t ( 1 1 J I .1' .1' i! 'It 1l 11 I SI, II: V t ! ft Prom Ihe Dollar Newspipcr. A Plaoo for ovory Tool. " tn vein Hie search! Nor ho, nor ipadeln III own platel! foued," Everybody, who is anybody, likes to ece system and order displayed in tlio va i'ioub operations of tho farm and oven tlio innat careless nnd iippliirent admire D tiud approve tllC practice of him who has . f . 80 nppropnalo plaCO'for ercrj' tool, and , , i . .. i Who strenuously insists on keeping them in-'.' ivi uibijiuiu mui .i it i m f ryttaUgin Its pIHCet' 1S A Uiaiim COCVnl nli1. . n.:niln- f,- l,i T h1"" phyilclani. uhleli nnrrnnli me In promlilng to WltU tbo art OI printing, tor aught i Know, 1 the atllltteil, who may place Ihemicltci undir my . ,t.fci ,t. 'fare, a perfect and mod epcedy cure. Becrct dlreaca OUd WO faCd many times lliat thOSO Wh01.Iolie',realettenen,iellohcallh.aHhearethllrit ftnn Inel.l r l,.tnn .. ..! M .1 Olten insist OnJiaving tins precept Carried into nraclico comn tlin Rlinrlral of lrcfninrr juio pracuco, como mo snoricsi oi uteptng it Uiemwlvr Mnnr farmora fnil ornrlr incmscivcs, oi any larmers lau grcauy in koeping Ibis precept, and in tiino lost, e i ' ' patience tested, nnd tbo many bit)dranCS ... ; ' Wlllr-h result tlicrofrom, thoV are often , ; Obliacu to SUUer a Uiorly'vinc penalty, . , ,, , , , , ,. , , ASK Air, A. WUCrO be Keeps his Iiand-SaW, .... ' Or his augers, or pick, crowbar, &C. iiw ii i a if i i im , "Well, let IHO think J Whero (lid I USC them t 1 it 1 t IncIT linnlr in ilm wmtrl 1iiion !r !.. ..wva 111 kUW liu J livuau , in v ii. I 1 .t 1 are not there, look in tho earnarjo llOUSO. nn.l if .1,0,. l I,. r.,t .1 1 nnu It tnoy aro not to be loliml there, lot ... ' us sco if they aro not somewhere about the barn or in the stable." Mr. 11. savs. I usually keep my tools cither at tbo 1!:?., or barn, or in the path that leads from the . ,ol?l540'.r,..'?!.,.id again the me of Paten, bouse to the barn, and it generally gets , Xi;SX Carried to OCC nlaco or the Other " Thprc unwary euirercri that millions have lliolr conrtitu. 1 liona ruined by the vile compounds of quack doctor , being generally such a destitution of order. or ,ll! enuniiy poionou niunumi vended as Patent 00 . , I Medklnci." I lme carLlul'y nnaljreil many of tho in roforcnCO to Keeping tools m their an- lo callcd I'atont Mediciucsond find that nearly all of . . ... , 1 I them contain Corroic b'ubllmae ulmh is one of propnatc place, It 13 deemed a matter of . Hie itrongen pieparatlons ol mercury and a deadly . , . , . , poiion, which in read of curing the dlieaio disablci no impropriety to speak of tho order and the )ttm lor nie. arrangement in tho disposition of tho va rious tools of tho workshop and farm, which is practiced by a young farmer, not a hundred miles from iho residence: of tbo writer. Ask blm, for instince, wbero bis band Baw is, or bis drawing-knife, or bis angers, or any other tool you may noed, and the unhesitating reply is, in such a part uf tbo shop, hanging on such a pin or nail, or standing or lying in such a corner, cr on such a shelf. 1 hero hang tho augers, each in its appropriate place, and on all tho premises tlioy aro allowed no other place. There bang a half dozen siws, and if ono of them is taken down, but for a moment's work, its first and last resting place is on its own peg. There is a drawer with an apartment for screws, one for livcts, one for washers, for bolts, ono for sails of different sizes, and so on. In ono corner is a hollow box-shelf, where a lot of oarriage bolts, and other bolts, and wbero everything in tho bolt line is kept, in case cf a breakdown. There hang a number of extra plow-handles; in case one should bo broken in seed-time, a half day need not be spent in going several miles to have it repaired. There hang a variety of useful littlo articles, instead of being tumbled into a box, wbero tboy can never be found when needed. Thcro bang tho chains (not on tho fences anywhere on the planta. tion) in the corner. Thcro tho beetle and wedges are kept, Aro tboy any extra plow-points about the shop I You will find them up stairs, in such a place, and nowhere else. Every ono who assists about the baru and stables understands that this shovel, when not in' use, must bo in that corner. Tho manure-fork must bo kept here. That fork and that shovel in tho feeding room must always stand in this end of tbo box where feed is inixod. This fork must bo left on the mow, and when not in use, the end of the handle must be rested on tho ladder, so that one always knows, even in the dark, wbero lo find tho fork to throw down fodder. When tho halters are taken off tho horses, each baiter is bung on its appropriate bo"k. A scoro of other littlo things, which aro generally thrown here and thcro by a majority of people, bavo their own place, and will always be found there when not in use Wbero there arc a largo number of work men and boys lo use tools, it is just as eisy to keep them in one place, and far moro import int. as wbero thero are but ono or two individuals to use then. Let it be understood by each ono, that every tool must bo returned to its proper place ; for when tools are lying hero and there, thinking to return them when it is moro convenient, they aro forgotten, and hours are lost in search of them, even when one is in tbo greatest bas'c. Thero is always a grc.it satisfaction when ono needs a ccr Inn tool, in having tho assurance- thai tho band can be laid directly on it, even in tbo dark. Tboso farmers who succeed best in their operations, aro noted for their strict adherenco to system and order ; and tbo.'o who set at naught all order and systom, are always in a hurry, never know where to find anything, never bavo a placo for anything, except somewhere on tho farm, and they accomplish butlittle in comparison to YYhat they might, were system and order their watchword, C. Outgo County, iV. Y., 1857. Pjiaiis. Winter pears (hould not be picked till very late in the season. This :. :.,.( il.o limn nlien ihev are cetfectin? . ilieir crown. Many make a Serious mis. lUCir gtow". i s ;1.: nn.l V'ninir Ilium In mr. tako in picking ana bringing tnem to mar- Irct too early i they looe-e five-sixths of their value. Good Winter Nelis pears are worth in November and December 81 or SO per bushel i picked now tboy might sell for 50c to 01, and would bo Tory dear ' ' ' sl tLit, Of altdlsaesci the steal, flriltnms Pprlngs Irom ne-glost of Nnir lawi. sum not, wnnNAUURnisouAnAVTcnn irtALi. BTAaca OF SKOKET DISEASES, StyAhiite, Mrrwi DtUlily, Strictures. Gleets, Grant, jH'tbcti, Vi'tatu tf the kidneys and Rltiddert Merett. riot hktnmtitiivi, bcrtfula, Paint in the Bone) and JtvUet, DUetscs tf the i.nvgi, Threat, ,We and Kyet, Ulcers upon the liody or Limbs, Cancers Drvpsjf, tfl teptit Fitt, St Fitt't Dance, and tilt distant arttxng from a iertngtmtnt of tht Sexual Org ant, Such as Nervciii Trembling, Loss of Memory Lost of Pi.uer.ficticrM Weuhnefg, Dimness of Vision with iircuhar snoU nnncarlncbelorQ tlie net Loss of Biclit. Vnoriitn-.s, lHttic(i-;i, Liver Mseasc, Eruptions iinmi ttift nrn.l'niti lntliM tmpkr ntiil humt. IRiQlJ If. rEinaniiei nnu ail improper uiFcinrgc ironi uum ttei. It matter, not 'from what caure the dficuM orlclnatcd, however long Handing or obitlimte the I nl.li.al,l. I.nu-Avnv Inn (nmtlnw I case, rcesrerg t, ctrtif. and In r hrtcr lime llian a I permanent cure tan lie eflec lul liynnycllirrlrrnlnicnt cvcnnltcr tliedisonfelioelaiilcdtl'erkllloftnili'nt phislclani and resisted nil their mean, of cure. "Hint ( medltlnei ore plcaiant niihoiu odor. earning no alek J Cull 01 I'MCUCe i UiC rencucu I ruin 1110 ui i Ucalli many ihoUBamlf, who, in liie last ii of ih jtbove mentioned disrates imdtrcn gUen up KmD'j by ciuio ol Coniumnl Ion, Pcrof u la and ma ny other (Hi. , ra,ci ondihouldUatcrrnrlotho liumanlamlly. Al Upermnnenl cure la rcnncly r tt cfTetled, nmijorltv , 0 , cn,p, Mne nu, ninnl of ,nrompctent I perioni.who not mil) roil to cure the diemes hut uln lnBtonrtllimn , mimg me ayttem w ith mcmirv, iith. with me dicmo, lmitem the luflerer mm a rapid Lonuiiiptlon. ul alionw dlaraae nnI tlin treatment not cm;e deoih incedily nnd the vlcilm nmrnri, the dlieaio Ii . nlalleu upon ltn cnildien. who are born with feeblo I conMltutlnni.nnd Ihe current of life rorrnpted by a ' virue which betrnyi irrell In Serofuln, Teller, Ulcen, Uruptlonr nndntherairerlloniof the nkln. eyei, throat, nnd I.ungn, cnlalllng upon them n brief cilitenco of I euflV rine nnd rt-tieieiilitir them to nn eorlv oravc. i ' SCW AIIUSBIdnnothcrrormlilablceiieniylohenlth I for nothing tlec In tbo dread catalogue of human dis.f caes cmi.Vs to destructive n tlrnir upon Iho sjstem, cne causes so destructive n drain upon Iho istcm"n ucii 1 uivrrni nwi n 1 draMlngitsthouiamlsof lttims through a few J ears j '1,',ee ollat 'east in this vicinity, who are in want 1 craw ing 11 1 iiiouianiis 01 1 c 1 1 111 5 iiirong 11 a 1 ew j rnrs ; ....r.t.. ? t. i tit BUHtrillg UUWH IO Ull MIlllliiCIJT glut U. H hC?iruVH 1 ., , - -- , ... . , a, llhcnerTouaijrtem, rapidly wn.lei away Ihe enelg.ei I Ills atock liaibeen teleeted with muelicnro and with 'nf lilc.enuics nientalderanfcment.provcnla the poor , rcterenectothcwanliortlilacommunlly-nndwithoul dovelopmcnlof the ayalem. dltquallilca Tor marriage, going tncnter into ninlnuteenuincrat on ofthc ynriou, locleiy. bumneei. am fnllenrlhlylinnplnci,andlrovea'llndi-he mk nothing Inaisurinp his frlcm a Ihut .' ,.j ! .... ...lav rvl linn unllvli.iit in Hniinlr ainr.l.Cin here Lg ,., l?,?p .S.ta.V,1, are put up by unprincipled and ignorant persons, who do not understand even tho alphabet ol the materia mtdlea, and are equally ns destitute nf any knowledge of the human system, having one object only in view, and that to mukc money recoKlce of ronscquencei. Irregularities nnd all niFeneesuf males and females treated on principles established by twrniy Stars of practice, and sanctioned by thousands of the most ro innrkablu cures. Medicines with lull diterllons sent to any part of the Unilto Slates or Canailus, by in. t ten Is romn-uujtuling their symptoms t.y letter, llusi. uess correspondence sirlclly conlluential Address, J. FUMMKKVILLU. M. n Oftice. 1131 raucKT street, (old No. 109,) Uelow Tlvclllh, l'hilailclphia, Pa. July II, lS5--(Martti I) CATAWISSA, WILLIAMSPORT ERIE RAIL ROAD. Direct Railroad connection bttieeen Niagara Falls and Philadelphia. Shnrtcut Quitktit and Cheapen Routt from ttet'ern J'eu York ta Philadelphia, llarrtsburg, Pitttburg Baltimore, tt'ahngton city, and tho Sou'h, QASSCNOCK TRAINS leave Klmlra dully (cxrep X Sundays,) at 7 A. M passing U'JIIlamsportui 10 lit A M. connecting with tlcad'ng Hail lEond atrortClin ton, nnd reaching I'hiluiUlphia nl 7 UO V, M, Up turn in it. leave riiiladeh'hla from corner of Jlrn:ifi nnd Vine streets, ot7 ill), A. M. reach) nn Wil Mammon. at i 13. T. M.. nnd nrrlvlng nt Hla.lra atO, P. M , PORT OLINTON FOIl HAIUUSBUIIG Direct, via Dauphlnnnd Susquehanna tlull Koad,on tli nrrivulof Catuwima Train, at 443T.M. reaching Mar risburc atd I. M. uciurnitieteave iisirrisuurgai i in A.ii..connectini? tit rortClininn wilhCaiinw i&a train bound west tor in. fngilm mostdirecltoute lullarrlsburg, ri.ubiirg, Ual timoreandthf South. connection I hem nointi with nl iVorthweiern IViiiisyliaiijaniirt U'eslernNnw Vork. uonner. meat ir.imnu wun iramson new vorKaiid Krtennii itoajintso, wiwi in L.imira. uanaruairau. Rocher.cr.lluiratoandNiagarnFallfl. Ufraectliiitdireciiy wiui mc ureal wcsicrn it ai iron at Sttapension brldsc for Detroit, Chicago, St. Louts, 6l' , thus nuking toe siionesi.a na uieapcsi route iron i'hiladelphia tothoe points. A i'lCULUUT TUAIiN. Will leuve Willbmspot t DAILY, at 0 30 A. M.fo ruiiaiii'ipnra. Freighttrnlrtloandfrom Philadelphia without Iran shlnme nt.from Ucndlntr Rarl Road FrelchtDenot.corn. erofRroad nnd Chtrry streets. TRAINS PADS UANVIIjL.1J AH aOlSO EAlt. Pussenger Train 13 M. i mgiii train. 0 21 A.M. PasscneerTrnin . 3 25 P. M 22 P.M. rieight Train, rAuns. OclweenPIuIadelpbiiandRupert, 1 40 4 CO uauvnic, " Calawisaa, Tamaiua Milton ' AViiliatnsnori 4 ro s no 5 10 s o rifts Pounds of persona thascaiFc allowed to each hi? a senger excess charged ar doublf firs'. class reig htrate Jan 50, if 5 PIIILA.AND READING RAIL ROAD Winter Arrangement for Patscngtr Traint, January Is-, 1857. UPTraiiH, going North, leave Philadelphia it 71 A. M.aml St P M. Down Trains g'iingSouth, IcaverottsviMcal 71 A.M lcc. and 4 P. M. Uptraliiipiis Reading at 10,22, A. M.andfl,S3P.'M. down Trains 5,13, A. M, 5,43 P.M. ThenxpressTrain Is discontinued until further no tite. Closf connections are inadu hy the 10,2,! A. M th) Train from Port Clinton to Klmlraand all interme diato pointd : und hv the 0,22 P. M If pTrain from Port Clinton lo-Elinira.Canandiiig'ia, IWnVo, Niagara, Dc Sot, Chicago, St, Louis, .Davenport, and Iowa City; laklng thii route theshortesland cheapest to (As Lake JCrt$t i and Canada. OuSnn. lays. tho Down A. M. Train from Poltsvllle, andUpP.M. Train from Philadclphl3,.oiily(run. Uahriiburo Uos.iKmows, by Dauphin Railroad at An bmn A special Accommodation P.usengcr Train leaves Headlusdailly.fexcfpt Sundays )ut7t A.M., return trig from Auburn a nil P, M., on arriva of 3,10 P. M. Train from Harriiburff. WAY FAUES From Readinq to 'hil.idelphh,S1.7Sandl,i:-, Pottivlllo 81,05 and 0,63; Auburn, 0,73. TIIUOUCII l'ARC3, to llarrilburg S2 55; Toniaqua 1,33 ; WlUlsmsnort $1.10; Cfmira 8J,:i3; Uanandlia uSillu Hi ir ill or Magra;IO,(IO; Cieaveland SI I), r Toledo $14.71 ; Clncimiatl tlO.OO , Chlcoto slu.OU. fiOk Island $'J3,00. ALL. I'asiengerswWIprocure tickets beforeenerinS ecari t Id centi extra on Fares paid In the cam. ltvilii..or nersenal llaggase allowed ench Passcnoge jot over that weight aschargedHttra Unggaee1 January 3d, 1357 tr. 'ncn'IBup'i LANDRETII'S WAIiRAKTED GAR DEN SEEDS. GnacEisCfC.u,',lairibei'D 8EnDS' "'' I'LOWCR D. LANORI'.TII b SON. Nos. 91 nnd 31 Sou ill rjulli it,, Philadelphia! March 55. 187. MARRIAGE GUIDE HY Hit, WILLIAM YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE IIY DR. WILLIAM YOUNG. ' MARRIAGE GUIDE IIY DR. WILLIAM YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE II V DR. WILLIAM YOUNG, MARRIAGE fil'IDH IIY DR. WILLIAM YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE IIY DR, WILLIAM YOUNG. MARltlAGE GUIDE IIY Dlt. WILUAM YOUNG, MARRIAGE GUIDE YOUNG'S GREAT ,l.y?,,.OL.oa,tA,' WORKi TIIC POCK1.T jCaCULAPIUS. or Every Ono his own Doclor. byWsi Yoiiio.M D Itlswrilten . In nljin lnniruairu for the nenernl .enjer. anil I. ilhia l'ed with upward, ol one hundred eugravlngs. All young people, or llioso conteinplaling marriage, and hiving thl least impediment lo marrisil Ufa, should rtad lU b00k. u disclose, serreets thai every one ..T.'tf.JB. " " ''' ,IwVnoy.iNG."n,, ' au, n ie 138 8''fU" ',"':il.ld.?r,l",'.''pa. gELLIXU Uoodsvery cheap lor Cailial llarlmair, ' 'PHETIIIIIK arrival of 000US for the texoii al J- linth"" . KI..S.3 As WIIiHOiV.S. 9ft A K i H. CONFECTIONARY & FRUIT STORE Oysior and I'allns Saloons Tlin undersigned, respectfully Inform the eitltons nl' niomiisburg and the nub ' lie In general that they hnvebnughilhc tnlriai C al,.. rri.ffiimn. In 11. r. ntiAvn Establishment, on Main Eltrcel, anil luve opened n general llakcry, L'onfe cllnniity, And Oj plrr E.lnllish meni, where they wlllnl ell times keep a full supply?! rroviilont. Sweet mratir nnd CainMe, mcli nn llrrnd Ap$, bucft I'oniocrt.L'iictFP, iiincKrci. .c.(crca up in uitiuiuu un mui.t....-; Their SiocVconiprlfM larto turply ol Almnn rins.Rafoni, I r.intf, Kills. . Wa mils. Vn,r' .rV!'Vr ? Cigars etc , Willi every linnslnnbltarUeli In lliclr lint ol bnslnci s.nnd oflhe lien qnntlly. EJ" Families supplied at n'l timet with Dread, Cakes. rie, Ojslr rs, fee., ami all orilera promptly III ed U.nh paid for Counlry produccand the public milt t r n Tt A x J Li v IV xj , always on band, during tbo summer reason. N II. A l.ndlo'iSaloon dliconnccledfrom tnenhan erlnhllrhment, ha been prepared In good ordeiv o wlllalwoya bentlhclrcomninrid. .,,. tiiomas c. r.i.pn. oMvtn t. wii-eon. ninninlburg,rcb. l,lSi7. SPUING AND Goods. SUMMER rfMIRunden.fncd rogpeclfully Inform liUfnonihnn.i X tiiepubiicutlarge and the rest of mankind that he hat established a splendid - In the cJprantnewEitorc House, Just erected In Roll a bnrg, Col mn tl.i county, ra.,Jicrcho lias now opened a large and choice assortment of tl... , . " iJ , "6 a"u T ,, " , . ..ni f hcl s ctcrmlne.i tote II oi yac ' fajl" Spring anu summer ucous: 1 . 7 7 "". . Mirr mint tn t itrnil htm ltiplrentoin ev ry thing sually kept tn Country f tores, can here be nana "iiuio cuenperiuan mc cneuprFi.-- rCrTCoun try produce, including Grain , Lumber, &c, taken Inexchaiige for goods . inucuii iiuui'i Rolirsburg, March 23, lt?57, y. j. sT& cTl, rt:uoT5 Produoo and Genornl COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No 30 North Wlmrv s, PHILADDLrillA. RKFEREKCES ! Joint r Penltton.DBq. Phlladelplilai Mefsrs Hacker, Lea & Co. Siiei, Prjct . Co. " Hutkiior. MrCammon Co, " Charles Clhs k. Co. " ' B. Morris Wninfc Co. " i Dnterbriilgo, Arvov & Co. i Charlc & JnRCpli Prrot, Thoman & Maxwell, Xew Vork, (I. M. McClung it Co.,Ht Louis, Mo. i J. S. Morris& Son, Louisville, Ky Varch 15, 1650 y EVANS k NEWCOMER, (Formerly If'ebl .Velecemsr. Arch street, abovo Third, Philadelphia, Houits or MEALS UnK ax fast, .1, 0 and 7 o'clock to 10 Dihskb, wentlcnien 'so rdi nary, I o'clock to3. Ladies, 2 o'clock. Tea. ifio'cloikto 11. DVAN EVANS.J U. S.NCWCUMCR .ius .1 1 , inaj, y. CHARLES II. MARPLE'S. 1VISE AND LIQUOR STORE, A'o. 143 Korth 'Third Street, Abore r.ace, Kast Side, Two doors above the riiecl Hotel, PHILADELPHIA Ifas constantly dn hand French flrandies, Holland Cm and a general assortment of Foreign U'mes, also, nil kimli of American Spirits, &c. JlarrhlS 'HiO-v. National m Hotel. ( LATE VttIITJ3 BWANf ) Sides $ Stover. Race Sttctt, above Thinly Philadelphia Piter Hides. Into ofilieilrui Sfivnnn.floltlngBhtiatiSc Co Jamks T. Hniven. of tho Union Hotel, August y, 1356 JOHN H- ALLEN & CO. Aos. 2 ,y 4 CUtsmit, Stmt south side be low IVatcr,) Philadelphia. (Tire Oldest IVood ware Horse. In The Citv ) XTANUPACTUliEIlS nnd Wholesale dealers In Pat. ill ent Marhme.inade Ur.'onis, Patent Grooved Cedar wnre.uarjiiiednol to shrink Wood nnd Willow-wnre, Cords, Ilruihca ic,, of oil dncriiom. I'lccrc cal mid examine ourstoik, JaiiJJry SI. 185. I y. DVER'S HOTEL. CattaAvissa Pa., rs u i m niuana we I (Known Hotel, In the town -i . jIuatiawiSKa.isst It kent bv tho undor. Inasra signed, and inipiteof allllccnse laws, he lijHUa, dLierniineu 10 make n is uouse oneoi the mosicomfoita blcnlaecsfortravplcrstoston at. thai enn h en....,i n the interior ofl'ciinsylraiifa His tab lew ill befutnhh ed itaiiy wliinue oesttiiclaruetcan afrord, 53"My old friends and traveller generally areinvitcd "Maa;'i!l,.S55-y JAL'0U UVm- States Union Hotel. FoiuinnitLY itcn lion hotel.) A'cj. 200 Market street, Philadelphia. GCOltOR W. 11 INKLE, rropriclor, formerlyofCo lumbia. Pa., would inform Ills friends and ther.uh ic that hocontinues to keep the above named Hold which is well nnd favoroblv known ihrr.ii.hniiini. ritalcas oneoftheoldesland most convenient Hotel iu lie city, ue mosirespecuuily solicits asharcol pub licpaonagc, April 7, 1855. WM. S. SMITH & CO., Produce Factors AND QF.lfF.RAL COMMISSION MERCIHIXTS, No. GO North Wharves, PHILADELPHIA. The Market value of all consignments advanced in Cath when desired, March 11. 1854 -lv PnilENOLOGIAL CABINET. IWLERS, AVIMiLS & CO., rllllKNOLOGIfiTS AND PUBLISH En 8, 231 Arch Street, below Seventh; Phila'd. 5fHl?urnl111 1 works on Phrenology. Physiology Kfili WaterCure.lUagnetlsm, nnd Phnnogranhv. wholesale and retol I at New-York prices . i roicsstonai eiamlnjtions, with charts, and FJ lull written description of character, day und evening. Cabinet free. May IS, 18i:.-v. MONTOUR HOUSE, CORNEIl OP MARKET AND MILL STREETS, (niniis'iatcy opposite the Court House.) UAtMVILI.E, I'A HAVING been recently renovated and refurnished In a superior sly le, this elegant H.lelisnow reopn lor the reception of strangers and visitors, whose pa ronage isrespectljlly relueited, . , s' A- URADY, lyi5.1S50. JOHN O. YEAGER. r s h i o n a b I o Hat & Cap Store nu.iua NUKTll THIRD STREET, ,, , FHILAUKLPIUA. trv Merchants and visitors from 'niih.rn F,n. vania.arerespceifiillyinvltedlo give him (.call, when Ft.,, u , lllxiiivipillH . June i.'tf,lo5q. y. t C. C SADLER J- CO., NO. 0, North Wate Street Pliiladol phta COM Ml SHI ON MERCHANTS, and dealer, in I.ard, Shoulders. Oliceso llsms, Uuckeli, Porki, Aplill.is33-ly. Jil J. . Itllllni.. II fi m re o p a th I c Physician, EaPEl'TFULLYtendorsliii Professional Serces I ,,.in.ri,l-,rn.rillAnr,,,I.M,,.i.l.i;,., ... . , a- Oflicoon Ihe corner of Main and Iron Hireels llloonnbiirg. Adjoining Mr Erower'sStorc . Sept. VD. 1855. i'nisHM.CTii &.nnoTHFiis. WHOLESALE TOBACCO DIIAIGKS AV,109,.VOUTirTIIIItn STIIEET five doorihelowltace. rillLADELPIIIA. JanruravlO.lSSJ., HOUSE LINIMENT AND CATTLE POWDERS. IOR sale at Ihe office of tho Columbia . I'eoiocrat IlELDinOLD'S GEKCINB rUEPAIUTlOX ihqiilv coxchNTnATr.n compounu tluid i:.THAtT mtciiu, Per nltteitt rf tht BUdirr AlJnrpl. 7rnrrl, 7-lropiy, tt'tike$$tn. OlJleiirteni. frcrtr )llnaiti, fYma CcntfaliM, otid e'J Dlttatet tf tht beivitltjrfiinl, Arl-I"a from tlieerreii anil linptuilenelei In I! Te, rind rnnorintr ell Impruper llitehtrire" rritm the niaddor, Hldneya.sr 8cxnal orean', nh'ther enlnlng In MAI.lf Oil rUMAIJl, I'rom whnleer can-e they nn hao nrinlnulcil, nnd no matter of linw lonj atini'lnrr. elvlng lienlih nnd vigor to Ihe frame, nn.l hloiini In paMId cheek. It rttrprnu-i &iu I I Hblli to f M "J" " "T" s "p iiZJ'l i 7.1' r Vtn ..V - iirinti lm nfitrnl V tiknra llorrnr nf ' J filtuliy ni L,,,fl v.Vm i - i t i rl-Vt . v!. k n i m h ivl' I Trn ncr- of Vljlnn, l.nncuer, Unlverettl l.nmlluile of Iho I Murclilar S)tleni. Ollon Knnrnnna Appitlle w 111 DyrpeHle Hymploml Hot llnnill, riuslilng.il the Itmly. Iinnetrnf tht'Hkln l'nllld t.'oiinlemiicennd Cruplloni I on the 1'Jce, Tain In the U.ick, llenvlneai of the llc. ' . .: Ild. Ite'tuenliy IllnCK Bpoi riling nrrnre inejjjee, wlihTnunoiorj Prit'usin'i nnd I,os nl Sijht wont of . 1 ......... 1. ,1 . r...in. ii .... Attention, (Irent Mtdii'ity, llrsllcsstieis, with llorrnr i)T"nei y iNotntng is more arirau;o in sunt i fticnis than sohtndc, and nothing they more dread for fear of tlieinttvcs nofpotieor innnnrr, no earnest itcss no speculation, but a Hurried transition from one ques tiou to nuolhcr. . Thco nvmptoms. if allow ed,lo go on which this medic in 0 InvariuMy remoes toon Ifullows Loss of t.,ti-nr I'n I itlll. n ml HltiliMil Ir I'ltlt in linn nf uliitll tin. i.ntii.t nav 4.1 ilre. Wl.o c.iu sav that thcf rx cesies 'are not 'frtj'pi cutty followed by tlise direful diseases Infa'iltyuiul Consumption The records of 1 Ihe In fume Alums, and the melancholy deaths by t'onfiiiinplion. bear nmpio witness to the truth of lhciu , assntiens In Lunatic Al"ins lb- most mdnnrholy fvhil.lilmi htinrnrs. Tin) CJlintcnailCu Is actually od den nnd m)to dwUtuta iifith-r mirth or Briefs ever i visits It. t?Iio-itd a sound of tlio voico occur.it Is t.nvt aiillPti n nii'l4 Ills criefbrcuHed." " W iUl W Willi IUMIHIH " m r.,1.11 , lcbilily Ismostlcrriulel nnd Ins brought thoiiiands ii,ni.nn.li 1 (i iifttlmnli pravcsi.tli'iii h 1 .1 a 1 1 11 if the ambition of many noble joulhs. It can bo cuicd by j Iho use orthis ," " jXFJlLUBr.R liEMr.Dr. lfvouare suffering wild nnyol Dig above dist reusing ailments, the I'luid Hxtrncl lluchu rill cure ou. 1 ry it and be ronvlnrod or Us t ftiency. Hew art! or Quick Nostrums ani;Quack Doctors, who falsely lmat of abilities ard rclcrences Citizens know and, avoid ttipm and save lon suflerinz money, nnd exposure, by scnJing or culling fur a bottle uf this tionular nnd npecitlc remedy. It allays ull pain nnd inflatnmat.on, I perfectly pleasant in lis taste and odor, but immediate In Jig uction. IIULMItOLD'S EXTRACT RUCT1U Is'prcparcd dlrccily according tn the rules of Pharmacy and Chemistry, With the greutcit ncturucy nnd, chcmli at knowledge nnd rare devoted In its combination. See Professor Dcw-fee' Vuluauie worns on inc practice oi puync, uiu most oft he litRiandird Works of Medicine. D3-0.VU IHINDRIIH UOLLARSa Ono lnindred dollars will be paid tn nry physician who can prove that the Medicine ever injured a Pa licnt;; and tho testimony of thomam's can hn produced to prove that it die great good. Cases of rto its one week to tin rteen (ntsstaiiding hnic been e (Tec ted. 'Ihe inns of volun a y testimony In pOHseosion of llio proprietor oiirhingits virtues and curttlve powers, is immense, embracing names wn'l known lo.gcicnce and r.ime. 100,000 hollies have bcrn sold and not a single. in stance of a failure has ben reported I Terironaily nnpearcd before me, an Alderman of Ihe rpy of Pli.ladclphia, H. T. 1 1 ti bold Clicmht, who being dulv sworn does say, that bin prpptration con. talus no Narcotic, Mercury or injurious I) rug, but ate purely egtnblp 1 II. T. 11CLMUOLD, Solo Manuhcturor. Sworn nnd subicribfd before mc lhit 23d day of No vember lc!5L WM. IMIIUUAUl). Alderman. Priet per bottle, or sir for delivered to any ad dress, accompanied by'ri'lmblo and responsible certifi cates from Professors ot 3ludical Colleges, Clergymen , und ethers. Prepared and void by II T UHLMROLD, Precticil'and Analytical CliPtnlst, No 52 South Tl'NTM Kt., below Chestnut, Assembly nnlldiniM. PliilnJiitnlii.T. To be had of J tt JlfOrr.ll. Bloomibvrg . and of alt Divggists and Deatert throughout tht United States, Canadas and British Provinces HEW ARE OF t'OUNTDRri'sITS. ASK TO'! IltlLMnOLirSTAKH NO OTIICR. CURBS GUARANTIED. June 13. IS57. .V.jrOAVJt &AFF.TY TllVST CO.MPJlJtT. f ALMUT Street, South West corner 1 1 Til litis. Phihdelpliia lneori.nrnteil bv tin- Suite uf Pennsylvania . Money is re.eivedln niiysum, lirge or snnll and Interest paid f'om the d.iy of deposit lo the day ol withdrnwnl. The ofhen is open every day from 0 o'clock In Ihe morning till 7 o'clock in ihe evening, and on Monday, and Thursday evenings, till Oo't lock INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. All unislarg or small, ore pit d back In GOLD on demand wit hum uotiee.tn any anion nl. President Hon II L'NRY L. RL'VNL'R. Vic President, RORLRT SHLTRIDQE , Secretary WILLIAM J RLCU. Directors . Hen r j L. Uenner, C . Landreth Munns KdwnidL. Carter, V CarrollRrewstcr RobertSf-lfridge, Jospph 0. Harry, Samuel IC. Ashton , Henry L. Churchman , JamcsR.Huiiih, Frincis Lea . Tint conipanycoiitlncs its busiHi'si entirely to the reeeivlngol mency on intercut. The Investments a mouutine to over ONR MILLIOV AND A HALT OF DOLLARS! nre made in confurmily with tlio provUiom of the clnrlrr in R1IAL LHTATi;, .MOKTOAfil, GROUND RCNTrf, nnd such Arst class securities, as will always insure perfect security to the depositors, and winch cannot fill 10 give permanency and stability to this Institution, Aug. SWI857 NEW AND USEFUL.. OLEUM LJCIUOR. A Substitute for Linseed Oil ,n . TATCNT APPLICD FOR J rpHLuni'crsinpd oflcr tothe public iheirOleuin Li J quor as nn efficient bubdiitiie foi Linseed Oil, as a thinner fur all ions ot Paints cround in Oil, except Venetian Red. When thinned with the Oleum the Paint will cover better, dry quicker and will be more durable, and when varnitbtd, tho point wilt have nnd renin th most glossy appearance; and the elasticity of ihe thinner will enable the pnm: to, yield to tho arniElii and the crackine and piling off, so common In ordinary var uished olt paint! ii entirely noirfed. Tor pointing Tin Roofs lis equal cannot be found. The Oleum can bp uned by UeoM, or In common with Linseed Oil. Vsirninh, Japan or Turpcutina at the op tion nf tho Painter. ' Its cost ii aliout nni-half of that of Linseed Oil. thix considrr.ibly reducing thecxprnae oT piinlinp. c faltiilully rerouimend it fnrall purivospi indica ted and warrjin It to give satHkciioii. Alibiral dis count to tin trade. DIRLUUON3. Thin the paint with the Oteum Li. quor and woik it wel I, until it flows freely Irom the bruih. Tho brush mubt be free from all moisture and inva riably ought to be soaked well with the Oleum Liquor, previous to puiniing. Instead ot placing thebrushes in water over night, as painters generally d. thpy ought to he put In the Oleum Liquor, which willgrently Uclliiaie the work. The paint mixed with the Oleum Lifliinr will work belter If it he allo ed to rtand from 13 to Bl hour, pre" tious lo Us bilng used, and Iheuthiined lo sucn a co ii.if lency ns io hoik ireo n nu easy under tho brush. ny the use of Japan, the painl will be rendered still firmer. Mix the Japan fusl with the painl and then thin it with the Oleum Liquor ,)C ,uallner nen. tinned above. 13- Mil pounds or Paint thinned wlihtlie oleum Li quor, will cover a iJrger surface than 13 pounds thin ned wuh oil. The Oleum Liquor is noifto be uic.l with Vcniiian Red, nor with Paint conuining any pinnorlion of it 1IREINIO. O ATI'MAN at UltEINIO. American Paint and Color Wotks. Corner 24th nnd Green Su.,i'hiladcl nl.ia Offlce-N E cornea Third and Wood its., f jjiadei. phia, Pa. June 0, Id37. Franklin g SIousc. r.Ht K EI! V LAIU1). i'roprlctors. Chesnut St., between Third and Fourth PHILADELPHIA, BepleniberU, 1630, LEAP TODACOO ft CIOAR8, mwi'0'mwm eon ai, South Front Street, I'lllLADELnii.l, Otat, b IBej , mvMmmm mum 1 liiiliilii SALAMANDEil KIKE AND TIIIEF l'HOOL" SAKKS. Tin'. Litoi:sT AsnoRT- menl In Ilic United Hmtei. Warranted In be equal lo any tmV made, and wlllbe eeld nn tn good teriiia. n ran be obtained rrom any other lioune In tbo country, nt 50 B. Ilh it., rhlluilclphia. THUTI! IS MlfJIlTY AND WIM ruuvAtf.i lienor! rf tt Committte.appotitlrdto tvrntntend tht Burn tnp tftht Iron tajtt, at fieatttrtjf,F'triiary):7tlo,ih ,.M -v -v ..-.ii tt,:m Thft underlcned, member of the commlitce. di rrppff llullv rcpori, Mini we inw itie two a.irn. origi "n y "Crt-cn uo" "y i n'i rw. r s"" V ..v. Wnlnon, tae d ilih hy lido in a lurri ten. ylft t The Hale In . U by the Pnytr,tcr of ilieriiUaJplniiln and n.m i rr.m t t iniid n in lit omco at iicji iu lui tin fiirrn red liv tnrr I llerrina nnc the fale ip me bv II A I. aula In hie -In'" maniiracliireil h) rnne A Wnlson. ond put In booka and poperi le cl.cly a'lke. l JtntH Innr cords of grren h'rk.iry. two eords dry nai . .1 Ii ir l... . t linn itrhnrl u r-rt pnt irlv rnn llieiir" wa. no tteu ni n t o rinrM. . i.l ,.iui nep. onk tiud li.iir rh.afttmii ton Wond wvtp rntirrlv fnn sutiM'd, thf wholfi nndfr Ut mperl nlenricnp of Iho mlipcr (hers JiienibfrB ol II-p t'onniilltir, Tlx H.ih's wrr then conltdoll with water, of i r winch ihey were ntn?d and the boiis and pAprr Inktn out ly the Cnnimllifi' oud spui lo 11 A.ljnntz store for pHhlicxnininniiofljiiid nnrikfi u vy ui'i;oinnimeei ThnlinoKR nnd on 11 r s takf nlro n 111 i' Safe , iiiiinfflC 1 11 red hv Parrrlff k (lent lifts we re, In our Judgment, da mace d fuHr til ien nor rpnt , more than those taken from II vans U WVtson's ?.ife. V bcllevi tbo above lo have been a fair nnd Im partialtrlal oflhe respscllveiiiaiilW's or linth Safes, JAOOft II. DVPIIf-U. UAVUbS. IIUNTUU. llavinr tPCn nlitunl .Id r Inn tlin diir nl nit . we fil Mv eolnfide with the t.bnvo st 1 lemcnt "f the condition or the papers and books taken out of the rcenortlTO n. A . NICOM.3, 11. 11. uunr.nNRrnta. J A3 , MIMIOLLAND. March 23,133. CENTRE STORE. SPUING & SUMTlKR GOODS. THE undersigned lakfl pleasure o( in formlng the clllcens ol Centre nndvlrlnlty, the nehai Just received a large and select assnrlmua SPalNT) k PUMMCR OOI)Si Lomprlslngthehnavirit stoekanilinoslvnrieilassorl mentorinshion,iblc, useiul and anustnntlnl.Mercliiiii dire Hint have bee nnlTered lot he public ofei cry k in nnd quality, which they will selirorrcady'pay.nl vcr reasonable prices. lrC0lllllrl'i..i..lli,.l,Van r.lmn.n Cn. n.n.l. Including drain nnd Lul, ber and the pabliccustoni respcriiuiiv SO ICHCII . SAMUEL LAJIBACK. rowlersvlHc. Mnrrh Sf 1857. 1857. SPUING AND SUMMPR, w so. rwi. 11 GEO. HULPIN k CO. IMPOltTF.llS AXI) SUXUFJICTURF.nS, 171 UHESNUI' STREET, A re now prepared lo cxlnlilt their NewBlylci FOR SPUING TRADE. INCLUDING Illahrk and cotorrdSilk .Mantillas Chnnitv T .flf.n Mini Mactill.ls. rrenrh t,ner Arnnlil n. rmiimiiiamii u.iir Mantillas, Ilngled Lncoatid Net Mantillas, Mourning miimn.uF, n.in','i''U, 1UUHU8, ivc , All oi which win DC iticreil ntlhe Lowest Price, OBO. 1IHLPIM & CO. 174 Chocnut Street, abovoTth, rhiladthia. M.irch7lh, l57. XOR Mar.ufacturirg and Rurning purposes, for sale , by J. C A & S. ALLCV. Nos. 7 und 6 South Wharves, Philal Ij.hta June C. 1857. G A 13 1 N 35 T WAKEKUOMS. THin uiidersitfiifid re'Dctfullv mvilea the niienilo 1 oftliu Public to his extensive (isiortmciit ofCuliitiei , i itrititurc aiti i nairs wiiaii no w ill war rant to be made of mo mitpri iWnnd In a w nrkiniulike manner. At i his IVabljitliiiieut.cuii ulwajs be found a good assort ineut of PASI1IONA1JLE FURNITURI-:. men is equal iu siyieunu linl.ll tn that or I'll 1 1 iidclphiaor New Voikcities,uuaaluslow)irices, Ho lus S01?A S, rtV'&'K ' ' of ditl'erent sl)les nnd prices frnmlsrt $J5 to Siil), Divans. Lounges j Wjl-'VST- i S -v iu .;( uiv-iiiv. uu'iugia ; vai- w i nut and .M:ili man v. P.irlnr rhmrs. Itni-!,liu mid n.int chair, Plana stool, nnd a variety of upholstered work with Hressing and parlot bureaus, sofa, card centre and plcrtnhl s.ilctastiii. ch(ftennrs whatnots nndcuniim tires and all kinds of fjBhionable work. Hln stock of hurmiM, onctofed and connuoii w.tfIi Btnntls, dress., tables cornerrupbojrdif. solas; brrakfist labtcg. bed i i p.ulu cane sent nnd roiumon chairs is thf lar est in thii Sfclior, of tlx roiiniry, llu wfl also Lcpp a good aFsoriment ot liiokma gl.iMes with fanrj silt and com mon frumps llu will also furnish npring injin-sscs fitted to any siso of beadftead . w birh nre superior fur durability undcomiforl to any bed In no SIMON L FlllVn, nioomsburg April eth, SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS FOJl 1857. rpiIR subscriber respectfully informs his ,1 customers and the public generally, thai lie Ids received.! fullsiotk of choice Sprint antt Summer Goods. romprisini: n full assortinci.t of Clotha, Cnssimers, tatnietts. Delnines Rrhziors Caiirocs- A.c. togci h.r wilhn greatvaueiy of other articles usually kept In Cotiittry Htore. ALs-O-Hardwaro. Cutlery, Queensware Salt, Fish, Moih.ea, Iron, Steel, Hats, Caps, Roots, Shoes, &c, tT3" Country produce, iiiriuding (Jraln, Lumber, &.c, taken in etrliaue for goods n3Thaukful for pastpilrouage he respectfully aski a coniuianceorthcsauie. THOMAS" E. EVES. Milivllle, Math S3, 1857-y NEW WAGON SHOP, Willow Grove, South Illoomsburg. fiIE undersigned respcclfully infoim. his Iricnds hewillconlinuQIliu v,v I Fits on-making Business. In all its varlo is dennrtnicnts. In pond A1.nII..n-,i.i ti-; ... . A'"tI.J'rln?n0fl. Rupplff.Cflrrlageti But- kinds. &c , none to order and on iboit lime. tQ- Produce taken for woik. . . , CHARLES nnOWER, liloomshurg April Si, ieS7-3ni DENTISTRY. IS- . IEIW2SISo Sl'ItGEO.V DHNTIST. IILOOMSBURG, COLUMRIA CO., uniuaiiee, lint urick building below Ilarlmau'i itor on Main Street llESPEcTrULLV offers his professional services 1 1 to the ladies and gtntlemni of Rloomsburg nnd vicinity He is prepared t1. ath ml in a 1 the various op'-rotionti In Dentistry, and is provided with the la- Itll tMIJHUYI'll Por ce lam Teeth ' wi.il, w.n i i , . . .' 1 as .ell i lie natural P 8 l-lalc.'lo look Kr A superior article of TOOTH POWDER, all ways on hand, June 13 leJ7. ov. 13, '33, OLIPIIANT, WOODSIDE & CO. Importers and Wholesalo Dealers in tones antt iqtton? No. 107 Arcli St. abovo Fourth, PHILADELPHIA. P.Oupiust. J Woousioa, Glo.McAlHS. January, 3d. 1937. j U'aj.s'a'B'iat.xi iso i aJL. N0S. 0, 11, 13 and ISCourtland Streel I NEW YORK D. D.WINCHESTER. TI103. II. WINCHESTER. My 31, -3m nunj. J'.lVlNLIILaTER, WILLIAM J. DEIIILEMAN, f2i -.-V iK. . 'UUUli; llllU ftlUHlCSS IIIANUFACTl'niilt. JHoonnliurg, Aug, 13. 1S37. TV EW N0 3 MAt.'liCREI.juil received at ' IMRTfiAK'8 PIS OILS, STEAM ENGINES AND BOILBll i 1IIK audit liber ! now prepared) with new IMntliino ry tn btilld utailnuory ens Ineii from 3ln luiilmrac mvcrtiiioii lti InUxilinrrovulplnn.nnil villi Mil Id to tntcr doublt'iitid uliinln pormMo onglne frnm JO to 40 inrec ruiwcriHiupcu unon rarnnRcn wihi miner ttrur tn? At iMini till complete nnd h'liily foraftlon, AIo ' cylinder fluonnd tubulnrboMpm cut iron cm! hrrnkj impaicntrd In 18:t0for Uirrsliliig protn nurl cracKlnr ont and now made on n larga ralo for ffpckliijj or i Lfciikliig ronl Urnvy mlnlnfc pumps nnd ftln t iKlne) rlpsfrt eoirtblfcwltlMloiib!n rutins forcl hit ptimttni Khi(f of iiilllgcnrlngind liouc calling inn do to order! MiipfliiniuiiK wiui nnyorsir-ti kikci oi ptmrys nntsiio ultli hinucr Iron plan I ns donc.eav '-'4fcrt Ions i n kinds of Iron turnlrg heavy prr nnd other icrew lurneil Willi nny dcilrcd Mleliofihrend. Thebet Hough Iron threshing Marhlnei , that ever tome before the public, cet Iron ami woden machines made to order. I.evcr noner, ti.nln or Irend power undo tanrncr. Atiolnkeaonlcraforlhefollowlngiiia. thinery ll.irriion'i Inteitpnlintgrnln mill. SIOijo of feredhj Ihe rnlriitco lor lt eiunl. It will grind Ingnod finnini'nl'J hilnlieliin one hour. Also liollinnd elcvn torenll in or.ler,ulrolliigglu PafntniDWer.mnnnfnctlir pd by O. I) llnrrl c Un., tlio mo4t powerful niowcr now l u life " iuniM-ir..n, i .in, ,ii pinver. nno n iv II rr wlllnn putln meal Ihe roumlry for ethibltlon. n ol thf above works w I llbc warranted tob what they a. 9 ..I.l Alo Takn orders for Brott's Patent ninrksmlth Hiriker, attd rights to use litem In tlio conn ties of Coin tn hln. Moi .oiir.Nortli im'terland.ljveoming, Eulllvan nnd ClinUii, one of which can be bp on nt my simp. I.BWIS M.MAU3, Afar.h?2,lP5G, Dloomsbu .ColiimVln u , I I LJt unoersigDctl respectfully informs J his friends and the public that he has taken the Exchange tlotettn Rloomsburir.localtd on Main Street. directly opposite iho Court House, which has been throughly repaired and Improved, when he Is pre. parcu in nccoinmoiituc ins customers Willi good tare and togcneiul satisfaction He nlso has in connection with the iluliaiigc Ilo tel, un excellent UMNUiUS hlNEt ninnlncrciiufnrlv severaltltnes ncr dnv .to and from the Depot on the nrrivat oflhe Cars, by whirli passeng. erswiltbo pleasantly cnnvcy'cdtiitlin DcpotHtatlon,oi lOKen irom ami rem rniMi to ineir residences, n ucsimi. K3"llcwlll alwaybe happy to entertain nudnccoui modate his friends lo the utmost of his abiliti"s. PliTER JIILLMI.VLR, rrorrfffffr, Illoomsburg .April ,5 .165C y . Llft n II II A niiM Tm x- iiMvrt.u VBTnnr. i. . .A Nn. 72, North Second Street. OPTOS ITE Til li MOUNT VMINON IIOU8CPII I LA HoldLevcrWatclieifullJowelled IB II Cases . S'-8 U Hiiver do no r.'uo do l,eplne do u Ob tlliartiers K nni n on lloldSpcctCcles, 4 50tol0 00 silver do , ii, SilvcrTableSpoom peMell, HOOtolBOa do uescri no uo 9 001 o 1 1 On ilo Tea do do 4 75to 7 ill OolilPensnnddolilCa'ci, 3 5Jlo 5 00 no Bilver do Totctlicrwlth n variety of fine Oolil Jowolrv iJoi n p.n.mrd nn .iPnt, I7l.nfn. All -.i ' ' , ... ....uuua .trr.miotrtoli aspresentcd. Watches and J ewelryrepalredin , i, beslinanner "nn N II. AlloidersscnihviiymallorotlK'rivlse.wlin.n punctunll) ittemled to . ' uc November 17 IWI 1 Spring & Summer, AT MENSOH'S CHEAP STORE. rPHE undersigned having removed hi3 I Store, up lown, al the stind, lately oeeiipicdby II C. & 1. W llnrlunn where with grcaer iucre.nej locihties. he Is enabled 100111 r n fultasormentof Spring and Summer Good, Which he has Just received from the Pa. tern Cine., comprising Dry Uoods.drocerlcs.Ilnrd'tvire. (Ineenn ware Cedar-warp Hollo-ware, Drugs. Fish, emit ic. Plaster, Iron, Nai I. .flouts, Shoes, Hats, Cnns, .c -c Ai.so-RK.DY MADK (JLOniING In short, every tlnog usually kept in counlry B lores to whicli ho luvitesthe niiblicgenernlly It?" Csah, Lu 'iln-r, 01,1 Iron and Cnuntry Produce taken inexchunge lor Goods, ntlhc lilgest niaikel price1 A. O. M liNSUIl. Iiloomtburg. March 51. 1 e.W . Spring and Summer GOOD S- RI'KcIvy, ft'c-ul &0., HAVING lust reieiven nnn opened their stock o in. rUMiiilireror.-prlngsiles, whleli romprlscslho LAitui;.sT.cni:i'i:si' ,i iiAmisomi.pt inenl now oireredlu this TOWN I Having pnldereat alteiitiun lo Hi. elreiiun of Ihelrentiri- slork ns lo prleeand quulily, they ll.ilter Ihenisi-.l es that nicy can couipe.e will, the thiaptil, and n II those wishing to buy rbeap, can save nioiipy hy giving usa r.'HI. We have all kinds ol Goods and Wures lo eupnU tho Peuplu. A very large lot of I.ADIKs' DRKSS GOODS. rrftnchMi.rrnoes.UoolPaids, Alpacas, Rombazincs, 1 15'5!! PI 1'amelta cloth, Moimir Limlres, i" mo,, t-inu un unit u 'iigiiamB,uaiicocs, &.e. i m i . ,a .nuwn ui iiuii tii r jo ves. Collars, Haiidkurcbitla, fluiiciugs, bands and trimmings, Laresandfdjlnge.bonnci ribbons, In large variety velvet ribl.onn.nnd bralds,ki',,cot!oii,aiid Ijilc thread gloveH, Mnl.an mitts, fcc. We iuvitenurfriends and tho pubtir generally to give us a cal Ibeforepurchasing elprhcre. Wehavc houghtour coodsnt LoweslCash Prices. nnd will not beun ersold by nti)lmdy.oi tberextn! manklntt. McK KLVY, WiiAL & GO. Rloom burg, Mnrrh ill, 1P57. Dr. J. S. IJouliton's GREAT CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA. T fluid, or UaVtrlcDR. HOUGHTON'S Juice Prepnri-d from Rennet, or the foiiith i Stomal h of thoOx, after direriionaof Raron Lie tug, Ihrgrpat Physinlot; icul Chemlfct, bv J H- Toushton.M, D , Pliila , aeipnia i'a . TJiifiaNoHircgownR?medyfor nn unhealthy fto marb, No ariof man can cquatits curative powers- It contains nuAlchouol ,1'itlirs Acids, orNausniiiis Plugs. It Mextrcnifly &grernbietothetnstc,nnd may tetakenby the most feeble patients who csinnot ent a wntercrackcrwithoutacute distress UcwareofDruggcd Imitations. Pi psin ig not a Hrug CaM on the Agents and Ret u Descriptive Cjrrnla gratis, giving a large amount of Scientific r.videiice fromLiebig's A uliiin'iJicinistry'.Dr.Cninbe'Ephisjology I)i2etion; Dr Perelra on Pood and Diet: Dr. John V Ttauer. of New Vork University. Prof. Dunclison I Pysiolngy; Prof. Sihimau.iif VoleCo'lcdge;Dr Carpen. S i. ' - "'""'V,.., Vis, '. f.. 8 II. Uowmnn llerwlck. ' Bloomslmrfr Tinware and Stove Store. i 'iiumiufrsijneii ri irciuny iinornis HIS u u ir em 1 and customers, that he has uurrhaied hi, broihPrs 1 uteres I in the above I'sUhluhmeiit.aud Ihe concern will herealterbe conducted by him. ell exclusively. Delias t Just lecelved and oilers for sale, tho larppstnnd AyT moiicxleiuivo assortment of PANUV BTOVKH jpWiJ ever Introduced intot his market. Hi itock consistH of a complete assortment ol c bluest Cookingiuid parlor stoves In tho market, to theger with tJtove Pixturcsof every description, Oven and RuxLoves. Rndiitors, Cylinder Stoves, Cast Iron Air.'Pigh Stoycs, Cannon Stoves, &c, &c. Stovcpit peand Tinwarccousiaiulyon hand and man ufaclured to order. All kinds of repairing done, us usual. on short notlee. The pntronagenf "Id friends and new customers re speotfully solicited. , A. M, RUPERT. Rloomsbnrg, Jan. 2, ie3J,-tf Pennsylvania Iloteh TIIIBwollknownllolel Inlclyker byPM, JW inLll IUD,on Main Street, In irivillcfiif has been taken by the subscriber, w h is pro ii p ared lo accommodate I rnvs Her sands nngers' n the best manner The house has I en thoroughly , Iveruauled.aud is now rctltfud up und lurnlshedfor oheentertninmeniof guesls. Hiistabiliig Is largo and commodious, with Horses and vehiclesfor lure, and ho will spare no palnsto render general satisfaction funyio'lM"!!1''3"01"'0 ui' Pa"ont(l lesrecl ,,. r. GEORGE W. FREEZE. DanvilleDec. ID, 1833 Ipylwu Coach auil U'agaii Factory qiJIE undersigned having succeeded Jacob S. Eva X In the Wagon and Coach making business. at Ins und, In l.spyiown rcipcctluliy inlorm their frlenr. """l.1" "bllc. thatlhry continue tvill the II agon Making Pusiticss, J?lv.l,ird.d,eJ,-'nJl'!'71' U,l"'e ",ey w.t.1.' lllPt, Will Im. hl.mU fn.B eeive order, nndpri.nipllyoxecuteallbuiiuculnthel line, wuh neatness und despatch. Q-Wheel barruws made to order.and allklnds ol repairlngdouo on shorn, olice. ., , . EVANS & IIAOENI1UCII. 1'IIILADELI'HIA OAltPET H I OIIE pARPETlNOS, Oilcloths, Window Shadei.Matian w oiaitings-juit received SO.OOO piceeg ne w style ..-.-.,..,... ,,,,,,, rspressiy lor I.AKPEP 'jf'taam. "i Housekeepers will please no. a llMi"th 'llltieCOn'iS,'",',, tor ooluw Mjitb'W "m'j DNI.V JOX.'i AIEft'S P I li Ii S 1011 AIL THE rUHPOOEB OF A FAMILY PHYSIC. Titntn tin, lotif; enlstetl a ptiWie tlcmsnd for an ciTectlto pitrpMh c iill whieli. could lio rc-Hcd on as uro nnil Jlcrffctljr rmfe In Its operation. 'J Ills lifts been prepared to meet Hint demand, and on exten sile trial of II, virtue, tin, conclusively shown with what success It accomplishes the purpose designed. It Is easy to mnlio a jilij eicnl pill, but not easy to make llio best of all pilli ono which should havo none of tho obtcetion,, but nil tho ndranttges, of every other, 'lliia hM been attempted here, ruidl with what niece,, wo would respectfully tubnilt to the publlo decision. It ha, been wiiforti'.nato for the patient hitherto that almost every purgative, medicine Is ncrlmonimi, mid Inltalltifr to tho bow els. This Is not. Many of them produce so much Hrlplng pain nnd revulsion In the lystcm as to nioio than counterbalance tho Rood to be derived from them, 'lhcse ;u7s piodueo no irritation or pain, tUilcs, It nriso from a pralously existing obstruc lion or derangement In the bowels. XUirift purely cg.otnblc, rio harm can arise from their use In anv quantity but it is better that nny medicine should he taken judiciously. Minute diicrtiona for their uso in the secral diseases to whiili they are ap plicablc ore glien on the box. Among the com plaints which have been speedily cured bv them, wo may mention l.lier Complaint, In Its various forms of Jaundice, Indigestion, Languor nnd Loss of Ap petite, I.itlcssncs, Irritability, Bilious Headache, JJilious Tour, Fotcr and Ague, I'aln In the Sido and Loins ; fur, In truth, all these are but the con scquento of diseased action in tho liver. An an aperient they nflord prompt and sure lelief in Cos liieness, I'ilcs, Colie, Djscntery, Humors, Scrofula anu acuny, coins wun soreness oi uio oouy, ulcere antl impurity of thclilooil, Irregularities; in short, d ctiv cae where n tiumfttivc is required. 'ihey hac uUo proJuceil somo Ringulaily sue ccRsful cures In Hhtiiniatlsin, Gout, Dropsy, (jtk el, J'.rj sipelns, rniiitat)on oi the Jlcatt, l ain, in me Hack, Slninnth, anil Ride. 'Ihey shonlil lie freely taken in tlie spring of the year, to purify the blood and prepare tlio system for the change of seasons. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy notion, and restores the appe tite and Igor, They purify the blood, and, by their stimulant nclion on the eircnlatoiy system, reno. into the strength of the body, nnd restore the wasted or diseased energies, of the whole organism. Hence an occasional dose is advantageous, even though no serious derangdncnt exists; but tin neeessnry dosing should never be carried too far, ns eierj piirgntiio medicine reduces the strength, when tnken lo excess. '1 he thousand cases in which a physio Is I (quired cannot lie enumerated here, but they tngge't themsehes to the icason of cerr body, nnd it is conlldcnllj bilieted this pill will answer n better purpose than nny thing which has hitherto been mailable tn mankind. When their sirtues nre once known, the pnblic will no longer doubt what remedy to employ when in need of a cathartic medicine, llemg sugnr-WTapped, they nre pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no iiarm can arise from their use in any quantity, l'or minute diicctions, sec wrapper on tho Box. I'KErAHXD BY DB. JAMES 0. AYBR, Practical nnd Analytical Chemist, Lcnvr.u., mass. Trico 25 Cents per Box. rive Boxes for $L AYEll'S CHERRY PECTORAL, Fur tlie rnplil Cttrr of COt'GIIS, COLDS, HO.lItSEXESS, isi.oxi urns, wnoori.-corGii, CKOIT. ASTILUA, A.M) (OASI.Ml'TIOX. Tun remedy has won for llself such notoriety from lis cures of ei ety ailcty of pulmonary disease, that It is entirely unnecessary to recount the ei donee, of its virtues in nny community 'whcio it has been cmplo)ed. So v Ide Is the Peld of its Etc fulr.ese, end so numerous the eases of its cuies, that almost evcrv seition of the country abounds in pertons publicly known, who have leen restorrd fioiu iil.iiriiiig and eien desperate diseases of the lungs b) its ue. When once Died its superiority oi or cwry other medicine of lis kind is loo appa rent In escape nbsonntinn, and wheic its irtucs nre known, the public uo longer l.eilnle what nnlidotc to imploy for Iho dilri'ssing and d.mgcrcus atfec lions of the pulmonaiy oignns which are incident lo our (liinntc. Not onl iu formidable attacks mion the lungs, but fur 'the milder snrieties of Culdh, CiaoitH, IIo,r.,rNi.... Sc.; and forCim. liur.N It Is the plcas.iutcst and safeGt nicdieiiie that can be obtained. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the Eeople its quality is kept up to thebest that it eur aB been, and that the genuine orliile is sold by Cf E P I.UT., nn.l a'l Dill gists In liloom.burg and Dealers in .Medicines cvitawh' ro May HI, 1W. IM POIITANT DISCO VEItYl COXSUItll'lIOiV, Nil ALT. DIBEASjES 01' T.IE I.UNGfl AND . THROAT uiu nusitivcly curnhle by inhalation. which conve)s the remedies lu the cavities In llio lungs through the air passages, and coming in direct roiunct with the disease, neutraliz's tho tubercular matter, nlhi)S Ihe cough, causes a trie and easy elpic tornliui, heals the lungs, purifies Die hlotd, in parts renewed itulity to thu nervous sjsteiu, giving that lone nndenergy so liidiFiensable lor th" resturaiie.ii ol liiullli. To bee ublo to stale eonlidciitly Ihut Coiiiiilup lion is curable by i uhalaliun, is lo me n source ol .mill lul ed ph'neure. It is as miicli under tho control of uieditnl trenlluer.t ns nny other formirulle ductc , ninety nut of every hundred ruses t nn be cure d in tin first stages nud liny per rent, in the second ; but in I hi third ilaite it is iiupceilble to tniemorc lhan five per cent , lor Ihe lungs aro so cut lip by tlie i-ibeatc ut lu bid dctmucc to liiedlealtkitl, l.lcil,howeer, in llio lafl stnges, Iiilialatiou aluirds cxlrr.orelii.uiy relief lo the siillcriug attending this fcntlul scourge, whieh nn nunlly destroys tiincly fio thouiend perron in the United States ulonc ; nnd a correel calculation rliows that ui tho present population of lie earth, eight mil lions nre eWtmcd to fil I the cousuiupliu's grave Truly Hie qulve r e.f dcaiii Ins no.atrow so fatal as ConEumplion. In alleges it has been the great enemy of llle. lor it spales neither nge nor sex, but sweeps olfalikc Hie hlaee, tho Lenutifiil, Ihu giacefui, and the gifted. Ilylhe; help oflhat fu renin Uelog.friiu whom couieth every good and prrlect gift, 1 nm cnnblrd lo oll'er to llio alhirted u permanent und speedy cure in Consumption. 'J he fin I enl.ee, ofluhercle sis from im pure blood, nnd Ihe immediate eileel, produced by their uepoiltioiilnlhe lungs, is to prevent thelree ndnns.ion ofalr into llieaircells whfcheaiircsn weakened Vila lily through Ihe entire sjsti'iu Then mrely His more rational to ex pec I greater good from medicines entering the cavities of tho lunci thnn from those, ndniinittereil through tho stomach ; the pal lene will nliwii s find th lungsfieeand the brrnlhlug eniy alter inhaling reme dies. Thus, Inhalation Ian local remedy, nevcrlhelris it acts ctin. titutionnlly, and wi'h more power and eeri taintv than remedies administered by Hie stomach 1 o prove llie powerful and direct influence ol this mode ol ndminietralHiii, chloroform inhaled will entirely de stroy sensibility in ii few minute, parulixlng Ihe en tiro nervous iistcm icthnla limn may he amputated without Hie slightest pain : inlianng the ordinary burn Irg gas w ill drrtroy life in a feu hours. 'line inhalation or ammonia will reuse the system when miming or opparentlt dead. Ihe oi'or of many of tho nicdieines is perceptible In ihe skin a few min utes after he rig tnhnled and n ay be immediately da ectid In the blood, A eonvincmgpruof of ihe ennui lilllonnleneelsoriiihBlnllon.is the fact that sickness is always produced by breathing foul nlr. Is not thl, po-invo eildencc thai proper remedies, cnrclully ire pared and judiciously administered through Hie lungs, should produce Ihe most happy resuln.) During eiih. leen years' prncllre, many tho.itoiu!, sulTcling fifm diseases of Hie lungs nnd throat, have been under mv rare, and I have effected muny remnikahlecures, c eh niter the iiilTercri had been prnnouneed iu tho last stages, w Ineii fully satitlies inn Hut consumption ! no longer u fatal diseaso. My Irenliiif nt.of consumption is original, and rounded on longciperlenre and a Iho. rough Investigation. My perfect acquaintance with theiiatuieof tubercles, itc, enables me lo distlnrui'h readily, the various forms of disease that .in'ulate consuuii lion. and apply i, pptr rfmroi . being mlilnkeii even m nsinglecn.e. Hiii fanilinrilr. n!erd'l.V,Ci'e",i' C,,'""" Pl'"0Biral and nic o.co' Pit. d .eovcrics, enables me to relict e the lung, from ti e , cuVis ol contracted chcstii to enlargo the the.t, purify tho blood. imnait lo It renewed vitalily giilng energy and lone lo the en lire iistem. Y""'"' ' "'" "'""Willi lull eiinclions sent fonyn rl nt aUiVa"' h', if J!" t',"a!'n, Pal'tnl. romiminl eating their sympionis by tetter. Put ihe cure ,.'oi Id wl,.nc'l.wo,rid "J.I 'f '"e """' '''"''' r xi it. ?,mt. . Ul Jl? mr Tpo'tunllyloelomine Ihe eeriVii "i .. ? 10 P'"" w'll. much gieater ?he I!a,,'i,e,,'age,U,'e.l0U"1 "" nm ,,. c " W ORAIIAM, M D,, Offlee, 1131 ritiiiaTslren,(oid No. 109.) i'rn,iw-(?ai 'dctrhi.. r. TRUNKS 1 TRUNKS 1 1 THE LARGEST. BEST ST? nindsomesi ana cheapen as 'tWtt&y sortnient oi Soli Leather Lr-ii?A TiutrF.r.i.Ka Tnv.vmt. rsSPSi VALISE TRUNKS. liftjaSS idl' Bennett-Dreoe Tru.l, 1 r',1,1,,.,.1 , , TII01M3 W. MA'JTSON'S. Oelcbraled London rr zo Medal, Imnrovcd steal Spring, Solid Bol, I,,ihe,Tr.l.k ManuVe, o,y, ' NO, ,P0 MARKET fTREET, A'iguit t?, lM7,f """"" finiket.l'hiladtlpbia A. RI. RUPERT linwire and Sheet. Iron Manuljoiicr-Ptcr en Mj t Struct tglow flupcil tiete