Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, December 26, 1857, Image 2

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    D. 1.1 ATRIA MlHnnn AT
Bloomsbug, Dec. 26, 1857.
01' TUB
Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Railroad.
We liad the ploasurc on list Friday
tho 17th of December of wilnosslnc tho
completion of that great enterpriio, tho
Lackawanna and Blonmsburg Railroad.
Tho rails met at Berwick, about 2 o'clock,
1'. M., amid tho hcirty cheers and oon.
gratulalions of tho assembled multitude
who had convoned there for tho purposo of
witnessing that much desired operation.
Fasiengcr Cars wero immediately procured
for an excursion, tho Directors and Con.
ductor poliicly inviting tho parly present
nnd their friends to join in the first ride
over tho Road, when the Cars were at once
filled to overflowing, a large portion of
which was composed of tho Ladies of Ber
wick, and tho excursionists set out for
Rupert Station. The train passed down
majestically, safely and pleasantly, in
quick time, to tho satisfaction of tho cntiro
company, arriving ntRupcrt about 5 o'clock,
when it returned for Scranton, tho same
evening, but wc cant speak of its trip far
thcr from observation, as wt with many
others, mado our exit from the Cars at
Tho erection of tho L. & B. R. lt. is
truly a great enterpriio for our citizens,
and inaugurates a ncwfealuro in our ccun
try. Wo arc no longer in the woods. Wo
arc all tho time at home, and yet, conveni
ent to everybody and everywhere.
Tho Directors, Officers, and Managers
of this magnificent Road, nino miles of
which, between Bloomsburg and Briar
creek, is 33 straight as a dyo, dciervo great
credit for their indomitable energy and
persovoranoe in prosecuting this work to a
fpcedy completion, in tho face of tho pres
ent overwhelming financial crisis. Indeed
wo' think, they did more than their duty,'
to accomplish the entrrpnzc, as itis known
that.most of tho officers interested, with
other pulJia spirited gentlemen, have
drawn largely upon their privato fortunes,
to raise the moans for its early completion.
The Road ii finished, and tho Cars,
carrying the U. 8. Mail, now run daily
between Kupcrt and f-or.mton. Its stock
is believed to bo among tho best Rail Roid
invtstmcnls in iho country. It cant bo
otherwise. The road is of quito a level
grade, running parallel with tho North
Branch Canal and Susquehanna River,
leading Into llio Leart of (no Wyoming
Valley, opening up a direct communication
between tho Philadelphia, Cattawissa,
Williamsport and Erie Rail Road, and the
New York and Lake Erie, affording at
once a direct interchange of tho untold
Iron Ore, Limestone and other mineral
wealth of Columbia, and tho inexhaustible
Coal fields of Luzerne.
Wo ars n for the Lackawana and
Bloomsburg. It is just the neatest little
institution isthis commonwealth. And, in
conclusion, wc take occasion to add, that
the Company have been most fortunate
in tho selection of such eminent business
gentlemen as F. J. Leavenworth, Esq.,
Superintendent, and Col. R. S. Adams,
Candidate for Canal Commis
sioner. lion. Westi.ey Frost, of Fayetto coun
ty, is named in the Pittsburg Post, and
Uniontown "Genius of Liberty," as tho
cext democratio candidate for Canal Com
missioner. Col. Frost is a gentleman of
capacity, experience and fidelity having,
during Gen. Pierce's Administration, filled
tho office of Marshal for ihe Western Dis
trict of Pennsylvania with distinguished
ability, and various other posts of trust
and honor to general satisfaction and
fhould tho Wostern Democracy, who have
the undoubted right to make tho selection
of tho next Canal Commissioner, to sue
eeed Mr. Pldmeu in tho Canal Board,
confer this honor upon Mr. Frost, his
nomination would be triumphantly ratified
by the invincible Democracy of Pennsyl
vania, Col. F. has all tho requisite qual
ifications for an efficient member of tho
Canal Board, and should ho receive tho
jiqminatiop of iho next 4th of March Con
vention of which wo have little doubt,
ho may' calculate, with moral cortainty,
upon tho honest, energetic and efficient aid
of tho Northern Democracy, so far as that
can bo influenced by iho efforts of tho
bumble Editor of the Co'umbia Democrat."
PottongilPs Newspaper Agency.
Wo have had considerable business
transactions, during tho past ten years of
our connection with tho Columbia Demo
crat, with Newspaper Advertising Agents
in various cities of ihe Union, and it af.
fords us great pleasuro to bo able to say,
that the firm of S. M. Pi.TrK.NaiLi. & Co.,
of New York aud Boston, ara tho most
competent, attentive and reliable gentlemen
of our acquaintance. They always treat
Editors fairly, and gcttlo their accounts
PBOMPn.V. And this i not all ; Ihey al
Wc commend Mcsirs. PctlQngill h Co.,
to publio eoufideuse and increased patrol),
PennB 01
'Mils now Rail llosil, leading from tho
Cattawissa, Willi amsport and Krio Hail
Road, a distance of some six milci, recently
built wo believe, for wo writo witliout
note by tliounitcdcffortsoftWiMcCnulcy
Moun'ain Hail llnad Company," and tho
"Columbia Goal and Iron Company,"
runs through Reaver township, Columbia
ceuuty, and has its terminus in the great
Coal Mines, in MoOaulcy's MountaiD, was
formally, really, (substantially and most'
'emphatically opened, on last Tuesday
Our information is, that tho invnluab10
property, through which this Kail Uoad
passes, and on which tho Coal Mines aro
located, is partly owned by tho aforesaid
business to ppeak of ownerships, our olject
is tD givo a skolch of tho cntorprizo and its
A Fpccial Train of Cars, containing
somo hundred gentlemen, was despatched
on Monday evening from Philadelphia,
which arrived at Danville at about 11 o' -
clock, whore they remained over night.
On Tuesday morning, at 8 o'clock, tho
company reinforced by many of the citi -
zensof Danville took Cars for Rupert Sta-1
tion, where they wero joined by a very re-
spectablo delegation from Bloomsburg (we
had joined them at Danville) and with
additions at Cattawissa, passed on very
pleasantly, over tbe C. W. & 13. R. R. to
the junction of tho Roads, at Beaver Sta-
tion, where tho train diverged to tho East,
on the now road, and convoyed tho joyful
party, without let or hindrance, about 10
o clock, up to tho Ciiy of Monticrllo. For
our plcarant passage and safe deliverance,
through the acra of unstcamcd wilderness,
wo should not omit to nnko our acknowl
edgemets to tho ever faithful aod gentlo
manly management of Ool. Henry A.
Fonda, the efficient Superintendent of tho
C. W. & E. It. R., and his equally honor
able co-laborer, Col. Covcll, tho Conductor,
who on tins occasion entirely omraittcd
that important part of his usual duties.
Arriving at tho base of tho McCauly
Mountain, the company, after partaking of
something good to drink and trying some
of Col. Crcswcll's old Havanas, ascended
tho rugged steeps to tho mouth of the Coal
Mines, and mado a thorough examination
of tho Steam Saw Mill, Coal cracker ma
chinery, the Anthracite voin which is somo
7 or 0 feet under Iho archiDg, and extends
near a quarter milo into tho hills. This
Coal, of which thero is a largo quantity
mined, appears to be of excellent quality,
and is said to be inexhaustible. Tho largo
Coal breaker, near tho mouth of tho mines
is altogether a magnificent structure.
Descending to tho City, wc mean, Mon
ticcllo, here the entire company, numbering
as wo suppose, somo two hundred persons,
wero invited by Col. Crcswell, ono of tho
proprietors, to a most sumptous repast.
The viands were of tho first magnitude,
and tho other "fixtures," were of the same
character. Satisfied wo aro, that all who
participated in the opening as well as the
filling, camo away well satisfied.
On removing tho cloth after dinner t asts
were drank aud sentiments offered. As a
sequence, speeches were made, in response
to frequent calls, by Gov. Pollock, Judge
Samuel V. Merrick, Lawyer Maynard,
Col. Paxton, Hon. Richardson L. Wright,
Hon. II. K. Strong, fee.
Tho New Columbus Academy.
We had tho especial pleasuro last week,
through tho polito invitation of Judge
Koons, and Esquiro Chapin, two of the
trustees of tho Columbus Mule and Female
Academy, of vi-iting this flourishing Lit
erary Institute, and witnissiog ono of tho
regular weekly examinations of its Stu
dents: Hcv. II. D. Walker, tho I'rinci
pal, ii a gentleman of high literary attain
ment, amply quilificd for tho important
trust ho has assumed, and judging from tho
brief opportunity we enjoyed of witnissing
tho exercises, wo aro led to believe that
tho Columbus Acadtmy, is destined, at no
distant day, to occupy a high position in
tho Academical Institutions of this Com
monwealth. The next Term of this In
stitution, will commence on Monday, 4th
of neat January, as per Trustees card
in our columns, and wo confidently com.
mond it, under its new order of arrange
mcnt, to publio confidence and tho most
enlarged patronage.
Hon. Charles R- Buckalow.
Our excellent friend and distinguished
fellow-eitizcn, Stnator Buck lew, who
has been for the last thrco weeks, confined
to his doraicil, by indisposition, we aro
happy to announco,is convalescent, and as
an cvidenco of his good tense and sound
gudgemcnt, yesterday paid us a social visit
in our sanctum. Ho entertains strong
hopes, through tho continutd blessings of
Divine Providence, ol being amo to laice
his seat, at the opening of tho session, in
the State Seuato. This will be gratifying
nowa to the numerous friends of that dis
tinguished young statesman, throughout
our Comniouweslth, as it is generally
conceded that his presouce In tho Senate
the coming Eession is not only necessary
and important, but that his abrenco would
create au irreparable deEtderatum.
"'"l"1"1"' "cqii is crceicu me "uuy .regiment of horses, (dragoons, cavalry or
of Monticcllo )" and partly by T. M. Hub j riflemen,) and at least three regiments of
bell, Esq., tho proprietor of tho 'Tillage of foot, (infanlry or riflemen.) This aug
llubbclUillc.'' Hut, it U no part of our mentation would no more than furnish tlm
Gon. Scott's Annual Roporfc
This pnper recommends an increaso hi
tho army, urging that tho various regiments,
horse, foot and artillery) aro auythlngbut
a peace establishment. For, years thoy
iiavo been almost consUrrtly in pursuit of
hostile Indians, through finamps ami moun
tains, in heats nnd snows, and with no
inconsidcrablo loss of lifo from frequent
combats, ami a still groatcr mortality from
excessive labor, deprivation and disease.
In other wars those hardships aro occa
ional,y brokon ly mt anil comforti now
long unknown to nino-.tcnlhs of our troops ;
and heneo "another great evil, tho numerous
desertions whioh daily ihin their ranks. In
order to mitigate theso evils, tho general
suggcst3 an augmentation of at least one
reinforcements now greatly needed in
J Florida, Texas, New Mexico, California,
-Oregon, Washington Territory, Kansas,
Nebraska and Minnesota, leaving not a
company for Utah. Ho spoaks of the caro
that should bo taken to provido moral and
1 religious culturo to tlio army recommends
unorc comfortablo quarters in fortifications
and concludes by asking a revision of
jtho pension laws, whereby tho army, both
regulars and volunteors, may be put on
tho same footing, as regards pay, with the
, navy
J5T" Financial advices from Hamburg,
Austria, Prussia, Swccdon and Norway,
show that the crisis is very severe. The
1 1'rco city of Hamburg has nono but a hard
currency, and tho only relief afforded by
' the senate to tho merchants has been tho
Issue of notes of credit to tho amount of
ono million upon tho security of produce
The senate might issue paper money, and
thoy might relievo Ihe failing merchants by
accepting their liabilities, but they aro
probably too wiio and cautious to employ
these remedies, which might prove worso
than tho disease. It is a curious fret that
gold is dearer at this moment in London
than in Hamburg, and exchanges between
the two cities is in favor of Hamburg, The
English papers traco tho revulsion in
Hamburg and Altona to ihe ccnncction in
trade with tho United States tho larger
portion of the cxpor:a of Hamburg, whioh
amount to 30,000,000 lbs. annually, being
sent to this country, almost all tho German
goods coming through that port, Hamburg
and Altona, whioh has railroad communi
cation with Kiel, aro closely connected in
the large import trade of tho principal
ports of Swccden aud Norway, to which
the commercial troubles have extended,
through speculation probably.
Report of (ho Postmaster General,
The report of the postmaster general,
Gov. Aaron V. Brown, is a laborious and
instructive exposition of tho important
concerns of this great branch of the public
service. It is full of statistics of great
value, presented with admirable clearness,
showing in a marked manner the faithful
ness and industry of its author.
Tho great basinoss of tho transmission
of intelligence comes homo to the business
of each individual in this great republic j
for wherever its area extends, there arises
a call for postal extension. The net in
creaso of officers the past year has been
1021. In ihirty years tho inoroaso has
been wonderful; on tho 30th of June, 1827,
the whole number of post offices was 7000 j
in 1857, 2G,GS0. During iho past year
8080 postmasters have been appointed, of
which 1981 wero occasioned by removals.
47G7 vacancies wero occasioned by resig
nations, Thero aro now 27,148 postmas
ters; 7888 mail routes; and 0570 con-
Report of Commissioner of Pcuslons.
From this annual report it appears that
the pension office has added to the roll of
pensionors during tho year, under all tho
various acts, 52 revolutionary soldiers,
338 widows of revolutionary soldiers, 205
half-pay widows and orphans, 201 invalids,
total 04G. The arrears due on the same
at tho date of issuing the pension certificates
amounted to $241,040 72.
Tho amount paid during the year by
pension agents is, to revolutionary soldiers
$103,081 20; widows of revolutionary
soldiers 5483,320 42; half pay widows
and orphans $304,352 20 ; invalids S400,.
348 92; privateers 81547 ; total S1302,.
648 89.
Ono hundred and seventy-four revolu
tionary soldiers and seven hundred and
thirty-eight widows of revolutionary soldiers
havo died durinc the year. Total number
of deaths of all classes of prisoners, 1451
The whole number of pensioners on the
rolls June 30, 1857, is as follows :
140 revolutionary soldiers,
yearly amount 820,741 85
4702 widows & revolutionary
soldiers, yearly ara't. 275,582 03
2805 half-nay wiJows and
orphans, yearly ain't. 270,092 45
G2G0 invalids, yearly am't. 408,017 57
18 privateers, yoarly am't- 1,252 00
13,185. Total.,
,82,130,380 00
tar In the House of Representatives, on
Wednesday. Hon. J, Glancy Jones, Chair -
In 0 CommUtee on Ways and Means,
man OI uomuil
reported a bill f-r the pajment of Invalid
and otfiw I'cusious.
Hon. Samnol F. Hoadloy.
Tho numerous friend's of tho Hon. 5. 1
ircadlct, formerly r citizen o Columbia
oounty, mid a Stito Senator iu tho Legis
lature of Pennsylvania, but now n resi
dent of Now Jersey, will learn with satis
faction, by tho subjoined paragraph from
tho Neicark Daily Mercury, that ho has
recently been promoted to tho important
post of Assistant Prosident of tho Groat
Eric Rail Road, a position for which ho Is
admirably adapted and well quiliGcd :
JlfiyA Gooo Selection. In tho tem
porary alsenco of Charles Moran, Esq., in
Europe, on business connected with tho
financial affairo of tho Krio Railroad, tho
Directors havo appointed Col S.F. Head
ley, of the Morris & Essex Railroad, As
sistant Prosident, who will fill Mr. Alor-
an's placo in tho management of that groat
enterprise. Numerous as nro tho difficul
ties which surrouud tho control of tho Erie
road, aud various as aro tho demands
which it makes upon executive ability, wo
feel satisfied that Col. Iloadley will provo
himself equal to them. IIo will it is un
derstood, enter immediately upon his du
ties, without, howovcr, relinquishing his
permanent connection with the Morris &
Essex Road.
The Inauguration PAnAnu. Maj,
General William II. Kcim, to whom has
been assigned tho command of tho Military
forces at tho approaching inauguratiou of
Governor Packer, has issued tho following
Head Quaateus, Otu Div., P. V.,
Meaning, lice. &tu, 1H07. Totic Volun
teers of Pennsylvania. Fellow Soldiers:
I. Tho Major General of tho Oth di
vision, Pcnn'a Volunteers, having accepted
the commaud, tendered to him, of the mil
itary who will participate at the Inaugu
ration of tho Governor elect, on Tuesday,
tho 10th of January, 1858, a cordial in
vitation is extended to the Volunteers of
the State to unito and assist at the inter
esting ceremony, which a lareo and bril
Jiant millitary display will render doubly
imposing. If. All companies, battallions
regiments and brigades, will report to Brig
Gen, E. 0, Williams, Harrisburg, who
will furnish all necessary information, and
render such assistance as they may require.
III. Tho details of tho parado will bo
the subject ol future orders.
Maj. Gen. 5th div., P. V., Officer Com.
Aloj. Samuel L., )
Maj, A. JonDAN Swabtz:, ""'"
Fortifications and Defences.
Tho total propped expenditures under
the direction of tho war department, for
fortifications and o hcr works of defence,
is $1,032,000. Tho following shows tho
amounts that will bo roquired at different
stations :
Portsmouth, N. II S52.215
Boston 203 500
New York 353,535
l'tuiaaclpliu 08,714
Washington.! 131,100
.Norfolk-. . . .' .1."2,l.r.8
Pcnsacola 303,315
Marc Island. 417,971
Total 51,952,509
For tho scrvieo of tho ordnance depart
ment, 81,551,213 is proposed, including
8300,000 for stmanieiit of fortifications,
chiefly for tho purchaso of heavy nrtilery
and projcetilct, for sea coast defences ,
$400,000 for tho national armories to be
used iu the manufacture of tho nowly
modeled fire arms, and S29G,979 for arse
Our Distant Subscribers.
We have quito a number of subscribers
scattered over tho .State? of Ohio, Illinois,
Indiana, Iowa, Wisconsin and Texas, to
whom we weekly mail our paper. Some
of these are among our most prompt ad
vmcc 2'ayivg subscribers, whilst wo regret
to say that from a number of them wo
havo never received a siugle dollar 1 We
trust it is not out of place to remind them
of tluir duty in tho premises. Wo need
money, nnd need it very badly, too ; and
if our western subscribers who owe for one,
two, thrco, four nnd moro years would
como to tho rescue they w mld materially
aid and greatly obligo us. Tho amount
duo from each is trifling in itself, )et in
the aggregate it amounts to a considerable
"pile." All monies forwarded to us, in
registered letters, is at our risk. Pleaso
Prom Africa.
OAXTunE or Slavers, Norfolk, Deo,
21. The baik Win. G. Lewis, 35 days
from tho coast of Africa, arrived bcrc to
day. She was captured as a slaver in the
Congo river, by a boit expedition, com
manded by the Lteuts. Walker and Cum.
mings, from tho U. S. sloop-of-war Dale.
Tho bris Windward, supposed to bo a
slaver, was also captured, and will proba
bly arrivo in a few days.
Tho British steamer Elector, had seized
tho bark Clara U, Williams and an Amer
ican schoonor about tho samo timo.
Many slavers are reported to lo on the
African coait; 12 had bean captured after
the arrival of the Dale there. She was to
loavc soon far St. Helena. Her officers
and crew were all well.
Murder in Luzorno.
George Matthias,
80 Years.
rcsidmg at tuo Seven Wiio
Tavern," in Luzerne county, was murdered
last week, by ono William Mullcr. His
, body was tnrown iho lue wen. uuuet us.
1 teen feet of water, held dnwn by stoucs
i awpended to a chain. As Mr. Matthias
. l
lhad little, or no money, the eauso of thia
. foul murder hu uol been fully discovered.
Cheap Book Binding.
Mr. CiiAtaxs J, Stahl, as all our
citizens ought to know, lias opened n
Binding in Hloamaburg. This establish
ment is in the whito frame buiMing of Mr.
Struthcrs, oppoitlo tho Post Office, up
stairs and immediately over Klcine's Hoot
and Shoo Store Mr Stahl, 'is a first-rate
workman, honcat, industrious, accommo
dating and wesinccroly hnpo our citizens
will extend him the liberal patronago ho
richly merits, '
Hon. J- Glnnoy Jones.
Wo are gratified to observe, that our
estim-blo friond, Congressman Jones, of(oth, by W. B, Pcterman Esq, Mr. Piiir,'
Berks, has been appointed Chairman of tho Ml' Hess, of Sugarloaf ti Mis. Manerva
Committee on Ways and Means. This is
an admirable selection. No man in Con
gross, than Col. Jones, we opine, is bolter 1
1 , ir ,i 1 i i- e ,i vt . i
adapted for tho leadership of the National '
Administration. I
Domesltc Newspaper Agency.
K. W. Conklino, Esq., of Danville, as
will be soon by his .card in our columns
clsowhcrc, has opened a newspaper and
niagazfno agency offico in Bloomsburg.
Mrs. Carolint. Clark, will act as his
agent, at her Uook Store in the Exchange.
Mr. CoDkliog is a corrcol business-man,
agrccablo and honordblc in his deportment
and deserving of liberal patronago.
Hover's Ink & Liquid Hair Dye.
Wo call attention, again, to tho Card of
Mr. Hover's Liquid Hair Dye. It has boon
long tried and its character ij well estab
lished. Merchants visiting tho City who
are in want of cither writing Ink or Hair
Dyo, would do well to call on Joseph E.
Hover, No. 416, Raco above Fourth Street.
JS?" The New York Ledoer, tho great
Family Papor, haa now attained tho ex
iraordinary circulation of Three Hundred
and Thirty Thousand Copies. Tho Pros
pectus of The Ledger, which contains all
necessary information in regard to it, will
be found in our advertising columns.
Tub Mormon Cai-itoi,. Great Salt
Lake City is laid out on a magnificent
scalo. It is four miles in length, by three
in breadth ; the streets running at right
angles, and 132 feet wide, with walks 20
feet in width. Each building lot contains
au aero anda quarter of land; aud a stream
of pure wator running through tho city is
made, by an ingenious, to flow on each
side of every street, and to irrigate every
The Revived of the Slave 2rririe.--Tho
minority of the Committco of tho House of
liqiresentnlivcs of South Carolina on so
much of iho Governor's message as pro
posed a revival of the slavo trado, says the
Heading Gazrfc, have presented a report
condemning the revival of such a trade as
injurious to tho best interests of South
Pennsylvania State Fivanoes. Tho
following is the aggregate of tho receipts
and expenditures of tho Stato Treasury
from tho 1st day of December, 1850, to the
30th day of November, 1857, both day
Receipts of tho year, inclu
ding 1 JBt balance... $5,070,415 2G
Expenditure of Ihe year. . . 5,407,270 79
II 1 rrt i i trm. .-. .
UaLinTaoagunDcCjl 57, 8500.138 47
ear Mi. n. it. Wcidi
of Clearfield.
- lTITT .n.
ra., formerly ot Jjock ilavon, on llio 8th
... . .
inst., urank in mistake a qunntity of Oy-,
amde of I'ot issium, and although every
effort was tnado by Physicians to save him,
he died in a very few minutes.
B5S Godey's Lady's Dook for January
has been received. It is a superior num
ber. Tho rcadiog columns aro filled with
interesting matter, and tho fashion plates
for ladies cannot bo excelled.
,Tn- a i t-. , , lt ,
IrTMlOU S. A. DOUOLAsha3 our thanltS
for a pamphlet copy of his recent speech
in the United States SeDste,on the Kansas
portion of tho President's Message.
Robert H. Arthur , Esq., who both
possesses and enjoys a large soul and liberal
heart, has our thanks for the presentation
of a large lot of delicious Celery,
. .
., ., , , . , ,.
Nl0n, IN. 1'. Hanks UIS resigned his
. . p .
effect on tho 1st of January next, whon he
will enter unon his duties as Governor of
, 1 '.
. ..
" "
PreSSeS fOr SalO.
Tha Star of the North, (democratic)
printing establishment, at Bloomsburg, is
cue rod for sale.
The Indedondent Press, (knownotluDg)
printing office and fixtures, at Williams
port, also for sale.
tarCliristmaa Day is almost here.
Tho Bloomsburg, Variety Book and Con
fectionery Stores arc amply prepared for
the holiday season, in tho wav of fancv
ana usefui arl!clcs for trifts. aud will bo
atje to j,icnso iho most fastidious Those
mako l)l0,r pUrchases early aro likely
tiurchases carlv aro likelv
to bavo tuc best assortment to aelcetn-om.
ter Benjamin Franklin lleblcr, a prin-
. ..1..,, : .. t, v
ter, fell upon a curbstone, in a fit, in Nenr
Oilcans recently, and died toon afterwaidi.
Billious Cholio was cured in 10 minulos
ask P. A. Brand, of Harrisburg, Pa. Piles
of 10 years' standing cured by ono bottle,
and many others of tho samo rharacter
cured soundly by tho uo of this On,.
rSy- 27ic Oxygenated Bitters nro espe
cially adapted to. tho dclieato constitution
of females suffering from derangement of
tho natural functions, woakuess or irrccu-
. larity, and nervous debility. They aro a
' powerful Ionic, yet freo from alcliohnl.
Tn Stirffltlnrif. on SnmTnw nrnninir Tn -
Hunter, of Davidson, Sullivan co.
In Cattawissa Valley, on Sunday last.
JlBt' 1!th, by Rev. I, Bahl, Mr. Joshua
'E'll-E to Catiiauine Dehic, both of that
i,. ' lv
n., it,n inn, i, i, ;
Mr. IIiiiam Kek.v, to Miss Emzaiieth
MINERVA KECK, both of Ncsoopeo.
On the 17ih,in Berwick, by the samo,
Mr. Georcie Thomas, of Salom township,
to Miss MAROAnET Ann Boweii, of Hoi
lonback township, both of Luzornoco.
In Bloomsburg, on Friday of last week,
rtir. iiacob iiredv, ageu about UO years.
In Illoomsburg, on Tuesday last, after
ten day's severe suffering from being scald
ed, Caroline, infant daughter of Mr.
Charles .1, Stahl, aged 1 year and nine
In Nescopco township, on tho 13th De
comber, Elizabeth, wife of Jacob Froy,
aged 60 year'', 5 months, and 42 days,
On the 28th of November, in Hollonbaek
township, huzerno county, John George
Smith, aged 74 years and 25 days,
In Beach Ilavon, December 18ih, Mar.
tha Jane, daughter of Samuel H. Coles,
aged 7 years and 10 months.
rplIK WINTER TEUAI of this Inillluttmi will com
JL niencif au .MONDAY, the 4th dny of Jinujrr. 13.
Iintiuction will be eivt-ii in all tUn lirinche of bh
Academic and Ouiniucrcial Eilucaiion.
There will nlirt. at the uneninr of the ncit Term. l
orfinitvit n complete
ISormal JJtflirtmettL
For tbe Education and training &f TeiSbera fur Tabllc
rr mroi,
Kor farther particulars ie
. , t . TRUSTEES.
New Colurabuf, Luzaunti Co. r,
Drr G, Mi7
Estate of riilip Dodder, fate of FUhing
crcefc iQivmhtp deceased
THUhMri mill iliitnlutifi, of lite ortati of Philip
l)-it(tr laile of Kiliin;eret:)c township, Columbia
cunt)', lU-ceamt. will take mUic. Hint the untlemrn'
til, appointed; A'liliror by the Orpin n't Court of Culum
bin county, to iimko distribution of the balance In the
hum1 oi' John rark, Administrator o' th-; said I'hilip
loilpr,t1 tuam. among tin liei't of the dCMihjnt, will
auMiJ at lii omco iu Ulfiotutburjr in .iil comity, un
i iiffuny, me -uui uoy ni January upxi. at iu o'clock ol
aid day- when and wUttu all oar tits liitfrii ran
iUand il Ihry think proper.
Audit, r.
nJuoins'titrg, Dte 34, J817 4l
NinVSl'AI'IJinvOENUy." '
rill". ciliEorffl cf Il!ooiriiburf can now liar thnir
ifiMy nntfLTs ftiriiMir.l thm .it ih t.nM.. !,.....
prlcei. Ih'if living ihHr rortaitQ
iiiiic i.eager (iiiijrj 81 UO ne nnnum,
I Vpii j Irani on " ti CO
Dully IVbh ' B oo tt
Daily Newt 4 rju
NcwYirk Tfilfhn " "00
" II raf. I 7 0)
'J intra " 7 Hi)
New York Let'cct norkh 'J 00 "
Or any other I'aptri or Magazines, puMifhd In Stw
Voi k mil rhi'udutphia, in nil cntica in ailvnnro.
No nubkcripltnn iiceivt'd lor Lja than mix monihi.
Mrn. Jehhk CI Clark is author! ud to rtcrii-4 tabmrip
tion s for the samp.
Gcrtirit A'$u$parer jtgtnt,
tiluomntmig, Dec 20, 1657 St
I tend to
i 'uii iin t'LTH, in com or stampn
L any mlilrra my Mt Instructor ' uh
mitre will enailc nnv nun in i-n tmhi ,
w Inch I guar
n.'-ke from SO to -If) GOol) CORN IIROuMH PER DAY.
The ntccitnary futurtD cm be made by alumn any
pinon,ata mrc trifle of cxpenie rieljitdgrofe
iinorrni. m nn; m ,aBl. n . vr nro Q trnt s clad
" nnnounre anjthi.ig now that may he turuen1 1 to I
iiiiefut purpoje. P . risher. of, )v lining
the public nn pmall decri-c of 'rvifH by Hie inirnd-te-
lv whirl, nn one can ni.iku, at a i rylnllin-'ioit'
uoii oi ii is vry b mpif iiiiidf oi miking Corn I) rooms
' ' 'V T' lUlllltlvlHI HIS fill
"ns wnniiv iii uiipniion of i
llriuini Corn " Jl jlsu gives llic
and curin: u.
. . . ..,.,, , . " vs.. sMa .ill, IIKllllLLUI, .11 II rilll d
till win ar" glowing
bcu mode if raising
' re SB. 1SW
iiij.-ove, fcirj-ilcr Uo Pa,
it Tiia orncE or the
PO K CI' f) I All I CP, for IP38, ol various sites, neatly
Cot up anil bound In Turkey.
Horn's Yitimi Inns. Ill ick, lllue and Red, in bottles
ol various slupes and sixes.
Iloitn's Liquid IUirDie, unicli Mill color Hair and
Hoard perleolly hlack.
SrATiniifttv, cniupri.inu pens, holders, pencils, sealing
( wm, blank books, eliecks. iit.
UxTtu trsKrifK i renin Ailianibra Laid Note raperaml
Fanrv Kuvclonrs., heeds. BcIioqI Orders, Murriaec Certifieates.
Justices, Constables nnd all lorm, '
l)limciFs,-ryriip or Yarrow, Aguo Cure, Dlackborr
-v ."',' a,.. . u.c, . iiui.r i.iniineni, etc.
Executed at all times, In various colors
Nenlly, cheaply and expeditiously.
Dee 55, iej7
TIID lollowirc. Irom chat eminent 1'liysician ofThlla
oelplii... lit. llriuklc, iildeil in Hie testimony of
rroiessiir uimut, oniyconnrm. v.nat Is evidenced by
llinuan nil. uhn ha.a iil.iI fl.j.
i'tiiladclDliia. IC.'l
"In retard lo ;;str,s.lrCy, lean stnieunliuii,.
llnsly.lliat it contains no deleterious increilirnts, aud
niay be used lih .alirs isiy, and with llie im,l
I Hover's Wrilins .1- Itwclibk Ink
of their merils, it is only neces-ary to suy. tliat K
steady ami Increasing ilcinand.eives ihe best vin.H,.
that they niainuin llieie character for superiority
I which diillnjui.he. Ihcm when Arst Introduced, years
I ''o,At, ,rtd,e lolheManuf.clorv. No. 4lr. n.r.
ft MIJ
JOSEPH U. IIOVCn,.Vji:iClrr,
Dee. !6, 1857.
TIIK subscriber offers for salo tbatdc
sirabla Mill properly situate in Greenwood twn..
or. OI1IST SI ILL, havint
llirec run ofrlinne. Otcrsbot
wneel 17 feet nigti.nnd a
(Saw Milt, a Diceilws
rr,.,. .,,y n
JiOUse and Bam.
Tnjeiher with a 1 raet
Consistlns nf SCO ACRES. The above mills are limn.
!.'' ".,.'aJ" ?f "'a.'u,,;.0"J '! JL M'hJ'?.':
i '"SS.,,,,,, ,. l0c.a5 raiie. r,om Mors
burg and e i n.m Ji.iiviii..
..ISSiM ZX?"' on4 ,h
tT rnr,inher particulars apply 10 Ihe subscriber
Pa, Ue
nip, .orinumuerunu ro., or andress
Oec 10, 1337 -5ui..
HW YOiflfiDCfiK,
FOR 1858 1 '
Tl, circulation of I ha NEW Y6nK l.rnonrt if nnw
trratcf Ihan llmtnf nny ' ' "',n "
Ten other Literary Tapers in America.
Tlidprnflt! nil Ihli unp.
ralleleil circulation enable
,i;n,0i"l,o1 TIIKLIIIl.
licit lo Mfcnil tum upon
it which would noon itvnmp
any ordinal? publication
A pipor with it circula.
tion ofonlya lnintreil iliou.
r-anil or so would link under
Ihe eipenien of Till! I.Hi.
Gnil lii leie Itinuamontha,
All of thl oltland favorite
Cnntrltulora nin cnntloa
to tulle for TUB I.BtiOIiB
at heretofore.
Noeipcnse will be apared
lo eecure others whose pens
shaM ber-onsiaVrH cornps.
lenl (o sd.l to Till: LCtl.
i'nrt'fl ntlraciionj an I use.
Mrs. EMMA D. B. H.
only for lh NHIV YORK
nnl forTIln NKW YORK
bylvanus conn. Jr..
write only for THE NEW
Al.icn CAKY.Mn. PI
flOURNEY. nnd l)r NIH.L-
SON writ for THE NEW
JOHN G, 8AXLC, and all
the other bert writer t,
contribute to THE NEW
THE LEDGER If dernted
THE I.EDQEK Ii everv
rnv, nutYB, a.
wlmrr acknowledged to be
the beat fa hilly paper In tlm
world hence hi eiiraordl
nary and unheard of popu
The Proprietor of tha
LEDQER employ the boil
talent, and by bo doing
make the beit paper in tha
GER is printcnonbuutliul
white paper, and it com
f oied Df djlti pagct rnak
ng tbe uaiididmeat wctMy
paper in the Utiion. II la
puh'iilii'd irery datutday,
and told at all the new
ofllca in r-veiy city and
town throughout tha coun
try, aim) it umlttd for iub
crlbera at ft per annum ;
two copiei nro nl for 91.
A fly periun obtain) ntr tight
ciLicrilrrs at fit fiU tueh
(which la our loweil flub
raft,) and lending us $l.
will be entitled to one copy
freo. Terms litvarially Ii
advance. AdJnra all lt
ler to
Publisher of tho
Ai Ann Hfeet, Nttw York.
N. Ii. Now it a good titn
a mbtenbe, ai Mra.
tory.Tim IIRIDK OF Al4
EVENING, will ba aou
uitiiKd in THE LKDUttR
on the tint of January,
U H. Nu It Wo hay no
Agpnia vuthonted to r
Biyo tubacrlpilnna fur
bera mint alwoyt rimit
direct to nt, antt not lead
or gay any money to any
A ttfffh moral lono cliarariurliti every article In Til B
LUUUlR. In tact tho mniii of iu lentiim contribu
tare arc a suiUclcut giiarniiiue that it tend In maikad
contrail to a clar ot wttklj publirutfona that huvu for
to long .1 1 1 rue no'iuco me country, nut wnirn, ioiiu
nnifly tho morals of our poiil, are almost uilintt.
Iic uti. 1MJ7
Lackawanna a Uluoui&liurg liailronU.
PIIK RLiiul.1 mccilug of tin- Bt ckholderi
J of th Lackawanna and Iiloontfbur? Rail Hojd
Company, will be hi Id Ht I lie iloiinfl tf P V, Wanibold,
(late Frank llelmf.) n Kingitnit, LuiTiit County. 6n
MONDAY, Jjnuuiy 11th, bMweon the hour Ct IS
O'clock, A M.. mid i o'clock, P. Hi , fur lit purp leaf
vlfclmga President and twelve Uirretora for lh en
itilng jinr II. V OODIIOUHIS,
W)oinng, Dec. U, K.7. Uli Hary,
rVJ O TICi: ir littrehy siren tliat the copnttnrrhlf
ll iuri'iornru t-xifting liHtwi-an tlin Uhder ignnd,
dor Ihe tlenignaiion ot i.ow it UroUiiM, ut I. Imc Rtdg,
ColumLia count', lim tliis day bttsn disrolrDd by o
tuat eoiueitl.
0. V. LOW.
O Ij. LOW,
l.ime IHdfft, Ctt. 1,
N'.lt. Th-i tiiiilcrftgntiil h.tving pu rctin ! t itotX
nf jjooiU, will cuHiiiiiiii btimnckB at ihnnhl vtniMt, w tit
person 1 may cull nn) trttl-i th-ir urtouiiH with th
lain firm, he having lha huui, noici. Kz.
Oft 19, ieS7 d. WM. LOW.
Esttite of John 8mdcrt late of the Borough
of lhiwick d-ccascd,
ryilV. hfiri and ilittribuiera of tlit nUt. nt ioati
J Skvdi.r, late nf the ll'tronah of !f ruick. In th
County of Co In lulu a, iltceuieJ, will lake noiire lint
tin- uiHltTigiiril, 0 1'i'oi uted Amtiior or Ihe Orphftii't
Court iirCuiiiinhib Uuuntv, to uitikit dutilliulton irth
IjiI.iiicc In the ii umtg orUh.irh-tf tinvdrr. Adminiitrator
ul J.jJn anydir, dicM a indue the hriri of the decedent
tvliatttiul at hi, in Itl.iomalurfr. in uid eounty
on Thursday the 2311) day of Juinary neit.fll 1 o'clock
I' .M., of F.-iiJ i ny, v. lien and w hcri jou a iy ntind if
)on think pioppr. II OB LIU' F Cl.AltK,
uiootnttdirg, ucc. 19, ie&7. w AtrticK
Estate, of Samuel A. Bowman, late tf
Mifflin township, deceased.
rpllE heiri anildlfetributri'i nfilie Eilaf of Sam ctt
X A UowMiN, late ol ihe lowiihii ofAhfflin fn tha
County nf Cotiiinhia, dfceavfd, wilt take notice tliut the
uiider'igncil anpoinlcti Aiiciiioi by the Orphan's Court
nf Columbia county, lo make dimubtiUon of l Jin balance
in the hands of annuel Creaiy and fetli U Howmao,
Adniinmtrntori ort?amue) A. Uowmitn d c'd, among
llie heir ol the decedent, will attend at hi (tfice m
Ulonm'burg, in snid county, on Ttmrrday tho 28tlt day
of January o!Xt at IK o'clock ot aiti day when ond
where all parties Interfiled can attend if tliey think
proper. uuucui r, uijAui.
Bfoomiburg, Dec. 19, 1B37. 4t. Aolito.
Estate of John Weaver, late of Mahoning
township, Columbia C oxmty, dccd
MMIU executors and Legatees and at) other rinons
interested In the Ustalo ol John Wearer, late of
Mahoning township, in the County of Columbia, ds
reaied, will taktf notice that the undersigned spnoin
ted Auditor by Ihe Orplun's Court of Columbia Co.,
to nuke dutribution of the buUnce in Ihe hands of
the Etecutcrs i.l the said John Weaver, deceased,
nmoiif the Legatees named in t tie Imt will and les.
lament of the said Juhn Weaver, c'tcd, UI attend
at t office in niooinsburi in said County, on Sat
urday, the 30th day of January t ext, at 10 o'clock,
A. M., of said day, when and where all persons In
lerested may uttttij if they think proprr.
Utooinihurg, Dec, 19, 1957. tl. Afditoh.
Offlce of the Columbia Coal k. Itan C.
I'hlladslnhia. Nov. 311, 1837. I
NOTICE is lierehy givtn tliat in coor!
anre with the proviilonsoflbe act ofinenrpora.
lion, an Hleelion for Nino I'ersons to serve n s Ilirt ctois
or the Columbia Coal and Iron Company, until th.
31it day of December, lKiS, or unlit their ulcessors
are lejrally cno-en . will be helit at tho office or tho
company. 8. 1!, corner ct Walnut and fourth meets,
Sd floor, No 2, on Thursday, l ho llhst day of December,
1857, between the hours ol 4 and 7 o'clock, I. M.
Dee 18, 1837 le fitrrlsry.
ONR of the first duties ofa good Democrat is to mp-
port his party prtt. Til el NEW YOttK DAILY
and wuuklv ndwh is
j Democratic organ of Nfw
beit i.ewspipers of Ihe da;
now wen csiibiisoeJ as mo
Vork cit). lt It one of tba
day, moreover. Hnd lu lour
subscriptions I Weekly News only Ono Dollar a year
runiisnea at no. uu r.auau itreet, New Votk,
Dec 19, IM7
THE STAR COMPANY, composed of the Snest Ar.
t!les In the world, and exceeding In Hlrrnith and
Tjlent a y Dramatic combination Jierelofore offered lo
the Theatrical public, will appear every niflitin Com.
'dy.Traiiedy, Berin Comic llrama. Vaudevilles. Musli
(l Uuileitis, tc lie Vhsi (iiiUul Ihe I'tts tl
OtiSI, lT-3n: