Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, October 31, 1857, Image 2

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    ipilJilA, pMOGRE
i i 1
Bloomsburg, Oct. 31, 1857
Tho- Election tieii. packer Chosen
ftnTcrwor by a Msjorily of 42,751 .
hp election rolurns carno in slowly in
ebnicrjuenco 'probably of the completely
oiic-sido oharao'cr of tho result. Wilmot
is about tha worst whipped man thatcvor
solioifed iho votes of Pennsylvania free
men. Tho wholo Dcmocratio Stato Ticket
is clcoled by overwhelming imajoritics. Vo
hare no. disposition to tick a fallen enemy,
but wo cannot resist tho temptation to
glanco at tho mean .Artifices omployed by prprnqtc his selfish, ends, since
those artifices liayo so entirely failed to
cheat tho people and blind thorn to tho truly
despicable- fharacter of (ho man as.apolijU
clan. Vflvlltieg-tq aWc hj .tho vordict
Tendered through, tho ballot-box last Fall
hq.muet trayel tho Stato and disgust intel
ligent men with stale slang about his
'(proviso" and .hg once unhappy but nap
prosperous territory ofiIIans3. Jloping
to securoctho '"straight American,'' vote. ho
got upon his knees and ypwed allcgianca
tq, ho lja formerly stigmatized as
c;c3art io cpramittod i himself to tho
doctrines of ft, high protective tariff to
pleasotio iron-masters of tho Stale, and
evjnccj). groat-stupidity or djisbonefty, by
charging ,tho present financial difficulties
4ipon;tho low tariff policy, of tho govern
XDQtfajiclicy he advocattd.and voted for
While if tiQongras. Ilislrafqroffico.litcrally
Bunkliis .manhood a rebuked .dcuiagoguo
ho Uvea to. bo loathed, by tho rcspoctabloof
all 'parties. His fato should bo a warning
la tho politician tempted to abandon his
principles for Iho Bako of.promotion. For
nearly two months tho "apostlo of freedom"
journeyed through tho .State, shrieking
'bleeding! Kansas"- pn4 Cio '!provifo,;",b.q
invited Iba people to -express through tho
ballot-box their views of;hls negro-phobia
and tbey oboyed tho ,invitation. Is Jjq
sitisfied ? Has ho learned that ther,man
who' aspires to be governor qf Pennsylvania
pust know something of Pennsylvania
interests jind.cvinqoapd ability to promote
Hon James Thompson.
r -As an ovidonco'of tho estimation in which
ibis-gentleman is bold bj. the .citixens of
Erie county, and -their confidence in-iis
integrity and impartiality as a Judge;
whero he has been tried upon tho Uonch
during a judicial term, it is only accessary
to refer'to-tho votoicast in, the county a(
tho kto election. The-majority for Wilmot
over Packer is 1320 votes, whilst Judge
Thompson (comes within 65 votes, of) tits
-irambcr cast for Joseph J.. Lewis. .Such a
-mark. of tho.rcga'rd of t people, -ahows that
ihey consular it recipient as worthy of a
scat upon the Suprdmb Bench of -Pennsylvania,
Qur Subscribers wjll plcasorecolloct
'that, our, terms T S1 T-por year if paid
in advance, and 82 if not, pro-paid. Wc
mention this, because wo obscryo that many
who liayo been used .to receive, and stiU,'
0pCct tho paper at tho advanocd rite, havo
Jet their subscriptions run boyond the be
gjrjrng of the year. Tho present condi
iqn'.of ,tho times compels us to adhcro
ffrjcilt ,o eftns. Our patrons, therefore,
should onsult-jt.heir last year's receipt, and
1 not too late, pake immediate payment,
otherwise, in justico, jto ourselves, wo will
.be compelled to chargei.rato.
'Tho Next Legislature.
Tho next Legislature of this Stato w&ich
will assemble in-January, will probably bo
bo most overwbclratngly democratic of
any ever heretofore siembled at Harris-
"burs. The Senate wm ho composed ol vsi
i)em'ocrats,and 12 opposition, Tho House
of 70 Demoorats and 30 apposition ma
king a majority of 40 on joUt ballot.
Ont of tho eleven new Senators elected
fight aro Democrats'.
-Doajhfpf a Member of tho Leg
islature. We roeteUo bear that Mr. J. B.Back-
. pousi, a- Htpnbcan member of tho last
House of Representatives, ana ro-eiccicu,
died .nt his residence IP Ohio townsnip.
Allnfvfinnv 'countV. on Fridav last, ne
.-b i ,
was ddtained from his scat irt tho extra
session by sickness. His jligeasc.1was.con.
aumption. A new election will bo.,J)accs
jsary to fill the vacancy.
JIdv. IIesuy D. Maxwell. This
cntloman will be succeeded as President
Judge pf Northampton nnd Lehigh coun
ties by fbo JIo,n.,John K. iindloy of tue
city of Philadelphia. Judge Maxwell was
very popular upon lira Bench, and evinced
.Jceal talent that even surprised his enemies.
lie auministerou mo law aiJipr auu uapar-,
tially. Judge Maxwejl .leaves tho bench! an honorablo jenutation as a jurist,
A iil,a character unblemiihtd.
., ' Hazlchurtt 14,010. The majpritics for
Qino.Tliis State jt appoata has ca't.tho DemocratiolianJitlatcs for Caal Com
ber vol? for Cha3e, tli Republican candi-1 minioncr and Supremo Judges do notTary
dato for Governor by a very jnoli vote. much from that for Governor,
Lottor from tho Editor No. 2.
St. CiiAni.Es' IIoxet., )
Pittsburg', October 20, 1 857.
Dear Reader: '
iMv last cpistlofto sou was from
Philadelphia. It did not' find a placo in
mo last'Uoriiocrat. may M itwui never,
sccaa-yliglit no"grot loss, perhaps. i I
Tho District Court of tho United States
for tho Western District of Pcnnsylyania,,
under tho supervision of jlr. Marshal j
Oami'delIj, is nowin session' in this city; i
Tho Supremo Court is also in session hero.
Judjtf s Lewis, Woodward, Knox, Xowry
and Armstrong on tho Donch. Tho next
session of .Marshal Campbell's Ccjurt will
bo held hero in .Novombcr, and at Vil-
liamsport in next Juno. '
How great tho triumjphs of our 'lato
victory, 1'cnusvlyania, has again nobly
vindicated her 'honor, rtntl Is crowned in
political glory. Mr. HUcilANAN has cause
to bo proud of his noblo .State, and doubly
proud to snow that her noblo sons havo
ro affirmed their verdict of 1850j and un
mistakably vindicated tho principles nod
incasuros of his Administration.
Governor Packer has gloriously carficd
tho Keystonp Stato.- Her. proud Flag
has been for thqjas,t ihrco years trailing in
tho dust, has bccii rajscd aloft, uhd for
coming tiuio will Vyavo in'lionor,-'glory and
Ohio,.too,iJias vindicated he? honor, and
with Pcnnsylvonia, Etands forth, rodceni
ed, regenerated and disenthralled. Yes 1
Pcnni'ylvania, Ohio", and several jither
Stales hayd nobly Vindicated their honor,
and now stand forth iprondly'in tho Galaxy
of Dcmocratio States.
Wilmotism, Know-Nothingisin, and Nig
gorism, (thank God,) havo rcceivod a last
ing' quietus, and now sleep tho sleep that
knows no waking beyond the reach 'of
political resurrection.
iflicVcc'ficr'poopldSnil prdiid
'1 ani pro
of'tho int(
to saytlia't 1 am-a PciinsylvaniaDemoCrat'
r 'at i 't ..-firl
juwu uuud; i(ttierxrauy,
Ii. L. T.
District Hoturns. Offlcial
Tho following aro tho official returns of
our Congressional, Senatorial and Kcpre
scfltativc Districts.
Leidy. Thompson.
24 LO, ,1 103
1057 044
5109 3077
""1300 J" -804
0830 0201
, , 3542 majority
.2d05 '
'4G43 majority.
'Tickets wcronot circulated for Bound
in Northumberland, which will acebunt for
tho absence of votes for him in that county,
Ent. -Smith. JJrowcr. Metcatf.
Udlumb.W, 304 2355 1070 J00I
Montourj 1000 1070
Sullivan, 024 354
Wyoming, 1174 1170
0131 405S
iOOO 1801
4531 8107
1000 1801
Gov. Packer's Inauguration.
Tho Harrisburg .Herald, states .that
arrangements aro now in prpgress for a
grand militaryand.iircmcn's.parado there,
on tho occasion of Gcn.,Packcrs.inaugura
tion. Several first class tiro companies
from Philadelphia havo sjgniCed their
intention of-bcing presctt, and jto
doubt companies from all tho neighboring
towns )yill bo in, attendance. A military
company and a band from Williamspoit
wilr- escort tho Governor elect to the
capito, and, an effort will bo mado to sc
euro the attondanco of a largo number of
volunteer companies from others places.
Tlta Lata Storm .Vessels Wrecked and
Lives Lest, The loto .$torm raged very
fiercely on the Atlantic coatt and on tho
Jjakcs,and a numlerof vessels were wrecked
jindvcs .lost. T.ho Barquo, Warden, of
jjostoo, was wrecked noo,r liidcford, on the
-Staunton orlirunton Sands about two miles
olf tho land, Tlio captain and thrco men
were washed on shore, on .pprtions of the
wreck, butseven of tljo crow wcro unfortu
nately drowned. ,
Tho stcarnor' Reindeer was wrecked in
Lako Michigan, and'twenty-ono lives wero
lost. Only two of tha crow wero saved
xsr President Buchanan' has tlcclincd
.(Jip rcfjucst of tho Governor of MaryUnd,
for.Uio uso of tuo troops fctationcu ati'ort
McIIonry, io prcservo order in BeUimoro
.duriPK tho approaching Stato election.-
Tho.i' pfthe opinion that-the
civil power of Maryland should bo Buffi-
I cient to preserve' order and onforco the
Z3T Tho maj wity for Xae!;er over Wil
.mot is 42,751; and over Wilmof and
Prom Lancaster County.
; lANOASTEn7 Pa., Oct., 1857.
DeaiiCoi.. f
'film ,1wci rtrn li.lnntninff rlnutlv.
a uocc
and tho Bights fcooh iodicftiug that pre
parations for thb wluttr must bo mado.
, t V a Ji
Tho continued JnildnosJ of tho weather has
boon w"vcry'?pocial blcsnngtfOr tuo poor,
in rOndcring unnecessary conttnuod and
glawiflgiCres.': It seoms that tho t pecula
tors arid tho banks Jiiive tho pcoplo of
Pennsylvania by tho lliumbs, and until tlio
latter nro crushed there is no security for
tho pcoplo. tn advorsity thqy'nro a nut-
sanco, in prosperity a curso ; thoy produco
a fiotitious prosperity, and when specula
tors have used themtolio fullrthoy stand
uu 1 f-" of years aro found in tho
hands of thoso wh? oro oas .ablo to bear
tho loss. That many -reputed noli havo
gone down in tbd galo instead of being an
answer, is matte): for a second ch'argo ;
because .although thoy; may 'hayo boon (
imprudent thoy were honost, and aro, tho'
victims of an inflation thoyHid not mako.
On Wednesday last, a now fandango
oamd' off , in' this city. It was a sort of a
grand'war-ida'nco by tho "Improved Ordor
of lied Men.?' I suppose thoy aro a sort of
lauUe distilktl.NMvo Americans, and will.
bo ifollowed in dud course of, timo by tho
" Patonf polished raco of Bla.k'men."-?
Very cxtensivo preparations havo boon
mado Jjy. tho City Tribes for tko grand
pow-waw, but tho display and turn out arc'.
conceded -to havo been, a failure. Thou-i
sands dwindled to' hundreds, and tho-num-,
bcr of Tribes in attendanco was only nine,
with an avcrago of less than fifty warriors,
powwows, prophets, and Bachems,
Tho prcparptiptisjipwovor discredit to
tho T,ribesiof-.tho city. -,,In 'center eqiiaro.
thoy l4borcd,for sweral hours on Tubsday-
night tto,raisojtho cetitjtir.ipolo: of tho big
yjgwim,an4'finally'gavc itiupan despair
but som'ctimo on Wodnssdayfirenoon tbey.
got it.up. On tho i top was nn Indian with
bis bow and arrows aud his faithful dog to
bear him company. From tho polo, at tho
height of about 00 feet, several beautiful
wreaths wero. extended to tho houses join-
ing thesquaroj and across,, each street
entering mo square a wrcaiu was lasioiuuy.
1 ho Tribes paraded tho city for somo
hours, and' then assembled in'tho'HgiWjg-
wamS whero thoy had, some imusio. and aiAga'st,, ,1,050 21,412 30,395 14,82
prnyerj and 'sang a, song of which I shall
say nothing ; but beg leave to cut from, a
morning paper tho following.,
J. .Franklin Reigart, Esq., Grand Mar
shal,-read an .Ode,. composed -by .'Mr. Mat
thias Hahm, and respectfully dedicated to
tho Ec-shah-ko-nco tribe, in honor of, the
visitors. 'This was listoncduto with tho
greatest attontion by.tho mombers.
A citizen of I.incmier, and rrspectlully ilcdiratftl lp
't)iEB-SlIAINKO-NBCpnd M li'i' A MORA Till BKU,
U lionoi of the viillor...
To all who arc asiPmbletl licre,
ThO'liappy Rtlinen'i'rjNf
In tfrttdom'M c'auo their Orethrcn cheer,
Ahfl offer thTn jhe Ptpe
To smoke, when In their Camp nt ease;
To all mankind the l'ipe of Tcacc.
In Frletdiklf may each Crnlher be
Protected, free wralli,
Extendinff acta at Clarity.
AnA erfiiiing no one's Path; Ins nets, hi Drellir'cn shev,
W,tiai bleskinallow Xrpm AJneto.
May ev'ry Tribe, throu(l)ontlhi lasJ,
Eacll Run and Sun be foil ml.
ny r.therTribes.lo rlnulv sinnd,
on ttielr.frittnt. ftreund.
And no one put his Friend in uwo
v line
Hunting to protect his Sqsais.
And when ffn qoench this Council
And tbis ua's woik is done; .
Slary ev'ry 7Was have n desire,
Within Hie next Grand Aun,
To meet somewhere, at JItgK Sun time,
'Jhe Htdman't song again lo chime.
If-tho members who listened to that Odo,
wore ablo to get any Bcnsc out of it, they
can do more than I, after a ddzen perusals,
Old lied Jacket could beatHh&t himself.
I fear tho Tribes aro "degenerating in elo
quence and poetry. Bo -oareful -to-pune-tuato.just-as-it
isriu tho copy, rAd givo" ik
oil as' you find it.
I' sco a black Republican morning'paper
gives, 'among its Pennsylvania news; that
in Lttzcrne county, Wilmot -has OOD Ma
jority. Thb willbo-nows to his es-Honor.
A l'ew.OTChings ago, 'a lot of Know
Nothings attached tho house of a Mr.
Marks, in this city, storming and damaging
it greatly, because Mrs. Marks, in tho ox-
crciso of her ,rights and her conscience,
had joined tho Catholio church. Such is
tho party that goes for liberty to tho nig
ger, slavery to tho whito.
Printers m P,cnnsijlvania,'hQ two
U. S, Senators 'from Pennsylvania, the
Gov?rnorand Onoal Oomraiseioncr elect, !
tho Speaker' and Chief Clcrt of tho IIouso)
of Rcrrcscntatives, ore . M practical print-
CM. "uoiu auu iuo
MUFJjr-AiiBsiBu uuttgo a,,oU.paUu oi
... -1 -i -.1 T.. .1 rn r ii
anpremo, wurt, worisca wrurnoymon
printers at Harr.sbur g, th.rtyea ago-
TTnn T. 17. Fnrnanrll,. mrmhnr nf
Congress eject from (jbicago, is sinking
fast aiid no hopo is now entertained or. bis
recovery. Tbo circulation of blood in
ono of bis lower limbs Las entirely ceased,
imd-jnortidcatioa lias fct in, ,
Gen. Taclr at Jonie, Gon. Packer's
official majority in Lycoiping county is
XI 01. Last October.tbo J)einocratio, ma
jority jras 300, In Williamsport, bia res
idence, bo ran about 200 votes ahead of
tho party voto last fall. , ;
. , :i
tSyWo aro undor-obligations to simp
kind friend, on tlio other fiilo of
for a latotibpy of tho London Timet,
l)rmocraic Victorks in 1857.
A Ddtuooratia LelfsioYuraCa'tia, Com
missioner, nnJ?u1)gftlhon4ho0pular
3 J, J J lyl
A' flovfirnnr. l.ppiMatlli(t . JfnniirdT,
"gMSjonTtifo popular votcv'" '
A G6vo'rnor,Tj0gifilaturo,d United States
ScnSldf , und, 7,000 ajn on tbojofular
TOIO. , J if ,
A Governor, Legislature, two United
1 States Senators, three members nd one
1 Dclogato-to Congress,
A Governor, l.ogislaturo and 37,000
gain ou'tho populafVo'tfi. t 1
A Governor, Legislature, all but two
mcmbcrs of Congrcss.iaud .l'J.O.OO popular
A clean swcOp of Legislaturoj'nnd mom-
"ori of Congress by a swaihpihg majority
A Governor, Legislature, two V. S.
Senators and 1 1,000 majority.
Ditto. 1'8,000 gain in Alain, and Con
nccticut,.Dei0c'aJc. 1
Tuo! .Complete Vtffce.' ' " 1
Tho following is the .official voto at tho
lato election in tho State.
Fon governor. 1
William' E. Paokcr,
David Wilmot, .,t;. .
Isaac Hazlchurst,. . ...: . ..,
, 28,277
P.idkor over Wilmot,
Packer over Wi ahd'H,,. .... . .
i ' i
Nimfofl Htnokland;-.-.': . . . a.
William Millnranl. . ,
'John LYLhjdcrimiu,.-,... .
Sfriokland over MilIward,'.'.'J.
Strickland over M. atid L..'.'
i ..'. -ti'r
William Mrong,. i ..i
James Thompson,.,...-
James Ycech,
t.i.""t i -
jacob Brooni,. :. ....... 27 230'
jasper lis. llratiy,'..'i 20,054
1st. "2d. 3d. ' 4lh'.
For,' m,658 U7,W2aii4C00'14-8l2OD
Maj., 100,005 05,730 01,271 103,73
The Result in Ohio.
Tho Cincinnati Enquirer gives tho .ro-
ported majorities in all tht counties' in
Ohio which foot up a3 follows :
Obaso, K..N., " 24905
"J"W '- '-I'
Sliowinca. maiority of . 043
TLo ofCtl Cgur will l.o,ijrt ihis rpstilt'
iligiily, ono way orithp o'tKor. Though
Chase is eleoted the Democracy did iivon-
ders, ,A tiiangooof -somo i'0,t)00 iu ono
year, gives ground Yor rejoicing. Who
will deny that Ohio is Dcmocratio? that
Abolitionism and all other isms havo been
swept" from . ,hcr borders ? Alas 1 poor
'Operatives tcilhout 'Employment, in
Philadelphia. Wo aro -told that at. this
moment there aro thirty thousand opera
tives and workingmen' of various kinds
without employment in the city and vioiii
ity of Philadelphia. Many of'tlicm havo
families, and thus tho distress may bo said
to extend already, directly apd iudirce'lly,
to a hundred thousand souls. In Mana
yunk and Frankford alone,' no less than
fifteen thousand person.', men, women and
6hildren, who havo heretofore had regular
employment for .years, aro now wandering
about in idleness and anxicty( tho factories
and work shops, in which thoy havo here
tofore been engaged boing tlosed. This
is tho condition of affairs now, arret matters
aro lik'ely to becorao much worso as winter
approaches, unless somo means of euccor
and assistance bo afforded.
Pay Your Little Dills. Thc;NewtYotk
Express pithily give3 tho public .of tho
cnipiro city tho following sound .a'dvico,
which should bo heeded hero and every
where else :
Nothing help3 tho money market more
man ino prompt paymont of littlo bills. It
keeps up trade, kccp3 money moving, helps
me oanics, arm mo,(tes ovoryuoay icel gooa
When 'everybody holds on to all tho monoy
,no gets Jjecauso. ho fcaw times aro going to
uc worso XPt t l!! S'
Goafrov. Znr of th Intn
pr Kad0)ffho has been committed to prison
!n Jhiladc nh a .on tC CiharPO of having
ti,rco wiro3, is Etillunsblo to pro-
o a
ouro bail at tLo amQUBt of two tbousand
d0Hr3, mantled b, tho committiDg
magistrate Ono of tbo throo wivoi and
that not tllO first married is most assiduous
in her attentions tohini.
y-T-ho Mormons aro breaking up
thcir-quartcrs in all tbo Eastern States,
preparatory, as is surmised, to a general
emigration to Utah. Hecont news from
that region rcprcsont ihem as belligerent
as over, and dieposod to resent tbo adveut
of tho National Troops among thorn,
.., , . ... .ft-.
IfiiT It is Eaidjthqt tbo soat .of Mr, Kuth
crford, of tbo Dauphin district, in tbcStato
Senate, will bo coiitcslod by Mr. llalileman
: on Ibc gr6und.o fraudulent voting oa the
part of tbo HlsfckUcpublicaps.
Triumph of tlioAmoricanlfovso
ll'lOrCSS. i ,
Tho raco for tbn Orunr. CaarHwitch llSh,
dicup, at Now jrfatkaAii Engla'nd, resulted
in tho triumph .'ofMr.- Ten Brooik's
"Prioress:" JIJ16 successof tho.Ainerican
horso was received with great cheering
,and idic immediately becamo theGrst favo
rio in ho betilig'for, tlio "Cambridgeshire
Btasos,to bo run for at Now Alhrkci", on
t)i"27lh"6f October. Befdfd tlio VScd ono
hundred (0. ono was laid against Prioress,.
'I 'he American hdrsolieoomto, died from
tho attack of cholic. Pryor had been
stricken out of all his engagements for hp,
.prcjont yoar) ' , -. . . ' V
The Ciolcra.Tlih fatal scourge eon-
lindos fo commit fearful ravaged at Stock
holm. .Among its rccorit victims was tho
chief of tho navy officer. Tlicday before
ins uuuiu 11c was 111 pcriccc ncaiiii nnu qui
business as usual. At Uhristiansand thrco
hundred persons had been carried off, and
in Norway it has also bocn.committing ter
rible ravages. So, toq, at Konigsburg,
whero the victims aro attacked without any
premonitory fymptoms.
Dcatfi of an American Artist. The
last steamer bring3 tho "intelligence, of the
death of Thomab Crawford, tho distin
guished American sculptor. Ho died, in
London, on the 10th inst., in tho forty
IjiUrth "year of his ago. He was ajnativo
of New, Yorkcity.
Itjy'Wb aro hot in tho habit of puffini'
Palent Alddioinfis, but w'hon such .an arti
.which stfstalns fully whit it claims, is pro-
i-.l i' 11.'. -L.-.i' .1 L-
ecuicu iu iuo puuuc, wujeoi no Hesitancy
in 'spoajtiilg tho truth freo ofvihargc. Tlio.
above mentioned mcdicino has obtained
for itself 'a world-wnlo nam'ry never to 0
down with tho common article's of tho day.
It is ono of the very lost remedies',, for, all
kinds' of pain, that, can 'be produced. It
often ivcs relief in fivo minutes.
Tiou B'uule.
Sold by'G. M. Hagenbuch, .1. R Mnycr
and B. P.' Lutz, Bloomsburg; and Country
Aicrcuants, gonera.'iy.
,A Micnd in Need. Tho Balsam of
"Yild'Ohorry will euro all who oro afllioted
with ,a tough or bronchial trouble. J's
singular power over these disoases has.
rendered Dr. Wistar famom wherever
pulmonary comlilaints aro known.
Sgy NaypT Wood has been ro-nomiua.
fc4 by' tho Democraoy.of Now ilTork.
tr"," Judge 'Bell, tho 'democratic c lodi
ilaio b ejectd'd' Souator in.tho Chester and
Delaware dis'rieU
0 II A 11 1' NO TUCK.
AM.- iifrinn know ire tl.eninelvPBliuJcl'tri. nrliavittg
uii'tlloil Isini" nccnunlM with the fiitmcrilitT niv
herrty uollficl in rail irpon folomon Ntykard, J-Uj , vii(
an bo Inn ml in liii niTicq ovrry a(nnl.iy nltcnunui.niiil
ncMlo. tdfi biiii! hp fore the Ant of Jniiumy next Voi
allrr wlncli lime all uncollecictt acjojiits will le plicetl
in JiiiDili of ofQcvrrfDt collection
niciiAitn Touttv.
Oct.!!, IW7
tixainijialiou qf .Tcaclicrs, Coiiliniitil,
TAUiUNO, tn c nrsi wee
eek of November I will he nl
U Fllllwaler, 1 ,1 1' i-li I n? Ori-u h on Monday. lhn !
nt 10, A ,M.,an,l at llcnlon nt 3, 1",M. ; on Iho 3d in
kutnt Loaf. at Allnas Cole's at 10, A. Alwnml in Jatk.
sonat the Srhnol house, niar Clie.ter Smith's at 3. r.
M ; in I ranKiin on i lie 3, r. Mi; in Iloariug
Cfeek on the pill at 10 A. M., aud in Conyughani nt 3,
r. M.; in Ioeusl iin tlieth, at 10, A. HI... nnd in Ml,
I'lcacanV on l!in 7lli,.il3,l', SI, VI,ere-tie place is
nolneelgnnlcil.a schonl liotise or any utiier central place
may bo selected. by the Secretary of each Hoard, and
Directors are rce.nelcd lo 'spread Ihis police among
icucncrs anu aiu-im n nosFiuief, . .,
wii.mam nun.aF.sri,
County Superintendent.
Millvill Oct 31, 1857-51
H HUiVTIilil 'S A It ( II .ST. TII12ATUE,
Ancu STnnuT,-Ai!ovc sixth,
rnim STAR COJIfANY. composed of the flnett Ar.
X. tistcs in the world, nnd excieding in Rtrrnslii nnd
TJlent a -y Uruiatic combination heretofore ottered lo
too 'I'lientricni puuuc.wiu eppear every niant in t;om
cdv.Traeeilv.-tierio Comic Urania, Vaudevilles. Musr
cat Uurleitas, etc. Slc. Wtie.t ylsitiug the City, go
001 31, 1637-3,11
below arc'u btrset;
-' l'Jlir.JlDt;LPIIM.
Tula popular. House has been thoroughly renovated
and eztiNsio'e iwtpmttmenii made lor the aecouimo.
dntiens ol guests, &cc. In conneclion with the nbote
Hotel, the proprietor hns opened, in the Laseuienl. n
tne t,sinoilliincni cinnparcs invorauiy Willi Ills ursl
class.plnces ol accommodation lor Travellers, Ciljiens,
&cc being within a. short distance of the New York
and naltiinore Landings, near the Ton Office aud Ex.
linnge, iliern Omtibuies, going to all parts of lire
City, tlairlrom.
Tlie rmprietor hopes, l,y strict attention to Ihe
waats of his guests, to receive a liberal sharo of the
pUullC pa.iuiidjii;.
r J. 0 1,'r-BNKIRK, Proprietor
lAla of Baltimore, Md.. and Clucl nnali , Olilo,
Oct 31, lC57-lim
M isvAKH, io,oo i'iiintiik, a
15 C'nrda irr lluurl -m W
ii.r,tt.i.-.u.iitiil-h, vilv."" .
Ij Hhl.4Hihl.rrw.(.l,b.kl. .lttS I-
. r.Mit.ial.mrts . rt V' ntmt'n'll
Air.,.,,..; .;. n
f' .,iCjt,u t,.Tif.-Mf.ifcp-u'r'. n
T. OV lfc...Wrt.iJWL3'l'
Uor.Mtrsry.VWmt'rtl HT. helow ClKtarJ
WNCRDAS, tho llan.Wsnsex J, WrovinD.I'reil.
ilentortlia Court of(Jer uml Terminer And Ge
neral Jalinellverv, Uourl of Quarter ticstiuns of tho
Pcocr sod Court of Conminii ruasitnil OriiUan's .Court.
In theTwf nty-Slilh Judicial XJIstrict. composed of trie
cniintie.of Culiiiiitua, SulliyBn.atiil Vyuinlng,lititlt))
Hon Jsoob nv.Ks anil 1'etsr Klikk Associate Jkl.tsf
iu Coluniuiaeounty,.have issuod.lieir precept, iicnrinjr
dale the II lb Jay of Brptrinbfr,ln Ihe year ofour LojiI
.,. (hmxanrf .l.h, l,i,n.l..,l .ml nr,.. nJ.n.a .11
rrrleil for Imlillosa Court of Oyrr m,,l Terminer nml
licnrraunii uonvrjyt uenerai uuarter cessions otine
l'vace, Common Tleasnnd Orphan's Court,, jn Hlooms.
burff. in the county of Columbia, on tha flrct Alondav,
(bemt ihe 7ili day) of Jlcccmlwr ncit and to continue
one week.
Noiira Is lierebv ( tjie Coronrr, l,o Justices
of tlio Teaee and Constables otthe said rounty of Co.
lumbis.thsl they be then nnd there In their, proper
persons at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of salil day, ulth
their records, InquUitioiisnnd other rruiembra nci's lo
do those thine., winch lo their offices appertain lo bo
done. And those that aro bound by recoenlzanre, lo
prus.Euia a.iiisi uie pnroners mat arr or may bo In
the Jail of said county of Columbia -to
to prosecute them us shall bejust. Jurors are r quest.
nl (Oi III, minetonl In II, lr ullandanr. n..i..Vlu ,n
their notices. Duted at tllnnmsbilrr,.ll,e its II, day of
October, in the year of our Lord ono Ihou.ind efcht
hundred and nlry-epveu, and In Ihrfcan year of the In
m-iiueii'iiuiinu uiuieu isiaii;. oi America.
(Gb'd'savctho Coinmonwealtb,)
Ort3J.,IH57 , , .
AasfOrllUtltlPl Cuilf(tiaO(r'. Jiy. rnlUllir
rr.UoanlJlsir Oils. Trunnion Ae . in l-e linl nl
C CLAKI'-jk bp nUtfrf,
Dloointbui;, .May 30 till
TravorsoJurors - - Docom'rTorml
Ulootit Bnmutl Blinirrr,, Jome
hf llarklnv. Jnlm
Whlienulil.iahii K. Utnu. ZeliMlonOron. h
WTHnloii-Iloubcn Davis, fr., I'cit-f Case, Jolin Me
Henry, Sr. r t f ' i
nt'ar urrear namvei Keicnner. , I
Crtiinvi-.m-B.ioitirl Kotrtiiiftder, Mm i hi in Ilnnmnh.
' iifniioek-jamo's Em mill John nTuber. Jr.s'e QUI.
if??!'" Siy'"'.'",".",'.''""'1 " 1
" . .
Maln Bamuel Fisher, Iralnlt gliumnn.
irransn-jnifn ArnentincK,
rinenor,Ja1iiln Vtlnterstpcn.
Il(,nr)m Creek Avam Cable,
Bugnrloaf AMnnsCole,
Ecoit-Dinlel Whllmlre, Jacob Keller.
Grand Jitront lor December Term.
Bloom Lewis II. Maus, Rarnanl Rupert.
Heater John J. Drcisbarh.
nrlar (.reek Stephen Aclienbnch.
Ucntro Mnlilon Hick.
Cattawlsn nenjamin Zerr, John ficntt.
Franklin Josenii itiiier,
Flslilnj Orc&k-VVIIIiam mickalew.
1 Oeccnwood-iJosenh KeUcr,Jaekson RobMns.
Locust William hrncli. fc-nmuel Mrnrs.
Madison Iiwls 8cliuylerrJ4llson.Kltclien, .
Monlolir Art. Hubs.
Mifllln Isaac; Snyder
Maine llarann John.
Mount Fleasant Danltl Mojilinr, ,
Ornnge lllranr It. Kln?, Ilcnlam n Wcrlfiisn.
Plne-Wllllam Cn,i,nJ,rj' . '.
Roarlnp Creek John Wl, liner.
Rcolt Ell Crcvollng. ,
Octal, I&17
S. Li. Pancoast & Co
and nr.Ai.nna m
PPnT7TCr17irc orm r
J. ItU fJOJLiVo, iALid tl-C;
17 Norlh Wharvei, Phlladelpliiai i
Valuat)lp Real Estate,
IN pursuance of an 'Order of the Orphaus'
Columbia county, on
Ttiurhtlay,'thc Gth day. of K6vcmber next,
At lOo'elock In tho forenoon, Jonatuan.CVI'ejinlngton
and Oenrge Oloorei KieCtitors. &c, of Unbelt Moire,
late ol Sugarloof lownshtp. in sulil cniiniy.ilecenscd,
will eipOkc to sale, by Public Vendue', upon the prom
ises, ,
certain tenement and j&uaqit
of land; "
Adjoining lands otlho'diri nf Saiutiil Htnlman.Hnii
of Joseph LockatJ, Czijklel Shulfzjind.olhers, comoin
mjr j
Ono Hundred and SixtyTwo Acres,
3iore cir less, on wuicn i erecieu n J.uu
HOUSE:. FItAMC DARN, and lotbur
Lalethe eslilebr.ESlililer.'ased. sllu'
ate in Iho township or Stgarloal,.aud
county aforesaid.
, . JCOB uvnrtHY.
nioonitlinrg, Oct 10, 1807 ' Cttik
CVJ5 T N E T AV'A 11 ,K i p () M S .
TIlh uii(leritgni1 rilpfcclfiiily InvIlM tlii nlipnilor
(f the rulilfr Id ritonslvo tiP8frnir(ii of CnliiiiPi Chalra U'hicli lie will warrniu to l7inuilu
of pood milorinlfl nnd In a workmanlike iiiutiulj, M
lilt Citdbliilniinitican alwajt be fomiil o gooil affdri
Whirli.iiruiliaelj-lPnnd Jiniih to llial n( riltl 1
iidrlnhlunr New Yotk cUIcs,auJntn lovy pricpn,
rlcs und priCfi. ffnmfgji?
viiis. LomiRfu; VJiNBf"r O
of tliiTeroitt 1 vl
tO StiO. Div-i
nut nml Mnhoijony, l'.ulor rhnlrii, Uocklitff and r.i n
chain. Pintia btonli. nnd o variety of iinlinUtcrpd wmk
with iJri'H'ilngnnd pirlnr luirfaug, poHi, cnnl crnlrc ami
nicrtalil ffidctaslnti. clifiTciilprs what not nnd rninnn
drrf,and.ull kindn ol fihioml'lc work, lllx l'rk of
imroRU, cHciojed and rommAn wnrh ttlaniH, tirt'f,
tahlp, corner eiipboanls. F;aq: brrakfasl iftHca,-,,li'
Rt c.iiia, cane vninmi riMnmon rHAirn, i
i Ills fPLllor. ortiltf run nt rv. He will n
nUo keep n rooJ
ft IllO Itir PZt III
ariinrtincnL ol'looktH'-' L'laKCfi Willi fiinrv ellt nml
nmn lie win itivo nirnit.ii npnnp in jtrrniiiis
fiitpdlonny of lioadiiead, which nro superior for
durability und conn-fort to any bed In no.
UlonniKbtire April th. IBjI
fTtllR nrderfipiifd tnKi f Icnnire in nnnonnrl.Ttr l
McrrhanlR that tlier nro nionufnriiiritii .i Runi-rlor
nrtlclo oi UAKI.S at ilijlr Nf I'jriiryMi Kioluti-t
irfL'K, nuovn uranprvuie ivuininnm cnnniy. .iipt
chants wiihlnz to purcluse pond Xtakturmi have ihrm
nlthe Turlory, or if ilisi red we can forward lli'-m lot
nio'dnth'trL', i H. C Hhitp, where lli)y can pot tlirru.
or, wo can forward ihjii to tliOifHiore iltat aru not
ton miKh "nt of our way
All ordetA Rj:onlUbo nddrrased to Bimivl Bhlvc,
re.ilers T.O., CoHimbia ruiinty. Pa.
biiivu ii nnrrfl.
April 15, 1837-lm
Estate of Jacob JVuss, dee'd.
I.ET t WIS of Administration .on ,tl
"" Patato etf J.icob Niifd, Lit of .Mitlliii twmlil
Oolumhia county ilrrcflfoil,. have licet) (irantrd.J.y t,li f
rt'altlcs. In wld ilifllin tQvnnlili,nti L'oluml in cnuntv
nil pcrpons Jiavl"2 claims Ln-iJimt, Uie estate A Ihe
ucifiuvni uii? iiKfuviicti m (irr'iu iiiuiw in rq Ad null'
iMrfltor , without jlel.ii', aiiil all prrso'tii indibteU to
make pay tut ill forthwith '
rmxa NUS3.
6"pt 5, 1B57 Ct stdm'r
. I'tni'lent ftnl Maunaors of the, Cnttmtm t
X tlrldgi! Uomj.aiiy hnvp nay rirrlireri n dividend
of3prrct (7.ct .pn iharf) -on Hip U.iplial stock if'
pnid Company for ,tlm last ilx.rpoji!h, pijabla to Hip i
the lUih ol Uctober. '
CQttawisi Url'lffc OiTicc. ) 7ra!rer.
Octai.lW" lit J
Estdtc-'Of Benjamin lliatt
IETTKHS of Administration on tlio
J ntaioif Iteniaruln Piait. lala of Pine township.
Columbia county, 'decerned, hive bron urnntrd by the t
uegtFierot t;oininDin county, to ma unagrsignpii wito
remdes in nid Tine towntlilp, InColumbia county;'
till person having cliims ngainel Ihi estate of, th
drmdont nrr reiurnlril In present them to the Ailmiiu 1
letrator uttlioiji uel.y, and nil persons indebted to
make payment forthwith.
MAM nnuu.
Oct 21, 1857 .1dminiHrator$.
IIST. Of Lr.TTi:n3 einilnIi(r'iii therost Ofllre Ht
J Ulooinsburc, l'u., Uuartcr ending entember SOthi
Carrn William
itouniati Harry -Downing
Kvans Calhorlno
Uvans'Jo&eph K.M
Kvnns Kllick
(IriAth David Jl
Inmin Jamcg
Moyer Jfff rson
"Norton "John TV
OjI Jesse
Sharp lticbattl
Snyder Jacob
Bchnner J W
Stpry James J
Shlimau Mr
l?tel Hanna
iWooll Thomas J
U'illinan l,ewii J
White Gcnrgq U
David Jones )
James Tllnn ghin
Kobe it cDuiald)
uarvcy j tin
llelster Josenli
Hughes Dnvld
HainJ'e'er s
Hauser Pidenham
II III Samuel
Kencncer J C
Kirk Alary
CJ" Persons c.illinjt fnr-the above letters will pleato
siy they ore advertised. UNANOST, r. M.
Oct 3, J857
A LI. yen til. t wnnt lo reti nnd a Tern coo 'I, rail nn
GKOItrj: w. cOlttLli, un.ljjny QOVLWS.PA'
THTV HF.D liQ'rrOMS. llo hn houcht ihr tiilnnt
Hifht of Uolmiihin bounty, and it now prtpaietl to fur I
intu tiu.iuiiia ui'iucuu,tj luumni wi'ii n iii-w iicusinaiii,
io lias also nn hand all kind, of Cabinet PurnKurv,
Clmim, CVltap llednteadi, ami oilier Collage furnituroi
wiiii ii nn win ici i aw cuean at uic ciieBpoii.
Also, lUady.iuade Coflins
0E0RUE-V. r.OW'.UL.
lHopnisbure, Oct J7, 1857
TUU Trustee, of ihis Institution have unanimously
elected II. 1.-Walkcr. A M of LewisbursrPrin
clpal o said Academy, In place nf 1'rof. Anderson,
nhose time expires with the present turn, Ihe I'Jihday
of October Inst.
Mr. Walker will succeed Mr. Anderson inipiedlatcly
after the close of his labnrs.
It Is-dcsisned by the Trustees, with their now "Prin
cipal, to make tiilsilistitullnii one of the best of the
Oct 17, 1M7
Biick ! Brick! ISrick!
L rjlUlli jiiiiijK. Just turned out, at
r'. Urick Vards in Rlonmsbiirjr', and ar
Ic, The bet In lhcj country. Apnly lo
the .ubsrri
are oiTsrcd lor
lo I
Ijloomsbur;, Oclober'in, IPJ7
OOOD r'AUl.OR STOVE, in eiccllrnt order, '(or
.rV. tilf cheap. Apply tu
1 r.lnnm.lmrj Oneh., in lltT
I .''"'"'""""Ji 'r 10 IB17
CTiJnl, lor'tJio By
It ' airman
In tht nnltlraf tkt n.mfln t.r . n.
Bhomttme ;'l J
TV'iP' 7, Y "ON'Cl'.RN Take Norl.. ,
UfU, Jnlnf HeUwIck wini. ..1.. V: "'l.
,-rr.. ,T,:.i,. M """j "niei refni,l. n ii
ioinb, j.
c.iecfooMri bnin rhi..;.: J.V..tJ'u",.",v:?. nni1 '
"rl , , ,1.nI. :rn7:"lL.!.rl!'lf '''''' ricai
nnocDtiniv 01 u'uiuini) 11. ni ruin. . i.t.i.
rnndlllons, .,,, stylo nu
I nave associated, and mean 10 atsnciaioi and tho l,i
Court having pctutedaiul examined llic saldlnslrumebl
...... t ,unu .ub vujL-,s hiki comiitlons tliorrtti
set forth and contained to bo lawful, nnd not IMuMous
10 the coininilnhir. Imvn tHrprn..! a.1.1 ...,itin. . .....
inenl In the Dfllcci or Iho I'roilionotDry of the Court of
Common l'leai el said rouniyin4 nnlieo to be slien
1,1 line newipnper p'ldlsnen 111
i". . 6 V,V" d. Vou!i 1 rt"1 " ,ha'ler "f 1P?'Porallon,
ns speelfied In snid InstriipiFnl e wrltlnii iha anpii.
! catio,, hi, i,een mae l IhnPeptcmber Verni t? Law
, Lnnrt.A. I). 1B57, to grant such a charter! and that if
' iio sufliclent reason l,u shown to ihe.ronuary ly the
first day of December Term. 1857, of said Court. It will
1 1 rc,r".!! '"l"? persons so associated lo beta
body.jlollile orfnrnomtion. In lawnncl Inrail.accorJ.
iig -fn ttMi said articles "nnd .conditions, , anil to have
v...., ... ,.- uy lnv iisiiil', sivie aim liiic In said liiiliu
" 1! " rqiUonttar$.
niiiinborf, fiP 17, IKj
Columbia' count rss:
Aif. nn. Orphan's Court helilki Rloems.
v burg. In jnuljnr raid Countv.on Mondat.
VkJrSe'i4inrtth, J637j tilio hos framed
es u,un an his ii. iis.rnii.i ( kij renrescnia
BJllves of Ungel Fos, iat niif.ecukt town
rttln.- In ..l.l .nunl. .W..t..l. Inw.i
Johrl-lox, llachel lluehes.lnle Rachel Fot Franklin
Rhodes, tiuat,(lmn of Us rliocl f'oi, nn,l LVsiar Hughes,
Oiiardlnn cil i:iltabeth fan Harriet I'oi, Intermnrried
with Uriah Tlley and William. !", children of William
"vtiii-.u, son oi niai-iigcii!oxTeiiuiring ihem
lo he nnd appear at an Orphan's, Court lo bo held nt tht
Uu rl House In Rloomfburg. In sold counlj of Colum.
......uyu. uc,a, iiieii.aiiu ineic
lo accept pr rcfnseitlio estate of t l,e said decedent at
the valuation thereof: nnd In case the said parties ne,
fleet or refuse so to lake the samo,.thcn to shew cause,
f any ihey have,. why .Jio .tamo should not be sold,
The heirs and legnt representatives, and all persnna
Interested lit Iho Esiatenf the said Hnpel Fox, deceased,
are hereby nntiaed of I lie obtaln'ng nnd existence ol Ilia
abotcju!c, nU ofthc reltirn iiny ilirreof.
' . BTcrliEN n.iiLi.nn.
nio.imsburgrOcl I7.1PS7
rmvxTcojiwjttfr of pmuAi)V.LvniA.
brrirc, Wt 403 fftfEsmrrlaifeitT.
CAVlTMu (paid up,) $J00,ttOU.
C lOutttr Pttpttuati '
CONTINUE to make INgiJltANCra ON J.IY'Kd on
the moBt reai on aj 1e-tfni
The cuptlat belnff paid ypndjlnvettt cd, topeiher u tlh
ft larp and constantly incrcaitig reserved fund, nlTeii
a prrfect neruriiy tothe injured.
The premiuuii (uuei be paid ycorly, (talf ) early, o
quarteiiy J .
The Company odl a. CONUfl perlndicaIly,to the Imu
rancf fo'lile. TIi URS'P IlONi'S n pprcpnaled in
Ui-rember, fU, tlm- HlON'I) UONUS.Iri Deci'm'er,
1411 tho 1 limt) liONUS Ifi t)ccpmbcHd24.
C3TJ;pfp;n.ditf(iB are,ntade(wlihoul retiring any
IncrcaJc hi ill prrmmini tab paid lo ibe Company.
i hp tniioyyinir nr a tow cxampiea imm inn upgnicr
jj- i Ainnunt of 1'ohcy ami
ftirn Rnniisor bonus tnbcr increased
rnl'ry . lnurpd iidditiOn lv fiiturn addHlons.
No. ft I 9?oo :. ' :o
" 1.12 .1000 075 a. 07.". no
lift). IOOO l,3i't uu
' 3.VJ ' 5000' 1500 G,3iiOOO
I'Mimlileis. contatmiic labia of raips a tut rxnl.ina
lion, forms of application, and further Information
can ,Jjp found at tlio ofTlrp.
TI!OMA8 IllDGWAY,rrWfnl.
Jno. T. Jamc. Actuary.
OctobrpIO, IH57 IV
mil P. ii n
IIH undrf Ignnlj gmlrfid for i.'ik( putrnnaiir. rr-
I .nriiriilll .nC.rm. riafniiipr finrl lhf
' pri,rniy, Uit he hi- jiut reca.veil from tha Camtrn
riti i , the tnrgf'gitfinn.icbgt fclct;t utori
'I'tiatlns vrtbeen opened in lltnuuisl.iirir. lo wlilili lie
invites die attention of his friends, nndrnsruree them
jlint.lhey nro ollered lor s.i o lit gre.'it l,.llgjills. His
titoclt co,iuprisei! a lrge nsorjnient or
:Gontlcmc-ils W.oarii); A'pparol,
(.'ousistlng of I'A'BIIION'ABI.r, IlllllaS I'OATS. (t
everv ile.cripticn ; rnuti Vests, Hhirls. (.'ratals,
Stuck, L'otlon llnulkfrclilers(filtes, Suspenders,
Gold Watches and Jtiuliy,
Of evrrv desrrlutiou. flue and client!
Cull ami ci. Xo chnrci! for cxniiiininif Ut kJi.
IV, it uenit'lui.t'r "imvrnoerp n wrap STn'orinni
DAVID i.ovvr.Niicno.
- nioiiuuliurg Aug 22. 16-7
rplin undorfipnnl rt-rpirll'ulty infounB t'lf fitizejifl
I of I'lrHiniiiuurs a,t(t t,l! public in grnrrul, ihot lt
Jl.lH OJ''l1('ll ft
Hoot and Shoe Establishment,
In llie whiti biiililitiir, nn Mdin mrm-l, nlovo UNp'b
At Vilon's (Littery, wirtu hu nas cunrtitntly on hani!
Jioots, fcjiocs, U aucrs, tvc,
I A.iTit nlll mntcpu.11 wnrl: tn nnlcr nn nhort notice
tluiiK lioriutica iiiiiliK hMn i n en , nnrt'irrnpral hiinw-
I ii"K i'1'' in inn nci,in- win I'linint mi in ui
romr nati'fiirtiuu iu all j.W fiiVi'inf rs ami rliouW
, scruru Inm patronage whlcli Iip lion oh in mrrit.
!!i:nrv kixi.m.
j UlnomMjiirs. Tay '2, ieA7.
X from ilenr ilm
if r nf maI-N&in)
hiro 1: U I'lfPf"
i'in nlicril;r havlpjj removed his Marble Yanl
L(iifl lift l in, n Uf bouili wrtt cut
MARftRl trt'ftK. In Hni-frt'ii Row.
firrd tn hirnis'i Ml Mini a o(
Marble ivirfc.
Viz: MONUMriNTS Crnllo 'lnml. I.nx Ton.b?ntw!
Ilcml Stones of rvury.ilriicriiitfiii. Ili ttork l ij( tin
ifnl k 1ml. tho wnrkiii.nnliip unl FiirpiMtctl liymiv In
iho citiiniry, and at low prjc4. Call and judge for
yonrrvf s.
t3 Ilo wi'l alfo fnmisli T.iblo nnd Hurrnn Top.
Mnntcia fur lioii'fs, Matf Curi. fjnlen.nud Siila
for Wint'nw und Donrt, ai a low fluru.
Tlmrikml fur pant fuvnrg, wu liono fur n continuance
liluoTiisl.ii r;. April 4. If57. fun
main sTUi;nT. orrpsrrn run nxuiiANfiu.
TIIH underpinned mprctfulfy informs his friends
(nnd,the inbljc fipneially, that he has opened
Jl Nit) TinibixTt und Shcti Iron Esta
blishment, In Iho building formerly occupied for thsti purpoup,
b) Jusrpb tjliarptejifl, whom he in prepared lu conduct
the tat flu est jn .all iM ynrjoiift;hr3tct;'
Tinware and IIou?c tjpnuiine of nil kinds made tn
oroVron hon notice moderate prices.
Alno-HTOVKa, of various Hylei, constantly for
'Kppairing done to quick timi.
tdTCpuntry produce token in exchange for work.
. I'.Joomnjurg,, 1857 y
NOTICHJs liercby given that an application witl hn
made at tho next session ol inell.ecjilature of
1'ennsylvnniB. for Iho incnrpnrn,ion nl a Hank, with
the usual privllepcs, tn bo called The llloom.burjt
Unnk,',with a capital of two hundred thousand rioi
lars, and, to br loratcd jn the lowli ol Itloomsbiirg,
wuui EOiiniy is,
B. C.-BIIIVi:,
Ul'llllAIM 1". Lt,TZ,
A, J. dUMV,
llll. ARTHUn.
,WM. IJOillfclON.
A. C. Mr.N'OII, I
,,1VJI1 14 X I.,,,
ril.lAH UI UI i.l,lt,K ,,
llLnoMEBCRQ, June 27.-1P57
Til U llnaers hrned. thank lul for the liberal
patronage -with whicli lie jias been larord or
years ttonc by, would inform Ills Iricnds anil
custoueis, 'fiat ho continues to manufacture
JJoots and ohocs,
At his old and well.knownsland, on Main. tree!,
1! loo unburn. In all their various and formtjn coud
styleandon moderate terms.
III. loaa' lUci businoss, and (eneral
knowlcdgeof the rrople uf Columblat ouhty; super
added too fixed determnatJori.lorender,S4lisfacliOH
loallhis customers, should secure lilni increased pit
Ironage which lie hope, to merit.
nioomsburg, .Mnlth 10 tJ7.-
QTRAVED Irooi the juba-rlber at Ctmpbe'l Ic Wop
dan's I'owier Mills. In Centre inwnsht p, Columbm
coinly,on Moni(ay, (he 1tln.tleptember laj,a 0unc
WHITE upw, .2K55
Willi somebrnwn snotsupon her. and liorns
nointinc. downward. Tivu ildltais'rewariJM
will be given for her recovery by thr nib.cnb.r.
1 k ' UUJAll BNVDEK.
Ccn ire, October 10, 1837
Till: subscribers have just relumed, from the city,
with u pou.l aisorlniant of l.'oodsat prices lo suit
the limes, wlucli lliey will duposo uf t prlci. for
rrsy isy.
We invite nil person, who wish tolmytheap. to call
and eismloe our stork. Country Trounce taken a.
I flCI7)W
' i TV! KW -O. 3 M,tKCr.r,l,iu.i rtcsivnl st