SEE9 COLDMMA DEMOCRAT. LEVI L. TATE, EDITOR. An Early Itosuhiptiori t Wo sco it stated thpt tliero is a movo'vnoni by tbo banks of New York, towards a resumption of Bpccto'paymBnl3 on tbo firsl of January. Vo hopo Ibis 'U eo. Tho aooocr suoh a step 13 'taken, tbo better it will bo for Ibo business oftlio country now prostratod by want of confidonco. All tho i from the County' Superintcndcut. As I havo :commcbccd visiting the wintor sohools, may occasionally observe Bomo thing of interest to communieato for the bepofit of teachers, and tbo friends of ed ucation, through such papars of tbo county as will generously opon tbeir columns for Blooinsbui'g, Dec. 5, 1857. Roubon W. Woavor, Esq. .olvontbank, shouldjook to tho earliest 1.7', , "i ? ! ... , . i. , . l lone wbicb interests, or ougbt to interest possible day for resumption, and the .neol-i,, ,. .' . " . ,1 ' . liii r . . t"0 ontiro community, for wbon wo 'have vent onoa should be put out of harm's way . , , ., . : ' ,. , . ... . - ., 1 , . , ,, igood 6cbools, their mHucnco for good, in , without farther ceremony. Wo trust tho A..,,' , ,. ,.",,, , , 'New York banks will resumo with tho I . , ' , ., . .. ., , . commenccmnt of tho now year, and then ,, , - . ,.,. .i tlsewhero, with regret, tho untimely demise , .... . . , , , ' , . tho dcCcionoy Is felt in tho samo way, as a ' ' , . r.v. think all tho solvent banks of Pennsylvania' , , , ,, , ,P ... ' of -our colleague and neighbor, tho Editor , . , , ., ,. . ' . i most deplorablo loss. To pass from an of. tbo "Star of. & North" whoso name i , X , ' nllglitonea community in which good introduces tins article, wr. v caver was quite a young man, comparatively fn tho biorning of life, and yet ho had mado his mark in tho world, Possossejd of an active mind, improved by a thorough education and good legal training, ho was industrious, ambitious, determined and energetic He was mo drone in society. The death of Mr. Weaver has created a voldinthiscomjnunity. Ayoung andinter esting wife loses an affectionate husband j his aged parents, mourn the loss of an only child, tho M. E. Church, of which ho had exaniplo. Tho New Orloans banks have already resumed. 1 1 tl ....lA.l ntwl wnll nnn RU11UUI9 UlU HUH DUIlllUlHilt HUM itui i ducted, to ono in which tho spirit of educa- r ! , A, m . . . ' tion lies dormont, or degraded, is like 8 Our friend Col. Tate, having just, . , f ,, , , returned from a tour through this State passing from tbo light of day into tho midst and Ohio, after an absence of over a month, of darkuess, when tho light is obscured by paid us a visit a few dvs since Tho tho murkv clouds of icnoranco. From my Col. is looking remarkably well, and has notes of visitation, I havo nothing yet to recreation. Vermel; Gazette. I . 1 . . . . i i i 1 n ,, , . '(ho part of teachers to excel and to mako ' , J,. , ' . , ,,r the r rcspoc ivo schools moro deserving of .1' . i i 1 .1 . tho meed of praiso. I suggest to tho UiUV3 VUIUI lUiltUU IUU UW1U1UU IIU a ... , it . . f . , , teachers of tho county, tho propriety of , , , . r m v Ii forming township assocMions or institutes who bavo such Verv fino lookinc bettor-1 . " .... .. i. UtWlw.nntnn fL in dunrirril nf nnn 1 .1 " - ,l . "r tllCir UlUtUll instruction. 11 any buuu of ier most promising ornaments, and this 'juagc3 of beauty, say that wo are'-LooKINO slia11 bo fTarmod',1 ,U0Ct , community of a good .cituen. Wo offer j bemahkablt well," we do not feel like 03 pa D' .cn"U"g. 6nr "warmcBt, sentiments ot sympathy calling in question tho legality of your , ,. . , i ,i. . . a 1 . b J ... J .. tpmnlnt on. An carlv eorrcsDOndenco witti and condolenco to the surviving friends of the deoeased in this their hour of deep affliction; and join with them in tho well grounded assurance, that 11 they mourn not as 'those whd'havo no hope," confidently trusting, that " their temporal loss is his lernal'ga'iri." Jn Tpcnning tho foregoing melancholy refieotionSj our mind is naturally impressed with a most suggestive meditation. It is the uncertain tenure of this mortal exist' .ence, resided fluty to follow three of our brother Editors, Messrs. Webb, Best and Weaver, to the silent mansions of the dead. judgement. Hcndsomo men. liko Dr. Brower and ous elves, aro accustomed to high comp!imeni",by our brethren of tho Press, but wo doubt tho cxpodienoy of "setting llv.m up too steep." EST Congress meets on next Monday, tho 7th of December, Sir. Loidy, member elect from this district, will then tako his seat for tho first timo in that body. As tho Democrats hive a decided majority, During tho eleven years wo havo jthoro will bo no difficulty in organizing, so in Bloomsburg, it has been our sad . that tbo President's ifir3t annua.! mcssigo Tbo Btroijgth of tho Monnons.iBrighamYounBProcl9iiiation. 'tWC'VttSCtttCltfai., I no a.oramcnto go um.m i d Cm,ENa op UtaiiWo aro .invaded . Turin the citizen 6f llumsbtjrenmt Mi'ltlilionni Mlnliiirs. und nil. purinni ! ii.m. luBj .m...... j""" - .,h pl()tr of religion, m ili'''J "?.'"" , tlie niiuir. In nonctnl. tti-it tlicy tiara incsiiiorscs, traincutocampEerviou, ernment. from constables ana justices, to ,..., . ,." " """"" 'jmirMfirni a iwn nu 8Sb A K SB M V. CONFJ(TIONAHY ftJlUIT STOUB Oyster .mid Haling,! Saloons. actual power of tbo Mormons i I bv a hosiile foree'.' who aro evidently as- mMtnfRftrVI tn'StDaEAfftl'f) At tho order of their loader nml'proplioi ... v.i. .ml "rpnn Ntv i(iur Wnnhhi, in Miiniitviih.,cnintn- thv olnnnl innntKr 15 000 inon. hrincd 'B '"-""'"l'"'" '"""" X Mi erainlir, l' , wllllm dnllcntea totno trnrha or tny emnot mUStCr 11,UUU inou, ariutu . . ....... n .h.Trhpne jrJmvnli.on Humlnv.Slie Will ilnynf tlCMm- With tbo most ClTcctlVO instruments Ot uesirutuuu. ' inyu-j brKrclf.M commence nl 1U n'clof k, A. M. 1 rptlC un.lertisncit, rpp-etr,i!fy In dnntriin Ian. Tlinv havo manv thousand vears we lave trnstcu ullicinls ol llio gov-. .jy' ','" ' " "". VL"k.' ' . . " " of tho finest only to rovoWng ilfloj nnd pitfols aro mnuufactu- M scorned, litld in dcngion, mittlMd and rea, equal 10 liroso mauo at iinnioru uuuujuu, uuiuuuewniuuuuiirnUVwu SU1A33 P ti i P HJ1 & iNV lacy have every munition 01 war ana and tbon burncu. our ncius lam wasio. our i w a j cr tuC X l Iml lif 1m llio jiroprietnr of Hie nhovn il llm iiionm-DiirB lire o. iro fivr. .nf imrni rr tnniro (JitnntP. 'iovt, rfjit.. umrn-i irrCoMmftia County IitpultUan nnd r v Jwrt , uti. Notiom, ami nil kinds of goods tiiuohy kt-pt in UAMUHA AND ULOOWSDUItO ncccaiary provision and means of trans-, -..j,,,,;,,..! , hutrlirrml wl.ilo under porta.idn witldn Ihomselvos, .,d even tbo lcd d fnith ()f tj10 g0Tcrnment for their KUtf women and children aro ustruclcu m tlio 1 . b . . , . . f0r tin r nou If niul hts prepared lilmlf wltli tlio hf-nt e necotti iiioil.i lion of tho trnvollim public, IIn USO of arms. iBUCiy, nun our inimnca unvuii uuui uicii CoacimMH rn. is iicreioiori). i H'weexiy, ueiwicn Add to tbis their gcogrnphical posMon. homes to find that shelter in tho barren; Lwc To reach Salt I,al;o from tho Hnst, it is wildcrnc and that protection among SWfi !JK5 iiuviiMui y iu iniDfliuiuutiiiiiaiiiiuiiiiv.j- ho;Hla flavftrtn nhich were denied llicin ill t ii icriiii.Aiii.iii'iii .uaii-.niiiHii n-iiniiiiii.iii 55 .!t. ,,,i. i,ni. . ,.n.r.n,1 w nostiio savago'wmcu were ucmca uicm 111 and,Vt. Lo,i, nioom.iwr, encii day nr, (jag? u. ...i.k., uuuv. u.i.a -v tin. - .---j .. T,..,J f f! I, ricl i n ni K' onM i h ppiiiar Irln. on the nrrivnl nr Ihl rillnii',lpuln la Bf?! that n dozen men could hlirl down an 1 1 MmIi, on.l nrilvie at Cambra ot lmlf nnst 8 o'tlook SJtslS Cembre, December 1. 1857 II. T. WIIITIIMAN. .. . . . . nililivnttnn aam.. Mrnl n. avninnn in n crnniia nn nn nnnrnnpn n 7 ' . , . ,, . x , s rim., in nam vv ......vUV . ...v- e; . . 1 Hi'CUl.irtlonpmc pinfrs nn inin liuuie nrfnioiiowsi Itnrhel HiicIipb. Imp Haclipl Toi ! Franklin liaiimi , am nwu it. tuu uvcuy wi puiw-ii j. mini uuu.. vm vv.......wu Vw.. , qi , V .f . iiV I i.i .ii ll nnrtef , uuarnm n oi Kiirnaci r thousand troops reaching tho valley, tho guarantees uutn us all that wo do now or 1 mmicd thai it uin i iiie nmiiition of tlio l'roprlcior besieged, with their herds, would tare to ,mvo cycr dalmcai If tho constitutional j " "'' sayago allies, would, in turn, besiege thoir r'g'"3 11 Port!"n unto 09 Amcricnn bcbicgers, nnd cut off supplies until tbo citizens wcro extended to Utah according invaders had starved outi to tho spirit and meaning thereof, and They have, it is said. 20.000 Indinn f;riv , imnartiallv administered, it is '.111.. ...1..... ll.. ... 1. f.,..,!.l. I .. ' milts1, iiuju tuvjr uiu luaujr iu iuiuuii with arms and horses on nn emergency. Tbcso Indians arc partially instructed iu tbo Mormon religion enough to maljo them superstitious in regard to the God of a all that we could osk all that wo have ever asked. Our opponents havo availed thotn?elvcs ofprcjudico existing ugninstus, because of Doath of Daniel Loacock) Sr., Air. Xeacock's death was fearfully sud den. 116 rotircd on Saturday evening in usual health, towards morning bis compan ion discovered, ho was unwell, when she -cpoke to hiio, and en procuring a light nnd returning to his couch, sho found tho vital spark had fled. Mr. L., was an honest man and a worthly citizen. This sudden dispensation of Divine Providence, not only reminds ns of " What shadows wo aro and what-'ha'ddbw3 we pursue." But it also admonishes us, that "In tho midst of Life, we aro in Death." The Bloomsburg String Band. may bo jodked for at an oarly day. 'I'his1 document will bcinxiously awaited by tho people in view of tho many important and interesting subjects it will no douht discuss, prominent among which may ho named tho money crisis, anil tho Kansas and Mormon troubles. Wo shall publish the messago in tho Democrat tho earliest prao ticablo moment. . Xffi are ranch gratified to learn, that a nnmber of our cntcrpiising young men .HeBsra, Ilowers, Millard, Keyhard, Smith, Brown,, Stahley, etc., havo raised and torganized. a musical company, under tho nanio of the Bloomsburg String Band." ! Tho absonce of a good musical band, has long been regarded an important desideratum, which wo ar happy to obst rve is now being Stippiiea, and wo sincerely wish tho enter prize great success. Wo return tho Uand roar hearty thanks for tho charming Sere nade, held on tho pavooent opposito our residence, last Friday cvoninK, and should ihave delivered them. an'Inancurjl Address, wero. it not that wo thought thu Serenade , was intended moro far tbo ear of the yoi?ng ;Ladies in our house than otherwise, so wo ' -"got'off," by raising tho window,, pronoun cing a pancgyrio upon tho company and bid them. a very good night. Declaration of "War. By reference to the Proclamation of Brigham Young, in another column, it will lo seen that tho groat Mormon prophet liaa mado a virtual declaration of war against tho United States Government. This ia treason, and must bo met with tho most prompt and decisive measures of the "Government. We would not bo much turpriscd if a most serious and protracted 'war should grow out of those Mormon trouble's, a3 they will doubtless enter into .alliances with all the neighboring tribes of Indians, while tbeir distant position, and iho difficulty "of reaching them with an ' nrmd 1force, is such as render il both a hazardous and expensive work to subduo them. - Bet the sooner it is done, the better-1 United States Treasury U&timalcs. It is stated thnt the treasury estimates of appropriation for tho next fiscal year havo been made up, and despito every effort to reduco them, tho total amount estimated is about seventy millions. Tho estimato for tho War Department alono is twenty and a quarter millions being largely increased by tbo anticipated Mor mon war. Tho total naval estimates, in cluding tho special service and tho con struction of tho new steam sloop3 of war, amounts to fourteen millions. BgyThe Commissioners recently appoint ed by tho Governor to investigate tho affairs of tho Bank of Pennsylvania havo concluded their labors as far as is pnssiblo at this time, and forwarded their reports to tho Governor on Thursday. It is understood that they find tho condition of tho Bank much less deplorable than many had been led to anticipate, and that thero is good reason to bclievo that every dollar, not only of its circulation and deposits, but other liabilities will bo liquidated. tcmplation. An early correspondence with all who feel nn interest in such things, is requested, nnd any suggestions which may be offered will receive respectful attention I feci confident that there is enough public spirit among tho teachers of our county to Jmahoan advanco step in our educational history. Let ttsrcsolvo that it shall bo dono, and a few determined spirits may yet movo the tranquil educational waters of our country, 'till tbo wlieiO will become a sceuo of invigorating agitation, which, like tho inertia of a bo ly in motion will havo no power to put itself again to rest. Our publio schools aro open but for a short timo, and every hour of that timo should bo appropriated to tho advancement of our pupils, and tho improvement of the schools and teachers. Hut not on the teachers, nor to tho superintendent alono should wo look for theso results to be effected. Theso may bo useful agencies, but thcro must be mutual co-operation of all interests concerned. Directors, parents and tcachors should all work in harmony for the publio good, and if directors arc careful to secure livo teachers, thoso who can feel an active interest in their oalling, and who possess tho requisite tact, ability and experience to fcic, the result will bo most salutary, and instead of a desire to diminish tho school tax, a demand would soon be made to havo tho term extended. We havo somo good schools in the county, especially in tho graded districts, and it should bo the interest and the pride of every citizen to extend a helping hand to every movement calculated to promoto the publio welfare, by enhancing tbo cause of oduca tion. WM. BUKGESS, MltyVJXLB, Pa., Nov. 23, 1857. superior raoo, yet modifying nono of their ' our roiijous faith, to send out a formidable ferocity. With allies 1 iko theso and fight- . . . .. , , , .. ... , r.i.- , ,: ,i. host to accomplish our destruction. Wo liiK iur uiuir uuiiiui, uuu uuuucuiug iu uiu ....... belief of tho ignorant, under tho direct , La LaJ D0 P'lvilego nor opportunity of supervision of tbo God of Battles, and from j defending ourselves from tbo false, foul and tho ramparts with which nature has sur- unjust aspcrsons against U3 before tho rounded them, it is easy to eo nccivo what natiorli Tho govcrnmont ha3 nol oondc. would bo tho fate of a few thousand troops,' ... .. ., who travelled a thousand miles to ht; ccndf locmso an lnstigating coranuttco their own oountryracn, bravo as themselves, 1 01 other person to be sent to inquiro into as well armed, better used to field life, and I and usccrtain the truth, as is customary in stimulated by llieir Jove ot uomo and tamiy, and assured of victory by revelations of their prophets. Terrible Collision in llio Gulf 2Vic Steamer Opcloitsas Sunk Eighteen to Twenty-Five Lives Lost. New Orleans, Nov. 17. -A catastro phe of the most lamentable character oc curred on tbo Mississippi, on Sunday night, tho 15th inst, 'J ho steamship Opclousas, which ran between Berwick Bay and Galveston, Texas, and which was then on her way to tho latter place, came in cellision with the steamship Galveston, belonging to tho eamo line. Tho accident occurred about mid night, and the Opolousas sunk almost im mediately. About twenty-fivo of her passengers perished, and among thera was Gen. Ham ilton, formerly of South Ctroliiu, but of Into years an influential eilizont of Toxas. Those known to be lost number eighteen, but it, is believed others havo perished whose names aro not known. AH llio otficcro nutl (irnw tccro saved. There woro altogether fifty paEengcrs on board. The Galveston was somewhat disabled by the collision, but she stayed by tbo scene of disaster and succeeded in saving the officers and crow of tho Opclousas, nnd a largo number of the passengers. tuch cases. Wo know thoso aspersions to bo false j but that avails us nothing. We arc condemned unheard, and furi'cd to an issue with an armed mercenary mob, wlnVh has been scut against us nt tbo instigation of iinonymous letter writers, ashamed to father the base, slanderous fnlshoods which they have given to tho public of corrupt officials, who have brought false accusations againit us to screen themselves in their own infamy, and of hireling priests and howling editors, who prostitute the truth for filthy lucre's sake. Tho issuo which has thus been forced upon us compels us to resort to the great first law of self preservation, and stand in our defence a right guaranteed unto us by tho genius of tho institutions of our country, and upon which the government i3 based. Our duty to ourselves, to our families, requires us not to tamely submit to bo driven and slain without an attempt PUBLIC SALE or Valuable Real Estate. WIMibflBold nt Public Bala. Inr JACOn HARRIS. Ailmlniiirntor, wttli thr witf ntnifxcd, nf David Smith, dtctattd, of Uemtock township, Columbia county, I'a., on the premise, On Saturday i the 2d of January ?icxtt As tlie properly offald -leectlrntt a Valuable Plantation, Situate In tho township ami county nfarcsaiJ, colt lainlng ONE HUNDRED ACHES, Seventy fire Acre of whlcli is hnrmivnH nnd in n good tatu Af cultivation i lie bnliiirc is wMI timbered Thorp nrp rrrrteil on 1li n win t SO A ft Frimn UWHI.LINO III) ITS!1, nnd cood J KilcliHu, ft Tramo Hflt'k ILirn. Wiijton 2Si She'l. fprlup MoiretUood Home nml tit. Oirifrniu uniitiing mere is uii farm jyja,' mrc' Miming urcniiru ui umm,u riiuii 4Tki:i:h. Tticre is nitri on trie premises a large ami valuable meadow. Haul premise Iff adjoining tnnde of Sum nel Huflpr, Jacob Kmney, Joi'tih Matisl. John K'.KolibHs mid othr. rrJ-SaM U com inflict nt 1 o'clock, P. M or slid day, wlit-n conrhtioi will be mado known bjtlic un i'",gU'i- JACOn MAURIS, .Ittmimttrator, Ueinlcek, Deremlier 1, 1657 Titclr tiock comprises a Isrire supply ot Almonds, Oranpet, Lemon l'riiiies Hates, Citron I'mran's, ris, fin Mini, rtffstMilcT N"t-, I'llbMU, Walnuts, around Nuts, U'Coiiiiuls, Macaroni, Sardines, tiro Urai'fcers, Sugars, Cnttec, Tobacco or nil Kinds, Domei lie and Intpo rted Begnrs, tl wholesale ami Reule, H3 l-iinllics sitppllocfftt nil times w hit nreod.Csktt riei,OytCri( fee, and ail orders promptly filled. THOMAS a ftl.feK. OhlVLR T. WH.SOX. nioomftburg. Pec Sg, 1S.17. COLUMBIA COUNT V, SSe AT nn arnhnn's Onurt held nl ftlnbm i?T5!2 liurir, in nnd for snld County, on Monday Huntointitr Till. a fulu U't brnntoil lives ot unoii rox, inic oi j.rcuit town Sfrhtp, In said county, decenwd ( lo wit. oiPiiacnei i ox j rransun t Fox. and Crttnnr Iltiches. nuardian ol Llimbrtli i'ot llnrriel rojcjntermarrie! with Uriah Ti lay and William Fox, children of Willinni Fox, decensed) son ol mid Ungcl Fox. Requiring Ihem to (jfi nnd appent- nt nn Or pilau's1 Com I lo Le held at th Cou rl Hound In IHooiiuburc, in said count) of Coliim bla.on the Till (lav ol !ecmbcr next i thennnd tlierc In accept or rcrtiso tho eslntr of llic said dicedent at the valuation thereof j end In rnse the said pnrlies lie gleet or refiiFB so to take the r-nme, then to shewenuso, tf any they have, why the snuo should not bo sold, according lo law. JACOD EYCRLY. Clerk. The heirs nnd lefral representatives, nnd nil persons tnlcresled In iheKntnteorthcsald Knsel Fox, decerned, are hereby notified of the obtaining nnd existence of (hi above rule, and oft ho return day ihetrof. sTKi'iiuN it. thttiff. Il'ooniFburp.OcI 17.1P.17 vtnm " MAN, KNOW THYSEliP." AN lNVALUABLB nnOK Ton SSCUNTd. UVEUV FAMILY BIIOUI.U IIAVi: A "PV- ,, IIU II U i Lili illllllllli .N'V V'i'l! tf- MANUAL it I1ANI1HOOK HPf,VfV-',''' , roit 'inn Arn.itrruD,- r'-yiLtl,i W&k cniitiilnliis an nullino of thn ,&JZfi:- n.i cure ofivcw fotniotJU ZC'eiZij,: ' tonirneleii liy promiicu TSiSKKS oujmxllal intpicounc. by MADISON IIOUSK, NOS.37 AND 30 NORTH SHCONI) STREET, OLtO'.V' iRIU CTRSKTil pniLJtDKirntji, THIS popular Uousn hn been renovalsd, and fireiuli improvtmtnit inaiip lor I lie nrcommo datlms ol guests iC. In eonnectioii wltli the nbova Hotel, the iiropriMor hi opened, in tlif basement, a fine RATI NO ANH DUlNKINd HALOOV Altojethef the r,statillhtnent compares lavoiaitly with llm first eliss places ol accommodation for Traveller. Cillxns, t'-jn within a short dUtance of tho Xew York and Rait I moro Landings, nenr the Ton Office and Ex hnnge. nlifr Omtibuses, going to all parts or lbs CMV start Irora. The Froprlctor hoprs, by strict nttenllon to lh wants of hi puftti, to receive itlibtrul share of th public patronage. f.ite of Haiti moro, Md., and Cincinnati, Ohio, Octlll. lt-37-tm NOTICE. NOTICE I hereby ejven to nil poruotis Interested, that the following accounts huvf been filt-d in lh I'rothu Hilary's tJtrice of olumbta county, and will la prcs-iitud to tho Court of Couinum VU' of said coiioly for cotififiiiatiuii ami tillowancc un Wednesday, the Bth dny ul Dec mber. A. D. 18.'w I The ncciHint of Jhn It Moyer, Conmiitlee of rh person nnd estite of l'eter Melick, a lunatic of feeott '2 The sccotiiit or Jonathan llUhcl, Commillte of tho penon nnd eftnin of John RUlirf, a Junaiic, Into of Montmir township. ... . , . 3 The account of John Snyder. Cnmmillee of tha person and estate or Aleiaiidet Hlokcr, an liubilusl nmnkanl, nf Uloom WWPJaC0B EvnBl.,f Nov 14, lfM rslnlTf. to preserve ourselves country, our holy religion, our God. to!, Il rive, mi plmuir tna.l.l iiiylCftlmnny to ihr o I I ! nrnlPK onnl 11 i IV of I i llltho' of till .lft(uol frcotlora nnd liberty, ronuircs that wo I jfi." Nuwcrnu, eoe,rf niwarciiriiiiniMi , " : h.ii uisan,, nonic iii inin in iiuiir ftmiiins, nave should not quietly stand still and see these emit umirr my noticr. in which i.inkiu iia rm . . t ., . , maiilfust III restoring to perli-rt hi-alili, In boiiip toitfirt fntQWii arOUPlI ll Wllirll nro CatCU- - IllfUina iviirp Jlic lialitlit IIU ttvn roiiftidrp'il , ii i. I- hojontl nirilical aul In thf tlPalittcnt ul fcniltnl latCU to ClISluVO atld bnilg US m Subjection j 5 wcakn, nr ilKirrainirim nl oiitm lun'tinns irn- n1nn.r..l !l!i l i t 1 t j iiiicpj nv tfij .lottee, or i-.icesit 01 vr-nory, l no nol iu uw uuMinui miuiaijr uusiioiism, SHUil as linow Ills riipiTior In llii-,rolrriinn. Ilia can only ctnamtc, in a country of consti- i tlltinnnl law. frnm iiiimlinn Ivnnu on.l , to llie unmrtunito viclii.i of i-arly indl ' crrtion. inrriouiiiiPiid linn a. one in l0so pro- . - . - . ,,.. .,.. ., 6,n.,;iril, .,. ?Moi,aiiiMlaiiuiiiil(iiiyii,iyiinytalulyconnilc ' . ,. ,1V . f ,hp UllMfd p.,. , iv Ool. Tatb. of tho Columbia Demo. rmt. has turned boatman. Ho started on o irip tip the North Branch Oanal,in quest of epal last week, and on arriving within nlmpst a stone's' throw of tho Wvoramg ol b'eilS, his boat froze up in tho ico. -JFhq crew ol eoursa Deat a nasty reiroai, satisfied, no doubt, with their experience ia arctic navigation. Allentoivn Democrat. Jfo, Col. Hannum, wo were only tempo- xirily deftatetl, not satisfied, for on SCuosday last, we returned to tlio sccno of cur former adventures, with tho samo crew named last week.-niid on Wednesday evon- iiig, uccoeded in aooiing the " Edwin Forrest," and load of ooal, rort The News from Europo. The lato news from Europe is highly injoonant. The Bank of England has i?uspei?dod specie payment, and haa been aujuoru'cd to issue small notes, (ono pound, wo presume, fivo dollars,) until further notice. This is the first time a suspension has taken .ilaco with that mammoth mon eyed institution fiipco 171)71 period of sixty years. Thero havo been tfcvcral very heavy failures in England, and tho crisis in financial affairs is very soporc. The following item ot news by the English papers tell its own hisi'ory, and-is too monstrous almost for human L'cJicf. Look at it : "Tho massacre at Delh.i aa horrible. All the people found in tho City wcro put to tho sword." Brother Masser, of tho Sunbury American, i9 cynical because wo received a plato of Venison. (For instruction, vido Esop's Tables, pago , caption, " Sour Grapes.") It may bo that wo wero extra vagant in thus indulging in deer meat. Puffs, wo arc told, aro cheaper in Sunbury, t"We are under obligations, which wo hopo' somotimo ,to bo able to re pay; to Mossrs. Baiui, of tho Fitisbiirg Post, Col. Seapiqiit, of tho Genius of Liberty, and Col, Alexandeb, of tho Clarion Democrat. Enterprise. Notwithstanding tho pressure of tho times tho enterprising firm of Edgar and Uilncs aro pushing ahead their Planing Mill, in this placo and will havo it in full operation by tho 1st of December next, They will then in connection with their completo establishment at Eepytown bo prepared to fill orders, for flooring, sash, doors, blinds and all kinds of work ncces sary, or ornamental in finishing houses. They are putting into this Mill, tho very best Machinery, manufactured by J. II, Lester of Brooklyn, N. Y,,who is conceded to bo tho best Mccbinist in tho U. States, They havo also scoured for tho Mill at Danvillo tho best workman that could bo found in Philadelphia, William and Georgo Soudcrs, who havo finished somo of tho best buildings on Chestnut htrcet. The proprietors of this establishment, possess tho means and will continuo to add moro extensivo improvements, as tho patronage they rcccivo at tho hands of our citizens will justify. We hop they will bo liberally encouraged as they aid materially in tho growth and improvement of our place, and at the eamo timo furnish tho articles they" manufacture in tho best style, and on tho mos.' accomodating terms, Addross, Edgar and Juilnes; cither at Espytown, or at Danvillo. Plans of addition's, or of now buildings, will bo furnished, corresponding with tho-amount ot lijonoy tho butldor in tends to expend on his improvement. MontbUT American. Confession of tlio Murderers. Henry Eifo and Charlotto Jones, who (together with Mouroo Stewart) wcro re cently tnoa tietoro tho Allegheny Ourl and found guilty of tho murder ot Georco NYHsonand ililizabeth BlcJl asters, his sister, in that county, havo mado a confession to llio Jailor. Ihoy acknowledge having murdered tho two old people, Tho inten tion oricinatcu with Uharlotto Jones, When tho two coined admission to tho house, Fife stabbed tho old man, and Charlotto struggled with her a"cd aunt, Failing to kill her, I'ife was obliged to assist, and the douulo murder was comple ted. Tho chest was then searched, and its contents taken, and tho two left the houso. They both assert that Stewart is entirely innocent cf tho murder that ho was not there at tho time, nor did he know any thing of their intentions. Our duty to our i zl BClf abii.i. or bv rpiutl n- cess. Willi advice for lhilr prcvpntlnn, wr'ttpn in a faaiiliar ftyle, avoiding all inedlral tpchnlcntitifa, and ewrythlns lliat vro'lld oirenil Hi1 oar ol (trcenry. 7ejlloitt cf the Prt'ftitor of Obstertri in Ptnn Cellist. Pktlaitlfhia -nil. nuXTOCS .Vr.MC.1l, V.f XUAL ' Tho nailior of tlilf work, unlike lliu m ni'ijnrily of Ihoxo who ndirrlinRlo cnri1 llio ilippavci ol nlikli II trp.iK. Is a graduate of oiip of Itic liesl U. CnllcuPM in llm UnilPd Status it alVurdli me plpa. i cum to roc'iii'inpiid Ih'u lotho unfortunate, nr to T, Hip victim of mat practice, as u Bitrmrful and ex, 111 pericncC't practitioner in whoe lion ir and IlllPg UJ I'ly III- IHy jJtiici' ill', Kii-m'-Bi r'Miuni'iiqv. JOTTI! I.OIOSIIOBF. M. I. From A. IVoodicaTiI, -V. It. tf i'eaii. E7nirrl(y, riilaitelpiio, SAVING FUND NATIONAL SAFETY 'MUST CO. orriui:, walnut bt., s.w (ornhr oiTiunz Jirrangtmtnti fur Ilusinttt during the iurftnmn tf Sttcie pajivtintt by the Dank$ 1. Deposit received and payment niaJe dnlly. 2. Current Hank Noun, Check and Hpecic Mil bo received on drp'iKli t m 3. Deposits indJo in Bank N' let or Cnerks Witt do paid Imrk In current Hank Noipb 4. 1)cioiu made In Guld or tii'vtr will be poid tick ln INTEREST FIVR t'HR CENT. PTR ANNUM. Ill'.MtY L. EENNCR, frt(dnt Wm. J. Rted, Sterttary Nov 'itf,lft7 know his superior In the jpmlc ilnn. 1 have hrrn ncaTiiiilctlwilJi Hip AiiiIkt souh' tlnrtv vtttTH.flml d-Mii it no iiiorc than justicr to liim nn ucil at a LIVING AND LOVING, nv Minn viucima r. iownscnii. n t S3 TOWNSUMI is known as one of our best 1M innviizinc wrltcri,, aid iiltliougli Qiiitu Youn.', tils not tier pti il In'lipr pppiiliar (lyl.. 7'he pr sent vol, limp uicludps soiiip ol lPr bp-t Talpg nnd Pk'trtiPS, toneUier uiih a eonprt nnd beaut! Tu I portrait of the nillhor, by that di-ttmguUlled artist, J,.lin Harlain, 1t , will render It p irliculnrly acceptable to hF nu liiprnus friends. 'lie llook is n iiaml'iime ismo. voinnie. printed ou opprcssinn. Thotoforo I, Brigham Young, Governor and Superintendent of Iudian Affairs for tho Territory of Utah, in the name of tho peoplo of tho United States, in tho Territory of Utah, forbid, First All armed forces of ovory descrip tion from coming into tho Territory, under any pretenso whatever. Second That all tho forces in said tlmineclves. ALraKD Woodward, ,M. D. One copy, securely cnvclopnd i III be forwardPil free of postage to anj part or the United St. tea, bir m cents, nr Ii copies for 31 Oil. El-Address (JUrSDKNi UO.,fublisliors,noi 197, Philadelphia. 3r RonksHlers. Canvassers and lloi Agents tupphtd on ike moat liberal ttrm$. UcS, 1637-v NOT10B. vrOTICC is lipre'iy alven thitan application will be n ina ade at the next sassion ol tin Keels lature ot I'ennsvlvania. fur thu iuporpiira.ion ol u llanlt. Willi the usual privilege, to be called ' The lllooinvburg Dank," with a capital of two hundred thousand del t.irs. nml in be locnled in the town nl lll.iniui.ltiiri.. -territory hold themselves in road nnsa to I i-oiuiiibia coun y iu. wm. svvniiu. 8. ii. siuvn, Ul'lllt .MM V. 1.LTZ, A. O. AltA'lJII, jaco ii nvuit. iiii.i.Mi:vi:n, ULIAH u, ItLOOMBDcaa, June 27. 1857 I n, Mr.Nni:iiAt.i.. A. J. UVANrt, 1. W IMRTMAN, J. KAIISIIV, A. J. Sl.OIN. n II. Altl'IIIIIt. Will KUL', march at a moment's notioo to repel any and all such invasion. Third Martial law is hereby doclarcd to exist in this Territory from and after tho publication of this proclamation, and EAGLK FoUNDltir. ULOOMSHUltG. no person shall ho allowed to pass or re-1 StovcS ,1Utl Tinware. n. Sntn or rlircicl, , frnm !, T S- , HMIi: subscriber havlns creeled large new brick ...Hv u. v. ,uv ii.iuwtj j rountiryanu .iiarnino enop, in place o, inc sub t S Exporimont tho life of Success A largo portion of mankind remain in poverty for the want of a littlo energy. They plod on from day to day without malting a Etnglo experiment towards inv proving their condition, whilo a few persons who havo enterprizo aDd boldnoss, reap rich rewards for their exertions and becomo wealthy. Failure only crushes tho timid. Tho courageous man is stimulated by it, and says in tho words of Shakspcare : nll, boi k, and candle t h II not drive mc back When Gold and Bllver beck mi to come on and so tho busy world is kept alivo and society blessed by this class of individu-ils. It requires but littlo effort to enclose to I'.iiinilrv .mil .Mnchnin Hlinii. In nlure nf (tin nM wtlliniif n nnrmti fm.n thn v I one, Is prep'ir ed to make oil kimls of castiiii: nt the ,..1.,.. iu iiiuiiii uiumi, lowest prirts. I'lowa constantly on Hand. The sub Givftl undpr niv Imnrl nnrl seal nl ,,) scrlher has also removed his Tin Shop from Mam si uivon unucr mj nana ana seal, at great foundry im, where he has orecicd n buiidm G.ll T..l,rt r':i MVw:i-.. -c tti. ii.i- llocelher for Stoves nnd Tinware. -m av, w,, ici.iiuij, m u mil, tins - The L'ofikliutSlnvcs consist nf the WM.rKNN fift.Pf.ntli dnv nf Ronlnmlioe A.Tl s!,Msl sJsSHCllllK, ItAIIll COOK, VANLICU COOK, and J 1 - - - ') Vlfau,VUH hundred nnd fifty govon, and of tho Inde pendence of the United States of Aincrioa tho eighty-second. BniaiiAM Young. fee of nestsse, on rfreint of the pr ce, l J W llltAIllillV. fuWuss-, 4a Norlhirourili Hticct, Philadelphia, Nov U, 1857 Mill' MAltBLK VA1UMS 11L0031SBU. HIRAM S. CARE1' HA3 opened n Marhlo Yard In Court Alley, opposlta llie Ckcli.iii70. where ho is prepared lo finish, tot best work from Italian or American MatMefor MONUiMfuNTS, TOJI11S, Tomb-stones, Tables, alnntles, Window-sills and len lis. rnrthe character and tlnisli of his work tin refers to sucliaslie haa innda is this county, lie v ill furnish uesigns forwork or execute any that may be furnish en in uuu. iiiswura suan always liu saiisiaciory in ilsslyleand reasonable!! Plicc. Uloomsburjl, llec. 0, IBSti. j-saurAiti.ou t lovr.a ot an kinds, the i:i;u i;y 'CSlIt.lNlinit STOVU, JiC. All kinds of Bpoulin mado to order. joscrn BHAitrLESs. nioiin.liiirc, April 11. 1S7. FROM OENTltAL AMERICA. The Pannma papers contain the procla mation of Martinez, General in chief of tho Nicaraguan army, dated October 22d, declaring war against Costa Rica. The General declares that Nicaragur will pre serve tho whole lino of transit from ocean to ocean ; also tho district of Guanaoosta. Tho Costa Rican General has mado a formal demand for tho surrender of tho fort of San Carlo, Tho latter is renortcd Swan & Co., of Augusta, Georgia, ten nrl to to on tho Lake, in a steamer, and had five dollars for a wholo or half tiok'et in ono 1 ceen uPo by tuo Nicaraguan troops. of their lotteries which are drawn every 1'ATENT SPUING I1ED BOTTOMS. ALL you tint want lo ret and sleep eood. call on cr.or.uri w. uoui:li., umi buv ouuld's pa rWTBi:) 110TT0M3. lie has cousin llie patanl right of Columbia county, nnd Is now prepared lo fur tilrb tlottomsapplicubletnolitaswell oa newbedcieads, lie has also on hand all kinds of Cabinet Puriiilurc, Clmrs, Cottazo Itedsteads, and oilier Cottage t'ur allure, whu li he will sell as cheap as the cheapest. Also, Ready-made Cufllns. OKORGC W. COHELIi. JllooinsMirE10.:t 17. 1857 VIIRVTLKY'S AUUI ST. TMttTRE, AlU'll Sl'llKUT, abovi: SIXTH. PIIILAOF.I.MM. TUT. STAR COMPANV. composed nf Ihe rinest Ar-tl-tes in the wnrld, nnd exd-eiliug ,n rluenslll nnd Talent a y Dramatic combination heretofore otfered lo the Theatrical mihlie. will nnnear everv niohl m nnm cdv.Traged, erio Comic lliama. Vaudevilles, Musi cm ouriu'iiis the-e. Oct 31, lH7-3m COLUMBUS MALU AND FEMALE ACADEMY. fplir. Trustees ol this Institution Iiavo unanimously X elected II, 1), Walker, A M., of l.rwi.tuip, Prin cipal ol said Academy, iu place of Trof. Anderson. iMiosc nine expirts with Die present tirm, Mia 191b. day of llctciberiiisl. Mr. Wulker will succeed Mr. Anderson im mediately anirllie close of his labnrs. Il is desicned by the Trustees, with their new rrin clpnl. lo mako this institullon ono of the best of lbs nilid in llio flats, Oct 17, ier.7 NTTcjTTOritcTuNTS; 1UKF.SII 1WKF.SIII Tiin undersigned take pleasure In announcing tn Merchants that they are manufacturing a supeiior article ol I14KGS nl llieir New l'actery on fishing Cteek, above Orangi'villc, Columbia county. Mer chants wishing to purchase good Hake ran have them atthe ructoiy, or if ilesued wecan forward ihem to lllonmsb'irg. to R i! Sliive. where Ihev ran eel iliem. or we can forward Ihem to thoietitorei iliaiare not ton much out of our nay All orders should be nd.lrpssed to Hanitip! Rhlwa. Tealers 1'. O., Columbia coiinly. 1'n. BII1VD 4c BUTTS. April 15, 1857 lin tec ice. When titillug the City, go Saturday throughout the year. They aro KS-DU VALL'S GALVANIC OIL .iSr'K- J. JTaldcman, J?sq., of tho liar jisburg Patriot and Union, is favorably epoken-flf in jconoecttorcwitb thq offioe of Secretary of State,- under the incoming administration. 'Mr. II. is a young man cf ability and acquirements, and would viakc an excellent oiBoor. Body of Canvford, tin Scidptor. Tho body of Mr. CrtAVfFORD, tho sculptor, arrived in tha city of 'New York yesterday, in tho ship Southampton, from London. U was to be interred in Greenwood Ccrao tery in that city. JO" Mechanics and Laborers aro badly rvWrrted in Kansas. Good moobauios aro earning from 2,50 to $3,00' per day, Carpenters, tailors, shoemaker's, black smiths, .tinsmiths, &c, aro wanted. More Specie from Europe. 'Tho steam, ship Vanderbllt from Havro arrived at tho nrt. nf Nw York on Thursday, brincino 1 8250,000 in specie, and 300 pisscngen. Bo-oloctlon of Senator Clay. A telegraphic despatch, received at this office at too lato an hour for insertion i.n our last issue, briefly announces that the two branches of tho Legislature of Alabama met in convention on Saturdy last, and on tho first elected Hon. C. 0. Clay, jr to the Scntio of the United States fr six years, from tho 4th of March, 1850, when his present, term of offico cxpiros. Tho legislature of Alabama have consulted tho interests of their State, and the welfare of the Dcmocratio 'party, and, wo might add, tho general wish of tho country in this renewal of confidence in favor of ono who has not only been conspicuously faithful to his high trust, but who his exhibited in his comparatively brief but brilliant publio career capacities and qualities which have oxcitcd general admiration and secured general respect. Washington Union. men of integrity, and all tho drawings aro ?ls on , tbo ,s'clm y itnpartii.g to the .- i i . i , , o . I discafed part a natural current of e ectri- sanptioned and supervised by tho State cit,. bvhich the restoration f n 11 h authorities. A trial may lead to success natural functions aro produced immediate and improvo one's condition in lifo. Thero ' ly, and a euro is nt once oht iined This i3 but littlo capital, requires to lead to large 13 tuo Kroat secret which no other medicine returns, and many a man has found his in lho ""l4 I,a3 J-0?' an,d lie.nC8 tu9 gt . .i i i. ..ii.. success this medtcino has in curbs dis investments in iheso lotteries attended with oasrV 8 ' less risK, inoonvenienco. and loss of time than many of the business schemes of the day. GOOD NEWS FOR HARD TIMES. TUB subscribers have just returned from the cily, with a eood assortment of floods at nrlnes in .11,1 the times, which they will diffuse, of at pries for risay pay we invite nil persons whow sh to hiivehean. mean n. ww.,,.,,; . iuuucb wsen as 11, C. & I. W. IIARI'M AN. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Estate of Benjamin Piatt. T" ETTHUS of Administration on tho J C, tale of llenjamin 1'ialt, Inlc of Tine townshlii, Columbia cnunty. deceased, have been granted by the Register of Culumbia county 10 Die undersigned who resides in sain I'ine township, In Columbia county; all persons havinj cliims ncamsl tin estate of tho decedent are requested lo present them lo llie Admin, isirator without del y, and all persona indebted la make payment fj nbwilb. IRAM di:rr. . WILLIAM PIATT, Oct 81. 1837 rfmfsli'ratsrs. and examine our stock. U4ual, tSf Last TucsJey a yonne Bon of Dr, Sullivan, of this placo, broke through tho Sold by G. M. Hagenbuch, J. R. Mnyer d E. P. Luti, Illoomsburg, and Country Merchants, generally, Good. It ia 6eldom that a modic'ino meots with sucti general tavor among tho ice and almost drowned while skating on , classes, and especially among tho eduoatcd, the dam opposito tho Montour Iron Com- ; as tho Oxygenated ltitters. Theso Hitters pany's Mill, Ho was rescued, wo are told, 1 aro frno from aloohol, and aro a novor hy means of a ropo Ho was immediately failing euro for dyspepsia, oarricd to a neighboring house, and, al- I , though lil'o waB almost extinct, groat and I Done. A lady of this placo harjai'Alinn Avprltnfii fiflvrirl Iiim 1'liia Villl Inn 1 . l . I. . t.v.uu.H.,WA . .b A.t.vM ifuvaaiiui.i as u Kindle BUOt, one oxataplo should toaclt boys not to be r-o daylaetweck. She unitentionally came to rash and impatient as to venture on ico whero a sportsman's dog wa pointing to only a day or two old. I them, and a gun being accessible, she tried Danville Intelligencer, 1 her hand at s booting. Lycoming Gaeette, NOTICE. T"?,?"?."1''''1 ,n!1 Manage" of the Caltawlisa Dlldpe l.omnniiv ImvA Mil. n. v Ani ...i . . of3percl (73cls pei share) on the Capital slock of r...- ....,,,, ,u, , alx monins.puyabK lo tne icfn"i J.0' 'J'" lc' eP'ieiitliv "it or aner ,itw v,i, ui vituvar JOHN BllAri.G.a, Callawlssa Driile Office, I TVssiaesr. Oct2t,lol7-3t 1 NEW COOPER RlIOl' mim subscriber announces he will tarry on J. COOfUIMNd HUKINEBSathls Drcivery'jn I klnsville, where lie will make Ihe Hop- Barrels. Tubs. Kes. And everything in thai line of business, lie will also repair work olall kinds, and wllldo il skilfully and at , , C'lARt-na W. IIASSCRT. Brick! Brick! Brick! "PIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND tf;. ui'.lHF l'R,';K'. J""1 """"'I "at, al the subscri t!." "nik".11? onm.burc. and are offered lor sale, Ibebistin thacounlrj. Apnlyto lilnoBishurf. Oe.tebe, 0, 1P57 ART,,UE- BOS 14.18 BV aSjiiJtfJiUlL.o . uasii.s una jubi l OI I ENOEO, Acnlv Sloooiburj, Nov M, ie r Tf ADMlMSTHATOR'S NOTICE Estate of David Smith, deed. TyrOTICl! Is lipn by plveu that leltfrs of Adialnlst'i. 1 tion. with the will annexed, upon ihe Estate of David Smith Uite of llesilock township, Columbia county. deceased, have been granted tn the undersigned, (cuing si uueannru, in ine sai'i inwnsnip or HrmlnCK. All persons indebted to tlio Cslale are rpqupsied to make payment without delay, nnd those having ac counts lor settlement to present them in JtCOIl IHRRIB. rfmiafslrarericlfA lAl tcff asacisi, naekhorn, Nov S. JS37. HEAB THE MILLER. CUSTOMERS to tho Aqueduct Mih, win have nn settled accounts with the subscriber, for FEED. II.OUR. Lc , are respectfully notified. Hint as they have been accommodated I hope that tbey will now accommodate Die, and make immediate py , WH.MAM DECBB. Anueduct Mills, Nov. 51, jei7. BOOK-BIN DINO, CIIARLCB PTAIir. would respeelfully inforiii the eitUeua ol Dloomsburg and vicinily, that ho lias lite y eslabllsl.ed. In this nlaea. a Itonk llimlerv when h is prepared to do all kinds of work iu his Jlne, on tba shniieLt notice, and reasonable leiiiis. OrrtCB Oil Main meet over Hl,.lnts Rnet slid Rhn. Bloto.opposlio tha I'os, Otfice, llloouisburg, SIIARI' NOTICE. ALL praoni hnowinffthempf Ivh IndeMfd or htpr uuiftitfil I.ipi accountu wlib ihe rubvcrlbfr j hcrchy uoiififil to call tlpOil fotomtit fttyh&rit, JSff , who can be (omul la his nAirn rvrry Maiurdny aileruoon.aiiit eitlo tlio ame hffbre (tie firt( of Jaiiuaiy next for Kltrwhtc' limn all unrollPctMacounli will tep1zcd in htiinlofoffietrffor collection Oc,3l,i7 RICHARD TORBV RECKJVJ.VO NEW GOODB ALL Tile TIME. Al UABTMANU.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers