Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, November 07, 1857, Image 1

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K'lllor, Publisher k Proprietor. $
"To hold and trim tho torch of Trutli and Wave it o'er the darkened Earth"
- I
One Dollar & Scvcniy-fivo cts, la advance.
YOL. XL-NO. 35.
tublishcd every Saturday Morning, tty TB CAMU;N ANI) AM10Y UA1UU)AD ANn
I rr 1 I t a TP i riin.MiixriiiA and trm.nton a i.ruau
r i . r-. 1 . - r
j.n iJioomsuuig, uuiuuium uu., rhMi.u u Ma ism, end mv ;,
House, "Democratic Head Quarters
01,00 In ailvnnco, for 0110 copy, Tor six months.
1,75 In ailvnnco, for ono copy, ono joar.
-fit) If not paM within tho first three Month!.
2,2.i If not paid Tvlthln the first six months.
2.50 If not paid within tho year.
lan.l no papur ucnUnJU uuti. 1.1. ..rreu-rnges sum. A1 s j...M.lV11 caroden anil Jei.ey.Uity, Ilvcnlnj
lUiva Ijocnpald. , j,ia T
UJ Ordinary arlvcrti'cmonts inserted and Job- , ai 3 P M , via Camden anil Amboy, Accoinroo.
work exocuted at tho established prices. , d.illnn, 1st Ulass ,
iiiiiliifcu;LiiiiiMMMijwiHMHUJU i At 3 1 2 , v la Uamdcn anil Amtoy, Accoinmo-
Jersey Accommodation. 2
i o . iw., via mm uc ii uiiu ..iiiuuy, .iccommoua
At 7 A. M., via Cjmden anil iersoy City, Mom
Ins Mall
At lo A. M by sliamhnat Trenton, via Tacony
anil Jersey City. .Morning Express
At sr. ai.t via uatnnca ami Annioy, u. nna a.
THE foumlcrof this Celebrated Insti
tution, olTirs iho niostccrlaln, spculy, and inly
dat fon . -ill Cl.iu, ..
At 0 1 M. via Cnnulen and Amboy, Aecomnio-
ii.iuuii, im iati
From the Danville Intelligencer.
Death of Gou. V. Best.
With an artlcnl lovo and affection for.
Lis children, ho wis frequently urging upon j
thorn sorao new iidulgcnec. During his
last illness, and ni ho felt that his end was '
approaching, ho iianifcsted much anxiety
Si Selected Storm
Mr ni nit rf ihn l nvnt n'dmi
.... .1. ll sJllWl.ll Ul 1111 1 tl, f 111 111 1 nil.
'OrriCE. in the. new Brick Jhnlding, op Leaves as follow. i vm. t 1)1 ; AT r? iorr vc business in such a state as to j -
positcihe Exchange side of the Court ftfi JilOOmSUUrg, INOV. f , J.SD.lgivo as Httlo timble as possible to Lis1 "Father, is there no Impo for him ? Is
rrnwtP imrmnrratir. I Trad Quarters." i At 0 A( M.. via CamJpn and Jeney Clty.New ., L . . . fjmiu, I I 4t.fc i..:,.i. i ... i ,i
Hut there waj a crowntog glory to bis domn bo uoblo, o bravo, bo young, to die
character. lie Was a christian I Several without mercy I"
years since he connected himself with tho These words wcro used by a pale, tcar-
Wo liavo, this week, the painful task of j Presbyterian Church, in tbis place, under ful girl of great beauty, in tho middle por
announcingthodcceaso of Gen. Valentine caro of Hot. Dr. Ycomans.' tion of tho Hovolution which gave freedom
Best, Editor and Proprietor of this paper. ' In this position, as in all othors, he was 1 a homo on our own loved soil. During
This melancholy event took placo at 0 the same retiring, unobtrusive, but truthful that period wbon cruelty was too prevalent
o'clock on Wednesday ovoning last, 128th man- not permitting hislcft hand to know 1 with both p rtics when tories, American
inst. For moro than a year Mr. Best has what his right lund wai doing, itc was, born, were, if possible; more relentless and
At U 1' . M., vin Camden nnd Amboy, Accmnmu-
Thc5i?M iiiiQ'riinad heen vorv fccblo. but possessed as bo wps t in tho Church, as in tbi State, one who
fih'ctual reinPity in the world for HIucm for Glutr.
b'trfcturpH. Hiiu!ial wackueei, rains in llio Lnlne,
r'oiisiitntinnal Ucl.iliiy. Impofcnry, WtaknciB ul tlie
Hack and LlmbB, AlTccUoni of Ilia Kidnc), l';ili)ha
linn f tli f Ilrartt Dutpcpsln, Ntrvous Irritability,
biicnite ot the Ih'ud, 'I'limat, Nose or Shin, and nil
ihoic srrloua and niflnnrhot)' Disorders nritltig from
itlic destructivf linbili ul' You tit. which tluatroys both
body and mind. Those necrt-l and solitary practice,
urn more fatal to their victims than Uic unn of the
tiyrem to I lie mariners U lynxes, lihghtitid Un-ir tnoM
brilliant I'.nnc of auliciiatinni, rrndcring marriage
ice , impcisible.
M.irrioJ Voun .Men content i I atl mnr
fluae, bfiiijr .iwaru ofpbyKlc.iI wuikuc-tB, urganir (u
Itiliiy. tlflfwniiitlcB, A.c, eltouhl iiiiiii'diately consult
Dr Joitniton,aiiid be restort'd to C'rittt lit alili,
lie who pi i ces hnrnlf undT Hie rnre of If. John.
Ptott tn.iy religlotisly confide In bin honor nil a Ri'iitle
iufii,4md coulidciitlv rcU upon Ins flail nstpli j sicinn.
. Organ Cc I Vcdkn est
immediately cured and lull vipor restqred, j
'Dili itii-unn la ll.c pen illy moat IrH'iiiftily paid by j
thujo wltuJi.ive boi-oinn Die victim of .improper iniiiil-
i(tctc, Youn p'jritpa am loo apt to coitniut ex
t-fHi Iroin not bet mi nwaro of thoilrcadful ritnHrqiiciicc
Hint iiinyriKii". Now, who that nnder8tnmt4 Hit- rnli
jt-ct will pri'tend to deny that III p pnui-r of proun-a
lion I Util sonner by tlione lull in j; into Improper
habits til in byUn' pnntent. Hedcy Ikmiii; dt pnvt d ol
Hit) p.(,iort ol he.tlll.y (itrpm:R, the tuoji terioiis
and iletrticiiv tyiHiicni3 lo J.o'.lt body and nntid
ari'. Tlie aysti'iu b-jcuim'H ikrtngcd, Hm liniul
.in I tpiii-t il powi-rs wcakeiu'd, tumor dibiliiy, dys
)p4i.i. paliHt.tliori ol the in'.trf .indur'Hun a a"l ng
.tit tliti Iratiit. Cituvfti vyniptoniHofettiiiUiMpliun Atf '
13-Oififto No.7eioL'Ta rithDt.RtiK3riULi,fccvt.'ii Uoorft
from II iltlmort Ptrcet up tin gfps Hu
,p Irtolmf ntu iUiSlIii;U. or
yon ill mintaKo tin) plcn.
A Curt no Charge Made, in from One lo
'I'icu ifffjt.
.NO MUUUUUY oil NAlWI.OUrt IllllitiS UdUll.
.Mt'mtinr of the Koyjl CoMftre of Siirjeoin London
tl r.lilil'ttc Iroiil oio ollliu liinl cifUHUHtCulIctju; nt tint
HmtHd St.itfa, anil ihn grpafr patt ot.'Abont! hie ban
Ih.tii npt III III l to llm ltopltlla ol hondoit . i'.ini- I In:
I nb'lpiiia JUidiHsfwIhTi, Ii.ik t'llrrfd ttimio ol iht 100-.I
.,ultuili iiik tori n thai vvr knuwti ; in.iiij t mub
)'.! with riHMU in ill' licid i.tid tats ut'ti adbt'pt
LTal nrvtnnii',nsl Iti al.irnn'd al Hiiddn uuinli.
jtid b.ihlif.itnoit, wilh fri-nent hhiliiiii;l aitendca
n-Miiclnnt'ii iili tlurangi'inciit ol mil. d, wt,rc cured int
A ( crtUn fjisctac,
Vhin Mip niMS'i'd-'d and uuprinli'iii olary of pica
min1 liinh 1ft tin nutiiln-d me m-wdi of Hi4,v:it1'nl
:liian', it too oOlmi bnppeiiit that nit illltmi'd m-oh ol
Hlniin-, or nl itn .ott'ty, tli-ltri bun from upiilyi
uu lo tlhMu w h from education ami n-ripci labihif
ran .tliin lu'lrtmid Into ! 1 1 111 I lit Um cointiiitiinniy
fyniptonu ill tin ho r ml lit-faffnuikt1 lbi 1 .ppi'j.rau 1
pio h tK tttrraii'd tiorc (Iincacd misi-. num.
, pat us 111 tho lo'tid and liuilix. illinnt'Sa of subl.tb- alnnal
oodf sun iho U in Imni'it, and arnnti bloirlofum t-9
'In'.i.l 1 ice. and eiirt'in in 0. progn-nf iiiLM i lb h j: th.
irapiditv , till at list I lie p.tlntf ufthe iiioour imil
ibiMMia of the nose fail in .a ml Uu- vi. lim ul iliiioi t1i
ilneair becomes a horrid objt-ct of mmmiMK-r.itioti till
il nth i.tit-4 a itenoil 10 It 1 1 drtMdful MiUVrnit'ti. Itv mli
uiiichnii tt 'thai bourne Irani wln'iir' no traveler
nt'irti, To sut h therefore Dr. Johnston pledPR
lnimfto pritfrve Hip tiiont piivbi) ibln TPrrtov and
,Iroiu In eiii'iKivn prnrtirp in thpfirttt llofpiinln of
Knrope but Aioerlta, he can contidt-ntly piunnniin !
and spedy cure to lite unfortunate vnciiii of tins
'hoiiid dii iuu
Take )articular Notice.
Dr.J addresses all those who have injur-d tbem.
selves by private and improper indulgent e;,
ThcM arp son.e til the tad and meiaj.Uiolv elfect'
pro'luced byparly habits nf youth, viz - Wmkm-Fs of
the (lack nnd l.imlni I'atu in the Head. Dimiift-r" oi
Hight. I.osa of Musciilar Ptwr Palpitation of the
Hturt, IWpplT. Nervi.ut Irr nihility, D'T.injjMrn'nl
ufthe Dipstive Functioiu .(eneru I Debility, symptoms
of Consumption, 4-c
MIINTAhhY Tlie ff-arful pfTecta upon the mind
arp tourli to lieitre.tded, l.os ol Meumrv, tJnnni ion uf
Ideas, Dori'siiou of the tpi ri Id. I'vtl 'orehotlintiM,
Averton of Society, Ttniity,i.c, are nitne j l I e iU
Thoiisinds of person of nil ags ran now jo due
wttat is ihi cause ol ttieir declining hcilth. . t.noMirjr
their vigor. becoming' u oak, pal tt mid eniariucd, liavni),'
uncular appearance about Hie eyed, coughaitd Bjnip
toms of Consumption.
Dr. Johnston's invigorating Remedy for
'Organic Weakness.
Hy this great and iniponn nt rcniPily, weakness of the
'organs art) predly rnred, nnd lull vlcor rejtoiPil.
n'lioMS3ndof the most nervous and dihlljtnt-it, who
had lst all hope, have been immcdi itely relievetl All
impediments lo Marring) Pltysiral and Mental Dispia
litlcufon, Nervous I rntatultty .Treiiiblincn a ml Weak
iiess, or eiliaimmn ol tho most fearful kind, speedily
cured hy Dot tor Jobnstou
Young Men
Who have injured themselves by n certiitt prartice,
indulged in when alnnp 1 habit freppnlly I par tied
fro iik evil companions, or nt school thpelfecls ofulncli
are nihility lelt, oven when asleep, and if not cured
renders iiurriaire Impossible, and fh.'fclruys Iwlli mitnl
nud bitty, should apply Immediately
What a pity that a vour.? man. the hope of bin coun
try.aiidthe darllnaof hieppirents should bo stidUhed
from all prospects an Leiijoytuefits of hie, by Ihn con so.
jueures ot'devlntln from the path ofnatore, and lu
dulgiuc in a certain icftot habit, Such person Leftrc
should reflect that n sound mind and botfj art) Hip mos
necessaryrp'iuisltiesto promote conunbial happiness
Indend, without these the journey through lite becomes
a weary pilgrimage, the prospecljiouriy darken to the
viftW ; ibe mind becomes shadowed wilh. despair and
rlt led with the melancholy reflection l tint the happiness
ofanoihcrbecomes hltfrhied witli our own,
0rKlUUN0.7 HdUTH rilUWVAXUlKGr .Baltimore, M4
N.U, Let no false modesty prevent jou, but apply 1111
Inediatelyev her personally or by letter.
To Strangers.
Thn ibousindi cured atthis institution with'n
the last 15 years, and the numerous important Hurgiral
Upeiations perfonnudhy Dr.Jolmslon, witnessed by
the reporlersol the papers and many other
itees of which have appeared again and Hgaiu beforo
the dublie, besides bis standing ns a gentlemnu of cha
racterantt respunilbihty. il a suiHcitiit guarantee to
the afllictetl.
Talte Notice,
N.n, There nru so many Ignorant and worthless
Quacks advertising themselves pli) siciann, ruining
tho health or the ulreidy atHicud. that Dr, Johnston
dcemsituecestary tosay, especially to those unac
oualntedwith his rppntntion.tli)ithi credentials ami
dlplomasalwayihanff in tils office.
rj-TiK Notice, A II letter- in nit ho postpaid, and
contain a postage stamp for the reply, or uoanswer
bewill tent
.nuarly 7 1857
T1U1 undersigned, thank nil (or the liberal
patronage with which ho has been lavord tor
DxptPSA r-tno9)nn at the prinrlnal sta'I'tns only.
lor lielvidere, Katton, Flemlngton, 4.c.,at u A. ftl.
and -t I'. M., from Walnut street shnrf. !
For Vatr (lap.Blroudiilurgtcraiitt.n. Wilkesbnrre,
Montrose, Great Ucnd itc., nt tA. M., via Delaware, 1
Lackawanna at Western Uallrond. I
For Fret hold ntO A M.andSP M.
Tor Mount lloliy at 7 A Mi, and 2t and 5 P. M.
For Ilrlstoi, Trenton, &c , at lJi and 4 P. M.
j For Palmyra, Itancocas, llcvcrly, P.urliiigton, ltor
dentown, ic, at 3 1' M,
For Mount Holly, llurlinglon and Way Stations al 5
j V M
) Hie.tmboat Kichard Stockton for llnrlin&ton ami Rris
ItonteA Al. .and for llordfnlovtn and intermediate
pbicta jfJ I P.M.
Hteamb'Mit Trcr.lon for Tacony nt 10 anl 11 A. M.,
and 1 r. .t., nnn inr iniriinpton nmi nriM(i at i 1 . i
i 1 1 1 tie! , pa et 1 1 1 a M , leavp ivainni n vuian.
13- Filty poninls ol hairgiiee only a t eil each ptp-
eenter. P.ik-piij vrr are prohibit td Irom taking nn) thing
as baggage but ilo'ir w en r trie apparel, AM btggagc
over tllli lOMiiiild to tie nnid tor eirn . 1 lie Conmaiiv
limit their responsibility far baggage in 011 f per
MM nil, .111 11 win uiPi no itat'ii ior any autuu in .nejooo
Jlwu. except by s" cial rotitr ict
H II. ti.MZtlUlt, Agrni,
(' At A I . It CO.
R. !i. MOUIir.l.L, Aeent,
Sept 20. 1?? Plnla. T-r. It. it. Co.
Wall a r r i v a l.
S IL V IU !1 iNJ o
Till! undersigned, grateful for prist patrom-je. re-(-peilliiliy
iiifirma lint ciPtnmers ami iho public
centrally, that he h 11 ju-l received from tlie li.iaicr n
rili Hie largt-dl ami most select stork ol
ThttliM yet been opened in lllooiiubitru. to uiiith he
invUn the titteniitni nf his (riofids. and af tires them
ihnt iheynre ofb'rtd lor sa o ul baic.tiiu. Ihs
Cltick otnirises 11 large tieorluieiil of
iicutlcmcu 8 Wearing Apparel,
Consisting of FASII ION' A 111.11 DlU'-iSS ('OATS, of
everv d ription ; I'anu Vest it. titnrts. Cravats,
atocus Cotton ll.iiu!tircliiei,t.l es, tuHjieniurs, Kc.
Gold Watvhcs and Jtwchyy
Of p try di nrtiptiou fine nnd rheup
N H llemi miiir "Ixvenbcx's Llteap Itnpanvm
Call and t-ee , .No charge for pxaiiiiiiiiit' (h.'ds
niojinsbrrg AiirCj it7
CIIF..1 ! w.i rcn F.S Jt .YD .1 F. If 1: 1, n r.
7 HULKS M.I', AMI UC'I'AII.. ul llm ! J. 1 l.i.J .1 J.!. :i
v an 1 .in Ji-wi- rv Mori?.' r.o Ildfi
.Vurili i:(;t)NII Rri.i-l.romi'r of fiiiarrj , r
lid (dlil No Ml
(lulil I niTU'iitrhi'ii f . 1 1 J 1 u.' cati'tr.injs. $!1KU
Cntil I., u , 1H lar.t. . . 'J4 II)
lijlviT'ur, lull 11 ivcllcil, ii
filvrr l.ipiiii, - !l (111
Hiiit niir UuartliT., 7 1'O
Cnl'l Fieclnrlr, ,7 (10
( mi" NI v ir mi, i au
Colli llr.n i l.'K, 3 00
l.ail h Ci'lil 'unciln. - I iiu
Hilvnr I i .i snimin. m1. - o nil
Cohl 1'i.iia, with runcl1 nmi Hilrir holiW, I (Jt)
I. nlil l iiiair ltm!.M, .171 riMil. li.m ; wolrli (II.i.fpb.
illln, ii'iit. 1'iiti'lil ll, l.iincl (J.'i; othi r allirleK
in propnriinn. AllgooiU wnrraiilnl to lie ulial tlicy
art- fio.d To..
RTAUr Fl K .t IIAIil.IlV.
t3t)n liaml poro fiolil and Pilvir l.vvcr. ami
r.ppUn. flill low it llian tlicabovu puns.
Octoliir 10, 1 H.'i7
of an unusual amount (if energy and per-1 imndou his own business, and, influenced
severance, lio prosisted in giving more or by Oliri-tian lovo and Cl.ristian principle,
less activo attcnlion to Ills business nntil be mado no difficulty, altttcd no clamor,
about tbrco weeks since, when Lo became 1 but thankfully received tad fed upon the
so much enfeebled as to bo uuablo to leave truths which wcro preached,
his bed. Mr. Hest was born 'near Dan-1 During bis last illness ho conversed much
ville, onSthJUarcllSOand consequently upon rdigious topics, espressed his perfect
was aged .50 years, 7 mos., and 20 days. I willingness and desiro to go, and his entiro
Ho did not have tho advantago of any- couDdeucc in that Saior whom ho had
thing more than tho simple school oduca- ! acknowledged and lovtd.
tion ciimimm in his boyhood. At tho ago j H'3 excellent family, in their dcop ho
of 11 or 15, perhaps, ho commenced lcirn- i roavomont, have tho hemfclt sympathies of
ing the printing business, in Danville, with 11 birgo circle of friends. 'J'hoy havo for
Br. Daunell; but tho greater part of hh their support, too, tho consolations of that
apprenticeship was served with tho lalo 1 Religion which sustained tlicir tiustiantt
Gen. Frick, of Jliltou. For a short limo ' and father iu Am hour of trial.
belabored as a journeyman at Wasliin.ton ; ' '
ami, in 188, ho commenced tho publico- AuotllOr Mulder in Luzcrno
tion of tho Danvillo Intelligencer, which ho ! County.
has continued to edit and pullhh uuiuter. IIuman lifo ,M vory ,;tllo valuo now.
lupieuiyup iq mo present time, it was i B (lays. a man named Burns was brought
his effort and pride to bo always faithful to to jHil 0I1 1fI.,day last from pittston, chariicd
cuuawii. , iw uu uwiicmiu oi ivincuit i Wi tti the murder of his wife. Tho full
bio to learn.
icalousv two accursed
gencer," ho never failed to i.uo tho paper fiends .to human happiness aio attributed
at mo regular iinio except once, aim tint a3 tl,0 c!ius0i liurns dcn;eg liaving ,nur.
was when tho of.ico was being removed, j acroa Ui w;fo. 1)0 gays sll0 was- drunk)
and it was impossible I.. January, 1830, . and wi,c 0i,lg h,'o tho house, bho fell
Gov. l'urtcr appointed him Protliouotary j upon some stone.', and inflicted tho wounds
and Clerk of tho different Courts of Go-, which caused her death. Hut tho other
luu.Uu on., to fill 0 uar-incy 'I'liiq nfrifo ol.lo of the cosu nuulil aeLiu niui t! piausib'c.
lie held unt 1 the folh.wing (latter, whun ( It is said that when charged with the mur
Jacob Eyctly was elected by tho people der, ho attempted to make hw escape; that
to succeed him. An admiru- and ardent t!,0 woman was badly bruised, and her
supporler of Gen. Csis' nomination for tho 1 skullfractured ; and that a club was found
Presidency in 1S13, ho conducted the ' a short diitance from the hou?o. besnattered
cruel than the British troops.
Tho father, a noble looking man of
middlo ago, turned a ghnco out of tho
window which opened towards Long Island
Sound, tho green waters of which could bo
rest beneath tho sod ; and to this room sho As thoy approuched tho channel, and
fled, and soon was arrayed in a suit of say tho black rocks, tho whirling eddies,
such clothing .as. the young men generally tho taunting breakers, dashing high on
wear when tlicy go on a boating expedition, every hand, tho officers and crew looked
Without hesitation, tho cut tho long glossy auxioSsly out upon tho danger. But so
tresses of hair from her head, and in a brief calm and fearless seemed tho joung pilot,
period, boro tho appoaranco of any young ,tbat ro-aSsuraneo had a homo iu every
map of eighteen, not moro than her aye. heart so clear above tho galo his bugle
Having mado theso arrangements with a like voice bounded, as ho gavo tho orders,
rapidity that only desperato rcsolvo could " Port, s.toady so luff a point V &c.
causo, sho instantly left tho house, passing Thoy wcro inoro th m half through. Tho
down tho avenuo towards the Sound, before tumbling breakers of tho "punch bowl"
her father's eyes, ho little thinking that the and " hog's back" Lad Icon passed ; a few
apparently spruco young waterman, who hundred fathoms more, and they would bo
cheso to breast such a storm, wa3 tho per- sjfe from every danger. Thfn ono quick
son of his accomplished daughter. glance toward heaven, and tho disguised
Hurrying down to a boat house, which girl cried: "Port port I liardl"
fronted the avenuo, sho loosened one of Tho helmsman obeyed. The vessel
those small light skiffs which arc still ibo cased off before tho wind and flew on with
model of tho pilots of Hurl Gate, hoisted a accumulated pco4, for a moment, and no
small sail, and in a few moments was out , morol With a crash, which sent her tall
upon those angry waters, running upon tho tumbling over her bows and sent
seen pparkliii" beyond acrove that fronted ' 'ast of tl10 floo(1 tidos as freely and boldly her crew reeling to tho deck-fcho brought
. . 1 ... ' . ? .. I . -P I 1 1 . .1... 1 I .1 I- 1
his dwelling near Hurl Gate. Ho turned I as 11 6U0 llau uccn ln a stout snip insieau , up on a nugo rocii near tue pqrpeuuicutar
may bo stated that, in all tho peiiod nf 30 particulars we havo not been al
years, of his proprietorship of tho ' Intelli-' Drunkenness and icalousv V
to this to hide from her bis emotions, for
she was his only child, and ho feared that
her young heart would brook when ho told
her all tho sad news that lay so heavily on
his heart.
" Speak, father j tell mo, is there no
hope! I will go myself, and, kneeling to
tlie tyrant, will plead for tho lifo of him
whom 1 1'ivc as only woman can lovo r sue
"Alas! my child, mercy is dead in tho
British general's breutt his heart is cal
lous to pity ! I havo risked much by
of so fuihII attd frail a boat. It was no shpro to tho right. Then amid tho rush of
now thing for her to be upon tho water, waters, tho curses of officers, and the shouts
being reared so closo to it and hundreds . of frightened men, was hoard tho pilot's
of times had sho been dashing over those . shrill cry :
waves, but never perhaps in such a galo as i " If ono of you survivo this wreck, go
that. Yet coolly she steered her tiny craft, ' tell your British general that Nathan
avoiding tho dangerous whirlpools and Hale is avenged, and thai by a uoimn,
rooks, and heading towards tho frigate, too ! Sink sink! and liny my curses
Lt.l., l...r;l.-. ... ,11 , . x ......j ja ...... j.-.-
fired another gun. 1 And beforo a hand could reach her, had
Within less than twenty minutes from j -thoy wished it, sho leaped into tho eddying
tho time she started, sho had luffed along I tide j and ere she sunk, the proud frigate,
sido of tho man of war, having caught the ' with its shivered spars and sails, its flag
pleading for him, but lor your sake, would , fastcnc(1 tbo bo!lf. ! 6ti11 Md ltf cr st,out WeD' w"
bo almost willing to die in Nathan's" I Lad unted sido ; and stood , going down into the cold, dark waters, and
" Cruel.cruel fatol When is ho to die? j uPon tUo (laKcr UC!1' in 1110 Prcs:DC0 01 , luo 's"
Ilarriaburg ,'lrgus, and labored earnestly
for the elevation of that distinguished
statesman to the Presidency of the United
States. Iu 1817 ho was elected State
with blood, and containing tho imprints of
his hand', and a portion of his wifo's hair.
If Bums is guilty of the atrocious crime
with which ho is charged, ho should be
'plli: undersigned ret-jMCtl'ulty informs llin citizens
l ol ilhmiiihburg and thu public in geii(.ril, that hu
baa opened a
Hoot and Shoe Establishment)
In ill- white building, on M.iin stre-i, ubovo FJsu'ft
Ai. WiNuii it i ikvry, wucre hu nas coitautly on hand
a large usfoHuif lit nf
lioota, Shoes. Gaiters, Ac,
And will make up work loonier on short notiro Ills
bng experience in the business, and general Know
ledae ol the anttof llm people, will etiublt! bin) to
rcui'cr satlsfietitin-to all hl ciintonier. nud tliould
mjciire bun patronage which he hopes to merit.
HlooinjburE, iMity 2, If 57.
rp II! Mibscriber bavins removed liit Marble Yard,
i Irom near thu Court Ho n o, to thaHomh w i-Ft ctir
ii. r (r MAI Vnud MAUKUT treeis, tiiiKiiH'rtfl ltniv,
v lure ho is prepared to lurnsh all kintjH of
Marble Wnrk,
Viz: MONUMRNTH, Cradlo Talilbi. lloi Tonibi.aml
llemi stoiiri. of every ilrecnpiion. llin stock is ol tho
In'.t kiiul. tlm mirkiniiisliin not ftirna.Bcil tivnnv In
tn o cimiiiry, ami at low prict's. i.m unu juage lor
Vjr lie ivri nio lurnlFU lame nnu iiureDii 'i'ops,
M.uitil. f.r houses. Hast! Corn''.. I.iulled. allt! HiIIb
for Wini'own anil Door., ot a low flpiiro.
Tluiiikiiil fur yaal favors, we hope lor it conilnuincu
ol tlm same.
Illooin.liu re, April 4. 1857. Ilur
Sena or for the counties of Columbia, Lu- ma(o to suffer the extreme .penalty of tho
zerne.and Wyoming. During tho last year aW considering that 'in this ago of boasted
of his term, at the session of 18-10-50, ho j civilisation, wo cling with such wonderful
was elected Speaker of tho Senate, and tenacity to that old relic of heathen bar-
presided over tho deliberations of that body 1 Uarily called Capital Punishment. But
will ho be? Let us sco what ba3 been
A man in Providence, while in a drunk
en fit,, deals his wife a blow on the head
witii a pitcher, whb'h causes her instant
death. Tho criminal is brought to- trial ;
rplin iiiideMigtieil re.prclfully liiloruis lus friends
ii nd tlie public guieiiill), lliat In- lias opt nut
.1 iVtto Timeurc nnd Shcil Lon Esta
with marked ability and faithfulness
This was his last service in a strictly .puLlic
Fur years ever zealous and watchful of
the interests of his nativo town, at this
session of the legislature, with crfectly
unselfish devotion, as his ititimato friends
know certainly, and will testify, and be
lieving tlmt.the project for tho division of
Columbia and ibe establishment of Montour
County was entirely right and just, ho
labored diligently, faithfully, and success
fully for the accomplishment of that end.
As an evidence that his services wcro
appreciated, at tho following election, at
which ho was an independent candidate
for re-election, though defeated in tho
j district, ho received a nearly unanimous voto
in las own County of Montour. In Dan
villo ho received 701 votes to !1 against
him. Interesting himself in every project
proposed for tho good of tho town, nud
possessing tho cutiro confidence of tho peo-
Thcro may bo somo hope of bis rescue.
IIo was a favorite with Washington, and
he is at White Plain?, I will go to him !''
"Alns 1 dear child, nerve yourself for
tho rows. It is alrcady too late 1"
" Dead, dead!" shrieked tho poor girl.
" Oh 1 father, say that it is not so !"
"Alas, my child 1 cannot! Ho was
hung nt unricn, and was cvon refusod a
I'iblo lo look nt ere ho was summoned to
ho presence ofhis Maker 1"
Kor a moment tho poor girl stood silent ;
not a tcir came from her eyes; but a wild
tho commander.
"Aro you a pilot!" asked tho latter, im
patient in tone as well as look,
" I am, sir;" was the reply.
" Young for such business. Could you
take us through Hurl Gate V
I "As well as my father, who ba3 been a
I pilot hero these thirty years !" was tho re-
" Why did ho not come out, instead of
sending a boy like you iu a blow as fresh,
i as this !"
" Because ho is laid up with tho rheu
matism, sir, and then he knows that I can
lii.lit illmnlnnfnd rlintn ! a flash as bright
as fire itself gathered over both face and 1 Pilot you through as well as he can
- . - . . . l"Tnnrr flnntnii l-iinira .nr eirl"
lirmv Min fi otii-Iind her lair nanus together i ,
until Iho nails seemed to enter tho flesh,
and with a cold, bitter tone, sho cried
" Lite rou I.irE I I shall bo revenged
ivce, deeply revenged !"
' Child, dear child, be cilm," said the
fond parent,
" Father. I am calm very calm ! Calm
as Ac U, almost. Hut I swear that be shall
be revenged, if my own bands havo to
"Ah ! docs he well, that is all right.
Can wo boar away yet !"
'No, sir; not fur au hour till the tide
runs ebb."
" That is tad this gala keeps rising.
Is thcro no anchorage hereabouts?"
" No, sir; not within twenty miles about,
wbero your anchor would hold."
" Then we limit go through !"
" Yoi,sir; as soon as tho tido comes. I
And tbu3 the brief sketch is closed.
The guns of tho sunken frigate rest beneath
the tide of Hurl Gate; but tho memory of
tho Patriot Pilot lives in more than ouu
breast yot.
accidental murder in a drunkon spree, is
plead by tho defence ; a verdict of not
guilty is returned by tho jury. He bad
killed ,his v,ife, (of that fhoro was not tho
least doubt) but twclvo worthy and intelli
gent citizens, acting as jurors, declared
that no harm was done, no society was
outraged, no law was violated ; and the
man who did the awful deed was again
thrust upon community, with no punish
ment but that which tho sting of a guilty
conscicnco would naturally inflict.
Again, a citizen of Hydo Park, while
riding iu his carriage, in broad day light,
i3 shot dead. A young man is indicted
for tho premeditated murder; tho cvidonco
is purely circumstantial, hut sufficiently
reach the tyract'd ho irt that scaled his j WOuld not risk it yet, for, if tho current
doom! I loved, oh! how I loved him should catch you on either bow, you'd o
and wcro not our betrothal vows plighted 1
I will act as a widow as tho widow of a
soldier should act."
" .My dear child, y.u will bring ruin
upon our heads."
" Not upon yours, father; but to me
what is ruin now. But I will not bo rash,
1 will goto my room, and pray and think
of him who now lays cold in death."
A Short Story by Dickens.
Dickons tells the following story of an
American pea captain :
On his last voyage hshlo tho captain had
on board a young lady of remarkable per
sonal attractions a phrase I used as ono
being entirely new, and one yon never met
with in the newspapers. This young hdy
was beloved intensely by five young gen
tleman passonscrs, and in return sho was
in lovo with them oil very ardently, but
without any particular preference for cither.
Not knowing Inw to make up her determi
nation in this dilemma, she consulted my
friend tho captain. Tho captain being a
(nan of an original turn of mind says to
tho young lady, I'Jump over board, and
marry the man who jumps after you." Tho
young lady, struck with the idea, and being
naturally fond of bathing, especially in
warm weather as it then was, ,taok the
advico of tho captiiu who had a boat
manned in case of accident. Accordingly,
next morning, tho 5 lovers being on deck,
and looking devotedly at the young lady,
the pluuged into the sea brad l'oromost.-
plo, his namo could always bo found as a strong to leavo to " reasonable doubt" as
trusteo,, manager, director, or member of to his cuiir. Tho iurv returns a verdict of
In tlie bnililini! (oriiierly occuolcil for lliat mirno.p. I tlio different beuuvolent. lilernrv nnil tinli. .i : i .
bj Jo.enli Bharfless. where lie is prepared wcondutt ' . ' ' , ' , gumy uj uiuiuur iu iuu nrat uegree. a.
.-uwi1'i"i I""" aim county, no , fc0cond trial is granted and this time tho
years coneoy.wouiu inform in. irienns unit
customers, 'hat he continues lo mauuiacluto
Hoots aM. shoes,
At his old and well-kuuwnsland, on Maimttcel,
Illoomsbure. In all their various and forms ,in ood
sly lea ud on moderate terms.
ills long cipeneiicr in thu business, and general
knnwledgeof the people ul u'olumblai ounty, super
added to a filed determination lorender sail. faction
tontl hi. customers, should secure him increased pa
lonage which he hopes to merit.
jaoou f. nicrnniuK,
Uloomsburg, Match 10 1B37
Pl'.USONH wlshinc Itosenilale t.'enunt inn find it by
calling ontri subicrller at Ituperi !a
tjie business in nil its various nraucne.
Tinware nnd Mouse Spouting of nil kinds made to
order on .linrf notice and nt moderate prices.
Also-SToVtIS, of various styles, constantly for
llepairing done to order ill quick time.
irs-IToumrv ii mil lice taken in ell hume fur wotk.
lllonmsliuru. Miy in, 1657 y
labored, too, with moro than ordinary zeal,
with pen, and means, and personal appli
cation, in ovory gocd work.
Iu bis capacity as Editor of this paper,
criminal is acquitted, and set free.
Our only object in referring to tlieso
cases is to furnish grounds upon which wo
I oau reasonably assume that tho death
MslV JstHtRLK Yrlltl) IN JiLOO.IISIIlIlMi. "lie performed, perhaps, ono of tho most penalty is wholly impotent so far as tho
important of his labors as a citizen. No objects for whicli it was established, are
discriminating mind, familiar with the 1 concerned, namely tho punishment of tho
Intelligencer during his long cditorialship, j criminal, ami the prevention of crimo. Iu
but knows that it was marked by tho ovi- tho present state of publio feeling it i3 very
deueo of a solid judgment, and a uniform ' difficult to convict n man of murder. The
regard to tho great moral interests of tho death penalty is so cruel, and so repugnant
community. Though decided in, nnd per-1 to tho dictates of humanity, that thoso to
fectly convinced of the truth of bis politi- j whom tho execution ol tho law is entrusted,
cal opinions, he always kept them iu uboy- naturally shrink from tho performaueo of
HAH opened a Marblo Vanl In Court Alley, opposite
the tiiclMiinH. rtlmru he i to finish. the
best u or k from Italian or Americuu Alarbtelor
Tombstones, Tables, Mantles, WlndowulU and len
Koruie character ana iiuisn uihihvihk imirien m
such us ho tin s nitiite is this county He will furnish
oeitgnn forwnrk or execute any Hut imfy be furnish
ediuhlm. Ilisuork ahull always be satisfactory in
itsstylt-and reasonahlcin price.
IM...,...ui...... n,.- 1. IU'i!
rplin subscribers have jutl relumed from the city.
X with a goud assortment of Goods lit puces lo suit
tho times, which they Hill dispose or til pricrs Tor
rcaay pay.
We invite ail pirsons wliowi.h to buy tlirup. to call
nud examine our .lock. Country I'roduco takeu as
il. C. U I. W. 1IAKTMA1M.
Oct 17.1337
Dr. Francis (1. Harrison,
WOULD respectfully Inform Ihecitizcns of llloom.
burs and vicinity, thatlichasc oiuineitcodthe rtra
itlr ol" MtniCMB and Bunosny, and solicits a share cf
Ue au always ba found a I the UicuaDgellolsJop
posite Hie Cuurt House
lilmiiliburir. Feb S.IEC)
nnco to his dignity ns a gentleman and his
principles as a Christian.
But it was in tho private relations of life,
iu tho social circlo, iu tho bosom ofhis own
family, whero his virtues shono moro
brightly, and whoro his worth was most
appreciated. Possessed of a very generous
and benevolent di&po-itiou, ho was con
stantly solicitous lor tho comfort and
their duty, which thoy would not do wcro
they called upon to inflict ti milder penalty,
A jury is not so easily found who will,
upon tho most cotclusivo ovidencc, consign
a man to an iguominous death upon tho
gallows.- ZMtmw Union,
v - , mbuj ia
wclfaroofhia immediate friends and family1 1 tho glass.
JSaS" Why i3 a vain youus hdy like a
confirmed druukard ? Bocauso neither of
them is satisfied with a medcrato uso of
on tlie rocks sure."
" That is true, young man, Let mo
know the earliest moment that wo .can "0
"Aye, aye, sir I"
And while tho English commandeT Four of tho lovers immediately jumped in
turned off to speak to ono of his officers! ' after her. When tho yi'ung lady and her
the patriot pilot calmly went to iho main I four lovers wcro get uut again, she says to
gangway, and looked over tho sido as if, tho captain : ''what am I to do wilh them
She turned and left tho room, whilst tho washing for the change of tide. now, they aro so wet ?' Says the captain,
father still stood looking from the window But what was passing in her heart then! , 'take tho dry one V And the young lady
out upon tho waters, which wcro dashed There were between three and four bun- did, and sho married him.
with a risiuK storm, and the trees, which drcd souls in that fated vessel. Sho hid'
already .began to writhe bcuealh the forco lost the only loved thing, beside hor father, JJeatii or a Duelist. Tho Kentucky
of tho rising galo, like some huge giant
wrcstliug with somo unforsccn power.
Meanwhile bis daughter had gouo up to
her room in one of the choerful gables of
tho old fashioned bcuso; and, forgetting to
pray in tho mad tumult of her wionged
heart, was also gazing out upon tho storm
which was not wilder than tho tumult iu
her own heart.
From her elevated .position bho could
look over the trcctopsand tho tericd clouds
as, like a b ittleing host, enshrined lo tho
charge, amid sulphurous flames and smoko
they roso and spread athwart tho sky.
Sho could fcco tho eddyiug of Hurl Gato
tossing wilh whirls tho foam cops, white ns
drifting suow, in tho air tho breakers
tumbling up against tho black rooks, as if
on earth, when Nathan Hale was hung r.s papers announce tho death of Uarrod
a spy on that morning. Sho was not Ikleinan, fur many years tho publisher of
thinking how many hearts would bo broken a newspaper in Frankfort, and public
by her intended act; she was not thinking printer of the State iu former day-j. Ho
of tho muthors and sisters, and wives in ' once fought a bloody and fatal duel, and
England, who would soon mourn for her ' was himself a cripple for life from it. This
deed sho was only thinking that soon, , duel tork placo five and thirty years ago.
sho would join him in the spirit land, and It grew out of a.m litary training. Hole
that doaily would his loss bo avenged. 1 nian, who was c immauder of a company,
For her own lifo sho cared not, thought ' was followed, .whilo on duty, by a favorite
not not ovtu did she think of that wor- dog. A .cubordiua'o officer, who was
shipping father, who sadly paced his room, 1 offended by the dog's antics, drew his
believing that she was praying for patience wcid and cut tho innocent animal in
to bear her loss. . ( twain, lli'lciuan remarked that whoever
Meantime, there wore 'hose three or four wo, d porp0tratu 6UCh an act was a coward
hundred hearts boating with gladness that alJ a BCl)lII,arci. a challongo to mortal
they had got over a long and sickening comlat wa3 he consooucaoo, It was no.
II I 1 1 I
voyage ami soon wouiu no aucnoreu in . . j d thc tics . Sta(0
thev would hido their dancers ftum tho . front of 'ue E'J0rcs tLat looM lovely in Ih.uso at Frankfort. Kcntuokv. and fought
" w , ,1. c .1 til... ' w ' a
incir sueeu oi green, even tuougu tue storm dcsporatclj. for two hourj arjd upffartI3i ,bo
clouds hovered over them. I alltagollijl of Qman ,va3 killed, and tho
At last, after looking towards the homo latter escaped with desperato wouuds
in which sho was born sho know it would Amongst tho-:c who witnessed tho duel were
bo her last look she turned and went to Hcury0Clay, John J, Crittenden and S" ja
the commander and said medt,otj tho latter then ono ni tho most
" Tho tido is slack, it changes suddenly biilliant and distinguished orators of Ken
and wo had better fill away at once." tucky, Ilolcmau was arraigned, chafed'
Tho commander gavo tho necessary or-1 with the crime of wilful murder, iyad, af.or
dcrs to his lieutenants, and tho next mo- a long and exciting trial, wan acquitted.
nient tho main topsail, which had been laid j Mr. Clay and Mr. Crittc;l0;on espoused thc
aback was braced around, tho head sheets j causo of Ilolcmau.
cased away, and tho vessel headed for tho ' ... -
narrow channel, where a thousand crafts I JCfif How to prevent no' ir,.., trr,,n -nt
manuor s view.
Suddenly tho sound of a cannon was
heard, and, as she looked upon tho Sound,
sho saw that a ship of war bad hovo to
abovo tho narrow Gorgo of tho Gato. A
signal for a pilot was flying at tho foretop,
and the hated cross of .St. George flow from
her spankor gaff.
With ono wild cry of fierco delight, tho
fair girl bounded from iho rouui. " Life
roil Life K athau nle shall bo avenged,"
sho cried.
What wa her idea? Within another
room in tho houso was tho clothinc of a
1 brother, who had long tiucc been laid to
have, crc th , laid thur o.'riicu bum.
tiiiKtuibu eromid -d.
y' ui 'n.i, then.