WHWA.DBHpWlAT. A I. 15 31 H. TATEi IjOOAIi KDITOIl. Bloomsbiirg, November 28 1857 Diyino foivicos will bo held In Hlooms burg, to-morrow, (Sunday, Nov. SOU),) at Iho following Clmrclies ! Lulherm Church. Hcv.E.A.SirAnnMis. Servioo at 0 o'clock, P. Jl. German Ufformcd. Scrvico at 10 o'clock A. M , by Rov. Xf. i . Zisiijeu, of Obio. Mtthodist Church, Scrviccat 10 o'clock, A. M., in tlio llascmoitt of (lio no Clmrcb, on Third Street. Presbyterian Church. Hey. D. J. Wat,. tEii. Sor7ico at 11 o'clock, A. M. 1ST Tbo thermometer, on Wednesday snoriiing last, stood at Gdcgreea abovozero, in liloiiuisburg. j' " Dcm Foine," Tho oyitcr3 icr ved up by ''mind host" of tbo lixchango Oyster Siloon- Stop in and try a dozen or so of the bivalves. taF" 'I'bo Hon. Warren. I. Voodward is liolding a two week's Court in Wyoming sounty, including this week and last. JR3"- Messrs. iMoKc'ivcy, Ncal & Go., 4mve just received a largo and beautiful assortment of Fall and Winter Goods. ESS" Court will coiumenco inlhis place, on Monday, tho 7th of December nest, to cantiouo ono week. tSf The Select vohool, under tho con trnl of Alcssis Eaton ond Wells, commen ced n new qinrler on last Monday. BS-'Wo notice that Messrs. lijso k " on, havt! a largo and well selected assort ment nf Toys, Cam!io, Ac., on hand nt their Confectionary Establishment. The approaching Holidays, wo bavo no doubt, will demolish lite pile, considerably. car" We havo frequently been solicited by persons ta notlco their business in our Jocal column, whon thoy nover spent a dimo for advertising. Mm who arc too ipenuriousto advertise, should know better ,than to ask 3U:h fjtorj. J5S- According to scientific gentleiuou 'wo are likely to havo a mild winter this time. 'I ho more uuscajiinablo thewenther u tho more seasonablo it will bo for tbo yioor. Iiot us oflor up a propitiatory sac., jifico tu tbo clerk of the weather. ." Will all who read our paper .favor in with notices of deailis and mtrrriages, ns they occur in their neighborhood ? I.iko w'ree, accounts of sudden accidents, fires, or whatevor may bo of local or pul.lio iiitore3t, Tbii is a ?tunding rcrjucrtt. iKif Tor somo winters past (bo weather f Mr.Josrjili lirenmcr, of Lycoming cctfiity Ins been severe enough .to des'roy r. groat 1 to Surah E. Hack, of Jersey town, Gol many b rds. 'I hoy tiro scarce. To -h'tvo uuibiajiounty. tl em ngnin plenty, tliey nitiit bo protected. J'urtritlgo', und all other kinds of birds, ' thould bo freo this fall, from tho gun of tho sportsman. &&' Wo uotire that many farmers in our .county, havo commenced butchering their hogs, and sending them to uurkct. Sail sago and buckwheat cakes nro now quite tt a ui in on with those who can t'ffjrd it. Tho obeso and unfortunato porkors, protost with loud sijuoals but without avail, a gninst tbo cruel appetites of tho hungry nnd icsatiato Gentiles. E3f "Green gnslings need training lcy flutter so when thoy boin to swim." Columbia Co, ItipuUkuti. Well, Doctor, wo havo no doubt, tkoy ill bo properly cared for under your "training.'1 Should you, however, appre hend any fear for their moral cultuc, you can jus' call in tho assistance of " mother Goose." Shoo, Gecses. - toy Tho wheat fields of Columbia county present, u very green anu naiulsomo ap. iioaranoc a vivid contrast butweon the brewn and baro pasttno ftolds. Wo havo bccusomo fields in which tho wheat is al ready six inches high, I hero is a great Uififorciico in tho opinions of farmers upon tbo qucstiou of Into aud early sowjng. Somo say that when it is sown early it is moro liable to tho attacks of tho fly; but should at oaonpo this, that it will grow too rank in .tho summer On tho other hand, it isaaitl that when sown early it takes a deoper root, and is mure able to stand tbo winter, nnd.evon tho ravaged of -tho fly, by having a strougor fctalk which sustains tho fly and supports tho growiug grain. --- , 1 Tin. rrnllant Coiey for December lUognzino has already mndo its apnearanco . .. . 11 mi uiu turreni; wnntn. Tlio contents aro : 4lii..n Rnl m.i n . ' uirca otcai l lates, ono Slippor printed in 44 coiois, ono oolorcU Jiasluon Plato, 12 Pages printed in BIuo Tint, forty-nino Engravinga, ono hundred pages and sixty I contributions. Ulio -two Engraving.V'Tho 1 Night beforoflbristmaa,-' and Ohristnus ! Morning," aro tLo befit wo over saw nub- .i . . - lislied of the samo size. .Ooiov's ftlairaiino deserves Universal patronaEO, and WO I . . - " r bavo no doubt enjoys ,t, at tbo hands of 1 every lady reader in tho countVy. Piico. 3 jier annum, addres, L. A. Philadelphia. Godev. i uguuy, - Justico Woqilvmrd, of Iho Supremo 3kncL. lately dcliverwl subject of tlio time of expiration ol tlio u.uual lenn ot uinef Justice J.ouis, Ho lccHle lira Judge Lewis hold,, Lis ofiico uuul tho 17tli of I'ccciuber uoxt. , Ter the Columbia Dmitri:. Inhumanity. Mb, EpiTon Last week 1 stfw a littlo j girl- a chiM soino 7 or 0 years of nge not fivo miles west of Dloomsburg, which ; was tho sorno't picture of distress that is any where to bo found in Columbia co. Th!s poor orphan child, was somo lull" milo from what is called her homo, on a bitter cold, snowy day, boar lioaded, bear- necked and harc-lcgcod ; indeed, sho had not OM (foliar worth of clothing io COycr ' b . 1 lief naKCUDCSS. and Wlint W.13 mudl WQrSQ. her face and neck, was literally covered with scratehe,. out, and MnrS--brises. wounds and putrifiying sores." Will not ' tho citizens in the vicinity of this uroadful .,. t 1.,1.0 intilv ronnrt llm outrago upon helpless lm amty, report tbo COnuitlOU of this poor elllltl to the Olucers 1 of tbo Philadelphia Poor House, that she may bo roturncd whence sho 'camo, and whero bIio will bo a thousand times bet'er clT soul and body, than with tbo iniserablo " skin-Jlir.l" whom sho now calls her mas ter. A CITIZEN. Iffi- lliUous Cholic and Cramp in the Stomach can bo relieved in ton minutes, in every ease, by using from 5 to 30 drops of OU Ar ALL'S GALVANIC OIL. Sold by G, M. Ilagcnbucb, J. K. Jlnyor and 15. P. Lutz, Dloomsburg, and Country IMerehants, generally. BSS" Kcvcr Too Lale. Hundreds ju?t within tho grasp of Oonsuniption are saved C7ery jear by tho faithful uso of Dr. Wis tar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Its success in all.iying and ouiing severe protracted coughs is unprecedented. flay Sir. Peter Baldy, jr., of Danville, has just received some UOOO bushels of Kentucky wheat from Pittsburg, MARRIED. In I'ittstnn, l.uzoruo county, on Tues day tho 2'Hh inst., by the Kcv. Mr. David Jl. C'fravcr, of Bloomsburg, to Miss Sarah Kvjfcr, of tho former place. In Bloomsburu', Nov. 20th. 1 857, by T. Painter, Esq., Mr. t an'd S. L nibaih, of Benton township, (Mumbia County, and Miss rtoebe E. Young, of Fairmoutit township, Luzemo cmrty. (Willtcsbarro papers please cr.py,) In Orangcville, on the 'Jlstint , by tho Hev. G. C. Brtiks, Mr- J. S. Mather, of ltohrsbui'g, to Miss Margaret Vance, dau ghter of Mr. Jobu Vance, 'ol Oraugovillo. On tho 12th inst., by tho Rev. W. II. Wilson. Mr. Wm. L. BirJ, of Columbia County, to Miss Martha J. Vusttnt, of Northumberland county. In Berwick, on Thursday last, by Kcv. 1. Bahl, Mr. Conrad fippcnrtccl, of Briai" crock, aii.l Miis Hetty Uorfje, of Oiango township, (Jolitmbia county On tbo 1st., by tlio Uev. J. W. 3fc mans - - DIED. In Ileuiloi k township, on 1 ..st atiii'd.iy, John B. Mils. Dieyeiuck, wi'o of Mr. llicteriek, aged about 25 years CDHi.rJO li:!) WCEKr.YAT uautjian's ST01JC Whoat Uyo Com Oats Buckwheat. . White lle-.ms. si Butter SO Eggs 12 Tallow 12 Lard 10 Potatoes GO .:o .117 .40 1 00 Dried App'cs.2 00 COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. Tho following aro tho receipts to the office of tho Columbia Demociiat, durina me inontu ot uctoucr, 1807 : Ch. I,, Mnoro, fl!i Howell llvnni, Kat ol Worlov t?il)ilcr, 5 00 J.lui Orienkiik s oo 4 qo io ni 4 00 7 00 I .111 1 1 CO 2 00 .1 l, 2 .10 .1 00 a .vi 1 00 1 00 1 73 ltcv ll.Tiilllilce. i ou uoi.u. i . j.icluon, 1 Oil Col John ItrailUu, aou I'm nktiii Itniitu, '.'SO .Maibprry Suyiler, '-"J5 11 A ihwriir'ohiFcr, l.W i:. II .llarlman, 0 00, I'rol. An.li'rson, 1 Oil 'I'ritsteo Col. Acad'y, 2U'I I). II. U'ntir, a 311, Jacobs Jl jul Ofo, Alirani llirlon. I'.sq., 1 00 T .1. Vai ilrrsluc, a 00 II. u AiUnm, s so kv. ii ruiin'so, " 00 Val. Wiiilrrsli'i-n. 5 00 OorzuW. Waaner. Ili'V. II. H.'l'otiMs, Ulias OiHlrrlck, Abraham KIiiip, John It. Itifturick, T. V. Kahler, t.inltir At llarliy, PZfi Art. llnsa , Hhcrur.MiUer, AniiUll S'uli'c, (ieorso W. tflmn'ur, Oincluster ii Co., Rlrhiril Mnurn. 3 00 Our customers, hereabouts, will nloasn rcnioniber, that wo want aud will take, if wo can get all kinds of produce llcef, Pork, Oats, liuckwheat, Cidor, Apples, and alj tho noressarics of lifo included. Now, friends, please roll up tho articlos. BRILLIANT PROSPECTUS 1 rounTU vr.Au or thi: C0SM0r0L!'l'A WW ASSOCIATION. Tim rAMOT'S Dusschlnrf Galley of Paiiilings! Purchased at a cot nrlrO.OOO f And roviers' world renowned filatue of rho l.l'nnrclia.cil lor tlx thouiand dotUrt witli .tvt'rn! linn ''red i.thcr vvutlisui An, m I'ainiims. Bouliniitsiiml nrunzus, coitiprl.p the l'rcm itium to bit auardcil y the BIlbsCfll'LTS III tllft v,!. tl!'"'"'i" i. tr.ro ihe sen. nf January, ib.is, m Which llmi! Ilia nwnril. mil lako ultra Ti:it.M.i or si;iirii:iiii"i,nv Lvprr subscriber 0 thrct dollarl Isriuuleil to Acopyoi iiio inmn nn.i iiuuiii,i sicti uncravi'ie, P1ltlll.ll'Ml1,t.Tll,,Tlvu '-nl.ntn Clllllirn A pyr t-'MwrouiAii at joomi.t on, year. a Ceniiicaie in tu Aorii orrremiums. ni.o Jo,T,i"'on " "'""""'"'' -poii .uh!cUr?,,l,!,,;,r.!1!t:ar,err7;i.5 "'0 mZSSxil.l!!&X.ilA& ,:N,!,tAV,vc, SiElvVh,? .V"?".Vl?.?Yc.V- i,nr,A'.'.A!va.r,'1" ''"roi""'". iy which u vaiuahio worn ii .ri. in rniiiintff t.r ri-,iinii,,.. i. , in 1 h'!"; .Ji" " c ' v ' c v r r y ii h ri I. e r a n eqiivaknl : , j- uouara, nnu a ivFrllllCQIf uratll fl;hW:;5 tZWLT"1' .i',?,.pil"?',,.l,".l5,'' ' i"s' .ar" Xh "V."1 'je'r'" i m " ' f Full psiticuhir. uf the As.ociation flr.niven In ih (r.iTin,., p.icojvijf ttntiptr vumhr eieri men conies will ha scut to all person, who rte.lro to suLwriSe' 0 trcciplornve no.laoilairi?.,(l4ce,i,. ) 1 Address, o i,. oeltnr, Actunry U. A. A .. 0. M. ni.AKCIt, llonorarySccmary, O. A. A. .MU' oiA llruadway'cw York. IIOKSK LINIMENT AND OATTUi I'OWUEltS. R9K m1 al "10 oCIcu o1' OMumbia J lU(lOi (Cl Special Notice. lllll.MIIOMi'H COMPOUND I't.UlK r.XTIlAUT a. n remedy Tor Diseases nfllm madder, Kidneys, n ravel, Dropsy, Weaknesses, kt., has no equal. Kernl Iho ml- . . I- ...... it ti -I t.l ,,, PrPPamioii " BSy- The Vive I'cr Cent, Savin Fund oflho National unloty Compiny, Walnut street, south wcsirntncr of 7'nlrJ struct. Philadelphia, now has nearly Ohr iMit.lion Ain a lUt.rur l))tar nil in IUai, Cstatk. MortTAniR, Ground 1'emts, nnd oilier first diss accurj lies, to llii! Iienrfiu i dcposltoro. &-TliaMAS V. MAlTrtOrV, Reerivei1 tho Prwo MfiUI at tho World's Pair In Lnndjit, 1831, for TKll'NKS.OARI'r.T HAGS, tlooti.:ihoci nnd (Mnn. nr.nil.JnmnnNnrp nmv tiir(rfid tntiurclin-ifri Ofthe particle., m.., u.ti.oiar.utnc.o,.,,;,., , I "'T. I"',' " "7 ? u?' I I"cr - ",L, - 3 "C-' "i'A-. ej- a cooi. RnFi.torto.v. rot rvcry mi mat wo M,l! ""' ""' oiour earth, Iho to!iii(!ralii re fjlls fivo M foryflvo mlcj, nm Jhe glolmwcBil bcyoml'tlni atmrnphori-.'niiil rntiT strictly speaking, into tho regions of space, whose tempcratti te la .'5 degrees below rcio, nml here cold reigns In nil parts." The gentleman who went "beyond the nt mosphcrc, and held tho thurtromeler In tlio "regions of space" hasincc his return ilrchred that thi next coolest thing Is, a suit of those tight, elecant and graco ul summer clothes, uliictl havo rendered lha fashion able Emporium of (Iranvillo Btokes. No. r.07, Ij'c SOJ Chestnut street, famous on this territorl -I orb. trJ-WIIITETECTII, I'ERt-UMEII IHUrVTlTANll IIEAUTIFUI. COMt'I.EXION-ean bo ocmlreil by using tho "ilam of a Thouiand Ftoireri." What lady or gcntlenian.woutd remain under tlio cursaofa tils, ngrvcabto breath, when by using Iho llAt't or a Titot'sAND I'iowers" as n dtotrlfice, Wtutd not only render it sued, but tcavo the tctth whl'.e ns nUs terl Many persons do not -know their breath Is bad, and tho subject is so dclirate (Ibt their fiiem's rlll never nienilon it . Uewarc of counterfi'lts. lie t nro each bottle It shned IT.TP.lnin 4; CO.. V Y. tjj" In this Mammoth worshipping ago, It Is laio tu and a man place his osclutnessto tho public bi fore his Interest. During a late visit lo the 'City ofpplndlcs.' we were presented by a professional friend, to tho celebrated rhomb!, Hr. J.C, Aver, whose tiamo Is now perlnps more familiar than any other, at the beiUide of sickness ,tu this country. Kncwin the onprcce. dented popularity of his medirfiies and the linnieiuc sale of lhm we had canceled to And liim n tnlUion aire and rolling In wealth. Hut im we found liim in his laboratory, busy witli Ills lahorrrs, among tiic cru cibles, nlemliics and remits giving his bert personal' rare lo the compounds, on the virtues .of v.Mch tliou, f sands hang lor hualth. H'o leatned, that notwithsland Inghis vast business and its prompt returns In cash, th" floctor is not rich 'The reason assigned is that j the material iscoslly.aud ho persists in miking hi preparations si extensively, tutttho twit proat is) small. AmtTitan Farmer, Phila. I UWTOUMITY or IMUiiHSt A Xew FauuRe in tliaiMci. Kocry one httvwn S&lumcnl JONUd CO., Of the CrfisrctU Cue -Price Oluthlne fiiore. No, 500 j Miikct street, above Sixth, rhiKiitvlpIiln. It nJilittoii to liavhtj the largest, mist v.irt(l and ishionaMe stock ol' Ulothtcg In PliHaJelpltla, mitdnl (i'xprcsr-ly far rttiil sales, liave contlltnlrd every one Ills own saliismnti, liy having m.irKfd in figures, on eachartitle Hie rry Inwrst price 1 L cin tio sold fur f tliey cannot ioisilsly vary nil inuiilliiiy nlik I iiii s)(Marc wtll snoiigcil aiulprciitirfd.antlgreni tiaiiii' tuKfii with the iiiakiii" su iliat all tan hiiv with fcc full aaurauce ofKctiing n good article at the very I lowest nricu. Alpo,a -htrso stock of f iice cnrils on hand, of thi: I ttcst stUuritl hejt qu illticn, wlnrh will bo made to order, in the mo it f.ishionnbln and bcil ivanner.2'por cent,li.low crulit prlcea. Itu iicnilft tlio Crenctntt l;i Market, above Sisth t-'Ut.'t, Nu SOU. I jovns kjJo. tn?-5i,i)0 miWAiiD xvTui, nr. vm n PoiflCv y Mcdicinofut will etcnl t'lt.Vrrac IIUTCMKIL'tl MA 010 011 lnr tli't fnowiii( (iMe.nes: ItliPumr.iiHu, Neuru'b'ta, n 1 1 A (loci un i Conlr utd Julitts.Oli i'ie I'ains, I'uiiii in the HUo rr ltuck,llt niacin!, Tuutii nche, Stri't4 Horu Tiirtat, t;nu Jtrunes, Mnrns, mid all ilisv.i!'" nf ihj rfkiu, Mmc'cH and the Ulm-U Noe ptMiiihi" without Hip ii?iature of "Pratt !t lltnplmr" attalil ioof.fl, label. I'riiinijtal nT.f.i'.'JDi Wiinliin? ton int, Ilrojklyn, Ni-v VorU. Sold by 0. M. H.V RnNnilCII. l)rit5Bldt, niormO.urg. C3TIm is locfrtiry thai 1 Inve n ad' bit one appli r.uion of i lie Mfcic 0.1 r.o my fingers wliicli havu btcn ; d'aw it Irani conlr iciion of tlio mnU, broulit on by rtu"i.i)niiu. It wi of ifV''n(fC ii niontlis Hlnitdltig, and I am now eitlirHy enred, I chetirfully rtcommend it to all Affile ted likcuiFc. j. m nxmiooK. ? isoctist street, I f tr r i jtm r, Ausim I. iPC7 L'osrc.N, Decmber C. Dr. Gto. II. fInLr, Dear Sir: In reply to your qut'Btlon In regard lo tile nction ol the Oxygenated Hit ters, I feci much plensuro in stating ihft Irom im prompt und decieive.eflecl in allevnting nnd overcom hig a snvprc and ehrouir, cafe.of Indigestion and Dyi pepia in viy own fimily, nnd from t knowledge of its uonderl.il re-u'ta In curing several attneka quite a bcvere In oth'r families of my acqunntincc. I consldur swro-igit and inlallibla remedy m that distressing complaint, and would c ordially and earnestly rccom. mend it to all who ntiy be tlJiit, alllitt'M, ltefpsctfully your, 1SAAU nrtNTORTII, 17 South iMniket flirttt. The ahnv Ccrlijicnta ti from a veil ftjiowtt and highly rcipertable Merchant of Itsgton, and is entitled to tht fullest confidence. He in IV. I'ovvlk & Co., 13d Washington itrect, ni3 ton. Proprietor. Sold ly their agenle evorywheie. il A O'AKU TO U'lllJ hADltld. Ua. Uyi-os co'a Ooldk) TRFsrii ViiL3 are inftUi'jts iii rtnnln s'oppj get or triegulanties of the menses. These 1 ills arc nolhiiij new, but havo been used by tho Doctor for many )iirs, loth in Tranco aril Aoieri ca, ilh uiipnrQllehd siircna i n every rase ; and ho is urtfod by many thousand tadics who have need them, J to make thu Pills puh'ic, for the alleviation o( Hiokb luflerine from any nrcgulariiija whatever. us well ! 113 n preventive to thoso ladies ivlojj lieallli will not ! permit in Incre.isi cf family Pregnant tcnules, or tho90 ,u:ipos. ng thenuelves so ire cautioned againsl using these Pills, ns tho propri ",M ' r-N'"iuiiny auer tuc aboio numa. nition.nlihouBti ttielr mildness would i.revent anv in Jury to health; othcrriEC. theso pjlls mo recoiu. (mended. lorecilnns infcomriany each box. Price 51. fold m.uutmu 1'iiu re 1.111, ocounii m. iiARCNniicii. General Agem, liloomibur, I'n. Iln nill supply ifc trails at tlni proprietor's prices,, nnd mul Ihe Tills to ladies (coj1Ji,ilfj,Vj) by mall on ri.x."jptl tliroht'i,) III ii.uii, ir,- 1'ni'O.lb! 0X13 PRIOli ONLY ! MITINCOTT & IIUNTKII'S Clotlmig Wnroliouie, Soulll West corner of I'ourtli and VTMkel streets, I'lul lidelpllia. Tkt oal) Out Prim doMag Store n .Inirlca Cash purchasers ol Men's or boys Clothing, at wholesale and ralalt.can here, make their selection front an iuiiintiiss stock of fashionably cut and well nnJeclotlniij, fotnp with a view to gulo satisficllon lo all, nu hit the very lowest pissilile seliinj prjCo a marked n plain flgtues on every strident, all buy at tho ajmopriccnnd whether they arc JuJjci of (roods or not, they raunolbe dccicvcd. One uniform low price lo ask nnd take, suilscveryliody, wilo Iho usual modeofo.kiiij iwu prices, and taking "II that can bo got, nuts nobody, undchi'atilhreo.lbiirlhs for irslanco a nun askstll for a coat, and afterwar ls.nrees to take ill), and it i.ripjily certain , that ha would have taken JI5, il hoco ilil have jot It, nnd thus- actually chat hopurclns.rontof flvodollars. To remedy tliia evil ond esiai.lish confidence In tho imiI.i, I.ITPIiyuor t CO., n .Klniforinliclow price on all their goods, (very much b low the usual rnlos.) and will never vary one cent under any circumstances. O'OALl. AND BUB .3 At tli do j Hi Woiico'au ol I'diriu am l irka ulrcct hildeiphia. NOTIOH. ATOI'ICi: is hsp'hy trvMi tint an applicjiiou will bn 1 madu at the nasi .union ol iho l.i-olilalure o( rgn isjlv.niia. lor Ilia incorpora.ioa ol a Hank, with the n.uil pnvileso., 10 lm called Tlio lllooin-burii Lank." Willi a capital of two hundri-d than .. dol Mrs, and io bo located in Iho lown or Ulaoai.buri!, (rOltinihia couaiy I'a. WM. BNVIIi:il. C, MCNI) AM.. A, J. UVA'a, I W I1AHTA1AN, J It.UIHIiY. A j rl.o', II II Altl'IH'li wm i;oi:iiiON B. O. 8IIIVK, UI'IIHAIM , I.OTZ, I A r MKVCII, jaiiuii i:vi:u. i'uit.u iiiliievkr, ULIAH lllliTtllll'K lit 0"K"l! S l'M -' I . !PA6 0 h A M ATION. I WIinnnAM. tho Hon Warrby J.Vo.ntvAnr..rrnil lent onita Oniitt ofO)rritii(iTifrmiiif r nnd (Jo rem I JatlDellverv, Court i Qit.irler U.-sm,iu oilhc Pen re nnd four! of rnntninii I'knftnnd Orphan't Court.' in Hie Twenty. Blxtli Ju trial Uiitrtct ro .itned oftlia I miintici of l'o1ntnbIa fl'illivan nnd Wynmlnidniirithe linn Jam... UvAPf .tiid-I'SHcti KtiMt, Aisorime Jndgen n Col ii in u in county, Jiavo mined their precept, k'nriui; dale llifl llllt day of Peple Mihftiii flitfyi-ar ofnur Uii ono lliminnnil bight hundred nnd flfiy fix, nnd to mn di reeled fur lioldlr-p n Ouil of Oyer and 'IVriniiter 1tod noiifrnl Jill Ocllvery.OcnMalUuarier Region nlrha Ware. Common I'leutnnil Ori'hun's Court, hi Hlonmi liirp. In the enmity nrCnluiiitii,.. on tho tint Mondnv, (lifliig ttic Tilt day) of Dccl-mWi next and to continue Ollf HI'I k. .Voiicr l horeliv plven. to the. O'r-ronrr. tho Ji.j tires of Hie ivneo mid Constables of the unid ronnty of Co hiiTilil.i, tint they I io tlifn 'and liers In tlirfr proper priniisnt 10 o'Hnrk In tho torcnomt nfflnld dn)' with llii'lr'rrrorilti. liiriiiiioiinint niher rtnifinlir.M'C'' Io dn llmiL" I lit one which to thflr otWcrn nt prrtt.lfi to io onnf, nu iiion inai nro imutui ny ri cnci.mimc, lo jirorffitte nculnit I lm priniMrn Hint nrr or inny ln In Jj--r!,: 'ili'r r.'1,, ."..I'!', 1" "c,,i'.".1...1." .I1' jL"'ri'I. iV lltfir nnlires. Dntfil nt Ulori.oslrfirB. tlio utilliilavof Octolior, in Iho yrar of our lior'l oiin tlimH.nd i-laht I liiimlfeit nml nnv'scvrn, nnil lntlib2t yenrol ttiuln i (liipuliihinru oftho llnilcil Htates nl Aincrlrn j (God savo the Cnmmonvealth.) BTIIrllP.N II. .MII.LIlR.SAtrlT. Orl3l,lSS7 List of Causes for Trial Dec'r Term. I William Koon m flforjic I. Kline ct at. 3 William 10mm ti (Jeorp I, Kline 3 Joseph HineklmiiM v Ottbi'rl Ir,vlor. 4 Thom't Parker r John II Parker. 5 Un.ic Mr own rt Itoliorl J, Lyon, 0 Jacob Scl.ii)ler vt Wilson A(rr. 7 rietchf-r II. DoiIon rt at e William Long. 8 Christian Hcivtr ImntelOlger. U M t rt i ii iMnwrv vt Thetnua (iirkt.oiife, 10 (IillMrt Fitwlcr v$ (lllbert II Fowler ct al. II William Hitt.'nlionsn vs Simuel V Hcadley. V2 I)aid llildrhrnnttnpujatntn tlx. 11 Kaviil WinterstfenM nl vs L'hrli. Shuman, 14 William Conr.idr Dame) Hnnlh 13 JaniPR nitlenliotu'' et nl vs Horny Hole. Ill J ienb Wiirner r State Mutual Tire Insurance (io. 17 John tnder rs Levi L.Tote. Id O. O. Kihler for the use of Wm. Robinson ri Cretl erirk Kahh 19 Henry Stork vs Nicely Sc If itemnn. 'JO Adam l? troop et al r L. It. Ilupert et at. 21 ('oinelhirt Mcl-rren r Henry J Vnple. Nov 7. IH.T TravorsoJui'orsDccom'rTorm ITIo-mi Snium I FhtflVr. JnmoH L. Harltley. John Whitemil, John K. tlrote, .ebohiu Orrrsit. Ilenton Ilmbvii l)dvi, fr'r., Tcur Case, John Me Itenrv. Hr. ' llr'.ir c;reek Sainutl Kelchner. Centre Lnvi Alkmnn. Ktenhen Hultnn. t.iitl.iwi9sa Stniui'l KoftcnhadprltM.inhlH Hnrtmiu, illlllirCrrpk-J(hn lli-ss njua'rd ilniiii.ii Hi I irk"r llVnrU,"r Unangu. Daniel rcotiwnnilJohn Moore 1 i in in Slnrker (Ireenwood John Moorp. llemloekJamen Uininill, Julin (Iruter, ejso Ohl. l.orii.1 Him, Ilrhvl? Tetrr K. icilicjn, Paniucl ltPlntiolil. Issinc Ulinnls. .MllHin Jo'ili o. Wlnterstecn, Leonard .KirkcnJall. Main Pimiii'l l'ili,'r, Isnlali ghuinau. Orangp Jolin Arlinnback. I'lnn llunjiniin Winter.li'en. Ilonring Crffk Attain (Ijljti!. Siiliarlnar Allins l.'olp. Si'iill Daniel Wlillmire, Jacob Keller. ucl .11, l7 (SmiiiJ Jurors for Bccrinhpr Terra. Hliirni-I.rwls II SI.uis, llnnunl lluucrt, lii'uvur John J. Drt'lsliarli. Ilriarl re.ak P tfhen Aclicnbacli. OVntro .M.liilnn lljrks. Cnltiwl ti-llen nnln Zerr, Julin Scolt. rranklln Jiiseili liittrr. Klsliins Orcek Wllli.im l!nrKn!ew. (1'rcnwonil Jusepli Keller. Jackson llolibllll, I.iirnsl tVhllaiii Ufnch, tainuel Mears. Mulison Lewis Rctnnlur, N'jIsoii Kiichcn. .MnitlourArt. lliiss. Mirlini Isaac Snyiler. .Mitlne. Ilamm J0W4. .Mount i'luasLiltDaniitl Morihn. Orange HUain K Kline, Ueiijaiiiln Wertman. l'ine William Cosliner. Itiianiiz Creek John Wlillnvr. Krull llli Crevchng. Oct 31, ISi? SIIKRU'F'S SALE. BY virlU" f soverr.1 rl. e Vendmnim I,tnoiia, to me d;rreted. vf J 1 he oxrjoped n Public S.tlo; nt Hie. Court House In Klrcmshury, on iie HtU day of December next, at I oMock.P M the fitlovviiij IUai Ustate. to s'H ut I that certain Tract of Land, Pittnie n Ku?arlt af towiuhip, CohimbU county. IkiihkIimI uslolhiWB. to wit: On iho I.4U by tr.nd of Jidiu Moitrti'M lifiri, on Wm Sim Ih hy land of Abraham Ymin? mi tho Went hv Und ul llarimnn & Ilikcr, nnd mi Ui'' Nonh ty laud bf Jihn Miriuei and other foti talnms TII11KI5 II UNDUE D ACRES. lie the K.inio nifire nr lewj,. t'ron Is erixted rrTT'V .1 stmll nn-i mrv lo hmiso u (III tlio :ipiiurt'ii- iB auei'o, er-j. I and taken -.n exefiiiniii and to JAilSa huild at tne proptrl uf l.ilintiihl Craw lord. rrmiu.v n. millkii. N H, 17 IhcnJ. ALSO, At l!ie faun limn and pi ice, b virtue of a writ of fteit uc n nil Hint certain LOT OR l'lKCE 01.' LAND, Situate in Jerncyio.vu, Columbia county, coitt.dntns Ouo-Fourth of nn Acre, Mori or lens, bounded on the North by .1 road leading from s.ild town in Mltlvillo- on tbti.-'oiih lot of widow Wftllivi-r. on iln' UiFt Willnin Harbor, nnd on '.ha Weft hy lol ol' N-nl Mi Coy.u hereon m cr"tled n tun etorv Ir'tuo IKvelline Mouse a ntnlihi witli ihr appurtenances, mizl lidini in ti. rtiiirui and io bf Fold us the iiroperiy -ii i'nou Wtlliver, Adtiinistiator of i'luiieous IVi-l'iver, dcd. titrpiiKN u. .milm:ii. Nov U, lb.57 bhtnj. iiovgu's LiQuib'iiAitt" dij:. 'TMlId UAlil I) VII ui'edd only a trial to h.iiI-ij allot X its per left ion an a Dye, and lh lelfoMin? tebti lonni 1 1 irom tint cininciii Anali lie CbeinUt . Proleif-or Ilooih. ol lie U S Mini .i ill only rnn fir ni what thou eandtf havo previomly borne testimony in. "laboratory for Vrattical Ci tfclstr-j, .St. Siephfii'a i'late, phJIadfl. Heine well nro'in inied with l he n.I.4t..i,r.i! riiinn.i. j iiij; II over'-. J-i.'UiJ Hair ll)c.l atn raiistd 'h,n hy 1 toMiniina th simple Ureciiom kivu iyr it neo. it will 1101 injure tho flair or in, but nil I given natu 1 rnl aud dnr.U lu-colvr to tiie hair. JAMRH c p.ooni, Aui 1857 .inatjftU CAer.Uf. U OVER'S VKTriNG LViCS, TVcr.uniNd iiovnii-b n-uin and noviirt-s in- L l)i;LIIlL.r, INK"retoow,lknownnndintrodiiccd i't require any adliilonH lyti,nouy orih-ir tlmracter. ih Mies have been incr'Tlng winre their first Info duclio't, jiviiisevi enc I hit iln a Hulcs trulv po'ns that iuiniHic merit cliinicd at fird for thcin hy the imnuf.ictnrer. Ordfs n'ldrec(l loihe Manuf'tct i , No, 41(1 Rice street, nbovo fourth (old No. HI,) I'hladehilua, will re ro prompt nitentljn. J03CPI r. novnn, AuffO1!, 1637 I y Maaufar.lurer . N K W DIUIG STORK. nXCIIAKGE I1IOUK, MAIN STJin-tT. rpiIH ti nderp ne u would re-pertfu l ly in f.jr mhis friend .uiu nn! p iMir sfiier..ny. 111.11 ue uas rurciiaieu nr thccily'futh K Frcsll (ITU Titztfi t's Uritgnii I Chemlcnl Uioro, and just returned L'e.ind select stock. connisliiiL' of and Pure Drugs, I ...A If.n.1 ,1 liitlniJulsA. nntn.. , MedicinoF.Chcunrnl ' Oiln. Varit'i-'heB HieSmir. Window UIukoT nil totlnf w nli a roniph u- nssnrlment ofPaint.Tooih nnu Hlinvlnj llrughes, Tobacco. ir't'SClk, I anc) doaps ,SliaV' ing Cream. Pure Wirips and IJrnndica, For.AIeillcini1(i.e,Unlish,rrcnch:ind AiiutIci Per In nn: ry ; in short, every article kentby l)ru tglsln toao rally trlVe'CriptionscarcfulKcnninouHiled. N II The Dsvr.i. I'hoses.iov, will he continued ns usual in I'lo'iuishiir and l.ig'il Siroat. Aisi.a fall aoorimont ol' llio Ijiesl siylo Teclli. for sale by nno. M.riAcuNDUoii. Hiim.biirir, February I, ld57 B AG L13 ' FO UN mi Y.TjL 00 MSJJ uo Slovi'S anil Tinware. rj-'lin subscrilier hiving rroctntl a largo new brick J 1'ountfrv and Machine Hlion. in nlare nf iho old one, is prepared to mako all kinds of easting ul Ihe iiin.-si pric, K. i lows cnu. liiniiy nn iinuu. l lio suit ...Ih,., ,bn l.l 'I'l .. jjin. ,. .n n tho roiindry lul, wiero ho has ended a buildiui together for gloves and Tinwaro ... The Cpoklug EUoves consist of the WM. TENS ,25jrCO()S. ItAIII! t.'OOK. .VAHLUlIt COOK, ami 'BKSl'Aftl.'lll 6TO.VCS ol all kil.ls, Iho KlllI CY "S-l.INIICIl 3TOVt;,&c. All Kinds ol Spoulin luade to or.dcr. JOiCPII 8IIAIIPJ.E8S. I lusbilri!, Apiil ll.JPST 1 S17AUP NOtToI AI.I. persons ImMited tn tho Arm of llarlman k llowcr. aro hereby uottled to loll and selllo llio : same a nil save con. IIAtlTMAN Iz DOIVKR. I Also, those indebted t tho subscriber, are llkewi sa reiussied io call and selllo. 1". T. II A HTM AN. l.spylnwn. Juno C. 3ni R . BKoasi. it, , cta. imonsT & CLAHK, DKAMULS IN IMPOTIT.U AMI DOMHSTIO WiES AMD ilSUOBS, NO .wa NOIITII T1IIIH) sTllUUT, 3 Alioo llaci'. L.tDF.LPIIUI. Ocl Ul. BJ7 TlOW'AHI) kx I'HESS COM P ANY? L (MvWAUD nVid tleliver pacTindei on tho I die of the Poll. til M Jl.,,1 ltp.,,1,,,,, . 'i, ,., . KV ."VUir.e aiMWill.anT.portundi'l.nim Ilrulls Notes aud Illlls proinntly cnlle clo il rnncili.ll Oinee. uj I'ny. i.ii.i mm r rile is lot i n. Oo.i.l. iliiiwrrd au,i lioods rollc'leu liu . rililudclpliu Aug 'J 1SJ 3WAN & CO.'S LOTTEHIES. NEW .11! I) BhlM.IJtNT SCUIMI1. CaHal I'rizo $00,000. TliolalKiwing Stlii-mn dill lioilnwn hyrf.HwAni. V.n.. Minnsr rsi ir ilm I'nrt OalnrA Aco'tiny f.ottcry, In cjfli nf their l.ottiTl.m fur Novnnlpr, IB..7, at AlMIUarA. (.'I'orcln In wliltli clly liny Aura remura.l their l'rlnciiial URicc, Cl.ARS 61, To be drawn In UweUyur A'ljriuta.tlrorclA, m-puUlc, on duluriliy. NnvainlnTlll. ISj7 Tu bo ilrawtiln Hip cltyor Ausnnta.G. orcla.lll public, on tialuuUy. Nvfinotii-r Hth. IU57, Ol.AM 03, To bo drawn in the clly or A upm la. Georgia, In public, on jtirl.y, November lit. Ie07. CI.AS1 CI, To ilrawn lit tlio city ol Autt'ioln- fJr"rin, In puMIc, mi S it.ir.l IV Nuveiii'iT iiJtli. Ii7 no, i.fiit i'i.an tip HiNnLU Ni;itui:nfl. VZ mm ' . f lis Ihoutaiiii lttr lluntlrttt aittl Xxpety I'ntett liokcts. tuaxiFicFJtr scr.rir.t r,AJ1l prf.e of TO UK OUAWN BATUIIUAV IN NOVKMBtml $A1,tll( rrizes ot uiio 'J.l til Ml 10 ooo 7,000 .1 001) 3,501) 1,500 Ht-O 7HO mm 500 400 1,10 3 in no 100 J.1HA s.to 100 APPftOillMA'l ION' PHl'r.fl, 4 Prizes, ?lnOAiiprox'ing lo tMMHMlPriiwaro Slf.00 t 300 " J2"0 4 m mo o,iLH) foo 4 in ' 7 UO 501 4 M'O .1.0.1.. " 4iM) 4 75 3 .lOtt 3fH) , 4 .10 " 1,500 200 socio i:oaro loo.ooo i 540O Prizeu nnmuming to 83-20,000 wiiotu Tu;KGia aioj itALvna s; (iuak- TUHH 2i JPian of thi J'jottcnj, TheNonlbers Irom'l to 50,00'J, corresponding with thoo Nu mix: is on the IVket priitt'Nl nu eparnir tilips ul paper . are encirc led with small tin tubes nml ! plared in one wheel I The htsl 4f.-i Pnies, sluulfrlv -jKinled t ml encir cled, ar' pliced In iiirotherwh''el i Tin! wlu'cls nte 1'ien revolved, nnd n number U drnv n from the wheel of Nuinlieri nod nt iho -'iti limo a Pfivf is drawn f roiti the niliir wheel Tho Number and rri7i;t!ravn imi nru opt-ncU an t exhibit cd to' tho audience, nnd n'pifK rt'il by tlx Contiois Biuiicrs; me rn.i nriiig piateu ugaiim me iMinio"! drawn. 'JhU operation Is repealed until u 11 tho I' r I nre draw n out i Jipo-oiimation Vrhcs. Tho two pieceilina and th'j twn mctec ling NtiirlierB to those draw tut the fl rat 7 f'll' WH b" Mitlllnl In til" '.H Aprirmhliatimi p,HQg ,.(,r (,xillllp,. rnfWs.. UUwUdrntra Hie SliU.UHO rrie-Hio..! Tickeifl niliuofrcil II "U II ll,'J5I. It will eiifh bepntltleil to S-H'tl II IVrtt! 1 No. 550 draw tho Sii.lUlO pn?e, those 'IVkeis nent . bcrod 54. ."iVJt 531. 05i will each bo entitled to $10d, nml no on nerordinj to the nbove nenif . Too 5000 Prizes of will bedttermMied bv Iho last fipnreof thrjV,iniher tivit drnwi Hie $M (MtiU'riv.'! l'fir e.taiiipb; , if Hie Number if ru wine the SHltfld Prlto ends uiiti No. 1, thfii all lb lirl(it wloro tho Number rndjt, in i ,wfil b entllled lo'tati Iflhe Noiitlif r end v iih No Q then all Iho Tickets where the ISumlier tnda in 3 will bo entitled to SJU tmJ no on to u. . V'uruiicaiiH Ol l.lCKopPH Wll w ewiti mi iihi jmiihv' ins rnif., n men I lllf rlf K . Ccrtilic.nu of Package cl" 1(1 Whole Ticket, PO do do 10 Il.tir tin 40 do do luamrlcr do JO do do II) Lijhth do 10 IN OilDUIU.Vfi TICKPiS Oil Until iriCATCH, Uoclom thu money to nor .nl'lrss Tor tho luk'ts nrderMltou rocclut of wli.r.1. they wil be forwarded bvflfrUmnl. Piirehaperiicnn have tickets ending in anv fl(iit they may deufpiia'e The J.I st or Drawn Number nnd Prized wi II bf! sent to n irrhatLVa iKim'dit:t'"ly oiler the di. living Pn rclu ueri will pie write t liel r nit'tuilurea flain, auditive their Ptt OHic. Cnnntv and Hlate- Uincmbf r that every I'rlite is drawn and miablc In fu II ivithnut d dilction . All Pruea of lij'iilnml iindT pi id inindi,tely nfler the drill inti-athcr PfUeB ut the usual tine of thirty da)s All eomoi'inicntlons ilr ictly confidential. Address otdera forTickei nr Cerhflcat to fi SWAM h. CO . Wwrn-itd. Oa. Pcrnns residing tienr Munlsomi-ry. Ala. or Atlanta, Oi.stan tnvi ihVir ordurs tilled, an'd povo lime, Ly nddressmc S Hw.111 4: Co , 0,1 either vl' those cJiie CT "slot tho number iliat nro I'rawn fiom the whpl, witii thu anion 11 1 of the prize th it earh nnu in eniitli'd to nlll he nnhl i flif-d alter every drawni" in Ih- folloivifu paper -Vrir Orleani Dtl'a Mobile He pirter, Ckarltrtoa Standard. ,Va3hcill Oauttet Atlanta IntfllipeiKer, o York H'eeKttj I)af Hook. Saeanaak Morning J'eu)i Itithmnnd Dtupatch, .Veto YvrL Jjitpateh a nd patilduitf J Clarion, Oct .11 1K)7 CHEAP STOim. spring" and SUMMER goods. ' I Ml 12 urulfrsiirDciI take pluaaurp in on M nouncliif lo llit'lrruli)iii re und the publirfrerier ally, ihai Hiry Ii ue liiFt temived, at tho l.ime Kide ISiorc a rhoire nsEortnii nt 1 f Suring and Summer Goocl?. CompriMi g c-7fry nriicltt usually kept in Country M.e w iiii iiu 1 e Ju 1 11 f-tletted lilllicnic, and 11 ill bt sold at ery low pi ves for ready pay. ronsitllng of a laipn sariely wI L 'oil's, Cabimcrs, D1!.'iu,B. llrn.es t'ali oes, &c. C" Country produce taken 111 eiclmr gefor poodii Civu us a call. None need go away dixaiifiM( i;, tVi g. j,ow. I.ilr.o Pudc. March IW NEW GOODS. SPUING- AND SUMMER OP 1857. r lin nndfr-ifynpil iratolnl for former! I hber'l pairon.iQ, re'p.'cifnl ly infrrnii In;' (ri'MHld nnd rnt-touieri in eiicnl, iniii ii" li.ti nun; Nienrt'il ltiiJiiifBin iijs fpcmun New Moro Houn ni'itdour tn I'iah Imiimrs lloul where he has Just received, n Tu 1 1 su pfly nl pitii; ,n ii.MMi'.i? (u fin. fo'iipnlns-'very variety of l.mliion, 'pialuv nnd itvle nmiaili Kepi in iite-uusi nii.ret., iru'eiief,iiiiiiic( ware Hardware. t"iefi. Im, II r.s. tVf. llo'.tn. rfhoos, t".c. u men i 1 1 1 u ii)iii uii im ri i niiiinii.ii i j i in 4 , (Jrain and p uduee nf nil 'tr:idv ntid. A k a. AMIKEWS MinvilM. M.ircli 'ii, J t37. y I N15W OAHIUAGE KSTAliLISIIM EST ItV JiLOOMSBURG. Ia tlio Now brick tlirco Story Carriage Factory, en Main below Market. Till, miliscritiur would refcpeclluriy aur.ouh:c4o rlie public, lh.it lie bus commenced the 51i,ob, j .77.. v. In all liiiranrhfli. lie Ii prepirod toeeeuie all orders ami has nn hand at resent an assortment of finished wtrk which purciiascm Wil Hindi l to thlr adv.nttagc'to oxa mine. Itni'AIRINO. Will bednno In the most prom.it pnd eip'fai manner find u pen terms whieh e, innut ' ill to Llvp s.iiifnrhiin. HritAWiifiiut-i: a. wu.bux. Hloiiinwliurg April il. If...1!. 11 HOOKER & MA IIS II, AiiclioiiciTS & Commissiiiu Merchants) SOI NORTH Tllllll) frr.txT, One door betnu Vine, Pilei or Boots anttthofs, lirtj Goods, Ouns.Ifcrdwart, natcfits tancy aooas. &e r.VLlIIV CVUNINU. ' t5(;nuntrv SlorekiejierB and other 4 will nlvayp Und ' n larsnaiul .loslralilsassorlnienl lo sold in lots ta s lit hu era the premises jr Country 5rade. ui our uveinng t-iiea of the nbovc (Juods, to Unofls packed on Wri an 1757 II II NEW COOPER SHOP. rplIU piibfcriberannouneeB thit ho will carry on (he X COOTLIUMI IIUBl.M:Stf alln- Urewerj in lion kniEvillt, where he viU uuAn JlarrcSj Tubs, K?gst An.1 evcrythlnfi in that line of bnniuc. Ho will also remtir work of all kind, and wnblo n vkillully and at lair nrtccK rilAllLl.a V, IJASflCUT. Uloonisliiirg. Jiino 13. IM7 GltKAT ATTlt ACTION TOHN DOl.T,, No. 141 North Second itrcct above J Arch, i'hi adtlil'ia. Importer of Ibys and Fancy Goods, XUs the luret as4ortuieiitt of Curioyiiiff in tho city. Toysof all kinds, f.nry Itiakeid, Hmakrriied,Tobnero Uoxch. Vtoliitf. and tsirlnju. llarinnnir.ii., AcconleniM, and a Itrjte variety ol oilier articles too uumer&uti to mention HiorekeetieriaudotheriUillplearc call to fort pur ttiamrgclu'wliere .uz -9. l8.'.7-3m 0, II. 8 ARMCS, r;KRII9 ct U A 11 X E S tfc OS T E 11 1 1 O U T, .VaHlarrvrsrs and Whoktalt Dealers in Hats, Caps, straw linods ami Fins, NO. iOJ ,M AIIKBT STRCUT. up stairs.J AaoVB rtllt SlRfcET, Au8 p. jp37 ritiLinF.r.riu.1. POWDER! POWDER 1 1 TIIH undersigned luting associated together, ucder Iho linn and slylu of .I'arsel A Jacoby, IVill contlnua tlio Criarcrcck rWder Ummess in all I. departments. ii. n. runsi:i J. U. JAL'OUt. Aug 10, 1MT V , " ""' J '-' JU.l ro :.l loono l -n Jl "N 1' AND I P cVIIW, UCM fui si . ' sot ev ,1 c )f.3l H nwr. n.t.f.tft a vr.An pirciltalion over 100,000 Copies Wockli Q5 Witnesses, Oil, TI1H KOHOEIt CONVICTED. TOIIN ri. IIYO Is th" Author, vrin 1ms li.id isn al tonrtdttinricnni t i Unr.kerk.nd Pubt l.thr. it ml Am Ii" ml atsti tstf !.teturt$ tt tt.'ottHieay 7 tlemadt whcnilurion iurcestuve uiu' ivi r ftrSOOtOPeoi'to-ri Greeted litij wHluoutnU or applnilf . t-tnl.-' I cx t.,1.11. .1 t l.r. inm.niir lit Wtl Ictl (j O II ft I P f ffl i H fit V fUlO 'hit Iniuiti. nnd the ureiil and sholtctl n.ean o'f 1 detirttnu them ! ..... I Jrti ujnf j,wr r.ngrvvrrw ...... .hidge rf Paptr JHontf thing . Greatest Dhccvcnj of thn Present Century for DvUcting Counterfeit Hank Notts, 'Describing every (Jrnuine Hill In exigence, nnd exhlhitirg atu glance ceiy Utin.tcrfcit lit firm a Arranged so admirnlity,that Kcfcrer.ce Ii Easy and Oe'Mil-iii IuntanlancoiiH. KJ-Ni Index to cxaiuiiic t N'o'pr.jfptn hnntup' I'ui no -Impllned and arranged, Ihnt tl.b .Morrtiaut, liunktrniid lliulnefs Man ran see all attgUttc, h'.ngllsh, t'rtnth and Herman 'llmi each inny unit UiutJiucltt his own N'ajtlre Tongue. Most ptrfvet ftanh Koto List Publuhcd, Also n list of all Hie rjttVATi; n.NKi:ua in ami:iuca. A eomolciD'uninnry ofihe 1'inance or Emors aq America Will he pilblmhed in ieh edition, t ge'licr Willi all Hie importnnt Nl'.Wrt or Til 13 DAY. AlfO, A KlIpJCS r TAU'H I'roio nn old Mnm-tvcripi r.xuid tu tho Hast, It fur nl nheii lilt luoit tmiipii t hwtory of oniOKTAL Llr.. And tleserlbiny Uio inol prpletlrtg' positions In which Iho tadiijtii.'.'tlBe.itlemen ofthar eounlry have I. nr.., si l'li n fi HI II if. lIlCFfl Storied w'U COiititilin IrroiipUfMit the whole yeaf and wlll pnive the m'osj ent''ruiiiiirig ever oiierf n io nn- , tyruriiihed weiklv lo Subscriber only, at $i n year. All Inters umilbo nihlnsoit io JOHN' ri. Oi'K, inker Publisher rfid Propriefr, 70 Wall bt., New York. Jlylhe rcnmytrnnU Stile JgrhuhuiptSocttht nttd by several Count iodeties, la Ultr.IXKK Ri:AWr.Ln f CO., far thetr Celebrated rcftitOCe CtTTin J OfWFM 1 1 unci L,n I 70II tlorfca, it is an invaluable rotocdy for tti fitrc , mid yei e tit ion ot nil !lrafd Incident to tho nnti. uniiiitl. it Uitfniier, Coiigbi. 'Pnrcy, lVver, Ylf tul.i, 1'oet tltiRtoi 1.0112 diBcm.". luil, (!renn. (tripp. Inflnmnntion. JiLntiice. Kidncv d nunc, fJMiidcri. Thick (."C3. Mid 'bound tiLicjur. Vry'ra. tMtiri in t.unpf. Surfeit, rounders, Ht light ll&r, Wurnu, (iorLs. Ac roil VIJAT CATTI.'J In J.inulleo, Vellowf, lloven or IT'nwn, r.'oody Urit e. Ked YVnU'r. -Miirrian, ltn ofCmi, Lot of An petite, Dijrrlnel or l.oosi'ness, Ilnnf iltietH', Wolf in Iho Tail, (loltoiv Horn, llloody Milk. Uloud disease, Losi.r:illtc. i'Or nona. In Hwelled Nick.Mjks ju the I.iver, AbTesnf in the Lung, Ulterb of tho IIouel, iianrii -r Crauipa. Choke diPcnveR. Nn lartin'f sho'il I Imuithoiit it n sinci,, day ; it is his flhci tat cbor lordisr-arct of Ms ttoik It incrravts tlia aoioiitil of milk, boiler and (at in lu-nlihy nnimnU Irom ei.u.il nninmit of fowl nt Icat lumi u to S!fl per rent ji the rxpi fit me r crr 10 ObU inrmcr, vhu nave imco 11 w in leMirv at nny lime i Avcriinu xmv inricovnp.Yi C A T T ii 15 J.INIM KNT. Vn'Uiiitli-yanyilfier2itiliheiil or rmlirnentlon 1 1 r 1 1 1 i 11 n (o the iorld. It is noml for the lol Ion in b t!i3e-eii,a,.id has proved iitw-H In IU handu of iiiou'aridn m larnt-rs, aiiiicrnniid nMgo iroprittitrii to vxti edoiijthli-ef f he kind ever ollcrrd In ih" public inn c-ft'iTLK uxMUtXT is coaj) to it CATTLK. ipraiiifi, Bruiseti, Poundered Peel, rSpaiiu, Sweeny, I isltilii, tV.lhit. 'ills ol every kind, VVint'gii'li, Band Cracks, I. nmene'i.riiraiiis, ficrauhea orOreate, Pllirk I.fCi, II ird Tuiuotirs, ll'iisbone. Poll r.vll, (-'rack d II eels, II. tten iioor, Maiige, (lorn Ditien'ji . And many oilier dirnsp.i HUM A3 DnV. Itlieiif.iMiftn, Weak Jorntr, Coufrnctcd inewa, Front Cile", Chapnid Ilandj, lWLlIllIgS, Tunio iri. Toothache, Pain in tho kegs, J'.vii n the Hark, Pntn in tho Shoufdejf, Nori hum Pains. Clnblfljn, itileijfAtiiii.aU, tin ir Joints, Jl is 1 Hiort. ti.e mos t ooiupli'te and universal Llfnuitiit that scieiCe ever let pn .mml ha JituMre of Counterfeits, nn boih our val'i ible iltafinver ion nru nlreailv couiiti rfencd by poiwnis in diif rent paiWol the nts Our powdtT has our written Big 11,1111 ri- nn eacil uomu. .Matiiifaclttred only by uuciMc, rnoNnpinin & co.. No. 317 H, Third st , N, U. corner TU ird U Wood, 'Philadelphia, Demi '0, lS57-tf OLEUM LiqtJOIl. OKKTIPIOATE. Wljt the undersigned IIou?o I'Aintcrs, hertby crrliTv tdat wo I.ftvo prven the newly invnted O'cnin 1,1'por in uitifart'tred by l.refn , liiliiitn & I.riunu, i.i rinl.idel)liia, an imart . trial and have Ci,ntu I it a '! i"iu nii!)Miltite fir J. sei-d Oil f.ir hiiiiern r lo il in ev itv retijiifi t, ut e of mi ly anon i Ii iII'.h nnicli. ih is ennnlderalily redid tig i)ie i'"'ii.L' ni p uiiilo?. V would tliereluro pieuju i ue n d Uit puMic to its R'JOTal npa.and after it Im Seen in. d Us Hiinrioniy uer United Oil will be ut icatod to by all. UIIARI.r.3 aUIKR, IJN(iUlt. WII.I-IAM wt'f.M;. tUlVAUU UUNtlAKD. June U, I6j7, T IIBRKHV certify tbat I Invc had 1 llmun 1'iiiiitin prnsfcnit'd lately Willi tliC abnvo iiiitiied Oleum U-mor, and concur in all n'ppeeu wiili Hi" recoiiiuH-nl.iu n ul thi above n lined uunik'nieii, and w ill here ,tdd. Dial in fniiirij will Uwn no oauit n 4M"''ain-ns piii.irini'ii wiiiimji mn a i ilitmrti n V10 nl,ovo ,um,'l vaiji.ildo l.tjuiir Tliom wh-re Hm-v tan eon.inco tlit.nn, ven ol nil inotn witii may tt my rcdldunce. Ivci4 ol til I til tt i i re pri'ient'-d of I lie UlcuinLI'iuor in re ird to beauty and durability. J. ISAAC DP.CIN1G June 12. IK.?- t ir VT AND SSUilIUBU -. GOODS. rpHK unJcrsined r cppcctfullj inform E their cus In iner ai d Hie inib'ie eenerallv. that 1'iev h.ivt i'i-t ri'i'i'iw'il nt their 111 w Unck Htcre rimmo, In j Lihttreet, a select af Mirlmviit ol fauhlonubl j Spring and Sununcr Goods. I direct from Urn Has lorn ciiie, coniprifcing al the "arinuB seler.iniiis to h tumid In 'oti tit r Stores, !.ml'tins ol Cinhs, L'J'i.iiiii res. Detains, lir:ize-, I'.ttiroi'c .vc Ti-gtl-'hT a nil a.l kinda or Orefc guod? fot Ihe ladle. Ai..4o.-n!.f'Ti.RMr.VjS wo:An, or almost VlUtV fl OUT Al) HTYLII. I.Mlli: TAI,MA;JIH;(iiiUArf,IIAVI.S ,v. (Jrocerien, .MolaseH, t?uars. Teas, t:.1ec, Spleen, aud in hort,jv!r tin hit in ihf way of Merchandize. Ill'.ADY M M)i- CLOTIIINO, ul f vary descriplion XT? tri oi.teijl, VmU s?u Iky iprinja R.c l-Tliaiikfiil for past patronage . ituillln neir ttittinua aim to plu.irtu then cuelomcrs and tc give general sallsfnciiua. II. W. t W. N. OltnASV Mht Strt-et, Iptil r . K.7 NI) SUMMER rsi wii fins i O II I o tic bold Very (yieap, JL'ST IllXmV G AT THIS STOIH", OF J. J. UKOWiJH, Ulnoinsburir. April '.'5, 1857 .lm k. ii. "ouwioT .Vaiiiccliirer an,l H'Awh.Is 7)(nci- in CKDAH, tl'OIHI ANIl il'ILI.UK' fVIII , r, rvl . ..( ( -i Ui 'If 'Si W H $ VTmiJ' ' m-Assi:. uoiiinon, nn. CLoi'iii. iiiiusi,i:a. window siuims, lc. No. 2do Noith THIRD Street, . - . j.. " Jr c, ' Cily lloul, Ail W, 1137 I'llll.AllCLIMIIA. CIDER .MILLS. KIl vi'SHU'ii PoliTAin.n niiri! iin i a S'4.TI'ri tllers.rotii iihelleikofvanou- nits, Hay .n,ia uiiu l-oiltier (Jailers, Grain Faup. Hoot Luiurs Fanners' Hollers, Side Hill, Sub Sort and oilier Plows, Plow Caslinps, Corn Unskils, fcpo.us, Alinospheuc Uhufiis. 4te. , whulesale and retail, al I'.iaUII Al,I. MOItlllS t UO., Ituolenienl nml Keil Rlorp. Till and Market streets, Philadelphia b. JL. rancoast & Co COMMISSION J1E1I0IIAN1V. TT, AN PS INI) IJIIALli FISH, PROVJSWXS, SALT, .J-c. 17 North Wharvo., 1'hllailolplin. MJliD.s. PRjMU rimotlij and Herd Crass Ceedi, Orchard l.rass, Italian l',yo lirass. Aluuriraii and Hitsllsh Lawn (Irasi, Kentucky llluo (Srass, Ac., ul I'AsUIIAI.I. MOURIH i CO , Implement uad Seed rltnro Octoter 10, im ,'""Jlll'l. JOSKI'II FUSSELL, MA.NUI'.M!'1'III!FI! IIP eUs' nuainililS i. II II jS'iK. Al llio Old tSmn.l. -T": I 111 I. n I h .. .. .. t , ..n t, r. ; s u i u a u NO S Nulllll rOUKlll STREET, An; 20, lgS7 3ni I'lllUtDhLrilU musiiMcm .t itnofHi'ith. wiioli:sai,i; 'St U A 41 B C A Is K EC .NO 105 ,0 1H Tllllll) tii'liuivi.' I t i.c-ow II e i t i r.i.n' POSTSCRIPT. Tbo Morinbns lu Itobdllio'tt. Official dcppalches, received at Wash ingtcru, anuuuncca tbat Drigliam Youn li.is ileclarod murtSpl law in Utali, hy virlua cf li!s autliotily as Oovcrnor, which has not yet Icon fiUpCrSCtlotl ... Up forbids Iho gov. eminent trof'T to opproao'h Iho settlement. .Tlio reports concerning tho .TggTcjfiona commiltcd by tbo Mormons upon (hi cons tractors' trains ato confirmed by dispatcher from Col. Alcaander. Urighmn Young, in hh expressions of hostility lo the U. 8. Government is implacably. lie hbd is.mcd a prt clamalion to iho U. S, tforfps-, in vhich ho warned them to keep out of U'tiilj., ijid counselled his people to bear towards 'then, unrelenting enmity. Col, Alexander re. plied to Biigham Young in very decided terms. a V V E H Pit OS V H A lW OF I.tMrU CAUIION. He particular ,lp observe J tliui evi-rv b irtfil of our article lus cir mme nnd that tf rotts t- ictett bruiided on (he head. This Cm, fen is remieieo nt-resnry. th mere mo so innny orticir-s or doobtfiit valni sold uiuler ihn name of SMptr-Vho.au pf Lime, im to mislead those who arc unMitiaiulrd with III l VilluU Ul u (illVIJINn ARTICLn. Prlfp 513 pcriioivi llm. (21 cenis p-r lb ) A liberal (tetuctloit made to dealers. Ur.h rs fr ihisva) blo fertilizer atlendcd 10 pr'oii(itJv Pamphlet describing it. nnd tin mo 'e of apti tg. can lm had grain tously nt our stores, nr by mail wiisu desired. .T h lias no mperlor n a Manure for W1IP.AT. KYII, COKN, OATS, and ntl oltiijr crojn ri"iiilnnp 11 ibormu nod hAKPlNli I'LIITILIZIK. prnu.-'i'-e nolnnly 11 hr-nvjer yield t(tral?, thun Peru viau fik'io, btil sttfintng the ttraa to svj portths htdJ. Clips' Hi; CD rarely fails to lake Weil whore our PhoFphalc k" appln-'d to tcUat land. PACII'IC ncnAN GUANO-We fiovca siiirK quan tity Mill in n rc , , . Wll MANUP.I A Mipp'y of Una valuable a rtlclil forFilo. Pflte SSO per MO h 0 'cols u-r tb ) N(J. I UOVP-llNMllNT P UVIAIN GUANO fur sale at the lovett rules t3"Tlm leadlnjr Agricultural Jotli.'ia! nnd PTetvps pers arc regularly filed at our efhee for Ih? iueol far luers. fiond cun Ie tonde'd nt either Ironl of our Wars Ijoiih'm. rnrinern arc ffi oinmrmlf d lo lriio t" Vnt-r hlreel and ovoid ihe enAiri'l Wharf. Ample facilitc are airurdid in loading u felons and.aUtiidinjf to-the horses. ALLXV Sc NKHtiLKd, No S3 South Wfnrves, fc l 8011V1 Water n , I'st t'lro ilivo Chest cutM fbila Atigud 'dm IMPORTANT TO EVKllYBOltf. IOR ifxHiirit Itiren ye.irf, I Iiav been eufaffi r'n i biuiiieaj kticm n only In mcclf and, coiuparntivt ly, tew utlier. wjmn I have inelrur trl for tlm mini nf S.0!l cnrli, which bai avernged luenttlia rate or 9 moo tu 810HIJ ter annum; and having undo arrangement to pi lo llurtipt In the Spring of IfStf to engage tn tho samo Imniifti, I am willing tn give lull innirucilcnw in tlio nrt to any p ran in-tlic United States or Cnna tl.ia, who will remit ihi ttm suui of gl, I am Induced, Irom llii succft I liavo Ijeun lavored with mitl'tliu inauv til ink fill uckiiowleduhieiit rt I have iccclved from Mlioio whom I have Instructed, and who arc maklnr Irom $ in $15 per di ul ii, to give any pemoo an opportunity in enijaE.fi In ihH lo'neji, w hi"li Is t-aiy, nlfhnnt. nnd verv y oiit.ibltf at a tniaM cost. There is positively No lli'Miiio in llio injf.er. RelcnniPs of tlich'fst claw can If viten nv rrgaMa its diameter, and I enn reier to per soda whom t have Instructed, who will testify that Hiey urn making from $"1 lo $15 per d.iy at (ho name. It is a business Jh which either lad nr peiitltmcn can etijapu and Willi perfect eana inaku a verv han Umno income. Several ladies la va rinns pills in New YorK, Pennsylvania nnd Maryhnd, whon: Uiivii iitrJiructnl. nre now mukW from to Ciper day nlit It is a Oentill Ili-giHrHa, and but n ti-w li)t'i riRK If required tn mart it. Upn.i 'receipt' of $1, 1 will iinmcdlaiely rend m the applicmt a pmiu-d circular cotiialnitin full iiutructions m Win nrt 'which can be perfectly iindemtorniiit o ico. All Ict'ers must bo addrefed (pnpt paid) to ALMlN T. PAUOVS, 335 13roadr.-ny, New York, SPRING AND SUMMER rPII E underfill ne I ropect fully Inform hiffrie'ndf "nrr, J ttiepu'i.icat'argB nnd the rest ul mankind I but Jia had ertallhhulft iplendid - mvj mms, '11 the I'lrginilnenalorr- lloiiar,.j'.trrbctlrllnlloha. hiirff. Coin ,nn.i ci mitj, I'a .Mhrcht ha. huw opened a largo and choioe ius rlnicnl of Spring anil Summer 6cois. U'hlrh lirn .irtrrnnnci lo sell on such terms a. will imliire a llu! Iraat in. this vicinlly, n ho arc in anl o, Sli'rch.iinllr.i., lo njleuJ him ilielrcii.tnin . II IS slOCklllSbeeil SC'IcCteil Vi IIL miiip.irn n,t u.ll. I reliirener toiliewaiitsoliiiiscoiuniniiittiiid ivithoui ii- "l .wvm.w. nn,, iiuiiiiuitM-iiiiiii.rauun otllu' various kin Is he nsl, tiling inasnurinr his friemls Ihm eir rylhintf -uallj kipt in Country Stores, can here l. hudn "littlo clliiapirthan Hip rlirapcsl.'" ,L. Cuuniry p.o luce, including G rain, Lurcher, Ac, laketi incxchnnE.. for ijyotls . WILS'OV ACUR, Itohriiiurj. March '.'g,IP.'irt--y. CVBINKT WAKEKOOJIS, nuir. undersign d refriluny invites the atiemioi. L i,f ilm I'ublic lo his exientiveii?ifrtniciii ofCtiT)iiie I'u rnilnru and 1 rp which he will warrant tn lie mail of (.'OuimiU'rliSstiiiii )u a worUiuiiihVe marniet A hi ii n?.tatdishme'i.tcuniia)s be found agoodasiort uient of FAS H I ON AU L G 1'UIN IT UII Et vr VI,r,., i.m n.i.i. i..!. 1 ..r Ol.ll wl mti l.ii.u or New Voik cnlcs,aniiaias low prices, SOFAS, -rrrsrazr.. nf di fTo rent si) lis and prices, firuigfgtgA'ft $Jj lo fill, Hivnis l.niinees : Wal-' lint and .Malwi.ony, Parlor clialrs. Kncklnfc and eas( chairs Plana stools, and a variety of upliolaured worji with Iiressins.niil parloiliureaus, sola, card centre anil pici laid, s.delashus, cliellouii-rs what nais and coiunu iln-s and all kinds or fi.hioimble work. Ills snick ot liureaus, uiicIo.liI and conuoon wash stands, drcsii tables. comer cuplioards. Mifas: lircaVfast lallcs. berl meads cane seatuud common chairs, Is the lar csl 10 lhi sclIiiii, of the country, llu will also Vein a rood asntl'uenlul lookii.j nljsses Willi fancy rllt and com' limn frame, llu will alto furni.li spring malns.os tilled tnnuy silo of beadstead, wliicli uro superior for durability uudcoiuelbrtto nnybcil in u.o. , , SIMON V. SHIVB. niooinshuri! April Elh. IF51 "GOSTAR'S" RAT, ROACH, HXTERMINATOk, Pot up In COe., 35c llac. and SI boxes. "Coiak'S" nun nun i;.Ti:i:MiNTo.t. l'ot op in Sic 50e , 7Jc , and l,,,itle.. costau'S' ui,i:crjif rowi)i;s foil ants. issuers ic Tut up In .lc, cue! "Oc butea. Principal Depot. Nn Hn-i lliiwdway. New York, and sold l,y IJrusgiFisaud Healers everywl.er6 intlle Unl tld Suites, Uma-la. West Indies and South America. Aug '31, lo.l;-lm G rcemvood Seminary. .Taillvillo. Columbia Co.. Pn. AUtsrCM t'i'lO course of inslruellon is clvon In all Iho Hiigliih branciifs usually tntiphl. Thn I .nncip.il will Lu as;iurd d-ariri; Hl preseuljear ly I M I'OVT.S. an eipe'riPiu'ed iraci.er, recenlly fruiu thu Laiuasler coulll Noru.aJ Silorl i A vacation ol ;ren Kicks will commence July'lit. . , . TCtl M 8. 1 union, for oar nunns. r. i.in in fii..sn e. ..... ' . Uiurdlnj, Tuiilo-i WiiTiiuj. I-isht.. lie , S30 per - I innierol ili-ven weeks, one hilf m advance 1'or circul ir, CJUlj.l.' or other parttcularN aldrcss tv.il. bun(li:nj. Sllllvlllc. April!, ir,S7 rrtncir.l. BLUUMSIJURG BOOK STORK, rpiIE uinloraigneil respectfully announce? I that Bill- cmitinuel the Hlitmsturf Book Stcri SJ Slallena.y tslaWlsAucal, lately coniluf led by herdrceasel J."J. '!.. rVJ,,r t',!,k -"' " arlocs lirnnch.s. at Hie old ilnimln the Hrtli.injo Uui dints. Ilr.tdoor l.aslof t in lllclioi.je lloul. audhoviuj rrulenUheil lier eslahllshineut Willi n choice stork ol Mit Btoli o.d fl.tieasry, sl,e , prerare.'l lo accomiuodllo all Miouay slvo h-rocail In hr litis, l ne liesiajrat.l tfiloo in Hie biserisniof the shut. lllmina hs H.iml l,( .i,n.v,i.. a, , eslibli t hmeul w II bo con iIiiutQ hs usual bl serihor, where th nubile can at all time, be r.ui.plinl wiuui.e cr.nice.l u, iK.ot. KD I'.iib.iiiscmj, such as .Mineral. Sarsnparilla, Beer, Ale, tc , Hsrdines Bplreaaiid I'lfkjed Oy Ii rs, Plcklnl Clams, en. C3 Tho public cu.toui i. resp.ctlnliv oi-citeil I CAllOMNH CI.A1IK Svttfsft (o ,'iris (1 ,fll llloiunslejri. MayS.IMT A M Rt'PLiri h