Put un in "tc. SOP .73a.. anil St linllh-i. 'COSTAR'(i, ULLCTBIC I'OWUHIt FOR ANTS, lN'SHCTB ic Put up in STc. and 'Oc boxes. Principal Depot, Ko.3bfl Uroadway, New York, and sold by aud HealPr. everywhere In Hie Uni ted Slates, (.laadas. West Indies and South America. Au SJ, 1637-1 ni HOM'ARD KXFKK8S COMPANY. i4 OUWAHD ond deliver packases on Ihe line or the . Pollsvil e and Reading, Caltawissa, Williamsport and Drie. and Williamsport and Clmira Railicads. Drafts. Noips aud III Us 'promptly collected. Principal Office US Chestnut street, orders fur dubx'-rci idria An, V) I,j7- y SALAMANDER F1IIE AND PROOF SAFES. THIEF rnn i.ARansT arsort- ment In the United mntei. Wnrlanted to bo equal 1 any how made, and tvllt bo ko.d on ai good terms, nt can be obtained from any other home ih the country, at k.vainh et v A 1 pJ?t u. to S. 4th it., rhiladelplila. TRUTH IB MIOI1TV AND WILL PRIIVAILI . fieptrl e.l Cownfrrfa.ealaterffe rerflnil lf Burn. ing nflH Inn tajtl, at Heading, F'lfnry 27, 1557, Raintin. March t, IBo7. The undcrtlgned, raembera of Ihn committee, do rerperlliillv rcpurt, that we aaw the two a.ilea, orlgl nallracncd upon by rarrrli U Herring and Cvans & ' ui J .1 J. I. . t .1 m In tm Inrnaaai a I ff t Tliaa Pa" In iSr by lie paymaater nf therhlladelnlila and n VadlVi Ral Iroad C mpany In hliofilreat Keadlng. nufnciured bvrarrelait Itprring anc tho Balo In llk by II A. unitiz. in ma eioiu iiianuiamureo iy ' - ''ffiSh.w'aa.larte.lal 8, O'clock. A. M.. nnd kept imtll fourcordaof green hickory, two rord. dry Cvnnaei unison, anu put Hi uouaa anu pnpcri If until four enrda of treen oakaad half chtlnnt lop wood wire entirely con turned, the whole under Ine an perl ntendctie., of the alibrtrlberi members ol the Committee. The Sales then tooled off with water, af er which thev were lotened and trie bn" a iter nV"" 'n0,,'r "" " , .'...: j i V.,1 . .m I I"''1,'" LiJ "-. "j,":.' v. , nV.i i Zvi. t . iurcu u . .... ... damaiTc'dfiillyfirieeji per cent . morelltan ihosotaken from Evans ec wjusons nuie. . . M.wwvwwrt.4'w We bcl'tcvf ttio above tn have been a fair nnu nn partial. rial oftho resperllvequamies jJp3 UANIrLS. HUNTch. Having bePnabsrntdurlitRttiQburning.we fully colnrlde villi the Above statement uf thn comlltioti of the papers and books taken out of the respective 8"fe" O. A NICOLT.S. 11. II. 11IJUIXNRRRO. JAS.MILIIOLLAND. Ma rch gi.lPrt. DIPLOMA AWAUDED Bv tht Penngylranta State Agricultural Sottrtpand ly Strerat Vountg bociettti, to BHrJXia.FHOXr'.l'IELn 1$ CO., for their Celebrated t'effetable CATTLE I OH DEIl IIOKHCH. 17 OR Horses, It In an InvaluabtrreMcdy for the cure . and p'cvcniion of nil iMicaios incident to the noble vit: Uitemper, Couglii. Tarcy, Fevers, Flu tula. Toot di'iaso". Lung diseases. Itch, Orfaie, Cnpes. Inflammation, Jaundice, Kidney d senses, (.landers. Thick L'fts. IIid.'bonnd. L6(.ifczcrs. Vlvcrs, Ulcers in Lungf, Surfeit, Founders, mniight Hair, Worms, Sons. &e. FOR NEAT CATTLE In Jnitiirtlcp. Vllow-i. Hnvcn or Clown . Dloodv UrircRed Water, MurrJan, LmsofCud, Loss of Ap petite. Di.irrhi!i or Looseness, Ilnnf disease, Wolf in the Tall, Hollow Horn, Uloody Milk, Ulood discose, Loss of Milk, 1-UIl uuus. In Swelled Neck, llltrs in the Liver, Abresses in the Lungs, Ulcers of the Itowets, spasms ur Cramps, Choke diseases. Nn farmer slioiilil lieu ithnut it a singii tiiy (ins nis sheclni'CliorlordisHSHj of his rlotk. Itlucreusts the nmount of milk, butler and fat in healthy animals Iroui et.tial amounts of lood ut Unst from 20 to W per cent, rs the einerieiice or over 10000 larmers, wlw have used it will testify at nny timiM CATTLE LINIMUNT. Uiitianllpy nny oilier Llnlu.bnt or nnitirocatlon ri l ji 1 1 wn to the world. It Is good fur the ful ler, ing dlsenres.onitlias proved ilsell in the hands ol thou rands r.l farriers, fanners nnd stage proprietors lo exceed nn) thing oft lie kind ever otlerid lolh public riiF. anTTt.F. Li.yj.MFxr is noon foh CATTLE HUMAN IIODV. Sprains, tJnilses, Toundcrcd Feet, Spavin, Sweeny, Fistula, Galliofevery kind, Rheumatism, Weak Joint, Contracted Smews, Frost IliteH, Chappid Hands, Swelling, Tumou re, Toothache, Fain In tho Leps, Fam n the Ilaek. Fain In the Shoulders. Nervou-i Fains, Clnblnin, Dites of Auimalf, Hllir Joints, Wim'sii'ii.nanii uracKs, Lnmened,Slraiiis Scraiches orUreusc, Fliick Leg9, Ilnrd Tumour!. Rinclionc Foil Evil, Cracked Heels, Rotten Iluof, Mane, Horn Dislempr Alio ninny oinermireafep. It is 1 short, the most flomplete and universal Liniment tint science lias ever yel prrducod. Beware of Counterfeits , as both our valuable diseovrr tos nrc alrpntly rounicrfeilecl liypeiKons in duT-rent parts of the State Our powder has our vritlcn cig nature mi rnclt bottle. Man u fact ur i-tl only bv UREI.Mi;, FRONEPIELH CO., No. 317 N. Third si , N. E. corner Third & Wood, Flnlaetptiia, Dcnit 50, iar7 tr HOVER'S LIQUID HAIR DYE. 'rllld II AIR DVU needs only a trial to satisfy all of a. us perieruon ns a uyc, lino in" ii-iinwins lesll inooial froili that enilnem Annlvtlct.'hPnilst.l'rores.ue Iluolli.ollhP li m. Iiot,vllloiiyronnrm what thou saints havu prLviously Imruc temnnony to. "Laboratory Jar 1'ractUal Chtnlilry HI. riie.liii's I'lucp, Phllada. j Heine well acquainted ulth Ihe sulistaiirc roninos Inn Hover' Llipiid Hair Dye, lam ratlilW that hy lo'iuwuts inn siinpi'i .iirccitons aiveu tor u use, it win nui injure 1110 uair or n Kin, nut Mil give n natu ml and durante color to tlio hair. JAMC3 C. BOOTH, All; ?J, I Si 7 jjaalvllc CAtntlit. HOVER'S VRITINO INKS, TNCi.nniNd nnvRn-s tluid and iiovkit in- L DUI.IDLI'. lNKHtaretoowPllkoowtiand introducpd to rc'iulru tiny a.Mitinnal testimony of their character Tha ailca have heen I ucreasinir bIucc thoir first Inl'o diiction. givitijr pvi.lence tint thea-tlclcs truly portess lint iiitiinsic merit claimed at flrst for them by Hie uniiufieturer. Orders. nddresscd tolhc Mlnnfael r,No.41G Haep Blrccl.nhovo r'ourth. (old No. 141,) I'liUdelplua, will ru co prompt aiientio n. joscpii rs. iiovnrt, Aug 21, 1831 ly Jfianallurtr. 1857. SPUING AND STJIMRR im mm m m m m a GEO, HULPIN k CO. IMPOHTEUS AND MAMVFACTDItF.liS, 171 UHESNU I' STREET, Aro now prepared toeihiblt thelrNew Styles FOR SPUING TRADE, INRI.UOIN'C nialaek and colnredsllk Mantillas Chantlv Lnc Man Manillas. Prench Lure Manlil a, Embroidered Silk Mintillns, Bugled Laee and Net Mnnltllas, Mourning Manlillas, llasiups. Talmas, 6.r. . Aic, Allorwhich willbo olTcr.d ntlhe Lowest Trlecs. CEO UltLPIN fc CO. 174 Chpsnut Street, above 711', riiiladthia. March7lh. 1US7. OILS, I?OR Manufacturing and Burning purposes, for tale oy J. n. A. u a. Ai.i.nv. Not. 7 and 8 South Wharves, Philadelphia June C, 1617. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS l?QR 1857. rPIIF3 subscriber respectfully informs bis 1 customtrsandthe public generally, that ho Ins recciveda full slot k of choice Spring and Summer Oood. comprising a full Hssorlment of Clothi. Casslmers, Patinelts. Delaines Itrhtlers Calicoes, ic. tugulhor witlia grfaivatiety of other article usually kept in Country Stores. AI.SO-Hardwaro. Cutlery, UueeiiEwnre Bait, Pisli, Moa1aaeB, Unn.HlPel, Hats, Caps, Uools,8hues. Lt, Country produce, including Gram, Lumber, A,c , taken in eiclianse for goods C-Thaukrul fur pattpalrouage he respectfully aiks a conludaaceorthesaiuo. THOMAS E. EVES. Mlllville.MarhSa, 1657-y. DENTISTRY. 8UR0E0N DKNTIST. IHXIOMSUURC, COLUMIIIA CO., Residence, first Brick building below Uarlmau's stor e on Main Street. 1 il'.HPECTFUI.I.Y cirjrs his nrofr.sional services I IV tu the ladles and gtnlleinen of Ulounisburff and .vicinity He is prepared to utlend lo a'l the various operations in Dontlstry, and is provided with the la f test Improved Force lain Teeth, Which will be inserted on pivot or gold plateto look as well as the natural. i Ha- a superior urticio oi iuuiu i'utvnriii, an ways oil hand, Jim. 13 lt57, ov. 15, '33, M m , WtiSi b tbe IIO i B:Bj. Noq 0. 11 13 nnri I S finnrtlanil etroet n03. u. 11, io ana 10 tjouriianu etrcet, D, D .WINCHESTER. TIKIS. D. WINCHESTER lir.NJ. '.WINCHESTER. My3l,,-3ro i?XTHA 0.1 MACKEREL for.sjleat STEAM ENGINES AND UOILKll nun xihietlheeli now nrenared. with new Marhlno i. ry. to build atatlouary om 3 to loohorao inner, upon the late'llmproved plane, and will build to trdcr doutileand aluale portable anglnea from 10 to 40 torte powcr,Rlgged upon carrlagea, with Holler gear .tig btiiimpa all complete and readyforaetinn. Alio -cylinder tlueand tubularboliera eaittron coaibreakg Itatiatented In IB30,ror threelilng grain anderacklnr torn and now made on alargaarale for ereekfng oa ibrcnklng coal , lleavyinlnlng pumpa and Are enginel tlcfc.l complete Willi iloulile acting forcing pumpa,0 kinds of mtllgentingind house easting maifa tn order) Line aliimlUg with anydeslrid siaei ot pulleys nnlsha Willi hunger1! Iron planing dona s.lySlfcel long! a. kinds of Iron turnlig heavy prpsa and other screw turned Willi any dcrcd pltitmrihread. Thrbest Rough IroiithresMiig MaeMnea.thnt ever come he Tore the nnblic, cast Iron and wi'odemnnetilnea matte to ordeY, l.evcr power, il.nln or trend rower made toetner. Alsdiakeaordetbtorlliefollowlngnia. cliineryi Harrison's talestpnlintBtaln mlll.SIOdoof. fere. ll.i ttin ralrnteelorltsp'iiinl It will grind inaod flnemealSS btishelstn one hour. Also bolts and elevn. tnrsnll in oiJpr.alfcolttiejrle'a I'atentBlower.maiiur.iclur ed by 0.1) Harris At Co. , the most pduerfdl illower now In use with tlielent 1 mount of power, olicof'htrll wlllneputln nscat Hie Foundiy for eihibiilon. , 'lot thenhove works wlllbe warranted tob- what they., n tbldlor. Also Take orders for Srolt'a rotent niackamllli Striker, and r la hts to nee them In ttiecounliPs ol Coin lu ll la, Mos. .our, N art Im msa Hand. Lvrnming, Sullivan and CllnUn, one of which can ba aspn at mv abop. j.uwir1 11 . atAiju. Ma rhsa, lesn. nioonisbii , Columbia re, 5f fi-'VJ tt t '"PHIS nndrpijnct! rcspeo fully iDformo J his friends nnd tin: public tnnt lie hnt taken the T.tehangt Hotel. x Ulooinfburg, loraled nn Main Gtrcet, directly opposite tlio Court House, lilth hn been throughly rejialretl atid improved, where lio Is pre pared lu nrcninmndnte hiscustom'brs with good litre nnd to ireneiHl nit 1st nrt inn. He also hn lu connection with the Exchange II o tel, uti extellei.i OMNIBUS LINE, runningrcKiilnrly sereralllmes per day ,to nnd fropi the Depot on the arrival nt the Cars, by which pnijeng. ers will be pleusunlly conveyed to tlie Depot Si ntiin,ti taken from and returned to their residences, If drsired. X3r He will n I way be happy to entertain nndnccoin men! ale Ins friends to the utmost of his niniit i'-. PETEn II I LLM E ER, I'rovritior, nionmshiirg, April ,5,1830 y. Avises OH BAP WATOIlfeJE WELTI YSTORniis3 No. 72, North Huconu Street, OPPOSITE THE MOUNT VERNON HOUSE, I'll I LA HoldLeverWAtcliesruHJowclIcd ltill Cattcs. 11 Silver do do 00 do LetilPe do 1) OU (luarticrs 3 OOto 7)0 OnldSpcclPflci, Silver do 4 50to 10 0(t I SO li OOtOIHOlj 5 001 ol I OC 4 75to 7 30 3 ?5to 500 dllver'Fnblf Spoons periett, un Ki'snrt im tin do Ten do do fJoliU'enfanitfJoldCarpi , iio silver do Toeelherwltli n variety of flue Oold Jnwrilry.Gol u r.C u a rdn ltd Fob Chains. A 1 1 Hoods wat-i-anti . nspresf-nted. Watches and J uwclry rcpall-cdi n t U nesin anner . N H. Alloiderssentbv'iyii.ailorothcrwlfe.wiiih. 1IIICliilll) liitlliirn tu . movemiirriv ioj,,. ij Spring & Summer AT MENSCII'S CHEAP STORE. nPHE tinJcrfigncd havinrr removed hia l Store, up town, at the stand, lalcly ocellficd by It ('. ee. 1. W Hartuimt wherp with gtc.ipr lucn-a-el lacilitics, he I. enabled tn oifer n fullas.nriiient of Spring aud Summer Goods, Which tic has jusl riceivcd from tho EnMprri Ciiicb, roniprislng Dry Hoods, Groeoriea.llurd-wirc, Ouecna wnru Cedar-ware. Hollo-ware, Driiffs, 1'lsli, ball Ate. Plaster, I rnu, Nails. Hoots, Shoes, Hal a, Caps, ie Uc MADE OLOI'ilING lu short, every tni"g us-inlly l;ppt in country Stores lowliirli hu invitnstlic publtcgcliPrnlly IS- Oa.Hi.Ltt nber. Old Iron n li at t'mintry Pr.tucp taUcii tn exchange lor Uood a, otihe hif-eBtiuarkPl price A. U. fllENSUIl. Bloororburg, Marcb 21, IF37. Spring and Summer GOOD S- na'Kelvy, Weal & CO., iTTAVINO lum received nnn oun.rd itiPir tft.i n O m rriiunitixefr!priiii!,ialPd, which nmprj5e the hAlinuvr.CIiniMlHT. and IIANTisoMi aT mcnl now olfered in this TOW.V 1 llnvi II fT n:l III nrii.t I attention tn tti irhrtion of their entire stock, tti to prirennu luanty, tney luin-r themtie.vcs that tney ran compe.e with the theapttt, and nlltlmse i.lshlng to buy cheap, enn Have money bv trivinpitsaru'l. We iinvu mi i. iii ui oi (iuoup nn (i .ires tn uupply the l'eoplu. A v-sry large lot of IwUUKS' DHKSS GOODS. t'rench .Merrnnes,WooPlaids, Alpnrai, Ilombaxlnes, .ti haise I'onlins. I'.irnmet'n cloths. nTnlimr i.h.i. Mu tin ue L,ainis,rcrlan cloliisfltngiDms.Oalicoes, Wltt'PU OOCnn 01' AM KlNn9 PiWrs.Collars, UniKlkeribiWa, fiounciugi, hands and triinmincs, Larttandedelncs. bonnet rlbb onu. In In tan usi.,iu velvet ribbons, am braids. kif'.cotlon, ttnd lisle thlead glove, rtioiitin ni ii i tie- We iinltrourfrionds nnd the publie generally to Hive up n cut I before purchasing eUewheru. Wrhnvr lioi'alitour Eoodsnt LuwestCanh Prlceg.and will not llttun ersoldby nnliody ortberestoMiiankinu. McKhLVY, NhAL & CO. Btoon. 'burg, March '21 , 1P57. Dr. J. S. Houghton's GREAT CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA. T"i-,Jiurof 'SV.V". HOUGHTON'S. Juice Prepared from lEi-tincl. or trie niiiii h I Btomach of thoOz, after uireriioiisoi n.iron i.ic btg, ihegreat I'hysioloff leal Chimli-t, by J H Toughlon,M D , Phila delphia i'a. Tlrf (s Vaturc'silwn U-mcUy tor on unhealthy Pto inarh, No nil of man can equal Itit cirniiv e powers. I conlnlns no Alchohol Pitlrrs. Arjds, or N'ausaous Tugs It liextrcmi'lyagrefabietothetrletcnild niny l etakenby tlir; most fi'fble patienti who cannot eat a water cracker without acute distress U(i ware of Drugged tinitations. 1'tpnin in not a Drug Ca'l on the Agent, mid get .1 Descriptive CJrcitla gratis, giving a large amount of Scientific Evidence froml.iebig'B Aniina'i.hemUtryjDr.Combe'iPliinioloiTy Uigeitton; Ur Pereira nn Tood and Diet; Dr. John w TfapiT, of New York University! Plof. Dungliion's Pysiolngyj Prof. Sll VoleColledpejDr Carpen tei'sPliytiolrCy; tc. together wilh reporuof Cuies from all paitsofthe United Stnes. BOiaoy a, 1 . uuik anu j, iv.niayci. uiuoiiiniiurfi S.H. Uowman nerwick, 0ct3f1835 ly. Dlooiusliurg Tinware and Store Stor" mile undersigned resoec'fullv informs his old friends .L and customers, that ho has purchased his brothers Interest inlheatiove vBtanu.ninent, anil tne concern will hereallerba conducted bv lllmsell exclusivelv. He has j just leceived and offprs fur sala, the larepsl nnd 4QSi ninstexteitsivn assortment of PANCk STOVljS jpywU ever introduced intolhis market. i-?s2 His stock consists of a complete assortment ot eblhesl Cooklngnnd parlor stoves in the market, to thespr with titovo PI xtures of every ilpscriptloo.O veil and lluxejloves. Radiators, Cylinder Stoves, Cast Irou Air-Tigli stoves, Cannon Stoves, &c, Sea. atovepit peanu l lawarecoirianiij on hanu anu man ufactured to order. All kinds of repairing done, aa usual. on shnripotlp The patronage nf old friends and new customers re apeotfully solicited A. M, RUPERT. Dlooinibnrgi Jan 3, 1P5I. tf STAUFFER & HARLEY. I CHEAP WATCHES AMD JF.WF.LHY. j Wll OLL'HALP. AND Iho -'Philadelphia Walchand Jswelry Blore,'' No 118 (Old No. UO) North BKUOND Strert. corner of auarrv. Plillndelniua. Hold Lever Walrhes.fulljew.lled.ia caret cases. t-8"f Gold lpine, IH caret. . SI 10 Oliver Lever, run jewelled, ... jsihi Silver Lepme iewelp, . . 9 rjo Supi rlor Uuarllers, . .7110 Hold Spectacles, .... 700 1'lne Silver do. . . 1 30 Gold bracelets, .... 300 Lady's Hold Penrlls, . 00 Silver Tea Spoons, et . 3 00 Uuld Pens, with Pencil and Silver holder, 100 Gold Fins er ltluss. All cents to ttril -. Wstrh ntaases pllln, 13) cents, patent 1, l.unet SS; iher article, in proportion. All foods warranted to be what thev ore sold fue, STAUI'PrR it HAHLCY. I t?On hand soma Gold and Silver Levers and Leptnes Btill lower than the above prices, October 10, 1p47 E'pytOiVii Coach and Wagon Factory niilK uiidcrsiened havinc succeeded Jacnb 8, Jlvs XlntheWaeonaudCoaehmaklnabutines..athia l"nd, In Espytown respectluliy inlorin their frient, indihe niblli. thatlhey contlnuewillthe Wagon Making Iiust7iesst lnall its derailments, wherethey willbe bspny ten Tf ?si r:7 ft h siJSv Si Mf celve orders and promptly executeall businsss in the. line with neatnessanddespatrh. rx Wheel barrows made to order, and allklnds ot renairingdoDC on short notirr. cvAva & uAonNDUOir. UupytuWii Junt7 'J85n.-e-y AYER'S PUIS. ron all the nwrosEs of a FAMILY PHYSIC. TimnE hits long onlstcit n rnlilie demand for u Cll'ccllrc rurstctivo pill which couhl bo relied on a, sure anu perfectly safo In Its operation. This bat been prepared to meet that demand, nnd an cxten. alto trial of its, virtues has coiiclusitely shown with what avfecesa It accomplishes, the purpose designed. It i rasv lo make a physical pill, but not easy to makn Ihn heat of att yillt one which should hat. hone nf tho objections, but nil the advantage, of etrry other, 'lhis has bcon attemptod here, and with ttliat aticcpsa wo would rcspccttully aubmit to tho rmblle dceislon. It lias been ttnfortttnato for the patient hlthctto that almost etcry purgatlro .nrtlcino ft ncriin'milcAtt and irritating to tho bow. els. This is hot. Many of them produce 0 much griping pain and revnlston In the sj stem as to root, than countrrbalnnco the good to be dertvea from them, 'lhesc iilli produce no imitation or paln,i unless It atiso from n prciidmly existing obstruc. tion or derangement In the bowels. Being BUtbljr t egctr.ble, no hrtrin can arise fibm their use in any quantity i but it li better that any medicine thoUld bo Liken judiciously. Jllnu.c directions for their tiso in the Fcveral diseases to which they aro pi plirnbte nro gltcn on the box. Among the com plaints which haio been speedily cured by them, wa War mention I.hcr Complaint, in its various form, of Jaiir.ilire, Iimlgestlon, Languor ond Loss of Ap. petite, Mstlcssness, Irritability, Dilinua Headache, llilioua Vcver, Feter and Ague, I'ain in the Side and Loins; tor, in truth, all these are out. tne con sequence tf diseased action in tho liver. As an npotient Ihey nffiiM prompt and sure relief in Cos ti pnofs, 1'iles, Colic, DjBcntcry, Humors, Scrofula "ness, 1'iles, uone, iijBcniery, lttimors, ocrotuia I Seunv, Colds with soreness of tho body, Ulcer, I Imnhnly uf tho blood, Irregularities t in short, and everv case where ft mirtrative is reaulrcd. nnn r-cutiy, toias witn soreness oi mo ooay nnd Imp IV 1 Th They hate also produced some singularly sue eessful cures In ltheumatism, Oout, Dropsy, GraTel, Jr)sipelns, I'alpltatlon of the Heart, Pains in the eessful Back, Stomach, rind Side. Ihey should bo freely taken In tho spring of the year, to purify the blooa and preparo the system for the change of seasons. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, and restores the oppe tite and tigor. They purify theblood,and, by their stimulant action on the circulatory system, reno vate tho strength of the body, ond resloro th. svahtcd or dUeased energies of tho wholo organism, lleneo nn occasional doso is ndtontogcouB, tvcii though no terious derangement exists i but un-noccisf-ry dosing should ncTcr be carried too far, as etery purgathc medicine reduces the strength, when taken to excess. The thousand cases in which a ph ic Is required cannot be enumerated here, but they buggest thcmseltea to the reason of etetjr bodvt and it is conHdeatly belieted this pill will answer a better purpojo than nny thing which ha, hitherto been nuiilable to mankind. When their irtues nro once known, the public will no longer doubt what tcinedy to employ whet) in need or a cathartic medicine. Being sugar-wrapped, they tn plcn.ant to take, and being jnircly vegetable, nd harm can arise from their use m my quantity. For minute diiections, see wrapper on the Boi. ritLi'AUKD y DE. JAMES C. AYER, ruictlcfil Itiiil Anul)UculClicnilst, I.OWKI.I,, MASS. Price 25 Cent, per Box. live Boxes for 61. AYEll'S CHERHY PECTORAL) KoV ttie rnpltl Cure of coims, o l ds, hoausem:ss, lmoxnirns, lviioopixci-t'ODCiii I'UOIiPt ASTIW1A, AXD tuxsiwrTiox. Tilth Tcmedv hai won for ittsclf such nat6iWty from il cures of n cry vmiet) of pul mini ary dheusc, that it Is Piiliii-ly uniiecessaiy lo reenmit tkc cvj deiices of its virtue In nny community where it lin been (mploycd. iio v'(e in tho field of Its use ful. (t-s, and io mtmcnms the cases of its cures, Unit almost CTrry Kectioii ff tbo country abounds In persons pubiivfy Unon. who have Veeti restored fiom Marminfr and rp tieciatc dUeases of the IniiKS bv its use. When onrc tried its superiority ovrr ecry other medicine of its Wwd i too apfa. rent to escape nWnntion, and where its virtu" Moia khimii, th- puhllc no longer hesitate vhnt antidote to ctliplny for the dislrrsini and dnngiroiis afFfOi tions of the pulinonnry oryns wliich are incident to our climate, Nut only in formidable attacka upon the IittlfeS, Vtt for the mildet vatifctlos 6f CoLim, Cot'oii-i, H DAHfiFNKHd, &p. ; and for Cim Dtti.N it is the pica nn Meat and safcut medicine that can be obtnintd. AsllhaslnnK been in constant me throuphOUt this section, vc need not do more than assure tht pcCplc its qu.ilily is kept up to the best that it eVcr has been, and that the genuine article is sold ly IO" li 1' LUTZ, ami aM Diu-tlstS in lllobuisbum and Dealers in Medicinca evrywUre A!ay itl. 1MT IMP011TANT DISCOVERY ! toxsUtiinioN, A no A Li. tifli:A&i:s of r.n: i.uncr anh TllllOAT are ptultlfeiy curable by inhalation, which conveys tlie reiupJiis to the tavitirr hi tho luii,: through tlie air paBrases, and coming In iilrct (omnct nitti the disrare, neutraliz's the tu'iertltlsf ni!itir.niiavii Hie concli. rnUBi s a frt c and easy eibtr torntioi. heal the lungs, purifies the blood, imparts rcnt.vrd Vitality to tlio iieivou system, plvln that time andencrtfy to IndiKpfinnble lor tti reituratiun of tie.. I Ui. Tobe able to state confidently lliat Conklimp Hon Is curable by i nliaUlion, in to mc a murce of Ultal loyen I'ltimire, ii " uincu iihiiii tut' nniri'i v nieiiitiil trinluierit as any ottirr furniioable dituse j ninety oitt of every Inuidml rabrvian be cured Ih the flrputageii ntid fitly ptr ctiit in the second ; but ih the tliird stape it Is linpf f dblo tn save more than five per cent , for the luiiftsnre so cut up by the dli'sse ab la bid defiance to int-dical ekitl Lten, however in tho lni siairef. Inh.ilalioii alto nit Pxtri.orunary reilet to the sii tiering aliendrip thin leatful vccarite, which nn nuaiiy ueftroyv ninety (ir i ivitvvn m mv irniiml fitiHpi nlniie i and a correct ralrnl&iH n hbwa that ot the present pnitilutmn of lie earth, eight Bill Hons are aVt-tined It fill the consumptive' grave. Truly the quiver nt aenin nos nn arrow so iaiai as Comtuniptioii. In nil ages It has been the great enrmy of If If, lor it spares nelllHr nge nor sex, but sweeps off alike the binve, Iho beuutifnl, Hit graceful, and the eiOcil. II y tlie help nf that rupreme Helng ,fr m whom cometh every good and perltct gilt, I nin enabled lo olTr to the afllicted n perinantnt and ipeedy cure ih Uonsntnptlon 'I he first of tubercles ii Irom im pun blood, and the immediate effect, produced by their nepoi llion hi tho Ittnfs.ii to prevent Ihe Ore adnus iofi ofair into Ihealrceils. winch cautes a weakened vita lity through tlm entire sjstrm 1 hen surely Ufa niore rational to expect greater good from ntLfliclned entering the cavil (cb of the lungs than fnm ihnse odmlnlsteru through thy stomach ; the patiem will aluaya find tha hingi free and the breatliittg tnsy niter inhaling reme dies. Thus, Intulaimn la a Turut remedy, nocrlht'lcsis it acts ennstii'itlunnlly. and wlh more pewerand cer tainty than remedies admlttUteredhy ihe stomach 1 ft prove the powerful and direct influence ol this mode 6f admlniitraiion, chlomlnrih Inhaled will cntltrljr de stroy senfibillty in n few minUi. fiatalilitg the en tire iifrvcus ivitpfn sc. that a Itmh maybe ampulatrd without the slightpat parfn t mhoting the ordinary burn ii n gas will destroy life In a fetv fn-ur. 'Ihe hihnlatidii of ammonia will rouse ihe system when fainting or apparently dead The oi'or nf many or the medicines is pcrrepiiDie in tne skin a iw mm ules after being inhaled and n ay be immediately de lected in the blood. A convmcrngproof of ihu consti tutional effects of inhalation, is the fact thai sickness is always produced by breathing foul air. Is not this pntltive evidence that proper reiiitdles, rorelully pre pared and Judiciously administered through the lungs, should produce the most happy results During eifb teen years' praclUf, many tnoin-sndv suffering fit tn diseases uf the lungs nnd tbroat, have been under my rare. and I have eifected many reniurknble cures, even alter thi suderers had been pronounced in tbe last stages, n hjch fully satisfies me Hint consumption li no longer a fatal disice. My treatment of consumption Js nrlginnr, and f&unded on lungexperieneo end a tho rough invrstlgaiiu. My perfect acquaintance with the nature of tubercles, Ac, enables me to diilingul'b readily, the various forms of dtfcastj that simulate eoniuuiftion, and apply tbo proper remedies, rnrely being uiisiaken even in a single cose. 1 his forriliarily In coniieclion with certain patuologictl and mictosco pic diroveiies, enables iup to relieve the lungs frcm the erlVrts of contracted cheat to enlarge tht chrt, purify the blood, imnait to It reMud vitality, giving energy end tone lo the entire system, Me icines with lull iijrpctloiis sent toonyprt ot the United Pistes and Canadas by patients coniinurl-i-ailng their sympioms by letter. Uui ihe cure vould be more certain if the patient should pay tne a visit, wh-ch would give me en nppuriunity lo eiamme ihu ) unit a and enable m le prescribe with much gruUr certalKty, and then the cure could be e fleeted without my seeing tbe patientsgsin, O- W CllAIfARf. M D.. OOlce, 1131 FiLRTstretl,(nM Nn. ICS.) rietow Twelfth, Philadelphia, Pa July 11, )P57-(.Marcn 4) TUUNK8I THUKlCSTI TUB I.AIIOEHT, BEST h.uidsomest and ch.apct as sortrfient ol Sole Leather Soid llivetcd TRArF.LIKa TRVJfSI. SU VAI.ISC T11UNKS. Ladttr Bonnet a; Dreit Trunk CHII.DUI2N'S COACHES. rropallcrs, leather and Carpet Uoss.Fatklnj Trunks, THOMAS W. MATTSON'S. Celebrated London Tria. Medal, Improved Steil Spline, Solid Sole leather Trunk Manurrclory, NO. 400 MAUKUT rTllEET. South west corner t'ourth and Market, rhMadelpbla A'teu.t 8. 1M7-If i I 1 A. M. RUPERT Tifcnrr ipd lieeMioa Mnttfacuicr-.8tof en eirect below Hmcit'i fiots