,.'tt7iMiAt'rt.JA.I. Columbia gnnoaat, AM! It n. T ATlti tsOOAt. KDITOH. ni..t.l,iim nnnnrri 1-srYi TO IH "." BlOOlllSDUrgt iJOOOmuOl ' - ' - Divine services will bo held inHlooms turg, to-morrow, (Sunday, Deo. 80th) at (ho following Ghurclics : ZicCrci.--Kov.E.A.SirAnriEi-s. Servioo at 1 1 o'cloolc, A. At. Presbyterian Church. Rr.v. D. J. "Wax,- i.r.h. Scrvlco at 11 o'clooki A, AI. nr.,r ;. nl.t.rl. t- 1 '., . ...I- MctllOWt UlVTCll, l'roaching at early cnnulc light in tho evening. jgyWc aro happy to announco that ar rangements have boon made by tho Blooms- , ,i . .1 " not litugter. aacoi burc Dramatio institute, to. nivo a senos , joim k. nobbins nod others. .i?.,.,),.'.. ... .... n....t tr 1. CT-Salo " of Exhibitions, in tho Court House, on tho evening! of Thursday, Friday and Saturday, the 21tli, SGih rind 20th insl. Upon which occasion, somo five or six different selections of Tragedies, Farces, Burlesque, &o., will bo played. Wo hopo our citizens, will turn out en masse, and gtvo a crowded homo ; tint they tiny go on in tho hudablo efforts they havo used towards driving away tho monotony of this maco. Tho " JJloomsOurs &tnnc 7,; r ne 1 KiOEj.wlll.cnliycn the occasion, wi'h somo of the most popular airs of tho day. I6P Somo pooplo havo a disposition; wbloli induces them whenever thoy find that tlicy themselves lack abilit,to ho Ijltlo overy olhcr person in tho comtnuniiy by setting themselves up as tho standard of. comparison. For that reason tho doctor- iogeditorof iallepullicat th.oughjnorjjan , , . I in tllO falalO SO fit tO CUIt ft newspaper as , himself; ami tor tllO SUllO reason, 110 SUP- . . poses that iio lias nrgo experience, great . l.:l:.. rt..A l.ta n1.:i:.. t.U.ll, i .KU. iiuiu 11. i.Ulll'J , Te,suppose, will remain a iystcry to, Ih'j WOIU.t), for nges to come. "Whoro ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to Lo wise." r5T" Wo havo Leon requested to ptate, that' (he Ladim of tho Methodist Episcopal Churoh, propose giving public Dinnfcrs and Ri.nt.ori.. nn Clirislmii!.. tlin Q.-.ll, .net nt tho dwelling houso of Widow Lcacock. 'J'ho proceeds of which, aro for tho benefit of the Oliurch. ... . , , ... I 1VO none OUr Citizens. Wl 1 tno a jiciiii uir uniiii ia iuis, r. pro COi ot Ihc i.adies, to tint they may rcduro iho 1 indebtiness for the erection of .ho Methodist ' Church. Price 25 cents, per ;r.cal. , - tor On Sibb th cvenin,' l.nt, a child ot Mr. Chirks J. Stahl, aged about IS months, was very s;riously t-caU'ed, by t'io npsct'ing of a ict-liotilc of boiling water. We do cot know that we ever beheld a morn fiightfjl livii g object. Great will 1 e tlii- mercy, if it puvivcs iti injuries. Kiy" Gon. Win. F. l'ackcr, Governor floct, w is tcix'd willi a hmiiorrhrigo n" tho luiig recently while out huuting. lie Ins rrmvercd s i fir as to bo out of danger and t bo abroad agiiti, receiving the cot. grattiliitiotis ef his fiunih. tSr Wilson Aoi:n, of this coua'y, who Ins hitcly been on a vieit to (California, re turned to his homo in I'.ohr.iburg, en Wed jicsday last. OST The Star of the Korth, of this pi n c, will ho continued hy Mils. It. W. W vuu. I us Proprietress, assisted hy Wy.MAv II. Iacohy, na 15utiincs3 Manager. JJST I'liilip Un'Dig'sr, Post Master of this place, killed a porker on Wednesday last, it hi eh weighed, when dressed, Jour hundred nnd fifiy-four pound;. r.Vr Wo nitlilUI. l'n .1... ,ii, 1j,Itesi.lerorLi.lii,uliii1roiinty in the 11 n.ifmc i.e.! w .w...,,., ,w , ,i..u i... '.vj . rxclusion of our usual variety, tho adr.iir-! able Message of I'roVident Uuehaiian Appoiiiltiunt by Ihc P. fliasicr Gcjirral, J:aac K. McCeltiim, F,sq., to ho Post Mastcrat Now Columhus, Luzerno county. SST Tho Map of Uloonnhurg ia finished, and is now being distributed to subscribers, Tho Engraving is well executed. Star Tho Laclcuwawm and litoomsbui g Rail Read U now completed, The last JiaH having been laid yesterdnv. -- cay Hon. Paul I.eidy, M. of 0,, has otir thanks for public documents. BSf" Robert J, Walker, has resigned tho Governorship of Kansas, JSSf Col. Uck, will appctv iiex.t week, On tho 1:0th of Nov , by Itcv. J A. Do Mover, Mr. Henry Kile, of Kranlrlin town ship' to Mfes .Matilda Yoeum, of Elysburg. On tho 10th inst., hv tha same. Mr Bichard A. Uiddlc, of lluntinuton town chip, to Miss Adalino Colo, of Uenton twp. In Illoonishitr'f, on tho oveninc of tho lStbinM., by tho Kov. W. Goodrich, Mr. Jaokson Karns,to Miss Lydia A. Cramer, all of Uloomsburg. In White Hall, ofinn.mn,allonoriholv'V brain, a child cf Anil-.-ir nml Ar.mW, iij.iu, i. mim c;i iinu,e.V anu Aramtnaa LraWjOrU, OgCj "about 8 months, The sou! of our llabe Is gone 1. '"'Ibton the tsiumpis above; J3x.ll.il so Jesus' ihrone. A.iu clasped to the arm, of hi. love. (to- In Danville, on Monday last, after a j-rotraoicd illicess, Mr. Wm. Haneoek, jgtd about 3 1 yjiy... PUBLIC'SALE OP Valuable Real Estate. "VT7lt.1i tin tnM lit Tiihllc Bale, by JACtin II ARRIH, " Admlnlsiritor. wlih Inn will untifxt'cl, or i'stid 4ml(i rf,tli, M0 0( nPmtock township, Columbia county, Pa.,on the premises, On Saturday, the 'id of January next, As the property of raid decedent t a Valuable Plantation J. Blluate In tlie towntlilp anil county aforesaid, coll. l0"""J'ONJ3 HUNDRED ACRES, Fa vent v five Acrci of which It Improved niul In n good state, oi cultivation 1 lie (mlanee I well limbered There nre erectP-1 on the nrpiiiispr! n Frame mVClJ.INO UOCf-iti and pood Kiteheu, a frame Hunk llarn, wognn "tRi Blied, Spring House, Wood House, and W olherouldiuildincs There is on extol I lent RnrlniT nf IVnl.r near Mm house 1 n large llinvmg urcnarii oi uiiuiwu uiun TUBES. There Is alio on Hie premises a largo and valuable niPnilow. Bald tirimlsra lis enjoining innun 01 nam net Otuiter. Jacob Kinney, Jos-ph Maiut, I o'clock, P. M., or raid day, when conditions will be made known by Hie un oersigneo, JACOn HARRIS., .Idmfnlitreter. Hemlock, December 1, 1857 UAMBRA AND BLOOMSUURO M A3 L 6 OA H UN E. rpll 13 un derslpned would in form tho t rave line public, .L that ho bin become the proprietor nf the abovp nunc tl Ilnulr, nml lins prrpapfd iumrir .wlta Itm Iwnl KIND Of IIORBCS AM) A NUW 'l'ROVr I'OAtltl. lor tlic nccommod illon of tin) trnvcliuc pulillc. 1 1 1 a ui)2c:i win ruuas nereioire. i u-wfcuiy, ucnvica i .ooMsnunr. an n oam ira. l.rjivlnf Cntnlirn rverv Mtind.iv. WVd nn Jtttit nnd rrl. urmi imii.t.n it ovinck.A.M .in th,. ifi coiinr.n wl1" lhfl rilH'ADUWMHA TRAINS nt lUipert BtaiKin I I.pnving I'.loomibtira each d.iy ol line tPfiU'ar irip, on ino r.rrivai m me iiiiniiripnn Mnils, nnd ojr.vceqt (.ambra lialf pist 8 o'clock lteelllnr etopninir places on raid rtuute nrentfotlo-' : NEW UOLUMIIUH. OltANRLVILLi: A. 1.K1IIT ST. IXJ-Tlie pilroiiaeo or Ihn tonimuiilty Is solicited, ossutcd thai It wll be tl'e ambition or the Proprietor lo render peoernl ecimritrlion. rreieht; llngmse, See, carried ft! mod (rate oriv'ea. ii.' p. H'nhn.MAN. Cainhra, December 1. 19.7 MADISON HOUSE, NOS. 37 AND M NOUTIt SHCOXI) ftTltcr.T, fnELow .urn Bir.irr.1 pmiMv.i.rniJi. I rriin? popular Hnte has leer, tl.orcugl.ly icnnvnicd, J ard exlentlre imprertvttfl mldo lor the ncenn mo i.ii.ii ri- in B'iii'.n. w. in I'liin' i ii'iii iii'i un; imiiti' llolel. ll." ororri'lor In. opeiiMl.-ln Hie linaenionl, a fine I'.ATIN'n AN'II llUINKINtl 81I.OOV Altojethcr Hie l:etalillimi-iit r.mnare. lavoinnlv Willi llm f.rn rhsH pi ices ol nccnmmoilallnii tor Traveller.. Citizen -lu-ine vviiinn a .hon iimanei. i.r iw jf,n vork Innd n.illinioro I.nnJincs. near the ro't (inlrc anil i:x Ittincp. wlnri Oini iliiijcs, Koine to nil pnrli of tin Ot iv. firm Irom. 'i'li" l'rnpretir hnpfi. hj itrict nttPMllon lo ite wnntn f oj? cupf2, to receive alilurJl tliarn of Lite nuMic pntruiinge. J. O'miNKIRK, rroprittor f.pt ofnitllmore,.Md., and Ciiifinu.tH, Ohio, on :ti. ir;.7-t)m 8AVINGFUNb NATIONAL SAFETY TIIUST GO. ornci:, walnut st., p w coiwr.if orTiitltn ."f " M 'J- '1 7i.ci a pamenlr by the Itahki, 1. llepo.ll. received and payments made dally. 2 Current1 Pnnk Notts, Cheiks and Specie will be I received on dep'i.it " I I in ..ic i n ., ir. ui vtl.g IVIH uc pamiacK incurrpni nine vol. in CclJ ir Pi'ver 111 be paid back iiumn intlt.iist nvr. pr.a ci:t. pp.p, amviih lll'.MltV 1. nr.NNLlt, rruUtrt V J. Karp, Steritary Nov 23, 1PS7 LI VINO AND Ji O V J N U . 11V MISS VIP.OIMA 1' TfHVVSKXll. Ml TflWNSllMI is knonn a one ol our l.n.t imiraliie wnlere, unit alilieiisti quito )omi.t ia. not iicr ("ju 'I In tier piu'iih.ir tiyl Tin. pr senr 70I uiii inclii-li'. some ui lirr 1 .1 Tal. nml Skn-lies, whul. i.njctl.rr vv s a eurreri and lii,.it,i,tl piinjan 1,1 the nulh'ir hy t'nt ili.li'iaulOieil iirtlHI, J. ho Hariaio, J1.1 . i.lll reudtr 14 ..ir tic 11 tu rfy acceptable 111 lirr nil ii.cr.i'in trii'i d. Tin llnnk l n li4lidniii 1 2,110 voliinti., printed oil the linest pnper liniind li n npi nnd l.eiiililill rlllc. and i kc nt hi 1111 pari il Un llnlli'it Htiii. hy i.nll. Wee 01 n nunc, 011 reri-int ol tli pr ri CI J IV P.'IAI.I.CV. I .o'hhi: 1.1 N'orlti.foiinll Clilct, Pinl i.Mphl 1. Nov II. Iol7 Sew s,AKi.i... v.iiriMniTowiluitiT. run am s, ca 11 ny A3 ii'ieiii.! .1 l irtilii V.ird (n (J.mrl Allev, i.ppn.iti th" UtrlniriP wit ri Ii in iir-'mn'.! in ll iik'i lit ui n wort, irom iuu tin or -Mnrricrin iiiiti-MMor MOMIMt NTs, TOMliS, Tiiiils-rtiMiL'S, T.-blcn, iM amies, Urido,-i-.li- nnd Ipn ti. ' rnrtli' rhnrnrir-r nnd ilm-fh nfhiPwotK In rfferp i Piiflidph" liaf iiind' In thi coiuiiv. II'1 will f'tiriiUh tipisnii forwfTk or nei ute nnv Unit innv 1" furnUh i in iln. MtfW'irk uliall nlvviij-n he atltl'-4C!uy I n il'tftykniKl icimoti;illrn price. l.iomii-jtMir';, I'cc , J f.'tt COLUMUUS MALE AND FEMALE ACADEMY. TltZ Trusl-e. o.' Uils lu.tinition have iin'ti imourly i l.icteil II. U. W.flkcr. A 11., of L-wMiirc Pnn cinai n imiu araiiimv, in place or prnr. Anilcr.ou ''("rTi,i,'cUr'iii'.V"''" ttlll l"''tl"' '"n'."'0 "ihdjy Mr. Walker w ill rnccceil Mr. Anderson Immcilintelv atti r tin rlii.i' ol in. Iiliors ll is iloM.'tied hy t:i- Trii.lees. with tiieir new P-'n-rip.il. to n ake litis iiiuuitloii 01,0 cl iho Lest ol Ihe lind 1 0 Hie .uiu. -Di I 17. leii; ADMINL STMATOII'S NOTICE. Estate rf lhnjamin Piatt, T ETTEKS of Administration on the ,tJ ll'IHeor llenjiiniri Pialt, Inle or Pine township. liiiiiiiniiiu rouiiiy. ui'ceisto. n.ivo iieeo crnnti'tl ,iy lie rcnii-s in ham i-ino I o n snip, 1 0 Uiiininiila rouulv dccedeM' inn. Iiatlli' eliini. :iL.iiust III! csl.-tto rr til arc rcnurut'd to Present tln'in tn she Admin. istrnlor wilhoiii d.'S y, nnj nil persons indebted to make payment is rthwills. IP.AM IllT.R. UILLIAM PIATT, OctSt.lfiT ,JmlisrenM-i ADMIMSTKATOlt'S NOTIOE Estate of David Smith, dee'd. NOTICE is heriliy riven t'lel loiters of Adiainlst'n lino, with llio will anT-jred. naon the Klate of David Smith Lite nf lloeilock lmriitl,.;i. Columbia roiluly. deceased, Iiave liccn grtint'.tl to the undersigned, resldnu; at lluckhorii, in Hie said low nshlo ro" Hemlock. I All persons nnii-bit-il 10 the llstnlo are ren.uesicd lo make payment wlllioit delay, and tlio.c iiavin; ac tounls lor sclllement (o nresent s'letn to iCOIl IIAURIS. JiiuilrliafarirKa the tcill annettd. Iliickhotn, Nov 2, 18.57. HEAK THE MILLElt. pUSTOMKltS to tho Aqueduct Mill, J wlio have on settled accounts willi Hie subscriber, for rilEI), PLOUU. ie , arc rc.nrct lully noiltled, llm as Ihcy have been ac.iiiiiinodate.l I hope that tliey will now accommodate mo, uud make inimtdi.ite pcy leenl. ln'II.LIAfJ UtiCCS. Aqueduct Mills, Nov. 21, 1PS7. " E00K-DINDING, rfifrri- 3IL1RLI:'S HTAIIL would rcspeclfil liy jt Jir!t i'lrorni ihe -iluens ol Itlooni.bur and ll "iCa' weii'lty. that ho has Ute y islalilishrd, uu.s.tia-c n ,hla nt.tce. a Honk lltmiery; 'there he Is prepared to do all kind, or work in his llae, on tlie shortest nollri1, and reasonable tniiiis. Ornn on Main nrcct ovir Klemi's Boot and 0J)05 rJtoie,oiposle the Pos. Office , liluoinsbur-;. July It!, 1A57 EAGLE EOUNDltV. DLOOMSUUKG. Stoves and Tlinrnro. THE subscriber liavlnj er"ited a laree new hrlck Foundry aad Machine Minn, in place nf the old one, is prepared to make all kinds of easllue at the lowest pries. Plows constant!. ou hand. Tlie sub serilier lias also removed Ins Tlitr-iop Iron) Main si O tho Kolliwtrv Int. tvliurn In lis. unrip,! 11 liiiit.lii... '"''V.MlS S'JgZXZ.i or.he w. penn iii uiojiv. tt. a it ii k. VAM.int r.ntiir. nt..i snntstPAIlLOIt STOVHH nl all kinds, tlin UGH UV S.l.Mll.ll s-fuvii, Kc. All I kinds of Epoetin. made to order inurmi mi.iiini.da ni.nnisburs, Aplll 11. 1847. 1'A UN r HPiirvri iiifn inii"rnia i ArWrp' Wt-A? " T'.A'i D L ) rV07'TO JVS. 1 lo hn. l.nii d n . i h i .,, MTTO?vr" , ' I i!,' Ilaa .l'"" "". " "' Cabinet Fusnnuie', Cliiiti,Colta;ollediteads,aiidothcrC'iitiiisiu,niure wiricliliowillsellos cheapasllieclieapc.l. ' ! ' GEOUGE IV. CORELL. ' Bloam.tiilrs, 0;t 17, 1ES7 AN assortment of Ciiiiiectlotiery, Jewelry, rrrfume ty, tjoapi, a:r oils, I'oniade.. kc, tu he had at , , -' CLAUU'a liouk Hloie. Utoomsburj, May SO, 16i7. Stf'er,NC a'e t'""r ,gr 'i,'"l ttattraanli 1 LANDitKTii'S AairrouLTUitAL WA IE 10UHB. i riMN floornf tlili pirniif hnildinjt.rrected piprfly J tor lli rfoprtPtofn Irortf, nrc florfd ulili Bds ami lnipirin,nts of Infrcfl in Innnri nnd Gardeners DXTV YI3ABS ngTAHMStlKI), TJir FHliscrJlicfs dlre to call tl.o uttenlloti of rvery one Itifrpsted In fiinnli'H n ud tordcning, to llioi r vclf tct"Ctpd niock of AUlltCUhTURAI IMri.nMnNTa tt MAUHINHRY. Orrat variety of liordctitturnl thrU. Wnrr.inted fcTliu ARrlrtilturnl Impictncnln boM ly tn uro mos'ly ' rmniififlured at wir Hirnm Worhi. Ilrlitol, Va Ilnvlntf fitled nn tlii pft'i!lilniicnt witlmut reran! ' to oipeuf, with th.) mot cnmpirtf ttinthinr ry, tor tho tnitiiiiiiciurr ci hip rnno'in Kinm ni gricnutirni hi nirm'nt we nro now pr Fenced to supply nn niuf i in 111 Is line lillv pin.it. If nnt tuineTlor.to nnvtliln? ii lltfi kind vvnr iwfbrr oirored to tho puidic . hniinrHr ! ."."."."Ji0" i'JV" ,u. .. .,'""."'..L. .'J c Ity, und Hie eereianily Inrreufliij demand fioin enr to year, Ii the tfrt evidenco o( tlielr cnperiorlty orer ull otliets. .... yj" uountry Merehanle ran on rnpplieii w.th reed i '"lEiriM ';''!' ,' n,on.l.,rontalu. il.ree liuiidred and noventv aereV. nnd Ii llio IrrjeH otlbliihmenl or Its kind In the "'IJ. I n. LANDRCTII PCN. Noi.01 nnd -ii MOntli Blrlli tlrert, Hoc 13, !S.i7-tr I'lillndplplil.i. HlLSa & WUILBrj)!i!l,'S- W5J.011. BSAft 1 TyVXAVL 'row 4 Iwwl IKil ranSt h-ail" ,XL Sfi M IS. ! CONFEt'TIONAltY & Fl'lUlT STOW3 Oyslcr anil Eating Saloons. mltC u IliturtiriieiT. reenepirntlv In JL Tumi Hie cftir.ens of i;ioniiii.ir;r.iid iloiui...irje.iid fY5C,it.t;. lint tlwy. ioAJLiWft4 .1 benunful m SSSfjsa cs. 'loye, I nun, (irim'tiee, liiepiiniir in Konrrai. ilia i Just received a InrRO and eorlnient nT rlioirtt (lanijie: Ntite. Notiona. 6ml nil kinds of eooils ii.ii.i t lu L.-m , a Vanelv Slorn Tlielr glock conmrinee a larae cunnlt'nf Atinnn.t.. Oiangea, Leiunnr, I'ninra, llatea Cilrnu, f.'iiiraiiii, .an, ..dipin, . ins, iiiiiiui itiit-, i miert, tvniniiH, u'rotlnd Nuls, t'oroaiiute, Mararonl, Snrilinca, b'ire Cra'ken, Htijara, Coire, Tobatco nfnll kln.H, tlomei. , lie nnd linnorted Sfcarr, tl wolesal and ltcla GT ramllieeettpiilied nl n'l tlmee with llrend.Cabci 1 Pies, Oysters, A.c , and all orders promptly nilcil. THOMAS (,' n.s.i. , , OJ.lVLIt T. V.'ILSON. niopmsburr, Iec CP, 1F.17. I'lIllENOLOGICAL OABINET. r. TNG Phrenological Cnliitfet or rnnler, Wellr t'VilJs s" Arcl1 '"et. PlilLulclpliia, ,, X) .been ri lliovndto !1."J (Jhrsniit slice! Mi.UAPtH, : SMtlln Im. III..I III., n, ...,,n.....n t .., t l. ...L.r.l. I-o mpiil for the la.t eluliteen rontli.. uill pmiini.in lo riu.diirt Hie liulni'..n. Iicrctnfnfo in all II. hrnnrlieri. niandart; works on Antitomv. Phveiolnjy, I'lireuoioay. Wilier I'lti-i. t'lnlnnl.llll. Ac. ckii.ih. i It- m. ... I . . .,1,-, nn. i-..-iiiii, iimii i v.ritiL'ii iicrrrjiltons lilioii d.iilv. Plirciiiilo.-y tau;lil in ptlvalo, 111 cla.se. and in pulilic li'tllires. .ill otiivrs senl liy nml will nicrt wilts prompt alien. tion Keiilenls of iieiuhliiirli.jr viiljar-n ili'sirine x i.ta . ; .,, n-i dura un . nruiiuioy , iitr i.ii iner liiloniiution should aililre.. JOHN L. OAPIN, IM Clirenut slrtlt. Philadelphia. Dec I?, 1M3 ' 1 NOTICE. " TVTwIOn I. li'ri'liy (iven lint ill npnbenl'Vl Will be MUiu'r' of j. s mane 111 uii lieu se.-i'Oti nl tin l.p.li renasylvani 1. lor Ihn Inrorporn.iou nl' a Hank. Willi the usual iirivilesie., to b tailed 'Tho lll.ntnthiir liank," withn capital or two iiundred ttiouaiid iln Ills, anil In In1 loraltd in the town of litjom.blirg, ""i i,i 111 u 1 nn 11 1 y in. W.M. SVVIlllIt, ri. i. miivi:, i:pni!Ant p. 1.1rz, I., MENPrNIIALL A. J. I1VA Vfl, I. W IIAKT.MAN, J. ItA MSI! Y, A. J. rll.OW, it n. Annum. W.11 KOBISON, a. o, jtnvuti, 1 III! 111 I. I 1,11. pi: run niLLMnYT., I1LIAH lllllTtlUll.K, ltLoo.M9penn, June 27, 1P57 13.0UT AND 8I10K MAKING. raa. Till: nndfrl-mnd, tt-.intc fn I for the lilenl H pilrnri.icp with wlUrh im h.is heen l.unrd fir ytsirx trnup hy, would iufoiiii Iili Irlends uud Vo-cii-,,iinti-i-. Jmt )f cotiiluticu to inanulatiuro Hoots and Shocs At hi old and wH Knnwnitaiid. on laln strrrt, Hfuniiiitliur(t. in nit their vnmutf .ind tonus, in good ty ip ji n (inu rii (Iff ale urj-t. IMf itun t-xpfirleripp In, iho luiiInT83. nnd p"--! Tn! knouledaeof llH pi-opt" t t.'riliiinhi it. oilnly, luper nditi'd ion fixt'ij ilt'ti-rtiii unt ion hi riindcr F.uUI icti'm iti ult Iim ciiitonicr-i , sMniiM ppriiri- hint iut-reiiBed p.i i roongc wlnrli he li.ipen tn mprit j uini r. mu-i'KfticK, Hlncm-iVirp, Mntfli Iti IS?". xt l-nr rnrvriir . ii ... rtrini n ii ii i-u1! iiiiiu1. ohuj , r MAIS BTIir.r.T. OPPOSITE Tlin 'f.XCM ANOL. rpllll uiitli'Mimtcri ri'spiitlully t n toi m h hi. irieods, L nnd tin. p ihlie ciMieiiitly, that lie lias opi lied ,'l iVcic Tinware and Shcit Lon llila-' ' Llij'iinrnt, In tlie b'lildin," fnrnierfy nrrnpled Pur Hint pilrpn.e. In J'i."lll Jhnri b'ss. win ri he is prepireil tn t-uiiducl li" I'll-iiie-ij in utl i arioii. Lraiuhrii I inwnre and llnuro Hpiitilinjr id all hini'a nw lo t) nr'irr nn sunn nonce nti , 1 111 iiioaeratu orn e. . Alro-li'IOVLS sale. wrnus tylor,tronsvtly for Iti p.iiilns done in order in ipiick tinip. CCntiiiliy pioilnco taken in enrli inye Tor work. ... I). O. MII.LAltll. I'.lrir O'kI.ii r. May 111, 1837-y ELOOMsnunc; eoot and shoe STOUE. TUP. under. ipned ri'fpirllully inform, the cilii.ns nl l'.l'mii'i.liiirv and tiiu public to geisrrtsl. Hut lie h.ts mfiii'il n Hoot and Shoe Ertahlishmcnt, In 111" white Imll.liiiT. on Main stre-l. olove Llsi 's sz Wil.on's ILikery. wnero lie iijs cou.tanlly on luiiid ;s large iissnitment ot l!oot, Shoe?, Gaiters, kc. And will in iki.iip uisrk tn order on short nntiio Ills ion!! epi..'ii.i(i' in Ihe lusinrss, and ccucrut know, ledio ol Ho nunn. Iliopinple, will enable Inni In lender ialkl.irlion In nil hi. cu. tumor and thou I J mniru lui.i p itronjje vvlncu i.o Popes in merit , ,- - 1 - - -HENRY Kt.CIM. lilooiiuliire. May 2, 1P57. liOST LOG 0HAIliT. A 'I'jilT FOOT IIHAVY LOC CHAIN ANU 1 i.t.v in wr.s (iKrii irnin the r'nw, on the yva of ilm si:l)tcnber, iii M.idixiu tav luhip, Columbia county, oh U i-dnesdiy, llio yd hist.' A 1 1' ward of one iMlnr and filiy rents will be paid for its rdum to ti:ecw:icr. n .a.- n CALEU C FOX. Pec I'i 1857-31 S II Alt I? NO TICK. AM. perFons knnwinp; them-plvpti JndebtPd or having utisi'tited Idum arcouiitii with the subscriber nj hen by uoiifled In rati upon Solomon .VjyAorrf, F,q , who ran be found in his ofito eviry Caiurdv'nltprnuuii,.iid sntihi tbu eume beiui-H the liru of Jatiuniy. nett For ufu r whirh litno nil nneoUeciedncouiiln will be placed in 'uindi of oif.c-er fur colUctioii-. n, ' ' IHCIIAIID TCIIDY, Oct 31, IS37 ... SIIAUP N0T.I0E. LL pi'rsoiis liid-hil-d to the firm or llartmnn k t llower.are tiereliy aotCed to loll and sulllu the same a nil rave cost. lIAP.TMAr; fc IIOlV?Il. Also, those s'sdeblcd tntiie su'iscrs'.icr, are lisetIso rc'iu.sti'd tu call r.ni teltle. . ' " v-T. HARTMAN. Lspytnwn. June 11, lP57-3ni rTMln New llii..i o Worshln, in MlPliuvillt . I'iduin .L In.l rniintv. P;i , wlllbe dedicated rollns sirti.o nf Ihn Triune Jelinvah, on funday, tho ':7th day or liecjm ner. Exeici.rs lo eonimnnce nt 1U o'clock, A. 1,1 Keitliliormj Miul.ii.rs. and all p-rnii I nl ii ik tt-.l In the procr. ts uf religion, are invited tn tin iiresei t. E. A SIIAllIthlTI. nionm.bllr; Dee .1, IWf War 1J- cwuiaha Coanly ItefMicm and Iter rf the XottK pleisn coy NEW COOPRtt Uim riMIM subscribe raiinounres Hut Iio will inrrv nn ih i L'Ul'l.l.l.M, uysiMSS al Ills llrewery in Hon- kln.vslle, when, h, will nuke liarrcls, 'lubs. Kens And everything In llial line orbusiness. He will also repair work ololl kinds, and illdo is skilpjlly and at In i r ii rirwa rllAtM.Ps. W HAflariiT. nioonisbiirg. June 13, 1E37. Brick! BricI! Bwckf! nUNDHFD T II O TI S J D X1 PP.IM iUMB KRICIC. tfstt tnrni.,1 -..t...t ber. Hr.ck Yard- i ll.oomurp ami a e K 'c lot sale. Tha hvtit in thn ..., ' "'"'m .w, sale. Tlio bcsl in the country. Apply lo U'oonisburg, Ocol,orio,le57 '?' ' A"T,1UI1- G001) NEWS POR HARD TIMES. 1 rP .. T'IC ...,.,. , Ju returned from ,he cl.v. "h"h" We invite all persona who with lo I, ly c'ican, to call and Mdinine our slock. L'oiiutry Produce taken na usual. 11. C. Ic I. Vt. II AKTMAN. O-l 17 IW JOSEPH PUSSELL AIANlIFAfVriTIPnt fiP 'Umbrellas and Parasols, nokiii rot'RTti HTart t 'w ruiMr'itrjiJi no i7itt rinnu Special Notices. lltll.WHOtJ'B HENIllNH IT.EPAIUTION. Highly . Concentrated l'tl'rafi llinieii, ro" lllstmsi', or th. Bind der, Kidneys, Urnvo, Dropsy, Weaknesses, a.c.( Is a 1 safe and p ensani torocily. P,ead tlic advertises.-)? nt In , another column headed lletsribnld ficniniiu rrcp?a lion , The IHvh I'cr Cent, Savtnsr Mind (s'Hninny, I Vat nut gtrcet, south ofthfl National unfoi wencnrncr of Thirdt rcct. riill.tdi.lphi.t, nowli n utarly MontAtus, Orouhd 1uti, nnd uUt tint class Bccuri to the hwttl t dJi'oHtor. , bo RTTIIOMAH W. MAITROIJ, ttrrrlic Hie PriM !3lMed) nt itii W'o'ilil'i fair Id Uhd in, 181, lor I 'If TP..IMC8.0AP.PUT ..Atkllno... and n,,,,,,.- flrent liicJiremetitii nro now oflVre.l purtliisera of tlic bovonrllclee.-TbHIi,iuei,ilicla,i-etiulknltrui.k '-nrpcl l!aj, Valir ej.fce.. In P.lnlailelplila veryclicap, oriah. Mniiuf iclorlal 130 MirK't-B'tecl, H. W. rotiipr. fii..! fiirl-pi i,nm r. ,n.n..nitnl...i. - , . .-. ... , ... iwim. ti3-wniTi:Ti:m'ii, PLitKUM'r.t) itunvrn anu IAUTlfUL cmtPl.n.10.V-an U nr v.lfe.l l,y ""Intine "fl.Ini of a Thmnml tloirtrt." Miat ledy or Bonll'mnn would remain nndrr Hie cuno or n din. ' 2.H..l.li !.-..,, I. i,..!.. a .1...- .. ,. i p.srecal,ie brpnllL, when liy utlnS tlio "llatM or I Tnocnab l'Limtnr" ar a dmulfice, w.uld not only render it tweet, but bavn the teitli white nt alr terl Many pcrnmido nifknoir tlielr breaili Lb.nl. ",0 "-"""'7"'l ".fir Irlenr-a Vlll I nt-vor mention It. llenrc of counlcrfelu. Be tur- 1 eiclboitleWt.,eJ ' rr.Titiiiai: fe t:o , m v. B.rTlli: KANHAMUONrtl'M'tJl'IOX -A vunci ible Bcntlenian, who, w;.cn In active lire, held a very dls.'l ll.;ulrhcd position in Ih. Democralic p.1tl), say. : ''llreatlies Ihi-rn n nnn wills eoul so dead, M111 neror lolilmstll liutli said, That the onlypl.ico to procuro laililniiablo, dulahlc, nun encap cioiiiint!, is nt tlic Mi'tropolitan R.iabliali incnt of (Iralivillo Stokes, No. CO (iheannt slrei t t" 'JXVtil'.NAILlI HITi'llM. 7'ae ol!csnv,r inter, mm a veil tnoiris JlrMleaef Man- , , r i"r V lit VXiHWJITKIt nil It. lit, ns a ririicliis r lot uasss oecnramns cie ef xitJcalsry nature. M(I'THEAI Nov 20, lflil. I i.rniicncn, 1 am nappy tn b nolo to send you my i-n.ilu.. hi wiiii ui mi lyryjinnrcil invert, anil In teni.L-d to Irjvc uonc It hi l . , . . . I 1 vented liv nrnfi...lnn,t I venieii nj prote.sional enCai;cienls. ! I I feel ureal pie fore in recoiimendiii It to all suffer I tng irom no-crfcd fijesMon, sick (.cidaelie, ncnlilv. 1 or any deran-emcnt of the ttosiicls.rrnm lilch I l.avc suITjred lijurorrfj elicealy yran IV0111 Ihe recommen. I ' d.Uion or one or my fileuds, I was lintucid lo try one lioill", nnd lind injieir ro much henetiled by its inc. that 1 do not think It neci ssaty to contiaue It any rur-1 . ' I Von may use tlii.'.eeitlomci j . ' " ' r.x yti sUiik propc., ! 1 n-mum, Yours, very truly, JOI'N ATI I.VfON. Dtlll .. VnttK. Co., 1H Washington .Ireel, kos. ion, rropneiors. nolil oy tlielr a jenl. everjnlier I CAnnin. Trknd Ayer:-;n this iijp of -lui.k-i, rliarlalans nnd nipre windy rnwoiisprHcnJrri. u Ii.mI. ! "ho l,,ow flt"cver' forimr, and in tint Mce and nrg of' oi.n.rn.nr.rioua. .urine Jer.chtn nt. nnd otlo r ' nciFy buitteroiia wind in-inn.,eiit.i nl marvelo-uly 1 Hied hrass in suci. a uifti(y fchiini tirldon oiiocti na lhfIntUii comforl.nfeMi.-iycvenclieer.nsio i!,0 ' earnest well wither of Iiib race to know there lias ar' rived in tliia world a genuine rJiysiclan-to Ilht once more upon nomeihwj he;idpi int-re Sangrados and Don , Mprcuri il Jal.ips, with their pUIcbotoinlc!?, poijous and wamiMnicr. Votir C.ith-iriic I'illi and ChPrry rpcioral, carry Ui mrard to Ht.lcjnn day tn nilllenial Tliarmacopwri when fc'cicnt'", Uicp divinj down into the priridpr-jf, of 1Iiiiii;, e!i lit. wi.liliii.lniteriiniiiii'r.hrii g out th" gen uine Ulmi Vitaoj for of a truili therf I iimiiilcMly rii'iiifh Kouipwhntof tint fani'i Ml K-tocmc in ctir mlille vp-feinhie dirtU.ations and conipouii(,8. Von realize lo ui the vNions of thoo painfule FmoKe dried A Icliyniiitn IiooUlf-j peek-is i renmpfa nmons reU't? uud crucihlep, koucln ng the qui:iie?"i;n tnl hid .en virtue of tho uimprne, which e hmild anti- dole dn temper, nnd liroak lor nun tl.o WIipcI ot Ttme. EQUALlTiT TO ALL 1 J ttnipop.mi r v or rr.i.;i:3i- , t lirsi.trs.. t:tery one hit oidi SUiS'itn tc CO.. OflliG lVp.rcnt One Price Cloil.inif Piore p. COO .MukPl strett.abnve Plx'h, lliitj: lphf.1. In ntVi.unn to litvir.- the lergcft. mint -inr'ed and 78nioiii4r.iet.:ock of Cloihlcjf .n Mnl.tilPlphla. undo r-tprt-Hi-ly for rrtr.I sjJps, .nve ronMiin'rtl evtry one his o.v n snti"im?i'i, hy Iiavi 13 nurke-l in ligure1". on focli uriti lo the erv lo'.voi price il enn be roii for r liiey r.initot posniLly tsirv-all muit brv ntir ' 'I hp cojiisnre wt.) tjtir;i andiirenared.niitrpat p-itrs t.mfu wiili ih- nnkln so tint .ill tan buy wm, h'Tull n-H-iraure oiiiouiusf a pood iirliclc nt Ihe very lo-sve-t pr.Vo. A'j-in, u Uirc slock of piece innd ct 1 .ind.nf tl.i littfit st le iMid b 'St T ili'ir", w hirh wiM be 111 idt1 to f-rilrr. in 1li.ts inii't fibli.onabla und bust m!tn.nL'r 2.p';r cm, below credit pilro. P.) urihh.'t the Cic.ut ; t. in Mailtct, alnve fixtli Etrei t, No i.ji. ' JOYCS ft CO. rxsi.fw ituwAnn wii.i. r.n prn rou avy 1 Vpdichi"tliit will pip.i I PUATT-Si UUn:iICR'a t.V CIC OU. for thf fnliowinx di-.e.tf! Illieuiiialit-m, Ntjumlgia, Ppiiul Air'PlInii(i,('oiiirat td Jniuts.Cli t'ic 1 ! PaiiiD, Paini hi the Hido vt Ita'k II u t tl jrlti, TooMirirhe, ' Irpriiu H-irc Thiout, Cut Hruupt, Iturn-i, bitd rt t di-vcii'sp of "hi fikin. M-t-'C'r and the rjlimls. ; None pen nine without tho nirtm turn of "Pratt & H itcli'-r" aUnch-'d to mi!' (abut. Prl.irial ofn--i. -01 Washing 1 ton tnlrctt, llnnklvti, Wow York. Sold by C. M. II -. CfiN liL'ClI, Druggist, nioomiurg. 1 US-Tin is locprtify tint I have made hut one appli ration of Hie AI ,131c Oil oil mynngpri wlnrh hive been (Uawii from (onlnriinu of the rord, brou-ht ou hy rlte'iuT.iism. It wits of -mvutetMi monthi st.nullng, nml I tun now entirelycuretl; I clieerlully rtcommend , it to .'.II HHitlcd likcw.'se. I J. M. riNHROOIC. 72 Locust btreet.ll'irrWiurj:. I A-i3UiV 1. tflST I X3 A CAUI) TO Till I.XDIG B.-Im. i-iru-Nto'i Coi,Dk.s I'iifs-ch Pit i.iaraiip'iilitt re-rt ovlng uoj pages ortrregiiforttiis J tie nciuct. ' 'j These 1' illsuru iioiuing new. but have been used hy the Doctor ftr m.iuy yu.irs, hoih hi 1'r-iuce an 1 Aiueri- j ca, w itU unparnileldt ttirrrrj i n every rare ; and he in ( ' urgi'd by many liiouaanil lAdu-s ulio l.avc uicd O.ein, j to make llio Pills public, for tho alleviation of those I I lutrcrin-r, fioin tiny itrPpiilariiMs w'u'ever, .ia well j as a preventive to tl.o-,i I a lie j wluio health will nut permit 111 inciL.idti ('ff.iiiiily. 1 1 Pregnnnt if miles, or those ni'i poking tliemt elves no are cautioned rilo!,t u-rlng thc-ie PiH-i.aa tb'1 proprl ( ' rtor nssumcs no respoiuibility nftrr Vtn nbnvr ndan nilion, ultliougli their niiMness would prevent nn in jury tu health; other, viae, thete piIU arj rcram , mud?d- ' 1 j Ihr'T'ion-i cr;uiipiny racli box. Prire tl, Sold j wiH'Iinli' f mf ri'tail, hy HrjUUIHj ,l . II ,-,(!, 1MJI, 11 , 1 Ocnernl Ajjent, l!oo lifburtii Pa. II c will suppiyibu trado at the propnftor'-i pricei:,, ' nnd lend tho Pill's to UIkm (enjt4tHtiiy) hy mill on rce uh'inl ?1 llirohtliiJ JU 1 unb iti Pi-t. U Tizi. 1 OxK PHIOli ONLV1 MPPINCOTT IIUNTKU-O Clotlmig Wnrflotuc, PouUi va ruritLf of Fourth c,nd Markfl KtreoH, Pin I I "dclphia. Theoiij Out Pr im QotSlng Sttre n America L'asli r."IH"''i 01 Men's or boys Clolhintj, at wholesale ind rclall.tan here, make llieir .election from an immeiiie stock of faiinoiubty cut and well madecloihtn , got up wilh a view in gidi saliifaclion lo all, and at tlio very lnvvest poantile telhng prico n mi rked. n plain Jiiirrj on every earmer.t, nil buy a: tlie Mini) price, and whether ibey arc Judjes of goodi or not, they cannot be riecicreU. One uniform low price to ak and tVic, stii'.severvbot!y. wile tho usual ' hihb w pnrrs, ami laning an inni can do " . ... . .... . ' Z ' auctw-rnsajree- toiaKe 1(. nniI it 'iif isnn-iM v rri-m In . I tint Im ivnn , ti. u tnban tl, nnd it'ltf ('Tially rr rial n , that Im would have taken f 1-3. il he co-lid havo got it, and thus actually chat lie putihaser outof f.vft dullJra. To remedy l bin evil ' -init ctabliih conOdrn'ra in the tMd.t, MPl'iriCOT & CO., rt a Unifarinlielnu- nncc on ;ll Itiplr d-mSiIii. vert- ! ?." "IP I'.': ' ni u til b luw tho usual rates.) and w ill iwv-;rv"ury ono ' I'd'HI'hii. ---r r.-.-. ; 5 i A rsTi.Mi WITH EVERY HOOK I Worth from 30 cents la ICO dollars, Me Aiagcc's Uij't Hook Store, NO. 317 f.'lll-NLT STIIEET, o.t i?at I...I uoor oetow i oiirin.i rniLAnr.iriiti j rrr-'T if wi oniNpriLj i'or ,ali. 1MB I'M NT " MAN, KNOW THYSELF." AN INVAI,tIABf,B HOOK FOK (llCCNTrl KVCRV FAMILY SHOULD IIAVT, A COPY . MANUAL & IIANIIHOUK b.'.'Z.ruit Tin: Arn.icri'.ii.-. ilyf'ihujjl: "'"talnine nn niitlmo of Ilio vM"U4ljffX rn"' "iri.is" "7 I'roinncil ten atiuio, or ny nfxtm rx ViVlli. M4.. ullh ...ft if Iiip Hid. pretMiiloii, 1 written In n ramllhr tyl, molillni! ni mrdlcnt tictlniciilitles. tiinl evert tliln. tiuit wmiliniiriiiillne ear ol elrcoiiry 7i!(liimi 1 Ikt I'rtftKlor tt OhHtrttt lit rn ?'-?r,AVarS!i'?;Ti'yj.,FrrvT'Kjs-',,;"7?- tlAliVAL' llionmlior ri tiii.ork, unliko Ibc nuJofi(yorih'unwioiiJvnriiii.ocure lhpiln.nne i,l ttlilcli II lreil, Ijn uraduatijor one cl tne lirt U. Uollcjea In Hie Unllril Slate. ' II nir.irdl, i J "" ,n fonnm-nd Inni to tin unr.irwmt lU SWZ meplen. unite, of to 1 ami ex. (J llty they miytdae. t,. fiinlrrteonttdenic. . I jui-Erii i,iio?unRe AI. II fr;m rr9dirarif, .V ) ff In. tl rive, me tileirnre lo mill iiivteilmnnv in ih I l - r rni?sion:n niiiuiyor mo oino- or tlip ".Vcrfical joniia'. rtuineroiM enace oi nr.earei on ia rii- It it Urcam, f inie nl ihfm of Innir m milimt, havp J come uiidar in nolirn. Ui which Idnrktll has l.fen r inaiiltust In ri-8tnrii. to pciAri lit.iliti.li. unme s liiklniii-ii it uhnrn llin unllrnl li m Lfcn MiiinJ.rid lifyut'd mtdicil ntd Iiiih trcilmcnl .of pcmlnal- ' 2" V'C'tliiic.eJ r diarran;fimnt ol the (iliftfotis 1 ducpif Iv f.ttj jJiuaet or t,xres of venerv, I do nut I T' know Mr irp?m't in Un prnietiion. 1 have hern iit'CMinirii wu ii me rtiiuir p'iiiio I'linv ytrtn, ami ; f Iff nr It 6 nmre than JtMilee to him as an n . kimliicii lo th tirif'iriifatp victim of nrly IndU rrttlon. lo rrtoininPiid lil.n n.nnp In u Lone pro frffionSiGMII and ln!f jrliy they imy aalely font. do Z rernonoltMII a 5 tUnefe. 1 Airnrn uoodwirp, M. p. I One eonv. securely envi'loned will be lor'.variled free of plnec to nnj pat! or llm United Stiles, Im '.'leeots. or II copies .ir$l on. t ;-Addre.s CUSIillN . CO. .'Piihlnhers, Box 1 07, rinlailclpliia P3' lt'ioks"ler., Canvns.eni and Pot Acer.tB eurptird on the moit ttbe-al terms. II c 3, 1857-V llEMDVAIj. T'lll suliseriher linvleff removed 111. Marble Yard. Irom ni-nr llio Court Lo i.e. to Hie Soulh urst enr ner or .MAIN and .MAaivliT st reels. In ltitpi.cl'a Ito, whore lie Is prepared lo liirnish nil kinds or Marble W-rl; Vli: MONtJMr.STS Cradle Tnmli.. Itox Tomb.. r.pd lliMd atonoS'nr everv itescrlptlon. Hi. tlurk tsuf ilia lie. 1 It lad. the worl.mmship not surpai-snit l.yimv In the cmiiitry, and at low prices. Cull ami judge fur j our-rivep rV lie tvl'l nl.n fiitnl.li Tabli. mid tturcnti Tn. Mantel. f,, ho'Mes, lime Corrcs. Llntles. and Bill, for Wint'ows tpd Poors, at a low slaiiri.. ThnokliU tor past Invors. we hope for n continuance ",0 ANTHONY WIT.MAN. "-Im Rloomslntr!, April A. If3 nxuiiAN'oi: ni.ocK. maiv .srnutiT. Elloomsbur, Tl'ntitii! rs!-:nfu wniii.irPKpiTir.illvliifnriiiliiiifrh'rd aud ih.- j tid i f .'''ii'rr.lly ih.it he lu pircli islmI lir TrpgA-t'a tiniRiind IJli-'mirn' r-ion-. tmd ji'Ht returni-d from tJicci 1 iili .1 l.ii(i(- .ind-'loc! cl.cJt sCijiiiiiling tl I rem ami June Drugs, ( Mdjclnrfi,Clpiiiira-. around and wlioh-rjptcp. Tainl!-' OiIh, VarulMiPs. Die ttulT-t. Wint'nw (Jhi-t-or ntl niie, tnijcthei wlili a cuiiiplrp(isfirimei dl l'ilnt,Tiioih inu, tMrnvlnj: llrusl.tgl obuccu.Sc-j.irif,! airj 3'japi ,tilmv. j iili: t-rcaiii. l'uro Witirw and Hrandicfl, Tor Medlriiitii urp. Knirlish. rreiirhand Air.-rican Prr- HniH'ry i In sli nt pvcry arttr.Iekcptby Hiucgliu gafi "rVflVPripti.n.p.arpfntheompni.ndPd . N it -I'lm On i al rn-ncMiot, will he continued at ,lH,'l ' lllinnibi.r nt.il l.iUt HitPPt. fot'inic'b"1 a,SiV,1Pt:nt 01 "c latPht Tcclh' OKO. M . II AGHNntJCII. flunnbirg, IM-mary 1, l7 DliOOMSUUHG ISOOK STOllK. ' pITl2 untlerairneJ rc&pcclfullyanuounccs that she com limes the lUaomthnrg Book htore anJ I (Viifi'osiiir.i h'.tUt.X . i.i, I . -n.n,. l,,i l,nr,AMii.4,l Jl that she com limes the Illaomnhurj Uook itore al hnsbund. Major Cluck, In nil ib'ir various brunches, nt llm nl.l tt.m.l i .. I n L..nrn Kill til m n. flrt .Innr I.-isi of (Im 1'irh.ii.ic IlcU'l. and having rcpl ninli'Ml hf r PttnMislimf ut willi .i.clioice wiwk ot JAw iioehs and 6oJi?uu-y, Ehe in prep.irid to accoiumodalc all nj m.iyTfe'ive tierac.ill In herlinc, Tlie npsti'iian Si.oa la, i ll Mnsementof thp nbovp v Mali IWh mem, wl -' enntinuPd rtt usual hy the sub scrititT. wlnre t hi public cio nl nil times im supphpd wdluhe ili"ici'!l He tn 'offl and HtrRt-miMrsm. purh tii Iln"riH.t3jrRpariMn, li-er. Alt-, fee , rHrdincs, CpicpdHn1tiNrk..(i(w inr. Pickled Clam H Iu-jI.e.u-.i.cc.j-.o r -rvr CAltOLINII Cf.AKi:. FucttHCt ta J$a;t Q. Clark. Ktonir.ityr-r.Mn j C, 185! SPRING. AND SiJoiisI?. T IIP. undersigned res.iccllitlly inform lilsfriendnpi, t Is I'll!.!' at 'arce and the rest ol mankind that he ha. established a splendid - aj tin i Igr.nt cewtfiorp llo'ise, Just rrtriPd In Koli s- In in bi. l com, IV . r.'i.. livrt lie h.iisi notv mtpni'd Ui t; HHII 1 IMMl-e lil9l ft lltt-lll III Spring aad Summer Gccd?. Which he i dele rmi treu to pell ou mich terms n t ill indiirc atlat l'',ut in ihiti vicinity . who are in want nf M''rfhaudl7P, lo extend him thrircutom . Ilu si'ic k Iin sheen sell cted unirl cure and witr ret'Tt'iid lot he waul unit hi 0 comiuui'ity , ind wtttmut ((tut; i enter in 1 ii nuiintMceuuiiieritiou oft he v nrioun kin. ti Iio nik iic-lbiug in nsMiriup hix friends that ev ry tliiej unllv kipt ii) rniiiury Sioree.con liero be hada 'Muile cheaper than the cli. nprrt .' l.ouinryp'o.tiire, incluitini; V. ruin . Lumber. 4c, lakcn inecliiil'g(. for goods . iviLfoN Aonn, Ilnhrsiiiir!, March !d. lf.'- TlPIMAIMXn in (lie Post Oflico at I Wj Illoomehurg, Pa iluartrr cudinj; November lG'h 1537. tilli'ii!ipiidrr, Mnry C Ilichtdl Har.ili A ltrift.ui lli'iity t'a-p UiHUm Fleming, Wi dpy Ciuttr li.ivid C.ioiiiifh ll.irvey II. Hill (.torge IsCihtlu-er ('onrad I.on-; N II. I.(inIi lltitlif-n Alt (iec Jirktiftil llt.rnns .Morgan Al.rr Alem Phi ' ip 9 John H. (pptk Allen W (itobbiiiH A. ."locltcr (II 'l pie (ieorgi Hmith John ( .iar-it Men ry Fuitrrnan James ( Wi pner P ret love (Weiliver'P J Wrv.rer W J (WfkAlad.ion ) 7rlbin Caroline ) Tnotuas Hug) en j ) James Wat ley S hip Nk1ipIj Henry 1 1 lynu James ) IT Persons eailin-ror the ntiove letters will nleaie sly they are advertised. Pllll tl' IINANOST, P. M. SPHING iri' v AND SUMMEJi fi f:u ! t To lie Sold 'Yrif Cheap, ' JIlaT KIXEIV E AT THE BTOIIE OF J. J. ISKOWER, Dlonmabiirg. April 35. J8.17 '.Un " iCn. on wig', Manufacturer and Wholesale Dialer in CED.Vll, H'UUl) AMI HiLI.OV IVAlli:, ii, Hi' ID ID m 3 5 CLOCKS. LOi UINO ni.ASSl;.!, LOIlllACE. OIL ULOl'lia, llllUdllES, WINDOW eilAULrt, ic. N). .- North THIRD Strest, Oils doer Iclon I'm City Jlutrl, PHILADELPHIA. Aui: 3 ). I -1.17 , vr-g KP.AUriUVH POHTA11M1 CIOCR MILLS, i -ljitlie bi'si in iilc , Wtivilcrs I41USO Powtisnud t ffjST.TrebhPrs.Corn BhclleiKof vnriou miit. Ilu mjJ! jStriw nnd Fodder Ciller-. Crim Fans. Iluui Cutlers Fjirmrr-i' lloilen, Side (hil, Pub rfml ami other Plows, plow (.imtncs, Co 11 Jiakc.s, Hpaintt, 1 AltiioupliL'iic Chum ie , vluli"-1l.' nud retail, al -i ASCII U.ls AKUtltlH 4i CO., I Implement amlHit'd Siorfl, l 7lti and Market streets. Philadelphia Ormh-T Id IK'7 B 134 Ii.H's'V Air fi ',f COMMISSION M EltCIIANTP. ANUS IND nr.AI.il FISH, PROVISIONS, SALT, It Noria Wliarve., railadclphsa. ' -EEDS. 1-vniMH Timnlllt nnd tl-r,l i:riaB Hs...!. r,rAKn..i V Gfll1f i10li,I('uv 0 America., ami lVrS l, 1 rtr i.,. .. m..n u . .J. .. L,nwn (trass, tvctitucKv nine ura.s; &r . at PA8CIIA1 I. MOItltlS CO liill,eiueilftiiii(l Htore 7th and .Markei sisji.ls, Philadelphia. October 10, 18J7 f ' Fill SUM UTII .illUOTIII-lt&, wiiolesa'lk T 11 li C C tt Hi' EE A ff. E Et S .NO.lOO.NOIlril Tlllltl) S'l'ItlflBT I'lve doorsbeluv, Hare, I'lllLADELnilA. Jauriiiav 10. 1P53.. ( niinii .omr akh lap siiiNc.LEa. for sji. 1 WUUU ai tie Arcadn by Aliy :J. IW7. A V. MENSCtl VTIJW.NO 3 MACKEREL lust rcceivrdal IN hakt: HAKT5IANB. JXlRA U 1 'lACKtRn ti't II nTM V n SWAN & OO.'S LOTTBlilKS. tr.ir Ji.vn niiiu.MNT cwc Caplial I'rizo $08,000. Tht iollowlrj Hrtim will drawn hy R, tftvut i t'o, Mnnuvvt of ll.e Port tJnlnp" Atn1iny holtory.' In tncli if l lie f r Loiirrir for Heir mtipr, m.,7, nt rtunu.- r a , ui'iireia, in wiiitn cny in-y navf removed ll,lr Principal omce T t. -.I...I r .'..-.'.I.. n....i. .11. I on Saturday,' iic. ciii'l,i.r (itli, Ie57 t'l.tuu; To be drawn In the rlly oi Aiienn i.GcnrjIa , 1 11 pulille , I on ridllllday 'lleeMnlier I Jlti. IM7. , . , , , ''" w. To be draw n In tlie cliy i.r AnciHia, rleorth, In pnblle on Calurday, llereml.er lOlli, le.i7. . ULAHJ l.n. To be drawn in tlie rily nl Aiicimle. (Ironll, hi nubllr. 1 on KH.inl.iv. Iieeemlier ! Hi. lr!t. I riM i'iik plan or NiMH. r. ni li.tTiii.if h. Virlv onn l'rin In rvnri' Nilin Tiflfola. ' " J j i, .v.Kixmaw tcHi:.ir.t 10 Oh lnAVN 8 ATI It 11 A V IN II 15 1.' 13 M lir.lt' ariO.i ou I 1 Prize of I'.tmn TOO'iu 1 " ),5oa U A (3 1! I Pt ue of I 1 I luuiHi no i;ioii d,(i';i) 1 iuu " isn " soi.'i ten " 1:5 " D.iOO lot) ion APPr.OXIMA'l ION PPIZI'.fl. I l'ilir..:ii;U.Ap'.nu,liig i sjni) (HinPriZ'iaie tl2.in I " I aw IIII.MJ 1010 2. 0 li') Ixi H'li,. 7" . .Ml 2D ri II pro III is 11 ri.iino rt.iinn 2 no.) Iuu :in) 21 ui .11 (Id inn. in if i 8"2i).0t;0 j UUAK ! ; ) f:Ki PrUfa hmornting In i irn w nui;i:is jm . n , 1 , TI.H3 SJI i.vr..i $5, I Plan cf the JjotienL , Tlie Numtn-r-i I rn j I to .10 mm, porrespondntff willi j thntio Numheis nu tl.e Tifkrtf printed nn vpp.iraii Bljps ol pH per .nrp pnciutpd with t mall tin tubeftund pl.icf.l tn one ni el 'J'h tn st 3rrt I'rlzpp. Fir.nl rtv "rtrintrd t nd rnclr i clPd, are plirert hi anotliiT whpcl. t I The wli-M-Irt are then rfvolvdt. nnd ft niiiiibpr ia from ihn wlitel ii NiiihIipib nnd ni the fum . tinio alri7.-'i(i dmvn lrni Hip other wIipi-I Tim Number nnd Trlpdrawn out nre oprtipd titid exhibit I cd lo the ntnlif nee, nnd fpiKlTnt by llio Cnminii fioiierf, the I'ti-p Uvirg placed ncalust thp Numlwi ilMinn 'lliis PrPMIiou is rc-pi'tid-d until ull the Frli's nre draw n oul. Approximation Priiti Tlie two piPPedins and tin itwu niirct'cdinjr Niitu'icrBto Uiorp driiwiuc the firt-t ' B I'rir.p xtll Lo ( nutted to the .2 Aaproxination rri7.ci, For.pjtntucio If 'i .cUpINo. IVi i'i dra-v 1 1 $ijil,ti(.U I'fro. tlMM.' TicKPtiiMiNlerrd U,CI'f, lli'J. 1 1, ':.), II '!, will pndi hn ml ltl.-il In .)' 0. It Ticket No .udrawti tin 9 M.0I10 i-'iz1, tUan 'J'lckPls mini I herpd Sin, .?J,l. 551 . 55J wiltench In iMiUllcd to JEJ-SO, nnd a on nciorrtf iijr In tlic rbnvc fcIipiiih. . Tne 5(100 I'rit'K nt $ XI U be det"f mlrieit -V tM hut li cure of iheNiimlx-r tlmtitraws ttn- S50 duo Prize Tor txsimplo, il tho Nuhi'mt I'muinif i lie SioL'Ot I rrl.-J tudu Willi No 1, tlipn nit the TirkM where llio ah mil rr ( imIp, In I . w ill l-e eniltico in k.'u. 1 1 uic NiimVr end M li It o M tlH'iiuM ihc 'I iikt-tv v-lieie Hi" Number ends jn 2 w 111 Im '-I tilted in SV0 , and so ou to tl. CurtifiratfK rf Utcbapp w .1 be foI J a the folU-w In? riitfc, whitli 1 the rirk : CutltUntn ot I'uiki-jc 0f 10 WliolcUieKru, do dn in lliitr do 40 d di luuutirter do B(l do do in Ciubih do 1U I IV OKDCniN'R TJCKIJTR OK OCIll IFK.'ATrft. i l.nctn-n tli ni'iiicyto our address Ur tlie tirkets ordured, on receipt ol which iliey wil' he forwarded iiv iir-ii man. rurtiuFi-rscon muo ticKeis cnuinL' tn an; ny njuie Mipy mny tlpniemi'f i 'i ho I ilst of Ornwn Niinib-ri and Pflz swill bri cent to p irrhnner imindiutpy tiller (lie dru tn- 1'urclMHcrn will p If unti 1 hei r si-.'ii;itures I lain, a rd en c ttim r Post ORict. tJnuntv and Smie- ttmcmtir that every Prize is drawn and pnj uMe in filti witliout dediitlinn . All Priz"" of S lOUila nd under, piid imnwlialely aftpr ihe drjwins-gthcr I'rics at the usual line of thirly das All comniimiCRtlons str irtly confident hi. Address otders for Ticket, or Ceriincate to f! HWAV & t'O . Augusta, Oa. Persons rrsidin-r ue.tr Muntsonvrv. AI'j. or Atlnn'a. 0;t.ian have their ord-r? fiited. :md 'ave lime, by I i ndirp.-cong 8 Pwan ac to , at i 1 1 p r ol iln)n nties. ! XCr " hhioi iti- tmnuers itint are i'rwn imm tne I wImm-I, willi iIip amou nl of Hip prize tint cifh one in P lit MM (i i" miii ue iiuiiii mwil aiH'r eve ry ur.iwinjj n ihe wllowin-i piipi-r Jtujrttsla (flcn )CoHntuutlonaiht, I A'.in Orttatti Delta MobUtt Htvl&ttr. Vhnrttrton itnttdard. I AVrW Gauttt. Wi'indi tntcttifcncti .Yi:o York U'etihj I ia Hook, iacantxdh lirmnsr tic nte'tmtnti DtsvttcS. Xcv York ItUpntch uuj Pauliiing JtUss ) Clanon Nov. Ifi7 CHEAP STORM LiMJ . UMr.lv I1IJUJJ&. mUK uml.'rfliL'tjed take plcnsilrii in tn ti ir 1 l,i iiiit mm -itAtvi b no,t(,rU,i 10 thelrcnstonipr. ml tl., pi,i.I nily. ihtitihcy hiivpjnetieccr.ed. at '.ho I, nut; i;.il2 ti ote a hoire r.ssoriment tf Spring and Summer Goods. I and w ill be told at very low pi -us fur ready pay. ' Pfi.Y GOOBIS. cnnslttiiip of a Inr, variety ul 'otl'g, Caiimci, l)il.iini, Piir7ei Call up - Hv Country producpiakca la exbjnprf-r rooda Civ 0 us a call. None nced'go away ilistai'fd. E. Will. LOW. LsiU" nidee, M.-rell Si". 1?.'.7' NEW GOODS. SPUING AND SUMMER OhT 1857. ho undr.-igned, r-rntolul for furmcr hlieial oatroua?!!. rc.nerl fu 1 1 v in-crtu. In. (rouids and (.u-tuiiiers in i-eiienl, Hiai I'' has com lunced tiiHiiii'ssiu Ins snai'ious New Ptnro llou.o nest doc- In tse.jls Mii.man s llolcl, wlscie lie has ) jus l reLeiv ed, al ull supply of SI'KIMS AND M.M.MKR GO DS. romprili"'"verv variety ot f-Hhinn, qua I It nnd style it trill kept in the hehi Eiuren, (J roi eues.Uinncewure llardw are. Fish.. .I's, II ttn, C,ip. It irtt. Hhoeg, 4.C., which w 1 1 1 yu ol on nccom nioti.it ing Termi. UJ Cram and p-odur c of all loud w mid. A & S. ANDKEWS. Maiiville. March ??, Iriji, y I NEW OAKUIAGiO KSTADIjISIIMKNT iV BLOOMS! URG. In (lie Nt w brick three Story 0-irriftgc Kaclcvy, cn .Main below Market, rpili: snbcnber would rpsprrilully ar.nounceto rhe X public, tha' he limei'miiietm-d ihe in at I iinr.u.Ll,e( IIiiprpparo.lloexpriitPiitlcrderii PHiMilan.usortuienloftini-hrdv.n k and liasonhaiidnt rppenlan.iitsortuie.itoflini whirh purchasers w iilftda to tUfir wJ,.int.iie to exa mine. nilPAIPilNC, Will bednnp Ip i lie most prompt and cirefui manner and upon ter nit wt.rli nnnot fail to cive sat n-faci ton, ATKWUUIIJ(2U A. WU.OGV. mnonisbiirg. April 'JH. iH.t.t. . " IIROOKER & MAUSII, Aiiclionorrs ic Commission Merchants, vor north in inn ."tuekt, (One door below Vlne.l . , J A" "r'J Gune.Jfirdietre, llutrais Jaury I7rod. As. . a. . ' LVL?a- . , ' , tTvtuntrv l?lnrekeeni.rs and oi'ieis w'.l nlwnva lln.l as nor i.iejniia. pin. . ,zrgo anu ilesiralilo assorlmenl i ollho above Uonila, (o Ije-sold in Ima 10 w:it buyers .Onri,ls picked on l!iu premises Tar Country Trade I Sepl lit), 17 3m .1: kvainh, uo.oeo fisa.-MB.s:. a! K L'nnU tci ESonr! a v TlPr-(l.tl "tmo,., uilj h,mf. -rltZA' I I'I li.',.i Pit., hi il lata . 11 " ' Ltbib Ua oFf1'' IV wjIwk' jtswf Pi irn frd, tsnImw Or T1brft.r, VOlTSlTaS ST. belov Clmuuil. GREAT ATTRACTION. JLHN POLL, No UI Norlh Uecond street above Atch, Phi ndcliilisa. Importer of Toys and Fancy Gcals, . IIiiv llin t.iriTs-SBl .llinilmdlld nl I'lltln.illi. 1 It. ' 'nysot'nll hinds, F.inry niskets.SmokePipes.Tohacio Lines. Violins and ellrlnss. Ha rmonicas, Accunleons. and a Uratf variety or other articles too numerous lo nirnu'in Hlorel.eeper sand others will please call before pur chasing elsew here Aug '.0, is:7-3ni n.is. aiiHrs. mm. oil tan j UAItNES tt OSTER110UT, tanuarfursrs and ll'Aoletate Dealers In i HalSi laps, hlraw (ioods nml ruts, NO. -UJ .11 AKKE't STREET, up sloill.J ACOVU rlFllt STKSST, AugiM, is37 ruiijinF.i.rm.1 Greenwood Semiiiarv AH- ' J irtillvillo, Columbia Co.. Pa. A HVSTEMA'i 111 course ot iii.trurtion is alien in j. t all Ihc Lnsusll branches munllv taitshl. '1 l.e Priocip.tl will liu assisted during the preseulcar h T. .11 I'OTTeLan tsperlentei i,..,ci.cr. rc.ri. ntly from llio t.anio.lcr Ciiiini v K'nriunl Hrhncl I A tacatlon of seven tt te lis tt ill ecmmenro Julvtt.i I T.ilio,,.rornavoum,?.lM50Bt,,.l.;,0ne,ua,s, ' Boasdiog. Tuition. l tubing. Lights. Uc , t33 jcr' HUalleroi eleven weeks. one-Hirm advinco i rorci.tu'ai clla ogue ol cif.es particulars addsess IV M Pt'ROCes. 111 1 1 Death Of Col. F. M. WvilltCOO. I Tarn aqua, Dec, 1 1. Colonel I'rancis Marion WvnkoOIl, llUl v,v"uu'- """ n.j iwwi Un ted States Marsha for tho Eastern ... .... . .... DlSjriCt Of 1 COnSvlvanla. was aCCldontlll? , ... ' KlilCU Wli 10 L'Unnitl'' near UU3 DllCe. TCfl- , .. " , , . , icruav. jiu was nun inn nncasaius in com. ral,J Wl"' IllS hired man,Vu,0h tho CUn in , , ... , .. tuu iiiuui. ui tnu iniiur ivan auviuuunjy ej i r charged. Tho load took effect in Oct. W's 1 'g, and he diod in half an hour from tho effects of the wound. Till-, CAMU.'.'M ANI1 A!!IIOY ItAILItOAP ANU PIIILAIIKLIMIJA AND .T3UN1UN KAIt.UOAtl tMi.MfANVri l,lr.3. . reorn Phllail'Jpkia ta Terk, axi h'iy T'.fir I.eevee a. follows tii -. ' JAr . Av.1 A. M . fmni Kensington Depot, ii Jersey rity, .mii 1; At u .1 m vm -Liiinori nnn Ji'iery uiiy, icw Jtr py Acromniodnlton At ii AM .via Camden und Am boy, Aernnimida tinti . Ai M., via C.imden and Jersey City, Mom- I I' H dimi HllltMI...M,Mll .At 10 A. SI , bv tiliamboat Trrnton, ia Taeony and Jcrtey i;itv. Morn if; Uxpretfl At 2 1' iM-, via Cj in den and Amtoy, C'otnlA. i;tprc Ai A 1. M-, vi.i C-imdon and Jerspy'Cjty, Crcninc flnil- M.' At :i.i'- . via Cnniden and Amboy, Accommo d.iilon, Ui CIins. .. . .,, . . At H I' a , via'Oamden and Ambov, Accouimo- dnli'in, it Ul'im AtOP Ai. vi 1 1 louden rind Amboy, Ateo-nrnj- dillon, UtClnfH .. .... At ti P. A)., via Cum den nnd A in boy, Aeennimo- '1 lie 5 P AI linu runs daily, all other Fun dan pr CPplPll. Imu'pfs I.lnrs Mop nt Ilia principal sla'l ins cnly. , I-'oi lltil,Morp i:.isinn, rVniii-gton . ic, at tii. 14. and 1 1'. M , Iroyi Walnut itrt'-t wburl. . t lo r U'nt-r fl'ip, htroudsburg.ScrnnUn. Wilkesbarre, Montr ofe, fttt nt Uend. iVc. til t A. M., via Dels warn, Lnrkawiiniiti nt UVlcrii Kaliroad. Pnr FrcrlioM at (I A M. ami 2 P. Af. For Mouut lluiiy at 7 A M., fmd 21 nnd 5 P. M. WAY LINK 3 Tor HriitA Trenton, 4-e , ut m and I J?. fit. way mm; rorPahnvrOt naucmaa, lieicxly, nurlir(on T.cr dPiitown, lie , at 3 P AI. WAY M.VD I'.i:- A:.)tin! II"! ly , Hurlingtou jud Way illMioni at & P. M . McambtVit Rirlord Siocklnn lor Hurling to a and Prlji" mi at Hi A M., nnd fjr Kordntown and intermedial PL-res it -1 P.M. IJlPambcit Trei.ton for Tacony at in an-l 111 A.M , nnd 4 V M, ami loiCuriingtot. tmd Hrtstot nt 4 P. M All lliiPf,PXcc-tt 1 A. M , leave Walnut t, wharf, 13 I'llty I'oumJs of bs-sif'J? only allow fit fnch nis spo-icr. Paisi'iuurt HreprolnbiH.d from taklnp nnytnjri ,ii Laegag'tv hut their wpnrint; ajipareK All bacgne over lit t y pounds to he paid tor extra- Tlie Compurty limit their rPsnonvlbiUty tjr bangagp to one dollar p r pnutto, -jhi! will not he liable lor any amount hi;ond tlwC, cx:epl hy special contract WM. II. tlATZMRU, Agent. U. k A I. It. CO. II. B. MORTtLl,!,, Affpnt, Sept 28. H57 Pliila. '1 r. K. R. Co. LIKE INSUUANOE. the amiPT) i.iff. ix$tm.xvF:tj9JwruiTrJXD1 TkVSr COJfli'.W OF I'WLJJDKLPItM orrtri-, nn, 4U8 cjitsMJT bthxet CAPITA h, (paid up,) S-KWIXX). r-hx-ltr Prr-ntlvnl pONTINUHto make INauftANCllS CN 'LIY ES ca O tlip most rea-ioniililo tprn.'i. , (W i ne capita i uuiny iuni it mm nucni'ii. i in t-r wim tt lame mid constantly increasing reserved I'und.olTer U DrfeC' FPrLfilV to lllP Itlf-Jred. Tup i.rcnilama iraKto' paid yeurly, half yearly I oinirti ilu 1 The Company mM n llOVUfl periodicnlly.to the Insu rnnf's for lib-. Th FIIltiT HONU8 (ipproprialcd in werriJM,er, ir-tt, nn; i.-ju.ii liutu-i in uecemofr, WO. the 1 IHUD ItONUd in UpcembPr, 1854. nyTlicsP additions nrc madp wltboit rtfiuirirg. ny Increiie in the premiums ti bs paid to the Company. Tin- tnllovvins nre n few oanipte Irom tho Uecister. Aiiiuti it nl Policy anil Pom Tonus or honus to be Increased Vif'ry In.orM addinoii liy future Nillilloiis. fin. no iiSm i-i.1 .'10 ss-SFJ-ff;--- i:ii. .nun p,-, ;,jifi ik) " ll" lbOU 313 Si) 1.34? (10 3.13 II CJ 150IJ 0,S(,-0 W) ' iLc. te. rce. tiC. rauijihli'l., L.tiira Ini ii-r 1'ihles of lates au I Orplloa '.'Oss. Inrms o-ii,ilicalioo, and further iiilormatloa do be loulid al Ihe ofllce. THOMAS r.IDOWAY, Treslirsl Jso. P. Ja'IC. Jctuaru. Ucloher IU, 1B57 Iv I3HILLIANT PROSPECTUS I mUKTII Y 13 A It or THE fOS.MOrOMT.W Altr l 0CMTI0S. TI1R I'A.MOI'S Diisscldo f (Jallpy or rainlfnga t, Purchnsed al a co.l or $180 000 I Ar.d Powers' world renowneil t3tatui of tho ' ff? IT ? TrV :'t W 'I l 1YJ r.epiirciueu'ror ttfthoMnd dAf w,Tn sVvfraifcun- drcil nther worksot Art. in Pain I inf.. Hiulni.,. ..j 1 llronzes, cmnpil-e tlie Premitiios lo be aucrded lo 111. ! subscribers ol llio . COSMUT'OLITM' MT J?4S0C.1J,"0.V. Who sub-icnbo belore tli of Jjututry, l&IS. at I IHtll mm; li''' unuina njil lrtrC fil.lLU. TCItMS OF SlHSCRJI-TIOV. nverr riibtiriber ol three dollar in entitled (o A copyol tho lnrne and splendid Btecl CtisTrnvl-jj, em illed "SUMtmi Dcstisv,'1 am to A copyoi the CcsxoiLiaTAN AR.T.iousMii cne year. al?o in, A c-rtificate in ll e Awnrd ofl'remiums, lo ...frep admf-ision to the Dusnjl-forfittid Co6mopoll un (.'allertes. 'I bus it is peen that for every three dollars pairf iti Biilittriber not only rercivpia SPhCNIltll TllltUC OOl.rtAR EXCKAVINGl Cut al( llm btautii-illy illostr'alrtl . TWO l)OM,AU A1U JOUUNAfd. ONE YEAR F.ieh mbcriber is alio preteiiicd with a CcrtiScats in llio Awards r,f Premiums, by which a valuable work of Art. in Painting or iScuIpttite. may be received la addition, limn ! i viiuj in every subscriber an cqnvalfiit in the value of five dollars, and a Certi.lcale fritis, Any one of the leading $1 Alasaziiicu is furniilnd. intiead of F.na'nvlug nnd Art Journal, if desire,. N'n nor Mil 19 restricted tO a vinnl el.nro Thn.. tI,k"'i Bv aifiubabips. reinitiinE 515, are entillfd tu P-".J '-at ir rax K ,a'!l,,ix ,,ckrl,8- . 1 un p-irmujiirn i inu osaiiciaiion ore piven in th Art Journal, w birh cciiiiiiiif nvar sixty splendid ila gravmRs, ,coffty ctnts p er number ei cimcn coji will be -sent to all person who deujre tn mbeenbe, on receipt of five postage utampc, t.15 cev.it ) Addieff, U U DJCRRY, Actuary C. A. A ., C. M. DLAKPIU HonorarySec rotary, C. A .A. Nov U, iHi7 uI8 BroatlwiiysNew YorV. HSBsOOiraSKDEltU, CABINET WAKEUOOMS. THE undersigned respectfully invites the allentlo, iff Ihe Politic 10 Ins extensive n-sorlissem orCatiiliel ruri ituroaiid Ohairs which he w ill warrant lobonud or pon.i miteri'ils nnd In a w orkinaiiliko manner. At I'ls l.itnblishment.can alwat, Lo foaud a eoadassort , mi.nl ,ir ' 1 FASHIONABLE FaRNITUItE, "Hiui in fiju.ii 111 siyi" any nnin n inai oi rnu i(h liduuiir New York chips, ami at as low prices, lie has sorAS, mn of different styles .ind prices rroniItb?;SJf ? lo till, Duaus Loungi-s : Wal-"' "'' "HO mil an.l Mahoionv, Parlor cii.iin Hocking nnd easv ehaira.Pntia sto. Is. and a vani ty or upholstered work Willi Drt mgnn. parloibuieaus, rota, card centre ond pies laid . ileiashus. . ii ll'-n ier what nuts andruniosi dei's and all kinds ul ra.hloual.lc work Ills stock ot liiireaus, cnclofed und eouimnn trash stands, dress, Uble. toriser cupboard, solas breakfast tahlcs. bed sie.uls csinc HOtaim coinmoii chairs, is the lar est In this si'ilioo nt Hi, rniiolry, Ilu will also keep a good as.ortmetiiut looking masses Willi fancy flit end cons, moil .rallies He win also furnish spring main's", titled to my ei?o of beadstead. which ore superior ror durability andcouicforl lo any bed In u.e. ' SIMON c. siitvn. Oloomsbnr- April Sill. 1P34 Spring and Sudieii GOODS. THE undersigned rcspcotfiillyinforM theircustooers.nJ the public generally, llianliey liaveju.t received at their new Prick Biose House, in LlghltHrcet, h select assortment ol lashionable " Spring, and Summer Goods. direr t Trout the Eastern cities, comprising a;i titer .'annus selertions to be found ill Counlrj Stores, Cou.i.unj ot Ciolhs. Casslm.res. Ilelala, Itraxes, Ealicoes.Ac Together with a. I t-inds of lress goods for ihe ladles. l,e0. GENTLEMEN'S IVEAP,, Or ALMOST VEIIV S OUT AMI STVI.K. LAI1IESTALM IS IIRIiiillAS.II AWLS , e.' Urocenes, Molasses, Hilars. Teas, Ogfle'e, s.,,,, "ni;VAl.i'-0MAr'!i','v''!.',.ll:,"Wi,.y f M-.-eli.ndU?.' Ill.Ain M A l) t. Ot.Oi'lllMl. nl eer, d,.cr,i. Iron steel, Voils.Sulkv Springs fcc "c"l"""-rt-Thmiknil Tor nartl.alrnr.avi,. ,.,iss.. ... .tin.ious ipi to please thelt cu ji.imr, aBi lr ei, ssttfsr.il fl.l 1 1 fl f .is1! I . ti eeneral satisfaction ' Llthl Hlreet. pl 1 1 "eiV ' & W r- QTONE COAL loriaicTv o it 'iv " ' . W N. Cr.L'ASY. II! JHOClIC Shaw o rs t l!i i ili i 1 r. ,ii J 'r s ''te
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers