SWAN & OO.'S LOTTERUIS. xi:ir ji.d bkiujaxt sciikme. C'nplUl I'riTc $C0,O00. The folkiwlns Hchenie will he drawn Iij8.Sh!, A. Co., MiMngrr. of Uin I'oft Haliies' Academy Lottery, in each of ilirir Lotterl. rnr October, 1H.V?, nt' AUI1UUTA, (liorrla, in nhlth eilr they liuvo rrnioved llielr Principal Office. CLASS 5(1, To tin drawn In Hi city or Aur'.ii.tn.rienrila, in pull tc, on rfutiirilay. October iinm.17, , , . . To bmtraisnih the cltynf Ailfflistll. (lenrcla.lll public, on Eiilurday, October 10th, IPO?, I'l.AKH .IH. To bedrawn In lhi clly nf Aiijust.l,flenrfflfl, In public, un Peiuniay, ucioiut i,tn, ie,it. ni. 144 .in To be drawn ... ih. my ol Auttii.ia. aruritla, in public, on Palurday, October 2tll.,l8i7. i t.Asm mi. Tobadrawu in the cltyol Auftusia. Oeoma, In public n.i H.itunlji... nrl,,lr HI It. J8JI (IV TUB M.AN or BINHI.L' NUMMEItS. Fire Inous.nd fViae Hundred and AWy Prlui I Nearly one I'rizc to every Nino Tickets. MO.Yn-rcnyr sciirmhi TO SI DRWVN BATUIcllAV I.V OUTOBnitl G A c II I True of (tlU.OOO A Triti-s of Lf -.0 ya UUII liuiKl 7,0110 .. 0011 3.500 I, .'.110 S S 5 .V 100 100 j'nJJ I 2en ' 4U0 ' ISo ) K'O i 3 l.tlOO 530 APPROXIMATION PHIZES. I Prints, l,A'pro'i!uj to ten OUOl'rlxeare (IGOO 300 VS.UM IJW1 210 1M 1011 7S AO '.'0 are H. iOO 7.WI aOOO 3 .'.00 I. 1UO KKI son 4IIII '.'Iltl loo.fiun j.i:o.ihio uuai;- 4 " aooii i95 Prlics awoMtiilnf to WHOLE TUKEIIJ SIO; IIAI.VEH $J J Flan of the Lottery. The Numbers from I In .VI 00(1, corresponding with those JVuuihols on the Tickets print,! nn separate slips el paper. nrrcnclrc led with small tin lubesand placed in on wheel The nut 467 I'riies, slinllrly printed t lid tnclr r led, are pi iced in nnollier wheel. Tile wheels are then revolved, and a number Is drawn from I tic wheel n f Numbers mid at tho same lime a Prirele drawn from the olherwhccl The Number .itirl rriierirawn out are opened nnd exhibit Ttl 10 thu nudii-iice, nnd p'effltertM bv the Oonunifl fionemt he rrite wing piaccu njninsi tne nuniwi drnwu lhis operation is repeated until all the. -'rizcf ntr ilrnwn out Jpprortination Prizce The two ptcrcdln; nnd the iw.i turccedmg Nnmltrrito thoe drnwinir the firM ? r?itt will he entlllfd to the V8 Approximation Trite. For fxniiple: IfTickelNo. draws tlia SOO.tKio I'rue. Ihone Tickets niimhcrcri IIIH, 11 VI'J, 1 1.C31, II VS., will purl) bpfnlitlrtl in $4u0. If Ticket t. .60 ilr.i.v thti J.i.fWO Vtnr. iboto. Tickets mini ttre.l54(, .,i49,55l55- will each be xntltled to 3300, antl tn on ncrordf ns to ht Above rclifinv Tne 3000 lrix- of ?20 willlie drt'nlnet bv the (nit fipurenf tlieNomber thntdraus the UOOTrize. Tor cxiunplo. if the Nnlier drawine the 510001. IV in endu with No 1. iheii 1l the Tick u. whfre th Number oti.f. In l.willte entitled in fl It Uin NitiiihtNTiidt with Xo 3. then alt the Tickets wJiUti . the Nnmber mds in 3 wltl be entitled to $20 , and to I 011 too. C.rtlflcatm of r.ickages will be told ot the follow ' ing rain, which in the rik I Onincattf of TatTcitgeof 10 Whole Ticfxcis, 90 do da 10 Il.ilf dj 4U I dT di 10 Unarier do an I do do 10 I'-iattih 1)0 m IS OKDURIXG TICKUTfi Oil L'OUIVICATL'S, Hnclob the money to mir .nMrpnfur the tickets ordered, on receipt of which they nil' he lorwnrried hy first mail, rurcliamrscan have ticKels enuinc in ny nute ihey may drtj;iui-e. 1 11 ftiM List of Drawn Numbers and rriziswillbf sent so p-irrhners tmin'diatcly alier me umwing I'urclMwrs will plene write the 1 r .natures lain. 1 -iMeivu their Tost Ofiice, Countv anil tjinto- Rfiiiemltr that every I'nze is drawn and payable in 1 u II withotitileduiiion . I All frizes 01 fiuNua-nd uneer. pitl humeutatiy aner tUn drawing other Prize art the uual tHne-of thirty dots. Alt communications strtrtly confidential. Address orders for Tirkeis or Cer lilicates to S. SWAN & CO .Wkju-.h, Ga. Persons residing near Monleoinery Alft. or Atlan'a, G,s.,can have their orders filled, and rave time, by addressing P, Swan c Co., nt either nf those rules. A tlKtnl the nunilK'ra (hat aru tiraun (mm thu wheel, will) the amount ofthe prize that each one is iitiile1 to will be published after every drawing u the following papers lA'cto Orleans Dtlta. Jihbtte Re ftsttr, CAarlttto Standard, A'ashnlU Gait tie, Atlanta Jnttilifenctr. Alio York Weekly Day Book, gavrnnah JMorf Asf Uukmond DifpaUk, Jn'to York Diipatth and Pautdinp fJlwj ) CUrien gept2fl fX7 IAIPOKTANT TO EVEItYliODY. If OR the last thrce years, t have been engaged in a 1 . hUfinesi known only to iu)sctf, and. comparative ly, tew others, wlnm I have Instructed for tne sum nf . 3Jtv)rach, whirh has averaged meat the rate nf $.'000 ; tu S100U pet annum; ant) having mnde arnngements i to go to Europe In the Spring or IHIHio ensage in the ' same htintii, 1 am willins tu give mil instructions 1 in the art tn nnv praon In the United States or t'aua I l is, wlif will remit me the sum ol 31 am induced, j 1roui tho surcess I have been favored with and the many thtuklul acknowledgment s I have leceivedfrnni thoifi whom I havo instructed, ami v. hi arc making from $ to SIj pr ilay at it, to give any person an I opportunity to engage In this bur i nets, wturh is nasy. pleaiant. and very p niitabl at a small cost. There t t positively N'o Ut-NfDCa in the matter. Rcferfnces of' the best -t'lfttw cii be given as regards lis character, 1 and I can refer to persona -whom I haveinsiructed, who will tetlfy that they am making from 9 to SIS , .per day at trrc same. It Is a bmlneis in which either 'lad if s or gentlemen can engage and wiih pcrlncl case I make a verv linn Isome Income, Several ladies in wa- ' nous parts In New York, Pennsylvania and Mnryhnd, whom I hive inmucied, nre now m king from ?) to per liy at it- It is a Rkntesl Hcsi-srss, and hut h 1 few stnrines is required to start .it. .Uoon receint r.r TSl, i win imnirtiiaieiy reiiu iu 1111 appiicini circular continuing full instructions in thQ art which fiiiiit-ii 1 can ne puriectiy unuertioouai ouce. All let crs must bo addressed (post paid) to A I.L UN T. I'AIIS0V3, 333 Eicadway.New York. Peptt. 18.77 3m MAR R I AC U GUlUi: BY DR. WILLIAM VOIINf;. JUAURIAOC fiUIDK t.Y 1)11. WILLIAM YOUNG. MARRIAGE UUII1R I1Y nn. WILLIAM YOUNO. MARitiAfii; fiuifi: nv nn, William young. MARUIAGK GUIOB HY I1R. WILLIAM A'OIING. MARUIAGC"GUIK I1Y Hit. WULLIAM YOUNG. MAUIilAG-TGUIDE UY Dtt, Wld 3AM OUNG. , - MARRIAGR GUIDG-YOUNG'S GltKAT "SSsfcZPHYtIOLOC!lC,AL WOHK TIIC I'OCULT SSA-SCUI-Al'liUr?, ir Every One -hi a own jmL Doctor, by Wm, Youko, M D It is written hi pl.iin langiiagL for the general tender nnd ia illim t rated with upward ol one hundred engnvings. All young people, or thn-ne contempl iliuy marriage, and having thti least impediment tu married lilu should read this book. It diteloses sirred that every one should heaciuainlfdwiin till, It is a book that mutt be kepi locked up, and nut lie nhoutthe house It y j be sent toany one 00 the rrn ipl of twenty five rents Addrehi, d'R. WM. YOUNG, 152 fprucc sticet, above 'Fourth, AnuVX 17 1'Inl.tdelpliin, Pa. EAGLK FOUNDHY HTiOf )1MmUI UCl Stores anil Tinware. THE B'ltiscritiiT havlnj rr.ripil a largn new brick roiimlry nnl Miffline Bhop, In place nr the old I nne.is nrepircil tn in.'ikf all kimls of enstinz at His i Jowsst pric s. Plows constantly nn haml Tim sub 1 Tcrlber tins also removed bis Tin Bliop frnm Main ,t. tn lhi Fnnndry lot, wher he lias erected u biiitJil); ' BtlngetlisrfnrKtnvfs anil Tinware t The UooKInc Slnves consist nf tlie WM. PHNN 1 23Wtl. It AHII COOK, VANI.IKU UlMIK.and JaglJil'ARI.ort STOVES nt nil -kinds, ilir HO,T UI TSM I.IMinil STOVi;, c. All kinds of Hpontin. I iiiiuiu 10 oruer. joacpii aiiAnpi.ns: nimwli'irir AnlH 11. IPiT rpHK HBV. C. S. JUKNKT1 while . a laborinf a a Mninnary in 8mtliern Alia, .1m covertd u iuiple and certain cure for Coesvnption, Jittk na, Broatkitis, Coughs, Colds. Nervous Debility, nnd nil in.H'iritlfs of the Bload; npo, an eniyamt etlVrtunl inoile of Inljiline the Remiijf Actunted by n desire to licnufit his nHTeringifenown.'lie will cheerfully iend tho Uece (free) to -such a dtmireiit, with lull and1 Mfpliflit directionvfor ( reparin and lueceuslull) nimg , tho ModiciuQ. Address. Uev C. S. ClIUNr.TT, 1 831 Uroadway, N. Y. City. August 1 .1857 Cm 2IOWAUD EXPIIRSS COMPANY. "CQRWARDand deliver packlges on Din line ortlie i. Potlsvil and Reading, Cattawlssa. Wllliainsjiort nil Krie. anil Willinmsport and Einura Rallrcads. Urafts, Nntes and Hills promptly rulleeted. Principal Office, IIS Cliosliiiil street. Orders for oo Is delivered, and Moods collected free of char sc. i'liiladelidila, Aug !i9, rwi7 y HQKSIS LINIMUNT AND CATTLE I'OWDERS. IOIV salo at tho office of the Otllumhia Pemocrai. -ALUO- needs,Dlaaks, Stationery, .Marriago CeltiQcatcs, &c, ice . etc. POWDER DISSOLTJTION. 'I'll" H vi,njiun,innwm .(.,f mnini .Ui X subvrtb,rs. in the llrUrcreek Powder Mills. u.i4'ir r""1 fo" d","lveJ mutual content C. II. rURSEI,. Fowi.tui & cnayr.Li.N'a. Urpytown, Aut 1, leS7 KEEDS. T)RIM riii'otlij and Herd firass Serds.'Orclisrd X Ursss, Italian Rye Oris., Amurlcfln and Unjllah Lawn Grass. Kentucky llluu Crass, let. at I'ABCIIAI.I. MOKItlH lc CO . Implement uml Hel Ht'TR lli and Market tuc Is, riiiladdnbia uciuucr iu, imi iSUIIIMC'T1I &IIUOTIIPIIH. WII0LK8AI.E TOBACCO II Mi A If, l S ,'J 103, MOUTH TlllltU HTItliKT rlrv duorslisluw Itace rillLAD-LPIlIA Janruiiv 10 lr?; AYERS PILLS ANEW nml singularly successful remedy for the cure of all UiliotiR dlsenses -Cosllteness, Jndl- restion. Jaundice, Dropsy, Kheumatism, Fevers, Gout, Humors, Nervousness, Irritability, Inflamma tions, Headache, Tains In the llreast, Side, Hack, And I.imhs. female Cnmnlaints. &.'. Sic. Indeed. I very few are the diseases in which a l'urative Mcdi- ' one is not more or less req.ireu, ana ra in sick. ness and sufrcnnR mlqht he prevented, If . harn - less but effectual Cathartie were more freely used. No person can feel well while n costive habit of body prevails ; besides, It soon ttciicriites serious and often fatal diseases, which mlunt havebeen avoided bv the timely and judicious use nf a Rood purgative. Hiis is alike true of Colds. Feverish st miliums, ami Iiihous derangements, lliey all tend to become or nroduce the decn seated and formidable distempers which load the hearses all over the land. Hence a relinhlf, ftmilv rthvle I. nf the first Imnnrtnncn tn I the public health, and this I'ill has been perfected with pnnKiimmat'f slcill tn meet that demaiiil. An extensive trial nf its virtues by l'liysidang, Trofcs- srs, and Patients, has shown results rmrpaAsing any thing hitherto known of any medit Inc. Cures havebeen efTectcd be)ond lwlicf, weie they not sub- stantlatcd by persons of stielt exalted position and character ns to toruut trie suspicion ut tinirtiiii. Among the many eminent gentlemen who have i testified in f ivor of these Tills, we may mention : l'rof. J. M. I.iickk, An il) th ai Chemist, of On i cinnali, whose high professional character is cii ' dorsed liv ' Joh.v'McI.f.v.n, Judge of tho Supremo Court of . tho United States. I Titos. Cnnw iv, Secretary of tho Treasury. Hon. J. M. WniaiiT, Governor of Indiana, i N. l.osowottTis, great winegrower of the West. ! Also, l)u. J. It. Chilton, Tractical Clicmist, of i New York City, endorsed by i Hon. W. I,. Maucy, Secretary ofSlate. i Wm, It. As rntt, the richest intii in America. ' S. Lklvnd ,t Co., Tropr's of tho Metropolitan Hotel, and many others. Hid unare nermit. we could plve manv hundred certificates, fioin all parts where thoTilis luis-c been used, but evidence even more convincing than the expenencc of eminctit jiublic men is found in their crlects upon trial. inese 1 His, me result 01 mug investigation ana jtudy, are offered to the public m tho best and mpr6 comnlete which the uresent state of medical science can afroni. 1 hey ore coiupounaca not 01 the drugs thcmselTcs, but of the mrdieinal lirtiies only ofVcgctable remedies, extracted by chemical process in a state of purity, and combined together in such a manner as to insure the best results. 1 his system of composition for medicines has been found in the Cherry Tcctoral and Pills both, to produce a Bwce efficient rcjiWy than had hitherto been ob tained by aay peoress. The reason is perfectly ob lionR. While by tho old mode of componition, crer medicine is burdened with more or lss of atn monjous and injuriorK walities, bv this each indi vidual virtue only that -iered for the turative clfcct Is present. All the inert nnd obnoxious qual ities of each substance employed arc left behind, the ci 1 rat Up irtues onlylcinR retained. Hence it is sclf-eudent the effects should prmc, as they hate proved, more purclv remedial, and tho Pills .1 surer, more powerful antidote to disease than any other medicine known to the woild. As it is fiwfrucittly expedient that my medicine should be taken under the etnrnsel of an nfWiejdin Physician, and as he could not properly judfie of 11 remedy without knowing its composition, I hae supplied the accurate Formula, by which both my Pectoral and Pills are made to the whole body of PrnctitionciR in the Uniled Statex nnd Tlritinh Amer ican Trounces. If, hnwewr. there bhould be any ono who has not rccehrd them, they will tu promptly forwarded by mail to his request. Of all the Patent uduines that are olfered, how few would be taken if their composition was known ! Their iih tcnisiirts in their mjstery. I have no mysteries, The composition of my preparations is laid open to all men, and all who are competent to judge on the subject freclv acknowledge their comictions of their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral was pronounced bv scientific men to be n wonderful medicine before its ellctls were known. Many em inent Phyhicians bate declared the sanetlhigof my Pills, and t ten more tonfidently, and btc will ing to certify Unit their aitip:.tions t.cro more than realized" by their effects upon trial. They ortertrte hy their powerful influence on the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action remote the obstructions of the stomach, bowel-, liver, and other orcans of the body, restoring their irregular action tn health, and by correcting, whereter they oxUt, such derange ments as are the first origin "of dit.c.sc. lieing sugar-wTappcd, they ore plea -rant to take, and being purely tegctuble, no harm can wise -from their use in any quantity. 1'or minute directions, see wrapper on the Box. PlIKPAKKD BY DE. JAMES C. AY EE, Practical sunt Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. Pries 25 Cents per Eox. Five Boxes for SL sod nr ATA. WISSA, WILLIAMSPOHT EIUE KAIL ItOAD. cnBs Direct Railroad contitction betuttn Jfiagara Falls an Philadelphia thnrtttt Qvirkttt end Chtepett tiovtefrom lien em J'iis York to Philadelphia, llarriebvrir. Pitttburir oatutnare, n at vgion cuy, nu mo cvutn pASSt.NUUlt TIIAINS leave Clmlra rlally (i-lcep I X Sundays,) at; A M pnssiui; Williamsportnl 10 131 A .M. connecting with Rpail'iig Rait rtad atrortclin ton.jiid reaching rinladclphin nt7 30 1. M. I Ketumlng, leave t'hiludelpliiafrom comer of Hrnad nnd Vine streets, at? 110, A. .M. reaching Willinmsport, at 5 10.1". M.. and arriving atrio.lra .HP, 1". M . I'ASSr.NfiCIt TRAINS WILL J.UAVt; I POUT CLINTON FOll IIARRIBBU11G Hired, via Dauphin and tiitsiuehannn Rail Road, ott ih ' arrtvalorCai;uuisiaTira.n,at -1 43 P.M. reaching liar , rioburgatd I. M. I Returning leave iHanrisburgnt 7 1.1 A. M. .connecting nt I'ortCliiUon v ill) Gaiiawiia train hound west form dug the mosidtreot rt.it te tollarrlsburg, J'l.ti-bnrg, Ral- t.moreaiulil e fiiHiLh.coiLnrciiuir thetm points witn al ' NortliweteTii IVinifylvaniaand Western New York. Conner . ingat lilmiin with trainson New York.ind Hriellu'l Roatl.also. with the Clmira, Canandagau, Rorhe'.er, Ruilaloaml Niagara Palls. (Vr.ietllnstlircctly with thetireat Weslern flailroa at tan h pens ion bride" for Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, i ft' , i hut ma knit! the -hortrit.auil theapeal route frou l'liilaiiephi.t tn rnote potuts. ! A FKHUiUT THAIN. I V.'ill lenvi Wiltijiiisport DAILY, at 0 30 A. M.fo 1 riiiiuuuipiti.1. 1 reight train to and from rhiladelphia withouttran sliipmeiit.froiii Keadiutr Rail Road FreighlD.pol, corn er ui uruati nun unerry Firpeis, TUAINS I'A!?3 DANVlLf.n AS FOLLOWS uoiau K18T1 Pus.engerTrnin rriiglil I'raln. PassengerTram , 12 M. 0 iil A. GOING WEST. 3 23 M . S, P.M. l reight Train, FARES Between Phi ladelp hit a lid Rnpest, " Danville, " Calawissa, ' T.iiiiaiua ' Milloii Wiiliamsnnri l 40 4. CO 4 :io u '.in 5 10 5 00 riftspottnils ofpersonalbaggage allow edto eneh pas. sccger excess charged at double firs. class! reightralej II A fONUA, fuuerliitruilint. Jnn26, 115 PIIII. A. AND HKADlNGKAl'L HOAD Winter .-irraigtmtnli fur Passenger Trains, Jauiiary 1st, IS57. nl1 I' Trains, going North, leave rhiladclplil I nl?) U A. M and 51 1. M. Down TraiiuRomgaouth, lenvePottsvilleat I A. M kc anu i r ,ti UptrninspaM Ruidingal lOi!1.', A. M andGil. M. .Uown Trains " 5.I3.A. M, " 5, Li V. M. The t-iprtsiTrain It discontinued until further no lice. Closu connections are made by the 10,'J'J A M' tlia Train rromrortClinlonto lilmiraand all ioteriue diate points anil bv tho B,S 1. M UpTrain from t'ort Clinton loKtmlri Cmandaigua HuuVo. Niagara. He pot, Chicago, t, i.ouii, lUavcupurt. anu lowa i Ity Making this route theshorlestaiid cheapest to (As Laki Writes and Canada. . .OnSundays.tlii Down A. M. Train from Cottsvllle, ar.dlpl M Train from I'lnladelphia, .only, run. IIURRisBuf-o Conn st nous, by Dauphin Rairoud at Au bmu A special Accommodation Passenger Train leaves 1 ln,l,..t.lf1H1 tmhl riidirlnita A M ruhlsniiir, I ITU 111 A Ul"l TU BlU I .11., Oil iliriYai Ol I. 01. I Train from Harri.burg. ! WAY V AUES Fitoii Heading 10 l'liiljdW.hiJ,Sl.Tiniidl,13i I'ottsvllle IJI.UJ and 0,5; I .unurn. u.ia. I TlllinilCII FAIIU3. tn llarrisbure $J 33; Taiiiaqua ! 1X5 , .Wil-'isuispoil s;l, IU, Kliiura $1,35; Uaiuudaia iufJi.Oll liultili or .NiacrasjIII.IIOs UMivetiuil $10,. 1 TofcdoSH.r , Cincinnati fJIO.00, Cllicaro J.'u.uO. lous istanu ja ii ALUrJi-Beiijierswliprumre tickets before e tiering flltyil..r( nersttnai Ilaggnte allowed eaeli i'asienogc nil ..xsr-r Lit ...alitht n l n w sw oA l,.l,n llnnnua.. A. NIUOI.I.8. January 3d. Ic57 tf lien'lgup-l JOSEPH TUS8ELL, MANUi'ACTUura or 'Ii m Im oil as and I'ar.asrl At the Old Rtsnd NO, (I Noma rOUUTH STIIKUT S57-3m VUILAVI.LV ill A i v.i.sv. v lvir.sorvvs. WHOLESALE AND RE'IAIL CONFliOTlONAHY & FJIUIT STOItK 0)slrr and Hating Saloons TIIC underslitne.1, respectnilly Inrnrni Ihecltllens of lllnonisburtl ami llio pub ' lie In eii,.rnl. Ih.il IhcV have bniighl tll lnl,,.a, nl VI llnflninil III Itie nl)OVO nuabllslinient. nn .Main Plreet, and l.nvc npened . .,.nt,t nnhrtv. rnnii'tiloiuirv . and Ov Ftrr l.siat lish menl, where they will (it all tiroes keep a full mippljel Provisions Pweet meats nnd llslaliles, such ns lircad Ties, Hweet Potatoes, Cheese, Mackrcl. Reserved up ,ti coml nrderand on niodorat terms. Their Hlotke.nniprlses n larci supply nt Almnunt rijs. ltasnns, fmnn, Nuts, Walnuts, Hates Tnbaico t'iirars.etc , with every Imajtliiiiblearllelelnllicir line ot biislnefS.nnil of Hie best quality. It- families siifipllednt all limes with Dread, Cakes, l'lcs, Oysters, (tc .nml nil orders prnlnptl) flllril Cosh psld for Country proiluceaiidthc public uslts respectfullylnvlied. IDE 0 IV K A M , always on liand, tlurirfg tlio summer season, ,tr 1 Tt l. xTi.svvrniM l.,t l!i jviio tv i-i r, ii uumiui, I k'ormerlv (till AeiccSMSe.i Arcll StrfCt, nbtlVO TLird. Philatlolplliu noitiia strata r lOttlt.S Of MCAL8 ri l!nKrssT, 3, 0 and 7 o'clock to 10 I IllssvB.Oentlemeii'sorihiiary. I o'clock to(3, I " Ladies, 2 o'clock . Tk. Itlo'clockto II. nvA cvANs.j r" s.NnwcoMnR. CriAUI,KS II. MAUPI-U'S. lriXR AM) L IQ IT0 K STOIti:, A'rt. M3 Xorth Third Street, Above Uace, tittt Bide, Two doors above the liagcl llolrl, PHILADELPHIA Has constantly on hand Krench llrandie, Holland il n,.l IVrcian IV .Ui. k,.ls of Anierksi. fpltlt.. c. .Vail li 1.1 'nJC-y. National Hotel. ( LATE WU1TE 8V7AN, ) Sides Stover. n 0. r , . nr r.i.r..r liacc OCrcCl, auavc AiUTU. j. Itliaatlimiu rT.R!iORS.Iatooftlieflrm3tevens.i;olllneshcailL'o JsmssT. Sn.viii. of tho Union Motel, August !l, 11S0 MONTOUR UOUSK. CORNER Ol' MARKET ANU MILL STREETS, (mmerjiAtey opposite the Court ours,) IJA.N VILLI., PA HAVINfl been recently renovated and refurnished in asuperior stylo, this elegint Hotel Is nnw reopn tor the reception of strangers and visitors, whose pa ronace Is resnectlully requested. S. A. DRAUV, lytS.lS'iC. JOHN H- ALLEN'& CO jS'os. 2 tj- 4 Cltesnut, Strcit soitlli side be low Water J I'liilatlclpliia. (Tils Oldest Wood-ware lloose, Is 'I HE CITY ) WANUr'AOTOUERrJ nml Wholesale aeulers Inl'nl. eiit Murliini'-mnde Un-onis, I'atent flrnoveil Cedar v;iti. tcarantednot to ehrlnk Wood and Willow-ware, Cords. Ilruslies c. of Jll detcrlJous. 1'leasc ca 1 and examine ourelork, ' J.nuirv'il.l',S I y ' SIMUNU AN I) SUMIMEH lint: T SU' ULS To be Sold Very Cheap, .IUSI- RECIUV E AT THE STORE or J. J. llKUWEIt, llloomsburg. April 2.5, 1857-3in xeWj-'ahdli'; iaud in in.ooMsuudi HIRAM S. CAREY HAS opened a Marble Yard in Court Alley, opposite I the Eirhanse. whijre lie U prepared to tlui-h.lliu best uork from Italian or American Marble lor MONUMlNTS, tomhs, Tomb-Btonei, Tablci, .Mantles, WindowFlllsand len I lilfl. 1 Forlhe character and flni-h of hi. work hu refers to FtichasJin lias made ii thin county. Jle will furuifh1 ucstna forwork or uxernte any that may be fiirnii.li edtohitn, Iliswurk hall always be kali-factory i it its nty lt"Hnd rea-onableiu price. nidouniburc. Dec G.ltSb. J. S. & 15. h, IMvltOT, Produce an 'J General COMMISSION MEll CII A X TS, Ho 30 North U'harvi a, PHILADELPHIA. RgrEtUBCES: John P renliton.Esq. Meers Hacker. Lea & tfo. Plilladelptiia- " Hitei , 1'rjeu At Co. " lliicknnr. MrCliiimon. It Co, ' " Charles Ellis k Co. " ' B. Morris Wnm tc Co Onterbmlge, Arvov Sc Co, Charle, At Joseph Perot, Thomas Ac Maxwell, New York. ' CM. McUliiug it Co., ell. Louis, Mo. J. S. Morns it Son, Louisville, Ky Vnrcli 15. 1B50-V DY lilt's HOTEL. Oattawissa ri UfSotdnnd wcllknown Ilotel.inthetown -n X ofCattaHisgaJsstill kept by the under- vlb"P iined, and in npiteof utt license laws, he g JHt'll. I rt.terniinedtomaliehishouBOone.ol the niostcomfoiia I blcntaees for traveler" to .top at, that can be found In , the interior ofpeniisylvunia Ilistablewillbefuriilblf ed daily with the best tlieMarket-jin afford. tfP'My oldfriendiaiidlravcllerfg-ncrally nreinvitcd . to rail JAOOU DYCU. May!!J,l835.-y. j States Union Hotel. roi.Mcnrti.Y kcd lion hotel.) No. 200 Marcet street. Philadelphia I'lCOIKiC W. HINKLHs I'ronritlor. formerlvnfCo J lumlua. would inform his friends and the pub ie that he Continues to keen the aliiive, nninril lintel jwliicliis well and favorably known tlironphoutthe siateas ont-Hiinconif sianu inns i convenient iioteiiu hKcity He moslrespectftillysolicilpashnrenl pub r paon iff April 7. liWfl. IMIILADKLPIIIA OA UPKTsmKK pAUi'irnNGS, OilOloths. Window Hhaden.Matpan .J Mattings Just received SO, 1)00 pieces new ntvle nufactured and imported expressly for CAlll'k'V LL. Merchants and Housekeepers will plenne no Kon, IHand CONortli Second Street, Jst door beiuw nut's "Imrnh. March'-'i IPW J RIDNHY JOM'.a lvpytcwn Coach and U'ugaii Factory ail IK undersigned having succeeded Jacob S. Uvs .in the Wagon and Coach making husi ness,nt his stand, iu Kspytown respectlulty inform their frienc, and the iuMic, that they continue will the Wagon Making JJusiicss. In all, it s depaitments, where they will be hnppy lr ra ceive 'orders and promptly executea II business in tbel line, with nealnessnnudespoloh. r Wheel harirowB made to older, andallkinda ol rooain ned one on short not ice, 1 KVANfl it. IIAGENHUCll, Capytown , June7. ISW. y JOHN O. YKAC-ER, liEb i oua bl c Hat k Cap Store NO. 103 NUHTH THIRD STHIiHT, Prill.AliKLHHIA. ITS- Mercliantsand visitors from Northern 1'onnsy vania.nrerespecifiillyiuvilcd lo give him & call, when visiting rhiladelphia. Junejid. 11.30. y .c. c" Sadler ly co NO. 0, North Wale Street IMiiladot- phia COMM IHHION M CUCHANTH , anddaleri in Lard .Shouldera .Cheese II. ms, Lluckets, I'orks, rlour tc. Aphll 1R35 ly. WM. S, SMITH & CO., Produce Factors AND ar.ffF.llAL COttNliSIOff MERCHANTS, No. 09 North Wharves. RIUI.AUUI.l'lllA. Too Market value of all consignments jadranced In Carli wit ii desired. March 11. IH.VI -y Si J. atulter, 11 n m in o ii a Mi i c V v s I c i a n. -r-.t'srni"fi-'llLI1Y tenders his I'rotcaMonat Hrces ltnthecitl2)nsnfliloiiin.buraiid vicinity. lenerally CJ-Officoon tne corner m miiii i sunn1 niouiii.burg.AilJo.ninsMr Browor'.atorc. Hept .0. IH.I.s. LEAP TO1JAC00 & (;IGARS. Ul. South Front Street. rillLAU-l.riltA C,,l, e llSO.-ry ' is 11. A i.niiie sBaioon niscnnnicirinn -" m.ui Kiiiuiide. and noiaii'g tney imire iireait rnr tear or ecu. memuers 01 n,e v.oniiniiiec. 1 ne cues gitiker, andr ignis 10 use tnein luthccountiesof Coliim I ; . ' . ;' "u,r" wnrrjnis me 111 pruniising to estalillrhnient, has been prepared In good orilerv o 1,.,l.vc,. no cpose or manner, no eamoi ness, no vvera then cooled otr with water, nr er winch they t,la, Mosiour, Nottlmmierland .Lvrominc. Pnlllvnu nu.l ollllcteil, who may place thtnuelto under my wlll.1lw.vys beatthelrcoininiin.l 1 spiculallun, hut a Hurried transition rrom one nucs were oiened ami the bu.iks and papers taken out hy cilnun, one of which can be seen nl mv slim.. I tn'e " rcrricl '"" speedy cute. Uecrct ill teases THOMAS C. BLUI!. (ILIVKR T. WILSON. t011 loatiothcr the Committer and sent to II. A, Lnntzs store lor I.l'wiB II MAlts 1 r H e grcaten enemies to Inultli, as lliry are the first I lllnnnishiirg.Feh I.1P57. . Tlioc s)mptoins. if nllonedjto go on-wbirh this puhlieeiamlnnlion.nndnnrked by tlieCoranulteo,- March It, 1850. ninomsbii L'olun Ibi i t I c""so ol L'onsuiiiiuli.ii, Scrofula anil niany other l is mnj.... invntlnhli reinnvei-ion lf.,lli,u l.on nf The li ooks nnd na rslakenlrooi the Bafe . (innu rac ,.iui..,, rn,P, and should be u tctror to the lliimun lamllv. As HKLMHOLD'S GENUINE ntUI'AUATIOX or Ulnlll.Y CONCr.VTUATUH' rOMPOUNl) FLUID i:tract IIUUIIU, Y'qt Dhraiti tf Ike llladdtr KUntttfi, Grant, Dropty, tt'iakHtmti, ObntrMcUoHf, ktttit lHna$t$ Vtmntg Cvwplatnti, and all Mttatti cf tht ArixiPR from lUfeottuii and linpriiilpncics In tif- and rpmnviiiK til! Impruii'r UnrlinrjtP from hn HlnlJer, MAI.lfoll rii.MAMi, , J'roin wli itfvcr rane tlte) nifty li orlglnate'l, atut no nml iff of (tow lung tnn'lnir, giving hfnhh nnl vigor tu llif ir.niM'. itiul Mount in tlm p.iiliij clicck. jor to run afflictedi n It enr-'f Norvimi ami Ir)i ht.itfil BultTr, nnd rem or n I an inu nii'imiin ii iikftiv n ii-i ii ii i n w iuiiimi I pIHihi in tin, rilmi, Ijohm of I'tiwcr, J.ups ol' Mi-mnrv I limimlli ot llr'nihtnj, HonTal Vqnkiittn, Unrrnr nf IflMiMfL', WVnk Ncrvts, Trcmtilinii, lf';nHul Horror t i Ilrntli. Ninlil hwialn.C'ld I'wl, W.iki'Ulned. IMii nin9 nf ViHon, l.itupMor, I'nivcrsJl l.fnnltiidt' of Uio I ,Mucnl.ir Hjclfni. (Mien IliKinnnut A ppul iin, wtli l)Fpi-ilr unplnini.lloinniittti, riut(itijt o( llip !ny, Drvticfmf ilifrtktit fnlliflComiif iwi-icemid J.ruHfons i nn llif I'acF, 1'siiti tn llif tliirk. flt'inlnee of the Liu. fiK in-iiiiciilly Hlark Hnnla lt)huttbcfnre the Ilyrp, vilthTeiiipoiarj fufliisioii and Loss ol Sight i want or Allinllon, (treat .Mohl'liy, Kesllesslicss, Willi Horror iNotlilng Is more iiesiranioto such I'ullcnts Power fatuity, urn! Upilenile I'lts In one or which the pnllenl m.lyeiire. vvun can say that mere ex censes rare noi irenuenliv mnowed tiv llinso direful diseascs-lnta'iity and (Joiisun'tnlon I The records of ! i, i...,,.,,, a. ... ...! ,i,n n,i.,i.,i.niu .inni. hu ' ilonsmnptton. bear ample witness to the truth of these inssertions. Ill Lunatic Asylums the most melancholy eviiiiiitlo'i appears -rue ctiiiuu'iiaiice is nrluiliy sod den and jutto dciutiite nellhfr mirth or priefs ever visits it. tliDilil a (found of tho voice occur, It Is ratety nrtifiil.itp. "With woeful measures wan despair tow pu leu mm ltd his prlff ln-gui 'i-il." Hebillly Is murtterriijlcf and has brought thousands upon thotifind to untimely craves. inns blasting the ambition or many ,iolle joutha. It can be cuicd by I he iife 1 f ttiu XF,ir.LWLr, HR.iir.nr. Ifyniiare suiting with any ol the, above distressing ailment, tliu 1'Iuid Attract Itiichu v-jllriir yna. '1 ry Hand he corn in cod nl' lis t (flcacy. Ilewaio nl (lu ick Nostrums ami;Qunck Doctors, who falsely bnntt or abilities aod rclcreures i rjlizcus know and.avold them and nave lonn sutrc rimi money, and ( '"X. T""5 um Lu latlo,,. I, p.rft.clj. ! ,,,,,'! II( at. ua 0ll0f, , iM,n lu . action. UllLMIlOLD'a EXTRACT Ullt'lIU Is prepuri'd directly ucconliiig to tlio rlcs of WKI, Ibn irreitesl ! amiracv nnd rhciiileal linnulnl.. I ,,,l e,e .ui.Hd In ?lfs emE WXWiMl!- One hnuTlr ollars will b. paid to nnVnlivslemn I ..r":. . ' .'. .... r"-"-" , , svno can prove isn iiio 11-.t,.re rm iiijurrii n rn : .. . ... . . t i ill nrovi mil me a ncnie ever in urn n i'n , 1 " ' ' " f """ry, ,d r,,T !' P.r"a.l,e"i i and tin ti'htinmnv of thousands can nt nrnrinceil to tirovo tliat ii ii-ies ureat coon, cases or rinm one wnnb in tin rleen veals' stall dine hale bLeii -irHrlpit. 1 La uinan of-KilunM.y tcstnnn) y In nomenjiort of thn jircprietor.wiwliii'gitsirlwM pndcurJtlve powers, 1 is immense, emliracia names we'll kkowu to.Sciciue ' nstid i'n tne. lun.(H)U liotttes have boen sold nnd not a single In I stance of a rallurc lias ht-n reported I rcrsonaily appeared before me, an Alderman of ihe eiy of I'lnladelphia, II. T. HfLoot.ii. Chemist, who beinj! dulv sworn does pay, that his preiiirntion con tains no Nircoiic, Mercury or injurious IHuq, but nte i purely vcgt t.tble i 11. T IICLMnoLU,i3oleMauul,icttir.rf. Bwnm mid su'jicribed Mure me this 23d day of So vember WM. lMIIUI'.AKU. Alderman. Price 31 per bottle, or eti for 3?, dtlxcered to any ad dress, ntcompaiiled by reliable nu.l responsible ct-rt.O rates frui Prfe8ra of Medical Colleges. Clursyuicn , and ctherd. I'rcpartd and Fold.by II T. linLMl;OLD( IVcticil and -tualytical Ohcmitt, o &'i ikfilh THTH St., below Chestnut, Astembly Iluildiut74. rhiladelphia. CI To be had of.r It MOrKfi. Tlloomburff . and rf alt i)t.ggists and DeaUrs throughout the United Mates, Canada and lit it Uh Vrelnoce. iicwAitR r COUNTER riilTrf. ASK t'O't Hi:i.MltOLirrf-TAKI NO OTHiZU. cuitud (uai;a.vii:i-u. Juno 13, lt-57. ' 1857. SPUING AND SUUMKll, GEO, HIJLPIN & CO. iMroitTEitx Attn M.ixvF.iCTOiir.ns, 171 UHESNU 1' STUKHT, Are now prepared to exhibit th-tr New f tyleB FOll SPUING TRADE, incluojno niiihrk and rolomMilk Mantllas Ohantly La-'Man-M.icUU.u. Prencli Lure Muntil.n. EiMl.nidered k?lik IlitniiUaH,:iiled Lore and Net .Mantillas, .lnurniii; Msiiitillaii ISaspiesj, Tut mas, A.c , Ac, j Allofwlnch willbe otr-jrud at th Lowest Vtirtm. t t;r.o. miLi'iv At t;o 174 Clieknut trtreet, abovn U , Ililladthi i i Mirch7lh. Itf57 .v.iroAV), sjiiT.rr rnvsr comimt WALNUT Street, South West corner rTIIIUH, rhiladelphia liirorpuraieu uy uiq c-iaiu ui i tiiuiunm Money is rermed i n nnysum, hrge or small and inier'st paid f'om the day of deposit to the day ol wiihdrnwal. The otlicc is open every day from Onrloek in the niornint,' till 7 o'clock in the evening, and uu Muudny and'lhu(sday evening!, till 'J o'clock INTHHKST FIVK PUll CENT. All sums larg- or small, nre paid back in HOLD on demand without uoticu, toany a mourn. 1'rcbident Hon I1CNUYL. ItKNN'HR. VicnPre-idcut,nOIIi:ilTt3i:LI'UIIJ(n Becrotary WILLIAM J KCLU. Dtnttors : HenryL. He nner, C. Lamlreth Mttnns r.dwatdl. Carter, I. Carrollllrewsier UoberlS IfrldRC, Joseph B.Harry, Bamuel U. Ashtin , Henry L. Churchman, James II .Pmith. 1' rune is Leo This companyctinfiiics Ms Iaiiiiei entirely to the recetvingnl iik neyou Interest. The investments a niountinc to over ONK MILLION AND A HALT OP DOLLARS! are inadu in conformity with Hih provisions of the ehartir in ItllAL KSTATK. MOltTGACES, OIIOUND RENTS, and such first class securities, as-will ulwayi dnsiKn pPTfftl sucunly iu Ihe deposilurs, and which run not lulio uivo lltoianency and (-taUHly to this Iiuliiulnm. AUg -TJIB'lf NEW WAOON SHOP, Willow Grove, 'SruUi Uloomsburg. TIIU uudersisneil tesieclfiily iiifotnir. his friends and the I'ublic generally, that lie n.is taken the slnuil lati.lvorriiied l.y.Mr llohert llrttsl.ln Wil.'nw Grove. Huiitli lUi ishurg, below Hie II. i 1 1 ail, wl tie lie will cooliiiue the Wannn-mahhis liitsiness. In all its vario is ikiarlinculs, In gcod ..ivb .'mil ii iitiio.lciiile terms. Also Kenaitim Wi;ons, IIUfElt-F. farriafts Sul Kinds Sec . done to order and on .holt time. sty Troduce taken for v,oiK. " oiiaulus nuowija. lliooi.isbu; April S3, lf573ui D E N T I S T H Y. IS- (S. IWI338 SUIUJ1I0X DENTIST, III.OOMHIIURO, COLUMDIA CO., Kesiilunce, lit. I Brick tx'ililiii below lUrluvn'. slor i un ..lain cucc. 1 1 KFl'r.CTI'IILI.Y offirs his prnfe.sinnal services IV tn iim lauies anu ii iiiiemrii .,, i,imiiii.uii,.. uiiu 'vicinity He is pre pureil tn nllend in n'l llio vnrlnus 1 ' oi.nrulions.in Dcntiury, anil 1 proWited with tho la , UsUiiinriWiM . ... ,n.-i,. i a .or ce ia,in j- c.ex , Which will b inserted on pivot o, tld rlat., lo look "At.ZTm,ce of TOOTH POWIlKIt. all waysjn hand . ...-'j ,..na l't hr.1 .u IA '. I 4U.iv v. . --. w-, -- r i o I S CJ f IJ.j npoJlSl &, t0 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. I AND UUALKKS IN I FISH, iPR O VISIONS, SALT, iS-c. IT N'ortli Wliarvvi l'hiladelpliia gTCOALlorsaby, s TDIEF TUB l.AlttlMT ASSOItT- munt In the United Huitcs,-- Warr.nnted to In enual tn any "- ' 1 1 i. itni ood lcrniH.nmn he olitalneil iffuru iiny other house In llio Fcounlry. nl B? I'lf iVU . tl'ATUMM'tl 5S?3 S 4llni.(riilladclplila, THtlTII IS MIOMTV AND WII.I PRIIVAIM tlrpott pfth$ Coinmitttt.appotntedto iutrittnd the Hum ing of the Iron iQt$t at Heading, frltutry 27, 1557. flEiiin, March -t, ie.'i7. Tlio underilcned, mcmhors of" the coimnlliee. An repper tliillv report, lli.il wc mw the tuo ,it, orlgi n.illy ncried tin on by I'nr reU h Ifrrrlntf nnl llv.inn Ac Watson, pine d sldn hy slilo In n turn ice, via Tho r-aie in . si ny ine pajmuniur in inii iii.iieiiiua ami P.eadlig Kui I man Cimpanv in Mmlbuial Heading. iiiiniirnrliired hv Turrets i: llcrrina nnc the Pale In use hy II A I. null, 111 his -Inn lilliiutaaliirett bj Ilansi Watson, and put In hooks nnJ papcrsi iv rlsely alike. Theflre wasstn rted at 81 0 rlork, A . M,and kcnl "P "ntll ronr enrdj of gren hickory, two cords dry onk "d half chustnut ton wood wem entirely (on "",,1111, mr wnoie unuer toe soperi mrnocne , m me tured lv Parrels t Herrings . ore, In our Judgment dam need fully ft f teen percent, more than those taken 1 mm cvnni wsison's caie, We believe the above to have been a fair nnd tin partial trinl ofthe rcspBcllvrinaiillei of both Safes, JAt:0 II. UVPtlRlt. nANii-.i. a. iiUiVnnt. Ilavln? be-"n absent during the burning, wo fully colneido with the above snicment of thi eo ndjlton or the papers and Looks taken out of the rcspertiva 8.1 fe. fl. A . NMCOM. n. 11. ninif.nvnniia. AH . MIMIOM-AND. Mar eh 28.ISS7. rsEW AND USEFUL. OLEUM LIQUOR- A Substitute for Linseed Oil. ri'ATiixr Ai'i't.tr.ii mm ," 7," r' .""r "".l' JiVi?'.,?' yf A,5n Itiiil i,- .iiu-r li, in inline iiirtri'i' " " , rfiticiil HiitiMllutl' f"l l,ns-fl Oil, as .1 Mints itrnuiKl iii ui l, cxcupi When lliinnnd u it 1, it.o niomn itm Pilni will rnver belter. !ry 'pneker nnd will be more durable, uml when UurnUh"i, tho p.iinl will have ami rtUiu the most '"."' "PP'nmncii l an.ithe elasticity nf tlio thinner ,vi" '" I'.unt toljield to Hie varnlshi and the "'rKf LTI rSSSlri Wcannu.iie Ihun,,, . . ut.,.V '..Ill''.'u ly use. r ll com. uo n wun 11 u.'e,i . . uriii.n. j.inau or I urnei tiii hl inn on L.iu.,ei e ....... : -- - - - 11, , r,f thi. fainter. one-linlf of that of Unseed Oil .i,,.: ,,,.,.1,1.,- ,i.iu ..,..:!.... ,' r. ....... s '' "l".'"1- r . . V r. We faitlilhllv reromincnd itrnrall tiuriKiset indJ-.a. Led and vv.irrant It to gio natiinfaction A libtral di. count io.U.eir.idQ, DlKi:i:iJONH. T(in the paint with the 0!eum Li. n.uor atid work h wet I, until it lluvvs lr Iy from the brush. The briifdi must ln free from .ill mol'tture and In a rlably winht to he soaked well with Ihe Oleum Liquor , previous tu puintint Instead ot plnctnc thebrmbea inwaternver night, , as palmers fiuiirauy u. iu- nugni nine put in Hie j Ob-uui Ijquor, vvhicli uilt greatly larihtaie tlm wcrk. he jaioit mi nil with I In- Oleum Liquor will work I better if it hu allowtd tu Ma.td On m 12 tn'.'l hours pre vious lo.ils btiii used, ami tljen thii tin oucli a I uiuMMs'iicy as to work Ireu aud eisy undLr Mm brmh. j i y the uno "f J.ipui, the paint will bu remlared stilt tinner. Mix Hie J.ipsu Urst with thu paint mil thin it with the Uluim Liiuor in thu manner men ' tioued attove. T-lbo poinds of hain-t1lMUU"d itrrii'i Oleum Li- 1 'line, will rover a Uti'it siirfi.u lnjii 1 1 ij,iu l thin- iul unit oil Tne tHeuiii Ltquor is not;to be med with Venitinn 4.t'd, nor with I'aint nuituniuy any pmpirtion ofn, lUU.lNl'J. OATI'MAX it llitCINin, Auicriuui I'.iiut ,-iud 'iii.r Wuiks, Corner -4ll ""d Ureen rH.ti'inl.ii. piii.i, Ollice-lv V, cur'if-" I'hird and Wood sts , 1 iiUdei phiii, I'.t. y Wo also miuulir.ur(i '-It-"" ' Yflliw.Cli nic (iieon, Cliitnwi' and I'm-fii" Hl'ia, Vfrniildn n,t ritarla Ked iu inom u iJ"s,'iud pialitie, ci.iJ.iw. e y .r in oil. uii'l w.i-raut the ii t. iio i ul 1 1 u o t her iii-ikc, pi i her h'te or j roa 1 . Junu U. -4j7 OLEUM LKiUOli. 015ItTIFICAT13. T571.( the unilersignetl House Painters., T 7 tfrcby certif thai we havit given tb ti''w ty inverted Oleum Llinor. miiiiil.icl ired by Unu u , Cittiilili Ac ll'einij, in rhiladelphia, ,iu iui).:,rt , tli.il and Ii ivi' f.iuua it au efll i-nil ruibhlitiiLt' fur L .ei'd Oil. I.ir Hiipt ru.r V it in evert; rispi t al r I nfouly about h sir as inurl. Hi eouohl'Tably ri'ilnc.i ug I Is i-tprn-Jti ol )jttiing Wt! would thereliri' recoiu iiummI tin1 public to IU g!iicr,il i and alter it nut been i rift its superiority over Lii,uil tt will be at tchli'd to by all. cii ri,i: ai'iiui, AMu-s i;'i;i;it, WILI 1 AM WOl.Li:. OkVAIlll DL.NII AKl), June n, l?-7 J 1H3UBIIV certify that T live JL 1 1 oust' Painting pniteuiiud lal'ily with the ; I n.MU'd O It'll m Li'(iiiir, and enn-rnr iu all re.'i-l4 Willi Ih" rec'untiic'iriiiiuu ul i lit nnovi u imed :;iillriii'U, and will lit" e udtl, I hat in fnlun wilt h iv. ni p imt ml oiteiuuciM pf ri'if med withoui tin' a-lintinrn the iihove naiin-il vilu.iblu lnjuur 'I'li'in- wlm in.iy ih-Mre to view lis etb-i Ih. i ill eall nt Kiv r'Mid-iiLi. vh ie tln-y can coiivineu tin .im lvi ul ullli t n ri ijr-riitHi) of ihe Olf ii m LI'luur iu r ird l Ii -auty and dur.bility ) J. 4HAAO 1H1UINIC. June 1 IViI i CENTRE STORE. S 1 II I . fiTsuli )Fii GOOD s. rpiIR tiDilcTHigricd lakf! plonMiro ol in- X .forming the citizens ul Centre andvlclnity, the III has Just received a larec and sclcrt nssorllinia nf SITtINO lc SUMMCIl GOODS, Uomprislngthe lioavlm stockanduiostvarirdassort nirm of laiiUio,ii.itjlc, uselul and sunstamialMerchaii ,11 71 that liavebfrnotlfreii to tin pub lie o'e er) kin nudquality.wliiclitliL'y will selM'orrpady'pay.al vcr reasonable prices. ITj-Oouiitry iirudiirrtaben i ne trlianfte for floods including (Jraln and I,iii. her and the publiccustoin rcsiectfulUsolcitcd saihjkij il am hack. rowlersvil'e. March 'ic 1M7. OILS, iJ'OU Manufacturing and burning pari'oses, lur k.ilu by J. II A A S. AM.nX, I.'ci.Tajnia SouiJi Wharves. I'hiladelpUia June C, I fc7. LANnniiTil'S WAHUANTiiD GAR DEN SEKDS. ,0 :7 GIlAHrt HUI',11.4 I'll'.U) riHCUS, anl I'LUWCK li:i;Ud, fur sale l.y II. l.ANDRCTII tt SON, No,, til nnd 23 South r-illb St., I'lliladelplilii March l. 1857. SPRING AND SUMMER uUUUa 1'Ull 1S.J7. 1857. T,1K, subscriber rcsncctfullv informs bis I customers and llio public ceiieraiiy. that he tins received a full. lock of ihoiie Spring and Summer Oooils, cncipriiing u ft.ll usforlnient of C'lotha, Caisuncrs. Hattneiis. Delaioes Itrbziera Ciiccej. -C, logetlur wilhn gr-at vsulety of other articles usually kept in , uounirv oinres. ALSO-llardw.ire Cutlery, Um-cucwnre Salt, l'ish, MoalaisSHs. ron.HlPel, Hats. Caps, Hunts, Hhues. A.c. O" Countrv produce, inrludlng Groin. Lumber, &c. . lake ii i n exchange for goods , oi UnT" " THOMAS 13. EVES. IU .. .llll ,VI IC. i'llllll JCw,y . er- ,u lYfl II If 1 1 11 iiii! IJouse. 1MKKER & LAIUD. rroprietors. Chesnat St., between Third ami Fourth PHILADELPHIA StrtcmbeilJ, Ult SALAMANDUIt PIRK AND 1'llOOP SAlfMS. I " H rm ?sJsroa mm STEAM ENGINES AND JJOILKll lMli: tuiliKClllicr 1 now nrcnartd. w ttti nctv Mflrliinn 1 ry to bulhl laUtmnry ruplm-s I rtm A to inn imtxi tower i upon Uin 1uti-tiniirtivt dptaiiB, nnd ulll liiittd to rdir tlwutile mill sIubIc poriallo e ngtne from lu liHO iore power, in ppcn upon car napes, wmi iiunvr grnr torse power, uupoii upon carr acts, witn i uj vr fienr cylinder iliieainl InhiitatlioHers cast irmi (o.i! hre.iki, s patented In 18.111, fur HircaJilric Oram and craiklnr irs patented In I8.ni, fur llirc&hlric arain nnd cracklur torn and now made on a larfii scalo for crccklng oa Lrenklnft conl, llcuvymlnitiirpitmps and fire enslnct rljeedcomptrtcwltlidoiililo acting forjlni puiups,ui kinds or in 1 1 1 pi nr I ng i n,l house castlni; ninifa tn orderl l.liieslianluit with nnvdptlf.il menu pulleys flnislie with hanecrs Iron pinning ilouo,s.iyit4f'eet loniin, kinds uf Iron turnlrg heavy press and other screw turned with any desired pilch nflhrend, Thnliest iXoimh IroutlircshliiK Machines, that ever come he fore the Jiuldiccait Iron nml weodclim.ichlnes iiKMie in nni'T. ."tr no wur , t i.n I n or tread rower iaile loonier. Alsolakcsnrdorsrorlhcriillowlnetu rlitnrry Harrison s latest pat vu t era In mill, siono nf. f,.rcdb the Patentee lor Its omul. It will grlnitlnonnd i tinrmealilJ busliilsiu oua hour. Also bolls nml cli-vnl 1 torn iltl In nt.ler.nlsoRllg5ti!s I'ali'lillllower.ni.Hiiirnciiir. ,.,t t,y a. II llirrls & Uuilio most powerrul lifoui'r now I n use w ith llieleast viuounl ottiovver, one of vvlilc li uilii,i ntii In ue at the Pi l(,t.rfl;n.i.it.i.I.. .... u,,, above works w I lllie warranted lobe what they i ,. lnd lor. Also lake oruers lor ncott'fl Patent Illarksiulth Or. J. S. Houghton's QUE AT CUltK KOlt Dl'SPEPSIA. T"V.'id:Co;,,U,i,V.,lcJJn.H0U0HT0N1S Juire rrepared from Itennet, or tho fouitli Htotnach ofthe Ox, after illrcrtionsnf llarou Lie. hid, thereat l'liysiolott leal Chrmiht by J a Toushton, M I) , 1'hlla delphlu Pa. Th'fisNaturc'gownllrmeilyfor nit unhealthy Hto s.s-s t , nuuiivi in, i ii i ii ii u'liiiii i in riirniivr uiiu er ! t contains no Alchohol IHtti r Acids, orNausnous rtuijs. It liextreiiidy flyrernblelotlictastp.niKl may I e taken by (ho most feeble patients who ran not eat a wate rcrarjEcrwIthoiitacutc distress UcivareofDrugged I milntions. I't psin Js not n Hrup Ca'l on tho Ajfeut, and get a Descripllve CJrculo fiiatls.aivltiG n large nmnnnt nf Hrientlfir l.viileure fromLiebig's A iiimaiL.hemistry;I)r.Cnmbe'8riiiiionL'y Digestion; lr rereirnou l'ood and I)lel;l)r. John V Tiaper, nfNew York University; l'rof, Dunsll'on's Pysiotogy; Trof. Si1iiman,ufYalt'Co!ledcc;I)r Cnrpen tel'sKbyoiology; &c, together witii rcportsof Cutes from nil paitsolthe Umled -Slaes. Holdby H. 1'. Lutz nnd J R.Moyer, Hloomsburg H n Howman licrwick. Octr,, I8."i.p I ly. nioomshurg Tiinvflrc Slovp Sloro fPlIl. undersigned respectfully informs his old friend jL and ciistoiiiiTS, that lm has piirrhKcd his brother I merest in the above estahlishui',ut)UnilHecnii(eriivl herealterhu cotidueted hy hi unci I ouhnivply. Helm Just teceiveil and oilers for s lie, the largest nn i 7& wooteitenniv assortment of PANUY firoVi- ever introduced tntothls market, Tz&Zl His tf)LK cniiiits of .1 complete a 4fo rime ut nl eblhesl Cooklngnud pirlor stoves Iu the market, to theger w ith tjtove TU lures of every de script Ion, Oven and lloxStoves, lUdintnrs, Cylinder Stoves, Cast Iron Air-Tigti Btoves, Cannon Stoves, &c., &c . Storepit peaud Tinwarecrjosiaailyoi) hand nod man ufactured to nrder. All kluilj of rc;irlrjg do-i-c, as UFtiijt.on short nntiee. 'ije patronage of ol.l fricndj and new customers re speotfully solicited. a. m. nurnitT. onmihur,;. Jin 2, I 811 , If 6 Aviso's c ii n a l' watc ii i; J n v i: lu y bto n f. . No. 72, North Secoutl Strcel, OPPOrJITJITll fi .MOUNT V 1111 NON lil I I'll I LA Gdlil I.cvh.' W.i tc li.'s In IIJi-w o II c-,1 1UH LkBB . J'-i U oiivt-r no no uu iin do Lcnliie do li lib 5 11(11 o 7 110 4 -Uin 10 llll I .111 11 IMUOI8O0 u .tiui o 1 1 or i 75to 7 tl 3 Sito 50f .; ii i ip rn ColdSpectadcs, Silver dn dilvcrrabielpooiii piriirtt in st? r t nn uu do 'Va do do Coldl'etif.i II d Cu IdCa .-:, ilo t? ilvcr do To;.N,erv.'itli a variety 0f Cue (laid JeweJry ,; no i. . - iii i-i ii.il i in, ui n . fli 4 liMiii W.irf.llllf t'l i, t aspr feuiiU'd. Yaiches and J ewolry re paired! , i, het manner in It. AHoidersBentliV'fymailorntlierwise.winbit punctually itfnded tit Vuvfrnhcrl'.' IH.Vt !" mi R. R. Gnn.ibiis Line rpHK unfier'-i.irned respoctfully nilonus his friends antl the puulic that he h i l.ikcii the Fxchange Hotel. I u Ulnnutbliil rg, Ineali il nn M.tln Htret-t, din ctl opposite the Court llmitr, whith Un Urm llinaighl) repiiretl and improved, whre he i pre pared tit ucc'iuimndnli' his usinmerM w ith good lare and to enr.i-ial satiHUojUnn tie aleo has in coiiuetlion with the lliclici e Ho lei, un i it tlli in OMNI IS US LINE, runniiigregularly seernl time i per day to and from t Un Depot u n the urrivn 1 ol tin Cars, b, Uu it p.iReugs crs willbe pliMn.inilj L-itnveiil in thf DfpntSiaiinu.oi taken from and rein rneit to their f ejiideneett. if dfsiril. CJ" Hewill alwsiytf be li-ippy to euieri.nu audatctim uiodale Inn Inei-dflo Ihe utmost ol hiv alulili'-f. iMiTint i;jllmi: i:rt. Pi oorietOTt hloouuburg .April ,5 lf.lRr-y . Spring & SuaniBR, & 0 'm b AT iMEiNSLUl'S CIIKAl' .STORE. rl",UiE tindcrfignod liaving rcmovctl his A. Store, Ui town, at tin: st.i nd, l,ttely orniined by II C. & 1 W Hurt man wImmi nih ptct Iit incifiiecd laciuues ite is fiiaiiUii inuntra lull aor iiueiu ol pring aud Summer Goods, Whirh he h.is jul rrcvcd from Hip rnwrn Cities, comnristng Dry -ouds.irociries,Hard vtri, Uuc ens ware CciUsi.ware Ilollowuro, Uruux. I'lslt. hall Kr. I'lnster, Iron, N.i it4,ltuots, SHiues, Hats .Cap, 6tc &c iUso-Hli-ADY MADE (MjOTIIING ItiJihort.iivery thing u -natty kept in country Hlorcs to which he Mivitesiho pulilict'tn'rjilly T3J I'sah.hu nl.e r . Old Iron aud Conn try l'rnilnrp taken i nujcchaiige lor t.odiJ, ut thu lug-", u-jukei nritL i A. U. MISfiB-iU, I TtlonniFburg. March 21. 157 i Spring and Summer I GOOD , na'Kelvy, Kv.n A: CO., TT AVI VG Just n-rened nnrt opened their .lock o L I nierctiaiKtizu for spring an lea, wlijh comprises tne liAKOn.T.CIir.PUisr, nnd HANDSOMEST assort iiientnow oilcred in this TOWN I Having paidgreat attentiuu to Hit set rtion of theirentire slock, as lo ( prirennd Ml'nlily. they llalter thcniiu. ei thut tuey can rnnipc.o w'tiU the cheapest, and nil lhoe u in hi tig to buy che;ip, can savt: iiioney bv giving uaarji'l We , have all kinds nl Hoods ami Warcv ti suppl) the . r.oplu, A v-iry largu lot of I.ADIKS' DIIKSS GOODS, I'rench Merrnoeg, Wool i'lnids, Alpacas, Itnmbajiine do haihit l'ujiliui, l'ararnetta e lot lit, Mohair l-iulit innns. rarainettn v ltd In. Mohair l.ii-lres Mublin De i.aiiies, l'ersiau cloths (Jlngl.aiue Oaliiot s, wnrrn ooona oi am. kinds sievoB.coiiars, Haiidkcrcbif u, ttuunciugs, bands and tnmuiiiigs, I.Htesnudedgiiigs bonnei rihh ons, In la rge variety , vulvet ribbon., nnd braids, kif'.collon.nnd lisle thread gluVHH, Moltllil lllltts. tiC We invlteourfrieiids and the public generally to give us a cat I before pure basing e Ite where . We have bought our floods at Lowest Cash I'rices.and will not i bo mi ertold by anj body ortberesto'iankJntis ! JlcKKLVy, NKAJ- & CO. Blnon. Iiurc. Mnrrh HI IH7 j PHRENOLOGIAL CABINE T. I FOlflsUS, WKI-LS & CO., PIH.ENOLOGIflTS ANU I'UBLlalllirtB. 231 Arcli Street, below Seventh j I'lillaM. evening. Cabinet free. May u, iH.'-i v Pnnnsnihuinia Hntol. rplllBwellknown Hotel lately ker DvPam rplllBwellknown Hotel latolyke hyPsM- i,i,.iUkD,,'i. n. .ui,.rn,er i. ,. Xxyi.II Itfcan.nn Main Street, In tnvtlle, nareitloacciiiniiiodatctravsllersand s ancers ll thu best nnnner- Tim housu has 1 en thoroughly Ivirb.'iuled. unit is now rehired up and furnished fqr olieuntertui n nit ut of guests. Ilissubiini! Is I irgn nml roiutnudious, with Horses anil velilclesfnr lure, ami hu will spare nopainsto render franeral satisfatlion XCtrA liberalsliareulttia public patronage is respect fullysoliciled ckougb w. rnEEzn. Il.liivilleDcc. 99, IMS Dr. Francis V, Harrison, WOUI.I) respiiifully Inform the cillicns of lilooms Luri;jtnil vicinity, ttint hehasroiumsncedlhe prar llrnfMti,ii.t;jKaiiilbuauKRy,unil solicits a .luro o nulilirnalrou.iire. ftort.iiiilway.bu foundattlieUxcliange llotulopposite Court llousn Uleoiiikbure. Fob. 5, 182:1 HO SKNDALK .OEMKNT. PCRKOXrl wislnng floss.ilile Crinein can And il by callinj, onlI.e .ub.criber al Kupsri l'i . IIAKMAN Asm 11 1 J7 n. i . u r ii isn n 1 1 wii r h s nn mri!nnioEV,rnyslo!ny rViX WalorOurn M.ignftlsni. unit I'lionogrphy, T jwhuibnle and retail attw Yorknrires. I'role.sioiial exaiiiinatloiis. tvitb cluru, .nd r-0 lull written descrintluii of ci.aractur. dav and Of oil out nf e. Urn Rtrftl, flrel coikq Sptlng.i litis fti'giact ui .Nniurc'nUwi. fclFFH NOT, Wlir.NAUUnUlBOUAItANTliUI III ALt. STAQKa Olf SISCKET niSUASKS, s'V,f.r' ''"'"'h efclf. attitt, Oratil, i.,.,l V Ms AWsjm and BWiir, ,Vrni. tin Hhtumatum. kerifnla. PnUm n it, , Jl'Un, Viieilti if lie iMtigi, 7rot, JV'e and tyte, Vtctrt vpm llit Hod) tr UmU, Citnrrrf lhepiy, iti Itftir fill, ft llanie, and all dliiaui attune Jreia a derangement nf tlte ieivat Organ, Hutu as Nervous Ticiiililiui.', Loss or Mimnry, Loss of l'i.ui'r,tfciicrril Weakness Dimliess of Vliiun vvitli lu tilliar spots nppelilinehi'l., ro the ejes Loss uT Hlulit Uakeliilneis, liyspcpi,i, Liver Ulsinie, i:niiuoiis upon thii iMu.l'alii in the back nml htad, remote lr rnlllnrillcs and all ImiirniHir tlliilinii.,. it,.,,. I. mi. "!"'" " mnlters hot from what cause the disease original, u. However long itainlln; or obstinate Hi cl""'' "'" ' crrloln, in In a thoitir lliiie than a l-etniniinn cute i anl.o f IliCted hynny ollul I leuli.it h etcntillir the ill,, life has Inllli d the tklll nl rmlnen l'lJ,''l'"i" 'i"'1 resisted nil ihilr iniaus or cure. 'Ih "'dicliiis ir pleasant uitliiiiit odor, causing no sick Iiessnlid Ireu Irom mercurv nr Imlkum. tltil,in twnlv " I1"'1""1 1 hive rescued from the Juvvs'of i "colli many thoiisnnds, who, in Ike Inst stngtaol tbe .1 . uiM'ases nun men gitni up to ilic uy n vernianent cure is siarrcly nr Huicd, a major Hy nl thu cases falling Into the lunus of intoiupctem prrsuus, wno riot ui inn u cure ine tiiFcnies bu ruin the ronflilulinn, 11 1 line the s stmi uiih merrurv. I which, witli Hie disease, hasli ns the sullrrer Wito a rapid toitfitiiiptlon, liut should the dtense and Dm treatment tint -truss deuth speedily ami Hie vittim marries, the disease Is entailed upon Mm rliihlie n, w I o nre Inrn with licblu COliDtltilliiMis, nnd 1 lit- rmttlit iif lift rnrriintfd bv u xlrus which betrnjs Ifsill In Scrofula, letlei, Ulii-rs, Lruptioi.r and otliirofltrtionsof Hie rkin, tyes, tlnunt. unu j. ungs, rmnninp upon mem n tiruf eitstepcc Of sullVriiifi nnd rmuicnftip them tu an tarly prnip. tH'.Lt' AHWfil. in aniitheritunnilntii eintiiy to health, for (milling in the drrud riitalofue of hiiinnu dis eases rmiMB j.o tctt r ticll e n diniu upon the s)stcm, ilrnwlnp itt thoufinnds of virtlms throcgh a lew jeors of sutlerlhg .low n to uu uniljiirly yrmn. it tienrou j the ihtmiub sjfteui, lopldly wiiftiu away thn t nrtpns oflilo, i aufea men tn I ierui! im it ptevt nis tho puot, uuvrunjinriM m in tTBirin, ii iiiu ii ne s icr innrrioge foii-vly, bji.ln.ss, uud till ran). I Ininpiiiii-K.nndlitivcs thn sutlertr l recked id tx.dy nnd nn ml . pudltposed to toiisutiiptioii anil a trtiin of tvils iinre to be ilrifltJci thin tle.ilh itself With the fullihl tniilldciite I iihnire thu iiuloiiuiinte violin ot Hell. A tunc tb.it a f rindncnt and speedy cure, can be e Hue ted, nnd Willi the nLnnilntj. ment of ruinous prnrl Lees try patients can bu its tor id to ri biiAi, vigorous Ih nttli. The nfditted nre cautioned aEalnm. tlip use of Tutr-iil Medicines, lor tin re nre to iuan tiigcui usnurfs lu Itie coluinus ol the public prints lo mtrh and rtb the iiiiM.iry suflercrs jthiit million liavc their conHilu tin rn ruintil by tin' vile mnipouiiitu of j u o r k drcton, or the .'.itnlly poisonous nosiiuins vended ns I'atent Mcilicines." 1 iiuwi carelully nnuljrMl many cfthH so called I'otein .Meilicines and hud that iiuuly oil ol them cent nl ii Cnrroci vc Fubliii ti e whith is otie ot the strongest ptepuratioiii. -ol mcrrur) aiut a deadly put son, which iumad of curing the dlscusc iliiuLles I lie )sH fit lor hie. 'J hrec loutths of tlte patent noMrums iw In uie are put up by unprjnciplid and igiiornul pet pons. bu do not understand even the alphabet V Hip meterin tncdica, ami are euolly tis d mtute of oiy L imw Itdgu ol the tioiiniu si stem, having one ol jfil only in lew , and that to titike mum y riari less of r oust querns lrregularilies and all iiiMae of malts and ftmales Ireatrd on priucip'e emiMMud by iwinty ytars ol' .rartjee, a;id ranctioiicd -by tJioiiniiM'n cf the most re muiknble cw;es. Mt-dicines with full itiiertlons bint tu any putt tf the Cniitu tjt.ues or Canadas, by ) tients -oiun un lulling ihi lr ympiouis l-y letter. Uuti ncss correspondeiirt- strictly rondoem ml Addr.'f, J. .SUMMi:nVlI,l.i:. M. IL, Olfirc, 1131 I'n arar Biteet, (edit No It'.',) llclow Tweliili, J'lnla.It li.liia. Tu July 11, lf:r-(Mntcii 4) IMPORTANT PISCOVEUY 1 c.o.s(jnn,'iio,, AND A I A. HIHUAKH Ol1 T.II. I.l'.MIH ytND THROAT nie ptihilively rur.ibie by iiili.ilHtioii, whiih route) the teuieanH lu ihe t itit in tJiu lungi ihriih the air pntr,'iges. and ct'iiiiiig In dinit rontart with tin1 di'i'im', nt ulrnh-:' s ibe tuberculur in.iller ,ula) s the rmipli n.un a in t und t ui ep i tcrtltioi, Im u Ip the lungs, pun lies the bloud, j lis jiu r li r new id iiiility to thu uturyous Fjurin, gmig thai tone nntleueig so indiept nsanle lut .thi rt tniJii-ii i-I hf.illll. 'J'o h' able tn tstsilu cnnfi-lentl) Ilia I Culiiiiiip tiou ti curable by i nlmtnlinii, i to ine a uniine t f .mnl lo)ed pit attfe. Il it. as DiUrll um't r the conlr'-l ul tiiri'icil trcaluiei.i tu nuy tdhir foniinnble din-ue iuittt 'iil (if evi I) liuudrt il iuhdmii be t nrt d in Hie lust tngi s and filly per C,eP'll ill Hie f ernnd ; but Hi III u third singe it is impr l,Me-tii nr more ihan hv e pi r tent . for the Iiuikk are s i cut up by the t i hn- u. u bid iktiniKe o Hit dlt al hkill Inn liiHcwr in llio l.ict Muus, inh.iuiiou ntlirNi ctin tirdiuiir rHti iu tl,e siith ting iilleiitli'ig thlh It nllitl bifuriie VslntJi on Mli.lHy de-Unjitt ninety fle tltMiifiiliil ifMii k iii Ito II u i it'tt Mutes'idoiie , and a correi I rait tilnm u bisur lli-t ol ih preheiit pnpul.itit in of tic tniih tj.hl mil I in ns ale ! Mint d to fill ili t iusiiui tt rrie Trill v l he 'tui. i f it dt nth bui iin riiun io fut,it & ('ihi stun 'l mmi. 1 ii alt iipen il i'ii hi t n I . i. n ti 1 1 nt in) t,f III, !r it fp.tie-i iM'ith' r agi iifMi lu, kvsjii nil alike tbe mne, the Lenntilith Hie pmu tul and tin nilicd Ity tbe Im'-p ot that Mi n u e beliiir inn ubom romitli every goml nnd ptrli.fi gift I it in iiiibhd lo nth r l the nilloted a jieruiaut nt mid kpt t d iurt in I'n n H'liipl ion 'I he 11 in rat e cl lulu it , u r m in 1,111 Mend. Hint Ihe hiiiiii tlillle t fit 1 1, product it by I hi tr Ut pnll'Hi IM Hie Iilligrt, H lo prei III lberi e ,n Jn is it'll of air t:iio t,:ie a.r i ehu w bit henu-es n .wukiin i, uu lily tli runt.! Ihe nil re 8ciciu 'J lit 11 i-un l n in n,tii rntitiiiu 1 loexpt f I greater pund from nu ilirin. n t meting the t a vil ies nl tin- liiui I ban I mm ihohe ntliiiiitiMeit tlirnlifli the uloinin h , ie p.itleiu mI nl lij r bud tlte tuiipK fit uud Hie Iin iitbiiig tarj tut i r inhaling rim dif Thil-i inh.ilnlittn isaltunl reined) nt veilln t it arts coii-tilutifHialtv, unit u i'li more pnurr nnd it r MinlV 1 hun remeilies .nhntulHereil by ,t''iiiii(h 1 u prtivollie powerful and threr.r iit'lnenre ol this mode i-t ii.liiiinltlriilM-ii, ehloii.inri.i .inhaled Hill entirety dt Mtcoy st;,irifiiity in a ft w in nut tea painhiing Ihe t n lire nt rvniis sjtieni n Umin hmh may, lit omputiiietl w itliom tint 1 1 y 1 1 1 h t p.ii n inbaiing t he ordmarj bum ii g gas wilt destroy life in a lew Imiiri. '1 be iiihal'ttinii of Hniuoiiia will rtue the ss(em when t ilnU'f.'.or apparentlv deml 'J ,t odor rf nany of Ihe nii'tliriiies if pi.rteptlble in lb: rkjn B IfW mil) uteri bfter betus Inhaled andliav be immediatelv i(f h rted in tbeldoud. A ronvini ingprool of the conili lutinnat e tree is of Inhalation . is iltel.ut that sickness is alvMiys prndurtd by bienlhing Itut air Is ma this ponilvtt evldenic t Im t proper rem dies, rmetully pre jiared and juiliriutisly ailnnniMeu'd thrfuli the lungs, should prndiirethe mnst.!i tppy,r.esulis I During eigh teen years' prariica, iniini tiidui-aiiiiii mifTering frnnt dlt-eaht'S nf the dunes and throat, have been under my rare, and I hnvn eJiVctfti manv remarkable cures, cvtr afler the pullrertt had bten priuuunied in tbe Isn tiutri't, uhtih fully fliitnties me. lli.t (.uiisiiniption i no lonaera f.iial iliseae . My irealnieiit ul lonsiiinplitMi is original, antl founded uu lougeiperience nnd u tho rough invettigntitin My perleit ncrUAintiinre uiih the untu re nf lubercles, ftc , enable, me in distingul-h readily, the .v.ulous fanni- uf fleitPe Hint simulate coiiiumi tion . and apply tin proper nine-ue, rnirly being mit1.-lf.eu eMi in .t si ngle riue his fnajlinrity in fount ri ion with certain patitolnglral nnd micrnsctx Pir .roveiH rt, ennldes me in relit v i 'he lilies from Ihe i-I (h nf roulrficled thesir ; to rntaige the f lie.l ptirify thu blond impart lo it renewed ulnlily gning energy nnd tone to the entire stt-f-m. iie iriuen itIi lull iiirirlions sent t any pit of Hit; IJniietl Hta,te rind (J.imi'at by pniiriifii reminuni iaiiiig llii'ir F.vmpioms by luier. Cut the etiru would b tiioie lert.'liii if ibe piilit nt tnn1d pav me a tjsil v-li rh wruld give nn nn oppuriiiintv to examine Hi, luniu am) eiiiible tn lo prtcrrib' with niiuh greater certainly, nnd then ihe cure ton Id be cllcclcd without ,rny htoii g the patient hgntu. O.AV .OHAHAM, M I)., Oilier, 11.11 Gilbert si ret t, (old No. 100. . . Ilelow Twctflh, l'hiladelpliia, I'n July II, lPJ7-C-MarciH) NEW LIQUOR STOKE. no iri.isoin n Tiimn struct (In the 'cif:lu Buildings, Jlbovc Race St.) Philadelphia. TIIU undersigned bei uv tn Inform his friends and tu- public, that he h.iH opeuetlanteusn LIQUOR HOUSE, in tlin Htjlf lliilld'nc. No. 133, N.. 3d HI., ns nbovs, Hlipru he will Im luiiy to Uiily Mrrliuiiu. Hotel, l,i vrtvrs. unit ciistuniurs (ji'iieiully, with lliis 'choicest brmnls kiptin riiilaiiiliilid. WILLIAM nilOIlST. (.slsoililntll.'s.) Marcli Till, tfi.-y. ' JOST KKOKIV1U) AT OUR NEW STORK. NO. 1 MACKKHUL fur 6131 per barrel, ami other in prupurtiuu. Also, a Irish sunsly nl Hiifn olasaes, Iticu.icc. Alsn.a new .uiinly uf Wall Tt r.or.liil'jroui biylus ..which Hill I., ti.iil low May, IW. II. O. 4c I. W. ilAUTMAN. WliSTKItrn HO I Kly, Nos. 0, 11, IU nnd 15 Oourtland utrce NEW YORK. D. II.WI.NCIICBTr.R. TIIOS.II IVI;CIIEETEII, ., ., . IHINJ. I'.WI.NOIILSTEtt. Mv 31, I'm ALEXANDER KERR, l.MPOK TEll AMI U'IIOI.i:a.l,ll IICALCR It Salt, J, Salt, NO. 33 HOUTII WIIAUVi:, PHILADELPHIA Ashlon's fino Liverpool eround Turk's Island Hairy Hall.ciinstaully on hanu and lor sale, In lut- suit tie tradu. AI.D.XAMILR KCE Arrll 4, lS57-0nl OLIPIIAN T, V00USIDE & CO Irpportcr.i ami Wholesalo Dealers i tPinc0 ani) fitquon o. 107 Arcli St. abovo Fourdi, PHILADELPHIA. P OrtrHiht Gio MeAiri snia 3d
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