gTolmnbia gOcmocmt, A I. KM It. T A 'V Ki ttOOA.ll KDITOK. . m,,,'. -i. 3 Tllwr.Vtmrr Ontnlinr 34 TRK7. i RELIGIOUS NOTICES Divlno fcivices vyill bo hold in Mooro?;,! burg, lo-in6rrpw, (Sunday, Oti, 24tb() at Iho following Cliurcbca i Prckbjcrittn Chilf. Itsy) D. J Wai I,er. Servicorit 10 o'clock, A. M. .Enlsconal Church. IlKV. 11. aULLlnaE. I SorvitW ,t 10 o'clock, A. Al., and at early cattulc-ligut m tlio evening. Mdhodist Church, Service at 0 o o'clock, 1 M., in tbo Court House, Church.- -Ifcv.R.A.SiiARncirs. Service at 10 o'clock, A. M. t8r Workmen' bayo been engaged, dur Ing tlio past weeb, in erecting luo Tovyn Clock, on' the belfry of tho Court House. tegr 'iho thing that oxhiMtcd in tho Acad'eray, in tbia place, on Tuesday even log last,' was a .rogular humbug. jay- On Tuesday las', wo wcro 'visited with tho Drat snow-storm of tho season. In tho evening it fell to tho depth of near ono inch, iu Uloomsburg. ' " 1 jar; Tlio Election (ia over, and' wp aro clad of' it. Wo. shall now resume tho pub lication qfa moral, literary and family paper. tfi Tho seoond year of the Columbus Male and Female Academy, commenced on last Wednesday, uudcr tho charge of Prof, II. D. Walker, A. M. SST Wo issue tho Columbia Domo.crat, ooo day ahead of time, fu' order? to givo tho hands employed iu our office, an 'op pojtuiity to visit the Fair. tiST Sumtneri is past und colli bleak winter is it, band. Wo would therefore Bay prepare for iho chap by calling at the fitovo waro room, of Mr. A. M. liupcrt and purchase ono of his excellent stoves, lie lias all bhetf'and pattcrus-rpriccs tp suit iho times. iiffif" Mr. T.'W. Kahler, has moved his Rky-I.ifibt Ambrotypo Wagon, to lllooms burg, with tho intention of giving our cit iicns an opportunity, "to secure tho shadow ere tho substance' fades." His stay iu Ihn place id limited, and therefore all who wisli a eky light Aiubrotype, should call soon Jlo intends cl HngJ up business for the winter, t.ui willdpo.-oof hid pictured far iho low price of 70 ccuts a picco. StST In ordinary times the "innrriages''' aud MeathV in tlio newspapers uutucri cully atiout bulunco oach other. Of lute, however, tho former have grown .small by lcgiees and beautifully less but death nbout hold liia own in spbe of the pres sure Tlio truth is wives in these days of hi Iks and satins, llouuco;, humbugs and hoops, arc come to be a luxury beyond the ret'eh of a common mans muaus, und henro Jiko most other luxuries, they must be dis pensed with. 'She Columbia County Agricultural Fair, which ta held in tliis place on Thurs day ami Friday, of this week, iim well tttended, Tho cxlulition of btoek was of the'first quality, and a very largo number cnfeied.for competition and exhibition. Tbo,mcchauieJl aud agricultural implo mcrjts wcro well represented as was also tho Ijadics Department. There wcro quite a number of Quo specimens of Fruit, ifcc, exhibited. tST An opportunity is now extended to nil tboso, who wish an Amhrofjpo of the first class, to call upon our frieud, Mr. G, W.' WAQNEn, u tho Exchango Mock, liloomsburg,' His pictures for durability and lifo-life aro not to bo excelled. Wo understand that Mr. W., will remain with us, but a few days longer, and wo would advise those who wish nn excellent pic ture) to call soon. His prices aro very reasonable, bciiig from 70 cents up to' 1'ivo Dollars. tSf AVc have just cxarriiocd a couplo of Carriages, 'manufactured at the Carriage! Establishment ol Mr. fi A. Wilson, who intends exhibiting thorn, at tbo Columbia County Agricultural Fair, and for which, wo havo no doubt a premium will bo award ed. Tho workmanship executed upon .these Carriages, far oxcells anything of the kiod that wo havo ever seen. Tho painting and striping, exoouted by Wm, Sands, a master-workman of Philadelphia, is of itself a sight, worthy of a bight from the near-sighted. Tho Trimniiiig.cxceuted by Messrs. BursHLEn. & FrsiiRit. shows conclusively that tho hand .of work-men have been upon them. t&" Tho nows of Hpuk. failures, old and rcliablo firms smashing, railroads having sheriffs sales, indiviiljials 'bustiu' up,' and all sorts, of, djro calamities in thj financial circles aro chasiog oach -other over "tho telegraph wires as hard as tlwy can, and busy lingers aro putting tbom in typo, tho swift steam presses aro rolling out tho pa porswith tho nows, anil tho iron horso convoying- thcru'bither ; but still Notwithstanding this confusion, And this terrible commotion, J j Qnjbo great flnaucial circles, wo will send tho,,'Columbia,Dcmocrat," to wjbscriters at (ha, umali rales; Special Notice. I - - ES-nrsAtii reaom vn afflicted, iieadiii II. '1'. Ilelmtiold offer, to llib afflicted lilt Genuine Ttc rnirntlonfFliiliir.straclHucliu.wlilcliliaiaccunpllihrcl h molt extraordinary rurei of nil other ilmlUr rnie- tliended llclmliold's Genuine rrrpnrnuon," 4 Rfar The lveVeTcC'&ivmFulul orthe National safely Company, rfolaiK meet,' nntti iwostcomcr'of7lrij street, Phl.nlelphla, now liaa nrnrly Oait Million tun llauof Dollar nil in R"i. RiTSTr, Mortaois, GRooaD Uknts, nnd oilier Aral class sccurli ilea, to the benefit ti.dwositnrsl Eh THOMAS Wi MATTSON, the True Medal at tho Wpld'il" fcilr In LnndJil, 't&M, (or trunks, eARrfet, nAcslUooti.lihoes niiiifju, a and punu. Grrnlin'lu.emeriU.renow iillcrad tnpiirchrisorl oftlio ialiovoartlcllrilfliHll riiuelitlielitrgc'st ttockoVlrnnka', Carpet lings','., In, Philadelphia ,vcry cheap, or cmli, Manufactories: 130 Market ISIrcct, S, W. corner, nnd 173 Market street, 8 n. corner nf Fourth. trj-A COUL REFLECTION. "For every inlle'tnat we leave tlie mrlaco ofour earth, tho temperature folia flvo degrcca. At forty Ave miles dlitanea from the globe we got beyond the nlniospherc,jaiid enter strictly speaklng.lnto Ilia regions orspaco.wno.o lempcraiure la 225 jlegrce. below eeio, mid here cold reigns In all parte. mo jenticninn nng weni " Deyunti me uv lOiphare, and bold tho thermometer In tho "regions of apace," line alncc lit at return declared that thq next cooteat thing Is. a, auit of llioscllght,eleeantnnil grace. ut aummerclolliea. which have rendered Ihe fashion able Emporium or Granville Blokes'. No. 007, late 203 Chestnut atreet, famous nn thll terrltorl ilorb, rj- WIHTC TECTII, rnRfUMEf) BIIE.ATH ,AN1) nEAUTlFUL, COMI'LF.XION-cnn lie acquired by ualn the "Batn a TOewand Flotcers." What lady centlcnnniwould remain under the curaeofa dii egrecatila breath, when, hy uaing the 'Ualm or a TiiocaaND rLoutaa" oa a dentriflcef w.old not only render H eweet, but leave the' tcilh uhlto'.ai ali terl Many peranna do noijknow tlfc'ir breath la bad, and the eobjeel la 10 delicate (liia't thqlr frlenda frill never mention Hi Hunaro of counterfeit! Be auro each Utile la algncd . ruiiuuui, V.U.rll, I tl-WORTH. UCMUMCIlltlNll.-Bnnririn.i: tho eitract iheteof,, is ,a (avotlto prescription with rhiny of our licit phyilcLinn.ftud nt tlilfi icason largely UiL-d to purtfy IU blood, and itrcnolhen the cotntilu tion. Tlio prepttrntlon nianurnctiiril hy'Mr.'Iliirley, of T.aulHVlllo, Ky, i uniteraly ndmhtcd luporlor to ny lli..t lias for years been offcrrcd to tho pu'iltc, and the largo and hretsing demand fully Juntrfks tlio asicrtion. It ( used with decided adrnutngo In Scro fula, Uyspci'iin, Mvcr Cimplnlnt. llronchltif, Cutane ous tWseaite, and all o Hot t ions orislrig, from. an Impuro or weakened condlttun of ihe blood, JAt no ono bs deccivvd lulu nilng nnytMticr. ZT A .MAUIXIUI'IUUU OUT UOM fti VvTnaTu7u" UHilysunpoicd Ayur'a Cliorrv Pcctnrat rn iho Ultima Tliulu In itN line, and that notjiitig had lo"n or would' bo invented Wfjich could kurpan U.lnjtsriue pointti of excellence it a mediclun. Hut wo aro coulidentty as fliiri'd by ttione competctil to Jut1go16h'tlie fiubjti, lhA( lla. Avkr's new Vill excel in high incdiral artistry even lb a l widely celebrated embodiment of I1I0 skill. ' He hai su receded In making thpiii not (.nly pleasant to take but powerful to cure Ihe large c Inst of complaints which require a purgative remedy . Zaneo(ir Jlgu -wvwws Limillt PUO.M A WJ2LL KNOWN I'nYBIuTAN! Havibiuil, Mais-, JunJ J.JWC, H. W. Font it & Co. Gentlemen Wlnlu mitTcrirtg from UvflpepsU some )car ilncu, and trying almoit every thing for lis removal without any benefit, I was accK dcnlallyjed Unmake uo of the ,Oiygenattd Bttttn, and after a short tiial if them, found my health Im proving, and in lime mtfdtstate raditalty removed. Sluca tfien I have used them Iu my practice, and generally wiili good success. 1 know of no medicine so well adapted to the cure of I)tpepala, in many if Its aggra1 vatcd forma, I liavc seen the most stubborn casr, which had resitted almost all tho preparations com monly used for Indigo tion, 3 leld ai by mnglc upon the adminittrutlon of a few doses of tliese Hiltc ri. Kucli results have increased my confidence in their mcdiciu;.! power, and strcnglhened my Convictions of their su periority over alf other I nctru iu 1 ma lilies, In thn trtat tncnl of tho complaints for uliicli they uru rcroinni-nd eJ. I would certainly ndilec those troubled with Dys pepsia. ii use tho Hitters, and I nm confident all who do no, will reiip great benefit If th'ru is 110 thug tu cuitra Indicate their uic. A. U rORTUU, Mi . EQUAL ITV TO ALL! r TNIFORM1T V OF I'ltlu'IISI A New FuTuae i KJ lical.HLsa; rery 0ii Att oten (atuiea JUNF..1 ic TO. Of tlio Crnr'.'ti; O lio 1'rlro IJInllililg Smrc, No. SOO Mukvl in.'Ct.aliiivc Sutli, I'hilnili lpliia !! aitdilinn to hav rliiB tne Inreeat, most varied and - , . , , , , . ..... ahhionalile alock . ..imiin.s.iii . .ii.iu. i..iin, 1111.110 eipri'iifcir tor reiai aaiva,nae coiifiiinieii every one Llmu'i, ..intni.ii I.., ...... 1....1 n o o. ... 1. ...... , . eacharlM.. the very loweat pricojl ran ho aold for r they a.iniiot possibly vary all inuat buy nlik Tim joM.ljarp wel ioneeJ iiiiilTrepiiri d,niiil crcal nmn' l.iki.n Willi iIim m.ikiiic ,n Ittfil nil run l.itu will. " he full .-nurture ofgplting a good nrticlc nt the very luwent price. Alio, a l.irge alock of piece gooda on the l.itcal atld4iul heat iu ilitiea, u Incli wilt he made lo order, in tlie moil fuhionahlc and beat manner,? per cent, below cmtil pricea. I tin iiemliet the Ureacent, iu Market, ntiovo Siilh street, NO suu. JOVCS k CO. ItrjI.UOO UIIWaIID WII.I. 111! PAID FOR ANY Medicincllnt will clccl I'ltATT t IIUTCIICR'a MA GIC Oil. for the following dineaiea: Rheuiiiallini, Neuralgia, Spinal Affection, Contracted Jointa.Cliolie , I'alna.ralni In tho tilde or Hack, Headache, Toothache, Ppraini Sore Throat, Cuta, llruises, llurni, and all diseniea of Ihe Skin, Musclca nnd the Claudi. None genuino without the aignuluro of 'Pralt U nulclicr" atlach'Nl lo each label. Principal omca,lWJ Waahing ton mrcct, llrooklyil, New Vork. Sold by C, M. 1IA CilNIIUCII, Druggiil, llloomibiirg. CJ-TIni I have made but ona appli cation of the Magic Oil on luyfingera as hicli have been drawn from contraction of iho rorda, brought on by rheumatism. It'waa of seventeen monllia atanding, audi am now onti rely cured. I cheerfully recommend It to nl I Jftliclcd likewise. J. H. FlNlir.OOK, 11 Loeuit street, llarrisburg. AllgUlt 1, P57 vVNvVVWWVW CC.'A ,CAKO TO TllB I.AUinS.-Oa. UupoNCO'a, Golden r'aaacii 1'iLLa ars infalhblt in rtnotlng stvppagti or trreffularitlfi tifthemtniet. These rnia aro nothing new, but hive boon uied by the Doctor for many years, both in Trance an I Amer en, with uiipnrnilelid succeia in every case ; and ho i urged by many thousand ladies who have tiled them, to make the rills public, for the alleviation of those suffering froui any nregularitiea whatever, ua well an a preventive lo thoao ladies whoso hailtti will not permit in incrcasa of family. 1'regnant lemal ei, ur those suppoing tliemselvea ao are cautioned .igainst uiing tliea e I'll Is, aa tlie propri ctor oasumea no responaih ilily alter tlie above adnio nition, allhougli lliclr in ililbess wuuld prevent nny in jary to health i' otherwise, theio rills are recom mended. Urections accompany each box, i'ric SI. Bold wholesale and retail, by GEOKGE M. IIAGUNIIUL'II. ( General Agent, l.toonlsburg, Pa, II c will sup'plylUa Iradu at tbu proprietor's 'prices,, a;id send Hie I'ilta to Luliea (caaientlaly) by mill oil rucjleipl 91 throhthe tllooimburg Tost O.Heo. ' oTrRloiTNi J.ll'l'INCO'lT & IIUNTEJIH Clolliing Watehouie, Houth West corner of fourth aid Market strcoti, Tlul adalplila. TAaaay OaePriii.Ctelalrtfi' Slai-ii n America Caili purcliasers ol.Meu'aor boy'a 'Clotlinig, at wholesale aHd -retail, can here, make -their selection from au immense atockof fastitouubly cut upd well mode clothing, gotup with aiew lo aakUfaclion to nil, and .11 the vury lowest pisMhle aetling prlco a marked. jijitalnaflguics on every garment, all bilya( llie siuiQprjceiaii'J whether tliey aro judges of goods or not, they rannot bo deciovrd. One uniform low prlcetouik nndtako, saHscver)hd,ly, wile Ihe usual iiiodonf Raking two pricna, nnd taking all thai can bo 'got, suits nobody.nndcheata Ihruu. fourths , fur ir stance a mail asksSJU.foracoalaiid.aflornardsagrei's.lo.tako tlO, and it'.iaej'u'ajly'rfriaio'thnilie.woiiU dnvo taken $13, iflie could have got it, and ll'ius aclaially chat lie puriuase,out of uvadull.iri. feusdy tliis evil and eslabliill conHdenco In the Iratln.LIPPIKOOT Ic CO., A a unlformbetow price on all ilielr goods, (very much b low Ihe usual rates,) and will novjr vary one cent under any clrcumiiances, 1BC.OAI.L AjND BKHa Al (lie Sooth lYm toco if Fourth uiU Naiktl inetl hi r'uoiphli PUBLC SALE - or Valuable Real Estate. IN pursuaneo 6f an Order of tho Or pliaiia' Uou 1 1 of (.'(ilunilla cuini(y, nn Saturday, the pith .;; of' October mxl, and the several tlays Octow tnrtutoncil, At 10 o'clock In the. loreaoon, William Snyder nnd Daniel Enyilir. Vr.i rtilmlnltlmmti, ht. if limn. PavneR, laieof llloftm Intvnalilp, in aatd county, de- ceaacd, wilt capoao to aale,hy 'PUBLIC VENDUE, Upon tbo icvfral prtinlies. tho ful lowing dcicfiJ Real Estates to wir i- On Saturday t Odoh$r,2lhv1 A Certain Tract of Land, eituatti in.Mnd- ! .n tow u hi p actlolnltiff iPtiiti lnle of Jftcob (JiriOn deceit fed, on tlie North ( John llrllar nd Matilih) A. Monro on tho Houth nnd Wetti ltcr Heller mid otlicrf on Iho Vah, containing ONE II UNDUE D & SIXTY-TIlllEE Acres and Six rcrclict. Bt rltt monsuro. Also, On Monday, October 20, A Certain IIouso and Lot of Ground, lllll&Ift III 111" inwn 01 iiiooMliiiirg, lyhift on Hie south f hlti of S-cond utrcet of anlri town adjoining n lui ,of Jacoh Urjterkk. on the South; Andrrw BoIIa' tier t nr. tho Unt an nllcy on the South contalDliiL' fifty ftct In front and in d CPUl Iti lcL. Also, A Certain IIouso and Lot of Ground, attn.ito In Blnompmirir Ivinn on th C South ill dtf of Third ilreet of mid tnwiu ntUolni'K ' t'rosby tcriait mrying the South; Dr John Uainary uii 11m Ilnat. nnd Third ttrLct nl'raid town.nn tli West vnmnlnlng In front tlftyilirce bci, and in deput two nunuicunna iwo ivcv, Also JILo undividod tliiril patt of a Certain jmnA Unlink lltlll I.Ot ot (3 T Ollllll . a llliatfl 111 HtOOnif. ''H lJlirK lylHg I'll IHO WCll IIUV Ml umnrjriui Ulja.aalit town, adjulnlnifh lot ollUirley fcratlv p.rlnm Mm .nil. 1.1 till he 1 CI tlCi II S tO tllQ IIlOO 111 Sllll TlT Hallroail Iron Company on ilia Went nnd n lot nr llurlcv tc Cn'licarl on the South nml Weal, and llrat .,,nil r.l l.n t.m'.l nl II lllnm .hlltff Oil tllO SOIIIU. COII. talnincln irnni, rilty-unelectundindt'nUi onohunilrt'd nud acveiiiytno icet Also, A Certain Lot of Ground, situate In Scott tnwnihlji, adjoin! 115 latnla oC Gcorju Krifsfler nml oilirt on the North ; 1 11 nth M lite lltoomtmrR UmlroTlif iron company onu otnflrv on me couiu cuntniiilns SJ3VBN AOH.ES and Ono Hundred und Twonty-NIno l'crclicl, neat meoauic. Also, On 'lucsday, October 21th Tho undivMcd half part of ft Certain Tract or Lot nf n round, fitnatu in Cattrnvlcai town vliin, county aforesaid, ii'tinoeti on inc norm nj-imt river Sucqtielnnna, oilier liintUpf sulil decpaiffl, mid jogi'pn iVi ficriMvrl)oi mm m b"bhh uihi mum ui ujiiitti a 11 u ma 11, on me nasi nnu wv cumaining FORTY-TU I! EE ACRES ml Thlrlyrourrcrchrs, strict measure Also, Tlie undivided half part of a Certain j rnci or 101 01 iJinu. unuain in vmiaHisia (nwiinnii), nroresaiu, niijtuniue onus 01 u.iniei cnumait ami uiiui Krnni. on tlio North : ami tlie last .ii)ov tlicribtt trac on if nt tMsl.and the river tius'iutlianna 011 the South containing FOURTEEN ACRES and Tour t'crchrioi Land, strict lueamru.. Also, On Wednesday, October 28tht A Certain House nnd Lot of Ground situate 111 Orancfvlllo. O ranee town lt ip atljomi hr 11 lot of Wiito.T Mnriz, 011 Wftt! a lot nf Widow Herring, tm ihe Kant ; Samuel Aclioiil.ncli, 011 tlm boutn, a fid Market slrett ol hat 4 town nn the North, f ontalniitg THIRTY PERCHES OK LAND. l.alo Iho Catale of aaid I'eceiacd, aituatu III 111 lownjuiipa nuu coiiuiy nioresuiu. JACOIJ EYERIjY, Cttrk, CONDITIONS. Thft forecni.'is valuahlo nronertv will ho eold unnn I """" rununiuiiai mi; auaro ui mo yiuow n tho preuiiiLa lo remain In the handaof tin . purr naira diitliic her iinlilral I Ic. tlw'iniereat therwl i ne annuiny and regularly paid tolierhy tho pur cliaai'la. Ihi'ir tieiri and Italians lioldilin llm nrouerlv. 1 andot lierdeccaie li-r aharo, of tho purcliaau money , , ,,,, ,i,e ron. leiii I Iv eniiiled il.ereiu. Ion pcrcHiit,ir the two tlilnUof the purrliaio money to 10 P''l " l"0 day of ealmn'iiB half of tlie half of iho .. . . 1 . ' . . .V .... :. mai nuer 011,1110 nrm u.iy 01 April, a. u.. IojII, u I 11 irrcu iro 11 1110 lai oav 01 April, a. ij.. ifH. 11111 vaieio op coniiiiiieu iroiu day to nay, until a the above dcscrilied lands are sold. UTri T T . t n,,iini, DANIEL SNYDER, Jit. HOVER'S LIQUID IIAlIt DYE, rpllld IIAtR DYUncuili only n trial in snifsfy nllo X Its piYfectiiMi an a Dye, ami iho rolluMinj; lefti iniini.ii irmii m n cminuni Anaivuc iipnini rroics-'oi Booth, ol Hit U. 8. Mini, will only rontinn what thou ennui iidvu prevn'usiy uornc leinmony in. Laboratory jor Practical Ckmittry, aipntifn'a I'liiCu. Msiln.ln. Helns welllQci'Jainleil with Ihe stiLitanccf couinm Jngllovcr' l.l'tnitl Hair Dye, lam valUfn'tl Htattby lu'iutviiig ma iiiiin; mrcctioiis given tar n unu, n will nui injure tlie M:iir ur Hkin.biit tvi 1 1 give a nalu ui aim unrasuic r.uiur hj iiiu iiuit JAMES C. liOOTlU Au? SO, 1837 Anatytie Chemht, ' n ovkr!s v5rriNO inks. INCLUDING HOVnU'S 1'IaUM) anil IIOVCR'S IN- i. DHLIIim INKS, are too well known and Introduced io require nity nddilinnal testimony oftltolr cliaracttr Thi fc.ilei have liei'ti i ncrt'asiiiK siuce their 11 fit imro- micnon, gtvitificvijenco mat the articles intiy poihPi that intrinsic merit c l.iimc) m first for theni by t" jtiainif.tclurer. Ortiers.ndilrrurd to ilia M ami fuel t , No. -110 Ha' Btrcci, above tourthi foia ho. Hi,) Hilailelnhia, will re cn prompt ntteiitio n. JOSCni 13. IIOVCR, AulfSO, 1837 ly aiiiiietiir. F A LjL ARRIVAL Q IL T G3 0 S3 Q Tlin iinderEigned, graternl fur nt pntronngo, re b neri fully m nrftis hia cLitomem nnd Hie imblii eneraliy, ilmt ho ha juu rvccived frin thu Easter it tiii'-u, me mrgrii gnn most teieci stock ol FALL AND WINTER OLOTIIIKG That)U4 yctlififlii opened Ih UloolnsUrir, lo which he inviien mo ntteiitton ot Jin Iriculi, ami ainin-n them mat tneyare oticrcu lor-sa'e at ureni b.irg.iinfl, II BtocK comprises u lare osaortmeiit or (gentlemen's Wearing" Apparel, Connistiht of FASIIIONAUMl URKss COATS. pvery deicriptton; I'ants,. Veti, tihfrts. Cravats Stocki.CotionlUndkercJilofs.Olo!, Suljjcndera, &.C, Gdld Watches and Jtivclryy Of every description. Hntt nnd chean. ' N. II Ke mender "Ixvtulerg's Cheap "iiwnuM." van uiiu ecu iu iiuiko lur anuuiUK umiui. DAVID LOWENUKRO Bloomsburg, Aug Si.--J 657 JK55- A, PHYSICIAN'S LEGACY TO YOUNG MEN. The. clry of a younj man Is Ins strength,' ffrtfin (As Sunday Vupateh , Ac York. Aurt 2. 1837, Our readers are nwitrc Mint wo seldom, if pvur. ro. ro m mend any medical p ulilicai ion ,i f not endorsed by me Yriy mgimi u'uiiuri y. ns stini an m nan re w may mention Dr. Culvskwkll'h tifit. publication en J'er cwhj Debility and other veaknea$e$, tho result of larly imliHtrcliuit, ft is a oi;i but yitluuMe uajuiulilel. Ills prrparalions Ihe IU-oekeriior' nti. "Nirvisk" aro imwcotHidered tlio sole and only ellectual remedies emin H r mv ruinpiainis rrieireu io. " I)a. t'ULVf H.VKLL S BNltL IUiaiNllUlOII AND HOT! Nsnvist; the sovereign remedies forHeiniiial Wenknest. Boxuai ueoiiity. linpou-ncy, Invnluntar) Eniiksions fiUw, &c,,are for sale by most cf llielratungDruisisi in the country. Dr. C.'i l' cbovr, coniuinini; full advice iui iiiu mm ui ricftnai(irillt'il etc.. can io nau lit becure envelope, oy encmainc o tanip to Dr. CIIAULI!H J. n. KMMI!. lit Avenue, corimr lllih btiecl, New York, Il Rox WIIJilAAl J. BHIDLEMAN, 0abblc ana j'aniC03 piAMJFACTl'ltKR, Illooiitsburg Auc. U, 1rS7. EXVlU u, 1 MAfj'KUKEl. furlialn at " i ' IIAttTMAK'8. COLUMBIA CpU.NTY AGiiuliTURAii soeiiw, YttLh ItOI.I) TIIEin SKCOND ATJWUALEXHIBITIOM.AT' & & a 0 -K i$ 3? tt' R j?t ON THURSDAY & FRIUAY, Ootbor 22 & 23, 1857. Premiums to bo Awarded as follows: NO. 1 IIOKUIIB. Iltstp'r cnirhsehorici l Oi)ll-talnlrrlai)horac5 00 Hpcond lietl J 00 S.'fonil licat 11 I UU i linat pair Draft Iloraca no llctt .'olt,3 fcara olj 3 00 Hecoml veal I ounecoiiii ocai " I uii licit Slallinn 3 00 Ileal t!olt, ajrnraolil ami Beror-d liat 1 30 Hticoltif I'CI 100 Heat brood Ataro , 3M)'I Colt, 1 roar o'd still tfartilnl het 1 50 BiCond licit " I 00 Cotiiuitttco.John K. Cvti, of OrrcnWooil.Veiiljti Sera', of Hemlock, Henry li Melick.of Pcott, K, 11, 'Arlliuf.of Illouu,ond F.llaa Kline, of Scott. NO. S-OXr.N.CATTI.K, to. ncatnnll,3yriSiupnaid3no3 beet I 00 Udlicat I 00 1'cal Heifer, 1 loSycara I 00 Ileal Fat Blear 1 00l Halt so Ileatyokc Oino,3 yeara lot Imlt calfunder I yr 1 00 amltinwatd 3 00Sdtiei.t ' SO 8,1 liett I SO holler' calf loo Deal Mllrh Cow ' ' 1 00 111 beat ' " SO CommltLco Neal M'coy.or niaoiwin, Geo weaver. ' lllocmsbitrff. Ilantel Kreiih.ol Catowiasa. Alidrorr Frcaa and Jacob HIM, no. 3-eii:i:r. ni I llnek ' 1 00 let! 2 l'at Weallicn I 00 Sil beat SOMlM'it SO Heat 3 BroBlicei 1 00 Uatp'r lainlia,un'r I yr 1 00 II IHIFt 0U1DVII dU a Ntiitiiilllnnj Daniel Mftlick. ol Hrott. Iiaae llcaa. of uantrc, nud Michael u. vante, ol uranje. NO. 4-awlNC. neat rioar 1 CO Belt lot Fjjra.O or more Kdlieit in a io iu ncckaoiii im II.'ilSoW lOOSilboat SO 2t heat 'M I'a't Piji.nolofcr Cmo 1 00 Ileal rat riit lOO'Jdlntel SO Ciiniiiiitlaw.-rWiiu Rota, of Greenwood, "Nohcinlnlt Keccu .ol Centre. ThomaaM'liciiry. nl Oianao, inaeiib Mouner, oi aiontour, atiu uenry jiuhiu laniau, ol caia liaa. , BO 5 DOU3. Heat Newfoundland Don SO ' Flu-iiherd llog - - -i - 30 Terrier llog - - - SO Cniritn ttae. fcler nil mevcr. moaiaa nallman nnd i. v uoone, an oi uioora. NO. 0-POUMRV. Dcit pair Blinnghnla SO Beit pair nucka iiiiiiconaa liirkava Cochin Cbina SO . Gceae SO I'ollili . SOOeatand irralait yarlcly lliiiilaiu SO Fowla or any kind, 100 norklm so Commlllec Silal H. l'owler .of Scolt. Scth n. How tunu.ot llriarcreck, and Alfred llowoll, of Orange, NO, 7-ORAI.V AND GRASS SEEDS. Ileal Duahalol While Wheat 300 3 00 do Medileraiiedti: do Kye do. Corn Gars (Gourd) t do do (VellovO do do (Wliile) dn Oats do lluekwhcat do i bushel Clovel Seed - do 4- bushel Tmiotliv tVed - I 00 1 00 Coiiinitlee. Gcorifo Ymt, of Montour. James Km met I .of Hemlock, John Uortmtin,ifCatnwissn.Kccse aj. L,Cri,n KriarcrceK, anu mo roe tea nicks, of Centra NO. tJ-OPXEN AN DRIED FUIT. WINES, itc Uest 1 bushel Winter Apples 0 - SI) He l i bufihel Fall Apples -Ugst r-pecimeu Pear r. t SO - SO - 50 St) uo riuma - - do l'eachea do ftuinees - - do Oranberres - - du Crauca - SO 50 . SO 50 licit display nrditTerenl kinds of Trulls Ileal peck of Dtled Apples - do do I'eaclies - Ucst 4 quarts Dried Cherries - 50 tio d iBtoneaj - lie it 1 niiar t Dried Huckelherries -Unit En in nla Current Wines. - - 50 - 25 couiiniiiee. jonn.rt. ruiitton.or Madison, Kcuhe uomuoy, oi ucmiocK, ono Aiherl Hunter, oi nite. NO. 9-Vi:ETABLCS. D'tbuslt Mercer FoUitoes So llest oneen Carrots do Common 50 Best dozen farsii ns Dost luishel sweit M 50 Itett 1 bushel Ouiuiia Ilesl sjiuplc JSana 50 lies t 3 Squashes do Peas Stillest Sample Celery Dent I dost h'ds Cabbace 50 Ilest IVck Tomutoev in-bi 'i ruinpKiiia su uvm eampie umnetc Hesl dozen Jti-eli 5U pugar Cane Heat 1 buoli Turnins 50 50 Committee. J. Dcltrlrk, of Montour, Samuel Kck,of uo.iriiigcret u, anu joun iiamer, or Locust. NO. 10-HO.M AND DAIItV TUODUCTd. (test tliitti-r, 1, pound and Hot specimen IVUes upward 50 do I'reEervfB Beit Cjke Cheese, hot Best Quart Applebutur 50 lot ft ihnn 10 Ids. 501)01 Jar Strained ltomv Cii uerii ijuiii vvucui urrau au jjcfi MimpiP UOJieV Uutlll cio iiyi' ureau oi not ivm wan o ids. Best fponee Cuke 50 Best nirrd llnru JleKi pound Cake S0Bct Sample Hard !?oar Best Fruit t-nke 50 do Boilfloap 51 m.y ii r run jt-iiy iw Committdn. Mrs Ii. Ij. Tate, Miss Mary ralutc Mrs. ii . ij, iiowcr, Joint u. rrcczo, and A Mo ison,ait oi ijioom. NO, 11 HO.MC AND HOUdEHOLD MANUFACTUR Best picco Clot It, 5 ydi Best pair Linen Sheet s or mo ZOO do Filow Cuc 50 Ben Uuili l 00 Ileal fliirl Best Counterp 1 00 Best Under Shitt tun t rair uiaiiKeii I uu nest pair vtn Nose Beit tiamplo Carpet 5 do Milieus ynr.HB ann mor i uo uu uiovcs Bent Coverlet 1 00 Committee. Jfflie Uoicuinn. of Orame. Darnnrd ltu perl or inoom.sirst-jaiues ku'skii.oi irondaiu, Mr; reier, oi iigui otreei, anu jiiss uarrtei iiaema oi uentre NO. 12 LADIES' WORK AND FLOWERS. Dcsl Fancy Table Cover 50 Best display Bind Work 50 do Chair Cocr450 do Crotchet Work 5( Beat Simple Lump or dn Fancy Knitting 50 Vase Mat .50 do F.uibroiderv 5(i Be wi Shirt CclUrB and do Natural Flowers 50 Bosoms ,50 do Artificial do Wax Fruit, ttc. 50 Uomnnttee. Mrs. wm Goodrich, Mrs. I. w. Hnri- man, Mrs. Morris Van Buskirk, Mrs. Morris Sloan and .Mrs l. w, Ai Keivy. ail oi iiioom NO. 13-.FLOUU. Best Sample Wheat Flour, 50 lbs. or mora 1 00 tio tiye " do liuckwlicat 50 do Corn ' 50 Committee. John Lcacntt. of Tine. Jacob Melick. Jr., ofdcotl,and J.K.Sharplews, of Cuta wise a. NO. H AGRICULTURAL IMl'LUMCNTS. Best Flow 3 00 Best Thrasu'g Machines 00 'jd best 1 00 Deat Separator 6t Straw Best UuHlvnior I uu .inuuer .i mi 2d best aOIFiHay&StrawCutter I 00 lie ft narrow J uu iicsluoiii enuiier i uu llrst (toiler lUOBcst Fanning Mill 1 00 lie.-1 Bide 11)11 Plow 1 00 Best Stump Maclnuo 1 00 Best Corn Planter 100 Best & most numerous Beit Horfcc Hake X 00 collection ofAgncul. Dest drain Cradle l fu turai iiiipiemenis 00 Committee. Judal Boone, of Bloom. Win. II, Wood, in, of Ut rwick, and i:i ia Deitrlch, of Montour. NO. JS-WAUONd AND CAUUIACLfl. Best 2 liotse Wagon li 00 -'d best 1 00 .M best i w ut siupen uuggy i uu HnstS horso Carriage' S HO Best Hlelglt 100 .M htfst 1 00 Best 3 horso Bled 1 00 Bern 1 hornoCarringu 3 OOBestsprlngtruclc wagonl 00 Couimilteo Jacob Arnwine.- uf Montour, Samuel Kuoer, of Maduou, and Isaac Kridcr; ol Bnurcreek. NO. 10 MANUFACTURED Auf ULCd. let Diruton. Rest Specimen Cabinet Work Ben Double Hott Carriage Harness licet Hinglo Ht'tt do nen Wagon Harness IV.H'J CallHkihs Iljihed Rest S Kin tikiits do Rett Sides Harness Leather do Hole Leather S IK) I S 00 1 00 1 iO 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 110 1 uo 1 00 so 1 00 1 00 50 5U 1 01) do Upper t. taller rstpair llorso tfliocs Ile.tUriibuinit lloe Hesl i iloz i-'aiuy Chairs - w llcst V-sl - - UustpllrTlnrkllools" I do CJlCkin loots r t -' do . l.k.lie.1 Kill Hlioe. ' - Committee, 11. 1', rortnsr. of Franklin, r, Beaver, ui i.aiuissatJuaepnvJiiiiriOi ueiura, jusfiiu uorreii, oflleinlock, an J Jo.onli llicks.or llrjarrrrt-k NO. 17-MANU1'ACTUUED AKTICLG3. Vil VitMon. , Hen Churn -llest Clieeso i'riM ' Ileit Wanting Mnchlno ' llest Mauiese Cutler -Uest display ofconp.r War. Hest 3 Corn Markets " - llest 3 llnnil Uaskcts -' llest Uee UivQ - - - -llcst lnrlor titovo - - licit Cookins rtuve nml lrimmlng. -Ilrst'Grentot Vnflely Tin Wore llest Specimen Wootf ami Iron Fonco llcst tlaio lor Itarn and Fitd Use Heat t tloa Corn llrnouis - licit samulu 1 iloz llrirk do rii., l, lil . SO SO so so so io So so 00 1 00 1 so 1 IX l oo so so 50 Committee. Jutui Kcifl f Cotawiiia, Jacob ICo. tenboder.of.FrankUn, nnd Iram tlerr, of Jackson NO. W-MANUKACTOItBD AltTJCLES. '34 Ditltion, llcst and larieit variety of Dental Wink 2 to da la Mnrlilo do i! I1U do lo KdsoTooli r. I WI do do llarlhcn IVaro n rnT . Cuiniuilten, Ilr. A 1. IHIIrr, iirtlreentvood.Ill r Locust, nr. J. A w I .iwlik. Siollli.ur f'cou.unJ Ilr J.K lloliliiiis ut U wikia. NO. 10-flOUnSTIU RUUAI1H. Ac. Eetl'J nounils Kunr from iJliiiingujiirCluo ' .in do staplo Hueor :.iit, ia Best Quart Brui from (Jliinn B. C. so do do , Alapie I so Committee. Mailin liupcrt. of r.lnoip, Wm. I'i.lier, of Urolico. James Hester, of elciitt. Mrs, ThniiinO Cro. yclili;,uf .Scolt.BiiJ .Mr..otu Ktflrolaof lllooul. NO. W-PLOt'Nt! MA7f. Jla-t p'ouio;, re;ard U mii had It. tlie .kit' of I workmen anddisrliilliie of usii,saditutlii of l.rwo,k,n.w,,U.,.,eoccur,e,. , jj ifainmltten -Jacob Demotrf Madlaort. IllrSm KUlie of Fiihlntfctrek, and Cli Mindanliall of llenloiu liiacitliTlo.VAliV rnnutUMS. Couimlllee.-l.awaoit llujlicaof Ucnlon. Allnaa Colo , U, win.". . .lulling tJ jvi- ij hkliujlor of Maillaon, nnl Win. Mollie,r nl,Orecnwoud. ' INSTRUCTIONS TO ITOM M ITTCD3 i. TlinCoinnilltPei will tin. liMerallnnnrv niwnf ' lnwlll.l.l I l.o .,rei,,l,in . I ili...llel..fl,lhl,H1.. ivortliy a premium V .iJl 1,1 . " "'""'""ff nreniMimswm award itich ns they may think prtyef ,'on .. .. . . ... . . . i ... arucieff not proviacu ior in me generni scnennie.' i L Tho t'tmirtnan of (no (nilretitAiiiniittees arn rn quelled tdlintid in their report'ds etly as pnsiblc,nitil not liter tinny o'clock. TlKprfuttiums Vflft basw.irded by thi l'r'ildntat 'J o'clock, i ui. RKUuAT10N3, 1 All nrticlc for competition must be on Iho troanA by lOo'clnck.n, in..and,at 11 o'clock, a m.lii' coin- mil lew i ii proceed tootamtue.aitiiawardlhepreidlutiis. , 2 Allunirtei exhibited muni rcumlu on tho prninid until 4 o'clock, b. rrii snd onalloccaiinnswlllbH re tur ne.1 to the exIiitiltor.'Utilcis oiltcrmso directed. 3. Uautiun. All nrticlesexhiliiled. vthcihcr eai.Tbles not, must lerefpecled as prlvair properly; and uny person drteteti in purloining or injuring lltein.will uo delt with nccotddiKlo law, U-4 AllurticiesnlleredrorcotnpctUion.tnustbe owned by Ihe competitors tall lruits, vefptablen, flowers, etc , , mint U iliegrowtliol the et.mpeiitoM, and all manufac-1 turctl nrticlt nitit have been riikde by I lie competitors. 5 livery coiiipctltuf for premiums, must be a resident of Columbia county Rut persons from other Counties may havu tho privilege ofbringlngart clcsonexliibitjon, on tliu pay jucnt of an entrance feeol Filly Cents, SPECIAL NOTICE. The amount required for menibcnhlo in the Roe let Is Vitty Ckits. To induce a general co-operation of th peoplo of ths whole county, theBoctely bas lisunl n number of Certificates and nlacrd ihern into the hands Of the follow nu named persons in the different parts of no ifiiuii iy, who nro outiiorircu to pram tucm io sucu is may vnv tho Initiation fee into their hnnds. lo wil -liliiom, l.l i fiarlou Ucrwick, Knos Fowler; Kenton, Ljii lenaeuuaii nenvcr, Isaac uavts ; uatnwisi.i, Jotfu Keifltjr: Centre, Uilbcrt II. Towlert I'tuhtncereek. Henry lUUL'titwndrrt Franklin, U. 1", Former ! Orcen wood, Ullslia Ho Jinan ; Hemlock, tylveMcr l'urseli; Jackxott, Theodore Bml'li; locust David Urlnbild; Minim, wm. u. urown; uoniour, Ellas Ueittick; Milne, Ceorsc Shuman; Afudison, lUuben Wilson; Mount l'lrnsant, J II. Vanderslicel Ofatngc, Ueorgtt W.Eott; rineiJatnesMnstersi Roaringcreek, Samuel J..CK , DugBrinni, nourew L.auuacn ; ocoti, Thomas Crev ling, nnd likewise ofthe President litis ueriiucate not oniy tonstitutes iho owner a member ofthc Columbia County Agricultural Bociety, tltHFnlr wltliouteitracliflipes.nnd further Mlows him a privilege oi Dringing sum articles on exhibition as may choose, without any further payment of entrance fee. ' Tlits opportunity however, will only continue up to tlio 13(li of, October. 1 hosts not embracing It anterior iu umiuiie, win ub rp'iuiroi lumuae ny inn rates, nom iui riiiiaittr. viamwcii mi uuii.iaviuii iu inu i air mill shall be adopted at ihat time. raiiUifiun JUJiN,iata T. Uloorasburg.;Pa.,Bcpt., lUth 1W7. Farmers9 Depot and Plaster fllllls, AT THjS JUNCTION OF 'ork .Ivtnvt, Crown and Calloxhill Streets, PHILADELPHIA. WE offer a largo flock oi Chemical Manures and Paul Uxcrs at low' prices, and warranted to be Genuine : among which wii. be itiuna lUtiu ions no. i liovernmeui l eruvmii umwiu. 100U tons He Hurg's No. 1 SupcriIiophato ot Lime. Tim above standinl unifies are. eaih of their kiml. the bert in the worldl Our Land Placer, manufactured from selected stone, Is celebrated throughout the Union lOr US pumy uiiu mrciiK1"' l)e Id" rg's No. 1 HupcrphosphnteofLtmQ No. 1 Covcrnmenl Pcruvlau Cuano, French's Improved Superphosphate of Lime. Frcneli 1'liil.idetnliia i'oudrctt.. No. I l'lioili.ue tiuano, railada Co Mexican Guano. (S Ultra La'sntcT Ordinary Land Plnlericl f.'hciuical Uono ( Ture Uone Dust, risli t.uaiio. Ground (Jlinrcoal. 10 dun barrels Lund Planter. 5,01)0 " L'astiiin fUittr. 1U.IXI0 Hydraulic Cement. 5JJU0 " True Roman Cement. 1,000 " Portland (Bngllsh) Cement. ALSO Dentin's Plaster, Powdered AnlliraciteCoal iabbls Stereotype Plaster, Powdered Hituinlnoui Coal ' Clati Maker's do (1 round llrnwn Stone Ground Hosp Slono, Wlnte Sand " do. WhiieMorble, Ground Ifricks for Palntcri. do. Blue Marbles, Chemical Hone Dust FRL'NCH. MCHARU3 &. CO., U'eam Mills and Farmers Depot, At junction of York Atenu, Crown and CallowhUt I'lULAUUUPllIA. fiept 12, ie:.7-gm CHEAP STORE. SPUING AND SUMMEU GOODS. rfflT PViinrltirstrrnctl take pleasure iu nn i nounclnir to tlteircuslomers and the rmbliceener oily, Ural they have Jim received, at the Lime Kidgc aiorc.a cuoice aBsorimcut o Spring and Summer Goods, Comprising every article usually kopt in country More, which nave cecn rejected wnii cate, and will bo sold at very low pis for ready pay. ronsinlnir of a larg, variety D''l.iincs. Urates. Call ues, &c ui CMLi( uasaimcra, H3 Country produce tnken In cichartprfor goods. Give ua a call. None need go away dissailficd. U. & O. LOW. I, i me Rid;e,,Marcli 53, 1657 NEW GOODS. SPRING AND SUMMER OF 185 7 r Mie undersigned, nrateiul lor lormcr B liberal nitronaffe. resncctful Iv infer ma his friends and customers in generat, that ho lias conij nicnceu uuaiuessin ms spacious new Bioro iiousu ncxtdoor to Isaiah tthuman's liotel, where he hai just received, a full supply of SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS. comprising every variety of fashion, quality and style usually kept In tlie best stores, Groceries, Uuinceware imroware, r isn, nuiiM, naia, v apt, uuii, onous, uc. which win ue soiu on ncroniutouating jeriiu. Grain and produre of all ki ndwrited, A & S. ANDUEWS. M.nivillo. Marcli93,1837, y.l NEW DKUG STORE. EXCHANGE BI,OUK, MAIN STICCET. Dloomsbiirir. fTtllC n ndersfsneu would resppctfully in form his friend ... nuu iiiu puuiit. KBiiuiMiir. ,ii.,,iii; iid. purciiairii ur Tccft't's Is rit ir a ii it Chemical Slore. and lust returned from tliecity with utargeand select stock, consisting ct 1'Vesii. anu ware urugs: Medici ncs. Chemicals, around and wlioletfnicos. Palms Oils, Vanishes, UteStuir., Window Class of all sites together Willi u complete assortment of Paint, Tooth and Diiaving urusncSiiouaccOiDigars.r aiiC)goapsiBliav I II g Uf CUII. Pore Wines and Brandies. Por Medicinal me, ringliili, Frcnclinnd American Per funiery ; in short, every article keplby Urucgiiti gone raiiy rPreicriptionscarcfutltcomnounilcd. N. 11 ThebeiTtu PRoression. will be continued ns tlriialln uioouisburg nnd Light ntrcet. vino, it run aisorl mcnt ol tne uieit siyie 'icetli lor s no oy UI.U. il . llAUUNUUtitl llninisbiirg, Febrmiry 1, 18"7 TIEU OBBUAt B0I STOUIJ. Corner of 5th & Arch Street, x Philadelphia . Henderson & Co., BOOKSELLERS JtXD PUBLISHERS, TNVTTE tbo attention of all Persons Visi JL I iua IMuladtJpliia, whether on Business or pleasure to Mini feiiraoruiujry uoiiecttonoi uojh upon an suo Jectu. itooksollers. Countrv Dealers, Tenchers. I'lildic ani private) Libraries, supplied with Hooks & Stationary a lowest rates. C.G.llCNDIiltaON&CO., March 7, 1357 Cmt. ESPYTOWN NEW STORE. Til ii undersigned, having nuoclaled tt,eH''r in I Mercantile UusinfM, tuke pleasure inannuuncj to their friends and the public in funeral, that tit new Store House, located ou Main street. central Kipyiuwo. Coluyiliia county has Just been stock with New Spring Goods. Conpri'ln; an 'eiteiisive assortment of Clothtf,Cni mere J, Velingi.,Muiltus, IA e and every otlir ar tide in Hi Wfirlu$ line, including' Hardware, China IVirtheit and llolluw .warifs, Urocvrlesf Sugars, Tw (Joileo. Itice, Molusiei. etc,, etc.. with all other artl ctcs utcomiuercQ adapted to raunlry stores. ALSO-HEAD Y MA 1)E CLOTHING C(irdln. Lumber, revisions, l'ruduce, ec of al kiitds, taaen ut exciiauca tor tnercuanati, ii. r.-niaUHMnn, 11 U. UKi;VLlN(3. , Uspyfown, April 4, 1857 , . K. 15': OltWIG, Manvfaclttrer and l'A$ttial Dealer in CUU.Vlt. HOOD ASI) tVllsLOtV tVAltl), ly Hi W 8 o CLOCKS. LOOKING GLAHtJl'd. COKDAGE, OIL miTko it I point wiwonVK Vod;T n.7i7-.po';.ib,v: , AiA...... '. 7 !y M'" on the tcrnnttUfff nnt Idiuf tlmn which At in a, M,4hv tltamhoat Trrnton vlft Ta'cVntf llm- ti.oir nomci w;ll cnlieri from tlmMHili ind ihll JriVrJitV.ftM mewin iMiipfcieu yi prurreu iu t.uii tif m. 'At a P. M., lla Uainc upd A uitiriiB, tuiuatius. winiiuw oiirtiiua, tve Nu. 223 NortUTIIillD Street, Oat d$t Wov tie Ctty Ihttl, AutflAi, lb iMIlLAUlTLl'111 A, g y L 1W E S -PHQTQPP F P' , V . , -,11 I fl v!4i I il ' J7fll? W&lQ'riiMi&,Sa JKJJL,KJJJl..JCJL JL m.-rrrrr. tj .-i ri -i-p tt. r r- , r - T"R..CA?L,JI5.K. AN,.,A.Mli!u?,A.!,l'n0A.1.).?S COJIfANVtl i.incb. J'rom MittaitlpM f'Jftie Tart, end II tf f l,:it. r Ir..-i . n . "F" Cilv. M.ill t ......... ni u n. im. iii rue j ny. now jPrF(.y Accommodation. 3 Al 0 A.M.tvU Camden und Amboy. Accommoda l(flfl 14t (,,,..,,,, a 3 3 uihoy. C. and A. Lxpresa 3 ! At 5 P. M.i via Camden and Jersey City, Jlrc hlng MSil.w.v. 3 At'3 P M t vtn Cnraclcn and Amboy Aceommo diitlnn, 1st Class. .. ..,;,,, 2 At 3 P, S i(t Catudcn and Amttoy, Accoinmo, , liatlut, iid CLiss.,(m. ! At 0 P. Al.. vli Camden and Amboy, Aceommo- dillon, 1st Clais , 3 AJBP.M., via Camden nnd Amboy, Aecnmmo- dJtlon 3d Class ....,...,. i 1 The 5 F, M line runs daily, all others Sundays ex eenled. Dtptesa Lines stop at the principal stall Ins only For Relvtdorei Lhsioii. Flsmltigton, &c.( at C A. M. add 4 P. M , from Walnut street wharf. For Water (Jap, Stroud cburg, Sera titt,n, Wilkeibarre, Montrose, Crrat Uc ml. fee, ot 6 A, M., via Delaware, Lackawannn at Western Railroad. For Freehold nt (1 A. M.ondS P. M. For Mount lloliy at 7 A. M nndSI and 5T, M. WAY LINKS For Briklol, Trenton, fee., at i and 4 P. M. WAY lit. Mil For Palmyra, Ran cocas, Beverly, Burlington, nor dentowu, cc.,al 3 P. M. WAY MNK For Mount Holly, Burlington and Way Rations at 5 IV M. i Steamboat Richard Stork ton for Durllnstoi nnd fins toatgA M., nnd fjr Bo;dentown and Intermediate Hteamlmat Trer.ton for Tacony al 10 am! 11 A. M. and 4 P.M.. and for Burlington and Bristol al 4 P. M. All lines, exccrl 1 A. M , leave Walnut st. wharf. KJ" Fifty pounds of baggage only allowed cucli naa eemter. I'asscnicri ore nrohtbiled from taking anVlhlri at1 baccaee but their wenrina opnarcl. AllbajraarT over fifty pound to be paid forcitra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to one dollar per puuno, and wjl not be liable for any auioutit bcyonJ sivu exeepi hv sneetai contract WM. 11. UAT&MUK, Agent C, k A h. 11 CO a U. B. MORRLLL. Agent. Bepl 20, 187 Phila. Tr. It. R, Co. ALLEN & NEEDLES' SUPKltrifOSPUJiTK OF LI.VK aOAUTION. Bo particular io observe y that every barrel of our article has aur name aud IK nt Pott & A'lnt firiinHixt nit IliA tmnil. Till nmtitlnn. a rendered uecesnary, t thero are ao many articles o doubtful value sold under llws name of Super-Pkotpkau oj titne, as t tbevatue o of Liint, as to mislead ttioso who are unaciualulcd rvilli t a flFA'tTINE ARTTCLK. Price 815 per WWO lbs. ('Ji cent per lb) A libera! deenction made to dealers. Orders for this valuable ertilner attended lo bromntiy' Pamphlets describing it, and the nio4e of onplWir, can lw! had gratuitously our stores, or by mail when desired, It has no superior as a .Manure for WH CAT. RYE. COIIN. OATS. and all other crops requiring a vigorous and LAttTlNU i Lll 1 111 .lilt, prodoclng not only n heavier yield of Of am than Peru inn uunno. wn eajjenviff iss straw io tvpport ine neaa, C It A 43 SI'.Cl) rarefy fails to lake well whero our 'JiOfphato it applied to wheal land. PACIFIC OCEAN GUANO We have a smalt ns-n- Uty sill) m store. risn MAnuitt; A supply oi tnis valuable nruciu for m In. l'riri' s:iO nerSuuObs. (H rents ner lb.) NO. I GOVERNMENT iiUVIAH CUANO for tale at the lowest rales. XJ-The leading Agricultural journals anu newpa pcrs ard regularly Hied at our office for hs use of Far mers. Good can be loaded nt nthcr front of our Ware liouu'g. Farmers are recommended to drlvo t Water slrecl nnd avoid the crowded Wharf. Ample facilities are afforded la loading wagons and attending lo the liorset. No. WSouOi WLarves, &l South Water st , Frit ritoro above Chestnut St., Phila August l,.l-3u) NOTICE TO MERCHANTS. JIAKESi HAKES It lUKESttl THE underfilled take pleasuro in announcirpr to Merchants that they are nmnuracturinga superior article of UAKUS al their New Factory on Fishing Creek, above Orangeville, Columbia county. Mer chants r. iihnic lo nurchac eood Uakes can have thrm nltiie Factory, or it dtsircd weeatr forward them to DIooiiiirb'irtT. to 8 U Phive. uhere they can set them, orjwe enn forward them to tho.'! Stores that are not too much out ofour way. ah oruers buouiu oo auarcssea io aamuei ouive, renters V. 0,t Columbia county Fa. S111VU & OCTTS. April IS, 1857 Ira ADMIXISTAATOH'S NOTICE. Estate of Jacob Nuss, dccL LETTERS of Administration on tbc Estate of 'Jacob Nusa.'titi of Mifflin township. Columbia county defeawtl, have been crauted by the ueciBier oi uoiumtiia county, io tne utiufmnea. v. no resides iu said Mitlliu town chip, in Coin nib i a county ; alt perrons having claims bgainit tbo estate of the decedent arc rcmested tu d resell I them to the Admin ialralor withuut delay, and all persons indtbted to make payment lortiivtiiu, Sepi 5, 1857 Ct Jidm'r UROOKER & MARSH, Aucliouccrs k Commission DIcrcIiauls, i.(il NORTH THIRD STREET, One door below Vine, Sales of Boots and Shoes. Dr Goods. Q una. Hardware. Hatches Fancy Goods, $. rrCountrv Storekeencra and others will always And at our Evening Sales a largo and desirnbte assortment ol tne auovu uoous, io uo hoiu id ioi to sui i oiiyrrs Uootis packcu on tno premues lor country i uue. H.-U'J1, 17573IH Horses For Sale. THE undersigned offers lo sell nl private sale, m a ow ngure, a bcaulilultbrce year old Lion-henit Horse, without snot or bleuush. well broke untt very docile. Jitso A valtmb'o span of Iron Gray Mares well matched nerlcctly sou ml and eentlu in everv resncct : a very desiruble span at carriaro (family Hursts, ilt Aiiuuiro ai mis ouice. LEVI L. TATE Ulonmsburg. August 1, lb37. NEW C00PK11 SHOP. rpllE subscriber announces that he wilt enrry on the X CUOFEKINC UUSlNESSalhls Brewery in lion kinsville, where Im will mtiko Barrels. Tubs. Kess. And everything in that line of business. He will also repair work ol oil kinds, and wllldo it skilfully and at fair prices l.IIAUJL.a W. IIA33C.U1. Illoomsburg, June 13, 1W7. HENRY ZUPPINKER, ' Clock aud Watchmaker Soutlt Side of Main Street above the Rail Road. DIFFICULT repairing in lvotrliesand Jew elry (J lanes lor huutini! watches aud spectacles,, lis IIIOOIil ilitirg, Altg, itO. lbi)h. A LADY WHO has bMn cilrril ot srcol NCKVO'IS DHIIU I TV. alter miiiiy yenrsormiteiy, desires ttimii known tu all Tullow sutter.r. the sure means of rehe Aildress. sneloilnc itainn to pay return postage, Mi MAKV E. IlEWlTT.lloslon. Mass.. and tl e ' tlon will tie sent Ore, liy next post. AUfMH R. lPi7-3ni O, U.BA&SES, WM, OSTKRUUOr, DAltNES & OSTERI10UT, Mtnvaeturert osi JS'AotttaU DiaUrt in Hals, Caps, SI raw (Joods and Pars, NO, 503 MARKET STltEET, up stairs, sbovii rinu sirui AunM. I7 PHILADELPHIA. POWDER! t'OWDEItll rpllE undersigned having as.ociated together, under X the linn aud style uf Purstl Jaoby, 'i continue the Orlarcreek Powder llunness in all Is dvpariuienls. E. n. rURSEL, J. O. JAL'Ullx. Aug 10, 1657 SIIAltP NOTIOK. V LL persons Indebteil to the Arm of Hart wan iiower.aro iter toy uoiitea io can anu ettla the same and save coil HARTMAN & HOIVEU, Also, those indebted bo tlio subscriber, are likewise rcquvsiea tu can ami seuiv, T.T. UARTMAV, Kspytown. June fl, 1WT aot A GUT mm KVK11Y BOOK Worth from 50 cp.ui to 100 dollars, Ml Mugcc's Gift Hock Store, NO. 337 CIIES.NLT STREET. d door bulow FuurlhJ Oct 3. 183T VIII LA DELP III A . AN anorimont nf c'liukiciioncry, Jewilry, perfume ry. Snap., Hair Oils, I'miiades. tc, tu ho had at i .. , CL. ARK'S Uovk a tor, y Uloominurg, May DO, Ir!07. Ohio Election A lospatc ,,Jrom ClcvclaDtl last oveniug, etfttca that1 sixty -two counties from wLicbirclurns bavo boon received, sbow a Deqiocratio gain ofi 1Q, 501 votes. Tho Democrats claim tho Stato by a small xnajonly. Tbo indicattODS aro that tbo Domocrata bavo carried the Lcglshturo. Kansas Election. TJ16' election in Kansas has resulted in tbo triumph of tbo Frpo Htato men. 'J, bo Kcpublican carried noirly all tbo counties. Everything was conducted in a poaceallo manner, and nd lighting took place as was feared. DIPLOMA AtVAUDKD Bw the rennivtvantd State JlrrlrnUurallSoeietv and hv itweral County AocfefUf. la HM-JJVMI, HlQJYEHKLU &r UU.t jor I at if ictcersica ngtiaou n niti I vnut.n. lorsrs, His an luvatuable, ;e mtdy for the cure prevention ot all diseases Incliienl to tho noble animal, viz: Distemper, Cough, Tarey, Fevers, FIs tula, Foot illsiaseti iJng uiscares. licit, ureaie. Onpes, Inflammation, Jaundice, Kidnev d. teaser, Glanders, Thick Legs, Hidebound, Hlangers. Vivera. Ulcers in liiings, suricit, rounuers, ntraigut iiotr. worms Bores. n. i ruit nifAl tAlii'U. In Jaundire. Yellows. .lloven or II low n. Rloodr llrirn, tied Wator, Murrian, Los of Cud, Loss of Ap petite, Diarrhea or Looseness, Hoof disease. Wolf in the Tall. Hollow Horn Uloody Milk, Blood disease, Loss of Milk, uu nuua. In Swelled Nk, Ililes Im the LWer, Abrwsses In the. Lungs, Ulcers of the UoweliipaiuisVt.Cramps, Cboke ditcssea No farmer should be without it a sinaio day ; it is ins sheetanchor lor diseases of his itotk. ltlncrcasea tht amount of milk, butler and fat in iNalthy animals, from c,ual amounts of food at Icafct from St) to 5 per rent., as the experitnee of oer 10.000 farmers, nUj, hare uicd it will tertlfy at any time! ANOTIICU NKW DISCOVERY! 0 A T TL E LINIMENT. Untiia nllcy any other Llnliilcrtt or Embrncattnn rtir jrl J n to the world. It Is good for the fol lotting itlnfoH s, and ha. proved ltclf In the liand" of Itiouiands cl farriers fjriiiers nnd stage rroprietors In elcidlnntlhincorihekJiid fvrr offerrd loiht public. TUB CATTLE LUflXE.1T. IS OOOJ) FOIf CATTLE. ttprains,ltriilses( Foundered Feet, Spavin, Bwi ny, HUMAN BOOV. Rhcn nmtient Weak Joints. Contracted Sinews, Frost Bitet, Chapped Hands, Swellings, Tumours, Toolhachc, Fain In the Lcrs, rain n Ihe Bark. Fain in the Shoulders. Nervous Fains Chiblains, Ititrsof Aulmoli, l isiuia rui.iti, (Jills ofevery kind, Winugaiu,Mai)(i uracil Latncne,mralaaf Hfraichea or Or en rincK Legs, llal-il Til in mi rs, Ringbone. I'oi) Cvlt, Cracked ffeet, Rotten Hoof, Mange, nom jjitrmp?r, ritiiT Jolats, And tnanv oilier It Is t short, the mot i aoniplete and nni-vcrsal Limutent that science has a vc r yet prr iiucetl. Beware of Counterfeit $, at both our valuable discover ifn nre already counterfeited ly pet sons In difllrcnt Carls ol the tftaw. Our powder lias i our written slg' nature tin each Itditle. dianuiaclurprinnlr by imClNftl. FnONEPir.LT) & CO.. No. 317 N. Third st , N, E. corner Th Ird tt Wood, l'hiiaiielphia. Denu ''O, 1337 If Spring and Summer GOODS. THE undcraignod respectfully inform their customers nnd the inibhr eenernllv. ihot tbev haveitift received nl their new Hfiik Store House, Id iiigniatreei, a select assortment oi tashionablc Spring and Summer Goods, dire t from the Eastern cities, comprising all tho various selectlonrto be found in Country Hiores, (JonfUtnig ot Cloilis. Casslmeres. DeUins, Ilnites. Eahrocs.c, Together with u. I kinds of Dress goods for the ladles. ALSO. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. OF ALMOST VEUY S OUT ANU 8TYLE. LADIES TALMAS llItOSllA3,II AWLS .ice. Groceries, Molasses, Sujrars, Teas, Coffee, Pptces, nun i ii ii u 1 1 v e Ty in i ii jr in nir wh y m .tirrcnaiinixs. y nirtuii uL.uruiiu, ot every ueseriptiun. X.y- Irnn.Sti'eL Naiin.ilky Pprlnga Kc. CJ-Th.inkful fur past patronage , it will hi nclr itu'ilous aim to please theii customers nnd tc give general satisfaction. ii. w.& w. n. cue sy Licht Street, ftpril ll.le-57 lOOSTARS RAT, ROACH, &c. EXTERMINATOR. Fut on in SOf 3Je . GSc. nnd SI boxes. " COSTA Q'S" II LI) UUG EXTEIIM1N A TOR. Fut up in "Ic. 50e , 75c, and SI bottles. "COSTAlfd" ELECTHIC FOWDEU TOP. ANTS, INSECTS &c Fut up In 25c. and 'Oc. boxes, Frinclpal Depot. No.lfi Ilrnadway, New York, nnd sold by Lrtigiktsand Dealers everywhere In the Uni lid Stntoa, i-marias, Weil Indies and South America. Au-i. 1857-Iui LLOOJISIIUIIG JJOOT AND SHOE STORE. THE undersigned rcrptclfully informs tbe citizens of llluomtburs and the public in general, t hat ho has opened a Boot and Shoe Establishment, In llu white building, on Main street, above Elso'a A. Wilson's liakery, wneru he uas conitantly ott hand a lare assortment nf Roots, .Shoes, Gaiters, &cfl. And will maLe'up work to order on short notice Ills long experience in the business, and general know ledae ot the antol ihe people, wt I enable hi in to rentier satisfaction to all his customers, and should secure him patronage which he hopes to merit. HENRY ICLCIM. Oloomsbtirg, May 2, If 57. Greenwood Seminary. Nlillville, CoIumbiaECo., Pa. ASV8TE.MATI0 course or instruction is tlvcn In nil the Euglisli hranclies usually taught, Tlie l'riiieipal will Lc assisted durini; the present year by T. M. VOWS, an experienced teacner, rt-eently from the Lancaster county Normal School. A vacation of seven weeks will commence July'lsl, jT C It M S Tuition, for uay pupns, $:i,5o to .1,50 pcroirarter. Boarding, Tuition. Washing, Lights, ic ; 830 not Hiimur nt fievun weeks, ono-lulf in advanru. Fur circular, calaloaut, or other n.l.lrej. Mlllvllle. April , lFiT. i'r(oj. A ltETIKKD 1'JIYSIOIAN, iTK YEARS OP AGE, having loit lij father, two i u uiuiiirii, u.iuBiurr, soii'iii'iaw, nrnnews .nd niece., hv that dreadful dlseasu. L'nMti'if.riiiM. nr.i c,,r. fermg uith CoujH hlnnc.r, detirmincd la visit llm E&il iHfiies, Kirviit und Jiinan. whrre 1ir it.rnv.r.1 . srrrfnUtfaiul crrraia curl for Colds, Coughs, II rnnchilis. fii..wiiiH,iii.fVf)ii iifuiuiy onu Allliuia, ills cousti a. vuiuu ueunmij , un rriu rueu, i u reu nis rim. livat, who inherited the disease, and in connectum Willi til! SOU have CllinlOv.d H III thlir nnllu. r,irlnt thousands of cases con.idercd hopeless liy others. I . . i'uii'o.w"' '.".unii: many oi ins suuerina fellow. helngs as nosiihtc, he is sending tlie Becip. lo nil who wish it lor Hn cents : 3 of il to pay the rost. nge, and the halancc printing. Address flR. HEATH, IUI tfprins it., opposite El. Nirholas llulrl, June 13, ;iJ7. New York. roitTAHLK OIDElt MILLS. KRAUSER'S 1'nliMil. fur hand or liorso puwer, lh M'Ulnuso Wheil.T's ftursel'oweri and Thrp.n rrs, Improved Craln Fans, I'runnck's Wheat Drill. Coiifler's Lime and (luanu Spreaders, the luost approved Hay and Fodder Cutters, Moll's Doilers. U ruidstone. ready hung ; with a general ussortnieut of Agnculturai aodllortlc ural luipleinenu.) 1'ASCIIALL MORRIS & CO., Inipleiiiptit and Herd Store. Seventh and .Market sls I'hlladelahia. Augu.t 15, IHJ r ALEX. G. OATTELIs & CO., rORW.IRDlXO AND COMMISSION MERCIlAtTS. FOR the sale of drain, Flour, Seeds, Iron. Lumber, tc, Nn. 'Jtl North Water street, rtiiladelnlils. tT Goods foiw-irded with car., to all points fin Ifee. North Urancli. Schuylkill, Union, Susoueliaurio tml Judl.tta Canals, p-salt, l'laitcr, Orlndstonrs, fur HI. at the lowr it Aug , 11157 A. G. C. if CO. CIDKlt MILLS. Jft. , KRAUSE1VS rORTAULE CIDER MI LLP. ftr5y.tltel1e.lln.usei Whrelir's ilorsn l-uwers and tWSjI lireihr,ri,Corn Shelleisofvariou. sues, Hay, ,'.m,:T. ""d Fodder Cutlers. Grain Faus, Koul ,, 'i! ''mers1 Boilers, Side lli, sui Soil and oilier .lows, now Castings, Com llaiktu, Brains, Aili:orptierieChurns,&eM wholesale and retail, al FAdCIIALL MORRIS it CD,, Iiniileiiieul andSi'ed SItm. 7ih and Mirict streets, I'bllaJelplila. Qptnlii-r I0.IIU7 A. Al. KUPUKT. Tinware anil .Sheet-Iron Manufacurrr-Sior en Ma n Slryrt below Huuell's Slore.f JVTE.V NO, S MACKERIu7jil7rtiird at A' IIAUT.MA,f8.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers