SWAN A GO.'S LOTTERIES jVEir and bmumnt sciiemf.. CnillRl Prize $60,000. Thsrollnwlnj Hehemo will be At" "JJ Cn..Manaere of III" rorl Oslnc.' Academy Lottery, in each of their Lotteries for October, H.i7, nt AVOVaVA, Omnia, in which ally Ibey have removed """,r""e",",0m"cl,AW!6. To bo drawn In tun city of Augusta, neorelft, input-lie, on aaiuriwr, urioor ju, icu lil. AfA .17 t.. ..,.-lihfli.nf A,..T..'u ficorila. In public, To be tonU.TMfcl'r GLASS SH, To be drawn In the city of Aueu.i. rienrela, In public, on Saturday, October 17th, IM7. To bo drawn in th. city el Aujm'ta. aenrtla, In pablli, Saturday, October S4.Ui, UM Tn bmlraivn In tht tltvnl Auiti.ta.Oeorru, In public T',l",", o,7lr,iX"!AX; aiat. wSy. ON TUB rXAN Of SINOLl: NUMBERS. Vlv4 7JMf femr tlnini tnd .Wpti Fin PrUtt I Nearly one I'rizo to every Nino ''lickots. ' jiua.viFKtMr scrtFJiiEt each I True of t ' OOTODCBI . frxi.ooo it non 4 1'rltei of 000 i POO ' 3 7(1), (100 1 3 i too i 100 400 ' 11X1 130 1 530 " ' 100 ' 1 12 WO 1 7,(1110 1 3,00(1 1 3,500 J ( 1,300 ArrKOAisiAiiuN riiy.i;n. 4 frizes, f tuoApproi'inj to Jfin oool'rltoare SlfOO 300 S3.00J Slfl I'M loot 75 30 SO are 1J.SO0 7,(ir,o 3.000 S.flOO 1,300 3sl iooo 100,000 ! tMO.OOO ' $3; UUAR-I WJ I'rlaes ntnmimlns to tVHOLU TIUKElrf 10: HALVES Tbtn of the Lottery The Jjtfinbcr from 1 tn 30,000, corrosnondlnp, wllh those Kumbeis on the Tickets printed nn sepnrste slips ot paper. are encircled with small tin liibesand placed In one w heel The first 407 Prizes, simihrly primed end enclr, eled, are pliced in another wheeli The wheels are ihcu reVolvedi and a number Is drawn from he Thcel of Numbers and at (he same lime a Prize JMra i from the, other hfl Tlwi Number ami Ttizf drawn out are openei) nnil c xtiibll i pil tn th niulictice. and rpflisterril lv flip Conunii I tioner; Die I'Ixe Mug plated aeaiiut the X.ntoi Irawn. TMf onuraiion il repealed vntil atl tfift , TrizHK art ilrnu-n nut. JpiriimittH J'rtxt.The two pieceillns and the (wo fiicceedine Muin'ters to tliouc ilrawini the fint 7 Crises will he entttlrd lo Hi" S8 -ApprollmaUon Trlzcs. For example : If Ticket.No. U'i.Mj draws Ilia 60,(K)0 Prize, 1Iiok Tickets numbere. II illtf, 11,251, H.'.'yVwlU rtth hienUIfsl lo S4U0. If Tichtt No.330(Jravn the SJ.S,0001nze,lhoio Tickets nuux btred 54a, 5r., 551 .13 will each be entitled t 9, and so on according lo ihn above schema, Tne 300U Prizes of $20 witl be dtterwlned by tlw last figure of ihe.Yamber that J ran l lie $ij0.uoo Prize, Kor example, if the Number drewinc ihc $10,001 IT Ire ends with No. 1, ttipn ol the Tickus, where. the Number ends, In I, will beerililled H luu i Number ends Willi Mo S theHflll Ihn TicArts where the Number ends in 3 will beeulitlcd to 430,aaUso on too. I Certificate or PacUiresT w(lwc told ot tw follow Ins rnle. whith ti the risk i C'ortHlooioof I'ackigcol 10 WtioIcTickeii, do iio ldiiatr io 4u do do loauarler da UU do do io Uialiih do ju IN ORDnRINO TICKETS OR CEB1 IFlCATHS, Enclose the money to cur address far tlm tickets ordered, on receipt or which ihey wilU forwarded by flrsl mail. Purchasers can tiave tickets ending in any flure hey may tjrsicnaie. . The Uttof Drawn Numbers and Prlxps will bn sent (o purchasers immediately after the drawing. Purchasers will plejtte writo their simturcs plain, a ndfive their Post Office, Courly and Stale R(jiii(iiiilif that erf ry Price indrawn and ia) able in full wltliourdcdiittion. AllPruos of SlOttOandundcr pildlmnydlntelyanpr Iho drawing-other Prizes' at the usuat iii:ieof thirty days. . AM CMmaunieatlons strictly confidfntlal., AiltJrifs oidefs fur Tickels or Certificates to , . & SVVAN & CO .wJitMifl, Ga. Persons residintr nenrtontcompry. Ala. or Atlanta, Gn.,can have their orders filled,' and snve tilde, by addreisini; 3, Pwan itCoat either of those nUes. K3 A list of t!m rtmnlKrs 1 lint1 are -trnvm (rem Hie wheel, with thf amount of theorize tlmtearh'one is entitled to. n lit be publrihed aner every .hawing in the follow Itij pane JV'eio Orltani Drlta MoVUn Uf fft$ter iCAprtoi SUn&ard", A'ashnlU. Qaxtte JtflaM I Intilligencer, Yfe York il'eeklg 'Da tiittl Satrnitt nnd ranldhf f.Vui ) CltrU Bept2(i. I6i7 I.MPOllTiVXT TO EVEUYHODY. FOR the last three year, I have been enraged in n l business known only lo mjself, and. comparative- If. few alheri. wh-m I have instructed for the sum of .ix) eacn, wnicii na averaged me at the rate of SiOOO to 330UO pernnnum; and h.iving undo amusements to go lo Europe In the Spring of ItfSa to ent&pe in the same bminevs, I am willing to' give mil iittructl Oris in the art to any perion lit the United States jot Caua flaf, who will remit ma llio sum of $1, 1 am Induced, from the success t have been favored with, and the many thankful acknowledgments t have tecelved from thoie whom I have instructed, and who are making iroia 55 to $15 per day at it, to goe any person an r. ricusNiii, uiiu very jtMui.auic a nimail con. inere s positively No IIcmico in the matter. Rffprpnrr (.r 4he best cLisg can Iw given as regards its clinracter, I nd I can refer to, persons whom I have instructed, who will testify that they am making from 91 lo 913 ' per day at the sjme. Hfsa business in which either. laaiei or gentlemen can engage and with pnrlect eane ' mjrke very haadsowe income. SevernI hdnt in a- rioui pans in New York. Penmylvania and Maryland, ' whom I havo instructed, are now in kins from 81 to 4 per day at it. Jt is ft Gcmtbei, Uusimfm, and but a faw shil'ingsls required n stsrt it. Upon receipt or SI, I will immediately send lo the appl.ma printed circular containing lull instructions in the Oft which can be nerfcctlv iinderstondat onee. -All let crs must bo adUresied (post paid) to ALI.UN T. PARSOW, 335Droadwoy,New York Bept 5. .Im ' JIAHRIAfiE ,GUtl)E UY DR. WILLIAM VOIJMJ. AIARItlAGB GUIDC I.Y DR. WILLIAM YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIOE ItY I)R, WILLIAM YOUNG, MARKIAGE GIJIHE BY lilt. WILLIAM YOUNG. MARIUAUE GUIDE UY DR. WILLIAM VOUNO. MAniOlfmpa pr nj: WILLIAM. TOUW,! ...MARJIAcn OUinrVpUNG CnilAT il AUIWAliU-JiUJIli; HX UU. YUUM. J.I .Tit V""ki.""i rot'KUT il.slUl.Ariys, ot Cvrj' Ono his own Jm1 Dockir.by Wm Yocvo.M.iJr Itiswrilten in plain language for the gtuera! ipntCv, and is illui r rated wilu upward ol one hundred engravings. All yourtgoeple, or thusa contemplating marriage, and having tho least impediment lo married, life, chould read this book. It tijscloya aecrecltt that cvtry one b.kepuoakidao.ana not lia abbot Hie Iioiisp. it v lli . io.entloaayoneontbsrtcfiplol lweoty.nvecenta, Addrass. Dft- rt'M. VdllVC. piiuuiu uenciuainLeu niia ; iiiii. It, IB a DOOK Ui.il IHUt ISSrVmcoBireet.aixrse f'ounii, 1 Will Irava Wllliamsnort DAII.r. jl G 30 A. M Jo AojStl. 18i7 riilladflpbla. IM. i I'hiladelplila. a n"r-v nmiv'Tinv ur nTr5irT.iri PfeUbltraintandfrom riiiladfilphln without Iran hAXxlih I'UUMJllY, MiOOMSBUllO. sWpiMit.fromRi'adlngIlallltualirrci,lill)oiiot,corn. Slnv- mill Tiniv.irA orofllroail ami Clu-rrystrpcts. rwcc.!. , . aiuware. trains rAsa iianvili.b as follows inn .uii.liiui-1 "'iiiiij kj-iku tt rRn new uriCK Jl Foundry and Machine Shop, io place of the old ono.liprcpired to iiuka all kxails of caatlugjat tha lowrst priua. 1'lowa cnmunlkj' on Jiand. Tba.iub, rctilwr liasaljo remcvid his Tin?b0i from Mam at. to Ih, Foundry lot, wharo he has creclcil a buildinj aituEuurr ior diovps ano 1 inwnre. -alb.Vi?if.sP""50";Vi.Vr.,'.'5 "L!r.VCN Tl2l.lmlilC 8TOVE, c. All kinds orspoutin. jnRiii fliiinprv ninotnslMira- Aplll 11. 1837. PUE ItKV D S UnilNPT'P 'wtiiln, a 11a 1CJY. y. a, iSUlVWftli, WlllIO JL laorin, as a Missionary hi Southern Asia, dia en cred a iinnlp Itnd ci nnln rnrp Irtr ft.un,a 4.,fc. ma, Uroachiui, 04, CM, Alrrs DlbdUf ,nncl all Impurities of the Blaodi also, an rasy aud elj'ectual moile of inhaling ih, Htmtd), Actuau-J by a desiro to benefit his MlTerin; fellows, he will cli'-rrfully send the Reelie (frerl. such as desire if, with full and explicit directionsfor preparing and successfully usius Ibe Medicine. Address, T.PV O. S. BURNETT. 631 Broadway, N. Y, City. AutuslI.lK7-ni v..y. HOWARD EXPRESS COMPANY "t tift.jy-D an1.d,i'rr.r Pf kssjeai on the line of the I i !, !" ! -aiiawa, ivBiumsporl. nil Kris, aiM Willlam.port and Cimlra RallxcaJs. i-rTJiAniTi r .i,J'J?ro,!,p".y , , . TlieniprissTraln is ili.coiilinue,! until further no. Ml, dffll7i T'.'.Vn t'""ln,ul ?'' H'i'" "'' Uloseeonnectionsara made by tha 10.!!i A. M HiMVlSi'"1'''''0'" ' i"" Tnii" fromronciiutonto ClnilraanU all lnlqrmC. lbllad2l!bla. Aug. 1). 1837 y ; ,i,ta point.: and by the 0.W i'.M Up Train from Fort HORSE TilNIM HNT A MT1 P A 'PTI 1.' ' u""ll!",l r.lmlra,l!aBandalUa. llullalni, Niagara. De. "u"uu JjinilUljiH 1 ACilJ tAllJjJi not, Chicago, St, Louis, iDavenport, and Iowa City t POWDERS . Making this route theshorlesland clieapcil to lis Lakt IOR sala at tho offioo of tlio OobmHf; 1 Rrl'""ic"'i'- , Democrat. ' OnSundays.thi Powu A. M. Train from rottsvillo, Al.un Jeed, , Dlanks, Stationery. Marrlse CeitUcslei, ,Uc. ate., fcc- . POWDER; DISSOLUTION,. , THE partnership heretofore cilnlni Iwtween the suburibersilu tha Drisrererk Powiler Mills, unrin. the Dim of . U. Puriit If Co., has been dissolved by iuutual content, B. II.l'JRrJF.r.. . , n KOIVI.EII It CREVELINU. r.spytown, Ay,l, 1M7 keeT)37'' " PniMB Timotbj and Jfer.1 Oras gceds. Orchard Orass, HJIian Rye Grass. American and Unslisb Lawn Gross, Kentucky Blue Crass, icT, at """'" PAbCll ALL MOI1UI8 CO.. . 'mi'l'luent w4 Heeil Store. Ociobe, 10, jlil' Md ""tn ,,r" U' P&MtlPfch. IfUlBUtlVTll UKOTHVIla. WHOLESALE TOBACCO DBA Ti KItS O.l OS .MOUTH THIRD STREKT rive doorsbslow Race, nnrumJOiie.,.. ' "IIMPBIPIIM. AYEll'S PILLS. ANKW and ninffltlr successful remedr for tho euro nf all llilious discases-CustlfcnCM. Jndl ' Bcstlon. Jaundice, DronsT, Hhemnausm, triers, j ll ftnrtfT, N en uuancs,I rri taMHty , In flainma- Uons, Headache, 1'alns In tho Drrast. Side, Hack, I anj Limb, Female Complaints, Ac. t lr.ilocil, , Ter fcwaie lhedicasc in which a Purgative Mcdi- cine Is not moro or leas required, and much sick- ness ana millerlng might, ue prtrvetiieu, it n uann 1ms but circctdal Cathartie wcro moro freely used. No person can feel well while a coslito habit or - ftdyprevaila! besides, It soon Reiterates wrions and I often fatal iliseac, which miKht hale been avoldtd ' 1 . 1. 1., , I ti.JItA..i. ..... nl nnnrtllra by the timcty nndjlldlclnu tl i Th'm Is alike true orCoUKFi i Bilious derangements. The reTcrigil 0rnipivni.niiu icrall tend to become or produce the deep seated antl formidable distempers which load tho hearses all over the land. Hence a reliable family physio is of the first importance to the public health, and this Till ha, been perfected with consummate skill to meet that demand. An extensive trial of Its virtues by Physicians, Profes sors, and Patients, has. shown results surpassing stantiated by persons of such exalted position and character a to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Among the many eminent gentlemen who have testified in favor of these Pills, we may nf rations Prof. J. SI. Locke. Aii.ilitirnl Chemist, of Cln- l I. cinnatl, whoso high professional character Is. cn 3tHi dorsed by John Wci.eix, Judgo of the Supremo Uourt ot the United States. Titos. Conwt v, Secretary of the Treasury. lion. J. M, "vVuioht, Governor of Indiana. N. LoNoivortTit, Rrcat wine (rrower of thoVcst. . Also, Dn. J. 11. CmtTox, Practical Chemist, of New York City, endorsed by Hon. W. I,. Matict, Secretary of State. Wm. B. Abtoii, the richest man in America. S. Lklind Ai Co., Tropr's of the Metropolitan Hotel, and many others. Did space permit, wo could pivo many hundred certificates, from all 'parts whera the Pills have been used.bnt evidence even more.convincing than the experience, of eminent publicmen is found in their eltecta upon trial. 1 nesc rills, tne result 01 too? investigation ana ttudr, axe ofierecl to the public as the best and .nmniM. which the treient aUto of medical science can aiiora. incy we comptmnaea not oii the drugs themselves, but of tho medicinal virtues only of Vegetable remedies, extracted by chemical groccsa in a state of purity, and combined together t such ft manner as to Insure the best results. This system of composition for medicines has been found in the Cherry i'cctoral and Tils both, to produce a rnorc efficient remedy than lal hitherto been ob tained by any process. The reason is perfectly ob vious. While by the old mode of composition, every medicino is burdened with more or less of acrf monjfws and injurioui Qualities, by this ach indi vidual virtue only that is desired for the curative effect is present All the inert arid obnoxious qual ities of each substance employed arc left behind, the curative virtues only being retained, llonec tyja self-evident tho effects should proie, as they have proved, moro purely remedial, and the .rills a surer, more powerful antidote to disease than, any other medicine known to tho world. As it i Frequently expedient that my medicine should he taken under tho counsel of an attending Physician, and as he could not properly judge of a remedy without knowing its composition, I havo supplied the accurate lormultc by which both my Pectoral and Pills aie made to the whole body of Practitioners hi the United States and liritish Amer ican Provinces. If, however, there should be any one who lias not received them, they will Ik fromptly forwarded bv mail to hU request. Of nil thcPatent ifedicincs that are offered, how few w ould be taltcn if their composition was known ! Their lifo consist in their mystery. I hac no myRler.es. . ( The ompoition of my preparation is laid open to all men, and all who are competent to judge on the subject freelv acknowledge their convictions of their intrinsic' merits, Thq Cherry' Pectoral was pronounced by scientific, men to be a wonderful medicino before Its etffccts were known. Jlany em inent ITiysIcians have declared the same thing of my Pj'IU, and even more confidently, and are will ing to certify that their anticipations 'were more than realized by their effects upon trial. They operate by their powerful Influence on the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action rcmoe the obstructions of the Btomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their irregnlar action to health, and by ewrccting, whexcur they exist, uch derange ments as arc the first origin of disease. IJeing sugar-wrapped, they aro pnfnnt to take, and being purely i eget jhle, no harm can ariso from their use in any quantity. For miuutc directions, oc wrapper on the Box. rJtEI'AItED IJY DR. JAMES C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, !OWELU MASS. Yriee 25 Cents per Sox. Tive Soxes for $L SOLD ur OATAWISSA, WILLIAMSPOHT Kilt liS RAIL KOAD. r- M mi , ,utL L1L i ii jmiimjinuLi ft Q ,w . ? f c,, "-T F,?,'rf etfuwrcthm teiween A'ara f oil an ,kiUliett'' JJl'iSV, "f, Uefert H?ilfrom ' ? rk t0 rMotolpkt, Jlarruburg, ritXtburg tumore. Hath rgton rlfy, amltA South. pASSCNG CK. TUAIN8 leave Elmlra daily (excep A M, connecting with Rcud'ng Rail Road atPorlt'liii ton.und reathing Pliiladtlphin l 7 30 r. Jit, Iteliiriiiiic. leave Pliiladelnhiafrom civrnej1-of Broad 1 and Vine streets, at 7 'M, A, M. reaching Wiltiamsuori, nt 5 15. P. M and arriving atniir.lr;i atn, P. M , PASSENGER TRAINS WILI LEAVE POUT CLINTON FOIl IIARIUSBUIlGe Direct, via Dauphin and SiiSTuehanna Rail Road, on Ih arriVsilofCatawlssa Train, at 4 Of.M.ieacJitug Utvr 'IffiJLvi Ua,,i.1)r1!at715A.M..conoe1n! al fortuiminn wilbCallawissatralu koiinil wcsl form. imiiie inosidireeirouisiollarrisUurg, 1'i.tsl.iirc. B.n. llDioreaiiillhiBaiilli.eonnectliiir llieie iiohiIs with al Anrtliwf1ern rpniisylvaniaand WeslernNeiv Vork. r'oniirr.laR at r.luiira witli trulnion New Vorkuad CriPlIu'J r.iad ; also. Willi tlia Cliiiira. UaiiaiitlaguUt llorhf ,er, lktlTa loAml Niagara Falls. L'rr .irrllneilirrctly wilh llio Greal Westcfn Rallroa al Buapension liridee far Detroit. 'Ulileago, St. Louis, ?iVdVluh a m 1 ""aa!ll"la ' "'? '"' . ... A 1' UMblil TllAIM. I'tixenircr Train rri'iclil I'rain . raisoncerlVain Frelihl Train ' OOINQ BAST ia'M. 0 SI A.M. S ! M. S5 P.M. 1 1 40 CO 4 :hi 1 Hit OOI NO WEST. n.rr. B,twe,nrhiladeli.ilandtl,rM'rT j aniuiua .''"O" 10 3 00 Wittiamspori, Fiftspnilnds ofp rsonalhae-irafa alloweilto each pass i'!!" itesseliarji-dal dnnbl.flis'.classlMlilblrales n a FONDA, FutrlNtf ailcat. JunSC IF3 Pllir- A. AND HEADING RAIL ROAD Hliit$r Arragrmtt for Ptuengtr 7ii, January lsl, 1857. UT Train, coinj North, leare Fhilailelphh at 71 A.M.anas.F. M, Down Trains eoiasSotith, leave FottsTilKat, 71 A. 1 Uptrainspass 'Heading at 10.S2, A. M.andOJSFM down Train, " ' J.I3.A. M. 3,43 r. M, I. J,wi,ra. anitupr.M, Train froinI'lilladelp!ua,.onlylrun. Harm in? eg Uonkctioks, by Dauphin Ralroad at Au bum A inrl.il Ar.rninmnil.-iltnn p!itaon,T Truln lanv.i Keadingdjil1y,(cxcfpt Sui,d.ys.)at7s A.M., returnins; oin Auburn iiU, (, M., on utrlvaf of 3,10 I. Al, raiiuroDi ijarciiEturffi ' WAY FAKES From Readino to nIii(ade(pbia,et.7Sandl,ili 1'ottsviile SI.OJ and 0,e3; Auburn, 0.75. ."KSif"1 ',lP-S.o llarrisbura, SW3; Tatnaqna I,3J WKi.ni.port ?l,10i Tiiitm $il.M; Canondjia U ei.00: IIiiiTjIi or Mlaral0.00j Jleavcanil I0,. Joo'k UIunS'$jo.6,',1"1','',l"',0 ALL rdSSSnSCrSWUfDrOCUra llrlc4t l.-fi.r a Iirfn. 'C4rs! IDxeiits extra o a fares pliJ in the eai all over that weljlii aicbariedtUtra Oorie January 3J. 1857 tf. en' liup't JOSKHI FUSS ELL, MANUFAUTUUCIl OP "Vm brcllas and Parasols At Hie O il Krand. NO, ? NOnTI! JrOVHTU BTJIKCT. S-3m PIULAVELVUIA, WHOLESALE AND HE 2 AIL lBAIKlBlfl'.V' ! CONFECTIONARY A FltUlT STORE Ojskr anil Ballus Saloons rrllT, unilerelneil, reepcetrnlly Inrorni I I ,,. i,tAh. r iitnnntiltnri aail the nub I 111 In nnntml I Its I the V llS V. bonsltt 1 1)0 Interest, or Mr . Hoffman, In llto nl,ovn mr 1.1. , Mnln ftttppi. ntitl l.avs rneiieil a cenernl llakery, L'nnfeclloiinry ami D)(ti; Eslal lh mild, wders thry wlllal ill lluies keep n full uppt)el rnivlsloiisiHweel meals anil I'.ltables, riKb.at llrrail ries, Hweetl'olaioes.l'heese, Mackrrl, le served up III rnou DiHVtuiiii uii muuri.n m , , Their fiioekcnnmrlses v lute tupi'ly ol Almonns riss.Ilnsoiis, Prunes, NM.,lrfalmiip. Datrs 'lobacco Cigars. etc , wliheveryltRefMblcarllelcitithcltllnc .lhH.lnAH.ii,l nrilinfiiot'kilalilVl I BJ- ratiiH'insiiiplleil at all limes with llrcnU.'akes. j 1 IPS, uysicrs, ate ,nnu Ull l"rnca ' Uash tisbl Tor Country proildcea nil tho public uilo respeciiuiiyinvnea, I 6 E 0 R 12 A M , nlways on hand, during tho summer scnoii. V It. A l.aJlo'sSnloon illrconnecteiirrom tncalmn ertabllibment, has hen prepareii In jooil orilery o wlllalwaya be atlliclrtonVtnnt"! . ..,,, tiiohas C. r.i.PE. oiavurt t. wii.bon. UlnoiiisburB.Fcb 1.1M7. EVANS k NEWCOMER. (Furmsrry lleas 4 jnreomer, Arch street, abuvo Third, PhilaJolplaa, HOURS OF MPALS llasKPT, 3, II ami 7 o'clock tn 10 DinaeR,neritiemen'snrdinary,l o'clock to3. ' l,ndjes,3o'clock. ' T, lOo'clockto 11. r.vAN nvANS.i U. B.nnwcoMCR, Aiig.ii.iess.-y. OIIAUI.ES II. MARPI.Ii'S. WINK A N.I) LIQUOR STORE, An, 143 North Third Street, Above Race, East Side, Two doors above theftgcl 1 1 mil, rillLADEr.PllIA lias conslantlr on hand French DranJifs, Holland Gin and a EPticral assorlment of roreljti Wines, also, all kinds of Anifrican Spirits. Ac. fllarrh 1.1 'SG-y. National Hotel, ( LATE VTIIITE SWAN, ) Sides $ Stover. Race Street, above Thirif, Philadelphia rsTKRHiDcsjatoofiheflrrQ Stevens, Colli ncilicaOi. Uo jAxcsT.ISTiit.KR(orilie Uniua HotPl, August 0, J83U 1 TtIoivtouu iioirsi;, COR Mill OK MARKET AND MIL1 RTUnCTS, (Immediately oppotttt U Court .) OAlNVlLLK, PA. TJAVINO hcenrteeitl rehovalrri nml refurnished' A-iin asiiprriorstyie,tnie elpgnnl UotHis now reopn nr me rt-crjinuii ui virniiKnrs nn VISUOTSi WUOI9 pa rotiage iiropectfulty reiuntcd, B. A. BRAD V, Iyi5,le5C. JOHN 11 ALLEN & CO. iV&j. 2 tj 4 Chesnutj Street south side ,&e-. law water,) l'inauclpliia. (Tns Oldest Wood-wars IlourJs.lN lucCtTT.) MANUPAUTURER3 and Wholesale dealers in Tut put Marhineniade Broom, Talent Grooved Cedar ware, xarantednot to tKrlk, Wood. and Willnw.w&re. Cords. Urtishci &c,', ofolt dcicri ions. r lease cal aud examine our stork, Jnniarygj, y. Sl'KINU AND SUJLUKU fiBOD S To be Sold Very Cheap, VOST tiecciv n AT tub utoki! OF J. J. U ROWER, Cloomsbitrg. April 25, 1837 ?m lW iHAHlILIi VAUU IN ItliOOMSliUHCJ, HIRAM S. CAREV HA 9 opened a Mtrblo Yard In Court Alley, opposite the Uicliini. where lie iu nrennreil tn fiiiimli iLn best work from Italian or American Marblefor Torab-staacs.Tuu.cc. Mantles. Windotvsillt nn.l Ipn lilt. forme character and finish of his work he refers (n surhaxh') has mada M tbis county . lie will fnrnieh fieHiens for work or cxemte nnv lh.it mv l,f fiiirlth. edtohltu. His work tbatl always bo BaU-fjcluryiin ildty kand reasonablctn price. T IIInnmsKus n rion il lull: J. S. & K. L, PEROT, Produce antl Uonornl COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No 30 North Whnrvis, l'lllLADHLPlIIA. RcrsRBaca,: JnlinV Penlston.Csi. riillajelphia, Messrs (Ilacker, I.ea it Co. v " Biter, l'fie it Co. " llncknor. MrCammoa rkCo, Charles Ellis St Co, ,, " B. JIorris Wain Jt Co. n " OnlrrbrMge, Arvov & Co, . " Charles fc Joseph Perot, " Thomas at Maxwell, Nrw York, " CM. McClansitCo.,Si.Louis. Mo J. 8. Morris & Bun, Louisville, Kl Varch 15. ldib y f - 9 DYER'S HOTEL.. Cattawissa Pa. rt IHSoldand wellknown Hoiel.Inthetown s . aiuauuwissa.issii Kent bv rh nmior. niafj sisned.andinspiteofallllcense laws, he ii lt5Q (letcrmlned to make his house one of tha Menlaresforiravelerstoslop at, that can befouri.1 In iiirjiiiicnmuii viuixivaiiui ma iauie win bufurniih ea iiBiiy wiin inn nestineAiarKeienn attn,!. Q3"Mr old friends and travel lr sir .nrn lit. nfin.u.j 20 call. I inr.i iivdin ' i May 5I.l8i5.-y . States Union Hotel. PORMCERLY RDD LION HOTEL.)' No. 200 Market street. PhUadelryhin. -tCORGU W. 11 INK LE. I'ronrl.lA.. r....i...rn. yx lumbia. Pa,, .would inform lilsfriemlsbnil thepub ic that heconlinuee lo keen thn nlmv nn,ns n.i which is wellnnil rarorablv known lhr,...i,hn,.,,i. tstalea.onenftlieoldcstand most convenient Ilnieil a iiccii. nt niosirespeciiuiiysoiiciisashareof pub April , loaa. lMULADELPHIA OA RPKT STORE riAtPP.TINCS, Oilcloths, Window Shades. Motsan W Mattiais Just received SU.UOO pieces new style ..iw.in ... ""' eipressiy tor UAIH-UT LI,. Mrrehants and llouslreners will nlea.R ii. Nos. la and SO North Becoml street in .Inn, i,i,., ast's Church. March S3 IB50. J. SIDNr.V JONHS. EspylcHii Coach aud Wagm Factory TUB undersigned1 bavin; succeeded Jacob S. l'.va iO the WaEOIIUnd Coach makini hutnei.a.iil hlu tfui.l.lu tapytowo respcctlully inlorm their frlenu anuincnuiiiicitiiaitiifycoillinuiwIlilDe Wason Macms Husittcss. I nail .ilsdeiiaitinents.MJieretiiev uriltbohaivnv mm fcc.o u.i.v.B iiitu .,uiuiiii j ciciuicuu uusiuess I u tuei line, with iiealnessajitldesnalch. Lr ivneei uarrows maue to oroer.and allklnds ol renuiringuuiie uii snor inoiice. 1.VAH3 at IIAIIUMIUCII, cspytpwT1JU"e7.'ioau y ? JOHN O, YEAGER. Fashionable Hat &ap Store N.U.1G3 NOBTJI TIIIUD STIUJUT. PHILADK1.PHIA. tr Merchants nnd visitors from N'nrthem IVnmv vanin.areriispecifullyinvitcdlo (Ive him atoll, when vi.iiin, i in u ne i nil i a, JuueVH.lhJli. y. C. a A DLER f CO., Wfl. li . Mnrlli Wuto Rlrnl Pl.iU.I.I lHi.i. enuuinainKupniiiiiitTa .i., , ww n..iiuii.iiui,lini,l.1 IIHU IIEUIfll I II i,arn,Bnouiaers,uiiee Hams, Buckots, Pork, flour &e, ' Aphli: 1853-ly. AVM. 9. SMITH k CO.. Produce Factors No. 60 North Wharves, i'lUIiAIJilLrJIlA. ' The Market aluo of mlJ dt)Ui.tii.mcnts' AanteA in uasu wnn aesired, I March 1I.IKSI. Iy J. C, tu Iter, llomieopatiiie riiyslcian, . 1-sESPECTFUI.LYUndorshis rioreiiioybl RrcB J.VtothecitixensolUlooBisburiraiidriclnily.Br'iiArally , hj umceon luescurner oi aiain ana iron HretJls Uloonisbiirs, AioHih.clr Hrower'tatorct LEAF TOBACCO & CIUARH, 'il, boutli I' rout htrcct, i'lllLAUliLMIIA. riep', 0,ieSfi.y. HKLMJIOLP'S fiEiUM3 I'ltEIMKATlON ntdiu.r i;oNonTa.Ti.i coMrouND fuid IIXTHACT lUK'ltlJ, ytr t)lta$t tf tht IJtdir Kidney), (trartl Jirvpty Cotnpltthti, and U Ufseattt tf tht Artii.nff from r,irfftji nml mnriiiM nclri rrnioviiiff nil ImnrimT IHtlinra, Oom Ih Kldnrvfe.or rtcxuil OrcntiN wli-l!irr tkliilnff ir ' siAi.ff mi rKMAi.u; I'rom uiiiifvor ta tftey mnv puvo oritinnie". and j v cor to tho Jrsiii. niirf iilHitu tn tit patlbl. check,, ' ' Jllfr IV TllirJlrFl.lCTr.lHI? ' '-'T ItCllreNVl,llS n nil Debilitated Sullerera, and removes , nil ma ayinpta'iu1. among "!" win oorouuil InJispo. sllfiin ti Exornon, Loss or rownt. Loss or Memory, Ur)iH';'if Ihn Skin, FalliilCoitiiicinnceaml KrupllnnS mi Iheiico, I'll i. In the luck, Ilenlnes of tho Uyei nils, rfii'iuctiily lll.ick Hiot fnrn the lines T with Tcmnorar Huflualniiiiiiill.oia olSleht: w'aat Aitanilon.nient Mobility lleeilessiiess, wlili llotrpr .rtnrUIV Nnihlh I. is. nr. .lr.il.!a lit .nh l'9ll..i. , Ihaii solitude, find nutiiitijt Uuy moro drrml for fear of tlicimcjvcsi no rprmt- or nianier, no earnest urns, no ' snerulntlo.ti, litita llurtM, translllon from one ones t tion tonnoihor , f The v syniMoins.if fltlowcilio ro on whuh this inlip.inft lhvnri.it.lv rcmomm-ttonii (fill Inw l,n nf medicine Invariably removes fooii tfollows l.Ofs of ynvct Fu(uitytund lipjlfpilc rm in onn of wliirii t he na tic nl nnv r.n Ire. Who Who Cm say that there ex ces-tys Inro not Trernifntlv folloupil bv those direful diseases 1nianlty and Consinnjilinn 1 The records of lhc Insano; Anilnma, nnd thr ticlnnrholy dentin by Consumption. irar n'npla witiumto llin truth ol these assertions, In Lunatic Asyltiinh lhet most inelanrlioly eihibltioii a-lpean. The countenance Is iiftHnlly Mid ! den and quite destitute neilhrr mirth or criefi ever vigils It, Pliould'a sound, uf Hie voice oreur, It is t "With woeful dentures wsn desnair WlthM Low sullen sound his crirT brgui led." Ufblllty iimoftterrliilei aitdlias brought Ihoiisartil nnon ihousands to untimely craves .thus blaslln a thf ambition of many noble youths. It can be cuied by the use of this 1 " 1 If yon arc suHrlngwllhnny ol Ihe Above dlstressinr ' ailmpntst Inn Fluid Hxtrnct nuchit rill enro you. Try 1 ltnnd be tionvlncod of Its efficacy. 1 rtewnro ortlu irk Nostrums atidluack Doe ton, uho falsely boast of nbililies and relerencpt tCHir.ens know andjavold them nnd sjvnlon? suiTuriug money, nnd exposure, by semllnv or culling fur a bottle uf this popular nnd fipeciAc remedy. It allays all pain anrfi inflammation, ig perlectly pleasant in lis tasto and odor, but inimertfaiQ iu jt q C n IIELMROMJ'3 EXTRACT' nUUIItr Is'prepared directly accord inff.to the rules of Pharmacy and Chemttttf, With the greatest accuracy and;cheniieQ knowledge and care .'devoted lit Ms combination. ik'O I'rofefisur Ueweei Valunbls Works on the practice of physic, and moil of lhc hte Standard Works of Medicine. tTONB IIUNnilCOiDOLLAKtft One huudrod dollars willbt.paTd to any physfeiAn who can prnvo thai the Medici ua ever injured a i'.i l lie nil; and the testimony ofthou'iaiidii'cau be produced i . .a... 1 -I - ' - .B 1 " y. 1 . . I lo prove that it dtes ureal cond. Oases of hnni one week ( thirteen yrais standmR hale lipen effected. llio mmof volnnla.v testimonv in nossrsslon of iim proprietor, vouching lis virtues and curative powers, is immense, embracing names we'l known toticiunco' aud Fomn. 100,000 bottles havo ben sohl aid not a singlc;in stance of o lailMre ha he-n reported I Personally appeared bfforff tao an Alderman of tho city 'of Philadelphia, H', Tj lUtnoLn, ChemlH, who1 beintr duly sworn ilofs say, that bis 'prep;, ration con tains no Narcotic, Mercury or injurious Drug, tut are purely vegetable. II. .T. IinLMROLD, Bole Manulactorar. Sworn and subscribed bold re mc Ui!23J day of Ko vembcr 1851, " WM. P. III0UAUU. Alderman. trtm Al tnH)S tip air. far 91. J.ttnm.1 in -u ,t ifsx.t nprmnn.inrttil f.v'rf tl.ihlo nml P..anrnjll.ln nn.,in. I eaten from Professors 'orMcdical Colleges, Clorzymon uud ethers. . rrcparcdfliid sojd.by II T. Iini.MIU3LD, ' prscticil'artd AnatvtlcnJ L'hmi-i ' I So 53 ftmth TCNTI1 St., below UUesUwt, Assembly J liiiihltnc. Phiifiiieipiiia, XT? To he had of J. li MOYF.n. Bloomthurff. and of all Dtuffiftt nnd Dtattrs throvghout tht United States, Canadaa and JJritlth I'rorlncet. meet. RKWARR fir IX)UNTEnrr,tTfl. ASK FO linLMHOLDH 'PAlin XO OTIIClt. CURC9 lilMRANTECD. Juno 13, 1857.- 1,1 1857. SPUING AND SUMMER, GEO. HULPIN & CO. IMPORTERS AND MAStUFACTORr.It.$, 174 OHESNUT STREET, Are now prepared tonxhiblt their NcwPtylus FOR SPUING TRADE. INCLUUINU ilia lark nndenloreitSilk Mantillas, Cliantly Lne" liian Martinis. Trencli Lare Mmitil.ns, Embroidered Pilk ALinlillas, liiigl,"! Laronii'l Nft 31antillns, Mouruiug Manlillas, Unsiues, Talmas, &ce , &e.. Allol ivnicii wlllbo onereo nttm l.owrsl Trices. or.o, uiu.piv.fe co. 171 Ctieuaut Street, above 7tb, 1'bilailtlua. MarrliTIb, IS57. tMTlOtfJtt. SJIFF.TY TltVST CO.VPJl.Vy. W ALNUT Street, South Wat torner ? T fTiimu, ninaucipnia.' Incorporated by the tilute of Pennsylvania. Money is received in any sum, large or small and interest paid from the day of deposit to the day vJ withdrawal. The office is onen every day from 9 oWnck In the morning till 7 o'clock in (he evening, and on Monday, andThuifcday evenings, till tl o'clock INTEREST FIVE EER CENT. All sums lare- or small, are naidback In GOLD on demand witbou t uoiice, loony amonnt. President. lion, iitiuv u. iiunni.u. VicePresidetit.KOIlUUTHBLPUinaG Secretary .WILLIAM J.UEKU. IJirectort; llenryL.Tleniyr. O, LandTeih Munns Edward L.Carter, i Carroll lire wsier UohertSelfridge, Joseph B. Harry, Bamuel K. Aililon, Henry L. Churchman, James It. Sm itli. Francis Leo. This coninaHveonlnes us buiiies entirely lo the frecfivlngnr mcneyou Interest. The investments a mounting 11 over ONB MILLIOK AND A UALP OF DOLLARS! nre made in conformity with the provisions of the chirter In Ku AL LS l ATIi, MUinUAUUH, GKUUNU HENT, nnd such first class securities ,'as ill always isiure perfect security lo thn depositors, and hich cannot fnlto give pcrmaueucy and ktafilliy lo Ahls lnslitulmn. Aiie-t9IB57 NEAV WAGON SHOP, i Willow Grove, South Bloomsbur?. TUB nnrtersuned respeelflilly'lnfoinis Ins lriids and the nubtie cenern'lty, that ,,c Instnkpn Hie stand lately oreupled byMr. Holier! Illf l tl.ln U'il'ow Grove, -rioiitb liloomsburg, below tlie Itui.ieail, lero lie will continue Hie Wanon-makins fiwhtess. la all liavario-isilepartmenis.ln etod -slylannd onmndernle terms. Also Ktpairioit Wagons, Unpens. Carluges 8u. inus.fcc . nonesojitueruuii oejuioit time. , CTI'roduce taken for 11 oik. CI! A II I, US MtOYVUR. Illonmituie April S3, 18S7 3ai D E N T I 8 T R Y. SUKGEOS: DKXTIST. lIIiOO.MHilUKC, COLUMDIA cu Ue.idunec, firat Drtrk liulMins below ilarlinan'a slor r" on Main street. Ur.ai'r.CTFULLV oCirs lii, proferfionnl aervieea loihe Indies uud itentteinrn of Ulonmsburji nnd vicinity lie is prepared to auenu in a'l inn varl operations in Deuilstry, and is provided witb'the test iuioroved Porcelain Teeth, Whlrh will be Insetted on pivot or gold lale,'lo Joolc li. well as4he natural, 13- A superior article or TOOTH TOWfinR, all waon lnnd. June 13 lfi7 . oy, 13, '53, S. L. PancpaSf &, Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AMU DUAI.Iins IN 1' IS IL PROVISIONS, SALT, 17 rii.nli WliUV.e., riiiladelplua. J'C. In re. anil ;u.iur l.isl.c, Weak'Ntrv.a', Trenihlioi. Dn-n.lMl Horror (, I UTLi le, or iheP ta(l'.Tl. , .0,1 I I.oatli. N.,h. ewea,...M.I IU Waknlulne Mnseidal V (i.trn ol no,,, od. A, n 1 P' K V.arumciure.t by Parrel.t'llJrriuj and tho Bale In ?iV7?UH., ,n ,.Tn by II A. I.,..t, In hi. sin,.; manulhc lured by S'lVNU OOAL lor late by 11. W, 4. W K, GUEA8V. SALAMANDRR t?lRK AND 'Jill 131' rilOOF SAPJiS. trws!L tii : r.Artnr.aT assort- tZrih I'li aild an S52.I..3 li'M rfrCJTr,.riSRont In ll,a ( Iprl Wiuranloil tn bo tinV in i lift, antl will Irtom nny oilier liou,ifc in the 30 S. 4 Hi ii riillailctphi mmiiMt la illnllTUr A M ll Wlk . H n I t A T l I rAH , ii,ii iLmArvH 1337 (V V" "V", at (rorfll r.. ''r"fr 7! is1,? . The unitcrslirneil. mirnbors or the eomnlllteei do respfr trull v1 repot I, that vdnir the two safes, ofljrl nallyo(treed'iiion by Parrels fc! Ilerrlnjr Hid Kvans A- ttely aliko, r The ore a s st n rleii nt 31 orinrK, A,ai,,anii rni'' W.'.H,Mrtlj-tjr BfHSTiatTVMSI ilia luer. , t-iKXirit nill.ois nisisht! Want .''"I'Minlll fniirconls of green hickory two rorris ilryi p'.i7u! i " nnK nail cn istnot top wonu were entirely -con, II tlsPll. UlR WIHllO lltldcr IDC BU PS r I Tit PH fJC DC I T 1118 "hsrr liers .mrmbp m ol tho Cmnmittpc. Tho Sales l,en eoolpd off with waier, afer whlrh they wnrc ortncd.an.l the hnnda and psppfs thkrnouthy tl,p UoninilMff and sent to II. A.Lnnlt's store lor Piiicpininlnniioii.niHl iinrhca- by tlH-CommiUeo. I hp li ooki ti 111 pa p r S u It cnfrom I h p Pafo aiinufac t n red I'V Tar re Is k. Ilerrlnirs we r p. In our ludsment tianiatreil fully fifteen per root, moro than those taken from l.vnns & Watson's 8afe. We Itelirjve Ihe above to have been .1 fair and im partial trial of the rcspaclltpn'iiiltlos'of both Safes. JAUOn II. DVHIIKU. DAN I LI, SrlUJXTEK;' MavinK bfifn Ahsent'tliirlni; the burning, W' fully toimide nh (he above uti lenient of tin conrlltlon f ther-apcrsinlhookslaken out of the rcsptl O. A . NIUOM.S. Jab jMiijiioiji.ANU, March 23,1637. rEW AND USEFUL OLEUM LIQUOR. A, Substitute, for Linseed Oil. , fPATCNT Ai'Pt.iim roa 1 rplIDilnilorslniil oflcr tn the nubile IliilrOlriini L. J inor ns an prnripiit snb.dtutK Un l,lnsiTtl Oil, as a lliinm r fir all sorts ol Paints srouiiil in UII, except Venetian Keil. r When lliinncd ulth tin1 Oleum tho Taint will cover better, ilry qmckor ami will bf more ilurjble,nnil when varnlfliPil, the paint will bave anil retiln lliu"niost Rloy ariprarnnciu aim the'elastlclty i,f llio Iblnner will ennblolbe naint tolyield to tlia vnrnlFlu anil the rrncklna nnil iiculing orT, so common In ordinary vat nMicd oil p.iinli it entirely avoided. r or pinning Tin iinois Its equal cannot it? mumi. The O li-ii mi can ba h.hI bv llnoir. nr In roniiiinn wllh I'insrcd OH. Vjrnish, Japan or Turpentine nl the ji tlon of the l'ainter. , t I fa 1(11,1 la tidnni I.ilf nl llin. rt I lian,l ftl I IH tout ta alio tit fitie-lijir of llio I of T.infH Oil thu cnutidi'Mbly reducing therirwMise ofptltitinc, Wef.illiitully rcrnrntiicnd It rnrttll inirHni indjea trd nnd wnrrinvii tolve satlfiction. A liberal dis-. con nl io th'Mrjdc. H1KLO HONS. Thin the paint with tha Oleum. LI. qtior.uud wark il wol, until it tUw Irccly from the brmh. Tha britHi iimt v frQf from all nipjft'ire and nn riably ought to be soaked utll with Iho OK'Hiii Liquor , previous to puiming d. , Instead nt placinn the brushes In water over nlghl, ns painters gi-iirr.illy di.. ilii-y otiphj toll? put in the U Im in Minor, which will greatly iarilitaii iho work. Tht paint mixed with tlif'OIeuiu Liqiinr will work neiiT ll li du iimuwvu iu rinnu iron, ii m x iiuurs pre vious to(il" b'lng used, ami then llihned'tn ,sucn a cojisif tcnuy as io tvetk free a nd oisy under ttm brush. I Vlhll lM Ol' J IIUIl. tllO n.llnt Will bo n'n.Uro.l l I ll in firmer. Mil Hie Japan hrsl wilh the paint nml I hen lliin it iviili llio Ukum l.liuor In llio umimer meu lioncd obtve. , . U 100 wounds of Paintlhinned withtliu Oleum Li. will rover a larger j.ur4Ce than IJ puuifds thin. neo wiin on. .... The Oleum I.itinr Is not flo heme., with Veniilan &ed, nor with I ujnt tonuiiiing any pinportloo of it. iiiiuiisi"! . ....in , nuuiniu, Amerir.in IVlut and dt'or iv,i,.. Corner "4th and lirecn 8ta.,l'bllaili'lpbia, N cornet Til ird an J Wood sis., Pilladci Office- iiiii, i.a . , BJ- Wa also unnul.ie,!!'" Clir.nua Vellow.Cli litem, Clnnesu ami Prusinu "bio, Vi-ruiiliin ricarlel lied iu vinous sliad.and i'latities, eitlti, or.in oil, and warriut t io u to ih 1 ul ti .iii u in-ike, 1'iibcr bete or j'iroa.l, Julie 0. Ia57 lliur OLEUM LIQUOR. Certificate. WE, t(io undoraignoil Houso Painters, bureby ertify tliaiwo Ii.ivp' given tin1 newly Invented Oleum f.iiunc, inintifartiired by llrfiit , tl'ittniiiu ti llreinl;,', fas. Pbil.Mli'lpbia, air'fnipart , llial.nnil Inve found It nl ebliieiit siibelilute for L spimI oil, liir suarn-rio it iuevir.v nsicrt,ut e. t ni only utimit b ilf as niucli. I bus ruusldrubly redueliig Ibi exprusc ol painilug, We would tbcrefiire reeom. niiMid the public to Its general use, and alier It 1ms liwu tried lis siiieriorlly uvcrLlnsrcd Uil will bo at. tcsu-it to by all. CIIARLllB auiun, AMOS IIMllilt, Wll.l IAJI WUI.LI3, liUWAUU UUNIIAItn. June 13, IM7. T IIEUEIir 'certify tkat X. Uomi) r.ihiting proiscuied lute I I Invo liail iutelv with the abuvn nanii'd oli'iim Li'iuori ami eoiiear lit all ri'ypects Willi tbe reeoninimilalloii ol' tb above nlnied nnntleiiM'ii, and will Iteie mid, ibat iu futuru I will Uivp no pilot lug fipiralicns n.irorinid wltkout llm admittum n tin: abovo nnnii'd valuable li'juur Tho,n win may desire tn vipw lis elTceU, tvill enll nt my residence, win re they can convince l!ir.usivc of all tli't is re p,usentid of llio Ulcuin Liquor m re.ird lo keauly and durability. J. isaao imi:iNio. June 13, IM7. CENTRE STORE. S J It I A;C M"R G 00 1) S. rfflIIE undorsiincd tak pleasure of in- 1 forming tho citizens of L'entreandviclnlti. the he lias just received a large and select as sort m ha SPRlMn JkSiTMfP.n rinnnc. Comprisingiheheavitat stockandmostvarieilasiort iiiv hum Miiuuntmic, useiu 1 ann suuatnntiai3iercliin dice, thai have been nflpred to the public 0 (e'ery kin andqualjty.whichthey willscllforready pay.ni vtr reasonable' prKcs. d-CounfrynrodiirrtaVenlneirbango lor Coods iiiciiiuMirMiriiiii nno luii ncr ariu tne puuuccustom resipociiuiivsqiciirn . AJUEL LAM13A0K, Fowlersvillo. Marrli -6 1827. OILS, JJOR Manulucturin; nnd liurning purposes, for sate J. II. A. Il S. AL1.DV. Nos. 7 and li Soulli Wharves. I'lii lo.Ie Ijilii tt. June li. 1857. LANDRETU'S WAHKANTED GA1M DEN SEEDS -1IHHS BEI'.IIS l'IRLD SKBD3, nnd 1'LOWCR PUIIIa, UI ,UQiJ ii. uimuiii.jti pl r.ui, N'os. 91 and S3 Sou 111 eiilh si., I'biladelphiat .MarciiSJ, IB57. SPRING AND suRiMEit GOODS FOR 1807 v mini subacrihe'r rcsnonifnllv infnrmn 1,! I ii i - I "J 7 l, custoiiieraaDd the public, geueajly, that helms - rLcetvcdaiuiisiock of choice ) Sprilia and Hummer Goods, S?"J?.f'' ?"'?5l S'.fi""'-'. AI.SOIIjrdware.L'ullerv. Quecnswn.n Bait. p!,i. Molalas.es, Iron, Steel, Hats, Cops.iloids, Shoes, ir, ) HJ" Country produce, ineludliiE(iran, Lueibcr, ttc 1 taken in exchange for goods. i EJ-Tliaukfulfur pjatpatrouiige Iw respeclfollyasks fl contuidnceortbesnine, THOMAS E. EVES. - ;milutte.Marh?3, JT-rV i Franklin $jBrji House. rT -V X. " V - J9 Sxl'Jt IMIIKCIt & LIIUI), I'roprlflors. Cheanut St., between Third ami Fourth PHILADELPHIA. Beptcinberl3, jeC. STEAM ENU1NK3 AND BQILKtt run subicillicrls now prepared. Willi new Machfna l build itnllouarycnfflucs.rromAtn luolic'se 'iHtSSTlS 'V'oioer,ltleje,rufm,cnrrla8e;lwlllt Holler era,. li'lpithps nllempl,lenii, reiulyrolrtellen. Also. . -OyllnilBr tlncnnil titbtilnrltoltora.ciiit iron tun! Itrrak m j.ituiuptt In Ittfii.rur llircihliiR srniii nuIr ra,cMnr ion nil it now infill u on n largo flfnlo for rrcekliiff on trcnklna cnnl llsfiV i ml n In ft ntlnlhW ifirfl. enulhi l rliteil completewlttiilotible nclTnK Tor.-liiff pumps, ni kinds of inlllBrntlnsln.l house eatl s blade tn order! , .,,, nniiuiuK win, niynqririo sir-ea oi pulleys unlsiio villi hanger Iron plaulli dona, say lillleel loua; n. kinds or Iron urnlrR heavy picas and other screw turned with any desired pltrlinOhrend, Thebest Ilmtffl) Iron tlireshlnv ar.irhiitea . thill cniiiebcrbrulliapublic.cnsl Ifnniml .n,liiuui..liln. Inndetonnleri l.ovor power, il.ain or tread lower mane loiorocri iiiKoiaiesDrdotimMlierollowlny iua ff reitby the ratenleelorltsoitial, it will grindlri nood nnnmoalS. litlShrlsln bne liAnt, a I. a .n7,i ....i.....' Also imii and elcva. tursnll In nl Jar.nlsoltilipsl.'s I'n.m ii,.,,m.. eclby-O.n llarrl,c Uo.,hq nionl nowo'iful mower now ill usn wlllllhelrnt siiinunt afnowcr. nnnorwlilrli Wllliioputln use at thn I'oitndri for cthilililnh nAiii. thnaboye works w I lino warranted tolio what I'hA.J . sold lor. ' ' AIo Tako orders Tor r Stott'a rntsnt lUfirksinllli them InthecoiinliPsolCohirh. tlandJ.vcominK.eulliron ami Htrikeriondrlalitslo use tl bin, Moiour.Noriiiimnorland,LveominK, t-ii M iron anil vinivuii , uiig ui iviiii.iii.uii ne spen ni uiv snap Mnrh aa.lBSO. nioomsbii. Columbia r , Dr. J. S. Houghton's GREAT CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA. T"rci,X,.ro?,S0a".,,lr.cei)R.HouonTwrs Juice, Prepare.!, from t Rennelvor the fouith, a uircriiunsoi u.iron lite, big, tbogreatPhysiolug leal Chemist, by J h- j rou!tnion,i,i, u , Phi la dutphia.l'a. ThtfisNaturc'sown Remedy for an unhealthy Pt mnrt, No art of man can equal 1 la cdratlVe'powcrs. 1 1 contains no Alchnhol ,l.ltU rv .Acids, nrNhusnous Prugs. It lnxtrmely sgrcenble tothetasie.nnd may Lrilakenby the moslfeebl.e patients, who cannot cat a wntercrackcrwlthnuiacute dlslrrsa HcwnrtofUrilggtd Imitations. Prpsln is not a Drug Cn'lon the Agenti and get a Descriptive Circula gratis, giving a largo a mount of Scientific r.vli'rnce. froniLicblg's A nlma 'LbimiUtry ,Dr.Conihovrhiib)ogy T(aper,,ofNcw York Uitiemityj Prof) Duuglit-on's v oiogy; rroi. Aiiiman,ni 1 airi;niicpee;iir ;nrpen tei'sPhyslologyj fee, tOEelhef with' reno'rtsof Cuies from till paltsnfthe United Maca.- Koldby V..V, Lutz and J. R.Moyer, Utoomsburir n, llowmnn llcrwjck. Ocl3, 1835 iy. BloomsJuirg Tinware and Slovc Storo TIIH undi-nlgncd rfuprclfulty hifurms his oid'fricnd nnd customer, that he hni pit rehired hm broihtr tn terra t In the above eBUhll-hinentiUnd lhc coiicernwt herealterbe cnuduclvd by hium-ll cxrlusively. He ha Just tecelved and oilers fur sate, t lie larcostnii tnoit ptrjnlvn nssOrtmfnt of PANUV STOVli SHoVer Introdiiepd Intotlils nuirket. Hit ntnek couists of a complftonssnrlmrut ol e bthesl Cookingniid parlor stoves lu the market, to theger with Mlove Flxturesnf every description, oven and Uox6ioves, Radiators, OylliidcrStoves, Cast Iron Alr-Tigh SLovex, O.innon sJlovrn, &c he, dtovepit pcaud Tinwnrer.iitsiauilj'nn hnnil nttil ninn hfacturcd to order,. All kinds, of repairing douo, as usual, on l,ort uotieij. Tho pntrqnngenf old friends and new customers re spcolfiitlysoticitid, ' A. M. RUPUUT. ooinsbiirg, Jan. 2, 1854 tf di Avise's CHEAP YVATCIIi.JliWr.LUY STOKE. No. 73, North Hcooud Street, OITOSITB Til C. MOUNT VCRNO.V IIOURn.l'll I I.A Ooldl.evcrWaicliesrullJewclled 16R Cuses , 9'Je u Bilver do' do r.' nu do I.epine do II 110 Uuartler, . 3 uot o 7 uu UoldSpeelacles, 4 Sill o ID Oil oilvcr do i 5o SilvcrTnlileSpoon, persett, 14 outolBOe u ufien no no o i!it,i 1 1 oo do I'on do ,i ii ?si.. t OoldPensnndOoldCases, 3!5to 500 no Hilver do otj Togetherivltb n variety or line fiold Jewelry ,Ool ur.GourilmidFobCbalns. Al I Condi warrant,.. ti .. i. tlspresentvcl. Walcbos nnd JciYclryrcpnirrt'Jnili brslutannrr , II. Alliidcrsonlhvbviiinllorolherwlii..u,ni,.- piiuctiinlly.tttendedtn . ainvernhprlv Ifill. 1 117.17 AND R. Omnibus R. Line rPIIE nnnprsigneil rospeetfully inrorni.s 1 his friend, ami the public that he h.ik tnki-n be F.rchnnee Haiti. In llliioinsbilri!, Inrntcd rin aljln Hlreel, diieclly opposite tbe Court llousn. ubiih ha. h, ,. I Ii roil s til y repaired anil improved, tvlii'rc he is pre. pared Iu arcninmodnle liisciistoincrswiiliiOiid lare .inn i,, K.-,ii-i 1 .iiniar 1 11111 , lie also lias In connection wilh Uii" llichane II n. lei, an cicclleni OMNIBUS LINE, runnlnereirularlv Ri'trrnl tlmi-s hit .to nn.t rmm the llppoton llin nrrivnl nfthe Cars, by birh passi'iii;. n ivinuu picasaiiuycotiveyeillollin I)tiol sintlon,oi lakenfroui nnd ri'liiriipil to llielr residi'iicrs, irdesirnl. C5" llewill ntwnybe happy to etitrit.nn anduccoiii uodate Ins friend In llieiumnsl oflilvalillili's. PliTlill IMI.I.Ml:! lilt, Provritltr, nloiusbiir)r.Aptll,i.iB3ii y. S 1'EAM GIUST MILL. RfflIIE undersigned ia,i inrusuro tn an. n (luncl 11 glut heir friend sand tiicpubiieat large. ilia I the v h.avo)stected and pun 11 nr-H.:n tuccese Wlioretlicy nretnaklnp theverybet;nl I'lour I ntlie liorlcslti 111 e audi nlcnd sell Jug til the lowest price a The rear efir run of lliirw i 11 this .Mill, orotic fpi l,v !tcani'!owf all pet forming 10 perfection, a ml? rinding abouitlilrtykushelsof grnln per hour. The lloiirmade here lias been examined by the best orjudges. and pro. nou need osuperiorartlcle. Wei nvilu our,i r lend. local a ud examine for themselves . irVOrilersforlloiir,ehnp,rced.&e.,tliankliillj received anu 111 ic Hon 111 emus ire-asuuuiiiL' con unions N . II, Casli pnidforfifiiiii .; fOWLKtti CIICVKLINO ' Pspytnwn, Ji.1y9:t,lPS3 Spring and Summer GOODS' Itl'Kelvy, Kisal &CO, HAVIN'O jusi ri-rnved ana opened their stock o iiMircnamlize for s?nrlnii sales, which toinnr Infill In LAUGUVr.CIIErEar, nnd llNDHOMLST assort incut now offored iu this TOWN 1 Hrtvintf pnidprrat attention to tlif irliciion of Huir eiitire stork, ns tn pricenml quality, they (latter theiusc.vcs that niey ran compete with the chtajiett, nnd allthose wlsliine to buycliejp, can save money by Riviug us a cull. We have all kfndK floods and Wares to supply th l'eoplu, A vtny lafgo tot of I.ADIKS' DRKSS GOODS, Fjcnch A.erruocs.WoolPlalds, Alparns, Itombarli.i's, de ha Lie 1'oplJus, r.iramctta cloths, Moliair Lustres, Mutlin Ue Lainesi feisian clolbsGliiglianif.Oalicocs, VHITC OUODS OF ALL KINDS, Pleves.Ooltars, iiainiKerciiieig, nouncintfs, uanus nnu triDiuiiiij ,'nri'ai,,Iod,(,nB,'l,(M,"ci rl11' ont iu tafuarieiy, vol vet ribbon.,, iind braits,!;ir'.,cotloM,auU lisle threud 1 Wo Inviteourfrieitds and the public generally to ' ilve us a cal I before purchasing eluev, here. Wehnvo hough tour goods nt Lowest Cash I' rices, and will not 1 bo un ersold by an body, or the rest of man kind, I McKKLVY. NKAL !i CO. nioveM. itio nil in ma. ttt Illoon. bure. Marrh'.'l 1P.17. 1'JIliKNOLOGIAL CABINET. FOH'LKKS, VIKLLS &, CO., riiiu;6.'OLor.if;Ts anii ruDLiBiiuns, 1 i!31 Arch Street, below Seventh ; 1'hil.a'J. i ri. Turnisli al I works. on riireuolocv.rbv.iuionv I (Nt J- WalerCure.Masnetlsui, and I'hoaosrnpliy, ( 7 ' ...i,iiu,i.,I.Bin,H'BI,pini;, , Z rroressionalesamin.itioiis, with charts, nnd lull written description) n ehajactex, day ami I" May I'.MBSS.-v. Pennsylvania Mblel 1 r 'in o wen nown noieii aieir sei uvuim i& , S'1'". 'h1'1 ,",,""ll''lm mxii nine ii oy 1110 uuvcriuir,AVi 11 pre- uaredthacrninmodatc travsllcrsand s luuzers' , u the best manner. -The house has I eji thoroughly 1 Ivcrhauled.and j now reliued up; and furuibhed lor 1 0'iVlVSVI,iVrl....,.i6U.. wl, nurse. I ffA liiieral.bjteofllio jiublic patfouaeJs respect , GEOUGIl IV.FUEBZi: BaiwJIIeco. 59, )63J Dr. Francis C. Harrison. WOULD respectfully Inform the cltlicnenrilloame burs und vicinity, that he basromiiiencedtheprac tleol ,MDaiNiaiidboRCsRy,uiid solicits a share o nubile nutrouuirn j , Jn, on ii 1 1 1 .ly.liu founJadlieliiclinueo llolelopposlte (Jourt House. Uieem.bur:,' Feb, 3, lt::i. ROSENDALE CEMENT. TJKRKONrt wlibin- llosenilule I'rinenl can find ,,bn jl caning on llie subscriber at Unpen I'u, J. II. IIAUMAK, luiuprrillion iiSliJSM Ji" '..'( li j js a r 1 -row n srMaaj&ru Of nllom ese the treat, nrUno Pprini lima liele:( or Namra's Ftins, uili.M.-n v-ii wi.E.VAcim,1,flayA.iANrnEi,,,Ai.r.BTA0,;8 OF J5E0E!T D18EASHS j.r ,. . v,. ,,.., . ,. uui s rj nu i-f rVf?VeJ !!MSJ" Httllitv. Stricture: (Jltdt, Orer,l. iJMWttiiUtriHMWtk Mit4 nd Midi., 'iHf Ithtuntnnt,,. ,",-. .1 .i. ' ' I AUn, nUutit tf IU Impc, nrta,ent and J.vrr. Vlreri vpqh thjltcin ar..Mh.. ,,. r.V Irpllc ,iu,-ifi IvJshJm,,, ,t tuWouiailiincr! ildi HI NeUook'Tternllllag, l,o, uf M, hrorl'.'L! of ri.Mi f.Ueiiernl VYeiikinea, Dimness ,or,yi,iun Willi peculiar pots nppeatlhtl'llire Iho'eyeii'lflrWiirBitha Wakelulneit, liypipln, l.lteri Uisinrc, qrn ,iihb opoiilhe IICO.l'l jiiioii the lico.l'alu In the back and head, IViUle It' S"larllles' ami nil l ni if lijipmpcr ill(C,bsr(as from .boili yl ffu)n what tauip tne 'dlsi asa " ,r" " "?' "V orlginattil, huueirr. )onj ivirinilii,r or obstinate in.,. Il n I rltorert ' firiala, and in n shprlrr Iihp than roruiiliienl cai'e I in bo elite LrM livnnVYilher irenlmen even altrr , the ilii arivlios I iiflli-it llin kill nl imliifi b I'I'J'I'lan, anil leslsltil nil llielr nuafis of'tilrer-'l'lio ' ssf slid sicb nrplcnsantm illinut odnr, callilng no sick ness ami tree irnni mercury or Imlram. During twenty "l I'tllCe 11 lute reiciiuU.frcm Ih, laus of ! ft,,lDve mciitiotictl diieasts had bfen given up to die hyl i ! ",,r !M,y an? M,u,h "nrrnnts me in promising to 1 11"5 an,lclfcJ n,"f HiFirisflvpg iimlfrpmy i I'enin many iiinuaiius,ui, in me last usees nf.tho. rare, n perfect and moil r ppfdy rUrc H;rril ultttm-s , are tl e greatest enemies to hmlth.ns they ftre tho lint cause ni consumption, fcrnlii'a nnd many other Cfa raes and sbould U a terror to tbtf liiniani&mUy, as. a permanent cure l rcarcily cAcr rflcdtd.a thnjorllr ot thn coles falling Into .the hinds of, jntompctf nt persons, who not only foil to curt (be 'dlncases Imi ruin ilincoiiMituiion, illlinj the systf 0ihliu mercurv which) with the di tense, but tens tbe FulTenr' into a Ira phi Loiisiiiupiion. -ilut ihoiiltl me dinenre and tho treatment not, cause death speedily nnd the vltlim nnmirs,-tlHj ait.enstf.lsl enlnilrd upon 'tin children, wlioore Loin with ret-blo conitllntloiis, nnd the current of ItfV ttfiiWy' iina mum iirtmjK jrrcn in rrnuuin, jcuck iicers, trupt lor.r nndnlhi-rhirccti6nscrihe-tVVIr., eyes, thiost; and Lunjn, rntaillnp upnu Uiuu n brief existence of su tier i up pud ri-iinlpnliift lbem lo nu tarly rrne, BCLriAULl.iqiuioUicrfuriiildabienif in) liihealtht fomnlhlng drr In the dread ciilnloaue of human dis ense-catfses so destructive ti drain upon iho ivystrm. drawins tta thousands of vklims through n few )carg of kiitrerlbfi down lo nn uiillluely grate. It fltiro. T the mrvous t)Hfin, rapidly uastts away the eni isiffl, of lite, mures luental urrs iipi int- nl, prti nis thfoptiof devclopii PHl of the rysiem, iHriunlilirs ler marrbccK snrieiy. burlursF, ami all eaithlyliTippltiris.niid int a, tho sullcrerretkd In body nml D.iiidiJlii-dUpOiwfJ io. consumption it ml a trulii of oils m feolie dtiarftit thin deatlwtst If, VIh the fullest fconfidtiinHidVsufe, the unfortunate victims nlr'eir.Uuse that n jimnanri,t. and fpeedytirc can he cttrct:d, and.wnb lfr lmnioBn ineui'uf riunoui practices ir y put ic lilt can be ristorsa to rrbusl, igorons luulili, , tJ 'I be nlHicled are cautioned opnlnti tbe nso nf rmVtii Aledicims, for Ibere urn fo iiiany fhceni upthnr.s In the coliiisuk of thn.pi.blir Lrlnnjo. catch aniloU.tbe unwary suderern liuit lullhotis bnve thill' conttitli lions luined by Ihc vile compound n'l quae), doctor 1 ur the eiually polconciis imniiums end?d ns Foleiit Alcdiclncs.' 1 have cirefulfy aiialjxril1 many f-flbt so-tolled l'ateni Medicines uud hinl lflnl nturfy nil vt t tin iu cciitain Corrosive tMih.in.i.'e whirh1) oiirbf ' I In strongest pteparalloim ol inrrrur) and n deadly polnoii, whifli itirtread of Curing the divraie niiabtei Hi.- tsjHtim lor life. , Three inurtlis of the patent noKiriims 'rjow' In use are put lip by nupriiicipiid and ipncrnn, persons. v)io do not uudrrsiniid een the nlpbabct til thr' niittia in edtea, ami are iquMly os deatttuie ol :ati knowlidiu nl thn liuhian system, having one object only i ti tltw, .ml thui to niLke moiif-y r,csttl.'s lil.roiisiiui I'.cis. Irn tiul.iritlt s hihI all liUoinTs uf ihali ond fi Matci trcuiMl nn princtple etQtdlh(db twuiiy turgor prartire.undiiuLiioiied by ihoiirnJiits of lhc umtt rt iiMihAtile cures. .'MtMilciticB vfitlr full tDlt-rtltfus scut to tiny jiiii t of Ihe Unitiii States or Cniindm, by n t leu It romifiinittiiing 11k Ir tyiiiptnnis byinitir.' llusf1 nets cfrreiipoiHloiitf nrlrllj coiihiicnt ml Aidr, ' J, ttUMMLKVILLU.'M.- VWl Uilicf. 1131 FiLstxi stun, (iilcJ No. llti.) I'iClow Twelfthf Fhlladelphiii,- l a. July.JJ, J857-(MarclM) IMPOUTAOT DISCOVEHY I CONSMirilOlV, AND ALL IJIBI.A&K3 OF T.IU LUNfiH AND TIIUUAT are poajtlvel) curablo by li.Jiiilntiou, whith conteys the nineties to Ihc nvilir-n in the iunjji tli rtti li the nlr passuses, and coming Iu dirul couiart with Ibu diieafcu, neutraliZ'S lne KibrriuUr multvt ,ull.iya Ihc coul.1i, cntisi- a lr e and, asy eipi i torntloi, li als tbe lungs, purjl.es I tie Moud, imparts rtii. t it Haliiy lo tliu iivrvoun j'jvtrm, fiiviug (but to iit iiudenerity so indipei)rabli' for tli; reitu'ratmn Of henlih, 'lo Iwj ultlu to fctate' cuittidentl) Ibut Cotiulup lion it curable by i n halation, is In me a souri e t.f i.itl ln)ed pli uture. It is n hjiiIi umb r'Ihe rnbtr) flt HiLUiiiil trenlmei.t ns miy otlirr foruiikiible ilitiunt-; ninety oiii of every hundred rsr ei tun br run i in n.c lirpi ffnes ami lilt) percent iu the r-ftotut ; but in the third floife it is imptsblble to hw.imhu iLun Avr its rent , lor tt.e lnuf are so cut n p by tbe 1 1 tt- u, lo bid defiatico in mfdiralsktll Ltfit,iiov,tei in lLo lit t r-inL'i's. Inh.i laliiin slbinlH rxltt omMihh nlui m tto siilb rluj itituinlitij I hit If-btlul a-riiiiriiviiirli kit nuawy iirftiro.. nineiy no iikiiiihhj pfnii In lit Uniii-il Stales ulo nt ; nml n corn ci ralrulHii n ln m thut ol tho prcfiiii iiiu Union of IK iflnli, ciehi niiL lion i ii n ilertinctl lufill the rMiuMUipIlt iVrriitv 1 roly Ihf quiver ( ihmiIi i,a no uitt.v. tu isttrl b t'omtuitiiilHMi, In nil 2f ii hav l.ri n t jri si mk ii. of Ulff ttt r it fp.ir.rs nt itbt r i:e ur-r at i, I pi ty 1 1 1 uffnlike the btnve, tin U'liutilul, I be crsct In I, antl iLn gifted, lly i In- ht-ip of tba I Miprt i-1 elrtj- 'ft n. wIh.iii conn tli every pooii and perlc plfl, 1 aju -i.t,blnl lo oilr lo the attlltted a pMiusnent andtpiuiy turcin CoiisiMiiptiou. 1 be flr.t cni.rp i.f lul.i rr h i fri m in. pun blood, and lhc Imiiifiliale iflert, proilNretl b th ir iti porltloM In lhc In nps, H to pref.'iit I In frrtr &tliii'i(.u of nlr inlo ihr nlr cells, vWiitlicaiHetn Minki iM ti iu litvihriu-li the mtirc sjricm. Thru nmlyiii. moro rniioiialtoespcci u renter crmdirom ititifirhif enirtinf lhc cuv Mies of the luuw I linn from. (hunt. sdpiii,ii.ieM d ui rout; ii piuiunf ti ; inr pniico t v hi sm a p nnd I he I iuil's fn-e nml Urn hn sthinu ear-y alter inliniinr nn.-. dieit, '1'liiis, Inli.ilatioit Ih n local remedy, nrTCill Irsa it nitRConbtilutloiinlly, and with moru pemr and rrr. fiintv than remedies admhiUlerrH hy Die tiouiarli Tn prove uir iimciini nnu oirrri iniiiirnrf Ol j niotlr it uitim ii ltlr:i I mn, chlorolfirm inhaled Villi iM'tnly d ftroy s nuil-ility in a few uiiniilei, p.iialzlnjr tbe en lire mrvons Mftcm sttbata I in. I. may be amriuialrd illiout the r-llshtcst pain : inhnMiij; the ordinary burn. " i ' ' i "in i m n it Jiuuri, 'llm Inhnlal Ion of nnnnoi.ia will reuse iJie sjsIcm win' ti fa in 1 1 iiff or apparentlv dead. Ihcoi'm of nitiy of tho mcdielneH la prrreptlhle In tbe sslu a It'vr ni In utes nfier btinp ti.hnlfd and nay be immerlialely r'c lictcd in the blood. A ronviurfnrproor of the r-nnMi-liillonnl ellrcts ofiuliulntion.in the fact that sick ntta i always produced by- brenUiinji fi-ui nlr. Is nnl'tbi? positive evi-b""CM t fiat proper rpuiid.tn(rnipuly pro pared nnd Judiciously nduiiulMered lhrmifli'ihe lunfes nhould produce h mos.1, happy resiilif I Iti ri rirr eujh teen ycirs' prnrllre, many ilirHuniii's stittcnnp rrorn, diurapet of the hints and throat. Inve bceii under my rnrc.and I have e fleeted many remorkablcctires.'et'rn alter the sutftircrs had been proiiouncrd in the Jait slaces.nhirh lully satiilles me (hat conmimplion Is tin lonseru fatal illacnse. My treatment of eonaumplioii is original, nnd founded on lonpxpericnrc and a tlm rough iuvemication. My perfect arquriintsiifft Willi Itieuatuieof lubrrctcs, tVc., cnablea me in iliniiiFiiWli . readily, Hie inrlous forms of il-teate that vimulate consumiiion, nnd npply the proper remeoien, rarely hem- mistaken even in a single fine 3 Jilst farLiliariiy, in rnnntcllon wilh certain polliDlofriral and mirtoarf pic dieovcrioK, er.ables mc to relieve the lung... from, ihc rfll'fts nf contracted clicslt; lo enlarfro lhc fhftj pnrKy the blood, impart Iu it renewed vitality, 'chine cm rey and tone in (be InUre tystem. Mc .iriiipB will, lull I'irtitipns sint tapi ri'rt rj tho linlie I fll.ni'i andraiiai'nH by palfrnf con'munit caiintf tlinlr s)mpirims by Idler, Jlut iho cure Kould he more cerium if t(ie pain r.t should fay nm n visit, wired would pivo nu nn opponunity to nssmine tlm liuiss nnd enuhle $n lo prescribe with mut h crrater ecit&iuty, ami j)(ri llio cure tould bu clRclcd wllhcut' my been g tho pniientncnin. 't OW CRAIIAM. MI D,, ' Offic?, 1 131 FlIPkPT btrer t,(o!d Nn. 107.) , i.i "(:ll,w;ii:"eini,',vl,iIaJeP,airaW' Jnly j, J?57-(Mjrcn 4) - J i I . . . . i , i . tnmv LIQUOR STORE. . SO. 133, NORTH TII1P.1) BTRMT.IYl (In the L'aple HuiMings, Mbove Race St.)' Philadelphia. TJli; uivlur?if!ucd bepri ' itve to inform hitlriends nndt the public, tint he has openedauienHc v .LIQUOR HOUSE, ! in the Uajln niilldia(..JVo. I3i, N.J.I 8t, asalnvei, where he will be liippylo' supply Merrliants. Hotel' keepers, and tuiou,i. teiu rally, itb (hu 'choictstv liiauds kept Iu I'liiladclpha, ,.i ....s WILLIAM MtOIMT.. March 7Ui, lfi;. y. JUST RECEIVED' AT OUR NEW STORE, NO. 1 MACkORIIL for 4131 per barrel, and other... In proportion,. ,lso, a lic.li sapfly nl'Buenr,. ".'f.'.i "'"r.6- Also, a new supply of WU Pat r.iif.llli.iM.il styles , which will hi sold low. V,r IMT. ''"y,IIAKTAMN, WESTEKK JIOTKIi, a. 0, 11, 13 and 15 OourUan'a. Nos, it 'it'teci, NEW YORK. i '-'-I.' D. II.WI.NOIIUSTKIt. TIIOS. n. WIfiOIIEfTEIl My3,.l85B .....'WlNOI.LtiTKU, ALEXANDER KERR, ' ' " IMI'OIiTCIt ANIi wriOLUSALIl DllALIIll IN M'wiix. NO. 3i SOUTH 'WUAUVKI, i'llILAIlBLl'lirK, A.hloii's nno Llverpiioi ground Turk's Island and-1 Ilalrj Salt, constantly un tnnuanii for'saie, In lute, lo. suit Iho titidg. ALCXAN'lJEIlfc'li1!!1," April 1, it57-f.nr OLIPHANT, WOODSIDE &.CO. . Importers and Wholosalo Doalors' in .WllH.il UHW VllllUi.XI no, 4iw irtn si. auovo Fourlli, l'lIILADELPHIA. IMUii'iHNT. J Wooniiuc, UEuA!cUnJ. April 11, lEJf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers