FARMER'S DEPARTailSNT. Fait 1 lowing. The ndvnntagcs of full plowing may be enumerated na follows : 1. In tlio nulufilfi, tho team linving bo oomo inured to work during tlio surunur, I. more vigorous and better prepared for . labor than in tho nriiir ! nnd othor lartu tuuur lliu II ill illumining) uuu umui lunu labor than in tho snrinu i nnd othor farm work is Icsi pressing in its demands upon . " - tno lime una nttcutron tuan in tho Uiistliua , period. Let all tbo plowing bo done whicii is possible in tbo foil, and (till tbo spring wnnlil rrivn nhnniTnnl niiinlnvninnr. to f he , 4i i farmer and Ins learns, in drawing manure, b . . . ... ' . , i. . i I cross-plowing, cultivating, harrowing, Cto. I., il.. .!! 1-.. 1 m. iu lliu iuii, iuw, muiafc luuua uiu i pcncrally in bettor condition for plowing than in spring-time. Wo say generally, for tbis eiason, low, moist lands arc. deci dedly moist at prescbt. Still, wo carnot hope for any bolter stato very early cost year j and If plowed as tboy should bo, wet lands will suffer very little. from water through the winter. 3. Stiff, heavy s' its, plowed in autumn, undergo, bj tho -ac ion of water and frost, a more thorough disiniegr.ition clys are pulverized and crumbled, nnd heavy loams and hard pnu lands arc acted upon in like manner, and with liko benefit. 4. Heavy, coarse Bwarda, full of rank weeds and grasses, can bo better subdued by plowing in, tbo fill their roots arc more apt to die out, and, far loss liable to fprout again than when plowed in the ipring. Tho turf is bolter prepared, by its rnoro advanced stato of decay, for tho use of iho crnps which may bo sown or planted upon it. 6. Kail plowing dioturbos tho " winter arrangements" of numerous worms and insects, and rauet destroy a largo number of these pests, alto their eggs and larvtc. This U a minor advantage, but one worthy of consideration, especially on land infested with tho wire-worm. Tho principal objections to fall plowjng arc these : . li The loss of that fresh friable condition readily permeable to airaud moisture, and tho consolidation of tho soil by long exposure to changing and stormy weather. This, on soils of alight character, U a very serious objection to plowing in autumn. S, The los3 of vegetable matter, and tho gases of the same, while in the stato of decay,, is another disadvantage. The lat ter is but a small loss, if tho work is done late in the fall ; but often, on bill-sides, n large part of the soluble and floating organic mutter is washed away by the heavy rains of winter and early spring time. The soil is consolidated by tho snfnc influences. H"avy swards thus tituated would sustain lesj injury than light swards or stubble lands. - Tho advantages and disadvintages of this practice may bo appropriately fol lowed by tho briefdirections forperforming tbo work. 1. Do it in the best manner. 2. Throw up low lands in narrow beds, and cul cross furrows and drains sufficient to carry on at once all surface water. This obviates one great objection to fall plowing. 3. Flow deep and narrow furrows, such will best secure tho action of the ameliora ting influences of frost upon tbo soil. A rough, broken surfaoc in better than a smooth one. Shelter for Stock. Many farmers still neglect ticir animals ia winter, fredlog them from tho btackyr(l, in the open air. This practice is not only barbarous, but very expensive, It Likfis a third mo)e oj hay to carry a cow through tb winter, by this method, nod with tho Lest of hay ho will not.cotrio out in good condition. Warm stables are a dubtimtc for fodder, antl -an animateIieUcrcd in them is much more easily kept In high flesh. Then, bv at allium animal, we ecu save all the manure, which id. quite too lirge an item for farmers in this age t i throw aw.y. Many who Lave large farms, aDd do not wish to build a baril larUO I . " i enonsa to noin nu uio nay anu grain, uuuu , . b . I eeverul umall LarnJ in diuercnt DioaUowj. ThV. save tho carting, hth of hay and! mnnnr-M. In nn rasfi should ha Ln fori, i j . da.i n.,t .nt in uittiMtr mm. i?mii nt ' shelter A hovel Opening to tho EOUtll eon J be inada very cheaply, and with light wall3i;tyin..of per.-n.ii namaie allowed each i-assenoga , , , , "., .. I jolover Ihvil weijhl ascharged Eitra Uasitaie- nd thatched roof, rt will keep cattle quito 11 A. wiijol.i.m. , . ,, ,rr ... . c' janmrySd. 1 357 t f. fien'l Sup't juitc comfortable. They will save cost of t uildiuc ia a fcincle winter. Now is the t.-!..! Il-m.m. Characteristics of a Gotl Horse. Tho f .! .wing article is worthy the attention of ' prusteurs in iho iKjrsc line now in our, t '.a. " I 1110 New York Sirit nf the Times, r.ves the following characteristics of a gootl 1. His eyes oven when seen in tho sta- uo, arc perfectly rlear mid trau3parent,antl he pumls or apples ol tuo eyes aro anue - ,'oij'- and size. - 2. O'j leiog nipped in tlio guITct, to will -tcr 1 bound like that from a bellows. If, r 1, it contrary, ho should give vout to a ..17 kiJ:ky, t.hurtough, beware of him; 13 wi ld is unsound. tt- 1 r,,l Aln.n Tf X Hi.' lees aro smooth and len. it v,.ii r,;r lunches. Or nuffs, or a dlfferoneo , 1 1 u . , ..... 1 t , j:. i.s nt,o, tliougli ho may not De tame, aibeieo ,1 n '"S uit.t.. 4 ! 1 wood and full between tbo eves, ho 4 q rct'ble of beiug trained to alraojt Jf -na-a trWU or perti-rolorcd,, ho ia y r 1 jtflo Cr nil dlsBPL' i the grcnl, flrslrlau.e fytlng. Irom negl'ift or Nature's Liu a. SUP KB It NOT, I WHEN AUI1KU ISUUAtlANTUEII III At.t. FT MBS OK SliCHET DISHASES, $t'-AtH, Alrroiu iltbllltf. Slrltturti. Oltrtl. Orartt, i.c.i., c iht AiJiry aaii luaaatr. tU ItJititnmttsf, btrrfaU, Point tn tht Hones and Suctins Netvima 1 rcmblinf, Loss of Memory, Imi tf..U?..rirX.W,i?" KMX'i 1 . . ., J ' " ' t,,,ust ,., nn, nil Improper diKhsrscs from hot i !.""'", '!',", 11 ".' "' ",lc.k J!".1 1 ' "."., '1 ;i"''rr" '"' lru,n wJ'al ' ,. . ...... m..iiIK i viiMHiuiy- win i r"rf .. im m umir i man a Care, rttoctrt It certain, nntl in iietniatieniritrR.eanMiiirMPii ny noy otner irnitnici.t jltil oner Hip illicnc has I allied Ihe .kill nf i ml leal '!'!', HiP iHnU' in. Ipll pu ll-e tklll ir mil i?t phyltlSn end ruplptvil all Ihcir nuotm of rnru, Mini 1 uiriiKiiiep ar.i uiPitMtu witiioiit . 1 nj no ick . year, of iinrtlre I lute rpurlii'il from the Jili of 1 tun t It man v thousands, u ho, in ibe plnct ul Hie i';iiiii iiiiiii t iiiuiiFiimie, w iiti, in inc iibi piii( 01 ine nirave nrpntlnnpii iii'Pnr own civin m, m die iv tli'ilr ihM-Ho. 'Mcli warranti me in iiunnliiff to lllo ntillctMl, ho nm; .lnro lliemrclvep iniiltr my - T " . ' ' . x"". ' - are 11 e KrcnicKt ciifmipf in niuitll, art- lie Krcntcrt ctifmlff lo lnimli,a0 tlipy nri tie flrt rauBe oi vuiipiiiuiuinii, rcroiipa anu many mni'r i'H iaet and itiiittlil be tl terror to thp IninKin inii'ity. Aj 1 a permanent rnrc U rrnttcly ever rSittril, n majority inn tuni-n taiiiii iinti iiiu tiiiius ll llllUIIIll'Pni )crs(iii8t who not only Tall In curt; Hip rilet'nacs lul ruin Hip ronslllnllrin, n 1 1 1 ic the lynpm nllh mrrrurv, wtnclt, witti Ihu ileeoee( liattPUB lliu u(1Vrcr intu a raftld Conmuiiitloii. Hut slHMlM Hie ilipnsP ami the trmtmpnt not rniin flp.itli spppilily ami the vktlm ninrni n, tlK) ilip.itip li entailfil iition Hip clillilien. ul u nrp I'orn l Hh fifhtu conttlliiHotig. nnd iheturretit of hie itirrnntfti l- viruti uliich helrajs Irelt In Scrofula, Tetlei, Ulcers, Lruptiorif andniliwuft'ectionsor the skin, i yes, thtoat, nnil Lunps, puiailinp upon tlicln a trlef existence of mi (l ring mid com Icnlnsj the in to nn iarly pruve(' Hf-I.t' AltUsr.ts nnuiht-r formldnbic enemy to hcnlthi for nothing cite in the dread cutatogbi of lnintin dis cat-s couitefl a destrutttvu a drain 410011 tJie kjciii. drawing Ms thouinndt of tirtlms throucli o uv years ui luiiL'rios ion n 10 uii uuiiniPiy craH. it in-f-irov the nervous sjttPin, rapidly wnstes away the. encimrH I nf Hie, rauses mental dernig nn i.t, presents the poor iiuvi'M'pii-eiM 01 mu symin, uiF'iua 11 in wr mafri.ipc, socieiy, bttfitiff t, uud all rarihty bHpplittss.aiiu tmes Ihu DUirurcr w recked in body and imud, ptediiosed to c.Hieumptioii and n train nf evils looro to Iw tlrtidcvt 111 1 ti death itself. Willi the fu tltnt tutitldcnift 1 axsiire the unfortunate victims ol t'Uf.AMise. that n permaiifiil and speedy cure can be eflectftl, mid Willi tho abandon men l of ruinous pm dices ny patients tan tie rcsloi-ed lo rt bust, vigorous litnllh, The afflicted are cautioned against the use of Palrnt Medicines, fur there nre so manv ingeni usinnrre in tue columns of the public prints to tulcli and rcb the uuwarv sufferers Hint millions luive their LntiHim. Jiuns rolnc-d b ilievlle compounds of itio k loctnrs. or me ciunny poisonous nosuunn kouu(I as rat ml Mcdiqines." I nnve ciireluliy unal7d many (ftbe so called Patent Medicines nntl find that neatly all nf tb em contain Corrosive b'ublinac which is otic ol tho sirongfil (Depurations ol mercury and a deadly poison, wliicli iumad of curing Ihe ducaae disables ibe systim for life Three Court lis of the patent doM ruins now iu use are pat up by unpriocipjtd uud ignorant persons, who do nut understand even the alphabet 01 the meter fa mnicd.nnd are equally ns destitute ol, nny knowledge of Hip human sjstem, having one object only in view, and Hint to uuke money regardless ufriiiisequeeces, Irrtfiularities and all nisnseuf riialts and females treated on principle established by twenty ymrs of practice, und snnttioiied by thousands of the most re markable cures. Medtotnes Avith full ditcctluns sent to any part of Hie Uuitta Slates ornadns, bv n lieu in couinunliHiliig their tyinptmus by letter ilitsi ness correspondence strlcil) conhoeniial Address, J. fcUMMUKVILU;. M. I) Office, 1131 riLBiRr Btictl,(t.lil No luy,1 Utl.nv Twelfth, l'hiUdelplua Pa. July II, I857-(Marcli 4) OATAWISSA, WILLIAMSPOUT d KIUE KAIL ItOAD. Direct Railroad convection bcttteen Niagara Vails and rhtlaitlphia. Shorten Qickert and Cheapest Routt from tfti'trti Xtta York to Philadelphia, Jtarristntrp, Pittburg Baltimore, ffashngtox citg, and tht South, TiASSDNGKll TRAINS leave niinlra daily (cicen Sundays,) at7 A. M. passing Williauisponat 10 lit A M.conuectingwitn llQ.ui ng unn itoad atPortCiim tun. and reaching Pluladtlphia at 7 30 P. .M. Ileturning, leave Phiiadelphiu from corner of Hroad and Vine streets, a; 7 .10, a, 31, ri-acuing wiiiiamsDort, at 5 15, P. M. and uifivjng at Jil.ulra ati, p. Al , PORT OLIN ION KOll IIAU1USBURG Direct, via Dauphin and Susquchannu Itail Road. on ih arrWalofCutawisaTrain,at 4 45 P.M. reaching liar riiibtircatSP.M. Ktiiu rmng leave Harrlsburgal 7 15 A.M.. connecting at PoriCtimnti w ith Caitawissa train bound wist form. tngUie piostdirectioule totiarrisburg, i'i.lsburgt Hal tlinoreandthc SoulhiConnecllnsr these points with ul Northwestern I'enusvlvantaantl WesternNew Vork. Couiipc .hrj; at niiillrft with tralnson New Vorknnd CrieHa'J noad;also. with the Clmira, Cuiiandaguu,, iiuvaia a ihi jkiiibuiji 1 .nid. f 'er aecHnsdirertlv with the Great Western It ai Iron at Suspension hndue for Detroit, Chicago, St. Uonia, ft , tnus inaKins t ne tfnorirsi.uuu tneapest route iron Philadelphia tothote point A il,MVlln'P enAlM Will leave WlHlamsport DAILY, at C 30 A. Philadelphia. Treic hi train to anil from Philadelnhin shipment. from Heading Hail Ruad rreiglitDepot.corti ero) Brond and Ch.'rry streets. iitAiNS t'Ab uapi vili. ab tuuuuwa UOINO EJiir. Passenger TriHn rrcight Pfaln . 13 M. 9 Ul A.M GOING WEST. PascengerTrnin , rteighl Train, P Alt US. Uctween Phi ladel ni Hand Iliipt-rt, " Danville, ' ' CilawisG.t, Tamaqua Mrlton WUIlamm'ori 3 '35 1 M. i!2 P. M SI 40 4 00 4 30 2 AO 5 10 nftsnonn-ii ofneikunalliauL'ucc allow ed to eaeh nass leiiger excess charged nt double flrs'clntslreig lit rates It A IU.HUAi tuptrthituuiHi, Jan -d. 15 , PIIII.A. AND HEADING RAIL UOAD JilntrJ rrahg emtnttjor passenger ?Vciiu, Jauuary lsl, IS57. UPPraind, come Notih.tleave Philadelphia tt7J A M and it P. M. Down Trainouoinedouth, leave Pottsvllle ul 71 A.M tee. and 41 M- Ui)lr.iinn.iii ueadtiizat lit.S'i A 31 aiid Li,V!J I. M. down Trains' 3,13, A M. 5,43 P.M. The UtpressTriin is discontinued until further nn tictj, Clo eoinieciious are le.U'le by Ihu A. M tha Train from For f tNitilouto Elmirannd all Interme diateMiirtt and bv thd li.'ij p. M Un't rainfroui Port Clinton lo l.limra.Ciurtudaiit'ia lljtle'.o, Niagara, Dc pot, Chicago, i?l, Lout i, Davuuport, and Iowa City ; Slaking ilii!rotiliJ,theLtrlcsU(.J chuapeit to tht Lake I'.rlttiaiid Canada, OnSand.ivi.tlii Down A. M. Tnin.froiu PoHtville. and Up P. M Train !riu Philadelphia, IUrrisbl-hq Cons sen ions , by Dauphin Railroad nt An ' bum i A special Accoiumndaijou rasscnger Traia leaves Beailinilailly.(ieri Sundays )ut7k A.M.. returning from Aiiburn ntlll P M., on arrival of 3,10 1'. !. iraiuuoui'HDar. WAY IfAllKS Fnmt Tlvtnixn Tn t w , fl .. liU ,.utl,vle sl ,u5 a,, e3; AT? ?,l,lwo'1" "'i'"noioe, ,i'i,y.iinSy r,xnmm ,.,t,..TOV?W I,:i3, Wilisiiuport Jl.10; Wailra'eiWt Oanaiidna aSrt 00. Hmfid or NiaeraSin.OOi Cleaieland Sid, .1 ' S14.7 1 1 1:1 neniiiaii s lo.uu . uincupn x;u.uo. aok lii.imi $-:5,(.n. 1 AM. I'a.ieiisersiiilf procure tickets before e neriua LANDHETll'S WAII11ANTK1) GAR- DEN SEEDS. 1 -B,"" 1 1 IpUASS BEKDS KICLD SDGDf". and FI.OWEK yx sueds. for sale i.y No. "I nnd SI South sixth si , Philadelphia) March 21. IiW MARiiiAfii: ni un; iiy iir. wii.i.iam voi'no. MARRIAGE (11)1111! HY IHI. WILLIAM YOI'NO. ArAitiiiAdi: oumu nv mi, William younu maruiaiii: timnn iiy ihi. wii.i.iam youno. i MARIIIAtiE (JUIllIl IIY UR,- WILLIAM Vlip;tl. MARRIAGE (ll'InT. IIY DK. WILLIAM YOUNG, MARRIAGE GUIDE IIY Dil WIL1 IAJI YOU0. MAltlllAllE (iUim; vuu.NUT) T SIMIVinl.riGICAl, IVORlv! T1IC i'dL'KL'P J.SL'ULArlu.s, or Evry one. hi. Mviv.nioonMburtr, Adjoniint Mr Rrower'.Slore . Hnrlnr. hv Wu VoUkn.M.Il. ltl.lfrlttnr jo In nldin lansuaeu for the nenural lestlemsivl istlllui' I rated wilh up w ard. o I one I111 ndrl nff riviH . AW , or lh00 .,.,.,, liaf.-iia.a..ii ll'Vlnf the ll Impediment in imriled life, shoulrt , read this hook. It diselows strrrcis tint every one ,bnuid iiciuainipd with still, u is n hnoii tiut wut , ! he kept incited up. and not lie unouttlie house It v ill I I bo if nt toany one on the receipi ol iwenivfive rem, ! .... m . i;b yohng. J AvgM,w? p-iiudciphiv ra A SI OTTTlCrMP lwwKft ni.iih.-tmvrmml tTTt htf'? TMtf't'S nr 1 UFiSJU Ac wn.sovs. nON17Kn'l'TOTATtV& KIITIIT STOHH OYSlff 01111 hHnl2 Nil CODS I'.slaMlshmcnl. on Alain Blrcel, and lato uponed n general Ihikrry, rnnn riiniinry. and oj.icr 1imu!i SC.slonVTto,. I tunnies keep ii mil .ll(pi)el I. mill I',.u:iIi)ps . .titling Itrpjul r es. Fweet roiaiucn. uiiccse, ,wnn . .,i ,,!,.,, I ,iid,i. n. Fweei poiaioc.. cheese. Markroi. .c.,scrvid hi, Their n lamp mpiity nt Alumnus -5g, lia.oi,, i runes, rviiiF tinnitus, iwie. -j niiticro cigars, cic , with every iinasinnuiv.itiicii iiiihcitiim- i euliip.ii.nn,l ofilm lipt nnnliiv 53. ramllief u,iplie.l at n'l llmrn ulth llrPa.l.Cakci. i.i0Ii rn.trrii. tcaml nil nruVri tirninntlv "lleil t;a,, rlil for Counlry produccamltlic piillic unct rcFpcclfiiHy Inviteil. I 0 H 0 It K A M always on hand, during tho summer season. N It. A liadlpSnlnnn ilhcoiinerleitfroin (lipitlinn PftalilirhniPnt, ha bppn prepnrpil in good nrilcrv o til Hlivayp Iip htthclrcomniniHl THOMAS I!. Bl.fU (ll.lVI'.R T. WILSON Illoniiiilnirl, Fell 1,1617. SPUING AND SUMMER HRtinderslttned respect fully t nlurm hUfnenrtnno L ihe puft.ic ntlnrge nnd thu'rest o( inaiikinu that hrhm cslabliahtd a splendid In the flegantncwsture Hoiisc, Jtistorectrd in Roll s bur (j, Culiiml)i.t county, Pa.tW hcrt he lias now opened a large and choice assortment of Snrinc and Summer Goods. WhkJ) rli determin-ea to sell nn such terms a swill induce a Hut least in this vicinity, who are in want of .ierciian ze. to estend nun iiteircnstnni. His stock has been selected with innrhcaro nnd wilt referenre to I he wants oflbls community and without going to enter into n minute en tiracrntionaft he vnrions Ktlnis ne riH uoiniiiR in ncurinp iu irivini tniii ev rvlliim: sually kept 111 Country Stores, can herobe had a "liittc cheaperthan the cheapest, tf Country produce, including urn In itiimi)ericM taken incxcliange for goods . wiwon Aonn, Bohrsburg, Marh 28,1P57 y. J. S. & C. L. PEROT, P ro d u 0 0 a n tl Q 0 it 0 r a 1 COMMISSION MERCHANTS) No 30 North Wharv-s, PHILADELPHIA. REFEnENCES: JmlinV reniton,i:sq. Philadelphia MeFsr Hacker, Lea ic Co. " Hitft, 1'rjt.u Co. lliukuor. McCain mon &. Co. Charles Dibs St C. S. Morris Wnin fcCo tt Onterbridge, Anuy &c Co. Cliarle At ospph Perot. 1 homas & Maweii, cw York. . O.M. McClungfcCo.,SI Louis, Mo. J H. Morris A: Hun, Louisville, Ky yarcli 15, 1B30-V EVANS k NEWCOMER, (Formerly H'ebb &' Jfewcff-mtr.) Arch street, above Third, Philadelphia, r iMITIfQ fit' MI'At.H (Irk AK fast, 5, G and 7 o'clock to In DtiutiB.tieniiemen'Kii miliary, I o'clock to3. " Lailies, -o'clock. Tea. IGo'clotkto II. BVAN KVANS.J U. S.NCWCOMEU CHARLES II. MARPI.K'S. WINE AM) 1. 1 QUO It STOKE, A'n. 143 North Third Strict, Above Kacc, K.isl Bide, Two doors above tbelliL'Cl Hotel. V PHILADELPHIA Has constantly on hand French Itrandjes, Holland (in and a cnernl assortment of Foruif n Wi nea, also, all kinds of American Spirits, ic. Mnrrh 15 5ti-3t National Bo tel. ( LATE WHITE SWAN, ) Sides S lover. lace Strett, nbavc Thin!, Phihulijihia l'nTitRSiuKf,lateofliierrmteveii..l,'oMinL'.liead&.Cu J.Mh.T. rJTovEit. of the Union lloiel, All-untU, 1-S5U JOHN II- ALL UN & CO. Nos. 2 4 Chrsmd, Strett south sulc br law Water,) Philadelphia. (Tn Olihwt Woon ware Mont In The Cirv 1 MANUrACTUKEIt3 nnd Wholesale ileal, rs In I'al ent Machine. made Itr. oins, I'uleiit tiroovul t.'edar ware. toarmttd not to sArin Wood and IVilhrw.uurp Uorit. Uruilies iic,, ofoll dcicriions. I'liate cai aud examine ourctoik, Jannryi., IPS. I y. DYER'S HOTEL. Cattawissa Pa. X till V laStfi. JL tt. rt (MB old and J afCattawibsa illi.ed.aiid jn sm (leterinincdtoiiiRkehislifiuaeoiieorihcuinstcoiiitrirt.i i.ii-iiurrBiu(naveicriuBiop ai, inar can ijo romid a the inieriornfPcnnsylvauia His table will bul'urnikli.i cd dally with the best the Market can afford. 1 Uiyomiricnasanu traveller 'generally areluvited tr rail JACOU DYER. May SI, 18j5. y . -- , States Union Hotel. FORMDF.Rt.V It CD LION HOTEL.) No. 200 Market street, Philadelphia. GlXIUCn W. IIINKl.1;. "roprielnr. formcrlyofCn Iniiiliia, I'a., would Inform his friends and thepub ic that lieciinliniicslo keep the above named lloiel which is uelland favorably known lhronghoutlho Stateiisonenflheoidesland niQslconvenienl Hotel In he city. (In most respectful lysoliciisashareol pub, lirpaonage, Apnn, 1853, WM. S. SMITH & CO., Produce Factors AND- ar.xr.R.iL cojiiMii.'jojv mkrciijixts. No. CO North Wharves, I'lIll.AllllI.I'HIA. The Market talue of all consisuniouls advanced In (.'J.h when de.ired, .Marrh II. Ip14 lv PIIRKNOLOGIAL 0ABINK T. F01VLEKS, WK1.LS & CO., rtll'SNOLOGIrTTS AND PUBLIfellKBS. !! A CiAn l.i o- .1 tii .i i uncut, uuiuw ouvemil, i-mia a, - " ""cnpiion oi cuaracier, nay and " . May 12, IsiS v. MONT OU II HOUSE, Cur.NEU 01' MARKET AND MILL KTRCCTrJ, (iwncJiateltf esso.itc tkt Court Iloutt.) IMiWlI.M:, PA HAVING been reeeutly renovated and rerurivUhcil In asupcrinr style, this eleaant llotelis now rmpn lor the reception of strangnrs and visitors.wliosepa, ronage Isre.pcctlitlly reiuestcd. . , .... B- A- ""ADY, Iyt5,1650. 1 JOHN J. YEAGER, IF shi onablo Hat &0ai Store I NO. 103 NORTH THIRD STREET. ' Mil 1 LAUKI.I'III A . ! trj" Merchants anil vi.itors f rom Morlhem Pennsv vonia.arerespeclfullyiirTlledlo give liinncall, when Ivibiuhg riii'iiueipuin Ju 11 1; ua.isac y. O -ADLER d- CO., NO. 0. North Wale Street Philatlel pliia UO MM leal ON. MERCHANTS, anddsaler. 111 l.ard.Rlioulders.Oheese H.ins, liuckets, Porks 1 1011 r uc Aplill in.l-ly. i,,. -g ..!.... ' V. T . 1 . () IU 0 1) .1 1 1) I C 1 ll Y S i C I .1 Hi f -rs caPEC'TFULLYtcndor. hi. Profession.! Seree. j.vto thecitlzeiis 01 lllooni.bilreniidvicinity. genorally pr flll,rA nn the rnrlier nfMHln mid Irnii ill,..,. I r- f . FKISIIMt'TII 4.IIIIOTIIFK8. wnoi.r.HAi.E T -1 V O E9 ii t 1. V. ffl S AO. 10ft, MOUTH Til I IU) STUli'.rI' rue doo)t,iilitw Rare, PIIII.Anr.l.PIIIA. Janrurar 10. IPSj . HOUSE LINIMI'NT AND CATTLE , POWDKRR .'XlOllnile at tbo cf.tec cf tb Ctluutjc ,sL Pf ti " 'at IIKMIKOLU'S G ?! I'll K I'A It AYlOX , " IHani.Y (JONTNTUATUD COMl'OUNI) I'LUII) LX I'll ACT IWCIH For nhcoita pf Ike VAiMfr Kidneys, (Irnfr), Drrpty, ti'tahvett. Obtlrttrtttivf, Fectrt ulttatti, Ftmott Complain tt, end ell Diseases of I hi Arlrte from !'.$ccfc and liiiprtM(rtui',8 In lrr, ami rt moving al Jiui-rup'T I)irlirtrim fium i lie lilaJdor, iitiinrvH. or hcxh.ii urpntv. w ifinrr rxi-cunc in in l'lIMAIili. Trom wlnl'rr r,m- Hit) tu.v lino orlclmloi), and tin n.ittt t iT liow loiirf stqii'ins. fjivtou heullh etui vigor tn 1ln frnntf nmf i.lnnm trt th pA'ljtl rlicck, ,or 7w mntjifFucTKnni It ctirfcNi-rintm mil It' tiihmii'JHutlurrfu, ami removes nil the jiiifiiiMiif nLioi'S v lilt li w 111 tic fouml Ini!tpa ttn id !,! itlnn, 1,n"nr I'owft, I .dm of Miitnry, Ihffl.nlti-nl r.rtlliiiin,Ioin'rftl W-iiIuh'M. Hi4mr nf IUkp.ijc Vrnk Nnrv, Trrnttilinif, Itn-n-lful Horrnr ( lHidh. N 1 0I1 1 fewti.ts. Cold I'ci t, V:ikiMliirr-, I'tm- ..r Vial. hi. l.iilitrltnr. ITlilVirII I I .n t til iln nf 1 1... Mnriilar "yIrm, tJttn niiuriMiu Anu.Utc. w Hi ' livfpfptlrftmpiiiiiH llotllaml, 1'lH.tiini: nrihi llmly, 1 on 111- rjcc. Vviu In itip Hack, ll.-aO.ifM of Uic live li.l-, fruiiiPhtly lllnrk Hpnt- llj Ihj, lirr.trf tin V.en, w it h Tfiupoiari Hn fusion and do ol Might I want of Aiti'iitloii, iir'-ni iAioiii'ny, nesiiessnesi, witii Horror ofnrieiy Nothing i more desirable to sucli P&tiouls than sidiindt'i nnd nottiii'tt they tnurn dread lur, oar of Ilii'iiireUes; nil t''inc(rf manner, tin earnesl ness no speci'latlcn, hut a Hurried transition from one que TImho iyiiintoins.if oHowcdjto go un-whtrli this net r ne Inv.trinUy removes-.oon r.llnwn I.oPs nf " I enii..i. p.t.t ..i.t.i. henalicnt iiiiyclre. Who can aytbnt the, ex. cesnes'aro not fri menlly loiloued by lte illrcrnt .Hnses-lnt-a-'ltyiHid Consumption t The recordftof the Insane AUtut nnd the nipaiirhoty denths by t'onsuinplioii. bear nntplo witness to lhi tnilb of thew t acstrtions. In Luiiallc Asylums Ihi moit in.;l;in holy rxlubition appears The countenance h nclu illy od- den nnd quite deMlluto neither mirth or criefs ever vl-ili it. Should a sjuiid of Hie voice occur. 11 is -.iii-lvi)rtlciilnle. With woeful measures wnn despair Low sullen sntfmUhis grit f b gui'ed." ( Debility is ui'isltir rib Iff and his brought Ihousands J upon thousands to Qnllmety graves. th is hlauiiift the ' nmhltlon or many tohlu )ouilis, It can be cuied by 1 t he use (i'llii 1 JXFJILUULK If vmi are sufii-rliis with nny ol the nbove distress! 112 i nllintnts, the I'm Id llxtracl lluchu vllleure you. Try 1 ".""! K"XZ'ZMn,. n . 1 fjldyhm.tofntillHMailrolFrpW rilinn. know PIIK unilorsilincd (aV! tllcaurp ol in an.l.av.ilil ILem mill vi' om miirurlng money, and i rrrain .., ... V.. . , n .11. Y. .. j.ftnti jr 111 ti .iiuc c rvini'ii It ail.iys an nu iimiummiiiikjii. is i:iii'riiy plcaniitin Its lajlc uml oJor, but immediate In n, , llCr.AinOM)'3 UKTRAUT IIIIL'IIU II nrciiaml directly acionlini! to the rule, of riiurmacn and chemistry. Willi llic Brcatct acriirncy anil, rliuiuir,1 Mnu0,gc nnd care itrvnti-il in U tunitiinalioii. t?eo Trofc.-or llPWi'p.'VuhlablpWork.on the irnillC(; nfplijsic, and moil of the l ite Staudird Works ot'Mcdicine, One liundrcd dollars will he paid to upy pbvslihn who can prove Hut Hf Mcdtciuo ever iujurmf n Pa ti cut ; and tlie lutttimiiuy of lliuus tii'ts run oe produced to i t'ti e iliitt It dies great good Cns'is of jioui one week to thirteen yeais' stKnding hno beijn I'irected. 'Jim masol volnu.a.y teHtimoii In iiosesiou of iho proprietor, vourhingiH virtues and curilive powers, is Immense, embracing tiauioi we I kit'iwn to riclenco and Fame. , , 100,001) bottles havo been sotd and not a single in stance of a lallure has he-Mi reported 1 Terflnnaily appeared belbro mo, an Alderman or ihe riy of Philadelphia. II. T. IKinM.o. Chemist, who being duly sworn dos say, that his preturaiaon cnii taint nn Narcotic. Mercury or injurious Drug, 1ml urc purely vegetable II. T. IlELMUOLD.PoH ManuMcturar. fiwom and 8uncribfd before me ttiwriltd day of No vembcr 151. WM. P. HlflUAKU, Aldcriuin, rrlc SI l'tf bollle, cr itz for JS, drhvtrttl to I rrcM.-nrcompmiPil liy r.iliablP and responsible ci rWl- I ,,,,, l'Pr.fe,i8r. if Medical UolleSe.. Oler8yme, drcst. intc n ml rtlirr Prepared aim foiu oy n r, P'l'Cticil'anil nalyticii1 Chemist, No 51 South TENTH St., below Chestnut, Assembly IliUhlinm, Phlladi'pliii IfJ To bn had of J It JtfOYF.R, filoomtburjr and vf alt JhvgpUtt and Dealers throughout iht United Hates, Canadas and Brittih Provinces. IICWAKK 1F mUNTHRrClTH ASK FO't HllLMItOLD'S TAKi; NO OTIICR. CUUKS IJUARANPF.l.D. June 13. Iea7. Jf.iriOMIL S.1FKVV TJIIRT C0MP.1XT. 1 ti ALNIIT Sirnrt South Urtit corner intirest paid I'-om the day of depoit t thudayot withdrawal. The effice is o;nn every day from 9 Ini k in tlie morning till 7 o'rlocklu ihu eveiiinjr, nnd on Monday and Thursday eveinns, un ho eioeii I rvmnnwc'i' T.Trt? ni?wm uvi,,i i ii u i u uii x I All funis larcor niall, arn pint bnck in HOLD on demand wil hnii i uotii e.titnny auioiuii. President Hon , H DMt Y L. HUN'N'HR. Vice President, tin HURT H HLlTUDU l! Bccretiry WILLIAM 1 tUXD. Wtrectors: HcnTj" L. p nner, U , Lnndroth Mining Hdwaid L. Carter, V. Cirro'llirewstcr llobertelfridce. Joseph 11. Harry. Hainuel K. Asltion , Hfiiry L Ch-irchiunn, James n.Smiih, 'raucisLee Tills companycoiifincs ns b ipiiiens entirely to the receivlnt; of rr.cneyon interest. The investments a nioiintinir to over OVH MILLIOV ANT) A HALF OF DOLLARS I are made in conformity with Hie provisions of ihe dinner in KCAL lldTATE, MORTOAOK'. GROUND HE NTS. and such first class securili'. asvvill alvvn-ya insure perfect security to the depoHilnrs, and hieii cannot tail lo give permanency and ti'iilily to this Institution, Aug. 2'JliJ57 NEW AND TJSKKUI,. OLEUM LIQUOR. A StiLstitue for T.inscrd Oil. fl'ATCXT AITI.IC1) FOR J rrUir. iiniler.iind oiler In the public iheirOleum I.I- J "inor a. an ellirieiit fculiitilule fm l.ln.eeu a J 'inor a. an ellii-ieiit.ubitiliile fni 1.1 llunner Mr nil .171s ol I'Jinls uiuuiid in oil, except V'"'1"1''1, . uith ttif Oleum tin) r.iint will ruvcr dry quick or anU 111 bu mure durjbli'. and whni tinl, Lho li.tint will lue .ind rcialll tllii moat cfiy snnearuncu: ana the vlaFticilV (l lho llunnrr win eniu;ti uie i,ini tn.yioid to tlio varnn-n; nia tne i cFiicmuB uhu giutiiiiif un, 8't coitiinon in ui uiujry vai itishetl oil iaints is entirclv nutU-l. For in I nil tig Tin 11 do In lis equal cannot bf found. The Oltuin can he ut-eJ hy iudl', or in cominon with UiisimmI Oil. VamUh, Jjiian or '1 urncntiiu nt the op tion cr the I'ui liter. It cot i is ahaut oiichalf of that of I.insfcd Oil. thus eonsidrrahly ipjuclna tin uxnenbe ofpainting, iV falliilnll refoiiiineiid il for. ill purpura tnillca tcil nnd u.trrant It to givo hit'fcficlioti. A literal dis count to ihe trade. I))Kt.(:iiun. Thin the piiint uilh the Oleum M i ituur oinl wutk it wel I, until it (low Irtely Irom the I brush. The hrusli must ho frco from atl moUtitro and liwu- 1 rrlaMy ought to he soaked well with the Oleum Li-iuur . . previous to painiiug. i liistfftil nt placing thPhrnshes InwalProver night, ns painters eu orally lib. tliv ought to lm put in the Uhu hi U'l-ior. which will greatly laclliiate the work. The nniul limed with Ihe Olnum hiqimr will work heitcr it it he allowed to stand from 12 to 31 hours pre- J vioun lo Us blns useiLanil then thinned in men n I constiiency as lo work frco n td easy under the brush. i y the um of Jap in, Ihu pnini will bo rt-ndered still firmer. Mix the J.ipjn first with ihe paint aud then thin it wilh the Oleum Liquor in the manner men lionrd ulioe. CT'lOQ pounds nf IMint thinned wlththe Oleum Li qiiur. will cover a larger kurdce than 13 pouuils thin ned uilh oil The Oleum U'pior i nol'ln he used wilh Vcniliuu Red. nor u ith 1'aint coiiMimns 'my piopniion of it. UHUINIU. t IlIiniNlfJ, Atncricia raiiitnud Cutt-r Works, Corner iilih and Or ten Hts.,lJiiUd Ipliia. Offico N cornei Third ami Wood sis., l")ladci phM. P.i. Juno 0, ld57 Fmnklin House. IMKKER tV I.AIIlli, Proprietors. ni . a. v. rrr . i.- , iii(uaiiub at., ueitveeii J niiu mm roiirni PHILADELPHIA. Septcniheria, l5i). LEAF TOUACCO k 1.10AUH, mwgmw&m- PHILAIiELl'IlIA. r 1 EfS SALAMANDEll K1IU2 AND TUIBK 1'llOOK SAKKS. tug m .ulnar assort- Jnifnt In Hie t'nlled triatei. iWfirrantiM in w riui in nny Inow imrlo. ntiit will Ipp nrl on itti jood lorrnni nrnn hobtalucil krofii nny otlicr lionre in the rcountrv. nt & iVVd f. U'ATBflV'H. TntTTII 1ft MTfltlTV AN It WIM. PRCVAUif lltpbrt ef Ccmmitttt, appointed to tupntntend the Hum tntr of tht Iron tajett at litodtnff, fWrwarp 27, 1557, Tho uniternlcncd, me in 1m-rs of the cointnlllee. dn rcipee Hullv rrpoii, that we hhw the two .i(m. oj-lgl nfliivnpueil upon hy Tnrrrl ic Herring and llvans Sc Wnion. placid tlcl by iidi In n Itirnice, vl t The Hale In t t- by tho paymter of tbePltilidelphla and HtatHi a lUUroaii Ci in ft' in In Mxoflicuat Keadlitg. niiiimriiireu ny i nrrrin iiurnng biio io cam in s.n:jt v SA ..JJ'.,! , e tiy li A I. niiit. in uip ioia in mm uiurow ') vatoii, and put inuooKR aim pajicrx) i ntn rted at PI oVInrk, A . M and kenl up nm l lonrroriln of preen htckdry. two rords drv oak nMl ialf rhuttiuil top wood were entirely con uuiui d. the whole undtr Hip upcrlnleiiu'cnn uf Ihe nultner Ihera menihero ol the Cnmmltlce. The Bates wvrt then cooled off with water, af er which they were oieneo nun me d'ihui una pnpera inKeo mil uy the Oommltlie and Bent in It, A.Lnntz's (ttore (or Pblicexoniinaliort.nnrtn.aikB.I by tlieUommittcc.- t 'i heh ooKand pa n rslak romlli.-S'ar.flni.1ifsc. ' titred bv Parrels L Hcrrlncs were. In our l-n nineni. 1 damned ruliv fifteen per runt .mofelhan iboso taken from r.vans & ?tson' Safe. We believe the above to have been a fnlr nnd lm parttultriul oftlie rospaclivnquailties nf 'both Bafei. .'i... ii. H NIL1. S. Hiving been nbseot durin? the h'lrnins, we fully coincide with the uboie stitcmeut r tht cnuliUon "1 tho papers nnd bookstaltcu nut of the rr spirtlvn C. UBS. a, A . NICOM.S H. II . nUlif.U.VItCltG. JAS.MIM10LLAMJ. March 29,1357. CENTRE STORE. " i 1 It I . (J & S U ill JI K It li 0 0 1) S. II f ,.,nr,i,":; ' .nn.ff "" V ","" "u"t , I '",''"! ' ? .! .,lMt,,c' u"cr" 1 or"' '" ' Mi-rclian (filtr- twit iiavi-lirpiinflmil lotlip pul.llr nr0t er kin 1 ntnl itialtl y, which il.ey Hlll.ellforrcaily vcr ' rcn.onnblp price. I rCoiinrry nroilncrtatcn 1 n e trltancr lor flood. I nrluillni! tlrnln anil Lllh Irr andtlie nubllccinLom ' v i 'i "IV bo ir uen SAWJEL LAMDA0K. rowlprevil'o. JIarrli Sf 1837. 1857. SPUING AND SUMMPR, GEO, IIULPIN & 00. importer Jixn Mj.var.iCTurir.its, 171 OIIESNUI' STREUr, Arp now prepared to ptliiltlt lln-lr Nt w Ply Its FOR SPUING TRADE, INX'I.UDINU ninlirk rnl pnln.nlsnir .ii'iio. pi .. i mJm,, p,hl v,m,i J i """!; nS$l&VfVlnili!lg1 ac- Man lerpd Hilk Mm....lnir .Manlillap. ICasiiiiw, Talinnii, ce , &p., AIUI winch wlllbe olTpreil at th Lnwe.t Trlcp.. OCO llll,ll It ro IT! Clip.nnt Street, uliiive u, 1' h.n MirrliTlll, 1H37. OILS, r?OIl ManilfacttlrHis and Itnriutif impo.!., for sale i. by J. 11 A A. 1 AI.I.I'V. Nos. 7 and r! oulli Whirvi-s, June (1.1537. HnlaJ. IphU SS.T1.SB8 SJSS , C H N E T W A 1. E It O UMS, 'pHIi uiidcrsined r-'spc-rifuHv invitts the altentfns L'li.lir.lneli In. will !... illi-. ruuneto mp exieiidli!asHortiiieni ot l h.ihi"1 ,iill,.rii.nd in .1 ,vrl.,,,aiiike ,.., A, ti'ii i.kiiinii.nini nt, ciiii alwnt s ne I omul a guod as. on mem li FASMIONAllIiK FUItNITUUK. I v'llc'1 Ieptsl In si)lennd fliii.h tn n,hi of hl:il I )t adelphiuur New Vork ciHes.auuala low- nrKcs, 1 trxiieiu 1 of dilTerei't stylos anil prices f r nm igffiaEJgSJffiff i 1111,1 ft1 "If'Vy. Parlor cimim. Itoeithiff and eij .j.. hi -jiof, liiviiM ..milium; ai- bnriaiM. enclofed Hnil coiiiiiioii Hii.h stand, dris taiiie.. corner rilpDnaril.. sura. I n-akfi-it inblPs, bed ste.nls cane iilitnd rnnnnou chairs is Ihe lur est In this BPiilioti of Hie t'ottntiy. He will nlso keep a good ainorl'ln utcl Imihtii-elavri-n Willi fanrj till nnd coin ninn frniues Mo will nl.o fiirnisll .prinj; pialri'eses niteitlnany sizeol headrlead ivhii-h lire Mipenor 'ur djrabihly aiidcnnufiirl lo any bed In nn , . tsi.uo.v is. finvn, HloonLlinrg Apnt Fill. IMl SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS FOR 1857. rPIIE subscriber respectfully informs his 1 ciintouiers and Ihe public generally, that he ha. rccelVLda full stink of choice Sprirnj and Summer Hoods. romprisiue a full iissortmcM nf Olntln. C.i.simern, cjiiuetis. iiPijineH llrnlcrs cniirocii. A.C. loeellur wilhn eri'al vanety of arlicle. I'sually Upt in Uiiunlry tilnres. ' ' I ALSO Hardware. L'utlery. tluepii.ivnrp rilt, PiIi I Iron, Steel, Hull, Caps, Hunts. Slincs. A.c I Z3r Country produce, iiiiludlug Uraiu. Lumber, tc . , taken iu exchange for coeds i r3"Tli.inkriil for p.i.tpitrouage ho re.pcrtfullraiks I n conluiaticenrtliesniiie ' ' THOMAS E. EVES. I Millville. Marti Si IFJT-y. NEW WAGON SITOP Willow Grou'i South Illooiushiirs. rpllE uiidersiened nspi cifnlly inroMiit In. J nnd tlie public rjnipially, Uu.i .,. ,a, ukpn tle Slaiid litill M Mr J'.ilicrl tlnl rl.ln Willow t.rove. Pniiili I'luoinsbure, biiow Ihe It i i uml, ieio lie v. ill continue Ihe Q&b$&' WaSWi-maMng Business. VTii.-'fjf In all its carlo li departments, in good a. ',, '-.'lie and i umodi inli li nu. Also KriMirine W'pconi. Iliiiclis. 1'ani.iera ul ill., ,' 10 "ller and nu ,hu)l lime. iu iiunuce lanen for work nil a n l lJ m rt ii Hn nioomshurg Arnl 25, tH57-3m D E N T I S T Ii Y. ia- as. isiwiibo suu;i:o IIKN MST. iikooMsmrRo. comjmiua co., nesldence, first Unrk building below llartman'j stor nil '1.1111 tMTfCl lir.Spr.CTrui.LV i-mn hi. Profe..onal service, ll lu the lailus and gintleuirii oi tllooiiislm rs and vicinlly lie is prepared n ntieud in n'l the varinus operallons in i Dentistry, and is provided villi the la test Improved Jn or r it In i n T - . J. a. uell as the natural 13- A superior urticlo of TOOTH roWDEIt. all v-ays on hand. June 13 IKi7. ov. IS, 'M. OLIPHANT, WOODSIDl'J & 00. Importors and Wholcsalo Dealers in tDincs anb iqnors, io K17 Ann St. nbnre roiirlli, lMIILADKLPUIA. lj ,n ' """"""i i;mi..iiialh. JS:wsirrii5Titrt 'No3, ' 11 ' 'i'"11 ?,0",tlatlJ str, .. iWlll 1UUK, ii. ii.vvi oilliSTCll. 1 Myai. .tin 'A'!,'!!? " WINL'fC?TCR. in..... t . WIAUHLBTlill. "WILLIAM J. DKIDLHMAN, Sctibk aub flatness I fllAMI'AtllKhU, ElosintrMrg, Aug. 15. IeJ7. 1 mmi mm it ST P. AM ENdlNKS AND BOILKU MI H miMcillirr I now prrparcitt will, rev, iMnrhinc ry, to ImlldtiUU'iuir) ciifunm iron) 3to louhnru irmcriiipnn 11,0 lntetlnitroviapiftniitaml will tpiiimio trtlcr (lout.lcnntl sliifflc pormbln u tictnon frnin 1(1 lo 40 lorejiowrr,KI(t(tniMinnnMrrl.'ipp(itVllli Under Rear Ins ti!iiiip nil roinpli-lr nnd ready foroctloii, AIo -cylinder flnfnnd tnlMilrtnM(r rnt iron cm! nrrakg tm patented In ie:i(i,for lhrclilnit gram and cracklur '-orii nnd now made nn n large ralo for ercckfnfr ' Lrntrilnj: ronl. Heavy mining pumps and flrn ingiiml rljiprd cnmMrtewltli doutile nrtliijr forJluc punipsat ' klndi of iitillRpftrlngind liouse caitiiij mad to ordurl IJneplinniiis with nny delnd ol pillleyi ntiiHlm w illi hni.iM'M Iron nlaiihm donoi inv 'i4!l'ptt Innir i n. IslmHof Iron tnrnlrR heavy press nml other screw turned with nny duflred pin holilirend. Tlieliet Roitab Iron thrrliin? .Mirhlnes, tltnt vpt come he fore the pubhctcavl Iror nnd wtndcn machines uiadcto ordrr. Lever poer ti.nln or (rend tower innde t a enter t Alio takcgnrdorirnrtlicfollnwlnciua rhlnery MnrrUon'B lntetpaijniiraln mill, $H)uO of. feredty tho .' It ul arlnd lo'coil fine lin-a l'J3 hil'lielH 0 oiip hunr Alan l.rtll nml 1..UP.. inrnnll In ol.ler.nlttolliiitiTle'g I'nfntHlower.iiianiifncttir. I rd by O I llarrU At u.t tie mqt powerful (Knurr! .nnwi n utn wlththelent niiiiiint nrnmvcr. nnnruiitPii uilltm nut In uiioat the Touudrv for c thii.n i.w. .1 llm nhnve'worku wlltlic wnrritnlcil tob what they,, . t anld tor. , i Ato Take orders for frott' Patent IHnrkfinlth I Rtriker.andrichlitn use the in Jnllierotintiosof Colnm j bin. Mor :niirNnrtlnimserlnnd .hvcnniiiiff, Pulllvnn nnd tjunixii one oi which can uc een ni my nnop luwik 11. MAtra. Mirh2.165r. nionnitbl4Uoltiinbl.i re , 10 K undersinetl respectfully inrorms J hli friends nnd the public that he Ii:ik taken the Err fiance Hotelt Hlnnmsbure. locnied nn Mi in Ktroai. dlrecllyopposile the Court Hou-o, which has been throughly repaired and improved, where he is pre. pared to nccommodntc hiscustomers with good laro and to genet n I satlsfarlion . lie also nit in connection villi Hie t;xciiange II o lei, tin excellent runnlncregiHatlv severnltlnn s ncr dav .to and from Iho Depot on the arrival of the cars, bv which pas sens crs wll I be pleasantly conveyed lo the'lkpot Siation,o taken from nnd returned to'ttieir reideucea, ifdesirrd. C3 II e will nhvnyj be happy to entertain and utcoui modate his friends to the inmost n bis nUil it pi: run ihllmi ut. Provrtetor, riloninsbiirg .April ,5,lH5(i y . Aviso's uS3 u 1 1 li a i' w atc 1 1 a j r. w i: r. r v sto n r. ii i ia Nn. 72. North Sfootid Slrcoi. orroaiTr. tub mount vurnox nousr.,i,ini.A ilolilticvorWatcho.lilllJewcllcd IBM Vara, eiiser do di js; o do I.eplne do . li no (inartlore . S 001 n 7 0 nolilBpecutlps, 4 Sin u iu 00 silver .In i to dilvciTableSpoons porsett, H f-ni ,, ,u no " wescrl un iiu . UPOtollOD do 'i'Pa do do 4 7.51.-. 7 ill floliIl'pn.andnnldCarcs, 3 veto Son no Hiivpr on i on Toteihrrwlth a variety of Tine Hold Jcuolry.Ool nr.nniirdandPobUlialn. . Atlenods warrnni. .', a.prpienlPil. Watches anil J etvelry repnlredl n 1 1. iiPFtmaiiTipr II. Alloiilerpscnlbv'ivniailoriltierwi.p uim.. pilnctually ittcnilpd to . iovenmerrv l"ii l Spring & Summer," & Q & 3S M x AT MEN5CJirS CHEAP STORE. rPIIK umlcrfiipned having removed his I r-'ton-, up iuwii. -it thp stied, lately nffiipifd by II C k. f W Hartniaii wh'-ri' with gieaer inrr.itJ latihlies he ifn'iniblf d tnoiDrn fullassornii'itt A spring ntid Summer Goods, Whirb ho ln j.iHt rirenedfrnm the Fa-tern Cities, ronipritiiig Dry Hoods, (irocerirs. Hard win. Uimens ware t'etbir'Wnrr Hollo-ware, Druen Ftnh, halt i.c. I'lnatnr I ron, Vail.llooM, Hlioe Hat s . Cups, fir Also-IM5ADY MADE (IIjUTIIING- In siiori, nvery ining usually kept in country St on 3 to which he j nvits the piililie yriie rally U" Cuah, L11 nhnr. Old Iron and Country Produc taUenin 'Achiugeior Hoods, at t lie Ingest market price A. 0. AUONSUII. r.lnonifburg MarrbQI. IF.17. Spring and Snmnici' O OS g. M '3v: Ivy, rtical A- CO., HAVIMl ui ri reivpil nun opened their stork o inrnMlundip for Spri ne sales, ivhl. li comprise, the I.AltCUsT.CIICI'CHI', nnd II AMlrtUM I.ST ak.nrt. nmnl now oirered in till. TOWN I llavini! nildsreal II 1 1 1 II l III II I o III lel.clloli n llieiri'lllire stork, i.s 10 P''"""" .?' "y; they Halter thai tney ran rnniie.e nun tne ci.epe.t, nnd all Iho.p ishlns iu liny rneap, can pave money bv uivJlieusacn" l'e have all kind, ol Goods and Wan. to .uiinly tlie i'eoplu. A v-ry'e lul of I.ADIK.s DHHSS GOODS, rrench Mi-rrnnps.Wooll'laiils, Alparas, llunibar.ines. e liaise PopIiiih'i cloth., Muliair Liinires, Mu.lin He l.nlnes. IVr.ialiclolli.Uinghuiiis Oaliines, WHITE GOODS OP ALL KIND Picves (Jollurs, IliiiidkPrrbiPts, llounciiiDs, bands and triinniines I, nresandcileiiizs, hound ribbons, in large varuli ' velvet ribbon., nnd braids, k M colloii,uud lisle llirPnd' irii.vCM. .Mnl.uii mills. &c. We inviteoiirfricnds and the public gcncrnlty to .'1 ve us a rail before purchasing eUeuhere. We have boiichiour Kondsat liiiivestt'asli Prices. mid will not beuii ersold by a n) body, or t lie rest o' mankinii. WcKKLVY, MiAL & (30. ltlnnn. hnrg, Mnrrlitft. IP.IT Dr. J. S. fiJouffhlouT GREAT OUUK FOR DYSPEPSIA. rniiu True IlUpvtlvo nT, TTTfrttrr-.t, X Fluid, or O.isinc-t JiUUUilXOiH O Juicu 1' re pa red from Ui u n U, or the foiutli Sioinach of tho Ox, aftr d I ft rt Hi lis of It. i run l..r I lug, tho ( Physiolog- ICUt IIIIIIMM. ny j p Toughton.M U , I'hUa dc Iphia ?a . l irf.BNatnrc'suwn remedy lnr an unhealthy Fto in arii, Nu oil of man can ciunl iln curatl v powers. ' t contains tin Alchohol I'nit ib., irNausaoni I ngs. It loxuemry niirn nhietnihctastcand may t eiakenhy the most feeble patimts who cannot at a uaU'rcr.ickerw it lioitt acute dnttrt-ss Heivari'Ofl)ru"acd Imitations t'i pin is ti"i a Dru(r L'a'l on the Aijnnl, autl yi t a Dcsrriplivp t'lrcnla trails, L'lvme a laryo amoiiut nf Scientific IWidcnrr1 I rom Hiring n.niuiia'iii'iniMry lur.oiiiiiti'til HHiOoy Dicition; Dr IVreira on Pood nnd Din. iir. John v 'Taper, ofNc mk L'uivprtityi I'roi. iiuiiEhnn'i I t'ysinloyj I'rof till l-o'tedce, Dr Carpen- j tpi'il'hy,ioloSy; he. untclhpr wilh reporiinr (Jutes from nil pnitKnflhe United Si art. hoiuby c r i-nir. ami J. it.oyrr. innnmsuiirp S II. Howinan llerwick. Ort:t, Itfi iy. rpliniin'h'rjijnpil rr-tpeei fully Informs hU od friend .1 ami ciHiooifr, iu it ni ii.i ptirrn lit-u ins lirother intrresl iuiheahuvc t-stahlihiHent and i In concern will hereafter ho con. looted ny himself exclusively. He has s, J"Bt irreived uud olfers for sale, iho larsesinnd ninsipunuive assortment oi t a.uv STOVIia ever inirnuuceu i niuims mar kg t. V, J:r"".,'.' Lu'iM.V' k blhe.l Oooklngand parlor stoves In the uiarkel, to theger with HlovSl'iMiiriMof every descrint ninriloiDlove..lla.l,.tor.,Oyllnder Stoves, Ca Iron Air-Tlgh Mloves, Cliinoii Slnves, &c.,i.c. Slnvepl, peand Tinwareco i.laiiilyon hand ami man. iilictured to order. All kinds of repairing done, as usual, on short nnilee. pairing uuiio, as The p.HrnnnBeor old friends and new cunomcrsre- speotfully solicited. A, SI, nUPURT. tloomsbnriT. Jan 2i 1654, If Pennsylvania Hotel. fPIIIPwellknown Hotel. laloly kc hyB.M .pu,ou main oireei.iu uivilie Ivcrhaulcd.and i. nnw rf.iiif.,1 n n...t r .i.M,f e' ii me uesi in inner. Tlie house has I en lliorou lli.lim linu I un I inrmi n I.. i ... . r "- m, wi sjms. cuiriiiiiHHif nivi uuesis in and lllssiabiiugis large and commodious, wilh id velilcleslnrhiro.aiid lie will spare uu rains lo lender general salisfaciion ll'j"A llberat.h iruof Ihn mi blip, n nl mm, fr rp.p.rl lully noliciud Hanvilleliie 2D. IBoS INpylwii t'nath and li'agaa Factory 'I'lU.iiiiuersigneil Having succeeded Jacob H. Kia J in Ihe Waeonaiid Uiuf h limiting ni,., n... n i... stand, in K.pyiown re.pectlully iiilorm their frleni andtlie iiiblic, llutlhey coniinui will ihe Wagon Making Business, In all H dejMUmtnu, where liny will bo hippy Irre I n ive order, and promptly eterutea II butine.tiiitliei I lliio.witll iiialnctuiiilde. patch. Ci- Vli.;el harrows made lo order and allkmds ol ' repuinngdoiie on ihor l notice. , , . , EVANS i IIACLNUUCII, Lpylown,Jiiiip7, 185(1 y 1 l'HILADKLl'lllA OAUPKT S I OllK 'f IdarniaoNorll. 3BcomlBlrtt.i ,li door unlaw all's hurch. March 2J I S30-. AYER'S PILLS. rOK ALL THE PUBP03ES OF A FAMILY niYSIC. TitRttv. lias lotiR cxMcd a public demand for an pnectlr piiritfltho pill which could be relied on as sine and pcrlcttly safe in iW operation.. This lias hrcn prrjiaitd lo tueit that demand, and an cxton sive trial nf Hi tirlne hat cnnelushely shown with what MtrrpHM it nccompli"hcB tho purpose designed. It U ra to make a physical jn hut not easy to make tho hct of all ;i7i one which should have none nf Hie ohiertions, but all tho ndinntngc, of pcry ttUier. 'IhU hai Lccn nttcmpled here, and with what Runes wc would respectlully submit to the public decision. It has been unfortunate for the patient hlthtrtn thai nlmont ccry purgflthe medirinn ii nriimonionq and irritatinff to tho bow tli, . 'ihi is hot. Jlanv of them produce bo much griping pain nnd reMilsuVn In the system as to mora than counterbalance tho good to he dctircd from tjinn, These pills pioducc no Initation or pain, miletti it ariic from n previously cxistine obstruc tion ur dctatiKcincnt in the bowcW. Iking purely eKctftble, ho harm can arise from their use In any nit.intUv i but it in Letter that onv medicine i-hould 1 bo Lilicn judiciously. Minute directions for their use in tne Krvcrai uiscnwtH in niui iucv an- uy plicablc nre ghen on tho bos. Among tho com plaint whidi haw been speedily cured by them, we may mention Licr Complaint, in Its various forma of Jaundice, Indigestion, Languor and Loss of Ap petite, Tactlessness Irritability, Bilious Headache, llilimts Kocrtretcr aud Ague, Tain in the Side and Loins ; for, in truth, all these are bnt the eon Ftqutnrn of diseased action In the liver. As an aperient thev nlford prompt and mire relief In Cos tiuncsi, Pifti, Colic, Dysentery, Humors, Scrofula nnd Scun ),Coldi with soreness of the body, Vctti and imntu'ity of the blood, Irregularities; iii shntt, anv and rcry eae where a ptu-gative is required. 'lhcv havo also produced some singularly sue-' rosful cures in UhcumatHm, Gout, Dropsy, Grnwl, Knsipelas, I'alpitntion of the Heart, T'.uns In th1 IlaVk, Stomach, and Side. They should be freely taken In the Kpring of the year, to purify tho blood nnd prepaiu Ihe njbttni for tho change of season.". An oeeasionil dr,o stimulates the stomnch and bowels into hrallhy action, and restorci the appc lite ,nnd tiprr. they purify the blood, and, by their stimulant action on the circuhtory system, reno vate the "trtngth uf the body, nnd restore t the wasted 01 dUtased energies of the wholo organism. Ilcnte an occasional dose is advantageous, even though nit 1 1 ions derangement exists ; but tin necessary dosing thnttld rreicr be carried too far, as ever) 'purgative medicine reduces the Mrpr.cth, when takt n to exces. 'I thousand cnies in w InVli a ph)bic is tetpiired cannot be enumerated here, but they suggest lliums-ches to the tenon of even body; and it is confidently belieed this pill will answer u hitler purpose than any thing which ha hitheito been available to mankind. When their virtues are once known, the public will no longer elnnbt l .it iniied) to employ when in need of a tHtbnrli" mcdiine. lieing sugor-wropped, they arc pieasunt t take, and being piuely vegetable, nu harm can uuo ftom their use in any quantity. Tor minute diie lions, tve w upper on the Box. pjtrrAitr.D by DIJ. JAMES C. ATEH, ri:irtl :il nmt Atml j llrn.1 Clirnilht, I.OWEI.L, MAS' Piico 25 Cents por Box, Five Boies for 31. V Y E ' S CHERRY PECTORAL, Km I lie iniM Cure nf covtmn, rLs. ih.ksi:m:ss,, v. nooiMA-rorif. nun i. AsTiuiA. ai rOXSMMTIOX. 'Jiiih nun-it; 1ini tttm lor Itself biulj notoriety fn tn ,1 Lim utewty nr:etv nf pulninnnry riheap, it i- citlii 1 uitik-'.'-'K'-arA I-, rt-iount tho oi ,J. ii. i ii ' "if i'i tn;. i l hIicic it ban hten rmplni .-J. wfa'c u the field of il UM1 ftihu''1!, and ' i luiiHims tne iv"" nf its t-UH'S (lint hIumihI ct rv wtimi nT th country alminda in prrMin publiily Vnmiii, vim lme bci-n icstortd liou pKuiiiit.; m-d iwu dt -pi i.itf iWjws uf the lunj's i it-, un. Whfu once tiit-d its Mtpeiioritj offf'' tt. i m'ltme of is, kind in ton nppn it'iit t" istapi i'''M intnn, nml v lie ir us urine tare known. Ihi- pnhiir nn Innpei liusitalo what antidote to impU.y ft i thr ilistrt-iMnj? and (Iioujc-ioui Htfcc lions of the pnlnuinnry orvuw. whiili arc Incident to uur cliniulc Nnl'unl) in foimidublf nttatki upon the lun;-. mil for IW nuldcr Mini-tiet. nf C(U,i. Cnt'tnit, Mnur.Ni Ac. i and for Citir -Dai's it i the plrawntebt jial xnfe&t mi'dicine tht cut itr obtained. As it has long been in eou-ltn.l iie thtoiifUiout thih section, wv tu-nl m.l do inuii' than nsure the people iU qiutit i- kept up to the best thiktitccf has brrn. pud ibdl ike gii.uint' ailult U sold tj 17 II I' III' 'IV., iiii I Ilni iitl. in' !U-n.inLui( and Deilers iu Atedit mes i vtnwh re .May 10, Jl-57. ijfpoirrAXrr""biscov"K!m AM) -A 1,1, IH.SUAfrLri Ul T.1U LLCH AMI 'J MKUfVJ' an- poiitlvel rum hie hy inhnlntioii, which cottpys the teintJlis to dm rutiiK-u In the lungH tlirtHiifh tho :iir paicngf8 nnd tnt.ji tn dirul contact iin th' ditifisu, iicniroliz'S (he tiil.ri(iilnr matter ,al l.ij s ihe c on jih, crusts a Ik i hud iasy expit torntion, heal the luiie,, puijlies the Llood. iniparts reiu'wul tiuliiy in tho nervous sktrm, Riving thai tone niidcncrj'y so indi-peiiahle tor th- icntorution ft health. To L(j tihto to l.ile roiitiileiitl that Conttimp tion is cunihle hv i uliul.ilioti. U lo me a source nf jnal lojed pk.iMiie It is ns nimh under the cnnirol of , iiieilital irralmeiii us any other formii iIde dip.ise , i ninety out of rvtoj liundrrd t uses ma t mrt d in the 1 llrst t ingeH and (lay per rt ni in Ihf m rood ; hut in the j third HtJiRr it in impi Pbtble to avi ttiore iliati live per rent . (or the luiij,ni su cut up hy the idssFe as tn bid detinnrc m nifditaHkili i.M'njioncvur. in tin I j -l tine ft, inhalation aflbnis extrt oriliunry rcliel in the uiith rinc mirndng this fcaiful tcourpi, ninth an nually ueMrnys ninciy nv' iiioUaiid pcrtoi c in tlie United Mates uloiiu ; and a correct ralculnlii n tliowt lhatui the preent poptilniion of tie tarth, eight in it lions urc ilt stined lufill ihe cfrtisuinptue'e (;rae. Truly the quit er ot draih has no airow ro fatal Conniniption. In nil ages it has teen ti,e grroi enemy uf III1, lur il spates neither oge tier set, hut nveein o:V alike the biate, the Lejuufiil, the pructrul.niiil lho Bitted, Hy the help of that uprf me lit-tne fr iu w hom rometh Mt-ry uooil nnd prrftct ?ift, I am enahled to otler to the nilhcted u purmtiuent audkpetdy Hire in Consuuipttoii. 'Ihe llift coi.t-e ot luhticli sih irom im pure h I ood. a nd ihu Immediate eirt'i t, product d hy thHr crpofltiou in thi limps, B lo preiut i he die adimsinii ofuir lulu llienlrceliH. whichcaiifesn wrnhened vita lity ihruugh i In- i nt ire sjsiem Then umly Uix more rntioiml to ex pi ct n renter poodfroui meilicfuew enlerfnr; I n,t, r.iviti, u ..t iiu. n.-.t. imn. ,i.,. , t.. '.' ihrotijih tlm ttoinnih ; ihe iwtieni ulliiias find Hie hmys free and ihu hrenlhliifr rnsy alter inhatin rcmo Mich. TJnw, inhalation is a loral remedy, nevertheless u acts coiiMitntmiiallv, and Vh more power and rer- tainty than remedies ndminiilcrriMiy ihf stomach To prove Ihe pontrful and direct inflnencc ot this mode ot in n few iniiiiile.. iinmli.iiiir il, pn. lire nirviiiis sjfcti in srtliata limb inny bo oinpiitaled vitliouttiie .iiuliii st pain: inliniing the ordinary burn iec gas will ih uroy lilc In a lew hours, 'Ihe inhalation of nnuuoiiia will rouse the system when tiiiullug or apparently dead 'Jheoi'orof many of the medicines n perceptible in ihe rUn a few inln uies after being inhaled, nml n ny be Immediately de- lected In the blrTod A fonvlncincnrnor if , "J"0""11 ca".t' ri'iha alion , l. the fact that sickness is prodnred by brialhiug foul n,, , t 'xV"Vl V"" . 'VIV "'"'l. cnrelully pre. I pared and Jiiilicinusly udininitlered lliroiich the lungs, I J?"" 1 .P.rr ".ff.lVf.V. U'm-.'"'J t'lY ' V JtJ' V ' 'uf,,i,e m,"y. ihoutamis siiflcnug from , diseases of the lungi and tlunat. hate been under niv 1 f,"n'c: ' ,'!' ''Ik',cl7 !n""y remnrkublemrcs, etcii ",n" tl,e. hn pronounud in the In.i T(, ,i n V , i . iN.i cnnsiinipiion is no Inneer a filial dispn.n lu i, nt .!-- is original, and founded nu Inns eiperienre and a Ibo rougli iiive.tigalii.u. My peifect aciualulance Willi tlienalureofluberclcs.&c.eiiablrs me in ilirlinFii, readily, iho tarlous forms of dlsemo (hat simulate consumrtlon, and apply tbe iroper rimenlp,. ,otCv being inisiaktn eve ii in a single rate. Iiu. fainiliarlty. in ronnecllnn Willi certain pniuologiral and pic dHrovcncs, enables me lo relieie the lun-s from till) fiflftlH nf rmili-irln.1 . i i Pl""y Hie Do0d . impa tt lo jt renewed vilaliiv eitlnr. ...... s. 1.1. d iw , iu rillJlPC li rnik ''-V.V.. uicMi , iu tniarro tne cneM cnerirv nml Innn In ihn Ai,iiru ..... . " eiifrrru nnil f nun in ihn a.. : - . . 1 t1i,,j",,,!J' " '.."JUl'"'? ""? "" '""J P' 'I of .' f,.r.."' f. ' '." " ?" hypatimu commuiii i . vii iiii- n ( in ' iiieu iiiiioiiii ly liiitr l;ut iho rare tfoold more certain ir Un i.n t .i,..,.m'. n T. ;"IJ e.'!"1 "" "PP-'iluiiilyioeJamino Ihe nine, and enable ni lo prucrihe with much prealer ieilr:liil).iiiid Iheu llieiuie lould be effecltd Wllhoill my seen g the pjuent egnm. OHlie, 1131 rimrST (Un l,(nd No. 11)9.) h..rli.MHSir'f'a' WiWtrhu.P. TUUNKSl TRUNKS 11 THE LAllGCST. DEBT haiidcouiett an,l cheapest cs Si'iTSttvrutir'X? sorimeni ni nolo reamer r-7"'IrJ5?i!ia Bo'ld lltveled sSSWSff-OCl JIMI'f.V.AfJ TltOAVS, Vffi$ftf&1& VALIHi: TRUNKS. i'ropallrrs. Leather unj Carpet Hags, racking Trunks, i-c , Ar , at THOMAS W. MATTSON'3. Lelehrnted I.onAon Trire Medal Imrroved Sir I Philadelphia JgXTft.V u. I MACKL11EL (or,.Jl. al ONLY JOE8 VRTMANiJ.