Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, October 24, 1857, Image 2

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    'fwiRiA mmm
- --r . V r
Bloomsburg, Oct. 24, 1857.
Tho-Havd Times. .
Uontinuo unabated) and nro extending
nlEiifin'tlio o'ciidtry., i Kcports of hoh'v
failures, in various quarters continue to ! various manufacturing companies
ha,vi been c6mpe.lled to euspend operation,
cither partially or wholly, by which thous
ands of operatives havo betn, thrown. out of.
cmploymrrilahi a sitlllargc'r nuriiber,
capoiingrthcir families, who wero depen
dent! uppij their "labor t for the means of
subsistence, havo, b,ccu loft, destitute, and J
whero it will mV coono can tell. . t
Tho most painfjil part of tnd picture, to
our(pi"inds, is the distress, that musl inevi
tably fall upon 'tho laboring classes; even
uqder thpmoaffa'vQrablo issue of tbepresent
difficulties. !', n,
Tho rich, or. thoso iow liavo been tccoun-.
ted as sueii, pfjOpur'so sadly fee) Unreverse
Acousjomcd as (lioy arc to luxury, to walk
in tho highest circles of society, to live, in
flno bouses, elegantly furnished, for which
they have paid heavy rqnts,(to dress to tho
cxtqnt, of ,f.ishion, to lido in their fine,
carriages, and givo fashionable parties, and
now. to, fl:ottuo!surco.of thcsq($wcft away
nt pnp fell' stroke, .must bohumiliating in
tho extremq. JUutJaftor .all, thesa aro.ljot
tho individuals who will suffer; for want of
thb real ncces?arics of life. Enough will bo
reserved to prevent this until the times will
change and-.lhcsc persons will again, com
monco business as, before, j (
J5ut witl tho poor , laboring man, who,
wth,tpcrhap3 a .family, has, depended on
111! ilftl .Urn ta9fiiU, oil -lau
oniTcj.tlo case Is.cntirely different. With
many such cvcii.ono month, without labor,
must producc.suffering. But should' ikoro
bo no, change for the hotter' forj .several
months ta-come-, so as to enable manufac
turers and others to, resume, operations,
thousands of- tlioso win, by their .labor,
havo herctofpraj ppvidedjthemsclve, and
families with ,thq .cprnforts of Jifq. m'ust
oitligr; bC' reduced, to.cxrorao poverty orbc.
thrown upon ho charities, pf thc,publio,
Thcr,p arc already .accounts from soiuo
quarters -whoro, (he cry:for ,brcad; is, heard
from many families, , .
The approach of winter, to many,,must
bo fearful, under existing circumstauccs
At any season tho want of employment
must be" distressing ; but during the severe
vfip.tcr, when an extra amount of .clothing
ami juel is required, it .must Do truly ap
palling, a.nd'hould;cfill forth the sympathies
of thos,o who arc .blessed with, thp good
tjiingij of- this'.Jifc. ,
, ; . .r .....
Nomocracy Invincible!"
i . ' i
''iVhat hastausedthlsf great commotionl1'
Pennsylvania'nppejars to bo growing strong
er than o'er In tho Democratic faith. Sho
stmda befire iho world as an 'irresistible
bajrie to tho aggresslons'of both Norlhcrn
and Southern" fanatics: Pennsvlvania do-
clarcs for Packer and non-intervention
against Wilmot and Abolitionism, by an
overwhelming1 and;uaprccedented majority.
Aye, David Wilmot, the embodiment of.
the politioal anlislavcry senlimcnf, lies low
in the dust, and there aro none so poor as'
to do him reverence. ' Tho ihuteehtH day!
of October, 1 65T, will be memorable through
nil coming time as the-epoch of the down
fall of Abolitionism in Pennsvlvania,
' .j.a f
" 1 l"'n largo Failure:
"Wb are compelled', fo announce tho sud
den and, pompleto. failuro of the firm of
Wilmot & Co; The partners are Wilmot,
Vebcil, Lewi's AVMilward. Thoy failed
t6aSry large' amount liabilities heavy
assets nothing. Thq,causo of their failuro
is said to bq. tho. sudden fall in the price of
''bleeding Kansas!' stook in which they
had been dealing heavily. This is their
ecQond jfure, No uso of liquidating
)ecau33 it is,cs,fimatcil that' they can't pay
ono per ccn, or their liabilities. Thoy
ilatf suqqcCdcd by puffing, Jn inflating their
stoojc to a higher 'figure. A largo number
c-f jpeoplp' we$ inducqiJ'to iii'vest, atl.d have
'bcc4"ruined by their 'failure".
' 'A Question in Arithmetic.
,n We should like' to know by.what-ruloof
'reason,- our fair. republican friends, intend
revolutionize Columbia. Lat year, for
(instsnie, in Oloniri township,- withqut tho
aid (J) of a Press (I) thoy beat) us on tho
Presidency, 12 votes, and now, .with tho
assistance of that much desirod acquisi
tionfor which tho clever fellows bled to
-tho, tnnb of about, 81000 we liavo beaten
1 them! 19 votes, on the Governorship. Want know what interest thoy aro, receiving
(.dr than, Jit-. Ihisrale, they expoot to get
.ithoir.moncy backj
1.; JJoctorf euppofe you get your slato and)
,, - . , . 1 .. .
tar Tta majority of Jen. Pacjcer is
,ep(.ltrgo in,tbc,6utf! and so little. Interest
H attached to the figures, that wo aro un -
?lio to m'ako a tabid iHfany, way apprpa'ch -
inetho majorities lo-itip several, counties
pt tuo btaij. J
l'ou CoViauESi'. Paul I.ddv, tlier I)e-
cii6cratic candidate, ua n Tnajom "itf'efcry
county in thia district.
Iiotttfr from tho liaitor.-?Ni). 1.
PlllLADKli lllATOct. 10, 1857,
country everywhere,
comfortably laid, tho streams raised, and
travelling rendered plcasantf "J )J f T I
Our victory is so oojfijbclniing'in Pcnn-j
pylvanw, that tho Democrats .overjwhoro
appear as woll pleased as their opponents
oviocp deep mortifica ion t tho result of
last Tuesday's election. Poor Wilmot is
effectually laid on iho shelf, and with his
defeat, is tho "end Jjf " agitation ntil nig-,
gorism." " Lbt his overwhelming defeat,
which ho has richly-metilcd,--bo a warning
in timo to coroo, to all political traitors.
Governor Packer'smajority, it is bo-
Hoved, yill bo over fifty thousand.1 1 '
The leading feature's' of tho 'Abt of the
Legislature, known as tho ltelicf Dill, may
be summed up' as follows : '
1. ' A suspension' of specio payments is
authoriied 'until "(he fee'eond Monday, df
April, 1858".
2. Dividends, not exoeeding sis per
cent,, may bp declared during tho period
of suspension. "'
3.. Tho, Act shall extend to tho,now
Banks as well as t6 tho old, and lb 'Savings',
Trust, and Insuranco Compamea.
4. After January nesk',"wcckl state
ments aro to bu made by all tho Hanks.
C, Tho llanks aro'to'reccivo at' par, in
payment of all debts', Iho notes of "all the
solvent Banks of tho Oorahfb'nwcalth, which
paid speeii "prior to thd'first d'ay'of 'Sep-'
tcmbcr last.' ' ' " " ' ' J"
0, In ca'do any President or tho'rilftj'ority
of tho Board ofsbirdelors shall certify that
any Bank is in an unsafo condition, Com
missiuners shall bo appointed to uiakV) an
investigation, ' ' .' " '
7.' The Collectors of taxes and tolls
throughout tho Commonwealth are to re
ceive tlic notes or iuu ouspmiaeu DuuLa iu
payment' of dues.
8., In cases of judgments, a stay of 'ex
ecution may bo obtained for ilio term' of
ono year from tho date of tho passago.of
this' act.
0l Tho. Banks in operation shall decide
wi'ttin thirty days, whether or not Ihoy
will accept tho provisions of ,tho Act,' and
if thoy"acoept, thoy shall p'ay, into the
Trcasufy Of 'the Commonwealth, on orbo
foro tho first of January, 1853, a sum
equal to onb fourth of ono per cent, upon
(be capital stock of each Bank, in addition
to, the amounts which thoy required
by lav? to pay.
10. Tbo Legislature reserves tlio" right'
to' alter or annul tl'ip'eliarter of any'Uank
or Banks accepting tho provisions of this
11. No Bank or Savings can purchase
tho notes of any incorporated Bank of th'is
State, at less than their par value.
IS. No stock, bonds, notes, or personal
property, nypomccatcu or neiu in picugo,
for credit or monoy loaced, can bo sold for
tho period of fix months after .tho; passage
of this Act without the consent of tbo debtor
or party hypothecating. , l ,
13. Tho notice required for payment
provided for in tho Chatters, of .Sayings'
Funds and Trust Uoinpamc$, is extended
for, the period of two months, in all sums
.exceeding one hundred dollar. -
It will be scon, from tho, forcgojng out
line, that soma of tho provisions of tho bill
are jquuo, remarkable put, as already
intimated, tbo good and tho bad must bo
taken together, and tho Banks and all
others concerned, must govern themselves
accordingly, Tho measure was .intended,
as a relief measure, not only for tho Banks,
but for the business community at largo,
and such, wc trust, it will prove. Let our
monetary institutions pursue at unco a bold,
manly and liberal course, and all will soon
bo well, , Thoy should tako tho ,load in
affording assistance, and thus in reviving
public contidcnco. X,
ST Robert O. Walker, Esq., of Alio
gheny ooun't'y, tho late efficient "secretary
if the State Agricultural Society, and 'a
graduato of Washingtbn collego', has been
appointed a' receiving and disbursing clert
in the agricultural denartmen of tub Patent
omce at Wasuington city, fllr, u alter is
a gentleman of excellent character, and'lt
gives Us pleasure to record his' appoint
National Titansqitino Day. A
correspondent of the Washington States
recommends tho 25th, of November, as a
day of National .Thanksgiving for tho
abundant'erops with wljipli the country has
been favored this year, Tho writer, also
suggests that tho President izsuo a recom
mendatory proclamation upon tho Eubject,
Such a demonstration would bo evcry way
appropriate and bcaoming.
Tho followipg is 1 tho wholo voto polled
throughout, QluiuLia county, upon tho four
amendments to lhp constitution 1
1st. 2nd. 3rd. . ,4th
For. Aincndtcent, 2300 3f 44-2323 2233
Against Atiipiidnipnt. .14 7fi OS 'fill
,-- ,
rJ- Harper llr'oth'era, tlio Cxlonsivo New
i yrlt publisbers, and proprietors'' of liar.
.J' Musa-tnet snspended payment on
'Friday of loft week, 'IPboy'Sre 'r'cpor'ffcd
. 1 .', 1 lu ' l! .
CGr'Iho llanks in Phlladclpbiaj it i
said will aecepi the' provisions of1 lha lie.
' lief Law,
Ob the ' i, J A . ' ' l?ve?y frieil if thooanlry must
Wj llavi bncTafJlbdan, Jo co at feUlt 5f L hjo ilcctlon In
lo-dny, m 'Philaaelphia. r It, was iJaohh gtalo - 10'1Il;;jorUy ir? favor of tho
nccdad and -will b"6 ofintago. U W. homocrntT U nstoutulin!?. ond is tho more
TLo ilust wi l no
; koth Octflbar, 1857. J
!or,.!-i ; '
especially gratiiytiig, because it'is property
the reaction conscnucni upon tho lato ex
Iraordiharv tcssion SflHIfteause itjis t
loeitimaiai. result voflRobcri second
thonght of the-pcoplo wmoli has uniformly
cffcolcd a democratic friumph. Wheo tho
acting Govcrnorio'fi llio Statd was lelcct'dd
throo years agn by a majority rising thirty
seven thousand, nono of hii'dwlf parlizans
supposed that in thrco years that sain6
.'.A.I I.. L- A.
organization womu scarcely uu buiu to
to count in tho State, a voto equal to that
majority; or that tho entiro 'opptwitiftn of,
nhatcver'namo or kind would 'b hurled
from' offidtf by a majority' which; according
to my present advices' sCBins to be approach-'
ngiifty'tbousanu. .
Hut, so it is'. Placing btir firm' relianco
on'the intelligence and patriotism 'of' Iho
people, although" wo aro obliged somo
time?'to succumb to tho eieitiimcnt of 'tho
moment . yet as soon hs llicrtf is titnb 'for
reflection w"o oan 'surely 'count 'on tho suf
frages of ourciiizcria; Not'lh'o least grat1
ifying result-of tho campnlgn-'ha's bceti the
redemption of' Ohioi lfdti"d',it1is'disp,uted,
who has carried tho Stato; butto mako'it
even doubtful, is causo for tdngratulatioD,'
though tho official count should elect the'
Black" Republican candidate but 'if the'
Democrats should have, against all cxpix-'
.tation, and almost against hope, succeeded!
then indeed in -all parta of tho Union, arc
the days of scotional black republicanism
numbered, dod grant it, .
Tho Lancaster County Agricultural So.
piety hold its Fair en thd four1 last days of
last week. 1'ho attondapco of people wis
very' large, and tho exhibition of 'all kind,),
very gratifying. Thcrowcro a'groat iurtny
curiosities, which do not need cither dd-
scnption' or enumeration: somo of" tho
finest hogs I ever saw. and a vcTy superior
display of' caltlo. 'The' sheep we're very
.ordinary, and the horses not up to Colum
bia county for appearance, nor I think for
speed. I should havo been delighted if
.Capt. Prentis could have driven on to Jhq
courso wiin Ins; magnificent' sorrels and
carriage, and shou'n our good Lancaster'
county whips bow'to'handlo a' team.
Thero were Boveral'ladies onltho fir'ound
on horscbaok, whoso horsemanship wa3'
,vcry good indeed : but ! would havo civon
.a bushel of thti big turnips I saw on 'iho
'ground to havo seen Gal Rupert gallop on
to tho courso ,on her bay hackney, .and
show them how to put a horso 'through his
paces. ' 1 '
Wo had Idst year much finer Ijonoy,
and very much better bread than I saw
herd oiir fruits anil vegetables were also
belter', tut' whither wo can t'qual tlicm. this
yq'ar'is doubtful. Soirld of tho fancj work
hero was superior to ours in tho mechanic
arts wo aro vory far behind specimens of
m1arblo1w6rli,'nnd of parlor. furnitUro, end
of' ornamebtal work were very boautiful.
There wce two quilts on exhibition, one
6ilk, tho'othcf velvet, which wore exquisite ;
but beyond that,fthero' was nothing, equal
to our own display lasfyear. ' Tho chickens
wero not equal to our owriJ(but tho' geese,
ducks and turkies hro ahead wo' beat
them to death on cabbages, but. ihcy rather
takp us, down on corn' and pumpkins.
It is, of course, no di.sgracd for Columbia
county to bo beaten by a ciunty of tho
fertility arid vast resources of this county
of Lancaster, in an Agricultural Fair'; but
I am Very happy to say, that 'although I
acknowledge that upon the wholo wo are
beaton; yet wd aro not so far behind, as,
considering tho difference in tho counties,
wo ought to bo. And after all, if tho
pumpkins and squashes of 'Lancaster coun
ty arc too largo for usj wo can nevertheless
tako them dow,n in democratic majorities.
Ever yours,
GlokiousOld Heppord. Tho result in
thii county is a glorious and uqprocedontcd
Deraocrnt'c viotory. packer's majority
6ver Wilmot is 705. Sahell's majority for
Senator, 014, which sccUtes hia election,
hs ho has between 200 , and 3QQ:inojority
in Huntingdon! Jlajrato's jnajority for
Prothonotary', 280. "1-iuks's majority' for
Sheriff,v403. Davis1', majority for, Trott;
-surer, Li bu. wo scim grcoting to our
fribtids Scliel-TatPflaBdiDavis. they ,are
noblo mcn.'and!rva,tho.coufidcEce and
support' bC tho pedplo. ..:
Tlio Official yoto. j ,
The, following r U tho.fficil voto, for
Semtor, in tho counties of Daupjiin and
I.eban,pn : .;.. ,,
UrrjicitroVD. OpD IUlde KWin, Dcm.
2028 'Mid'" ,1
: 2633 1 'lurlD9U-' 0
031 1
RninRVsmaj.,-' ' lli
: B3T''Blaclciwod'4 Magazine, for Sep
tember, is. on our tatlg, containing wtoii
'articles; among .them bcjpg part-fourth of
Bulwcr.'s now noyel, ap.itrticle,on,Mi)itary
education, nnd. ooe, onj tjio Jlcngal Mutiny.
pia cuvtoou, is trin uc.-jfifli yig , fajpign.pcri-
odieals, and oanfalways,jjfi hadpjjomptly,
by ordering it from J.epnard iJeott fi 0.,
No. 70 Pullon street.. New York. . .Three
dollars per year,, , . . .
J1 ' "--r-r, t -
f- Ocn, Packer's majority in Montour
county, ii -ill.
fl 857. I Governor, i Judges of tin Supreme Court? , cnal
i j ? 1 1 i t? i kn i & a & 3 i.f. i si y i o nip n
ltl.O.OM. . . .
SftlNiROlN.u .
BKAVHK. . . ,
LOCUST. . . .
MADISON. , . ,
MIFFMN." 1 .
CHANGE. . . .
SCO 11, . . .
lOSi 170 11 204! 204 170 170 1 1 1Q3 17f 1 200 175 105 177 201 IDS 178 162 181 188; 228 151 187 100 200, 102 178
'104 Al f I -life! ilOiT ,B2 33 , 1, j.t Upt 3(1 r' ,'l)U 22 101 22 Og, 08 20 20 80 23! 11X) 12 Q4 1 .10 iOSrlOS t 15
118 4 'lt8 'IIS H1 (14 110 117 117 110 4 15ft M UB t , .ie,,ll'0 fn)'.
173 115 102I 102 118 118 103 121 105 110 100 113 100 ic;i 110 133 170 00. 125 157 157 100 irinl ltfe "114
' 70 ,80 7 7cf75 701" 70 ' ". ' U 74 77 '70 87 '70 74 "70 7C T4 '75 05 00 "100 55 81 50 eo -71 45
120 'C8 ' rt 12SJ 122 ,08 m ITT f 1 -117 50 1 181 '.00,121 -52 ' 120 ' 12J 00 50 121 47W18 51,-04 00-7 102 , ,71 .
30 -4 " 32M 32 '--'' 'UWU 32 ' i! '32')! 33 . - l Jl2 "32 34 .K-"J2 ',32 2 32 i ,'
184 25l 181 181 .24 . .24 . . 181 23 la3i i'5.180 J31 178 .178L 24 . 21 1 1 2Lgi J.83 18 1iB 17 173 18 '
U PS ,42 4', .35 35 , ,,42 31.. 33 43l 32 42lr42t 34 33 40 'j 7 " 43 1 J7 "-2D - 42 41 iXiL
113 113 ,113 IU 110 110 Is It -112 114 v 111 121 .1U U3, 111 '110 110 110 llO Jill ' llO T)5 140 llG'flll ifo
'120' 3b "K137'1U7 3737 Jf '125 37 I'tfO 34 132 331 'ia'j ' li5 ' 38 3B ' ia'6 " 38 120 33 1il2 42 125 '124 35
75 5 74' .74 4 .4 . ,,, 74 .4, ,74 4 -75f i3 73 73- 4 n 05 -ld T' '"2 '5 4 73 74 4
170 TO 1 173nli73 72 A72 1 '-172 ' 72 4 '171 ' -7i. , ilOO ,C7'1C5,101 07 07 180 45 185 .57 ilCO 52'33fl03 C(
80 2 84 84 .1, . 1 " 84 ,2 84 '3' 88. 1 65 85 2 '2 72' 10' '84 1 S3 , 74- 81
135 46 7 )34 131 80 ' "30 '" 8! "8'132' 33 a 'l 1 6b 35 138 ,'38.' 132 'a2 40 30 ', 1'39 41 ,12f 33,111 iO0J25 121 8
ICO 20c ' 154' 151 20 20. -(11153 28 'I l'Old 28 ,lpO '24 '''155 "155 27 27 (Jl ' 28 102 20 lK -7 1C3-J41 , ' 33
CO 47 00r GO 45 40 02- (44 i v0!U 45 flOp.' 43 :C3 63 50 CO ' 01 '5I' 74 30 4,4 70 OC 03 38
. 37i.20 35 j 35 27 .,37 ,f.,P0,.n 3p ' 'ail ' 30 30 25 '25 41 21 3S 24 40 21 39 ,,,3,0 18
131 30 , 130 130 30, dO.', jSd :Vo , 'l3U 38 "l'JO 30' 127 ISO 3H 38 108 55 131 28 124 41 131 120 34
40 20 40 40- 21 'ill1' ' ''i.V' '1 ' ' .la 2A 45 20? 43i ' 42 30 25 61 21 50 23 ,27, 45 .4.4 "41 34'
41 27 43 42 23' 'J& 1 4H '22,- 41k 28;, '42' '21" 38 35 it 16 SI 10 01 10 , 42 12 31 , ,30 10
80 132 ' 89 86 128' 126 i' "87! l2o iiOOisrJO1. 89-110 10f ob 113 113 03 110, 07 115 88, 127 " ,80 84 120
D2 G' 02 02: fx-? 5 .! 02, 0 'D2ir 0' 62 5' . 92 0 5 ,80" G -OU 5 Piji ., 0 tji 03, 0
'ToTA'i.,' ' 2410 1144 '30 3307230710051005 10 102307,1008'' 20 240H
Tlianksgiving- .Proclamation.
Governor Pollook has issued tho follo
wing I'roclamation.appointing Thursday,
Jho 2,0th of, November, as o-day of general
Thanksgiving and Praise, iu this Stato i
Pennsylvania, bs :
InjUtc -numA amliby, the authority of' the
Common wc uWififTen nst) Ivania , J am es
l I'qtr-oqK, uovernoroj tkcsaitl Uoinmon
Scatilii' ' ' ' '.
A PboclamXtio.v. 1 J '
Ftllow-Ciliicns : To 'fender to Al-
niichtv God, who controls tho destinies 0
nations' and- 'mcb, tho homago' of dovoul
CNtltude and praiso for hid goodness and
ninrcy, is tho appropriate and solemn duty
of a free and highly favored pooplc. Ajs
tho Giver of ovory good and perfect gift
we' should ovbr 'recognize His hand in our
mcrcibs', and acknowledge our dependence
upon ins i'rovidcncc; and although ad
versity my throw its dark shadows asross
our pathway, yet wo should bo assured of
this, tu.t "tuo Judgo ot 'all tno iiiartli will
do right."
During tho past year tho bounties of a
kind i'rovidcuco navo not been withheld
from our Commonwealth. Our free insii
tulious.havo been preserved, and our rights
and privileges, civil and religious, enjoyed
and maintained. 1 lie arts and sciences,
and the great interests of education, mo
rality'aud'Veliion, lmvo'olaiUnAl th'a 'htten
.tion and.ricoivcd thoi .encourajicmcnt of in
intelligent and. liberal-people. Honorable
industry in its varied deparuuents has been
rewarded 5 and although' recent aud severe
financial revulsion has filled with gloom,
sorrow -and distrcs, tho hearts and homes
of niany; of ,our citizens, yet no fear of
famine, no drcid of impcuding public or
social calamity, mingles with our emotious
of gratitude, for past blowings, or woaK.ens
our trust for tbo future, iii the providence
of ilim who wounds but to heal, and "whose'
mercy' endureth forever.'' ,'A plenteous
harvest bas crowned the labpr of tho bus
bandman pejeo with its gctitlp and re
forming influences, and unwonted health
with its benefit and mercies, have' Veen
Vouchsafed, to us.
Im acknowledgment of tlioso manifold
blessings, wo should (OH'cr,unto God ihanks-J
giving and pay our vows unto tbo most
High i and call upon "llirn !'in 'thb day of
trouble: He will dclivor thee and thou
shalt glorify Him."
Under tho solemn conviction of iho pro
priety of this duty, and in cooformify ,with
established custom and the' wishes of many
cood citizens, I, James Pollock, .Governor
of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do
hereby recommend Thursday, tlx Twenty-
sixth dai of November next, as a day of
; .1 : .1
general iuuu&sgiviuguuu pruiau iuiuujuum
this Stato, and oarncstly request the pcophj
that, abstaining from thoirusual avocations
and all worldly pursuits, they assombio on
that day according to their religious cus
toms, and unito in offering 'tlianks Ac
Almighty God" for lii3 tast' goo'dnriss and
mercies; and while humbly acknowledging
our. transgression, and imploring' His for-
giyenoss, beseech Him, with sincero and
earnest .desirp, to return and visit us again
with Ilia loviuir kindness, make us worthy
of nis bounties, anil cont'muo to us tho rich
blessings of His providence and grace,
filvrm under mv hand and tho Great Seal
of tho Stato at Harrisburg , this
f . nineteontli day of O.ctober, in tho
5'L. S. yoar of our Lord nno' thousand
r vvv eight hundred and fifty-sevcn-,and
, .1 of tho Comtnonwoalth' tho eighty
second. - .
. Uy ,tbo (jOTernor. ,
' , ' Jw M, Suif,ifAt,'-
Depuly Secretary of the-Conlmmitccallh;
it... t ,u '.ITlio Mother.
It has oen' truly said, "Tho-first hoing
who rushesito tho rccollcctiou'.of' a soldier
tif, a gailpr,, in bis liqut'sdjjljcutyy, is his
mother. Sho clintrs to his memory and
affection in tho micUt of all tlie forgetful
ncss atod,'hardhooa induced by a, roving
IiIa. -Tim last mcsaaijo ho leaves 13. tor
.bar : this last whisncr breathes her namo
rJ-UQ motuur, as ruu insiua mv luaaun ui
piety and filial obligation into tho heart of
tier infant son, aliouiu always reoi inat ner
jabor ia not in vain. Sho ni8y drop,
the gfuvc but sho has left behind her an
influence. that will work for hor. Tho bow
is b'rok'o'nrbut tho arrow is good and will
Lipomas. O.RAiq, Jr.- This gentleman
f has been elected Senator in tbo, Senatorial
Disirict composed ofAVuyno.l'ikoMqnroo
tgnj Carbon by o bandsotno demooratio
I f (
ex.uMiiaber.of llio"Mass"hchuse(ti
irufiiro has icon ben.onced'16 tho State
i , - re
P.Q i?r tiireo yow, yrgerj;,
tV On Tuesday lust, all the banks in
New York eu.pcuded upocic p.tywont.
t-- Nrk-rH H S rr I 3 1- rn
MAJbiirri in
Columbia County,
Ponnsylvania Logiklaturo.. .
' " senate:'" . "'
Dtmocrttti. 6moritton. pbfut.
Ncw.,inetiibers, 8, !3 1
It has been many ycarj sinco .the Dom
oorats havo had s),largo n majority in. tho
Senato of Pennsylvacm as they .will l)ave(
'at tho next Bossi-in., And our lcnrcsent-,
atives in that not ouly numerous,
but among tho new as well a3. tho old
Democratic members, there arc a number
of gentlemen of,ycry ,(100, talents.
Thoiprobablo oginplexion of tbo House
of Jloprcscutntivcs is as follows': -'
00' ''
House, ,
Totslj, - ' .8T '45. . i l- f
Democratic. majority 011 joint baHot,i3S.
icar- Dti fall's Galvanic Oil is a Mass
ing to invalids, for it will relieve them of
their pains as Boon ns it is takijn iiiternally,
or applied externally.' Pain anil misery
cannot exist whero tlio GA I.Ya'i1! 1'C OIL
is used. '
Sold by G. M. Hagcnbuch, J. It Mnycr
and K. P. Lutz", Dlocjmsb'urjr', anit Country
Merchants, generally.
A Remedy for lhjspepsitt, 's Oxy
genated Hitters havo been tested by'seien.
tifio lucn-, 'and proved to combine tbo moit
valmblo lonio properties. Being free fiODi
alcohol, uo reactio n is Butiercd by tbo most
delicate constitutions.
tSS Three ,nioro men wero picked up
from tbo crew of tbo Central America, after
floating nearly eight day? , and enduring
indcscribablo Bufferings,! t jSfiuo of their
coinpanionspcrishcd before t.boy1)yor9 found.
On Tltursday, 15th in'st., by tho' Rev.
D. J. Waller, William Girto'n EAitNKar,
of Madison, to' Mm Hannah l!uiLirs,of
ft , t at . i
uoopcr wwusuip, luoutour m. ,
On Sunday Morning, Oct. 13th tnst., in
Espytown, hy Samuel, A. Wo'rman, Esq.,
Mr. Solomon Seinfreid, of Oransa town-
ship, nnd Mrs. Mary Angld, of lispytowb,
Uoh oo.
K 2 A ff r'S
In Attica, 'Obi o; onTucsday, Oct. lUtb,
of Cholera Infantum, IIauvev Alonzo,
agod 0 months and 9. days, pon of Wi(liam
and Mary L. Faua, .formerly of (Jplumlia,
Uo. i'a. , ,
i , , . r i . . ..
Thp following nro tbq, receipts' lo tho office
of tho UOLUMisrA democrat," uunng
tho month bf Boptomber, 1 857 :
Col.Johnf! l'rceze, ?3 iklf llujli McCollum,
John J. Mcllenry, b'UUjC. L, Moore,
(J V Uupert, Ullfot'a,5 DO, A. It. liulon,
11, It, i olT, 2 UU' Isaac Wngnrr.Sr,,
II. V, HBuinan, Esq , IS) John II. lueterick, 1
lUniel flcarharl. 1 So, Jacob Arnwino,
(leo Kelchner, fis-1., 'J II" lluilolnh.l.-oopi'r,
James 1-ntlerson, IS) Wm. Hutchison, Esq.
Col Uo At Bocletv. 3 on! Ilenrv U. Kelchner.
1 SU
2 m
4 011
'Jonas tub ringer, .' oo Jos. w.nnnner,
3 00
Josenii Utibblna
.Aptommasi 1
,1, , v ,,ii,)i,nuii,,ci, , !-
1 liu Biato Agricultural Fair 8 Ml
I 7i llapl.J. V Dielcricn, 1 73
3 Ml tl. nfva Coal Co., '."-DO
a. 1 .' A, U. Menscli, 30
Rstale Cideon Yorki
CM. Kuiik.Ki'j.,
3 OH, H llarma.i, li, ,
S Oil
ll.H rcneu.
N. II. Fowler.
3 nu Hiieriu anuer
5 00 n W. aiaham,
.11 (III
3 Oil
Estate of Jacob Nusi, 1 71 O.U ."iillor -I'o ,
Cornelius r.cvnouls. 2 00. A. Ui Cattell & Co.,
3 00
C Kreamrr, 1 73 names u u.terhoul
Jaini-i E, Unifier, 1 73 E. ii. Orwia,
Usin c. carton, . ou,
'" wo lost our list, unfortunately, con
taining tho names of thoso who had paid
up to September 7, and consequently, their
payments may not ,bero appear, Mil
thoy let us know? Yo intend to' givo
every custompr honest credit fof all pay
ments, 'and hopo many moro of our good
friends will promptly pay tho Printer,
, uflur custymcrB, Jjercabvuts, will plo.aso
reniombor,,that wo want and will ta!(c, if
wp pan get all kinds of produce Ucpf,
Pork, Oats, Huf-kwjieat, Cider, Apples, ami
all thp-uoceaaarjes of life included, Now,
friends, pleaso roll up tbo articlw,
V 1--4
Coijims. Chirp cts, Senator. a.cgtilaiSrc, jrei
ll0'8 - 2405 1037 23(j-i 2355 107U 'lD0i'2JS(l4
A nrll2 rnninanf'liivp ihl1. invifc-'ltrtMln rtiv3ncrtl
if 3 per ft (t3 cW pfi hni() tin Ibv Oaplinl tnr.k nt
Cntnany for tlio taxi nix momlis, p.i)nblo to tlie
(holder or'tlii'lf legal rritrescnUtlvca mi or nfter
Win I.
the lOtli or October
Mtik R.lAfiM.l'.aa.
Cnttawl'fn II r id ii 0 0(Tco,
admTn I s T 11 AT O ll'S NOTIOKl 1
Estate of Benjamin Tiatt.
T ETTKUS of Administration on ,tbo
B Jl ral. .r llunUnili, Pinlt. iHU. at Pilin Inwntlllil
Oi.Jltri.l.ia eounly, tlecfi-ntM. hnvp Itpii ernntpil hy 1 tin
llcfcUerdf Diiluiiiliiii ,iu6tf. (il.iluf under iinnnl mho
ri'hlp iv uln, I'int ; onJilp,in Colcimlna tonnly j
dre-lcnt or rcrinpl to prptcnt'lhoni tc1 the Ailmin
illfnior wimniii ufi r, anu on liuisuns iiuieuicii iu
iimVu paymtnl rllhwilh.
. iram iman.
yilJ.lAM I'lATT.
lire til. 1637 imfiililraWM.
To Teachers and School Directors;
pou Tiic ruaWst ot-cxAMiNtNn it.acii rns'
A. I. n-j 01 mirfiiiisuurg uu iiiiinunr 1 iir -.'jui
tit 10, A'?t., nt Liulitetrert at 3. V.M , and at Orainrc
villi) n Ihef vpninp ; mi tlic ?7lh In Ccntrn. tii in. A.M.
nml'M llerwick al 3, V. M ; on the S?ih In Miflliti. nt
10; A. nrl nt CmuwihMt al 3, T. M. ! on Hie
in Main, at It), A . M. and in Hiavcr at 3, M, ; on tli"
:iUlti in Montour nt 10 A. M.. and in Ilcmlock nt 3. V.
.Mi; mi tlit 31 M in MA'linou at 10, A.M.. ami tnCrmi
wood at 3.T.M, A clioo houso or ot1nr rf plarp
m (V be udectPiI iy hf Secretary ofeacli UoirtKfor tlio
pMcc or ini'rtirif.nnd lrctor" ore n 'iuc'UmI to I'pp'n.t
ilil tt not I cp oinonR ilio aplirant lor Ilia icliools. and
nttfiid If pnpiblt.
Examination! m tbp other tnwiifhlpf will Immedi
Blely.suiceed, ofuhlcli die nnliro ilClrplv n.
County &ap(rtntcni(entt
MlllvllK Oct24,IP57-lt .
15U015ST & CLA11K,
ynms am ljsuobs,
tAliovi) llac,
Oft SI, 1P5T
Bvlokl Bitick! Brick!
Jt I'ltlMR lllllUK, Jim lurni'il tho nuli.trl
Ix-r's lliick Varila in ltlioniHhi ric. ami an: pin-ri'il. lor
flute. Tli best In tlie country. Apnlv to
It. 11. AUTIlyn.
ltlnonisKHr'n', Ofllclier 10, IP57
C raiVHn Irnm th. uhrilbi-i nt Oamplio'l Jc U'or
IJ deli's fowler Milh hi IV litre tiiwii.iil p, Coliiiiitii.1
county, on Monday, iliu 1 1 111 nf September last. a oung
Willi sojiif hrown fpotsnpon her. nntl liorn
iioiidiiic downw.'.rii. Kiv do I In r a rennrd
will lcgicri for her recovery by t iio obs( ril
(Jcntre, October 30, W2
rpilll subsmlierB have ui reiun.eil rmm the city,
X Willi a eooil nfforlnienl of (lootli nt nrieeit lo mil
tin llnici, wllidi lliey wilt illttposo of At pricis for
nady pay.
We iiwite nil persons uhn wiKh lo bnyclieap. to call
ami examine our sicclt. Country 1'roiluco t.ikon nt
Oct 1T,'1!7
AhUynu th.t want to rl and aU-rp cood. rail on
UEUUOU W. t;(lllELEt and buv GOULD'S PA'
BUD HOVWMS. llo ba buuiiht the patent
rigm or uoiutnuia county, nnu n now prepaieu 10 uir
nirh Iloltoins applicaulu looldai well ni new hPil-leuda
He lias alio on hand all kind ol Cabinet Furniture,
Clnirs.Uottac Hedsieadiu and other Cottage Turn itu re,
wnifii of win ben us ciic-ip u- ioe ciitapsKi.
AUn. Itoadv-iiindo Coflintt,
lllDomt-burffi Pet 17, 1657,
TMHI Tr'ncteeg of ihld Institution Imve nnan-niriiKly
X elecleil II. I). Walker, A M., of l.'Wi.turs, l-rin-cipal
o' i.iiil AcaJeiuy., In 'pluce of 1-rof. Au'lrritou,
lilio.e tliiie'cxpiri8'with tlie plcsent ttrin. Uie'lfiliitay
efUclolii r Hut.
Mr. Walker will rurcecil Mr. Anttcroon Imincdlnlely
nfter tlin close ot hli hbnrs.
It i iletisoeil bytlie Trutlcci, witluhclr new Trin
cipal, in in'iko tliu institution ooc of tlio best of llio
niiuliii the tiute, ' '
Oct 17, 1E37 .
J i Bloninhburs, I'a., Uuarter ending epivmbur sauir
r IHT (If l.r.T-l-nita reiilnlnle,. in Llie l-oFt Olhre nt
Uarrnt WillLiiu
iluwinaii lljrry 'J
Howniuz George
Evans Calharino
Evans Joseph It J)i
Evans I'.Hick
Griffith Uavid R
IJalK'Sliy I'ulrlck
Garvey J hn
llelster Jqtenb
Hart Patrick" 1 r
Hushes Havid
Ham I'eter S
Haaser Kidenliam
Hill Samuel
I...,,,..... i rl
Lnmnu James
Moyer Jetlerson
Noivey Isaac
V Norton John A Jesse
tiharp llichard
Unyiler Jacob
fe-ctirliier J V
r?tory James J
billhead Mr
I '' Sleet llanna
Tials John 11
Woolr'lhomns J
Wilbnan Lewis J
Willie Ceorgo U
David Jonea
James Dinn
Uobuil McUunald
KeUhuinreter James Plinii ,Slnp
Kuorr 1 hennas
Kirk Mary
Cfl-ersons calling for the above letters will please
sly they are udvcrlised,
' ' I'lllI.Il' UNANOST, 1'. M.
Oct 3, 1337
Till-, unilerslined. llianklul for tho literal
palroinign with whicti he has been lavord for
year iiiieby,uould liiruimhis I ric mis, and
custuiueis, 'hut lie continues tu inanufucimo
Jiools ana ohocs,
At his ntd and n'ull.kiiuwislaiid, on Malnstrect,
Itlooiusburg, in nil Ibeir various aud forms, in good
sly le nnilon modeiato terms. ,.
Mil lonii vipnrience In iso biisilieta,.auil leuernl
knnwleilsoor llio leopli HI i,'oluliJ.ia ounty, iper.
added ton lire I dtiermlnatlou lurender swUclioii
toall his customers. should sicuru him increased pij
tronageiiluch lie hopes to merit. ... , t
Illoomsburg, Match 10 11-57.
NOT10K. " "
NOTIOI! is liereby (Iveu tint an appbotlnu lyill hi
made at Ihn neat l-eH'ifl ol lligH.egl4talo.rc of
reniisilv.niiu. for tho inrorporn.ion ol a lUufc;, wltlt
tho Usual prltilee,lti ho called Tim lll.iubdrn
11 Hk," wilh a rupjltl of !l llilndred t!lllatul dot
Jars, and to bo loniled in the town of lllouibbnrj,
Colombia county I'a.
B a KllfVH,
LrlillAIM r. LOT? ,
A. V Ml'.NOH.
i'i:i'i:it iiii.t.Mi'.Yiiii,
1. W HAltTMAN,
Wit HOL-iiSoV,
lll'j'Kjiivr.o. June 27 IE37
Held October 13, 1857w
Vry. Iks '5: .VV1 LtyitoX
11132405' 0602178 1 1072203 2207 071,
1 AT 'nil OrDllhrp(iC0lllLliel,lfit fllonma.
5Ef?fc lurB. in nnd Tor rnlrl County, on Monday,
W&&Bi(tciiiltr7lliIM7r rum hot granted
ZlLfSrW II no II a IHO nira in in ircai rPrirpnln nl V.lii'. thtth rnx Uarrift Koit Iniermtirric j
11.111,111 Itui-iliiv) I'.HIIU
with UrliXh.TlleyuudWflllam rox.rhiMren oMViIliam
roxf-dffvaicd ; ton o laid Ungciru, ISfqulrinff litem'
to tt and nppcnr at on Urflian' Court to he liolil ni lho,t
Coiirl llouvoln lllootnf-ljurs. In mid count of Coltun
bia,oti tlio "Hi day oi' Ucccmbrr next I lien nnd theio
to nccept or riTusp the entntn or kliu unid Uucedpnt at
the uluatlnn thereof i and 1m fnso tho tnf( pnrtir rtc
elect or rcfunR fo to.lnliclliu fontn, then to aliew cmne,
If any they lmve why thv taiuo. fcljould not, bo aold
nrcotding to law.
, JAcon i:vi;ri.y,
' - Clerk.
The iieim nnd l'jral rfprfUPinntlvnVnnil nil priona
Ititrrcptfd tn llieT.tintRorthftdtitil Khl Foil drcrdtrd.
dm hrrohy not I fled offlto oMftlrt'ng nnd t xUlence o( lbs
nliovc rutc. nnd ofthc'rellirii dnv ihrtiof. - t
11 ihirtff.
n'ooiour;.Oct I7.tf57 1
1JAP1TA Xa. fn.lld IIO.V tlOOtiOO.
CAaHtr I'erpetmil. . ' ' ',
pONTlNUUlo make QN MVta on
J the liiosi rcflinniiiiic icrnii.
Tho caoiinlbcliiL' unnl no and lnvcftnl. tnpther with
i larjto ntid eo"Bt:intly lncrning ri-scrwd fund.olleri
n prrfpft fcurily( to thr njcnrrd
Tin; premiums inutile ald enrly, half jearly, o
Tlio Company ndil n T-ONIIH the Inm
rnnci fof lile. Tim riltST llONCs nppropfiatrd in
nrcomht-r. IP4I. tho filWOM) HONU3 in Decembtr,
the 1 II lltl) ItONtlri in Itrcfinlier. ItfU.
tThi'ie ndditioun art made without re-iuirinjr any
incrrripc in thr prnniunH in lie pnid to the i;ouiiaiiy,
Tlif tnllm-ini: iirr :i fiw cxaniplpy Iroin lh' Itfpliirr ofl-oliry mill
iHiioia to be inrrcnii'il
liy future mbtnioiiH.
Inruri d
nomm or
.J.'j 2(1
3.U7.I UO
l.aj", Ml
,'fiiiiplilf C, rontnltune tutle nf mivt flint explmn
lion, iormi of upoticntiiiu, anil (iirllier inlotmntirii
cm he fotlhil ut tlie i Ifto
f TlltnlAB ItlUUWAV, Vntidtnt.
Jno I. Jamk. Actuary.
Uclnbrr HI, 10.17 1 V
m. ..
HTHK umlermneil rcp?rl fully annoiinceft
I tliiitshn ronljiiiipi" the Ulmpmsbutg llotk fitert ami
Stationary f:tablffntnt l.lUly fomiuelcil by hi-rdPrf accil
huphnnd. Major Clark. in nil ilu ir vnrltim branrhtp,
nt tlie'old ttanii fit the Eiclwnpe Kuildlncoi'ilrvt door
E.utor thf Exrhatise Hotel, aud h.nlujj rcplaiphpfl
her miJIlhiiieni with n rhrttro tork ol Jitia fiook
and SttWfnary. kIm N preparfdjio nceouituodato all
who may cle h'.-r n rail In liprllne, '
Tho Uemnitranl Hiloo w, in thp bntpmpntof the ahovo
esi3bll8linient,wllb ron tinned as usual hy'thft aub
ncnhAr, wheiflthfl public ran nln.ll Ximos Ito'mipptip.t
wfthttto choicest lWveno aid RtrRBsiiMNT, uteri
a M(npruH.iirapnnll, I'or. Ah, Ac, rardiiic,
Hpicod.-ind Pirkli il (v H'T9, I'ichled Claim, et;
irJ-Tlie public ciitiom n reappctlul'y lolfcitetl,
Suueaot to Jem O, Ciatk.
niooinhurr,Mi7 9, IM7
T'TiSK'JfA tup. i.Anniur. nra-r
SS"1'Alf Inintsoiiieii anil cheapest as
Rorlment ol Kolo Leather.
Bo'iil Ilivi'tnl
Propnlkrs, Leather anil Carpit Uaga, I'nckinc Trunka,
&c., Sec. Rt
Celebrnted Lnnilon Prize Meitnl, I niprovcrt-tMeel
Slilinc. Solid Hole Leattier Trunk Mnnurf cloryY
NO. mo MAIIKK-r r-Titiun-.
South west corner Fourtluiml Market, l'hiladefphja.
A'l gust 8. Ift17-lf
bus Uity, Hotel,
Nil. 2.7 NOBTII THIltll 8TREI1T, ..
Jlhftl Hut' Una, formtrly " KAfll.E IICiTJU.1,"
THE (imin.;nc(l tius liken llto'nlKivb WrM-kwbwn
House mi h loii( ami fjvorab'e (prise,'1 nnil fi'ni ren".
ovfitfd iiiul rurniiilicil it enlircl'amiw. nml in urh a
sfyte uutl tinnu-jf us willgiyp slifd.ijluu lo.ojl wli?
miy licaiint lui Kiit'ulB. '( ,
Ut'Milfinni wlm wiilcon Lo rurnlslifjil ijl, fooui int
MjppliuJ wiili iiiea(s,fli, the if Jileanure, (run. a Urea
HitUiir-iit uud Ha l in Pa loon iiitaclird.oii lbt' Curu
pean ptin," nr at tU lintel tab If, nt regular IiourB n
iliey in ly tit sir. , ,
HJ I'tiu iruirictor flatters liiinnjlf that tin l6ut& in
rintail'-litiii oliill surpaii tint cnifnrt unl aileuttuu
whicti uill l.n fuuiiiiul Urn City llule),
Juno U, IBS7.
rpUU subscriber liavluir removed bh Marblo, Yard,
X from near llio Court tlo'isu, tl lhuroulli west cor
ner of MAIN aud .MAltKHT ilrceis, in Rupert', Row,
v.lure ho is prepared fo I'urniMh all kinds of
Marble Wnrk, , .
Vll! MONUMI'.NTS, Cradle Tombs. BoxiTouibs.nnd
llend Stones of iwery desfriptiou. Ills slock is'of tbo
host k ind, tile workmanship not enrp-iSbCd byiuf in
the country, and at low pricey. Call and judge for
E3- Ho wi'l also furnish Table nnd Ilureau .Tops,
MnoKis fur houses, .tbise Corses, l.iultes.aiMl riills
for Wiui'nwa and Honrs, at a- low llgure.
Tiiankiul for past favor,, wc hopo for a continuance
of the sailte.
Hloomkbiirg, April 4. 1857. ttm
rpllll uudervigued rrspfclfulfy inroims hia frienda
X and the public gciieutly, that ho has opened
Jl A'tw Timvure and Sier,t J(uu lista
blishment, , , ,
In Ilim ,'Ltilfttjnf folnierly occupied fnr tliat 'purpose,
bi Joseph jjbarpb'SB, w hire lid i prepared to-' conduct
the buinos in all ts various; branchi .' ' "
'J nit arn unit jliiiisd pponting1 of all klndr mndo la
order on shnrr1 rf riifcp and nt looderaio price-s.a . i' i
Alio-rTIOVEH, of vnrlouJ iiylus, constantly for
Ilepairlng done to order in quick tlRio.
trjrCountry produce tukeit Iu eschonge for.wprk.
' riloonnllJrg.lMnr k'Mtf-f ' ' ffl'L''V?PiV,
JOtW DOLL, No" Ml .N'orlh Second slrwt-'iljovJ
Arch, 1-lii adelplilav " '' . ''i'
Importer of 'lbys and Fancy Qpaf,r
Hal tlie lariestassortinentl or Curiosities In llloity.
Toysofall kinds, I'jhry Jiukt,clmokel'jpo,Tob,irco
lioies, Violins and slrlin. llarmoiilcas'ACeordeonf.
and a lirge variety i)f oilier arliciet tbo. numerous fo
Mlorekerpersiond ethers will plcaic call before, rilir
chasil'g elsewhuro,
Aua vu. ies7-.:toi Ml
OOOl) I'ASI.OR HTOVi;,.ii ciMllcnl, orUif,, for
K .ah, cue.,... pl, iu MR
llloomiburs o,t L, r 10 J6t7 "
Wf&&l't'l?jif??' Mil'' BonnilS- Drat