Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, October 31, 1857, Image 1
0 D D AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL A UVKIi'l'ISEH. LEVI L. TATEi I Editor, Publisher & VrtytktftT- S To liold aiid Mm tlic torch of Truth dad WiiYe it o'er the darkened Earth" I Jjiioljollar & Seventy-five ctj, la afyancc. VOL. XL-NO. 34. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1857, VOL. XXI: COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. Pullislied every Saturday Morning, by i.EVI L. TATE. In Bloomsburg, CpliUB&ja Oo., Office. In the new Brick Building, op posile the Exchange, by side of the Court. Iouse,'Democralio Head Quarters," TERMS OF BOBSCnlPIlOM. ,01,00 In advance, for one oopy, for six months. 1,75 In ndvnnco, for one copy, ono your. 3,00 If not pall within the first three months. 2,25 If not paid within the first six months. '2,60 If not paid within the year. ID" Nosubsot Iptlon taken for less than six months, ,diiJ no paper dlscontlned until U.arre&ragcslholl Juvo boe.npaM. 117" Ordinary ndvortlsoments Incepted fxd Job ,ork executed at the established prices. ?m mm bttbitp v(i'unsmH dv atF.o.ujssr.) Tho cold winds Bwcpt tho mountain high, And pathless was tho dreary wayl Amid tbo chce.rless .hours ol' night, A mother wandered with her child ; As through tho drifted Bnuw she pcst, The babe was sleeping on her breast. And colder still tho winds did blow And darker hours of flight .camo on. And deeper grew tho drifts of snow, llcrlimbswcre chilcd her strength, was.gqpo .Oh 1 God sho cried in accents w,ild,, If I mu9tpcrih save my.qhjld. She stript tho tnantlo from bor 'titpast, And boro.hcr boBom to,t,ho storm, Aod round her child sha.wrspt t!io,i;cft ; And smiled to think licr bab'o wait warm. With one cold kiss, one tear sho sLod, Then sank upon her snowy bed. A dawny traveller passing by, Aa sho lay benotth her snowy vale, Tho frost of death was in her eye ; Her cheeks were hard and cold and palo, He moved the robo from off tho child, Tho bnbo looked up and sweetly smiled. & illcvrn Bkclcl). Lovo in a Prints Qftlpj. li oiiie beard an old Jour, remtrk that n printing office was no placo for love-making, and I have siuco experienced tho truth of his observation biirig now perlcctly convinced that thoCower of love can never bloom in the midst of types, stands, and printiug ink. It was my fortuno once to sojourn for a fcw.dayvi in tho vijlapjo of B . Direct ly opposite tho office was a pretty white cottage, with roso luslns clambering around the casement, ncu I was not long in making tho discovery that the aforesaid white cottago with tho roso sjiatjed window, contained a, fair inuia'c a flower, whose beauty far outshono tho roses that clustered arouud itjbe window. .-She was a little, bluocyed, saucy looking crcaturo of somo sixteen summers. She was thoibejio of itho village licr namo was Mary sweet, pootio Mary, 'Aaos ajiotttt fai$laiftr t nam rf.Vary." It was a bcau'iful summer morning, and ,1 bad,risccl tho window to admit tho.cpol brcczo from tho flower decked Colds, and it was cot long before I perceived that the cottago window Was alsp .hoisted and the sweet littlo Mary was soatcd-ncar jt busily engaged with her nccdlo. I worked tyut littlo that morning. .,My eyes constantly wandered towards tho cottago window, iwhcro littlo Mary sat, and all 6orts of strango and fantastio notions whirled through my fancy lighted brain, and I began to think I felt a slight touch of .what tbopoots cajl love, sliding in at tho corner .of my heart. A few days passed away, aod tho chance ,mado mo acquainted with Mary. Heavens! sho was a swcot creature sho had a form .that oould havo shamed tho famous tVoaus do Medici, a check that outblushcd tho richest peach and a lip tb&t would have i tempted a beo from his hivo en a frosty morning. I thought as I gazed ,on ,h,cr muto admiration, that I had novcr looked upon ono so exquisitely beautiful. .Sho .uecmcd tho embodiment of all tbabii lovcjy and bewitching. "Well time passed on and ono day Mary jxprcssed a desire to visit the printing office. . Gopd I thought I, what a chanco I I II do it there, ycs,thoro in tho, very midst ii tho implements of mino ad why shouldn t 1 1 Lovo in & printing office ehl Thero was something ju tlia.t,.,and I resolved to try it at all hazards. Well, Mary camo to tho office, ;, and I explained to'ber the u?cs of tho various implements of tho black art I tho press and the roller; tho ink and tho stands, and .tho boxes or iho A. 11. O's, took an oppor tunity to snatch her prolty, lilly whito hand, and sho drew it baok, knocking a stick full of mattor into .pic -';i must havo a kiss for that my pretty oue," saidlj and atitlwout. managed to twist my ami around bor waist, And in struggling to free horself, sho upset a galley of editorial, a long article on tho Oregon question. Nothing daunted, I made at her again, This imo I was moro success ful, for I obtained a kiss. By St. Paul 1 it wis a sweet one, and tho littlo witch lore it liko a martyr, sho never scroamcd ouqe; but as I raided my lips from Iter's, sho lifted her delicate littlo hand, and gave ' ' O mo a box ou tho oars that made mo sco -more stars than over wero viewed by Hcr schcl thro' his big telescope. Somewhat nettled, and my cheeks smarting with pain, I again seized her waist ,ad said, "Well, if you don't liko it just tako back tho kiss.' Bho made a .desjperato strugglo and as sho jerked herself from my arms, ,hqr fppt struck tho loypot, nnd over ,it wont ! A nothcr gallyo of, editorial was sprinkled over tho floor, an,d in her efforts to reach tho door, her foot slipped and flho if ell and in tho effort to sustain horself, her hand lilly-whito hand tho same littlo hand that had come in contact with my oars-ch, horriblo I was stuck up to tho elbow in tbo ink keg. .Shado of Franklin 1 what a change camo over,Jbo beauty of that hand 1 S,ho slowly drew it from tho keg, dripping with ink, and askijd mo what uso I made of the tar 1 I began to bo seriously alarmed, and apologized in the best manner I could, aud to my surprise sho seemed rather .pleased than angry ; ,b.ut thero was mis chief afloat. As I stood surveying tho black covering of her ihand scarcely able to suppress a laugh at its strango meta morphosis, sho quickly raised it on high, and brought it down "kcr slap'' upon my cluck! Before I could recover from mv surprise, tho same little hand had ngain descended, and again left its inkyjimprint on, my check, 'Why, Mary," I exclaimed, "what are you about I" "I thiuic you told mo yfu rolled ink on tho face ol the form," with a lqud laugh, and again, Jiqr hand bit upon my face, ta king mo a broad Blap in tho very middlo of my countenance, and most wofully bo daubing my eyes. Whith a stp and a merry peal of laughter, sho skipped through tho door. Sho turned back ,)'hon beyond my reach, and with her roguiah face peering1 in at tho door way, shouted back. "I say, Charloy, what kind of a rqjlcr docs my hand make 1 , I'Qh," said I, "you take too much ink."' ''Ha 1 ha I" sho laughed, "well jjood bye Charley, that's my impression, ha I ha !" I went to the glass and surveyed my self for a moment, and verily bejievo I could havo passed for a Guinea ticro without tho slightest difficulty, "And so, said I to myself : this is love in a printing offico. Tho devil fly away with such lovo." The next morning when tho editor camo to tho office, "I rather calculate" ho foupd things a littlo topsy turvy. However, liiat raado no difference to me for I "mizzled" long beforo daylight. I boro marks of tho scenes for many ..a daj, and now whenever I soo a lady enter a printing offico, I think of littlo Mary, and keep my oyo on tho ink koi and though sho wero aa beautiful as Hebe, 1 would not venturo tottouck her with a ton foot pole. Talk about lovo;jn a boudoir flovo on a spring seat sofa lovo by moonlight, starlight, lamplight or any other kind of light, and I am .with your heart nnjt soul but I proy you by the ghost of Faust, novcr to talk to mo about love in a I'rint- ing Office, Tho Tomb of jTuliet. An Italian correspondent of tho Journal of Commerco, in.narrating his oxperienco in Verona says : I went on a Shakspcrian resoarch to sco what is shown as tho tomb of Juliet. It is net a.niausoleum, but merely a ooffin or fr.ough of stg,ao, whoso authenticity, is pcr jiaps as good as many other relics -which havo received high sanction. Even tho houso of tho capulets is pointod out, not omitting ,, tho very window whero tho im passioned 'Romeo beheld thenar of his adoration : ".Jul 141, if An! iJkrcvf ytn mMba hrtaklt It U Iti r.ail, and JulM If lAa un," Who wishos to bo told that Borneo is only an invention, and tho gentle Juliet but a poet's dream! How real, after all, aro .tbo beings of imagination, and how much deeper the impression ..which .tho .scones, they moved In ruake'Upon tho mind t,ban fho dull ordinary relations of lifo. & A culprit,ho had to say why sentenco ,cf Ldoath should, not bo recorded against him replied ; Ho had nothing to say, as too much hud beou slid about it .already. :3hun jfoo Intoxicating oy$. Tho fato of tho gifted Haskell, of Ten nessee, should bo a warning to all young men. Ho passed through. Louisvillo last wcoki in chargo of friends, on his way to tho Lunat,lo Asylum .at Lexington, Whilo on tho Frankfort cars ho arose, and in tho most eloquent and pathctio terms appealed to tho 6allant cntucklans, among whom 1. i !. I.! f at 1-a1 ho twos, .to protoct him from tho relentless enemies ho imagined wero pursuing him. Ilo.bccamo so cxcilod and violent that his friends wero forced to confino him. The career of this gifted but unforiunato son of genius should bo knetwn for tbo lessons, which it teaches. From his earliest boy hood, says tho Nashville Banner, ho has shown himself possessed of tho highest order of -talent. Whilo at college ho dis tinguished himself as a poet and an orator. His graduating speech is spokqn ,pf ,by thoso who hoard it as worthy, of tho im mortal rrcntiss in'his palmiest days. Ho served his couutry on tho battlo field and iu(hciq!s of Congress. It was bis resi dence at AVoshington that confirmed upon him thoso unfortunato habits which Coolly blasted his intellect. lie at one timo broke the fiery serpent (roT. his .hands and! dashed it to iho .earth. To make his own reformation Complete, and aid in lifting up others who had fallen liko himself, ho went .through the State lecturing on temperance. Tho tour was an eminently successful and brilli .nt onei his lectures' being fully equal to those of Gough, .w,ko30 cloqoepco ,has clerrified thousands in this country, and ,in England. But his old habits gained tho mastery of him again, and his subsequent lifo has bccnibn& a foarfulj.'strugglo between his appetites and his ambition a strugglo in which it must bo confessed, his appetites have generally triumphed. So great, in deed, wat- his craviug for artificial stimu lants that ovon whilo dclivoring his tempe rance lectures, ho made uso of drugs, sufficient in quantity and potency to burn out tho vitals of an ordinajmap. Thero was no Bubjoct u liother-uucient or mo'tcrii, gravo or gay, upon.which ho did not con- verso wiih fluency and cloauenco. He passed, with iho most careless joasc, from tho profoundest, disquisition upon tho doc trines of tho Bible, tho rcligionof Confucius, or tho .Baconian philosophy, to tho.lightcst literature of Value op Time. When tho Roman Emperor said, "I have lost a day," ho uttered a saddcr,truth than if ho had ex claimed, 'I havo lott a kingdom.' Na poleon said that tho reason why he beat tho Austrians was that they did not know tho valuo of fivo minutes. At tho celebra ted battlo of Rivoli, the couflict seemed on the, point of being decided against him. Ho saw tho critical sta(.o Qf affairs and instantly took his resolution. Ho dis patched a flag to headquarters, with propo sals for on armistice. Tho unwary Aus trians fell into tho snare for a few min utes the thunders of battlo were hushed. Napoleon seized tho precious moments, while amusing tho enemy with mock nego- tia'ion, re-arranged his lino of battle, changed his front, and in a few minutes was roady to renounco tho farco discussion for the stern arbitrament of arms. Tho splendid victqrj of Iivpli was tho result. The great moral victories and .defeats of tho world oltcn turn on fivo minutes. Crisis cpmc, tho not seizing of which is ruin, Men may loiter, but timo flies on iho wing' of the wind, and all tho great interests of life are speeding on with tho ere and silent tread of destiny. Ottfintov. Winter is tho season of abundant snows and all tho intensity of fr.ost, Yet Winter, oven in its severest forms, brings .gp.m.any scenes and ciroumstances with it to interest tho heart of tho lover of Naturo and of his fcllaw.-frcaturcs, that itpover ceases to bo a subject of delightful observation and mo notonous as it is frequently called, tho very variety of tho woathor itself presents an almost ondlcss squrco of novelty and beauty. Come In ami clnae the tinted door, And shut the cold willinct t And KJllier in pyr, wonted rigj (ThJ warm fireside about. 'Tis plcaaure through these winter nights While winds are piercing cold, To gather round que u,wu tireaide, Whuru merry ;ales nro.lpld. t&" Thoro aro tbroo sorts of nobility divino, worldly and ..moral tho divino depends upon tho powers of God, tho .worldly upo.u thotgfoatppss of our birth, tho moral upon tb.OJiberty of our-nind, tSf Always doubt tho eincoity of a girl's lqyo when you 6eo,hor.w'ipo.hor mouth I alter ynu kiss her. Cruelty of the Popo.. Tho Popo of Homo has a prison called Fort Urban, in which ho confines political prisoners, It is built on a small' hill in' tho contro of a pestilential marsh, and tho Bito appears to havo boon selootcd as .tho most disagrcoablo and unhealthy to bo found. Of tho cruelties perpetrated in this hell upon, earth, whero God's vicege rent tortures men supposed to bo bis ene mies, tho correspondent of tho London Daily News gives somo. horriblo dotails "At present there aro .eight hundred prisoners here, of whom two hundred are detained without having been tried, and on the racr,o .suspicion that if thqy wero .at liberty .they might commit somo political orimo. Many of thoso poor croatures havo been confined lor years, and although tho greater portion of them belong, to to beat Bologna. " In caoh of tho squaro rooms is a sort of skylight, and as thoy aro only ventilated above from tthis narrow corridor, ,qnp can imagine what a suffocating temperature thero must be, which is not improved by German sentries patrqfljpg through the wnuio nigm, ancso sentries paraatng past tho doors qf .cqurso provent tho prispnars sleeping. Spoilburg was.vcry bad, but it is said that-this prison of tho Popo's is far worso. It was in this prison that .tho .cho lera inado such fearful ravages, Tho medical men acted properly, and pointed out how tho-dissasc might 1.0 easily miti gated ; but ins cad of this tho governor qf tho prison actually deprived political pris oners of light and air. They wear tho samo dress as tho onvicis, and pre.chaincd in a similar manner. They havo ohass on each leg, and in tho centre is a ring; and when they bed, through tho ring ,is put a chain, and tho n the chain is locked to ljQ bed. SST To one visiting, after long years of absence, tho village ho left in childhood, everything seems to have grown Uttle with years ; its!(l, fnagniCcent proportions have JnluJloJ anay ; tiio lopg-drawn avenuo or other days, appears to havo .been shut togcthqr like. a telescope, and the village has shrunk in its valley, liko a dried filbert in.jts shell. Tho villago.!creek' fqr what old hamlet was without it ? is strapgely narrowed, .and ho wonders if tho world has .ipdeed grown si very old, that its very .veins .aro.nmniog dry; and bo fancies thoy lvo been 'sotting' tho world over in 'min ion,' that Nature stereotyped in .'great pica,' and so now tbcro is a pookot edition of the villago and tho vale. Taeijican Farmers. There is ono class of men on whom wo can yet depend. It is the samo class that stood on tho littlo green at Lexington, that gathered on tho heights of Bunker Hill, and poured, down from tho hilla of New England, and which wero tho lifo blood ,qf tho nation, I mean tho fanjier. They wero never found trampling on ,Io.T7 .and right; wero I to co.mmit.iny character to any class of,mcn,!ch as tho world, never saw for honesty, intelligence and Roman virtuo, sweetened by tho gospel ofCgd, And when this nation quakes, they aod their sons aro thoso that will stand by tho sheet anchors of, pur liberties, and hold tho ship at hor moorings till sho ,out rides tho stormsj J. K, Paul. SSy A fowdajs a boy was. passing through tho cars on tbo Cleveland and Erio Railroad, handing out advertisements of ."Nothing to W.oar, ' .illustrated. A lady remarked to a gentleman, " That takes off tho ladies, I suppose." " No," said her friend, " it only takes off their dresses." " Then,"9plied tho lady, " it is proper that a srjp-lmg should,pell-it." S A Man, whoso ajjpearanoo indicated that, lie was staggering -from tbo oxoessivo weight of a brick in his hat, being asked if ho was a Son of Tcmperanco, replied "Hic.-nono relation not even nn hio acquaintance." Ukfouu marriage, the man is very much struck with tho woman, and aftorward tho woman is very much struck by tho man Punch says it is a striking picco of business all through, SSST John tho barber is a, bit of ,r. phil. osophor, Tho other morning, whilo shav ing ono,cf.our merchants Jto allow ad that ho would not need his head scratched, as he" could -do-aa.qugU of that himself thoso hard times. tffl- Every.inan that is, capable of doing a secret injury, U a coward. Good News. No poverty thero I Millions of good' men havo left tho earth poor; but, never has ono entered Heaven poor. Lzaus, tho moment boforo ho died, was a boggar at Jho (gate1, but inj a moment .after his doathhis cstato-had grown so vast that tho haughty worldling, still surviving rin allihis affluence in comparison with him was a penniless pauper. 0, poor botiovcrt fojoico in prospect of your grand inheritance I It is inoorr,uj)tible, undcfilcd, and adcth not away, It is really immenso, inestimable, umipeakablo Has it not boon your en deavor to " lay.up, for yourself, treasures in Hcavon I" Why not oftencr think of results thorot Fear not. Thero is " good news from that far country." Unsuccess ful as you may havo seemed on earth, your heavenly schemes havo all prospered, Tho treasury of God overflows with your weolth. And it is Bafo perfectly safe. Neither " moth .nqrjustf' corrupts it; nor .can .thieves break .through to steal it. ftlqreovqr, ,U' shall Inqreascs-forovor in crease. As long as you livo on earth, you may add to tho principal, and its interest will multiply, beyond all computation, to 0,(1 qter,pityl Croesus .cos (rich, Solomon was rieh,'juculus was rich, and the Roths childs aro rich ; but the humblest heir of richer far than all. (I,t,may bo that tho stares jauTe already accumulated in Heaven would buy this town, buy tho district, buy our country, buy tho world qnd ,6tf)l .bo comparatively .untpuhed. Nay think not thrs.Qxtravagijt 1 I would not barter tho hcritago of tbo most desti .tuto of Christians for the whole globe and all its improvements. Lift up your heart; let it expend, and, fill and overflow with bliss. At tho closo of tho short journoy through time, you will see eternity open beforo you, all radiant with tbo variety of rour boundless qnd. cntjlcss possessions. lio not proud, indeed alas, for tho folly of all pride 1 but bo grateful, thankful, hopeful and happy, Stockton's Sermons, 2-.1 n -j X Ann Ounonouo, It I100 Irccil stated in Bp.;ton papers, that Messrs, Chickering & Sons, tho extensive piano forto.makers, employ some threo hundred mechanics and many laborers ; that on a lato pay-day, iu consequence of tho non arrival qf funds duo at a distance, they wero obliged to expend the funds in hand in the redemption of matured paper, and had to forego paying their hands their ac customed weekly allowanco; that tho men thereupon met, oonsultcd together, passed resolutions expressing sympathy with and confidence in their employers, and tendered to them a loan of six or eight thousand dollars, tho proceeds of their own saviugs. Genius. Intellect ,an't bear fashiona ble refinement, and dies under it in ono or two operations. If you would select a youth who is likely to mako his mark in the world, take, ono who is carting mud in a clam-shell wagon, or building houses in the sand and not tho dclicato baby who is fondling a,emn lap dog on the parjqi carpet. Daniel Webster's father mado a cradle for littlejOan, out of a.pino log with .an axe and auger ; Lewis, Cass was rocked by his staid New Hampshire mother in a second hand sugar-trough. Tho great architects for, thoiaauufacturo of genius are Poverty and Democracy, A Sisters Lovo. More constant than tho evening star Which mildly beams above Than diadem Oh ! dearer far A sister's goctlo lovo I Brighter than dew drops on thoojo, Than nature's smiles more gay AiJivipg fount, which overflows, Steeped in loves purest ray. Gom of tho heart I Lifo's gift,djyin.o, Bequeathed us from above, Glad offering at affection's shrine A sistor's holy lovo 1 A you"n lady; inquired of a sailor, why a ship "was always called Bho I Be cause, replied Jack, tho rigging costs ,a thunderjn' sight moro than tho hull. K7 Honesty is a term formerly usod in tho caso of a man who paid for his news paper and tbo coat,o,n hisack. What causes a girl the most pleasure, to hear yourself praised, or another girl run down? Why is u ohickenjio liko a gunsmith's Moro 1 ,Bocauso it contains fo.wbiu piocos isaT To ascertain, tho .weight of a horso Put your too under tho animal's foot. Tho Sabbath. Let us thank God for tho Sabbath tho calm, quiet, soothing day of rest tho poor j i.-ii. r i . ! ,i.. -1 .1 1 rr . . . .. nitor of Heaven. It ,s tho Interest as well , as tho duty pf ovw ono- l.Q po cspo- cially to keep tho Sabbath. Iho insti- Mron i ,. a w,se and beneficent one, and all ,.1. a. 1 ,1 nKavnA t tn.fl. ni .Allmanftpf. I should observe it with circumspept. Let ui live IhanVi, tvllh grateful soul i To li m who tPiidetb all. To II lot who bids the planet- roll, And lees a ' tparri.w fill." , TlioiiKh (fief apd imtiKif $!o 06r Joys, Aod cafe anil itrlfr ar'fat, Tin wan, too often, that alloys The lot his Maker Meal 1 Wnil' sun.liii.e lights the boundleaa sky And dew drops leedjhe Sod .While tar-'e.'rid raintiowa live 03 hljll Let ui tiro thanks to God. A Won,p Fop ihb Ear or Sinolk Mkn. It strikes us that thero is a " world of wisdom" in tho following quotation brief as it is: " E,vqry school boy knoivs that a kite would not fly unless it had a string tying it down., It is just bo with Life, jljo man who is tied by a half dozen bloqp.icg re sponsibilities and their mother, will mako ilijjher and stronger flight than thci'ljas.h elor, .who, .haying nothing to keep him steady, is always floundering in ho mud. If you want to rise in tho world, tio your self to somcbpdy," Sitting up with tue Sick. Tho pre sence of strangers in the sick chamber is always unfavorable to tho repose of the patient, and th.o burning of lights renders anything liko natural rest or sound sleep pipossiblo. Next to tho absurdity of dos ing a sick.pcrson with somo nauseous drug, every two or three hours, is that of pre venting his rest by .watchers ; and when two persons watch together in a sick-room, their con7qrsation or whispering is often worse for the pationt than tho disoaso itself SSP A wpman's life was curiously pre served by her husband, in Staffordshire, lately, by the process qf transfusion. She lay at tho point of death, when as a last resource, a vein was opeped in her arm, and one in tho arm ot'bcr liusbana, ana as tho blood flowed from tho latter .i.t ;wasi transmitted ly suitable apparatus in the veins of tho wife. After seventcen ounces had been thus injcotcd,.thc pulso becamo perceptible, tho.cqlorlcss lips reddened, tho glassy eyo brightened, and she thankfully said, " I am bettor." Tho caso has pro grossed very favorably, and tho woman is recovering. A Generous Act. Tho Boston Press says j A fact just came tpjny knowledge worth relating in theso hard times. A mer chant in Maino was somo years sinco assis ted by a merchant of this city, and was thus enabled to sccuroja handsomo litdo fortune, which ho had carefully invested. Hearing a few days ago of tho failure of his oldfriend, ho posted up to Uoston, with deeds, mortgages' and other property in his hands, and offered tho whole to relievo tho friend who had helped him. Truly, tho business world is all selfishness . Infancy. Is.thcro anything so lovely, so innocent and pure, as tho miilo of in fancy T It is the good spirits which mani fest their presence by tho. heavenly expres sion on tho divino imago. They act through tho pure and innocent medium. And oh ! how moro than (happy if in after life' the engrossment of material things did not drivo tbcm away, that wo ynuld always smilo as innocently as in infancy. U2r Mussulman writers speak of an ignorant Arab, who, being asked how ho know anythiug about tho cxistonco of a God, replied : 'Just as I know, by tho tracks in tho sand, whether a man or beast has passed there, so, when I survey tho heavoos, wth fts bright stars, and the earth, with its productions, do I feel tho existence and power of Gud.' Tho New York papers caution porsons jn quest of work or situations of any kind against going to,that city beforo next Spring. Thoy say, tiero is not employ ment for thoso. that aro thero now, and es timates that ou-tho first of December there will bo 100,000 porsons in tbo. city who will bo unablo to obtain anything to do. igy- Why is a person apnroaohing a candle ltke.a man gettiog oU'his horso ! Dccauso ho is going to a light. kztlm An linnnsr fnrninr tlma writixf, to tho . chairman .of an English agricultural so- ciety : 'ucntlcmcn, pioaso put mo uown on your list of cattla for a bull.' StaTlt has beon said, that grain is treated (liko infants. When tho head becomes hoavy it is cradled and it is generally well thrashed to render it fit for use. Tho coI'or 8Hencec(. BY REV,.C. . BJUROKOS, Of LONDON, Let mo tell you a stiry. I havo told it iinfnrn liiif. il.M n. fltriltinn' ono. ana KtJA - mha - ' M 1 . J . ! .. j i I In tho backwoods of Canada thero re I sided a good ministey, who ono cvenipg went out to medittte, as Isaao did, in tho fields. Ho soon found himself on the borders of a forest, which ho cutcrod, and walked along a track which had been trodden bof ro hlra ; musfng, musing still, until atlast tho shadqw of twilight gathered around him, and began to think how' ho Ehould spend a night in the 'forest. Ho trembled at tho idea qf remaining thero, wjth tho poor shelter qf a tree into whic$ ho would be. compelled to climb. 1 On a sudden ho saw a .Jighi Jn Iho dis tanco among tho trors, and imagining that it might bp from tho window of Bonio cot tago whero ho would find a hospitablo retreat, he hastened to it, and to his surprise saw a space cleared, and trees laid down ,t.p make a platform, and upos it a speaker addressing a multitude. He thought .to himself, "J. havo stumble on a oompany who ifl this dark forest havo assembled to .worship God, and somo minister is preach; ing .to them at this lato hour in the evening, concerning tup kingdom of God and his righteousness;" but to his surpriso and horror, when ho camo nearer, ho found a young man declaiming against God, daring tho .Almighty .to do his work upon him, epoaking terriblo .things in wyatt against tho Most High, and .venturing most bold and awful assertions concerning his own disbelief in a futurestate. It was altogether a singular sccno ; it was lighted up by pino knots, which oast a glare hero and 'there, whilo ,thp thick darkness in other places still reigned. Tho people .jjpra.-intcnt on listening to tho orator ; and when he sat down, thunders of applauso wero given to him, each ono secmine to emulate tho other in his praiso. Thought -tho minister, "1 must not let this pass; 1 must rise and speak ; the honor of my Gojl and Hs ..causo 'dsmaqds it." He feared to speak,, for he know not what to say, having cume there .suddenly ; but bo would have ventured jjecnot something elso occurred, A rpn of middlo age, halo and strong, roso, and leaning on .h(0 staff, ho said, .''My friends, I havo a word to speak to you to-night. I am not bound to refute any of tho arguments of tho orator ; I shall not criticise his stylo ; I shall say nothing concerning what Tbo be tho blasphcmiesihe-has uttered.; but I shall simply relate to you a fact, anjl after I have dono that, you shall draw your own conclusions. Yesterday I walked by tho side of yondor river ; I saw on its flood a young man in a. boat. TLo "boat was unmanageable ; it was going fast down tho rapids; ho could not uso tjio oars, and 1 saw ho was not capablo of bringing the boat to tho shore ; I saw that young man wring his hands in agony ; by and by he gave up the attempt to saveh'is life, kneel ed down, and cried with desperate earnest ness, '0 God, savo my soul I If my body cannot bo saved, save my soul 1" I beard him confess that ho hid,iepp a bhsphqmejr; I hoard him vow that, if his lifo was spared, ho would never be such again, I heard bun implore tho mercy of heaven, for Jesus Christ's skc, and earnestly plead that ho might bo washed in his blood. These arms saved that young man from jho flood ;tI, Vpught tlys(J?oat to shore, and saved his life. ' That samo young man has just now addrcssod you and cursed his Maker. What say you to this, sirs t" Tho speakor sat-down. lou.niay guess what a shuddor run through tho young man himself, and how tho audienco in ono mo ment changed their notes, and saw that after all, whilo it was a fino thing. to brag and bravado against Almighty God on dry land, and when danger was distant, it was not quite so grand to think ill of him when near tho vcrgo of tho grave. .Wo believe there is enough conscience in every man to convince him that God must punish him for his sin, and that in every heart tho words of Scripture will find an echo. "If ho turn not, Ho will whet his sword." jST An Irish gentleman atcardscounting tho pile, oxclaimed, ''There's a shilling I'short, who put it(ia I" Egy- Tho amount of specie in the United States at tho .proscnt timo is estimated at 8300,000,000, or equal to SI" iu coin for every man, wousu aud child in tbo country.