n3 Pi n f? Ht A 0 D) M bJ PI AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER, "To liold and trim the torch of Truth and "Wave it o'er the darkened Earth" . TERMS s ., One Dollar & Seventy-Ore els, In Advance. LEVI L. TATE, ) Editor, Publisher $ Proprietor, j YOL. XL-NO. 43. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1858. YOL; XXL COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT published every Saturday Morning, by LEVI L TATE. In Bloomsburg, Columbia Co. Orno . In the new Brick JhiUdhig, op MEW YOBS LINES. At 0 A M .via Camden unU Amboy. Accntnmoda tin 3 At 7 A M., via Camden and Jersey City, Morn ing Mall 3 At 10 A. M., by stpumbojl Trenton, via Tncony antl Jersey Cilv, Morning Exprcts 3 CDNaiihsorlptlontukoniorlcsjlbana!xtnoiithsJ '' a -au"lc" n,,( , ?TT- - ll,'. ..II.,... I nlll nil .,rarr.,.I.l,.ll L pCP'S. ......... . . . . 3 nil no - to Al.1 r.aixvia u Tenus or SUnSCIttl-TlON 1,00 In utlvanoo, for ono copy, for six nionllsi 1,75 In advance, for ono copy, ono year. , 3,00 If not paid within tho flnt three months. 2,25 If not paid within tho first alx mouth. 3,50 Jt Hot flamiruuin mo year Tim cAMiir.N and amiioy railroad and PHILADELPHIA AM) Tit CM UN IlAILIlOAD COMPANY 8 LINES. From I'htladtlpkta to Alu Yorl, end Hoy Tracts Leaves as loilow a viz: . I'arki illtsccllaucom posile the Exchange ; by side of tho Court , "faiT. Z.'!. House, "Democratic Head quarters." At o a, 'c--0oC,u?i 2 ...... t...:Kni.i 117 Ordinary ailvortlscmenla. Inserted and Job work executed at tho established prices. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL DOCTOR JOHNSTON, TpIIE foumlcrof tbia Celebrated IustU 1 lutlon.oiriri the mos-Ucrlalii, ipptriy. anil only JtfectualreiiiPdyfnUte voitil foritlctti for Old., Piricture,lje ml wiiekiiesi, rains J ti lliu luliii, (fenitiiutioiial Dcblliiy Impoli nry. Wcnknem ol tlio Bnckan-I Limbi, Aflc ctiom of Urn KUiiejf, I'liln U. Hot. of th Heart, Dli,.epiii. Ncrvau Irritability, UiuuHClllio Herat, 'lliruttt. Num ur Phlii, om. all H101-scrMu4 nod nif lunHioty IHiordpri arltitte frum the -leiiMctiv liatnUol VoUUi, wiiicli deptroy both body end mind, These iccrct ami solitary practice, it ro more fatal lotlietr vtctluii titan llie long of the Byrrni to Ilia iiiarinert Ulymei, Dlighlhiff thrir moil brillmni hopeo uf uuticipatluui, rauderliig marriage its , itupooibNt ( Marriage Married purnnni.or Yotttl? -Men cortlfmplitln innr rlaee, h-ing awaro ofphymctl ueakiif, organic Jc tillkty. deforiiiillca, &.c,,)iuld fmmctlinlcly comult Ur Juli'ittun.Htid Uu restored tnperlcct health, l!o who pi cut himself umkr th rara of III. John ftoil may religtiHHly con II tit: In hU Imnnr ai a pcntif nun, and coiilTdfiitW rely upon his ktll na cpli ate Jan . Organic Weakness immcdiitcly enrnd nnd full vigor restored. Thl tliiitrto la the petiilly moat lrciii'riy pniriLy Ihoa who hav become tho victim or improper intiul guntien. Voting pernona urn loo ttpt to commit ex rs4 from not be in 5 a.tre of Mid ilre.tdlut timsfqucnr e thttt niiiyctiwi'. Now, who tint niiderftand lite fill jrci v i 1 1 pretend In Iny that the power of p roc re a It on l)it sooner by tlioto filling Inlo Improper baijitntlHii by titt p rutin nl. l.eid'ia iehu drntlvul ol llin pkasur' ol ln jllliy niTxpiine. tho inOil CttiDiis unl detitruclivu yiiipioms lo tiuth hody ntnl muni iiriKf. The system hucomci tlntigilj ihr pltysinl an I TiHttl p'Jweii wi.ikeUMl, nt-rvutu titbilliy. t') pepU. i.tlpitniiinoithu hear I .hnJi4C-tioii. n wiiltg If Lliofianii,coiicli Hymptoms of c-inBiiinpiinn &c ICJ-OIItfi'! No 7soctii t-'RKDKRitumiitcr,iii'eiidDorii from lltltlmoru vtreet Cat rM ut !( ryn II" pcmiculur iii'-liinryin? the NAMU und NU.MlU'.It, or yuuwil- mistake the piece. AVnri Warranted, or no CAar-i j!alf, U from On to Ttst t)afi. . .NO M1SKUURV Oil NAUdUOUfl HRUCa UrfCU. Dr. Johnston, MfinbT of the Koyal Colleg of riurgeom. London (Jra lu ile from onu ol tlm moat eiitiiicu cllegf ol the Uuitfd dluti-Bt iihJ the greater part nfuhono life hat (ciiii epenl in the lirl HnrpiMln of hoiuinn .i'.iriK.t lill ImMpina anl elxewli'trc, Iiuh itl( rid pome c f the most Mtoitnli.ini enrri th it wcru t vcr I.ttown, many trniib e( Willi nniiijt inilio if) ad mid fars w! en mleep, great ii'.TV0JinKii, hoi g 4l.trnt'tl nt smJ.len rioumln. nnd JaiiifjIniB, ilh frt-iitent btu-lung, iittendnT biiiitiineB with derangcmoitt'of mind, werccured 1m inidlutily. A Ceriaih Disease. Whin 'he imtjguiddil and iinirudviit volnry ofptea ijr ilndi hi ft in imblb-M the tiffls of thia painful di ll too ollcn liappftis tiiat nn llltttnril tetme ol HlLiiita. or drend of !oiciy, drier b Iiim from nnpl) I n l tliOi'1 w Ii froi.i cduc.tiion and rettncrtanihtr run lo tic Ifrkiid him dl tyiii till the cotutitiillony aymptouip olthia horrid clifcase tuaki ti:e) r appcaranu ftKiwi iikfdifJ ion) throat, rilacucd none, noclnrce, p linn mi Hi' lie.1i! Mid llmL',tl!utnci of aillit.de aTnnai nude on the ukm honcft, .itdnrinn, hlotchesfron cita had l.ire, nntl exirein tit g, progreKBing with h ip th, laplditv.tlll at hat thu palaio oftho moiitti hiul lionej of the iiofti f.ill in ,.i nd ll'u vl.'liril of tlsJioi tin dMfttitn b'-cfnii" a horrid objret of romniisriliou till il nth pti i a period to In dreadful nillrringn, by bcii aiiliim (o "that huufii" from whence tin traveler rrturn, To inch therefor Or. Jnlmrtoii pledg'n liliiiHflf td rrreervo the incl cilvlolalile Eerrrov nnd front rtia ext'nivc practice In ilnrtr lloi.piiala (f Europe atiT Ainrrirn, lie run rouniientiy roinineiii ttle nnd Hpfdy euro to the unfoituttaie vicciru of thia nojtiu liiKfiim. s Take particular Nollcf, Dr. J addrrpacB uil ihope nlm have Injured then tivft hv itriv.itenndininroncr indulcf-ncf . Theat are votr.c or Iho iirid nnd nielancliolv fltTeela p-oluffd ty early habiln ofyouth, viz Wenknesa of the li.ick and Mniliv, Tain in tho Head, Dimnesaot Might. Lijb of MiitcnUr ToVer. Palpitntiou of llie Heart, Ovpp0ila, Nervmi Irratlb'lttv, Deranzenient of till Digftlivp Funcilona,GncralUeUlHy,Byiptoma sf Oonsiitrtplion, Sec. MHNTALLY The fearful eflVrta upon the mind aie iiHtcn 10 tied rp meii, io$ ni tiemry, i;nniiHion o lUeaa, I) Mireaim ol ihtt hpinla, Ilvll rorebpUin Averslnnof Society. Titiii'y.itc.are lome uftheev produced Tlionaauda of rierfiona (if nil ngei can now Judge what U th c idae oi l eir dccllniac tienltti - L.ioring OB, THE OLIFP OP DEATH. BV WM. n. UATDEM. In tLo northern part of German; starlets nn old pile of buildings known as Marl's castle, of which tho followiug slory is ro luted : Many years ago it was inhabited by tho noble Count Wcstel, who had betrothed hts daughter, much against her will, to Sir Hubert Kaudrofi but Ictus return in fancy back somo hundred voar.'. nnd witness the :ri!e5-!!V'i"e'ruudaii,'aii ou.er's Buajajsex encs which wcro enacted there " AVcep not, doar Marinn, for ymt may yet bo happy, though you wod not Walt'e 1 Camilon und Jersey UilV. Lveninir man. j At 3 1 AI . via Camden ami Amboy, Accommo llallnn, litclat S At 3 L1. s , via Camden ahd Amboy, AccGintnb- datinn,'Jd ('lass I At li M" via t'onulcn and Amboy, Accoinmo . dallon. 1st Ulnf h 2 Atoi . 31.. via uamden Itlul Ainuoy, Accnmmo- ritlnl. f:p"-o Llnci mop at tlin principal slntlmi only, t'or Uoliiidore gallon, ritunliiglon, Ac., at U A. M. ! ana 4 i . ai , irom wninni sirri'i wiiari; lorivaiiruap.oirou,M,uPcranlun,Hlte.barre. ,T .,.,. Hi.II1. ln l, M.1 urint licnu acc., al o A. ai., via ueluwure, u"u'wivjj hhm ii w aiuu Mnmrobe, Leckawannn nt Western Unilroad. for Freehold mo A. M.aml if V M. l'or Mount llully at 7 A M, and 21 and 5 V. M. WAY LINUS l'or Brlitol, Trenton, &c , nt '.'1 and 4 P. Si. WAV I.I.NB Tor Palmyra, H.ineocai, Ilecrly, Uiirllngloii, t'or dentown, I.C., ut 3 P M,. WAY L1ND Tor Mount llully. Uuilington un.l Way Stations at 5 P.M. Pteainlioat P.ieinril Stoektun lor Unrliitfitiin and PrU tnlatbfA M., and fjr llordcnloun and intcrmcdiatu places it '.'J I1. M. Htrambott Tici.lnn for T.Kony nt la nn.l 11 A. M end 4 P M., nnd for Ittirlinttnii and llmlol nt 4 P. M. All lines. excill I A. ai , ifuvo tvnliiul ft.Miarl YJr Fitly rumids ol bazuaei nnlvalltiwnl parli par seiu'i-r. r.ibst-n ersnri'prolnbiiidlrni,iiatuiia nnytiiini; us bfliraco lint llicir weafltis uji.i rc I , All batngf nver ntly (inunns in rani lorestrn. lliu Lomjiany liniil tlicir ri-snonslliility fur li'iccnjip to nun dollar pi-r pniiiK,, nd wilt nut Li habli- tor any ainoiint be)ond $160, except by special contract VM II. If t I i,M bll, Agent, C. k A ! . It CO. n. H. MUItttl..',!., Aci ni, 8fplV0,IS57 Plnl.i lr.lt ri. Co. LIFE INSUKANCH. TiiKCiminn i.ifk ixsuiui.vr.,jiKxuiTrjiKiJ tjiust co.vuixr vf i'ini..n)i:Lniu. oirifK, nd, 4Ud ciusM'r sutthr. CAPIIAL. (paid .) SI0UIKJ0, Charter 1'erpclval. pOVTINUKln i,,k INBUItANCCj ON 1,1 Via on O the niuHl rcnionalilc terms. Tin: capital lieinp paid up anil invested, to-ellier w il!l a l.irsi: iind constantly increa.inj: riserved fund, riin a iierfert si'i uriiy to the injured. j ne premiums mut; oc paiu cariy, nan earty, o o,nrt-ily The Company add a ItONtrn periodically lothe Insn rancn rorlile. Tin 1 1 It ST IIONUa npiropnated ill lliremlier. IP4t. tne SBi.'OVI) IIONUa in Uercml.er, HI0 llie 1 II t it It llONUti In llpcemlirr. Ili I CS"Th',sP additions are made wlllionl reinirinc any increase in th premium tlbf paid tu thu Company, I lie loll-'Wing itp n ii w examples Irom tin' neplslrr to you." " Loirs, Gertrude, ho knows, not lovb, for it is u passion that comes from Heaven, and will not uiato Willi aught but its own I kindred spirit. His bosom is filttu with bate his passion is evil or ho would nol seek possession of that which belongs to another j but know, girl, that I would sooner dio than becomo tho wife of Sir Hubert." This was said by a beautiful girl who was robed itt satin, with flowers in her hair, and costly brilliants decked her snbwy neck. It wos tho cvo of her bridal, but as 1 1 I i 1 - j ii r -. 1. i t .1 l. j LIIU iust, WU1U3 1CUII1 uur np, UL'L UU1K flashing e)cs told that thero was a fire kindled in her soul that nothing but love could quencli. " You forgot that your father has re solved that you must thia night marry Sir Hubert, nnd oven hrjw the castle is crowded with guests ; nnd hark ! -the notes of the buglo announces tho approach of the bride with roo I" "Yes, Walter wherovcr thou wilt, I will go." , " Ah, bless theo, Marion, but wo ltavo no titno for sweet words, let U3 hasto to mount and bo gono." Lilting Iter lightly into tho saddle, ho sprang on to the back of a noblo animal who was black as tho inky night, and im patient to bound away. At this moment a bright flash of lightning revealed to thorn tho forms of Sir Hubert and her father looking from iter window, who observed them and tho cry of 'to horse,' resounded Terriblo TLHeo&f Murder or Two Fi:malvs RoriBEnY AND AtUlEST. On Tuesday, between 12 and 1 o'clock, two women, named. Anna Gcrber and Eli zabeth Hcam, were found rHtlrdcrcd in the houso of tho former, situated on a by-road about three quarters of a milo from NcfiV villc, Lancaster county, Pa, From tho Laueaster Express of Wednesday wo gath er the following particulars: The houso in which tho murder was committed Is a small one story frame Ltiilil- ins, neatly white washed. On the first of whom aro William Itlchardson nnd ft ft V V f ft 1 1 ft U it f IT I f Alexander Anderson. They ro residents UUmjpilW VltH, of this city, and havo long been known as Tnt'cy .No. K 131 " 189 333 " &c. Hum Injured :tw)rj lonu SHUl) i-c. rjn'ius or addition t-1 : M K3 sa so IjOO if. Annul it nf Policy anil lioiius to be increased l,y mi life ml litlm'S $.i:nv M 3 07i HO 1 .3i' m 0 -t o 00 &c. Pamplitets. contajainit lablcs of rates and exptana lion, lorms nf iniiiUc-ttion, and further iiilornulioii 'cjn be lound at tlm eirice. TIIU1IAS ItlDanWY, rmlJint. J0. F, Jamks, Actuary. October 10. 1817 Iv " MAN, KNOW THYSELF," an iNVAi.tJAiu.n nntii; for esor.NTfl. rvcry FAMILY SHOULD IIAVI1 A CUPY. I)lt IIUNTUIi'S MLDICAL nV '.iVli ' MANUAL & I1ANIIIIOOK KOIl 'I II!; ArFI.II.TKD. ivJ','rrtfecontjnin5 an ouilino of llie xvi.c;i8' contracted by promlsm Cv pin Bexnnl interrbnrce, by O rfIf .iI.iiH. nr l.v fii.nl n V'lMitUV ceaa. with ndnre for ihiir preverilion, wr'lten In n ftmihar Flyle, avoiding all medical tech nirn lj tire, and Pvurylhing that would otfend the ear o decency. Te$titnony of the Proftstor of Obiteriei in Vtnn Collts: Philadelphia. t)H UVWFJi'S MKMO.1L JitjtJcUAl, 'The nuihor of llin work, unlike the majority of tlioae who itdverliacto cure Ihediseapea of which It treat, is n graduate of one nf (he bust Ll. Collctrea In Hie United Siatea. ltafl'rdt me n't a. sure to recoinmenil him to the uiiforti natcor o inevicwmui Niai-nriiriirc, u ajicrcsriui ar.u ex th'ilr Vigor, becoming weak, pale and cmariated, having rlritllar Appearance about llie yea, cough and tnip. tdnU of Conannipiion. l)r Johnston's Invigorating Organic Weakness fly tt:ia great and Imporiant remedy, weaknefs oftht nrgannaro ptpdlly cutod, nnd lull vigor reatoicd. Thoi"ani'tftlte moat nrvoim nnd dcbilitnlfd, who had I Rtnll Hope. Have been immediately relieved AH Impedimenta In Marriage. Cliyair.il apd Menial Ulqna Wen ion, Ni-rvods I rriUbility.Tremblinpa and Wenk nei, or exliinitlf.il ol tho most (earful kind, speedily urcct by Doctor Jobrutlon Young Men have Injured themaelves by a certain practice, Indulged in when a one a habit frequently Ifnrued f rom evilcoinpanlona.or al school the effects of which ore nightly felt, even when Hate p. nnd if not cured render uiarriaire linpoadHile, mid destroys, buth mind aiod body, Blionld apply immediately ; What a pity that a vodtiif miit, the hope of hi i coun try. and Hit darling of Ins parvnta uould be snatchi d from all prospects and enjoyments nf life, by the ennse tlueHres o deviating from the nalh of nature, end In dutging In acermin secret habit, 6uch person before contemplating j Marriage should reflect that a sound mind and bnlynri the inn necessary reiulslliei to promote cominbinl happiness I ndecd, without theae 4 he Jojrney through life becomes ft wearypilgriinage, the prospecthourly darkens to in) Tlew ; the mind becomes shadowed with dctpair and filled wilhihe melancholy retleptlon thalthe hopltiess f anotherh'-eomes blighted with our own, pri'ionN'o.3 pourii pu nnnniOK 8T.,naMmor$tMt At.Lj f UKGIOAI, Ol'nit.YTIONB PCUroUMKO. N.U. 1! imf.isn modcBiy prevent you, but applyim adlately either per Bonnlly or by pier. SKIN UlcJUAtj SfULOlLV CURED, To Stron gers, The many thousands curd .ttthis Institution witlt'n the last IS yenrs . and the ntinierousiuiportanlSiirfrical lnitt-.llirtnl IIP rformedhv Ur Johnston, witnessed by 1 tin reportersot the papers and muny other pcrBons.no- UJ prrienced practitioner In whose hun-ir and intcg (f) illy they nuy flace the giealett ronfidence. . Jo'trn LovninoRE. M. D. From A. Woodward, M. D. of Pcnn, Unter$Uyl -r Pftilaiiflphta. r It given me pleisure in adtl my tertlmony to the 77i, 7i 1 nrott'ssinnai at-iniy oi tin mino'oi tne vjaeatcai dti.ttn.uy jut j A'antra," IVunieroiiR cusps ot Dieareti ofthe urn through ifco castle; and in a faw moments floor nro four room3 0f small sizo, tho door thirty horsemen wero in their saddlos and facjng towards the south. Through this following in hot pursuit ; Sir Hubert and j ODtronco is obtained to tho kitchen, on tho her father, tho Count leading them on the icft 0f wuiru ;s ,uo pariori and back of this direction tho lovers ,ha.d takojl. h small room, about sixteen feet by four- " Ten thousand thalers to him who shall (Cen, whoro tho bodies oftho murdered ovcrtako them and bring my daughtor WOmcn were found. Mrs Gcrber was 55 srifo, oud Cvo thousand more for tho head 1 j.oar3 0f ag0 ;n October last, and must of tho villain Walter Marl." j havo been a large, stout woman Mrs. On flew tho pursued and pursuers, until Ream was a small, delicately mado woman, they approached a mighty cliff, near tho j not more than flvo feet in height, and was dark waters which lashed madly against j near GO years of ago. Mrs. G. is the tho rocks, Thero was but ono path to tho . mother of Cvo children, nnd Mrs. It. of water, and that was down tho back of tho ' three or four. A son of tho latter is mar cliff wltieh rose frownliigly, and then do- jiied to a daughter of tho former, and re cccndcd in a gcntlo slopo to tho river. ut side not more than a hundred yards apart, thero was a frightful gulf between the cliff In the morning, about nine o'clock, Mrs. and tho main laud, which must be leaped , lteam wss seen entering tho houso of Mrs. cro the cliff was reached. Walter's well ! Gcrber, by somo neighbors. Nothing fur- trained animal had frequently made tho ther was heard or seen of them until one desperate leap, and with ono powerful bound he cleared tho awful chasm, but on tho brink he staggered trembled .for a moment it was uncertain whcihor ho would not sink hick into tho yawning abyss ba hind. But the horse regaining hisbalanco Bprung back and was safe. Tho pursuers observing that the horse had cleared it in safety, with two on his back, had no fear I and tho neighbors wero soon aroused. o'clock, when Mrs. Ream, the daughter of Mrs. Gcrber married to ths sdn of tho murdered woman, went to tho house of her molhor, where sho discovered both mother and motlicr-in law lying upon tho floor With their throats cut from oar to ear, their skulls smashed and crushed in a horrible manner. Sho immediately gavo the alarm, crootn to claiit his brldo said Gertrude; 1 far lllc'r Q,5n s'cc,l3i aD(1 rushed on with . Tho sight presented to them was truly aw- ! ' I.-..-. l i r.. i. ;.. .1.. i . . .. . . itnl Organs, spine of llieni of long slludind, havo enmo under m notice, in hicli Ins skill lias been manifest in restoring tu penect health, in some OirtslancH ul.cr llie patient his Lcpii considered beyond medical aid In llie treatment of seminal 7 weakness, or di.nrranceinent ot tin functions pro . t itnced by Sctfrfbitse, or xccss of venery, I do nol know his superior in lte profession, lltavelieeri ncqnaintedwith the Author som thirty yars,and deem it no more than Justice to him as well as a kindness to the unfortunate victim of early indis- cretion. lo recommend him as one in u Lose pro fcsrionalsVill and Integrity they may safely confldo themselves. 5 Alritsn WcCdwxro, M. D. j Onn copy, securely enveloped will bo lorwardcd free of postage to anj part of tho United Stiles, lor is cents, or 0 copies, for ijl 0(1, C3-Ad,iress CUSDRN i CO., Publishers, Box 107, Philadelphia- fc . . UJ-llooks'dlers, Canvassers and Box Asetila ivpplletl en the most literal ttrml. II, e 5, 1837 V as tho music bruko forU on tho evening air. ''Let Mm comej but wlich h'o carries mo forth lie sll ill only convey dust to dust ; for como what mil, I have solemnly sworn in life or in death, to bo Walter's only j and this little polgnatd shall still tho beat ing heart und set the imprisoned spirit free ore I break tho vow wllioh has been regis tered in tho bright abodes above." " Nay, my dear mistress, talk not thus wildly, your fathers heart would break at tho loss of you, tho only surviving heir to his princely name and cstato. Sir Hubert is rich, and belongs to a lung line of nobles, while Walter is but a poor hunter." " 'Tis false 1 Walter is not poor ; his heart is rich in all tho noblo qualities that takes to inako up a man, and I would a thousand times rather pass my life with him on his mountains where ho is lord and king, than amid all the mockery and pomp by which wo are surrounded. Hut timo speeds, and we must deviso somo means of eseapp, "It is impossible, sweet lady; every entianco and outlets are guarded by the ecrvapts, and we could not pass out with out being discovered. But mercy nn us, hqw tho heavy thunder rolls over nur heads and the quick flushes of lightniug ar almost blinding." " Look, Gertrude do you not see some thing in yonder grove?" " Nay it is dreadful dark," roplied Gertrude. "Wait Until the next flash of lightning and then see If you cannot discern a horao and rider in tho northern grove." . " Alt yes, I eeo him j ho advances waving his hand for you to como to him." " Yes, it Is ho it is Walter I llo comes to rescuo mo, btit how can I fly to him 1" 11 Thero is no way." ' Then I will leap from the window." ''It would be instant death." " Then indeed I shall bo freo, which would bo better than thus remaining a pris eager haste; oach ono hoping to gain tho ' fnl the wholo upper end of tho floor was promised reward. Putting spurs to their 1 one pool of blood, which has run around l .1 . ,-t i jie. I-... ' - - . . - nurses nicy aucmpieu 10 icnp uiu gun, um tho bodies ol tho murdered women and out fc'f tho thirty, four only succeeded, tho I guol ti.om tn tho flor. Their hair was rest sunk in tho dark chasm to rise no ' msttea a ,Ung to their countenances, mor. ' while dark clots of blood covered their fea- By this timo Walter had reached tho 1 turos. The deep and ghastly wounds iu water and placing Marion in a boat, and j their throaln wero opened, and revealed fastening a strong oord to It lie led his no- 1 the several portions of tho nock, as far ble animal into tho water. M muting him j Da-ji as tho spine. and holding on to tho cord, ho was soon on I Both were bruised and battered about tho opposite sboro. The four remaioing tho head in a terrible manner ; their skulls pursuers attempted to ford tho river, but BC;ng crushed in numerous places. Wbero their horses being untrained, arid not ta- ln0 gjj;n uar Bcen BeVored, small streams king a oorrect course, they wero carried 0f blood had issued, and glued the hair to into tho whirlpool and lost, with the ex- til0 flori Their cloths wcro all in disor ception of Sir Hubert, who3o powerful dor, leaving pnrti.-ns of their persons or- steed bore him in safety to tho shore pO0d. It is supposed that the murders Tho clouds had now cloared away, and tho 1 1BUSt havo knocked tho women down with moon was shining brightly, revealing tho lovers and Sir Hubert in pursuit, "Doar Marlon," said Walter, "they have all found open graves, save ono who seems to havo been more successful than tho rest; and in bis foul hcartcdness pursues us with relentless fury. It Bhall never bo said that Walter Marl fled from a single foe ; thoreforc, let us await tho approach of him who thus madly seeks his own dcestruo-Uod." "Stay, fleeing misoroaut, for though you their clubs; ouc of them in falling struck the door by tho sido of tho ttairs which descends luto tlio kitchen ; hero was found largo pools of blood, whilo along tho sido it could bo seen by tho marks that a per son had fallen against lho door. From the kitchen, they must bavo been dragged into tho small sleeping room, whero their throats wcro cut, so as to almost sever their heads from their bodies. The blood had ruu down tho floor on both sides of tho bodies, The doctors present stated that LANDltETII'S AGMCULTUKAL WAKEI10USE. ge. Nos.21 tL 53 SOUTH SIXTH sTncnT.iSjftl Near the 6tale Houso, 1 'V rpEN floors nf thiispicliusliuilding.ererled expressly X lor lho proprietors' trnne, are sioreu wiut dccus and Implements of Interest to Farmers nnd Gardeners. SIXTY YDAKS ESTABLISHED, Tho subscribers desire to call the attention of every one interested in fanning and gardening, to their Well-sel-cted stock of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS U MACHINERY, ncpiii vnrletv of horticultural tools. Warranted Garden and flower Seeds. Grass and Field Seeds of , on(.r nnd boooniin!! tllO wifo of tllC Cold llin ninfll retlabln nlislltv C3 havo escaped the thunderbolt of Heaven i their persons must havo been violated. tho rugged cliffs, deep chasm?, and tho . Nothing was disturbed in this room except dark flood, yet you shall not oscapo from tho bedclothing, which was thrown upon my good sword androvengo, for know, ca- tho floor; marks of blood wero found upon tiff, that I am your rival, Sir Hubort Kan drof, and iu an hour lience, you shall lay in tho waters from which you havo just escaped, and tho lady Marion, shall be my roward. different articles in tho room, as if they had been handled by persons with bloody hands. From this room tho murderers went in- to an adjoining room, in which wero two sleesof which have appeared again and ngiln betoro i In" most reliable mistily ... Inedubhe.lil-. dei 111 landing a. a gentleman ofcha. , bThe Agricultural Di.plemeiils so ,1 by t s arc moa ly hearted wretch who OVCn UOW awaits the racterand resnonsibilitv. is a sutticieni iiuirantce to manufactured at our Steam works, luJMnl, 1 a. IhVatBicted. suraciem B.aii.0 iHin( flii)iiJ eela,,,lf ,lclll ,,iinoui -card unwilling sacrifice." to expense, with llu most complete machinery, tor llie 1 manufacture Cl llie various twin's m 'Bricmr-rui im plements, we are now prepared to supply all aitirles in this Him fullv enunl. it not superior, to aiivlhinff of ' rnnrsnlF frnm flip, window aid mav vet Iha health oftho alroidy ultlirted, that Dr. Johnston n,0 kind ever before otfared tq the public, Lnndreth's J . . i e i deen dual diplomas always hang in his ofllce Take A once. N.B. There are so many Ignorant and worthless Quacks advertising themselves physicians, ruining lha nealtn ot the aireiay umirieo, inai ur. jotinsiou ,ho kind ever lielare oijtireii iq iqo puiiue, j.nnareiirs - . . , deems it necessary tosay, especially to llioie unac Warranted Garden Reeds havo been before the pilhllc reach US; but look ouainiua Willi nil liuidi,it, ,. ,,w,i, hu foriipwDrasoisisiyyrai-,,,,,, ,,- rpiruu uuu, , Ity, unit ilia criisiauiiy iiuicu-,b minuiiu ,i,uu ),m j lo y?ar. is lho beet evidence of their superiority over pll others, 13" Country Merchants can be supplied n, Hi seeds in pipers, or bulk, on the most reasonable to'nie. lllonnisdsle, near Hrlstoi, pa. our i.arucn nccu Grounds, coptaius three hundred and seventy acres, and i the Ingest eitaMiitinietit of In kind In the world. . , , ll. i.nniuui.i ii run, Nos.21 and ii South Slzili street. Doc 12, 1657 tf Philadelphia. " I implore you kirid lady, do not tlirow -n-TiicNoTica All letters limit he pest paid, and roniain a postage stamp for ilia reply, or noanswer bnwill sent .nuarly 7 1857. FALL ARRIVAL. IL "iT H I! B3 , THE undersigned, grateful for past patronage, rc spertfully intirms his cistnmers and the public generally, that he ha. Just received from the Eastern (ill's, the largest aim most select stock ol FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, That has yet been opened In Uloonishurjt, to which he Invites the uttenilou or his menus, una ntrures inem that they am onered lor sire at great bargains. His litock coraptises a largo as.oitinent of Gentlemen's Woaring Apparel, Consisting of r ASIIIONAB1.K DRESS COATS, ol every description; Pants Vests, Shirts, Cinvals, atocks,Cottuu Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Suspenders, &.c. Goll Watches and Jtucliyt Of sverv description, fine and ehean N. 11 Remember "lAvtnhttg 's Lhiop Fmpsrlsm," can tan see, no cnaige lor examining uinns. DAVID Ll3WKKEEIH. Dltwrt.tiuij, Auj Vt 1317 ho has stolen softly boneoth tho window and is attempting to throw a silken ladder." ' Thnntt Ilnnrrn I ah alt vcl nseano ! fasten tho doors, for oven now I I ear foot-stcps-r-thcy oome forme. Lowersomcthisg down so wo may draw it up," In a few moments thoy had fastened tho ladder safely, and Marion, descended from the perilous height, and was clasped in tho " Stay thy boasting, and meet tho doom ' beds, two bureaus and a largo chest. T ho tlJou hast pronounced on others," and their ', beds were disturbed, but tho bureau1 draw bright swords mot in (ho terrible conflict, crs wcro pulled out nnd their contents Walter pressed hard upon him, until ho thrown upon tho floor. Tho lid of ho had retreated to tho water, and then with chest was broken opon and its contents a sudden movement, ho thrust his sword . woro also thrown about tho floor. In tho into tho body of Sir Hubert, up to tho hilt, bottom of this ohest were several old nows and dnwing it forth, ho pushed the body I and other papers, in ono of wbicll woro Into tho stream, where it sunk, coloring tho 'between eighty nnd ono hundred dollars water with gore. Then turning to tho I which belonged to Mr. Gcrber. Mr. Gcr- affrighted Marion, Walter pressed her to ber is supervisor of roads, and had collect bis heart and said : ; cd this money, which was nil taken, thieves, spending a greater part of their timo in tho countv prison! When search ed upwards of SOO in gold and tilver wero found upon their persons, which amount iofrcsponds with that which Mf. Gcrber says was in tho possession of his wife. The Doublo Murder lu! Lancaster Couu- tj Jlorc Details. In'telligoneo oftho murder wcro, commu nicated to tho nnyor about ono o'elook. Officers Meyers and Gcrmlcy wero des patched to tho gato-keeper, about a milp from tho city, from whom it was learned" that two men, inswering tho description, had pissed. In tho meantime, Officer Btkcr, having procured a description of the men, and suspecilng hat tu'cy would strike across the fields around tho city, in tho dircotion of tho Old Factory, where Anderson formerly lived when in town, ho went out lho New Holland pike, but taw nothiug of them,. There was a ctowd af "boys" playiug "sbinnoy" In the nclgh borhood of tho Locomotive Works, to whom ho communicated tho Btate of affairs requesting them to keep a sharp lookout whilo he went to his house for a revolver, and if they saw the men to let him know at once, cither at his house or at tho mayor's office lie then returned to the mayor's office, and had just gono out, when ho met same of tho boys, who stated that the rest of the party wo obasing tho murderers in the direction of tho Old Factory, whereupon Officers Biker, Huffnaglc, and Kuhns, started up the street, near stony alloy When a,rrcsted, all tho riloney, except tho half dollars, was found concealed on Anderson's person. A double bladed pocket kuifo and three half dollars were found on Richards. Wlicn th'o prisoners were brought to the mayor's office, a largo nnd excited crowd gathered in and round tho building, and whan they were finally brought out to bo taken up to prison, tho ex'itement was in- tense, exceeding even inai ruauuesieu m tho Haggerty murder case, tho last horrid tragedy when oocurcd in this vicinity, In tho alderman's office, Anderson ap peared to bo sensible of bis position and shed tears; but Richtrds acted the bravo throughout, remarkiug, at ono time, that ho "didn't caro a d n what thoy done with him !" As we stated last evening, blood was found on his shirt in several placcs,a largo blotch appearing npon ono of Lis wrist-bands, whiolt he said camo thero by killing a turkoy. Both denied having oome through Litz toll-gate, but the gate keeper fully identifies them as the men who passed through. When thoy were stripped a t the prison, blood was found upon other portions of their clothes, and ono conclusive circuni stanco of their guilt is tho fact of a half blotch of blood upon tho outstdo aud lower odco of Richard's pantaloon's, which cor responds with tho other half upon ono of the old shoes found under Gprbor's dresser noticed by our reporter. Those shoes he left there, taking a pair b'longin'g to a member of tho family, which he woro into town and had on when arrested. Officer Baker was notified this( morning that the men accused of fha murder had loft n nnmbrtr nf urtifios at c place known as tho ''Cottage," or ,"Spook-Ho"use," coar tho bridge on tlio 1'hiUdelphia Itailroad, . .... - e .1.':. .la im. tr. mimic n. mill lrum luta iibr. uu ua-vu wont to tho spot and found a mantilla, and a pair of stoeklogs, with marks of blood upon thorn", a pair of earrings, and some other nrtio'cs tied in a handkerchief, all o'f which wero identified by Mr. Gerber as his property. J ho shoes worn by Auder son, when! arrested, hivo also becu identi Ecd as having bo longed to iirs. u Lancaster, Dee. 23d, 1807. Dear Cor,; :. The Ledger's money article of Wednes day, contains a very gratuitous and un called for attack on tlio country banks. Now, you are awaro that I am not a do fcrtder," scarocly even .an! apologist, for that "peculiar domestic institution; regard ing it as I do, in very much tho same light, that our black Republican friends affect to regard tho " peculiar domestio institution" of tbc South ; but I believe it is a h'zV, well known and understood, that if tho Philadelphia banks had been sound and, had ttaod tip firmly and honestly against the pressure, tho coun'ry banks could very catlly havo sustained themselves. Thoy tfero, riot lite first to " suspend," they did not feci such a course to be necessary, and woro only driven to it by the uncalled for act of tho city banks It was not tho country banks who petitioned the Governor for an csira sessjoa.,' aud offered to pay tho expenses of tho samo ; nor have any of lho country banks gone down in tho storm, as have some of those institutions in the several cities. Wo apprehend that it is too lato for th; city delegation id boast of ltd virtue or soundness on tho currency question, as it is beginning to bo understood by the people ; and wo suspect the Ledger, is endeavoring to manufacture some capital for the Philadelphia banks, under tho imprsssis'n that they may not bo able to resume specie payments, on tho second Monday of April next. It is tho boy whistling, in passing a grave yard, in Tlio Beauty of tho Sky, It is a strange thing how Utile iu gene Iral people know about tho sky. It is the ' nirt of crcatiou iu which nature has dono ' moro for tho sake of pleasing man, more it for tho sole and (T.dcnt purposo ot talking "Now, my own sweet lovo, you ore consisted of uew quarters, baf dollars, gold i to mm and teaching him, than in any mine, and nono oan claim tho hand which ' dollars, two and-a-half pieces and ono five I ?tucr f. Ler w.otk'' u l,1 Is Jusl ,b' ,P"f.! . , ' , ,, ,, , ',,,. ,, ' ,. , . i in which wo least attend to her. 1 1-ere 1 havo so hardly won but so rich a prtzo i dollar coldpieco. Various articles in tho ,. c i,, ,k n,,va tr. ,i,ii,' nro not mfltiv wero worth a thousand battles. To-night room woro covered with stains of blood gome more ma'erial or C33ontial purpos' then, como with mo to my mountain home, and on tho door is a largo blotch as if a than tho more pleasing of man is not an and with tho morrow's suu, wo will return 1 bloody hand had boon rubed against it 1 swercu m every part oi tuctr orcamzauon REMOVAL. T'lE subscriber having removed his Marbln Yard, from near the Court ho-ise. to tho South west cor ner or MAIN ana ainuu hi streets, in liiiperl s ow, i v :,i.fi ivr-i,.. wlure he Is prepared to lurulsh all kindsof arm? Of her faitlllul Walter. Marble Wirk, i Como lovo, loso not a moment let us Vlti MONUMENTS. Cradle 'lombs, Doz Tombs, and 1 , , , , , , llcud stones of every description. Ilia stock it n the fly or W Bhall UO ptirSUCU and OVCrtaKCU. nest K tnu, ine orsiiiaiisiii. uv luitiuweu oyanv in , - , . n. . , i s ii the country, and at low prices, Call and judge for S My MoUtltulll llird 13 at hand and Will '"cr YiV'wPi io furnish. Tnido ami nureaii Tops, 'bear uj away with tho speed of tho ya& to Msoteii f.i houses, llasa Corses. Lintles. and Sills , , . . - for Windows aud Doors, at a low ngure. a safo retreat whero tlio fool of no man oru,'.'..nUie!or pa" ,0,'" " "op fr " con"nu,nc" save myself has over trod, aud where thoy nwai.i,,, ap,!I ., ie c,T"NV WIW 1 viU-bc UnnUo lo reach us ; say will you go Spots of blood woroPeon on tho wall, bed ', lut. "1? 1 111 fff ' ' , might, as far as wo know, Do answered, it oud clothes. In tho front room nro a cup-1 onc0 in ,iir(,0 a3J3i or hereabouts, a groat board and bureau, tho contents of which bUck ugly rain cloud wcra broken up over woro scattered about. : the bluo, and cvoryttung well watered, and nw mo nc ,., -,n ii,-. ' so all lolt blue again until the next timo, ... ' ,,,,1 i . 1 wih perhaps a film of morning and oveting mulatto, were seen to enter tho houso about , , 1)ut teaa 0StLi9 lhetQ niiccu minutes uciore cicvcu ociocK,onu not a momont of any day of our lives, when no other person was seen near or around 1 nature is not producing Eccne after scene lho houto until about ono o'clock, wheu picturo after pioturc, glory after glory, and M.. I-!n,l,o.'0 A,U, r,,e,I ll.n WOrHing Ellll UOOU BUCU BillUltllO aim COU' I'A i ? uvtvvi h miitMiui i-iM uw i.ovvf- i , r i , I 0.rM np.nniJfia aF iht. mrtfe rxftrfant hnin r to your father's casflo, and claim your rights." The approving look of Iter own sweet oyes was all tho rcsponso ho required, and pressing his lips to those of tho boautiful girl, ho sought his secret abode, and the next morning returned to tho castlo, whero he wodded the Lady Marion, and lived many years in happiness. Sinco that time, a bridgo has been con- - 1 .1 . . II . I m, , .... f sirucicu across mo river, anu tuo traveller . erv. inov were seen counnnff mouov at- .. . , s. ti s r .. ' ,1 ' unai is quite ccriatu u to ait none lor ua, has still pointed out to him the Cliff of tor lho raurdcr. Two men answering their intended for our perpetual plcasuro, by tbo Death, or the Lvvr's lio'k d cscriplion liav bean arrcstod, Ihe names Great Being who mado all worlds. order to keep up his courage ; it is tho cry uf " stop thief," which tho pilferer cails out most lustily himself, to divert tho at tention of tho crowd to another quarter. Tho opposition are quite jubilant over what they afe pleased to call the defection of Douglass. To judge by their talk they wouIdi be trilling to try and make him President, because ho is in favor of an abstraction, called popular sovereignty a doctrine thoy utterly repudiated not eigh teen months ago. The man thoy denoun ced ns given over to the slave power body and soul, as entirely unworthy of northern support and countenance, as a dough faco and a traitor, with various other sweet sounding epithets out of their choice voca bulary; they, now befotil witU thejr adula tion more than they ever could by any amount of abuse aud detraction; and nro feverishly anxious to adopt him into their family with all his heresies and lmpcrfop tions, to make him a priest and a loader to their motley host. I shall, not, just riow, discuss the question f popular sovereignty, and the Kansas question in its prcseut shape , for really there cc'ed not sctm to be anything in it all ; and the President's message and sub sequent discussions havo got at all, tho pith and marrow left ramaining. It is nicst true that poptilar sovereignty, as connected with tho question of tho adoption of ihe Kansas constitution, is the merest bstrao'fon ; coiilaining within itself noth ing to distract tho democratic party or 2istrirb its harmony, aud nothing which rgucs the abandonment of any great princlplo of the party, whether the view of the administration, or that of Judgo Doug- is is adopted, it should however bo a ncto of warning to Judgo Douula3 to boa? tho battle cry of tho opposition cheering him on in tho fight; and he, moro than any man in the country, might stand ogbast, and exclaim with cno of ol I, ' What havo I done, that mine enemks praiso mo t" There is an improvement in tho monoy market. Tho business of the ecisou is more brisk that; could havo been expected; and holiday bosks and gifts nro advertised in tbo usual profusion and extravagance. It is an encouraging sign at such a poriod, arguing a return of public confidence, and a gradual expansion of tho money circle, and a sure resumption of business. The cotton factory IV o. 1, among tho largest iu tho city, is reported to bo preparod t bogia operations on tho 4th of Januiry, and lho othen will soon follow. Thus business will gradually got back into l old channels, and if our people have learned anything by tho pressure, all may turn out to thoir advantage, Tho contested election caso for prolhon. otary of this city has not been decided. Thoro is a good deal of feeling on tho subject, but tlio impression seems to bo in favor of the election oftho democrat, Dr, Carpenter. The woather hero is of a piece with youra iu Columbia county. To-day it has been cold and windy, but the suu was waim. Preparations for Christmas nro in progress. A merry ono to .you, and all lho frioads oi QrONKAM Jl'NIOB