J2) AND BLOOMS BURG GENERAL ADVERTISER. LEVI X. TATE, Editor, Publisher & Proprietor. " To hold and trim the torch of Truth and AVavc it o'er the darkened Earth" TERM.H s One Hollar & Fcvruty-fivc xts, in nd-ncc YOL. XL-NO. 37. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA,, SATURDAY, NOYEMBER 21, 1857. YOL. XXI' COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. Published every Saturday Morning, tV LEVI L. TATE. In Bloomsburg, Columbia Co., Omen. In we new Brick Building, op pontethe Exchange, by side of the Court JlOUSt, wcmocraiic ucuu iuuricrs, 41,00 la advanco, for one copy, for clx month) 1,74 In advance, for one copy, ono your. 2,00 If not paid within tho first three months. 2,25 If not paid within tho first six montlis. 2,50 If not paid within tho year. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, Uy flosiiosoripuon laiton lor less uiniiaizuionius DOCTOR JOHNSTON, rplIK founder of this (Jclcbratctl Insd- I tution.oiTirs the moileertain, Bpreily, and only effectual mnedy in the world for r fleets for Gleets, Ftrictures, tieminnl ivaektieii, .'.tins lit iho Loins, Constitutional DcLllliy. Iiiijinti'iicy, Weaklier! of the Back and Limbs, Affections of the Kidneys, 1 p 1 1 u lion of I tin Henri, Ilisnensia, Nervous Irritability, llie3ie ol the Henri. Throat, Noie rr Skin, and all tho icrloui and melancholy Disorders 0Tinhicrro.ni the destructive Jialots ul" Votitli, which drtroyiuili body and mind, These secret nnd solitary tunc t ices, .n rc more fatal to their victims than the jo tig nf the fly rem to the mariners Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hope of anticipations, rendering marriage fee , ImpoMibtc. Marriage. Married persons .or You 04 Men content (tlating mar rlnae, btlng award of physical HHkMcni, organic do WlTty. deformities, ike,, should Immediately consult Ur Johnston, and lie restored lo nerlect hculttt. He who pi. ei'n liimiclfuuder lite care ( Dr. John ton may rcliciimily cunhnc In Ms honor as a Keiitlt1 men, and confidently rtlv upon Ins skill asephysiciuii. Organic Weakness immediately cured nnd full vigor restored. mil diflfjic h the pennlty moit frequcnly paid by thjti who liuve hucome the victim of Improper hid til fjotici'ii. Yoiiiik peranm are too apt lu commit ex ci' from not being; aware of tliadreadful coimi-quence tiiat ni.iyensu'1. Now, -who that undurstandi Ihecub jfet will pretend to deny that the power of procrea lion is lost sooner by those fall in Into Improper lulu lit than by the prinluru. ileal d being deprired ol lite pleasure ot heullliy olfpitng, tho moil serious and detrucllve syin,(iiomi 10 both body and tnind arise. The system becomes dennged; the pliyitiCdl and iruetul powurs weakened, ncivnus deblliiy, ily-iH-piia, oal pi tat ion of the bear I , indigestion, a wustnitf ul tliehmiid, couffti symutoini4nf consumption &r.' Fy Office No.TH'iTii L' RCDERiLKSTRLeitsevt'n doir from IMHimore street sidu. up Hit- Jiieps Ue p.irliculnr InolMdrinif tlin N A.MU ami NU.MUI.lt, or ymiwill mintfike the plecp. .i Vur itarrante4,vr no lifarg 1 Made, in from One (0 Ttoo Days. .N(J MCRCURY OH NAUBLOUd DKUUd UdCI). Drt Johnston. MpihIit of Hip tiny 1 1 Co I tec e of Hiirgfoti'- London 'Indunif froni one rifihu must euiMP u cs'llfftfn ol the IJinl"d rttites. and the crratf r put ..it win. Iilf hits , l-'cn spuni in l lit ti t Hoipi talE. oT London HI.iris,I hi! U'lflpliin and elsewhere, has eltcct"d some of the iito.t a 1 ton 1 thing cured that w re ever knou u ; m my truub I :. witli rMiing Initio head nud ears Mt inhfp, riil nt rvoiisn"Hi bin tt1armed.it toiddcu niintH. and banhf il ni'"H. with Iri'incnt lilu'iiit, nttenduii t) ime times with dern 11 ir meiit uf mind, were curtrd Itu (t.ediattly. A Crrtdtn Viscaw. Wh-n th mirignldl tin.) iinp'udeiit votnrv ofpteii r irtj funU h htji luiljilfd tin; sxHs of titu pnuiTol siisetmu, It Inu ntirn Lapi vi lh.il an 1 1 lit im d .,tiM r.f shtme or dre'id nf l'm .0rr.1v d tcr him frn.11 afpHI intjlo Ihtmr si , from education and respt clulnl tf cut alone befriend him del lyitiy til 'lie ctii.stin;l:u:iy rmptutns ol tint horrid die"a-emaks tin 1 r npp.-11r1.i11 .fit in nlre'iiled rtii'e.'hro it. die.iaed none, nocti'rre, pain in the hr;tdn,l liiubM.dimoens ol inibt.d (if until in., if. on the hk in tiiiiie., an,) nrnni, bloichenfu,, en I.ad laee. si) I exlremetlo s, iro;'re?ineiM illi h ijf tit. 1 ipldit .till ai list the palniu .oftliu nnuiti htttl t. 'tin ..f the nine Ull in ,:i nd the vi. nm of tlilioi tli.-.;.--ae lixftnncs a horrid olijtct of commim -rAiioa nil .1 ath .H.- r. perm 1 in hi dreadful suireriups, by eu iini'lum lo 'tltit lioiirpe ft.nii wln-iicn tin traveler uturn. To such therefoie Dr. J0I111M011 plcdeei 1'imselfto preserve Hie moot envlniible ncrreov nnd from lili eiinijiivp prartice (n theflrsi Ilitspiutin 0" rjiimpo nter meica, ho can ronhdently recuminem. Kite stid spedy euro to the ttnfoit-innie-vicciui of this hoirid dim .tiit! Take pirticu'lar Xoticc. Dr. J .iddresse al those who have injured them clve by pnvateaud improper Indulenres, Tfien are smi.eiif the nad and meinncholv cireet produced byearlyhabitu of youth, viz Weakness of the Hack end Limbs, Tain ill the Head. Dininrssot Hijjbt. Loss of Muscular Tower I'nlpiu.tion of the llenrt, Dspepiia, Nervals 1 rratilulity, Dirangejuent of the Digestive Iu net ions, Uvr.ura I Debility, symptoms Of Cinsumptfon.c MENTALLY The fearful eflerti upon the mind nie much to he dreaded, Los ol Memory, (onfiHlon of XiVis, Deoreriiion of Hie bpirlts, Lvil rorftiodinsi, Avertirinof3oclcly, Timiiy.ic.are some oftheevils produced . Thousands of persons of all nges can now Judge what Is thi ciuseoftiieir deelmmj health Looting I heir vigor, becoming weak, pale and emariated; having singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symp toms of Consumption. Or. Johnston's Invigorating Remedy for Organic Weakness. Hy this great and important remedy, wrnknefsoflhe crcmn are speedily cureil. and (nil visor rvtmred. Thi'isandsofthp most nervous nnd debilitated, who In 1 1 tit all hope, have been immediately relieved, All Imp.Mimeiils Marriage. physical and Mental Dismia liflc itlon, Nervoiu lrrit.ibility,Trnuibliugs n nd Weak. ui, or'exhauiion ofthe most lenrful kind, spced(,v curd by Dortor Joititstun Young Men Who have tnj'irodtliemielves by a rertiiu practice, Inlulged In when alone .1 habit frequently learned front evil companions, or at school the eflccis afwhich are nlshtly felt. evtn whon asleep, and (f not cured renders 111 irriave impossible, and destroy! both mind and dy, should iinply immediacy aat a pity that u voting man. the Imp 9 nf his 1011 n ...in ii, n uni iny .ii in. ,iiruiii 'lllulll no n.iiciirii fru-n all prospect, and eiijuyiiiefitsnriile.by tlio cuns. dulging in acertaln secret habit, riueli person, beforo contemplating Marriage should reflect that sound mind and body are the mo, necessary requisites lo prouio'o conunbial liappineaa 1 ii deed, without these .the journey through lilo becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and i'tril with tlie melancholy reflection that the happiness i mother hr-comes hlighte.1 with our own, OFFICE N0.7BOUTII I'll EDERlCK S r..Balllniors.A4 Al.l, HUKOICAI, OPERATIONS I'EKFOltM EO. V. 11 l.i, t no false modesty prevent you, but apply nil mediately either personally or by letter. SKIN DISEASES SPEEDILY CURED. To Strangers. Tia manyiousanda cured atthis institution wilti'n ihu last ISyears.andthe numerous important Surgical Cporatlons performed by Or. Johnston, witnessed by the rrporiersnl tho papers and many other pcrsous.no tiers ii" Jhich have appeared again and iiglln before tbe ' i' lie, besides bis standing as a gentleman of cha. racers.nd responsibility, Is a surlicient guarantee to the , licleJ. Take Nolioe. N. n. -Tlicro are so many Ignorant and worthless Quaclls idverlising themselves Physicians, ruining tllo heallll oflho already ulilicted, that Dr, Johnston dee isltneretsary Insay, especially to those unac qiial-ited with Ills reputation, tlialhis credentials and dipiimasaiwaysuaiig in ma omcc. KJ-r.RKNoTics, All letlers innst Le post paid, and com iln a postage stamp for the reply, or noajiswer bewiilsent l .niariy 7 iesr. "lJOOT ANI) SHOE MAKING. I THE undersigned, thank lul for the liberal Ll D&trottage with which he lias been favord for j years goneby, would infoimliis triends and -customers, -nal lie continues to manuiaciuru Hoots and ohocs, At his old and well-knownsland, on Malnslleet, illooLnburg, In all their various and forms, in good style andon moderate terms. ills long experience In tho business, and general knowledgeof the people of Columbia ounty, super added to a nxed determination lorrnrler satisfaction toallhls customer. .should secure him increased pa, troaage which he hopes to merit- JACOU l DIETEIUCK, ninnmsburc, Mslrh 10 1 857 assortment of Conleeilonerv. Jewilry. rerfunio -1 ., boaps, llslr Oils, Pomades. A:c , to be had at C CLARK'S Hook Store. -loorosuurg. ai.y au. IM, SIOIAVIXML lorule by II W. 4. W. N. CREASY. and nopapor clUoontlnod until all arrearagesahall A; V.Via'camjcn'a'nd Je'iey'cViy'.'i:Ve'ning have boenpald. Mli 7 3 lET Ordinary advertisements Inserted and Job- ai 3 r si . via Camden anil Arauoy, Aceommo work (xecntod at tho established prices. dntion, 1st Clan S uuiMmMiuMB AiiV Si,, fo'rt ofa. ",.'t.C" . f .?n.".0''. .I"?""110 1 BALTIfllOUE LOCK HOSPITAL. dJ.L'icii.r f"?! !': ' ""i NEW YORK IJJES. Tltn d.AJtnnN and amroy itAiuidAD AND I'll LADELI'IIIA AND TRCNTON RAILEOAD COJITANT'S LINES. Frcm Philadelphia to Alu FerJfc, and Way Mates Leaves as follows, viz : Fare. A L!, i1"'.?.". !??.' ". "T:..1:.'"lst At 0 A. M ., via Camden and Jersey City, New Jersey rtcconiuiouaiion. A 1 0 A. SI ,via Camden and Amboy, Accoinmoda Hon.... 1...1 At 7 A. M.. via Camden and Jersey City, Morn- 1 log mail ,, At 10 A. M.. Iiv steamboat Trrnton, via Tocony and Jersey Oltv, Morning Erpreis AlSP. M., via Caiorica and Aiuboy, C. and A. At fl I'.Rl.t via. Camden and Amboy, A cenro mo nition Vd Irw 1 TlioSI. M line tuns daily, all oihern Bundajrs ex cepted. Ijipresa Lines slop at tho principal olatl.ms only. For llelvidere, Cnsion, Flemlnglon . &c, at C A. ,M. and 4 I'. M., Irom Walnut strei't wharf. For Watir Gap,Btroudbburg.Pcranti.n,Wilkrfibarre, Montrose, Great Ucnd. &c, at o A. ai., viaSJelaware, Lackawanna at tVctcrn llallroail. FnrFreehold at 0 A. M.and 2 P M. i'ur Mount lloliy at 7 A AI.. and SI and 5 1'. M. WAY I.INIU For Urtslol, Trenlun. &o , at '.'4 and 4 T. M. WAY MMJ Tnr Talinyra, Rancneas, Ueveriy, lltirlinton, nor dentown, &c, at 3 I M. WAY LINK For Mount llollv. I'.utlliiilon and Wav Slnllnin at S P. M . Pleambnat tllrhard Btockttin lor nitrlinctoi nnd rtrls ' tot at ti A M., and for llnrdenlown and iuternicdiate place, it 21 I'. M. tilrnmuti! UVer.ton for Tacony nt 10 and II A.M., and 4 I' M.,nml for IliirlinpUjii and llrittol at 4 P. M All tini'.,cirpil I A..M , leave Walmil st.wbarr XZ? i'llty ouud, ot bajigJce nniyalloned each pis- .eiiKer rn,eii:e rs are prohibit td from takina unytliini; as bnrgase Inl their icnriiifr apparel. All linccac" over lilly poupds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for bargnpp to one dollar pi-r pouno, and will nut lie halib'.for any amount beyond 9IU0, except by special rnutrnrt WM II. OATZMCR, Agent. C It. A b . It CO. It. II. MOI1RLI.I,, Aaenl, Si-pUO, 12.7 l'blla. Tr. U P.. Co. F ALL TrI I V Al7. IL V IU !i W Q rpUB undcrsisned, sraleful for tmut patfonaae..rr- X sperifully i ti firms Ji rs ci stumers and ihe public (tencmliy, that lie hat Jiul received from the Castertt riti s, the Inrpesl ami most elcci stock of FALL AND WINTKlt CLOTHING, Tlut h.is et been opened i n llloomsburir. in which lie, invites Hie nttcniioit of his Iriendj. nnd Acpures theni that l hey are o lie red lor mi e ut great baigaiua. .Ilisj Mlock fompriHen a large (iorimeiit of i Gcntlcmcn'8 Wearing Apprcl, rnusiming or imsiiionarli: nuizs coats, nr. every tlerrtption ; I'aiiH Wnti Sl.irl. L'rnv.itM. &lm,ki. Cottini Haudkerclncfo. Ol jves, tiuspcudera, i Gold WairfHs and Jtvchyy ( Of every desr riptioii fine mid rheiip ( N. II ReineniLcr "Zirfii&a'ff's theep fmpcrrjm fall and t-eo Nu cliaiC' for cjnuntiitif: Ci.i.ds i DA.VID LOU'UNItKRU. I lllivniuburg Aug Ci IS 17 STAUl-T II ctl) Aiuin CilK.il tl'JiTCitKS JKIt'ELHV. WllOI.CrUt.r AND lir.TAlL.i.l Iho -Tli iladelphla 1 V,':i'it and Ji , Miry Siore,' No 113 (Old Nn 9b) I Hlorili St;"(lND iiretl, corner nf Quarry. P il.nii lnln.t fjuld I ttrWdtrhi'i. fulljuvclkJ,.ldt.'tret can's, gi8 IH fio Id l.t pine, in ca rut. 'JI Ul i Hilver l.tvir, full Jew died. . . j-j oq Oliver Lepine Jewels, . o (in Hupcrior uuariiers, .... 700 (iojd Hpertnctett, . . . . 7 nit I'tneSilver do, - . 1 511 (Tr Id Uracelets n (Ml Lady's fiuld I'encilf, 0U Silver Tea )pnoiH. set . 5 qq Gold I't-ns, with 1'enci1 and tiilver holder, . 1 itt Gold Finger Ulngs, .i7i renin to : Wa tth f, lasses, phin, l'.'l cents, patent IfJ, Lunet other uttides in proportion. All goods warranted to bu what they are soul lor, sTAurrrn u iiaklkv. rjtun hfind j:orr. Gold and Silver Levers And Lepmes slill lower than the above puces. October 10, WSI BLOOMSnUKO HOOT AND SIRTk STORK. 'lLJE undervlened rcFptctlully iliforlils llie rti7.euit L of blnuuuburg and llie lutblic in general, ibal lie lias upiMifd a Hoot and Shoe Establishment, In lhe white building, on Miin strerl, almvo nine's 4l Wilson's llakery. witeiu lie uas constatilly on ham! .a large assortment of Hoots, Shoes, Gaiters, &e., And will make up work lo order on abort notice Ills long experience in tlie business, and general know, iedxo ot lb Mnut,ii. the people, will enable linn to tender pnti.fartion to all hi, customers, and should secure bun p ilronage which be btipra to merit. IIUNRY KI.EIM. Itloomsbnrg.'May 2, IF57. KEMOVAL. rp lU subvribcr liavlng reinuved hi. Marble .Yard. 1 from near llie L'nurt lio'tae, to liiefinith wist cor ner of MAIN' and MARK ll'l' , treats, in IIUH'it's ltow, wliare ho is prepared lo tiirnlsh all kinds of MarUe Wvk, Viz: MONUMENTS, Cradle louibs. Ho.-: Tomiu.nnd Head Stones nf evury ileticri pi inn . His stork is ol the best k led, tho workmanship not surpassed byauv in llie country, and at low prices. Call and judge for your.etviH. CI" lie wi'l alo furnish Table and nurenu Top,, Muitttl. if Illlll4,.. ILiui lliirki.. I.I..II..U nn .1 U.M. lur ivinuiw. anu uoors, at a low ngurc. Tliunutiil for past favora. we Injpe lor a continuance AJJTIInNV W1TMAW nioom.burg, April 4. leOT.-C'in NEW TINWARE SHOP. MAIN BTREI'.T, OPPOSITE TUG EXCII AOE. THE pudersigiied respectlvl ly IlifclDJ ,), fs.ends and the pubhcgeneis!ly, lhathe lias opened JI New Tinware nnd Shcit lion Esta- blishmettt, lln tho biiiidttig formerly occupied for that purpose, ' b) Joseph Sharples, wiirc he is prepared lo conduct i the business in all Ms various branch.'. 'llnwareand Mouse Ppouting of all kinds made lo order on short notice and at moderate prires Also STOVES, of various styles, constantly for sale Repairing dqoe Jo order in quick time. E3"Counlry produce taken in exchange for work. II. (J. MIM.AllD. Illooaisburg, May 1(1, 183" y mV JIAHIII.K VAItl) IN llliOO.MSIIUltG. JIIRAM S. CAREY HAS opened a Marble Yard in Court Alley, opposite the Exchange, where he is prepared to llinsll,tbe best work from Italian or American Marblefor MONUMi NTS, TUMHS, Tombstones, Tables. Mantles. Window-sills and len Ills. Forthe character nnd finish nf his work he refers to suchaajia lias made is this county lie will rtiriiinh neitgns for work or czertite any that may be furnish ed to him. JIis work shall always be satisfactory in Ittsiyiennd reasonahlcin price. mooiusburn, Dcc.G, lesti GOODNEWS V0H HARD TIMES. THE subscribers havo just returned from the city, with a pood assortment of Goods at prices lo suit lhe limes, which Uiey will disposo of al pricis for ttady pay. We invite all persons who wi.h to buy cheap, lo call and examine our stock, country Produce taken as usual. II. C. U I. W. HARTMAI?. Oct 17. IW Dr. Francis (-. Harrison, WOULD respectfully inform Ihecillzensorilloom' burg aud vii'i inly, that l.ehaseu in menced the pra ctic ot Msuit'iMaandHuauaay, and solicits a share of publlcpatroniige. , alwaysbe foundaltho Exchangollotel op I posite tha Coutl House. I Ulcomsburg Feb ,1,1637. . IntllOSlOOplGSSAtlantioBemotO aud Alone. BY IlEV. JAMES QIMIOUUNE LYONS, M,. D In the steeple. Atlanlie remote and atoni 1 a rock wiilcli Ike wiM wavp, eternally lic.il Its echoing bulwarks wilh sendrilt are slrnwli, Ami da'lc arc the waters that roll at its furl. Lctilie shrill winds of ocean io forth as Iticy mny, It wars with the surges, and knows not nf rest ; Its plnnnoles dilp with the fast fallinf. sprny. And billows arc breaking In foam on Its breast. "", ,,.cep.brc:','e" ""' wh,r'w,n''' " w And the mariner .res it null breasting the deep, As It flung bark the .utf in the years that a re gone, All worn but un.hakeii ibat desolate rock, Fast rooted where islands and earthquakes are born, Looks fearlessly down on tho breaker's rude shock. And laughs the vain force uflbo Iciopcst lo scorn. Olilhoul that reverest a Master above. And slghenl for glories inimoit.nl and high, llo strung in believing, and steadfast in love. Whin lias-inn li loud, and the tempter is ijgli : When Inrldclslild tlicc be raise tolliy I.oril, When H"y Inuitb at the Inilli Ihnteii nobles nnd saves, When they icoff at luspeoide, and rail at his word, He thou to their uildtiess thai lotk In thuwuves. A I Mnud like that sea rllir nor ak llinu to shun -mai Hermit 01 ocean lives conqifrlnir nn Xliere are Irt-nsures of Intlrite price to be woe. There nrcitrcn.urcs of infinite piirolo bo ln,t-- ( jnc work ol oticiiiencc. llie cnrs, or Ihq rust: lJ ',. S'.;" " . . T. s rV"1".""r """ Sir! Vi' thou III. run hold and Illi, l.iith hi I l.riun n Aim llie sorrows and toils ol thy wariare on eanh J3ha he naid In the neace and the raniurfii or M cm vn ii. Si illcrrn Skctrlj. Uon. Hardun's Resignation. BY I). P. SHILLADAlt. Tho General had been many years 1n commission, and it seemed to the anxious ones who wore waiting ci'hcr for his death or resignation, in order to odvancu, that neither of .thoso dchtrablo events would evor ta'ke 'place. Tho eld man was touchy and clung to lifo nt,d oflico with all tho tenacity ii a dog ito a bono, lie .was a .rare specimen of, the " gooJ old fellow," and not a voire would have been heard even among -the youngly ambllious.to move for his removal, llo was thus tolerated, although ho was a sad Uoek in tho way of .their official progress. 'i'.iieir patience at last become cii:iustcd, mid alter consulting together they agreed upon a riic by which the old General would bo driven into resignation. Having Lid their plans, ithcy prepared to o irry them into execution. Ono ol them meeting iho General tho next day, shook lnuds with hint very cor dially and told l.im.ho .had just lioird of his resignation, which ho hopi d was not true, and before tho General had a chance to reply, begged .tho old man to partake ol a suppor with a party of his fellow-officers tho next evenin.', as a paning tribute. Tho General was much surprised, and informed his frend that ho had not any intention of resigning, aud oould not think, fcr tho lifo of him, whero the report camo from. After a few remarks more on Loth sides thoy separated. Tho General plodded along by himself, thinking over what had boon said, APd mut cring. " What does it mean 1 Have I said anything about rcsigniug when I have had too much wine ou ? Perhaps I "avt" good fellows. My association with you " Good morning, General," said another, j has been tho most pleasant, I may say meeting , him i " how ate you this morning, I glorious character. Wo have long served fc'rJ" I together on tho tented field, and fought '"Very well, very wcll,.th:ink'cc," replied aDd bled and died, so to speak, or would tho General. j have done so at duty's .call, cemented to- "So," continued tho other, "you are 'gotker like bricks in that deadly imminent going to reign, General j well, you have breeches of war. With a full remembrance served tho State long nnd faithfully, and of this, I will that in view of allvvcur ro I should'tliink you would like to rest." I gard and of the feeling you display about " Whero did you hoar about my rcsig- j l0,inK mo, I should bo an inerato if I allow nation i saiu tlie ucntjrai,moro surprised than before. "Col. Jones told me," was tho reply; " X was in thero after you had gnno last night. Why can't you meet us to-morrow night at the tavern, General? Wo think of getting up a littlo supper, in honor of your resignation." " Thank you," said tho General, ' I'll j wink nrounJ tho buar(j vcry cxprossivo of 1)0 llicr0'" the belief which ho at that momont enter- Tho General turned away with an im- j tained that they wero all especially hura prcssion that ho had, tho night provious, bugged, and that the General wasn't. This whilo under the influonco of tho Colonel's impression continued till .tho next day, wino, given tho intimation that he was hcn tho ones who ordered tho supper had going to resign. " Hang my tongue at both I to pay tho bill. XToiton Gazette. cndu," said ho; " this is a queer stato of1 , , , things. I never thought of resigning. Stow. A oountryman passing over a lut '' j railroad in Northern Now York, which is "Ah, GencrJl, good morning ; gljd to 1 proverbially slow, asked tho conductor seo you," said Col. Jones, coming abruptly 1 wuy a cow-catcher was attached to tho upon his superior. " Well, your intended 1 rear car instead of tho usual placo ; ho was resignation gives tho boys a chanco to 1 informed by that officer that it was in manifest their Tegard for you. Thoy arc 1 order to prevent tho cows on that road having a lino supper preparing to como off ' from running into tho train." to-morrow night, in your honor, and you I must reservo yntr fire." Jones Mr. Smith, I wish to speak to Tho General laughed, slapped his ftiend, you privately. Permit mo ta talio you (tho Colonel) ou the back and " Ccrtaiuly, apart for a few moments, Jones, tho Dro of tho flint is hero yet, I Siili'ii icho isn't in the IcaU frighten. Good for twenty years." edi) Ccitainly, fir, if you'll promiso lo llo did not dsro to ask Jones for an 1 put uic together agaiu. explanation because it would bo an ad mission that ho was weak headed and nnnrofiriliinrr townril dfitnrrn ta fip.Vnnwlndttn that ho had been ovcrcoaio by wine, and that was iho oiily way by wlrich Lo could account for tbo resignation which they spoke about. Jlc had rather actually ro I sign than labor under such a stigma as , this, and accordingly ho said : "Well, Jones, you know I've Uscn in' tho scrvico a good while, and want a littlo ; quiet, so you sco I thiol; it best to resign. ( Tho poetry of dying in tho harness is very nice, but hang if I faae,y it Thoy blook bands and parted; the General in a whirl nf perplexity, and tho Colonel in a furor of fun at tho success of tho ruse. Tho nest night a splendid suppor was prepared and a large number of military guests invi ed to attend in the tallest foa thor. Tho General was thero in full regi mentals, bis faco was glowing wilh tho excitement of tho wholo affair, as tho vil- 'i , . .. , lag Pp0 sauj the- UCXt mnming " Was snlendidlv rrotton un. hanninr.ss wavml l.or illninlno.l soJii noi. (l.n .,n. i lllUlnineil Wing over Iho SCono t - ' o ii ri ' and tho genius of chcorlulness rested in gonial content on every heart and beamed upon every countenance." Tho Colonel, to quoto the same authority, " presided with tho usual dignity," and when tho cloth was removed ho called upon all to fill their glasses to respoud .to a eetitimcut which ho i to offer, whion he would preface by a I few remarks. j " Wo have," said he, " as our honored f guest this evening, our beloved General Hardun, whoso long service lias bcon fully i appreciated by us in common wilh tho wholo counaituity. Wo rejoice to meet with him t" t'1'3 occasion although our meeting is not one of unalloyed festivity. 'I hero is bc bitter ingredient in our eup : General tlardun h:is signified his inlontion of re signing ! 'I his announcement, 1 need not say, was as unexpected i s it was pain'ul. Our com celioii h .s been si long and inti mate that pasting seemed impossible, yet such is tho decreo of futo. liut while yon flag floats in triumph over our heads, wo will iemcmber tho undying gl ry shut! upon it by iho illnstt ious m.in who now withdraws, from its support. I pledge you the health and long cpntinuanco of our gallant Irieud, Geiior.il llarduu." 'like spcc;h was received with nino cheers, n l igor, perhap-i, but whether .the growl which resounds from all sorts of jungles was then known it a matter of doult, Tho greatest enthusiasm was dis played and his health was drank in thrco brimming glasses, ono after another. As soon as silence was restored the General arose'tc respond. " Friends," said he holding to tho ta blf, for his emotion mado him unsteady, and his voico was husky from tho same cause " Friends, kindness overpowers mo. I never, till this moment, dreamed that I was 'half so much regarded by you. Gen tlemen, fellowssoldiers, brethren in arms it givos rao ploa3uro to moet wUh such a selfish consideration to inspiro mc. Thoroforo whatever I may have said about resicninsr, I hereby retract, and deelarn that I will stick to you to tho last. It will bo impossible for rr.a to leavo sui'h a 'glorious set of boys." j A shout of laughter re-ponded to tho sneecli. and Col. Jones r.avn nn ovfnnnV,! Tllo Dying Boy and tho Violots. A litilo sufferer lay in a Jiigb. dreary garret and the beams ubovohis head and on every side black and foul. His checks were sc -riot with tho flush of fever, iiiv; uinirituiui iiiriiL Ul ilia tyus uiiaiiuu Ail. ,, ,. 1 ... tho unnnoss of tho coming evening like a ,. ... . . . , . diamond on its clooiny bed of anthracite, ,. , bomcthing told tho child that death was W. ,? , , ... , with his heart. It might have been , . , , . an angel, for angels gather in bands around ,,.,. tho despised couch of poverty. "Mother," he wisnercd. and a palo bent ' . " woman knelt besido him, " is thero one blown now ! Look 1 look 1" For the twentieth time the sickly wo man lifted the tiny box of violets, and tho blood rushed to her face as sho beheld nuc Kiii T,.i .1. :..,. :,,. i. ... i . t lMi t ! infant, and a smile lighted up his innocent "I'utitdown mother, whero Lean look at it until I dio." AVitli a wild sob tho poor widow placed it upon his pilloiv, and watched his glassy eyes eagerly as they watched the flower. Hours passed j Abo brow grow whiter, tho fingers that sho clasped wore now clammy, the round lips that had so oftcu called her mother, were purple, fading into a bluish iiuiii,, u,. v-i.iu.uuo no ...uugu ,l,uu ......US voico struggled fo.r uttoranrc. ,6ho placed her car close lo his little faco and heard him distinctly utter " G'ood bye, mother ; take good caro of my violels." After tho rough pino coffin was carried away and covered with tho mould, whilo her worn fingers where nervously stitching ou the ill paid for garment, that mother could sec a vision of her early hurried child in tho pure white robes of heaven bending over the box of violets. "'I Guess You Can Come." Wo heard a rrond storv a dav nr twn up i which wo tell in auger tho risk of its being scei'tid-hauded ; and it is too good a story to offoud even thoso whose sect it hits. Sonio good lady, at tho outset of Univeiotirism, conceived a iholy horror at tho bljsphemy ol its bold suppoitors in pretending that all would be saved. It was preposterous, outrageous; in tho spirit that tilled hor, tlie wouldn't have a man in her .house wlw believed in the abominablo doctrine. .Sho ,kent a boarding house, and applied a test of boliot' to all who sought to obtain board. Tho first who offered was a sea captain, and sho began with '.Do you believe that all tho world will bo sjived.?' io, madam,' f aid ho. 'How many do you think will bo damned!' continued she. ' Oh 1' said he, ' I don't know perhaps a million.' ' Well,' tho old lady rcniarked,,in a.touo of content, ' well, that's better than nono at all ; I gues3 you can conio in." Lynn's Reporter. Hear Him ! An editor away out in Wisconsin, referring to lhe remark of a brntlinr plitn f Iiflf " pililnrs nrn nnf ni ., general thing, overstocked wHk worldly goods," pronounces it a humbug," aud 1 happily discourses of his possessions : "Hero we are, editor of a country pa- , per, fairly rolling in wealth. Wo havo a good office, a double-barreled rifle, seven shifts of clothes, three kittens, a Newfound ! land pup, two gold watches, thirteen day ! and night shirts, carpet on our floor, a pretty wife, own one corner lot, havo 1 ninety-three cents in cash, are out of debt, ! end have no rich relatives. If wo are not wealthy it is a pity. Hurrah for hurrah! Who cares for cash ?" ItaT Every married man should let his vifo havo tho management of tho Home Department, and givo her, as Secretary, control of tho different bureaus. Don't let her havo anything to do with tho War Department. Ex, Then how is sho to bring tho Infantry up to tho "breast works," wo should iiko to know, in oaso of an "attack of the moa sles ?" It is evident tho writor of tho abovo has never been in any t' engage., mcnts." New Haven Jlegister. "John T.Giliuau, editor of tho Bath Organ, Maino, says, after extensivo trav eling in both regions, that nioro corn, wheat, beans, peas, buekwhoat, potatoes, barloy, &c, aro raised to tho acre in tho East than in tho West. The raising requires more labor in tho liasteru States, but moro at tention is paid to fertilizing. ltAn Irishman was challenged to fight n duol, but dccliucd on the plea that ho did not wiah to leava h'uold mother auorpham Spoak Kindly to Your Mother, j Young man, speak kindly to youriflother, nnd courteously, tenderly to lief. Hut littlo time, and you shall sco her no more foroyer. IJcr eyes is dinii her fotm is bont( nd LoPfjTiadow fall. t.wardlio grave. i r.t , . r 11.. . t..., ' , Others may l"vo ' you fonjlly; but never . , ., . . t n . ' again while time is yours, shall any one'4 i . . . .. . . n . i hive bo tn you as that of your old, from- ... i bang, weakened mother bis boon, , . . . . t . , , . ihrough helplcsi infancy her throbbing 'v. l . , I broast was your safo protection and sup- ' . . , , : . , , , . " .. .. , nntmnflv wilh vnnr MinimlttloCd riulonnaq ! patiently with your thoughtless rudeness ; sho nursed you safely Ihrough a legion of ills and maladies. i iler hand bathed yourburuing brow, or moistened your parched lips j her eyes I lighted up tho darkness of nightly vigils, watching sleepless by your side as nono I but her could watch. Oh 1 speak not her nifiin lirTstl f itt. trtn nn mint 1 Iim en srn ntiir 1 years as would suffice to thaok her fully. Through, recklessness s,nd impatient youth, sho is your counselor aud solace. To a bright manhood sho guides your wayward slept. f-pcak gently, thou, aod reverently of your mother; and when you, too, bLall bo old, it shjll in sonio degree lighten the remorse which shall bo yours 'or other sins, In lriinnr lli.it nnrni tuonlniil if tini.. im ! , . , . ' , lmo,l.er ESy A capital story is told of a young fellow who ono Sunday strolled into tho vnhge church, and was electrified aud I gratified by tho feparkle of a pair of bril- l. I 1 . i liant black eyes, which were rivstod upon lita faco. After service ho saw the posses sor of tho witching orbs lcavo the church ' alone, atd emboldened by her glances, he ventured to follow her, his heart aching with rapture. He saw her look behind, and fancied sho evinced some emotion at recognizing him. Ho then quickened his pace, and she actually slackened hers, as I if to Il;t 1"' C0I:I "P her but wo will permit tho young gentleman to tell tho rest in his own way : ''Xoblo young creature !" thought I " her artless aud warm heart is superior to tho bonds of cus om." " I reached within a stone's throw of her. She suddenly halted, and turned her face towards mo. My heart swelled to bursting. I reached the spot whero she stood. She bcaii to speak, and I took off my hat as if doing reverence ti an anol." "Are you a peddler?'' " No, my dear. girl; that is not my oc cupation." " Well, I don't know," continued she not very harshfully, and eyeing mo very flte,ruly, " I .thought when I saw you in tho meeting 'house, that you looked like iho peddler who passed off a powttr half dollar on mo abuut three weeks ago, and so I was determined to keep an cyo on you. Bro ther John has got ho i:e now, and says if ho cakhes tho fuller, he'll wring his neck for him ; aud I ain't sure but you're the good-for-nothing rascal after all," Av5k-i.no "Pa." Asking the consent of parents or guardians is, in this country, where women claim a right to chooso for ,"'c";fdvcs' f mero ? "JHwd with. form, and may often The lady's wishes, however, should be e 'Uiplicd with in this as in all other mailers. Aud if consent is refused? This will rarely happen. If it docs, thero is a nmcdy, aud wc would have a poot opinion of the luvcor -tho spirit of tho woman who would hesitate to apply it. If she is of age, she has a loal as well as a moral right to bestow her love and her hand upon whom sho pleases. If sho does not love you well enough to do this, at any sacrifice, you should consider the refusal if her friends a very fortunate occurrence. If sho is not of age, tho legal aspect of the matter may be different, but, at worst, sho can wait until her majority puis her in possession of all her rights. Old and Poon. A writer in.tho Ilnstou Courier Gcorgo S. Hillard thus touch ingly oxpresses a great truth : " It was formerly our fortune not an enviablo one to administer the insolvent law. An old man who camo under our jurisdiction, onco said to us : It is hard to bo qld r.nd poor.' It was a simple remark ; but tono and look gavo it pathos aud sig nificance ; and how sadly, painfully true it is I Tho young man can confront lortuno ; tho stono which sho flings at him ho can piok up and sot as a jowel.in hi3 crest ; but tho old man falls under tho blow. Itojoico, then, man of genius, in thy genius I O puro in heart, rcjoico in thy purity I and 0 young man, rcjoico in thy youtL ; for tiuio and thou are good against any two 1" JteiyA young lady was asked recently how she could p. ssiblv afford, in tkesu awfully hard limes to take inusio lessons, j Uli ! said sne " l confine myself to the lownolcJ" ho Concort Singer's Story. at sAfuii r. Mssair,. Wo h id been talking of somo noted cel ebrities in his lino. He sat thoughtful for a moment, and thou, looking up with a sud den sparklu in his eye, exclaimed 'I!ut you should havo hedrd dnstaico !' 'And whd WMtshct' I asked. 'Ah, I forgot. She died before you wore born. It is a sad story, and yet I c&n loll ii, if you wish," I drew my chair uoarer; andpreparod ts listen. "Some thirty ycar3 ago," to said, "I was tho manager of a troupo of concert singers, called by my own name. Wc traveled over tho Union, stopping oftencst in country town3 aud small cities. At ono of these, I was detained by tho illness o,f my chief fomalo singer. Sho left us, after a few days ; and while I was at my wit's end, not knowing where to look for another, I received a nolo, stating that a lady, with a vcry powerful and highly cultivated voice, had ho ird of my dilemma, and wish ed to offer herself for tho vacant placo. Of course, I called on her at onco, "J was astonished when sho entered the ioo where I was waiting for her. lean'.t tell what oj who I expected to see, but when a little, pale, sad looking creature, aim oat a, child, glided in and stood beforo me. I rose from my seat and bowed, with as much awe as if the Qucou cf England had been thcre Sho wts far more sclf poss3csscd than I, and making merely a business affair of it, soon turned to tho piann, and began to sing. What a voico she had 1 Strong and powerful, yet at the same time liquid and sweet as a bird's. You may well believe I lost no time in securing her services, at a liberal salary. And then, fjr the first time, I saw a faint, pleased smile pas3 over her wan littlo faco, " Her first appearanco was an immense success. She gave no other namo than Constance, oven to mc, and tho mystery that surrounded her, made everyone curious t'i see her. The littlo, graceful figure stood alono upon the stage, at tho end cf the concert, with bouquets showering around her, but though sho courtcsied and smiled, h-r dirk, blue eyes wandered impatiently around, as if seeking for ono who wis not there, 1 noticed this in her every evening and when the concert was over, she would go into hor dressing routn, and sob and cry like aiitrlo child. " Of course, all this mystery mado us feel a deep interest in her. Hut sho was so quiet, so dignified, and said so little to any ol tho troupe, save in tho way of business, that we could ask her no question-. " She had a favorite song a pensive, touching thing, supposed to bo addressed by a dying wife to a stern huiband, which she was fond of singing, when alone, though never on tho stage. Hut ouj night, wheu in the city of Now York, tho audience appl tudcd her rapturously, and tho cries of "encore" wero so loud, that she was forced to apprar again. Sho did not repeat the song, however, but after a moment's pause, began that sad, thavgh dclio ous strain. Tho audienco held their breath, and as I looked cautiously through tho curtain, I saw a gentleman who hid just entered a side box, close beside tho stage, start, and lean forward towards her His faco was pale as death, and ho seemed to tremble in every limb. Suddenly sho looked up her eyes met his - she faltered, and the song died upon her lips. " He leaped from his box, str ight upon tho stigo, whilo tho auiienco looked on, dumb with wonder. " Constance, is it thus I find you?" ho asked, in a tone of anguish. " Oh ! my husband, you little know ' she faltered, and then ho caught bar in his arms for she was just abcut to fall, llo knelt upon the stage and held her, 'I he audience roso, to a man, and looked on with pity and re spect. Sho looked up in his faco with a ilanco of uuuttcrablc love, and placed hor white arms feebly round his nook. He bent to kiss her I was kneeling by her, then, aud as their lips met I saw she died." He paused aud wiped away a te ir, " Audas that all 1" I asked, with breafi -less iutercst. " All that I can tell you," ho replied -"Her husband was almost brukou-hearicd, but never cleared up tho mystery that huu around hor. nor gravo (1 have often icon it) is iu a beautiful country churchyard, but tho marblo monument h.s only that one name 'Cooetanoo' upon it, A mystery she seemed and such sho must remain to mo through lile. But bo i o d.iy 1 shall hear her singing among tho ungcls," hi. added quiitly. "I shall know her by lhe sweetness of her voioe ind then all will be made plain,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers