Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, December 05, 1857, Image 3

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ffolnmbia JDcmocrat-
Bloomsburg, Dooombor 5, 1857.
Divina sotvlcca will lo hold in Illooms
Irarg, to-morrow, (Sunday, Deo, Oth,) at
the following Churches :
Lutheran Church. Kcv.E.A.SriAniiETTS.
Sorvico at 11 o'clock, in tho mornini.
Presbyterian Church. Uev. D. J. Wal-
LEn. Servico nt H o'clock, A. M.
Methodist Church, Prayer-mooting at 10
o'clock, in the morning. Preaching ot
early candle-light in tho evening.
C6S- There will ho divino service in tho
Lutheran Church, this afternoon, by llev.
E, A. Sharrctts, at 2 o'clock.
tgy Tho Susquehanna Hirer, opposite
this place, has during tho past thrco or four
days, been covered with floating ico.
" Tho very Jtcczc-'mg artielo upon
which Doctor John commented so xoirmly
in the last Columbia County lilack Hcpub
lican Organ, was not written by Cot..
Freeze, uor did ho ceo it until it was in
tho paper.
IS?" Jacoii Harris, Esq., tho Admin
istrator of tho Eitato of Dnvi-l Smith, de
ceased, will offer to poll, at Publio Salci
on Saturday tho 2nd of January next, as
will ho Been by his advertisement in this
paper, anil publirhed bills, a vnluablo Farm
and Plantation, situoto in Hemlock town-
chip, Columbia ci,, Pa.
BaT " As wo pait then, Alcm,
Good bye.'' Co!. Co. IUp.
Good bye, Doctor Palcman. Wo arc
loath to give you. up, but as it is your ard
eut desire, to do so, wo will therefore lcavo
you, as tho Iriehmm did his pole-oat, with
the full asiurnnrc, that " i( hit alone, you
will soon slink yourself to dcth."
GF Wo observe by our exchanges, that
tho bonevo'ent and charitablo in every city
aud town throughout tho country, are ma
king systematic efforts for tho relief of tho
destitute : sumo aro dispensing charity,
and othors aro furnishing them with work
on Iho streets, IIiug ennblinc; them to cam
... i i i e 1 1 t
uieir own living, which ii inu jirciLrauiu
modo of providing for tho poor, whoro it 1
oan bo (lone without dctthucnt to the pub.
lie interest.
ST Mr. IIknky T. WiiitkwAN, lias
purchased of Mr. Yaplc. the llloomsburc !
and Oambra Mail route and now runs upon 1
tta.n1n...1!.nf.rM l.nrsn Trnr On.h - !
1 Ins til prove a f-rct ccnyomcnco to tbo
Iravelmg community, being tlio principal
connecting link between the people ot tlio
North nnd the Huii uoad Depots, leading
i ,1 r, 1M,;irt,11t.:. nn t W
Mr. YPbitcmun, is ti pleasant nnd very ac
commodatiii' joung gontloman, nml wo
trust bis lino of Coaches will bo generally -t jjonft otil,0 ,iicln) frioua Uutt.
patronizcO Soo bis oanl in Ihh Democrat. TLey joos iin.,ith0 greasy, dirty,
, - - - ,. , rnccnil ono atul tt.ii dollar bills, whielt
JEST Sunday hst, was a most pplonuid , again t0,.OI1 tho r,Uco of lllB liava,
end fascinatiug fpecimen of Indian Sum- i H tho t bolera should again 1 ccouio general
mcr, and tho ciltn cotu?oan seemed as mcl- in tho cities and towns, thoso guilty of put
low as tho period which ushers creation I li"K CI'',' circulation will bo
into life in Mav. Tho atmosnbero was i
plesant to the senses, and the sun vcilod
in o smoky hazo, so peculiar tn this por
tion of tho globe, at this period of tho year
A mild wiutcr is predicted, which would c inplcte panaca (or hard times. Tbo gon
exorta beneficial effect upon the condition ' tmon might mal.o a similar savi. g by
of tho Buffering poor. Iiut, why ,-hould , """'"S .llldr sumption of liquors, to-
' i bic co, ctyars, &c. I ry it.
they be singled cut tho rich aro ns poor i -.- ,.
as tho poorest, Wealth inaucs no man I
rich. Peace of mind and a crust of bread, 1 -
moistened by a glass of nature's purest
water, constitutes a woilth far preferable
to tho treasures of tho rich and pampered
elaves of vice, eitraviganeo and sin,
MSF At this season of tbo yenv every
ono seeks to cninv tho comforts that sur
round tho Crosido during tho long winter
evening, and entertain himself, or bo inst
xneted rclativo to tho movements of tho
world in general ami arouud him. II ow
is such t' bo obtained ? Can ho seek
knowledge by confining himself within
doors, and shutting out all communication
vhatover with tho world ? Can ho sot idlo
and know what is going on around him t
Numerous interests, to suit all classes and
business meu of every kind mi ht bo cited,
whero heavy losses and f,iiiuro to procuro
a ourrent ten for work, produce, manufie
tures, etc., etc. And why I AVo answer,
hecauso bitch persons aro negligent to sub
ncribo to a good County pupcr containing
such intelligence, a to them, during ouo
year, would provo moro benefieial fourfold
than tho amount of subscription.
IS?" Who does not liko to seo flowers in
"Winter I To enjoy thorn it ia not neces
sary to cultivate como tender exotic, which
ti withered by tho least frost, but with littlo
tronblo wo may have at any period our
early epring flowers, whoso first appear
aneo wo hail with so much dolighti At
this season, Just at tha sotting iu of winter,
dig roots of the blood root, wild violet,
liverleaf, or any other of flowers of spring,
and put them in boxes or pots. If thoy
aro to bo frozen, boxes are tho best, ss the
lattor may break. At any tiuio during
tho Winter bring them into the warm par
lor or kitchen, and they will speedily shoot
up aud blossom. Thoso which have a largo
fleshy root, in which the material of their
growth is stored, surprise us by tho rapid
ity of their development. Thoso who pos
eo63 tho means may prefer tho hyaointh,
and othor bulbs, but no less Gratification
pay be derived from these children of our
natfve woods and gUds,
I- Not in demand dues.
JQT In demand gold and silver,
V3T Low nrd still going down, spirits,
NaT Good eating. Neyhard k Jacoby'
jCsSr Grandiloquent the Jewsharp inus
io o( several b'hoys about town.
jCgy Gov. Packer's inaugural will tako
placo on tho 2d Tuesday of Jonuary next.
SSy Urigham Young is a nativo of Ver
mont, and in tho COtlt year of his ago,
tfiy Rather cool askirlg a man on tho
street to loud you LU unibrollr when it is
JC6T Why is a young lady sobbing for a
now silk dress like tho monetary preasurot
Hecauso siio is a crysis,
PfT Hathcr slow for acouplo gallants,
afior taking ladies to a party, to nllow
them to go homo themselves.
jtaJ The Philadelphia Ledger, calls a
telegraph despatcli n "Morscotype," and
heads tho column "Morsoographical."
Ksy- Governor Walkor of Kansas is now
in Washington City, and lias had several
interviews with tho President.
tST" In 1'ar'n thoy hiro a lady to faint
in tho boxes at a critical passage in a now
fig?" The bills of tho Uoncsdalo Bank
now command a premium of two por cout,
at Philadelphia.
EaS" Miohacl O'ISricn has boon arretted
at (Miiongo, 111 , on tho charge of murdor
ing his wife,
jCgy The King of Delhi has surrender
ed to tho British troops, and his life has
been spared. His two Eon3 woro shot.
raff- Tho Lcwisbure Chronicle, says :
Tho 5rO advertised louiiu m our last, is
not called for. Happy tbnes ! when no
body misses a So.
Iffir Flour, potatoes, cet,, will bo taken
at this ollice lor indebtedness to tlio same.
A small amount ot money will not bo re
fused. tiif Navication has again been resumed
on tho North Branch Canal, and from
present apponranccof tho weather, wo pro,
diet it may continue for foiho time to come
tS Wo havo observed somo Turkeys
in town, in anticipation of tho approaching
holidjys, wo suppose, but "nary a ono
has como this way.
tS5 On Sunday last, a fire ocourrod in
tho store ot Wartiu as liakur, of Jersey
shore, destroying tho principal contents
los considerable
1 110 woriiingnicn ongngeii in sonic
nf the larjo lnanufacturini establishment
of (I arrisburg, resolved to give one '
dnv'd'cs montii v. dunnc the winter, to i
, re . 1
tlie suttenng.
EfZL?" A man W.TS 111 OUT ofllCO on Siltur !
;lav Inst. Says tllO MuilCY Lw?Wiant wllO
resides within ecven miles of tuii b'trouah
wl informed u-i that that was the first
ti,llG bccn 10 th fc fr 8 S0'
hi intorctin Bnd su, M,efu ,irirByctod
,ncctinj is progressing at tlio I K. (Jlmrch, j
in DanviJIo, under tho pastorship of liov, ,
Mr. ildun.
V Tim W fimnrf Prf.XS. flo r.nt
speak well of tbo citizuna of that placo, in
noticing cxlnbitaii.a, ooncorti, iXc, grat-
iiitniiwlw nml uittilinlil tlioir inli iciirlr Irnm
nlu "bpoiiMutu.
JCQ?" If every lady in tho country would
rcsolvo not to buy another bilU dres.j for a
year to como, millions of dollars wuld be
I saved to our country, which would bo a
T UUnn.s1,... n ll, . '1 I ;,.cf I,., 1!
jw . acdrit-Ii, Mr. Jacob Ucisingcr, and
illiM Sarah Ellen JJrighl, both of Fish
ing-crcck townships, Columbia county,
Near Linlit Street, on tho evening of tho
Btms dny, by tbo samo, Jlr. lienjamin
Aistler, of iUounlpleasaiit township, ucl
umbia County, to Aliss J'annie Goto, of
lllfl ft"1"'" placo
In llloomsburir, ou Wednesday morning
last, of Consumption, Reuben W. IJ'twe-,
Esq., Editor of tho "Star of tho North,"
in ino u-tli year ol ms ago.
In liloomsburg, suddenly, on Sunday
morning last., Air. Danid Leaco:k, Ur.,
formerly of Kaston, aged 0!) years.
In lkiarcreck township, Columbia co
on Sabbath last, Air. John Freas, Sr., aged
07 years aud 1 month.
In Buck Horn, on tho 20th of October,
Ilnrritt F.lizaUlh, daughter of Amos 15,
and Alahalah Ilartmao, aged 1 year and
about 0 months.
The following aro tlio receipts to tho office
ot tlio tjoLUMMA Democrat, Uunng
tho month of November, 1857 :
Sl COI nenjiinln P.rismns, "00
Oniiiinbir Uuunty
.n uii i (.I'lirc j.. noeiiuKnr, 2 an
William urcrs, liw n wnn & L.11 ,
lltlicn tirult, 1 lHi( Jcfl. U'interstceu,
Col Cn Ajrri Society, 10 out J0I111 M Sliniii,
Jl IK)
3 00
lienryj shjiio, 2 ,111; nein nnui-uiaiier,
i'eler llurman, I Oil N' llrieklisch, Ksi .
1 Oil
2 Or
1 on
1 12
a 37
Col. J, MiCurmlck, 1 5C U'illinin Kildivii,
II T lliilmlialil, M 1J, v jo) ivm 11 Kramer,
Samuel I'arks, 2 on. Win. It Binltli,
William Kile, 1 III). MnJ W A. 'i'ubbs,
G. I., CJirielluail, 300) li Ikelcr,
tianiei vniinerslica Henry Kank,
Sberlit Jlill.r, 3 00' J01111 Josrop,
r . I . 1
wu. uw'.vit W mi riu a 0
remember, that We WttDt and Will take, if
WO can get all kinds of produce. Heef,
Pork, OaU, Ituckwbeat, Com, Apples, and
all tho net'CS3aries of Uio included. Now,
f-U.wtj i 11 .1 r 11 '
friendj, please roll up tlio fodder.
-.; mfir-v r-. r-x , . , -4
I3l!a(y35Il3!3ljaS !ffli!ii!liS'ir
rnlll.rflTED WEEKLY AT IT n-n .?a -irnti v
- - .n...rt a Diuuii
Wheat Sl 25
llyo 76
Corn 15
Oats 37
Buokwhoat 40
Vbite Beans,,.! 50
Butter 20
-s 12
Tallow 1'J
Lard 10
Potatoes 60
Dried Apples. 3 00
Special Notice.
iini.Mnor.D'8 henuini: rni'rArtATtoN.iiijiiiy
Concentrated Ettrntt Ttiicen, (or nlao-soso" lbs 11 M
iler, Kidneys. Grntol, Uropiy, Wcakri-asra, ie., Ii n
sal and pleasant remedy. Head the ndyr-rtlscmcnt In
anc-Uisr column licaded "HcliiAot 1 -Genuine 1'rennra
Hon" BSr '?hc five T'cr Cent, tiavutg Fund
oftln National nnTeiy Company, n'al.wt street, south-wesl-orncr
nf TMrirt reel. PhlUJclplilo, now hosnmrly
Obi: Miluok and a Hal-h' Dollar oil In lint 1!j"t,
Mohta(ii, OitoDKD Hurra, anil oilier (ltilclin tccurl
tin, to Iho brnllh 14 depositors.
tO THOMAS W, MArrsON, Ktcclvra? tha rmo
Mcilat l lira World's I'alr In LonJjn, 1R5I, for
TRUNKS.aAltrnT nAG9,l!noU,;sliocB niiJOuim.
Orrnlln'ln'nionta arc now oircroll to purchasers oftho
above articles. Til III, much tho largest Mock o llrunka.
Carpel llajs, Valloea.Jcc, In Philadelphia very cheap,
orca,li. Manufactories! 130 Market Street, S. W.
corner, and 124 Market slrcet.S. 11. corner of roiirtli.
C3-A COOI. RErLCUTtoN. "Fur every mllo that
we leave tho surfaco (if our enrtb, tho toiiiporatiirii falls
five degrees. At furivfivo milt's dlntanco from tlie
globo we gut bejond tboatiiuisphcrc,niHl niter alrlclty
speaktne,iitto the rtgionsof spnee, whoso temperature
la ilegrees btlow zcio, nml here cold relgna In all
parts." Tho gentleman who went " beyond the nt
mosphcro, nnd held tho Ihormometer In tho "regions
of apace," haa'slnco lila return declared that iho iicxt
coulcn thins Is, n Milt of ihoscllght, cle;ani nnd gnico
ul rummer clot lies, which Invo remlorcd urn fasbton
able Caiporiuin of Uranvllo Stokes. No. 007, lalo 2l
Cheninut tlrret, famous on tin terrltorl iloru.
wiuti: Tr.CTii, pciuumcii niitj.vrn and
lir.AUTIfOl. (.'O.Ml'LIIXION-can bo acqulKd hf
using tho "Rata IT 7eiuond Hamri." What Hi'y
or gcnlleinan, would remain undir tho curse of a ols
aarOealito breath, when by using tho "Haih or a
TitorsnKn riowins" ns n iloninnce, wfculd not only
render It swcot, but leave Iho teeth whito ns nits
lerl Many persons do not know their breath Is bad,
and the subjict la so dc Urate ttbat tbclr Irlctu's Iill
never mention it. llenaro of counterfuits. He sure
each bottle Is signed
rmninni: & co., v y.
Caiuvle. Trlend Aycr: In this age o( itmcks,
charlatans and mere windy gaseous prrtendrra lo Ileal,
who blow at'every corner, anil In tho face and enra of
all men, their loud, blaring Jcrlch trumpets and other
noisy boisterous wind Instruments nf marvcloiiitty
twisted brass. In such a woefully sham ridden epoch as
this, I say, It is romrnrllng, nay even cheering to the
earnest well wHberof his roct) lo know there ha ar
rived in this world a genuine Physician lo light once
moro upon something besides mere Hatigradoa anilnn
Mercurial Jalaps, with Ihcir phlebotomies, poisona and
warm v, liter.
Your Catharllc I'ills and Cherry Pectoral, carry us
f.irnard to Halcyon days to inillcniat Pbarmacoptcas
when Hcienco, deep ilillug down ir.ln the principles of
thing, shall, with infinite cunning, bri ng out tho gen
ulnn Illixlr Vitao; frof n truth there Is manile.tly
enough somuwlmtof that samo Lllo llsscnco m your
subtle vegelnbio dietM,nlioiis and compounas.
You realizo to us tho vlsioiia of Ihoso paltinilost
suioko dried Alchyuiists bootless reel.' rs ihenmcrs
among retorts and crucibles, touching the quintessen
tial hidden virtue of tho universe, which t-hottlil nnll
ilotc distemper, unit break lor man the Wheel of Ttmo.
uouNixarniT vviistaii's iiai.sam.
We would caution the purchasers of iho Balsam tf
made its appearance in many places, and which mighl
"ecivo iho unwary in in rcscnibianco to tim pmuine -
' : "- .i---
eiplcn scoundrels can nlvtnys be rouinl ready to conn.
terfeit aii)t!ihi. by wltich llicy ctn put mopfy in iliolr
pockiU, ami they arc sure lo cliooso tho moft ji.'
nmlweli known arlicle on winch topractiro ihclr
I lain if a. Ills a lamentable fact 1 1, ut there ntto dcilers
in inedtclna who uro willing to lend tin inpeHcs to cirry
out this f mposition, by etllin purli trank ai gcnniiie,
(.cia-isp nipy can miy u ur mia man itnn hip cot oi
' tha rc-il aitic'o. Avonl Burh a man an ou would a
ileal, r in counter,, money, fur ho Is the greater scam,.
ofthn two.
ori.Kutm.hivhtir a whoiPHom-fmrof tbo state Priton
brforo their ny. m ure that yujind on the ovtttdt
rPcr m Krurtn t.ffnmure y . uui ..anayoil may
rely upon in Iflng ciniilti' It")' ntlicr,
Petti VV. 1'mri.i & Uo., 131 Wnshinelan strcil, Kos.
ton, Projirictorrf. Sold by tliir ncsnts (.vr,ryilirr,.
riNirouMiTV of rm.;i:si a xw i'eitdkk n
yj IIl'simcs.. .rery ens Au oisii Siu,iien
Jdi:a sl co..
Ofllio i;ri,fcinl One Trlco t;intlilns Store. No, 200
.Market street, aliove r'ulli, riiil.1i!ellil,'i.
la adilttioD to liavfns the Ingest, most varieil anil
ssliionalilc stock or Clalhlnr- in riiilaitclplua, made
expressly for rctnl sales, have constituted every one
liisoivu salesman, liy having mirkr1!! in figures,
eachartuie the very louest ,,r,ce I. can be sold for
i iiu s""181"" tvi-ii sjiiinrn auinirpjiirtv(i,anti great,
pains' lafccii with the making so that all can buy viiih
lie Tn 1 1 aminnco ofettin? a good nrliclc nt thftvery
loweet price. AUn.n l.irpc stock of piece goods on
hand, of th'! I.itpit ntyl' .iml hesx quilitips, which will
be nude to order, in tho most fjshlouable and best
iiianner-S'tpor rent. below credit prirea.
Re neiriber the
Crescent, in .Market, above Sixth
Street, No 500.
jovna & co.
Medicine tint will rxci'l I'JIATT k ItUTUHRUd MA
f!IC OIIj Inr th'- followinj dii-rases It i mil,
Neuralgia, Spinal AiTectloiiF, Contract-d Joints, Clmlic
l'ains, Pain a in the Bide or I'ack .Ueidacliff, Toothache,
Bpraina Sore Throat, Cuts llrniiei, Purns, und all
disnasfta of ih? Hkin, Musclei and the Gl.inda. Nono
genuine without tho sisnatnro of "Pratt it ltutrlier"
atiarhpd to eacli (ahol. Principal 010:3,201 Washing
ton Blrcet, Droiklyn, New York. Sold by t. M. II A- .
nnNlil.'CII, Druggist, nioomsburg.
Vt3"Thla Is I havo mado hut one appli-
ration of (In-Majic Oil on my fingers which have bfen ,
drawn Irom contraction of the rorda, brought on by 1
rhiMlmnlloTii. It wrH nf onsir.ii((ifn nmn1li sin n il I ttrr. '
nnd I am now entirely cured, I cheerfully recommend
it to all lflHrtcd like. vita.
j. m riN'nnooic.
7 Locust street, Karriiiburg.
AunttFt 1, iP57
K2 A CAIIU TO Tllll I.MIIKS. Hit. HornHcu'.
OoLiiEs 1'iicsni Tills aralifiHttU In rswolfig stitppa gts
tr trregutarttics of tho mtnses.
Tlicsn T ills are nothing nctv, out Invo beon us 0 it by
the Doctor for niniy yearn, bitli in Trance an I Atneri
ca, with utiparailcld tut errs In every case ; and he it
urged ly many thousand ladies who hate used them,
to make tho Tills public, Tor the alleviation or thoim ,
fullering from any urguliriliiB whatever, as well
as apreventliu to thosm l,iliei whJstj health will not
permit an incieasa if family.
Trcgnaut teuiil es, or those su;i posing tlteniselvcs no
uro cautioned itsainat turns these tho prori
dor iiasuiiies no responsiliility alter the nbove ndniu
nition, although their mihtness would prevent nnv in
jury to health; otherwuu, thubo TiHfl aro reconi
Ihrectiom arconipny each hox. Trire 31, Eofd
uholetalevnd retail, liy
Ceneral A(;ent. Hloonliurg, Ta.
He will tiupplyiha trade al iho proprirtn-'t prleei,,
and send iho T11U to latiiea (covfdnitially) by luail 011
roc oteiot )t thrill) fia III inn' irj T ml O tin
MPTIN'COTT &. IIUNTi;uB Clollung Warehouie,
Pouih Vst rorn-r f fourth uml Market streot-i, IM11I
adelplua. The only Oho Pneo Clothing Store t n .imerica
Oaili purchiper of Men's or boy a Clot Inn-;, at
wholtia.c and retail, ran here, mako their selection
from an immense stock of f.iahionauly cut and well
niadechthiiig, gotup with a view to gidti satisfaction
loall.nndat the vrrylowest p-issihle sclliiif- pneu 1
mar-u 11 iiiiiu iigurua uh overy garment, an nuy hi
t utm pr jcft ( 0UJ wUltlUet tl,ey are judge, of goods
lor not, they rannotbo docieved. One uiiifonu low
'price to nk and take, suiiseverybody, wilo the usual
modeofaskiuj two prices, and taking alt that can bo
,ot' .J',y.aiivlelialtlireo-lo.irth . for Ir.ianca
a man aiksSla fyracoat.audafterwurdijaaretfs to take
$l0( ond ltJqlllIly ttmln lbal Iie woufj liave lakeu
$ W. If b could have gat it.oudtlius uctually chat
lwpurtlutoofflVeaollJM. To remedy this evil
and etablis!i confidence In the tradj. LI IT I SCOT k
UO . h a iliilforiiilielow nrlcc on oil ihpir onndn. i-v(rv
", s , , , ii , -1 '
hiu"" - ui'iui laiciij aim ! itetuivarjr Uiie
llll lUjiphi i
W. 4. w n. uu:asy
Skllino Uoodsv.iy tlissp mr Ctilitt Hinnin-,
dloiei '
WtlCntlAM. Iho tlon Wmti J.vYimowiiai.Presl
.inn i nr ilin i:mirt nt Ilie, and Terminer and He
nernl JalllMlverrrUowl of (juirlet Hrsilons olh
pfl.fl Ami i'.,i,ri ftrfiontntfiii I iiAS a I, ii urn an s unnri,
In the Twenly-HI a 111 Jililelal tllilrlrl eonpuscd oflno
counties tiruoliniihla, P'-mvan nno vr"Ulloa,niininn
Itnn lii,l!,1...iiJl'FTtKLl1ll. AS,nClltle JllilfSS
nColumii ncoiinly . have natt.-J tli .J.T'.J
datoiho llth day c.f Heptrn.b'r. ill. ilieyoar or. ur 1.01 1
ono tlioilsaun eight huorlro'lftlld Ony l.anninm in
rrtli.ll linlillna ft (?n.l r,t lvft nml Terminer ami
neneral Jail llelivery.flsuiraltiuarter Pbib,1'o nltlio
Prarc, (hniiiiiiiH riensand Urphau's Court, In i?'onms.
ttirg. In tho county ofColum'ua, on tho first Monn.?,
(iK-ing Iho Jib day) of December licit and to continue'
ono week.
Voikr Is herebv given, to Ibn Coroner, the Justices
of tho Tensn anil 1,'nnptnhlts of the said rounty of Co
luinbla, thai they to then nml them In tbclr proper
persons nt 10 o'clork In lite furenoon of said da) , uilti
I heir records, lniiii,lllonsnnd other n uiembra nces to
do those things which to their others npperloln to bo
done. And those Hint am bound by rie.oanlranci'. to
ptnsecute against tho prisoners that nre or may ho in
the Jail or sal i rouiity nicolumlila to oeinen ami tliern
to prosecutn them n than bcjiist. Jurors are request.
ed to ho mmrtoal In th Ir Hltetidanre. nffreeablv to
itielr notlres. Hated at Itlnnmshurg, Iho 'jCtb day ,f
Oetnber, in the yenr nt our Lord nun thousand clabt
hundred nnd lillr .seven, nod in the gj.t year ol tho In
elependeiiro of tho Uiiiled Ptatra of Amerirn.
(God savo tho Coinmonwoallh.)
ll.l lll,, II. ,'l IL,l,i.u,nrrij.
Oit olfiuisi-s TvTi Trial Dfc'r Term, i
1 Wlllintu Koons rs tleorge 1.. Kllno ct hi,
2 William Knnns es Uenroe I. Kline
3 Joaeph ginckhouse rs (lilberl I'nwlor.
4 Tliomis I'utker ra Jnlin il.l'arkcr.
.1 Isaac llrown rs nl,ert J Lynn.
II J.lrob Prhityler rl Wilsnii Aaer.
7 rieteber R lloilun et nl e Vllliam Long.
8 l.'hlistlan llelstrs ll.iniel lllger.
0 Martin Mowrv rs Tlinutiis lurkbouro.
10 (lilberl I'owl T ts Cllberl II Towler e nl,
11 William Itllteuboiise rs Annuel 1' llcadlay.
12 Urn 1,1 lllhli brant vl tlrnlamin Tox
in llavlil Winlerslen el al ri Chris, Hlnnnaii.
14 William Co n tid es lllnlcl Himlli.
15 Jam, 4 RilteiihoitHO et al rs Itamv Hole.
Ill Jacob Warner rs Stale Mutual Pirn Insurance Co.
17 John Pnyder rs Levi L Tate.
13 o. c Knhlrr ror Hie use of Wm, l'.oHilion rs r'red
crick llnlili
10 llelirv Slork rs Nlr'lv & lllleinnn,
CO Adam f troup el al rs I, II. Ilupcrt etnt.
'Jl Cotni'tlus SlcHrren rs Henry J Vaple.
Nov 7, IH.17
Travorso Jurors DocomV Term
llloom HaimiM Hlmllpr, Jntrifii I'.atXtfy. John
Wlitlcnrplil, K (ltoz, ZfUulon C.rn.
Henion llcii'icn H.ivi, l?r.. I'cltr Caio, John Mo
lJmrv. Hr. 'rrck Pnmitfl Kotrlnifr.
(Ji'itiro l.vl A.kiniin, Hi-pht?n Mutton.
(-'fttlnwU-a Sitnurl Knyfuliiflrr. Mali III in I .art man.
IVhinjf Creek Jchn Hess. K. hi nrd LT nan git, Daniel
Strirkrr, Urnry r.wr.
(Ircrnwnoil Joltn Mnnri.
lli'iiilfick Jjnif s i;intnlll John CI ruber, Jesno Olil,
John II r.-uiM.
Jrust r:iian Ilclwli IVtrr K. Ilcrbcin. Pamtiel
Hpinhnltl. tuanc R1ioi!.
Mid-iii JntTpli ) WinfrUPcn. Lennnrd Klrkcndull. I ,
iit u.,i.'l i..ih at t
Oraiiiic Jolm Ariirnl)nck.
Plnf nfjnjimtii U'intorFlcin.
Unarms C'rerk- Adam (Jatlc.
Pncartrnf Alina t'oc.
Pcoit Ii.iiii'l WJiIlmiro, Jacob Keller.
pLt )pi
tiraml Jurors for Drcrmbcr Term.
Hloom -I.ewla II M.ius, nartl Hupcrt.
Itffi!r Joint J Drdfliarh
Knar 1 r ( k Sifphfn Aclnrnliacl.
Outre Mali ton Hikf.
r.m.iHhda Hfii j unin 7.ctr, John .'cott.
Kranklin Jo-n-ph Knur.
rirtiintr Orcck Willmni Pitrknlcw.
(JpCCiivvonil 3n pli KHIit. Jackson Robbliii.
Ltirnst William II acli. fr'amuul Mi'.ir,
MailiBin lwii irlmylur, NjIsoii Kitchen.
Monioiir Art llus.
Milmn Ittnr tiiitli-r.
M'lliit' llaiiiDn John,
Mount IMKUant D.iniol Mnnlin.
Orangf Hir.iiu U KUnu, ISaiiJamJii Wcrtman.
l'liiti William bnfUiiKT.
Kim rin,; Crock John Whltncr.
Hcott r.h Crcvcling.
UCt Jl,
BY virtue of Bevrral w r'H nl Vcixlilion.i Htponan, to
mo ilirfcted, will bo ripo-cl to 1'ubllc Hile, at tho
1 Court 11 on no in Ulromrhiiri:, on Urn
71U dan of Diccmbcr nryL
nt 1 o'clock. V M.t tliu fullouius Ileal UataM. to wit :
nltlbat certain
Tract of Land,
i etituitn in Siisarlnaf townthip, UoIuniMa rounty
bounded n tultowa, to wit: On the by land of
lZ?Ji Z Z"? 'l!
on Uiy Nonti Ly land of John Mirtiat and othri, con
Ee tlir same ninre or 1,'ss, wlicreon is erected .
eon is erected frsvy.
I the npnurleu- ""
rcitinn mill rJieL
a sniill one slorv lop house nil ine npii
nn,i.' kIxciI ntirt liifcen In exrCHInil ;
herti lil ;n I'l'j nronerlv of IMnitinil t'rawlnrd.
Nul II, 1837 iStrlf.
At the same lime and place, by virtue of a writ of fieri
uc. as nil nut certain
Situate in Jersuyiotvn, Columbia county, containing
Ouc-Fourth of an Acre,
Moro or less, boutulcit on tin- North by u I calling
from f-.iitl town to Millvhlp. oti tint fio-rtU lot nf wl.tuw
Wfilivcr. nn t Ii 1'ii-t Vtlli:ini Harder, iint uo 'lie
Wed hy lot of N'-'J.l MrOoy,wli'rcini iri (jn-ttcd
n Irilliil 1 I' 1 1 1 1 1 If UnllSfl. a HtMliln JdiTtTi
, SiKVoldi'nerIei
i Wtlliver, Adiniuitralor of Ptiiiifoiiii Wrl'ivrr. d'e'd.
Xov 1J, 1337 Sheriff
flMUd II A I II DVi: tiee.H only a lo salify nil of
X ill mt f'-ctioit an a !, and lit- ttKnwing tctl from tint iiilnent An.ilviM'hcmiiH.Prnr-jj-o-Ilooth,
of ilm U ti Mini, wilioiilyroniiru whit thou
sand Jmvu pruiH'ii-d) boriip tcgiimony io.
'Lahtiratary jar rracttcat Chemitnj )
St. Sifpiifn's pl.icc, Uiiln'a. j
lleing wrll ncTmtntrd with ihn "tibfitan'-p ''oinpoi
ine II overs lipi hi Hair Dje.lam PatUlii'd tint by
ln'lowiug the simple directions tlivin lor It ine, it
will iit injure the llntr or Skin, but nill given natu
ral and durable color lo the hair.
JAMUrf U 1100 ni,
Aug W, 1537 Analytic Chemist.
iiovBivs wiirriNa inics,
TNcr.uDiNo novrji's ruuw and imvuiffl int-
li;i,III,i: N'KS.arr-toowetl knnwniind Introduced
' Th" bilc Ii iv been incre.isiii! jrre ihrir first intm-
i duct inn, j-1 vine evidence th it the a' Deles truly pnM-np
that iuiriiMic merit Llanuudat first for them by the
Orders adilrescd lothn Manufnct ,n. lldltaco
street, above rourlh, fol I No. ni,) PJiladclphia, will
i re c e prompt attcntio n,
I Joscpii n,
Au2 S', 1957 ly Mitufacturer.
TIIUundersiic;neii would reapectfiilly in form his friend
and tht i'iiiie. jiennndly, that he has nrrh ia'-d Dr
Trc3i't8 Uriigand Chemical Store, nnd Junl returned
I row thccity with n large and tulect stoclt, con sitting ol
and Varc JJntps.
1 Mcdlcincs.Cliciuicnls.iirouniliiitil vlinltirfilces, I'mnts
Oih, Varniilies llvuPtuirn WiniUiw (Jlan of all ftizvs
together wiih a complete nsnortnit-ut ot Taint. 'Tooth nnd
iiav)iis Jirushesl obacco.Hcgars.t ancyaoap3,ahav'
ing Cream.
Pure Winpf and Brandies,
For Medicinal nt-e. Cimlih. Frcnchand Ani'-rirnn Ter
funiery ; i n short. overy article kep thy Uruiigi'ts gene
rl,rec rint Ion scarefnlli coin 0011 kded
N it Tho Dh.M'iL, TftiiFRSiiov, will be continued 01
tiKUalln UlooiiHliitiy and I.ighi Street
AN' i .1 full aisortiueiit ol the liteat style Teeth,
for sate by
Itoinnlmrs, February 1, 1H57
tfc Till. inulTsiqiid, thank lul (or the liberal
I palron.ii;n with which he has been (avord (or
1 tujrs Kne by , would infuimhi Iriends aud
cuEtomeis. hat he counuues to maiiuiucluio
Hoofs and Shoest
At his old and well-kiiuwnitand, on Main street,
Illoomsburtr. iu nil their various and foruiSiin good
styl audoii nu derate lenu.
II ii loin exp'-neuce in tho business, and gmu ral
kuouleduol the m-uplo if Oolumbia- ounty. super
added lo a Jlxed determination to rentier s.uisfartiou
to all hN cuitomers, should secure him increased pa
tronage which he hopes to merit
nioomsburg, Mairh 10
Worth from 50 cents to 100 ilolliirs,
Me Am gee's Gift Hook Store.
door below rourth,
Oct r" 1857 PniLAnKLTIItA.
hl pnrions iud'-bted to the Arm of Hartman tt
Hower.are hereby nottled to rail and scttly tho
same and tave cost.
Also, those indebted to the subscriber are I ike wis
rc'i-ited to call and settle.
Kspytown, June G. IP57 3m
fAtiOvn llaco,
P It I LA D & L f II I A ,
Olt S(, iSI
ffKW AUD BHU.UW StltipMtl.
Capilal IlriTo f 60,000.
The follKWlfil riebemn will be ilra-v'n I'I'fl. Sivf
uo.. laoasers 01 ina rori i.aines' nrav1 my i.oucry,
l'"r" of "telr l.oll-rl. for Deirinher, ltv,J,' at
AuriiHp., n,-.. in whleli cllv they huve roniMed
AimiHTA. Ueorcla. in which cily they huve r unwed
Uielr rrlnclnnl oincu.
;iiAR8 C3, ,
To bo drawn In tbneity of Aiif(usta,nii?irgla, in public,
, on daturday. Dceomber fitli, lb!i
CI..1HH 1,11,
To bo drawnln tho cilynf Augusta. CeoraUtln public,
on Paluiilay, tlnceinbe taill, Wu7,
l.'I.ASS C7,
To be drawn la the rily nf Auguila.' piiblic
on rtiiiuriluy, liecemher VJtU, JtfjJ.
ULi.lS- U,
Tolx drawn in Iho cliy ol Augusta, (Jrorgla, In public,
on Antlirdav, llreeiolicr 2ljll, lp.',7.
ON Tils'. Pi.AAf tU' SlNIJI.Il NfMIIHRS.
VT , . J. vi. rn 1 i
Nearly ouu I'ri.o to every JNjiio Tickets.
JhlMIOOl ll'ilr.eof a.tilKl
V. A C 11
( t'rire of
1 "
;tei uoii i i ,,nu i
" lllobfl CI) " Imo
" 0,00(1 1 1110 " 13"
.'.1111111 1UI IU
" 3,S00 100 1"0
ArPROMJlA'ilO.V 1'lltZKH.
4 l'ri.cs,$uiiiAppiui'ln( to ton uno 1'rir.eaio J :?)
C licit
a, mm
3 000
!1 000
11 U A It-
fiO .
HO aro
fi4'K 1'rizpi Hinountlne to
whom tiokuis sioj tiAr.vufl j
ridit of the Ijittci ij,
The Niinilra Irnin I in .lO.dOU.cnrrenpondina with
thoiu iVuinboiit on the iVkntji prlntfil on parsto
tih dm nl miner, nrp oitcirc lid with small tin tubi-BUihl
plared In mn1 w b'H't
Thn liid rSGtj 1'riKffi, nlmihrlV printed I lid encir
cled, art pi i red tu .mother uhcpl
'I'lif! wbclii arc then rovolvi'd. nnd n number It
' drawn from I b w bill nf NiiiiiLitb nnd at Iho famy
f I in n CM?.': ir ninwn irmn tn1 owier wncui i ivi
iiinber and l'rlr.i'drawn out nrfi opened nnd oxhibil
Ld to tho nudicnco, nnd rcjiiPtort'd by tlm Uommli
ioixjrn; the rrize being plated agiilntt tlut N'umbei
drawn 'IhU upcration 1 repuaiid until all tho
i'rUi'H nrr draw n tut
ri'foiimaUan 1'riia Tho two pucedltiR and the
two Miccf ediujr Numlierii to tbopo drawins Ihe flnt
IH Pri.ia will be cutltletl lo tin .IJ Approijiuation
I'ri5iei. Tor cxamplo. ir Tirkel So, IViM draws tho
, S(jO,(ii) rri7e,lhoo Ticketn numbered U.yif, II 'Jl'J,
ll.yjl, II 1152, will rnch beentilbd in iKM. IfTirkel
No. JiGO drawn the 3 UJ.000 ir Uc, thoic Tirk-ls num
btred 54J, .119. 551.5V2. willenrh be ontilltd to 530,
mid so on necordlni; to tho nbovc fclii'tut .
I Tno 3b(tu Tri.a of $J0 will be determined by thn
last iinuriM.i UiOiViimiier watUMw ine siu uunrrizv
ror tmmplo. if tlio Num'jor firawlne iiio iihhju
I'rize emi with No 1, then tin me tkkc ti wnru
the Niimlii rcndi, In .will be (.'Milled to $'.U Ittbc
Nuniiirri'nds whli No 3 thnuM tli Ticktt where
Hie Number in da in Swill be entitled lo ?i0,ami30
on mo.
I CVrtiricates of rutVafre wll be roM ot tho follow
lliir rnloi'. u hfrli It ilm lk
Ctrtllicaleof I'HCkncoor 10 Whole Tickeif. 50
do do HI 1 1. 1 1 f do -Hi
do do niauntlfr do !i0
do tlo 111 t'sisblh do 10
IN ORDHUINn TlfKiriH Oli tT.Ill iriUATI'S.
Unclose tho inont-vto our .iddr''i fir i lie tiikfti
nrder'd, on receipt nt winch they wil botorwnritod
hv tirst mini. I'uri Ji ifiti' can nave iickcis cnniiig in
any limine they may ili'tjgnji.c
Tin1 l.ln of Drawn Nuittbv nnd Pri'fl w ill b sent
to p rrhnf t iimicdiatcly afier Hie drH in'
lltirclMfr will pl write i bet r ulirnaiuri'a r'ain,
a r.d piva their Tost Oifice. Countv and Si ale-
Komcniii'T Hint ev ry Piii.e is drawn aud pajuble In
Tn II withuiit ib liiu tiin .
All Prize of ?lf)ifOand uiuW. pi id i mmed iatoly nfler
tlie tirawiug oiner riieuui usun urif oi ininy
All cnmntiiiiiratsOiu tr irtly cnnfidrntiil.
Addres older for Tickfti or Co r I ificnt to
S ,HU'N & I'O . Ausutta, Ga.
person residiniT near Montsomrrv Al'i or Atlanta.
Ga .can h3v their ord-rn tillfd. nnd pave Hiiio, iy
addreuni H fwui t'o at eitlier of thoo ritjoyj
A lletol tb'i nuniVrs nr drawn rrom the
whel, willi tin a moit nt nf I he prize tint eai h mt U
pntiiledt'i will bo fiiiblhed ufn-r rvery iirawinsi in
the f tl low in? paper :-siugusta tiro ) cniiinriOBiTHt
nr nrltitna DtUa.Mohitt ffeiristtr. Charteeton Handard,
A'aihvilt (lavttt Atlanta tnrdtitftneer A"fc York H'tcUf
Dug Hook. 2 titan an jjrmtiff ctr$ nicnmtna tnspaicn,
JfW torn in;i.iinsuim i uniuiiij; ) "
, Nov 23 1PV7
fJUK uiidi'rsiunctl take pi
.Jt nouriclnit to tlielrruslomers an
onsure in an
and tlip-i-ulilji crner
ally, that Lhry hay Jiif t rccivti(. nt tho Lutw tihlgc
dioi- a riinicc affonn-cni ti
tJlll 41ILT U11U kJUlIllUUl U UUUSi I
Oompri.siti every article usually kept in
Onntr ttori. w iiieii iiapiici-n t-cit-ctt-ii wiiii caio
and will 9oUl at vtry luw jn "uslur ready pay
cnnslnii'F of a latg.. tirieiy ' c,xi,a, Cossimcrs,
llel.iities. Urni'S L'nli ocf, &c.
It?" Country produce taken in rxchanpefor goods.
fJivti us a call. None need go nway diffamicd.
V. G. LOW.
I.mie Ilidie.Marcli 2", 18.'7
r he und r-igncd, frratclul for former
1 libenl pntrotiac, reieclful ly inferms
friends and iU'loniers iu nerj), hi has corn;
iti'-nced txt slurbs in his Fp.icious New Store House
next door to K-iah huuini'4 Hotel where lie has
Just received, ufulUupply of
cniupriii ns . very v.iriety of fashion, quality and style
usually M'jn iu ii:e iki ninres, urorL'ries.ntiiiicewari;
Hurdwure Ti-ili. .ilix. Il-itn , ('aju. Unotri, Hhous, tc,
whirh wil I be sold on accoimmtoalinn 'Jerms,
hr lira i ii and piodure of .u) kind w nl-d.
Mtnville. March a-1, 1857, y. I
In tlio Nov brick thrco Story Carriage
Factory, on Main below Market.
TIIC nubscritior would retp.-ctlulty announceto rhe
public, jc hascoiuinrncid tlie
111 alt iist-raiK liei. He Is prepared to execute all onh-rs
and hasouhniiil.ii rivenlana-isortmeni of rtoish-d vork
Inch purchasers w illQuilit to their advantage to e ta
rn) ne.
Will In1 do 110 In the innst prompt and ca refill manner
and upon terms w iiirti -annot f.iit 10 ive satirsfuriiou,
HritAWIilllDt.i: A. VILrON.
Woimighurg, April "H. lPt.'i.
Auclioiieers .V fommUsion lUcrchnuls,
fOno ilnor liclniv Vini'.l
Pales of JJooti ami Mors, lirtj Govdi, Uunj.ltariuaTt,
H'atcka Fancy iioodt, lie
CJ'Conntrv Slnrekpi'iH-rs nnJ inliers will nlii'jys llnj
ut our Mvrniiiji Calus a largo ami itusiruMi' iishurlmt'iit
ortln1 nlinv? llnntl.. to lio trnlil in lots to suit Imyi'rs
t;ooiisifickfil on Ui'i irt-iiiiscs lor country iraae.
8,'iH Sli. 1T37 3lil
ji liv.vwn, io,ooi) t'l-irvi'i:--, A
j; iniw ionr: .., V.'
Th. I
.it.t w..,U,hMl br ib wh.1.
n e lUtrli,!,!. Pf-4. .llh.l-1. ss
Is -,irtC TtiTVi.Miirn..'
tr.irj hrml ll)l-C V eiiw ili) t4.Hi
Cor. Ubisry, FiSUCtTIC HT. Ltlo- CUeMnut.
fOtlN IIOI.L. No Ul North Second street abovu
J Arch, TM a.lclplii.i.
Jmporttr oj Toys and Fancy Goods,
Has tbo hirzest nsiortrnentl ol Curiomtje in ilm rttv
Toys of all kiinls.Taiiey Itiskets.idmokeTipcs.Tob'irio
noi-, viouns inu nirinss. lurmonicas, Accorueons,
and a luge variety of other articles too numerous to
meniM-n .
-Storekeeper a and others will please call Lclorc pur
ch.isii'g elsewhere
Aug Vti. tP57-3m
lasiiicturrrs and Ifhalfiala Jsasrs jit
Hals, Cnps, straw (innds aud Furs,
NO. 503 MAKKCT STHCUT. ilpstlils.J
A10VE ririU STRLfcT,
An-81, 1M7
POWUKil' i'OWDHllll
rplin uit'rsijneil hiving &ssoc))tcit together, undr
js. in? unit ouu si)io oi
Parsel & Jacobi,
Will continue tlio miatctcck I'uwiler Uusines, in all
in ueiariiucius,
n. n. runsnr,,
j. a. 'Acuity.
Aug 10, ibs;
TT'OIl aalo at tho oflico of tlio Oolumliia
JL, Democrat-
BBOCIIB Shawls Juitrcetivtd and Mr sale al Hart
pun's Btote
a'irANv'''iNnttNU T"CV0N .CAIUl0AU ,
f flMPAKV H 1.1
1 I
from riMticlM 1 M J'r. I ', Plcui
'''yo' foilowa vii .... r"-'
At I A. M , froui Kcusinatpn Depot via Jersey
City, Mall ... It
rvt u a. ai., via uani'ien ana jcrsrjr uny, new-
Jersey Acenmnioilailun
At 0 A M ,yia Camden und Amboy, Accoinmoda
.Jl 7 A M., via Catadeti and Jersey Cny, Alorn
i" .Mali
At 10 A. ' ojr sleann,nal Trenton, via Tacony
ami jerse; """n's -si.o-f
Al'JI". if., ' Canntea and Ajnloy, Ctind A.
i-..... ..
Al ii". M,,vla t'Smden jnd JeiseyCHy, livening
Uaii '"-a
At:ii' M .via Cjuidtu fid AT Areommo. n
Al 3 1. g . viu Oindcu ami At.".noy, .Accommo L'lms.. .t -
At (i P.M. vU I'tuntea nfl Atnboy, ccoin'uo
ditldti. 1st Jlns "
At It I' 1 t-in 1...,tn.. A...t.Atf A.r.ihl.D-
ditiou ua ;ua ... t
ThoSP.M line juiib daily, fall olhera 0undy P
Crnled. 1
i.xwt Mne Bnp at Uio principal flail inn only.
for Utlvidtirn raiiofi, ritminpioii &c., at 0 A. W. I
nnl 4 P. M Itoih Wjtnut street wb.irf.
Tor U'al'r (
Monuoio, (Irint 'Jend Ate, al ti A. M, via Ddawure,
Larkaw.inim al Wenlern itnilmud.
for rrcehfdd at 0 A. M.nnd a P M.
Fur1 Mount lloliy at 7 A M., and si and 5 V, M.
,,. t WAY LIMI3
For iJ.'ifilol, Trenlon, Ac , nt if j and i tt M.
For Palmyra Kancocas, Iitverly, Piiirliitgtun, Wit
Tor Mautit llollv. Iluri.'iiRtuu dnd Way Stations at S
Hiciimhont Itirhard Htklon i'jr Hurlinitoii and Ilrl
tolnUjA M., nnd fur nordentovn and interuiediala
m I 1 1 1 1. 1 1 it VV,.. n ,m nA i I J A. M '
ami i i-. ai., nun lor iiurlitiL'loii ntm iinstoi nii..i,
All lln''s,i,iriit I A. M . Iruvi! Walnut at.wnnn.
ia-lillyoun,M.,l hamaBnoiilynllowcd er.cli pas-
n?er. IMs.en rrsarop,hiliitnl l,i t.lKliia an) thins I
s bfiiniftge but ibeir neiinmr unnarel, All bacunirR
over titlv lHiiind-i to i,e n.iiil lur oxtra. Tlio Company
limit liieir refipoiifibility tor bnjrjage (o oixj per
po'iiui, :ind will mil u liable tor any amount tc)ond
tlUd. except by n cial contract
MM. 11. U.V.V.-VILIC, AffCIU,
U. u A fc . II. CO.
v. r.. Mt.itrtF.t.t. A",,,,.
Srpl2(I,l57 Pbiln Tr. 11 It. Co.
orruit, mt. 409 cheikpt sirfkt.
CAPITAL, (paid iii.) S100 0U0.
Chartrr t'trpetitoi.
Ihc mo -it rraotuihte termt.
1 he capita I being paid up and invested, tnpelher 1 tit
tarpo and constantly increains nstrved fund, od'eri
nrrfect soruritv to the injured
The premiums in us, be paid iioity. half yearty, o
i nc uompany iTMu a i-wm'h pnriooicauy,io ine insu
ran'-e fo-lib! Tba MUST ItO-JUS npprnprnted in
ii cmber, Ir4!. tbo sr,i UM) HONurt in Uercmlier,
!4'l.tbm IMIU) HONUtfln IB54
trl'Tlii'se ndditmns aro madH without riiuirintr anv
Incrrane In tht premium tn in raid to tho Company.
lie ion living nrr ;i ww e ,anniie irun IH" llfgl'ier jit I'uliry and
liuiius to be increased
liy future itdlilions.
31 m
50 I $3 .'II if M
J Wll IK)
1.3J-I Oil
C -W) 00
32o 30
rainplilets, coutaliiiii'4 lables of rates and expliia
lion. ol uii.iliration, an J lurlher iiilornution
can be found al the i.llire
Tllii-IAS KtuawAY, rre.Uenl.
J-io. F. Jamis. jfcttiary.
Oclo'i'-r 10, IHM-lv
Till" l A.HOMS
Diissrldiirf Galley of I'nlnllngs !
I'urcliiised at a co-t of sjipn OOOI
And Powcfs' world renowned Statue of the
a !ft 05 IS 111 SlLAWfe.
Rinurrliase(l Xx tit thousand dollars wiih si'Vcral hun
tlreJ other wurksof Art, in rnintinc. Kcutntnrw and
I'ropzc". cninprln; ttie rrcmiums to be auanieu to the
suudcrim r m inn
Who Kiiliscrilni In tore ill 2-ili nf Jinuaty, lV)3t at
which time tlm award will tattc p. aro
Kvrr fiihacrilii-r cf three dollart fiitUlr.l to
Acnpyot tho laisc and epleuditt Siccl Lngravl'ig,
pntitlt'd "MAmrE'T Hfbtinv 'also to
A copy of iho CVjuoi'omtan Art one year,
alfo io
A CVrtidcaln in tc Aunrd of rrt'inlnmB. aUn
A fito uiluiusion to the iJusclorrtl)d Co-tmoiioll
( tanmiiorin
i hus it is een thai for even thee dollars n.iid 1 ho 1
suuafrllier noi oniy receive a
Dut nlo the beautiful I v i'lui-tiaisd
T.ach llbcJb":r I? alfo preseuird with a Oerliticaio
in Iho Award ol Trcniium-i. by utuch a valu.iblt; work
nf Ait. in Tainting or fcculptuto, may be received in
addition .thus givim uevcr subscriber an eqiivalent
Ito tn t! vaiun 01 jicb uuuiT, mm a ueriuicate gram,
AuyoneoT the hading $3 alaicaznies is luriiialied,
tiif-icdd of Kua'aviu! and Art Journal, if desired.
No pcr&oii is reitricted lo a si--glc share. Thuso
i Ink 1 ni five memht-rdliips reiniturift $15, arc entitled to
I an extra llnrnvi 11 andiix HclutK.
- Tull pirli-'ulars -f the Assoriatlon nre pjcn in the
'Art Journal, winch rental 11 mar sixty splendid V.n
j ernviticp. picuVy eenUper number Specimen copies
11 u-- "cm v" s..s wvHiru in fcuuscriDf, oit
receipt of live poetayo stamps, (.15 ceotq )
Addiess, U Ii. KJIT.UV,
Actuary U. A. A
(J. M. BI.AliXH. Honorary Secictary, 0. A . A
Nov It, lPi7 Br'jadwayl Njw Vork.
REMAINING in tho Post Office. at
Utooiiifcburg, Ta., Quarter ending November lOUi
Ilit(enbeider, STary U
liechidl Ha ran A
Uriin Henry
Cmo tVi llhm
Fleniingi WVsley
(Jinter David
Gootltich Harvey H.
Hill Cenrgo
I, hi hthaler Conrad
Long N It.
l.arMi Reuben
Alei e J ll knou
llorBam Morgan
.Marr A lent
uhels Henry
riil-ip John H.
Teik Allen W
I Kobliitis tc Hiockrr
I I iple tJ.'tirge
1 Smith Joint
1 Marat Henry
, BiMtnuan Janice
Wt'Eiier Treulove
IVelli yer T. J.
Wowrcr W J
cbliiii L'jroliiiti
iTnoiuas Hughes
Jntses Wat ley
Tlyuu Jameg
CS"Tersous c.illjnfr for the above letters ulll olease
siy liny ore adveriifced.
run. it uin.,wi , r. pi.
t JT 14 fCl
To lie Sold Vo y Cheap,
just nnuuiv c at tiiu siuiti: or
ltlooiiisuilt., April 23, IPoV "in
Jifanufadurcr and It'holriaU Dealer in
B IB 6J ffiU 8
UhtmiS, llKUSilt.S. WINDOW HHADI.d, Uc
No. 2i5 North TIIIUD Street,
Ojis doorbelcia th$ City Ihttl.
Vjnttthe 1 tit in use; Whi'tler s Horso 1'uueis and
tWTIirs-t hers. Corn helleis of vnriou- Ues, Huy
fcl Sir iw aud PoJdjr t'ntiirs, (irjin ran?, liout
Uuiteis rnrniers' Iloil r. Side Hill, Fun Soil nod
other Plows. I'low Castinjis, Curu Uaskets. Ruius,
Atuiofphenc Churns i.e . ludeale nnd rot.ul, at
tMSUIlsM.! MHil(l fc CO.,
Imiileiuent nnd St-ej Hlore.
7th nnd Market streets, Philadelphia.
Oriober lti.lh7
S. JL. Paneoast &, I
17 Nonli Wn'rvc, rinlqJalplna.
P aJIViSM,'ar'a "crJ an" SJs. Orcliara
Lawn arl'.l k" K C"li -'"' KnjIl.H
1awu a"". "unlucky IIIir dr.iss, c , ol
1 1.1 p I t-i.i 11 1 and Sceil store.
Ttu and Market aire Is, I'liilaJclnliia.
. .Ulfoii" 10J 83J
M ANur ACTU nnt OP
:U m U r e 1 1 as and V a ra s 0 1 s,
r 1 Liio iiin nrnni .
Ail 59, l3573"i FlllL.1l, LPJIt.1
TOBitCftO IHlitfiGRS
1'ive doorsbelow Rnec,
rpHC THIItli arrival ft aoona tn llic Season, at
.1. Kartiuau's,
Appoiniraculs by CnnaKoniinlssioiifrss
.-r. ,r t 11 !
11 AUUIsnUU.tSj Jjeo.' -' I lie loiiowiug
nrmointmcnlsbv Canal Commissioners wcro
tnado :
Coliectors D. H. Noiman, of Easlon,
0. S. l'almcr, df New llnpe J, Swinford,
ol Northumberland, J, Piait, of Willi. in
sporty J. II. Deis, of Sunbury ; and L. II,
I,it2!, of -1'itlstpii. Wcighmastera J., S.
Taylor, of Northumberland J (Jcorgo Maa
Imdt, of ll'cacTi IIaVu.M ( Hiram WUfdwo,
ol Pittston and 15. S. . JJaoon, of Ueach
Cargo Inspciilor 5. Ii. LWUr, ,J3ristol.
Wcightnaiters Wui. AUe, ,12a ftou; Y
Z, Oliustcad, assistant So.
svrr.iiriiosritjtri: op t.v;.-
C1AU'i"-lN. Ho particular? to. otscrfo
4htt cTiTi' horrcl of'our article liss vr nt aarf
tut of rVH j' Uln! hranCcil on the henit. 1 his Coll
I. rriifli red ncceswry. ts there ale so many articles ir
ilouhtrnl va'ua ohl under Ilie nnnio or srer.rsiy.l.
ef lsj as loiarflcad thoso who ate unac'iualnttil lth
,"f"lu",,f,, nnwusnAKxicu:. 4i, ,
Price S13 pefSPOO lbs. Ci eeitti per lb) A libtral
deiuctlon maift to dealr. Ordtri for ibis val Mde
fertilntr attuidii? o promptly Pamphleti detcrtbtny
it. nnd Ilm mode ol npplyMff. can be bad gratuiiounly
i.t ..ur i.rt.. I. i.v it.Hll when 'fndt
I liluiimmporior as H Mnnur lor ,
Will.AT, UYM, COIIN. 0AT3,
I nnd atl other croni re'iulrlnff a vigorous nml
other cropVrulrh.ff
prouneing liulonly n heavier yiold of . from tlmn lYra-
T,nA, fV,r.ll r2rtlfM tu lk well vrhoio our
... ' ! . uuii irkcat Uni.
l'AUIl'IO OUIIAN UUANO We liave a small q'lurt.
til v sl ill in store.
1'iMI .1IANUIIC A Ullinlj' of Mils valuable ntll'l
forsali'. ITIre Sl perSOO lis, (II rentsper II..)
fit the loiveil rales
r-Tlii Ieadlti4 Agricultural Journals mul N'cwspa
peril arc 'Cjularly filed ut our oifice lor tin uteol l'f
"'fJoiiiU ran hi' loaded at either front n( our Ware,
houses, runners no rtri,inimlliil lo drive V WUI
street and avoid Iho ."omleil Wharf Ample facllillM
are nfljided In loadine waious nnd altendiiij to VU
,'0r,e'' MA.iM k Nr.nni.ty,
No. S3 South Wliarycs. A. l Snillh Watr sl ,
First rHnro above t'hcit nut it., Hills
August 1.. I am
'piinuinlcrilgnnlrotitoctrully Inlurm Iiirrienrttai;i
I th'- pu'i.ip .itlaree mid he rest uf mankind that
lie lias Cktabliahud a nienilid
mum, .
n the t Ugant nw aiorc Honse, jt eri'Ctcd In T!rh r
bnrtf, Ooltniifiu ct unty, l'.i.uherthe lias now o)ittibd
a Urge mul choice ngacrtiuf ut of ,
Spring and Summer Goods.
Which hris ilf-torinine.i tn tell nn fuchlertmi Rvwllt
induce, allat least in Uifii vicinity . uho bro in want
of Mcrrliamllzf, looxtPiid him thclrcuMom .
II ib lock liastii'i-H aelcctPil Hh murticarc and vi
relprcnce tot lie want ol thl r com nimili nnd without
coins meiiter into a ninititccnuiiicratlon oft he varmui
kindi hfi risk nothtiifr Inansnrinp hU fricnitu that
,..v rviblnir tiillv kmt in Con nt rv bloren. can here tis
Ihada "liill chfapprtliati the chPopcKt.'
ri Country produce, including Grain, Lumber, &e..
taken inexchaugb for goods .
Rohrnburg, March 28,l7f-y
Till: nndcrianfd rfiippctfullv invites thft aitntm
of the Public, to Ins exii-naiv t of Cahtnt
fiirmlurf-aiid Chairs which he will warrant tobt-ride
of pnoiiiHtttrlalsaiid In a workmanlike mann'-r Al
Ills EiiUblif limeiit.cnn always be round a good assort
mcnt of
Which isciiialln slyleandllniiUlii llialor l-hll
ndrlnhiaor New Voik cities, and atas low prices,
lie has
nr rtiir-r-nl siyles ami prices, riotn KJtj"
13 tu SOU. Divans. lioiineps: Wal-TUT
imt and MalMixony, r.trlnr chairs, Hocking, nnd eai
chair., Tlaiia stooU, nnd 0 variety of npiioUtered wink
u ltd iirs-imrnnd parlorlxiienus, xoi'a card centre nut
pici.iabl s.iletiHhif'j. rheflViiierw whatnot!" unuroniofi
dres and all kinds ol f.i10ofiiho work; IU". stoek fit
bureaus,'nsed and cntnmon slnudst, dren,
tables corner fup'jenH-j tr.i-t Lrcakfaet (ah,c7, hfii
steads, cane eautiNl enmn-ou ehalrn Is t.r Inr et In
tin cllor. of the country, Uo w lit also kei-p n r-ord
asforfueni ofltMikius glasses with fanej clltnnd com-
oion rrnms in- win ai;o iurni-ti spring mams res
fitted to any sise of bead5tiadrhich nre simp-mr fur
dJrubllity undcotntforl to any ted In nf.
nioomilvirg April Pih, 1F5I
"The slory of .1 jouiiij man
lit Ins stn-ngtli."
(From the Sunday Ditpatth Jeu YorK. .lug 2,1657 t
Our readers aro nuure that w u seldom, if rer. rs
commend nnv medical publication, ir not cndors'.d by
tlio very highest nuihori y. As such 1111 instJnre via
may iifinion Ur. L'llvepueil's neu n6r.iiuji onXsr.
to us DobUitu and other iceahnesns. the result of e-irlr
Indiscretion. It h a nm.dl but v.itu.'tble p.implilct.--I1U
prrpjrniioiis tlie Ulofneiuior" aur "NirvInk"
are uoveQUdrred tho nle und only ellectuul remcdits
extant trr the complaints referred lo.
Da s Seminal ItEokNttTon and Rorit,
Nehvikl, the soveieifn remedies fortdemhial Weakness,
Hexial Utliilitv, 1 111 iiutfiicy, tuvoluni.irj Kniutiuns.
1'ile-), 4te,..nre for sale by mst cf the I tailing Urufcf sis
In the country
Or LY Pamphlet, a shove, conintntnj- full ndviess
foi the euro of "permatoriliea, , can be had iu a,
8 1 tare envelope, hy cuc!o4ne 0 ttamp to
Hr. CHAULria J. U. KLIN 13,
Ut Avenue, corner lUth Street, New York, Pout Bor
No. 430, (June I 5,
Sepf,'. 1Ti7
Spuing and Summer
rrMIE untlcraigncd rcspt5otfuIly inform
Ji their customers and Hie pub he jrencratly, that they
h.ivejmt rtccived nt their new llrickr Store House, ht
LightSlrfel, u select aHorliiitit o( inshionablc
iSpring nnd Sumincr Goods.
direct from the Uastern cities, comprising all tlm
various selections to be found In Country Stores,
CoifiiHiui; ol Cloths, t'ainiuirres, Helaius, liruxes.
Calicoes. 4 c Together Willi a, 1 kinds of Dress goods
Groceries, Molasses, bngars, Teas, Coffee, Spicen
and 111 t ho rt, overy Hit ri in tho way of Merchandize.
ItXAHY' MAP I. tH.O'PHINO, of evrry description .
tO-Iron, Suel, Vails Sulky Springs A.c
tEfTiUuklti! for past patronsce . it Will b rp)r
studinus nim to ple.iao thfit tuttomcrs and tc give
general sutlsfiiction.
Meht Street, pril II. Ie57
Greenwood Hemirmf
il&illvillo, Columbia Co.. Pa.
ASYSTCHATio cotirso nfinBtrurlion is clveu in
nil the Lngnsh hranchea nunlly lauj-hl. The
Princii:i) will ho nitid during the present year by
T M POTTS no t-xtM!ritiiic-d ti-.tcbcr, tccently from
tho Lancaster rounty Normtil School
A vucaiion of seven weeks will comiucnco Julyllsl,
T 13 U M S
Tuition, for oay pupils, 41,50 to $1, nerqunrter
Iltitrdin,', Tuition Washing. I.i'uu. ic . S30 per
qii.nuTot Icvtjii weeki, one)u jn advance
rorcirculjr.catalogue. oci'.iu;r p-irlicutars addreis
i!m:i,,c.Ap,i,1,,7. 51tuKal.
THE untaorsigndd ic'pftctfull-raniiounoes
tit at slie Lontljinns thn blveuslurg Bcott Start anU
Siirtfnarif h Mtalhthwt lately rnnilueleil hyliordec ased
tiu.baiul Clark, in nil .lirir various liranchc.
at ilm old stainiin llif Kirli,ni" Ituliilinfs. Arst door
Uaslor tlip Uxcliuiijta lltil.l. aud lint ing replr.islif-d
her p.tfttilislinipiit villi n ehoicp stork nl Aw Bcoig
cad Stationary, she is prepared to accommodate all
who may glvahcracal! in lierline,
TIip TtPStayranl Salon's, in the haspmantof tliP abnvn
esllillahiiipiit.wlbp ronliliiied as usual oy tlmsut,
scnlier. whprn tin public can at all timps Im supi'lipd
ulltitho- choicest BkvFR.aas and flt.RKUiMrsis smi
as ,Mlnral Harsa'parilla, User, AIp fcc , Sardines
BpIcedandPirklcdOy tus. rieklfd Clams, tu,
E3"Tlio public custom is rfspi-ctlully sniiriiH
Svmtiai ta Jftn a Clark,
Dtooralboril.Maj S, I8J7
A N RMOrlwant or fnillettlotierj-, Jnwilry. Prrfnmr
iV ry. 3,'0),, lla:r oils, rnmadp,. ir , tn to had a.
. ' ULtAltK'S llouk SMrc..
Dloomsburji, Msy 30
Afinni. ,0,sr anp lat siuxclcs. for
at Me Arcate br
.May JO, 1IU7.
view. nu.3 jiackccki, iti,i rccelipdrt t.
XT HAlrt'siA.v?
i i
i l