Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, December 05, 1857, Image 1

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"To hold and trim tlio torch of Truth ami Wave it o'er tho darkened Earth"
5 , TERMS l
l Que & Scvcnlj-Iivc c(s, in advance.
Editor, l'nbllslicr & rroprictor.
Vol. xxi.'
YOL. XI.--NO. 39.
Tlin undorslgncd, grftlcful fat tt patronage, re
pt'eiUil.y iiifhruiti It Is ci itomrrs and tlie iuiMIc
Published every Saturday Morning, by
I rrl I T A TP
V JL , . I generally, Hint lio hu jilal received from the Eastern
XJX JjlOUllioUUlK, vuiuuiuiu uu, clii"s,uic largest ami most select hock oi
That his yet been opened In llloninsbilrg. to which he
Invites Ilia attention of 111. friends, and assures tlicm
that they are oflercil for iuc at great bargains. Uli
Stock comprises a largo nstorlnicnt or
Gentlemen's Wearing Apparel,
consisting of FAsuioNAUl.i: diiess coats, ot
every description ; Pant). Vests, Shirts, Cravats,
Stocks, Cotton Handkerchief, Gloves, Suspmders, be.
Gold Watches and Jewelry,
Of every description. flue mid cheap.
N. II Iteniemlier "Uiccnberr'l Lhtop I mr-ertsm."
Call ami scu. No charge lor einmlnlini fluids.
UA11U AjVJ U 1. 1, ,J .
Illoomsburg, Aug 22. 1657
Office. in the. new Brick liuildina, op
positcthc Exchange, by side of the Court
rouse," Democratic head Quarters,"
tbrus or sunscnirftON.
t)l,00 In aJvnneo, for 0110 copy, for six montai,
1,76 In mlvnnco, forono copy, ono year.
no rr not mild wllhlntho flrat thrco months.
2,25 If not paid within tho first six months.
2,50 If not paid within tho yonr.
117" No subscription tnkon for less than six months, I
Knit nopnpunltjcontlnou until all ntroarnges shall
hire boon paid. ....
rrj-Ordinary advertisements insortcd and Job
work executed at tho established prices.
ii A L ThllOKC LOCK II 0 S P I T AL.
'riMIifl founder of this Celebrated lnsti-
I Uitloii.oiT'ra ihc most certain, iprtdy. and only
Actual reni tly in ilic world lor etU-ria for Glicli,
HritturfKi fttsniiuul u nek lies. Tallin in t lie Lolng,
roiiiilititMU'Rl Uebiiliy lni.olcntv, WcokncM ot Hie
Hack ami Urtbt. Affrclioin or tha KlJniys, l'alp na
tion of Hie ilfurl. I)WeniU. Ntrvou Irritability ,
D iue. iso v the llfad,, Nose or Skin, and all
cifo scriom and nn l.inrl.oly Uiiordcn arising from
the ileBiruclive liulnis of Youth, wiiIlIi destroys both
body and inlfd, Thmf tecrol ond solitary practices,
ure more flUothfr vlctlnn thnn Hie sung of the
SyrfiH to H. iifcTlncrs Ulyrs, blislitlnji tlieir most
brilliant hopis o?uiUiclnal!Oii3, rt;nJ ering marriage
kc , liiniusibl.
Marred pcrioni.or Yoiinj Mpn contemplating mnr
flnne. bim Jvaiu orphyicj nealri'ii, organic de
4iluv. dcformiUcs, lc should liu.nfdH.lely consult
tjt J)ni8ion,aiid be rf stored to per led tiimlil..
He who pi cm hiniieirundtfr tho care of Dr. John
ton umv rellaioulv coiilWle in his Imnor as a gentle
men, and toiilu!t'v reU upon his kilt ascpliysician.
Organic Wcnkncs
inmediatcly cured ami full vigor restored.
lull di..jj lithe perulty most irr-.,i,.,.y paid by
itu-e wholMie become the virtlm of Improper indul
Bnciew. YwiflJ pi-rsona ar loo apt to con t ex
real from nut bemt aware of the Jrrauful roiisequence
that may ensue, understate Hie sub
ect will pretend l deny thai IIif towir of procrea
tion is I..U aoo.Kir by those mili-tiff nUo improper
habiltluii by Hie prudent. Ue-nb s being deprlv-d ol
th plcuiure of lictljliy niTitpiing, I lie mon Beriniis
itd dentruciive uyntptonn to lmili body and mind
tiriite. The iypni bcouie denns''d; Hie pliyical
and riiftil powers ivrukcned, nervous debility, ilys
ppma, oat i nation o(t!ie heart ,ludii:tioti .t wasting
bf tlnjtituietnMj;li ny mptojiH of c i . pi 10 fi 4tr.
C5Office No.? c'ooni L'niiDBRtcicH iKtki.nevcn doors
from Uillimure ktreet Ual thiu. um the sicps lie
pjriicuUr in'ii).-!rvnU tuo NA.MU uud MJ.MUtR.or
yoj wll umtaku the piece,
A Curt ltairatttcttr no Vhargt Madt, in from Ons to
7wo Dana.
Or, Johni?ont
Member of Hie tto.f.l College of riurgeons. London
QrsidiMle frum ooc'ol the num euinieu cllegrn ol the
UniLeJ Btates, und thejirealer pait olhoe tile lias
been' spent in th fir l llof)itJin of Ijomlon .Cans,! hi!
ltd Ipina and elsewhere , h.t -HtTt"d nouin of Uie inoit
ttonMliing cures ttint wre cut known ; ni.iny troub
ted with rittKinj in tha head and eais wlen h sleep,
great iirrFonmieoi being aL'rmed .it tudtlen aoumin,
end LassiiiJlm'ts. villi I'reriueut bluhmg, attended
sometime wilt) ilurangeuiciitul mind, wcrccured iui
A Certain Disease.
TVnen the misguided and imprudeut volnry of pirn-
iirf-Audi ha has imbibed thu fceerlit of this ih irilul
diBcase, it too olleu happens that tin illtiuivd kciue of
shaitor arrji ui .oreiy, ueien. mm in'in njpii
i ii 2 to those w ft from etluc.Minn ami renpeclabilnf
ati alone befriend him del lying till I Pi o canxtiluUtmy
symptoms oltlii horrid di('ieuinkstheiriprnrniia
tucb s ulcerated suru throat, iiseacd nose nocluu e,
nam in the head and IihiIm, tlimnefs ufiiiul
nodes 011 tits bk in bonus, and arms, blotrhenfroii cfs
heart lace. anil exlremetiw s, progress inc ills h tp th.
f4.ditv .till at list the palate of the niouiu iiiul
bones of the noe (all in ,a ml the vi. tim of thtlol llie
disease bflcomeii a horrid olij-xlttif eomiuiis-ralion (HI
d aili pan a period to hisdri'.ulful nutft-nnps. by ien
mrtxhim 10 Mhal bourae irom wlinc no traveler
rrwrn. To surh therefore Dr. Jo linn no pledges
himself to preserve the most enviol.ihlc secrcov and
(run his extensive picrilce in the fitt Hnftpi lata of
II n rope anT America, lie can ronfldenlly rerommeiiu
ste and ipedy cure to the unfortunate victim of this
feojrid dismse.
Take pnrticulnr Notice,
Dr. J addrepeti all thore ulio have I njttred litem
selves by nnvate and improper Indulgences,
These nre mi.c of nic.Biul Hud nit'l JMtliol V erTectfl
mod'ired by enrly Italuii of youth , r. WtMkness of
the flick and l.lmhs Tain in the Head, uiniiirnsn!
Wight L"ss ol" Muscular Tower Patpiintiou of the
tltart, DvKpepma. N'erv us Irr.uilnMiy, Derangement
of the DiKeniiTe runcnonJ.Gcncral Debility, symptoms
of Oiinsiimptirtn, ft.
MI'.V l'At.l.V Thp fefirfiil effect 4 iinnn the mind
nte niueh to be dreaded, ot Meoiorv, (Inn I m loo of
Itieas, Denrrsiloii of the wpirils, HvH rorebodines,
Aversion of Hoc lei y, Tltnily ,i.c, are tome ol thee til
Thousands of persons of all ages ran now judge
what is Hi" cause of 11. fir declining lu'iiltli. looting
their vigor, becoming weak, paten nil emaciated, tiavieg
siniular appearance about the eyes, couIihimI ffjinp.
tol in or Consumption
Dr. Johnston's Invigorating Remedy for
Organic Weakness.
By ihis great and Important reiiieil). weakne of ihe
orpins .ire bpeedlly cured, and lull vigor restoird.
Thout.indiof the mmt nervous and debilitated, who
iad Install hope, have been immedialeiv relieved All
I npedimenls to Marriage. Physical and Mental Dlwe.ita.
Ijfleition, Nervous Irritabilily.Tremblings and Weak
Tje.ii. or exhauMion nl the must (earful kind, speadity
aurad by Doctor Johnston
Young Men
Who have injured themselves hv certain practice,
laJulgedin whin alone 1 habit fftjueully teamed
from evil eomp inions, or at school the effects of which
hf nlxhtly lell, even when asleep, and if not cured
. enderx -nvnaire impossible, and destroys both mind
4d body, should apply immediately
What a pity that a voting nun. the hope of his coun
try audilm darllngof hisparents should he snatched
from all prospect and enjoy mefits of life. by 1 he ronce
quences o deviating finui the rath of nature, and in
4u1giiig in icertain secret habit, Hucli person before
should rsfleet thai a sound mind and body nre thr mos
neeesRjryrcquUltieatn promo e couunlnal happiness
Inded. without these .the journey through hie becomes
wsarypilgriinage.theprospecthoiirly darkens to the
l ew j the mind becomes shadowed with despair ana
ailed with tho melancholy reflection I hat Hie hOftpiticdi
nranoitierlH-roiiies hlizhted with our own.
OrFICU NO 7 SOUTH l" r.lli:Hli:K m.BallimorttM&
N. It.-Lt un lalse modesty prevent you, but applyim
Tiidutely either personally or by letier.
To btrangcis.
WMOT.nfHLF. AND R Hie "Philadelphia
Wntrhand Jewelry Store." No. lid (Old No. DO)
Worth HLCONI) fltreel. corner of Q.uarrv.nulaiielohia.
(lold l.'iVerWQlrlies.fullJtnellcd.ldcarc-tcawiB.giiCU
On d U'oiiie. 1H caret, . i uu
Hilver Lever, full jewellod. .12 00
Silver Lepr-nc. Jewtls, 0 Ot)
Superior Uumliers 7 00
flold Pnectaclci, 7 00
Fine Silver do. 1 50
Gold Uraceleta, 3 00
Lady's Oold Pencils. " -100
Silver Tea Spoom. t ... 3 00
Gold Tens, with I'encH and 8ilver holder, 1 10
On i.t Kinrrpr itliiBB. S7 centu to S0 ; Walth Glasses
nliin, vi cents, pale in icf, iunet va; otner aitines
lit proportion. All goods warranted to be what they
are solu toe, ..,,,
DiAUI r l It o UAllLsli.
TfVOn hand some Gold mid Silvvr Levers and
Lent nes still lower than theabi've prices.
October 10, 1S&7
given, nntl my own oarriago dcipateLsd to
tho park gate.
Mr. Sinclair was agontloman of fortuno,
J u Lis father an invalid, fifty yoara or moro
supptui ti han hen vriutn ty Rev. roitusd liat.ot of ago, was on his way in company with
ikifriM &Hiirt toHkt " , Ins son to Ins son's liouso, thcro to dio and
thavoanevcrfMilng-i.ank. I bo buried. Thoy wero strangers to mo,
uub J- umuu iuiu wuiuuuiu tu jijj uuubl, ua
THE Indersigned resptctfully informs th cilizens
nl IHoonibburg and the public in general, that lie
lias opened a
Boot and Shoe Establishment,
In ihe white Ijuildiiiir. on Main slrert. above Else's
& Wilson's ll.ikery. wneru he lias constantly on liand
a large assortment 01
Hoots, Shoes, Gaiters, &c,
And will mike up work lo order on short notice tils
long experience in the bus mens, and general know
ledge ol the anUo, tht people, will enable him to
milder sntlcfiirtiuu to all hi customers and should
secure hi m patronage which he hopes to merit
Bloomb!!rg.Moy2, M7.
liarc Inducements to Agtnts.
CANVASSllUS wanted to iblnni i,titci.ers Tor the
i:m.inri'ticnti. lieor v and History Ancient
and Mitdcrii. ol the World; by S U Goodrich, irettr
Parley,) HauiHoiuely bound in clolii gl , and i lus
(rated with tiOO beauiilul engravings and f0 maps.
t'ncefi. Boitionly uy netuts 10 each cr wiion a
penal district will he gntn. Applirnnu tlmn'd slate
wh.ll counties Uiey woulc like to cjiivum. The book
1 now rsudv Conies will be aenl bv mail dobi naid.
on reteipt of the price. Ilills on all r-oiveM b.inks
liiken at par. Thu Home Jocrnil, says of this work,
No family Integer shoutd be without it." Fur lull
particular in regard to an nseucy, uddress
' OIJOItGi; W. Ll.l.IOTT,
rillil.otHJI nlll lOUKSellr.
No. 17: WHI1.1111 Street, New York.
KJ- All kinds ofSchoul and Mit-cellnueous Cooks.
Chenp Pit licui ions, stationery and Maps, luinihed at
Hie very lowmprices Order solicited Nov. 21
t't subfccriber havng removed ld Marble Yard.
1 inim iit arat'e Coiirl l.o lie t the South west cor
tier ol .MAIN toil MAtlKi;' t reels, in Kiiperl's Kow,
whjre he is prepared 10 turn is li all kinds of
Viii MONuMCNTS cradle 'lorn&s. 1:01 TomtJi.nnu
Hed Stones of everv description. His fctock Ik o( the
i.aai it ih workniuuBhin not Biirihu-ucd bvaiiv in
the country, ana ui low prices, wm au juuge ior
joiirnlves rp.
Miuittis fff houses, It aw Cores Liulies.aid Sill
fnr Wii..nM nlltl DooTS. at B lOWfiL'Ure.
Tliankiul for past favors, wo hope for a contlnuincc
AT itlU.I X OHltlltt
llloomsliurg, April 4. 1657. Cm
A more Ihan Golden Kioto:
No earthly llahk Is half so rich,
How cun I then bo poor I
'Tis when my slock l spent and'gor.o,
And 1 without a groat,
I'm glad lo hasten to my Dank,
A ud beg a little note.
Sometimes my Danker trailing snys,
14 Why don't you oft'nur come I
And when you draw a little ngtc,
Why not u larger sum t
11 Why live so niggardly and poor
Your bank contains a plenty.
Why come and lake a one pound nolo,
When you might have a twenty,
'Yen, twenty thousand ten limes UM,
Is but a trifling turn,
To what your Fatlior has laid up.
Secure In God Ilia Sonl"
Since then my Danker Is to rich,
I have nu cause to borrow,
I'll live upon my cath to day.
And draw again to morrow,
I've been a thousand limes before,
And never was lejcctcd;
Sometimes my ltankt r gives me mora
Than asked for or expected
Sometimes I felt a little proud,
I've managed things bo clcrert
Duiah t beloiu lite day was gone,
I felt as poor ui ever.
Sometimes with blushes in my ftcej
Jusl at the door 1 stand :
I know il Mout keeps me back,
J surely roust be damned.
I know my bank will never break
No it can never fail,
The Arm three persons In one God,
Jehovah Lord of all.
Should all theOanks of Britain break,
The Itauk of Cngland smash.
Bring in your notes to Zinu's IU nk,
You'll surely gel the cash.
And If you have but one sma'l note,
Tear not to bring II in j
Count boldly lot he Bank of Grace
The Banker Is within.
All forged notes will be refused,
Men'g merits nr rejected :
There's not n single n.iie will pass,
That God has not accepted.
Tjr onl thote beloved by God,
Ite1eenud by precious blood,
That ever hail a note to br n
Thefce arc Hie gills of God.
Tho thousand ransomed souls may say,
They have no notes at all
Ceciutnthey fee) the plague of sin,
Su ruined tty ihelall
The nauk is full ofprcrioUs notes,
All slgu'd and seat'd and free.
Though many doubting hearts may say,
There is not one for iue.
uae untictier win icau me mutt
To say what is nottrue ;
I Ull the soul that feels seTlost,
These notes belong loyou.
The leper hssa little note
Lord. 11 thou mIi,Hiou can."
The Hanker cash'd ihis little nots,
And hcal'd (he sickly man.
We read of one young man. Indeed,
Whose riches did abound.
But in the Banker's book ol Grace,
'J his man waa never found.
But see the wretched, dying thief.
Ha Off bv the Hanker' dying bide,
lie cried, dear Lord, remember me,"
Ami got his cash and died.
Sdcctcir Stom
stood, with a knifo within reach, to out tho
fastening if necessary. Wo had but a rag
sail on her, and sho moved moro liko a
bird than a boat from wavo to wavo.
Again and again a bluo wavo went over
Tho "Warrior Maiden.
Somctimo just beforo or about tho be-
other vessel were saved with ono exception.
T-ho oihor was tho " Fairy," a schooner
vacht. bclonciuir to a friond of Mis3 Sin
clair, with whom sho and her brother, and ginning of tho revolutionary war, BergeanS
b parly of ladies and gentlemen, had start- T.Br.., m.-,,;,.!. Hrio-n.ln. Imil ilm rrnml
1 . , ,.i ...... 1 , . .r 1 : .1 1 1, i i " - "i o
u3,oui suo citmc up iiko n uum ami suoos ui, uui u roo Pi iuM,., f to savo tho lifo of a young.boautiful
off tho water and dashed on. Now sho oruiso. 1 need not lell you how I explain-1 'ulluu' ku luu ",u ' " o'
staggered as a blow w,as on her bow that ed that stranjio thrill which went through j darU-oycd croolo girl, called bally St.
might have pto7o a man-of-war, but sho my veins as tho eehoonor crossed our bow Clain IJorsusecptiblouaturo wasovercomo
kept gallantly on ; and now sho rolled tho night beforo tho collision, and what I w;th gratitudo to her preserver, and this
hoavily and slowly, but never abated tho I felt again at tho moment of tho crash, nor Raan r:nonoa iniQ a mssiou of lorn, of tho
n' , i . .t T . . 1 . ' .1 i ... I. . l : i . ii! T , 1 . i 1 ,1 1 '
uigui lowarus suori;
.whou tuo wind was 1
of tho oordaco was
scream, now a shriek
now a' lauch of mocking madness. On, , have tha same evidence of her presence by a Southern sun. When ho was callatl
on wo flow 1 1 now, that I used to havo when sho lived cn upon to :()in ranjS of country's do
t i - i - i ... i . .s r i . ,i I, l 111. I 1 - J
x touiieu up uuu luruuu i uuu uruuuu . ".u ouiuu uai.u ni.u uiu.
tnc lionzon, but could' sco so slsy, no soa,
. ., was iiak tatu.p.a iui. .u . , fcmnt vmdi R10 WUtod
ugliest, i no liowling tumultuous emotions an tnat long nigiti. .
demoniacal. Now a I married Mary Sinclair, and 1 buried Pn '" wholo wealth of her affoct.ons,
. now a wail, and her thirty vears altorward?, and sometimes .and tho wholo depths of passion nurtured
no cloud all was blackness. At tltat
moment I felt again tho strango thrill, and
at that instant fancied a doDScr blackness
ahead; and tho next, with a crash and
plunge, tho " Ifoam" was clear gnno 1
Napoloon at Watorloo.
a --
Napoleon when, bo sccu; tho Old
Guard recoil, felt Lis great heart sink.
Down 'wont mv eollant boat, and with ! Several times ho changed color, and look
another vessel, unseen in tho black night. , ing on tho field with that wondering gazo
'1 ho wheel to which I had been lashed had that seems to expect to banish somo hideous
t 1 1 1 !.!. I . f 1
if it wcro their own, and insisted on their
usini' it.
Miss Sinclair was tho first woman who
had crossed my doorslono since I had becnJ
possessor ot tho hall; and well might sho
have been loved by bolter mon than I.
Sho was very small and beautiful of. tho
sizo of Venus, which all men worship as
tho perfection of beauty, but having a soft
blue oyc, suaaeu by jet blact brows, ucr
faco presented tho contrast of purity of
whiteness in tho complexion set olf by ra
ven uair, and yet that hair hanging in
clustering curls, unbounded by comb or
fillet, and tho wholo faco lit up with ex
pression of gcntlo trust and complete con
fidence cither in all around her, or clso in
her own indomitable determination; for
Mary binclair had a mintl ot her owd, and
a farsccintf one, toe. 1
Her father died in my hnnso, and I
nttended the solemn procession that boro
his remains over mil and valloy, to tho
old church in which his ancestors were laid.
Once after tint I called on tho family,
'and then avoided them. 1 cannot tell you
what was tho causo of tho aversion I felt
to entering that houso or approaching tho
iufluenco of tha matchless girl. I be
lieved that I feared tho manic of her beauty,
and was impressed with my unwortmnoss I utes. Who was my companion on tuo tho too daring Hotspur, his long career of
to love her. Knew her associates wero of , slight spar T What was tho vessel I had I , , , , , . . . . . .
tho noblo.tho educated, tho refined, and sunk ? Was I with tho body of only ft fiiy ju -u-
that 1 was nono of these. What then! human being, or vas there a spark ot life Tboy oven say that he wanted to plunge
could I expect but misery, if I yielded to left I And how could I Un it to a flarao t with his horso amidst tho crumbled guard,
tho charms ol that cxfiuUitc beauty or i Would it not bo better to let it sink thati a,,j perish with Ilia glory. But Uurtrand,
grace wmcn i mow wcro m ucr soui. to uoat oil nii me, mus aione i amrve, Qr Souitfor tj0 truth ja attributed to
A year passeu ; ana i wa iue very uoy to uic ot untsi, auu ngouy i
in my cuuuuuuu iu 'uizuta ui nui . x
brokon looso and oono over with mo beforo
sho sunk, It was heavy and I cut it away,
and it went down in tho deep sea abovo
my boat; and teeing a spar, seized it, aod
a thrill of agony bhot through mo as I rc
oouuixid tho deltoato figuro of a woman
Drew her to mo. and .lashed her t tho
J spar by my side, and so, in the black night
wo two floated away on the stormy ocean
vision, ho panted .for, breath, and caught at
his words for utterance. "Tho guard I tho
guard 1 1" said ho : "tV sont metes I'' (they
ate minuled in a heap 1) It is said that at
this awful moment tho .pfficers around bim
observed such a glooa como over that
expressive faco of passion, that they expec-
Mv companion ws senseless for aught ' tod him every moment t- yield to some
I know dead. A thousand emotions pass-, sudden burst of fury and desperation. He
cd through my mind in tho next five min met himself with Wellington, and like
rplin umli'MiiMipil rcsiiirllully inlnmis Ills Irientls
X and tile public ficiit-ully, liu lus oif tiutl
Jl iVite Tinware and Sictt lion Esta
blishment, In tho Milling formerly orcuniiil for that purponf.
I,j Jost'iili tSIinriilt, wlmrc lie is jiri'imruil lu ctiiiduct
.I... I.,, ad ,,, nil us various LrjmliL'S.
'linuur'i und liouso tdioiltmg 01 mi minis maun la
n.ilrr thnrl nntiri' a 11,1 ill HIUiliTate tiriCCS.
AIo b'lOVtS, of vurioiia etjlun, cunslantly for
Repairing ilonc to outer in quick time.
CJ-Country proiluce taken ill enliange Tor work.
1). C. Mil. LAUD
llloomsliurg, May 10, 18,"i7 y
TTAS nnened a Marble Yard in Court Alley, onnoiiie
Li the llichanije vhro hu in prepared lo finistijtho
uesl work irom Italian urimeucun .ti.uineior
Tomb-stout a, Tables, Mantles, Window-bills andlen
Forthe character nnd finish nfhisMork lie refers to
such as he has made is thu couuiv. lie win furmttr
ieiriiH fnr ivort or ei rule n it v lllJ t niJ V be fit Ml Ull
edtnhlm. Hiswork shall cUvays be saihfuclory in
ttssiyi-eaiiu reatouaiiein price.
Ulcomsburg, Uec.O.lKjb
suaded mysull a thousand imcs that I did
not love her, aud a thiusnd tiincB deter
mined to pi-ovo it by entering her.prcseuco.
At length I threw myself into tho vortex of
London society aud was lost in tho whirl
pool. '
Uno evening, a crowded assembly, j.
was standing no r a window in a" recces,
talkinc with a lady, when I felt a strange
thrill I cani'Ot ilnsoribo itf buVitiS' ofiocts
wcro visible to my companion, who instant
ly said :
" iou arc unwell, Wr. atu-irt, are you
not? Your face bconmc suddenly flushed,
and your hand trembled so as to shako
the cdrtain. '
It was inexplicable to myself; but I was
startled at the announcement of Mr. aud
Miss Sim-lair. I turned and saw sho was
entering on her briber's arm more beau
tiful than over. How I escaped 1 did not
know, but did so.
Thrice afterwards I was warned of her
prcsonco in this mysterious link between
ui two of unknown, but powerful character.
I havo sinco learned to believe tho commu
nion of spirit, sometimes without materiil
Heard of her frequently now as encaged
to a Mr. Weller, a man who I knew well,
and was ready to do uouur as wortliy ot
V . ,.. iiiniiisiuli rut-il at this Institution with'n
' it, last 15 years, anil the niiiiirrnu important Surgical
", latlons p'rrormeilliy llr Johnston, witnessed by
n. reporlersot Ihe pap-rs and many other
ir-s of which have appeared again and .iglln berore
t. iblir. b-sldes his standing n a gentleman of elm- ,
tit rand responsibility, Is a sufficient guarantee to
be afflicted.
Tale Notice.
N. n. Thereare so inuny Ignorant and worthless I
(luacks advertising iliems&lve. I'liysieians, ruining
the nealth ofthe alre.dy uQlicted that I)r. Johnston
dsemsil necessary tosay. espenally lo those nunc.
lualnled with his reputation, that hi. rr.dentials and
aploiiias always hang in his iifTicc.
ItJTKNorics. Allletlem must be post paid. nd
onialn a postage tlainp for th. reply, or nnaniwcr
.nuarly 7 1BS7.
ta- THE nndcrsiciind, ItianK lul for the liberal
IUI palronagewllh which he lias been lavord lo;
I years gonrby, would Infoimliia friends and
Vsbcustumeis, 'fiat he continues to nianulacluie
Hoots and Shoes,
At his old and well.knnwnstand, on Main sired,
Dlootnsbnrg In nil their various and forms, In good
lyle andon mi derate terras. , .
Ills long riperienee In thu business. nd geni ral
Itnowiedieof ihe reople ( tlolumblai ounty, super
added to a Hied determination torender satisfaction
so all hi. customers. should sccuro aim increased pa.
,ltnsge which he hopes to merit. .,.,,
gloomsbillg. Match 10 1 P'T .
eplIK Trustees ol this Institution have unanimously
X elected II 1), IVulker. A M or l.ewl.burg,l-rin
elnal o suld Arnileiuv. in nlace of l'ruf. Anderson
hiiose lime emiris with the oreseul term, the ltlih day
of October inst
Mr Walker will succeed Mr. Anderson immediately
, aftir the close ol hi. Ijbn rs
It is desisued by the Trustees, with their new I'rln
cipal, lo make this institution one ofthe best of the
aitid in Ihe ritate.
Oct 17, leJ7
I A 1.1. you th t want lo ret and sleep vood rail on
A (1U01U1B W LOU i:LU and buv OOVLirS I'.t
TeJV-;' lIBlt BOT7VMS lie has bnunlit the patent
right of Columbia county, and is now prepaid! to fur.
nit-b LlotlnmscppUcuiile mold as well o-.iitfw bedsteads.
He has also on hand alt kind, of Cabinet Furniture,
Chairs, Voltage lledileinls. and other Cotiage Furniture,
which lie will sell us cheap us the cheapest.
Also, Heady made Cotfins.
nioomsburg. Oct 17. 1M7
lehafod her hands, her forehead. ana ' both alternately by different writers-laid
her shoulders. In the donso darkness I hold of tho bridle, and turning the horso
could not bee a feature of hor face, nor tell around, exclaimed, ''Your majesty must
if she wero old or young scarcely white D0tgo there; the oncmy are already fortu
or wacK. xuo suenco oi me was t(J enougb,. Thoso who say that he fled
""""i l . .i l.i... . .1 r .
So long as I hid been on deck of my oul luu uulu uu ulm Jus"uo """J ,U1B"
owu boat, and tho wind whis ling through , tho man thoy tiro speaking of. When he
the ropes and arouud tho spirs hid made had ssan tho battlo lost, his army in a
a continual sound; but now heard noth'tDg iangl0 0f oonfusioD, not a rogimoot, not a
but the occasional sparing of the spray i t b , t h a h fc d fa t
tho dash of a foam cap, or tho heavy sound ., , . , ....
of the pressing on my cars. i to rcturn Wlth tho mni to 1 ans J
At length she moved her hand feebly in liut beforo ho flees look at him as he
mine. Ilnw my heart leaped at that slight ! takes his last long look at the terriblo
evidence that I was not alono on tho wide i grouDd , Can ;t be possibo tliat u u ho
ed one of her arms over my neck to keep , Napoleon, the conqueror of Kingdoms, thoJ
it out or tuo water, wmio x cuaieu tuo u.... o.uv-
other hand nith both of mine. Felt tho , who has been defeated, crushed, annihilated
elasp ol that arm tighten j bowed my head ' ;a ono battlo ! Is he tho fugitive ? Is that
toward ken. She drow uio close fo her- routcd his , W)jat , , Wher0
laid her check against mtno. Loft it rfist ' , , , ,, . , . ,.
there-it mir-ht warm hor's and so help to ' ar0 tho Proud caBles that seemed to live
cive her life. Then sho nestled closo to I themselves as they gave life to thoso stalwart
my bosom and whispered, " xlianu you." j grenadiers whose long, gray arms lifted
Why did my brain so wildly throb in my , up into the air ? What is tho drum
neau ai inai wupercu BDu:0 . auu do; nQW t ;nflato ft goldier,a L rf f
kuew not whero sho was, that was clear . ... ,, ,, ...
Ucr mind was wandering. At that insiant j 11 ls torn and s,lont on tho 2el(1. 60 13 &0
tho end of tho spar struck somo heavy ob-1 arm that used to beat it so cailj . Whero
ject, and wo were dashed by a large wavo aro tho closed columns that formed a rare
her love. At length I saw, as I supposed, over it, and to my joy wero left on a float- j part about ljejr iC!,dcr M ho movca aiong ;
satisfactory evidence of tho rumor, and left ing dock. I cut tho lash from tho 6par, , w. . ,.P,.,i ,,,i
T.,i nml ,nri TI,o . i ttA n 1 nA mlf " bore that solcuiu, measured troad that
T.rtTwIiill nntl RAW tllfm tin llinrn Tim i ir,A faelnnnA mv ornnnitnintl nPti tnVRolf in
saino rumor followed mo in my letters, and I too now part ol tho raft or wreck, I know 6UOok tuo rt'1 M tcu tbousand feet cao, j Uark 8iudows 0f tbo forost,
yet I was mad enough to dream of Mary . not which, and all tho tinio that arm was i down upon it in harmony and awet i Stretched upon the ground, with nooth
Sinclair, until montus alter i awolio to tno around my neck, and rigid as it in ucallt.
sense ot wuat a looi i uati teen, uon- wow came tuo low, wild wan tuat pro
sense ot wuat a ioui i uati ucen. v,on- Wow camo tuo low, wuu wan mat pro- jatM tbe sceno of aCSolcition
Vinceu oi mis x went, auoaru iny yucut ceucs tno orcauin!: up oi iue storm, xuo, , , ... , :.r.a7.
about midsummer, and for four wcoks, air seemed filled with viowless spirits nu l mau "uml-a uuu . . , J through which tho stars shono down softly,
never bet foot ou shore. mournfully siagint; and sighiug. I uover 1 " " rcsuu oi to many yiri'i," , fjint fliokcr from e& .. omber$
I was a lonely sort of a bachelor, and
had never yet kuown what young mon
stylo the passion. Uf passion 1 bad enough,
as my old mato yonder can tell you, 1
broko his head twice and his arm onco in
fits of it; hut ho has always seemed to
love mo tho better, for ho clings to mo now
very much ns two pieces of tno same ship
cling together when drifting at sea. Wo
arc the solo survivors of a thousand wrecks,
and of tho companies, that sailed with us
two years ago, no other ono is left afloat.
I had been a sailor from my boyhood, and
when I was twenty-fivo I may cay no man
was moro Gt to command a vessel among
the mariners of lSngland. And ai this
time my unclo died aud left me his fortune.
I had never seen him, aud hardly knew of
his existence; but I had now speaking
evidence of that fact he existed no longer.
I was young and strong in limb, and I
think stout of heart, aud I was possessed
oi tho rental of como thousand per annum.
What bar was there to my enjoyment of
tho good ol lira T JNo bar indeed, but felt
sorely tho laok of means of enjoyment. I
was a Baiiorlo overysenso. My education
was tolerable and had somo books but my ft rtiff brMM WM blowIng an'd a small ficed to chill its influence.
vpv v. m..m,-.v., vm .... j show ng no g its, had crossed uu ao ' ... ... .Qrsvlri 0f
You easily understand then, why I sc f f , hf , j bot and VM -Twas madness ; idol ""P J
a. yacht and did spend much of my tinio beariiif? un to the north-west Tho ' & forIn 0od gave in tho inline ot himse l,
on her. Sho was a fi.,0 craft and suited , ."SiM j i. f T iJZ which I adored in that ho-r as oven God I
to mv taste in overv respect, and I remcrn- ' i . .. . . ' ... t .,
, .., . , -i , , T i was very sicaay, anu i wens ueiow
ber with a sikIi now, tho happy days I " , ' . .,'':.. ..!., . .
fenders, tho prospect of their separation
almostmaddcncdhcr. Their, paring camo ;
but scarcely .was tsho left alono, cro her
romantic naturo prompted tho means of
ro-union. Onco resolved, no consideration
of danger could dampen her spirit, ,and
thought of consequence could movo hot
purpose. Sho severed her long and jetty
ringlets, and provided herself and set forth
io fallow tho fortunes of her lover.
' 'A smooth-faocd, beautiful and dolicato
stripling appeared among tho hardy, rough
and giant frames who composed tho corps
to which .Jasper belonged. Tho contrast
betweon tho stripling and theso .men, in
their uncouth garbs, their massivo faces,
embrowned and discolored by the sun and
pain, was indeed striking, liut nono wcro
moro eager for tho battlo, or so indifferent
to fatiguo, as tho fair-faeed boy. It was
found that his onergy of character, resolu
tion and courage, amply supplied his lack
cfpeysiquo. None ever suspected that she
was a woman. Not oven Jasper himself,
although sho was often by his sido, peno
tratcd her disguise. Her (ellow soldiers
treated her with kindness and respect, and
often applauded har heroic bravery-1 Tho
romance of hor situation increased the
fervor of hor passion. It was her delight
to reflect that, unknown to ihim, tsho was
by his side to watch over him in the hour
of danger. Sho had fed her passion by
gazing upon him in the hour of slumber ;
hovering near him when stealing through
the swamp and thicket, and being always
ready tq avert danger from his head,
liut gradually there stole a melancholy
presentiment over tho poor girl's mind.
She had been tortured with hopes deferred ;
the war was prolonged, and the prospect of
being restored to him grew more and more
uncertain. Bat now she felt that her dream
cf happiness could never be realized. Sho
becarco convicted that death was about to
snatch her away from his sidcj but sho
prayed that sho might die, ud ho never
know to what length th violence of hot
passion had led her
It was tho o" beforo a battlo. Tho
camp bd euK icto repose. The watch
fires wero burning low, and only tho slow
sroad d sentinels fell upon tho profound
fuVico of iho night air, as thoy moved
Look at tho mighty spirit as hp conten- oouch than a blanket, reposed tho war liko
Is this tuc i lorm oi jasper, uumuing vines trailed
j themselves into a canopy above his head,
n.. ,.iu,, .1... ltnl, ,n.. ffirlnr- tliniirrlif. lior finvlliinrf nlsn than a human 1 nnrl nntfsmriaes X IIbsIio nnitOd a long
WUU BU1LIJT 11LKU "J .JUJ " b j -o " i . . .
on deck in tho hot sun, wo rolled heavily being. It wa3 that .humanity, that dear i ijf0 0f action for this 7 T it for this ho
on tho Hay ot Iliscay, and passed tho al- i likeness of hfo that endeared her lo mo. ncrYcrtcd tbc revolution a"d bartered the
ternoon under asail ou tho larboard quar- Wound ray arms arounu iter anu urow nor j j.borl.M of mankinfi, Oh, itwas atcrriblo
tor uccu. xowarus evening x laituieu a nuau iv uumi., uuu .j l n
storm was browiDg, and having mado all I over hcr.and in tho wildncssof the moment, 'fall to soai
of a firo fell athwart his countenance, and
tinged the cheek of ono who bent abovo
Ins coueu. it was tuo smoothed faced
stripling. Sho bent low down, as if to
listen to his dreams or to brcatho into his
ready for it smoked on tno taurail till 1 prcsseu my nps to usrs in a long paiiuuuaiu
midnight, and then turnod in. Will you kiss of intense lavo and agony. Sho gavo
lmiioun nm. I Mr. tint strnnie thrill through 1 it back, murmurintr somo namo of endear-
n r, . .... . .
my veins, as 1 lay in my uammocK and meni, wouuu uoiu arum uruuuu iujt uuuo. ,
awoke witn it, liiteen seconds ncioro tue 1 sou laying tier uuuu uu suuuium wuu
. . ,wl il,nn .1 lawu w um uituiio ui iu uiuuiuu iuio ma
soar so hii u"u "cu w urop uown ; , ,,..., ..isiona nf
suddenly liko vfounded bird shot by tho jjut tears traced themselves down tho lair
fowler 1 v no snail paint mat maddened i one s cneeli, ana tail silently but rapidly
look ofc5ct ana wo as 1)0 sit3 crumpled I upon tho brow of her lover. A mysterious
b,lf up on his charger, whoso pride 0f ' voice has told that tho hour of parting has
v 4- 1 . , mmft t tllttt to-morrow lnr ilosfintr it inn.
lik e his master s ? Noble .m,-,j ipt,..,!.
watch on deck called suddenly to tho man her forehead pressed against my cheek, g''y " gone, iikc nis master s aowo summated. There is ono last, long, ling-
at tho wheel, " Port port your helm I a fell into a calm slumber, mo Kiss ourua lanimai i xiuut.i juuiiiuow no euuus up enng Iook, ana tnen tue unliappy maiden
, . , ... I II.... I. . . . Un U nntttrW fl ' ' . 1 ln..l . . I. I . . , I
sail on tuo leo now; steauy soi"
1 was on deck in an instant, and saw
on my lip3 this hour. Half a century r! Iq tbo air paralyzed with shame I for ho
tho cold kisses of tho world have not
It thriw
carries Napoleon, and has novcr learned to
flco 1
Love's Last Kequest. "Farewell,
farewell," I cried. "When I rcturn thou'lt
is seen to tear horself away Irom tho sput,
to weep out ucr sorrow in pnvaoy,-
Fi'crco and terrible is the conflict that
on tho morrow rages on that spot. Fore
most in that battlo is tho intrepid Jasper,
and ever by his side lights tho stripling
warrior, uiten, during tuo neat and tuo
have sfent iu tho Foam.
I aud alter endeavorinc vainly
: fur tho emotion I had felt iu any
I ...! .wl nn.Mn-.l,l- in m.,..1.ln . . ... ..... . " 1 .1 I
. uouu ,u .u. w " "J"'"1 h o way, I at lengtli lell asleep, ana tuoi - v 'linm-in mrtal of inv own
and occasionally, indeeJ, weekly, invited rocki of n)y VM, a3 ebe w before h?T" r '
W nlnin ' I feel Ihe unearthly jov again to day, as I , bo me bride till then bo faithful, sweet,' smoke gleams suddenly upon the eyes of
tn n iv iii n kuotv not, cared no' "if be wro old or I adieu iu silence oft 1 11 think ol you-' JaSpcr tho melancholy faco of the maiden.
II r Z hacKard, or youn?and fair. Tho glistening tears stra ned her bright In ,bo tbiokest of the fight, surrounded by
ly rCJSOUa. r- I J .,-.,l J ,,r,lr,l,I ' linrll,inlri.ninTlirii'itlii9i1innIrriI Willi . .1.1 r. l?- t... .:.l.
I only knew fd rejoioed with joy untold
. 1... .....n nf mi nnrn
eyes horthiekeningbreathischoakedwhh Ciemies, tho lovors fight sido by side-
biui: hci luuiijjuu unuuo uu, uuouui o Buddc ly a lanoeis leveieu at tuo orcastoi
sway "Farewell !' I tore myself away. ! ja8pcr . but swifter than tho lance is Sally
"Ono moment ttay," she stammered out; at. Olnir. There Is a wild orv. and at tho
as quick as thought I wheeled about, "My fcct of Jasper sinks tho maiden, with tho
ortinq nf r-nntlftnifin tn ituiso witli mn I." :.7.i ' i. . kin bv theb'reat lamer OI our racu.
r - e . . . lUO WlUII, UUVU JUSl, UlUllUil uuuuuu iu luy , . ,
15ut the loot ol a lady had never been on baramook to lull mo into sound slumber. 'Two- a "ight of thoughts and emotions,
.t..t l. ..f ,,. .,,1 r I,... ;. . , c ,,itriniu thnt . nnvor fan be described.
;;Td bVehei7r'spride in tie rcr Yet'i r.i,T0HeM tho faint gUam augol, speak t can ought bo done tc , co. ,,,0 blo?d gushing from her, white bosom,
. i ; . r .' .. f . . ' r iii. .i!;r, oinnit nhnvn mv iort luco wueu x am trouu i i u uuuu mu , inioi-a nis ureasi. 110 neeua nut i in run
rf. l! iLnM .dvan'eo head-it was welcomed with a shudder, specimens of art, from overy European mart , or tbo danger of tho conflict; but down by
f -f Tlr .11 .,1.1 in.
cai Buricitas, &e ke When visitiug tin uity. go mca talked of bcautitul women in my tcrpose. I would fdnoy at timos tat my
oet 31, i657-3ni JJIU-.UMVU. arms were i-rouuu ucr, anu uer wim
Une Bummer evening, l was at tuo old resiiu against mv sido. and ber head la
hall in which my unclo died, and was cn on my shoulder : and then, by tho Strang
mim OT A TT I'flM P4NV. rAmnntfil i.f 1 hp flllPkt Af
T'n.u. in tbT w-oMd. and e.c.Wiogin mrensihand J"" -.f' ' "S"S dreams. Saw her
TJlenlo y Uramalir combination heretofore olfered lo sort of affection dllfcr Ut ffOUl any I Had 0f ,0 11 faam a
ii,e i-neoiricaipiiiiiicwiiiipi.r-.rjr,, . t1rf,tnfori. known, and a restlessness when . 1 i... .1..
xllh a good assortment of Goods at pilees lo sun
THE subscribers have Just returned from the city,
wllh a good assortment of Goods at pilees lo suit
the limes, which they will dispose oi si pries ior
I hatCd llout. 1 wanteu lu uuai uvcr turn, -v- r 1 iini uw wi ujtinj uuj auvma, xuuu,
b ...... t ' .1! l . in In. eon tiliArn T lint-n lil'tfn. A Rtnnn e .l. fi.s. limn .tAAa l. 1 .1,.,.
heaviuji ocean witn tuat iorm cnugiug vu ,uv ....v.-. lur UIC uu..., uu mm mm
Ti . n.,.e,,l it .nl mv line from Siuiolon s dreadful hcicht, sliallgrat-1 cirinlinff is his lovo thatofttm bv the caniti
u.o, uul. .u, mo.. " !f. ,i, ,:,;. K;i,r. m oTimb tho uerv "r"s ..- .v.. ,,: u, i,
v ever ana anon iircsscu io ino imaaiumwa .-j -.y - - -p - --- --- ,. ... .,,,,,
0 lips ol tho heavy sleeper. 1 asuou no ugui, ouious, .u u..u6 mo eluu ; luo ulm MUu, ,u ula oiuui-
:. :i.lo nn mv lnmnin ami , bndo 1 ana ou, my me, tucu omii cu.u . her. Ot an ancel lace novenne aoovo Ulin.
iiiviieniipersonswhowisUtobi,ycheap,tocali tho cntranco of a centlcman hastily an- -iminml tn nnii lnokinrr at thorn. and sho 1 mad
xamin. ou, .lock, tommy irouuc. ta. .. nounccd aU(j ;vjng indIoation3 of u0 iMo w kUa a , tbo kis3 wouid I liut s I siw tho faco of my companion
II n L I IV IlinTMtm I . . ' . .w
I. . US- I. . Illlllll"!.."
glVNUCOAhlorstils tw w oltEA8Y p
rtadf psy
We mv
and exam
Oct 17. 1957
.(innil JOINT AND I. AT BlIlNai.M, for sale
'lUUulJ at t io Arcade by
May 30. di7. A. 0. tlENSCH.
J EW NO. 3 MACKEKEu Just received at
:..!.. -I rn 1 , , T ... .r. ... J. . ' . . t .
invijr aiuuu. xi'irumo ouuiiiii, x uuo ou.- mutation ot inv dreams, it was noi x, uuv ti i m - j . : j ,i,i. , ,v i
ririsod. whlla lookiny over mv books, bv w,n" .i A . . i. Ti.ii : ' o,l T wn, ' won d drive hor from mv cmbraoo. I was bear, a double letter to my four.
I 1 ' o , ., IIVIIUI lur.. irua UUlUlu MV. , - , - -
"Ah Oeuriie," the angel said, and on my
bhouldcr fell her head "For constancy" my
tears aro hostige but whon you "ritol
pieaso pay tuu puamgu.
11 ah 1 ai Ann.
S Ei.tiNQ coads very cheap lor caihnt iianman's Euuivixo new gooub all int. 'i 1MB. at your permission to bring them to your blackness of darkness wjs on
Pinre. i . iiAfti m anh. ...5 j-tlM w0 flaw b(1foro lbo terriblo I
cxoiteuicnt. !bo burnin" on mv lips. Tho mornim: . gradually rev alcd In tho dawning ngut,
" Your pardon, sir. for my unceretnoni- found mo wid'o awako reasoning myself i as my eyes began to make out, one by one
ous cntranco. My horses havo run away out of my fancies. By noon I had enough tho leaturos, and at loogth tho tcrnuia
with my carriago and dashed it t pieces to do. Tho ocean was roused.. A tempest , truth came slowly buruiug in my brain, x
near your pari: gato My lather was waB on Urn soi, aua tuo roam- no-, Uu. b-' " T 7 briu,nt caurM of ur0aroor, let him send
badly injured and my sister snow watch-, lore it. . . ., m. 'fc'lfffi
ing him. I havo tho liberty to asK l flight camo down gloomily, x no very uunraiiHuum , -j "it tbil
umsshiubuj ."." .. --a J Hill. 1
UUU Jlbbiu lUUi Hil
BSir A down cast editor says. "If wo
havo offended any man iu tho short but
1 n i.r .1.- . :t-l I
'-'". - i rcfiiiionro. I wo now notoro tuu luwsuia uiuss. i -
i-riHETHiig) arrival of ooodb for tta 8eswn ai , "nMciiE Bh.wii jujtreceiTei saUor i t Hstt I Qf eourso my consent was instantly on dock lashed to th wheel, by which I Every
J. Kl"piS'. J-ijno t rjiorfi j j i
was I next hailed a ship, and they took us off J56T Great ory and J
:h I Every man from the " Foam" aud tho 1 Ethiopioa infant just born.
had indued been truo; In tho midst of tho
battle, with her lover by her side, and tbo
. .', l.-ll 1 1.... I f f J . ..
uaru etui iu ucr vozjw, vuo uorois miiuca
dies 1
llcr name, hcr'sSfcid her nolle devo
tion soon becamo know through the corps.
Thcro was a tearful group gathered around
her grave ; thcro was not of theso hardy
warriors ons who did not bedow hor grave
with tears. They buried her noar tha
river Santce, "iu a groeu shady nook, that
looked as if it bad becu stolen out ol'
f aradiso."