Irk AND BIOOiMSBUBG GENERAL jjjDVERTISER. 1 1 1 nil r LEVI L. TATE, Editor, rnllshcr & Proprietor. $ "To hold rtucl trim the torch of Truth and Vavo it o'er the darkened Earth" TERMS i One Dollar & Scvciily-fivo els, in wlranec.. YOL. XL-NO. 33. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24 1857 YOL, XXI; COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT.! Published every Saturday Morning, by LEVI L. TATE. In Bloomsburg, Columbia Co., OmcE.lnthekcto,Bricfi Building, op posite the Exciuinge, by side of lh Court House," Democratic Head quarters," TEnw op lonscmrnox. Ijt.OO In ndranco, for one copy, for .Is month, 1,75 tn nilvnnca, for ono copy, ono your. 2,01) If not tinM within tho llrst thrco joontns. 2,25 'If not polditlthin tho first six month). 2.50 If not puW within tho yoar. 117" Xd subicrlptlon tnkon for less than six months, And no paper dUoonttuoil until nil nrjoarna-os shall tiro hoenpald. ID-OMlnary ndverlljement, irisortca ana Job orkUMtttout.d ntthoostablWwd prices. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. DOCTOR JOHNSON, XII K founder of this Celebrated lnsti l(.llbn,o(Trlhe rno.'lcrjtnliV.'aprctly, flml only Ctuttl teniedy in tlio orld Tot Hlects for (Jtieln, Hiricllire. eetniniM wac mien, i .nun hi tins jiiiiiik. NOTIOK. In t matter the ' German Reformed Church In TO AI.Ij WHOM IT MAYUOVCURNf Take Nollee; TUat Oporco Weaver, Dnnici FernwnM, Davjd Itctx, Jnltn Reiiwick, WllllBm Hnydcr,- Jncoli Horn boy, and Rev. Will. am (Knilricli for tlipuifclvni unit their rucceisorf, oil being till f?rn or the State ofTcnniytva nla. and liefnff deilroui ofncTulrlnn and enjoying inn ImumrWtjcfl ond prffilfxea of n body corporate, have ciblbltcri and preicnledto Clio Court of Common Wens of Columbia county, an instrument in writing purport inn to be the nronoseit chartcroT "The Rinnan RMorrti ed Church in lltoonifbiirg, in tho township of Hlootn, and county of Columbia, ipoxlfjinc the object!, articles, 3t Beautiful 0toriL .Coiutluitionol leUHty. Inirotciicy, Wtakneit of the .11 nek nml I.linbB, Afltctionior tn Kidneys, mitifta Ion of tho Henri illpertia, Nervous Irritability. Uiicawj ot the Mrsr.. Throat. Nrnc nr Skin, and nil .ihnie 'Merloni and inMnnrlioly Itiforders arMrtg from Hie ilcslmctlve b&Mtnr Youth, which ilfCroy jfimli liity and mind. These nee ret nnd solitary prnctlcett, lire morn fatal to their victims limn the eong of the Hyrein to the mnrinfrs UlynnPi, blighting thfir ino-4 ibritllnnt hopes of anticipations, rendering murriage kt , Impossible. Marriage, Marrle.l persons, nr Voting Men contemplating mnr ,rli!e. Mn Uttitre of physical vedkii'', organic lu rbiliiyd,ff'iilleti, ii,. nhoitld fmuieilia tcly consult Dr Jiiliiistnii.iiml bo n'tturcd to perltct health, lie who plteeg tuniicir under ihe care of Dr. John ton nny rullRlotiily con title in .hi honor at a gentle cue)., andcanlidciitly rely upon liii skill nflcphyaiciuu. Orga n ic I Vca kne ss Miiuiediitely curuil and dill vigor restored. ThlJ.ilisfASQ If tUi pvit.ilty limit lr.'iueiily paid by iIiikw wlinhiivo become thu victim of improper imtul ituiirici. Vnuiy puroni aro too apt to commit ex e?M from not buinir aware of the dreadful conyettiencc that niayenBiif, JVow, who tn.ii uuticrnianui nir tun-i.-n will ttrrUL'tiJ in iluut that the nmver of nrocrta ii. m i tt iDAiinr b llimc fnllitlir tlito ImitrOiier liabitstlun ly thr pniiient. lteid being ileprlvt'il of the pluasuru of lie.ilihy ofl'ptlng, the most aerioiia and destructive ty m;it iijih to both body (tint mind nriM. The nyntPin brcomcri demised; tin- phyxical and trutlil powers wrnkened. ncivom dcbiliiy, tiys )ipia, palpitation ofttie heart .iniliestion, a wnttuig uf tli fra-iif . couxh flymptointtof cuiuiintplluti Ate.' llJ-oince No.7rotiT I' doors rroui Italtimure street. Uji side, up the stepM. He particular iiiobsurvnu' the NAMU a;;d NU.MUKIi.or you will tuintike the pluce, A Crt Wrrtnte4tir,na Uliflre Mdtlin ,frjn Oho to Two tJayi, no yiVAiovw or nau&i:ou nRCCd vann. Dr, Jr?tnstont M'nbf iff iJi! Rnyal Collegf of aurgeon, Inndon liridfinu fftm niK f the inui t eniinrui CLltegcn nt the iUht'?l rUait. and thearcntfr pJtl orwlnnc hie has (j. . n .spent in the firm Hospital ofU-Jtitti J'nrif.f hi Ud'tljilna uul uIhu lie re. hnx plh'f l-il sonic ofttie most .Afloiiiihiiiifeiirr wrre ever known; mtny trout). 1 1 id with ritiinjt in the head mid eat wk 171 astfeji, i( iiervo'isucss Imm njr ul.(nu-d at nuddc: niutiLi, iid hislif iliieH, with frvpieut Mi:hi")(, 1 (.tended n.Huri times Jiu iler;iiigeuiciitul mind, wvrqcrfim jjiediattly. A Certain IHscasr. Wltun lm mifii'iiid-d mid iiniwutlfiit votary ofnle-l 'ir e titnN h Win tinltiliud tint sevHs of titjn painfut 1 diitra', il too nfii'ii tuippens that an illtiutvd .bimih1 iI j snnpie, or drcid nl iliifori-iy, deters hi m frtjui PF,P' ' nig to tlnne wii j from cducuunu nrnl rrpi-cutt'iiiitl 'ran alini! Itcfrienil iiim tin I ty j 11s till the comtiiutimiy I syinploins ol tills horrid ilisunse inakt thci nippeuraui I .suclis iilr crated inre throat, djiieaseil nose, noclurtf, pains in the head and timbs. dun tiuss of nfunal nodesoiithe kkiu bone, und arms, blotchvsfron ls ,,head (aca ,an I eitremi ties, progress ing with Ii ig tli, rnpldity.till at list the pnlnte ofthe ntuutis htul ti'Mies of thu nose fall in, and the wMini of llilio 1 tin. disease become ahorrlduljl of.coiimisAera AAvful dnth nuts n period lu his ririMdftiUuuYriug,!!m, till 1 i it ic him to that bourne fro 111 wlti'iiut no bysen return." To cuch therefore Dr. Johm-toneravcler (liiinifllflo-preservo the most euviiil.ible sf crspledjea frimi his ulcnsive practice in the first lloocv, and r.uropti and America, lie ran confidently rirpitnls of nf.j and speedy curu to the unfurtuiiate victuimend a horrid disrase. ' Take particultr Notice. Dr. J. addrctset all thoim who Ipvc lnjircd them ti Wo bv tin train and iiiuiriiiier.indulet'iiceK. TJiese are sun,a of U.u .-.d and melancholy effect produced by early lialut r, f ypliuvn : Weaknesn of thu llaeic and I.lmbs, rain .111 -the Head. l)imneso Hight,I,oi of Misculir l'ow?r. Palpitation ofthe Heart, Dvitiipnsia. Nctus Irratihillty. Dcranzi'iiicnl of the Digestive Fuuciiuus.Oeiicral Debility,! y nip torn s of Consu inptinii, c. MI1NTALI.V Tin ftarful eflVfls unon the mind are much to be dreaded. I.oia ol Memory, Con fin Ion of 'Ideas, Di'presloit of the bj.irits, Uvll Forebodings, Aversion of Society, TiinJty.&c.areBoine ofthecvils produced. Thoiuniid of persons nf nil agps enn now judgp what Is tht cause of their declining health , Looting ln!r vigor, becoming wciUi palcRiiuenmciated, tmvln n, singular appearance about the eyCB.cough and sjnip loins of Coilsiimnllun- l)r. Johnston's Invigorating Remedy for Organic Weakness, lly (hi great and Important remedy, wenkness ofthe organs are' speedily culed, jil,nll vigor restoit'd, Thouaandsof the most ueivous and debilitated, who had lst all hope, have been immediately relieved. All impediments to Marriage, Physical and Mental Diiriua .'linciiioii. Nervous t rnt jbilii v .Trcinbti nirs and Weak ues4,orxhaiistionnfthe most fearful kind, speedily cured by Doctor Jounsion. Young Mc?i Who have injured themselves by n certiln practice A FORTUNATE RUIN. Goorgo Ballcrton sat in bis room in Lis hotel. Ho was n young man of six nnd twenty tall and slim of framo, with a face of exceeding intellectual beauty, and dress- coniiiiion., names, iyic oj 11 lit, umiir wijkh iiipjt 1 od in costly garment, though his toilotto Uniitt imvin" pcnucdanii ciomiocd liio.niiiiniirunicni , was but indifferently performed, IIo was ,ant having round tlio objects .ntl condUions thcirin 1 . , . 4 . , . - . j.xJ"nrili mid contained lobe lawful, nnd not injurious ., an orpliau, and for soino years usu boarucu lolhe community, have dirrrl'd said wrlllngor instru. . f . . T , , . mcnt In tho offico of the I'rotlionoury of tho Court of at tllO liotcl. It required but a Singlo Lcnnian L leas Ol sniu vouniy,Dnu nonce i ue given in one nev,spaper p iblislled in said county for nt Ipnit three weeks, setting furlh that an npitllcatiotl has been made tn aM Court to grant ft charier of incorporation, ns specified In stld Instrument or writing; thai appli cation has .been innrio n the Bcptembcr Tirm of said Coiut, A. I), 1657, to grant such a charter: nnd that if no euflictcnt reason be shown o tho contrary Ly tho first day of Docrmlcrl'erm, 1837, ofsaid Court, it v,j decree and ('eclare said persons so associated to be a body politic or corporation, in law and in lact, accord ing to tho said ankles and conditions, and to have continuance by th.e name, jtvjaind title In said Inilru 4yent mentioned. jacob r.yrm.v, rrothonrtarf. Dloomslmrg, Bepl 17, 1S57 and, was, admitted t) tho parlor, In a few eight and twenty, and few who ,knew him minutos, Mary Wilton onterotl. Sho was two yoars boforo would rooogniro him no)T. only twenty, Sho had boon waiting until His faeo was brnnzcd by cxposuro, his that' ago to bo Georjo Ballorton'a wife Homo words were tpoken many mo ments of profound eilcnco ensued. ' Mary you know all I am going upon tho so a. I am going to, work for my living. I am goinjj forth from my nativo land a cheeks full and. plump, his framo stout and; strong, and erect liko a forest chief.- lm muscular system was nobly deyclopod, and men were few who could 4au,l before him in trials of physical strength. Wlion lie first left tho city, two years before, ho had I5I.OO IHSBVIltt. CABINET WAUEKOOMS. Till: undersigned respectfully invites tho nttertttios ofthe Public to his extensive assortment qf Cabinet Furniture and Chair which he will warrant toibemado Ctf good matcrjala and In a workmanlike mariner. At his HjtiftbljBliment, can always be found a good assort mcnt of FASHIONABLE FUBNITUIIE, W'hlcii ise-pinm, styiennu nnisn in mat or mil ndclliUor New York civics, anua.tas IpwrUos, lie has SO FAS t ctnwTAW of dliTerent styles nnd prices, from &JWJS--f' W to tun, Dfvani. Lounges ; Wal.2" nut and Mahogany, Parlor chair, Rocking and eas) chalrf'inui fiools, nnd a variety of uphntr-tered work with Dressing n-adarlorliureaus, sofa, card centre ami pier tabl. i.detashus. cheffi-ulers wHiat nols andcotnon dres,nnl nil Jtlndi of fashionable work. His stock of bnreauf, cttctond and common wash standi,, dren, tablet, corner cLpboarU, (.ofas: lircakfant tables, bed steads cane wnt and .common chairs, is the l.i r est in this section of the country, lln will also kcr.p a good assortment of looking KlawcB .with fancy trill nnd com mon (runes' Me will also furlfh spring maU'-spes filled to any sire of beadtKcad, v, liicli are superior for durability aitdcomifortlo anylied-in ue. SIMON C. BIllYi:, Dloomstiurg April eth, lt?54 PUBLIC SALE or Valuable Real Estate. TIY vlrtuo nf an order of the Orphans I) lumliia county, I pane K Ki ikbaum. Court of Co. . Lxtcutor ol John Kline, deceased, will, on 'Saturday, the 2Ath day of, OdoUr next At 10 o'clock in the forenoon, expose to public snle.or Hie premises, in I ho township of llentou. In the count) .of Cnmn.bia.flt the bite rcttidencu uf the said decedent the following Heal Cstnte, viz: or, &tmf Ths w est end nl the farm udjolntug lands of Jamb Ali on the Kinth. lhf heirs f John K I' ih. decensfil, on tin earn Hiid.north, nnd Ha time I Rhone on the uuM. cou Uining I'orty-TIirco Aorcs ami Five Perches, Most of which Is. timber land. A. vXrairtliT'f Ifti.'ni'teek runs ihtough the land.uudji ioni huw Mill is In the immediate vicinity. Tin soil fit ol ukrellent quality, ond tho hud, nltei being cleared, will he Mwjl nd)ptct 10 1 trming. Iati 'jn estate of John Kline, of llenton towuthiji, Columbia ccunty, ovCii.ea llciton hvp ,Bopt 19, lc57 51 IACOD CViCRW. Vcr. beggar. I cannot stay long now. Mary( I weighed just cnohundrcd and thirty pounds PUBLIC SALE w Valuable Real Estate. BV virtue of an Order of tlio Oiphau' Court of Co lumbia county, Biilomoii Nevhird, Administrator of llcnj.imlii Day man, diccaed, wi II. on cSaturchi't the liWi oj October ?iezt, Atl o'clock. P M., expose to Public Pnie, upon the premises, in Urauge township, uouimi n county, nt the lalo residence of the decedent, the following Real relate The cast end of tba (una adjoining lands of Win lre ioug. jarou uauo, tviu, itiears ana oiuer innua.oi u. Mjyman'4 esfale and containing 09 ACUE8 AND 104 PEItOHES, On which there arc erected a I KAMK HOUdi: and u llarn There Is a good spring 01 water on me pre pt3,w, Indulged In v. hen ntone--a habit .frequently learned J ola quarter acre of ground, from pvll companions, or at scIilAlu'coffecti ofwhieh laiu the estate of a.ud llenlamln liny nre nightly felt, even when Asleep, nnd If not cured of Orange township, Columbia c oiinty. t mtset. nnd all ktndrj of Fruit iTrert, About fifty acres are c L-urcn lanu. At the same time there will be sold SIX LOTS, Adlotnipg the .above property tno of Ihcnt on the west containing respectively .Ii and 71 acres; ihn other four on tuopoth, containing respectively 5 uerea Ul per Lhen.Sflcrcs 113 perches, 5 acres 1-0 perches, nnd 3 acres fJ pen lies, nnd adioinlng lands of Ilcnjamln nieiner, it, rnier nuu u. inniguinury. At theaifi time and place there will b sold the dcrcdenl'a interest In a LIMESTONE QUAKKY, In Centre township, raid county ; to wit, the qndivlded Nay man, deceased, renders marriajre lmpost.iblc, niul dettroyu both mind nun no ii y , suouitiappiy iminenuteiy What ii in iv that u vouue m.Lii..the hone of his conn try, and the darling of his parents, shoiild be snatched rroill nil prospects a ivi rnjoymrniH u in tjiu Liiuyr niiRiiefl ofdrivlntlni; from the rath ofnaiure. und in d'Hging in accrtain serrct habit, tiuch person before contemplating Marriage should reflect that a sound mind nodjmtfynre the nios BOUIMON NCVIMRD.iInV. Orange iwp , Sept. If37 PUULIO SALE or Valuable Real Estate. IN pursuance of un Order qf llo Orphaus' Court of Columbia county, on me. in promnieconunKuil Happiness 'flIUrS'a, lW Ht l dail Of jSoVCmtltr ItCXl, Indeed, without these the Journey through if n becomes ,.,,, V', ., J ,J 7, .,.,,' 1 . 1 lev. u 'OKFIOK NO.7 SOUTH r'K KI):RIUKT.,AaffltRvrV at uiiiimiill iiMPII Wl'inWU unn'iitaipn nun ruuuiunis utuit-ii-'.iu uiuwiiuiH.-i I.etiio false modesty prevent you. but applpm 'edlateiyeinicrpersonaiiv or uy ieuer SKItl UldLIAaCSHl'lUlLV CURUU, To Strangers, mred ntlhls instilUtton,Withn thu last 13 years, and the .numerous important Hurgical upuraitons periormeti uy ijr.voii""tu itvi u7 1... ,dn.i.sanl llin nnaru i.ifillV Olllflr 111! rSO II S .IIO tlcosofwhlclihavenppearedaEain and ngain before oiitbulldiiigs, CERTAIN TEflEMENF AND TRACT OF LAN ). AiUoinint? lands ofthe heirs of Samutl 6tedmanands 01 josepu iiocKaru, .uzcKiei onuua anv uiuers, wmn" '"ert Uuo llunurcu nna bisty-1 wo Acres, More or. .ess, on which is erectea a i-uw MOUBi:. Fit AM C UAUN, and other the dublic. besides his standius ns a centleman of clu- racterand responsibility! isa surflcicnl guarantee to ino auucicu. Hike Notice, N.n.Thetenra to many Ignorant and worthless (iuncki advertising theinselvea Phyiiclans, ruining tho health ofthe already mulcted, that Dr, Johnston deems iliifeeisary tosay, especially tn those uuac qmutedwith his reputation, thathts credentials and diplomas always hang m his office. TJ"TA1IC NOTICB, Alliunvri inui. vk ivi. -uiu, l.nlnlliR citiitc ofsaid dereasejl. situ a in In Uo townhip of Sugarlotif, pi J enuntv nforefnld. UUU 1 lj U Ii 1 , Uloomsburg.Oct 10, 1837 Clerk STAUF.FEt & I1ARLEY. CJIZA,V ,irjlT,ClfRS AMD JEWELRY. TTTiinr.rja i.p. ami the 'PhlladelDh VV Watchand JcwclrytorC'No, lit (OldNo.lj MI'I'DXin U, rnrns r HiiHfrv. fli 1 1 ill n II f cooialn a postage ilamp for tho reply, or iioanswer noldLeverWatrhes,fullJeellod,I8carL'tc'abos,ft3cH'0 bewill sent (nuntly 7 1857, Cold Inine. IH caret. Hilver lver, full Jeweliod. Silver lupine, Jewels, NEW 0AIIR1AGE ESTABLISHMENT ST.Wft,.S?ta:T,", IN BLOOMSBURG. b'JId " t ., . .1 Ktnm CI. l-ady's OoldPenclls, lu IIIO 1UW imui nuwu uiu.ji uH,.,i,u aiircrTeaupi Unclorv. on Main bolow Market. rplin silbtcriber would ri'peciiuiiy onnouuceia rue X public, llul.iehnscomnicncea ino 0AHHIAGE & WAOON MAKINO DU-I BINEH3, in all llsbwnches. lie Is prepared looiccute all orders and has pn hand at reseniannisortuienlofnulsheilttOrl, which purchasers wllinndii to their advantase toesu Uliue, rtcpAiRiNn, Will bedo(ne In the most prompt and carrfui innnner and uponteriua whilh rnunut lall in tfive satUfarlioll, Ht'KAWURIUUlS A, WILSON. BHwmtburj, April l. HW9. nous. set Gold Pens, .villi Pencil end Bitver bolder. t.oid i- nicer lungs, ;w ceui. 10 ut watiniiiasse.. pliln, cents, patent I8, I.unel 25; other articles in proportion, All goods warranted to bo wlinl they ore sold fur, HTAI1PPER li IIAIILEV. rrvOn hand some Rold and Silver Levers and .opines still lower than the abovo prices. October 10, 1S57 glance into his palo features to tell that he was an invalid, IIo sat with his head resting upon his hands, and his whole frame would over and andu tremble as though with some powerful emotion. As tho youth sat thus, his door was oponed,,afl,d an elderly gentleman entered. "Ah, doctor, you are moving early this morning," said Ballcrton, as ho leisurely roso from his scat and extended his hand. "Ohl not early for mo, George," re turned Allyne, with a bright smile. " 1 am an early bird," "Well, you've caught a worm this time," " I hopo 'twill provo a valuable one." "1 don't know," sighed tho youth. " I fear a thousand worms will inherit this poor Uc-dy ere Jong." "Nonsonso! Ycu nro worth half a rfseotury yet," cried tho doctor, giving him a gentle slap .on the shoulder. " But just tell mo, George, how it is with Jlowland I" " Just as I told you. All is gone." " I don't understand it, George." " Neither Ao I," said ,tbo young man, sorrowfully "That Charles Jlowland could have dono that thing, I would not, could not havo believed. Why, had an angel appeared to mo two weeks t0, and told me that Rowland was shaky, I would not have paid a .moment's attention to it. Hut only think : when my father died he selected tor my guardian Ui.s .best friend, and such I even now believe Charles How land was, and in his hands he placed all his wealth, for him to keep until I should become of ago. And when I did arrive at that period of life, 1 left my money where it was. I had no use for it. Several limes within three or four years has llow land asked me to take my money and in ve.'t it, but 1 would uot. I bade him keep it, and use it if he wished. I only asked him that, when I wanted money, ho would honor my .demand. I felt more safe, in faot,-tbjiu I should have felt had my money been in a bank on deposit." How much hid ho when hojlcftl" " How niuch.qf .mine 1" " Yes." "Iojhpuld havc.had a hundrod thou sand dollars." "What do you mean t.t do?" "Ah ! you have mo on tho,hip .there." "Aud yet you must do something, George. Heaven knows I would kcop you'if 1 could. I shall claim the privilego of paying your debts, howovcr." " No, no, doctor nono of that." " But I tell you I ehall. I shall pay your debts; but beyond that I can only assist you to (help yqrself. What do you say to going to sea." A faint smilo swept over tho youth's palo, features at this remark. " I should make a smart hand at fioa doctor I I can hardly keep my logs on shore. .No, no I must "Must what!" "Alas I I know not. I shall dio that'i all I" "Ntjpsonsc, George. I.say, go to sea, You couldn't go into a shop, and you wouldn't if you aould. You do not wish to .remain here amid the scenes of your happier days. Think pf it. At sea you would bo free from all sneers nf the heart less, and free from all contact with things you loatho. Think of it." George Ballcrton started to his feet and paced tho floor for somo minutes. Wbon he stopped, a new lifo seemed already at (Work withinjiim. " If I went to soa, what. should I do 1" "You understand all tho laws of foreign trado i" " Yes, You know I -hafl a thorough schooling at that in my fathor'a counting house." " Then you oanjiavo tho birth of super cargo." "Aro you suro I can got ono I" Xes." "And tho salary 1" " Two thousand dollars." "Doctor John Claudius Allyno, I will did 1 know you less than I do or, knowing you well, did I know you as Ido many I should givo you back your vows, and freo you from all bondage, liut I believe I should, tramplo upon your heart did I do that tliia now I know your lovo is too avoirdupois. IIo n.ow brought up tho boam fairly at ono hundred and pevonty-six. Purely ho was a now man in every respect. On tho afternoon of tho third day, as ho entered his hotel, ono of tho waiters handed him a letter. He opened it and found it puro and deep to bo torn from your bosom from Mr. Wi"00- It.was a request ttiajt at will. So I say wait wait 1" " But why wait! Have I not enough!" " sh 1 You know not what you say. Thcro .nro other feelings in tho human heart besides Joyo. That love is a poor, profitless passion which puts asido ell other considerations. Wo must love for eternity", and so our lovo must bo free. Wait. I am going to work. Ay, upon ,th.e soa to workP " But why upon tho sea ? Why away whero my poor heart must ever beat in anxious hopo and doubt as it foflmva tbco I" " Jiceauso I cannot remain hero. Hun dreds of poor fools havo jmagiuod that I shunned them becauso I was proud, Thoy knew not that it was tho tainted atmos phere ill their moral life that I shunned. Thoy gloat over my misfortune. lon may call mo foolish j but it would Jrill mo to stay hero." "Alasl must it bo !"' "It must. You will wait!" " I will wait even tho gates of the tomb 1" ho would bo at tho morohant's house, nt 0 o'clock that evening. 4 ''CKeorgo,!' said tho doctor, after tho Voung man had given a full account of his dventurcs, !!I should think you would almost forgive poor Kowland for having made off with your fortune !" " Jjorgtvc him! ' returned George; "oh, did that iu tho first placo I" " Well, George," resumed tho doctor, Mr. Rowland is here. Will you see him !" "Sooliiiaf Soo Oliorlco unlawl t OC courso I will." Tho door was opened, and Mr. Rowland entered, fo was an elderly man, but halo and hearty. The old man and young shook hands, and then inquired after each other's health. " iou received a noto from me, somo two yo.ars ago," Baid Mr. Rowland, "in which I stated that ono in whom I had .trusted had got your money and mine with It." it w 13CO u VII 7 DO ,7CQ 1 511 300 I (III '3 00 1 00 0! AN assortment nfCnnfrctloncry, Jewelry, Peifuuie ry, Huaix, llJlr Oils, Pomades, fcc, to be had at ' ' C OLAUK'S llouk Store, ntoonisbum, May DO, 1S17. XT.KA 0. 1 MAt'KERUL ftir.sulo at ' HAKTMAN-fl. Gcorgo ,Ballcrton walked ono evening to tho houso of tho wealthy merchant, An drew Wilton. It was a palatial dwelling, and many a hopeful, happy hour had ho spent beneath his roof, uo rang tho bell The ruined youth was upon tho ocean his voyage commenced his duties at laborer for his own daily bread was fairly assumed. Ah! it was a strange lifo for him to cuter, upon. from tho ownership .oimmenso wealth to tho trado books of a merchant ship, was a transition indeed ! Rut cro ho went on deck again ho had fairly resolved ho would do his duty, come what would short of death. l,e woul forget that ho ever did clso but work for his livelihood, With these resolves clearly defined in his mind, ho already felt better. At first our supercargo was too weak to do much. He was very soa sick, .and it lasted nearly two weeks ; but when that passed off, and he could pace tho vibrating deck with a stout stomach, his appetite grow sharp, aud his muscles began to grow strong. At first his appetite craved some of tho many delicacies he had been to long u3cd to; but.thoy were not to bo had, nnd he soon learned to do without them. Tho .result was, his appctito becaruo natural in its wants; and his systom "began to find itself nourished by siiuplo food, nnd in proper quantities. For years ho had looked upon breakfast as a mettl whioh must be set out and bo partaken of from mere fashion. A cup ol coffco, and perhaps a pieco of dry toast, or some seasoned and highly-spiccd tit-bit. had constituted tho mornins meal. Rut now, when the broakfast hour came, ho approached ,it wjth a keen appetite, qnd felt as strong and as 'hearty as at any timo of tho day. Ry degrees tho hollow cheeks becamo full; and tho dark eyes assumed new lustre tho color rich qpd healthful oaruo to his faco; tho breast swelled with increasing power ; tho lungs expanded nndgrew st rong; tho muscles more firm and true ; the nerves groiv calm and Bteady j and tho garments ho had worn when he came on board had to-bo let out some inches in order to mako them compass his person. His disposition becumo cheerful and bright ; and by timo tho ship had roached the southern capo of Africa tho crow had all learned to lovo him, Through storm and sunshine, through tempest and calm, through dark hours and bright, tho young supercargo made his voyage. In ono year from tho day hodeft his nativo land no placed ins toot again on tho soil of his homo. Hut ho did not stop. Tho saiho ship, with tho same officers, was going upon. tho .same cruiso again; nnd ho mcant-'to go in her. Ho saw Mary Wiltoni and sho would wait. (lie saw Dr. Allwyno, and .tho kind old gentleman praised him for his manly independence. Again Goorgo Rallcrton .was upon tho sea ; and pgain ho assumed tho duties of his office, and even moro. Ho .stood watch when then vas no ,nccd of it, and during seasons of storm ho cjaimcd a post on deck. At tho ond of another , tho young man returned homo again, Ho .wrfs now KofttUoky Rifldmoii. Tho rcnown.wbich Kentucky riflemen have obtained for precision and skill in handling tho riflo has boeomo world wide, Marrying Advicp to Young La- Whon I soo a mar a m'uer a lover of gold moro that! God sacrificing integrity 'itself to mistaken interest,! guess that man r. , . . . ... " Yes, sir," whispered tho youth. "Well," resumed Rowland, "Doctor Allwyno wa3 the man. IIo had your mo ney." " now f What!" gasped George, gazing from one to tho other in blank astonishment. Mold on, 4ity boy," said tho doctor, while a variety of emotions sccmod at work within his.bosom. " I was the villain. It was I who cot your money. I worked your ruin, my boy. And now liston, and I'll tell you why. " I saw that you wcro dying; Your father died of the samo disease. A con? sumption was upon you not a regular pulmonary affection, but a wasting away of the system for tho want of vitality. Tho mind was wearing out the. body, Tho soul was slowly, but surely, eating its way from tho cords that bound it to .earth, I know that you cquld bo cured.; and I knew too that tho only Vrlipg that would euro you was to throw you upon your own phytioal resources for a .livelihood, Thcro was a morbid willingness of tho spirit to pass away. You would have died ere jyou made an exertion, rom tho very fact that you looked upon exertion as worse than death. It was a strango stato of both body and mind. Your largo fortuno rendered work unnecessary, so there was no hopo wliilo that fortuno.remained. Had it been wholly a bodily malady, I could havo argued you into tho necessary work for a cure. And, on tho other hand, had it been wholly a mental disease, I might havo driven your body to hqlp your mind. Rut both wcro weak, and I knew that ycu ,mut cipher work or dio. "And now, my boy, I'll tell you wcro my hope "lay. I jknow that you possessed such a true prido of independence that you would not depend upon others. knew that if you were forced tp do it you and exoited the attention and wonder of s socking happdos"! whero it is not to bo warriors of other nations, In battio ttioy . found, nnd thit ho would bo misoraqlo un 1. . t!- ,--.-.l -1.1 L' . , uavo stoou as cnoi anu cunocicu, aituougu tho first time in action, as tho oldest veter ans in Europe ; pouring in thefr dcadjy fire with unerring aim, "Ishot that officer," exclaimed a rifleman, as ho saw an officer fall at New Orleans. "I shot him in tho right eye," replied tho other rifleman. "And I shot him in tho loft eye,'" was tho rcsponso. Aftor. tho battio, it was "found that an officer had been shot in both eyes. This unerring precision can only bo obtained by long praetico and thorough drilling. At the first settlement of tho State, they wcro compelled t' bo constantly under arms, as it were, to guard against tho wild Indian and niuurdervus tomahawk. As tho father, so tho child grew up, taught in earliest infaucy possKblo, to poiso (tho riflo and. direct its aim. As ammunition was not always convenient to bo had, tho father would dole out to his sen n. nnrtain ntim""- of cartridges for his rifle, for each of which ho must bring home somo sort of game, Or get a taste of hickory for vcry missing shot. Many years ago I was conversing with my father on tho wondorful skill ,9 the Kcntuckians, when he related tho following anecdote : "J was out in tho wild of Kentucky, 6omo years before tho war, on a surveying expedition and had an opportunity of stu dying the character of thq early settlers for a considerable longth of timo. It beoamo necessary for me to stop a few days at a log tavern, and to whila away tho, time 1 trjirk my rifle and explored tho woods for game, of which thcro was an abundance. Tho landlord had a .little son, about ten years of oge, who accompanied mo with his rifle, and always had extremely good luck. j9n ono occasion tho fates seemed averso to him, fur perceiving a squirrel on a very high branch of a treo, ho up with his rifle .and blazed away, and down came tho squirrel. Tho lpok of dismay with which ho viewed tho gamo, I shall never forget. Dropping the butt of his riflo on the ground, ho burst into tears. In the utmost surprise, I inquired what tho matter was. He answered "Daddy'll liek mo." "Lick you 1 what for I" "Because I didn't hit him in tho head." I soothed him all I could, but tho day's pleasure" was ovor. On returning to tho tavern I interceded for him all in my power to savo him from the hickory, but it was of no use; tho application must bo made, If only for example "No, no, stranger ; if I let him off I break a standing rule of our State. I was never lot off, and what is good for mo is good for him. lln must shoot right or put up with what ho gets." Tho hickory was applied, but no bones were broken. Such training as that, which was universal in thoso parts, tells the secret of Kentucky rifle shooting dor any circumstances. Ladies, do not marry a miser ; (18 will deny you not only tho comforts, but tho necessaries of lifo, and mako you poor in the midst of plenty. IIo will not only destroy your peace of mind by eternally talking of anticipated evils, but ho will stint and starvo you until your body shall b.ecQmo as lean as your soul. When I sco a man a lover of idleness moro than of industry, sacrificing even his interests to indolence, I guess tbaf man will soon learn want. Ladies, do not marry a lazy man ; for ho who i3 devoid of energy must bo devoid of proper feelings, and will not bo stimulated by affection to discharge his duty to his family. Holy Writ informs us that he who will not pro vido for his own household is worso than an infidel, and hath denied the faith. WhepI sco a man a lover of whiskey more than of water, wasting his health in w-uwii ticjo, oaUUHUIIJir Ills nn.ait.II, ll'Ino tation, and peaco of mind to a beastly appetite, I guess tint man will soon drai n tho cup of his misery to tho very dregs, and that he is not long for this world. Ladles, do not marry a drunkard; of all. characters ho is tho most to bo dreaded and avoided, for drunkenness is tho sch'ool of every other vide, nnd tho high road to ruin. When I1 sco a man a lovcr of self moro than of society, engrossing, whilo in com pany, the wholo conversation to himself sacrificing every principlo of politeness to a dictatorial dispositionr-l guess that that man, few as ho admiro will find still few,er to admire him, and none to placo as high an estimation upon him a3 ho puts upon himself. Ladies, do not marry a "proud, conceited, taltting spark," ho Js too much in lovo with his noble self to leave any room in his heart for any' ono clso ; and rest' assured, whero affection 3 not mutual, lifo cannot bo prosperous or happy. "Secst thou a man wiso in his own conceit, there is moro hope of a fool than of him." When I see a man a lover of pleasure more than of property, sacrificing principlo to passion, and propo to prostrate his pros pects befoto his propensities, I guess that that man will reap pain instead of pleasure, and tha,t pleasuro itself will pall on his palato. Ladies, do not marry a lover of; ho cannot perpetually plcaso you, nor can you pJcao him long. Whon J sco a man prodigal with his property, pouring it out profusely, without regard to the precepts of prudence, I gucs3 that that man js precipitately pacing tho path to poverty, and tua tlicrcroro ho will not long own property. Ladies, do not marry a prodigal, unless jnu chooso pov erty. When 'I sco a man of vittjwus life, with1 a clear head and 'a warm heart, and indus trious habits, laboring with zeal and energy fur his own and general good, I guess that man would make a fiuo citizen, a happy husband, an affectionate father, an&' 'a prosperous man. .Ladies, keep, a good looK out and when you find such a character, and can get an offer from him, do not hesitate or pause to inquire whether ho' fs rioh, or descended from a great family, but jump at tho ohanccf and your days shall pass sweetly and smoothly away. Daring Balloon Ascension at Albany, - JSarrow Esiapc, Rrofqssqr Marion mado a balloon ascension from Albany on Tlmrsiljiv. At tho first attcmnt tlio bal- loon struck against a treo and was badlv I ThO'FlOWerS are faded andgOIlQ. torn. Tho Journal, however, says : Yes, tho flowers havo faded, and passed Tho rents wore at onco sown up, and away, and thcro is nothing left but with- considerably excited, tho Professor deter- crcd stalks and dead deaves. bo somo- I VUUCIUIilUtJlJI VsVltUM 4, VIVU JV V.kV4 " - - " " ilT 1. - - - . would work. I saw Rowland, and told him I uljnC(j tQ t Bcaiu. tj0 cut loose the has- homo flowers that In tho spr.ipg.timp s.hpn.0 my plans. I assured him that if wo could ,j.ct) t;0(i j10 suspension ropes in a knot and glittered in our homes, liko diamonds contrive to got you to sea, and make you togcther) nmi seating himself on tho knot, ,Pf transparent brilliancy, ha'o sinco faded start out'into active, lifo for tho soke of life, I clingiag i3 hands tp.the ropes, away aud.djcd. There is & .vacuum ,to many, you could bo saved, lio joined moat once. f in t-a cr;tjoai posltion, ho went, leaving how many hearts, that cannot .bo .filled. I took your money and his, and bado him clear out. You know tho rest. And now tell me, boy ; if ;I givo you back your fortuno, will you forgivo mo ! Your money is safe ovcrv penny of it to the amount of ono hundred ond fifty thousand dollars. Poor Rowland has suffered much jn know ing how you looked upon him ; but I know that ho is amply repaid by the sight of your noble, powerful framo, ashe sees it to-night. And now, Georgo, nro wo forgiven !" It was fall an hour beforo.a! questions of tho happy friends could bo asked and answered ; and wheu tho dootor and Row land had been forgivep. and blessed for tho twentieth time, Mr. Wilton said "Wait !" Ho left iho room, and when ho returned ho led sweet Mary by tho hand. Lato in tho evening, after tho-hoarts qf our friends had begun to grow tired with joy, Goorgo asked Mary how muoh longer sho was willing to wait. Mary asked her father, and tho answer was I "Two weeks " ballast, grapnels nnd. every thing else bo-' A seat is vacant at tho table and the altar, hind, a.pd.roso with.cons'iderqp'lo rapidity, ' and a tear gathers in our eye, ns wo liston having for his supjfort tho cordsipendent in Vain fqr the accustomed step and gontla from tho balloon, tft was really a fearful voice, aud with yearning hearts long to eight to sco Imp clinging to tho little net- grasp onco moro tho hand now cold in wor,k of cords which aluno interposed bo-, death, onco moro to meet the affectionato tweon him and certain destruction. When look, and press our lips to those now sealed about two hundred feet up, in attempting to change his position, ho appeared to looso until tho resurrection morn. Wo miss our flowers, our best flowers. his hold,.And,pitciic(l head downward, as 1 0, yes, wo miss them, miss thorn in the though about dashing to earth, whieh caus- j morning, miss them all day, aud whon cd a thrill of horror to tho spectators. It ' night oomcs, and wo gather around iho was at this time ho lost his oap. Ho evening fircsido and see tho vaoant.eeat, however recovered himself, and tho asccn-' and do not hear the loved vqicevi wo sion to quito a distaneo was grand, when m'S3 'hcni. O, how much I tho.balloon took a southerly direction, and ! But look 1 do you not seo ! our flowers tho last soon of it was nt tho hill back of lvo becti transplanted to n, fairer dime. .Greonbush. Ho landed in a swamp five Thoy sro blooming now bcsldo tho Eden miles boyond Sond' Lako, hating travelled stream. Tho Father's hand plucked tkqm , fifteen milo'. Ho almost poruhod with and "Ho docth al things yell." Then let cold, and was taken to a .farmor.'s house, 3 wcfP n moroi $inco ou flowers aro not whero ho was kindly cared for. D'y talcn our kind Father's hand to a brighter, better home, to blocin in I V3T Cold Winter is approaching. Jnirnortal freshness, beside tholiving6trcani,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers