Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, November 14, 1857, Image 2

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    F.OniMlH A IHilMOnil AW
w.uuuiu.iiiii.jijjjuuiiiiii.ii;irco ,ounc, anu initial caae, .under tlio
Bluomsbufg, Not. 1U, 1857.
The Last Shriek.
Believing it neoesjary to keep our- reach,
en posted on tho domratio news nf tlio
day, we iatend lo oobJcdso for tlicii infor
mation tlio last slave case. It oeourrcd' in
Boston; Vrhero Ihcy would rather steal n
lilggcr than hoarj a sinnon, and the follow
'ing'iro the facts aiid tlio result.
Louis Sweot, wife and two children, of
Nashvillo pnn;,Uadbecri travelling in
the northern! l'n'Canada. for several months
"past, with afcmnla Blavo, and for six weeks
Juad .bsMtt.Btomping-'Sat'L.awrenco with his
father.. .After they had "been In Lawrenpo
a short ti'uio the story was circulated that
tho woman " Petty" was restrained, of hr
liberty,, and Various efforts wcro rua-do to
induce her lo leave her master. This aha
dccliucd doing, until at tho instanco of
Lucy 8. Sehuylcr, of Lawrence, a writ of
habeas corpus was issued, returnable before
Uiq sunrcuio court.
The hearing camo oh before Ohief Jus
tice Shaw, in tho sheriff's room,- J, A.
AndTews appearing for the rctiijoier, and
B. I?, '7atsoT), f I.awrpnco, for respond
Tho writ set forth that a colored woman
named1 Betty,, is restrained of her .liberty
tUNd,1!. Atlantic Cbfpor'ationawronce
by ono Sullivan Swcetand his,(wife, and
commanded that said Betty shall to brought
heforo tho supremo judicial court.or ono of
fho justices thcrebf' and tliat tho said Sweet
and wifobo summoned) to appear and show
aso jf any they have, why tboisaid Botty
ahould. be restrained of her liborty. Tho
return on the writ was signed by Bailoy
Bartlett; deputjt "sheriff of thocounty of
tiSKX. ,
Mfr.'Walson, for respondents, staled lhat
ho hidVa suggestion" fa make whicu Tomld
probably obviate tho 'necessity of a jtcmg
xaminalion. Ho then stated 'that Sir.
and'Mrs.'Sw'cci'had been for sbuio tfmo
travelling in tho north, and that tho girl
was-awaro of 'the fact that Bhe'waa entitled
to her liberty, and might leave them at
any hiomont, bcing'under no restraint.
More than this, she had not desired to
leave Mr. and Mrs. Bweel, arid (ho writ of
habeas corpus' was brought without her
expressing any 'desire that such a thing
should bo done. She did not voluntarily
express her desire to be fr'eo', nor did sho
resist. 'Under these" circumstances he was
instructed that if anf arrangement' 'ould bo
made by whioK DJpttycoul'ilhavrilicr elioico
to remain with tho respotidtn's or to lcavo
them', his clients were willing to a'bTdo the
result; Thoy had no disposition to re
strain her "against her consent.
Mr. Andrew assented to tbo proposition,
opon which tho coutt remarked tha sovo
ral cases of the 'kind had been determined
in that manner to the satisfaction of all
parties. In such cases tho record was
Made np ia accordance with .the facts teat
die .claimants had. coasen'ed -ahal the per
son claimed should: excreiso her, free will in
Ihe matter, and thai sho 'fiad voluntarily
-chosen' to remain with her cjaimapts, ox. lo
AC". 1 (5 uiciu., . tuu v-ioy uugat IK.
Judge Sliaw, fa accordance with the
practice in such cases, took tho girl into
ins own room to .ascertain her wishes in
tho matter. On their return, he staled
lhat on n free, full and satisfactory priva'o
conversation with her, he ha'd found her to
bo fully competent to make her own clcc
tion. Sho said she was strongly' attached
to Mr. and Mrs. bweet, and had no hesita
tion in expressing ber wish to remain with
them. Furthermore, sho had a husband
living in Tennessee, from whom sho was
not willing, npon any consideration, to be
separated, as she would be if she remained
m Massachusetts, Now it was contrary
to aH the principles of freedom, which we
tu luixu wye, to say mat mis or any per
.ra should 'not exercise a' free 'choice In
-recording tho proceedings of theday, he
should certify that this person was brought
before' Mm on a writ of haboas'corpus
that she was not -a fugitive from labor in
no senso of tho consthuticn. Ho should
also certify tho agreement wbicn.had been
made between the parties, These acts
would bo entered ou record, so tuat one.
"ton, or twenty yoars' hence, whn lAost of
those present Lad passed away, tho" party
iftost, interested might have the benefit of
that record. Ho thought i( would entitle
her to her liberty in Tennesseefor thp
rule was that slavery was local and liberty
general. Tho act was, hp thought, in ef
fect an emancipation, lie had tojd her
that ho know it was so in Louisiana, but
without deciding the question of tho effect
of this proceeding in Tcnncssco, sho had
preferred lo go" with tho claimants. He
believed tliat all pcrssns understood their
fights, and that no ono would interfere It
) LBVtfL.'IfA'tt, MTgB.
had bcon decided in a similar caso brought
before (Judge Dewey,- at Springfield, sorao
ycnts since1, ;flict' a parly in whoso behalf a'
vrit of habeas corpus was.proourcd, against
iiis will, could maintain an action against
the person procuring the writ. N 'person
jiould now iutcrfor" in this caso without
incurring the liability.
It will be obscrVed that tho above cate
jjVba one iu which tbo Mister vcliiilturily
,,,rouBMM within, tbo limits of
principle ruled inrcd,Scott, thl girl Bettj
dacious assertio
Dresses and
brought ilava
M Of UlOiUIaok KenubJtcan.1 hkvintr travn lid Ihrmioli ivirr tntenarim
f ft ft V , it : a it f . n - - - : - w "i
orators, that that decision i ami nrr.i.ilr,1 !il,o.TA.i.1..ii i.i 1I
our Vprtf dnnrJ Vrn j!l.n
togo where shoploascd free to thyow rccived'iti limo. Inncarly every township
hcfscH iipon tho tender morcles of'thotho 'ei'slnlnatdin was oondnctod in thg
Nrw England abolitionists freo to mako presence of a portion of tho Hoard of Di-
hex election as to hof jjlace "of ifujuijo Fcai
flence. Free to throw offlfoifejerfthojo
Kuuius oi Biavcry wuicu in lucopuuon 01
the heartless crowd thero assembled, gallod
bef so terribly.
She was free, because it is expressly
ueciaea by tlio court; mat tno question of
freedom or slavery, is to bo'deddtd byahp hospitality, and bad ,rcpe,tcd intimations
Stato Courts, according tothelaws of thoHthlitlnr visiting the schools T-would over bo
State in which tho slave may happen to be, a welcome visitor among them. Tho Di
when proceedings are instituted and that rectors. in many places promised to aeeom-
theourt bad no jurisdiction to revise the
uuugmgnior a oiaio uourt upon iu own
laws, bo, as the Constitution, of the Uni-
oa oiaies proyiups only Tor tho, oase of a
" fugitive-," 4 slavp voluntarily brought
wtuuu vuo Doununnes or a iree otare, would
be, by virtue of such vpluhtary' bringing,
tree i ana if ho escapes, or is.set free cn a
writ of Jiaboas corpus, the.jownce has jio
remedy. But! If ho is a "fugitlvo frta i
labor," then the.Coh"stitution of the United
oiaies, superior tq asy racro, ataic autbor
ity, and by virtue of e special provision, on
that point, remands the. slave to bis matter.
If a few more such cases occuf, wo. thiok
tho people who have so long teen doccived
by tho clap trap of "tlio.,repub)icansrpn tho
Dred Scott case, will begin to seo'tho point
and acknowledge, Its soundness.. ' i
, ....
During-the niontb of October, tho total
amount of epecio- which arrived at Now'
Yorkrfew Orleans,' 'anil St. Louis. ws
87,451,000. To this sura, says tho New,
York Herald, . ehottldr,ba added certificates,
of deposit rcccivod by thd Verdi to' tho'
amount of over a million of dollars, which
certificates aro as good as, and in a more
convenient form than spocio itself, becauso
remittances to England can be made by
means of thenu Out of theso monthly cash
rccipts of' 'seven and a half millions' of
dollars, wo havo not actually .sent out of
tho country moro than a moro triflo say .
two or thrco hundred thousand dollars so,
that tho first of November sees it richer by.
at least seven millions of dollars in' specio J
than wo were si tho first of October.
This may seem extraordinary in view ofj
the depression in trade, but tbo fact is
nevertheless so. Though times aro hard
specie is plenty.
No class of men havo, .teen moro
affected by tho.finanoial t roubles,' UiJli tUo
liquor dealer add restaurant keepers. in
our large cities. It seems men can govern
their appetites and quit their indulgences.
when their notes are in danger of protest.!
Many of the principal liquor saloons on
Broadway aro about to bo closed,- tho
rcoeipts being daily considerably less than;
the exponses. Ono saloon near- tho St.
Nicholas hotel, which, averaged 8100 per.
day in its receipts, does, not now tako in
85, and is,adverlised for sale. This fact
proves that tho gentlemen can and will
retrench and that thoy have abandoned
habits' that aro at all times and under any
circuustanccs, expensive and pernicious,
They can therefore appoal with good graro
I to the ladies to economize.
Irish Meloby. Perhaps thfre is oo
musio in the world, equal to the native
airs of Ireland. We are an admirer of
Ireland and Irishmen ; we love their ec
centricity, and their ardent attainment to
liberty. We pour with pleasure, over tho
pages of free eloquent songs, the bursis'of
her Sheridan, her Grattan, her Cnrran,
and her Emmet; and we cherish fondly in
our memories, the beauties of her melodies,
as they were "married to immortal verso,"
by tho greatest living poet, Tom Moore;
Tho poetry and the musio must go down
to prosperity together, and neither can
ever bo forgotten. His Country and her
daughters, are the. theme. of almost every
song; and till patriotism dies, and human
naturo changes, Jqvo of country and of
Ladies, must be, and will bo, dressed in the
language of Moore.
Tho next Legislature of this Stato
will bo strongly urged 'to prohibit' the'
circulation of bank notes less than ten
dollars. Some very prominont gentlemen
aro in favor of carrying the limit up to $25,
so that paper as currency shall not interfere
wi(h tho .free .ciiculation of even tho highest
denomination of coin. Thcro is much
reason in. favor of $i5 notos as tho lowest
denomination qf bapk bjljs.
Igy Tho trial of Charles D. PhUipa.for
tho murder of J. Cleaver' Bartholomew,
beforo tho Chester-county Courts at West
Chester, resulted in a verdict of man
rSylfon. Caleb Gushing, ihe Democratic
pandidato for Assembly from tho Now
buryport district, Massachusetts, has been
triumphantly elected, ' '
J55y Geo. A.Enflciy Esq., far somo time
past connected with the Itvltptntent Frcss,
Williamsport, as jts editor, ve notice,
retires from the concern with tbe last
'SGB We are' at-'hsme again. and glad o'
it, after an abscvee of one month.
a'lottor from tho County Supor-
kaBMjl,LVlLLE,.NoVl 10, 1857.
1 havo just finished fiie tour of tho cnunty,
Jrcctbrs, and In, sJmojfdistricU beforo the'
entire Hoard, and'l nOilced many jfavorablo'
inuioations on tlio part of somo .Directors
audToachcrs that there willbeaninrreased
interest taken in the welfare of the Common
Schools. In almost every district I re
ceived marked attentions of irindneps and
pany ino to tho ech6oli, and I fondly tnlsl
that such a spirit of, emulation will bo
excited among Toachers and others inter-
csted in improving tho condition of our
schools, as will be felt and appreciated by
thcr wholo community; Somo of tho schools
hayooommenced and tho others soon ilL
, I am proparing for a winter's siego in
traversing the hills and valleys of.our wholo
country, .setkingioKrcourse -with all who
'feel ah inlcr8st'in prombtifig tlio prosperity
of our schools.
W. Buna ess.
Bajhe Action. The. ofBeors of thp
Banks of Danville, .Northumberland,
Iewlsburg,West Branoh. Jcrsy- Shore'aid1
Look Haven, have passed tho following
Resolved, Th&t duricg tho suspension of
npewo paymtnis,. py uo usnKS nt tms
Commonwealth, we deem it inexpedient to
make, any arrangements with tho ity
Banks for tho redcnipiion of our Notes.
E. II. JBaldy, Prcs't. Ilank of Danville.
Jl tt. rabker,VttaX North'd. Bank.
Wm. Canieron, Brest. Lowisburg Bank.
O. Watson, Prcs't. WcstiBraneh Bank,
L.AtMackey, Prcs't. Lock Haven B'k.
J. A. Gamble, Preg't, Jotsey Shoro B'kv
BSF Lieut. Maury maintains lhat tho
growing of sunflowers around a dwelling
located near a fever and, ague region, neu
tralises tho-mlasma in which that diseaso
originates, no says tliat an acrp of sun
flowers will absorb during 'their growth
many thousand gallons of water moro than
supplied by tho rains. Thoy aro of very
casv cultivation, and the seeds meet willi
a ready saie. Tho theory or sciencoof the
practice is this i Tho ague and fever poison
is setifrco durjng iho progress pf vegetable
dtcay, which ipoison ,is absorbed by tho
rank growing sunflower, again elaborated
into vcgelal?lb(piattcr and" so retained till
cold wcatbcr, u
Sons Eon Lulsi,' Tbat somewhat
noted individual, Sir.. Gardiner I'urnis-",
has commenced suits for damages for al-'
leged libols against JamealQordon Bennett,
Hepry J.i Raymond, E. Hi Wesley, and
George J onos.and William 0. Bryant, John
Bigclow atid Isaao Anderson, tho proprie
tors respectively of tho New York HeraM,
tho New York.Iwts, and -the New York
Evening Post. The cause of the action
arises from tho publication of tho affidavit
of Mrs. Woodman, dated September 1,.
Ho says a New York1 letter' writer. If
everything tbo true, pf Gardiner Fujniss
that'issaid of him, in Mrs. Woodman's
affidavit, ho ought to bo put whoro the
dogs wouldn't bito him for the balance of
his life.
Blooding Kansas.
A missionary of tho American Sunday
School Union, now laboring In Kansas, has
children, in tho courso of which he says :
" I wish, in the outset, lo correct tho im
pressions of any of my young friends who
aro associating Kansas in their minds with
armod troops. Whatever may" have been
tho past history of this Territory, I find,
from a month's careful observation, that
now all is peaceful and prosperous, and
that the great mass of the people, from all
parts of the Union, aro an intelligent, en
terprising, and orderly class of citizens,
living as quietly and harmoniously togeth
r as in other portions of the land. Hav
ing recently settled in one of tho finest
countries tbat the sun ever sb'ono upon,
they wish to enjoy it."
ffayMr. S. Austin Allibone has published
a card in the Philadelphia pipers, denying
that Mr. Thomas Allibone, late President
of tho Bank of Pennsylvania absconded
from his Hoice for'a foreign countrywith
a design to defraud his crcditors,"as charged
in tho proceedings which havo bcon insti
tuted against him in the court, on Monday.
Ho asks a suspension of public opinion,
until tho charges aro investigated and
proved or disproved.
JtSrScvcral riotous demonstrations Jiave
recently been made in' New York by largo
bodies of laboring men mostly Germans.
'Broad or B16bd, "was tlipir motto. Nothing
sorious, howover,'has yet grown out of theso
gaihei'ings,.and it is to bo. hoped
outbreak1 will occur.
ttertfick Post GJfke. Wo scd that onr
friend LyFP- iRiy-Pi naa bon appointed
Post Master at Borwifik, xice, John J, Mo
Henry, resigned. Jdr. Irwin will no doubt
make a good and efficient efliecr.
ColumJHa Cpunty Republican,'
KtcovEBi.Nq, Mr. Craig, who was se
verely wounded .jn tho affray st Chambers
burg several weeks einco, and uho.haa been
lyipg in a' dangarous condition, at Ship
pensburg, is mpndipg ejowlr, and iioprs
are entertained pf hit; rccovpry,
Boll, Buckalow and Sclioll.
The next Stato Senate, will bo ono of tho
ablest bodies that has oyer racVln tho Sen-
uuiuov ujuica mai nas oyer iuui iuo ocn-
i . r . ... , , ,
ato chamber at Harrisburg e aro clad
, , r .j " i
i d a .... r . m.
ip rcQorame election 01 Hon. i nomas 0.
and- 8amersot .District'. Thoy aro ablo
men. andrjast-thc men for tho- position to j
which thelhafo bocnj clectedi and -who,
with the venorablo Welkins, Welsh, Walton,
Wrlglit, Brower, "Knox, and; others will
form a body that hal rarely' bf pa t quailed,
in tbo past history of tlio 'State. Judgo
Bell has always been a favorite in this
county, numbering numerous friends, and
has neycr been a candidate for asy position
lliftl tin liiia not rnnttrtrl n A.-i!r, nt
... ..... w pillWU) ... lUib,
of the votes of "old Montgomery" Tihen it
was in j)cr,;povrer to' givp, them, Ilan.
Oharlcs K. Buokalow was tho talented)
Chairman of tho Democratio Stato Central
Cbmmittco during tho campaign thr6uoh.
wbioh wo have just passed, ilow well and
nmuii u uve juai passcu, aiow WCU ana
how ablo ho managed if, tlm
uuvr uihu ho uidiidgea 11, ,IU0 ormiant
jjuih oi,iuu vjiiesicr i'inci; ,iion. iuaries dr Uecrauer, A. n. is!7 j . a J
Hri V.t. jr x f rv. . . , . i' I The Acctlnt0r John RrMovot, OnnintllCfnf hfl
v ItqcKalOW tt th4,Uolntobia District, and ' Prron and of rem Melrtk, a iunaiic oftbll
ofrBoBVniUm L'.- Scheil. of tho Bedford tf.tM,.,rfL.iii. nffl.'... M,i.tTf A.
success aohieveu OU tho SOOOnd Tuesday of mmmwi" mailln. t unman ioo
October last, fullv manifests Ho ia an'' . O-8?'" cnuinicnec at loo'elock, A.M., tr'tM
,., . ' '' muuJ'cow- " 18 an lay. when attendance will bo kvi-n and condnloni
able- and logical debater, and ono of tho , m"e known' b' T .
ablest jnnn in tl,n Rt.t. ,!.. -.,..
uu i.iu j uva-'
tined without doubt to fill higher statibns. I
Hon. William P. Sohell, has won acrea' i
victory, as the odds were largely against
him, tho district being, composed of lied
ford, Sumprset and Hnntingdon.-counties, a
,7 '. , ' ; """""S",". '.il o'clock, r.M, lUe fcHowlntRclE,tate; to wiu
distnet that no democrat would hardlv ;a"lh'" tain
. . ... . A nrv a g. w t
navo uroamod ot' carrying. 'Tho fact thni
stamp. He is a Bedford OounCy man a
co-laborer of tho energetic and indefatigablo
Uessau, another of .her sclf-mado mon
who has already mado his marlr, an,d, whom
wo cxpoet to see at,ioj,vcry distant period,
Governor of tho Stato, and Wo reoord his
election with peculiar gratification, While
a member of the Legislature, a fewjycars
ago, ho was Speaker of the House, and ho
would mako an abloSpoakcr of the Senate.
The election then of such 'men as Bell,
Buckalow, and Schcll, reflects tho highest
honor upon tfieir conslituents, and wo may
expect legislation, based upon sound princi
ples. Norristown Register,
Danville Beneficial Sooiety..
At a meeting held Oct. 30th, 1857,in tho
council room of tho Beneficial Society on
tbo occasion of tho, death of V. BestJio
following persons were, appotntod a oom-
mittcc to draft resolutions to tio presented
to Iho fatuilyof tho cceascd, cxprcssivo
of tho sympathy of this sooiety, of which
lio was a member :
Whereas, It has again pleased Provi
Mr. Schcll did carry tho district SDCaks all Bh"te In Buiarloaf' tewaihlp, tioWbla cnuntr.
il.t ...J (.. 1 11 rr ,i . 1 ibouied aeloiwweowiti-on iha.niitt by land nf
tbat need AO. told. Ho .IS Ono of, the riSinc Jo1"1 Moore's lieln, on Hie Bouth br laud of Abiaham
,i, 01. . y J J,., . , . o,n. ?n the VVeilby land of llannionic Baker, ait
men Of tbo State, and.h man or the right on ihe North ty land of John Michael and otliera.ron-
tlnnih In I.,'. , ,.JoniO .IIOTTOOllBBT !
u. , ... .... M..1U iUIU, w i-oi iiuvo uy
uoaiu .iiiu.uur ut pur rcspct:iCU HUU DCJOVCU
mcmbors: Valontioo ileal
Rcsolvcl. That whilo wn
loss to us as a society, and
as individual member
cannot refrain from cxprcssin
leclmcs .at bis absence
,M- .i !. .!. i.i t.
wiua,, IUU WWII bllUU .fcllUb ITU WUU1L1 On
resigned to tho dccrCCS OI that UlSO Mill
mere ful Creator whoduolh all tninrrn W..
Feeling that, in the death of our brother
member, our temporal I033 is his clernal'
gain may wo,;from Ms past Justory, take
as an example, by living temperately, hon
estly, honorably commanding tho nniversal
respect of tho community in which ho lived.
JJut in Ins christian walk moro particularly;
may wo be" induced 'to follow his Example.
Aftor bavins arranged his earthly habita
tion, ho resigned himsell into the kecpiuc
.fll.lft.l ! 1 li,lS . . .r 7
01 (.urn. uou in wnoin no.naa iruscea, ana
who alone is able to sunnort usia our last
hour of earthly atuicUoa, and givo us a
ana iiappincss inrougnoui ait eternity.
Resolved, That n copy of tho above nro..
cccdings bo given to each of the editors of
tho borough papers for publication.
B. P. Alwaud,
O.- B. BnWN.
Tho prospect of hard times far'tho
coming winter has largely increased the
number of passengers going to.England,
g our natural Kt'te!
Every ship going, from New York tof,;!;
Liverpool, has, it is slated, all tho passen-V'VKilul'Vii oeniacaterrads.
gcrg she OJn carry, and multitudes nnnlv
. . !rv
lor opportunity to work their wav across
.. T. . , , ,J
tuu Aviutitio. xi is supposed toaxi as saon
as tho nowsofthofinaneialrevulslou reaches
tho other side thero will be a decided
cheok to thp emigration from tho Old
The Condition of CJtina. The last
accounts received in Paris from China.
described tho Southern Provinces as in a I
deplorablo condition, Trado was com
jilctcly annihilated', and- tho. population
wcro Buffering in various wavs. It was
thought tLafc thousands would bo swept
away, tor loo want of tho necessaries of
SST Wo learn that Jqb.n ITuIme, Ksq.,
was last woqk olocted -a Director of tlio
Pennsylvania Bailroad Company in placo
of E. 0. Spanglor, Esq.,-rosjgnca
Xta" Tho last steamer from California
s a rumor that it' is tho intention of
tho Mormons to go into thd Ttussian pos
sessions in. America if worsted in the
quarrel with tho United States.
JSyTho Philadelphia and 8uubnry
Railroad was' sold in Sunburv. at horiU"s
sale, on last Monday, to, tho Whcelsnd
uromors, ot lluiadclphia.
SOT Tho PHtsburc hanks have resolved
to accept the provisions of the recently
passed act i)f the Pennsylvania. 'Legislature-
Nat) &&untisement0
1, 7
r. r i i i
I TrOTian l herebrtlTen lp 1I perlon Inlff
li thu ihe foiiowldi ouu hi been tiled I
, I'roHioaolnrjf'n Offlc orlunb(a tonntr, and w
I In Inn
' 1 rowonuwry n umef of Diurenw eonmr.ana win oo
rrri.nted tolhUnrt ofOomiWariU. ofjald conn
penon and crlnle of John RUhfl, a lunatic, late of
Alont'iar lownilitp.
3. Teeo"nt of John SnyilerCommlttee of Ihe
l'rirn and eaiale of AUinbJsi Hloktfl an htbilual
(ijunkord, ofBlpom townihln. n t tl f
" J 'JACOB fiVEIttVl
Not'II. IMT rrlAoiiiv.
Fublip Sale.
-li)-n.t.biotatrtblc Bala1 nt'lVe lale tenldeneo
vv of Dntd Imiu, intuit.
Hemlock lowmhln
Columbia ennniy, ok
Tuesday, 2Uh of November next,
Tho followlnf raluabK personal propertr. lo wltt
COWS, II00S, livo" Iiorad Wa.
eon. ono Carriare. one Uurir.
Bleleh.FloUsha find liarrnwa. OuIiivh.
lor. Wlnil mill, Culllnc boi, forks and
rtnlraa. n.iiM.inir Unit. ,B.llBhMiM
'Carpenlct'a Toole, 116' dear, lei tin.
aa, Corn, Oat!,' Buckwheat and fotatoci by
die Ha nees'
tue liusaei.
nrce, and a .hare In a patent right lorn Deb Hive,
8aicr w,'"- f ede aad BMilinj, Carpet, Parlor Store,
ynd a variety of MheraiUclct; ei.mlilln of ;rnrnilnt
liyu xiAiiliiO,
Aifrn'rufllAe Kill tnnttei.
flemloek.Ker 13, 167.
BV-rlrlneofievefnlwrlli ol Venditioni Giponai, lo
rae directed, will ba ex noted to rubiie R.U. ai tha
Uourt Home In DIoomibura, on the
1th day of December next.
J TclCl 01 JUailO,
Bo lite eame moro or Xtft, whereon i"s rrtxtcd d7"rx
a irra lone itory lojliomc wltli the npjinticii- ;;;;J
antes, seized and taken In execution and lo JIOIB.
be 01 .1 ae the properly of KtlinuortCrawlord. '
rtjV 14, 1817' SArrjlT.
At ihe enmo time and place, by virtue -of a wnt-ofrtcri
rac.i s, all that certlin
Sittiato in Jerseytown, Columbia county, containing
Ono-Fourlh of an Acre,
Hnru or less, bounded on Ilia North by 11 road lea.linr
Irnm niti town to Mlllvllle. pa (lie South lotofw.tlrtw
Wolllver, on tho Em Wlllinil..Uarbcr, ami ion Alio
Writ by lot oC Neal McCoy, wh-rcon Iser'cted
a two rtory Irime nwelling Homo, a etn,i yjifTTS
With the appurtenances, seized, wTceh In rxl- Mill
cutlon mid to he rold as the property of ,Vi!ron luI'llL
Wcllivcr, Adminislratorori'hlneons Wriver. dee'd.
Nor 14, MS-
BSCllRIKO PACI. LSIDt tl.llTttJ k HrHBr OF Till TlCtnTT.
rirm covurkh or the oiitcd stATfcs, m placc or hot
rEaNsTLvANii. as :
Ftnnsvttania. JAMES POLLOCK:, rtk. .tA '
VViicRtis, nya return duly mode by the Judges a
special rlecllon hfJ In tho I'nelfih ;orf mlonnl
Oi stri ct of th I s Commonw ea.tli. eompof rl nf the ton n
tics of Columbia, Luteine, WyouUna nnd Montour, on
Tuesday, tho l:ub day of del. .tier. A. II. I37, under
the authority ofon actfthe Ueneral Assenihly, parsrd
tho Sd day of .July, A. O. IS.-I3, it uppenrs llw ravi.
I.tinr. LViiiiro, was duly ol-icil In serve as a Ttepre
B"ntnliro t f this State in Ihe House of Representati ves
of the Ihirty.nnu Congress of the United Slates, to
supply tho tncaney caured bvthe death of ihn'iinn
A .,, and by the or.y second section of
11,0 acl "eiuro recueuu is mane ine auly tr the Gov.
h-rof the ttilrly tlftliC'oiicress.
r,,-m ,..,1., i.;.,,...!! ..Tl n .!.-.-.
'i r nt llarrisburc.lhis 3,1 dayol Nnveinlur, A O.
-!i,; " u'a """""'"wcaitn 11.0 canty
By ihesJovcrsar:
A. O. CURTtN. .
Secretary of (At Conmtitmall.
Nov 14,157
Dusscldorf Gallery of Paintings !
Turchaeed al a cost of 8180,0001
And rowers' world renowned Statue of tho'
(fi ft 3 fi? fK' C, fL W IS
itenurchao4'briii.i j.i.m.,h.l
...I... ..i,a i v"
CXi&MOPOLITAJf Jim JtsnnrATrnnr. .
Who subscribe before the S8th of January, 1818, at
which, lime the awards trill lake placci
F.verr subscriber of Urn sWar is entitled to
A copyof the larco nnd splendid Steel Eneravi'ia,
enliljed "MiiiirBsT DssTiar'also to
A copy or the Coiiopoutan Abt Jccbhix one rear,
also to
A CertUleate in Ike AVvard of Premiums, also
A freo .admission to the Dusieldorfand Coraiopoli
lauCaMeriea. Thus it is seen tbat for every Urn dMiri psld the
subscriber not only receive
BaC alsa the beasitiBil ij Illustrated
Bach . subscriber is also preseuied with a CcrtiScaia
In the. Awards whleh valm-hf.. u.H.b
''.'ead of Enjravlnfand Art Journal, Ifdeslred. '
No person Is restricted to a. il-sle share. Those
"ni Rve memberships, remitiiniStS, are entitled to
1 an eitra Enjravlnj andall lickits.
HI "11 particulars of Die Association ore frren in the
Art Journal, which ccntainsovar sixty spIeHdid En
aravmis. piieefty tssts pr nuaiisr Specimen copies
will be sent to all persons wb,o desire to subscribe, on
receipt of live nonage stamps, (IS cents )
Address, c. h. DERBV,
.. . . Actuary 0. A. A,
Nov 14, 1847 StU Broadway, New York.
iTlllSS TOWNBENH'ls known a one of bur best
Jvl uisgozino writers, and olihoueh ouite youns, Aas
nol ber eeual In her peculiar style. The prtsenl vol
umo moiudea some ot her best Tales nml Rirt..t,B.
wlujisocetber Kilha enrrca andlwautiful portrait of
,c a4inoi , ujr tiiji iiisiiiigiMssrii ariisi, jonn nartnlB,
Ean ,witlreoderi particularly acceptable lo her mi
meroiis friends.
The Book' is a han'drome 2mn. volume, prlnied'nn
tho Apost paper, hounriIn a neat and beautifiUf style,
and is sent to any part of the United States by mail,
,free of postage, on receipt of the pr tit, si 1,1
J. W. BRADI.r.V. P.I.U.I..
43 NortlilFourtli Sireet.'TliiladelpJiia.
, Nor II, 18S7
TUB -STAtt COMPANY, composed of the llneit Ar.
itisteslnthe world, and exceeding In Slrenslh anj
Talent any Dramatic combination heretofore offered In
JheTheairlcalpublic.wHIepprarevery nieblln Com.
edr.Tracedy, Seriocomic Drama, Vaudevilles, Musi
ml Jlurleilas, tie. &e. When visitiua the City, co
there. y "
Oct 31. 8S,7-3ra
Estate of David Umitli. dee'd.
NOTICE is hereby eiven thst Letters of Admlnlstra-'
tion. wi thine will annexed, upon the Estate of
uaviu Bomu isie ut iiemiocK townsalp, oolumAia
county. deceased, here been (ranted to the underlined,
reildJnjJlUHBihotn. lo the slid township rXHrmlock.
All persons indebted ,lo the Eiliie are rcqueiicl lq
mako (inymcni -without delay,-and thole hivinr sc. lor ellciucnt lo present them lo
m Lt '"sffaJr nil lis mill aaasssar.
DuckhorptNor 2,ias7.
AN assortment rr Confectionery. Jewilry, rerfuna
ry, Soaps, Hair f)ii, rouiades. Ac . to be had at
C. CLARK'S Hook Hln,.
Blnoinbur, May 30
cVeViio.7 bVmeTecTetVry'oF he O.V1 X ii 5" '""''. ?
deeply feel 1, gKJW". VTT.":. I "f .'-"kr.-.P U""t"
tn this community 'J, !-."" ,rij"'; 'I'ting ,i,ai me sata r n nn.nso,
of' the Same. wd . m
from our s omul I Mostoomsby. deceased. WJio had keen nl..n.l .,..... n... .... '.! T, 'ip .
J. I MACKEHLL tolitiltl at
AT'rnetit second
QnrTludsday ij- t?riday OctSl .5-23, 1857
NO. 1-II0RSK8.
For beil pair enrripte hornee, Win Sloan,
Hceond bl,'N. Bil'renlli,
Uefl pair brail llpreee, John ruriicl,
Second belt, Robert Furtel,
licit Stallion. Dahlrrnelirr.
4 00
3 00
I 50
1 Si)
3 tlO
!i no
1 on
2 00
I oo
3 00
1 uo
Second beet, Samuel MelKlt,
eiiarooi mure, j. lieitticv,
Second beet, John Keater,
rteitslnslecarriaseliorae,C n, Tureei,
Beond beet, Teter Kline,
Heat Colt, 3 yean old, Joieph Moueer,
Second bett Daniel Neyhird,
lleit Colt, 3 year! old,Charlea Li-et
Secondhetl - Will II 1,11 py,
Keit Colt, 1 year o'd, lanlc Ikeler,
ucwii, uc, uonc oifi, l uu
-Committee.-John Kf Eet..or Greenwood, riilllp
Reeio, of Orcenwood, Henry n. Melirk.of Scotl, tt, II.
Arthur, ofnlooiu. and F.llatlUlnf, oT cou,
n. onmw. nAi-ri.r! 1,-
1 00
Beer Dull, 3 yem im! upward, Simiiet Remiey,
Sdbeiti do ' Robert ruriel,
Meet Milch Cow. Robert rurtel, 1
SJ belt, A.J Uloan,
Doit bull alf under 1 year, Caleb nation, Jr
Rett heifer call nil nirinn. '
l oo
a oo
i oo
1 00
Comotillrfl.NToAt.M.'COY. of M1II..1I n.n K'..-..
of Olocntbtirf, naniel Krel(h,ol Caiawliia, Andrew
Frcas and Jacob Hill, of Centrt.
There were no Sheep on Cihibiiion.
. NO. 4-BWI9IC.
Beit Boar, Ell Carton . 1 no
Beet Sow. Reuben Wllmn. 1 no
Ileil Fat Pig, Motee Knnfman, so
iu, 1 in, v ,1, fnuri-.a 10 iu wreKBOia, nwilron, 1 an
Committee. Win, Rote, of Orcenwood, NeliomiHh
Mceci,oi v-cmre, 1 nomai ,-ii iienry, of oianee, Joeeph
Mouser, or Montour,
Deit NewfoundlanilDof, A.C. Mrneh, so
Shepherd Iog,Thomaii IJalliiien,
Conmiiiteo. reter llillmcyer, Tliomai Oallnraa and
I. W. Boone, all of Bloom.
no. e rouLinv.
Beit pair Saanghaii, B. r. Lutz,
do Silver Orayt,Thomaa Dallman,
do (James, N. 8 1'rentle,
do Itantatne, Thomas Dullmen,
do Ducka.F, Mcnrldc,
do Gnlneae, M Swepne'nhclaer.'
Best and urcatett variety 01 Fowle of any kind,
.1 00
The Uommltteo think O U. Mareerum Is entitled to
n Dlplomi lor his lot of Ducks on ftshinltioni
Cninmltteo John Hartman, Ell llarton and Evan
Nd.7-0RAI.V ANIl OttAte. BEflfla
Rett tlurlill ol While Wheal, Moses lltmir,
do Meilllernncnii, l.nnc Mowrerli
do Rye. Rlclinnl stiles,
do Corn Uars, (nonrd) Andrew Mrilick',
do , do (Vcllow) I,. U n.-pcrt.
,10 TOata,M. K.Vpnloman
do Ruckuheni.C ilirton, Jr ,
do bushel Clnvpi tfeed.J. II. Jkc'ler,
Commltleo. Geomo Yost, of Alnhtniir. inm,'.
1 00
mrtl.of Hemlock, John Hartmm, of Catnwls.a. Ree.e
M. Jk,nf Unsrcreek.mid MoniMca llicks.of Centre
i.i , uugiiKi ,, 11,1:1 i,yiii:,,,v nuam lUOlliaS,
llesl 1 bushel Tall Abnles. Mareerum Wii.od.
Beit rneciincn Tears, John Chamberlain,
iiti 1 eacnes. tv 1 nom.iti,
do Quinces, 8us.i 11 Abbott,
do C-anberr os. Andrew Crouse,
do Grnllcs npnrireVo.f.
Rest peck of Diicd Apples. R T I'ulk,
Ucst 4 nuarts Dried Cherries. R T l'olk.
no uu Lcioncui airs Aiariiaret
Rest peck dried Tenches, tl J Itreer,
Best sample Current W4mi, Tliomns Talntcr,
do Elder W me, J U Ititesr.
iln tlnerry Wlno.Mrs A Hnllmsn,
do Fresh Uider.Thnn'iai nrevilM.
Coiemlttee. John A. Funiton, or Ma'l)en, Sleiricii
Romooy, ol Hemlock, and Jjinri Mstters, ofTine.
NO. a-VEriETAni no
nestbushelMercer Tolntoes, Mnilln iluyert,
lo cninmoii, Hnocli Kester,
Rett 1 bu'hclSwect rotaloes, MarUn Rupert,
Rest n nip lo II. an., Daniel I, Surith,
Rest 1 doien head. Cnldiac, I. R Rupert,
Rest li I'll inn kl ill, 4'hillp S arhollz,
Rest ilosea Oeels.'J McMicla-l,
Tlest I buetiel Turnips, Vvlu Thomas,
Restuozon Carrots. J McMlrhatl,
Rcit 1 bilshi'l Onions, Jacob Aniwlne,
tlest ASouashes, Wm Simlnslon.
Rest Sample Celery, 'I Hulllhen,
Rest I'erk Tnm-lMes.Il Ts'iilk.
Urst Sample ClirnesetiilasrCaae, John Oioover
do Ruin llnsns, Olrvor Dram,
nesli;itrons,Jnhii Kester,
licit thiriiiiiliers. Wm Thomas,
Re-l Veselnhle Jlircs. ftlrs Crrna Rarlitn.
uu .i-iig. uo
Comiiiitii-e.-J. Deltrlek, ofMontour, Samuel Cck.of
,-iMi aiiccrvvit, uiiii j 111 nan uuiiinoy.
lio irnanirst.
Best Samnln Hard Soap. Mrs Risnley, i0
Commiltce-Jlrs Cli Button, Sirs Joieph Sharplcss
and Mrs s II Dieitiur. t
Sine, rttern 11 Intfa It un..l. n. ., ,1, !
lleit piece sitb.s yardi or more, 0 W Eves,
u mi
1 CO
l oo
t 00
1 CO
Rest Coumerpaino, John Connor, Jr.,
Bret Pair Blankets, Mary R dleman,
lien Sample Carpel 5 yaHsand more, It Johnson,
llest Wool Carpel, Casper Kressler,
Bert Coverlet, Mrs Vcniali Reese,
llest pair Linen Sheets.
do Pilow Cases m
Best Pair Yarn Hole. Mrs, Oa.i1.
Rest double pair Yarn lime, kj it, Han Cool, SO
The committee would say last for double coverlet
exhibited ty Mrs Mary Joiiei, (lie Society aaould award
a diploma.
Committee .-Rtrnatd Kup'rt. Mrs Aaron Boone, of
Cltortn. hi JI ST.. I'aUv I-n. nil lk. c . '
"---'. - . umii v. uibiii erect
Best Fancy Table Cover, Sarah A Rishel,
oo L.nair i-over, airs J u Men ck
w.irn:, ,uiiai., jtm nr cru ni v I Ison.
Tlest tftsployOrotrhet Work, Mrs OA Wilson,
do Natural Flowers. Ilelsie Aebiem.
do Artificial M,iimh
me cmnmmee woum say mat an Oriental PainMni
nrchariilto Arnnine.a splendid nncy Head Dressh?
fin Jnbn Slnycr. a fancy Pin Cushion by Mrs OT
Wilson. Zesbvr Wark bv, n,in. .
Holder and Itox hr Aliis una Rupert, are entitled to
m-lce anil u premium Ol OU CIS eacn.
Commitu.e.-Mrs. I. W. Hnrtiuan. Mrs. Morris Van
Buikirk, ornioon, and Miss Mary Matters, of Pie.
The Committee on I'lour nejlected lo hand "in their
Report. They will please do so without delay.
Best Plow, J F Long,
Best Rolh-r. Dr J Ramsay,
Best Corn rianter, II C llotver.
Best Horse Rake . .
Ben Thrashing Machine, Stine & Hull, biter
Best Hay at BlrawCntter, J W Shrlncr,
llest Corn Shelter, stone at Hultshlur,
Be.t Drain Dllll. (icons Yost.
2 00
1 00
1 00
I 00
I 00
Committee. L B Rupert, Abner Wrl.i. r,.
The name of the Exhibitor hnvlnj the Horse Bake
on Exhibition, Is lost. Jly ealllnc at Our office, If a
rcsideiitof this county, we will All nulaa order on tho
Treasurer lor the Premiura't,
NO. 15-WACONS ANIl OAltniAnra
Best S horse Wajon.N B Prentis '
d best, J B Deil'lch,
lint i! hore Carriage, S A Wilson,
Bett Top Bu-sy, , ,,do
For Concord 1 op Bugiy, Win Sloan ec Hon,
Beit Open Buggy, do ilo
Bcttsielsh, do do
Bett Snrlne Truck Wacon. Ntvhsrd & Jpni,i,
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
I 00
The Commitleo would say tbat they cannot refrain
trim ccunniendini lo favorable notice, the .m.
ten sip andpresenteJon exhibition, hy j Seasholti, of
. . - leeiiHiicu to a oipioma Iron)
theSoeiely, r
Committee Jacob Arnwine, of Montour, Samuel
Kisner, of Madison, and Isaac' Krider, ol jjrlarcreek
Daniel Voeum nnd Jr-seph Conner. Jr.
lit Mrliloa.
nest speunian uahnc work. Win Rabb, a no
Rest siirlng bottom Itedsleads, G W Corel). l oo
Best SlngleSeli Carriage Harness, Crnix&rursc), I 00
'h.usi. .. , . w.ll,, nillUU H, , 1 K
Best t doi Fancy Chairtl Donjlrss Huahet; i on
Beit DrcstCaitiM. Van Burkirk, , j&
Mcmitice.-B. r. 'Fortnir, Slephcn Baldy and J J
M J1.
nest nee nive, n p Former.
Rest Parlor Stove, Joseph KharniMs,
llest Cooking stove anifTriinmlnes,JBhirplett.
Best Greatest Variety Tin Ware, A II Brown.
UeatHpecimcn Wood Fence, Jesse lleacock.
Best I doa Corn Brooms. J DieffMnln.k.
1 00
1 00
Committee.-.John Keifer. nr(!Aiwl..a l,.i. v
tenboder. of Franklin, and Charles Hess.
Beit and 'arjest variety ofDental Work. IICUower.3 00
do do Marble doJLBarklev una
do da Earlhen Ws n
1 licks. '
Committee. Dr. A
!. Dr. A. r. Heller, of Cieenwood.Di H.
.ocusi. I), J, A. Wflson, of Berwick.1 rH
h.of Bcotl.andDr JiK Rpbbms of
it rox. or Locu
Josiah Smith
lleeder BU,'r eUat s','";ne-
ru A (t"i Ailnascole.i , so
Coaimiitee.-Msrtln Kuaert. James Keiltr.'sin. J;
K.GrottaadAIrs.BJJ AiHur. . .,
NO. IIO.PIillviMn iiAir-if
. ,,, Biup iiuin f
Jleil n'owlag. retard being had lo the hill of I
.. ...w,..- , ... ,1 urrii iinin. 1 11111D 11 nanirsi. n
7.iT. . i i teams. ana enrution
of the well i time occupied, 1 K Bye, r; 00
Ita-Tlie plonlnl was done with tlio rrcmlnm riow
of J F Lone, of Rohrtbtirg,
Cmntlttrn Jacob l)emotTfsM.ldlron,IIITam Kline,
of Fiihintcicek, and F.ll Mrndeuhall i.f Benton.
" No, gi-TRlAtj,ortHoJsi:B.
Tor rtert Troit4 r, l.ninli W McKelyy.i 4 00
do Racher.N 8 1'ienllsl nr ,400
Comm Itcsi-Ur J namiev.Dr J II MrKetvv and J k-
Orotz. .i h . f ,
, MlpCr.f.f.ANF.OUBiritllMIUMS.
Tin roilSlj. OTWihtnu, (f t r
I Fair nf Obata, Uoiilni lluches.( 1 1
1 Oil
1 DO
...v.v. .,..A ".M.rH.j., I.ICXS,
I Aiunrmypesiiporio ..." atiier,
a invinr,,
S-UOIllWrr Etgrtll, .llllt, iic.lflf.
Atmospheric Pump John Keller,
riNiliilieB. I.ane Mnwrr.
I Mineral Water, Neyhnrd At Jacoby, ju
OilofPppernilnt, John Wolf, j0
L'ollrctlou ofNattltal Ciiliosilirs, I'.nn. Jacoby, so
do do do M Wyncoop, .10
Itiibb lloilnr Machine, B M Holsnd, So
Wh-rlbarrow, l'eter lleiswick, SO
iJ-Tlia Comralltce would likewise fonimcn.l lo ho.
lice n ps.'r of Scales by O R Weeks, nnd a splendid
Hire of iiees by I, rimer, but not helni residents or
DoIuiiiUia county, the regulations tDfihosoclvtydo not
allow us to award rremlums. 9ilk
Commiltce l-awson Hushes of Benton, A I Inns Cole,
of Susnrloaf, 'Ihoinas K lives of Orcenwood, Lewis
Schuyler of Madison, and Wm Mather or Greenwood.
err.ciAi, notich.
The IndivKuats to whom tho above Premiums havo
heen'4wurderf,-tylll call on, the Treasurer J. W. Ilen
iletshot and they will be prompllv'paid.
CTThe thanks of the Boclely are lureby lenilered
MaJ.-.Wm. ElnniinoMhl mo of his lot, which he so
generously offered she Society without charee,
J3t We nra likewise bappy to nnnounre lhat the t air
was entirely success rul that sufllciantlunds have hci-ri
raised not onlylo pay Its eipenecs nnd all the Pre.
miums, but that a neatba'anep will be Irft In the Trea
sury, ,fAI.UMON JOHN, 1'HU'T.
Jt.Ha C. Btokbs, Set.
I tki a(lir itkt "rtireoan Rtformti Camct til
That Oeorgo Weaver; Oaniet Fetnwald, David
Beta, John Relswlck, William Snyder, Jacob Bomhoy,
and Rev, William Ojoilrlrli for theintcUes and their
successors, all being cllltent ol Ihe Stele ofpenniylvg.
nia, and being desirous or acqitlrinjf and enjoying llm
Immiinlliet end privileges of a body corporate, have
exhlbitedand preeeitt4ta lim court nrcoinuion Picas
ni Columbia county, an instruuwnt in writing, purport
ing to bo he proposed charier f "The German Kelnriii
ed Church In Rloooiiburg," In l4ie toivnililpor llloom,
and county of Columbia, specifying the objects, nrllclec,
conditions, names, style and iliTt, under which they
have astorlated,anil mean to .associate: nnd the siild
Court having perused and examined the sa id Instrument
nml having found lha objects and conditions therriu
set forth and contained to be lawful. and not injurious
lolhocommanity, have directed said writing or tnsiru
tnent Jn theclhceof Ihe Pfotlionotary of the Court of
Common Pleas ot said couaty, and notice to ho gheu
in n ne newspaper p b)it hed In said county for nt lenit
three weeks, tutting forth that an application has becu
mado lu said Courlogrant,A rJiartei-of Incoipriratinn,
as .pccltledln snjil jnnrnrmiuo' writing; thai appli
cation has lieen made tt lljn Srptemhcr Tirm ol sab!
Court. A. II. 1837, Ip trant auch a chatter and that If
no auiHcteTit reason. Im shown lo iho contrary ly, tho
first day or December TeroivlEi7,n-i.ild Court, It nil)
decree nml r'eclare said hereon hi B.scisirf in Im a
body politic or corpor:il.iir, in l.nvonil in ract. accord
ing to tho said articles ,and cnuditlons. and to have
continuance by the name, title And ti;lcin saldjpitiii.
"inn luyiitiuuvu,
Olootnsburg. Sepl 17, IK7
AT nn nrnlinn' lnn,l li.Jfl n lllnitm..
SI'dlg, )p nnd rnr snldUoiuny. on Monday.
i3i.n, Tit. In.T. n rul u... nn.i..l
upon oil lha heira aud legal represenla
lives of Cngel Fox, late nl Lccutt town
rlitn. in snTd tfollnlv. il..ns,l , in
John Tox, Rachel Hughet, lale Raclul Fox ; Franklin
Rhodct. Guarilmn of Itarhnel For, and C.spar Hiichet,
Guariiian ol .Chisbetli Pox, Harriet I'ox, Inlermnrrleil
with Uriah Tilevand Wiltlnm Fox. children or William
A-'ox.tlecMiendroii ol laid Kngel Fox, lteiiilring llieai
lo lie nnd nrpear nt an Orphan 'a Court lo be hehl at the
Oistrl linn. o In Bloomsbnrg,iln salilcounl) of (,'olum.
-bin, an theilhitnvnf Deceiabrr next ; then and there
to accept or refuse tho estate of t he said decedent at
the valuation thereof; and In case the ioM parties nr.
fleet or refuse to to lakethe same, thin lo thew cause,
f anv they hare, why the nine thould not be told,
according to law.
The heirt nnd leenl representatives, nnd nil persona
Interested in theBstntnoflhetnlil Kngel Fox, decerned,
are hereby notified of Ihe oblnin'iigniiitf xistcnec ol Ilia
above rule, and of4 he return day thereof
Rloo-siAurr.Oct I7.IF37
Tlir.OlllJini) LIFE IMSVlMJkVK, JIMUlTr AftD
rtw&r cujui'jixr orpniMvnpiiM.
swsirir, no4IHI tussmrr tl bcbt,
Caartcr- Parpettnl,
(lie most ren.oiiuble terms.
Tkn riipilnl being pant up nnd J nvo-ted, lnelher ilh
a l.-irse and constnnllv incre.-iinig riierved futid.encit
a perfect serucily to the tutu rod.
The premiums must be paid yearly, half yearly, o
Tho Company nl.l 0 irON'UH pprMicllly to the I nail
rtnres for life. Tils HHHT IIOMJS apprnprnted ia
Ireoe-ml-w, )Pt. the 8RUOVII BONUS in December.
IfT.I. Hm 1 Hint) IIOXUS III Urcemlier. IfSI
Ejr-Thete hdditinni nre made witlioul rtOring any
(crease fit the prennpms ti be paid lo the Company,
Autouut of Policy anil
Pum nnmitor bonus to be increased
Po Pcy In.iired uiiiHlioii hv fuiu rc additions
trt T saSiii cPTTsu $.1.1 H .'.o
' 13'2 ,3000 073 .1.1173 liu
" 199 100(1 .1S.J50 UjlOo
.i.ri .'iiioo I sui c:i!0 id
u &c. lc. etc. I Ac.
w,iiiuis, ciiiiiainiiis isiiies oi rales anil
-tion, lornis of annllcnt on. and further ininrnii.ii.,.
can be found at the nhlee.
Jno, F. Jinks. Actuary.
October 10, 1857-lr
Estate of Binjatnin J'iatt,
XETTERS of Administration on the
J Eitaie or Benjamin Piatt, late or Pine township,
uinlua cnunty, deceased, hare been fronted by tho
Register nf Columbiaeounty. tu the undersigned who
rerldet in said Pino township, In Columbia county:
all vcfsons hnvlng elllms against tin estato nf Iho
ileicedeiit ore remiested in ii.nn ,n ,i.a a.ii..
istraior without del y, and all poisons Indebted lo
in,,, ,iaiiicii, iffiuwiii),
Oct 51, 1837 JldnliistraUTi,
Estate of Jacob Niiss, elee'd.
.ETrER8 of Administration on tho
Hstalo or Jacob Nn.s. lit, nr
Columbia county decerned, ban, been groined by.tlm
Reiieterol Coiurabla cou,ujy, to ihe unScrsigncd, who
rcsldckin said MinUn township, jn Columbia county:
all persons haying .claims igainit the cslule of the
.m-iiti,, rcju.,ei m prusent iiifni to uie Admin,
Isiraior without delay, and all persons Indebted to
moke payment forttir, ith.
Sep,5.837C.. rCTCIlNXv.
THC Trustees ol this Institution hnvo
i.. . . . . . ... . ij'h miiir, rrin.
cimii in iyiu Acaueiny, in place or Pror. Andenon,
rvhoio time cxplrra with tliepre.enl term, the 19lh day
of ucloher inst.
M,. IVnllrB. uflll a ,
-n . iiit.iwiu mi. Auucrson immediately
flfler tko close oftl, krbnrs. ,.,iy
iindlnihrstite. '
UCl 17, IH7
A,'IAl'.0,V,i."..t ,w.,,h,J0 ,c1 a"d ",MP nd. call on
OHORGK W..COIIELL. and buv aoni.rrx b."
JKi BTJ3- II" l' 1ught lha patent
right of Columbia county, and Is now prepared to fur
Ilo haa also on hand all kinds ol Cabinet Furniture.
Chairs Cntran., lln, aldnrf. . ! ., ' "'uv.
-ui.TO5 7ii
AUo. Readv.lnlnln4.-.... r'"t-
Uloomiburg. Oct 17. 1657
TIIC Pretident anil Managers of the Catl.iliia
Bridge Compauy have this ciaydeelareda dividend
or3 percl.(73ets pei share) on Ibe Capital slock of
fhoXh ofoc.'ob'erl' 'C'" r ader
C.VUwt..,nrld,.Offi., B"A"E,
OctS4,(ei7-ai I KTessiircr.
E 8 Tit AY,
TJtiyIomJ!l? ." "ber at 3aropbei & Wo(.
1 , -iiis.jn utBire tow mnip, Columbia
county,on Monday, (he Itlhnf Bopteniber last. a young
Wlih tomebrown spotsupon her. and horns
Will becireo for her recovery bv th -.ih.-.ik. '
Cent,.. October )0,iW7 EUM" SNVPn-
Brick! Brick! lirick!
pbihr rin.7.v- ," y y." "
?'. rirtek V..r..K.W,V' '.S ai ihetubtcrt
.ale. Th.b.ttu hawuntV"; , Sp"r to
EmbjjrgQcukarlO, 1W7 ' Auvtt,-
BTOVr" vn a a t p
Iiloom.lsiri.Octeber 10. iir '
V't-'Alj COALtoridleiiy"