3 II; 13 ' ,1 ' t, III ft pabhhmmpahthbkt.i .Advice to tho Tillers of tho 8olhSelrMti9tt rvti; ri.n.t.V(i.nirf, 'J'lio revolt in Itmu 13 tho barbengor of j faraino IPO millions of human treaturcs ( treed l:irgo supplies of food from tho ' n-mliict. nf rillinr rncinrifi. Tha arniv ot i 1 . . . ,l , I India, tho transport licet for that army anil . ,, ., ... . . ,,,,, e Its Pllpplic', tllO lieCC9?ltlC3 growing OUt Ot .i i . x r ..... . ,1 .1 ...... i t.',,1S,,l. VIIO uiauirueu aiiaiu ui iiiu. ""6"'' 1 3(rpcndcuoy, will call for much of our,j;;;n a l,f r1- nml flnnr Tim two hit IH beet, porU allU HOlir. J HO IVO last SUrpilH uoei, porK .uiu num. '"" i inmoil nrlieloS nri! tllO nfOcltlCt Of CVCrV uamcil articles re tui, junuini ui ulij "year, but bcof ranulros years of tmurish jnent before it is roady for use. Tlio wicked, wanton waste nf breeding power, w Well is tho lesctting sin of American farmers, ought to -bo checked, Every farmpr ought to to rcquirod to give rtn account of himself, who hills a female calf. We ought to preserve every ''cow call" thatis dropped for five years to-vomo. Ily ibis method wo might soon havo a supply of beef, not only for ourselves, but for aDy emergency abroad. 15ecf, mutton, sugar, eggs and butter, the expensive items of life, are shamefully neglected by tho general farming in'erest of tho whole country. Calves areslaught ored without rogard to sex or tho prico of Tood. Mutton is neglected every where, north and northeast. gard to mect,is tho hobby, and tho farmers prefer to malco shoes than feed "oats" .to sheep liens aro left liko prairie chickens, to tako care of themselves, A farmer who lias twenty hens lets them .feed themselves. and buys or goes without eggs. Ono rainy day devoted to giving them shelter, and fivo minutes to direct proper food, would give him eggs to eat and eggs to sell. Care in making butter is necessary. It is now as a business neglected, or, in most instonccs, done in so slovenly a manner that it is impossible to got a good orticloat reasonable rates. A'immouso quantity of butter is in a do, which has to be sold low, becauso of the want of care in putting it up for market. The few careful farmer get large iprofits, whilo thousands oro dis gusted with, the icsult of their darics, who aro themselves alano io blame. A little attention to theso suggestions would produce millions of dollars now lost to our farmers, and would help 'to make labor light and tho ways of lifo moro cheerful to multitudes. IV. Y, Evening Post. Thrashing OatB. The almost universal practice of grain, erowers is to thrash with a machine "cue' " ... i rallv a travchnx machine, accompanied by , ', ,,. , Jl four horses and three men. at tuoi.armer has no barn this is, perhaps, tho best way he can adopt, as his labor must bo done in' ifair weather. But many of tho farmers of this Stato can pursue a much moro econo mical and profitable! method of thrashing. In a climate such as ours, where Artie winter reiens during a goodly portion of. tlio year, the s'raw of oats is an important item in estimating the valuo of tho crop. This is usually much wasted by using tho thrashing machine. Stacked in tho yard H early becomes wcathcrbeatou and almost valueless for cattle. If tho farmer has his own, one of tho railroad horse-powers tbi3 wasto may in part be remedied by thrash. jng at different times during tho "inter, but, all things considered, the flail is the best implement with which to thrash oats. With this thrasbiug is done at the season of tho year when, if ever ; tho farmer has loisure, and consequently it need not be performed in a hurry ; and also when the stock of cattle most need, in its best condi tion, the straw, tlio longest of which may be bound iu bundles and stored for use, whilo tho loose and unfit to biud will supply the wads for food, bedding or litter for a fairsized herd of catile. iTreadiug out oats with horrcs'is a much moro economical way than thrashing with a. machine, and if the straw is only wanted for cattle and litter is as good and fully as economical as with a flail. Foot Rot in Sheev. Tho predisposiorr. - that is tho csscnti.l cause of this dixoasc, U a virus or poisonous matter which is gen- erated in r.od issues from tho sorscs upon A0k ui.ind$u,oo. ... , , , . . ,, 111 AM. I'aisangerswiliprocuro tlckrt. before cnerlni! the feet of diseasod Sheep, and 13 quiokly I hecars: IOo.ntscj.tra on Fares psi.l lit the cam. ,. , , . t:ty!bs..r.f personal llama sealowed each l'aisenoeo Communicated to SOUOd Sheep by OOlUing jjolovcr thai weisht ascharjed Cxlra llBcaso'j s in contact with their feet. Tho "fouls" ii January 3d. 1357 ir. 'cen'.sup-t a laraencrs similar to but entirely distinct jj.XDIt&TH'S WAKRANTED GAR from the foot rot. It is caused by pistur- DEN SEKDS. ing on low lands, and will disappear with out medical application if tho sheep aro removed to high, dry ground. As remedies, cither of tho following will probably effect a cure ; 1. Take lb. of alum, 2 oz. of blue vitrol; boil them in one pint of tvaUr; when quito cold, and J of a pint of aqua fortis, and it is ready for use. It is equally cfCcaciotH for tho foul in tho feet of all .I..... ?.f m.im.ila n.. v. .u,.-.,.. 'i, VVltli a Bliarp J.nue cnt away me' , , incfected part and then with a clean wood skewer apply once a tiny some muriate 01 U J- 'ri.t a mill tati-in Hin rlicnncna nnt MllUUlUtiy, II.. t w..v,i-.x.l- effeot n cure. A strong solution of sulphate of copper would answer tlio purpose, ap plied with a brush; hut it is neither so tpcedy oro so effectual. 3. Tnko a six-pcnnysworlh of nitric acid, add the same quantity of good vinegar; puro tlio hoof well, shake tho bottle andj apply to lho parts effected ; one or two 1 npplicatiouB willhcuuSicioDt. IlurclNcw Yorhcr. Of nlldliarsef Hip fircal,,(lrt rauic Springs irom nefttect of Nature'.! U SlFFUIt NOT, I ikiikv ifttpf laniTAK Avrnctt IK At.t. STAUIM .wwi. w i jiasetes, silicosis sy "" ,.,...., - rla' .Animalism, errfuUt. fains tn tht 71.es and .,., Diseases l. iV'i 7MI.JVi and J-.jr.l, Vlters npoa IKs Roily or lAiuts, Car Dropsy, I pi Irptte tilt, H Ilia I (mtl, end ( itteasts alius; Jrvm a tleranrement of the denial Organs. Hurli n4 NVrvoltfi '1 rviiibllng. I.OsS n! Memory. l.os nf ii.ivt.r.i.etierni Weakness. Dimness of Vis I mi w nil hei - u tin r snot s nntien r i nil behtte I ho ens Loss nl Ulchl. . vuketuine.s, vytvuin, Liver nmw iirui.tini.s Uipnn Ihe lite, t'ultt In the biiek nnd head, Prtiialo Ir- , ' arn,., j all Improper ili-chargo, from both "!"' " nutters no! I ruin what rnnn tlio dlsc-iee originated, how'ever long standing or obstinate lire rerorerf ts rermni, nnu Ml a siiuiiir nine u'm. n OLTIIianetll Clire CUII no eni'C II II ny nity outer .ii-.iiiii.-ii. even mur the ilfn ban Inmeit ineminni linn .il .ltl,ran ntitl mstntrd nil llt.-ir tninn ol rnre. -llml ,,yrla,i nlul re.lne.l nil llnlr mmm ol rnre. '1 tint me,lltllieBM pleaialil wlllioiu uimric 'i ins o " I lm(,lll lrro om ,rlcut) rbnl--ain. Iiuilna twenty lent, of pricticu 1 Into rt.cuetl Irom Hie J1W. of Ilea III in'lnv ihiiiirnhiH.wlu', In t'.ie lal tr.cu ol tne abut e iniiiitloiied dlseanr. h:id I ren given up to illc by tlielr phy.lcl.inii, nlilili wairanti meJii promising lo ihu niUicied. who mnv nla-o llicliiirlvcit uiiilrr my rare, a perfirl nml moil .pertly cute. Hi-crcl dlreae. nre 11 0 pre.1lt.ll cncuiics in lil.itlil.n nicy uri-' lilt' urn cause nl Uonaumpltoii, b'riofuiit and itmliy oilier tlis" 1' luse. and rboti Id he a terror to the human I a ml ly. As! anerralincnt rnre I. narcely ccr .'Heeled, it inajorlt-v of the case, lalllng lulu lln' liinu. ot inronipcii'lil per.on., who not.onl fail to cure the tii.cn. c. but ; ruin the coii.tltutton, llillns me ry.icnl wim invrctirr. which, with the disease, hastens the Fulfcrcr Into n rapid Consumption. I nil snoi ti tie unease nun itio ircaimtui nui om-u , .. '"-"'v. 1 , ., . r.r .....i. l..a tlit dtMilnpechly mid ihe victim marnc, the fll.enso Is ,J- the puti.ie ittarge nnd t ho rest of mankind that entailed upon Ut children, wl.o ale born wlliileehlo l licha. establlsluda splendid -roiiitltiillniiK.nnd the ctiirnil of life corrupted by n ) INPffW ffifFltTirfltS'i vlriiswliichbettnj.lr.cn in Srrol.ua, 'Itiiei, Ulcers, UJUjW lnyjJLJOj I'. In. . ...i.n. ..i.s.tli.ia nf ll.u akin, t v. ill milt. ' t . . nsw Alnre 1 louae. lilit ii.Cled in IlOll B nnd .Lung., ontalllnp upon tbeiu u brief cjistenro of .iiiii'ring nun rwiiBigiiuiR ..'v." . .in "i ij nu.. i SKi.r Aiiusr.iaiiotiicrr.iiiuid;ibioeneniytoheniiii. I for nolhiiiR ilso in tlio dread catalogue or human dis- ea.e. tin.... n destructllc a ilraln upon the system, tlrnwlnjlt. thousand, of victlui. throi'sli a rnv years , of suirfnhi down lo nil untimely prnve. It dcslroys j the ncrvou; syileni. rapidly wn.tt. away the mclties of lite, causes mental derai.p. mi i.t. prevents the poor dovilopii,enlorthe,ystcni,dl..iui.lilies for marri..e, ioe.ely.busiiit..on.(all tarlhly liBipint...andleni. s Ui.i .utferer wrecked In body and mind, predisposed to j r.instliiiption nnu a irniu 01 i-n. mure , oe .iiimw' , Ihiu tleutli it.elf. With the fiilu.l roiindente.lns.ute I the u nfor lunate victims olt;ill.4lii.e in.nu pciuianrni and spi edy euro tan be c Heeled, and Willi the abandon iiienl ol ruinous practice. uy patients can he restoiid Tbeonicti'dnre-caiitioiu'dngfilrirt the use of Taunt IMcdicMiPri. r t here a rf fo inany iitfcnl 11 a niarti.in trti coluimit of the public prims 10 catrti mill rob the unwary fullerera llut inillii'tis have thulr cunr.UU liHin ruined by llie vile cutnpouiu! of quack.dactnrt, or Hie c'lually puisonoui nniiuins vendtd aa PuIpiiI Me.iicluea." I Imvu cureluHy nnaljitnl many ofilip no'callcd rtnt JUiiliciiieaoiid find that nenily nil of tliei.i contain CVrrojive iSublui'a v which la one or the ftroii5Pl ptcparatlons ol mercury nnd a deadly pulflon, which Im read of curing Hit disease dis a Me a the )stem lor lilc. Three lourtlta of llie patent nclrums now In use are put up by unpriiicipItU and Ipnoranl ptitons, who do not iindorslanil even the alphabet nl Ihu materia mfjjca, ami are fiuatly tn desiituieol any hnow ledcc ol tlm Ii Hindi 1 Leii.,IiJvin one ubjeci only 111 view, and Hint to rnku monry regan-lcia of roiiBPqiiPi'Cf a. Irrcfinljrltici and all nisiaiea uf malra and females irpntfd on prliiLip'eB cainlillahrd by twiniy ymra uf practice, aiiJ Kuiiiiourd by tlionpainl of tho moat rp-tuarkabk- turps. iUpdicinci with full dnrclloiis iseut tonuy part of the Uniliu Biati-a or Canadof, by a uenlii 'umti uniratlo their iyniploiii tiy hitter, bus! neaa corrPinoiiJeiiep sirlcllv tmiiutpntial Addrtiff HWiM MI.RVJLIjI:. M. D.. Otllce, 1131 riLBLRT tnt 1. (oltl No. 100.) Jlcluw TwtlMi.l'lillai'clpliJa. i'a. July 11, !MT-(March 4) OATAWISSA, WILLIAM3P0BT E1UH HAIL KOAD. Direct Jtattroad connection hettrten Xiagara Fails and phitaJctnhia. Airffi ll'HtktH and Lficapetl lioutt jrom Jf e ern A York to Philadelphia, Jiarrtsburff, i'HUburg fiatimore, H'a3hKtet ciftf, aiul tha South. rA.i5ur.vnr.!! TltAlNS Icavn ninilra dillv (exepn JL aiiudayaO nl7 A. M. paf"lnr WilUainoportat 10 151 A M connecting wltn Keau us uan uoan atroriuniv ,nn ....I rnni-Mn' IMlitllllt I nil i a lit 7 'M V. M. nnirniiiir.lpavG Philadelphia from corner of II road and Viiiestrpcta,al7 art, A.M. reaching Wilhainsport, at 5 13.1 . .il., ami nrriviuc nii.m.ir.i an, r. .u , rAPCililat- ililAli'U IVIJjU liljAVlj POUT CLINTON FOJt IIAHIUSUURa i)ir.'fi.vla ILiimhinnnd-BusattpSianna RailKond,on lb arrivalnfCainwis'fa Train. at 4 45 P . M. reaching Har rUlmri nt SP.M. Ufillirningieuvc nairienuri:u v-.i..i;wiiii','.ns ai rOrtUlilllOU WllUljauuwias.i.iu.n uuiniu ihbi lumi' inpiliomosldirPcliouleloIlarritbiirB, I'i.Uburg, Bj1 Ulnorcilliltlie Poullltcoiliircuug vueitu imtiu. 0rti1we.ifnuvn11syiva111aand .nrn,ew Conner. Incut Klniirn Willi trninson Xew nrieita:i iicni also, wait the nimira.uan. ttlliorcindtlic POllllliCOUii'-Ciiug vnrcu coinw wnu ui V i OIK . 'ork an d Cmuml.ittati lr.ii-liir nr lliitTnliind N'liiirura riill.-. Crrapclhicdirectly with the Grejl Western Itnllroa atBiipeiihioabridae for Uetroll, Chiraifo, St. Louie, , iiws tnaKttig inu iutici,iiiu uiuuijBMiumiiiiuii riuladelphia tolhofc points. Will leave Willianuport DAILV, at 0 30 A. fll.fo iMiiiiiii'ifiiim. Tii'IpIii train in and from rhil.idelnhia without I ran- sliipuif'nt.froiii neatling Kail llu.nl I'rctglillJepoi.corn- uroi nroau ami i.ncrry nn-ris. TltAlNS fASd DANVILMI ABl'OLLOWH UOIhO KAdT. raa-crtsprTraln rreighl Train, 2 A.M. GOING WUST. PasBpnpprTr.itn , -3 "SI' M. rreiglilTruiu, - rARISS. nelvecnriladcjp!m.andllupert, $ 10 waiiviiie. ' ' Oalawihda, 4 :i0 .. Tama in j 2 !0 4. Miliuu 3 io Wnluuitipori, 5 UU nfijpntjdf ofpfrfcttwallhisn'igii allowed io each pass verger Pkcefoc ini rg-u at 'uounii i.r"citJbirriKi'ir.ii.-9 Jan Jfi, lt-5 PHIL A. AND READING RAIL ROAD I'mi-.f rrasf tmcntsfr Passenger Trains, January Is', 1857. UlTraiiH, goin Norih leave Philadelphia A M and 51 l. M. Dtiui. TriunniiuingHouth, leacrottsilleat ! at;j UiTtMniipisi Ucadingat 10.Ji,A. M.andO;C2P. M. down Trains -5.U.A. H, ' ,4i r. M, ! The HsprciiTrain is diicontitmed until further no-! iic. r-lii-H roiiticctioiii Qrt! ma tlu hv Ihu 1 ' , - - A. M' ! Uu Ti.it ti Iroml'ortClinlonto Clmirnand all interme diate puinu : ami ny mo ii.j r. .ii iiiiraiiiin)iiiiri Cliiiloii lonimira.OinauddlKUa. ll'itU'lo, Niagara. De pot Chicago, ft, Loan, Uuvcnport, and Iowa City; K.iking this route thcihorlciit and cheapest to the Lake ,exd Cafiifa. OnBuud.iys.thn Howu A, M. Train from Poltsville, nudUpP.M. Train from Philadelphia,, only, run. lUnatsaeRtt CosNcriiosa, by Ijuphin"Ucii'road at An bum , , A spcinl Acciuimoihtion Pasaenger train leaves Heading d.ully. (exc-pt riundays )at7i A.M., rtturnlng fmiit Autium at il P M., on arnvai of 3.10 1. M. " ralufrom Ilurrisburg. WAY FAHES Fuom Ktuding to 'hitiJWpMi. si.jsand Potuvitc $i,oj and 0,10; rtuiiurn, u (.1. ( S'",1 Hyft'' !?"?';,?Ju:;r IP.LD SGHDS, rr.owcrt VJ nlillDS, for sale by n. LT.'oni;Tti u s-om. N'os Jl and li South r-illi si , I'hilJdelphiai March 'U. IM7 i MAitKiAnr, fifinn iiv nr.. wii.i.iam vtit'No. mmikiaoii r.m n; nr uu. w 11.1.1. jj; vu i.x Maitl.Mt'l. iiUl.'l. 1.1 Jill. 11 ini.i.i " ........ 1 kkuob oim.'.: i.v hu. w.j.MAx. vo.-no maiiiiiahe giiiiic mv int. wii.i.iam yowixo, MAituiAui: uuiiii: nv jm. wim iajooung I . . . M A UR I AO I! (1 P I II 15-YOU Nfi'S fl R V. AT Siirx PHYSIOLOGICAL WOIIK: TUB I'OCKI.T ?3SfiTISti'.It;iJI.AI'IIJS, or Every one. his own "niai Doctor, by IVa Yocso. . M.I). It Ii written In pljiu language fur the general reader nnd is illii. irated Willi upward, ot one hundred engravings All young peojile, or Urns.- contemplating marriage, and hull.' line Ipnst iniiimlinicul to mirrieil life, rkoald re.ul tins book It discloses strrerls lhal every one should heariu-iinte.lwjth ' still, it is u boot, that must 1 he-k pi larked up and nut Iio abn.ilthe liuu.e. livill t be sent loni.v uu. un lliereceini of iwenlv-dve cents Admoo.' " 'M. YO11N0. I JJ. fpruce slreel above Pourlli, At.g 2.1, 1357 Pliihldelplita, l'.i "' A. M. lU'l'ERJ'. t ...i. XI (.una. nr. . l.iv II .-ri . . 1 ui .Man KliiSU Az War.sSO.Vtf, CONFECTIONARY & FRUIT STO'lE Oyster ami Haling Saloons riMlB undersigned, rrspccuuiiy ininrui.g. 1 the. ittr.Mi. nf niunniBbi.rg ninl the nub xj;;i lie In central, lh.il limy luvrUiougliltho Interest if .Mr. Ilofluiati. In llif above P.lllllilHl.mol.t, mi Mnlll Ftrccl .. ......ml lies, rv. 1 til.lf r tilll I 1 . iihiiiIi where tlii'y will l lllliiiet. .,c,.sw.eir: in pood order nun on moiiem! . erms ".,,. Inr.o niiinU- ol Alwoiiii.l rim.naioni. Prune", Nun. .Wtitnuli. llatM ToUjiii . (:iai.etc , wlllieveryliiiaclliii ncarticiein nun iiih , iiiiiiivm.,iiiii. w. . yn- i-nnillieouiipne nil n-i in..-. , l'e,,Oyncri, &.c.,nn,lnl order, proii.plly Bl ed l'e, Oyrtcn, &.c.,nn,l al onlrr, prr.ii.piiy "'' an pain lor .-mioiry inl". l "- respectfully hulttil. I 0 E 0 !R E A M-, . always on hand, during the sunnner , ealnti wniHiw.iya ucniiiig.ii.v. . ...ilcnM 1'IIOMAB U. niir-U. . IH.lVMl 1 . Vv ll.SON. Illnnnlilhlira. t ell J,Jb., i ,m lllli V il.il 1 f (isOIKlM. ,.. ,.,,,, riie Inlurm M.ftionnsan,, ,nte, Citlii nitil ) couiny, I'a. .where he lias now opened a large aim ctiu.ee iu.it. .m... ". ijDrin and Summer Goods. P " o ' " . ....,, ...t,i VVhlrh hel, , etc nnlnc.i t n sel 01 a such ten ' " induce nllat leii.l in till v c In 'y -w0 "1 ln of Merchandlre, to citeml I' m llio 1"' I01" Ilis.tock lia.b"Cli .electe d ' ' 'cn,cJ"d, '. ,0erencelolliewnnlstifthl.comniunity-nntl wyiioilt pains loonier nlo nmliiiitecniin.ernl.oii r,rihe nroiia kinds-he n.k iiotlilnp in aiurlnp hl "J'"1 v ry tlilni .u.illy kept in Country rJtores.caii nercne i.;ui .1 -uinu t.ir,.,,. ........ .... .... .... . -- n. Counlryproduce, incliitlliijOrnln,i.umner,c taken inexchangt for goodB WILSON AG Kit, Itohrs'iurg, March 23.18.17, y. J. S. & B. L. PBUOT, V to (1 11 0 0 an'l General COMJMISSIOiX MEIICIIANTS, No 30 North 1. nr.rEnsCEs: Jnlml" Penllton.l'.l. nillndclphia. Messrs Hacker, l.en U t.'o. Pner, l'nco fit t,'o . Iliicknur. MeCi.iiiinon At Co. " " CliarlesTlh. t Co. " " H. .Morris Wnln t Co " t Onlerbridee, Arvov h Co. " .. Charlct fc Joseph Peiot, " .. TI1..11U1& Maell, NetWork. .. CM. JlrChinsStCo ,SI l.oliis, Mo, .. i.e. Morns&iioil, Louisville, Ky It' arch !. lcSil v EVANS b XKWCOMKII, (Formerly Wctb Sc Xttecomer.) Arch street, abuvo Third, Philadclplito, H OUliS ur ail-.AL.n-IJreakfast, 3, (I and 7 o'clock to 10 I)iNNEn,wenticniPn'stiniinary, t o clock loj;i, hadiPS, - o'clock. Tf. ICu'clockto 11. UVAN CVAN3.J U. S.NLIWCOMUR CIIAUI,-E8 II. riJAIUM.K'S. AV I N li A K 1) LIQUOR STOUi:, iVn. 143 Korth Third Strict, .i.... I-,,.. Kl,l T...I..,. w. il,...i..l Hotel, j PHILADELPHIA Has constantly on hand t'renrh ltrandlps, Holland Oin and a upih ml nnsortiiipnl cf l'oreigu Wi nea, nlso, I all kunN of Aiuericau t-pln'u, Ac. Slarrh 13 'rt5ti x. ' Cord 4, Itruthen &c,, of oil and examine our stork, Janiiry 2t. H?3 l y. DYER'S HOTEL. Oallawksa Pa., ri lllnoldnnd wcllknnwn HotPl.inthRlo.vn I jrt;attawispa.lsstill kept hv lho under- Uv slaiird.andiiiii)itnoralliceu'o laws, he U i'ti .ti terminen tnumKPiiis nousconeoi themosicomtotta blpplarpufortrivclerstOBiop at, lhar can be fouud in the interior of Pennsy I mn.i Ills tab lew ill be lu mi r. ud ihlty with thp best the. Market can ailord. TJ-MyoldlriendsandtravcllerFganprally arrfuvitcd tocall. JACOli DVKU. .1Iay21.I853. y. States Union Hotel. POUMIIBRLV RCD LION HOTEL.) No. 200 Market street, Philadelphia. I GnoRCK W. IIINKI.i:. Proprietor, formerlyofCo-1 In n. bin, Pa. 1 would 1 11 for in his friends and thepub I IC lini He- e.iii.iiiur . it. Krrp ,hh nuuvc name.. Ilnlel which is wclland favorably known thruiiebniittlie I Stat as on cof the oldest an ti most convenient Hotel in heciiy. lie liiostrespcctfully80liritsnsharcol pub. llrpaunage, April?, lajj. AVM. S. SMITH & CO., Produce Factors AND aF..VERAL CO.V.Ui.;ujv MKRClliltTS, No. 01' North Wharves, PHll.AllCI.l'HIA. The Mitkrt iane of all eonsignnicnts ndvanecd in Ca.h when desired. IM-treh 1 1, I f 34 -ly- 1'IIRENOLOGIAL OARINE T. FOirLKRS, WKLLS & CO., rllUUNOLOGIHTa AND P'JBLISllIIHS. !!ol Arch Street, below Seventh: I'hila'd. .rfs. "l?ilrnish nil work, on i'lirenologv.Physinliiffy rJyS-l- WaterCurii Mason. nnd I'lionosmphy, V Provisional esauiiiution., wilh charts, on.I! CO lull written description ol character, day and ovenlae. Cabinet free oveniae. Cabinet free ,l,ly i, lea, v. SoNTOUlt HOD SB, l.'ORNr.n OP MARKUT AND MILL STKCUTS, (fminea'tatey opposite the Court llouss,) UArvVlU.K, PA HAVIN'G been recently renovated nml refurnishnd in asuperior.lylo.this elegant Hotel is now reopn I nr the reception of strangers and visitors, whose pa. ronage isre.peciluily requtstcd B. A. lir.AUV, lyiS.leSfl. JOHN U. YBAG.ER, F shi unable Hal & Cap St ore NO. 103 N0KT1I THIRD STUULT, IMtirAnKM'HIA. TT? .Merchants And visitors from Northern Pennsy vnnia.arern.pertfullyiiivitcdlo give him acall, when visiting Philadelphia. ..tune t!e,,le.3u' -ry. NO..'), North Wato Strnot Phihdol- Iphia OOM MIHrtlON M II RC I! A NTS . and dealers in Larrt.Hiioulders. Cheese lUini. Iluckcti, Porks, I flon r &c. j ApJilJ.Jf3.5-Iy. i 'Bp J. fiti(et II o in 05 0 p a t h i c P"li y s i c i.a n, ) HSPCCTl'lIM-iVtciidora his Profesmonal Serers Ltn l h eciiizciiK ofll loonifchu ra i nil v ic i n tt , jfputiriilly Office on the corner "f Main and Iron Htrculs HtooniAburg, Adjgiuintf Mr P.rovver'tHtore . nepi -y, jci. FIlISUtlOTII . It KOTIII'HS . wnoi.r.PALE T O SS A C t K A I. E. R S U.J.105.NOUTII TIIIIII1 STItliliT Pivedour.lelowr.ari , PHILADELPHIA. JanruravIO.1835.. HOUSE LINIMENT AND CATTLE I'OWDKRS, IUR a'o at t'jj office of lho 0' lumbsi; 5 Htm . a' National g Hotel. Sides $ Stover. 'Iffi 1 i U ,v-7J " Ilacc Street, aleovc Tldrti, Phihulilphia t a -f.sZ' "1 " ' - " " PErta?.oKs.l..totirilielirio?t.vons.(!olliuchuio:i;o iyiSit:KiXirt'ih&. El SJBI U ,vj i -. - ,r, - ijt.fa. JOHN IL ALLEN 0oT' " j M 1 j Xos. 2 .j- 4 Chnmit, Slrctl south side ie-, mseSS I frf.fe low Water,) Pliilmlclphia. XMM i i 'U 'J,"si,xv.-r. HirtAe. (T.. Ol-ossT Wood waB llorsa. L 'llie C.TT ) 1 LSirSijSSt t ffg f t fekxl--WB-" MANUr.tniJllf.KS rn.dWh.desa trs la l'nt- rfM.H2rflKK!t ?l5l!l'Bug 1 toif SS-" ent M lehiiie.inadf llr. n.ns. Patent Ornovid fttlar S?H Kt'tKtt-!jptl 1-fejW titHflait .v-J.-!iVjSlfei?: .ire.araalnlnM to sarinl Wood and Willnv ware. Strik'iivVfiaiAf!KrVi' rar,5lT !?H ?f io I nrro ducri.oi,.. Pkniuciii msaeissrtirsawr.r "llimiKOKWSUCSI'IXKPMKPABATWX lll.l.,il..li.ii 3 UL.1IU I or nioiit.v mxcnvrnATtin rnvrfjuNn Fi.iiin i;xi haot mU'lll). i'cr HI"a,M rf IU llhilJtr, KUnrf. Orattl, Dropl) llro4nef, OJ.Irn'i"1"- I'll""''- I'cmtH ... n i n . 1 "ihmlt In liQ-. an,I , M WallJOr, l'ln tll,n( frrth, illlil I llinrUllenrlfR rrniovini nil InlpMlirr HirrharsM Iroiil Ihi) Kldiifyi.or ?e.unl (irj.m", In llli-r rilillm' ' M .t; nil ri.MAl.ll. Prom ulnti-vrr cmi-o lliey miy luvc oritfl nnl i-l, nml rl niin li'vo i.i.fiii.nii '"alter nl now loli t His. (If In lunllh ami , 'i,?i,.?,.rT.i Mi Uiortoihe ihine.niHll.ti In Hi-pn H rlwek. r l, .WY IV TIW. JlfVt.nUTMUl o,.i,iL . i n. i , ' It ciireNiivoii" nml In bllilnli ilsnhVr.T,niid temovra f, it.ni Z . ' .ih .a" Ilicujioploina ImioLil wlnfli will bofounil Inillrpo- 1 flllon to l'xnnlnii, Lof- of rower, I.Qt of Meninry, lillTiciilir of nrinihl'is "lc"l,'.nV''rL," ,l..M ".V,..' y.' Inrmrof 1,' ,1!IV..t1. Hwran.'unlil I'eil Vnkcl line.,, Him- f .J,,.- iMeW, ttnlverfal l.n.illii.l.i of Urn il'jnf Itin M.Knt -ir Htneni. unon l.linrnuins inneilie, w 111 t,. ,.pttll Hynipli.m Flollllll.U. tlinlllllf ortliulloily, it nr.f til-Win I'lilllfirmmtenlnrennd Uruptlom ii,je,..f til-fkln 1'alllnt: ( . r.f,., pilli 111 the. ini ii, rreiuenlly Illicit Hpo ll'irk. Ilravlhc.or tho lie lid", rre.iu. nlly lllitk Hpi.l. Illiii-tbefore the llye- Willi Triuparar) Huliii- on nail -ox ol Slph want of Atifuiion, ur'ai auvwiy r.wn'i. i-h, of v "". .v y. . .1" .. "m..- -.1. ..c 1 ..i...i.tnifi. Im.ir amnio u itncss lo lliu Iritlh nl lliCM? ns( tti'iiis. In LmiulEr ,AjIniii8 Uio.moit nielaiKlioly rx.nbttlon ntprjirs Tliu cminlenance l actually o.l 1T011 wiul iuiic tli'i-tlltitc unth'T mirth or prlef ever visits Iti lionlil a suuntl uf 1 lie joico occur, il la rarely atlifiilatc. Willi woeful uifnpiirca wan iicfpoir Low millrii ouii.1 tils cricf blcli'ed.,, llrlii lit vi4iiiontterrii.il! I and Ins liniugtitlliousandfi mum thousand, to untimely graves. th is hl.ml n g tho nml.ltlon ol many uoblc youths. It can be cmed.by " iM , llyminri Bullerin tlh any ol llie above iliBlrcf fi ns fttliiipiit", the r'uld iWtrnrt llnchu 111 cure you. Try itnudbe'convlncI..lol.l..fflcarj. ' , Ilewnreortlua'lt Voslrilins und,Uuaclt Dortors, who falsely bonst of nbiiiiie. ami rcieienees iciiitens know an.l.nvold them a,,d save In,,, ,uir'rins money, nnd exposure. l.y sel ; or '. ,s .or a n.m.e o u... ..ihi.hr nml iiir iti P. rPHIL'tl V It allays nil pi in and Inflaniniatlou, is pprfcctly pil'.lSaililll MB iHOIW "il ".v.., iiui "Ui"'....uiw lit no aCl'"" HCTiMllOtiny IIXTUACT IUICIIU Is prepared dirpi t ly acrnrilnts to thu rules of VhuTmnrtj and Chtulttry, With I he erealt'f-t atcur-try andj rheinicnl li.owtrclgc nml care tlmntnd In its combmaiion. t?pe l'mfctipur 11,'Uim'-' Vulu.ible Workaou the practice o phyatc, nnd 1 1 11101 01 1 in: i ii-; " Y;v i . ,'' , nXlVIl IIPNDUI.I IJOM.AKpAT! One liuudrpil dollirs will be paid to any physician who can prnvi- that tin Medicine everj injurpil a I'a tt cut ; and tin- testimony ol tliousauds.ran tic produced to ruvp that it diea pre.it cood. Caaea of iioui one pck lo ilurlren yrnia' siiinding hao been cflirted. Jhe inassof vuluuM.y tcstimoiiy in possession nf tlio iironrlilor oiirhliiciis vlriuea and rtiutlvi powers, .is imnifufe, cintracing nan.ewttll known to t3cieuco nml I'a hip. ... . , 100.000 hollies Imvp lipen sold aid not a single in bIiiiiip of a ftiilure lui Iip-u rrporttd I l'crtKiuaily appi-arpd befoni me. an AMcrnian ol Hm: city of Philadelphia, II. T. MunoLp, L'lt(iiiit. who winir dulv sworn dopa say, thai his preiviraiion con 7 . I, Mn.e,t... urln intr,... 1.,.. I.ii I m T IIEI.MIiOLI). Solo Mnnulnctiiror. -Pworn and subJcribe.1 More me ilii.SId day of No vcmber ISil. WM.l' IIIHIlAKli. Aldcrnilii. rric. llptrtelIe. " sUor S-,, drlic.rr.1 to any ail irwi.'ncrouipaiiied by reliable and respolmible eerlin oalcs'lrout Professor, of .Medical Colleges. Clergytneu, "crated and sold.hy II T. IIUI.MI1ULD, I'r.Ttleil'.inil innlytlcul Chcinl.t, No .15 Himth THNTII Kt., below Chestnut, 'Assembly Build. ncs, Philndelpl.ia. trs- lie hail ofj. ti MOTF.lt. nloamlbnrn. and if all Diveststi and Draltrt tkrauhonl tAs United States, ur.vv.Mtn n' roi'NTi:nrciT8. ASK m't IIRI.MBOI.UT" TAKIi NO Ul'IICK. CL'UUi UUARANl'UnU. juuo 1.1. iro,. SAVlXft WW. V.irOJVVIt MFr.TY TRUST coMrM'i: V ALNUT Street, South West corner I T fr'Tlllllii, l'hila.lelplila t..a 1 i... Mm unite uf l'.,nti.vlvnnia Money is re'i ived I u any .am. larso or small tiri.t liitere.l paid f-oin the day of deposit lo lliod.ly ol withdrawal. , The tifllce is open every thy from Oorlnek In tha luorninit till 7 o'Llocl. In tile eve and ol. Monday. andTlinrsil.iy evenings, till Su'ilot 1. INTEREST TIVK PER CENT. All .nnisl.irj" or small, are paid back in t:OI.D on demand without notice, to uny autonni. I'rL.idcnt Hon IIIIMIYI.. linXXRIl. VirePresidellt.nOUUUTflr.l.ritHIGi:. Secrelary WILLIAM J.KKCIl. lrtorf; -Ilenrl L. flcnr.er, O . Lan.lretb Mtlnns f.dwni.lL. Carter, P. Carrnllllrcwstcr Robert?elfridco. Joseph It. Ilnrry, BamuelK. Asl.ton , Henry I,. Churchman , JatuesD. Smilh, PranelsLee. Tills conipanyconllnes ns business cnlirely to the reneivln; or nicneyoo Interest. The investments a. "n?;x!'ei".,if!,.0.tnrv AND A II ALP OP DOLLARS I are made in conformity with tho provUions nf the rhirter in IECAI IISTATH, MOItTOAtiK. fJUOHND UIJNT3, and such first class securities, mwill always tnu... narCurl eOflinlV til I llP dPtlOS It lint, and flllCll rnnnot I tit io give permanency and t-tamlity to thi& JUftiituli"n. Aug.-;'Jlij57 NEW AND USEFUL. OLEUM 1LIQJJOR. A Substitute for Linseed Oil rpvrrvr APi'i.ii'.n mil I rplIG u inlcwi fiied oier to Um pulilic ilu-i rOtPii m 1.1 J 'imi as an eUkieut buhiitutp foi Liusied Oil, as i thinner fir all sons ol t'ulats cround in Oil, except Vllielinu Hetl. When lliinued with the Oleum the Taint will enver latnlslied, llie I'.i.ni will have nn.l reialii lho most -lossy tinpuraneot ana thu elasticity ff he llnnner will eu.ible Ihe paint in ,yie d lo the v.irnth i and the inuier. tiry qmcitur and will b int.re. miMine, uimi wueu crarkina and ptuliug oil. n common in iiruinary vai n itlicil ml iinliila In oiiiii-olv nvcilr!rit Vat i-unling Tin IEnuid its epial ran nut be found. The Oleum can hn used by itself, or In common with fdiispeil Oil. Varnish, Japan or Turpcnliiu at the op lion of the Painter. Its cobl Is about one half of thafof Mneprd Oil thus considerably leducing ihe uxpr iisp of p.iiiitme. Wef.iilhlully rcrounucud il Tor nil purptis-a Indica ted and w.irr.iul It to give satisfaction- A liberal dis count to llie trade. DIIiKUllONS. Thin the paint with tho O'otim Li-(pi..,- t.ud work it wel I, until u tlows freely from ihe briii.li . The brush must b free from all iiioNturo and in.a riahly nuplit to be soaked well with the Oleum hhym' previous to painting. Instead ot placing thebruthes lnwa'erover night, as painters gi-nerally do. ihpy oupht lube put in Die Oleum I.huor, which will greatly l.trllitate th work. The paint mixed wilh lho Oleum Mi-inr will work belter if it bo allowed to tla.id from 12 to 111 hours pre vious to its btlni; uspiI, and 4l.f n thi'tm-d to such a rmmistencv as to work free a hiI easv under tho brush iy I tie line or Jap in, tlip paint will bp rendered still .f.iuer, Mn ihe Jnpm hrsi with ttit pilm and thfti thin it wilh thu Ultum hiiuor in Ihe manner men liomd alrovo. pounds of Paint thinned wltht'ip Oleiipi I.i nuiir, will cover a Mrgcr surficu Unu 15 pojiids tl-iii-tied wilh oil. 'llie oleum Uli-07 i-not in be me.t with Wniilau Kcd, nor with Pamt nml uning any pioportion of it. llUUINli;. U.M'TMAN fc llltniNKl, Aint-nctn P.iint and Coirr Wuiks, Corner M4lh and Creen Ht .PJillaiMphla OITicp N U coriiuThird and Wood ts P illad ti phia. Pa. Juna U, lri.'7. Franklin Oouse. IMKKEK ,V L.Mltll. Froprietors. "nV":". " n.,.. .riM.,Pto m nn-u-l.trh Dili v ltic eTfl mlnol iort.fl n d ma ike rt ny 1 11 com mil iep M.irn ibo. ..inoniM.ii o.i.im'i.. m,.irtinc inv'ariaMy r.,noie.-,oon tMlo, Ln ( of Tta.bMk.ap 'Mwc'rV ! r".VjX.umn. W1,nn m ,r,i,.t7ir Ch hen Third' and Koi,,,.;' 1'lllL.AUULVUlA. Bepinnberl:!, 1P30. LEAF TOIJAGf:0 k CIOARH. '1 Somh l'ront street, I'll t nDII I'll, SALAMANDER FIRE AND TI1IEF rtlOOl? SVFKS. uwut g'""' mz'j. tiH'. i.ariiiist assort- SrfrrrsjaFSriSSSiiieiii lii ihn Unltta Sinin. RxlfliJ&'JiJ'WXwuifiiiiiiMl in bo equal toouy ln, ajyaM!ffilSRUr.ow i.,?.Ie. V:T.,,in'.i li WfT7ISlKWSRJl,,m' ""y oli,!, !ihHil i5AM 0,l,llrf.,".,..0 , ,.a, rN"1 llVANS U WATriOV'M, Wifitjr'VrfaiS 20 B, 4llnl., riillailclplila, rniirii m MiniiTV ani. wim. vmmu n,''T,cf,uColamttt,err'l'"'ll"vT'rt'l' 5 ;ra taitt i IKrtij.Ww'l 5J7, 1557. " lu0, M,C,4. UHI. T, un,rricnecl, mcinhera of Ihu coiiiinlltef. ill ..' "! ",,,iv ,e5orl, Hint we aw the lo M(e, oiljl n,yB),rceil iipnii by Par rein & llrrrin ami I'.vJiMfc mmle Wnlnn,iilnp.i flilo u y i e i ii . . ' - aoo ye IlV tll0 payinomrr nf the rMlmlelpiiln toil ..i. ...i ...in KiiTH in ti I ii rii ice. vii. i lilt: Jir?,?,r.ftnMl Ii? r irrrld Herriim aniltn' til In iliif- ' 'r,t..,.e l . rnrieln i llerriim and Hie S.ilu In II A t.u.,1. in II In iJ b tioip iL.tiniMcl.ir'Mi 'ir .1 .... lsil.si.iL. nml iiimpri i y," v,tuil. ami mil f.va & .iUuii, aunpiiv pt :' ,..,.i.i at A T ti.,1 Intil ' J J ir"c"r, s of nreen '"ill onr cor . i i v 'rhrnrfMvnunn ncu i cj . i "'"'" i- ii'CKury. " ,,,)f luik 0 ml nan ciiuevnni uu whbm ...in, . . iinir.l the wliolf uhUir 1 .em per iili.mli'nr i til tlio , VXXUX v itniiitvH tht nl 1. iv n io navp been a lair ann mi DANitii a. iiuNTr.ii. Ilavinji bciintiSPiUdiuhiK tlio burning, we litUy r-ntnrt.ln if III I tin t.li.ivr ftlllfTIIinit Of 111'! CalldillOll of the papers and bookMukcn out of the rfipTlivo I"8'" O. A.NMCOMfl. ( 11. 11 . ii;iir.Kvnnno. 1.a mi i.iirir.T.AMli. March 29,liSJ. -- 'CENTRE STORE. - - - 8 T It I . (i & S U M ill E R li 0 0 I) S. , , rjHE undersigned taVn pleasure ol in- R irormln .... .,, cnl're andvlclnllv. the ,,,,. , a la,.e d select assorllnua of hp hi ic sir.MMi-.i: Gimns, Coinprislnj;i)ic heat It t sfckaiul niost.v ariod assort mi in nffnohioimtilp. tist fn 1 nml aiiopLnuialMcrchnti (lite thai haw hem oficred toitlippubllr oe rr Kin nndqiinlity.whifhihey wlll-ellforrcailyliny.ai ver reusoiiablL' prlcci. t-Counrry nroducrtavrn i nexchanpp for tioorta iiclii.'ini: (Jraln nnd Lut. ber and the public custom rcspornuuv no iciien SAMUEL LAM13ACK. mwlersvH'c. March Sf 1MT. NKW LIQUOR STORK. XO. 133, NORTH TIlHtn STimCT, 'In the r.agh Hiiil'lings, Move, llace St.) Philadelphia. rplin undprsigncd hc-t 'eavplo Infiinn his frlcm and Jl llie iiilmir. i nil iip im upeiiiM iiimmih" LIQUOR HOUSE, the ragte nnlldfnps, No. 133, N.. 31 St., ns nlove, where he will Iip hippy lo supply Mfrr In tits, Ilotpl krepera.und iiirtniners centra I ly , with the 'choicest brands kpptin I'hiludelpha. wiMiAM imons.T. Lateof DantUlc ) March Tlh, y. 1857. SPUING AND SUMMER, iVO lVal GEO. IIULPIN & CO. iMroitTr.Rs Jixn MdtfUF.icrunxns, 171 IMIKSNUr STllKKT, Atp now prepared to exhibit their New Styles FOR SPfflNG TRADE, INCLUDING 11 la ..irk and rolorcdSHk ManUMas rhnntlv T-acB Man Mai iiiMa- Pretich Lari; MaiiHl n. limbroidert d J?ilk IM.iniilla), ITngled Lnp and Net Mantillas, .Mourning Man ti It ip, ltaf'pipi. Talmas, Ate . fcr., All ofwluth willbe GUVrH at Hip l.mvpst rricei. c no r.ni.piM At t:o. 174 CliPfiiut Street, uliovp?th, Phlladi-hii. M.irc.i7lb, 1H57. Oil .M.iuuljtiuring and Jlnnutij,' purpoftfl. rr (talo by J. II A A. 9, AI.l.HV, No. T and H South Wli.tri'f , June fi, 1P07, I'llilstUel jiln .1 SPRING ABfD SUMiMER GOOPS POll isr7. rpiTE subscriber respectfully informs his a cuoinuiersanii inn puonc generally, inai lit? ins received n lulimock oT choice Sprins ami Summer doous. comprisiut! a full u9Mrlinciit f Cloth i, Cassimers, H.iltiieiis. iJel.tini'b llrhi-iers Calicoes. A.t ., toijeilur with a cr'atvimety of other nriiclccj UEU?lly kept in Cout.lry Bfores. AI.SO-HardwaiP.Ci.ttpry, ?npeurre Palt, Pish. Mo.il.isPt, Iron.HtccI, llatr. Cap", lioots. Shoes. &.c. 13 Country produce, nirhidln Orain. Lumber, c, lakpu in exchiintiP for zroo.Is pj-Tlt.iiiklul fur past patronage he respectfully asks a cuntu j aucu of the simp. THOMAS E. liVES. Mlllville, Mnill 53, lA'.T-y. NEW WAGON SII01j Willow Grove, South Bloonislmrg. THIl uiiilersisned rcspeelfully li.foiuii, his Ircnds tin, I the public eenerntly, Hint be hislunen the stand Litelt ocitlpied by .llr Ili.l.ett Plfl sl.lu Wil'ow drove. Mouth Uluomsburir. btloiv the Km i t n. il pip he will roi.iiiine Ihe " lYagnn-mal hig Business, Cr n ' ,B vn" ,a departiiicnis, in good a.c mv o on ii i i mn.iern e iern f Alio-Itepjlniig Wi'tfuns, Iinrglrs. Ca rrin 1 1 ! Kinds Kr . itone to onler and on hoii Lj;ne. iCsjT Produce laken fur work, ciiAiti.na lmownii. Illoomsburg April 2., 157 It m D E iN T I S T 11 .Y, SUKGHOX DKX IIST. iiLooMsnunr;. coi.uMniA ro., nesidoiice, first Uruk buildm. below Jlartnian'rf sior ' on Main fc'mct. RIltPi:C'ITlM,l,V nlrs hi professional services tothclidiis and gentleim ii nf Jlloomsburg and vicinity He is prepared it intend to a' lho various op'-ratlons in Dentistry, and s pioiiled with the la tent iii'provcd Po r cc lain Teeth, Which will bp Inserted on pivot or tiA plate, to look as pll on tlie naitiral. ITj A Kiip-nor iirlicle ol TOOTH ro;VHi:a. alt ways on h.iiid .Juno n 1H7. nv. JA, '5.'l, ALEXANDER KERR, I.MPOrt TCIl AND VIIOLUSLn DCALIIU IN Salt Salt NO. 38 SOUTH WIIAIlVUd. PHILADULPIUA. Asbloii's Una Liverpool ground Turk's 1. laud and Dairy S.ilt,iiitistauliy un liauu and for sale, III lots, to .Ull the trade. AI.HXANHCR KCKK. April 4, IS57-GM OLII'HANI', W00D3IDK k CO. Importers and 'Wholcsalo Doalers in llJincs, anh Ciqnors, 1 - No. Ml Arcli St. above Fourth, I PHI LA DE LI' II I A. I r.OwnusT, J. Wooii.iuK, Geo. .Hc.liria. , Juuuury, :i.l,157 y. WliS'l'tiKiii SBOTKIi, 11. D.wiNoiu:.iTi:i: TIIOS.D WINCIIPBTISlt. HUM. P .WlNC'IICUTLIt. My 3, , Nnssortnien i orCoiiHt eiy, Jewilry, Pcrfiimo I. ry. Soaps, liulr OH-. Poni.tics r 10 1.0 had '- CLAIIK'll lk.uk Store tlliioiustiurg, May di Iri7. j.'.vru 11 imvki 11 in t, BOILER' Mncliine lOliliorm:'1 rovultlana,aniI will IniilJ 1 rlnhlfi ellDlllL'fl frnlll 10 10 4" .. nnn ill imr il nnoii cj r rlnum . w ltd lloil cirrlngea.nltli Holler Bear- fc P'"V ndr.....-l.;ieni'-! rcJ.lyrorarllon iun "n" cual lireakK rrs nfilrntpil ln 183(5, for thrrsliliiK tmin ami crarklnr lorn run! now iiin.ln on a Inrge rala for uretklnn oil ttM,I1, ri itcavynilnlng punii ami riri- iiitlni-l ,ct,r coiiii.lclc with double atilnc forjlnii punipi.oi klmu of inllleonrliitiiicl home cj.llni! mail" In onlorl l.liienlmaiiiii uitli uiij ilcv'r-cl ulrwi ol pnllcyi (lnlilin IUilian;cr Iro ipMnliif ilono pay MTp' t loin i , UniUoriron turnlra litnvv prea nml other acre tr.,o.llth any ile.lreil !pll,holll,rea, . Thehen noiigb Iran llire.hlns Mnrlilnpii that vv f. before the public, ca.t Inn- nml w" odeiiniaclnn. i inns. . ii icrew , ver nr. If to nrilcr. vcr power, i i.nln or tread tower rllrolakcfl order, for llieroilovvilte lua elilncryi Hnrrison'i 1.ilplpn.tntirrnln ni-ill(flHniil oM tuniin nnrncri llneineal tiicn tutihrlm u on' linnr AUn lolt and Movtv tornall In ni.lflr,nlno!tii(fsli; a r.-itnitUliiwurjunnuriiciur 1 ,t Im fl 11 llnrtl A. Co.. Iliff mnk iinUfirfiil Itlnivpr now in me wim l'lcieatniimuiii nipuwrr. nne oi Allien ultlnn'putln usrnt ihi rotimiry fnr ctliiMtlon A'loi ili' In ii.Pnt lhr Trill ii.lrv rnrni i i t nn A ..I t i-"." ",; '' ,7 , ' : 1 lll"Uvu mi. .......v., . Also TflKr oruo Ei:!,'!!, Also TflKr onuirp ior erou i nicm mncKtmun ; in npp 1 11 fin in iiiccouiiii1 01 i.oitjin rtlri mierl indjjvcomirtft. Sullivnn.anrl men can lie ftcti hi mv Riinp. i 11 ni Alia, 'PIIK UDdersined rcspcotfully informa I his frlpnds and the public that he hat lakrn the Kithavge Hotel Aw llloouipburtt, located on Main Strrcl, dirictly opposite lho Court lloufc, uhlrh lias brcn throitghl repaired and Impnivcd, where ho Is prp. pared to nccommndnlp his cuslomcra wilh good (are ...! n ., mil., II I ttllUhl- t ion lie also iins In connection with the Cxchangc Ho tel, uu excLllent m OMNIBUS LLXE, rnnnlnprcgulnrly seieraltlines per day. to and from tho Hep. ilon lho arrival of tlio Cars, by which passe..);. erswlllha pleasjiitlycnnveyedlothe Depot flmilon.oi taken from and returned to their residences, If desired. Eyilcwlll always be happy to entertain 11.11. ....... m tnodalc his Iriendslolliciitiiiosl olhis abilitje.. prrr.n nu.i.Mi'.vurt, iVnarretor, nl on mshurg .April ,5.1?5C y. Aviso's OIIDAl'WATOIItJUWCLnVSTORniii, No. 72. North Second Street, oppoairn tii n mount vnnNoN iioubr.pii ii.a OoIdl.evcrVVatclicsrullJcwclicd IBK Cases, !il Hllver do do 12 011 do I.cpinc do 0 U tluartlers 5 OOlo 7 Roldgptctcclcs, SOt old "'I Silver do f 50 SlIverTalilcSpoona pcr.ctl, M OOlo 18 DO do llescrl do do UOOtollllC do Tea do do 1 7.'ilo 7 50 noliircnsandnolnCnses, 3 95lo Auo do Silver tlo I on Togethcrwith a variety of flue Gold Jewelry ,Ool iir.tiiinrunndt ouunaina. a 1 1 aonus wn r rantct.t o t. nspresented. Wnlclies and J ewelry repaired! n t)i beslinatiner N 11. Alloidersscnlhviiyinallor.itherwlse.vvlliiie pntietiiniiy.iitentieii io . Vovemherl'.' 183:1 Iv Spring & Summer, s b m a '0 B AT' MENSOH'S OIIEAP ST Oil E. rpiIE unJcr&igned having removed his 1 Ptore.i.p town, nl Ihu stand, lately occupied by II U fc I W llnriuwin wheip with grcaer incrpnel laci lilies, he is pnnbltd to offer a fullasiormeulnf Sprinc and Summer Goods. Which he lias Junt ncfiiPit ffoui the r,.i,-tiii Cities, ronnirislnj Dry Hoods, (1 merries, II nrd-.va re. Q up ens warp CVdir-wnrc llf.llo-wnrp. Jirncs. 1'Wi, halt Ac. t'lnstpr, t ron, iYail. Hunts, bhnpu, Hals . (;npc, &c etc Also It Ii A I) V UiiUTIllNG In short, pvpi v tlune usually kent in count rv Stnros to which hu Iiivitestliij pulilic gritf rntly Z.tT 'ih. I. u ulir, Old lrmi and Country l'roduce taken iupjuahiuigo lir Goods, at llie hicrst marlpi prirt A. V. MISNSCII. IllooniFhtirg. Marib 21. 1837. Spring and Summer Wiielvy, ftcal A: CO., nAVlNtl Juni tpfpivtit nnd opeiird their stork o inert. tMiiuirp furprinp s.ites vii i, h t inii;irJi-pBie l,.Ui;LNT,tJlli;Pi:T, nnd IIANIiOMlfT nHsort infill now oiler I'd in Ihii TOWN I Hsivinc paidreal ailenlini lo thf Ml'rlion ol thriri'iiiiro -iidfr:, to prirennd 'piality, thej (latter themAe tli.il Itiey ran cnmpc.e with the theaptft, and iilltlni wishinp to buy cnean, con mive nionev bv ivitis h. n r.n Wp have all kindi nl (iioidh and Wurts-to nt pply the i uupiu. o i-iy lurr in n I.ADIEs' DRESS GOODS, Trench M rrnoes.Wooll'laidB. Alparap. Ilonibnrliies. i in t Poplin-. I'.iraniPtta cloths. Molmir Itimtrex. Munlin Pe I.aini'B, Persian rlollie (Inghams.OalicoL'P, &VIIITB COOD3 OT ALI KINHS Sieves. Collars, Handkerrbipls, l!nuiiciiigi, hands ajid trliiinilng, Iiari"4.iuitPdi;iiigs,bouiiei ril'j om, hi large vnrJety . vp.lvet rihbom.and braiiM,l;i4.oiloii,and ;p thread gjuvcH, MobaM mills. Ate . Wp ln Up our friend s nnd the pulillr gpripraltv to give us a tal Iberori'purchawincpli'PWhpre. U t Unw buuphiour aodiHi l.owetlCush Prices, nnd will not beun rrsoldhvanjliody orllierrsto' mankind., McKKLVY, NKAJj it GO. nioom 'luirc. March SJI , If;.?, Dr. J. S. Houshioii's GREAT CURE roil L'YSL'Ki'SIA. J nuiti. or o".tVi?Da HOUGHTON'S JuJre Prenared from UiMiuet, or thp foil 1 1 Ii aininiii ii ui i hit ui , nugr dim tionsol ll.i ron hie. hij, IhuKreatPhyitiolojr' leal Clinuli-t by J. H Tii.sitotiM. I) , Phi la do I phi a i'a. Th'risNature'gownrmedyior nn unhenlthy Sto njarh, No ariof mnnrnu einnHts rural he powers. J . V,""",l:,l",M,I ' lV" JY.in or ausaous t !, ' S. u v i. ,,1V t .""'"'V01'.' lfl- r,nn'' mny walcrcraclicrwltlioutarutp distress L'pwareonrur;gpii Ua' I on the Aifnt, and get a Descriptive Cjrrula iratU.nivint' u large unioniii nl rcieutlfir r.vH'pnee iiw l.ii-big'n Aninist'olieinlstr) ,I)r. Combe's Phisiolncy Hipilioui llr Pereiraon x'ood atul Diel.Hr. John V T.aper. of New Vork Lnierfity; Prof. Hungljcon's Py -jiology; Pruf. illinnan,o VulcCo!ed.'p;I)r.CHrpen lei'sPhyxiolojy. ,.c.,togttiicr with repormof Cuics f rm all pnltsolthu United Siarv. flolilfcy li-1 ititz ami j . K.Moyt'r. uioomsiiiirg S It. Ilowiua.1 llen.ic!,. Oclil.lfj.'i y. lilooinshiirg Tinware and Slovc More STEAM ENGINES AND UO piin .uticrlbor U now prepnrrd, Willi new 1 y,tn lmlMlnlloiMr eiiliii-, from tin ., nio uti'.iiup'v"iMani,aniini ,r,icr .louhlcnncMlucle nonnbls eiijlnct fron MESS t A. I rnjinunder.isnedresppc'fullyinrorinslnsold rn'end'i , lire nervous syotem, sc that a limh maybe amputated1 L and ritstoiuer-! that he has purchased his brother j wit bout the shghtent jin.ii . tn hating ihe ordinarybum in teres I in the above ertab1ihmput,atid itiPtoncern will . irg gas will deftroy lite In a few hours. jiereaner no couuucicu n uimseii eiciumveiy. iiehasi I net tt-r.'lieit ii ml t.flftm Cue anlr. tlm Uma.i nn.l 1 juel irci'iied und oilers for sale, tho largest nnd musvesiRUSlVP. nspor imeiu 01 i ajvuy ft i U VJio ever introduced intoth is market. : ills stock consists of a com nlete assortment ol c bthcsl Cookit'giuid parlor stoves in the market. to thiv'r with tHoo Pisturesfif every description, Oven and lln&moves. t'.adutotn.CvlindtrStoves, Cast Iron .ait iigii niiiva. L.ani.u.n oioves, icM &c . iitovenlt neaild Tinware r.onslantlv on hand and m.in. utaUured in order. All kinds of repairing done, usual, on KhortuniiPti. The tialrnnnseof old fricndii and new cu sin men . 91 1 uupi;kt, rdooniMlinrg, Jan. '2, 1F5-J, if Pennsylvania Motet. rpillBwellknown Hotel latelyker liyS.M S, ..L l ri. II llsan.on Main Bueei n. iiivHIe.fVaV lui been taken by the .ubrcribrr ivli is ore- parcaioacconiiiiodQte travs Hers and s -angers ii llie lie. i manner- The house has I en thoroughly Iverliauled.and is now rellltcd up'.nd furnished oheenlerliilninem nr..ue.ia iiiMeinuiiiig 1. nrgo nun eomniouious, wim Horses .ami vehtclesior hiro. nnd he will spare no painsto rentier general sati.f.iction U3"A liberal. hareofUie public patronage Is respect fullysulicitcd. . cuougl: w. riinnzc. llanvilleDec. SO, Jlspyttvn Coach anil M'agan Factory r"iIHtindersignci having succeeded Jacob ft i, X intheWaguiiand Uoach making burlite.s,.it hit slum .in i:iyluwn re.pectlully liilorm the, ,ene uiidlhe nil.lit.tliutlhe) coniiniiiwilltho Wagon Making Business, 1 11 all.llsdepaitinent., where lliey will be ,,,nnv lrro celve orders and promptly csecutcall busine.. in the) 2S- UVANl. Jtr It A.,l.,.,,,,... P..pylown.juni7, IS5C.y ..mie.11. IMIILADELI'IIIA OAIU'ET kTTTrk rtAIIPF.TINOS, OilClolli. Window ki.,,i.. ... at .(;au.j,jUsi received to.uco m.re. nnfacliired and Imnorlod rjpressly for I'AIIPPP xJn. iKi1!l"l,V',i,i0",,'l,r'l"" P1'"'" " Nan land'.'iiSoriliSwjndrlrecl I., 1 our I., Imv .1, 1 s 'Mi.ir h 1 M e,u , , . , AYEKS PILLS, ANkw nnd ulneulartv fmcufssful remedy for tho cure of Ml llili(mn cli('risc, Cost, mens, Indi cation. Jnnndice, Dropsy, Ithiitintini, I;emi, Oout, Ilumnrt,N(rimsncsrt liiitftWIity, ln fl.it uina timn, llcadsiclio, Tftini n Hie Ilrrntt, Side, Jlack and i.tmbs Female Com pi .nuts &r. &c. Indeed, very few arc the diseases in which a rurgaliic Medi tino is not moro or 1pm rcftilred, nnd mncli slclt- uno Is ncss and suirerinfi mlil be prevenirn, n a. naim- lrs Imtcnectnal Catharlln w;re more frceU liscd. No person ran feel ell while ft cosme nauu oi l.n.lu r,roin!ln ImlirW. It .nnn LMirr.ltP8 BCliOUS flnti ,ftcn fatal aiKcaRej,wliicli mignt nae ncen ovomcu hy tho timely arid juiieious use of a pood purRatiTC. . 7. .. . i.iu ..... ..r . A M.cnr.l . nv tno iimciy ana juainuus uv j "H""1 p'w""'" Th - r -j kR tr.,e Dr i"q(H. l'CenHll nmpn)mu,uiia liillous derniiKemciits. They all tend to become or produco tho deep seated at.d formidable distemper, which load tlio hearses all oter the Intnl. Hence n reltablo family plijslc Is of lho first Importance to tlio nubile health, and thlt 1'ill has been perfected Wim consummate .mm i.i mi . .i '''.' cxtcniite trial of its virluei by l'hysicians, 1 rores sors, and l'liticnls, has khown results surpassing any tliiim hilhorto known or any medicine. Cures havobcen elloctcd beyond belief, wero Ihey not ub- .l.nlt.l.,t nerant, nf Uliell Olllllcd UOsltlOn 0110 ' characttr ns lo fotbid the suspicion of untruth. Ainonir tlio many eminent Roniienicii n ... testified in f nor of lhee Pills, we may mention : JKrof. J. M. Lockk, Analjtlcal Chemist, of Cm clnnatlj whose high professional tlmracter Is en- "mN'IcT.nAX, Judge of the Supreme Court of 41.A TT..II..1 Rl.lea. Titos. Coi'.wtx, Secretary of the Treasury. Hon. J. M. WiitoitT, .Governor of Indiana. if. LoNOWiittTlt, nrcnt winoRrower of the W est. Also, Uu. J. II. Chiltiis, 1'racticol Clicmi.t, ol Hew York Oily, endorsed by Hox. VV. I.. Mahcv, Serretnry of State. U'M. 1J. AbTim, the richest man in America. S. IiKMNti & Co., 1'ropr's of tho Metropolitan Hotel, nnd many .others. . Did spaco pcimlt, wo could give many hundred rertiheatis, from all parts uhcro the Pills bans been used, but evidence .even more convincing than tho experience of eminent public men is found in their cllerts upon trial. , . Ti.csc Pills, the result of long investigation and study, are oll'crcd to the public as the best nnrl most complete which the present state of medical science can afford. They nre compounded not of the drugs themselves, but of the medicinal "Hue only ot Vcgclublc remedies, extracted, bv chemical process in a state of purity, nnd combined together in ui.h a manner as to Insure tin; best result.. I his system of composition for medicines has been found iti tho Cheny Pectoral and Pills both, to produce p. more efficient remedy than had hitherto been ob tainod by any process. The reason is perfectly ob v ions. While by the old mode of composition, every medicine is burdened with moro or 1cm of acn- rllect is present. All the inert and obnoxious qual ities of caeli nit-stance employed are left ticlund, the curatiir virtues only beim; retained. Hence It u RclC-cvidcnt tlio cllicts slumld prove, as lieyliaie proved, more luilc-lv i.-inr dial, and lho Pill, a surer, more powerful antidote lo.iluo.w limn an) other lncdriiio Ititorm t thu v.orld. Aa It Is freouentlv esptdicnl ttiat my medicine should to taken under the roiiusel of on attendn Phi.ilan. and as lie could not properly jiulee of a reme.lv without knowing its eoniposilion. I lme supplied llie accurate loriinil.T l.y wlmli both iny Pectoral and Pills are inado to the whole tody of Practitioners in the United States and lliitish Amel ican Prminces. If, lioneier, ll.erc sliould te any one who lias not recciied tlicm, lliey will b. pmmpllv foiwarded by mail to his request. Of all'tiie Patent Medicines that ai e ollered, how few would tc tnktn if tl.iir composition wns known . Their life consists in llnlr nij.tery. 1 hate no invcteries. . . , . , 'flic composition of mv prcpaintions is laid open to all men, nnd nil wl.o nre competent to ittdRe on thcVuliieit fied) neknonltditP Iteir comictions of tlnf- inlrinsie merits. The Cherry 1 eitornl ,u iiionomicoil by seienlific men to be a wondcrriil iiieditino ur.ne ils ellitts weie known. Jlanj em inent Phisieians liaio tlotl.u-ell tho same limit; or mv Pills.'nnd eien nolle ennlidentl), nnd are will ini; tn cerlih tliat llicir nnlliipatl.in- were inure than lealicd liv their cil'icts upon I rial. 'II. cv npeialc Irt llirir ptuMrful influence on the Internal Trttein to' putifv Hie bloud mid stimulate t Into licallhv at lion i i nline llie t.l.slrnt lions .rf the stomn'l',, 1,'in.li, liter, nl'.d i.tlirr oiit.iiis of the Im.lf, iei.t.ninK llicir ine(:iilal- nrti'in In lit-oltli, and by ioneetiilt', nliereur ll.ei oxisl, "utli der..nee. niriils 03 arc the first mlaiii of disease. llejtijr. siif!..r-iM:ip.e.l, they are plismnt J" lake, nnd 1.,-nu' purely mki l.ible.tui liarm tan arne Trnm their iif.f in 'Hi) 'I'l.'nti'y. , ,, l'or ininulc diie 'tiom . sec winppcr tut the llos. PliKPAIII.il 11Y Hit. JAMES 0. AYF.l.. lraclio:i1 auid Analytii.til ClliemiH, IaOWKLL, mass. -Prico 2i) Otnti per Box. Fivo JJoies for SI. SOLD UY XCT T. P Tiinv. and aM Dm eints in lllnmiibliurg an. I Dealers in Medicnies tvisnwhTe May 10, li7 IMPORTANT DISGOVKKY 1 " (oxsciiiriiox, and am. inai;ABi:rt or tji: i.unhp ami I THKoAT are pohiinel) curable by iith.1l.1tnm, whkh conveys t lie reuie.hts lo the cniiliM in th'p lungs ihriiugh the air pasxnges, nnd coming hi dirul rouinct with il.e diseatie, ntulralizts Ihe tuberrular matter, alla)x ibe c.iuh. Liiuth l I ret and tas) uptc lorntioi. lit nl the Inngf. purlfle the blond, iiiij.-uii renewed ii.tlily to ihe ncrvmis fjsiem, gintg iluu tone, andenergy to indipeiiab1e lor lh" rettoratioii i f health. ToXe utile to ut.ne contideiilly thai Cunmnip lion is curable by i n halation, is lo me a source iirunal-lo)c-d pleasure. It ib as much under Ihe control nl inednal irratineiit ns any nlhu fnrinii able dlnease :iiii( ty out of i v ry hundrt d t ur s tan I e curt d in Ibe iiui -I.) get and tiny percent in Hip second ; bin in the third fta'P it Is impfMlhle to tnr more I fin ri f.ve per cent , lor the I n 11 ((c are so cut up by Ibe disHnse n to hid dclinuce to im-dica! fkilj. I.ven.Jiowner. in lho l.iit tingef, iuhii lalmn ntlonlK ext ir orilmaty n In t to Ihe su tiering u tie ndiug this Icbtlul srnurge, w Jiirh an nually iiet-iroj uiiteiy iin iiioiifinni percoiis in ine United Ptates nluue , and a correct ralculutiou shown that ol the present population ol lie larth, ciyht mil lions are destined to fill lho coiisiimpliveV grnie. Truly the tuiw-r of death bus im arrow fo fatal ns Consuiuption. l-n all age it has Ktn te great en mv of lite, lor it spares m itlur age nor fx, bui sleep's oirnlike Ihol'iave, the beautiltil, Ibe graceful, and the gifted. Ily Hie lie'p id that nprenie l.elng.fn m whom omth terygood and perfect plfl, I nm cnnhlert Ir offer to thu siilirtid it pennnnrnl and sptrdy cure in Consumption. '1 he Aim cni.se t f lubtrrli t It from im pure blond, und he J.n no di a te ejfirt, produced by I heir itepo'ltlonln the lungs, ji lo prevent the fnc adiuisfioii (fair into iheoircehs. wlnchcauspsa weakeutU lilu hty through the mure Bjntem. Then fun ly Ills mm a ratimial tn ej pict gi eater good from medicines en let ing the rovltie" of the Inn trs Ihmi from those ndiulnikiPi, .t ; ihrouglilhe slpmnch; ihe patient will ulna) s find Ihfl i lungs tree and the breathing easy alter inhaling rrmr fdus. 'thus, inhaliition is a local remedy, ncveiihtlesF pi acts constitutionally, and wiih more power and ter 1 tuinlv thbii remediendiuJniUi'redby Ihe siomath- 'Jo i prove the powerM and direct in.lnence ol this modp of 1 iidministrallon, chloroform inhiicd will entirely d f.iuj r ii uuiniu, (lurai)zing n.c cn- j m innai.iiioii ot nmniruia will rouse- th sistt iti when fniiithirr nr nnnnmiiilu Afs.it Ti,. .i - r when fnintlng or apparently dead. The odor of many ... ........ .... i" i i" 11 uir ckiu a iew nun utcg after being Inhaled, and n ay be immediately dp lected iut the Mqod. A ronviurinpnroof of the coiiFii. tutionalctrectsofiiihalaiion.ts theinct that sickuefn is always produced ti brenlhiug foul air. Is not Uns positive evidence that proper rcmrdles. rnrelully pre- I should Jirniliicethp moil hnniiv ruiiM. t n. - ..i.' I H .' "ij milll-ll Itll (irt'U!ll iiig lungs, as . in years , prnriice, many ibaufoiids eullermg film j diseases of the longs and throat, have bptn under mv pp. rare, and 1 have effected innnv minii,Lnhi..ii.n. ...... 1 slages, which fully satis fies me ihu consumption Ir no loiieer a fatal disease, si v trenlineti! nlr... is original, nnd founded on lonpexperielire nnd n tho rough Investigation. jiy perf,ct nciuaininiice with the until roof tubercles, fee., enables ine lo dlitlneitlih . readily, Ihe various forms of disease that simulate eonsutiiriion. and apply ihe proper rrmeolrs, rarely be,,,g mistaken cvonin a singlccnse. lhnf.mll.Miiy, ii connection wnh certain pathologiral and mlcrosro. pic disrovciies, ennb e. me in ml... . .1.. 1.. the eireels ol contracted chests; to enlarge the Chen , for , P"riy lh blood, jinpatt to It renew id vilnlitv.civlnr 1 enemv and tone In,.,. n,l,n ..... ......... ., '.."'""e- wnn 11111 iircrlii.rt. sent tn onv liirl of eaTii . iielV . ' bypalicnl. con, ,,,,., ealiiig their sjinploni. by letter. Put Ihe cure would iB more certain if ihe patient ihoiild pay me a vim. u ' i ,"'d .'.vo ""-' "n nPP"'iuniiy toemnine the Mines and eniibli! m In priscrjlie with iniitl, grrster certainly, and iheu lho euro 1011I1I lie ellecled wllho.t my seeing the pnllentngnin. m .... r "' w ,!RAM. M, D Office, 1131 Fiiiist slreel ,(i,d No. 100,1 July , 1P.vr-(;Valr,c?iW'lfl" ntMW ' TRUNKS ! TRUNKS 1 1 , TIID LAIIHUST, ni'.HT handsomest and cheapest us lorinrent 01 Bole Leather Po'id Ilivfled 5 TIWF.UMI TRUCKS. 1 ifSFZ. . VAI.lSi; TRPNKh. Propellers, Leather and Carpet Uag,'raekinsT,unk.. , . . THOMAS-V . MATTSflNxs! 1 ..-e"bl,r',. London I'rue Mednl, lninriivcd aieii ...... rJpnng,rolid tsule l,eM,er Tm.k M.'nVt,, ... . K 100 HARKUT rTUIlLT. s".".l.'..vi", -- tsj ami Plarklt, Philadelr.h a -VnoilH lei'-if ' ... "V -W T MKKIiri 111.1 tf.eivrdnl HAI1TMAV H
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers