tfolmnbict Htemocral AM JI II. TATEi I.OOAT. KDITOIt. Bloomsburg. Octobor 31, 1857. RELIGIOUS NOTICES. Divine sotviccs will lo licW in Hlooma burg, to-tnirrow, (undny, Nov. .Ut,).it ilic fallowing Ohurolics t Episcopal Church, Wr.v. II. Xoludob. .Services at 10J o'clock, A. M., and nt early candle-lisjit in the evening. Methodist Ciirp(,--Servico nt ID o'clook, A, M., In tlio Court House, German Reformcd.lar. W. .Qoonnicii ,8cr,vico,-at 10 o'clock, A. M. Xwiera C'jKrci.M-KoviltiA'.BiiAnnF.TTS. Service t candle-light in tbo ovonlng. FfCsbyttrian Church. ItEy. D. J. Wat, ijEn,i Scrvico at 10 o'clock, A. M. xer Kev. Hknry'T ULLiDai. pastor of tho Episcopal Congregation of ibis place, preaches his farewell sermon, to-morrow evening at early candle-light. ill iiiwi mtiii wi On last Sunday night,, tho Grooory Store, of Mr. J09r.n1 W. Hhndlhsiiot, situated near tho now Furnace., was broken open and rubbed of .a ;la,rgo .amount of 'Goods, J6T On Friday night of.lpst week, Mr. Robert Gilroy, of llorwiek, while stop ing at the Exchange Hqtql in this place, 'had;his pocket picked of ,a vnluablo gold watch. ' BS?" Frosts oro said to possess tbo pow- ,cr.of removing fevers. 1 horo is one fever, ilmwevcr, that prevails to a great extent in .our town, which all tho'"gront gun" blows ,and frosts in creation can't romovc. AVo imoan tho hoop fever ; and it still spreads jJSylt commenced drizzling on Sun .day morning last) and at 0 o'clock, tbo drizzle turned into a smart train, which continued uunnc tlio uny. J lie rain '-is received with joy by all j it wi l roplcnfsb .our sources of v?aler for tho winter, and ,ml!lcrs, particularly, who .depend iijpcn wateriponvcr, can keep thoir nn.Is in nto (ion during this period of tho year, ,List year the scircity of water was severely felt, which it is bolie,ved will bo remedied by tbo copiousiraihs of the present .fall. f6T At writing, tho-nnrks of winter are vifiiblo-tho lcuvcs tint ,havo kept their verdant coloring unliMliis lato day in the reason arc drooped and fading. Itemcm bcr the poor in this gloomy twilight of tho year, Tho dark clouds of penury arc lowering around them. 'I'iiough you hear not their cries, heed the voice that speaks 1.1 your iumost soul in a whisper that is never overheard. ;fcadcr, we are speak ing to yott,uot your neighbor. Remember the poor. Bar Locking .llano at the gifn of a kind Providence, tho presout has been a year of unexampled prosperity. 'I ho prolific earth Ins yielded her treasurer, with a pro fusion and sibundanjo never beforo known Never was t hero such a .yio'd of all thq products of tho earth necessary for tho sus tenance of man aud be,ast, as during the (prc.ent year. Tho granaries cf tbo West, and indeed, of every section ofpjir widely extended country, arc groaning under the nbuntlancc whjcli a-Ucjuutcoua and munili- cent 1 roMaenco nas ?w)wcrca upon mo people of our bclovcd.lanq, Never, in all -our history, lias tho United Statos,.so tcom- cd with all tlio substantial qlcijiouta of vcalth as tit iliis very monioot. And yet, it is suffering under n crisii of tlniost un exampled extent and severity. Industry is paralyzed. Merchants are f.iilicg .by hundreds and thousands. Manufacturing establishments nro suspending operations. And thousands upon thousands of labor ing mon:,and women, upou tho voiy brinj: of a severe winter, aro thrown out of cm. ployment, with tho certain prospect of want, privation, nnd starvation, stwipg thcmliito grip spectres, in the face, BQf" "Suppose tho silly nincompoop, that has got topropouuding Arithmetical qu'es tious"iD tho .Democrat, would trjibis.liand atiwriting common sense, as well as 'r,o sumo tho publication of a moral, literary nnd family piper," which from his tacit nckuOTrlcdgincnt it appears ho has sadly neglected. Wo wish him succos.i, for heaven knows that good morals and a sound litpraturo aro at a low ebb in certain quarters.- R qniblican. Wo very .good-naturcdly transferred to our-columDs, the foregoing personal abuse, ponncd no doubt in a jmssion, by tho Ed itor ofctho Republican, for tho purposo of showing its spirit and administering a cau-1 lion to tho littlo peevish soul of tho writer. ' Ifrpm the tenor of tho article-, wo would in- ( ferJlhat , tho Jatc olcetioUf has settled very hard upun, his, mind, nnd ho now retaliates by doaling out weal; doses of his malice to tho Democrat. Wo havo always treated .tho Doctor, with tho fa'rness and courtesy tluo a gentleman. Wo noticed in tho spring, tho project of establishing tho Republican in llloomsburg. Whon it appeared, wo a gain epoko of it in terms of commendation. This is our position. Hut how has litis lilt!c-soul Editor requited our kindness. Uy a.dding insult to injury and that con tinually. Wo navcrlhclcss, oonfosi that we deploto. his woakne33 of mind, in allow, ing tho result of tho election, go much to , .. TT , 1 disturb lu3 equanimity. Ilaving already, . . ra . . M ATn,11.,1 .... :ln,Ul V.mita m .nmUnn smallaffairs wo dismiss Palcmon for tho present, with this advice Should tbo fool killer como to towc;beforo our noxt issue, vo would suggest to him tho ippoitutce of making good hia retreat). JJSy Wo are now, or ought to bo, enjoy ing what is called tbo "harvest moon." About tbo tuno of tho autumnal cnuinojc, tbo moon when noar hor full, rises about sunset a numbor of nights in suoocssion. This occasions a romarkablo number of brilliant moonlight evenings, 'I'lio sun bciug then', in Libra, nnd, tho moon, whon full, being of course opposilo to tbo buu, or in Aries, and moving oastward in or near the ecliptic at tho rato of about thir teen degrees per day, would descend but a short distanco below tho. liorjjcjn for four or six days in suflccssiqri j that is, for two or tlirco days beforo tho full nnd tho same number after ; and consequently riso dur ing all those evenings nearly at tho samo time, viz : a littlo beforo or a littlo after sunset, afford. a remarkable suo-1 cession of moomtgut evenings. As- Ali)3- generally occurs about tho limo of tbo, r . t ,1 - . .1 . 1,. wasvero Harvest, it, mere got, mo name oi tho Mlmrvest moon,1' Igy-Tho Lady's Ilomo M agazino, edited by T. S Arthur iand Virginia F, Townfond, is an excellent two dollar Mngazibc, Tho November number contains an excellent engraving entitled ''JIathcmatical Abstrac tion," colored. and plain fashion plntcfi, and a varioty, of patterns useful to tho Ladies. It is also woll.fjtorod with reading matter. Wo do not hcsitalO'foirccoinincnd it to our lady readers aa worthy of4bcir patronage ,, Qex. V.Bi:sT,Kdiiorof tho Intelligencer of this place, wo regret to announoe is lying til .. ,.! n. fil. .1 !! ' vuijr.iii, um.Di iuu yvnvi Vl .u ,u3m,Vi UlSoasc. tjonsumntton. Mr. iiest IS ono oi ll. Mnof Prints. ,"n !n tl,n 1 ' pnvaio rcisiionsoii io,nas ever maintaincu i a Utgu character ana ,inany wnrm ana syinpatliising frientlti mark his decline, with painful solicitude. Danville American of Tuesday last, ,,-CQr Our citizens seem ppw to bo enjoy ing a "season of rest" for both mind and body which amounts almost to stagnation. Business is dull, profits light, and even criminality rests awbilo.from her cefcrious pursuits. fl- Cbcsnuta sold in Blootniburg on Saturday morping at.twqlve qents a quart, Tho orop is.e.iid to bo large, but as yetwc have seen littlo evidence of it. CS?" Tho season for buckwheat calics and sausage has atrived. Wo obsetvo lib oral supplies at tbo.diirercnt stores. Fall to frionds, and help yourselves. At tbo residence of tbo Ilrido's Father, in Huntington, Luzcrno county, on Tuesday tbo()7tb inst., by Hcv E. AVadswortb, Mr. U. J nu'i', ol Wnuison (Joupty, IN. jT., ti Miss M.ry L.Dqpsoff, of tl;o'lnrm cr.placQ. :In .Danville, October 23d, by Kov. 31. .1. Siovor, Mr. TitoiiAS ('. Kowf.Kn, to Miss Mahoa'ikt A. McFutiK-,buth of iUiioins bfirg,, Columbia County, Pa. ImUlooinsburg, Oct. 22d, by Hcv. N. W. Colburp, -Mr. Jamcs MKiu,)j;Tt to Miss Ann KeUjEY, all of Light -Street, Columbia Coun y, Pa. On tho I Oth inst., hylic,'., Heo. Warren, Mr. .Mason 0. Kdwv.iuv, to Miss Ki,r,i:.s HICHAM, both of JJnarcrcok, (Jol. Uo. Atrtho UutYalq Home, Lcwhb.iinj, on tho IBth inst.. Jamkj !i. FTahman .nm Hauuikt CnowNONF.u, both ol Qrangcville, -Jolumlna Lounty. Ta On.tho PNiimK, by Iho Rev. Win. J. Eycr, Mr, Jinks Oyjui, to Alias DEiiortAU Ann C ask, both of .Locust, township, Gol. County, Pa. ;pju;a x:iH;i: In Uloomsburg, on Friday, October 2Ud, Mr. Joii.v MobnU'E, .aged 00 years, 2 weeks and 4 days. 'In 'liloonisburg, on Tuesday morning, 27 III inst., Iddisos BAnii'.EV, E-q., aged about 70 years. Mr. U;irklcy,-was for many years a Justico of the l'cacc in Uloomsburg, and served ono term as Cottuty Commissioner. Ma lived a ohrbTtiau's life and died a chris lian'a.dcatb and has now cono to reap of a christian tho gravo is robbed of,its a,.lprcntiotoiuM1iadiM.viloi health win o VlOtory, Olid death of its Stillg. I permit. nlneroaso if family. . .T , , , .. , , T, . , I'rcgnnnt females, or tlioso sti.tnosin themselvvs so 111 Hcmlocls township, Oil last Lriday, ' arflcauliflI1C(I n,ainit w9 (hear P.IH.aMho propri . 2$d inst., Mr. DAVID S;iTII( aged 75 nor assume no rofpon$ib.llity,after tho nbovo nw-yo-irSjtt months and 2 l diiy H, nilioiualtlnugU their mllancss would prevent anv in I" Tim tW wJl f.ntr ' J11 -.pUtt; OtlirKH FC UlU-W 11 Ml BTO rCCOIll- L -------w cotnmunityt a good citizen, and an lion est man. For many years, ho has teen a resident of Columbia County, and no ono can say aj-ght against him. Peace to his ashes! C0LUM MA DEflJ (Tm.It. Tho followins nro the rcccints to tho office of ttio uoLUjinrA JJejiocrat, during H,n mont'i nf isr,7.- tho month of September, 1857 Col. Joint t! Freeze, ?1 OS; II113I1 Mcfollum, SOD 1 SU tea SI 00 4 no 75 73 John J, Mrllenry, 11 Hutu. 1.. Moore, O WUnpRlt.Califor'a, ii, it. ;ir. It. Hitninan. llsi , Pnniel firarliart. (leo KftlrhlU'r, tis,, James l'attersou, Col On tsSoclet)', JonissalirmgertK.I, Aplnmtnas, Josrph Itoublns, Hon ry JYapl,-, Ksluto (,'tilKOIl Voiks, U. .M.Ku,ik,K.q., II. S Hchell, N.U. l'owler. Il.tatq orjaccb N'uss, Curneliu. Reynolds, u, Kreanifr, James 1:, Itniglrr, .1 01); AU.dirlon, 'J Wl; Isaac Wngncr.Pr 75; John I. Jiietf rick, I on Jacob Ai.iwino, 00, lctidot nh l.'oooer. 'J 7d Wut, flnlclii.oit, lUi 75 I OK Henry U.Krlc'Hi.r. too t! (H)i Jos. tV.Bhrmcr, 11 0U 1 (10: clqto A;ririiUnral l'pir ! Ml 7ff (.apt. j, iv iiiuie'ica, 170 ;l OOf Geneva Coal Co., J ou SO 3S.H 2 00 SO 00 3 00 n (hi 3 00 6 CH) 1 74 .1, u. nicusui, 5 00; 8 lUrman, i:1 , S no, sberlir Miller S no (1. W. Uiuliain I 75' CO. Sailler U. Co , 3 110' A. II- Cllell k Co , 1 7.V llarnes i. Ourl,oul, I 75' rB.Orivii-, 7 no Liism 1;. t-nrlon, - Wo lost our list, unfortunately, con . n , , , , , (.lining tho names of tlioso who had paid . . . I nn In Umk 7 nn ,. ., ll .. il,.:- payments may not here appear. "Will thoy let us know? Wo intend to givo every customer honest orcijit ibr all pay. merits, and hope many worts of our good friends will promptly pay tho Printer, Notice. tra-nrjAiu nnADil vn AFrMorcii. niiAnti II. T. llclrobotil odin to tho anii-tnl Mi Ocnulno Vn- imnllon, fluid Eilrast Uuchti, which has accomplished tlio moil cilnotdlniiy,curc of nil otli.r similar retrm' lies. RciH llio fiilvcrtiscmcnt In nnothef column headed llelmbold's Oeniilho,fyep4iii!dri." tfiy- The J-tve Per Cent, tSavtwr Fitntl oflho National safety Cniiipiiiy,.lli'i' street, south' westrorntr of rftlrls(rci. riillaileltfiln, now lute nearly 0 Mit.l.ins Xm llit.pof Ilollnr ml In Rial nsTiTri MoRTAtifn, (JROtrno hetts, and otner nmtni. securi ties, to tlio bcntfit l.deposUns. K5-TIIOMAB W. MATTPQff. Recclve (ho Vtms Medal nt tlio World". I'olr In lancl-nt 1851, fur TRUNKS, CAItrnT lAbs,noo,.stiocs nndriiuis. G rent inducements arc now offered tipurehs-crs nftlie atovoerticlrs, Thlsls much the Inu-cst itockoUrgnxi CrpclH,Vallfct,fte.,ln riilladelphlii very cheap. of caali. "ann,ietpriles! 130 Market mrccl,,p, w corner, nn' I 'Market street. 8. B. iwthnrif Fourth) tO-MURI.UY'H SAUSAl'Atlll.l.A, for .nil dlsiiMel of tho btoM, nothing hat yet btenlouml to coiwiare with it. It elenneea tho tyttrm. of nil Imptirltic; tttt ppntlvQndrJtljfentlf on tlio'irver nnd kl.lni ff. utrptiirlh. cm thi ttreenuon, givej innto the itQmaeiir makes tho tkln rleaf nnd hrallhr.iimt'fcitorc.mio, eoaniltti. Hon, ciifecljlf j'uy dlco'ie,,prntirn'l(Jndown tjy 'ihei fieeilct or youin, i, in pruunv Tjgor nmi Birengin,, Hrery prudent peron tlloutituia n feivuottlei partic ularly during ilia spnnj nnd summer mnnlli.. fUllMinrrofi Har, tO-AiCOUti CCF1.UUTION. 'Tor every mi I In Hint wo leave the rurfacc of our earth, tho liuipernturc fjlls five degrees. At forlvflvo inl!e dltlnnco from the elobo Wflgll bojond ttie nlmnsphereand enter strictly peaking, into the rcelnnofspnce,wln.o tcnipcrnturo Is 2i degrees below f.cio, nnd here cold reigns In nil uarls." Tho ccnllcnian who wpnt ' Ixyond llio lit mospherc,' and held tho tliotnionieier In tho ."reelons of space," has unco his return declueit that the next rnnteat ililnff Is.n null of IhosatLclit, nlecant nnd cracn. ul summer cIN hcs. which have rrndorei llio fashion nblo, Emporium of (Jranvlllc Blokes. No. CD7 la'c 203 Chestnut street, famous on this termor) n oro. rv wiiitd ti'.btii, rnttroAipo imnATii anh IinAUTlFUI. COJtri.nxtON-cnn ho ncnulred l,y llslnzthe Baln 0 a 7kuiand Fsiesrs." What lady or gentleman would remain under the curse of n.dls Mfcablo lircalli, wnen ny using ins "uiw or Tll0JKD rL0,R,M ns n dentrlficr, w.uld not only lender it snret. hut leave the twlli "lute ns nli. tort Many,ptrsons do not know their Wealh Is had, nnd the subject Is so dcUe.atnthnt tholr friends fill never menilonit. Cenaro or counrctrnt.iU'! sure each LoUle U signrd CTRinci: & co., v. I C3" A MASl'CiUl'IUUU OUTOND.-Wq hayo inti lati'lvfuonoscd Avers Clnrry Tcctoml wathe Ultima Tliulo In Its line. and thafnothlui liad.befn of would he Invented which cotitd surpass it In its fnif rotnta of cxceltencQ ns n medieliii But we a confidently ns-1 ptircdliy thofc competent to Jur on the'ctil.Jpct, that Dr. Ay en's new Tills exec) In lu&h nicJicaf armtry even that widely cettbrotrrt embodiment ofhts HI. II e hit siiccf cded In making thfin not fm'y pleasant to lake but powerful to, euro the UrgacUsi of complaints I which roitilrn.Ji purgative rcnivdy. Laneatltr Atgu$, A ... U'tU.NUIiniS AND Upljpll CUIICI). Boston Angnsl I. Mreses. S. V, Fowle & Co. Oentlrmen: Having hceii troubled fofa consldcrahlctinie with n had Cones; and IIionehiatc1lTei'tion,I was linlicpri,ilo ty a botlio ofJr.irut.r'.Ba.'sanieinWCAfi-ry.wliirh I am liappy ,fo say entirely removed tho dlfliculty. I deem it but justico to,s.iy thus much Tor the benefit of llioso io in i, y ho similarly aril icted onoRcr. n. DAviP. rirni ofllallet it Davis, Tiano Tortc .Manur. Toston. I hereby certify that I nm personally neuiinte, wilh Ceorzo II. Davis, and li.tvc Die lull st roiilldcnco in tho above Elatinteiit. . fi..nAunows. Ac(a Vratthlng rhytitian, NntiQ gcimiuc utitesj tlgited I.nUTTd, dii the wrip EQUALtTl' TO ALL 1 UMFOllMI'l V OF PRhJI'Sl A Ntw Tbaiurc ih Hu'sinksh IZucry on An own Fdlnmcttt JUNHS -Sc CO., Oflho Urejcent One Prlco Clothing Store. No. 200 M.irkct Ftrcrt.abovo Sixth, rhil.idiiphla. In ndditto.tio.J,avifig Ijie largci-lt n:rm,rar!cd nnd nthinnablemock of CIHjluler(.in Mtiladclphla, itm.Ic j'il) ,fyr rctol saWbave rom-Iitnted every ono hlsown salesman, by lnvjng unrkf-d in Ctjurei, nn rarhartUlc llio very lowist priced can bo sold for r they cannot possibly ary all must buy nlik Thu giDdsare widl rponged attdprepired.andgreai puni taken with the Inakinc rn that alt enrt buy w(th he full nsur.iure ofgi-tliiig a good nrtlelc at the very lowert price. Also,n large ilnrk of piico good on n,ndof th! litest st)le.iud bo it qiilities, which will 4o mile to ontcr, la the most fmhiouablp nnd best nnuner.Ci per reiit.tlifw crujit prlfCti, Ue nenilcr tho Street, No t-00. Ureacci.t, in Market, above FJxtli JONT.S ft CO. K3-i.ono nnwARD wilt, r.p pm for any Mrdi'cinPtTiU will oscelJTUATT& DOTCIICUS VA (IU Oirrfrfrthi fottowin; dleasea : Klicitiuatlsni, 'ei)ralKlaf-piml Atfectlonp, Contracted Joints, Ch Vic Pains, Pniiii In the Side or HackVlfeiihchQ, Tooth nrli Spiaiui Boro Thct, Cuts, llruiicf, tlhirns, arjd all idisen-f'-i nf hi Skin, i.Tu-trlc-1 and 'ttio Ghnda. I'ono genuipf. without the eiijnnlure of "I'mtt nntrher" nttachf.l tnrach label, rxlnct.ial olTici, y()J,JVn-ihi ng ton street, Brooklyn, New Vork. Suld by G. M. UA fihNUUOir, Drugcift, Hloomihurg. tCS'Thn is I hava made but onp appli cation of the Mnic Oil on my fingers .which have b-cii drawn from contraction nf the cords, brought on by rhcuinntlsni. It wa of seventeen inonthi Ktandliif, and I anioy entirely cured. I checrfutly rtcoinuicud it to all jfthrtcd lilicniw. j. m nxnnooK, 73 .octuttitreet, llarrifburg. IC? A CARD TO Till! IAnirj3.-!a. Uuroso'-i Golden Trench Tills arehfdtltbhU removing etoppagct or irrtgularitia of the menses. These P HUare nothing new, but hive tnc n, tired by tho Doctor fur mnnv votir-i . h3th in TrancQ nnd Ameri ca, with itnpnrallcltdtuicrMineveryxascjnndhoi urged by many thousand ladienwlio htvo md them, to inat.0 the Pill public, for the allevialinn of thofc mended, Directions acciupauy cacti box. Trice t-old whulcfcata and retail by (imitfju m. UArinDiiuii, Ooncnil Agent, Uloomeburg, Tn. II o will supply tbo trado at tlm prnpnctor'i prices,, and send the Tilts to ladies confidentially) by mall on rnr,ofeipt 31 IhrolithonionuHbirg TosiOdico. LHTlrJCOIT & HUSTCIfS Clotlilng Warchome, Ftmtli WVst'.conipr of l-p jrtti and Market streets, 'till '""i""' . mw srn iric Casl. purchaser, ol Men's or boy. Cloilunn, at wliolesamand retail, can here, mako their selection from an iinmenso stock'of fashionably cut anil well nuile clothing, cotnp wjlti a.vlew to gida satisfaction toall,a'iilat tlio very lowest, possible aching price s inarkcJ. n plain'dgutcs on every garment, alll,uy at lliosjinoprlco,an'J whether they aro judges of goods or nol,,ihey rannotbo rtccjeveil. One unlfprm low prirotnnsk nnd piko, snilseveryhody, wile tho usual inodeornAing livo prices, and taking all that can bo got, suits uoboity.endclieatsilireo.ioiirtlis ; for instance n iniu.aska3l5aforacoat,audaficnvar(!sagrees to take $10, and il'is equally trrtain, I I1.1t lie.unuld have taken $15, if lie could l.nvo got jt, and thus actinlly chat he purchaser.outof iivo doll.irs. To rsmrtly this evil and establish confidence, ii.tliu lrodo,l,IITINCOT & CO., II a uniforinbelow pnrc on all their goods, (very much b low ilia usual rates,) and will ncvurvary ono cent uudar anv elrouiniiati',,,,.. a tf . tsu'"A ai the Bovth . West cocao or fourth and Market street' .l.i..,. I hi I" UOIMua . WILLI A AI .J. UHWLKMAN, j BabMc avti harness niAXcrAirtiin, Blootatbuif , Atoz 15. 1 Sic PUBLIC GALE of Valuable Real Estate. IN pursuaneo' of an Order of tho Or phans' Court itf .Columbia county, no Saturday, the 24th day nf Octohr ntxt, anil the several nays ucwu; mmtioticu, At 10 o'clock In tlm nrenoon, William Snyder nnd Ilnnlt! Envder. Jr.. AAinlnlst raters. Ac., l.f Damici. HvYDsn, late of ntonm township, .In said county, de ceased, will exposo tosnlc'iby Upon ttid icvprnt preinlrf , tb fitlrtwintt.dcscnUcd Kea! Estate, TO WIT ! On Saturday, October '24lh, A Certain Tract of Land, situate in Mad is.n township, ndlolnlnf lrnds latri of Jacob Clrton. deeensed,nn the North; John Heller nd MatHilns 11. mooro nti ine coutii nna west; reier iicncr nna others, pn the Kilst, containing ONK IHJNDURD & SIXTY-TI111EE Hit Pcrclicislr Itt menmtc. Also On Monday. Octoljcr 2Gth, Certain ITouso and Lot of Ground sllnalo In tic town of llloonipburir. iviiis (in 11 c eiiu ill si,,, ill nixnuii siieci of said town, n,IJolnlng-.n Ini of Jacob 1'riier ick, on ine roniu ; nnnrnv noiii!1 tier. on the llnsti nn nlleynn Iho South containing fifty feel In front and In Also, A Certain Hquso and Lot of Ground Mimf! in .ifonrnfMirft, ifms on c Hoiuu hij oi iinru sircci oi rani town. mijoiiiiiti! itifi rrnfitiytcrnn nuryinp irriMiinl mi tlin Bnntli wpb! i nn nllrv rm 1 11 c rntiui; nr. jnnn nnin'ey nn uja : Unfit, nnd Third ttretl nfFnid town, nn Hi" Went nnHfi.'nliiK lii.frnnt illty. three Jott.otul In dcniii two ii'inuicu aiiu two icvi Also, Tho undivided third part of a Certain rzzrTi lloiiiP nnd I.ot oi tirmiim. Miiunt4 in Iiloftm1 tl3 In. nr. It Ins mi. the wfrt fide nt .flrt fitr4?pt i tUSll .fiiil tnwii. iKiinlnini n tot of Hurdv &.t;,iih, cart fn llio raet, land bolnnglit? to thi IMooinslmrR ualtuad iron uomny on me wen. aim a lot ot Iturtev & Civhcnrl on tlio South nnd Wept, nnd tint lrpi-l nf llif tuun nf fl luom etiurz on Hip ?dulli . ron tnf nuiKin iront. mty.uneieei tinuin (icitui gnenunarvu nmi ftvcmynwo ictv Also, A Certain Lot of Ground, situate lcott township, ndjoinlnii l.mds of George Kressler finiirna,l iron company unu uuiurs on iim nouiu conUtinitu SEVEN A,C II E nndOno Hundred and TwentyNluo,rijrvlica. Jicai incusuro. AIsq. Un lucsday, October 27th, The undivided half part of ,a Certain Tract or I.ot of Ground, situate tn Cnltauista town ship, county aforesaid, unded on tho North by the river Susauchinna, oilier lands ol said deceased, nnd Josepn V. llemlcrshnt, on the ttouili, nnd lands of Damu) c human, on tlio Cast nnd West, cowal nl ng FOR'IW-TU It EE AORES and Tliirty-rourrcrchcSfSirict nieasurc. Also, Tho uudividctl half part of a Certain Tract nr f.ot of Land, situate in Cnllaulsia townlilp, nfori'stM, adjiMniHtr laiMU of Uitiiel Shu man and I'Aii Kruui nn thu North : and M'f MMyfthnve d-cribetl trnct on tlm i"4M,nnd the rivcrtti(is,iu(,u(r.uii.i un the Couth ( cuntitinin I'OURTEEN ACRES and 1'our rerciits o Land, strict mtaaurc. Also,, On H'cclncscfai, October 28, A Certain House and Lot of Ground, fltnnte in Ornncevitle, Oranso town -ffl?SS?4. thip, iitjo(innjr a lot of Whluw Marlx, L'iM i lirfA on .no W,it; u lot of Widow Ilctrini;, 5otjUi, and Markpt,prtei of futljowii, on lhn North, cojitaiyiiis i THIRTY PERCHES OF LAND. ' Unte ilia tl-tnte nf slid dctrasrd, situate in tic township and county .iforon-iid. JACUH EYEUI.Y, Clerk. CONDITIONS. I The ftircsoliig'vniiiable prnpnrty wi!I ho foM npnn i the loltnwitnf rooiliiimifi: TIo bhsro nf the widow in , the prv"-.Tl pri-niisi'fi lo remain i iho liandsof tlio ptircliifira during her tmtural lilu, thofmiereft thereof in bi nntnnlly nii) rejiilnrly piid it In r by tho pur I th-ti'Tf, ih fir hrtri and aapiiif holding tho property, i auti ui lior d-jcenH lir share of tbo p'irrliasc money I tn It'l in thu peri 913 legally enjJiled thereto, I e n iirrt- mil. otr the two thirds ? . I he purrhaso 1 ft1 piid nn llm dny pf Vale. otic h ilf of the half of the two llnrtU on ttm f,rfl day of .April next, and the re , nulinkT on tho Hut day of April, A. I)., lr-3'J, with ititerel from Iho Ipti'ay of April, A. I) , K58. Huid Fnlo to be continued lroni day tn day, until all I. the abovi dcirribPd land n aro rold. WILLIA.M SNYDER, ?,,,,.. Cloomlijre,cpt.20, 163J 5t diploma" awauded" By the renysylranta State JJgrieiiUvTzltSociety and ly trveral Couvfj lociettei, to BHhtlJfMi iKROJtEFtF.LD f C() for trhar Celebrated regetal' CATTLE TOtYDEtt IDIv nnrnei. ft is on hivalualte romcdy for the euro and p event ton ot al rlif cases incident lothe noble a in in it.' viz: Uiileiiiper, Coini, Tarcy, Teveri, rii tu l.i v jFofit dtf(asef, I.ung dieeufex. !teh,.Jrfajr, OnpQO. lulnmmatinn, Jnundice, Kidncv UrPeqceR, ntaitder?. Tinck ig, Jfittbonnd, biapscrt. Vivcrc. Uicpr-t jn J.tioitr. Burfeit, rounders, ritruight Hairi Woima.tiorti.&e. FOll NHAT OA1TI.C. In .Jaunlki;, Yeltowii, Ifoven fr Dlown, Bloody Urii o, Hftl U'ati'r, Slnrrian, I.nn of Cud, Lobs nf Ap nfiil(. Didrrlnea nr tnnfleiieii9. Hoof diirnie. Wolf in I tJiu Tail, Uolluw Horn, llloody Millc, -'ood disease, Lwtf Ml Ik. i 1 ' FOrb U0C3. J In veiled Neck, Hiieg in the Liver, Abrteme in , the JiUii;?, Ulcus of the bowelapasins trCrampa, VhoKf ilipeates. Nn tarnicr should bo wil limit it a ftin-jle day; it is his ' "lif l-lrcbor for 'ril-"-'- '' fJiC-- J "'""V irom e,ii ii Amount oi loou ui itni uoni u in per l cent. i's tbo experience nf ocr m-fiO anner, whJ j nave useu 11 win lpmrv at any umti i AlVOTllIlIt KLW DISCOVCRVI ' 0 A T T L E h I N I M 15 N t . I Untuiiiilley any other Idniment or Embrocation r ii r ji i fvtii to the world. It is com! for the fol lowing disfurcs, und has proved itsell in I lie Jia rul of thousand of la triers, farintrsand slapo proprietora to uici mi nn l nine of I he kind ever micrrti mine p tunic CATTMl. fprains,llruises, rounilered 1'Vet, Pnavin, tlureny, Fistula, mtrast. Calls of every kind, Witirignils.tsiud Cracks, l.nlnciiess.titrnins. HUMAN BODY. Rlieuinatisin, Weak Joints, Contrnried Hmews, Trosl tllle, Cliapned Hands, Pwcliings, Tuinniirs, Toothache, Pam in the l,egs, Tain n the Hack, fain tn the Shoulders, Nervous Tains, Chiblaina. lluesof Animals, itlln Joints. Scratches nr Urease, Thick Legs, Hard Tumours, Ringbone, foil Cvjl, Cracked lleotj, rtottan.Iloor, -Mange. Horn llistrmp.r. And many ollipr MlaenkAi Jt,is 1 short, thu most ooniplcle and universal Ijinioieut tliat science lias ever yet prriincen, licwart of Counterfoil, as lialllour valuable discover, ies are ntrendy counterfeited by poisons in different parts ol the rUate. Uur powder lias our written sig linliirc on each bottle. Manufactured only by imniNiti, rr.oNKniii.n t co f.'o. 317 N. Third .1 , N. I'.. corner Th Ird k Wood, l'liiladelphia. Demi W. IJ57-tf jcsrA piiYsiaiiJS,,s legauy to YOUNG MEN. MTno glory nf a young man Is lus siri-neili." (From th. Sunday nupatcn, Asia I'sri, 4uf. it, 1M7 ) Our readers are awnrc that we .uliloiu. if ever, ru- 1 rouinifnil any medical, publication, i f not cr.ilorscd bv j tlio very liiulicsl aullion y As sudi an in.lanro wo may nieiitiou Ur. CuLVSRW stt's it publication on JNr ' vcus Vebilttv ulld other ucclsosff. tlio ri'sult of rarlv 1 iiiUistrttioii, It 1s a small but vuluable, pamr1 let- j aro now considered llm solo and only eflociual remedies cxtaut fi'r llio coimilaints relcrredto. t 111s ,rcp.iraiioiis ine i.toesKHaioii-' nu, "niaviM, i Nenvihs. tlie sovereign remedies for Beihlnat Weakness, , xesuai ni,iiiiy,.iinpotfiicy,.!noiunuri i;misions, IMp.. frr.r. rflr.i.lnl.ui.m.t nt Hint nllrinl.l. Piles, Ac., nro for saloby most ol tho Itaums JJruf gists in tho country. Ua. C.'s I'iJuriti.i.T,ai cbovc, containing full advices foi thu cure of t-jteiniaUinhta, A.e., can Lo liud iu a secure envilopc, by encloshij s Hamp to lit Avenue, corner : r IQlIi Jstrcd, New YnrkfTost Rox No -li. tSiptVl IP37 Juiiuli, lf:7. -i.U'KA D, at ! mm IIARTMAN 9, Spring And Summer' aoDDS. ! rpilli undcrstgncil rcBpoctfolly niarm J tlirlr rtifllomrt nnd ttie pub lie UtTiM-).?, tliat ttiv 1 Snnnrr' anil Siimmfir U 00(18. ,UAr- frnm 1 ). Pn kl ft tt CltUn. ft 6tl1 lit I ( flfV fttf ttm vnrlmin nolccUnnn to lift found In Cotiitlry Hiorci, innttssttirtif it f'JnthUi L!niinitrrit Itelnlnn, Mraxri. Hn1icocMcr Togelbur with ail klndi of Orois goodt lor hip innif r iy fTul t ANI) ht VI r t() WPUV CJrncerl'f MolftsiPK. Buffntf. Teai. (JniTrp. flntcriii and tn.fliorl.everythlniilntl.Hwny of Meirhnmlizr. 5-Irnn(Hirfl,Nnili.Htilky HprJpgi Slc iit-Ttntikfiil rnr oast natronnei. it will lit nnlr itmHo'.fi nlm to plcnuotheli cuitumor nnd If Rive encrai inuiinciion. , ,( , II, ,w, e w, K.tiUU Br Mght PI reft, Aptl 1 11 , Je.'.V l'nrmcrs' SSqiol nutl I'lustrr Mills, AT THE JUNCTION OF York Jloenue, Crown -and Callovhltl Slirtlt, PHIIrADELPIIIA. W4J oiTcr a larco stock ol Chemlcul Manures and i rertltlzrrs at low prices, nnd warranted lo bu centime t ninons wlili will n round j iniii) ions ri3. i unvunineui rururian unnno. j jiKMllnns UdUitre's fluperphnsplifHQ nl Llm". a i hp mravr fiMiiuiru iiiiLit; fi iui in j inn niitu, tha bi si I n the world ! iOur Land I'luMei . mannfar Hired from nMecl'Ml ntnne. is teliljriled throughnul ihu Union for purity find strAficHi vu liyvi 1 1 r UK Uo Hnrs's No, 1 winerphoit)ioieor Llmo Sn, 1 Government reruTian Gitano. Trench's Imnrovi'd Kupfrpliosplirrto of Limo. rrnich p riilladrlphia Vnudrcttt, No, I I'ho-phato Guano, I'lWIad'd Op 's) Metlrnn (Juano, (A) Citra Lareater. OrdlnMyLand Daicncl, C'hftntfal Hone i I'me uonn Dust, Fish Guano, R round Charconl. 10 000 bjf rols l'fnd rta-ier. .I.t-tiu c Cnhtiii PlJatcr 10,000 JJydrnuhc Cement. 5.(H0 Truo Roman Onioiil. l.WU ' rorttatul (Cnglisti) Cement Ali SO DenlM's Phuter, Towderrd Antlincite Coal In bb!s Strrrnlypp riaater, rowdrred Hituuii nnu coal ' Glass lakpr's do Ground Drown Stone ' fl'DundEoapRlnnOt White " iio. wiiiLo ainrnie, wrouna itricKsinr raintcri. do. lijuc Alarblr, Chemical ltoir Ditit ritntn. RiciiAiitts u co B'esiii Mlllinnd PariMfrs' Dpoot. At junctltnifj A'ork Jltenve, Crniea and CdlctehUl $ts Kppt 13. 18." CHEAP STORE. .SPRING, NJ) SU3MMEH GOODS. THE undersigned taHc plpaanrc id an nounclii?1 to dirtUF((mc;s and )he publirprner ally, llit Ihoy IinvRjuft received, nl tho- Lime ItiUgtt Bioru.a choice aseorlmcnt cf Sprnig and Summer1 Gcfo'dg, Gompriaing every article usually kept in Country Store, v. litch have hern rolcctcd wilh coic, and willbo ?gld at vcry,),qw pi es for ready pay. buy imm. nalttlnir of n hrcy nrieiy " Llot"s, Canalino -conslttlnc of n larc. anely " 'uifl, cansiinors Delalnea. Hrazcs.caii oes, c K3 Country producctaken In rcliance,fnr goods Give us a call. None need go auny dissalied. O. fc G. LOW. I.niii lUlgruMardi S3. 1857 NEW GOODS. SWUNG AND SUMMER OF -1857. -ho undersigned, pratcful for fornacr 3. libenl patronage, reflpcctful ly Inrcrnui hjg (riendi nnd ciulomcrs in jreneral, ihat h't has romj nienced buflneisln his fpncioim New tftoro llcjutu iteMtloor lo Ipclah Shtiman's lluicl , where he lias Just received, afuil supply ot SI RING AND a-UMMEIl GCOD3. compningvery variety of fashl9n, quatjty and style nminlly kept in the .lest stores, Groceries uiocewarc ll.inlware. f isn. H.ilts, Hats, Cap. Hunts, shoes, Uc, Inch will be sold on accommna.ilin;; 1'cring. tJ" firain and produce of all kinUunlfd. A & S. ANDREWS. Manville. March 03, 1357,-y.I ""iIOVBR'S LIQUID IIAIll DYE, 'rUIIri HAIR DVU needs only n trial toB Qtlsfy nil or X its per lection ns n Uve.'nnd the rolldwlru terti innnl.-ij Irom that ciutiient AnahUcChrnjit .rrf'"'or llouih, of I lie V. H. Mint r ill nnyronfirm wlutihou sinds havo previously borne testimony 1,1, Laboratory for Practical Chemistry, ) Ht. Hiephen Place, Phllsda. He I pr welllnc-piai uted vvi th I he snuslanfcs rompos ins Ifnver't hfpiid Hair Dyo.lam ratiiflrd that by to'lowiiifT thfl'plmplo directions piven tor U use, it will lint injure the Hair nr Bicin.bul ni II give a natu rat aii'l durablu color to ilic luir. JAMES C. nOOTH. An; 23,li7 Analytic Chemist. HOVER S WTINCr INKS. 1 NUMjniNfi nrJVnrt3 I'MJD nnd IIOVCR'S IV l DJLim.U I.MC3, n re liowi'll known .ind Introduced to reiulre any additional testimony of l heir character. Th'J sjIi's have been incrf-afing sIpcp their first intro duction, jiving evidence thai the articles truly po-Bens that intrinsic nirit claimed at flrtt for them by the iiianulaciurnr. .yrdfrf ai1lTed tothe Mannricl 1 , No. 416 P-.a'-e Bta-tt , iiliove rourtii,'otd No. Ml,) Phladelpbia. 'IH re re prompt nitenlio 11. JQ3CPH K. KOVnit. Av .IMSr ly Manufacturer. N B V PIUJO STORE, is x c 11 a n g n m,tuj;. mai.n b-tueut, TlU'tindersigneu would rP t pert fully Inform his friend and thup iblir Kenorally. tliat ho has purch.isid lr Tugiivt's priyjajid Chemical atnro, and just ntumed from thccity with ul.trgeand select stock, consiatingpol Fresh and Pare Dragsf Medicines. Chemicals. ir round and wholedniccs, Paints, Oils, Varnishes. U eEtuC'a. Window (Jlasaof all sizes tiigetherwnh a complete assort men t o i'aititt i noth and Miaving tints neB, Tobacco, guars, 1 apej aoaps ,:iav ing Cream. Pure Wines and Rrandies, For Medicjnal its,Cnpl!h,,I renchnnd American lr fuiiH'ryj in sl.ort.everyarl.clekeptby Prnpgists yene' rally Its-PrijicriptionscarefiilljcompouBded. V It Tho Ueitai. l-R.irKi.nmi, will lie continued ns usual in Blo'tuisl-nrn and Light Street. AHo.n full a-tsort mcnt of the Lit cot style Teeth, for sale by CEO. M.HAGKNUUOII. noimharjr, February 1, 1M7 .Corner oi & Arch Slrcol, Philadelphia . Henderson & Co., BOOKSELLKItS AMD rVBLISIITMS, IJJ.V.JTE tho attention of all Persons Visi ting Philadelphia, wh.'lSVr on Uueiness o pleasure to their Ciiraordiiury Collection of Uooks upon all sub, Jcrts, lloukscllers, Country Dealers, Teachers, Public and jinvate Libraries, supplied with Hook tc Stationary at owest rates. nn c.u, imvnnnsoN& co., Marfih.7, (p7i-Cmt. ESPYTOWN NEW STOllE. THU underslpnid, li.ivhi- npociatcd together In I MrrcannleDusiiifi'S, l(ke pleasure iuaniionnci to their friends and the public in general, that Hi new Htore Ilou'p, locnted on Main street, central Ufpytown, Columbia county, hag just been stock Willi Ncio Spring Goods, Conprii-ing an eitenslve assortment of Cloih-i.Cas! ttifrea. VeMllntTs. Muslim. I.'lnes. and every other ar- ticlomlh'i wuirnif line, including Hardware. China, nartben nnd Hollow warts, Cruceries, Hngnrh Tea s, t'otlt-e. Itico.MoIasips etc ,etc, with all other arti cles of commerce adapted to country stores. ALSO.-RJ2AV X MA l)E Cl,Q.TIUXG tr(jrnin, Lumber. Provisions. Produce, &.C.. of all kinds, taken in exchange lor merchaudixe. tl. r . llL.ll.ll inir, 11 ti. CIUIVKM.NC. nspytown-Ar-rll 4. 1857, K. li.-ORWIG, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in CEDAII, WOOD AM) 1V1LLQU WAKE, & IE W o CLOCKS. LOOKING GI.ASSt:. COltnACn, OIL ULOl'IIS. imUrfllKS, WINDOW HtlAUBd, ic. No. saC.TN'orth TIUltD-Street, Oss doer bclMi4 CyoU. AiijS.1, 1W7 I'HILAUllLl'IIIA. R S DRODRT. II. K. CL4RK. IIIIOKST & CLAUK, nnALnita in uiiw-td ami DOMnsTio NUi 'J23 NOItTII Tlllltn SII'.CUT, ' r.ii7o itac;j PltfLA UKUPilJJt. Oct U, 1837 A Gll-T .WITH EVKUY BOOK Worth from SO cents to 10) dollars, Aft dilutee's Gift Hook Store; NO. 337 CIHUi.V'L T PTKUCT, ' VJ door Uelotv 1'unitli, Oct a. it miMi)r.i.riu.i SWAN & OG.'Q LOTTKHIBS. A'CII' ATI) ttHII.ttNT SCllLMt:. Capllat Prize $00,000 The fnlliislnf Setime,lll liadrnttri hy a. RrtfAn U Mnnniers of the I'otl Oslnes' Acld-my lottery In fneh of l lit I r iottcrie. for Novum bf,- IB-,7, At Uielr.rilnclpal Offler.. To he diartnlntlietynl Aiiirui,(Mr!eirllli.intif'.i1i4l !)C Mtn hi U,e city or A.iB Uftit, tlMfa , I ti publiff, on Kstilldny.NremnlieT Kth, ICS. Tf hedrawn In the chyof AiiuslnUeorl3ln public, . (in qi,,uf,iprt nnTRIHINir Ulll, Jul, .ci.aoj m, TP ho drawn in the city of Aunstn. fleorgla,!!! public on Salardny, N'oventiwr 3alh;11j7. ON TUB riMlV OK CINOI.I'. NUMIir.US. rite Jesd J'eir Hundred tnd A1net) Frixul Nearly orio i'rizo to every Jinp Tjokcls. ,VJi(UtlFl6lMr SCtlE.VF.1 TO BR itxKVtn II A C 11 I Trise of 1 " fj A T;U n d a y is Novr.MiiKrtt tiiti.noo 5 I'rlzesof !XiO s 3 9 , .1 .Ml inn MJO .mm JTliO JOtllKI 7,lltl, i 0011 J.5I10 M.'illO I VI I, mm S30 ArrnoxiMA'iiovrnizM. i rrlres.SimiAnproi'.lns m.1iii6iirrrltsra Ifiild 4 " 300 " t;5,tiO.I " 1 ' '12LHI 4 ' 2t0 ill IKK) 7.1)10 .wo 4 . i 125 4 4 llm ',.1)00 4lltl auo, 100 .3.S0JI ltm 1 .',0 !IU lis 500D 100,000 Sinn Prlr.cs ninountlnp to wuqli: tiouuis sioj iiAivi:a tsi Plan of the IfttcKj. HUAIt- Tho Numbers from 1 to .lo.OO.I.corrcfpnnitns with those Numbois on tho Tickets printed' on j-i-parnlf slips ol paper. are encircled with umay tU tubes hnd Tlie Ilitl 4Gd I'ries, rlmiirly prlntfd i;ul enctr . tt . nm in in r piI Iti ntw.f li ft n IippI. I Tlif wiimi are ihrti revolved, and n number is rfrnun from ilic ulitt-l i.f Number nnd tii I tie Ftinie. time n rriznis tirawn irom me oiner wneei Nnoibcr aiid-l'rizedruwn out nre opened A ml exhibit eA to ttio audience nnd recistercd v tho Oorontts ln.ier ilie Prl-ci l.elep nlaccd ncnltlt llieNunilM-l drawn. This .operation Is repcuted until all the rri7sflre amwii nui, Jtnnratimattatk Prit! Tlin ttv1 n(rttx1! nnd tllC two sucrccding NunHjers to those druw inn flrtl 7 Prtt.p. unit .n piiiiiinii in the Annrnxlniatton I-riis. Tor cjtnmple! IT Ticket No. Wim drnws tho fif.o.OOO rrlzo.thnin Ticket mimberfrt 1 1. 314. 11 M-iU, Ji,5l, il,i;52, will encli b- entitled to $4"0, lfTlckct Vit.SMrfraw th.. i-..nnn Pi lie. thoi r Tirketi mim bcrcd 64U, 531,552. will cncli bo entitled to 3300, an A ! Art Apfnt'itl sin in (hit .'.nVi Br hp nip. Tnc S0UO Prizes of CtJ) 111,1.0 UUTt;ilred Ly tjic lt rtaiirfnfllinV.imUr ilnl i) r nwi Iift?ll.n.(ffl0 I'rl 2P. Tor txamplo, IT tho Number rirnwlng llio 5ti6C0f l'rlze ends with No. 1, thPit all the Tickets, whPrw tlm Vnrr..prciiHfi. In 1 .will be entitled in S'.U. lft he Number enjs with No 2 th-noll the Tickets where the Number rnni in a will ue cnmitu ioiiy,aim bu on too. Ccriificntfs of Tackegei wll be rold at tho follow Ccrtiilcatoof Tiickngc of 10 Whole Tickets do do 10 Hair d.J An a in nuaricr do do do 10 liiahth do 10 tv nnnrmvn Tri'KTTR oil CCK1 IFJCATCP Cnclohe tho money to our artdrfus fr tlio tickets ordered, on(reejJpt of which Ihcy will be lorwnrded uy nrsi iiuiii, rurciiaurer:in nuvu uucm ny niiie tliey mrty dcjfjrpaie. j in ha lsistof nrin N'timhori and Prizes wl II b snt topircnnscrs iimix-iliatcly atier tue urging Purchipcrs will picas a wriLo tbel r sittn.aturos I Iain, n nrl avtt tliflr I'nai fliTirn- flriiintv nnit Htate- Komomber that ev-ry Vtlzc Is drawn nnd pijuble In Tn II tvitllfillt ilf HnMifm All Prizes of SlOuOa nd under, mill imn"dlatctv nP.or tbo drawing-other Prizes at the usual lime of thirty .a)s. AW communications strictly confidential. Adkltcss orders for Tickets or Ccrtittcales to H. VAN U t:0 . Aujvsttt. Ga, Tcrsons rrsldinc near MouiEOi.icry Alfi. or Allan! On., can hava their orders tilled, and save ilnif, nddressinir S. Pvvau (St Co.. nL either of ll:oo ritieg, Cj- a list 01 me numuers tnat are iirawn turn mo wheel, with lh amount of the price that wfh one Is entiih'd to will be published after every drawing in Iho followlni tia.iers : A'fsw Orleans Delta. JtfoblU lis- gistcr, ChirtetUn Standard Js'ashville Oauttet Atlanta jfliciiijliiiccr. . co j urn iifCMj iaf uwon, ocjo'ihu- wVarsiJijr JVVics. Richmond Dispatch. -Veto York Uitvatth and Paulding JIiss ) Clarion. UCI Olk ICO 4 NEW CA1UUAGE KSTAIJLISIiMKNX IN BLOOMSBURG. Ia tlao Now brick tlirco Qtory Cairi.ago Factory, on .Main below Market. mlin subscriber would respectiuily announce to rhe JL public, thA ie hascoinmenced tue o a h ii r age & 'VglU'ACON J1AKING CU- in nil H-itranclm3. lit! Is prepared loexecnie all nrders and has no hand at resent an assortment offinished work which purchasers wil I (In ill I to thtlr advJtilage fo tia nil uc. Willbcdone In tl.emost prompt and carefat manner nmi nnon terms which ran not fiit lo etve gntitfarlfnit. srRAWiiaiLiai: a. wilson. II loom "burg, April iifl, 165."t. UltOOKKH & MA11SII, Aiietionnrrs & Commission Merchants, 201 NORTH Tlllltn STRUCT, fOiie door below Vln.J piafliUMJSsiPiajiA Hairs of Hoots and Ms", ZJr, Oood$,.Cnwnt, Hardware, Watches Fancy Goods, &e. BVUKV r.VBNINO. 1 "3-Cmintrv Storekeepers and otlicrs will alivays find at i.ur nvoningf5'iles n large ami ilcslralilc assortinenl ( of the above Goods, to lie sold in lots lo ml t tmyrrs .Goods packed on tlu premises for Country Tndo 8, il ail 1757 am ' ilorscs For Sale. TUT. ilnilcrslne,l otTcrs lo sell e tw at Private sale, at a low fijure.o i(-t( f4J4.leaiilllnlarccjearold Won lirmt (fTl ' li f, Horse. without. "pot or lilemiili, ,1 i 1 well broke and very c'oclte. Mso A valuah'o span of Iron Cray Marcs well matrhed pirhctly stiii nd nnd j;entlo in very reupcct; a very desirable span of cirriai'H (family) HorEcs. Cl'U'iuirc at th.s ollicc. LEVI 1. TATE liloonisburg. Augiut 1, 1S7. N13W OOOPlill SHOP. HMirj pllbfrbrnrlnollllcs tint he will rnrry on the X COOl'L'ltlNO lfUIM:S5 al lila Hreweryiu Hop' kinsvilk, win re ho will mnke Barrels. Tuhs1 Kegs, And pvrrythlnjr in that line of biniiiess. He will also repair work ol all kl:ls, and willdo ii skilfully ond nt I"air'pripj3. ' CHARI.Ka W, 1JASSCRT. Uloomsbtirs, June J3, lt57. GREAT ATTItAOTEON. JOHN DOM,, No. 144 North Second Mrttt above Arch, Phi addpliia, Importer of Toys and Pancy Gcods. Has the largest assortment of Curlosiiio in the city Toysof nil kinds. Fancy Jliskets.Hmnkepipr'i.Tnbario lloxes. Violins nnl trtiit. Hirnioniras, Accortleons. and a large variety of other articles too 'tiuierous to mention. Hiorekeepersand ethers will nl cafe cull before pur chasing elsewhere Aug t837 3n, JIENItY ZUPPINGKR, Clock ami lVaiclimaker, $oitth Side of Main Street above the Rail Road. DIFFlCUrTrepairinfi in watches and Jew elry tl lasses for liuntliie watclitis aim Tspcctaclis, He. ifiooiusi-urif, a I'?, a", itiu. A LADY WHO lia. been cured of rjreat NTRVO'IS DF.P.I I I TV, alter ninny carsorinlery, desires loma V known to nil fellow sulfirers lliesure ino'Uis ot relie Address, .nclo-ilny stamp to pay return postage. li M All Y r.. lr.WlTT,lloilon,Mss.,uii,l tleprescri Hon will be sent tree, by next post August H, IH573m O, J1..D.RSE3, " WM. Oilfclll.OCT. liAE.VES & OSlUniHOUT, axisrfurfrs end U'AoUsals Dealers tn ILnlSi Caps, Slrnw (inods ami Fins, NO. S03 M.MIKIIT BTRCl'T. t"P stail.,1 aoovs: rtnn sirsst. All" a, JiJT rmr.tnr.i.rriri l-OVUH! I'OWDKIU,! Till undcrsisred having associated together, under Hie firm ana sty'u of Turstl ! Jacoby, Will continue tho firiarcreik rowder Dn.iness iu all 'Is defarlfnenls. C. II. ruitBiu,, j. a. -Acuiit. JU;10,JMT SHAKP NOTICE. Lr persons Indebted to the firm of Ilartrnan Si dower', are hereby notned to call and settle the same and t aye cott. IIARTMAX & II0VVI:R. Alio, those Indebted tiht subscriber. t? Iitswjsa re'P'-'sted l call and scltU' F T (' -RT.MA.N lispyiown, Junu I rJ Sni POSTSCMPT. Doath of , Gen. Valontino Best. DANVILLE, OrT. 29, 1857, Ocncrcl VALKXTifJrs Best, llio venera ble Eultor of tlio Danville InlclHscn cr died this uyotiirjg, of tint Insidious diacase, jtjonsuinptinn. Ocn. Uest', vaS one oflho Oldest jvriHters'in tbo State, and by bl doatb. tbo KditoraJ fraltrriity losses on? of its ablest v:ritcr3. I'OJce to hi asbes. WEW Y08K -LiMSS. TUT. OAMDKN AND AMI10V UAII.ROAD ANI1 riiiiiMiKi.riitA ami nxnui ai.hoau COMPANY a I.INLH. (icaves a follows. z Fxrc. At l,A M.t from Keuainztoii tlrpot, via Jersey rCil.Matl , .' Si At A. Mm via Omdcn and Jei-y City, New Jerfey AtronnnMtntioji . 3 At AkM .via CuuuIcn.Jtn) AmUy, Accummoda tlOII ,WlM....'.i,MrV'l" 2 At 7 A- M.. via Oniric n nwd Jry Ciiy4 ftlorn- inz man... .... "M.......)(i..t... At 10 A. M,. by ttenmbrafTr'ntnrit via Tatony and jert-ey Ultv. .ilornii-jr i.xpre-n . 3 AtSP-M., via Odiiiden nnd Anti-oy, U. auil A. i;xpreK i.. w, 3 At A l'..M.( v Cauit'en and let try lty.Kvan.ui: Mail... .-...f. 3 At 3 V SI , via iUamiletiiaiid Amboy, Acronniui- dntion, . .. 2 At 3 1. i via Oiimdcn and Aiiiboy, Accoinmn- dntfn.d Class . . 1 AtoP M. via t'nmdcn and Amboy, Accommo- iMiuin, iBtuiats j 4 2 At0t'.M,,via Cain do u nfid An-boy, Accnminn- dilirn 2d Clan..,, a . , I The 5 P. M hiifl iiua dailv. tiU others fL.tii.i. ccptftl. Ktj)'-it Lines n'np nlllio principal sla'l iu ony Vur RMvidcre I'.astnn. Fieintiipton. Jbfui 11 A. M and 4 lli. Ufm Wnlutittrf)it w baif,- Montroi ontrcir, (Jrtni Brinl, jlc-,,m,'' A-, M ., va iV-lAwiirt-, ui mil' 1 utiin oiivui-MWM-it.crr iu.' inariPi Lnrkuwunnn at Western Knilrnnd. ror ,i'rcrn(ii ai u a. iu. ttnt,, a r AI I'vt Mount Uoliy at 7 A. il., nnd and iP.SJ. For Bristol, Trenton, tc, ; n Uf Dnd-iP. SI. WAY hjsh For Talmyra. Hanrocas. Ilcvtrlv. Dnrlln-ton. i:or- dcnlowii, AiC.t6t 3 P M. . t Vat Mount llotlv. IlurllajLiitid IVavJatatlor.i j.l .. 1 Steamboat nicjnrd Ftocklnn lor nitrllnjtpi r.iiJ JTis lolatej A M.,nn,d,fjr BifJeHtoyflrfi juitermodiate Stenmbru.L Itftnian for-Taconv at 10 nna 11: A. M.. and 4 P.'M., and for OurliugtOn nnd llristol nt 4 I'. M, .it. iiii-ipi;-.ii t. j i-v. t,i n ir.u. h tT.-iiiui, funiMin, tTd".riltv founds ot b-i;ir0ffi onlv allowed e.ith nir- teneer 'U'a-.'seniRrsnrQprohtiitrlfroin tnklrg nntlilnc os Unpcagcbut iheir wennne nrpnrcl. All bccr vfr tilt) pound to h iad loreitra. TJio tlnm-iany pnui ineir resnoiiFiinuiy lor uaj:sige to one, per pniino, Miiu xvi- "Hl v1 n.n-n,(or yiujout t-cjonc glW, except by cpeclr.l eontran WM. 11. liA v.iiuu1vBcni, tJ. Jt A I . K CO Jlrp" MOnRLI,!., Acenl, Sept SO, 137 Tiiila. 1 1, U, K, Co """ALLKN ' & fvKEDLKS' " svrEiipitosriiA te' of limf? CAUTION. Uo particular toob&cn-o y that rvi-rv barrel of tior article Jias sir sisws twd liat cj t ome; nranaeu on ine neau Tin Vtuttai. in rendered nerrsary, r.t there me so many articles if doubtful va!u? sold under t he name of Euptr-Paorpkate tf IJhjc& to nit lead those who are-unaciialntcd mIiIi inovatuu vi a r.KXVME ARTICWJ. Price S15 per 200t)Il)i. i2i cents pr lb ) A liberal dr-cucilon made to dealers. Or-lrrs for this vat nblu Ttrtiltur attended lo promptly Pamphlets dpscnlimit it, nnd tlie mole of applyiic tan be had graluitcusly at our stores, or by matl when desired, Il has no stipf-rior 'as n Manure tor WIICAT, RYE, COUN, OATS, and all other crops rnulrlnfrn viirorons nnd liAPTINO FLRTll.ltiU, proJucinc not only IfaviT yield of OraU than Peru ,vian Guano, but sMtmve the itrato ta support the head. V.llAtiX $RD rarely fails to lke well where our Phosphate is applied to xthtat land, PACIFIC OCEAN OUANO-Vr have a small qyan tity still m ftnre, riPII MANUnil -A sitpp-y or thls-ratuable article forsale. Petri '10 periij m '(Ii rents-per lb ) KU. I COVUItN.MUNT f U.VIA1N pUAp fur sato at lb Ioc"tt,ratcs. H3''J.i. leading AffrieulluraUournal3 anil Nrwfpxi pfrs art regulariy.illed ut uur oHce fcr th- use ot Kjr mers. rjonds can bi loaded at other Iront of our U'urc homes. Farmers nro rernnimended to drive t" Wat1! strcftt and avoid the crowded Wharfs Ampb facilitit-H aro ntftirdtd In loading wnjous'and attending lo tho horses. .o. S3 South Wfnres, i, l South Water si , I'st St'iru dliave Chest nut si., August l.'I-'Jiii 1 COSTAIl'S,, JAT, JIOAOII, &C. BXTERMINATOE. Fut up in 2Cc.t aSc , G2c. nnd SI lnxe. " COSTAR S'1 iiUF, UUG KXTF.K.MIN ATOR. Fot up in 3lc., 50e , 72c. and SI hnitb-, C05TAR-4 - LLKUTHIC POWDUR (FOIL AJ-JI, INSRCTS &c Put up in 'J."c. and '0c boie, Prinrlpal Depot, No. 'AHS tlroadway. New York, ami sold by Jlrntr gists and nalerii rverv here in t Tie Uni ted Hist ti, (r.-inadas, Wost Indies and South America. An; ii.', ISSTlm Greenwood Sewumuy, 'at -r?BillviIlo, Columbia Co., Sq ASVrtTnMA'nO course nr insirurtionls aiveil In nil the Knlish branches unmlly taught. Tim PiinripM will bo assUtcd dufinf thq present yea r l T. .M. POT Td, an eperli-nccd teacocr, -recently froui th Lann-tter county Normal Hchool A vacation of seven weeks will commerce JulyTIst. TERMS. Tuition, for iuv pupus. ftV"iito-Rl,.C per rjmrier. IloanJintr, Tuition, Woshir-, Light"- &c , $JU per qu'iiter of Her n wepkfi, onelM)f in ndvnuce Forcircular, catatosue, or other pirtirulirs address WM. bUltf;S, Millville. April 4, Principal. YHARS OF AOD, havlnx lnt lila father, ,o i hrotlu-rtt, oniiphier. so,i-in-law, iuphM,'s l'uj imcesv lal dicadful'dise.-rse; CbNf u-MnuN. and if. fc rin-r with n Cough hiuise.r, ilcterniinrd ti tisit thi Fal Indies, l.tyitund Jopitt, where lie discovired n prcpcrtictjnnif certain cvre tor Colds, Coughs ilruncbitis, Consumption, Nctvous JJebiltty nod Atlhui t II is ccugli was cured imincdiairly; h returned, fun d hU rc3 tioes, wlio iuhtritcd the disease, nnd in cojtn'Uuw. with hit miii have employ id it in their practice, inline thousands of meet considered hopelesa, by otlters.- For i lie purpose of rrsruine ss many ol lis niftiir'" fellovv beings as po-ibible,.i.t is sonttjiis. U- Rcripo tn nil who v.ish it for ttn cent a ; 3 of it to pay the post age, and the balance printing, Address PR HEATH. 101 Hprins 5t., opposite Ft Nirliolos.Hoit:,, June IX TcI57. New York, POHTAMjK (HDKU mills' KRAUSntl'S Patent, for hand or horso power, thrt uoH in line Wheeler- Hon-e Powers and '4 lir-sli ers, Improvtd Grain Fans, Feuuock's iV,tiffit-l)Till- Cooper's I.I inn and ;uariq8p'i'n'i ra,tl.e most rpprnvi il Hay and Fndiler Cutters, -.Moll's IU;iers. tJiiiidilonn ready liung ; with a general assortuient of Agricultural and llortio oral Iniplemftils. rAt;tirti.i Jiiuuiu n it i u., iTiipUinent anil reed Hiorc, P.'venih and Market bis , Fliiladelnbuif Auzu-t 13, 18.17 ALEX. G. (JATTKLL CO., FORJl'AJtDIMJ AXD COMMISSION CHARTS, FR tlm sale of Grain, Flour, feeds. Iron, I. timber. &.C Sn. MG orth U'nipr street, l'hiMd-!phM. uXjoods forwirded with cart, to all points nil tio Ninh Ilrancb, FUtuy'l.jII, Union, t-ns'iuehanna aiu! juinstu Canals. CJ'hU, Planer Grinduoura, for salo cihc-laweat prices. , " Aug tt, IH57 A. tl, C. ft CO TRUNKS U TUU J.AROn-JT HUST iiandsonipst and ihenprrt n ftortment o Hole Po'id Kivelut TRAyf.UMl TRU.XKS, 49&tt4X44' l'll.tlKIN' I.IIAIMII.. Propellers, l.taltu r and Cupel Uajj s, Paciuj; fuinWt 4c. &.C., at THOMAS W MViTVf Cetebrn.l I.undon Piin-i Medal. Iiypi" d f Jpiina. Solid Holt; Iseathnf Trunk JM.inur ctor , NO. 400 MARIjliT hTRUlH'. South weM ror nt r Fourth and Market. Fh'ljde;.hia A tsust d, 1W7-U' SU URAUiiRR'S PORTArtLTi CIUT.W MIM-H Otiho best fn uss; Wht tier's ll(-re Fgers ami PjMiTlirehrs,Cirn HhellciiioifvRiiousst.' "t Hy, wJLjf4.r-iw and Fodder C'dticr.. Culu Fan Hot C'uili-rs. lrnii-rs' nuIi-.;Pidr JliU, -Hub Hil nnd other Flows, Plow Cusllncs, Cm i l)niM. -itni Xiimifplieiic Ciiurn. whi-le' ule Hoi let it H triplTTit..' H"'i " r " ti r MtHtet rr -l t" il i TRUNKS!