r AND BLOOMS BURG GENERAL ADVERTISER, LEVI L. TATE, Editor, rublishcr & Proprietor. S " To hold and trim the torch of Truth and Wave it o'er the darkened Earth" . . TERMS : One Dollar & Seuniy-flve cts, In advance, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, NOYEMBER 28, 1857. YOL. XXI, COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. Pubtished every Saturday Morning t by LEVI L. TATE. In Bloomsburg, Columbia Oo OmoE. In the new Brick Building, op positethe Exchange ,by si'le of the Court House," Democratic Head Quarters?' terms or lunscniriioN. 01,00 In advance, for ono copy, for six montui. 1.76 la advance, for ono copy, ono year. 2,00 If not paid within the first throo monthi. 2,25 If not paid within the first six months. 2,50 If not paid within the year. 10" No subssriptlon takon for less than six months, And no papur dlscoiitlncd until all arroaragesshau iuvo boenpatd. t7 Ordinary advortlsemetis Icsertcd and Job Vork executed attho established prices. BALTIMORE! LOCK HOSPITAL DOCTOR JOHNSTON, XIIB founder of tliis Uclebratod Insti tuUon.offjri the mosUcrtaln, apurdy and only lual remedy in ihe world for pflerts for Otreta, Firicliircf, Semtnal waoknefi, Palni in the Loins, Obniliiutional Debility, linpotncy, V takncii or the Becknnil Uii.li, AflVetiona of tho Kidneys, l'.ilpita. tlon ofthi Heart, Ilinpepiia. Nfrvou Irritability. Dlieaie ot the Hmd. Tbront, Noio or Skin, and all lhoi lerlous and melancholy Disorder armiiff rroni iho deilructlve habiti of Youth, which destroys (jotM hotly and mind, These aecrot nnd iolltarr practicct, ore more fatal to their victim than the ions of the tiyntni to tho mariners Ulynsci, blighting their most brilliant hope of anticipations, riit)rlnp marriage A.c , ImpoFsiblo. Marriage. Married pnrsons,or Voubt Men contemplating mnr rlnzo, bilng aware of phyoic.U ivcaknoss, at same de hilliv, deformities, Vc,, nlio'.M lm'n.lii tely cons nil Dr Johnston.ond be restored In pTlocl henlih, Ho who pit e(s himself itnJer tho care or Hi. John stou may religiously confide in bis hnnor as a gentle. men, andconllilnntlv rely upon his Rkilt asepliyncian, Organic Weakness immediately cured nnd full vigor restored. This dlacaie Is the peinlty moat fn-qucnly paid by those whobdvo become llio victim of improper indut rencles. Vo'ing pcrsina are too upt to commit ex cess from not being n ware of ilia dreadful mnscq'irncc ; that niaypiisiif. Noa, wlioth-it untlcralamlj lliu ul i jeci will pretenJto deny Hint the power of procrea lion is loit aooner by Mojo r.illln; into improper ! habits than by tho prudent. Iteildes being deprive d of l lie pleasure ol healthy olTiprlng, the moat sorlotn and iealruclive Bympioms to both body nnd mind orlsc. The system becomes tie ringed; ilir. physical ail I ipiittil flowers neakened, ncrvuii deb. lily, dys hvp'tu. oalpi tat ton orthe heart .Intlueitioii, a w at ting ofihe Oame, couah symptoms of conmnitpiion K.C. jJ-OfT.cc Na.Tdoimt PiuntrttLK Street, seven doors from U.tltlmore etreet. Knit side, up the steps He particular Inolmmiij tlia PfAMB and NUMULIt,or you will inistako the piece. JtCtr Harranttd,er no t'Aara Madet In from One to Two l)aij$. NO MDRCUUY Oil NAUSCOUH DRUGS USED. Dr. Johnston, Member of the Uoy.il Ccllrge of Hurgcuns. London ftraduitufrom one of the most emmcui college ol the United Htateii and the (treater part ol whose lilo lins Irleii spent in the first llospltala of London .TariiJ hi! Isdt'lpuia and (si se where, has elttrtil immiiw of ihe ino.il Mtoniihiug currn that wero ever known; many trout) Id with ringing in the head and ram wten askepi great nervousness, being ahirmed nt sudden sounds, and bashf.ilnetiR, vriih freinent bluhkug, attended sometimes with duningcuieulofmiudtWerccurcd im wtJUUIy. A Certain Disease. When the misguided nnd Imprudent votary ofplna. sure find hi Iuh Imbibed the si?.U of thin pa in Till disease, it too nfieti happens th.it an illllmed sense of rhnine.or drvJdnfdiVfirrry, Jterfl hi in rrom npplyi I it if to those wit j from editemfnn and rcApectabillir ran nlunc befriend itlm delaying till tho cniittliuliony symplnim nt thin horrid disease innks thei r nppenrana nth js ulcerated ntn throat, iliscnked nose, noclurre, pains in the head and II tubs, dimness of sight, de ofniml nodesort the skin bones, uud arms, Motcheifron ens head larii,ani evtremetio s, nrogressiiig with h ip Hi, r.tplditv.till at list the patnle of tho inouttn lnul bones of the nose fall in ,n nd the vietim of thtioi tho tlitraie beeoiaes u horrid object of eummtsseratinn till d-ath puts a period to his dreadful sufferings, by icn fliogbliu to "tint bourne from whence nu traveler return", ro sum inereiore ur. joiirifion pIoiJg' hlmseirto preserve Ihn moit enviotitile rreoy and from his extensive prnrticc In thn fjrst llo-piinls of Kurope anT Americn, he can confidently rfcommena afe and spedy cure to the uu fortunate iccim of this hojrid ilu'-nse. Take particular Notice. Dr. J addresses ail those who hnve injured them solve by nuvaliiandiinprnpcr indulenres, These are shii.c of the sad nnd melmchotv effects T.rolneed by early habit of youth, vix Wenknen of the Hick and Iiinibs, Tain in the Head. Dimnefsot 8ijht. Iioss orMiMcut.tr Tower I'alpttatioit of the Itftrt, Uvspnpsm, Nerviu 1 rratltiitity, DcraiiKement ufthe Ueatiro Functiona.CencralUcbilityyniptoms of O'insuniption, St. MUNTAIjLY -Tim fearful eirerls npm the mind me much to he dreaded, hots ol .Memory, Coufin ion of Ideas, Denri'Kton of the hpirlts, lil Porebodiucs, Aversion of Uociety, Tlnilly,&c,,ato some of ihccvils produced. Thousands of persons of nil nges enu nov Judge what Is tti- cause of tneir declining health. Loocing thu!r vigor, becoming weak paleandemaritled, having singular appearance about the eyci.coushand sjmp. toms of Cons'impilou. Dr. Johnston's Invigorating Remedy for Organic Weakness. Uy this grat aiid Important remedy, weakhessnfthe organs arc npnedlly citicl, and full visor rrstnird. Thousindsof tlia mot nrvoiiH and debilitated, who had I st all hope, nave been immediately relieved. All impediments to Marriage, IMiynlral and Mental nhi'ia-llflc-ttion, Nervous Irritabilityl'rcuibMngs ami Weak nets, or I'uh.iutilnn nfthe most fearful kind, speedily cured by Doctor Johnston , Young Men Who have Injured themselves by a ccrtilu practice. Indulged, in when alone t habit frequently learned from evile niipmions, or a t school the effects of whir It are nightly full, even when ;t sleep, and if not cutpiI render m-trriaso imitiiiible, and destroys both mind attti uouy, inouiii apply immeuiateiy What a ot I v that u vouiil' ui.iu. the hone nf his conn try, and thu darling of his parents shnnld be snatched from alt prospects and enjnymefits of lite, by the courc i)Unces of deviating from the rath ofnature, und in. dulging In acertain secret habiti Such person bufwo sontcnipiaimg Marriage should reflect that a sound mind and bodynrc the mns ueeessaryreiuisitiesio nromo'e conunblnl hanniness Indced.wiiho'it these, tho Journey through life becomes a wsary pilgrimage, ttio prospect hourly darkens to the view: the mind bceoinen shadowed with desnxir and filled wlllt the melancholy reflection tint the hajipincjs of another berontes blighted with our own, OFPIOR NO. 7 BOUTHVIt IMlRIlICK ST.,?alwflrs..Vi ALT HUIHJIUAI, OfUUATlONS I'KltrOUM CI), W.B, no fa 10 modesty prevent you, but apply im nteuiaieiy emir r imrsonai ly or vy iri iit- BKTX DiaUAHl'.a BfUtiMMf curud. To Strangers. Tbe many thousands cured at this institution with'n the last 15 yean, and the numerous important Surgical Chelations performed by Dr Johnston, witnessed by tha reonrterHol the naoers nnd inanv other nersons.no tteesofwbicli have appeared again and Hgiln before tos dub he, lysines his standing as a gentleman or tha racterand responsibility! is a sufficient guarantee to the aulicted. Take Notice. N. fl. There are so many ignorant and worthies Quacks advertising themselves physicians, ruining tha bealth oflhe alreidy afflicied, that Dr, Johnston dsems It necessary tosay, especially to tuose unc Suit Died with his reputation, Hut hi rredentlali and niomasalwavshans in his office. kVtaec Notice, All letters in nit be post paid, and contain a postage stamp for the reply, or noanswe feewill sent tnutrly 7 1857. BOOT AND SHOE MAKING. patronaga with which he has been lavord for TlIC tindersliriied. thanitlul for the libera years eoneby, would Inform bis Irlends and cuttunieis, Miat he cnntnuies to roanuiactore Boots and bhocst At hla ntd snrl well known stand, on ATtln street Bloornibur j, in all their various and forms, in good ly e and on moderate terms. jus t I lone nrneriencp in tho Ollfind... and eennra knnnledg.of ir-e reoplo nf Columbia ounty, super added to. Axed determination lorender mil. faction lo alibi, customer., ahould eecuro him increased pa tronise which h. hoped to merit. . JACOU F. METERlUK, Bloomsburg, Mauh 10 1 837 AN assortment of Conlectlonery, Jewftry, rrrfume rjr, Hoapi, Hair Oils, Pomade. Ac . to bo bad at n, t .. . . c" CtAUK'B BoukBtorc, &TVMi'CtiALlor.ale bv W II. W, L (V N, CEEABY THE (JAMDEN AND AMUOV RAILROAD AND rHILAUi;M'!llA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMfANY'S LINES. From Philadelphia to Noa York, and tfcj,' Placet Leaves as follows, viz : , Fare, At t A. M., from Kensington Depot, via Jerspy City, Mail $2 At 0 A, Mm via Camden and Jersey City, New Jerrey Accommodation.. 3 At 0 A.M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda lioi 2 At 7 A. M.. via Camden and Jerspy City, Morn ing Mail 3 At 10 A, M., by steamboat Trenton, via Tacony and Jersey Cltv, Morning Kipres. ............ 3 At 2 P.M., via Camden nnd Amtoy, C. and A. Express............... 3 At 5 1'. M..Vla Cnmdan nnd Jcmev CltvEf cninir Malt 3 At :i P M , via Camden and Amboy, Accommo dation, 1st Class . 3 At 3 1'. 2 . via Camden and Amboy, Accommo dation, ild Class. 1 At 0 P. M.. via Camden and Amboy, Accommo dation, 1st Class 2 At 6 P.M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommo dation 3d Clas 1 The 5 V, M. line runs dally, all others Sundays ox- copied. KiDtesa Lines ston at the nrlncloal stall ins only. for Uclvldere r.niton, Fiemlngton. ftC, at 0 A. M. and 4 r. m , from Wninut street wharr. For Water Can. Slroudnture. Sera tittn Wilkesbarre .M nut rose, Crcat Dend.&c., at b A, M., via Delaware, liacKavitnna at western ttaiiroau. For frceftoid nt ti A. M.and 2 V. M. For Mount Holiy nt 7 A. M., and 21 and 5 P. M. WAY LIN 113 For Bristol, Trenton, &c , nt '.'1 and 4 V. M. way LINi: For Palmyra, Ranrocas, llcverly, Burlington, Ttor- acniown, occ, ai j r m. WAY LIN IS Tor Mount Holly, Uurllngtou dnd Way Btatloni a-t 5 Steamboat Richard Stnrklun for Durlincton and Prl tolat&t A M., nnd fur Unrdentowu and intermediate places at 3 P. M. Steamboat Trcr.lon for Tacony nt Mnnd 11) A. M., anu i r. ni., ami ror uuruntfton ami urntoi at 4 i . m. nit lines, cxcrn i a, A , leave waium si.wuau jj Fitly rounds ot baggtge onlynllowed each paf- scni;er. I'ansenicrsareprohibitid from taking an) thing us baggage but ihcir wearing apparel. Alt baggage over III ly pounds to be pnld for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to one dollar per pon no, snd will not be liable for any amount bejond 9160. except by special contract tvai 11. ua i sWiAi, rtgent, (J fe A I . It CO. R, n. MOIIRLLL, Agent, SeplfliJ,iai7 rhila.Tr. R R. Co. FALL ARRIVAL.. TI1H undMSlgurd, grntofnl for pant patronage, re spectfully informs his ct stonier and llin public generally, that he ha Just received from the Eastern rltl :s, the largest and most select stock ol I)' ALL AND AVINTER CLOTHING, That Ins yrt been opened (n llloomsburg. lo which he Invito the attention of his friends, nnd orrures them that" thev im pile red (or sa e nt craot barealnd. ttt Stock roniprisos a large norimeii of Ucutlomen s Wearing Apparel, Consisting of FAS1I10NAIILE DRLSS COATS, ol every uecripunn ; t aiin esis. muris. uravnts, Stocks, Cot' on Handkerchiefs, Cloves, Suspenders, Gold Watches and Jnvchy Of evrry description, fl'n nnd cheop. N. U Remember lAircnbsrg's ihtap Kmponvtn Call and sua. N'o churgo fur mnilnlrfr Gi-oris. DAVID LOWEMJCna. Uloomsburg. Aug 59. 1357 BTAUFFEH & II All LEY. CHEAP WATCHES AMD JEWELHY, T7HOLF.flLF. AND IIKTA1L, at the 'Philadelphia v v Watch and Jewulry Bloro,' Va 1 iS (Old N'o 'J I-) v.irih 3KCOND Ht reft, corner of Qtiarrv y.rhilniielphia. Cold Le vcr Watches, ft) I (Jewel led, 18 caret cahes, DO Cold ipiuc, m caret, . m vu Silver Lever, full Jew tiled, . . 12 00 Silver Lepino, Jewels, . otto Superior Uuarllers, 7 no Onld Rpectacles, - - 7 00 FineSilvr do, J 50 Cold Hracclcts, 3 GO Lady's Cold Pencils 1 00 Kilvor I'va. rfn..nns. set - - 2 00 Cold fens, with 1'cucM and Silver hold r, 1 im Cold Finger Uinpa, j f ft renis in jtu ; watcuuiass'is. pliin, ll cents, patent Lunet S5; other arm Ids in nrounrtiou. All goods warranted to be what they are sold for. EJi AUll'Hl cC llirlUIij.T, ftS-Ou lirnd soino Gold and Silver Levers and eplnei Ft ill lower than the above pnci's. October 10, 16i7 BLOOMSBU11G BOOT AND SHOE STOKE. nnlin undcrsientd resptclluiiy tnmrms tne citizens ol Utoomsburg and the public in general, that he has opened a Hoot ana onoe usiaoiisnmcni. In the white bitildjii2, on .Main street, nhnve lllse'a k WiUon'a Bakery, whero hu uas constantly on hand a Urge assortment ot Hoots, otiocs, uauers. 'o.. And will make up work to order on short notice. II H lonp mperience in me iiusiiicf, anu general Know ledse ni tht wantiot tho people, will enable him to render satiMnrtiun to all hi customers, nnd should ccur him patronage wnicn no nones in ineru. IILNRY KLCIM. nioomfchurc, May 2, 157. 11EMOVAL. rpR subscriber bavinc removed bis Marble Yard. 1. from near the Court llo tie, to the South w st cor ner of MAIN nnd MARKET t reels, in Rupert's Row, wlure he s prepared to furnish all kinds of Marble vnrns Viz: MONUMENTS, Cradlo Iambi. Uox Tombs, and Head stones of cverv description, (lis stork is of the best k ind, the workmanship not surpassed by any in tuc couniry, anu ut low prices, uan anu jtiage tor )oursrlvea. u3 lie m i niso i urn i6ii inuio nmi uuri'itii inps. .Miuitfjs f r houses, ,il.ue Corses, Liuttes, an d Bills forWJnt'ottfl and Doors, ota low fiptiro. Tlumktul Tor pastfuvora. wo hope font conifnumcc of tlje same. AMUUPiY WllAIAN. Rloomsburg, April 4. 1657. Cm NEW TIN WAKE SHOP. MAIN BTREET. OPPOSITE THE EXCIIANflD. THE undersigned rrFpectrully fnrorms his rriends and the public jeneioliy, that he has opened Jl Nlxo Tinware and Sheet Iron Esta blishment, In the htiildine formerly oreunfed for that purpose. b) Josetdi Hharptess. where he is prepared W conduct iir nuiineis in an is various Drai'ciicv 'J inwaro and House UpoutJrig of all kinds made to order on short notice and at moderate prices. AIo-STOVE3, of vurloui stylus, constantly for sale Repairing done to order In quick time. ttCouniry produce taken in exchange for work. ' DO. MILLARD. Dloomsburg, May 1(1, 1857 y m' WAItliLIJ YARD IX ULOOJISUCItG. HJlt AM S. CAREY HAS nncncj n Marblo Van! In Court Alley, nppoilte thQCxctuiigQ.wliere Ua i. prepareil to llm.fi. the be.t work from ItalLin or American Alnrblefor MOiNUM' M'd, TuMilS, Tomb.itouei. Tablet, Mantle., Wmdowiilli and len ill.. rortlieclraraeterandnnl.il ofhiiwork ho refer, to utlia.l.n lias made I. till, county lie will filriiUh ue.ign. foruork or expcute any that may be fiirnUh edtohim. III. work .hall alwa). ue .alhfjclory in lt..tyl'iand rea.oualdeln price. Illoom.tiurii, Dec 6, lfc30 GOOD NEWS FOlt HARD TIMES. TUB subscriber, havo Ju.l returned from tha city, with a good af.orlment of Good. nt price, lo suit the times, ubicli they will dispose of at prjcia for tttiv ?') We invite all person, who with to buycheop. to call and examine our .lock. Country Produce taken as u.uol. II. C. 4c I, W, HARTMAN. Oct 17, 1357 Dr. Francis 0. Harrison, W0U1,1 respectfully Inform t lie citizens of llloont buif and vicinity, thall.ehasroiumenced the pra die oI'McDiciKK uudSoaueay, and solicits a share of public patronage. lie eanalwiyihefoundalthe Ulehange Ifctel o p rciitelbf. Court Heme Eleorai'juij Hb , Hi) Selected Stern. THE BEGGAR.. A Truo Tale. Ono cold windy morning, the last Sun day of December, 1810, a half naked man knocked timidly at tlio basement door of a fine substantial mansion in tho city of Brooklyn. Though tho weather was bitter plied tho doctor, syrapathisingly. llo had even for tho season, tho young man had forgotten for tho moment bis cold maxims no clothing but a pair of ragged cloth of prudonco and added, " ho must be car panls, and tho remains of a flannel shirt, ricd to a room without fire, and placed in which czposod his muscular chest in many a comfortable bed." largo rents. But in ppito of his tattered Tho coachman was called in to assist in apparel and evident of fatigue, as ho leaned , lif.ing tho athletic stranger, who was soon heavily upon tho railing of tho basement oarried to a room in tho chambers, whero stairs, a critical observer could not fail to ncticn a conscious air of dignity, and the marked traces ot cultivation ana rclinemeut Tho young man soon becamo partly con in his palo haggard countenance. j scious, but all conversation was forbado Tho door was speedily opened, and dis- him, and ho sunk quietly to sleep, cloicd a large, comfortably furnished room, j n u0 ;3 d0ig won . i0t him rest as long with its glowing grate of anthracite j beforo , as ho can should ho awako in our absence, which was a fashionablo attired young g;T0 !,;, b00f( taa auj loapt libitum," man, in a brocado dressing gown and vcl- - said tho doctor professionally, as ho left vet slippers, was reclining in a sott Jauttil, , busilv readiurr tho mornum nanors. Tho beautiful young wifo had lingered at tho t iblc, giving to the servant in waiting, her orders for tho household duties of tho day, when tho timid rap at tho door attracted her attention. Sho commanded it to bo opened ; but the door was already opened, and the sympathies of Mrs. Maywood en. listed at once. "Como in to tho Ore;" cried tho young wife, impulsively, " boforo you perish 1" Tho mendicant, without exhibiting any surpriso at such unusual treatment of a street beggar, slowly entered tho room, manifesting a painful weakness at every step. On his cotrar.ee, Mr. Maywood, with a displeased air, gathered up his pa pcrs and left tho apartment. The com passionato lady unwisely placed tho half frozen man near tlio fire, while sho prepared a bowl of fragrant coffee which, with abundant food, was placed bcOio lilm -But noticing tho abrupt departuro of her husband, Mrs. Maywood, with a clouded countenance, left the room, whispering to tho servant to remain until tho stranger would leave. Slio then ran hastily up tho richly mounted stair case and paused before the entrance of a small laboratory and medical library, and occupied solely by her husband who WrtS n physician and practical chemist. Shu opened the door nnd entered tho room. Mr. Maywood was sitting at a small table, with his head resting on his bauds, appa rently in deep thought. " Edword," said tho young wife, gonlly touching his arm, " I fear I havo displeased you; but tlio man ionised so wrctoncu, 1 could not bear to drivo him away," and her sweet voico trembled as sho added "You know 1 take the sacrament to day." "Dear Mary,1' replied tho really fond husband, "I appreciate your motives. I know it is pure goodness of heart which leads you to disoboy me, but still I must insist upon my former commands that no beggar shall ever bo permitted to enter tho liouso, It is for your safety that I insist upon it. How deeply you might bo im posed upon in my frequent absences from homo, I shudder lo think. The man that is now below may bo but a burglar in discuise, and already in your absence taking impression in was of tho different keyholes in tho room so as to enter somo uight at his leisure. Your limited experi ence of city lifo, makes it difficult for you to credit bo much depravity. It is no charity to givo to street beggars, it only encourages vice, doare?t," "Itmiyboso," responded Mrs. May wood, ''but it seems wicked not to relievo suffering and want cvon if tho person has behaved badly and wo know it, but I will promiso you not to lot another beggar into tho houso," At this moment tho servant rapped vio lently at tho door, cryiog out that tho beggar was dying. "Como, Edward, your fkill can savo him, I know," said his wifo hasteniug from tho room, Tho doctor did uot refuso this appeal to ..... j. . , vauity, for ho immediately o'sflyiug footiteps as sho his professional v followed his wifo's flying footiteps descended to tho basement. Thoy found , tho mendicant laying palo and unconscious upon tho carpet whoro ho had slipped in j his weakness from the chair whero Mrs. 1 Maywood had seated him. j " He is a handsomo fellow," muttered tho doctor as ho bent over him to ascertain tho ttatc of his pulso. And well ho might say so, The glossy locks of raven hair had fallen away from a broad, white forchoad; his clooed eyelids wore bordered by long raveu lashes which lay like a silken fringo upon Lis palo bronzed checks, wbilo a delioato nquilino nose, and a squire massive cliin displayed a model of manly Leauly, "Is Iio dead I" asked tlio young vilo anxiously. " OL, no I it is only a fainting lit induced by tho sudden chango of tcmporaturo and perhaps tho first stago of starvation," re tho doctor administered with his own ' hands, strong doses of port wino 3angarco the room. In les3 than an hour afterwards, Dr, Maywood and his lovely wifo entered tho gorgeous church of " tho most llcly Trin ity." Amid tho hundreds of fair dames that entered its broad portals, dressed with all tho tasto and magnificence that abundant woaltlt could procuro, not ono rivalled, in grace and beauty, tho orphan bride of the rich physicUn. Her tall, graceful figure was robed in a violet silk, that only height tned by contrast her largo azuro eyes, bright with tho lustro of youthful happiness; yet thero was a touch of tender pity in their drooping lids that won the confidence of every beholder. Tho snowy tcrmine mantilla, which protected her from the piercing wind, rivalled, but could not sur piss, tho delicate purity of her complexion. M any admiring eyes followed tho faultless fiuic of Jim. Maywood. fs sho moved with unconscious grace up tho central aisle of tho church, but none with more heartfelt devotion than tho young, wayward, but generous man who had recently wedded her in spite of her poverty, and tho sneers of his tiristocratio acquaintance, The stately organ had pi. hi its last rich notes, which wero still echoing in tho dis tant arches, when a stranger of venerable aspect, who had previously taken part in tho services of tho altar, roso and announ cod for his text, the oft quoted but seldom applied words of tho Apostle. " He not careful to entertain strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.' Dr. Maywood folt his forehead flush pain fully; it appeared to him for tho moment that tho preacher must havo known his want of charity towards strangers, and wished to givo him a public lesson ; but he soon saw, from the tenor of his remarks, that his own guilty conscienco had alone mado the application in his particular case. I havo not space, nor indeed the power to givo any synopsis of the sermon ; but that it combined with the incident of tho morn ing, effected a happy revolution in tho mind of at least one of its hearers. So much so that on tho return of Dr. Maywood from church, ho repaired at onco tn tho room of the mendicant to offer such attentions as ho might stand iu need of, But tho young man seemed to be much refreshed by rest and nutritious food, nnd commenced grate fully thanking his host for tho kind atten tions ho had received which, without doubt had saved his lifo. " But I will recom pense you well, for, thank God, I am not tho beggar thatlBoera, I was shipwrecked on Friday night in tho Ocean Wave, on my return from India. My narao was doubtless among tho list of tho lost-for I , , , . , T scarped from tho waves by miracle. I attempted to mako my way ti Nexv York, whero I have amplo funds in bank await - ing my orders, but I must havo perished from cold and hunger had it not been for 110 " , . ; you and your wife s provident chanty. I was ropulsed from every door as an impos - ter. and could cot neither food nor rest. ' an exilo from ono'a native land ton I , , r . .. Years muu. niiur uauuuiui; irm mu ' perils of the ocean, to dio of hunger in tho , . .... ., r c u . i streets of a christian city, I felt was truly ...,. a outer tutu. " My name is Arthur Willctf," added the stranger. " Why, that is my wifo's family namo. Sho will bo doubly pleased at her cgtney iu your recovery." " Of what SUto is sho a nativo V aBked ' Arthur Willett, caacrly. " I married her iu the town of J5 , I whero sho was born." j At this moment Mrs. Maywood ontered tho room, surprisod at tbo long absenco of her husband, Arthur Willott gated at her with a look of tho wildest surprise, murmuring "It cannot bo it cannot be, I am delirious to think so." Mrs. Haywood gazed with littlo less astonishment, motionless as a statute "What painful mystery is this!" cried Dr. MaywOod, excitedly, addressing his wife, who then became conscious of tho singularity of her conduct. " Oh, no mystery," sho replied, sighing deoply, "only this stranger is tho imago of my long lost brother, Arthur," And Mrs. Maywood, overcomo with emotion, turned to leave the room. " Stay ono moment,'' pleaded tho stran- gcr, drawing a small mourning ring from bis finger and holding it up, asked if sho recognized that relic t f It is my father's grey hair, and you are " His son, Arthur Willott, and your brother." Mary Willott Maywood fell upon tho raondicant's breast, weeping tears of sweet est joy and thanksgiving. Dr. Maywood retired from tho room, ! and left sister and brother alone in that sacred hour of ro-uniou, saying to himsolf. " Bo not forgetful to cntcrtjjn strcogors for thereby somo have entertained angels unawares.'' Saturday Wight. What blessed things Saturday nights arc, -and what would tho world do without them ? 'I heso breathing moments in the tramping march of life; those little twilighU iu tho broad glarish glaro of noon when the pale yesterdays look beautiful through the shadows, and faces changed long ago smiled sweetly acaiu when ono remembers the old folks nt home, and the old fashioned fire, nnd tho little brother tbit died, and tho littlo sister "transplanted." Saturday nights mako people human ; set their hearts to beating slowly, as they used to do, before tho world turned them into war-drums and jarred llicm to pieces with tattoo. 'i ho ledger closes with a crash ; tlio iron door of the vault comes to with a bang; up go tli: shutters with a will; clink goes the key in tho lock. It is Saturday night, and the business man breathes freo again. Hnmoward, ho ! The door that has been ajar nil tho week gently closes behind him; the wnrld is shut out. Shut out I Shut in rather. Hero aro his treasures after all, and not in tho vault ; in the record of the old family Biblo and not in the bank. May bo ycu aro a bachelor, forty and frosty. Then poor fellow, Saturday night is nothing to you, just as you aro nothing to anybody. Get a wifo, btue-eyed or black-eyed, but abovo all get a true-eyed ; get a littlo homo, no matter how little, and a littlo sofa just to hold two and a half in it of Saturday Dight ; and then read this paragraph by the light of your wife's eyes and thank God and lako courage'. Tho dim and dusty shops aro swept up. tho hammer is thrown down, the apron is doffed, and tho laborer hastens with a light step homeward bound. " Saturday night," feebly marmurs the languishing, as ho turns wearily upon his couch, "and there is another to come," " Saturday night at last !" whispers tho weeping abovo tho dying, "and it isSunday to morrow, and to-morrow I ' Married Lifo Tho following paragraph is from Ihs Springfield Republican : Married lifo has its trials and its sorrows Tempers may prove incompatible, and call for forebcaranco. Fortunomay be chary or its favors and enforco selt'-deuial ClliIu.ron f lo. "D8"tnfu, ?"d, ""S.ft0 1 poor heart that has pillowed them, t-ick- j ne33 mj oomo and haurjt a household for j years. But ask tho poor man, struggling 'with bis debts, and tbo weary woman, , toiling oarly and lato, accomplishing tho frui? of a11 h" t,ba,Uty ?nd l' , if thoy would bo placed apart could com- , petcneo ho given thorn, and all their trials 1 ho broueht to an end. Tho answer would , bo, "there is something sweeter than tho wonu can oner irom in siorctiouso oi jojs 1 outsido of it, and something that would . . - , ,1. . ... mako oven severer trials than ours, only iron bands to draw us moro closely to gether." Sgy "Dio poor!'' as if anybody could dio rich, and in that act of dying, did not loose tho grasp upon tho title deed and bond, and go away a pauper, out of liino I No gold, no lands, no jowels or tcnoments. And yet men have been buried by charity's band who did dio rich, died worth a thous and thoughts of beauty, a thousand pleas ant memories, a thousand hopes restored. tQrThat friendship is of adiviuc nature vtblob anticipates snHeitatioiis. Tbo Gravo of Jamo3 Madison Oponod. Tho Richmond South gives an interesting account of tho oponing of tho gravo of Jaincs Madison, for tho purpeso cf laying tho foundation of a monument to his mem ory, Hero is a description of tho monu ment: Tho monument is of James Ilivcr granite, in form an obelisk, and as graceful and appropriate as anything could be. It is composed of seven pieces of stone, two of which measure five feet by seven, and weigh over nino thousand pounds; two others, which measure four feet by two foot, wcih irif over six thousand pounds; another, two feet ten inches by two feet, weighs thrco thousand pouudf ; and another, thir teen feet long, twenty-Cvo inches at its base, and thirteen inches at tho top, weighs ton thousand pounds. 'J'ho gross wefgkt cf tho entire monument i3 about 32,000 lbs. It rises just twenty-four feet abovo the level of tho burying ground. Tho height of tho monument proper b just twenty-two feet six inches, but the foundation on which it rests being raised some eighteen inches abovo tho surface, adds thai much to tho apparent height of tho monument. About nine feet from tho base is chiselled tho following inscription : MADISON, BORN MAB.0II lOTIf, 1751. Lied June 28t, 1830. Tho appearance of the ooffin and eornso is thus described : In digiiinj for a suitable foundation, it becamo necessary to go below tho coffin, wuicu was consequently exposed to view. Tho boards placed abovo the coffin had decayed ; but no earth had fallon upon it, auu cvurjiuiug appoarcu 10 ue as wuen tln nnffin i1f.;tmi tl,,n ,.., ' tho coffin lid was slightly out 'ofplace al- I lowing a partial view of tho interior. As there wero no fastenings to prevent, tho pari oi vue na covcrinc me suuenur nor, i .I i i lid covering the superiur nor- Hon ol tho body was raised, and tho several gentlemen present looked in upon tho re mains ot ttio great Virginian. Tho coffin itself, of black walnut, was in perfect pre- evjivuiiuii, uuu iuu lub-rior r,as nearly iiueu wan a species ot moss, wmcu adhered to nacioutly to tho wood, Boneath this, and partly hidden by it, wero a few of tho larger and harder bones. Tho lower jaw had fallen away, the bones of tho breast and the libs wero gone, aud tno only parts ot tlio skeleton which re mained wero the skull and portions of the check bones, tho vertebras of tho neck, tho spino and tho largo bones of tho arm. All else of tho upper part of tho body had re turned to tho dust from whence it was taken, and in a few years moro every traco of tho body will disappear, until tho trump of tho resurrection shall re-unite tho scat tered particles. Tlio body had been interred just twenty ono years. un reaching sumciently nrm ground, tho foundation was commenced and built up as two walh, one each side of tho coffin, until it reached a sufficient height, when it was arched over tho cottin, nnd then built up solid to tlio surfuco, thus forming a vault, in which rest tho remains of Madison, precisely beneath tho centre of tho monu ment. Tho foundation was mado of hard surfaco stone, gathered off the Montpeilcr farm, within a short distance of the gravo yard. CS5Wo havo measured the ago of Methuselah only by the sun dial. Let us take tho coil of the life, the nine hundred sixty and nino years of his pilgrimage, and roll it out from th's present, over a past which historyShas lightened. It stretches back beyond tho landing of tho Pilgrims; beyond tho brightness of tho reformation, into tho dim twilight of tho middle ages; back beyond tho now birth of a continent ; boyond Agineourt, and Orcsy, and Hastings, end over the graves of twenty-five genera tions, to tho very childhood of tho Dnglish people ! William, the Conqueror, if ho should riso at this day to confound tho ambitious names which claim to have 'coma over' with him, would be younger, by ono hundred years, than Methuselah was when ho died 1 C6T" A teacher ono day endeavoring to mako a pupil understand tho nature and ,. .. , . i . i ,i application oi a passivo vcrD saw, -a. i passivo is cxprcssivo of the naturo of re ceiving an action, as, Peter is beaten. Now what did Peter do 1" Tho boy pausicg a moment, with tho gravest countenanco imaginable, replied, " Well, I don't know, without ho hollered." ' 1 BST"Sir," said a littlo blustering man to n religious opponent, "to what sect do tui i ' you supposo I belong ?' " Well, I don't exactly knovr," replied tho other, " but to judgo from your tno i and appearance, I should think you belong to the class generally called insects. ' jfiy A lawyer in ono of tho western courts litcly threw a cano at anotbor'ts head. Tho court required hira to apolo gize for it. Ho did so, and added " Whilo I am about it, I may as well apologizo boforoliand for throwing another cane at bim tbo first chance 1 get," Country Girlff. Mrs. Victoria Fuller, in tho Ohio Cut' livator, in a sisterly way, thus talks lo country girls : The farmers' daughiera aro sdon to be the life aa well as pndo of the country ; a gl irious raco of women which no other land can show. I seek not to flatter thorn, for before they can become this they will havo to mako earnest efforts of ono or two kinds. Thero aro acrr.o who depreciata their condition ; and somo who have & false prido in it, bocauso they demand moro consideration than they mortt. A want of intclligonco upon all subjects, and of refined education) is no more excusable in a country than a town bred girl, in this age of books and newspapers. Many girls aro discouraged because thoy cannot bo sent away from homo to board ing schools ; but men of superior minds and knowledge of the world would rather hayo for wives women well nnd properly educa ted at homo. And this education can ba had wherever tho desires aro not wanting. A taste for reading doos wonders, and an earnest thirst after knowlcdgo is almost certain to attain a sweet draught cf tho 'pionan tpnng. ' Thero is a tarmer'o daughter iu 1I113 very room in which I am writing, a beautiful, refined and intolloctual woman, in whose girlhood books were not as plentiful as now, and who gained her fine education under circumstancos which would havo discouraged any ono but ono who had a truo love of study.. Town girls havo the advantago of nioro highly polished manners and greater ac complishments ; but country girls have infinitely more to rocoramend them as rivals of their fair city sisters. They havo moro truo household knowledge and economy, health, and consequently boauty, simplicity, affection, and freshness of impulso and tbought. When they have cultivated minds tlier0 ar0 more chances in their favor for G !eui0 B.uu ro" uJui'"a.u IU"?U3 not demanded by tne tnyoimesr snemtv. Tho added lustro of loreicn accomplishments could easily bo caught by such a mind from a very little contact with' the musio. 1 would not speak as thoueh our Jarm. ers' daughters wero deficient in education, Many brilliant scholars and talented women miv bo found nmon" them : in New Eng land this is especially so ; but.I would seek to awalco the ambition ot all to beoome that admired and favored classes which they ought to be, if they will but unitb refined culturo with their excellent graces. A sweet country-house, with roso and honoy.sucklc3 trained to climb over it, with good tasto, beauty and intelligence within ; toil enough to insure health, and leisure to court acquaintances with books and flowers, nnd the loveliness of nature, with peace, plenty and love, is surely ono of tho para dises which Hoaven has left for tho attain ment of man. Yankee Poetrv. A down cast poet thus immortalizes the beautiful river Con necticut. " Boll on, loved Connecticut, long hast thou ran, giving shado (o old Hartford and freedom to man !" J6T Alady in Holme county, Miss, hung herself a short tirao since from mortifioa tion on account of her husband haying been caught playing cards with a negro. BSJ Courting is an irregular, active, transitive verb, indicative mood, present tense, third person, singular number, and agrees with all tho girls in town. i . At a colored ball, tho following notico was posted on the doorpost : ' Tickets fifty cents. No geraman ad mitted less ho como himself I" JST In peeling cnious, put a largo needla in tho mouth, half in and half out. Tho needle attracts the bulb, and any number may be peeled without effecting the eyes. J5si5" Go to thunder," is now rendered thus : "Take your dtparturo to tho abodo of tho reverberating ochocs of Heaven's artillery." BS?-Punch advises tho Governor of Utah to "go it whilo bo's Young." Tlio advico , , , . ' ' 1 CUCCli 1UIU. tST A rascally old bachelor asks. "What is tho most difficult operation a surgeon can perform ! To tako tho jaxu out of a woman," j- Iu what does tho American Indian j differ from the modern ladies? Tho ono tvar hoops in tirao of battle, and the other wears hoops in time of peace. j ,,7T tST What is more beautiful and poeti j cal than tho ljulo chnd.a Woi of lca ."Water gone to sleep." j A wise man will spoak well of hid neighbor, lovahis wifa, tako the Deiuoent and pay for it iu advanco, tSf Why is a loafornin a printing of fice like a shado tree I Decauso wc are glad when be tsaves. ttSr Arrived Mr. J. Frost. He it rether "cool" theso mornings. lay Why i a dead duck lib" a dead do tor ' Dccsuso bnlh havo stopped qim'k n'