i a -n win ir -SAilTr t rm a Tl IfFl I Eraotibal fiblonco for Womon.l i . . i .1 L . i j . I H'is a ucjiglitful thought that oilr rat- -,,, ... i'ij i nAa ht-A iiinn fA hntn limit lnltn inmlrt i4V43niwubjtt iv miw vvk iv i Mi i uj .i' - il u 1 i i t i Uoubiy IntCrCSUDg by tllO light VMCll, Scicf.ce will .bat upon tlid,,,, through the KwSL StrrTKii? A'K M medium of tho Agricultural Collcgoi. tn: tho ttioUclit lifts occurrctl to me AVlivmny ' p ' pi t""!" ni lion.i, imnin if , t ,i f'snlft'l'lrs nnil Hit liniruter ttlKlibrget rrom both not tlid fflrnicr s wifo fttiil her tcs ccticrftlly . n immtri ni truni iui coic m ;io , , . i , . , , QiigMintil linMri lonit ifniiillnp or oliniMite ilm chlM in I tin (rinEtirna (n lin kiil ml T I t. ... .......... I. . 1 n iI.hk Thcro surely cnti bo no vnlul rcason wliy our SotfsUuld bo doomed, in tho future, i .. i,t !.. .u ,.i.. ' I iu uiujr uaU'Uuuu iu iuiiaM iu wiiav buiiiu .i .......... . . . 01 iuo most tnicrcsung process in nature -r. j ; . uucu wiiu iuu uvi'iiiut nnxit'ij in rcgaru in tlm rpsnlt without oiipn pnmnrnliomlimr 10 Ho rcsuii, nuiioui ouco coraprouonuing them, or being ablo to tell how the effect is obtained. Yot this is tho easo very often , In oookiog-in butter, ehcese, soap and broad making, with many otlier things equally common. To illustrate, take one of tho most com ruon of tho hcnsewifo's occupations. .As i ir. i e ii ' ' . i SllO llltS tllO foDmiDE UiSll of "emDtVincS.'! i in her scmi-wceUy preparation of, the ftUff Of Hfo. JioW Often do Riich innntrloQ ww '"ib muv. nuiio plajrof hemi6al affiniUes has' taken place in tho inert mass T placed by tho tiro this morning1, to produco all this ferment I Vhat gas has been liborated to causo'tho pungent smoll, and why dooj it bscoroo offensive by long standing ? If saltis used, what agency has it in the matter ; or would , , it i ill Ulf JUiSli iK WUll W.lbllUUb lb , BU1I1U UllU Tnilk but thoy cannot tell v?hy. Wliien of its compoocnt parts contributes to produce tho cifect, or ii that also useless J What beneficial change does boiling tho water mafcoinitl Thcro is a common opinion that frequent stirring is advantae cous, wliilo others ihink it injurious, and somo that it makes no difference. Which is right? And -why Jo I sometimes fail of having them riso l Tjicso and many other questions can be asked but, cot one in a hundred can answer theni. Would it not nioro than doublo woman's interest in her monotonous rounds of duties, if sho could trace tho beautiful laws of natural -pbilosopliy in their opera tions under her hand t The occupation of tho housekeeper is hot now an intellectual one, and as sho is, usually, quite closely confined to it, it is not surprising that a thoroughly intclleo tual wifo and nrother is rare. Hut if women wcro taught to understand'tho sci. cntifio principles invoked in their daily labor, they would b6 ablo in thJtHo find' an exerciso fot their reasoning owersj and onq that could afford them tho keenest pleasure. besides the enjoyment it would give, thoy would bo able to preform their duties belter, and much injury might bo saved to tho life and health of those Under their j caror 1 1 Thoy arc daily handling powerful acids -and ilkalies frequently poisons andoften" without a thought cf tho injury which their careless combination with other substances might produco. And who docs not know fhatfood-is often cooked in such a way as to render digestion very difficult, if not, absolutely impossible. Would not tho time' be well spent which would g'ivo to the wife and mother a sufficient knowledge of chem istry and physiology to eriable her lo attend to her duties understanding, and in tho test manner? Another reason for its acquirement is, that this knowledge would often spare him tho contempt of the rnoro intelligent for her superstitious way of accounting fur the phenomena whiebveoino j. . .. , under ner observation. A lady of more ' than common intelligence on most subjects, i once said, in apoloev lo a frioLd. that bho "could not talk whilo mixing her emptyings for icar they might net rise, she had been naving bod. luck lately." But it will be asked, how is this to bo florin 1 T Will lirlpfltr !m1innfrtnTTni.l i,m! j w . . m.jiii in which 1 think it could bo done Lei our Femalo Colleges and Seraina- lics givo their pupils" a thorough knowledge ofthepractic.l scienflos and teaeh them how to apply them to their everyday occu pations. In England, fiftv veara airo. thn V.jJ- 111 . i 11I Boarding school education of a young lady was incompieto until sue nau maue, and . .. . . i . . . . ncniy embroidered, a set Of baby'fl tlbthes! , Wilhallduo defcreneo toourgrandmothei's judgement, I must think that tho preparation- for future housekeeping hero proposed Is much moro intellectual, if not moro nc'cssary, Corrapondcntof the Michigan Farmer. Keeping Potatoes in Winter. Potatoes spoil in white, if buried, from three causes, First und groitcst, want of ventilation. Secondly, and noarly- allied, dampness, Thirdly, and mpro rare, frees- 5hir. Farmers find most of tlir-ir not.rnnn I piifTd1 ffl? th6 ton of flin rinnrv ! wlinrn nir' ,L l r t ,l -i suppose inoj oeuniuu ifozuu , uui tuia is: POt tho Vual causg j thq &imp,fouJ)s$oamy .air ascended there, and could not. escape, ond ijib fpoiled fh.cpii A mad at tho top, with a crowbar, and closed with a wisp of straw, would havo allowed ogrossl to tho confined air, and saved the potatoes. Tho bost way to s:curo pot .toes out doorp, is too nunc largo hcapa, say 00 or 00 bushels j sco that thoy aro dry and clean, by digging" beford 'wot weather eomtfion j cover thou; all ofer with pnt fo( ofprpl;cl straw,- and thrco inches oP'oartli,'- Tho" straw will prevdht dampness;. and' tho few inches of earth will favor ventilation. 6t nil fll sie t the create flrr-t cnnn . fc Hpriiigt lroiangle;tt ot Natur ! , SUFFER, NOT, when Aouni! MatiAtiANrnninii Af.n stages OP SECKET DISEASES, Sfi'U, AVrwi Dthility, Stricture, Oltett Gravel, irtaMss, Ditt&its of (As Jidnf4 and liluUer, Jllcrca- na hhnmatitM, btrruta, vai m none$ and JtUeit tftttatti pf The I.vige, Threat, JV asd ifyrs, f ... .j..: , 7 .V T.trora wj'p iie nouff vr ,iruv, innrcr srv'jr r' . kptit rffw arltivg rn a derangement the &xval Organ. evn oneri iiironw.tc 101. ii y.ii hi nJThK,??rl,1fl'','!"i n1''! t , r lIV'l. i.rAi.vi,i nn! iim mitl Irrt rwim mirror .nl;nin. Uurlnp twomy 1 'yritt t iiriitlira 1 Hill rmcutil from t lie Jam of 1 neaili 111.1111 llinnitlnli. u ho. In tD lAit tnti nrihi. ( V nnnonui ,ium-e i ien civtn up to me by i.lhHlr uliviklaiir. ulitrli wntrantu meln nrojuirlns to I tlle auirn. ivlm limy ,laco tln-nurln. tmdtr my care. 11 perfttl nml n,u ipcnly cute. Bccrct illtemet , srMlcll eaniilstiii lunnh.bf nicy ntriho nrt fSSJiW l?TX ffWR'.d'f'.'Mif.S ZllZ wnicn, wiitt Tiic ucat unricns uic tuiicrcr into it ipiu coimniipuon. i trratmrnl not rnuc death lirimlrtv nml the vlrlint mnrripa. Ilm ditp.iaii la I entailed upon Mm clilldien.Ax Im ore torn Willi lee'ilo 1 contiiiiiiioiiriiniiii im' ciirrrni ni iuo rorriipieu ry n . Tiron which ticirnjs irFeu in ocroiuin, iciiei, uiccrpri i.iupiiuiii iihu iniicriii;iii'i"ui iiic mii iji-ii, iiuuai, i nnil l.unca. cmallinc utioti tliemn brief eilsleticil of! sci.t".Miusniniioibcrrormiiiniiioeiirn!,iohcnitii IV"1:!. . I 'l?" !" It . rn,f" I i Tew iron oi iiiutDiis lion n in u n uiiiniif ly grnt u. .It rnv 'XZ' I iicveiopinpui oi in syaicin, tiirqtiu ii iit- or itmrriiific, vocieiy uuiiiit?. ami nu cariiiiy iminiicm.ainiiriivi i Ilia suircrcr wtetkid In ludy innl imuJ,.pri'dlrpritr'il )n cont'iinptlon and u train of ciUiu(rrr to 'be drindti) thm dcatli itself. WltU Hie fulled coiitldencnl ncmre the unfoiluiiatt; vicilnis of Stlf-AKufe tlut n ptriiiaiif'i.t and ipt-t'ilyo.ron-tje ciTectod, And wnU lliualiandnn nient of riiinuim pntct Hen iry patienli can bo restored to rrbuftt, vigorous Jirulili. l sidiiiui.ior iiinere ro many inccui the columui of llio public prlnti lo caic i no ntiJitteiire tauMcncii nirninn me use or ratrnt njmmi1 us marts in In catcli and tub llic tinwitrv sufferers tlin t nillhons linve thrlr cotistitu tions rutnnl dy ilid vile compounds of quark doctors, or the equally potonous nosttums vendedas TaiPiit Meilirhirs." 1 havu carulul'v (innlizfil mamv tif the so callrd Tatcnt Mcdiciiim and ftnd Hint nearly all cf tiiem cciiiaiu ucrrosive Ruiiuinn o wjikii is one oi the strongest pieparatlnns ol mercury and a deadly poison, which In mad of curing the disease dUaMes ibe sys triu for life. Threo lourths of the potent nolrtun3 now In life are put up hy unprincipiid anil Ignorant persons, who do nut iii.derstanil even tho alphabet ol the mottria nedfa.nnd arc equally as destitute nl any kno ledge of ttip titi man system. having one object only in view, anil that in inke money rrpar lets of ronsfqupimi. Irregut.irltUs and all til erases of malts nd females treated on priiiiiptes establlsbcd by lUMity tors of practice, and rnnciinued hy thotisauds of (lie mowt trc markahle cures. Medicines with full iliicrtlons eut to any part or the Unlitn Bialf s or (;nriadns, by o tienla comn uiiifiiting Uirir fympton.s by letter. Iluii ncss corrvspoiiL'uncf strletl rcjiitiiicni ml Address. J. BUAnilMmi'.LlJ, M. D., UtBcc. 1131 Filblrt street, (old No. 100.) Uelow Twelfth, riiilaitelnhia.Va. JulylI,1357-(Marcfi4) OATAAVISSA, WILLTAMSPOnO1 A' Ellia' It AIL ItOAD. Direct Hauroad connection bttveen Jviogtra Falls Philadelphia, bharttlt Quitkest and Cheapeit tituti from W: rn ATim York tn Philadelphia llarriihurt. Pitthir Baltimore, Hfahngloti city and th$ South. PASSCNOCU TRAINS leave Elmlra daily (cxrep Sunduys,) at7 A. .M. passing WJlliamsporl nl 10 5t A -SI. cotinectina with Rrad'-ns Kail llnnd ntfortOihw lon.und reaching Philadelphia nl7 'AOV. M, Kpiiiruiiig. leave I'hilailelphlafrom corner of JirnoB and Vine streets, al7'.IU, A, M. rrncliing VVMIiainsnort. at 3 13. P. M..and nrr.vinp nl Kln.lra nttf, I. M . rASSKNOEIl TItAlNfl WILL LEAVE PORT CLINTON FOIt IIAUUISDURG Direct, via Dauphin nnd Susquehanna Itall Jtoad.on th arrival oTCatawisu Train. at 4 45 P.M. reaching liar rislmrgaJB.P.M. Kcturmngleavc llarriBliurgal 7 15 A,M..conncoiIng nl I'ortUlinlon wtlUVatlnwissatrain bound west form lug tho lnostdtrecttoulo-toUarTishurg, Pi.tsburg, Ual tiiuoreandihe South, comneetini: these points with al , fiorthwettm Penndylvanlaand Western New Yurk, Connpc.lnsnt Elmlra with tralnson New York.nid ErieXtdll Ikiad;ntso, with the Hlmtra. Canandagau, Roclier.er, UuiTalo and Niagara Falls. CYrncUlngdircctly wllh the Great Western Rallroa at BusponaJoii brldnu for Detroit. Cliirauo. St'Louia. , thus maklnstbo sliortcst.andtlicapest route frotj PlilladelphUloihAro points. . A' FHEU5HT TRAIN. Will leave tfllliamsport DAILY, ct 0 BO A. SI.ro IMiilaili'Iplilti. r rrciglitlralnloandfroni rhiladetpliin villioultran stlipniciit.rroni Ueailius Kail Uoail rrciglitDuiiot,corn. eroflironilniiilfJIierryflrL'etii. w , TRAINS I'ASS UANVILI.C AS TOM-OWS OU1NO EAflf Paatcngcr Train freight I'raln; 12 M. u 21 A.M. QOINO WD3T. ' i 'f, rAitcH Passenger-Tra'int Preiglit Train, 3 25 P- M, 2-! P. M. SI 40 on Diitween Philadclpli iiauilltiiierti Ujuvllle, CulawiKa, s . Tnmuiiua " '" Mlllon , W'iiliaulFPOM 4 "0 2 no 5 10 3 00 Pifl.poind. ofperbonalbnyi:iii!e alloedtQ.rjieIi pai scegf r-T-clccs. charged al double tIr.'Claiairrigilrale4 a A rO.VUA, funillri(t. Jan 20, I M PIIII, A. AND HEADING KAIL ROAD fVfntpr 'firratgcixcntVfer Pattcitger Train i. January is I, 4Sw. TTPrrnin. coins Norm, leave Philadelphia ai7 Ua M. anil 511". M. Down TramajpimgSouth, leave Potuvine at j a.! uotr.i'inaD-i'i. 'Keadinsnt 10.23. a. M.nndo.osr. to. . uowu llama ' " 0,1.1, ji. ju, ' o,j ip, ni, Ltl0W'lTialn9 ' ; Tiie uxpren rrim is uiscontinuea until itiriner no- ( 1 ico. uioie connections nrf mmie uy ine iu.ua a. tlis Train from I'mtCJinlontn Clnilrnand all interme- ilmte points: ami bv ttie o.VJ P. M Up I rain rrom Port Clinton lo Elmlra, (Jnttaudaijua Ii'iilplo, Niagara. l)e not, Chicago, Bt, Louis, Davenport, nnd I own Cttyj iMHklns this route ttieiliortestand cheapest to the Lakt . . , rinounday. iino iroivn a. ill. Train rrom roitiYillc, nnd UpP.jf. Train from Philadelphia, only, run. lURitisatTBa CoxiEc-TiuNa, by Dauphin Raload a A bain A sppclal Accommodailnn Passenuer Train leaves 1 Kcauingtiauiy.(excepiijttiayft.)Dt7t A.jl,, returning ?iVi7i?l?Ae.'' - WAY p AKlip I'ltOM REAniNQ TO philid'Iphli,$l.7Sandl,t5; PotisvU'e SI.05 an1 0.83; THROMJII PAnF.S.'tn liarrlfliirlrg. 82 55: Tamanua' 1,35: tviiiannport sue; Cdmra iTt; Canimr'iia , , ' , ,U3i.oo Huirili or Nlasrnsio.oof Ci-aveand eio, linil mniliv nnil . ?! 'ivi..iaai . . ..i...i-..n. irt m, r.1.1.. .hum tTi -iWo.intu.Tij uincinuaiisio.iio, ciiirato s.-o.oo rinftk tdhailft'Mfilt. T- 1 ' t lDOk IiMBil J'ij.il). I ALI.nmenjer.wlKprocure ticket, lefora e nerfriS thecar.i lOeenta extra on F.ire. paid In Ihejrain., ii'ij in., iiuriiMim nnssTie atoweu eacn i ag.eiiuge al(ovcr that wciehl aachitrged Extra nnaeace" t " G A . MIUllM.B, January.lil. ISiTv-tf, fien'tBup't LANUltliTll'S Wa KltANTKD QAU DEN SE15DS. i R.1S3 SKKI) FIIILU SEEPS, and FLOWBR 8Cl'Pit for f1? lY , i A'nnr.Tn'it KOV.' Ko. lan-lsnSoutbfclIUit iPiiiWetpWal nrcui(i?. MAltr.lACC 17 1; 11)1 11 11 Y Hit, W 1 1,1.1 AM YfWNO. F. jh' Dlt. WILLIAM VOUNO. G, PV lilt. WILLIAM YOIIN'O, i Ait ii i a; n iTuiiiH siAnnrAiii; mniin nV nn. wim.mm voiino. ' MAKKIAnB OiHPB hV DR. WILLIAM YOUNO, MAUIlIACIi CUIDB BV DR. WILLIAM VOIINO, MAiiKiAon otmiB'ny mi. william'VOUno. MARUIAaUJIUlPB UY'DU. WJdllAlll you.nu, , . MAiuiiAr.Rouinn-YOUNo'sannAT -r3Zsl,HYSI0L00IUAL WOKK( TLJ1I POUKL-P y&&AH),UKVl US, or livery One, nil own, Jrli.ituir,lirWii1 Voomi.M n. li la wrlltcn in plain 1,11'guago for the general leader.andl. lltu.' irated with, upward, ol one liundred engraving.. All young pecptu, or iiiu.n Kuuici.iiiuiiny .ii...u.h,.l having lln least liupedlmeut to married life, should I read till. book. II imposes .cereci. mat every oho should Mariualnlert with : sitll, It I. n book that niuit be kepi locked up.. nd not Ho almnt Ihe house. It v III be tent tonny onr-on the receipt bnwenty.Bvarent. Addre... Hit. tVJI. YOUNG.. a 132 Wprneo .Irccl, above 1'oilrth, Aut 21. 1837 Plillailelphia, Pa. A Al. ltUl'EKT. I Tinware and Bh'eet-Iron Maoufaenrer- Storen Ma.n. Hliect below llupcrt'. rJioro kiirii & xvimoxs. ' OONFKOTIONAHY & FMJriVSTOtH ,0)stcr nml Latins Snioons rptt H midflmlpn.l, regretfully Inform im- muni' i iir""-"-h ...... . ... r..- . He In gonnal. thai Hiay lnin botiffht Um Iiitorr-i of Mr Itntlmnii. In the above A. ihf elthtens of nmomMiiirp ami wie puu I'.iri!. aliment, nil Mnfn Ktrrr-K ntCd Uvc opened n cenornl tinU ry. Court tllnnnry, nnd OUti r Iintlnli mcnt, whTC ttir-y Will At oil limes keep ft full rfttpplyH I'rovlt(vn revert me At n ml Humbles, met) its lirend Pies, flwM Pointbchi. riicese. Mack re I. &c.tscrvtd up . irnnrt nriliirnnrl nn tamler-lltl terms'. ' -Their Hli)ckcnniprlfs n Idnn supply nl Afinnnnr i" iff. k,i rrnnes. mi i, nninuip. imu-p i c.imrrn dinars ric , 4lthfVorvhnnftlhnMt:irclrtrhithlrltnr mi .rforConntry Pdu.andlbVn.UI, ur rospcflfullylnvlteil. . 'il T f) A (1 TJ W A Jl ,y . nhvavs on hand. duriiiE tho sumnior, teasoti. ' f P . .1 ' . N II. A Lndlc'iStiloon illncnnhecteiimim tlicnnq etialillihmeiil, hn.beeii prepared In good otuery o wl lalnAy bemthcWcommnna. ,,. THOMAS 0. l!l.?n. ((I.IVnTi T -Wll'SO, Ulnotn.liurg , 1 eb l,lb.i" SPRING AND SUMMED. riiniinilerl!inoilrcarieeirallylnlutm hltfrnmlmni. L the null. iciittnrcB ami :lie reel of mankind Hint toeha eslnbliitiuda vpleudld - in ihn i.ijxrfintiiftwHtorc llniup. Iiut pteeteil In Unit s fctirffi OohmibiH cotitity.ra.Ailicrt'he lull now oprnfd a largo and clio!6e aiiurlnioit of Spring nutl tjummer uooas. Which lirl. .Icton.ilnc... to .ell on utU terms anwlH IV ItlCI) oris (iuiuriiiiiit'.i i" kii iiiiiuuiiciiinu-vfi'i ,duce a 1 1 at I e as t i n Ii i . v .cl n 1 1 y - w I- o a c In want lilaetock ia.been.electedwlth miiclicnre nnd will rclercncctothewanl.oflhl.eominilnity nnd without .olng tocntcr Iniq nminuieenumcrniion oi i on vanuua k I nun- he ri.k notbliiii In nsmirlnr his friends tnat -.......... i,. i.u ev ryiiiiiiB tuanjr ki pi in uuiniirj "t.w.. hadn "Male cheaperthan the chenpest.' iWCouotryproihicc. including Drain, Lumber, c, taken Inoxciiniige for goods. ,.- Itnlirsl.urj, starch 53, IPS", y. ,.uu J. S. & E. 1 PEltOT. Produce and Gen Oral COMMISSION MEIIQIIANTS, ' ' 'No 30 Tortli Whams, . PlllLADnLPIIIA. RKfEittHt E8 ! Jobnf fpnliton.tsqV ' rklladelphla. Messrs Hacker. Lea Co. " Hiifi, l'rjcn J. Co. " Hiifkiior. AlrCaiumon it. Co. " Charles DUis & Co. M H. Mrirrls Wain c Co. ' Ontcrbriddf, Arvov fc Co. " Cliarlet Sc. Jncph Terot, Thomas & Maxe, Now York. CM. McChinir fc Co., SI Louis. Mo. J.3. Morns k Son, Louisville, Ky iVarch 13, I8jC-y W H SB EVANS is NEWCOMER, (Formerly ll'tbb tic JVetccomer.) Arcli street, above Third, Philadelphia. llaEAK fast, 5, 6 and 7 a'clock to 10 DiNfcitienlle)iie iVgordinary.,1 o'clock top, Ladies. 2 o'clock. Tb. IBd'clockto il. ' f CYAN DVANSrj - V. S.NCWCOMnU Aug.ll,185?.et-y. 5 CHAULES II. iMAHPIiE'S. WINE AM) MQTiOU 8T0U.G. Arn. 143 North Third Street. Above Race, E.iii Bide, Two doors above UieCiscI JIutxJ. PHILADELPHIA lias constantly on hand French .'Ucandles, Holland ffin ft'nd a general assortment cf Toreifin Wines, also, ail Kinn ni nnifiicnn rpms, c mart it i. IH56 V. National Hotel. ( LATE WHITE SWAN, ) Sides Stover. Race Street, above Ttiritj Philadelphia I!ETkRHiDt3,lnteorthelrmr-!t''vnriB,rclliiigsliea(J&.Co JamilsT. Stiver, of the Union Hotel, Milium u, ioju JOHN II- ALLEN & CO. ATos. 2 4 CusntUj Strctt soitlfi side br- lino Water J rinlailclpliia. (Tut Olpkmt AVnoD-wjinE IIulvk. 1 'Jhk Citv ) , affANUFACTUCEItS mid Whni.ale nrnier in Pnt. JL eti( ALirhine-inude Drooius, I'ateiii Grnovid Crdar ' watc, tcaratted not to shrink Wood .Slid Willow-uure. 4 ConNi HrtHites Sit,, ofull dcteriions, i'leaee cal and eannne our stod , Jaiujry ilil&i. I y,i D'YKR' hotel. Caitawissa Pa., rt in out and wciiknowrfDotel.Inihitown afCattawlssalsstill kenl hv thn under. IhhH signed, nnd in spiliicif tHI'Mcenso Jaws, l.c tg.lXSrij determined to make his Una'sconoof'themostcomforta hie nlacesforiravelersto stop at, lhat can be found in the Interior of Pennsylvania Ills table will be l urn Mi. ed daily with tiie nest tho Market can afTord. C3"Myold rriendsamt traveller generally nrelnvltcd to rail. JACOU DYHIl. Mavl.tK35. y . States Union Hotel. PORMBCRLY 11ED LION HOTEL.) No. 2U0 Market street, Philadelphia. GEOltOE W. IIINKLE, Propriclor.formerlyofCo tumliia, P.-t., ivoald iliforpi Ills friends and thepub lc that hecontinues lo keqp the above named Hotel which is well and favurablv known IhroKfliouiilift tatcasonenftho oldest nnd most oonvonientllolcliii linctty. no mosire.peclluiiy.olicltsasliareof pub llrpaonago. April 7, I83j. WM, S. SMITH & CO., Produce Factors and OEffKHJIL COMmsSlOX MF.RCUJtttTS, " " " "No. 00 NortirWlfarvc's: " piuijAnELrniA. ' - The Alatket value of nil oonsiaoiuent mtvanreil in Caiti when desired. March II. IM4. Iy, PlIltENOLOGIAL 0ABINE IWLEKS, WEI.'LS & CO,, . rllt'CNOLDqlfiT'AN'l) PUBL'IBIIL-KS. 231 Arch Street, below Sovoutli; 1'hila'd. .I',.,""lll, a' 'works on I'hreiiolngv, Physiology kVyjaJL' WalerOure. Magnetism, and Phonography. ;.v fwlullesale andrelall bt New-Vnrk nilr. ' y Professional examinations, with cliarts. and mu wriiien inscription oi cnaracicr, day and eveninr. Cabinet free. May 12, 1833. v, ' JlONTOUIt HOUSE, CORNER'OP.MAaKCT AND MILt. HTKCqTP. (iinihtdiatvly oppotltt tit Court JIouttA L-ANVILLK. PA. HAVING been recently renovated add refurnished In a superior style, this elegant Hotel 1. now reopo lor ine reception m turapgors und visitor., whose pu. ronago Isru.piclhllly requested. -lyjJ, ld30. ,J0f'!N U. YEAUEIt. F sli i ona hi o Hat VCap Store NO. 103 NORTH THIltll STREIiT, HHlLAUKLHIIiA. rrj" Mcrrhants nnd visitor, from Northe-rn I'cnii.v va,ua,areriisiieetriillyinviicdlo give him a call, when vi.1,1,.. , iii'a.ieiuiiiK, Juno 28.1630. y. C. G -ADLER (Jr CO., fNO V-oV t?nrf )fmf hei I nl.l, I'OMlltuaiolliinpf'il 1 vna i.. tionu ..w... ....-uil". .ti ,,,, y no.' i hi .,-1 ii u Mini' t ill Lard, Shoulder,, Ulipe.o II. ma. Iluf Kri , l'u; AnllM?lE53-lv- '-V-, , . xj. itiiiit;!, . , II o iii to d i a Ui i c I' d y s i c i a n, T)nBPCl!Tl''-lLLYtnndor.lii. Profe.sioiiat tiercel . 4-1 to the citizens ofBlooiuslurirnird vicinity, gene rally -"TUT" Ofilcoon Ue-eorner of Main nnd Iron rltreet. Dloomibnre; AiUuiulagMr L'rower'lStore. Bepu-,I3?c . ' PUISlI.UtJTIf ciUltOTIII'KS. ' 'wilouiis AI-E TO St A COO I 13 A li K K S .-0.103.NOHTII T1IIIIIJ STIIKKT ,l,'lveiloortl)c;oyUice. , .-. ' CIIILADCLpiiU. Janruravltt,f33,, x 1101.812 LINIMENT AND -0ATTLE iuuiiU3. TOltsalo.at tho offico of tho Columbia l Iiciuotrai iUiLJiKOLU'3 ImhM: I'umuitATio.v niniil.Y t:o('6MthA'rEii !ltroUNn tf.i'in ,I.XIIU171' UUVflUi l"pr nUmwt tif'tkt Itfilter mining (ltvrelt i)rjitpi llVaAittrart. iMlnirrlnnf. iivirt lltttafs h'tmott OnMlilVlnft. ltd nil IHnctct ff tl ArlrfR from r.itenfn nml ItitpMnlf nrlls In tl. nml rrnintrng nil lniprop-r Dtnliirnti' Iroio the Ulnlilor. i:i.lr.ov.or rfnnl orn. nhi llirr cllilifig in AiAi.n on rKMAtn, . 1 lorn wlihtcvrtrauii mitiiny lime nrlginair-ui utia no m.Ktpr ninl lH HilOinir. BiHiif 1ielll uit h,rt,fitrnmMMti,imiittt4taiirrrtvunJ ikilJiim ltt to llmOiline. nlnl ulnoni'ln Ihn imMlil rbcek. ". ' 'nh, laj , Haling, fihuarv '11, J57. jot ro run: muFucrjstiNi "g "s " !V ' ntm,o. smfcii 1, ie:.7. li riiri'.Ni-rviiiiii hnj lleliilitilteil BnOrpr.. nnil removr. 1 nil ihe .yinptom. nnioiitf lllrh will be round Inillspo' r-ninn tn i;iilnii, ln. of J'ow.n lniM or Mehiorr llitliculir or lttvnilmij, OHfierM Wnkiie. Ilorrnr nr Iil'.ne. Weak Ncrtei, 'I reni iilitiK. I'reailnil Uiirror of llntllt, Nishl SweMI Uplll IVtK I vv.-ik.iiinOMi uint- nem of .Vl.loti,' lncnor, ITniveri-al tnn! indo ftf Ihrt MiiRrnlari BwirHii Diten Enoriiniu Annetile-. iv til .11) .peptic t-'rmploin..lInt lltnit.. Plilabiiig ul the Ilodyi 11Jiiortif tho Skin Phllhl UoiinlBiifincnnnd DrnplloiiB IU1 the P.ieo, Pain in tlioIUck, lleavinef. of the bl)a- llli,' ireipienuy uiiirK epoif ujing, neioro me iiyee, ',1i'.J,eJ'"'S'"l;!. Ti'T,; IV3".":'. ;!::;r.?lK.5 W.Ml'i.'l r'a )T' i5Uin. .iTfeLi H '. i,!!r.i.nViVWi?.nV; rantlelv Nntnlne :Um ninb,el.l.urh Ullenl. J!"'.Si themsr uesi iiotw.1 "ninmnacnrnesiitras.iiD fKculAlcn tot ildtrlrt .anriilon iron, one eue. Tliii.e .( nihtnini.ir nllilweil In io hlvhicti Hill me, So SvWwy le, .Vpl!.oofVllorLU ,'f l'nwer I'niuily nml Ilnilelile Pits-In one or which IhepatiemmiyexTlre1! caneay thaM". . Cesses 'ate lint irc'iucnuy ponuwru uy iij'jsu uirumi ili.eii.M-.Inraii.tv and Ciiiiiumnllon I The records of t diKeanes-lnwHtynn.i i;niiiimpiion i tiic records oi t the Insano Asylunu, and (he nW.uifholy donlhs by t.'onsnmptioii. bear nmpln witnass t Ihe ft rut It ol thew I nssprtions. In Lunatic As)11nms lha mnit melnnrholy exhiblttou nppfnM. The cofcutenanre U actually od den and quite drslilute nih""r nilrlh r priefs ever vlilts It. t-'lmulu n sound, of tr.o -voice occur, It Is rarely ariifubiio. With woeful meti'trcs wnnrtesnnlr Low sullfn sound hW (rriefhfcuf 'od." DoMlltvIs tnostlerririifj a nil Ins brouzht thousands uponiliotisinds to untimely graves. thus blasting tho ambition of many .iobje youths It can bo cuicd by . . f '" Wi P. ItrJllF.Dr. irvnuarosufTutlniiwIih nnyol Hie above tlislre.sins i allnients, thej?iunl ilitrnct lluchu villcure J'ou, Try ilandl,econ,lcndur il .fflcncy. j.,i..k... , .i..t.i.a.nn.i ,.i,i.An. Ln... i 'lawcij -..u. .......v.-.u......,. , s, ,, , , av0 d ,cm nn ,,vc nJ ,uiii. ,in money, nnd 'exposure, by sanding or calling ror n bottle of ttiis l JoSJJii, and .pecllle remedy ,'u" It nlbiys all p.in anil Innauimalion. I. perleclly o entaol 111 lis ia.10 nnu ouor, mil jmuieuiaie 111 lie j:c,j0II ' IlELSIPOLll'S EXTRACT MIUIIU I."prcparM'direcllyaccordini! in tho rulei of VAirnary d Cttmlttry, With the crCAtrH nccurucy und. rhcniienl knnwjcl'go nnd care iKVoled tn lm combination. Boo1 Prolcasor llrwee.' valuable woiks on inepraeuco 01 piiysicano 'I moft of Ihe lite Htandird Works of Mcdir,iie One hundred dollars Will lm paid to any physician whocaippruvath.it thn Medicine ever injured n Pa lirnt-; and the lustiui'iuy of thousands can be produced to prove that it does ureal pood. Cases of ftom one week to thirteen veins' standing hnto been effected. '1 he mas of vnlurt a.y testimony in possession of tho proprietor. vourbtnjils virtues nnd curitive powers, is Immensci etnbracmg names wu'l known to Hcicnco nnd i'nmc. 100,(100 bottles have been sotd and not a single in stance of n failure has ben reported I Personally appeared bofora me, an Alderman of the rjiy of Philadelphia II. T. IEtBoi.D, Chemlt, wlu heini riulv sworn does say that Jlis prpn iraiion con tains no Njtcniic, Mercury or Injurious Drug, but are purely vegetable. 11. T. IinLMnoM), Sole Manulacturor. Bworn nnd subicrihed bo I ore me tliinSM d.iy of No vember Jt31. WM.P. HIIUIAIU). Alderman. Prfee 31 pir botttt, or tlx for 9, delivered to any ad (2re.;acrompanL'd by reliabip and respon-iihle rerlill rntes from Professors of Medical Colleges, Uleraym un , -nnd r-thi'ts". rn pirtdamlsohl.by II T, Iir.LMUOLD, i ' IVftctlcil'and nnaltlcal Chemi(t, No M Bm(h TUN I'M Kt , below Chestnut, Assembly itn id in?, nn in in "a. UI1VggW ana 'mi'M mrvugnuut io tntin ziuica, "CasaJisanii British Vrovincet it R ward tir fouruut litis. ABK F1 MDI-MllOLIi'H TAKD NO OTIIHU. CURi:S (3UARANTDLD. Juno 13, J657.' NATIONAL SAFF.TY IVIUST COJllP.ISfY. ALNUT Street, South WaUorner nf THIRD, rinlatlcllillia. Tiinrn.tr.iin,l l.v tin, riinln of IV nn. vl vania . flloney h re'eivedin nnysuni, lirgo or sunll and interest paid f-om tile .lay of deposit to the day ot withdrawal. The ofllec is open every-d.iy rr,1m "e,rtek in the morning till 7 o clockln ihe evening, and on Mondp.y. and Thursday tveiuugi, till U o'clock INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. All sunislarg or smatl, nn paid back in OpLD on demand without! notice, to any amount. President lion .11 DNUY L. 11 CNN F. II. Vice President, UOUURT S CLFItlDU C Secretary WILLIAM J.tlUUl). Directors: HenryL. Benner, C, Landreth Munni r.dw.ndL Carter, F. CarrolMUewster Uobert'.lfrJi'iiOi Joseph IL Uarry, Samuel K. Athlon , Henry L-Clnirchnion, J nines 11. Sin i Ih. Francis Leo Tbl conipanyronflne ui business entirely lo the rrceivincol mency on Interest. The Investments a ludii n tine to over ONE MILLION AND A HALF Or DOLLARS 1 aro made in conformity with Min provisions of the charter in HEAL ESTATC. MOIlTGAOCS, (IKOUND HUNTS, und such first class securities, its will always Insure perfect security lo the 'depoaltors, and which cannot lliilio give .permanency and tauillly ,to this Institution. Aug. 2UI857 i Ef AND USEFUL. OLEUM LIQUOR. A Substitute for Limecd Oil, ri'ATrJNT Al'PLICD FOft'3 a iIIH undersigned uller to the public iheirDb-um L), . quor as an HhVieuUubt(iite foi Linseed Oil, as a thinner fir all .sorts ot Paints crouml in Oil, exqept Venetian lied. ' r ' When tlifniiei with the Oleum the Tahtl will cove belter, dry quicker and Will be more durjble.und when' varnished, th paint v i 11 have and rnln the mosl glos'eppearancer and tho cListicity of ihe thinner1 will enable ibepaiut tojyieM to tlie vnrltirh t und the cracking and puuting on, so common in ordinary vat iiishcituil paints Jrenlirelv nvalded. For ptlnling'J'in 1 tools Its equal cannot be found. ; The Ok-pro. can be iisihI by itself, or In common with Llnsfed Oil. Varufhti, Japan orTurpcnilna at the op tion of the Painter. Hi cosljs annul ono-lulf of Ibat of Linseed Oil, tliuo ronsidi-raJtly toduchtf llic uxppitsu of painting, Wefsiithlully recomiiiund itfrull puriHries indica ted and warrant II to give satisfaction- A liberal dis count to thntudn. t, T DlllDCUOVd. Thin'lhe paint wllh tha Oleum U. quo r and work it wll, uulll it ilows Iruclfrom the brush , " " The br tsH must be free from nit moUturft and Infra rtabty ou?ht to be soaked well with the Oleum Liquor previous to painting. . lnstendot placing tbebriuhes In watPr over' nftjhU n painters generally il.ibev ought lobe put In the Oli'Uiii Liquor, which will greatly facilitate the work. The paint mixed with tlm Oleum Liquor will work belter if it ba allow til to Mabd from 1- to 31 hours pre vlous to.ll b.Inj used, and ttieulhintifd to such a cousisienc'yii W woik fruurind aasy under the brush. i,y iiib n W of Japinl lh pint will be rendered still firmer. Mix tho Japan first with the paint nnd thn thin il wlifi'ta'tf Oltuni lilquor in the maimer men Uoiied above. 1 C5-100 pounds of Paint ihinned wjthym Oleum Li quor, wlllcqvci a tariff suUcy tOlu li pojjili m Mi ned Willi oil , . . , The Oleum Liquor It notio be used with Venitian ded, nor with Point otjiimimnjrany pioportiaa of 11. UU U IN (Uv ii AT I'M A N t UKJ;iMG Amricau Paint and t'oler Wfliks,' Oornn r -41k and Creen ts.,Philallpma . Ofi'iee1 N IS coiuiThird nd kVoud sti., P illad e.. phla. Pa. Juod0,le57 Franklin House. ' WltkEE LiVHU). I'roiirlelors. Clicinut S,t.,,lctwcoi Thiid fiutl Fourth piliLADELPIUA. Beptcli)bcrl3, llj. LEAP TOlJACCO & OIGARS, 31, South Eront Street, ' PlIILAmiM-illA Sept. (i lBiii.y mm I it i u . iMlilM&M oils, salamander ninu and Tpnsi? l'KOOF SAFES. niH tiAnnRsr- asbout mcnl In Hie Unlleil Plalet. Unlleil Wale". Im Miiril lfny will (in ".I. on Warrnti"il I" 1 hr.11' tiii hV. nod at ttooil lcrm. nrnn tin olrtnlneii my i"i mim. r.nin flllV III irr llOUIfl ID IUO . . .rjAtl:un1,v.,.'1.t.,, , T,.a SO H 4 111 fl11lilUUCIplll!l n...n..i id HlntliiV AM1I 'Wir.t. PUI'.VAtlll n,,- .. .i-.-i -.i n.n,i, r, isr il,n ronintlitcK do rP.n,ptltillv reporli Hint wo anw Ibe two ..lie otlai (,,!,., r6r, unon by I'nrrcli t lltrrli'f uml livan. ,t w'!'. '., i, v idc In a lurnice, viz i The , : Li i, ,i16 oai nulkii't of the Philadelphia and jiadi i p- Itnl trond Cimpaflv lb liimiBeeht Mailing, ma till rnrtliyril lit' r nrreir ec hit nna diid hi, ram ur u.e by II A. LauiA, In hi fioio iii.iuuf'actureil by r.van. A Wnuon, anil put In book, and papcr.i ir clr el v alike, Th'eBrew.iiitnttednt 8 o'clock, A. M.tanil kept tinlll fuiircnrdsof Rrecn hickory, two rords dry th Zk iH Imlf , clV-.tnut top wood wt're entirely ron- oak nr sub i m , , "tl o hole under Ihe enperl nlenUene. or tho ",,,r be r. member, ol the Uouimllli e. The Bale. ';'r,Cr,l,,;I'n,'co',,olendon.witli walcaferwlilclitliey " -'V h. n:npr. lnkpII 0lIt I.V ft" "'SI i i' S Ti Z n. .Vore ... I . .-. II A '...!. i. .tnra (n- nublicexaminnlion.nnd marked by the Comtleo - Tholinnk. and P r.tknl lured '' Parrel, a Herring, wore. In our Jmumeat, i dnmn.ed fullyniteen per cent., norolhan tho.e taken , " "V " : i , , Bni lm We believe the above to have been a fair nna im - inn. ci. e aV..v m "" : -" yv'.::":; parttnUrial ofthc resparllvequa ltles or J'Jn i,c9 'tul u ,,.,v,rpn Ilavins bQenabsenldurlnRthchurning.we fully coin Ido with the nbofe sntcmcnt of tha rondlllon of thonaneraand book. taken out of tho respective Bafee, fl. A. NICOLLS. ii. ii. MUiir.r.vnr.p.n. JA8. J11LIIOLLAN11. Mirrli2',1Wl i CENTRE STORE. 1 S I' It I S (a & S U ill ill E It GOODS. rn rm l j .... - -i . . ; , . .nr. iinucrsioncu i a k t; measure oi tu Q r,.i,i, i.i.. .. , n... .1.1 1,.. 11.. - - ( fnjnilngthe ciln ol Ccnljc nhilvlclnliy, tlin he hn just received a largo nnd .elect ns.nrtinnn of anni ,. e. .. . ,"" r i'""1 uomprisingineneavir.t .loeKandniostvuriefiar.nrt menl ol lashionuble, u.erul and .uostniillalMerclian Idlie thai havebeeimiri reil lotliepul lie niotcrykin 1 niidiualiiy.whlcliihey wlllsellf.rready pay,ni vcr 1 reasonable price. ryoounlr v iirmliirclakcn I nc tehnnce for Onod. ncliiiliinT drain nnd Lut bcr ond tho publiccustnni rfsnerifiiilvsolcltpd PowlersviPe. MardhUF 1P.17. NEW LIQUOU STOHE. . NO. 133, north Tintin sTitr.r.T. (Inthe B'aeHc HuiMings, Above Race Si.) TBI 1 1 1 1 fi.-niiaaeipnici. Tlin undersigned begs 'cavpto Inform his fronds and liie public, lint he im opeuetinteiiBi In the Hale Ttullibns, No. 135, K- Hd St., an nhnve, when he will be hippy to supply Merchants. Hotel keeprrs.and ruitntiierx ccnerally, with Hie 'clioicett biands keptlu Fhiludetpha. WILLIAM ntlOUPT, (Late of DantUtc.) Mareh7lh, lPi7. y. 1857. SPltlNO AND SUM M PR, GEO. HULl'IN & CO. IMPORTER!: 5A7 JUXUFJlCTURr.RS, 171 CHEiSNU I' STISEl'.T, Are now prepared to exhibit their New Ptylo3 FOR SPUING TRADE, INCLUDING ninlark and cotoredSillc MnutiUns Cbnutly LiiclVTnn' Macllllns, Prcncli Lnro Maiilll.ii-, Embroidered Hilk M mlilla., Hue ted Lace nnil Net .MnutiUns, Mourning 'Mnnlillas Manque,. Tnlmnii, &e , Ace., All of winch willbo olfereil ntthe Lowest Prices. oeo istri.n m & ro 171 Ohemmt Street, -above "lb, Plilladehia. MarrliTih.lsS7. 7011 .ManiifHcturlns.niid Ihirniug bv J, II A A. rt. ALI.I'.N, Nos.7 und ti out Yharvt-s. Jitne'fl, 1857. Phil.idclpbia SPRING AND GOODS FOR SUMMER 1Q57. subscriber respectfully iuforms his j customers ami iho public geticrnlly, Hint lie .his reccivcda fullstm k tf rhoin; Spriuu and SitTiuncr Goofls. cnmpriine a full usorlmer t of Cloth 1, Casslmers, SattiiPlts, Ufl.iiiiei Urhxiurs CniiniL-ii. ftp. loeih.if wilhn gr-alvaileiy of other artlclcji usually Upt in Countrv Hiores. ALHO Hardware, Cattery, Queenswnre Rait, Fish, Moijl.t.. Iron,Bicel,,llatF, Caps, limits. fc-hoes. tVc. Tf3 Country produce, including Orniu- Lumber, &c, taken lit etrhanee for roods Its-Thaiikful for pastpitrounge ho respectfully asks a coniuanccoi 1110 Bnine. THOMAS E. EVES. Millville, Mnrh 53. IfiT-y. NEW WAGON SHOP, 1 WJIlow Grove, Soulli Klooiiisburff. TIIH undersiirnfil respecifoliy infoiins his frieiitla mid the pubtic ciiierally, i tint I v has tiken thn stand latrlv-orrtipieil by Mr lt(dieriHi(bt-t,luU ilow Grove, fc-mth Ulomiisburir, htlow ibi I! I it ,t. wl ere he will continue the ' lYagon-malung Business. In nllitsvailni'Mleparlme.its.Jn co& I .1 ... " sivlnnnil inmndeinle teilii Alio ltei.iiriug Wagons, Pursier, Cnrrlnpes Sul kinds &c . none to orde and on iliort lime. HT-'Proiluce taken for work, ciiarles nnowiiR. Illoomiturg Apjil 53, 1837,-ftp, D E N T I 8 T R Y. 32. . ISOWIEao SUItGEOX DKXTISTi PLOOMSDUUO. COLUMPIA CO., Iiesldencc, first Prick building below llarlmati'a slor on Main Hlrect, I jtriPKCTI'ULLY ollirs his prore.slonal service. IV to the ladles and gciillemin nl illoomsburg and vicinity He is, prepared vi attend tn a'l tlin varinus operations in Dentistry, nnd is piovided with Hie in test improved Porcelain Teeth, 'Which will be inserted on pivot or gold flnte.'lo look US w U II II lll IIIU ill. KJ" A superior orliclo of TOOTH rqWPEIt. all way. nil hand, June 13 1837. ov. 13, '33, , ALEXANDER KERR, I.MPOIt TEl AND 1VI0LE3LU IJEALCIl IN Salt Salt NO. 33 SOUTH WII.MiVES, PHILAnELPIIIA. Asbton's lino Liverpool ground Turk'. Island and Hairy Sail, constantly un lianu nuit.fnr sale, in lots, to suit the trade. ALEXANDER KEIltl. April t.JSST-Om i , OT.lPftANt 'wnnnsTm,' t- nn linpcPtey, anil Wholesole D.,0. in . V ' ' no. nn ami st. nunrc Eoiirdi, pnrLAH'ELP uia. rj.qnya'H'!V.I,t7.iy)VP0''"'l' "-McAtW, Nos. 0, 11, 1.1 and ISCourilanil street. NEW YORK. ' o. o,winohi:3ti:r. TIIOM.i) WINCHESTEIt, 11EXJ. l'.WINOIILBTUn. H y 3), ,-Jm. .lltlKCTItt Jrilljlll 1 zjz r; rk.r A N,'i.'!!!1.1"lfn",l';''c,'.lon,!r,' Jf ""' ,l'-"i pAlUT.TING3,llJli;ioili., Window ShoilesiJIalsnu ry, S..4PS, Hair Oils, Poniade.. &c , in holiad at ' lnttilli;.-Jut received SO.OlKJ picre. new .1,1,, lllnoinsl'ilri!, Slay 30. 1857 JX'1'1!A 0, 1 .MALKEltEL ior,.Hlo nl AIIT.MAN'J. STEAM ENWNKS AND BOILER." I'lllinlilucillicrl how firfpnretf, with ntW Mnrlilnt ry. to build i.nii-iiriry 0 nattio. rrfK-plf JO' Inito inivr.iimm tlin l.ltl-Ht I tllHtOVI ll ntntl B . nll(l ulll lillllll l" ,r,ict duulilcJind tlunlo portahli' eniliieii from 10 10 40 tqraBttatrX(HlBBCiritpnn baVrinii.-iillli llollctiicnf ,7 AjYoniP" aircumpbileopit'tonjly.roriollon. Alrn. nniior nuriiilll Ulllll.liuiii,iB tit. 1 iivii """It - '.n..Htnil In IblAfrni lltnalllilt' irrAin II II it r Vtir L 1 II I" ifB pnlenien in ir.iniior ihti-ihiui; Krnui iiniivm'.iiii loru'niul now muds tfn n4rgecala for:yefiiit on! trcnkinit cbhl. Ilcitvy'liiliitng pinipj nnil Ifro ciishiol rljccdtniliplctP. Willi ooiUilo'iitlKn ro(Jln pump) Vni I loru'nml noiy limdo 3xj n-trge.cala foryejlifiir on kliiiln ol lulllimiMligAnil nn"e tKimi ninuoio urnnri i I.Iiip nlmrtltlE Willi Hny flcflr-il nf?.- nl pullf)'! Bnlnlle , wlili hnmidM Imnpiniilnj dono.j.iy'Jljfret lonm n. I kindiiol Iroiti turnirg hrnvy preia and other icrcw 'rim lie.i iIdiidIi I run ill re.lilnff M.nrbiiiea . that' ever eninelicrore the public, cal Iron and woden machine, mnde tntirdcr. Imvcr power, il'.itln or trend power mnde to oruer. Al.otakcuorderaforlhcfiillowlnciua. chlneryi IIarrlon'. InimtpatiattrnlR tlillli siOOObfJ fcredh thn Pnlenieolorlt.eiual, Ii will mind Inenod nne men iuo uu.uri.iii uun nour. rt i.n nun, nnil eievn- tor.nll In nt.lnr.nlBolluiiKlii's PatentUlnwer.innnur-ictiir. r,j by n. 11 llarri. & Uo,,th mom powerful mower nowi n u.n with the leant -i mount nTpower, onepfivhieh iriiine putlu meat the laundry for exhibition. V!nl - ' nl.nve works wlllbc warranted tob whattlieya i ."1.1 fnr Alro-Tnke order, for Pfolt'. ratent lllack.mlth Birlker, nndtlghl. t n.e them InUleeo.intie.nfColum. blM.V.wr.Nrtl nMnt..n. nne of whleh'cflt. be rn nt mv shnn I.IUV'ICII MA LEWIS II . MADS. Mar.li52.1830. RtnonifbiitUolnniVlH t , '"piIR undersigrjctl rcspoctfully informs J his friends and the pnbMc that lie ha taken tho FTthavaelottttin iwooinsiiurc, localeti nn aiam street.- directlyoDposilP the Court House, which hns been througlily repaired and improved, where ho Is pre. pnreu lo accoiniiind imp ii i b ciisionicrs wiiii guuit lare and to geneint satisfnetion, i Ho also nas jn connection wiiii uicuAtiianguiiu lel.uiiKceUenl J OMNWUS LINE, j riitintntreeiilnrlv severn Ittnics ner dnv .in nnd from tho Depot on the arrival of lliu Cars, by which passei. erswitlbe pleasantlyconvejedlothe DepotBiatlon.oi taken from nml returned to their residences. If dcsirnl., jEriiewiM niways uc'j.appy io enifri.un uui nioilate Ins Trie mis thlhb utmnst ofHilsnbilUi1' 4 pRTKIt iULLMlWtin, Proprietor , niooinsbiirR,Aprlt.5,lfi.'i(l y. Avise's ffix II II A P VATC 1 1 tit DV V. LTl YSTO 0 V, No. 72, North Second Slreol. npposrrn tii u mount vcunon iioubc.pii ' i OoldLeveiWalchesfuilJowellrd UU Cases, $28 0 Sllvur do do ' 12 JJO do Leplne do 0 Quarticrs . 5 OOto 7 n0 DoldSpectacles, 4 5(tto 10 00 Silver do 1 SO rfilvurTabteSpooiiB pcrsott, H OlUolf 0(t UPSfl r I O O (IO 1 HOI 11 Ul do Tea do do 4 7Slo 7 30 GoldPcniandCoIdCases, . 3 95io 200 do Silver do oo Tofifithcfwlth a variety of fine Dnld Jewelry ,(3ol iir.CiinrilnndTobOhains. A 1 1 goods warrnntrdtoh nspresiMilcd . Watches and J ewe I ry repaired! n th bent manner ; N 11. Al loi ders sen thvljy mallorothcrwjscwllibe punctually ittrnded lo . rVoveniherl'. I S.:t . 1 Spring & Summer, Ml AT iUENSUirS CIIKAP STORE. ''pilE ii'ndcrsigncd having removed his M atorc, up (own, ;n inn sinnu, iniciy oceupieu uy ii O At l W llarliu.iu wImtc vith ptci rr lncrf'ascd lacilHics he is emit lid to oirtr a IuIt,isor menlol printr iiotl Suunucr Goods, Which he his Just rrcejvfd from the raf'iii Cnics, romprisins ury u jafi-t.urocnrics.nariv-.viri', mm ens wnre Cedar-ware llollo-wnre. Drugs. risli.Bali 4tc. Planter, I rnn, N.i ll, Boots ,S hoe s,U at s,C.ips, &c Ar Also-UEA1Y made clothing In short, HVfry iiiinrnsually kept in country Stores to which ho i uvitesthe public generally yCT Csah.Lu uher, Old lrnu and Country Prndurr taken! ii rxch nn gn tor Ooods, at the higesl ni.irkef pritt' A. U. MKNStJU. Illoo'iirlnirg. MnrrbSI, lf.'i7. Spi'in and Summer tp a ood s. We'2iLelvy , .cal & CO., I lAVlNrt juni rtrt-ivfii iiiuf npeneif their stork o L I mrc 11a mi i7i for -prin rjs.Hes, whJrh 1 omprifesthe L.MKIDVr CIIUPOT, nnd MANDSOVUST nssorl. mi'iit now oil'ered in this TOWN I llitvin paldgn-at .itli'iition lo lb t'l riinn o Ibrjrctitirf sldrk, us lo price and qiintfly Iheyllatt'-r 1'iemse vt-n that tury ran iHiip'.e with the rjftaptH, ami all thosp wlshlnt; jo Lit ' cheip, can sve mon, ,v q inp nun cim Wc htutt at' kinds oi ,tiodti tnd Warns tc kupplyilm People A v-jry larae lot -of I.AU1KS' GOODS, Trench Mi'rrnors.Wooll'injdg, Alpara, IJoinlar.lnes, e bain" I'opliin. Purnmeita elntltii, Mnhnir Lustres. Muttiin Li; La lues. Pars la 11 cloltjsGiiiiibaiiifi.OjIldit'n. Will 1 1; t.uyiiH or ALL hlivns Sieves. Collars, Ilaudkcrrlnels, ilniinciugs, h.n.ih nnd trimml"s, Lart'sainlrdlnirs.bfiiinel rlbb ons, In la re varlely , velvet ribbons, und braids, ki' cotioii,iiinl lisle Ibrcad jloven, 3Iol.nii.iiiiiis, hv We iuvitcoii'rfrieuds and the publlr generally lo lve us acallberorepurchasinpclM'wliere. Webnvo lioiiuliiour ffooitidt LowestCash Prices, ami will not bo 11 11 orsold hynuybody.orlbe rest o' 11111 nkt 11 ii JloKKliVy, i li A L ifc CO. Itlonn. burg. Mnrrli SI , lf.17 Dr. J. S. Houghton's GREAT CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA. T,l?,"Cori5a'tl,VielJR.II0iJQHT0N:S Juiro Prepar-'d I rom Uciiiiel,-or the fmnth Sinmarh of thOx,nfttir dircriiopsof Itaron IAic. big, l he ureal Physio log. ical ClM-mUtt by ij, H Toushtoii.M. D , P, a dulphiti t'o . Th:,sNature'sownHftnedyfor on unhealthy Fio inarn, No nrlol man can oqual its curative powers, .J ,, . 1 1 V 1 1exUe,n?y,i,irei;al,,ctH,hetBto.nnd may J w-nlererackerwilhoutacute distress IlowartofDrugged In'itations. Pepsin is iiom Drug ' I I'lll nil IMP Sunlit nml mil n Itaierlt.l lm. f ....I. 1 flratia. pivlng u large amount of Scientirlr Kvidence I rom Lit?hig's AolniaL.hemlstry;Dr.Cnmhe,Phisiotovy ' lliestion; Dr Ppreira nn Pood and DleijDf. John W Irr.'aiiej-, of New York Ilnlveriliy; Prof, Dungllson's Vysiology; Prof. Silumnn,of ValeCo'lc(Jgc;Dr.Carpeii lei'l'hyitiology; fcc, together with reportunT Cut rs from alt paits of tho United Hnes. Miany;i-.. v ijiiiz nnu J- iF..aioyer, iiinomsnurg R II. Ilowman nerwlck. Oct3, 1855 jy, BiODiUSllUrg TilMVarO .Hill SioVC MOT). ' flMIDundersisned respectfully iufnnus hi. 0j friend' Juitieceivcd and offers for saD. the Inrgestnnd tl.eaerwItl.HiovSl'iureiorJ.vry descrll"t yiilV.l'nUVl !p'"il"'""-t've" 1 posl'tlvo 'evidence that proper ,'. V.i!.ti?,.do;Bl"r'''0a"1 '""'h'a'ed and Judiciously udmlnlk d-pin-rrVo'u:.,?,;..., ,..'!!S!?"J'.."'1 ?"!!!; uinorine"1'""- ""' d"" .',Th,'r? ,Z .r5hi.,i i .. .pooifull solicited, i naniriii;.;i.V. ""i.io I Bloonisbnm, Jan 2, 1854,-if A.M. UUPEn-r. ---- - ' r ' . A CHftfsllIVfMlft, TTnfph if " - fTIIIIBivi'llkuowiiIlolel lalqlyket byBsu. XBVI.U ItfcHo.nn Mn I n Hlrl.ln .ntolll-l hns been take n by the subscriber.wh is pre jll! pared tnaccommodJtetriivsllersu ml. ausc'rir- n llie besl manner. The liouse ha. I en thoroughly Iverbnuli'd nml is nnwreliucd up and furnished for render eenenif.aii.mrifoi, ' li.nviiiPtw en. iB.13 MLOitGL W . FREL.L. Espynrn Coach ,uml .Vagaii Factory 3MI1. uiidorsieno.1 havlbf'.uec.cden Jacob B. Ev. 1ii the Wajoiunduoaehlnaklni! bun n at his' liind,ii 1 .pytown respectlully inlorm their frlcnc andth.iubllc.th.tthey coiiliiiie will the Wagon Making Rmintss, I n all.lt. deoall inert., u lierril.nvi.iu i. . . ceivo orders audpriiinptlyexerueallbuilu,aspihul lino, wilh nealnesianildcspalcll. "i , """" m'm 10 oruer.nud a Ik ndsol jepnlrlneiloneonshortnoilce M"fi. I'.VIWH 1 tllni'viiiiiui Espylown,Juiie7, 1850 ' PIULADELI'lllA CARPET H i OUK niiaeiureu una Hntiartiid etpreasly for O.lltpjjl' u. v; "' per. win punsi- no. J A u V"l"ivcondBireet,l.i Joor below March il Mil j slli.NEV JO,VLti 'S PIT, IS. Ton AIL THE FTJErOSES or A . . Ii' A A 1 I I V I'll V S 1 I J. i. 111. J.JJ J. a j. i. J. TltF.iit: has loriR rxlsleit n ptiWle. itcmatid for on tuetUi pnrmtivo Villi wlilchr eimM lie relied on ni aure ullil m (fully n4 I" ,H" opeiatlnn. Thin linn lie prcimTeil to meet that deinnnd, nml mi exlcn lve trial of lln tlrtuoi linn ooiirlii'liel)' ihowii With wlmtwrfflf IfcniciSmplhliil Ho PHI"10 ueslgneil. It Is eiiHj- t inalio n plivslenl but not cny to muke hf lie.l of Ml rills oM li!th shunlcl havo uoira't fillio olireellnil but Till Ums Juleantngcs, of cury nlher, tlila )in Iieni nlteiniited line, ami with wfiit mm rat o wonlil mpcctiully siibnilt to Ihu pnlJio dedslorn- lt'has-been unfortunate for tho patient hilherlo that almost oicry purfiatlte mediellicl, acrimonious imd lrrltitlnir to tho bow els, This Is not. Manv of Jhrni produco po much prlplnft pain nnd revul'fon In Hie sj steftt ns to moro Ihnn cntmlrrtmlMioc Ihcr Rood to be derived from lliini. Those fills ptodme no luitntion or pain, unless It tirKo fiom a pictioinly exisllnp obstruc tion or deraiijtt ineut In the bowel. Ueing purely tegelnble, no harm can nrine fiom their use In any quantity j but It la heller Ihnt any medicine .hrnild be taken judiclonslv. Mlnu'.p directions, for their uso in tho scleral disen-es ti which they arc ap plicable ore p.lrrn on the 1ms;. AmonR tho com plaints, which haic boen speedily c"'ed by llifrn.wo may mention I.lier Comdnii.t, In ll inrlons forms of Jnundiee, Indlgeslinn, Languor and Loss of Ap pelile, Mstlesmess, liiitability, llilinus Headache, llilious I'cier, l'eier isxi Ague, l'ain in tho Sido and I-ninj ( for, in truth, nil these are mu. me conj stquencc of diseased nMlon in tho liver. A. an aperient they afford prompt and snro telief In Cos llieiiess, riles, Oulle, Dtacnlory, Ilumnra, Scrofula nnd Hiurl y, Colds wilh soreness of the body, Ulccj. nnd imnurilv of the blood, Irregularities! in short, anr and ci cry eao where a purgathe Is rcpiircd. Thev hale also produced some singularly suc cesbful hums iti JtheuinatUm, (lout, Dropsy, Gravel, l-'rysipel.-is, l'nlpitallon nf t!w Heart, rams in tho Hack, Stoma'th, mid Ride. They should be freely taken in the spring of the year,.to purify the blood and prepare llic svsteni for tho change of seasons. An occasional dose stimulates tho stomitch ond bowel? into healthy action, and restores the appe tite and vigor, 'lhcy purify the blood, nnd, by their stimulant action nn the circulatory sysm, rcno tale tho stienglh of tho body, nnd rrstolo the wasted or dle:icd iiicwics of the. whole otfiioism. llenee nn occnsWiinl dose is ndvniitageous, eten though no scriops derangement exi-ls1, but un lcccar dosintf should ncicr bo carrlid too far, as eiciy purgaliic nieiUcino ledvees the strength, when taken to excess. The thousand eases m whith a tihysio i roqnlrcd ennnot bo enumerated he) e, tint they suggest thcnisehes to the reason of elery bodyi nnd It is eonlideuilj- tidfaeel this pill will answer il better puipose fliau any thing which lias hitherto been mailable In liinnkinf.. AVliert their lirlues are onco hiiowu, the public will no longer doubt what remedy to employ when in need of a ealhnrlie medicine, llenig sugar-wrapped, Ihey are pleasant lo take, and being purely egctablc, no harm tun nrie fimii their nso in nuy rpiantity. 1'or miiiute diiecllons, kco wrapper on tho llox. l'llKPAIil-.l) 11V DH. JAJiIES 0. AYE?, l'nn li nl nml Ainilj -Hi-ill CJn tiilst, LOWULL, MASS. Trlco 25 Cents per Bor. rive Boies for $1. AY Ell' S CHERRY PECTORAL, For I Ii e I'nplil Cine of cowus. roi-sf !!OAnsi:xKss, liHo.xnirns, lVHOoriMi-roiiGii, m)V ASTIMIA. AM) (OAsn.nrno.v. This rcnmlv hn whm for iNelf with titttoricty fiom Its ruicH of ecry ariety nf pith nonary rtiriiFe. that it in entirely uniieirary rrccmnt the ci dentr of itn AiftitPfl in any ronnnunlty where it has been employed. S) wide U the field of its urc fulncsP, and no lmmerouR Iho tncs nf its cttres, lhat iilimut errv ccti(m of Ihe country iiboimds In vctmim vnhlidy ktiown, who hnc heen restored fiom uhirnnng und vc. dcKpcrale ureases of the Iuuks hy its, u-ie. Wlirn mice Hied its superiority mi r m, rv other iiiotlit ine of its kir.d is too niiiia- i. rent to ot'iipo olm nation, and whete its virtues arc known, tnc jiuu.ic no longer nouiiu' mini iiuuuuw to employ for Ihe iliVlressing and datipcrous nftVr lions of the j.iilinonary oigans width urc int-ideiit to our climate. Not only in formidahlo attacks upon the lungs, but for the milder vniletlcs of .Cuius Cocoii". IIoumKNtsK, ; ond for CittL liltKN it is llic nleiusantnt nnd fciiftst mciliciho that can be obtained. As it hns Ionjr been in constant use. throughout .this section, we need nut do more than assure the people iU quality is kept up to the best thntitear lias been, and that the genuine article Is sold by tSrX I' LUTZ, an I uM Dtu ci-U in Illoomsburif andlh-alfrs in Medicines everywlwru May HI, lfli7 IMPORTANT D1SCOVKKY I AND ALL DiaUA&LS Of TJ U LUNCH AM TltUOAT nre pobitlvcly curable by inliafathMi, which cotiM'ys the rruipJiis to thecavitii s tn tho lungs through the air passages, nnd conn up In ittrtil roniuct witii Ihb diseabc, neulratlzts the lubcriulur m liter, al la jh liie cmifii, chiisi s a tree nini eusy eipic turutio'i, htnls the lungs, purities the Jilood, impuils renewed vitality to Urn nervous sjstfin, giving that tone nndenergy so tudippensnblp lor th rebtuiuiion o health. To bu ablu to state confidently that Coiuump lion is curable by 1 n halation, Is in mi: n source nf :mal loyeil pltunirc It is as much under the iijnnt-rol of iiicilual trcnliuTit ns any nilit-r dririiiii ubte diffuse, .ninety out of overy hundit d t ati'mnn be cured In Un: 'first tinges mul hiiy per ceni in Ibe stnnul but In tho third lt?e it Is imptstible lo f-nv' more than five per cent, lor the lungs arc to cut up by the msenfe nb lo bid defiance to mutual skill. Leu, however-in the Lift Btnges, inhalation ot ton I is extrr ordluary.relicf to the sii during attending ibis Iratful scourge vhifh,fin' uuiilly ilc-iro) ninety fiv ihousand j errors in thu United Htateg alone j und a corricl catculatlen riioww that ot Hie present population of tLe tarth, fight mil lions ure destined lufill the cmiiuuiptlvc'H gravo, Truly Ihe quiver of ileaili lias no arrow to fatal as Consumption, In nil ages it has been Ue grtat enoiuy of lite, lor.it I-pares neiihi'r oge nor sex, but sweeps olTutike the brave, the beautiful, le graceful , nnd tho gifted. Uy the lietp of that Supreme Helng.frf m whom cometh every good nnd perfict gift, 1 am enabled tn ollV r lo the aillietcd a pcriiinncnl nnd speedy turc in Consumption. The firrtcai.be of tubercles it? fiom nn pure blood, and the Imiutdiatc eiTect, produced by their nepositioulnlhe lungs, is to prevent the free odniistiun ofuir Into the air cells, whith can tcs a weakened vita lityibroii'li the tntire sjbtem. -Then surely jM moro rational loexpeel grtater good from medicines onlerinc ihu cavities of the lungs than. from those admlniblertil through the Blonmch ; the patleiu willalwn38 find un, 1 dies. Thus, inhalation is u local remedy, nevertheless it nets constitutionally, and with more power and rer i talnty than remedies administered i.v the stoma th. n n prove the powerful ond direcllnflnpnce ol this modenf jiiuiiiiiimuK nn, Liiiuiuiiiiiii iiinuiiii v.)! entirely tic stroyseimblUiy Ina few minutes, paraljzlnt'he e KuuK ?f The ,,3 ,,,n"J' 1. nollliiJ .,-, , iiiriuiiy pjc- uttered throuph ipe lunes, bliv result. 1 lm. ...i.. iren ye.ir; vraclirc, many thousand. sunennK from " "') ll'voeflecte,iinanyreu,.vkablecure..eve;. - iaiier the si uercri had been pronounced in tho In. I i .i..... .. i,..i. en r n iui 1 ioTr'a fa al ilsJa.o. if; ' ""J .0",,u! Jf,'!a 1 is original, and tounded on Ibnaciperience nnd u ih. i roiich inve.tieatmii. Mv i,iri ......i,,..... .... il!?.!',"?!." ,V."'."i'.e.rf,,.-:V-?'.c- 4l.l? ma Id dlstlnen rendily, the various forms of disease lhat .iinulate' coniumi;tion, and npply tho proper remedies, rarely being-ml.inken even In a .Ingle case. ihi. fami liariiy , ... .,..lu..,u ,! tviuni paino ocical and inicrnsco pie ilUrovciies, enables mo to rff,evc the luni. f roi.l "'.V'1". .r ?i""ll che.i,to Tenia rrn th'. clieJ nriiy iiio uiwa.iiiinariio It renewed vitnlitv.civln'' etftrgy nnd tnbe tolfie onlire .ystim. Jln'.'iclnc. wllh lull .H.'.m.,.,,. , . , " ,L VlVXA f"" "'oul'' "nMy. oi d ii,e Uiofure could be cllectcd without I my seeing Hie patient Atom. "iinoui nm .... c lv U"AHAM, HI. I) Offlce, 1131 FiuT.irfi'i,(ni No. 100,1 July , IfS7(MalrUc:;IiWSlf"" TRUNKS I TRUNKS iT Till! LAKCEBT, UEST nandsomcsi ami cheapest a. J0',1,'!'8.!" , "o'S Lciiihor Bn'id Itiveteil rUAVF.LUiri TRU.YKS. VAI.1HP 'in,,..L If 'ju 'Bnntt&Drm VVanl, l"!,Ot,c';",,'""""0r "ni Ca',c' "'' 'k'"lT Trunk;, BpilllJ, Soli. Bolo Liatber Tiusk Ala,, uVnelorv. ,Iv-mIui i;i,Vi;tk..A'?lV'ff'l'. Alpi,.Vc?.,iM7,-5f Md'k'1'- ,'l''l'llpl ' jJi!W wo a "ACKLT.EL jusl received nt 1IAI1T.MAN-B