Tq Protect Troos from Mico andBorors. Slseo the pntliratiori ,of our nrtlclo , ... it . ,.- upon tho Winter protection of fruit trees, 1 . . . wo have received numerous letters giving original plans for prorating mioo girdling trees, .part of which, with eoveral othor ways anil means out from pipers, wo will IMYO ill thort-hand form, for tho benefit of tOO WOrlU tllftt IS, UlO readers Ol tllO ' UriDUnO. MlCfl 00 thIr niiSChlet Under 'the ttlOW. , , . ., . ,, , , ,. ... . , . ., the'SaOW, but tlioy Will not D0, because tllO work will bo neglected. mt A J HO prOvenilVO remedy must bo nomctliiug that can bo nt ouco applied and done witu. frj tho follow lag mixture i 11 A shovel full of hot BlaoVeJ liruo, one do, of cleau cotf-dung, half do, of soot, Ono handful of Bulpher; mir tho whole together 'with ' tbo odditton of auffictort water lo bring it to Iho consistency of thick paifit. At tho approach of Winter paiut tbo irunks cf the trees sufficiently high to bo bcyonU Iho roch of thee vermin, -Experience ha's proved that it does no injury to tbo trees'. A dry day should bo clen for its application." Ira Webst r, of Hartford, Conn., says, scrape away all grass and leaves from the body of tho tree, so that thcro will be no shelter for mico, and so that tho snow will 'full compact, and that will prevent mico from gnawing trees. Nelson Fttyne, of Aubure, N.Y., says that ho saves bis trees from mice and b r crs by painting them with a mixture of gas oil and sulphur, and it never hns injured his trees. II o writes : "I have young pear and applo trees, upon which I have applied tho sulphur and oil three times liberully since the Spring of 1856, without iojury so far, and I never saw trees put un a moro luxuriant foliage hao tbey have tbo past Sanson, and ihcy are laden with fruit, Hut applied to the tree-stem or bedy of tbo tree, and exposed to the Summer sun, I bbould fear tbo result." S. Xowman of Canton (wo don't know What State.) says we have given all tho remedies but the right ono to prevent mice from girdling Iruit trees. lie says : " Put about four quart era of lime on tho ground around the tree, and your trees aro safe lrora tho ravages of mice.'1 Tho Hon. John M. Clayion, lato of Delaware, told us .years ago that lime u round peach tries wa-i an effectual proven. tive of borers, and a valuable fertilizer. Wc lelicve it would ba a sure thing to keep off mice, and would certainly teneCt tho J trees. " Englisb nurserymen are in the babii of protecting nurseries of small tree from the attacks otratbits, simply by distributing through th squares of tho nursery coarfo matches mado by dipping bucehes or rags, orbits oftoiT, in melted sulphur, and fast cning these in split stakes a couple of t'cot high. Tho latter are stuck in the ground, among tho trees, at from 12 to 20 feet apart, and aro said completely to answer the purpose." N. Y. Tribune. The Monarch of the Orchard- TV. I-j: Pm..,iI..i ii l. ... nrtepoundi orpereonall.af.ape allovcdto enehpas. ihO Reading .rrMSSayS that tbO UrgCSt'.oBgpr-elcc.cl'argr.lal douUli-rir'.clat.lrel!htraleJ flnnln frflf in Inpt TTnirpil Slnta 14 atnnfliiir. ' within the limits of tho city of Reading, on the farm of Win. B, Schocncr. It is oalled ihe President a name giren to it many years ago by tho Tenerdble William J Cohoencr, father of tho present owner. Tbo slock or trnn of tho trco measures fire feet and a half in diameter ; at a point ft few feet .bore the ground, thcro is a protuberance or excrescence of bark, of great hickness, not included, however, in tbo measurement Its aanual yield of apples was never less thin sixty bushels, The apples in size were us large s tho Falleuwrlder, Tho trco is estimated to be oyer a hundred years old and attained its prcsont sizo fifty yoira ago. Tho upper If inches aro large massive columns, which would make ten ordinary apple trees, supporting when in bloom, an arch of foliage of s'nty.five feet in diameter, for ming a circumferenca of over two hundred feet. . Apple yellow and green ground, faint red cheek, whito ilesb, sub-acid, juicy, short thiok stem, shape symmetrical, and all of rcgulrrsizc. Season from November till .April. Planting Timber Land. It is said that thirty years, at tbo present rate of cutting and slashing, will sweep on all treos fit for lumber east of the MUsi. sinni. Wo must riso youn" timber. If we allow second growth to spring up t;n acres of fertile land, well managed, v.il supply a family with fuol ; Cvo more will fenco 0 medium farm. On poorer 8 'ils more will be required, It i to be cut once in twenty year,- Dnt in spontaneous geowtb, wc have not a choice of the best timber we have to taio it as it comes, good and bad. It is better, also, to plant in rows, 'and then a wagon may bo easily driven through any Dart, in drawing out tho timber. Plant alternate rows of l'jcust, chestnut and Europoan larch. If one does not happen to succeed well, the others will have a chance, and the lnd will (.till bo occupied. rsr Dr. Uellow.i id lecturing in Bost'n n Vo ili.rtiBna Sniflv The) vrnnl 1 011 ti-.B .uncases o. ao.jety. ica worm dlfiase With Which Society I affliOttd jUlt 1 asw it a tiffbtBtM of rbf shnU I or nil dl.aese; lhagrcol, flriteau.e Bprlugslrom neglsrl of Nature's law.. 8UKFL5 NOT, WHEN ACUr.lMsrJUARAN'rKED ill ALL STAGES OF SEOUKT DISEASES, StlfiUbw, Avrrons HMMy. Sttlttnrn. altttt Html, llicb.tti. Villain of I. Aldatys and Blniiir, Mm, rial Hismstism, 6tret, rl In tkt linn nd Jltklu, IHium if thi rm,wi a t.yit. I VKirl ; Ma Ei!3 or Lmtl, umn uropiy. rpi I t,uu rni. tt nac, .. an tuiam ri . ....... " ... .iif lleff.,!,. from dirant fmeet .fa. ffrrael Off . Nuchas Nervniie Trembling. Loss of Memory, io.s 'RSU Waseruinr..., JJi'P'i''"' .V, VinU'lV Ultuness oi vision wnn I.0! of Sight. Dlsin.e. Lriiiillulif upnu flic 11 cat rain In Ihe back and head, reniale lr r-guiatiiies ami; ij impforr tiiKijtpa the diipiipa originated, liawever long standing or obtlmale tho an a perniaiienteiirccanlweucctiduynliyrjllijruenu.iciil I even alter llindl.eafe has rained the sklilor ni.l lent Ipliytlclana anil resisted all Ihclr tniane or cure, 'thai , medicines ar-plea.sot without odor. causing no sick 1 nessnnd lrc from mcteuty or balsam. During twrmy ,?'' or practice I lino rescued from me Jsw. or aliova mentioned dliraita had been given up lo tlia-by , ttiolr physicians, which warrants ine In promising lo t fa enilcirii, woo may pmco ii,,i,.-i, , .miui r my jcare, n perfect and mn-l speedy cure. Secret disen.es are 11 c greatest euemiea 10 uiuiin.af iney are lii urvi eauaa ol Conatimnt'on, Hcrofu'a and many other tl earea and rhould oo a terror to the human inmliy. Aj a prmauent rure If ftartely ever rot mil, a ninjorllv of tho cate f.ttllng Into the tunut of inrontptfifpt prrionfl.wfto noioit) fall to turo tho iHiraieii tut rut n the conntitutlon. flllltii the lyiipm with mcrrurv, which, with th dlBCa.Bc. hatttna the tuiTcrcr into n mpid t'omampilon. Hot ttioutii iho ditpatf and Urn treatment ml twwft death atiecdlty and the victim niarrits, the ilisram ii enlfttlfd upon h chihlien. n ho ure tmrn ft lili ffcblo coiiititutlom, pnd the ctirrri't f ttfo corniptfl by a vihia which helrojt Irrvll In UrroO'liti Icttei, Ulcrrp, Krupilor.i and oilier ffet("Oiia of thi ikin, ryp, lUtoal, and Lungn, entnlilnfr upon them a hrif eitiience o f marring and ci hiUqIus them to mi early grave. BKl.K AUt'ninaiiDtliff rbrmtdnbie enrm to hnllh , for nottiltig eUc Id ihe (Jrad cdtatone of hnn'an l tHct raufts ni ilentructlvf a oram upon lhf ryvtem, i raving m thoiuantli of vkttmn ilironjih a ii-w )iari of luUeribg uann to an untlm ly grave U 3etro)f the tiervnim ytein, rapi-lly witm away the c pi'ijtt oftile, ruureit mental di'rany m nt ptc enii th por developn et of th lyurm, diqnahni i rr marrl.ijta tocViy. tuilneif, ami all rarlhly linppineM aitd Imvi the snifprer v, recked hi boily nmi ml ml. pieditpr'ifd lo cont'imptloti aiiti -i trntn of evil" tni'te to be tlMnckd thin death itclf. With the fulltat confltlrnre la"ture the unlortaimie vicilmi ti felf Ahuvp th.it a prrni-infnl and ipfidy rare-can be effected, and with the abandnn tnenl ofr-unou prncilreH ny patieiil can bo rvitoicd to r btii, vlgotou health. The anHtletl ere caiitHnied agatnn. the nte cf Talent Medici mi. for there a r to many ineetil nnri in tne columns ol the public irint to catch and rub the unwary mffereri tlibt mlllmn have their conrtitu tiom ruined b thti vile compounds of quark dnctore, or the equally polionoua nosttumit vended aa Patent MetiiemeB." 1 imve cirefuliv analtzfil manv of iho o called Tntent Meiiicines and Qnd lhat uenrfy all of them crntain Urrorive iuniina e wintii ih one nt Ihe atrongeiL pteparatlnnt ol mercury atid a deadly potion, which injread of curio c, tht diseaie dlrablei the nyitcm lor life Tliree fourths of the patent uoorurrti now In use nrfl nut tin hv tinnrlnei nlfd and iei-orant nereon. who I do not imdcrvlaitd evm the alphabet ot flip mitfifa mtdica, and are equally nn iiettnutf oi ony Knouifnga ol the. human nytieiii. having otiu objoci onlv in view, and thai l ts.e -mony regart tec? of ronpi qurrcn. Ir rcuT.ir Jtlra nnd all i.ltva of malf and females tpat?don princip'ea eMahlihed by twinty . rof nnictice, and antii(ncl by ih'iipnniU cf tho most re markable cures. Mcitielnt's with full djicrtloni sent to any pi ft of the Unit a Stales or Cnnailus, by h tienla eiuiiii mi i tat ine tht-Jr fymptoms liy letter. JJusi nets cnrrnpoinJunrp utrtctlv ntifiui-nHal AddrcSF. J. SUMMKUVILLH. M. D., Office. 1131 lamr street, (old No. 100.) UclowTueUlli. riiitai'tIpliij la. JalylM837-(Marcn4) 0ATAWIS9A, WILLIAMSPOKT A ERIE RAIL ROAD. Direct Rilrod connection between Jftag&rtt Ftllt mud pkitaitiphla. SA'rte( Quickttt and Cheapest liouffivm HeMtrnXnc Verfcts Philadelphia, Harriiburg, Pitt$burg Baltimore, It'ashngtox otg, and tht Strnth. PAS8CNGl.il TRAINS leave i:initra dally (exeen Sundays,) nt7 A. ni passing Williamspnrtat 10 lit A M. connecting with Bead'iig Rail (tua! atl'orlClIm loo, unu ri'ut.iiinK i iMiiidtiiuiiu ui ju r, .ii, lieiurning, leave Philadelphia from corner of Droad and Vln8itrpelf,a7:W, A. M. reaching Willjamsport, at 5 13. F. M. mul arriving iitlll.UnaUi, P. M . PASSENGXR TKAIN3 WILL LliAVK PORT CLINTON FOR IIARUISBURG Direct, via Dauphin and Susquehanna YtallRoad.nn tii arrivalolCatavlsta Train, nt 445F.M.reaching Hut i riiburgat8 P M. Urturnmg leave llarrleburgal7 J5 A.M..connctlni tat I'ortUli niou with Cailawiiia train bonnd weal form. WSSiii ,'oin',. wV.h u'i' "S?. Rochee.er. Uull'aloandMnaarnralla. LVr.tectlnttdirectly Willi thedreal Weelern tlaitroa at Snapenslon lirnlae ror Detroit, Chicago, bit. Loul., Ac- ttiu. makini;thc.liortcj!t,and theapc.iroulerron l'hilailt'lphl.( Intlio.c point.. A PUEIHH I' TRAIN. Will (cava Willlamsporl DAILY, at 0 30 A. M.ro I'liiladclpbia. rrclglittratn to andfrom riiiladelphio Hithoultran ahlpment.rroiu Heading Hail Road FrclglitUepot.eoru. eroruroatl and Cherry alreele. TRAINS TAS8 DAN VILLI) AS FOLLOWS UOIHO EA.T. Paeaenger Train Trcight Train , GOING WEST. raB.engarTrnm , Freight Train, FARErl u M. 9 Ml A.M 3 ! M 2i! P. M. UclweenrhiladelphiiandP.upert, tt 40 ' Danville, 4 CD " catawieea, 4 :to Tamatua 3 110 " Milioii 5 10 William. pori, a C'O U A i'ONUA, fi'flriuloiltnl Jan SO. 183 PIIII.A. AND HEAD1KO RAIL ROAD M!erfrrar.,fTnfear Panengtr 7ainr. January lsf, 1857. UP Trains, going North, leave Fhilai'etLhU ' il71 A. M.amt i I'. M. Down TralnacMinzoutti, leave rctUvillcat 71 A.M ice. and 4 1'. lf Ui'trainapias Rcadinf at I0.2i A. M.andC,fJp. M. aownTraint 5.I3.A. M, 5,43 P, The CxnrsfiTritln la dmcontlnncd until f.irther no tice Cloeeniinecti')iisari m.ide by the lO.i. A. M til j Train from Pntt Clint, uto LlmitHand all Interme diate (tomiki : una uv ino n.-."j r .ti up I ratntrniii Tort Clinton to El.iiif.i.U.uioiuUijriu ll'ift.-'lo, Niagira.De dakltis thla mute thetiliortestind chejoett to th$ Lakt Erltit and Canada, OnSjniliva.thl Down A. M. Trtln Troni Poltavllla. andUpr.M, Train from Philadelphia, only, run. IlAaRiiarfta CoakcnoNs, by Dauphin Ratroad atAa Dnin A special Aecominndulnn rassenger Train leaves Readiiisilailly. (except Sun.lays )al71 A.M.. returiiiue from Auburn aid, V. M., on arrival ol 3,10 p. M. Traiurrom llarnsburg. WAY FAKES FnOM Readinq to 'liiul. (phln. 9l.7Ja.iid 1.45; Potlsvllle Sl.05 and 0,ii; viunurn, u 10. . TllllOUOIl rARE3.tn Harrlebiirg S J S3; TamaiM tflif Wiliani.port S1.10; I'.lmira WU: Canandaia .$4 00 Hdir.ii or MagraSIO.OO; Cuveind ,10, Toledo $14.71 ; Cincinnati ajia,u , Chicaro S.'u.W Ok Island JSS.on. ALL Passenserswlll procure tickets ue'oreencrlnS tt caei ! in cents extrn on Pares paid In the Cain. tylba..or persennl Dai. aieallowed each Passenoge oiovcr thai weight ascharged Extra Rflg-atre- O A. NICOLLH, january3J. 1837 If. nen'lBup'i maiiriaoe ouinn RV Dll WILLIAM youno, maruiaoi: cuttii: v mi. wili.iam yuuno, marriaob ouinn nv im, wili.iam voi nii. MAIMtiaOE (il'lpr. 11V till. WILLIAM YIJCM1. MAitniAnn cuinn iiy im. ii.liam vohnii, MAIlltl.WIt'. UKIIir. IIY Dll. WILLIAM YOlINn, MAllllIAaE lil'IUK BY I)i(. WII.I IA5I OU.Mi. . MAllltlAlil! flUIHE-YOUNG'SCIIEA'I rS-5PHYSIOLO0ICAL WOItlC: THE POCKET Saj-9i'.T:''CULAPIIJS, or Ever) One his own D'vior. by W.m Yocsu, M D Ills written Ii. pldin language for tiie general ira-fler and Is Illus trated with upward ol one hundred engnvings. All young people, or those contenipl.iliii; luar.'iBge, and hiving the lea.l Impediment to imnieil lira, should read this book. It diaeloies secrecta that every one should beaeiualntrd with i still, It is a book that must be kepi locked tip and not M aboutlhe house. Ji v ill be tenl loany one on luc receipt of twenty-Qve cents Address, Dll. IVM. YOUNG, 1S2 Spruce street, above Fourth. Aug 23, 18J7 Plilladlpbia, Pa. WILLIAM J. BEIDLEMAN, 8att)le nutr games. SIAMJFACTDRljn. loom fcturj, Aag. t. &$7, NKW WAGON SHOP, Willow Grovej South Uloombur. TUB undisrsisned reapectfully inform k bis Mends ami th public generally, that he hav taken the stand htclr occupied by Mr Robert HtoUt.ln V lltow Grove, riauih UIoonikbur, below the Uai.road, wl.ero he win conimua me Wagon-making Jiusiness. In all Its vario ts departments, in good siywafiu fiimonvrair imni Alio-llepalrinj Wagon., JJiiff In. Carriagea, Bul- ,ij,,Ar ,'aBe t0 order and on iUriumc Or Produce tsaen for work. m,,u B,0Crn.tUrr Arms- Mr-?RLL3 rROlVLH ONtl tlOLLATl A YEAR. Circulation over 1UU,UI)U Copies lI'ccAYy.i 25 Witnesses, on, TIIE 1'OltOEH CONVICTED. 10IIN t). UVI'. la Ilia Author ivhn haa htil ten J yraraofcparlapro na a Uaukpr and ruhllhr. ntid Author 3 1 tHie ierlarel at Iki iiroaa'vay 7lirece whtn.ror Ion ru-cemvo nuim.over tr 10 utiO I'eopla Cliected fa t in with routine ol appleuee. Hl.llrho ex. I'lbiud I lie' nil oner In w h IchOountrr fetter exieute Ihclr iniura. ami theaureel and ahuittttt tneana or del ritna tneiu I TA Bk A' Esrjr all ay tSttKelt tkt grtattit Greatest hiscovcm of the I'rcscnt Ccntttrv rt..iAJt T7...1. nM,. jvr iscmwta wnntrrjm j,iurtn, .whj, Describing evrry OehtHnelHII In nU.cnce nnd eihlb.ttre ata glance every Cout.Urftit In run. a lion Ar aniMlsoadnilrablv,thatnererc.,eels Taiy and Detection Instantaneous. irr No Index to einmlna 1 Ko pAtrr m imtii upl nut an slmplined and arran ged. lut 'lit Merchant, Banker ard Bitilnfl's Man tan sre nil at a g tantt, 1 ZngtliK, Frtnth and Otrmn ' TTiuj each may reaa tia same in iili'tiun Native Tongue, Most p(rftct Bonk Note list Published, A In a almt of all the PRIVATE IMNKCRd IN AMHRtCA A eompleie Summary of the Fiiahlb or Eraorc axq AHtnit'A will he pubUalit-d in eah edition t, getlter with alt the Important NP.Wrt OF Til K DAY Also, A SCBlEd'Or TALI B From nn old Moiinscrip lond In the Cait, It fur nlihea the most er.mntt t hl'ory of oiugntal un:. And dcscf Ihl the mopl piplexlrp pnsltlonn n whirh the UdleMnndgOrttlfinen ol tta t ciMintry liavo UfPil to oltcn found. The so ftorls will coitiinuo thrntiihout thn wliol year and will prove the ino enif .mining; pvpt on"rfn in mr ounito Furnished we. Ul? to Bbarrlhra only, at 1 a year, A! Helen mutt be n.'rtrt n, JOHN' H OYO. Hrktr Futlithf r and Proprlct' r- 70 Wall tl , New York. OLEU3I LIQUOR. CERTIFICATE. IW R flirt tindprin'npd IIoo!ft PnlntoM i ' iP- .He ., Ifi", Pi 7..I; Air1 Invnicd Olriiin fdquor Mtlntifa'tired by Unln Oitiimn & llretnk, In rhilddplptiit. nn liupnrt , jtnil and Invo ffunil It n-M m-i'iut snbttiiute f r L ftFfii Ull. iitr I'lpiiui n inn rynrr ii nitr-ri, ui r t of only ulwil hitfas niuch ltitseonildirabU r'dnclng llw fiprrtse ol palming We would thrt-hire recniu mend the piibMc to ita general uno.ond otter It has been tried its superiority uver htntred oil will bo at tested to by all, ciMnr.Es quick, AMOS UNUKR. Wild I A M W OLfjE, I2DWAHD DUNI1ARD. Jur.e 13, !?, T IIEREHY "cer ify ha I hive had X Hn-iifj Fainting proiCutcd Htely with the above named OU-tiui Liquor, a ad concur In nil ri'pect with Ibt recommei' aiiHi of tht nbove ti tmed gcnlbinipu, twt u. Ill h t, ilL1 thai in fit lnro t will h.uu nn niln ll.e above nanud valuable liauor Thne ho may ' deaire lo vipw lie ellccti.. .nil call al my re.idence, . where they can cniielnco lhr.nn.lvr or all tint la re- 1 where they can cnnvlnco llir.tmvra or all tint la re pre.ented or Ihe Oleum Lliiuor in roird lu bi'auly and dunbfiiiy. J. ISAAC I1RE1NIG Juno 15, 18S7. J. S. & L In I'iiROT, Produoo an 'I General COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No 30 North Whan a, PHILADELPHIA. RarcacNCBa: JnhnF Pn!.ton.i:.i Philadelphia. Mc.ra Hacker. Lea & Co. " Srt'l. l'r.ro a. Co llncknnr StfCafninon Jl Co. ' Charle. Ellia & Co. .. B. Morrla Ualn i Co . Ontcrbridge, Arvov & Co, " Charle. at Joeeph Perot, .. " Thoina. it Mainell, New York. C. M. McChing c Co. .fit I. nun. Mo. J 8. Morn. & Son, Loili.vllle. Ky Ynreh 15, 18311-v EVANS As NEWCOMER, (Feen.ry IVilb I; .Wiccem.r,) Arch rnn, abuvo Third, Philadclphta. HOURH OP MCAI.S- r Uaa ah fast. 5. G and 7 o'clock la 10 DiaaER.Gentlcnien'airdinary, I o'clock lo3. 41 l.udiea,M o'clock. Tea. IQo'clocklu 11. CVAN CVAN8.J U.S.NUWCOMnil Aug.lI,lS55 y. OITARI.KS II. MMIPI.H'3. HIKE AND LIQUOR STORE, N. 1 411 K01V1 Thinl Street, Above Race, Kan Side, Two doora above tlicUtgil Philadelphia lias conslatitly on hand French Brandies, Holland inn aim a crurrai uFsuf uiieiii ci i orentn Wittr nlar. nil kin-l ol AuiTiran tpifi's, ic. National i liotei. ( LATE WHITE SWAN, ) Sides 8f Stover. Race &Ciett, ab ve Thin , Phikvlilphia PiTsaSmas lateorihcnr'n5tvena.i;:liigsheau&Co JAKrsT S'uvan. or the Union lloiel, August 3, laiO JOHN IV ALLKM & CO. Nus. 2 .J- -1 Chrsnut, Strdt iouOi side bt ..if W'.ter,) Philadelphia. (Tire nt.ni:T WotD ware tloru. In 'Ihe Cut 1 "ITANUFACTURMIS and Wlii.li sale neoli r. n ral 1I pi,l Uahinf -madp Ur-fmii, I'aleni Ort'ovi.l Cedar, wire, waraatediiel to stria Wnmt and Willnw-warp Cord-, limine" itc,. i.full dcicrnolia. Pltaie cal and examine euretnOc, Jaiuary 'I . IM. i y, DYEK'S HOTEL. Cattawissa Pa., n HIP old and we 1 1 Known Hotel hi the town f-r-A .1 jf Catiawisa ieitlll kept bt the nnder. m-S siaurd, and In npitt-of alt licinie laws, he IsJlifilB. utte rnu ned lo makf Ins house one ol the uiosirom'itiitj hleoiari-afortravelerelnstop at. thai can be found hi Ihn tn tenor ot Ptinylvmi(a III lablr vill bofumiWi ed doily with thf beat the .Market can afford. n7Myoldfrieiidaandlravollerr(i.-ncral nrelnviied ' Ma0VL.S.-y. JAC,)" "YIJI1- States Union filotel. PORJIEERLY RED LION HOTEL.) No. 200 M.ucrt ntfU, Plulmlclphta. p I'O ROE W. II I VK 1.13 Proprietor, rnrn.erl) o(Ca .7 liliubla. Pa., would inform his mend, and tli' lul Ic that hecontinuea lo keep the above itniheil lloiei ivliichia welland ravnrably known Ihroiighouitli,. etlaleaaonenfrbenldealand most ronvenleni Houhn he city . lie mostrespeclfull t aollriDaahnrenl pub lie u.mn i-. o Apill 7. HiS, WM. S. SMITH & CO. Produce Factors AND OFJfnn.1L COMMISSION MKHCU.1XTS, No. 00 North Wharves, PHILADELPHIA. The Market lalue of all consignments advanced in Cath when desired. Mjrcll II, I Ml y MONTOUR HOUSE, CORNER OK MARKET AND MILL STREETS, tlnmtdtatvt oppttitl (As Ceart 7euis, UAAVILI.K. I'A HA VINO been recently renovated and mfurnl.licd in a superior style, tins elegiint llabells now reupn lor Ihe reception ur strangers and visitors, wlioee pa ronage Isruspecllully reiutated. . . B' ' URADY. JOHN U. YEAOER, to nablo II at A; Can Slore FS .10.103 NORTH THIRD STREET. f.lll.ADe.LHMIA. T0 Merchanla and vj.iiors from Northern Pennay lania.araroinepirullyiiivlledlo give hlruacall, when visiting Philadelphia. JuneVr.le.5o y. C. C -ADLER ,y CO., NO. 9, Nor h Waie S reo Philado'- Phla COMMISSION MERUUANTS. and dealer? in Lard. Shoulders, Uhccie Il4i.ii, Bucket , Forks, Flour tit. Anlill M.ntv IMIILADFsLIMUA 0 ARPIiT S I OUR CAnPDTIN-133, OUCIoths. Window Shades. Matran Mattinju Juil ruceivcd 20,000 pieces new si Tin nufactu'ed and Imporl-d expressly for (MRPCC LL. Mfrchants and Uousekaepers will please no No, id and 8u North Second Street, lit door below ost'i Vhureh. March J IMO, DNCY JONES. II0K8E LINIMENT AND OATTLE POWDERS. TTinn -it u f ii ri,l.i.: IUH BalO at the CttCC Of tkt UoJumbia 9 1 rVrmritll IllliUlIiOLll'SCElililfejJ'ritlil'AKATIOX I IIIUIII.Y CONCl:TnATEII CO.MrOUNU TLUII) UXTRAW llUCUU, rtr DUimii e it BUllir Miti (Iratil. Drei, . l'(ak.'i. OMnclUHt. tnlil Jliiaief , frmtlt CtmpltMl ntl M llilaltl tf tAl htival Orgini Atlal'a1 from r.jcrtafi ami liitpiuitenelei In lit. and rrmovin al lniitriuur IMerlinraes rrom thn bladder. Kldnfye.oiifcXM.il Orenn-. whether etlillnc In ... JIAMI on FliMALU. Tron tvhitevercnuo they may have orlelnnLed, and no nalter Thaw louir atiunlnr elvlna henlih and vluot to tin Iraine. and lilooui In th pnMId check. It curerNervun, and In bliliaiiulsunWcra, nnd rcmorra I nl) t,e urmpionn nmoiif wtiiflt will befomi'i In.'iipo n.fficui.y n. iiri.i.i.Gei w uHucm. linrwr of I iirte. eoBnerts, . r;w iorr oi Dentil, isttiit uwiiis. i.vni i eii, inci thick, "no- .nes of Vision, l,i.M'tr, Ur,ni U;sliuri of the Mi.trtiMr Hto,., O.Jen i:n;'rmou- Apprt to. w tl. ItyKprpiie Hymptnm llo'tlmis 1 luihlitgnl the IWy. lmV.r,r of th-HMn Tallld CounleutMind Krupllons on thj-rjcc, r alia In lt.e Jlnek, flntvfness of the Me , wnhTcnuomrj PuPuilm"! mtd l,oi ol O.iit J hot.tof than anhttidtf, and mtnlir ihry nmr iircmt for tfnr of tht'tidirvca, tmrp"i',ff manner, no rornesi nra no spectati"n, out a iturrieu trnaitiun irom one ques tlnn to another. Thvo ayiiiptaniS' if allowc.l In go on wNch thla medicine invaiiatity remotea-aoon fill on lusa of row r Falniiyani Fpilepilc Pita I n one of whirh tli patient mayi'Xlre. Wlm ran say that the- ei cpsses are not freu itty followed by thse direful lBraca Inta -ity nd Commfpntion 1 Tin record of ltir Inxtine Aiyiumi, and ihn n'Hanfholy deaths by C(vninm)lioii hf.ir noipTfl witnffi to llif truth ol tliew 6irtt"iia. In tuwille Asylums the ntoit itiftanrholy cxlnbltio'i appears Th" counienance Is nrtuilly od den imkI quite df Miluio neitiw mirth or griefs ever visits it. lmild n sound the voice occur, U H raielyartf ulate. 'With woe fit I tneaiurea wnn depar Low silllPii nmtttct hi crirf b gulVd. Outfit yii iiMstterriii-l nnd ln bro'igal thousands intnn thousands to uriilmoly sravca, this burins the ambtimi n many .ioLIo jnutha It can be cutcd by t Mm ue (f tin WFJtir.tRLr, nr.itiwr. II ynuar" surTidntt Hh anvni inr ntiove dlstresilns f ailment tlx F uld i.xt n t thichu vili cure you Try It and be convllirotl 4,1 it t ffirncv Brnvari ni flu rk itr'iiiii und Qnnck netnrs who faleHy h antof nb liiieand rpr-rpncs (. liizn know ant .ovoid tli.-m iml -avplons suiPring money, and eipnsuro. by sen.lnnf or calling fur bottle of th pofiiiar aiiu sp'riuc rcmi-ay I 11 n'liya nil t"i In id Iti flam mil Is nerfeetlv ptfAantlii its taste ami odor, but lmufiliito lu Its action. IIELMnOT.l). nXTRACT BTtt'IIU ts prepared itirft-tly ucrorihne t.t t'ie rules of r,iiritty end lAemistry, Willi Iho gnr.te.t ntmrary eid rheml"ftl tnovled;e nnd care devoted In l' cumbiiialiou, t-en Frofcasur Dewte"' Vidn tble Work on thf pranicr of ph)alc, uud mot of tho l.l ti.mdird Wurks tf.Mpflielne, If-yONF, IIUNliHCI liOM.AKH.t3 One hundred dnlLira willhepitd to any physieian whncuti iiii.ve tint tho Medicine pvt Injured a I'a li e nt ; and l'" tealini'tny of th iiHan-'s ran b pnnlucrM to i rove that It d'i a nn-nl sixh Caacs of ftom one week to th- rii'en yta'a' s'aud.ng liae men t-iT'Cfcd. '1 ho masnl vmIuii a y teflimonj in possfsijon of the pr'tprictor voneliiiii U viriucs and curilive powers. IS lllimrirsu, winuiiiting muiiius ii i Knuivn lu Ut'lCllCO IDO.POO hollies liavo bei-n sold and not a single In ;"co '",, "a'": , re . . Vcnonj ly n i i.-nred before o e. an Alderman or the ci'y or I'll lailPlnhln, II. T. lluLani.n Chpinl!, who bplnc duly eworn doea any. that hia preniralion enn talna no Njrcoiic, Mercury cr Injurious lliug, hul are purely vegetabla II. T IICLMROLD, Solo Manuhcturar. flworn and auUicribed belore me lhla23d day of No Vclibcr IB5I. W.M.P I1IIIIIAR1). Alderrran. Trice SI per bottle, cr tlx for SJ, dntivered to aay ai. drill, ncroiiipanieil by ri'li.ltile nnd reeponaible cerltfi calcs tenn Profeo-a or Medical Collegea. Clergymen, und lliern. rrcpartdandioiil ny II T IlCl.'IKOLD, Precticil and .natylical Chemist, N'o r,2 flunlh TENTH St., below Clie.lnul, Assembly Diiililifia-s. rhilndtlohi-i. To bt had cf J It MOYKti Bloom'burg. end of alt iivpriiii ana iirauri mrougnoui ia. iNicea iarci, CaaaJaj aatf Uritlth I'roolnai a iiEW.MtE nr r-ouNrr.nrMTb. ASK FO'l III'.I.MIIOI.IIS-TAICE SO orilLR. t;URLS CUARANICKU. June 13, IE". M3W AND USEKUI.. A Substitute for Unseed Oil, fPATCVT AITLIIIII FOR rpiIEumleroi.fiiMl oiler lot ho public i heir Oleum Lf. J nuor ni an piriiicutbu'i-tittHi; for Llnvred Oil, as a thinner f-r all sorts ol hAuis ground In Oil, except Venetian Red. When iDinned with th Oleum the Paint wUI cover belter i ry quitkur and will b more durjblf.nnd whn varnish' d, ihe pmnt will have nnd rcUln Hie nioil gt-fy appearance; aiuihu flneticity of thi thinner illl eniiOieHif pnin t ie d to the vaiuuli; nnd the cracking and icnhnjroir. no cominon In ordii.'ury vai -liialipil ( f.attri fj tr vnurftv nrntr.fd F-r piintHig Tin Ufoifl its equal cannot he found. TliMJii'iimcw hi iifH b ItfHi.rf r in common with Lt.ih("IOil Vun Uh, Jflper. or Turpeiiiin nt the op lion (T the Paiiitf-r 1 Iti f.-t.i it. uliotit our. half of tba vf Llnrpcd Oil. tint cttutidir d.ly retiucri' iIip exnente ol pmntmir. Weuinimily rcio-i,i,ciid itlrtill purliu-w indtca- I "" w.trram U to 10 givu sutituciion a iiot-rai dis. muni. r IllltL'I IONS. Thin thr nalni wllh the i.:. quo r tti J woik it w-et I, until U fluwslrfvty front Ihe hrilill . i 'I he br till nuift be 'ran fton all rvdttufe nnd inn. riabt nuijlit to h wukud w:ll w ith the Oleum Lii'iu , previous ti puiminc Inrt-alui piacin; the br-ifhei In wa'er over niftht, as pdttttrn fin, uiiiy ii. itc pipht lobe pul in the O l.lrifir w'httl w ill K'eaily li'ctlitatf ih work. The paitii iinxc i with thv O nun L q't-jr will work h-iter if It ba nil w(.d tit fund irom U lo hours pro vl'i.i io lift ti 1 12 uel.Miul thtiiihi-.ii.-d to s'lrn a coii3iit'incy ai to work Tree ii wd tttpv uit-icr tho brush y .tin ii f Jipm in.i nim tV1)i ha r-ml-tred still Anr.er. MixiheJ.ipn tirn with the paint and then tlnn ii Will Hi-.' Oiiuni Liftor in the maiincr men tlonrd nbuvt. tlflO po'indsof Paintthinn'd vllhMi Oleum Li quor, wilt cover o hrjer suifice than lj poiuJi tlun ncd with oil 'I in Oleum I..qufr If not to be ined with Venitian Red, nor w th I'mot cont.iimnj; ny pinportion of it llRLINU). UATTMAN At B.tLINIO, Amncin F.ifni nnd Oo'i r Works, Corner '.'-Ith and Crten t-rh lla.f P r,hli Omc N U cur-ici TJurd aud Wood sts V illad'ci pbia. Pi. June 0. Iri5? IMP( RTANT TO F.VERYI10DY F?OK iho last ihree yeais, I hivf baen enpaerd In a bnsici'So known tintv '0 misclf nnd. rnnw.urriit-a ly lew nth era, wh-m I have instructed (or ttic aum of a.'ftieHch, which iiaiaviased mt-at the rate ol .0.w 1 1 $3uuo titti nn 11 11 i.i ; .in. I ii iving mide nrr.ui!;ementR to ;o to Fuiopi- in t tic Spring ( f I-'iy to eouajf in the sii.ii- h'l.inti. I am wt'lmu to pivd lull f niructin in iIip nit to nnv i- ron in the United St.itfs or Cant diis, wh will rt nut nn ihe an u l'$ a n ind.iccd, IrfMii ihn auctPM I hvo 'tfeii i.tvori v ih ami ihi tainnv tliitiM'ul Arkiiriifi!um'n s ( tie iCfvi'drrt)ni tlimf v.h I havu insirurif,! immI win nrp makiiis Irom Si to 15 pt-r d.i at il.to mve any prraii an opporiiiinty ti ent;i;H in tl is ImeinM whWi hisv Hi-unnt hivI veri i i.tltabl" at trial I ctiai Then is po4itvlv .o 1 1 I'm bco in ih unttfr. Rt-irrr nrrn of the hi vi clara can h ti-oii ai rrgirdri tta character and I can rttier to prons whom I have inairucie,!. w bo will tetfy that ihev nr- maklns fmni ft' lo 915 per day nt Iho .iiiip It I a husiifs in which ithr larfif or pcntleuien can fnj.ifjn and with p-rdei eai-f iiiitkn ft frv h'lnUnne ihn iup. Htverai fadiei in va noli ffai in New York. p. iinrlvinii and Maryhnd uhtnti I hive iniructrtl lire now inkin fr-m $'1 10 S'per day alit It is a CJtNTktL Iiusihibs, and ti.it a iw 'till iuK is rtauin d M kiu:' It Up-m receiptor $1 I will inmeifi.iii y rrnd lo ihM apphctiit a prin"d 1 rircidar coiiiainnix till nuir.iclinn in tha orl which can ho perlfCll iMMlrnrtnui'ut oiee. All let ers.iiiu; be addren-fd (purt paid) to ALLLN T PAR-OXB, k , 3J4 Broadway, New Vork. Franklin House. ! MIiKEI! LAIttK. Proprietors. Cheanut St., between Third nnd FourtC PHILADELPHIA. ' ceptcniberl3, IfJC, THE TtEV. C.TRUTtTnTTT, while labmiiig aa a Ml.alonary in dnulliprn Asia, nil coveri-d a lmplp and c rlaln cure Tor Ceat Hmarfaa. s(a ma, BreacAllij, Oivj, Coldl .Vrrraui Drlidiy. and all iinpiiritiia ol Iho Bloodt al.o. an enay and erfcrluan nuule 'ofli.haling iho Ittiniay Actuated In adpaiiotl benefit bis anlTering fellows he will chcerlul'y rend lh KpiImi (free) 10 such aadesire it. with (ull and riplirit directuinsfar prenariii;; and successfully using the Medicine. Address. nev C. B. BURNETT, ,. ,,.. , SJIDroadway, NY. City. Augusll,leii7-6m "COSTAR'S" RAT, ROACH, EXTERMINATOR. &0. Put !.) in SOc. 33c .GSc. and ,1 hosea. "COM'Alt'rl" I1ED HUG EXTERMINATOR. Put up in Wc. 5U . 73c, ami 91 bnitie., "C03TAR'rJu ELEOTIilC POWDER FOR ANTS, INSECTS 4c Put up in 21c. and Oc boxes, Tllnclpal Depol. Nn. :W Urnaitivay, New York, and sold by I rucgi.tsanil Ilealera everywhere In the Uni lid Hlataa, (ana-las, West Indies and Mouth America, Aur 81 I8-.7 Im HOWARD H.VIMIKSS COMPANY. M ORWAKIi and del ver package, on ihe line or the f Poll.vila andRenllng. Csltaw,.o, Wllliam.porl and Erie, ai d William.porl and Emilia Railiiad.. Dufla. Noles and Billa-hroiuMiy collected. rrincipai utre. Lhesinit irct. orders r , GooU delivered, antfOcodr coirrrtei fret eriNniv lll ll'.ir.ll It.. "Vi fW.V a rrincipai uirei. no inestnii sirc.i. rjroer. lor SALAMANDKR HUM AND fillUI' 1'ltOOF SAFES. tiiu LAiiouar ASSORT- ment In the Drilled Hialce. Warranteil lo Be etnai 10 any w tmitln. nmt wllllio aold Oil aa eood lorma, acan be obtained from any other houae 111 the country, at . ., SO S.ltU ii.dhiludelptila. TRUTH ISMKIIITV AN II Wit.!. t'RUVAIM ftiport tftU Coeinlllee.afnelalrdle anferlafrarf A flam. Ir ! r n, atila.lijf.vtrr 117, 1 HT. ' Rtinao. MaicbJ, Ioj7. The unilertlaned. membera or the coiamlttee. do rrrpietli.il v report, thai woiaw ibetnn aalea. 01 l-l VAKtfe!f.!?Jn.hi W.r.nir. nifieMl ilili livilde in a lurniee, vlt t Tho . lh. na,mai..r of ihpn.iladelphla and " . , f -"l Wj'tt,B nv It ofilco at Re adliiff. A 7 ParrWfc "ffif'Z R&iyff !,y 1 iTn.i nut Inbooks and nancrsi t nvanUation, and put inbooks and papers) tt U) ml mir cofdi of gr ren ' 4r f r y. I wo f 0 ! aubier lUt mcmb m ot t .eC oromltlce. J were oiene.1 and the books and papera taken outby Hie Uoninilttep and sent to II. A.l.nnls'a store lor pnhliceinlii!anl)on.andniaikPil by Ihe Coniinltleo The bona, and pap f e taken rrom the Baro. minuTac lured In Farrals It Herring, were. fn our Jmlgrseiii, da nineed rally ni teen per cen I, more lhan those taken from Evnn. at Watson's P.ife. We believe Ihe above tohave been a fair and im parliiltrial ofihe roan. rllvc quailtlra or both Safes. H JACOB II. DVPIIKIt. t)ANlH. 8. HUNTER. Having been absent during theburnlng, wo rally enlnilile wllh the above a 1.1 lemeii t r I he co udltlon or thepapersand tooksuken out or Ilia respective Bares. O.A.NICOLLS. i(. 11. ntntt.cviir.ria. JAB..MILHULLAND. Wflf Vl'Uiril Ull "-n.l,a.t l ii a. -J March S3,I?37. DIPLOMA AWARDED Ty the PtnR$ylrnnia ftet Jtgrtuhvttl tteiety end h-J antral Lountu eMirtu. ta HUr.lJWU, FkfWkHKLt) V VU , for thtir Celebrated VenttobU CAVVLK I OWUFM r?OH Ilnriies, it la an inv.iluaiilr reioedv for the cure i. and p I'Veniion 11I all i'lienes incident 10 tho nobi' nnnni. viii DMtempiT, U.ttgh Tarry, I ever, r n 1 n l.i, tniit ui"aao, i,ng diseaifa it" n. urease. Onpea. liifl'immatton, Jaundice, Kldnev d rnies. tllandcre. Tiiick L-ti. Illii.b nnd HL.igtior Vivirs. Flcrri in l.unitr, Kurftll, Founders, Bir iljot Hair, Worms, tiorti.fcc ruit VU.T UAI i t'K In Jaunllco. Yellows, flnven or Illnwn. ntondy I'rii e. Iti d Water MTrian. Lo of Cu I. Lops of Aii nent'N Diarrhcei or Lo icnea". Hoof ducas. Woll in ih-i IMil Iff I low Horn, Woody Milk. Ulood diseust', Loi3if Mtlk. FOR HORS In Swelled Neck. Hiieg In th" Liver, Abe-ies in Dm Lucpp, Ulctis of tho Coweli,'"cpaims ,r Cramp (jhoke Jifeiif i'B Nn larufr ahotiid be without it a 1 1 into day; It is nif shcetni ebor foi distisr-. cf Ids ftik It inriruii thft urn mi nt of milk, butler and hit i healthy animals 1 rum e,u i nuiouht of fund ul ltat from VU to '-.' per cttii js th expi riencp ol over luooi) larmers, wh have usedtt will lentify at anyllmt! illV.l IIL.ll i ritV IIIO'.U i Call I I OATTLIi MNIMKNT. Uncumllfy any other Llul-i-fiit or Fmbrocation ri 1 t I mii to thi world. It is good for the fol lowing disputes, atd has proved itself In thf hand ol thousands r.t f.i rriri, laiiittrs and stugp prepm-tors to cct ed 011) I hi up rftl.p kind evt-r oiler' tl to thf public hif. anrte UMJUKjrr ts aoun fok CATTLE. HUMAN BODV grains, Ilrulses, fihetnnallatii, Weak Joint, Coniractod Smews, Frost Hues, Chapped Hands, Tumoars, Toothache, Pain In the Lees, Tn'ti n ihe Hark, Pain In tho Shoulders .Nervous Fains, Chi bin Inn, . Riiesof Animals, SHiT Jolnta, fipavin, Sweeny, Kistulti, Bi'.rast. Oalls of f very kind. wuh'ju'h. r-tnu uracha, Lamenci-riirains, Hcra'clie orGieaae, I hick Lrgs, Hird TiiiuonTs, It'nelione. Fol Cvll. t'raetted Heels, UDiten nooi, Mmite, Horn llittnipr, And many other diseason. it is i snnrt. tne mui eom)Iet and universal Llnimmt thai aciruce lias ever yei prr oucvu. Be tea re of Counterfeit, na botlioiir valu.ible diteiver ies are already counterfeited ny peisnns in dilf r"'M lurls ol the tate Cur powder has our written si; nature on each bottle. Manufactured only by HRIHMU. FROVEFIKLn & CO.. .Vo.3t7 N. Third at , N. K. comer Third St Wend, Philadelphia. Den ii VO, 1657-tf CENTRE STORE. SPUING & SUM ill till GOODS. rjMIE undersigned taVfTplca&ure ol in- fiirmilltrlhn riliYii 1. 1 f!n i) ri mi .1 v I pi ii! tv. tlia ho ham jumt raivd a Idryo and soloet .nrtmna Hl'RIvn Jtc ritai m p. if nonnn. Comprlsltiizthulieavif at stock a ml most v.irleiUsrnrl '""niiiMc, iiHf mi i ii no aunsinnuai.nereiiali nice i inn nave ore ii ottered 10 theputilir o'tjt er kin Cd'iuality.whlchthey willsellfor'eady pny.at ver vuvitdiM,- prices. tTafCU'.l Ii IT V n ri.il II fr I nUnm.iclinnii Tn nA IncliidlTiedrnln and Lur. Lcrandthc iiubliceustom respcttfullvso kited ISA ti UEL LAMIJAGIC. Fowlersvll'o. March W IS57. 1857.. SPItlNO AND SUMAIFR, GEO. DULl'IN & CO. l.uro:iTKni j.vn .v.i.vuF.icrunr.ns. 1 74 CHRSNUT STREUT, Are now prepared to exhibit th'dr New t?ty Ies FOR SPRING TRADE, ivcLiinima nialark anil colored.lilk MiinllCaa Chantly Lac" Man Maelilhs 1'lench Lace .Vnnlil a., Enihrnidnn-il Hllk Minilllns, Bugled tare anil Npi .Mantillas, Mourning Mantilla., Ilasiilea. Talmaa, t.c . A.C., AlloTwhich willbo offered nllln Lowest Prices. (!E() lir'Lnv t en. 174 Ohpaeat Blreet, ubovo7ll, Phihdchia. Mirch71h, 18i7. OILS, FOR Mar.ulaclurlngand liurning purposes, for sale by J. n A A B. ALLEV, . . Noi. 7 ami 8 South Whares. JiaeC, I8S7. Phllad. Ip tla SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS FOR 17 'PlIK mib'eribor respectfully informs his , I customer' ami ihe public generally, Ihal he his rcceivcda fnl'atoi k of choice Spring and suminer Goods. comprising a full asmrlmert i-r Cloihi, Casslmerj, SatiiiPlta DeLiiuei. Rrliziera f;atiroes. atr. logetlur wilhagr-alviiieiy of oilier am: lea usually kept in Coui.lrv fsime., r ALSO Hardware. Cutlery, QneonvwarP Ball, Fish. MoI.ilaska. (ri.n.rJirel, Halt, Caps. Iliiota.Bh'ies. lie. MV Codnlry produce, nirliidin; Drain-Lumber, lit, taken in et change fir goode CrThaukriiir.ir nistpitrouaga he respectfully atke a coatu. anceolthe.anie THOMAS E. EVbS. Mlllvllle.Marh !!3, 1837-y. D E N T I S T R Y. 132- OS. ISIWlfiJB0 SimtiE0 ilENTIST. IlLOOMSRURG. COLUMDIA CO,, Residence, Urn llritk building below Ilartman'a .tor un .nun Direei. nESPEU'lTULLY MI,,, hi. proro.aional a.r.lee.' .iir. m i"" le;,lf,"n '' Uloom.l.urg und neinlly Hois prepared t attend In a 1 the various "f - ..w.i.H.tii.u.ii. piuviaco wuu ine a. Porcelain Teeth. Which wftl seinseled on pivot or gold plau.lo Ir.ok as ell aa the natural. IT A buperior article or TOOTH POWDER, all wave on hand Ti,n. n ici-, ..... . uv. .... .i, OLIP1IAN r, WOODSIDE & CO. Importera and Wholesalo Dealers in tDiues ani iiquors, No. 107 Arch St. above fourth, i'uijjADELPHIA. .OLIritANT J. Woociid, 'January. 3d.1837.-y CcOaMcAtrtrt. NOB, 0, 11, 13 and l5Gorjr ' rr-vi N EW YORK, D. D.WINCUrRTr.R. n II 1 O , i r . J I nil er(0, T1IOB. D, WIWCHErTEtt Hy3l -?m vunj i WincilEBTCR ' Emm STRAM EN(JiNB3 AND BOILUU1 1 II I! ait bicii tier la now nreoarsil. with new JUarbin 1 rytto hulldstailuuaryciiglnnstrromfiln louiiorie mwer.tipon the Inttlmprovid plana, and will hit I Id to iri'cr douhleainl siugle pormblo engines from lo to 40 torso power, ItlRucdupon carriages, wlih Holler gear I UK fa pumps nllromplutennd rendyfor aeticn. Also -rj Under tlueand lubnlorbol'ers cait iron jonj brunkt; irspalcnted In lWtl.fur threshing grmn nml craiklnr I torn and now tnndo on alargoacalo for crciklng n tre:ikln(t Con I. Ileavyminlns ptimpi and fire cnglnrl rigged comnletewllli double acting forvlnff pump4,ai kinds of millgenrlngind honne c.iilK mailo tti order! I.inoalianiug with nnvdeilrd sites ol pulleys flnlihe I Hltlihangera Ironptanlng dono t.iyV4jfeet lotista l.lndsof Iron turnlrg heavy prcaa and other screw lurned with anv dertred niirholllirend Thebral Uotibb Iron throahlna: Marl.lnei . that ever comeherore thcpublic,caft Iron and wodciimnchlnes made to order, Jivcr nowor. D.nln or trend rower innda 1 9 order Also lake order s for the fullowlne ma. S2ft .ricJj rhlneryt llatrlaon'a IntFulpatnitsraln mill, SlOOOof. eredby t)io Vatenleo lorlt" equal. II will grind lngnod fine rhcniyj huahrlsiit ono hour. Also bolts and Hevn torsnll In ordrr,nlsolliiititlus I'alfntltlowr.inanuf.irtiir ed by O. D Harrl 6l t'ii,, tho inot powerful lllower now in uo witlithcleat imoitnt ofpowrr, onoofviilch wIIIm putln tisoat the Foundry for exhibition. A? Inl tli.;nbove work wlllbc warranted to b nliatllicy a i Also Take orders for Bcnit'a Patent niarWmtili Striker, and rights to one thrfm ritliefionnliei olColum bit, Mor .our. Nort hn meiland.Lvconii'ig, Sullivan and Clinton, one of which Can be teen nt mv shop. I.EWIS'Il.MAWfl. MarJi33, 1850. Blnonsbu-Colninlin rt , 'pHK UDdtTHined rcspec fully infornifl J his friend nnd tho ptihllc mat he hah taken the F.ithnnirt ottljn ilonmttb'irir. locattd on I1nfn Hircoi. direct l opposlip tho Court House, wlikh hat been thri'tichly repaired and Improved, where ho is pre. pnreu to nciommotinie ins customers witn Ouu lare and to jteneinl satialartlor He aim hat in connection with the tixchang c Ho tel, un exct II 11 OMNIBUS LINE, runninnrpgularly severnltlmc per day. to and from the Dtipnloti it.e arrival ol the Car a, by which paaieng. its wilt he iilc.isantly conveyed lo the Dcpol rBiatlon.oi taken I'roui and returned to their residences, tfdcured. Hf Up will alwny bo happy to entrrtun anil h ceo m modale his Iriendsto the uimtisi ol hr abilitipf. rUTER BILLMFAF.R, ProvrUior Rtoomabiirc .Aprll,5 1830 y. Aviso's ZloSft CHEAP WATCII&JEWELRYSTORE Nn. 72, lortb Si-cond Sircei, OPPOSITE Til E MOUNT VHRNOX IIOUnC,PII I LA loldLeverWalcbesrullJawclled len Cases, '.'" Silver do do j'j 00 do Leplne do ... S no Uuartiera 5 COlo 7 00 iloldSpeciacIca, 4 50tolot)() I ver do 1 5u iilverTobliBpoona pencil, 14 OOioieeU do He.crl do da 0 onion 1)0 no Ten do do 4 73ln 7 3n GolrlPensnndOoliiOnsci, 3 Sito son do Silver do 10 ?S ToEetherwilli a variety of fine cloldJotvolrv nil ur.nuardomirobChnlni. 'Al lnnnds warranter ,.1 aeprpaentcil. Watchca and J 0 wclry ronnlrci'i nV 1. bealmann. r 1 " M n. Alliiderfaonll)v'ymnlhiroiliervlee ulie punctuall) iltrndoillo. ' " Vovenisorl? I SI I l Spring & Summer, AT MENSCII'S CIIEAPSTOltE. I TIE unJer'-ipner having remivctl hi .s,i(,!?."Ptn'vn,attheat nd, lately ocnnpled by II O Ac I. W Harlm.11 wh r- with gro-ier incr.ueJ arlluiea. he iaenablcd toufPra flillasaormenlor vfpring an'5 Summer Goods, Wh'eh he has Jii.l receivedfroni ihe Pi.Iern Cntca eompr;in-.' Dry Hoods. Grocer lea, Hard-wire. Uu.'ena ware Cedar-ware, Hollo-ware, Drugs.. Fish. Bali lie. Player, Iron, Naila.lloota.Hhnes, Hats. Cons, in Uc Also-Ready MADE ULOTHIng Inshort, every ihmg usually kept in count;? Slorr-e to which he Inv'-.nalho publicgeqorally CS- Caah, Lb nber. Old Iron and Country Produce taken ineichauga lor Oooda, at Iho hlgeslniarkeipncc A. 0. MlSNSOn. Illoomiburg. March 31, l57. Spring and Summer 'GOOD?. 32 'lit: Ivy, n'cal & CO., OAVl.S'O juai received and opei.ul Ihclr slt.a o I.ARGLV1 .LIIBPEs-T, nn, H.'.NnsoMl.ST n(ort. iiicninows.rr.intl,I.ToWN 1 Having naldereai altpntion 10 tli. c.ion of ll,, eMljicJV, f .'"i prlceand quality, the, Raltrr ihem.e.vea that tnev hiirThK',," ,"'". "J alllhose wla ,,g lo buy cheap, can snvc money by giving u a rail w havo all kind. o. Good, and Ware. tc iiSplythJ Peoplo, A nry large lot of pn'j me LADIES' DRKSS GOODS rrp.ncl.Merrrioca.WoolPlal,ls, Alpaca., Hon. Icba se Ponliot. Paramplfn , In, I, ,ii lusllnDeL.ile,,Pe,.lancloll,,Gl,el,a7,Oal"oe.; W IITR GOODS Or ALL HINDI ?,Vvc s.C.lla,,, lindkercbiela. nouneiiiga. bands ui i, !( Laeoaandcil,'lng,,bonncl rll.hnna, in In rail v'irlelv velvet ribbon., an,! hraida, kM.cotlon, and li.le ihrViid Wolnvilponrrriendaanil tlio public generally lo givo iacallberorepurchatlngel.ctl,ett'. Wr-i'avn linngliioiir good. at LnweslCaaliPrlcca.auiI will not baiiu irsoldhyn,njbody.ortlieristorin.niklnii. MoKKLVY, NKAL & CO. Uloon. burg, flarrl, 51, 1857. Dr. .1. B. Sioti-ltton's GREAT CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA. VFZrXlZ DR. HOTOHMH'S Jiiici Fripnrt'd front uiririion.olli.iron 1,10. big, thepreat Pliysiolog- icni Cheini.i by j a IV Jeaarjl i! Tougnton.M D , Phlla iiuipuia .-a Th'-.sNjtiirr'sownr.'uiedyioi an unhpalilij rio mar.-1, No attnt man can ciual ita rnrallvr poivera. ' contains nnAlrhnlinl 1 Iti'-in Acid., or Nausoiins f ags. It l'PztrciiieyagrcinlrliHhi'la(tc,and mnr clakenhy the niiintri-eblr paticnlt who cannni cat a waiercrarhoruitlioutncuic distress P.cwart ofDrua'-rd I inilrttinna Pi pln Is nn a Dine " Ca' I on tho Agent, and gft a Desrrlpllve Circula i r.me. clvlup a large nnn'imt of Rcicnllfir Eviilenre (roinLirblg'a Aulina i. heiiil.try'.Dr.Cniiibe'.Phi.lnlncy Iligpstioii: Dr IVri'lra on rood and Dicl;I)r, John w T aper, nf New Vork University; Prof, Dunglisnn'a Py.inliigy; Prof, Sll iniun.ul YuleCo'ledgejDr I'arpnn In 'Pliy"lnlgy: bcingoiher wiih reporisnf Cuies from all pailsofthe United Ataea. Koldbv E P Lure and J. R.Moyer, niooniaburg H n. Ilinvman Rerwick. Ocl3,lM5 ly. nilMllflShlirg TIllHaro and Stove Slor ' I'UE undersigned rr.p'ac'fiilly Informs his old friend. ond C'lstoiiiers. that he ha. tiiirrliaied Ihb hrMh.,, Inieresl luihpabove a lavlihmpnt, and the concern will hereaiier ho rouductcd ny hlinai-ll eadusively. Ha has Ju.lieceived and offers fur aale the largeal and 3 ninsl PYlHii.itfe assoflment nf FANCY BTOVErl 3fjl ever Ini roduced ml otitis ninrkrl, r Hi. st'icuciin.ista of a comiileteasaoriment nt ebiheel Cooklngand parlor stovea in the market, to theger with move Flilureaof every dercrlrtloo.Oven and It.ilrtlnve.. Ra lutora.Ovllnder Stoves, Cast Iron Alr-i igh tiinvos , Carf,niin Stoves, ate, &c Btovepjipeand Tlnuraiceo islam lj on hand and man. nlactured to order.. All kinds of repairing done, as usual, on short notlee. r The patronage nf old rrieod. and new customers re. apeotrullysoliclled. , A. H. RUPERT, Bloom.bnrg, Jan. s, 16Jl,ir 8TAUFFER & IIARLKY. C1IEJIP WAtbllES JIXD JRWRLRY, WIIOI.EHLB AND RETAIL, a I ihe .'Philadelphia '"'"'Jewelry Store,1 No KB (Old No. 00) fi . Hi 5'riel, corner or Quarry, Philadelphia. Gold Lep,e ,H ,,Vt'. . """'?J silver Lever, full Jewelled. . . . laoo Hiiver lupine Jewel., 0 00 7 IjO 7011 ISO rupenor uuariler., I rii.a.i ii..... j. - I'lneSilver do. ' . jJ't."?)'' ,. Lady a Gold Pencil., . """r Tea e)pom, aat Oold IVna. wllh Panell K.l... I..M.. 300 1 00 3 01 1 00 rinM v.n... nu.. ..-i, ' :r :: ..,' . ... 1 ul PlUn. li cents, paienl IfJ, Lunel S3 other altlrle. in proportion. Allgooda warianied lo be what they are sold fo. BTAUFrFR 4. HAR.EY. IH-On hand aomo Oold and Silver Lever. Lepmes sun lower llian t.'ie above prices. October 10, itjo7 ar.d Ruiyhvn Coich .mil traitan Fartorv TillU undaF.igrnecl having mceeeded Jacob H. Eva . i,, I i. i. -"cn maa mg hiisl np. . . a his Bianii.in Eanyiown respeciluliy inlorm their frleoc. andthe nihlir, thaithey cniitiniirwillthe '""""''epaitinent,wh.relheywlliehSpp7 Irrs ''' - r-.- "ituit bu. loses in loei line, with neatnessantldorpalrh. t.li?iH',r?J"",",wI 10 order.aad ollWlncI ol EVANQ & ir Anpvinr.r'ii Ltf u n J jno u:o - y IV vj ATE1VS PILLS, l Kr.w and alniiularlv ruccet.ful rcmeJy fol tho il cure of all llillona diaeaacs Costltenc.4, Ini eeslloji,. Jaunilico, Uropiy, Klieuniatitm, f evers. Clout, Humors, Nervoiunesi, Irrllalilily, Inaainmi. tlona. Headache, l'alin In tlio llrea.it. Side, Hack, ami Llmbi, Kcmnlc Comjilaints, Ac. Ac. Iiideed, very few nrn.the iliseaiea in wlilcHa Turijallve Modi, tlno Li iiQl ftro fr. less rerjulreil, and huiiji sick ncn nnd aullcrina; might lie. prevented, If a. hum. leu but eircctiial Cntharlle were Inoro fieoIyuo, o person can feel well wlillo e coitUn lmbit of body prevails besides, It aoon cenpralea scrioua ami often fatal dlaeasei, which inlnht Imve been avoided by the timely and judlcloui me of a gooil purgative. Ihii 1, alike true nf Colds, Foreilih ivmptoin, ami Ililtoua dcranffemcntn. Tbey all tend to beeoino or produce the deep scaled and formidable distempers which load lliej.carse all over Iho laud, . .Hence n rellaV.ti"Ttmlly jhj.io la of tt.n first impertanee to the public health, and this l'lll has been perfected with conauminnto skill to meet that demand. An citcnrive trial of Its virtues by Physicians, l'rofcs. son, nnd iUciils, has aliofrn tesnlts siupassinej any thina; hitherto known of any medklne. Cure, havo been cliected beyond belief, were they not sub stantiated by persons ot such exalted position and character as to forbid the tuplfiou of untruth. Among tho many emincn cenllemen who have testified vii fivor of these rills; ve Inay mention t Trof. J. M. LncKn, Analytical Chemist, of Cin cinnati, whose high profcaslonal character Is a dorsed by JnitH McT,r.aKr Judgo of tho Supremo Court cf tho United States. Titos. UonwiH, Secretary of the I rcasury. Hon. J. M, Wiiiaiir, Governor of Indiana. N. Losow oiiTH, Rrcat wine grower of the West. Also, I)n. J. II. CitttriiM, rractioal Chemist, of t'rr York Cily, endorsed by HnK. W. I,. Ma iter, 8'Pietary of Slate. Vh. 11. As l nn. the richest man In America. S. I.hi.and & Co., Piopt'o of the Metropolr.aa Hotel, and many others. Did apace permit, we could irlve many hundred eertllientcs, from all parts where tho I'llls hav been nsod, but evidence even more convincing; than the experienco of eminent public men Is found In. tkeir cllects upon trial. Ihose Tills, the reslt of lonp; investigation and .tudy, aro offered to tho publio as the belt and most complete which tho present state of medical science can alinrd. They are compounded not of tho druRS themselves, but of the rncdlclml vbtufj only of Vegetable remedies, extracted by chemical process in a state of purity, and combined together in such n'mo'nncr as to Insure the best results. This system of composition for medicines has been found in tho Cherry Pectoral and rills both, to produce a more efficient remedy than had hitherto been ob tained by any process. The reason Is perfectly ob vious. While by the old modo of composition, every medicine Is burdened with moro or less of acri monious and injurious qualities, by this each indi vidual virtue Italy that is desired for tho curatiro effect is present. All the inert and obnoxious qua!.. Hies of each substance employed arc left behind, tr curative virtues only being retained. Hence It is self-evident the effects should prove, as they have proved, more purely remedial, and the 1 ills a ev.rcr, moi n powerful antidote to disease than any other medicine known to the woild. As It ia frequently expedient that my m.dlcice shou'd le 'isien under the counsel of An attending Physician, and as he could not properly judge f , remedy will-cut knoulnR Its composition, I han supplied the accurate l'onnulj: by which both my 1'ectoral and I'llls an- made to the whole body of rractltioners in the United Suits rnd Ilritish Amer ican 1'roiinces. If, howeser, there should bo any ono who, has not received Iheiri, they will b promplly forwarded by nail, lo. his request. Of all the Pntent Mcduinea lhat ore ofl'.-red, low few would be taken if their composition was known 1 Their life consists la their injstery. I line no tnvstciies. , , , ,, 'll? -omrnslllon cf my prcpsratlons Is laid open 10 all men, and all who are cotiireUnt to judge on the subject freely acknowledge their convictions of their intrinsic merits. 'Iho Cherry rect-ral r pionounced by scientific men to bo a wonderful medicine before ils effects were known. Many em inent 1'liTsiclar.s hale decl.ucd the same thins of my Pills, nnd even more confidently, and arc will ing to eeltify that their anticipations were mora than realired In thtir effects upon trial. 'lhey operate by their powerful influence nn the Internal viscera to purlfv the blood and stiuinlatc it into healthy action remote tW oUtrnctM.0 of Ihe stomach, bowels, liver, aud r.lher organs ol Ihs bniiv, restoring thcii irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange niciits as are the first origin of disease. Being sugar-wrapped, they are plea-ant to take, and being purely vegetable, uo harm can arise frota their use in any" quantity. I'or minute directions, see wrapper ca th. VIZ. l'KIH'AUr.H P.Y DR. JAMES 0. AYfll?, . Vraclieal an! AnnlyUrii) tl'.tiut, LOWKI.L, MAfcB. Price 23 Centi per Sox. rive Eoxea for 3l som nv ty-E l' LUTZ, and aM Dru?fUli In BloonitHrj and Dealers in Mediclnca everywhere Mny JO, 1&57. fc IMPOllTANT DISUOVKKY I tOXSUDIl'HON, 'n ALL DIHKABKS or T.I 13 LUNRR Ahl TIIU OAT are pualtivety curable by Inhalation ich coneye the remediea lo the cnvitirs In the I unns through the air paMagea, and comhi); in dirr-ri contact Willi Ihe diseare, neutraht'i the ittWrnlir ni me r, q lay ihe cc-nph, ceuni a frt c and ay epti toratioi, hoalj tho lungn, pnrlfiei the blood, inipurti renewi'd vitality to the nervou yilno, ntvinr thi ton andenerf y o lnditpi'i.faLle lor th reitorati n ' f health. To he ohle to aliite cnnfiilf -illy that Cui.ftumr lion licurahlr ly inhalation, li to men iource of anal lo)ed peuure. ti ii at cinch urnlcr the control ol medtial treatment on any ottnr formlt utile din-ae , ninety out of every hundrrd rare tan he fund In Hit; Umt ytaPir aud fitly percent in tho tecond j Lot in th third ntnjrc It la impf rtible to iv- more lhanflteper cent , lor the lunsaaru so cut up hy the i iei.fo m. to bid deiiance in lnrdical iklll. Even, however, in lh. I.tl etngcf, Inhdlaliou ehord extrf.ordiuay rclirf lu tto suffering atlfiidriji thla Jcfaiful cr urite, vt huh n nunlly detrn)8 ninety fitc tl'ourand prroii In iho Untied ttfltm nlnnc; und a correct ralculatit n rbown that nl thn proxenl population or tie earth, tip hi oil lions tire dertinrd to nil Ihe ccnmimptive's Rrae. Trulv the quUei r.f death Lot tin airow to fatal ai rnnsuniptiwt. In all 0511 it hat Lecn t.r print enrm of lile, lor 11 fparci neither na tier rz, lUt iuri f4 oiTulike the binvc, the beautiful, Ihe craceful, ord ti jifled. llythe hep of that Supreme helne ,lr n m! 010 fomrtli every pomi and prrft ci cifl. I on triiblid to otVr to the a (11 ic led a prtmanrnt nndtpfrit) ttirr iu C'onfuitiptinn. 'Jhe firrt eai.se r f tulteicli tit fn 1 .im pure blood, nnd the ijnmt-dlalr ijrpri, iirnduced hy th ii oppoilmninlhe i:iip,it 10 i-rcvi't liiefrre adnitKior ofsiir into thenirreils, whfcicaiiet n wrakrnrd vita lily through the enurn sjhiw 1 hen pure)) 1 1 i m mrrn nttioua I to expect grrnter pondfrnm mi dicini u en'eril K the cavitica of the luripa than from ilion- admirfterrd through the tnn arh j the pot lent wilalun)e And ill l-iiipn free nnd the hrt-aihliia cnty alter Inhannp rene diet Thua. Inhalation Jsalicl remedy, nrverthi lri It ncticontsiitutionallv, and uih more pcivrr and n r talnU l Hall remedlei admlniviered hy ihe t inmh 'I o poe the powerful nnd Uircet inflnence 01 tin mode of admlnimniion, chlomiorm inhaiid v. ill intirily de stroy friiaildlfiy in n few minute'. iinmUrli'if He en lire mrvi us i)tm r that a Im h tui he atupntaicd witlirut llif- Higlifit pnm: mhaiifg I Uc ordinar burn 1 1 g tat will deitrny lite in a fn houri. 'Ihe Inhalatlou of animotiln ml rruce the ivitrm when fuliiili fi ot Si'parentU dead, Tin- 01'or of n any of the medirinei if prrreptible in the rKin a ft w mir Lite? after heing inhaled oiul n oy be InnxJ-diately de l(C;edla the Mend, A f nnvifirnip proof of ihe e'nti tutiona) eff.cli ofinhalaiion U thefjct that nckneis li always producid hy breathini; foul uitt U hu this pitilive evidence that proper rem die, rareiutly pra pared ami Judiciously administered throyf h the lurpu, ihonld prnducethe mot happy renulif f Jiurli'c Ptph teen yearn pracllrp, pan tboiiair'f tuffrrjpf fri'm dlReaneH of the In nun and thrnat. have been under my rare. and I have effect n manv remarlcahiccurej-, even aller the pulTtrera had. been prnnrijiirril m Ihe lrt tagci. which fully saticfie me lhl cniiHiiniplii'ii Jn nr niicr a ralal dlifBro. My treatment of cnimuinrtinn I original, an rl founded on Innrexpericncn pnd a Iho rnujth invrtilfi.il. .11. jy perfect acqualnlan Mth the nam le of iuberelci,bc, fnahlfi me (n riitinci,i b . readily, the varlou for mi of dlFenso thai rimntnt tonauuittlnn.nd apply tie rope; yrjrnie, rnrcly beinj miiiafceneveninaalnelefaie. Ifiii faiLlliarity, In cinuectlon with certain pathofopiral and micrnro pic dneoieilcb, enables me in rcUr p the tunc from ihn effej la or contracted chei j to enlaren the t him. purify tbo blood, tmpatt to It renewed vitelily clvlne energy and tone lo the entire pftim. M. irinfi uith lu'l I'lreriiMis ifnt t anyp rt ol IbeUniiedHiatea and Canada ly faWcvt, rnnnniiPi vatit.jf tht-ir jympiofiia by Mter. Vntibtfeure twi Id b hmre eerlat if the patient kl uld (n tt u mt, vhchwruld rive re an rpp.Htuniiy to rxamii e iho certainty, and then the euro could be effected uftbtui s.Bii.ij mo iauni scum, nm 0 W GRAHAM. M D Office, 1131 FltasiT.lrr.t,(eld No. 103.) ti ia low Twelfth, rtiladclplila,rs TR'USKBJ TRUFSsIT TUB LARflEST, BEST hanilaoniest and rheapesi aortmeni oi gole Lrathtl Bo 'Id H.vM.d TIyF.L)Ha THVMCS, VAI.IBE TRUNKS. ladla' Bmtttlr Drill Telnl rmpelicrs, I.catbei ar.d Carpel Dag,. Packing Trunks, n , u , . THOMAS W. MATTSON'8. Celobraled Londfin Prise Medal, Inil'iovei! Bull Bpnag, Eolld Ea leather Trunk MannTrciory, Ml. 4(10 MARKET r-TKKET South woat eorner Touuh and Market, rui'sdalsbis A-,n.t 8 1M7 ir ' A. Al, RUPERT Tinntre ind-eheiMrpB ManuacnrerBlor ,a Mrya BlrstlSclgar Jtifrerfs tlsr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers