Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, November 28, 1857, Image 2

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    1MI1BL, IMOfMT.
Bloomsbiirg, Nov. 28, 1857.
Tho Union Is thoro no Dangor
of its Dissolution?
Almost from tlio foundation of tbo gov
crnuicut, and certainly within tbo last
twonty.fiva yoars, tbo dissolution of tbo
Union has boon much discussed, and somo
times openly mena'ood. Tbo coimtry has
passed through several crisis in its.bistory,
in which tho dissolution of tlio Union
feomcd imminent. Womecdonly alludo
to tho periods of the restrictive system of
Jefferson, tbo lalo war with England, tho
admission of Missouri, tbo Nullification
era, tbo compromiso measures of 1950, and
recently tbo Kansas imbroglio. And now,
ns tho latter question may bo regarded as
settled, raoit people may believo tho Union
as in no danger, at tho present time, cer
tainly. But, is these now really no danger of
disunioc-uo causes in existence which
may ripen into a dissolution of the Union?
Wo few tint this question cannot bo an
swered in tho negative.
Communities, liko individuals, are gov
erneu by their interests. Their decisions
and actions are controlled ultimately by
their transcendent material interests. And
what is tho condition of this country, and
what its great material interests ? They
are apparent to tho most casual observer.
It is divided into two great sections, differ
ing in climate, soil, products, and institu
tions. Tho ..prc'douiinasat interests of tho
.North, whiohfis-'on'o of tho great divisions
to which we- alludo, are agricultural and
manufacturing; andhose interests prosper
better -unaer a. systom or freo labor. In--deed,
slave labor is not adapted to such
intcrcsls, and plaves can be mado useful
and profitable only as domestio servants.
Tho dsmand, therefore, for slave labor in
the North, is not, at present, sufficient to
ovcrbalanco tho projudico and fanatioism
which havo' boon excited by demagogues
agaii'St tho systom of domestio slavery.
But it is different at tho South. In' that
section of the Union, and especially in the
great plmting States, negro slavo labor is
absolutely essential to tbo development of
their, resources. Thoro tho, climato is hot,
and tboso .portions which aro dovoted to
the production of tho great staples of cot-1
ton,sug!r and rico, ore moro or loss afloet
ed by deleterious malaria, which render it
impossible for tbo -white man to labor upon
tbo soil. And benco, to a great extent,
that portion of. tho Union which now pro-1
duces the most valuable staples of commerce,
if it were not for slavo labor, would have
to bo resigned to forests and tho wild beasts
Wa consider that tho choieo of tho people
of tbo plm ting Slates of the Union, lies
bctweon tho surrender and destruction of
tho groat cottonand sugar interests, and
tbo abolition of slavery.
It seems to us, that slavery is a necessity
to c-ur brethren of tho planting States,
primarily to them, and consequentially,
we may add, to tho whole civilized world,
as wo will endeavor to show hereafter.
Thereforo, they do and will insist on re
taining the institution. They desiro to
retain Iho institution without molestation
by their brethren of tho Northern State3.
But, they, cannot. On tho contrary, they
find themselves and their institutions and
iutcrcsts constantly misrepresented, vitu
perated menaced and interfered with, by
tho pretended philanthropists of tbo North.
Hero', then, we ra ay observe one causo
which isj and will bo, constantly working
for a dissolution of tbo Unln. Hut there
uro other and ovon moro potent oaiises at
work to bring about such a catastrophe.
Slavo labor is becoming, in proportion
to iho demand, scorcer and consequently
dearer. Tho world demands more cotton,
sugar, and other staples of tho warm cli
mates, than tho proseiH capital and labor
devoted to it, oan'.siipply. Hence, there is
n greater demand for tho' opening of moro
lands adapted to such products, and con
sequently, for moro slavo labor, which is
the only kind of labor that can bo employed
in their cultivation. That demand for the
oponirjg of moro land for cotton and sugar,
and consequently for more slave labor, is
increasing even in tbo. United States. Wo
havo now much moro land capablo of pro
ducing cotten and sugar, than we have
clave labor to cultivate it. Hence, there
id a largo and increasing demand, for an
addition to slavo labor by means other
than tho natural increase of tbo slaves.
An increase by any .other means, is, and
probably vf ould be, successfully opposed by
the free States of tho Union. And yet,
the necessity for it will continue to increase)
and its want continue to be moro deeply
felt by tho ppoplo of tho South. - And here
wo may noto another causo which will, in
the future, constantly operato to bring
cbout a dissolution of the Union,
What will be tbo effect of tho operation
of these two causes, to say nothing of tbo
d-ngers resulting from tho ambition of
aspiring and restless men with which our
ouuntry .'abounds J. They will continuo to
engender Btrifo botweon tbo North and tho
Bauth. Tho Soulh will Jdesiro to pursuo
that eyHem of policy which It feels and '
j..ntji i f?rftitial Ii tlic iVvIor,ncn ot
, . 1
lla truo interests, wealth and power; and
also, projmuately, thMrue-iiitorcsts of tbo ;
North) ana tlio North, impelled by tuo i
f r.n.l!, .J Ln,,nr..i.m r,A
T"" .u..v.. ,
not from intcresl, will opposo it. Tno
i result may bo easily anticipated It wlll'whito man, absolutely r.cccssary for tho
1- I. ....... -.-.I i !...!! ....1 ii, . . ... ... ....
icit.u.tcu.uu, iu.juun.-t-, mm
hostility. ... ,
Tbo North will persist in this mlitakon
war upon tbo interests of tho South, relying
upon tho assuraneo of the pestilent doma-
gogups which it cherishes in its bosom, that
j thoro is no dangor, iho South daro not
proceed to the extremity of dissolution, ,
Tho South will become moro exasperated,
and .perhaps moro rcckloss, relying upon j
tho great staple, cuttau, whioh is truly advocato for tho Introduction of elnvory
Kino of tbo modern world, holding all tho into tho northorn agricultural and manu
grcat commercial staples within tho sway t factoring Slates. It is not adapted to
of its sceptre and fin illy it will vonturo to . their soil, climato, nor interests. Wo are,
savor tbo bands which unite it to its unna-1
tural brothron of tho North. tho North. V?o behold two scotions of ' wu0 WM notl n is said, yield until a decision
Wh&tthcn! Is tho South destroyed? this groat Union, with two different forms ji,aa been given on tho question by tho
Are her groat interests destroyed ? Is sho ! of society, or rather wo may moro properly j Supremo Court of tho United States. A
at tbo mercy of the North? or, is tho North J say, with two systems of labor. One is general bankrupt liw for tho banks will
at tbo morcy -of tho South? Is not cotton 1 free. That is adaptod to the North. Ono ho presented for action. This will provide
as essential -to to tho manufactures of Eng-1 is slave. 'I hat is adapted to tho South. j a fixed legal course for putting in liquids
land as ever ? And will not cotton form ' Each section flourishes best under its own ' tion insolvent banks all over tho Union,
tho basis of an alliance, offensive and de-, system. The free system is not a failure j
fensivr, bctweon England and tho South, ' hero at tho North, as many at tho South Tlio Mormons.
by which tho South sscures indopendenco I suppose. Nor is the slavo system a fdiluro ' The N. Y. Times' Nebrtsk a corrospau-
and freedom from tho Union? England,
.by a monopoly of tho great staple of her
manufactures, secures tho lease of another
thousand years to her grisly and iron
nerved monarchy, her grandeur, and tho
increase of her commereo and wealth.-
And tho North secures nothing but iho
destruction of her great interests of man
ufactures and commerce, and her ultimate
degradation, Arc not thesi probablo re
sults of tho unnatural quarrel going on
between tho North and South ?
Tho dissolution of tho Union effected,
what will bo tho ultimato destiny of the
South? Below her, towards tho Equator,
lio boundless realms adapted to the growth
of all the great tropical otaplcs, whose
mountains and valloys glitter with mineral
wealth, whoso political and social institu
tions havo become effete, arc tottering from
decay,and whoso groatis the renovating aim
hand of a superior and more enlightened
race? What a field for ambition. What
a scopo for the mero fortune hunlcr. What
gravo and sublimo problems for the states
man. Will not theso regions bo ultimately
annexed to tho Southern Kepublic ? Will
not Mexico, tho West India Islands, and
Central Amoiico, ultimately fail into iho
possession of tbo South? Will it not bo
the interest of England, allied to tho Souih
ag sho will bo, to favor this grand and
magnificent policy of acquisition and an
nexation? And then, with tho control of
cotton, sugar, and tho other great tropical
staples, will not tho Southern Republic
truly control the commerce of tho world.
Do tho peoplo of the North" imagine that
thoughts like these, do not run through the
busy brains of tho restless and ambitious
men of tho South nay, tho adventurous of
all sections of tho Union? There is a
class of men at tho South whom we, of tbo
North, denominato " nltraists" and " firo
eators," Whence do they originate? Is
it the paltry squabble) about Kansas, or tho
Compromiso Aleasures, or aro tboso the
mero pretexts ? Aro they not tho product
tho children born of tho causes of dis
content between tho two great sections of
tho Uniun, of the ambitious thoughts, and
of tho possiblo destiny of the South, to
which wo havo above alluded? And do '
tboy not appear on the great sccno of the
urama, liKo tlio shadows ot coming events,
as tho exponents of causes working busily
in the deep caverns of society, and des-
lined, in duo time, to burst forth on tho
surface, in tho storm and hurrieano of civil
commotion and rovolu'ion ? Tho " ultra
ists" and " fire-caters'' of tho South, in our
judgment, aro not to bo annihilated by
vituperation or denunciation. Thoir ap
pearance is a phenomenon which deserves
ibe profoundest attention of tho patriot
and statesman. They arc of a higher
cast than tho Bucaniers and Flibitsticrs,
who once roimcd in tho central regions of
America, and aro destined, perhaps, to act !
a much more conspicuous part in the great i
tragedy of human life. They aro states-
men, aud will bo heroes when tho exigency , intervening circumstanco should prevent! Postmaster General Brown has finally
demands tho display of their martial spirit. ' us. It is evident that tho interests of tho decided tho Philadelphia Post Office qucs
In the suggestions which wo havo mado j Democratioprcsswouldbegreatly advanced , tion. IIo has issued instructions to tho
in this articlo, aro there not matters enough by a closer intimaoy among it3 wo rubers, , Superintendent ()r. Hico,) to proceed
for tho gravo contemplation of the peoplo aud a greater attention on tho part of each immediately with tho alteration of tho
of tho North I Aro they to bo forever member to matters affecting tho interests! liank of Pennsylvania according to the
guided and influenced by thoir one-sided
ideas respecting the subject of slavery
their mi'placcd sympathy for tho negro
their innate hostility to their Southern
brethren growing out of this morbid sym.
pathy for the negro I Can they nover open
their eyes to tho stupendous facts demand
ing their immediate and careful considera
tion I Can thoy not comprehend tho wants,
iho necessities, the destinies, of the South?
Do they not sec tho rich States, tho amnio
Territories, tho magnificent Islands, below
tho southern section of tho Union, all nearly
ripo for incorporation into tho southern
system ! Can thoy not apprcciato tho in-
terests and policy of Ergland I And what
i.. ...1. .. . .
do tliey behold in tbo negro so elm-ruing
and dcsirablo aa to induco them to bate
their white brothers out of lovo for tho
black man. Is not tbo negro a barbarian
aud cannibal in bis native- land f Is bo
not benefited by slavery i And whlo ho
. V.. , , "
is bene&tod in that condition, docs ho notl
., , i . .i r . i
contribute largely lo tho comforts, ounvc'
. t
nience?,anu lurunes oi c-ivuizcu man i xs.oi jsiaci: iicpumicamsni in mu vjujuer
ho not, in a stato of servitude, a gret and city, ha? cosecd to exist. Rcquirmt in
vnlinllo agent in the great scheme of ino pice.
dcrn civilization! And if lio waro set free, I
would ho not bo tlio reverse, and would lio
not robp9o into liis awful shlo of barbav ,
I. t A-.! it.- 1 . 1 r it. . i
iuv4, m nui., iuu jauui ui tuo iifgru, '
guided and directed by the intellect of tho
sciucmcni, cuiuvauon anu civilization ol
tho warm regions of tho earth i And is1
thoro not a Providenco in tboso adaptations
, of men to each other, tho uno to oby and
j servo, tho othor to guide, .protoot, and par-
, tially to civilize and enlighten? And'
'through th'n relation, aro not both raoesiastoady denarturo from that intention. It
benefited t An nffirmativo rcsponso must
bo givon to all theso questions.
But let us bo understood. Wo aro no
therefore, against its rc-cstablisbmoiit in
1 at tho South, as many at tbo North believe,
Now, each section should lot tho systom '
and institutions of tho other alone, and all
will bo well. And under tho instruction of
both systems, this groat Union of confed
erated sovereign States will march on in
its great career of prosperity, progress,
and civilization, until it roaches an acme
of population, wealth, power and grandeur,
such as Iho world has novcr yet beheld."
Our trip on tho Canal.
We left homo on last Monday in a tor
rent of rain, with a jolly Boat crow and two
horses, destined for Plymouth, in pursuit of
a load of Coal for our winter's comfort.
ll'clliiigtoH llisewick, Captain; F. Marion
Girton, Mate; Jacob P, Latshaxv, Driver,
and tho writer of this article, as Supernu
merary General, comprised tho Crew, un
less wo include our .ever-trusty span of
Iron Grays. Ascending tbo raging Canal
to Nanticoke, wo set sail on tho Pool, up
to Shotvney, opposito Plymouth, when on
Tuesday night, about dark, tho waves
dashed our vessel over against the Eastern
Shore, whero wo tied up and laid over until
During that night, owing to tho dashing
waves, piercing winds and the open condi
tion of the Boat Cabin, we got but precious
little sleep. Finding tho Suiquchanm
literally covered with floating ico, our Cap
tain wisely concluded to mako good bis
retreat, which ho did, into tho Canal harbor
at Nanticoke. There lies tho "Edwin
Forrest," unloaded, tnd safely anchored1
for tho winter, unless the ditch shou'i'
open again, when we shall lcoso no time
in sniggiug down our Boat load of Coal.
On leaving Shawney, we were appropri
ately impressed with tho Iriteness of that
couplet of tbo Boatman's Song which
A Shawney Boat
Ami a gluwncy cicw,
And the Capuiiilice'8
From bltawncy too.'
Sending our team homo from Nanticoke,
wo took passaje, with Capt. John Hicks,
and his party, who were part of tho limo
our companions in misfortune in tho
Cars on the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg
Railroad, whero wo rodo nleasantlv as far
a3 tho Track is laid, which is somo half
niilo below Esquiro Cartright's, at Beach
Grove. Capt. Wells' Coaches run from
Reach Grovo to Bloomsburg, carrying the
mail and passengers There aro only
about eight miles of rail to lay lo complete
this Road from Boach Haven to Briar
crook, which is oxpocted to bo in operation
in about two weeks henco.
Editors' Convention.
Tho Pittsburg Post, aud a number of
our democratic exchanges, recommend
that the Democratic editors of this State
hold a convention in Ilarrislurg about tlio
timo of the inauguration of tho Governor.
Wo aro in favor of tho proportion and will
bo present upon tho occasion unless somo
of all alike. As editors laboring in ono
common causo wo should at least bo pcrso
nally acquainted with each other a con
n a- i it i ! .J
vcntion wculd afford us that privilege, if
no other object would be gained.
Hon. N. B. Browno.
Wo aro not awaro that tho Gentleman
whose namo wo havo placed above, is a
candidnto for tho position ; but having
1 watched his courso with some attention, wo
believe no man better fitted than he, for tho
very important post of Secretary of tho
1 Commonwealth, under Gov. X'AOKcn.
Mr. Browno is clear headed, woll versed in
State affairs, able, and eminently sound,
IT. 1 . . ...
IIo is known somewhat to our citizens,
having given us an aduiirablo speech, at tho
opening of tlm Campaign in 1800. We
i know they would hoarttly endorso tho choice
i of the Governor ; as wo think would tho
vast majority of tbo party in tho Stato.
' .
1 1
- m, ,., i , ,. c. ... .i..
VST Tbo Philadelphia &tm, tho organ
e ..I l. Tl.. . l. it.- rt...t
TllO 3PorthC01ning MossagO.
Thospccial Washington correspondent
of Col. LVmrty's Prets says, it is rumored
. . .'. . . .
mnt nir. itucnnnan, in ms urst annual
incssae-o to CWrcsi. will take bold nrouttd
on tho currency nucstion ; that bo will ro-
affirm tho principles laid down so cloarly
in hiselcbrntcd speech on tho Independent
Treasury Hill. Ho believes that it was tiie
intention of tho fratnors of tbo Constitution
to establish a hard-monoy currency, and
that tho nciionof Oonr-rcs sinco has been
! will bo lite object, then, to retrace tho fulso
siCps taken, and to bring tbo government
j back to tho truo ground.
The issue will bo mado in tho iwxt
Congress whether Stato banks havo the
constitutional power to issuo circulating
"promises to pay." There will bo a largo
' party to tnko tho ncalivo of the argument,
dent announces tho arrival in that territory
of divers Mormon deserters, who left Salt
Lake City in' October. They bring two
wcoks later intelligence which, if true, is of
high importance. They say that Brigham
Young, at the head of a largo force, was
preparing to leavo Salt Lako City, to give
battle to tbo United States troops. Thoy
allogo that tho Mountain Pass, at which
tho Mormons will attempt to cheek the
progress of tho troops, is one that, in a
military point of view, will give them
overwhelming advantage; ihat, in their
rebellion, they will receive material aid
from the Indians j and, that their ultimate
design is to throw off all allcgianco to the
Union, and establish an independent
--- .
Evidences of ''Overtraiding."
The Luzcrco Union of last weok camo
to us with nino closely printed columns of
Sheriff's sales. A few years ago every
body rushed for Luzerne county to make
their fortunes in eoal Ltnds, and almost
every foot of property contiguous to tho 1
Delaware, Lackawanna anil Bloomsburg
railroads was bought at enormous prices,
(on credit of course,) to bo paid for out of
the proceeds of tho sales of that was
to bo dug theicfrom. Tho speculation in
most instances has proved a failure, and .
now the Sheriff is reaping a. harvest from
tho folly of iho speculators,
riLlllkSgiving. j
Thursday last, Was tho day sol apait by,
tno uovemor Of this Commonwealth, for
general Tiunksgiving. The day was op. 1
proprintely observed by our order-loving j
people, greatly to their orcdii and the honor
of our town, by abstaining from business
aud attending upon Divine service Could 1
we say as much for tho young men of'
Bloomsburg. With that cla s of tbid com I
uiunity. with whuin rests the Lnpo of our j
country, there was moro dissipation than
wo ever hope to see again in Bloomsburg.
Mere anon.
Wo must again ask our customers
to bring us in Pork, Beef, Poultry, Grain,
cic, wmcu articles wo must nave or the
moncyi with which thoy can be purcbased
Friends, will each of you remember the
Printer's wants. This can bo done, if no
sooner, when you come to Court on tho
7th of December.
On Tuesday morning, Burns was
sentenced to 1-' years imprisonment in tho
Penitentiary. When asked if ho had
anything to say why sentence should not!
bo passed, ho asserted his innocenco of
intending to kill his wife expressed much
feeling for his children, and said that!
liquor had brought him to his fate, nnd
thanked tho Court. Jury aud his Counsel
thanked tho Court, Jury aud Ins Counsel,
for their kindness. Herald of the Union,
Location of tlie Philadelphia Post Office,
original plan
Canal Board Appointmtnts. At- a
meeting of tho Oanal Board, at Ilarrisbure
m, , , . ' . b
on Thursday, tho following appointmouts
wcro mado, viz : Supervisor of the Dela
ware Division, William Overficld, Jr. j of
tho Susquehanna Division, Win. Elliot ; of
tho I iOwcr North Branch, Geo. W Soaroh
of tho West Branch, It. It. Dirdgcnes.
Melancholy Occuranct. Oxi Friday
( wf ck, Willian Cooper was accidentally 6hot
i dead, near Lowlstown, Pa., whilo out
gunning with his tai her. Tho fathor had
, tired at a phoasant, and a singlo grain of
fchot, glancing, had entered theyoung man's
. .....! ... 1 . i .
ej-e, penetrating his braiu and causing
instant death.
IlEcovEiu.Na, Mr. Craiu, who was to-
I ,.iJ,l in !.. .1 nt..
1 n . . . , , .
', . , .... .
i been lying iu a dangerous condition nt!
n,. , . , , ,,
i Shippoiisburg, is mending slowly, aud hopes
' (nr, -il'. f ... , , ,
, V5T Ex-President I'icrco and wifo have
tailed for Madtira.
.w .v...uv v. v..
Hank of DanviMiB. At an election'
for officers of this Bank, held on last Hon-
day, tho following Hoard of Diroctors wcro
t. -I I
uw; uumu
K II. Baldy, Danville,
Dr. W. 11. SIngill, do.
John l''oloy, do,
M. C. Orier, do.
O. M. Shoop, ' do.
Peter Baldy, Pi. do.
J. U, Rhodes, do.
John Sharpless, Oatawissa,
John K, Urotz, Bloomsburg,
Thomas llnyo I.onisburg,
J. V, Goodiand.or, Milton j
Wm. Good, AlcEwcnsville,
Bcnj Solioch, Sctinsjrovc.
At tho meeting of iho Board nf Directors,
n last Tuesday, Iidw. II. Baldy, Esq,
was unanimously re-clceted as President.
A Dividend of 0 per rent, for the last
six months was declared on the 'Jd icst.
1ST Tho daughters of Van R Taylor '
and James Fitch, in West Lafayette, Cns- j
hocton county, Ohio, got inlo a qutrrel at
tho doorway of Fitch. Mr. F,, who was
chopping wood, ran to scparato . them with
his axo in his hand, Mr, Taylor henring
tho disturbance also ran up, and in a
quarrel whkh followed between tho men,
caught tho axo from Fitch and killed him
with a blow on the head, Talor was
arrested and committed to answer a chargo
of murder in iho second degree.
BSyAraan from Minnesota, stopping
at Little's Hotel, Indianapolis, Ind., tho
other evening, related a curioui easo of
bereavement, He said ho had been mar
ried twice, and that by his first wife he
had a son, now full grown. A few weeks
before his departtiro from Minnesota his
son ran away with his stcpimther, leaving
his father a grass widower.
B- Alfred Young, a negro, who was
convicted of tho murder of his wifo some
.time ago, at Sandwich, 111., escsped from
the jail at that placo on the night of the
10th inst., by digging under tho wall, lie
left a noto, threatening lo murder tho
sheriff and the witnesses against him, ot
jonie future timo,
iSTBrown and Carroll, two Fivo Point
rowdy robbers, wcreoonvictod in New York
Friday, of garroling and robbing a French
sailor. Judge Russell sentenced them to
fourtcoa yar3 and sis tenths each in tho
state prison. The sMbbiug and garroting
mania appears to be gaining ground rapidly.
Bank op NonTiiujiBEnr,AND At an
Mnnlinn fin trtnilor Inof i'in rn1lA.nt.
lt,n,rll nf T.i,tn l,n. t if ), Rrautigam, A. E. Ka'pp.
Horton, G. F. Miller, Paul Mnsleller. S.
lleadtnS w j3rJWU Wnii j, GrcenouL'h, Geo. Sc)m
I ure, C. R. l'axton, SiiiMn Cchuyler, James
J flBg!ft, A. U. V nrford.
cSr. BrL.liam Younc. win dcOes the
mTOrnmcnt nml threatens tho armies of the
United States, is a native of Whitehaven,
Vermont, and is fifty-six years of ago.
His father was a farmer, originally from a
town in tho vicinity of Boston, and youn
Brigham is said never to have been n't
school but thirteen days.
i n i
Importations of Wheat. Figures ore
given to prove that even with the abun.
, dance of wheat in the country, a failure to
j send forward from CMragu beforethclatics
( freeze, may cause a stato of tilings which
j will render importation from the Black
Sea cheaper than to transport by rail from
tho West,
jIitineeota.1Uc Constitution of the
Stato of Alinnesota provides that tlio first
session of the Legislattro shall commence
.i . i1r , . - , . ,
On tllC tirst Wednesday (tllO Second day)
i . , . .
i at, wiu ouiu uapuai ut
St Paul. Two United States Senators
aro to bo chosou by thig i,egisiaturo
jg- At Columbia, S. C. a terrible fi-rht
occurred ono night between a fiuo-blooded
stallion and a jack, which toro ono of tho
horses cars out by tho roots, and then
j seizing hira by tho throat made a finish of
. him.
t- Donnelly, who killed the barkeeper
of the Sea View House, will be rxco utcd
on tho 8th of June next, the supreme court
of Now Jersey having refused to grant a
new (rial.
I6y- Mr. Prescolt, a wagon maker at
Vandalia, Mich ,was taken for confinement
to Cass county Jail on'J'bursday in a state
of hopeless insanity produced by spiritual
ism. rgyTho marriage of Mr. Bayard Tay
lor, iu Gotha, Saxony, to Miss Hansen, of
Golha, tok placo on iho 27th of Oitobor,
IIo and hid wifo will spond tho winter at
A subscriber writes to tho editor of a
western paper s "I don't want your littlo
paper any longer." To which tho editor
rcnlioa. "I wouldn'f. ninlfn it. nnv Immor if
,,' J b
you (UU, '
J- A child of Mr. Sbadrick PLilins,
of Otrbonilalo, l.uzeruo couaty, was burneil
ta doath on Tuesday of Ust week bv its
. '
clothes taking Gro from a grato.
JCSf" Col. J. W. Forney, will deliver a
lecturo in tbo Court House, -at Heading,
on tlin 27lli int. tnr l.'in Vmtintit r.t tl.
lln!1,jm, 1i(1n ., , ,
.... ,,,,,
ziif Thousands of bushels of corn havo
. , . ,, .
1 ue y been sold n Bcctt countv. Va.. at
n J' '
VVUIO IJUt uuauei.
EST Danvillo ia taking steps to givo
work tj the U'umi'lojcd f thn plsce,
A-,... HI cSn Mf tfti'm IM 1 ift
vw vv v.. v..-,
rn, ;. rn7,-fi-. ry jVtn Hf l fl. "
fcl 111 lit Uj U tl U lf.1 U V U
A tlUARTClt HAS JUS1 l.-UN.ill,A(.-llii.
or at ibo rcililcnc of Mr. J. Barton. nATON
tllnomibitrg. Nov 2)3, 1P57
J.V ur nil
dm l.i Inn til 1 1m Hcnonl lliiom oil'iniru tirtri
LK.'i r. rj'J ill UN til I VI "St.
nvcv n r a ' L iW V n A TV,
confSionaryI' FRUIT STORE
A.... o...l enlnn,,
vjaivl cl Jill ijiiiiii utiiuiii.
Tlin iimltrjisne.1, ro.ncctlully in l&gr
Torni Iho elll7cn of lllanni.burtanil .(Bi ..
tlio (Hilillr In pout ml, tlicy Imvc
rirlmci.l ntilioicc t,.iin ihj, -toy, 1 nut,, (in'tfrim,
Mit. Nolhim, mil all klmli olgooil. usually kjit in ,
iltll rccrivpii n inran nun urnuiiiui 1
" - , , . . .1 .
rnnlr Stock coniptlo n hrcc tupnly ol .Mmoiuts,
Otnncc-., .cmonj, I'rnnri, Datci. Cliroii, "'"'.
I'm, Binlnj, nin.lliittiiT ISut., I I l rn, Wnlniitj,
Orouiiil Null, Cnconnul. Macaroni, Snnlinci, lire
Crn-kcr;, Susan, Coir.'c.Tolncco or nil klnils, Uonni. ,
lie nml Imported Segnrf, rt uholceulc ami Krtalc
!T Painitief aupplleilnt a'l timet tvitli llrcnil.Cakei
Piea,Oyitcra, dec, nml all ordcra promplly filleil,
tiiomas c.
IllnonMliurc, Dec 58, IS.',?.
Jtrrangtmtnti for Rurtnttt during lhs Susftnnon of
Spteie iaymtnll by Iht Bant.
1, Ofposlli rpccivfil nml payments tntde dnily.
2. Current I'ank Koleft, Ciiecks nnd Specie will be
rcieivcit on dcpuilt
:t. D"poiti made In Nctea or Checks nill be
paltll'ick in current ll.inkNotn.
4. Oepof its made in Cold or Si'vcr Mill be pnid back
in Coin
IIENRV L. nCNVRR, 1'rtiiJmt
Wm. J. Hitd, Stcrttary.
Xov S8. 1B57
BMAINING in tho Post, Office at
liloomsuurg, l'a., Quarter ending November IC'b
01tleiilPTilcr- Mary C
tier lilal iMTiili A
Urison Henry
Case William
Fleming IVmIpj
ninur Dm id
(inoJiidi llurvey li
mit (.enrgo
I.eclitlmiur ConrM
r.onif n ti.
Larlfh Rrnben
MeCee Jickon
Inrgans Morgan
Mnrr Ale in
.riil'ips Join S.
lck Allen W
ItoM.mi ft Si ticker
I ip i (Vorgo
dmltli Job n
Siarst Unity
Stntniutn James
W ptier i'ret-luvc
Weill ver T.J.
U'onrer W J
Wii ks Mnilion
'cKliin Caroline
Tfiotnns Uitclici )
Jariti Wallcy
Fly nn Jainvi
Nichds Henry
tLl'Terrom ciilinj for the above letters will nleaie
sty Ihcy are udrertiscd.
rillLIl1 UN'AN'GST, I'. M,
n.THd TOWNPKM) is known ni oiip nf our beil 1
macnzlnc write re, and alilmujh fjuito ymini', lia
not Iter cquil In her peculiar nyle. 1 lie pr sent vol-
urn! includes toino ol her best Tales and Sketches,
ivIiLK inueilier Willi n rorrert ind h cntil : Inl nortmlt nf
the author, by that diitinEnlshed nrtil, Hnrlnln, '
liil , win rcnueril pariicutany acceptable lo her nit-1
meroiia fricitdn,
The Honk: is a,ICriio voIuhip, punted on
the fincit p'iper bound in a neat nnd BiMutiful ttyle.
and in sent lo onv part of the United S'tites by malt,
(tec of nititbgeoit receipt of Hie pr cp. SI
ii NorthirQUrtli Htrctt, rinladelpbi i,
Nov II, 18:7
THIS popular House ha been lliornulily renovated,
and txtenstre improvements mailp for the accoiiini-)-dntii
ns ol gucitts, hit. In connection wild the above
Hotel, the nroprii t.or ln opened, in tlio basement, a
the Establishment compares favorably with tlii firl
cl iss places ol ion lor '1 raveller. Citizens,
dec being within a short distance of ilm New York
and Baltimore Lauding, near Ihel'o't Oflicc nnd Ex
hiingc, when Omi ibufun, going to all pirts of the
City- fct art Iroin,
Thn Proprietor hopes, by strict attention to the
wants of liN cuens, io receive n liberal sharo of the
public patrouage.
1 J OTTENKIRK, Proprietor
Mte nf Daltlmore, Md., nnd Cincinnati, Ohio,
Oct 31, IW-Um
TIIR urrieriipiirit laKc plcatura in uiuiouneirtg to
Mcrchautd that they are mnnufactii ring a Eiiperior
article or ItAKUS at their New l'artory cn Fulling
Urcck. above Orangoviltc, Columbia county. Men
chants n Uhing to puichac cood Kakin can have them
nl tlie ructory, or il dfsireu we con fornril tlieni lo
iiimo iiicit,j,i,r ii ut Hire u con inrnril llieni
Bloomrtmrg, io s O Plnvc. wliore llmyean eeltlir:
or wo can f'irHaril IliPm to lhO(t3iorca thul arc ii
i ion mut.ii oi 01 our way.
All orders gliouM be ndilrrsseil to Stmuel Shlvo.
Pcalets 1'. O., Columbia county. Ta.
BII1VC U liniTW.
April 15, I3..7-1m
Estate of Benjamin Piatt,
T KTTKKS of Administration on tho
J-J i:
me of Itenjimii. I'ialt, late of Tine township.
Culuiiiliia cuiinly. deceased, have licell crantpil by lite
, n&X?t,i&'totnX
ileroilentari rrquralrd to present them In Hi
Keuislcr of Columbia county to lite undersigned nlio
miiia county ;
ate of the
renurstrd In nreeent them In the Admin.
islralor without del y, nuj nil persons indtblcd to
make nnim'nl rirllitvitii.
irm nr.nii.
OctSMPW .limMitraurt.
Estate of David Smith, cltc'd.
TVTOTlcn is hen by riven that Icittrs ofAdnilnlM'n
A tion. Willi tue v,
Ibo will nnn'eied. upon the Ustate of
.... .,ub IA.r u.-
enmity deceased, have been granted to the undersigned,
l)av d Haul i lite or lluwtlocK toMiish u
i.ic , u.niui. iu.ii.iii, umii.'jm
reaming ci iiucKiiorn, in ine sain lownsnip or liemiocK.
All persons intirbied to the Ustate are reiuesed lo
make payment without delay, and thoie having ac
counts iur Bcuieiueiu o presenc mem in
j7ilMiInljtratoeirtla Iht vlllannntd.
Duckhnrn Nov S. IP',7.
C1USTOMKKS to tho Aqueduct Mill,
wli'iliavo tinietttfil accounts whli ihc nibstriticr.
for HIED. ri.OUU. &e . nrc ii' noiifictl,
thai as Ihey have been nctommodatett I hopo that tliey
wl 11 now occoimnodaie me, atitl make niimtitintn pcy
Aqueduct Milli, Nov SI, 1M7.
CIIARLCS KTAllLuouId Tfincclfullv
(iirorm thn 'Mlzvii ol Uloomiliurir ami
vicinity, thai ho lias late y ealabluhml,
Id this nil cp. a Uook Ilinderv: 'vhei-P hm
ihorten notice, anil reiiionabletfrmi.
IB nrenarcti its tin nil ktnilit fit tvnrk In i i dp nn iti
) Orncit on Main meet vcr Klelin's noot and Shoo
Bint'",(M'otne ttio von, umce, uiooutsburs
Worth from SOrenls lo 100 dollar,,
iIXt jliagcc's Gift Hook Store,
l-a uoor ueiow i-u'iiui.j
Oetn- IM7
IsUCBlVIXG NUW COUUS Al,l, Tllr. '( I M f AT
BROCIir. Shawls Juitreccived mid for tale at Hon
miu's ftore.
' iOfli; UUALilursale by
if. v.
SCL.L1VQ Uoods very cheap lor latitat llarlraan'i
tijitiuan s
'ii ct COODD fo, Iht ilun.i a I
'nm, v """ .r,A
mcccHOM. nil I'clng oltltrna tl,f PtulP of entilY v..
i,ln, unci l.flnu 'l',,lr","1 r nr.ur,,a nrt rnloylni if,
hnitHiiililM ml prlrilrgn or n i,,y cornnViiii vl!
ililliii-i and prCKotiieii toTiio Crun c,r C'cminan ritiii
I...- I.-
nrUhliinil'la county mi IniiriiMPni mthhm. nurnoti.
:!,?.... ... .. 'Tl" ""man !!,,,,.
P.I Utiiircli in Hloninnmrr," m ij)Q lowii.iij,, r itiA"
f''!" ."'"J"!?' .h"'1'!. '!?? '"l"""u
io iiiu ciiiiiiminiiy , nu.u ii u .4111 iirinn or inmrK'
Common l'lrn, ot ntil.1 iniinly. nml nollco t I r civrn
In out iii-w.inorr r. l.l Is licit In .n 1,1 ,onii. rr i"i., S
' tlie Court of
ilirrc week., Foiling lortn tint nn application lias ticn
inicio 10 Fnm Loiiri i"crn.n n ennrtrr or Incprn
, ,cxluil In unlit limltulnrnt o' wrltlniri tluii SnVli.
raH'oa ,,, Uc011 n,(c , u10 p,.pitmi.r v,rm ol oM
i.oiiritA, ii, icji, i" Hniii such n rnnricri anil mat if
,nictciit rcion l.u uliown lo llic rontrnry l.y Hit
Iir.tilay orlJccpinlicr Term, 18.I7, ornaiil Court, it nlll
,irrrc(!.ni ,'ecare tnlil per.on. to amrlntnl to tin a
body politic or corporation, In lr.r and Inlnct. ntcoril.
, ln t,0 ,n, nrllclci ami condltloiif, nml 10 lint
coiiltnnance liy tlic name, Rtvleanil title in laid liiittu
jnent ntentloneil.
Illonmiliuffr. Scpl 17, ISJ7
AT nn Orphan' Court lie lit nl fllntmi-
tiurft, in uini 1 1 r mu Louncy. cu iMominy.
Hcptetnbtr Till 1M7( a ruiu utt grnntcii
upon nil tlm lit Irt niMl lif al repri't-ritln
1ivci of Hii ct I Fox, np o l.ccnst town
rhln. In said count v. ilfrrniMl inuii.
John Fox, Itnrhrl Jii8liri, lalf Harlitl I'm ; I'rnnkliii
Htioitet, (Jiianli.tu nt (larliacl Vox, and Cnipnr HitRlid,'
Ouardlan nl CHznbflli Fnit Harriet I'oi, liiirrmnrricd
nltli IlrjaVnicy and William Vox,i liildten or Wlllinm
Vatt drcrnfii d on ol taid ',npf Kot, ItnniirJnR llirm
to tic and appear at nn Orphan's Couit to lip held at the
Courl llouneln lllnomibiirc. Id tald count) vC Co I I'm
bia.nn tliv Till day ol Vrct mbrr iivil ; ilien orid thorn
lo nccrpt or ri'ftiw tlio ritate of 1 1 said dncpdnit at
tlie vatuoll'wi Uirreofj and In cnic tlit tald pnrliei n.
gleet or re fimn so to lake tlin fnmp, thm to Iicw c&uie.
If any Ihcyliavc, wliy the time slionht not lie lold,
aocordJne to law,
j.uon nvntir.v,
Tlic Jiejm and legnt tfpreentallvpi, and oil ptrtoni
lute re Med in the Kb title ol tlieiaid tncl Fox, decerned,
are lion by notified of the olitniii'iip and xistence ot (lie
aboic rtilCnFnd oft lie return day thereof
STnpllIl.N . MIM.CR.
n'oonuburs, Ocl 17 1 f "7
nivsr co.uuixr of ruiL.iDb lvuia.
urn fit, so, 409 i MtsfiUT iitLkr,
CA1MTAL, (paid up.) 5100 000.
Charttr rtrpttval.
COVmUntn make 1NSUUANUC3 ON UVL'3 on
the mnt rraionahle terms.
The capital being paid up nnd Invested, tog cllirr ulth
uJ.irse and cotirUanlly lncre.img rciervcd futid.vtTeni
a perfcrt Bt'iuriiy lo Hit nuurrd
The premium luunbc paid yearly, half )carly, o
The Company add nHONUH porimlicnlly to the Iniu
rnnci'i fu'lif'-. I MIST IIONUH appropriated In
IJeccmlHT, thn 8F.COND HONUtf in December,
Ul'J.thc 1 HIIU) HO MIS in llrcrmlirr. IBi-t.
CyTheie additions are made wltlioul re.ulrlng any
Increarp In the premium- ta Ur paid to the Company.
The following utf ti few e xamplcg from the llepisier
Amiiuit nl I'ohcy ami
lionm to bp Increnccd
by future ndlltlong.
3 MS t 0
0 CIO 00
noun or
Nn. HO
Ffmplilcts, cnniaining tables of rate -nil rxpUna
lion. I or ms of iifi.ihcation, nn I further inlormitloii
cjti be found at tho offlfp
Jno. T. JAMM.-Wiirtry.
October 10. IH..7-lv
'Tlio qlrtry nf a ounc mart
Is his strength."
(From Me SunJav Di'pttth ,Vir Yori,Jluf. 2i, 1P57 )
Our reuiler are aunrc that wo suldom, ip ever, re
commend any medical puMicnt ion, I f not en loi . d by
tlie very lushest authnn y At vucli nn inrlnnrti wu
may mention Dr. Cci.vtitwtLi.'fi vtw publtccttcn tn Mr
tons Dtbihty nud other venkttc$. tlin remit of eiirlr
iudistreiioii. It U n small but v.iliuble pnniplilcl
llla preparations the ULriCHKiuioii" mi ".NiKiNt
are now comi'Wcd tho role and only ellectual rctuedlcii
cxiiini h i uin rrmipminis rcierrcn to.
Npnviah. thesoereigii remedies for Hiiiinal Wcakurnrf-
S-trei DiLWtlv, mpotriicy, I uvolunuirj KmuPioiii.
Pile, fee . are for sulebv nmst cf the haiunL' llruiclits
hi tlio nmntri ,fc
Ur C 's Pamtulet. as tbovp, containinr full ndvlcos
foi the cute of Spornmtorrhen, ic, enn bu hud in u
I secure envelope, Ly enctminir a ttainn to
I Dr. ('II KJEH J. C. KLIVj;
, 1ft Avenue, corner lUih c'trect, Ntw York, tw Vat
Xo.4W0. rjiint I 5, it-yj
lt nil
1.1 ar7
tlarc Inducement to AgniU.
CtANVAPSERS uriuted to (btain iu'-iciI er? for tbo
Comprehensive Ceopraphy nnd llutorv . At.rli nt
and M-ilern, ol the World; by H U O-iodrlrh, (1'iicr
I'arlcy,) IIaudomcIy IhiuiuI in cloth gl't, nnd i.lui
trated wild 200 lieriuUfn) enpmvingn nnd fed maps.
I'nce C'l. Sold only by npmts locirh cf whom a
tperial dis triu will be given. Applicant shou'd etaia
what coiiniies ihey woulc like lo cji.vnu. The book
Is now teady. Copies will be sent by mail pom paid,
on receipt of th price. Hills on all toHei t bnnkn
liiketi nt par. Tlie Home Joi-rkai,, m; ol'this worlc;
No family u lutcver should be Uiihoiii it." for full
narticulars in regard to an ocency, nddn
Publisher and i:o.ikeller.
No. 17-i William Btrerl. Nt-w Vnrb.
C?" All kinds of Schuul .md Ml Ki-Hiu.eons Hook
Cheap Vu'iljeationa.cuiiom'ry and Ma pi, lur ui)ieii a
. .... WJ.lf """'I'H.l.B, V."H,,Um,,lll,
NOTJCi: lliercbyj!ijcn lo nil persons Inlerrsled,
that tlic follow lug accodnlt liuve been tiled In the
Crolliolutary's Uihcc of Columbia county, and will bu
presented to theCourl ofCoiniiion l'le.u of said countv
lor cbuHrmaliuii and nllownncc on Wednesday, the btii
day nl IHcewbcr. A. 187
1 The account ol" Jalin H Moycr, Cnmmlllce of rlie
prrfon nnd estate of I'etei Mellck, a lunatic of Ucult
2 The account of niilitl, Commriles of tlin
person nnd ennm of Juini Ritliel, a lunatic, late of
Montour township.
3. The account of John Snyder. Committee of Iho
person and eslale or Alitsnudet glokur, uu liabilual
drunkard, of Illocm lovnliip.
jacoii uYniti.v,
Jov 1J, l?S7 'roUcnoUry.
Till". Triiitecsol tills limiiuiioii have unanimous!
elected II. n. Walker. A M of I.rwl.tllrg.rrlii
clpnl oi said Aradcmy, In placo of l'riif. Andrrsoii,
Rtioso lime ctpiris with the present ifrm, the IDihdav
ofUclobirinst '
Mr. Walker will succeed .Mr. Anderson Immediately
aftrr Die close ot hii labors. '
H is designed by the Trustees, Willi ihelr new Trln.
clpal, to make this institution one of the best of lha
kind In Hie Slats, ' "
Oct 17, IS37
AM. you tlrt want lo reu and sleep good, call on
IIUUIIUU W CUIIULI,, and buv aonl irs
n BOTTOMS He lias bought Iho nalens
nM "f Culiniiliia cnutiiy, and Is now prepared to fur.
iiiku Uottninsann icailuinn ilit.utii n. nu. j.
i . . . i , , , I , v,,oio bus.
;;, . ..u,,u ui, .mi,, ui L,BDiuet trurniture.
CInirs.Collngo Itedjleads.anJ other Cutinge r'umituri.
whit Ii lie will sell as cheap as the cheatiesl.
Alto, Ready-made Coffins.
? cheapest.
Cloomiburc, 0;t 17, 16J7
Alien srnnr.T, Acovn sixth,
rpnn STAR COJIl'ANV. compofed'oMe'snest' Ar
X ti.les in the world, nnd exceeding In mrc&gltt and
T.ilenl a y Dramatic combination heretofore otferrd la
the Theatrical public, will imprar every night in Com.
cdy, Tragedy, Berio Comic Uiama. Vaudevilles, Musi,
ciU Durleitas, cc. kc. When vlfiliug the City, go
Tl!.B".,.i',ell, -M"!ers of the Ciavli,
Btidge Company Have (Ills uaydcclareda dividing
ofa perct (73 CIS pel share) Capl, ,V,ik,n0nf
said Company for the last x ruonllis, Vaable li Iho
Bioekhnlder. or their legal rtnreiiiiiulvti 'm or after
Die iuiliuf October.
Cattawifsa IlrlrlAr- Office, 1
Oct 51, 11-57-31 l
Briok ! Brick! Brick!
r- nRlMvU "i111 VK-..4" '"rned '"".".tine siibseri.
I , , :; "'u"'irii. itny are oatrea lor
aiv, i uu in tun counir) , nuiy to
. 11. II. AUTIIUR.
Iiloom.iur?, Qclclier 10. 1CS7
S II A H I' N 0 T I 0 E .
AM. persons knontng Iheniselve, indilitcd or Jiavlog
uusetiled l.iiuo accounts with the subsciiber sir
herehy untiQed to call upon toumon A'tvkard. E.a . whn
i r"!1 ne lound In Ins offlcu every Waiurday afternoon, and
se'Ho Iho nine helore the firftof janusiyneit For
aitrr tinic" tune oil uncollected scrounts will be pliua
1 in handsof olhccrilJrcolltciion.
Oct 31, 1SS7
I N assurtment of Confectionery, Jewelry, I'erfumn
j i. hut cyiis, I cmanes. . t3 ic pad gj
I. LACK'!) 1'u t Slue