Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, January 02, 1858, Image 2

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Hloomsbug, Jan. 2, 1858.
Hon. IUchardson L. Wright.
iir . t .v t .1 .i I
, t i i ..i fi i readers, bad road tbo Una sis-column rig
of a pleasant ttitcrviciT with tbo above , , , , , ,,
, ., M .. ,. . - raaroloof tbo sorebeaded Governor. It
uuiuuti EjtiLiumuu. iur. ltni'iiii'ia uuu ui , . . ....
,, ... i . , in . n . ' was too lone, too sleepy and to sophistical,
tbo most nctivo and intelligent Democrats i,, , ,, ,b' . ' ,
. ,, , Tr 1 i . ut all will lo curious to road Gen. Cass'
in Pennsylvania. lie has boon fuur times, i , ,
, i . i . ., ,r ri reply, It is just what it should bo. It
consecutively, elected to tho Houso of! J. , , ,, ., , ,
,, ... , ., dismissed Walker summarily and politely.
Representatives, by tbo Democracy of:, ,.,......,,.,..,.... ... 5. ,V ,
'hilndolpuia, even when tho majority wci , ., , , , .
against our party, tbo last yea of which ! J"1' 0xlciX 0 "' U .C0,uW not
term,15,bev,abyhisfellow.members,hTf"m? M
elected Speaker.. In 1850, bo was trium
phantly elected to tho Stato Senate, and
has served ono session in that body, with
distinction and general satisfaction. i
Mr. Wright is yet quito a young man.
His afTablo manners, sound jutlgmnt, nod
unswerving democraoy, have destined, him
for posts of highor honor and stations of
futuro usefulness. Wc anticipate for bim
a bright career.
The. Excursion on Hie I. .& D. 1$. It.
A large and rcspcctablo'party of thocit
izms or this vicinity, and strangers, enjoy
ed' their Christmas Holiday, last l'riday,
in tho way of an Excursion 6ver tbo Lack
awanna and Uloomsburg ltail Road.
Accommodation Trains loft Rupert and
Scrantcn, rcspoctivoly, at 0 o'clock, pass
ing at Beach Havon, tho Passongors dining
at Uloomsburg and Scranton, and returned
in tho evening. Tho Directors of the Itoad,
Officers, Agonts) cto., accompanied tho
party, and tho Excursion went off in excel
lent order, no. accidonts occuring to man
tho pleasures of tho day, and, wo believo,
every Lady and Gentleman, who had tbo
g'lod fortune to furm ono of tho happy
number, were gratified and delighted with
their trip to Seranton,
Wo dined in Scranton, attho "Wyomin
IIouso," kept by Judgo Bristol. It is a
first-class Hotel, conducted by an obliging
Host, Itomcmbcr tho "Wyoming IIouso,"
Uloomsburg Dramatic Institute.
Quito a number of tho public-spirited
youugmen of our town, recently conceived
the idea, and we arc happy to say, have
now consummated tho complete organization
of an Histrionio Institute. In connection
with tho risoof tbo abovo named Institution,
wo aro equally proud to know, that other
young gentlemen hero haro effected tbo
organization of another and equally mcri
tom assoiiatiou, entitled tbo "Bloomsburg
String Band." For these grdwing mani
festations of tho increasing improvement
of public cnterprizo, our citizens aro
indebted to tho expensivo genius of young
Tho Bramatio Institue performed thrco
consccntivo evenings last wcok, to crowded
audiences, in tho Court House. Better
exhibitions of stage comicalities aro seldom
scon in our City Theatres. This fact was
amply demonstrated by tho- continued
applause of the crowded audiences.
Wc n'.vei miss fire. Many, perbnp3 a
majority of our ootcmporarics, hereabouts,
have as usual given notiro, that owing
to tbo hollidays, they will not issue, but
again miss a publioation. That is a sort
or species of policy, in political economy,
wo have never adopted. It would not .only
bo convenient for ourselves and office bands,
to onjoy a week's recreation from incessant
toil and perplexities, but it would also bo
a, saving in the way of finances, to us (in
dividually,) of about fifty dollars, a matter
theso times worthy tho sober second
thought and deserving of serious consider
ation. New York Daily News.
Wo adviso our friends everywhere, who
npprcciato a well conducted, fearless and
independent Democratic N uwsrArER, to
subscribo for tho "Niw York Daily News.''
It is the acknowledged organ of tho
Pemocracy of tho Empire State, and in
our judgomcnt, tho ablest and best Daily
in the United States. Published by W.
Prako Parsons, Esq., at 102 .Nassau Street,
New Yprk, at $0 00, per annum, in
Sloes' Silver Cornet Band.
In our brief notice last wcok of tho
opening of the McCauloy Mountain Rail
Road, wc unintentionally omitted this
Band. Tbo' band formed tbo escort on
that occasion, and enlivened tbo pleasant
convocation, by its varied " chaunts of awect
musio." A very gentlemanly company of
accomplished musicians -an honor to Dan
. m m i ----
Count j jm, Tho Pennsylvanian, in
prcpatingits list of "Dcmooratio papers
which aro with tbo President, and opposed
to the Abolition view of this Kansas ques
tiou now taken by tboso who aro antagoni'
zing tbo President aud tho pirty, should
not havo omitted the Columiiia Demo
tit AT,
. . . .
California Documents. We aro in-'ter to the United States Senate. This
debted to the polite afention of Mr Geo. ' mark of confidence is nmincntly duo Mr.
Hr. livp eit, formerly of Bloomsburg, now -Harris, and complimentary to tho organ of
Th 'Georgetown, lifnrnia, for late and. the National Administration. We aro in
yulwnble rewp!pri nnd tiiagnrines. fr the Pre".
Gcu. Cass' letter of acceptaucd of Gov.
Walker's resignation Is brief nmV to tho
point. It was cyidcn'ly rjutlo unnecessa
ry to waito words over 4ho matter. If
Walker did not ctro to rtflurn to Kansas,
he wis nnlto welcoino to slay away: and
if Iio did not like tho course and policy of I
tlio Democratic President, nobody hinder-1
cd bim from joining tbo Opposition. Wo
do not supposo;that fifty persons in tbo
United State?, besides printers and proof
or in better tasto.
As for Walker, ho must follow his igno
ble exemplars and predecessors, tbo half
dozen ok-Democratic cx-Govcrnors of Kan
sas. Poaco to his unquiet ghost I Ict him
walk tbo corridors of the Now-York Ho
tel in silonco and glo m I Rcquicscat!
Secretary of the- Commonwealth.
Hon. William M. IIiesteu, of Berks,
county, has boon offered tbo important
placo of Secretary of tho Commonwealth,
under the coining Administration of Gov
Packer, and we aro authorized to say that
ho has accepted tho offer. Mr. Hicstor is
in avery way deserving of,',,1,," ".equal lo,
this high position. Iio is'of .I'V'vo of
Pennsylvania, a Berks county""' ".Jnd
mo gwnuson ot the rcnowivcu rote.," ih
lenberg, who fought through tho Rev'olu
tionary war with such memorablo courago,
and. ono of tho best types of Ponnsylva
nia character, Mr. Hiester has served with
distinction in tbo Stato Legislature, and
is remembered with pleasuro for his ability
courtesy, and gentlemanly bearing while a
IStato Senator. A modest, able, and con
scicatious legislator, a sinccro Democrat,
and a perfectly upright man, ho cannot fail
to prove a most efficient and popular Sec
retary of tho Commonwealth to our now
Governor, Wo congratulato General
Packer upon this auspicious beginning of
his Gubernatorial career.
Tlio Capturo of tho Groat Pilli
bustor. Forney's Press says, some two months
ago wo commended tbo course of President
Buchanan against tho spirit of aggression
!anJ violonc.e' "Seized in some of tlio
Southern cities, against tbo poaco and quiet
of the republics of Central America. Wc
t -ok occasion to speak in terms of repre
hension of tbeso efforts; to express our
abhoranco at the bloodshed which had
followed tho career of General Walker in
Nicaragua j to reoall tho misrepresentations
upon our na'ional character which this
bloodshed and violence had provoked, and
to say, In conclusion, that no part of Mr.
Buchanan's administration would bo more
entirely approved by the conservative
massos,thanbi3 opposition to this marauding
and aggressive spirit. His orders enforcing
the neutrality laws against all theso lawless
expeditions were stringently carried out,
and yet, notwithstanding, those laws wero
evaded at tho port of Now Orleans, and a
largo number of volunteers permitted to
sail under command of Walker, and
finally, lo embark, as it was supposed, with
impunity under tbo very guns of an Ameri
can sbip-of-war in tbo Gulf of Mexico.
Mr. Buchanan showed bis senso of tbo
negligence of tbo District Attorney at Now
Orleans, by promptly removing him, and
for this ho is still being visited by tho
denunciations of a number of those nows
papcas in that quarter of tho Union which
seem to regard bim as especially committed
to fillibustcrism and invasion. It appears
that bis precautionary measures did not
stop bore j for by tho arrival of tho stramcr
Korthtm Light wo havo tho gratifying
intelligence that Commodore,
with tho United States frigate If'abash,
Ins arrested Gcnoaal Walker and ono
hundred and fifty of his men. Walker
himsolf arrived in tho Northern Light at
Now York, on Sunday evening, and is uow
on parole, aud his followers were placed
on board tbo United States tloop-of-war
Saratoga. It will, tborcforo, appear that
Mr. Buchanan has vindicated tho laws of
tho United States and has answered frankly
and fully to tho country tho peaceful decla
rations of his Inaugural Message
We sincerely congratulato him upon tbo
success which has attended bis efforts in
this respect, and havo no doubt ho will be
ardently sustained by Congress and the
Fort Bridgcr Burned ij-c.
Washinoton, Deo. 29. A special Cab
inet meeting was held to day to consider
Coramodoro Paulding's despitchcs and
Walker's condition. Com. Paulding acted
without instructions,
Port Drldgcr has been evacuated nnd
burned by the Mormons.,
Pis post-route agents havo been appoin
ted by the" Postmaster General,
Printer to tho Senate.
WuMAM A. Hakris, Editor of tho
i Washington Union, has been elected Prin.
Hou, John G. Montgomery.
Tbo Hon. Paul Iioidy, representative
from tho Twelfth District of Pennsylvania,
gavo tho subjoined biograpWoal sketch of
tho lalo John G. Montgomery, member
from tho Twelfth District, in announcing
liis death to tho IIouso of Representatives j
ou last Tuesday s
"Mr. Montgomery was boin in Para
disc, then In Northumberland county, In
thoStatoof Pennsylvania, in thoycarlSOS,
iVucn no had attained a proper age
liaving pursued his preparatory studies iu
tho vicinity of Ins ltomc no entcrcil Wash
ington College, in Washington county, at
which institution ho graduated with honor
in 182-1, 1 believo a member nf tho same with Governor Wiso, of Virginia,
"Having completed bis collegiate course,
bo immediately commenced tho study of
law under tho direction and instruction of
Hod. Alem Marr, formerly a member of
this House, and a gentlemen of deservedly
high reputation as well for lils legal learn
ing and talents as for general intelligence,
lutho year 1820 ho was admitted topractieo
in the several courcs of Columbia county,
and soon roso to au honorable standing in
bis profession. Shortly after bis admission
to tbo bar Iio was appointed district attor
ney for tbo county of Columbia, and for
several years continued to uiscliargo the
duties of that offieo with credit to himself I
and to tho entire satisfaction of the public.
Ho continued tho practice of the law sue-
ccssfully until tho year 1855, when ho
reluctantly consented to becctno a candidate
for member of tho Stato Legislature j was
nominated and elected ; and so well did
lie discharge the duties of that office, so
nbly acquit himself us a legislator, that,
boforo the expiration of his first term, iho
publio mind bad fixed upon him as tho
next roprcsentativc lor the district on this
" Immediately after his rolurn from the
Legislature ho was appointed a dclogato to
tho Cincinnati Convention, in which ho
zealously labored for, and aided in, the
nomination olour present Uluet jMagistratc,
having been one of his oarlicst and firmest
" When tho time for makinc tho Con
grcssional nomination in the district arrived,
Iio was nominated as tho Democratic can
didate for Congress fdr tbo twelfth district,
and at tho ensuing 'election, in October
IS50, was triumphantly ejected Ly
majority exceeding '2,000, tho largest
maiontv which any .'candidato for Con
gross had received in?tho district for many
years, ,
"About tbo 1st of March, 1857, he
visited Wasbingtorl for tho purpose of
wuucsEing mo ceremonies ui mu luaugura
tion, and iilso of .attending to tho interests
of his constituents at the organization of
tho new administration j and while horo,
stopping at tbo National Hotel, contracted
that mysterious disooso which has proved
fatal to so many of tto sojourners in this
city on that occasion. Ho remained horo
a few days after tho first symtoms of tho
discaso manifested themselves and finding
that ho was still growing worse, bo returned
to his home in Danville, to avail bimscll ot
the kind attentions of his family physician,
in whoso skill ho bad the. most unbounded
.confidence, in tho hope of a speedy restora
tion lo health. But in this lie was disap
pointed ; and after lingering for neaily two
months, his disease bahTing all medical skill,
ho departed this life on tlio 24th of April,
" Mr, Montgomery was a sound lawyer
and ablo advocate, and well versed in all
the general political questions ot his day.
Ho was tearless and tree in the expression
of bis opinions, firm in his adberouco to,
and defence of, what bo believed to bo truth,
and bold and uncompromising in combating
A Picturo True to Nature
Tho following grapbio description of a
"good fellow" "on a bender," is so truo
to natural, that wc cannot refrain from
giving it a placo in, our columns. Who
has not seen many a similar amusing, or
rather lamentable exhibition ? We clip it
from the Philadelphia Evening Journal
of Wednesday lastt
The Man ivnn Many Friends The
eccentricities of genius aro wounderful.
Wo saw yesterday an individual who affor
ded a hvin" exemplification ot this tact.
Ho was preparing for the holidays, and to
uso tho words of a cotcuiporary, was on a
crantt andsublimo bust, rcartul were tuo
efforts of Thos. Maize to enjoy himself
Jiver ana aunou over tns illustrious bead
did ho flourish a bau of koW, a small bag
and then be astcd everybody up to drinlc.
which everybody did. and fell back to allow
F.vfrvhnilv clao invited li s fr onds, and i
i t i . i i!i -
rrL.'.. ki:. !.'. ...t.:.i.i i...ii..
LllUUli-a lUUHUi '1-':liil HUlliUU IHU 1HUU
of gold, and produced tho "tin," aud paid
tbo expense in uie moat cueonui manuer.'
Every voico proclaimed him a good fellow,
P. M, wo saw him generously and munifii
ciontly spilling himself miscellaucoualy
.1 ....1 -11 . ...
UUUUbtuu aiLuuia unit auuja, uuu u mu
perfectly satisfied that if ho had 'not been
a very "good fellow" ho would not havo
done so. iv o saw mm at 11 o cioci:, r,
M., and somebody Ind stolen his now boots
and given him an old pair of "pumps."
Under the influence of two glasses of soda
water ho had sliiihtlv recovered. At 12
o'clock. M.. ho had a relapse ho Was oo a
aublim'o drunk. Every body was present,
in company with everybody elso and a
number of invited guests, 'lliomas waize,
Esq., still florisbedhisbag now consldera
bly reduced and every now and then tbo
wholo crowd walked up and " took sugar
in their'n."
Wc saw him after that,
He had a kinkey tint
On his head,
His pumps wete worn nway
And his pocket seemed to say
" 'Nary red."
if. .lt. ... Ia IPnobliifflnit
UUlll'llU iruiKH iu gu iu ti uaiuufetuii,
New York, Dec. 23 General Walker
surrendered himself to Marshal Ityudcrs,
this morning, and ho has mado arrange
ments to proceed with his prisoner to
Washington, to-morrow, to ascertain tho
. . .. ,. T, !3.l
ntcnuons oi tuo i ruwuui,
Tho Court of Danville, last wcckf
refused to liberate tho Prisoners charged
with murder.
Lator from Kansas.
The Stato Constitution with Slaury
Governor Denver at his Post Hit Address
to the People Startling Rumo I.
St. Louis, Deo. 28. Advices from
Kansas to the 22d ins'., received by tho
llepuhlican, stato that tho Constitution,
"with slavery," wjs carried by a largo
majority at the lato election. Tho returns
nro mcagro, but sufficient to indict tho rc-
sun. Atouawnoo ino pro-siavery voiowasi
, .in, .... .... i ,
705 j atAlatho 20P, and at Lexington dcrjug your rc8i,laiiou as Govcrnor of
about tho simc. Kansai This resignation is arcompanied
It was reported at Lawrenco that a body ' by a long argument on tho aff.iirs of tho
of men had gone to Locompton to scizo tbo ;i'c"!t,,0; to which, you arc well awaro,
..., ' lit Would bo improper tor tho department
lerritonal arms, 1 to reply. If any officer of tho government
A letter datod Lawrenco, December 21st, jwIl0 fccIa himself constrained lo rofuso
says that General Lino has gone to Fortlobodicnco to tlio instructions of tbo l'rcsi
Scott with tho avowed intention to destroy ' dent of the Uuitcd States should pursito
that place, to exterminate the pro-slavery , ' u"SU!l1 "fV.nPntori.!'
' ' ; filcsof the appropriatoucparliucntcnticisms
settlers on the Shiwneo Reservation, and , .;,, nf .i,n ndininiotratL.n. no
to carry tlio war iut) Mlfsouti
Governor Denver has assumed his posi
tion as Governor of tho Territory, and
issued an address to the people, in which
ho exhorts tbo citizens to appeal to tho
ballot-box for a settlement of their difficul-
tics, and makes copious extracts from tbo
prcs;,ioct's instructions, as indicating the
,. . .. . . . ,
lino of policy ho designs to pursue. Ho
also stiles that President Calhoun has
invited himself and the presiding officers of
both Houses of tho Territorial Logislaturo
to be present at the counting of the returns
of the election held on the 21 i list.
Nothing authenlrio has been received
from Fort Scott.
St. Louis, December 28 Evening. A
gentleman arrived horo from Kansas re
ports that the whole volo east at the election
iu Lccompton was 132 giving a majority
of 00 for tho slavery clauic. At Lawrenco
thero woro no votes received, and tho
poll books were not opened at Topoka.
At Lexington tho slavery majority was 30.
No intelligcnco from Leavenworth had
been received,
A letter received by tho Republican
says that tho Convention to reassemble at
Lawrenco on tbo 23d, was oxprctcd to
recommend tho course to bo pursued as
to voting at tho January election for Stato
Many favor tho casting of tho free-State
vote, so as to crush tbo Stato Government,
Ex-Governor Stanton's name is mentioned
as a candidate for Governor.
A bearer of despatches from Governor
Denver passed through this city yesterday
for Washington.
Tho Sun-Beam's Gravoi
Nothing in this vast creation is over lost.
Individuals may bo losers through caro-
lessnofs, but to tho world at largo no
created substance can bo lost. Ouo com
bination of thiuxs is often changed into
another, but no ingredient is tvor utterly
destroyed, for at this moment tho created
universe docs not contain ono paniolc of
matter more, nor ono par iclo less, than
belonged to it tU it day it ojmo fresh from ,
tbo creating hand of Him, who made all ,
things very good. Never did a sun-beam I
sbiuo in vain, and therefore no gun-beam
tbat ever stroalied this world with light i
oould be finally loaf, Yet tho sun-beam,
lovely as it is, has its grave, and there
sometimes for uunuuibcrcd ages, it hast
s'ept in undisturbed repose. 'What is coal
but latent sun-beains, which need only to
bo ignited to start out again into active
life? 7 ho sun, when many years younger
than ho is now, oast forth his radiant
beams on the surface of tho world, and
noblo trees of ferns and other acrogons
started at his biddin3 into vigorous life;
thoy livod, died, and underwent changes
which made them coal, yes, coal I and the
old sun, ho did it all. Theso sun .beams
havo long been buried in tho form of coal ;
nntl llnitirli liv Irrnition their resurrection
life is but a dim shadow of their early I , "iali f volunteers were ready at
, . ,, ,, , ... tho tap of tho drum, to ndvanco against the
brightness, thoy aro yet sun-boams. UolM ' ,i (t1!lf' . ,:,, Pni,l
havo nothing but sunlight in summer or
. . .i M ..ii, .. mm.-
w ntcr. think or talk as wo raav. I ho
:., ., .
w - .-I vtj - v w I
, .. . i and tho candles on!
1110 111 our lamps, anu ma canuics on
nnr failles, afa nil tlio nroducta of iho sun.
' 1
beam. Wc kiudlo them, and in tho very
act raiso iho sun-beam Irom its grave, and
cnd h forth to run parcUanco a Jong c..clo
, of "fiM cro aSaio roili sac1'
1 placo as that wo have dragged it from.
Choor Up.
How many caro worn faces do wo meet i
with ovory day j and the secret griof which j
graves the lines upon tho faco no stranger ,
i can guess at. Wo may however, in most
I suc" caca "nsouamy suspect mai nicy aro
, 11 .
to uo ascnuuu iu narrow weans. ivuo
t oan be happy when his pur60 is low
i 10 can woar
a smiling brow whon his
heart is heavy and his pools ot empty!
There nro fow such philosophers in tho
world. It is on this account that wc nat
urally oall in tho aid of tho goddess For
tuno, whoso primo ministers aro Messrs. S.
Swan & Co., of Augusta) Goo., who fur
nish to cvory applicant for ton, Cvo or two
i .lftll.-n niul n l.nlf n. vl.nln.,lin1f nr nnnr.
INSTITUTE" propose givinj
ler lu """""
' . oo f ,lraws ovor' Saturday.
It you navo lost ueurt auu uopo, cuecr up
aud try your luck by nn investment.
iYcio York Sunday Atlas.
j taT I ho Logislaturo meets next Tues-
day. Gov. Packer, tabes his seat on the
l'Jthof Jauuary. Judge Strickland, takos
his scut, bjuib day, iu tbo Canal Board,
Aocoptanco of Gov. Walkor's
Tho President, on last Friday, inVo
fponso to a resolution of tho Senate, trans
mitted to that body a mass of public
documents with refcreuoo to tho Territory
of Kansas,
Tho following letter is among Iho papers,
accepting tho resignation of Gov. Walker:
Department op Statu,
Washinstoiij Dec. 18. 1857. (
Sin J On Wednesday last I roccivod
!,: nt , in..
person knows better than yourself to what
consequences this might load, Tho de
partment must cither causo charges and
arguments against the President to be tiled
among the public archives of the country
without contradiction or reply, or it must
spend tbo time which ought to bo devoted
to tbo publio servico in controversies with
subordinate officers who may disapprove
tbo President's policy. Whilst duty, there
foie, forbids me to enter into a controversial
discussion' ith ynu on tho various topics
embraced by your argument, it is proper
that I should make a remark upon a single
You stale that tho President has changed
bis policy in regard to Kansas. And why
Ibis allegation I Simply bccau?o tho con
vention of Kausas had, in tho cxerciso of
tlio right belonging to tboni, decided that
they would not eubmit tho whole constitution
to tho people, and although they had sub
mitted the all-important and dangerous
question of slavery, which threatened to
convulso tho Union, and was alono promi
nent tbo minds of tho penplo throughout
every State, ho had not treated tho sub
mission of this momentous quest. ou as a
mere nullity.
Under theso circumstances, it was bis
imperative duty, and this in strict confor
mity with previous instructions, to take
care that a fair election should bo held en
this vital nucs'ion, and thus "ivo poaco to
the Union. Had ho acted in any other
manner merely because bo preferred the
submission of the constitution originally to
tbo people, Lis responsibility would havo
been of tho aravest character. Ho never
intonded or expressed tbo opinion that tbo
convention were bound to submit any por
tion of tho constitution to tho ponplc,
oxcept tho question of slavery, much less
ihat that portion ot tho constitution would
bo invalid without such a submission,
Had ho entertained such an opinion this
would havo been in epposition to the
numerous precedents which have occurred
sincothe adoption of the federal co-stitutiun
by tbo different Stato3, Tho question of
slavery Was tho all-absorbing question, mid
you were scut to Kausao with tho full
confidence of tho President to carry out
tho principles ot tho Kansas .Nebraska act.
With tho question whether Kansas was to
bo a free or a slave Stalo y. u were not to
interfere, You were to secure to the
people of Kansas a frco and fair clcotiou
to decide this question lor themselves. The
President was, therefore, happy to learn
from your despatches to this departaient
ot the l.uh of July last, that iu all your
speeches you refrained from expressing
any opinion as to whether Kansas should
be a slave or a frco State.
I am instructed to inform you that your
resignation of tha office of Governor of
f Kansas has been accepted.
I 1 ala. tlr ollr oocuicnt hervniii.
Horn Hour. J. Walker, Washington.
From Washington.
Washington, Dec. "20. Tho Indian
linrp.m lins received official iulormation
tjenying tho truth of tho rcpor s that tho
disdHectiott of tho Indians in Utah Tcrri
tory, created by tho Mormons, has been
communicated to ihe Indians on the borders
of Californii, and especially thoso in tho
Southern portion of that atato. All re
mained quiet, and so fdr ns appearances
woro concerned, there was no reason to
anticipate a different stato of things.
Private letters from California stato that
i,0 mustered, in'lcsa than nixty days, for
l L..:
tr-.i .sr.rt:- rr ft t. t. r..i r t. nmi:
UJJLi-llfJaaiiJUiiiJ UjUSiUiLiVJS ti
Uuttor 20
Egff V-i
Tallow 1!J
Lard 10
Potatoes CO
Dried App!cs.2 00
; Oorr
.1 50
lSuckwheat.. ,
TIlE BUnsUillllEIl rcsnectlully inforius the
citizens of Uloomsburg and the public in gene
,ral, that he has opened a
7...... Tir.i.l. j t 7... T7..,r.v?.-,.-..,
xwie , owwy uuumiu,
; v.-;, '.i-.irWWtr..:
on moderate termituli sorts of
Watchos. Clocks, and Jewelry,
Of superior quality, late stle, and nt low prices.
EJ-UEOCK.3 ANU WATCHES carefully nnd prompt
ly tepaircd.
The public are Invited to sail and oinuTne.
Illoonnburg, Jan li, 1653
i HMIV. Meudit n ot
wsiri uiti" iropnsj civlnj an
U'KDttF.SDAr Kl'rJflXa, JANUARY 0, 1S53.
Upon which occasion tliey will Introdnce live differ
ent pieces Thoy will also perform tho celebrated
Tragedy, entitled
Tho Hero tff Swiizcrlaud.
AnJ all who havo not wjlnemtl U Had better avail
Ihfinst Ivi's of Ibii opportunity.
Ticked toleludoi Hi- UookBtor I'nco 1 -i centi
poon open at 6 o'rlnek I'erfoiinsneo eommciico at 7
flloouifbiiig, Jan 3 U3d It
Valuable Real Estate.'
IV nnrsiiinnn nf nnorder of tho Ornhan'n
iN pursuanoo oi nnoruer oi mo urpuuno
Omul cl Columbia counly, on
Saturday, the 23rf day of January, inst., I
ai 10 o-chvck i tho lorcojn, mvi.i Rcinbni,). nt..t .
JrrcmlHli I'. Trite. Ailnilnlilinlun, A.C., of i:n.tii I
".V1"?!!. ' l,l,,,s "ro" n
Tract of Land,
imii nimiifi ijmm iuid ii wk. ihutu ur it c, nu i
joining tamls of Lewis Itufttit John I.c, L'ni&nucl Kutn,
on wtilrii it erected n '
.!,.... ......
. ... 1.. ...... .. ' . .
muiii.niiaoiKr,.,.,,, an oivnrcu
' Aiw-ono i
Lot of Ground,
RitunV In Now Media, adjoin In if Gvnrga Pcttcrmtn,
Jlin Ijovnn nnd I'tter 8nylr, conisinlnc otiq ttilrd of
an ncrc, more 'or Icm. on wlilcli li erected n
Also, ono othor
Lot of Ground,
Cnninlntrfr flVE AUIIC, mora or Ksj( ftiljolnlns lands
I)f llnrmatl ill)rlnirer. JanPiih II. Dlpiivrr nm! nthfra.m.
uliieh Is trrcKtd n
l.ltn tha dtfntn nf mid drcensi'it. Ritumi trt thn
township of Locutt, nnd county n foresaid.
j ai;uii H MIL i
IIIOQinf.lj.irff, Jan 1, 18.13 Clerk.
Auuirou'd flu hum.
Estate of Daniel Biv!crt late of Ihiarcrcch
Uivnship, deceased
riMIC underjipned, npnolntrd tiylhc Ort-lnn's Court
X of Colli mtdn county, an Afiditor l ditlriluitn nso-ls
iu the hands of the AdminUlralur n DnnM Fowler,
drcu.iredt iiinong creditors, hereby glv-s notice that hu
will prufced to liischargt tlio duties of his appoint
inetit. on Halurri.iv. tho ?.ld div of Jnrunrv. A It Iri.M.
ni H o'clock. A. M.. nt his ollirc, I n the llorotivli filer
ck,w hou and where all persons interested con attend
if llii' y llilnk proper.
j ii. IjI i i i.i;,
Dec. 12, 1657-41
rnflU fultowinff.rom thnlcniltienLrhvslchn ofPhilj
X dtlpliln, Dr. llnnkle, added to tho irsllinony of
.vuiussur nooui, oiuy connrms wnnt is evidenced by
uiuuEiiuus hiu' imrc uu'vj novtr r uijt .
I'll I nil Li. Drrembcr U.'d.
Inrrcard lo Horer'i Hair Dye, I enn stalu unhijiita-
iiiisiy, imu u C'iniaitisno (luiuicrious iiij.nTutcnu, iitxl
iiuiv m tin'd uitli entire sufsty, mid with Wit utmost
cofjiuciicc tin i iHccfJi."
w.n, tmiNCKhn. m. i).
Hover's WriUfts; Indelible Ink.
Are so well and w Iddy know n, ns to require no eulogy
of thrir merln, It Is only nrrcsfary to say. that (lie
steady and iiifriMsins demand, civrs the hem evideucu
that tiny iiiilnttilii tlici' character fur supurlority.
which didlr.guifheJ tlu-m when nril Inlroduted, year
Orders. niidnB tn ihf JInmifnclory. No. 41(1 RACC
street n'mve (old io. m.j ihludt'Iphia
will reri lvc prompt nttentlon hy
JUHUMI ll. IIOVCU, Manufattvrtr.
Dee. OT, 1837.
NOri. 37 AND 33 NQltTIl HUCONU STltr.UT,
rJlll3 popular lloimn has been tlioroujt.ty runoi,-itvd
1 bud ettcnitie tmvroiemcnt made lor tin! iirconiiiirv
datit-n oi gtii'stM, acc. In councclfoii wild the nbovp
1 1 ulo I. ihfj iiroprh'tnr hu niiencd. fu tho b.isetneiil, u
tluu KATINC AND Ultl.NKlN't! SALOON. AltoKhur
lliv ljSi.uiiiHiiiH'iii nnQraiiiy wiiii Mm urn
diss nlics ol iiccoininodailon tor Traveller. L'liicm
tiC bt'lni- williiu u sliort disiaucA of tlio N'pw Vork
and Uaflitnoro Landinss, near the Ton Offirp nod VX
hniific, wlit'M Ouiiibutei, fe'oitig lo uU parts of the
i;nv ironi.
The Proprietor hones, by strict attention to ihi
wnnis of Ii in pum ti, to rceoc a libcrul ehare of the
public n-uroiiasif,
1 J. OITISNKIUIC. Vroprittnr
r,nt" nf Ualtltnorc, Aid. and Cincinnati, Ohio,
Oct III, lW-l'-m
TiicOtiani) UFK imuniAVK.JixxuiTrjitm
t'llirK, HU. -103 U1MMUT fiTKIkr.
UAI'lTAL, (paid up,) SJ00
Charter Vcrpcln&l.
CONflNllnto nuke INSUiUlsUCS ON LlV'US on
tint mo. I ri-iMmiiiMi! term.
The dirndl be hi i! paid up anil ingcUif r w llh
. (jrt;i niul tonniaiilly increavin ri'.crveil luiiilt etreri.
a pTlfrt sii'riirlly lo tde m.iiri'il,
Tlio preniiLlliii inns; lie p.llil Ji'lirly, half ni rly . u
ipi.irtei ly
rune (or llli' 'l liv III1HT I1UN1IH npiirnpnatcit In
1 lie i;orii pany nun 11 iiul ,m pnr mmciiiiy iu 1111 I n. ll
llcil-mlier, 1H4J, llii Sl.UOM) UU.VI.'H In Decvnll'iT,
Hl'J.tlic 1 II I III) I'lJNUS in llvcember, KH
lTfi'Tlicac nailiiion. aro maiie wlilumi r iiuirinj: any
incroaiie in Ilin priiniiHiH t'jlir paid In lw Uumpuny.
1 hn liilluwinir are I, Ti:w Pkiunples Irnni Ihe Urglsti'r
Amount ot I'ulicy and
fum nonunr hnnu. to lie Increased
Policy liiNurd Hiiditiini hy luture ailditinn.
No. e!) s-i') I 8-IJ M I $:t.3l'J .'.il
i:m aiiou 07.i :iu"J uu
" mo iiiiiu :i'U so U'jiou
3.13 mOO i;51) HMJ UU
lr.uiiplili.t.. conlnluili" taldcii of ralenitd expina
tiim, iniuiri of aniilit-alion. and further iiitoriualion
can hu luuud nl the Mine.
Jno. Y. Jamm. Actuary,
OclnliiT ll). m.-,7-lv
jr. WAltE HOUSE. jm.
j3a;kNo..51 itiaBoU'i'll SIXTH STHUET,
.K INear the Statu HoilcI -A
rpEN fioornf thil.piciius liuildjng.erertcd exprfsnly
1 lor llie rropnelor.' trade, aro etoreil Willi Heedl
and Implement, of inlere.l to l'irtner. aud Oardeuer..
Tlie eutiperilicr. desire to call the attention of every
one intrre.leil in funning und gardening, to Iheir wclf.
eulctcd .lock of
(Jreat v.irlely of horticultural tool. Warranted
Oanleii aud Tinner Seed., tlrabs and Field Seeds of
the nnjbt reliable quality
The Implements sold hy us nrc runs ly
nrinufacturcd al our Steam Works, llristol, l'ai
Having htled up tin. establishment uiltioul regard
to expense, n ith the luo.l cnmplete innrliliiery, for ihu
niintifjcttire cf the various kind, of Agricultural Ini
iilements, vvouru uow prepared to supply all nllicles
in this linn lully equal, il hot superior, to ani)iing ur
me kiiiii 'vor oeiore onereu 10 me puiiiic. iianureur.
Wurrunted Carden Seeds have heeii before the puliilc
m year, is the li .t evideiicooT ihelr supe
' a" mhei..
preau pupuiai'
uu nom ) ear
icriority over
in naierr or bulk, on Hie moil rraaonalilo tonus
I lUoiiiiijutaie, nnir IlrUtol, l'a.. our (lardcn
Cj" Country Merchants ran be supplied With seed
( round., cuntams three hundred and seveul) ncre.,
and Is the Irreelt etublisliaient or lis kind in tile
Kos.'Jl and '.'3 Soulli Hixlh street.
I "'
Doc 15, ISSV tf I'liiladelphia.
I -
D E N T I S T 11 Y.
m- OS. ISWI55Bo
Itcttlduncu, firtt Brick bulMirc below itarlmaii'fl itor
oa Main Struct,
Rr.Spr.C'i'l'UIJjV oiTin lil iirofcialnnal scrvlrcs
to tbo ladif uiitl ptiitlfmcn of illoouuljure and
vicinity licit i.rrparfd attrpid lu ia'1 the v-ttioti
upt-rauoui in nciiiiir, anu u proviutti unit uie u
U-sl linprovfil
Por cc lain Teeth.
Which will lc IiifcrtcU on pivot or sold plate, to look
as ell ob tlie natural,
ES' A iu lienor urticlo of TOOTH roWUKU. all
wayi on naud. June u ie37.ov.i3, 3.1,
I'ut up ill SOc.. 35c ,CSc., nnd 91 hole.
Put 11 II In 2ae.. 50e.. 75c.. nnd Si hollies.
Pnl mi lii 2Se. and lle hoses.
Prin.tnul lionni. 'n.3B.4 Uroailwav. Mew York, an d
eoM by Urucgietsaiiil Dealers everywhere in tho Uni
ted mutes, f.mailas, west muies anu duuui .inieuca.
Auj'Ji, 1B37 llil
VNE of Ilia lirsl diltlcj of a too. I Democrat Is tn sun.
J northls nartv nrrss. THE NEW YOIIK DAILY
ANU WEEKLY NEWS is now well established as the
Democratic orf.m of New York city. It is ono of the
hest newspipere nf the day, moreover. Bend iu )our
subscriptions I tveekly News only Ono Dollar a car
Published al No, I0JJ Nassau street, New Yolk.
Dec 10, lr-57
I, OKWAI'.Dand deliver packages on the line of llie
V I'otlsvil s and Reading, Catlawlna, Williaintporl
and Erie, and Willlanisporl and Eimim Puilusils.
Drafts, Notes and Uillstnoiuplly collected.
l'rincipal Otlice, US Chestnut tortt Orders for
Geols d, lit end. anilfioods raJIKlid life olchaige.
rhiladelphia, Abgrj, U17-
Valuable Real Estate.
Trtr"'V l:? ',"'S "l r"1,llc l!t,!' JACon HAtiu S.
y i,imlninrMop, wiiii latwin nncxcfl,(ir
4mii, dctrand, istn' or Hemlock lownililp, Columbia
'""'' ''"u" ,hl! i'f'i.
0,1 Saturday, the 2d bf Jantmri) next,
tlie properly orpolJ Jecrxlrnl, n
ffT- , . ,
valuable Plantation,
Situato hi Ihu lcwiiilili nnd county aforesaid, con
Scvenlv f.vo Acrei of wdlcli la luiprovi'it ami In Kvnni
Seventy fivo Acrei of which la luiprovcil ami In h
" ' cultivation Iho hnUnce it well limbered
'I'liari' nro pti-flA in I hi. , minima n
FrSre UV f. I Jl.l IVa Hours ll nr..rgr.o.i
WW'S'' Ll''?,. ..S"?:? HlTTU
Htipd, Spring Mould, Wood Itouie, and j
oilier otiWiiuiitincf. Tlicrd Is nn exreM
lent fl print! nf Wntcr near Ihn Iioiiip 1 nl
ValuaMu mendow,
tirtld premises tin Adjoining lands of 8am
ltd Druekr. Jncoh Kiitnev. Jottti Mauit.
JolinK.KoM.ini ond others.
C3-Salo to commend ntl o'clock, P, M of tald
diy. when cofiiTjtlois will be niado known by tlio un
iicMiif ueu.
j Ai'i ii mi iu a ,
Hemlock, Decemlier 1 18.17
rplIU undcrslKncd would inform Ihu traveling public,
mil nc mis ucromc ino propririor ni uie aoove
named Knute, nnd Ins pri-pafd WiAvlf with the bent
lor the nccoinmodatlon of the travetinn public. Hit
Coach wlM run t as heretofore, Tilwcekly. between
Lenvlmr Cambra overv Mondav. Wediifsdav and Frl
duy inornhigs, at 0 oVIock, A. M,, arriving at lilooms
burff nt liutl past 1 1 o'clock. A M .In time to connect
with thr niiiiAiiiii.riiiA tkaiinu nt Kuprri Station
Soullinnd Writ, l.cavina lliootntiitirc eneli diiv of
ho regn'ar Irips, on the arrival of tho Pliitnrfeiphl-t
ilia us, anu arnvcB ni oanmra ni nan past a o ciock
same evening,
Ueetilar stoppmir places on tnli Rulc areas follows t
rX5Tlio patroatgo of ihe touiniunily is solicited,
assured thai It will bb iho ambition of the Proprietor
lo render genernl fcatitfiictlon.
rreigltt, Hagcaso,&.C., tarried at, mod irate prliies.
. , l' WilllEMAN.
Ciimbro, December 1 1857
npitf? subscriber offera for sale that do-
Jl ,lrilb!ti Allll property .lliinlc In GrrrnwDOd lp
rolnnibia County ronslstinjr
of a GKIST M 1 1. L, liaviiin
rep run of alone. Oversnol
'lifrl 17 fet Inch, nnd a
Saw Mill, a Duelling
D House nni Bam.
Toc.ihcr with a 1 rati ol ex
.rA ..., mi ii t urn
OoniUlintt or SOU ACRCS, Thn ntiovi' mllH nrr itu3'
li-il upon a ftroiu .iream of Waur.and iu a nellitior.
hnoil iiivlng .uliciiinl cu.lom to Ivi-p tlirin runninie
'lite ul,oVe prop.-rty I. located 5 mile, from Illiori
inri ami K 1 rum Millvlllo,
TiTin.. $l(K)cili oo rereivin pomcnion. and tlio
rvnialniler in tlirru equal i'iirl paymeutB.
IT For further partlrutnr. npply In the .uh.eiiber
in Tilrliut tounttnp, Nortl'umtitrland co., or niMrr.t
Joshua coi.u.
Milton, Pa. Dec. Ill, 1857. ?m.
AuniTOR's notk;u.
Etlute ol John Weaver, late of Mahoning
township, Celumlin C aunty, dte'd,
rrMK Uxrcutor. ond tiPgaiee and uil other person.
1 ititerc.led iu Hie K.inte rtl Jnliu Weaver, lalef
Mnlioiiini: tow lulilp, iu titu t'ounty of Coluinblr, il.
renieU, will take notice Ihat the under. Uned appolu
led Auditor liv Ihe Ornlun's (.'null uf Coluuilji J Co ,
lo ntiikb ilUtrihiition of llie In the hand, wl
Hie lUecutiire nl lite raid jiilin Wenver, decenteit,
nirtotit! the Legatee naraeil in the lart vt ill niul lee
taini'iil nf thi .aid John Wenver. ilec'd, will altllul
nl otrice In iilnoutbhurp In .aid County. n Fnl
unlay, thr 30th day of January icxt, at 10 u'elotk,
A. M,, of faitl ihy. when unit wlierc all pcr.on. in.
ttrcsted may attend if lli'y think nropir
j.iiiii ,i
Illnnmtburi, Uet. 15. 1837.-41.
Estate of John Snyder, late of the Borough
of Hawick, d-icated.
rpME heirs and diilrlhulees of tlie Estate of Joun
J SttYPFR, lale ol the Ilorough or llerwlik, iu the
Comity or Columbia, ih tested, n III lake notice that
H'C ulidr'tlgnrd, njipc.l ntl II Audllor vt Ihe Orphan's
Court urColunibit. County, to make di.tiibiltion tt I tic
hiljnec hi the hands ol Charles Pnyiier, a initiraior
ot John Snvder, diiM niiioiig the lu-lrs or tlie di cedent
will allend'at InsOllice, In llloomslmrg, In sail cniinlv
on 'I'hurnlaylheMclli iiey oT nexl.nt i o'llmk
1". Jl., ol' said uiy.wlicliilii'l wlien ji.ii ini, niliiid II
jou HiIjiW plopel. I.OIII.Ui- 1' LI.AISK,
lllooinsburg, Dec. 10, 1857.-Iw JrniioR
AUDiTOii'S notTcu"
Estate of Samuel A. Bowman, late sj
Mifflin township, demised.
rplIU heirs and distributer of ihe Estate of S.mici.
1. A. IIowm.k, iJte ol Iho liiwu.hip ofMlfdin in tho
County ofOoluiiihiJ, ileee.ifrd, will take nollie that tlm'
uuderi.ii.'oed appointed Auditor by Iho Orphan's Court
nl Colombia cuu my. In miike dUliibiitinti oTth balance
iu Ihe Ii'iud4iir Sunilel Creasy and Hctli II. Ilowlu.u,
Adiniui.tMlori orH.lmuel A, Botturin. d e'd, am on
the heirs ol the decedent, wilt attend at In. iIHce m
llhlnmshurg, in said county, on Thurrd.iy tlie -lls day
of January nxl at It' o'clock ol said dny when and
where nil parties Interested can intend il they thiut
proper. RUUEIIT F. CI. AUK.
Uloomsburg, Dec. 19, 1H57.-41. Apmior.
Estate of rdlip Dodder, late of Fhhing
cicck township, deceased.
THElieirs and distributees, of the estate or Thllip
Do.likr. latent FiNliiiuricek township, Columbia
county, diceased, will lake notice, that the underiigu.
ed, appointed Auditor by Ihe Orphan's Court of CoIuiq
hia county, to make or the balance in Ihe
hands or Jo An Park, Administrator ot the said I'll J 1 1 p
D.iJilcr.diccasei'. anions tue Irl's or tlie oe'eimiit, win
uttend at his office ill IlliiouisBitrg. in said county, on
Tuesday, Ihe Silll day ol January licut, at 10 o'clock of
said dav, when nnd where all parties interested can
attend irthey think proper.
IIUULni K. V. I ... 1. 1. ,
niobmsbure, pec 21, lfiiT il ,
TIIU cllizcna of Ulooimbars can uow nave trio ir
(J.iiiy papers riirnislifl i tie in at trie puUliilier
prictf. .hits H.ivins tliPir fotlnnv
I UUIIC jfti(Cr ((tail; qi uu yvt uiiuuim
i'ennailrauUa 0 00
Dally t'rfBi t OU
Iiaily Newt i 00
NcwVok Tribune 7 00
Herald 1 CO "
Tmiea 7 00 '
New York Ledgeiv. ark Iy'f 00 "
Or anv other 1'anrra or Mae-itiir'f. nulillilind til New
Voik ind I'lii'adcjilii.i, in nil ca-cs in atlTaiicu,
nu BUDicripiloil it-ceivcu iur icb uiuii Mi iitunuii.
Mm. Jhse C t'LAKK U aUt 110 ri ud to recti ve ubiorin-
tlons for the same.
ri. iv. ijuniuinu.
Gtntral A'cwtpaytr Jtgtnt
Rlodmii'iirg, Pre gC, 1S37 3t
NO'l'lL'i: U hereby ulvcn Ilia I the ro-pntlnr rhlp
liereiofire exhtine between the undersfenuil. uu
tier the ilei'Igiialioii ol Low & ISrolhtri, at Line l( Jrtfi,
ColumUd cimotyi Iiai day ben UitiolveJ bj m
,U" C. W. LOW,
n. v. i.ow.
LlmllUg; Oil. 1, 1637,
N. U. Thi undrrsiincd havins purchased Ihe slock
of Bond, will conliuue business at theold stand, where
persons may cull and settle their accounts with thn
Ijte tirm, he having the books, notes. Lc.
DrcJ'J. 1CS7 E. WM. LOW.,
rpHE WINTER TERM of this Institution will com.
X me lice on MONDAY, the Ills day of January, lc3H.
Instruction will bo given in ati the branches of an
Academic and Commercial Education.
There will also, at the opening of the next
orgaalr.od a complete
Normal Department,
For the ECucatiou and training of Tr.JchttJ for Tlibjle
For further particulars see
New Columbus, Latecrne Eos, Ti.
Dec SO, IU7
T1IR annual meeting of tbo BtocVLolilers
of the Lackawanna and Uloonitburir Rail Road
Cuinnany. will beheld at tlie House of I'. V Wainbold.
' (late Frank Ilelme,) in Kingston, I.ujerne County, on
I MONDAY, January lllh, between the hours ot II)
j o'clock, A. M.,aad 4 o'clock, l'.M.,for Ihe purpese of
eiectinga ffcsldent aim twelve uirectois inr ins cs.
suing ear
Wyoming, Dee, U, 1617.
TVNt COAL lor salu by . .
II. W. 4. W. N. CI1EABY.
Tjr.OCIIF Bhawls Justreceived and fir ills at Hail;
iJmin's tftore.