(ifolnmbia JPc mottat. AtiKfll II. TAT lit liOOAIi BDITOH. Bloomsburg, Docsmbor 26, 1857 rfisrWo embrace this opportunity of .....linn. nr ntitisiM-ilipra wisliinr' llicm " ft , merry Christmas" nuil a happy Now Year, .......... ntit-tstmno" nml ft lmnnv Nw Year. 6r0ur Carrier Hoy, is busy in prop' lila pintrtmnrv Now Yoa'r'o Address. Ui.CTOSfpatlclo-withjoy ami his notions I jiib eyes fiMiKiu.ni"! indioato a confidenco that Ins yearly toil , - , . w!H bo dtilv appreciated by our patrons. ' . . . . i , ',, n'.il - We IIOPO lllS Visions Of pOOkOtS lull OI , , , ,, vi i .1 I rtrtlfo'' mftV lm IllllV fGaltZCU. nllU tllO ' I Leart of the Carrier Hoy mado glad. Thd Hoods. The knit hoods now worn by tbo young hdies are very pretty and.JTo'' inucli watmer we siloutd think than tho' liavo Tiresont stvlo of bonnets. 'illCY liavo , , moro to recommend them than beauty j the are cheap, nnd ihit in those tight times is somothing. They should ..bo generally adopted. '11T- ' CaT New Years Day, will bo hero in less than a week, and Iho children are antici pating the good things they may cxpett to recoivo, and havo eagerly counted tho mo ment! which intervene. 'Xho stores have li!il in tlipir ciinnlipq of fnnev and useful lam in incir supplies oi lanry ami usciui nrticlcs, and have avranccd them in such ' C3 an attractive manner that tho money in one's pocket involuntary comes out. jCtsrDn. BaowKit, of tho Montour titcrican, thus notices tho "lUoomsburg JJramatic Institute i" Wo observe that a number of Young Men, in Bloomsburg, have organized themselves into a Thespian Association, and propose giving Iho folks of that place a series of entertainments, As usual the "croft'' is well represented, and wo trust they will acquit ihomselrcs with honor. Woutii a Trial Our tilizcns aro o'ten compelled to imbibo and cthcrwiso use muddy water. The flowing receipt, I found in an exchange, bears the impress cf practii'ability, and worth a triah As much pulverized olum as will lio oh the poii t of a small caso knife mixed thor oughly it!i a bucket of water in an hour will scttlo all impurities at tho bottom, ma king it clear and pure, NldllT .Make. Tho way to raiso this animal is very simple. Fifteen minutes beforo bed time cut up a doien of cold boiled potatoes, and a few slices of oold boiled oibbage, with five orsix pickled cli , i. . i ... i . ... . . . . ' . tt i i ' Willi a pint 01 brown StOllt. UlulreSS anil .lj 1 n. i i jump into boil. JjIO Hat on your back ; In about lnlf an hour Or IhreaboUtS VOU ' win uroim thai tho ucvil is aittui' on your ckoat, and Hutikcr Hill Monument in your ! i uj 1 V1 mn . j Ci-T'lio ucfithcr, that unfaillin-t f io ; of every "circle a god-send lo Mocah," ... , . . i. . r i i 1 ntlior in licrpcrsi tent niooaa of cloud or .... e,i :.. :.. ... rnnnT.w f t 1 nit hI-iuo, or in her auuuen lrcuKSoi chango n!ld passion mutt again become the theme cf cur liveliest prjue. For "Scvctal days Hli ll S been Wearing a Cheerful nCO, but Lukisiis turwnrk or oxrrutenny that may be furnUh tt i i i i i ic ed in hltii. Iliswirk sfuill nlways be satisfactory in ou cdneiday has surpassed herself in itniyi-nim rensomMcin piice. D.i ,i ,.,,.,11, ir. ' Ulinnnsnurj. li'c fi . I U I 1 1 U'l II V J , aUl.SlllLiU IIIIU 11 i4 I. Vila sion wo may liavo to chr nicle ahttiier change, and consurc whcio wo now praise, vro can't sav. but arc much afraid this i r .ri ... ! eilllling laco Ol ncr 8 IS out, llio precursor i c'Mliimtiia enunly. ilece.i,.,l. have been sranted bv the of a coining stonn. Such is lircj however I tT.wit n&SXtrJlS,' -full ofehange-onod..y smiles, anotbcr.lSOTrr-i? tcarfl. nnd wn linwitlinrrK-. n !t wore. J '"'"" ilh".u ''., .:.'' Persona jndebled to ... avi -r , ebimo in with tho common oxpresslon 'delightful day," or 'horrid weather!'1 entirely forgetful of the season I Christmas. On all sides wo begin to . , , hoar tho notes of preparation for Cvliriotmas ,. , . . ,,, ,' WllICll tirollllJCa. llOtWltllSt.imhllL' tllO "liartl . , , , . ' iiiut;a, iu uu aa lliji)y unit murrj aa uauui. flo moto it bo I Wo arc in favor of Christ- j line, with all its old-fashioned customs and observances. Its Influences in this bird, selfish, money getting ago aro all for irrtnit 15OOU- ... Aiimlit iho general call to liappincss,tnc buttlo of tho epiri's, and the stir of tho af fections, which prevail at this period, what bosom can remain in-ensible I It is, in deed, tho season for Undling, not merely tho Dro of hospitality in tho hall, but tbo genial flonio of charity in the heart. And again : "I feel tho influence of tho sojson, beaming into my soul from tho happy looks of those around mo. He who cau turn churlishly away ftOin COhtcmnlatUlg IhO . i i 11 i i felicity Of htS fellow beiUCS. and CaU Sit down darkling aud repining to hid loncli' . . .,. i . . ,i i ncas when all around ia joyful, may have liia moments of strong excitement aud sul ft tih gratification, hut ho wants tho genial and social sympathies which constituto tho oharin ol vl merry Christmas," Cnhuitlmt JiMtiomi The following aro tbo receipts to tbo office of tllO COLUMUIA Dg.MOOIIAT. durintt ,l. r V 1... ior.1. 6 tho'montb of November, 1857 M.Silverthorn. 81 to IleiiJ.uiln llraiinus, 2 00 t'nlumbir County 'M !0 William Uteri, 1 00 1'lhi.n Hi'.nlt. 1 l.l ueorge l. isaoeiiuker, o'J 1 00 ( H.HwanltCo. II 00 Jefl. Winlarsleen, John M Mai tin. Beth Shoemaker, N. Driesbach, Dsn , William Klttlicn, AViu II, Kramer, Win, It. Hiiutli, .Maj. W. A. Tubus, Joseph Ikeler, Henry Bkank. 3 00 73 1 75 Co Co Agrl l Society, lo uu Ilcury J. Yaple, 3 bo Pater llariuan, 100 Col. J. .McUornuck, 175 II. T. Ileludiold, M V, 7 So Hammi Parks, 2 bii William Kile, I uu 0. L. Chrisiman, 3 00 Daniel Vandershco 22S bberlfT Miller, vuo fltl) aoiin jossop, Our customers, hereabouts, ulll nlcasc remember, that wo want and will take, if wo can get all kinds of produce. Uccf, Pork, Oats, Buckwheat, Corn, Applc3, and all tbty U3ccssar.cs of life included. Now, Crieu, floasc r 11 up the fodder. PUULtO SALE op Valuable Real Estate. be ,0.,. a, r.,n7.e. hy JACOn, HAnniS, I W Admlnlalriltor. wlih the will annejed.or d Snlla, ittnitd, W 01 lleniiocic lowniuip, uoiumun coun.y ra.,olho,.rr.nl.. Otl tSatUillay XhC "tl OJ January Ai tlie property of said icecdrnt, JLNB Wit A Qfi &A.HS.T Blluat In the lowmlilp ami county Aforesaid, eon ONE HUNDRED ACHES. Seventy five Acre 6r which Is improvfil and In p good state ofcutiivntlon iiio balance i well Umbered, Tiierenro errrie,i on inn pn-niKi a rramo Dwr.i.LiNO uousii nml good Kllclicu, It I'rnino Hank llarn. Wagon Blic.t. Bprlllg llnum.Wnoil llotue,ind oiltomui buildings. There Is lineicd- lAnl Unrln nr i... Ilm ImiHB I n ' . - - ......I n.ikalJnf I.il,.ll'l- VIIITIT jwifflfo'i'i":'. A 1 lie re M nun on urn ircuitn valuablo meadow, Hani premises u ntijf"n')r , jnCOIl IMMiiVjr, 4U3iiil I'ltnis,, o'rlock. P. M.. of mill made known by the un- nersigncu. JACOB HARRIS. ftfmfatitl refer. Hemlock, December 1, 1837 OAMURA AND ULOOMSUUlltt 5V1A3L COACH UNZ. rplin undersigned woitlil tnrorni tlm traveling puhlle, .L Hint lie bits become the proprietor nr Hie above named llnule. and In prepared hlm-rir with llio heal KIND OP IIOI'.SHS AND A NEW THOV COACH, for the accommodation or tlic traveling public III Coach will run .is lieretofjre, Til-weekly, between DLOOMSDURO AND CAMllUA, I.eavlne Cambra every Monday. Wednesday and Fri day morning a. nt 0 o'clock. A. 31.. arriving nt Ulnonis. rir i un i ii. rllll.AllllLPI IA TRAINS at lunerl Plallnn ' South nnd iVnl, Leaving liln.im.burs each day of i o tcju,at ,pli 01 ,0 nrVa ,,r ,,, iitiiittsii.li 1 1 mails, and arrkra at can.bm at hair ft 8 o'clock ..in. evenlnv. Iteeular atonoinff place nn fain Rnutc nreairollnw : NEW COI.U.tlltUS. ORANBI.VII.l.i: i. I.H1I1T ST. KJ-The palronleo of the community I eollcl mired that it ulll bo the nmbition of tllu rrobrli leu. clor to render ccnernl Bansiiction. Freight, lliiga'ise, &c., earrlpd at moderate prlcea. II. T. WlinUVIAN. Cambrn. December 1. 1937 MADISON HOUSE, NOS. 37 AND 39 NORTH SECOND STREET. OKLOW ARCH STRFKT.l , VIllLJIDKlFIlU. THIS poplilat House ha been thtirounl.ly renovated, nnd tlisaiits Impracemen'i made Tor Iho nccoirmo. dntli'lis of guest, be. In connectlnli Willi the libose Holel, the proprietor lia cipeneil, In Ilia basement, n nne EATINf! AND DRINKINd SALOON Altogether tho EatatilDhinent comnari' favnranly with tin. art class place ol accommodation forTrnveller.Citi.enl Ate. being within a short, distance or Hie New York and Ralliinoro Landings, hear the I'O't Oflico nnd Ex. hnnge, wher.i Oinl.ibutcs, going to nil parts or Ihc City. Man Irorn, The Proprietor hopes, by strict attention tn Ihc wants or hi guests, to rcceic alibiral sli.ire or the public patronage. . J OITENKIRK, rroprlttor nci iei7 cm i.nie oi iiaiiimoru. .mu., ana iiucinnnil, unio. SAVING FUND NATIONAL SAFETY TUUST CO. OFl'lCEl WALNUT BP., S. W CORNER OF THIRD rf(tnei.ieals for Ruttners dutlnf tht Auftimon of bpittt paymenit ey int jsanns. 1. Deposit received nod payments made ilaily. 3, Current Rank Nolca, Checks and Specie will be n telveil on depilt ,:t. Deposit made in Rink N tea or Checks will be paid b.ick ill current Han Notes. 4. Hermits tnnde In CoU ir si ver will be paid back in Coin INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. PER ANNUM lll'.NltV 1 IIENNCR. I'rttldcnt Wm J. Peso, Sttrttary. Nov !ie, le57 LIVING AND LOVING. BY MlS.S VIRtllNIA V. 1 OWN8END. 'Ill J1L majnz lie wnicis, ii'ui uiuii'ugii iiiip joiioe, nas unic includes some ol her best Tales and Sketches, win. I, together with a correct and beaulilul portrait ol thenillhor. by th it dlillnguished ortll, J. hn Sarlain, i:,q .will render it particularly ecceptnlile to h-r nu '''M'V,'""lloo'k',lV a Imnd'ome l2mo volume, printed on the finest n-ip'T bound in a neat and nenutitnl style, and is sent ti nn v pirt or the If nlted IS I tits by mail. Uce vwn" 'T'fxVuAiiTy-,,, I3 nlll,t ourih aiieet, riiii.i'ieipiui. N'ov K, i s vr ivTiSAUBM': VAItlUX KLOWISBUItG. . JURAM S. UAllEV n A "3 opened a Marble Vard in Court Alley, oppoil Li ii.eftni.ui.wuer. ha UprepinM i. amsh the best work from liuli.ni or American Murhlclor MOi UM i.NTS TOIIIS Tomb-stone, Tables, Mamies, Window-nils and lei in-. V.;..l,...1. Afl.l..b i.r'I-- i , -"" 1 " vii- ADMINI STUATOK'S NOTI0K. Ihtale of Benjamin I'iatl. T KTTIiKS of Adminiitration on the Ii ll-latc of Ueiiiaoiii. Piatt, lalu of Pine tn luliir lj p.. inane paiuuui i miinnn. in m pi:im;. WILLIAM PIATT, dml.fsral.rs. Oct 21. 16.1T A DM I N 1ST U ATOIt'3 NOT ICK Estate of Duvvl Smith, clic'd. jVTllTlUH I her.'by civen tliet 1 eltirs of Adiainistra- A lion .villi iiiu win niin''.. iijiiii .111; i.ninir ui David emiiii i.nu or iie.iiock innn.hip. uiiiuiubia rnuuly dee iseil, have been grauleillo ibe undersigned, re.idiui! ti lluikhoiu. in the ai I l.iumlii,. ..)' II. in .k . L. lion Willi mo will niinexeit. iipou I lie All persons luileh'ed In Iho Cstnle nre re'iusied lo make mivlneiil ullbotit ilelar. mid th.ii.n huvini- uc counts lor aettlclutnt lo ptcseut ihein in JM.'OII ll.tP.RI8. Jttlinlnlttrator viti ike vill annelid. nurkhnrn Nov 2 Irl.i7. IIKAIt TUU MlLhElt. "1USTOJIK will have ui for i'i:i:i). ri.oi US to tho Aqueduct Mill, ........ 1..I ......... ...... til. ll,..i.hv,il..i Oil It. 4e. . nre re.orcllullv notified. that ns Ihey have been nr. oouondaled I l.npe that they wi II now a!ccoinmoilatc me. and make immidnte pny ment. WILLIAM ULUUS. Aiueduct Mills, Nov 21, 1S37." 1)00K-1JINI)ING( CHAHLC3 STAIIL would fespeclfully nu tin! -Hi cms nl u oouuiiuri auu ilcinffy, lhal he has hie y enlabhshcil, in tlii ntire. n lli.tlk. II in tie rv nherc lie H prepared Ir. do all kinds of work iu his lino, on tho shorten notice, and reasonable ti run. (hrtrsj on Main meet nver Kh im'n Hoot and Shoe Store, opposite ihc Po. Offlce, Uioouuburg. July let, 1657 EAGLE KOUXDUVT. ULOOMSliUltG. I Slovcs anil Tluware. .1 IViudryand Machine Hliop, in placo or the old one, is prcptred to make all kinds nf casting at Ihtf lowest nri;.s. Plow constantly on hand. The mb iCrlber h'ari also removed Iiiu Tin Bhnp from Main st the Foundry lot. where he has erected a building Itoget her for Mioves and Tinware jk j no tooni ug aloveK cuusmi ni nit tv di , t .1 rivi COOK. It A l) II COOK, VANLUJU COOK, and (CriSil'Aiti.()ii iSTUVLS ol all ktmls, the i.'' uv rtLll)i:R STOVi:.&c. All kinds of linoutln made to order. J03UP1I SHAUPMISS, Dlsomeburg, Apllt 11. 1837. I'A'I'KN I' SPUING UEU I50TTOMS. , A I.Lvou th.t want lo re.t and slceo cood. call on 12V OCOIllin W COUCLL.uiidbitv GOULDS FJi 7Y-VT BBIt BOTTOMS lie has" bouahl the nalent right of Colunibi.1 eoiiutv, and is now prepaied to fur m.b Unttoiiiu nnulicutile loolila well us new bi d.tends. He has also on h-iinl all kinds of Cabinet furniture, AUo, Ilcodymade Coffins. GUORGU W. CORDLL. Illoomiburg, Oa 17, 1837 A N assortment nf Coiifeetloncry, Jewflry, Perfume X. ry, Boap, lla:r Oils, Pomades. &e , to ho bad at C. CLAUK'd llouk Store, nioomsburg, May 30, 1B17. 00 OELLIN'C Goods very cheap lor Cash at llartman'a t-T""e- niiAltiT.ii il AM J i isT rmnii'vei'n A tar admission at the School Room cn Third street, or st the residence of Mrs. J. Carton, II F. EATON. llioonuhurg. Nov S3. 1P17 'Pllli Tlllilll arrival ot COUUd for Ihc Season at J Hartman's. S IV.N'li COAL lor sale by II. W. i. IV N. CRUASV liStOCHP ti Is jwr.ttln-i ini tit nit l Ilttt Jmr, , Stole i Ml uVNDIIETIPS AaniOUIiTUKAIi WAUEIIOUSI Xt- fit J. o-i DrttTTll at V'Vlt JT"', r t'f i fMcnrthe Biala IIntie.1 . ..... ifllll'ADEt.rillA. . nWuit'l am implemcnH or lnierrt tu I'nrmera and Qordenera. . RtXTv Vl'AIia I'BTAIlMdllED. Th(J teljf Mn Xn rnll ih Mt.lor, of f,nelntcrwlpin rarmlMeaiHlcaiilcniiifi, loiheii every Ihelfwell. aei'cted ainck r.r k AnRICUI.TUItAI. IM ri.BilliN TB fc MACHINERY. Orcal VaVlely or hotliciiliurol loola. Warranteil aonlen and rlnwer Beed, Gran and Field beeda or thonioiirollatile quality nTho Airleultiiral Imiilcmenta nol.l l.jr n aro mot ly , tnnnuractnred at our tftcam Workt, HrUtnl, Pa. Mi, vi riir mini tin ill Is cftMillfttimciil wlilioitl rccnnl to ctpenre, Willi s mo I cnmplf-tc infieh lorry . lor lite nianiifncturo ef the viirlou kinilR of AcrknIiiirAl Im iilemcntii, wnaro now prcparM tn tupplv nil nitlrlrfl In litis thin lulty itml, II tint Riipcrlor, (o nnyitihiff ni thff It Hut r-vnr before nittirod to tlto Dulilld . I.nrnlfeih'n .WarrantfJ (In'lch SectU hive been heloro Iho puMic for Upwnnil OI vein ( insir ww- pprrnn Miiumi Ity. and iho ernaiaiHly Incretialng ilemand rioin j ear to y-ar, la the beat evidence of their mpcriorliy over all otliera, trt- Country Merehantl can be lupphed w.lh tcedf In pipera. or bulk, on the moit reasonable terms. liloomsdsle, near llrlslol. IM., our Oardrn Reed O lounds, contalus thrso lliindrcit and seventy ncros. nun is ine irrgeil CM.loilsnnicnt oi us kiiiu in me world, D. I.ANDRHTII fc PON, Noi.31 ind'i Boutll Hlxlh street, Doc 13, 1 Hj7 I f I'lillndelpbia. CONFECTIONAKY & FKUIT STOUH Oyster and VAti$ Saloons rplin uiitluritiRnril, rfiprclfully In- L. a rorrn nie CMiJtcnn 01 inuotntunrp.iini i ilin n ii til ic Iti trciitrtil. that the v Iiuvp- just received n l.irau nnd beautiful un S unrltiirnt of choice Oaii'lii's, Toys, rruiu, (jftiii-rict, Nuts. Notions, and all klntls bt goods usually kvpt in a Variety Store Their Stock eomprUcs n lnrje supply at Almonds, Oianpps, Leiitons, rrtnifs, It.ites, UMron, ('iiirnntf, Vim. Ilniilns, riss.Uuttcr Nut. FJIIii-rts, Wolnnt-t. (1 round Nuts, ocnannl. Mncnroiii, HPrtHnrs, Tire t-rafltnrs, Busar. Coifef.Tolnrco of nil klndf, l)omes. lie uml imported tJetfars, n iioimalc ami Ketalu TO Paiiiilicfii'iiidlpdnt n'l times u itlt Ilrcad.Oaltes THOMAS C. ELSE. tll.lVEP. T. WILSON. Rloomslitltg. Dee 93. 1M7. 1'IIllENOLOGIOAL CABINET. Tllll t'hroiiolosicnl Cabinet of rowler. XVrlU tc Co., late VII Arch slr-et riillndt'lphln, Iiah been retiioveuto Oi'J Chcsuut street Mi . Uapin. 7whohai hid tin maiiftceiiit;nt nl tlm rstnblltli nient for the List cmhtccn monilm, will contimie tq umduct Hi c biiflnessa-i heretofore hi nil in branches. Htamlarr. uorku on Anatomy, Ph vmejotfy. I'lin'ini'oijy . Water Cure, I'honogrnphy- &c, cunslautly on hard -riirciinlojilcril exuminntioiH with writlen flrsrrlpllons (Hen dnl!y. I'iirtiiuK'L'y taught in piivate, In cl.tnes nnd in public lertures. All ord'-n sent by mail wit) meet with prompt ntlen lion Hctldi-nts of neighborim? vlll.igcs dcijiriit a lecture t r course of lectures on I'lirouolujy, fir further information iihoutd nd.trcx SOWS I.. OAPIN, 032 Chesnut strict, 1'hiladelpliia. nec 12, IP57 NOT10K. NOTICn Is IiTt'by ttlvn lint ni apphcitlon, will bn made ntlhe nmi mmsihui nf tin I.eOatiire o( I'cnns) Ivnnia, for the incorpori.iou of a Hank, with the mini priviloKO', l Un caMud TIio llluiunburir I'.trik," with a rapiint of ta hundred thousand dol lirs. nml in be located in the town of Uljonishitrg, vouimtiin rouniy in. WM. SWIIKIt. n, Mnxnr.NHA u, A. S. IIVAN'H. I. W IIAKTMAN, j. kam3i:y, A. J. rit.OW, it ii. Aitrncfi. WM KUU130N, B. c. hiiivi;, LPMIIAIM V. l.LTZ, A. (J. MnVUtl, JAcnn Br.ii, rnruii uii.lmrvrr, KMAB DICTiUltlCK, I liLooMinuRa, Juno 27, IP.37 150UT ANN SHOW MAKING. His THU iindersltjned, thank In I for the lileril patroiia;e with which he ha, been tavord for years pone by ,wmtd infoimhU trie ltd s nnd custumci s, fiat he continues tb tilouufactuio Jioofs and Shced, At his old and wcllknownstand, on Malhslrccl, Uloomsburi;. in nil their various .tnd forms, in good sly lp ii ndon mud era te terms. Ill, long experience in tho Irtslrn?, and general knowledaof th'i reoplo t'f Ctdmiil iis ounty, super added ton fixed determination in redder s:iilsfaction to all h Ik customers , should secure hliri Increased pa tronage whit h he hopvs to merit. . RCUIt l IHCTHRICK , Bloonislmrs, Mnirh 10 IKiT. SEW TIN'W'AHK SriOI. MAIN STIILUT. OPtOSITI! TIIR CXHII ANR Ii. Itlin iiil'ter-ieucil re,sniTtlulJV llllmm Ins friends and till public gcnci ill), IJut hi li.is openttl Jl iVtiw Timvurc uml Shctt Jton JEslti- blishme))! In ihc building formerly ncrtipitil for that purpose. h) Josepu Sharplcttn. where he I ft prepared l'i conduct 1 ne nu niu-j 111 nn im viirioitat nrji-c le iiuwnronno imuu: ppnuiiiig 01 111 1 Minis luati; to 1 I orilrr mi short untire and jI innderte tirlcr Also-fal) La, uf vario'js tvle. cimsUiitly for " ... ..... itep nriii2 done tn order in nuirk tiim1 nC'ouiiuy produce tjkeu In eielriii"e fur work. I. O. MILLAItD. Illocnisbur;, Maj in, IS.'i" y BLOOMSUUKG HOOT AND SHOE STOK13. 'pill, hnderfigurd n sp'tittully informs the ctllrens I nf IHoomtturg an'J the iublic in gelural; ,at 1m lias opened Mot ana Shoe Establishment. Ill tin vfhftf t'lllldiiif. nn .Main slret. nlmie Clue's a. Wilson's It ik'ry, wuefc ho nan constantly ou hand jjoot-s, Shoes, Gaiters, &c. And will makeup work to order oh short notice Ills long rxnerti-iico in the Imsiin ts , and gcnnral know, ledjii til l liu uanttn, tliMp-nple, will enable him to rem'cr atlrfnriiuii tn all Ii if customers, and should serun: him purouage which h hop. m merit. II UN 11 Y KLCIM. UloninRbitrs, May U57. LOS T LOG 0IIAIN. K N r.lr.llT FOOT IICAYY LOO CHAIN AND V. CLDVIS wast i ken from ihc l'luw.nn the prenii pes of (he subscriber, in Madison lotMithip, Columbia county, oh Wrdncsdiy, the y.l inst. A rewaril nf ono dollar and filly rents will be paid fur it) return lo the owner. CALJIII C FOX. Dec 12 1837-31 SUA UP NO TICK ALL perr-on knowing themitelvei, indebted nr having iinsi-tileil Limn nrrnnnu with ilu fulitcrihpr nje i her.hy uoiitied m call noon hotomon .VtithirJ. r.si . w Im I" 1 1111 IHI 111 the same heftire the rirt ui Jamtaiv nesi iv.r in iiiniiiiii urviii cuu rm y uiifriUMUi. imki Kfur which linn nil unfoliecied ac ouutj w Hi be pbietd ItlClIARD TOKDY. Oct 31, 18a7 ' Qir MM MfVpTnn BUAlll iNUllLrj. LL r'TMifs indebted fo the firm of Hart man k (lower, are hereby notfiedtu mil and setilo the Also, those lnd.Me.l Hull. .uS.erihr,. r. likn..!.. requested to call and selllu. P. T. IIAKTMAN. L'apytnwn, Juno 0, 1P37- 3ru TIIC New Mou-e. of Wursfiip, In Midlinv jllc,i,Vlnm bia county, la , will be ih-dirated totlie servite of the Triune Jehovah, on Sunday, tlio V7th day of Hecem ber Lxciciscs to commence at lu o'clock, A. M- Neighboring Ministers, and all persons iutereified in the prgr rJs of religion, are invited in be present. . K. A OlIAUItLVlTiJ. Hlnb'mstiurg Dec 5, I&7 Pastor. & Columbia County Republican, and Star of tht A'ortK plcHt-e copy N10YV COOl'EH SHOP. I rtMin subscriborannoiiores thai he will earry nn the I X COOPWtlNO IIUrJINUSdulhla Ureweryin Hop. ! Barrels, Tubs. Keas. And everything 1 it lhal line ofbu.iucs. lie will also i t "'.' m "' ""u' anu wiiiuo itsMiluliynnu at pnii... f!iiAitT.n. iv iiAjr.n'p nfoomsburg, June 3, 1857, Brick! Brick! Brick! T?IVK IlUNDltKD THOUSAND 1 I' IC I M 1 : 11K1CIC. lujt lurncil nut. nl it,e Kiilweri ber's Ilriclt Yurdtt u Ulonmibdrs, and nro uttered lor sale. Til a best In thocouulry. Apoly to K. U, AIITUUK. Illoomsburg, Oclnbor 10, 1807 GOOD NEWS roll IIA11D TIMES. rpHC rjubsrrilora have Just returned from the city, X Willi a good a sort m cot o Goods.it priecs to sun, rU.h,!,'eCJ "'"C" Xttry ""V"" "'' " '"lc" ,l" ! Welnvlle all persons who wi.li lobnychcap, to call nml exitiiiue our stock Country Produce taken as uruai II V. k I. W. IIART.MAN Oct II. IS57 JOSEPH PUSSELL, MANUl'AUTURI II OF It 1. H A I I n., .. .1 ,1 . ui u i i t i us u ii u i a ni 3 u 1 s, At the Old Piaml. iO, 2 NOMU ICL'RIH STRUET AurJOn" n rillLIVLLIllU if? Special Notices. IIRI.MllOUVB flCNUINK rilKPAUATtCiN, IMglly Concentrated extract I'ueeu, ro uiaoaipx or tho Ulari' Concentrated Extract Ihicou, to' lilieaif r. K'"y. ''. 'rop.r.)Veakn al and p eafaiiltcnicdy. Read Hie nd area. &e., la ft ..Nli.m.ilu nnml llii. ml wml li.m..l lit I nnother column headed tlplinb ilJ Uenuine l'repain Hon " i. M3y The Jive l ci' C oil, liavmir Fund 0f,)(J National iafety Coiiipmy, alrocl. aouth- woiCtllcr i.r7lriltreit. I'hllidlilila,iinwlni nearly ,, ,. ii,i..,e n.iV.r nil In n.t r.t.Tr Mit-Moit ai a lUi.ror IHWar nil In Rri Ljr.Te, StoRtAoia, Orolib 1Ie.it. and other nnt clan acenrl lon, to Hit benefit ti tl-Toiltnri. ICf 1II0.MAS W. MA1TRUN, Ufcr.ut the I'nzo Medal nt the WniM't l'.ilr In Nindjn, ISM, Tor TRUNKS. OARl'l'.T llAUS, llnnlt. Hiwn niidOunii. (I feat Inducement ate now onVrod In purchasers of tho above arllclee. Thlsl imiclithclargcil itockoltrunks. Carpel nagi, Vallccf, Ire., In Philadelphia verycheap, 'or cash. Manurictorlei! 130 Market Street, S. W. rorncr.and Hi Market direct. S. II. corncrorFourth. tr wii ith tubtIT, rntir-UMno imD.M'il and HllAUTirUl. CO.Ml'M'.XlON-can bo acquired by tiling the "Batm tf a'lfiomand i'hvtrs. What hdy orgfiitlcnnn would fcnialn under the curso fT 11 dls. i ngrcablo breath, When tiy uilng tho "IIai.h or a j Thou aisd Flow lra" n dcntritlcri w.uld not only remW It sweet, btt It-lVc the Irclli Mhlto as aHt terl Many persons da not It now their br!atli U bad, I and the ruljcl ts dclirmc lliat ihfitr ff Inn's lill I tifvcr mr-nMonlt. llcwarc of cnttntcrfclts. He tih j each bottle Is slat'ictl FCTRtlJGR At CO., V Yi H-Tlin KANSAS Co.NariTimox -A venrftble ti'iilkinaii, who, when in ncllvo Ijfc.licld n very dls tiiicutthtd poshinn in the Iieiitncmllc pirly, si n t "Ilrfnlhes there n man with toul so dead, W Iki n over, to Iilnuclf Jiath anld, Thnt tho onlypUco to procure faihionablo, dniable, and chenp dullilng, U at tho MtlrnpuUtsn nmbtis!i silent of Ornnvillp Stokes. i. C07 Cl'psnut Ftrcel V1 'JXYOENAI'ED I1ITTEHS. 7' folloKtvg tttttr, from a tccll Anoieu Architect of -Von-teral, fptakt votumf in facor of (A 0A'l'f;:AW7'J ntl'Tr.HS as a viedtcin for ttoie uAoss octupatiina are of a scdeilary nalart, Montreal, Nov 20, 1631. Otntltmen, I am happy to be able to send yo'i my tnatiit.nnv In litinr nf ll, fr J m.l. .. ...I 1.. I i I.,, I. i t .7 . . I tended to Inve dona It before this, but lave btcn pre- , vi iitrd by proTusslounl engage incuts. 1 feel great plu sure in recommending It to all suffer ' Ing from Imperftcl tligCjilloii, sick Pcndache, acidilyj 1 ur any dorangemcnt of the stomach, from which I have guilt! red upicardt ofttctnt ytart Vrox the recommen. tbitioii of one uf mv frlentlit. I tvfii hi.lnr. ..I In trvntif! bottle, nnd Hud mvelf so much bcncfllod bv Its uin.' that 1 do nut think it uccirdary to continue it any fur ilwr. You may t'se thls.centtcmcn, da you thlr.k pfoper, and permit mc to remain. Yours, very truly, JOHN ArKlNSON", Sent W. Town tt, Co., 138 Washington tlrcet, Uos ton, Troprictort. Bold by their agents ovcrj wllrru. Carlylk. rriend Acr:-in this nge oi quacks, charlatans and mere windy gascoucprelemtrrs to heal, who blow at'evcry cori'cr, and in the face and cars of all men, their loud, bl trlng Jcrich trumpets and other ' noisy luistcrous wind inl runients of marvdously , twisted brass In such a woefully sham ridden epoch as 1 this, I say, Il is comforting, nay even cheering to iho ' oarnct I well wither of his race to know there has ar I rived lit this world a genuine Phyiiciaii to light once I moro upon something bpstdca mere Sangrados and Don i Mercurial Jalaps, with their phlebotomies, polious and warm w ator. Your Cathartic Pills nnd Cherry Pectoral, carry us forward to llalcon dajs-to millciilal Pharmacoptcas when Sciciic-!, deep dilng down into (he principles of' tiling"., sh.ili. w ith infinite cunning, un ng out the gen ui no Lllxir Viuo; forof n truth there is inanilcetly enough somewhat of that same Lifr Eence in jcur subtle vegetable diKll.ation. and compounds. You rcallza to us the visions of lho nainfuleM . . smoke dried Alchyunsts bootless seek1 is tirtniiinrs aiiMMiie retorts and crucibles, touchinc the quintcsben' tiat hidden virtue of the universe tihieh about.! nntl wincii lloulU anil dote distemper, and break lor man the Whtol of Ttme KQUAUT1' TO ALL! UNIFORMl'iY til' PItli.'I'.SI A NV.w Fkatlkk ih ItL'sitt-s. livery one ha oten $ilttmtt jum: k co.. bftlio Crercnt One Price Clothing Store. No. 300 Mukot strerl, above Sixth, Philadelphia. in addiiion tn having the largest. mot varied and iFii'ouablc tttortc nf Clothing in Philadelphia, made leiprrsflv fr rt 1 ; t siler hate ront-tiinfrd every otiy !)ismvn salubman; b) having nnrked in fig ires, on rach-irtli Ij tl.e vry, lowett price It can bu sold for i... . . .. f tli eaunct pusibly vary all nnlst hL-y nlik 'I ho gojit.nre wilt .pinged nndf repired.nnilgreai pains' tahen with the m.'kiti so that .ill can bu with lie lull asu mice o'fgulttn a yood article at the very lowest price. Also.n large stock of pi' ce goods oil h.iu.l.orthe Utest Htle.ind best Tialilins. which wilt ho lujili: to order, in lite mast ftstiioimble and best iii.tnnr.25 par rent, below cridit prlres. P.o iiemln't tho Crescent, in .Market, above Sixth Htrcel, No atl'j. . . -"''SJ'iJi0. CJ- Jl.OOO IlinVAltl) WILL III'. PAID t'Oll ANY Medicine 111 it will i Eeol PRATT Ac BUTOIICR't) MA GIC OIL for III" fnllowin iliease- P.heu'iiati-m, ' Xeuralgla, Spinal Aireciious, Contracted Joints. Ch Hc Pains. Pain' in tha Side or lla k .lleidachc, Tooth ache, pnlu Sire Threat, Cuts. Prunes, Ilu r us, and all disease of II: i Skin. Mmde and the Clauds. None genuine without the signature uf "Pratt fit llutcher" filint-hctl lo each label. Principal otnci, -0t Washt ng tun sireet, Uroiklyu, New York. Sold by U. M. II V C;nCCII, Uruggisi, Ulooinburg. t3Tlili la toreriifyth.il I have made but eno a'p pli cation of tho Magic Oil on my fingers which hive been drawn I nun contraction of the cords, brought on by rh'iiuallm. It was of seventeen months standing, and I am now entlrrlycurcd. I cheerfully ricommcml It to all ifllictcd likcwiFo. j. m riNiutnaic. Ii Locust street, llariixbur. August 1, iB57 IT? A CARD TO TIM. LMU L.S.-DU. IirocQs CiiLuivi Frivcii Pills are inaWfj it ren ovlng ttoppai'ti cr irregularities cf the mrnses. Thcie Pills are nothing new, b it have biin urc A by . the IJottor for many years . b-Hh in r ranee an 1 Amen Cl. null unparaJlchd surci rs in every case ; and ho 's urged by many thousand ladies who have usud the in, to make the Pills public, for ihc atli-vintiun of those iniTering from nny nregulariti is whatever, ui well 1 as aprcvemive to thasa fa lio wluso health will not n,.ril.t, ,n incieasu offamilv PrmlMn ncieaw 01 laniiij . i t'rcguani icmai es, or inose suppoFing iiicmeifei u ! nnnis...l e. .Iinon Ulllj no .111. nrnnii . "r us.uinc no re.pi.il.lulll.y uuc, nition, although their mildness wuu'd prevent any in jury li health; otherwise, those nils arc re com mended. (lireciions areimpmy each box. Priro 51. Sold wl'uleialcfiid retail, by (jkokci; m. HAfir.Nnucii, General Agenti Uiooiibbitrg, To. II c will supply Iho trade at (he proprietor' prices,, ailil "en3 the fills to ladies cjnjidetuiatlt) by mill on rec oleipl 91 Ihrohthe UI i t.mb ir,' Foil UJiij. ONE PItlOE ONLY 1 MPl'INCOTT & IIUNTM113 Clothing Warehouie, PouiliWfst corner of Furth and Mj.ket btrcels, Phil adelphia, Thsontif One Prion Clothing Store i n .Imtrica Cash parchifers ol Men's or boys Clothing, at vijioles'a.c and fetail, con here, make their selection from an Immense a foe k of fashionably cut and well made clothing , cotnp with a view to gide g&iitfactiou to all, and at the very lowest p'Msibltj selling price s ma iked u plain tig u res on every garment, all buy at the sima price, and whether they are Judges of goods or not. they cannot be dccieved. One uniform low pricetoask itnd lake. suitscverbody, wilt the ustTal mode of asking two prices, and taking all that can be t got, suits nobody, audcheatitlireo. lo'irtlu j for ii stance a man asks9l5(foracout,aiidafterwardsagrees tu take i 910, antl it'Is equally certain , that lie would have taken $15, II he could have got it, and thus actually chat I lie purchaser out of five dollars. Tu remedy ibis evil aiideiablisli confidence in the Iradi, LIPPINCOT ic CO., It a tiuiformbelow price on alt their goods, (very ' sii.srli b In iv HiBiwiml ratosi.t and wilt uiv.ri-.irv ohm cent under any circumstances. tr-viiAM, AVI) SHE jCI At theS,.th W tco a e o f I'o u r 1 1 1 a ul .t 1 1 r k e t alreet 1 hlldetphia. A OlbT WITH EVliltY 1J00K Worth from 50 cents to 100 dollars, Mt Jiitgec's Gift Hook Store, NO, 337 CIIMNLT 8TKT.KT. .'d door below Fuurth, Oct el l!)57 rillLADKLrilM 'I jATirs-T 3acagu cniNnnnt) ron balk at Il AK I il , "MAN. KNOW THir'SHLlV I AN iNVAt.UAni.KllOUKI'QIl WCpAlrJ. UVERV FAMILY SIIOUI.I) JlAVi: A l:nt"Y. UK ii un i till n ii i.iiiijM. MANUAL & llANtlltOOK 'a'., rnit Tin: a vri.ii-i'i ii 'r'i; eomaltilnc an outline, or the vfirrnri--' "''i111. pr'mreFBi treatment 't&CMJM-' "'' c"" r"crf ""m nrilli. Y"owJSfSi " " "X promucu V em: Willi advice Tar lliplf preventinn, wrMten In n ramiliar etyje. avoiding all medical technicalities, and everything thai woulil ofTend the ear of dreencv. rutlnunf ef fai I'tefiifr of Obittrlcl In rtt'iS CMtlt. l-.HUr'MM. ! IIU.TKirS.VF.ni0.fll JlM&'UJll. The niilhnr nt llili wind, .uuPke Ibe malonlv of those who nd mr Use to cure tin iiisi ne lU Colleges In JbeUuilfd States, It nilurdli me p'rn- I sure io rri,!in,iii'n"i iiim ioiiwj unioriuiiaie. or to , . tut Yirum hi nidi pruciire, 'is o siicccsriiii nnd rx LU pcrlunced prnctllloner In whose hon r nnd lntf'2 tt Htv IhfV in-iV idnci' thd srriilept f-onflifur.r'. From A, Woodward, .1. JJ. tf 1'enn, Untvtritty, VhuadttphiQ. It rlvfs tne ple,-tsurn to udd my tettlmonv to the professional nfdhty of the Aitthcir of the Medical dima," Numerous cases oi ureases of the tien it.il Drornns. some ofthem tf Inns: stuidiuir. havo e,....n it. la r in V UnllMt. Ill Wllicll 111 all I II tin haan flianircst in. rPinring to pencci ncaitn, in soino ; Int-lnnoii where the patient has been cnnsidfrcil 1 beyond nicdicnl aid. nllm treatment oJ' .seminal i 1 o we.iKne-ss. nr (imarranseini'iii oi tnc iuic.iioiis nro 1 iluced by tlf Abuse, or IZtctt nt venory, I do riot Uu(M his superior in the profession, iliavebeeti nciyti tiled with tbo Author somo Ililrtv vtnrs.and n it'Tiii it no nore thdn Jilsllce to In in as well nt a Kniueis " tnc uNiimiiiima viciini oi ranymuis1 rrrtion, lo rrrunwnend Iiim nsone In w Lose pro fcsflonal thilt and Inlejtlty they imy sarcly contlde themelTCs. Aurkd Woodward. M. D, Ouo ropy securely enveloped w ill be forwarded rrce or pistuge to an) part of the United St. tea, lor Ytreiiia.nrvcupiri,, ur 91 on. rj'Ad.lrossCOSDENfcCU.. Publishers, Box 197, Philadelphia. HoiLselters. Canvasser and Box Agent snpifd en the nioit tibeal terras, 11. e 3, 1S37-V KKMUVAL. rp'lt: Hiibpcriber having removed his Marble Yard. J from near the Court Un isc, ti theHnuth wrst mt m r of .MAIN' and MAUICUT streets, hi Uuperl's How, .hrc he is prepared to I'nrnW'i all kinds of Marble Work, i Hi IIUI1U "rttu. t'lta'im m hubs s.u "'U1 uuu (lead Atones of ever description Mis stock )i ol tho 1 bpfl kind, the wnrkmnisulp not surpassed hyonv tn tut country, anu at low prices, v.i auu juugo lor , VUllrSrtVl'S 3 lie wl I also furnish T.iblo and Itoreau Tops, MaettM f . r houses, Ilnee Corse,, I.inlies.au d Sills for Wjnmwft and Uuors, at a low figure. 0,Tt!',!"MuI,for P"1 fav"rs w0 ,l0l,e f,,r ,l conilnumee 0 10 amt; ANTHONY WH'MAlV. Rlpbinsburg, ApiiM. Iti&7. tm VPW TllMTfJ IS Ilf V JJivUti STOKK. main BTunirr. B3ic" A N d fi 'V' Hlooms!)iirr. rlMinunderslgtieu would respectfully hi form his friend i 1 nml tin. ii iiilir iri.Mnrr.1U tlcil lin 1i.i n i rrli.tneil Mr Tusgt!'. Druiaiitl Chemical Store, and Just U-turned ffbui tl'.eclty with a Urge and select stock, consisting of 1'Ycsh ana rare Unegs, I Medicines, Chemicals. arnu nit nnd w holedpice. Tniots, 1 Ujl, VaniiOies. iJte.Stuirs. Window OUssnf all sites, , together with :i cou'ipleie assortment nl Paint. Tooth ami Shading llrushci.'i obacco-ScB.irh, ancj Soaps (Shav I I hit Crcart. Puro (Vinpp and lirandics, For Medlclrlahise, nnlfli, rrenrh ind An.crlcati Per- '" , ' ' ' ' . fl'rprtlnilfiritftirefti M i cn in no il nded . X Tlie fouii au Pft'iruistoi, wilt be continued as iHual in Ltlo-imsbiirj anil Light Street. Alio.. i full assortment of the latest style Teeth, f0r,;"e"y onO.M.HACUNBUOII. Boimslntrg. Tebruary 1, IBS" " BLOOMSBUItG BOOK STOllli. rTlH2 Ulldcrflicticd ICSpCctfullyr J that fhe cunt iiTucs the Jllaomsbutff Bo announces) shut tr Book Store aw Stationary FMabtishmnt Inf lyion.iucted by hrrdecenscd I andT-Maj , aark '-ii nil Jif ir various hranches, a II e old sia mVtn KxH a we llui'dincs- first door i;jSi of the Uzcliaiiep floli.. aud luuing repl-nlslied , he? establishment 'Sui n choice stuck'ot JViw Book n Stationary Biie is .pripa"'' accommodate md i nv c vciiRracj in ncr iiuu, ! JILSO, , The Restaurnnl 3ilno is, In thebasemfititof the above 1 1 fiaill I ,H lllf 11 1. Wil DO Con lintietl 'B u on-' "J "i""" . ,.,.,. ,,. nt ti i,n,nf he sun tilled J n.ihthn chiri;st tt kkhqeh aid Rr.FKKJitMbirs, such a4 MliiraH..irsnpartllo, uetjr. rtie. .c , r.iruines, UIp.I ...it PirttlU Itu l)'r.. l lijMf'l ijIkiiii tn. ILS i lie IIUUIIC CUSIOUI IS in iruiuuy ""uil'u. M C.MlOI.INn CLAItK. niooni'bilrcMaj S, 1 847 SPUING AND Goods. SUMMER '-rMlCiiudr3iincdr''speejfullyin(urin hlsfnendjano I iiie puhiir nt 'urge and the rest ofinaiikiuil that , lichds cstablliluiia splendid - "i ttii elfganlnew riiore House, just t retted in Uoh s org, Culu iiibla county. Pa., where he tun now opened largo nod choice nsserlioenl or I Spring and Sufhmer Qoodp. Wlnrti he is ('Kirminetj t sell on suCh'terlis aswlll nitliici' allat leat tn this vicinity . whoaro m want of Merchandize, to extend Irlin theircustom . II is tot; hasbt en Selected w lih mcVbcijri' nnd wilt rclerente tot he want toll his couimuini and without going tn iifcr info a minute enumeration oft he various ! kindii ho risk nnthing in niurinp bin friemls that ' e ryllilmj sdally krpt in Country Stores, can here be .had a "little cheSpcrthnn tt.'c cheapest. ' -tJ"Couutry protluce, including Grain, Lu'mber, Ac, ' taken incxchaiigi: for goods WILSON AG LU, Uohrsburs, March l?57,--y. T) KMAINIXG in tho Post Office at I Vj Ulooinsbnrg, Pa., Quarter ending November IO'Ii H57. Ilittenbender, Mary C Itcrltiol farati A llrimm Henry (Mse William I"h tiiilig'i W( sley (Iilittr llavid Coodnch Harvey II. Kill Ct-nrge Lechihaitr Conrad Long N 11. . Larifh (Uubrii MtCec J irknou Morgans Morgan iMt.fr Alem Phi'ips John 3. Piak Allen W Roiihiiis i: Stockcr U'lplii (Je.irgo aniith John Marst Henty Stutiuinn James W -gm-r Preelnve WeHiverT.J. Won rer W J W.t ks M i ill Mm 7.t hum Caroline Tn oman Hughes Ja.Bes Watlcy hip i i c li e 1 s Henry i lynn James tr Persons callina for the above letters will nleaie giv tliev nre ut!vtr(icd. Phi MP UNANCST, p. M. Si'HIKc: AND SUMHEIt X T -O'. .' i-w. y, To be Sold Very Cheap. JUST KF.CC1Y U AT THL. SI'OUU OF4 J. J. IJUOWEU, Cloouikburg. April S3, 1857-Hm E. 11. OKWIOV wlfaiiufiirfuesr And Wholesale Dteler in I'UDAIi, U'OOI) A XI) U lLI.Otl 1VAKK, IB IB M Tt, & CLOCKS. LOOKING GLASS!:. COIWOE, OIL ci.op.'is, ni!usni:rf. window eh Anns, &c. I N i. -J5 Notlh TIIUU) Street, On. Jar htloio tht City llottl, Pllll.AUin.rillA. Aug 33. Ie57 OlDKlt MILLS. rU KRAUSLIt'S POIlTAULi: CinHIl MILLS. Ttfalhii beet in use ; Whe(er's llor.i' Powers nnd I breshers. Corn tstielleia or vn noil sizes, nay. friraw aud fodder Cutlers. Grdo 1'nue. Ilool Culteis Farmers' Duller, S'do Hill, Mull ?oil and other Plows, Plow Castings, t.'oru Itaskets. Spains, Atiiio.pheuc Churns Sir , wholesale anil retnil. at l'ASCIIAl.1. Jlllllltm fc CO., Implement and Peed Btore. 7ih and Market streets, Philadelphia Oflnber 10 IH7 S. L. Pancoasf &L Co COMMISSION MEKOIIANT.S. anus ino nr.Ai.r. i FISH, PROVISIONS, SALT, .J-c. , 17 North Wharve. Philadelphia. .EE1)S. I Pi: I Mi: Timothy and Herd eras. Reeds, Orchard Grass, Italian Rye Grass, American and I'.nglisli Lawn Grass, Kentucky lllue Grass, .e , at l'ASCIIAl.1. MORRIS b CO., Iniplenieill und Seed Store 7th ami .Market tire, Is, Philadelphia. October 10, 1837 1MUSUMUT1I cbllllOTIIKltS. WnoLIIPALE T O HB it C V, it S Vj A Ii 82 It S AO.105.NO1CTII Tllllm STIIEI'.T Five doors below llaee, riiii.Aiir.i.niiA. Janrurar 10, 1625., nnnii Jihnt and lap shinglbs, ior sale lJUUU si t io Arcade by May 3d, 1U57. A. C. MF.NSCII. NUW NO. 3 MACKCRlTLjust received al IIARTMAK-B. E VI'KV O 1 M.Clti:ilCL lot sale nl II IIT.M .N' SWAN & OO.'S LOTTIilUES. av.-if a.vd nhiixtAitr scowic t'npilal l'rizc The I'oHotvIng rlcVnle will be drawn by S. Bwah 4c Co.. Mallaiera or the Fort Oainiis' Academy Lottery, in each or lliclr Loltirioa for Urrtmbcr, I8..7, ol AUtiUSTA, Uenrgla, In wliltli clt tliey have remoVed their Principal Olllce. . ' CLASS Ii?,, , To tc drawn In the city or Augusta, (leorjita, in pul.ll), on Saturday, Di'r.oitiber alii, ISa7 CLArtrS W), To be ilrawnln the eltytf Augusta. (leortla, In public, on Saturday, licc'liiber Ulll, Mil, CLASS t)7l . i . ... To Uo drawn in the city i.r Augu'la.Ocorala, In public on ctalurday, Derember U'lli, It 37. CLASS Of, , i , Ti Lo drawn in the city ol Augusta, (Icursh, In public, on Saturday, December !l(ith, lt,.'7. "ON Tlli: PLAN OF SINOLE NUMBERS. tcs 7n0alaatf ear asar.a jtiiv Nearfy oho I'rizo to cvory Nino Tickets. MiajA'JCCXT SC1IIMKI tann drawn SATURDAY IN Dr.CIiMnKRI 1'. A C II I 1'nZe of r,iicu I I Frixn or '.'.(Km nu nut) I 1 1 ,5u3 10 oik) I go ijoiio 0,11110 1 inn 13(1 soot) ton 1 si a.301) I luo ion APnnnxtsiA'i inv piit'i?H I Pritea,$luiiAppro'liig lu tiinuenPrizoaie 1 1 3.10 'J-.0 30,00.1 joeo 111 una 0 nco 3,000 : 000 3 nan 1.300 130 13.1 100 73 30 30 are ctiu 30U 400 300 .'00 103,000 4 4 .4 31U1) S 100 Prlies nmei'ntlng lo aaaO.OflO WIIOLU TICKETS SlOj IIALVK3 $3) UUAK TERB S3I Plan of the iMlery. The Number from I to 30 000, corresponding with those Numbels oil tho Ticket pril.ted nil separate alio ol naner.are cucircloil Willi a mull I in tube sand plauud In one wheel The niet 308 1'rlr.c, similirlv printed tnd cnclr cled, are pi ired In nni'tlier w heel. The wh"els are then revolved, and a numbol la ilrriwn friiin the ulictl ol Number nnd at the same ' lime a Prlxo la ilrawn o.l the other whcpl Iho Nitmucr anil Prlzedrawn oU I urc opened and exhibit I eil to the audience, and registered by the Oommls BiDMCrS. lilt: I ! V I'K f a .t n iu I n B iin: iiii' I draw n. 1hi operation Is repeated until till the Prizes are diow n out loners; the Prize being p.-aeetl against Ihu Numbei jipprozunation j'ri; tio two pteccuipg ana in two ucciMMlllt; nuiii'Jersio iiiope urnwuii tne hii H Prl7i will Lo er.tillnt In the 22 Annrnximattotl PriKes. IVr px untie: If T ckct Ml. 1 Il2j0 draws tllO $C0,0tHl PriT-j.tKoso Tl.ckets iiutnhercd 11,1! It, II I I.Vwl, will eacit be eniilieo iu .ju. ii i icrui V1 .l.lll rliniv-l Itsn Ml I HIO I' r te . I lln tl! Ttfkpl ml 111 bf-red 54-J, rD, 551 6,)?, will each beeniHled to S-'SO, and so on nccrnling to Iho nbuvc scheme. Tne fiOOt) Prlr.es of f20 will ho -icier mined by tho hut figureof iheX-tmlwr tnaldrnw I lie t.tltJO Prim, for example, ir ihu Number drnwlt'2 l he ftOtOG Prize ends wild Kb. 1, then flM the Tickets, wheru tho Number ends, In J, will be entitled to $W. II the Nuinlar ends wilh No 3 then nil tlie Tithfts where the Number tnds in 2 will be entitled to $30 , and so on tu u. Certificatm of IVickngrs wil be sold at tbo follow In? mil, whirli I tho risk : Certificate of lockage of in WholcTickets, f)P0 do dq 10 Hal T do 40 db di laauarler do SO do do 10 Uifihlh do , 10 IN OIlDIiniNC TlCKK'lS Oil Cnii'l IFICATrfel, Cnclooo the money to our address for tho tickets ordered, on receipt of which they wil' be forwarded by !lrl mall, t'urrh.isersran have tickets ending In any finite thfy may deslgna'e The liistofllrawn Number and rrizeswillbr sent topirrhnstjrs immMiately after tho drawing PurclUB' rs will pie 4ve write thei r aiirnaturcs rlain, ii ml i-fn fbeir Pttsl drilen. ConMv and Htale. Remenilier that every I'rie ii drawn and payuble lit fu II without dedurtion . A II frizes of SlOuOnudunder, pi Id immediately after the drjwing-other 1'iUes at the usual time of thirty das. All communications strictly confidential. Address orders forTicketi or Certificates, to , n HWAS it CO . Augusta, 3a. Persons residinj near Montoinery Al'i. orAtlan'.a. Ca.caii have their ordTs tilled, nnd Pave lime, by addresii-K ti. Sw.ui uCo. at either of those cities. ry A Mstot tli nunirj tlint are druwn from tho ' wheel, Willi liieauiounl oftiic prize that earn one is enlilled to will be iiut.iuiied afiei every draw tng in the f..llowini papers -Auputt Oca ) Contituttoeli,t, J.'r OrUanj lUUa.Mohilo HeS ,ttr, Chartetton H?dard VashciUe Oaiau .JlUiMa rntdltyencor. Mm York it'eektt a9 o-l 1M7 CHEAP .STORE. FALL AND AVlNrt.lt GOOD'S, PU Ii uuduramncd take pleasure in an JL nouncln; to thelrcustomcrs and the pubtii gencr nltir. lint ilmv li.'ive iukl I eCiind. iit 111 iMHt Milan iuio,n Cliuitr uoiui i ii i (.-ii i, v. Snnni? and Summer Goods, Oomnrisinff every article usually kept in ' " . . . . . .'.. Country More, w men iiaci-een rcicctea wini care and will be sold at very low pi es tot ready pay. 7 (TA h5 fe-StVi rnnsUting of a larp,- antty w io"s, Cassiincri, Hulaiues. llrnzcs Cnli oeh, A-c. JO Country produce tnken in eichnngefor goods (Jive us a call. None need go away ilistatified. Ii. WAl. LOW. Lnn- Uldne. March 28. I ?."7 N EW GOODS. Spring and summer of 1857.5 rI hofc undtr-iigned, grateful for former1. I . 1 1 Cera I patronage, respectfully Infcrms his friends nnd cuelomcn in genera), that hi has romj j mencud businessin his spacious New Btoro Housn I ncxtdoor in If?inh rihuntairs Hotel. where lie has Juii received, afullsupply of I SPUING AND SUMMKR G0OP3. comprising ? very variety of fashion, 'pialitv and style usuall) k pt iu the best slorcF, (Irorcrles.auinceware Hardware. Pisit, rf.il. Hats.Cap, ll.n.tu, t-hocs, fee, which HI be sold on ncrnmu.oualing Terms, ira Grain and n udure of all kinJw tiled. A & 5. ANDUEWS, . Manvilli. March 13, lW,-y 1 , NEW 0A1UUAGE ESTAI5iTSIIMENT Ii ItLOO'MSBUllG. the Nov brick thro Story Carriage Factory, cn Main below Market. rpllt. sdhrrniier wnuM rtspcctlully announceto rite X public, th.vt he has commenced the M-TJ. WAiitJN MAKING IU-yL in all iitbraurhci He Is prepircd toe-iefnlr, ul t rilem and has on tilled a,t reiciit nn as ioHue at of Uuuhed.nork which pf i chasers wflliii'tlit tu their advantage to exa nil no IICPAIIIING, Will bedone In the nmst promni and oarefm manner antl npontcrms whichcannoi fail to civesiiiofariloii. drilAWllllilJUH A. WILSON. Uin.-.mE burg. April lh'i.'i. II It OO KB It & MAIISH, Aiidiuiiccrs .V Ctimmissiim illrrthaiils, SOI NORTH TIIIRn TRUGT, One door below Vine, KJ01A!DJS'Hf!ljaA J ?ates or Idols anu' shots. Dry Ooodi, (une,Hardietire, It'iitihts Taney Hoods, See v . . i:vkrv r.vnwa. C3Co.intrv Plonkeepefs anil other will always And at our Evening Silos a largo and desirable assortment OI ill- auove ij.ioua, to Oil soul in lois 10 suit ouyers i Goods packet! on thu premises fur Country Trade. ' Septa). 1757-3111 I E ' Clnrilt ptv Hour! .ttli iv TkaPrMthlMOtrUk.sJbttiatoU ltV' I HkJ.rl-lpli. lr. mUmUU . .1V' I It ! S! Prut It. Cult ,oJ I ubU Tr Tteti.ti' Cudi pr Ilour.ia ma trj tvett tiju-t J rrif" it.'ij r .Y.s Vt.sT1lTrrisjtjT . . .1 ' or. i.iorary. w u at r . uemw t ninui. Gil EAT ATTRACTION. JOHN DOLL, No UI .North Second street above Arch, Phi a.ltlpliia, Importer of Toys and rancj GooJs. Has the larcest ncsorttiientt of rnrinsitle. tn ih,. ..... 1 Toys of all kinds. Pa ncy FisketB,SmokeiipetTnbai'fo , Uoxes. Violin, and Slrllt;. Ilarinoiiicas, Vcortlenns. I and a Urge variety ol other article, ioq numerous lo I mention. Sinrekeepersand oiheri will please call bohare pur chasing elsewhere i Auj '.0, l?i7-3in a. n. BARNES, v.m. ostnr.um.-r UAltN'IJS .t OSTE1UIOUT, .Vtiiii'arll.TSes and H'holesaJe Dealtrs In lints, lajis. Mraiv (Jonils nml Puis, XO 50J .M AltKI'.T STRCr.T. fi'p slalrs.J .00 K liriU STitSET. Aii.i, i?57 pjiifjwr.t.riit.i Greenwood Seminary. AT . J ItJillvillo. Columbia Co.. Pa. ASVSTP..MATIO course of instruction i elven in all the English hraneliea usually taught. The Prlnclpil will bo, assisted during the present year by T. M POTTS, an ciperiuneed teacuer. recently from the Lancaster c nuniy Normal School A vacation of .even week, will commence JuljMsi. TCIt MS. Tuition, for nay pupn. $1.5( to ,1,50 per ibarter. Iloardin;. Tuition Washing,- Lights, !c , 30 pe, turner ol eleven weeks, one.lialf in advance Fnrclreuhr cilaleguc, or other p-irlieuiars alJress IVM I.l'KllL'S M.IL ill. .r I . l-"-.r P, f . Kansas A Halts. 'J I13 pro-slavery party in Kibias bivf mado their nominations for Stato cmccri. Frank Marshall and W. G. Matthews nro respectively the oandidalos for Gpvernct mid Lieutenant Governor. General Cal houn, tho I'rcsid'ont of tbo l.oeorapton Con stitutional Convcnficni was nominated for Governor by acclamation, but ho declined the honor anticipating an election to tho United Slates Senate. Mr. Cart was nom inated for Congress. At last accounts Gnnornl Denver bad not reached tbo Ter ritory. The Republican journals lire in dustriously circulating reVairU of organiza tions of iilics'ourians to toks part in the 'ensuing elections. 'I ho Legislature ha" transacted no business of importance NEW V0B3 TIIR CA.MUKN ANU AJlUOY ItAILUOAft AM I'lllI.MlCl.l'llIA AND TUCSON KAthHOAH COMPANY a LINES. From Phladtlphin to AVto York, and ff'sy fs Leaves as follows vlu Kar, At 1 A. M , from Kensington Depot, vta Jersey City. Mall 31 At 0 A. M.. via Camden and Jcnry Cily,New Jersey Accommodation. .... ..... 8 At ti A.M ,via Camden and Amboy, AcconimoLa HOii v S At 7 A. M., v'l Camden and Jersey City, Marn- ing Mul 3 At 10 A . M ., by steamboat Trenton, via Tacony and Jersey Citv, Morning Kxprci 3 At 'if- M., via Camden and Amtoy, C. audA. Dtpress 3 At h l'. M., viai Camden and Jersey City, Evening Mail 3 At :t l M , via C.tMdcn and Amboy, A ceo m mo- , datinn, lit Class. ............,.. - At 3 1'. IS. via Camden ami Aniboy, Accoinmo- italion, iiti Class.. I At OP. M. via Cflirtdcit and Amboy, Accommo dation. 1st Class i S Attn1. M.. via Ca md tin and Amboy, Accommo- ilillop "d Class 1 Thu5P. M lino mus tljily, all othem Sundays ei cepieu. Lin i est Lines s'nA nt tho prtncliiat ila.tf.ni only. Tor Uelvidere l.attou, ri"mington, &c, at ti A. M. and 1 I'. M , liom Walnut street wharf. For Wati r Cap. titroiideburg,Pcraiiti,n, Wllkesbaire, Montrose, Oreat (lend. &c, at ti A. M., via Delaware, Lackawanna at Western Itallroad. Pur Frfteholdnt C A. M.nml 2 P. M. ,-. For Mount Ilofiy at 7 A M., and 21 and 5 r. ?J. 7AY LINC3 For Bristol, Trenton, , at Si and 1 r. Mi .v.1 AY LIN 13 For Talmyra, Rancbcas, lievefly, Btirllntton Hor dentowii, &.C., ui j i" m. way r.fvfc For Mount lfolly, UuilJngtou ami Way Stations, at 5 P. M . Steamboat Richard SUocklon for IturtingtrO qnd llrts tolutdi A M., and fjf Uordeutown and intermediate places Jt 3 P. M. Steamboat Trenton for Tacony at 10 an. 11 A.M . and 4 P. M., and for Uurliugton nnd Un;ol at 4 P. M. Alt tineg, eicril I A. M leave Walnut st.wtfarf. Fitly I'Ounds ol ba;gape only allowed each pas enuer, Paisenicrs arc prohibittd from takinjr any tiling as baimage but ilieir wearing apparel. All baggage over lit 1 y oundj to ) paid loreitra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to one dollar per nd will not be Intblo for onv amount bevond I Si W0, except by special contract ' lVf II f'AT7MPP i.l c. tc a r-. tt. co, II. R, MORRLLL, Asent, Sept2a.l3i7 Thila.Tr. II. R.Co. L1PE INSU1UN0E. TUEamnRiy lwk iKtviutxcE Jttt.mrrr ai;d trust co.wi'jjjvr or piiiladklpuia. OrilCU, HO. 4US CHLSNCT STREET. CAl'lTAL, (paid up.) 810UW)0. CAarrrr I'tryctual. COX'ltNUiltiJ'muke INSURANCES ON L1VU3 on the most reasonable, tcpis. flu, e:inii:ilhcit.z n'&idQDiitra invested, tocetbcr n Ith a targe aud constantly Increasing reserved rund.auet. a perfect security to ihc insured. The premium, mut: be paid yeatly, half jeatly, t quartelfy l lie uonipaiiy mill H ,v". lie, periHtimuiiy iu 1110 ineu rouces fu'lile. Tlw clltar HONUB appropriated in Deccmhvr, IH4I. the hlou UONUS in December, ; ii.ihc i hird honus in uecemuer. ma. TKn.o nrlrlif mtia nfp iiis.Im wlltmill funul tfJ-Thcse additions nre made without reiuirlns anr Increase in the prcmiuim tube paid tu the Company. i no loiiowinti nre n n w cannipics irnin ine ncfiisier. A moil it of Policy an it film Bonuior bonus to be Incre-tsed Policy In.ured addition bylulurc additions. No. pa r$25ii t-t su jaTanra " 132 3001) 973 3 S7."i to 109 101)0 .125 20 1J2S00 33 31.00 1500 (S,:J(r CO Sic. A.c. tc. Ac- Ainnhlets. contatnina tables of rale nnd etnlrtii. t lion, tonus of application, and further iulorraailoa (can be fo'ind at the office. , .- THOMAS Kf DO WAY, rrsrirfrrt. Jo. P. James, Mtuary. 1 OtloVr to, 1837-lv BHILLIANT l'KOSPKCTUS I rOURTII VEAIt OF TIIR-, . COSMOTOLITAN ART ASSOttITIO.V. TUU TAJIOUS Dusscl do 1 Galley of Painting?! Purchased al a co.t of $ieo,000 I And Powers' world renowned Statue of tho HIS IE Hi nepnrcliJ-eu for m thousand dollars, wiifl several nun red other works of Art, in Pnlullncs. Uculpture and Uronzcs, comprlie the Preinium to be arded io tha subucrib'Ts nt the COSMOPOLITES,' JMT ASSOCIATION, Who subscribe heforo the 2eth uf January, 1319, it which time the nvard will take placn. TL.lt. MS Or rfUIlSCKIPTIOTT. Jlvtrf Mibscnbcr at three doltari is entitled to A topyol the larce and splur'JU luel Knefsvi;;, entitled "Mamuet Deptimv'oIivo to A copy of the CoiMoroUT..N Ab"t oynnit one year, also to A Cirlificnte jn t c Award of t'rrmiuirts. aln A free admiision to the Duseldoirand Cosumpoll Ian Galleries '1 bus It Is men that for CYfr J three dollars paU tho subseriher not only receives a SPl.UNlHll TIIUCC DOLLAR CNC1RAVIM1I Hut nUoihe beautiluitv Illustrated TWO DOLLAR AUT JOpilNAL, ONC Yi;AH. Carh t-tibtcriher is alro prefented with a Cert ill cut in the Awards or PrenMutns, by which a vnluable work, nf Art in Painting or ticulplutc, tuny be received in addition .ihu Kjyiuir to eery subscriber an erj Hralent to Ihc niuo ol jus dollars, nnd a Crrtitlcate gratii. Any one of the kadius S3 Masazinrs is furuiihei, itutead i f Cntaving and Art Juurnal, ff tienlrt-d. Ni permn i restricted lo a tla share. Tftots loknis live memberships remitting gis.aic entitled u Co rsira L.iigralu andslx lickiw, Tutl pirti ulars of the Association are slven in the Art Journal, whlrh ct ntalnscvar sixty splendid Un cratings, p.icefy cents per nunUr. Specimen copies wii; be sent to all persons who deEr-'e to subscribe, on receipt of five postage taw, is, (15 ecru Addiess, C. L. Di;ftnY, cluiry C. A. A, C. M. IILAKCR, Honorary Sccttlary C. A A Nov It, Pi7 n'roadway,Vcw Vork EJB.6.iaSKJEJfi, CAHINKT WA.IvEKOO.MS. rpll i: undersigned respeeirully invites the altenllOa I oflhe Public lu hi, mensivo afsortniein of Cabinet , Iiirnilunoiid Lhair-, wliich he wlllv. arrant tobeniail. I ; Bonimiicri.ilsnud In a n oiltnnnlike vtatiuet A, i JJJL'tjloinliieni.canalna) lie found ijoodassori ''ASIIIOXAULE PUUNITUItE, ii W hich Iseitttatinslylennd fliti.li lo that of Phil (v niicipinisor Acw Yotfc culea.itiidalas Ion price, siSillotWi SOFAS, cf ditTereitt titles and prices, from III M l, llivt.il I.ouiiies . Wal.f out nihl Matiugoiiy, Parlor chairs, Hocking and eas) chairs, I'jiria stools, und a variety of upholstered wotK with Drcatin; nnd parlorhureaus, sola, card icnlrc aa I pieriatil ff.ilnushu. chefTeuiera whatnots and ronton dres and al kind or, f.ililon.iU!s uoik, Ills stock el birfr,ul, cnloed rnd cnutmdh was?i slnnds, dress, tables. corner cupboards, sofa, brenklaal tables, bed steads cane sratand common ehiir. is the lar est 1 1 this settlor, of Hie rountrv. Ilu will nLii keen a eonj atsorl'uent ol lunkiog glassct will; lane) lilt and com. .,.,. ....,.. ,.u, iii.ii iitrnisii spring uia'resses filled many sire of beadstead, which are superior far durability anjcouuforlto any bed in it.e. SIMON C SIIIVE, Rlonrntburg April Fth, IPS! A ItOOK FOR HVEUY JIA.V.S LinitiaV, Rare Inducement to Agtnts. CA'NVASSnitS wanted in U.nu luMcil'tlt ft t Comprehensive Geography nml llisirjty rinu and M.dern. ol the IVorhl: by B G (i lodrlrh .Pi r Parley.) Ilaud.omelt' lund in clotU. gl'i a id I ' . Iratedwitb eoo beautiful engratlngs and fn map Price S-l. Soldonlv bv Oliul lo rach (l who'll t .penal district will h giten. Applicants ilieu'd tiv wliai counties they noulc liltc to eabva.i. The booi Is now ready. Copies v.;!the sent by mail put fa' onrereipt ef the price. Itills uu all loWe.l bai k laken at par The Howe Jr.rRN'.t. says ol'this nor No Tamil) whatever should be without ii " For Ir particular tu fVKSTd lonn agency, address OKORGi: W Kl.t.IOTT, Publlihernnd I'mien Her. n. li j William ttreei. New Vurlt t' All k.i.Ji ofSdiosI and Mlieellaoco'l IT.,, Clii f' lot ois.Siatloi.cry und V,ri. i.niia'lHl iu V Of. ;. i i . t ,t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers