4 r 1NT, Shall Wo Havo Moro Capital In Farming. It It mirprfsing to too how little fit! Ill ( farmers in tlio k8t havo in tho produc tiveness of tlicir own business, nntl liow much moro ready tlioy nro to invest capital in tfao cntcrpriso of otlicr rallior than in their own. If a new Itaiitt wants- capital tlioy nro ready to furnish any surplus they may havo fur tho stock; If a now inanu fftcluriogoompany is started they aro ready to furnisli the money. If a railroad is chartered, dr now bonds ore issued, they nro ready to purchase Very many farmers are conscious that they do not .1 if rt 1 t 11. !i-1 il cci uicir u per cent ironi mo c.-intitii moy P , , . , , .... i havo already inreUcu in their business,1 and (hey juaip'at once to (ho conclusion that every other business that pays 0 per cent, is better than their own. Tlioy do not consider that tho produc tiveness of capital depends much mora upon the skill with which it is invested than upoutliopkill with which it is invested than upon the particular busincssto which j it is devoted. In a business so necessary i ns tilling tho soil, capital well laid out must 1 bo uniformly productive, and pay a good ' interest with moro certainty than any other business. Thero never comes a timo when their erop3 aro not saloablo, rarely a time when thoy aro not in brisk demand. Thero never lias yet been a season in which all crops proved a failure. Tho farmer has always something to sell, if ho manages wisely. Thero is much difference in the produc- tivoncc of one farmer's capital and that of another' than thero is between farming capital and that which is invested in other pursuits, Soma tillers of tho soil in tlin country make 12 por cent., and show it by their accounts. Others do not make 3 per cent., and show it by their slip shod farming, broken fences, and slovenly house keeping. Tho troublo with this latter class is that they havo not invested their capital in tho right place. They put it all into tho soil, buying four or fivo times as much as they WM'ugrwdargo part of their capi. - ial vi tn.qliy sunk, whero it docs not yield them a cent of profit. They havo nothing left for working tho soil, no tools, poor stock, poor labor, and inako a poor busi ness. Wo wero recently conversing with a farmer who had a farm of a hundred acres run down but easily worked, whero capital could bo employed to good advan tage, lie had capital enough to make it highly productive. Bank stock notes of hand, and real estate to a largo amount. Yet ho was not employing labor to tho amount of a hundred dollars a year. Two cows only were kept whero a dozen might havo been pastured in plenty if ho would but put the soil in good condition. His two hundred dollars invested in his farm did not probably pay him two per cent., because ho was too closo fisted to invest capital enough in manure and labor to make his acres profitable. All over England thoy spend as much in working tho soil as will hero purchase it. From thirty to forty dollars is a common expen diture for each aero under tho plow. A largo crop secured by high manuring and great csrc is found to pay better profit in tho cost of production, than poor crop3 raised by skinning. SS Tho moro horicSty a man has, tho les3 ho affects tho air of a saint ; (ho affeo- tation of sanctity is a blotch On tho faeo of . . J piety.i , imiina..iijjiiJM , - i. . .. . TMTrT(T A MT rpn V VT?TVnnTW 1 ,JAH VJlllAPI 1 1U L. liUVX. j IOK iho I mi throe years. I have been encaged In n : business known only to lulse If, and, comparative- If. lew oUiers, wlnm 1 havo lastructeil fot tho sum nf aaweaen, whicli nos averaged meal Hie rats of SMK) , 1 In -ftltllUO tir nnnllm! anil linvin. mnn 1 to go.to Lurftpe- la Hie Spriugof IH5S to engage jn (he saroa, business. I am wtlliog to giro lull instructions iu uia an io any person iu me uniipti Dlaics or uana. las, who wjil rcQili me iho cuni nf 51. 1 am innuccil, from tlio success 1 have been favored Willi, and Hie many thankful acknowlcctgmsnls I have iccelvedfroni those whom 1 have instructed, and wtio are making from 9rt to 8tS per day at it, to give any person an opportunity 10 ci. esse in lliii business, wlurli is eniv. pleasant, nnd very pinfilaMe at a small cost. There is positively No ilCMBCo in the mntter. Rcfrrnrei nf tpehest class can Im given as rcgirds Its chnrncter, and I can refer in nersons whom I lisvelnstrurlnd r.h","iL'?."'r?i1ia,V;7..7" in mi u i. ..iiiti , j. it iMitmcB in which ciiuiir tadies or gentlemen can engage nnd with perleel case i make a very ban I some income, fcveral hiut in va- ' nous parts in New York, Pennsylvania ami Maryland, whom I hsve instructed, are now hi king from S'l lo . s n..-nu ni i. ,i i. . ii ii . r. j .... - fsw shil'ing.li'reiiuired to stsrt It. Upon' rcceilit of 91. 1 will Immediately send lo tho applicant a prinled circular containing lull instructions in the an which cau be perieeily understood at oueo. All lel'srt must be addressed (post paid) to ALLUN Ti PARDONS, 331 Broadway, New York. Bept 5, 18i7-3at EAGLE FOUNDRY. RLOOMSUURG.I Stoves .iud TJinvarc. Tlin subscriber having erected a large new brick Foundry and Machino Shop, In place of the old one. is prcpired to inaku all kinds of casting at lite lowest pricts. Plows constantly on band. Tlte rub- ' st rler lias also retuovsd his Tin Shop from Mam et- .In the Foundry lot, where he has erected u building altogether for rltoves and Tiuwure. .TifgcOOK, R A () It COOK, VANLIKlt COOK, and1 IPAItmK BTOVna of alt kinds, tlio KV.il 11Y rcT)t,i4?f,EK 3TOVU,tc All kinds of Hpoutin Tnada to order' JOSEPII SIIAttrLESS. Bloonisburit, Aplll 11. 1PS7. ntvrn.i uvr n tmovtMiien ' I ''tJI KUI', Vj. u. XiUilillsX. i. vvuito J. laborlni a a Missionary in Beitlliern Asia, dis eovi retl n liuple and c.rtaln cute lor Ceassmptlsn, tA - ma, iJi-sscaius, ixugni, tsus, jvertsus XJrHllty.snd all tmpiirtties of 'Ibo Jtiaodt also, an easy and elfectual mode ofinhallnn His Until, Actualcil by a desire lo bcnelit lillisiifrerinefcllows.be will cbeerfuliy send tlie Heclpe (free) to sueb os desire it. witb full and explicit directions for preparing and successfully uiiujr. tb, Msdiune, Address. llev 11. B, DUUNCTT, Ml Broadway, N. V, City. Auris11.1E57 Cm HOWARD EXPRESS COMPANY. T," or. WAUL) and deliver packaces on Ibo line of I In .m. i i'1'svii e ana ufittinp, l.aiiawiriB, vvillisnisport nnd J'.rti'. and WilllamSport nnd Cmiira Pallrcails. rirft. Notes airl Hill, promptly collected. Principal Office. Md (JliSitiiill slieet. (Irdec, fur Oonds delivered, and flood, collected Iree of shar sr I'lliladclphia Aug a. rea7 y house limmentTnd qatt"u POWDERS. T70R sale ay llio qKco of lie O'llumbia 1 i ciat - ALliO- . . ..lnki, Btatinnety Marrlajn t'elllfitim, AYE1VS PILLS Anew nnd singularly successful remedy for tho cure of nil Ui nous elWae Coitltcucsft, J ndi irestimi, Jaundice, Dropsy, Itheutnntfcni Friers, (lout, ilmnnrs,?erwunps, Irritability. Inflamma tion. He.ifl.idiO, Valm In Wt ttiTant, Side. Hack, and l.imlx, "cmale Complalntv Xt. Ir.nVcd, very few, arc tho ilfccaw In which a rnrpntite Me-H cine ii not wmc or les required, nnd mud. sick nei and sHllcrlnj? might bt prcirittnl, if ft harm le but efWtual Cnthnrlle wero tnor freely meJ. No person can feci well while n cottI hahlt of body prcinits f besides, it fflm ecttcrntvt errtou nnd often fatal diieneswliicli might too been nvmded Ir the timely nnd JmUclww "uw of poml purgative. ThU Is alike true of Cold. Feverish symptoms, and Ililinim tlemmrfments. Thev nit tend In become or produce the deep seated nnd formidable distempers which load the hearfGs nil our the Joint. 1 lltncp a Jffi i'm h., WJKS 11. Mi .1,(11 ... !. .!.... ..1 """" "' mimy. extensile trial of its virtue by I'liyucinns, I 'rubis- ton, and l'ntlents, bos shown results siu-paMing any lltinir hitherto known of any medicine. Cures have been eireetcd beyond belief, were they not sub stantiated by person if such exnltcd position nnd character na to furbid the snspition of untruth. Amone; the many eminent gentlemen who have, lostllied in favor of Ihcso l'ills, wc may mention : I'rof. ,1. M. Lockic, Anal) Meal Chemist, of Cin cinnati, whoso high professional character it in dorsed by John McI.e in', Judge of the Supremo Coutt of the United Stntrs. Tuos. Cokwix, Secretary of the Treasury. Hon. J. M. WiiinitT, Governor of Indiana. N. LnvnwniiTii, (treat nine Kroner nf the West. A!", l)u. J. K. Chilton, TracHeal Chemist, of New York City, endorsed by Hon. V. I., Mahcv, Secretary of Slate. Vm. Ti. Asmtt, the richest man in America. S. I.et.and iV Co. f'ropr'i of tho .Metropolitan Hotel, and many others. Did space permit, we could Rive many hundred certificates, from all' parts where tho t'ills have been used, but evidence even more convincing than the experience of eminent public men is found in their etieels upon trial. Theso Tills, tho result of lonj? investigation and study, are ntrcreil to the public ns tho best and most complete which the present state of medical science can afford. They are compounded not of the drups themselves, but of the modicinnl virtues oulr of Wetnblc remedies, extracted bv chemical J ynocess in a state of purity, nnd combined together I in such a manner ns to insure tho best results. This t system of composition for medicines has been found in tnc unerry rccrorni nnu i-ius ooiii, io prouueo a more efficient remedy than had hitherto been ob tained by any process. The reason is perfectly ob vious. Vhiloby the old tnode of composition, every medicine is burdened with moro or less of acri monious nnd injurious qualities', by this each iudi vldii.il virtue only that desired fit the, curative effect is present. All the inert and obnoxious qual ities of encli substance employed nre left behind, the. curative virtues only beiiiR retained. Hence it is self-evident the effects sliunld prove, o's they hnfo proved, more purely remedial, and the Tills a surer, more powerful antidote to disease than any other medicine known to the world. As it is frequently expedient that my medicine should he taken tinder the counsel of on attending ITiysician, and as ho could not properly judite of a remedy without knowing its composition, 1 have supplied the accurate Formula! by which both my Tcctoral and Tills nre made to the whole body of Tractitioners in the United Stales and llritish Amer ican Trounces. If, howeur, there shoujd bo any one who has not received theni, they will bo promptly forwarded bv mail to his request. Of all the Tatent Medicines that are offered, how few would be taken if their composition was known ! Their life consists in their mystery. I have rio mysteries. , The composition of my preparations is laid open to all men, and all who arn competent to judge on the subject freely acknowledge tljcir convictions of their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Tectoral was pronounced by rcientific men to be a wonderful roedicino before its elfects wero knnwin Many em inent 1'hysicians .have declared tho saino thing of my Tills, and evetl more confidently, and are will ing to certify that their anticipations wcic more than rcalicff by their effects upon trial. They opeiiite by their powerful influence-on the internal viscera to purify the blond nnd stimulate it into healthy action remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their irregulnr action to health, and by correcting, whereter they exist, such dciangc ments as aro the firtt origin of disease. llcing sugar-wrapped, they aro pleamnt to take, and being purely v cgctable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. For minute directions, see wrapper on the Iiox. TitKrAKlin ivy DR. JAMES 0. AYER, Practicnl and Annlytir.ni Chemist, Lowell, mass. Fries 25 CeuU per Box. Five Eozos for SL SOLI) BY jATA WISSA, WILLIAMSPOllT & ERIE RAIL ROAD. Direct Itatlrcod cosTitctiun Ittvtrn Majrara h'sllt nn TkllaitlpMa. M orfirt flvj'&rjt An? Citapetl Ittvttfrcm ll'eu'evtt A'cw Yo rk to Philadelphia, Hamttvrg, niUburff Ballmort, Hath rgtctt cfy, and the Eovlk, PASSI:n';EI! TII.ilNri leave i:imlrn dally (eiccp Sundays,) atT A. M. passing Williamsporliil 10 lit A M. connecting with Rcad ng Jtail Itnad airorlUII u Ion; anil reaching i'lillaiUlrhln U7 all T. M. Itctiiruing. leave Philaiielphlii from corner of nroad anil Vinslrccls,al7 30, A. M. reaching Williamsporl, at 1 13. P !.. and arriving ntr.la.irn atu, P. t. , I'ASBKNOKK TUAINS WILL LEAVE POUT CLINTON VOll IIARRISI5URC, Tllrunl vln llnitnlilii nml Rll imiplin mm Rnil llt.uil .nn lit rrialofCaiawlaTraln.at 4 45T.M. reaching liar ''"tcrmicav'e iinrrleiirsai7is a. si.. connecting atl'ortClinlonwilUUatlawissalrain bound west form. iiijtlLc inoslilirectioute liJlarriuurg, I'l.tsliurff, Hab II morua ml ihoHoutu. connecting these points with al Northwestern Pcnnt ylvnniaauil WesleriiN'ew York. Connec-.lngat l.lniira with tralnson New Yorkand Hrif Kail lloau i also, with tho ninura, Cananilngau, Rochcf.er, HufTaloandNiagarn rails. Oraecilng iluectly with the Ureal Western Rnllrna al Suspension bridge for Detroit. Chicago, St. Louis, ' U'us making the shortest, anil tlieapesl route fron "iiaiiejpnia toinose poinis. A 1 I 13 TIT A FKEIOHT TRAIN. Will leave Williamsnort DAILY, at 0 30 A, M.fo Philadelphia. Freight irainio and from riillvdctphla wiihoultrnn shipiuenl.frani llending Hail Road Trel jhlt)cpot,corn erof llroad and Cherry sireeu.s TRAINS PASS IIANVILI.U A8T0LL0W3 aoiso KAST, russengerTraln I'rciglu Train. 12 M. 0 51 A, M n . GOING WnST. L",,,,? VriiV l I'-M. 2'J P. M. BctwecnPbiladc.nhTandnur?eT SI 40 , . . . li v.iu i , , ualawlssB, ij,ii,a''ua " ,..,!?" . V Jilinuispori 4 00 4 an 2 9n s in 5 DO Tmspounds ofpersonnll.aggnge allowcdto each pass enser-viccsscuorge mi uiui iirs-ciossireisuiraics . . .... " A tONUA, r.jigriatcMeat. Jan SO, IfS PHIL A. AND HEADING RAIL ROAD Winlcr drraT.gevtttt fiir rastenger 7Vaisi, January Isl, 1857. UP Trains, going North, leave PJi il.i .tolj-Ii i s at 71 A. M.and i P. M, D.iwii TrainsgoinsSoulh, leave Pcttsvllle at i A, M Ice. and 4 1'. M. ' Urininspjis Heading at 10,83, A. kl.andO,SIP.iM. downTroit S,I3,A. M, 3,43P.M. The CxpressTrnin is discontinued until further no tice. Clone connections are mule bv lb 111.2-2 A. M tha Tmin fromPottClintnntn KlmiiaRnd all Inlerme- ilmtfipfilnls! and liy th C,H2 P. M Up Train from Port i Clinton lo r.lmiri.Canandalnua. Il'itlXo, NinsnraDe I pot Ctucajo, Ht, Louis, tOavenpurl, and lown City; M.'kins tills route Ibesbortesland cboapeit to tAs ial ' t OntSuiiihy,thl Potvu A. M. Trsln from Pottiville, 1 and Up P.M. Train from Phlladelpbia.lonlyun, IIiaaisBcaa Cosssctions, by Daupbln Railroad, at Au bum A special Accommodation Passenger Train leaves rteadinftlaitlyvfexeept 3undsys )ut7l A.M., rcturnina Ironi Auburn aid, P. M., on urrival of 3.10 1', M. Train rrom llarrtstiurir.- WAY FAKES From Readino to Uiilja-ipliiT, ei.T.Taiid 1,15; rottsvWIe 41,05 and 0.S3; TtlltOlMill KAftES.tn Harrlslmre. Tomaquo niuiiitn, v.tj. iu; muiiinspori ji.iuj i;tmtM uniniuu idfijOO: Hutrjli -sic NlaErntltl.uOl Cleaveand BIO,. 71 Toledo 8l4.7.-ii Cincinnati 810,(10 , Clilcoro IJU.UH. '; w.w). tbnears! ltl ccnls extra on Tares paid In Ihe cam nftyflis.,nf persenai llatfare allowed each Passeuogc all over t bat svelckl atcliared Uxits llnceace- I iu,ii,inii'..ii,,uvui, .iv.l'l liciyi d o iici 1113 Jsntnry3d. IS57-tf. u n. 'iimiuiici, f!'(8up'l .IOSEPII FUSSELL, ' MANUFACTURER. 01' Srr-t! r.ibrcllas and Parasols T- Ai ibo did 1'ianil. sft. 2 Nottrti i-oLnrti utbkkt. KLSU sfc WlliSOsV'S. WHOLESALE AXV RE'IAIL iiEisisi,ir CONFECTIONARY & FRUIT STORE Ojslcr nntl liadng SaieorlS rptir, undersigned, respectfully Informs JLtnnciltsrns or IHonmsii'irjt uioiiiii lie In gcnrrnl, that llicy hnvebonglllllie lnii.,..i nr VI llhfrmnn. in I lii nlinve Cstalillslinisnl, on Main Street, and tinvc opened n general llnkery, l.'nnle cllnnary, and OlHer Hnnllirh nitnt. whero tlieyvtlllnt sll limes keep n full support Provisions Hweet meats and llstnMes, such ns llrrnd I'les, ttweeiroiatoes.l'lieesc, atsckrel, tc, served up in gooil ftrdernnd on inoderateterms. Their Ptockcomprlscs n large supply nl Almnnns Tigs, Kosons,! Prunes, Nuls. Wnlnuls, llnlr Tohnrcn ' Ciiits.etc , willi rvcrylinnglnableaiilclciiithelrlinr olliusinnss.nnil oftho lies Muni It y. 1 ITJ- families sueplleilnt all times with, nread.ljnkcs. Ples,Oyslcrs, fccnnd nil orders prnnipi ly Itllcil Unh ,,aI,I fur Cniltitrj' prodilrea ml tin public llsttr . icspl'Clfullylnvitcd. I 0 E OR E A JI , . i , , .iiwov a uii iiuiiu, uuiiiil; iiiu nuiiiuiui .i-vn. .1 11. rt jmuiu inHiii'iii nimiiiii.-. .1 ,.i...... 1 rta. Ilthroent, has been prepared In good ottierv o Klll.1l1v.vyr bentiheiieiinininnil TIIOMAf" I! r.l.f R. (l.IVnrt T . WILSON, ltl,.... P.I. 1.1C-.f. V II A t.llnl.Ctnlnnn il I .run nil 1 fit frtini Lllf-nlinTI Uloomsburg, Trli. 1, 1 657. ir&A"' 4j SI JiVAJsH iNJiW UUiMJ;Jt, (Frwiery ll'cot A'ew cemcr,) Arch street, abuvo Third, Philadelphia. HOURS OF MP. A 1.8 IfRKAKMsT, 5, 0 nud 7 o'clock to 10 lltsiKR,t7entlenien'rnrdtnary,l o'clock loa. " Ladies. ti o'clock. Ta. Ifto'clockto II. F.VAN r.VANS.I S.NGWCOMnU Allg,ll,19S5.y. OIIARI.ES II. MARPLIi'S. H'l.M! AND LiarOR STORE, A'n, 143 North Tldrd Stmt, Above Race, Cast Side, Two doors abovu llieHigcl Hotel. miLADEf.PIA Ilnff conntt.il. ly on lmnrl I'rcncli Itr.nnilpn, Hnllanil Oin nnd n F-nrrnt nnrtinrtit nr Foreign Wi lien, atsu, nil kmrlN nf Amerirnn Pnlrtin, 4c. March 13 'RWV y. National Hotel. ( LATE -TUITE SWAN, ) Sides $ Stover. Itacc Street, ahovc Third, Philadelphia PsTn?ip,ljttortlic)1riu 3teve!i1liolllitgElca(jl!cCo Jam T. Hiiver, of tlio Union llniel, iAiuusI II, JH.iti MONTOliil HOISK, CURNGP. OF MARKET AND MIM. HTRCHTS, (ntmcdlsfey tppotttt the Court lloutt,) ' DA.IV.VI I.I.K, J'A. HAVIN'O been recently renovated and refurnistied lu a super inr sty le, tins elegant Hotel Is now reopn inriue reception 01 strangers nnu visiiors.wnosepa' ronage Isrcspecliully requtslud. S.,A. IIRAIir, Iyti.l6'3i!. ' ' JOHN H- AluLEN & CO. Abi. U ij- ! Cirsnut, Hired soitlty, side ht low Water,) Philadelphia. (Till Ol.ns.sr WooO'WARB House, la Tub City ) MAiVUFAOTlfllCIIS nndlVluilcsale dealers In Pat. enl .Machine. mndn Itr.'otns, Patent flrnoved Cedar ware, tfamnted set Is shrink Wood and Willow. ware. Cords, l:rultcs ,&c,, ofall dctcrltons. Please call and1 examine cur stork, Jan taty au ia. i y. SPUING AND SUMMER 668 B S To be Sold Very Cheap, jusr iiruciv n at tiih btoui: of J. J. IJKUWKR, UlooiMnburg.T April 25, J657 3ra mm MAItCLK YARD IN BMIOJiSilUlUx. HIRAM S CAREY HAS openfd a Marble Var1 In Court Alley, opposite the Kxchanio, wh'iro ho la prcpirnl In MiiiBh.thc beat work from Italian or American Mnihlefur Tonib6tones, Tables, Mantles,' Winriow-MlUnnil len tile. rorthe character nnd finish nflits i.-nrk lie refers to eiiclioalio haa malc is this county, lie will fnrniiih ucsigna for work or oxpcute any that inny be fur in die Fillohlrn. His work shall always he sailjfjclory in itKHtyh'niiil rennonatilcin price. J. S. & 12, L. TKROT, Produco and Gen oral COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No 3Q North Wliarv, , I'HILADKM'IIIA. RErCRGNCES; John? rnnlton,i:ai. I'hlladflphia Mctera Hacker. Lea U Co. Piti't, I'rjre u Co Hiirknor. MrCnmmon & Co. 4 Clmrlnfl rilm k Co. B. Morris Wnin & Co OntPrbrulpe, ArDV 4. Co. Cliarlcf- & Joseph IVmt, Thnnus & Maxwell, Nw Vork, " C. M. AlcChtng it Co,, si, l.Kuia, Mo, " ,J,fl. Morrif c Son, Louisville , Ky Vnrciri5. IPSC-v ' DYER'S HOTEL. Cattawissa Pa. rt IllPnldand Wellknown .lotrl.ititlielnwn J AfCatlawisen.lsstill kent hv tint nudnr. siatird, nnd In snitpof ullliccnse lawn, ha i. rtPtcrminod to make his linucnneof the most rniTtif blonl.irpsfri.ravclf rstofctop at. Hint can he fuuuil In Ihoinieriornfl'eMn-ylvHn.a Ills table will be I'urnUii. cu dally with th nest theMirkPican aflord. l3"My old friendsand traveller aneraliynrpltivltcd tomW. JACOU DVKlt. Mav2i,IB33. y . States Union Hotel. FORMnnai.Y ucd j,ion hotel.) No. 200 Market street, Philadelphia. Gmaar. W. IIINKI.i:, Proprietor, former lyorco. lutnbia, Pa., would inform bis friends nntl beruili ictbatbeconlinucsto keep the above named Hotel ivbicbii well and favorably known llirtiiicbnutlbe Mtaleasonenftbeoldnsinnil most convenient Hotel In bocily. He moslrcspeclfuly,oliciIf nsbarenl nub-rp-ionage . April 7, ms. i'HILAD ELPIIIA CARPET S'l'OUIJ CAJtrnTINGS, pilcinths. Window Shades, Mnlsan Mattln;s Just rereived 20,1100 pieces new slvle nufaetuted and luiported expressly for OARI'lll' X.L. Morcliants and Housekeepers will please no No,j in and UONorlli 8eco nd Slrcel.lst door below 1 ast's wliurcb. M.irrliaa pto. J. SIDNr.V JOM:3 Kspytcwn Coach and Wagnu Factory Til I! undersigned Imvlug succeeded Jacob ft. F.vt intbe WagonindCoacli maklnebusliiess.al bis auind.ln Usnylown respecilulty inlotin ibcir fricnt. andtbe niblic.ihaiihey contlnurwillibe ' Wagon Making Business, lnajljtidcpaittuents, tvbercibcy will bo bsppy lire ceive orders and promptly executeall business lit tlicl Hue, wit i neatness and itrsnnirh D" Wbeel barrows made to order, and allkinds ol .Qiuiiliibuuiiuiiiisiiuriutilice, Rspylown,Jane7,185li. y ' John o. yeager. Fashionable ilat &()ap Store p.U.103 JVUUTII TIlir.llSTRnCT, HHII,AI)KI,I'HIA. Vjr MCrcbanlB and Visitors finm Vnrtlmrii Pi.nn.tf vania.iircrospcclfiillyinvltcdto jive Itlui acall, wben v i Km ii g i ui'ugei nuia. JtiniM.lMO. y. C. C SADLER tj- CO., ' T .'TrZ .. , NU . U,OrlM WiltO Strilet I 1 1 1 1 a d 0 1 Pbla 0OMMIBaiONMRIt0llANT8, anddsalerv in i.nrm .Hiiiiuiacts . Uhccao Hams, duckets, forks riour 4cc Aplill.l&IS ly. WJI. S. SMITH & CO., Produce Factors , AND OB.yFMli COMMISSOJf MF.JICIMJTS, No.' 00 North Wharves, ' ,,1"!J;""Ir ,T,7' o"nwt advanced In , --- ":'v:,; jr;1, "", March II, IMI.-ly I 1 . , Dr.,, c. Btutter, II 0 111 010 pa tlii c I' liyslcl an, TtCaPCCTFULlIVleoilor.lils Professional Kerees J.tiotliecilixens of Bloomsburaand vicinity, eene rally' rj-OtBe.qon'tbe comer of J Main autl Iron Htttalt ntnnm.litirtt. Attloitilna Mr ltrtiwr'Kfltir.u . Hopt. -'J. IMS. ROSENDALE CEMENT. -pCRBOMM wl t Ii I nj Ii use 11 dtil 9 (Viuicnt can find il by J. callinj! oulbc su'jrtiilr ut Uupcri. 1'a iit:iiiinoi.ir's GEMiixii! ritJn'AiiAtio.v nmiiLV coNor.xmATnn coMrouNn mnn uxtimct imunu, For IUtttt tjf tk Bhilrr Ktdntft. (Irartl. Dropty WtakntiHi, bbttttleA Strttl Ilteterrg, Femalt Omj UiHtt, and oil Vhentet tif Al Atlalfii ttnm I1f... si nil 1 isi n Ml ifrnfi fm In llRi. an.) reinovnn nil ImiirupT nifcharpf" from tho tiladilor, 1 KMnpyR.or tfxnnl Orsnn. wlirihrr cxlillng la AlAI.lf lltt l'n.MALE. " itt, nit i ijtimi'ttj From wbltever cau-e they may havo originated, nnd ' no mailer of bow tony sunning, giving" health and nJ ""1 !,',?, :;(V,,. w JrlVj iaVAViV vlgor lo the Irnine. niutl'lnoin to the pallid check. """iflif Sri aii-V--Jl VtIilsfr A w it r.,.si.....i. -h.i ii.i.iiiifii,.,in.ifi..r,. ..t 1 lUsnisri. AlnrclM. I8.17. nit me synipiouis. nmnrg wine u win ne toiinii lniifsno. slilnn to Lxnnlnn, tv or Power, Loss or Memory, lllfllrultjrnl' llrMlilu(,nonerl Wukues, Horror nf lllsensc, WrakNcrsfs. rrrtnlilinar.tln-iitlr.il llnfrnr of llcath. Nlglll Kivenls.O'ld Feet, Wnkcl llncss. IHm. lies s 111 vision, l.nugvor, iniverrsi i,nssilutltl 0 Mtmriitsr Hifletn. Illlm lliiorinnu Aiin.tlin. Il...nnnlll. Kvlnnlnm. Ill 1 1 It A .1 . I'l.. .!.! .. At i I.m II..1. . nrtnrssnf flienkln PnilldCiiiinleiiincennd I'.ninilons ' on the Faeo, Pain In Hie Isnek, Heaviness of Ihe F.yei I ..111. T.m.. .., n.L Kit II... In,, nn -I IIU r nil", irc'im-iiuy nincn i-p-ui iiymg' urinrn Ills liyes," , .,i. .,, ,i,rii, ,uill 111 1 -v 1 "i. .....i. "i -m..- 1L...l.l- l .1. -i.i.- 1. I 1 ...I. . 1.. il. J I r i. innn siiiiiuiifi nnu noiiiing incy more urenil lor lear or, I tlictfivlvca I nnVpi'sc of Inaniier no earnest ucss. no speculation, bum Hurtled transition from one qucs i hfon tonhotber. ... ' Tt. n.n. . Hltn- l.J,n .. . -.t..-t. .1.1. I. 111;" n,,.,"iii. 1 1 ii.iui, v,i, nv uii ivi-irii in'. medicine liiinrlaldy removca-sonnlfiiilowa Loss of .Power ratulty,nnd epileptic Fits In one 'of which the palictil miyexllre Who can s.ty that tlien ex. rvn(s 'nrp nol frc'ltifnllv tnlluwrtl hi tlirsi rtlrA Ail1 tli-vwpn Inft'iltynnd Ounnnmpllon ? Xhi rpcnnlii of Hie I n np Alutttsi, nml the ni'ilanrholy ilcntlm by t.'onmuitptiou, hrnr nmpla witnrrii tn Hie trnlh of llioiu n(rtK.its, In l.nnatic Aynnif llic, nmn mrlnnrlmly ! cxliiliitinn nppfars. Tin coiinf-Mi-incc I itdinily oiJ. "Y -,..sj. !""'""' I liriOjUH iibiih ii. fiiif chi ti mi ui iiivj iii,a vccurtii r rireiy nrtinimia. "Willi woeful ineOMirfii nn despair' !.nw millri noiirnl hln crtrf hrgulicil." I)phllltvliin(itlfrril)lrl nml Ins lirnuirlit lliniivamU nnon tlinuMinl to unttn.fi I v arrives. ttma blisllno tlin J ntnltitlon of many iiobtc youtlia. It can lie cuicd by -I he use uf tint . iXF.iLLWLr. itFMCnr, X:ri,m'croa-Try Iiewarooi uuirs rto.irums anu.uuacK llnrtors. wbo falsely linastof aliilliiesundroterences tUitizens know andjavold them and savelnng sum-ring money, nml ejpnsure, by sending nr calling for a bnlllo of ibis popular nnd sp'riflc remedy. i II nlliys all piln nnd inftntnmallnn, Is perfectly pleasant in Its taste and odor, but Imniediiio In Us nc"0"' ........ ... , i lir.l.MROtn'S n.TRACT mitTIU I Is prcpanii cllreci ly accoriiing.in tlie rules of, Vharmkrv and Cfitmtttrv. With tlm grcate5t ncniracy and) chemical knowledge nnd care'ikmtnd in in combination. See i'rofenr lcwrs' Valuable Works on the prarltcc nf phytic and motl nf Ihn lite Ptandiril Wnrk nf Modicliif, I3-ONB IIUNDIICU OOLIiAUfa Ouo liinidrcd dotLirs will be pnitl in any physicmn who ran prove thit Ilia Medicine r-ver injured n ia licnt,'; and tin? tusllmony o thoiiMmtscan no produced lo prove that it ri-tes urnal pood. Cases of front tm week lollnrlTnycnis' sfnndinjf linie iien rllVctd. The iinsnf vohtn'..i y testimony in poi9ffion nf the proprietor, oiirl.irtjlils vlriups nnd cnrillvc powrrs, i immense, embracing names wti'l kniwu to Brionco Itnd Kniiir. JOO.IMHI bottlfs have bpen sold and not h Pinglo1in iUiifc rf n liillure lia- h'n reported I Tcrronaily nppcnrr'd hpfiire mn.nn Alderman of ihe Pity of riijadelpliia. H. T. Urlnotm Chrmit, who boldg dnlv nworn dors sny, Hint his preniration con tilii no N.ncoiic, M-rrcury or injurious lrugt 1ml nre purely vfgclalde II. T, IirXMItOl.U, Solo Manutnrturnr. flivorn and suUicribed hoi nre inn ibis S3d day of No vember JP5I. WM.lMmiUAUU. Ahlcrman. Price SI per holtle, er sitor , drttvered to tiny rd dresa, accompanifd bj ndn'ilp and responslld'1 ccrtlfl calesi frfnn Profi-Hors nf Mudical Cotlegus, Clergymen , uiid'Mlicrs. Prepared nt:rtfotd(lty H T. UHLMIIOLD, I'rorlic'irnnd nilmcnl ClicmiM. No .V2PoutliTCNT.1 Bt., below CncstnUt, Assembly llulldina. riiiind.'ipina. ry TO ba had Pf J. 11 J.fOYF.R. IJloomvburF. end of ell Dircgitta nnd JUaltr ttreunHtut the tUlttd Statu, Vanadas and HrilUh Provinces. unwAKc nf' cdCNTr.r.rriTS. ask roi nni.MiioMjy-i'AKn no oriinu. CUUC3 tJUAR ANTHIID. June 13.1M7. 187.- SPUING AND SUMMER, GEO. IIUM'IN & CO. IMPOUTKIS WATO JWJvWWCTOTiEVIS, 171 UHESNU I' STREET, Are now rrf pared to eihibit ihrMr New Styles FOR SI'llTNG TRADE, INti'LUOINO 1'il-vhrk nnd roloreddilk Manliflas. Cbatilly ri.ic.Aran Mactillas. 1'rencb l.nce Manlil.n". Cinliroidi-reii Silk .M.intfllns, Itujleil bare and Ni I Mantillas, Mouruini: Mantillas Uastues.Tnlnias. A.C., Allofwiiicti wiitbe filtered mine i.oweit t'rtres. OHO, llltlil'IN & CO, 11 Olieiil Strset. ntinvn 7tll. 1'ltlla dtllla . Matcb7lb,lH57. , tfATlOXJU. SJIFKTY TRUST CO.MPJWY. ALUT Strcct, South West comer vrTrllRIK I'hilnilcltiltin. tiiriirrtiirntrJ liv ilm Slate of Pennnyl van la. Mniipv m rernvedln anvii'ini, l.irco or small anil nt erf st paid torn the. day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. The oft.ee Is open every day from 9 oVl-vk in Hie mnrnliirr till 7 iiVlor Ic In tlm rvi-nin?. unil nn rXTundnV. andTlmrFday evening, Ull 0 o'clock INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. All ttmslarir' or small, nre pildlmck in COLD on demand without uotitf, toany nmonnl. President, lion uisisuv i,. n r.NjvijK. Vicppresidenl.UOIllsKTHnLFItllJtJB PccretarysWII.I.IAM J RECU. ;)frt(oi"; Ilcnryl. lienncr, C. I.andrcth Munns Edward I. Carter, F. Carroll II rewster Uobertelfrldgc, Jnoeph U. Harry, Samuel K. Ashlnn , Henry I.. Churchman, JtvineslI.Hmith. Trancls (QR. Thin romnanvconftnns its himliifos pnlirely to the receiving nl mcney on interest, The investments a inonniinc w uvt-r ONH MILLION AND AMIALP OF DOLLARS I are made in ronformiiy with Mio prnvilons of the charter in KKAIj UdTATn, MOHTnAGnfl, cnOUNI) k rvTrt. find tut i nro i ri.iga sppuriues n w ii i aiwnvs Insiife perfect ecuri(y lo the depositurs. and which ran not dtil to give permanency nnd H ability lo this t nii union. NEW WAGON WHOP, Willow Grove, South BlooKisburg. THU.uiiderfiynrd respectfully Infornis bis Iriciids and ilia public ceimrnUy, ll.nt be Ins Inken'tbe inntl.,ii l.v cireupiijii by Sir Robert lltnl st, In Willow (rove, tiuutb Itltminsburi;. below lliu Hall road, ubere. lie will conuuuu urn Wazan-making Business. In all its vario'ts departmeiits, in eood u v e nun oiiinoiieinic tern s. Alsoltenairins Wfteons. liueeles. Carrlntes. Bui binds. &c , tione to nrdernnd on short ilrno. tm'roduco'laKen for vvorK. 0IIAH1.C3 IIROWEIt, nioomsbltrS April 3, lS57-3m ' DENTIST U"t. sr. . Msffio SlIHGEON DENTIST. niXJOMSIIURfl, COLOMBIA CO,, Residence, first Brick liiilldlnz below llartuian't slor e . , on fliom riiiuei, RESPIXTrULl'.Y effjrs Id professional services lot bo Indies 'and cei'lloinen of Ilietinisburjr and viclnlly He is prepared' atlend lo a'l tho various ooralions in Ilentillryi and is provided uitb Ibo la- tell luiprovcd . I'o r ce tain j. cent, yiiir.li will be inserted oil p)vyt oisQbl p)ute,lo look as ell as tlie natural, . EJ- A suaertor orltcle of, TOOTH J'QWUCIt. all vvjysonband, June 13 lfc57 nv. 15, '53, S. L. Pancoasf &, Co. OOMMISSION ME110IIANTS. AWI nRAIiFiRH IN FISH. PROVISIONS, SALT, .J-c. 17 North IVIiarvcs, 'Philadelphia ci'l'ONi; cunt, lor sale bv ' " ' ' ISii 1 Si 1 Mill W salamander fire and tuief I'JtQOF SAFES. TIlC l,Altll!HT AS90RT. iSii.. 1 .i,i nl 1 menl In Ihe iinllcil F Wnrratited to he eiunl now maife. and will bo sold nn alas good terms, n enn be obtained jMfrnni nnv otlicr huusc In Hie from nny other house In Ihe conntry.nl "jsrmrrt en h. iih sirhitiniiiiniitii. rMI3i-2T0' ... . ., i.m.ii.Wi .v , . - -."'- " respectfull v report, bnl wo sow thi two safes, pilgl ""Hyng'eed upon liy rnrrelsfc lurringind l.vsnc "atson, piac.n una py sine 111 1 P'rnisc, via; Tile MI'I" I se ny Hie payinorigr or Jlirlli of the , rteodlng Rnllroart Cimpnny in hit official Reading, . w 111 Uin mi farm red by Fur r Is tc lli-rrmj nnc tho Kanntn nnity("use by It A, Ijiiitu In , his .note unniifiatureii by F.vnnsfc Wntson, and put in bock unit pjptrs ic el'Pl'S"k,V oi ,, . inriii'ii.i.pi. ihmii u."iiiHii.i,i.iHii.ri, , nf 4 I toil .nhll nf lirfirn llll-kltf V. IWIlMnf. ! u l J i I . . ... " ' ' L .1 , . ttn.i.t I ..11. ..1...,... i..i.,H..l.n...hr , " - JJ ' .til.. . 1 1. MMn.. , . l.n. fln..Ai . ... p.1.. "u"r inns .mrmnere 01 mi- unniinuiee. 'inn raies were ihnn'.cptileif no, with wnter, af er wnlch tlicy were opened. and the bn.iks nnd papers InkVYi out l,y the Committer nnd sent to II. A, Lnnlr's sttirt lor ' ..Ihl..nn,l..l ...I L.11 .1- . ' - 1.....1........ iii.i, jh iy- y n uiniiiiii hi--. I'hnliooks and nan rstakenfrornttiesi.-ifo.aivniifnc. tured bv Farrets U Herrings warn, in our judgment, . dnmnced fullyflftren percent. morathau iboso Ukcn frniii Ilvnnh Ac WaUnn'o S.ifi''. lielitvt' Ihnv? h.ivr It pen n frtlr- nryt hn partialUla) ofiho respjrllvpnu.ilUlcB nf linth Sites, JACOfl II, DVfMlllK. v 'UANIM. S. MUNTHU. Having tptn ajtirnt ilurtnc Uif) Imrnltig, wo fiilty s'l in-nnj w I f II I in HUOTO 8 I I ICHlPIl I IHO I U IIU lllH nfHi;p3p('riai)d liooiia taken out of I lie rcipTllte 0. A . NICOM.S, ii. ii. MUiii.nvnnntJ. JA9,MlLtlUl.I,ANI. Marrh 28,1837. .NEW AND USICFUL. OLEUM LJQ,UOR. , , - . , OIIISIltHIt for L.l?ISCfa Ull, JPATI'.NT APrMCIl FOR 1 rpHF. uni!erslnnl one! toibr nulillc tlielrOleum 1,1 . J quor ns an iincieunuli.itiute fm I.lnsecil Oil, ns a thinner fir nil torts ol Paints siountl in Ull, except Vinetlan Ited. Wben Uilnncd witb the Oleum thi Paint will enver belter, dry .,,rkPr will lii nioVe il irjIiteinlid wllcn varnished, the palm bue and ntalii Ibo most Rtosy nppearaurc; an.llfi'c alantlclty of the thinner 1 1 1 i'n it 11 iu 1 im pninj ti ij teiu io tue af ni'n I'liti ie crnckina nnd neuhng off, so commnn in ordinary var nished oil i;i In Ib is cnllrelv nvuti.nl. For pitntlnj Tin Hoofs Us equal rnntint he fuind. The Ofenm can he uspd by IlFrll", or In common w 1 1 It Id listed OH. Vornfeh, Japan orTnrpctiilna at the op tion of thcTnintcr. Its cofst is ul'out nne-Tnlf nf that of Lltired Oil. tlin- ennsidfrably rrt,tnc(nj'thi;cjp"iis'' orp-iintinc. We f.iiiiilully reromuiend il for nil purpntp Indica fd and w.irrant it tu giye satisf.iclion. A liberal dis fount lo tlioir.ide, DiltmilONH. Thin the fmlnt w Ith tlio OInm Ll quo r and wurk It w'cl I, until it Hows (fevly from tlio brush, Tito br.ish ini t he free from all mature and lna rlalily nutitt.i hn so.ikcd well with thu Oleum Lii'iur , previous to painting. lnitendot plrtcinc thehruptics In water over n Is lit, ns painters generally dh, ihev miphi to be put In tlio OtiMiin Lli'inr, ulilih will reatly l.trllitnie tUf work. The paint mixed wilh Uif Oleum Liqimr will work belter if it ha allowed to ft.md from 1'J to i'f hours pre vious to, its mi ng ,usetl. ami llien llii'iiutl in sum n consistency n lo work lre nnd eisy umicr tlio brmh. l y lh life of J.ipui, ttii pHlnt will be romHrcd still firmer. Mlt the Jnpin li ISI Willi the paint nod tlmn tlilri'it Willi thu Oltiini i.i uor In Hie lu.innur ni"ii Urtiicd ahovf. CJ-10U pouttdsor r.iintttiinncd witht'ie Oleum Li iior, will cover n Urgcr surUce than l.i pd-iuda tliin nod with oil. 'J'lie Oleum Lio,ucr nottto be inc. I with Vumlinu lied, nor w'th V.niitcontiinina any pinpnrtioii or it. Aiii'Tlf.iu I'aiui ami Cn'i r Works, Cfirnur v'Uli and Creen Wtt.,l'iii!a.l Inlii i Ofliro-N C cr'iU ihirtT itnd Wuo.1 sts . l"lll.i.t n nlil.i.P.i., trvu'fi nldfs hiiiitH.ic.jiriJ Chrirtic 'cllo''. r.i. Orcorl, ChHu'se and Tplx") Whie, Verniilnn "n-l irarlct lU-d in vnrioiH nh-i M and imlitnj, pit'i tw ty or in oil. nn I wirr.it t Hi .m " "iuqoM 1 1 a.iy . t her m-ike, rhher hero vt airoadf June u. OLEUM LIQUOR. CKRTIFICATK. WE, tlio undersigned Houo Painters, Iierrliy cerlif that we it.ivi plven tlin n wh in vented Olcinii laii'ior. m i mi fuel ired by lire in , pHttinnn & UrehiU in, Thlladelpliia, nn tmpirt , I rial, nnd hive found it n I ilU'iMit stibitutu for I. seiju Oil. tar superior to it in everv rtspeM t, at e i of only Jibo'il lulf as m ich. th t rou I durably reducing the exprnsu f piiutln; We would therefore reroiu mend th" public in it enteral iuo, and alter it hai been trir-d its sitpcriority'ifVer Linscl Oil will he at tested to by .HI. oiiAitLMs Qt!ii:n, WILI I AM WOLLI.. --IHVAill ltt:NIIAIt1). June 13, lr7. XIIKIUOnr ,ccr"tif7 that T lnvo hail llnune I'niiUttiif prn.'ciifd litily Willi tlm above nnnied Olfiim Limior, an I conr-ir in riti retiperi s Willi the rccniniiifi'tiiinm of ih above mni"d 'ulliiii'n( and will here ndd, lint in fuluit' 1 will h tvu no paint ins operations piTl'itnm-il u I (liont the ndmlxtun o thu above named valii'ible li'juor Thun vvho in.iy deBiro io view lis effect, mil rail at mv midence, where Ihey ran couvinco tlicui-Ivcs of all t it i4 rt presented of ihe Oieuw, Liquor jn reird lu lii.iuty and Unribilily. mm J isaac imniNic. Jjnu 13, l?:.7. 'CBNTRE STORE. SPHI.'VG & f, U fil 31 il GOODS. npIIE (lmlorsicncd InVn plcaMiyp o( in J. foi mil's the cillr.ens of Conlre and virl nlty, tlie lie bas Just reemved a largo and select assottnina of ( . ai'RI-n k piiMUt'.n rconnc. ' Comprlslnctbii lieavitst stnsknndinoKt vnriedariirt in nn oi iiaiiiiu,iiiic, ust iu i ami suiisiantin l .vt er Cliau tliie Hint hnvebren offHreti Intbepul lir ole' cry Kin nndtiunlily,v.-blr.luli(iy willsellforrQady'pay.ni ver reasunnble prices. t!3"C0llnlr V iirodltrrtnVen inetclinnee for n una I ii c I mli n c Crnln nnd I.iik bcr nnd tbc publlccustoni rcspectiiiiivsoictleit SAMUEL LAMBAOIC. rowIcrsvlUe. Marcli 2c, 1657. x - sir OILS, I?OH Manullscturineand Iluruing purposes. Tor salaf ; lv i J, It A. it- S. ALIsUV, I Nos. 7 and H p'oullt Wharves. June C. J57, Pliiladclpliia. LANDHETII'S WAKRANTED GAH J)EN SEEDS. mass snr.ns rir.LU Bccns, and fuiwru vr HUUDs.forsaieby ' iv. i.ANnnr.Tfi & son; Nos. 51 nndS3Eduiliiilli St., riiilailclpliiat March 23. 1817. OLIl'HANT, WOOD3IDE & 00. Importers anil Wholcsalo Dealers, in wuxcb anb tguora7 Ko 4(17 Arcli St. above Fourlb, nilLADELPIlIA. r.Ourn&NTt J. Woonsiuc Cio.McAlpis, January, 3J.l8it.-y, Franklin i!frsl Uousc. IMHKRU ,V LAIIU), I'ronriclors. Chcsnut St., bciwccii Third anil Fourtli, I'HILADELl'HIA. Septcmberl.1, lSiO, LEAI' TOJJAOCO ft i;ICiAlta. 21, South Kront Street, u J-IIILADCIiPllIA. Sept. 0 xaii.y steam enoines and ROILER T'llllaiihicrltirrlsnowprcpntcdtpithncw Mnrhmc r jr , ,i, uii no b,. 111 lining .iiifiiii,'!.. 1 iimii inn 11111 1111 r fv upon the latestlniirovtdplan,iitMl.wlllliullilio inter doulileand single porlnlilc onglnes finm III I04O 'o'sepowir.RlggcJitnonc.aftlaBes.wllh.llnlHrliiar. ing pu,np. n.icomp e.cnnu rcnuyioraetlnn. . so. vtindur llueahd tubnlstlinlicrs cast lion coal iite.isg g groin andcrackin? , raTe-forercfkltiif Os.' irsnalsuled In isnn.fnv ikrrstiriiir lorn ami now nisilu on a lrse srale' far errrkintf fcrenklngoal. llenvyinlning pumps nnd. fire rngincf ripgciicnmpiricwnn nonius ncting rowing piinips,ni kinds of millgcaringind house caning mndn to nrdcil l.lnefiaflhlgwlthnnyde.rdslicsolpillley MnlShe , with hangers IronMimlnir ,1mm ..uiuiri.ni in...... kinds of Iron turnirt lipsw ...i iu, ........ turned With nny desired pitch oflhronil. , u ... , U.,K . ,,, uiru-nnig aiarnines , mai ever rninehorora the public, carl Iroe nnd Woden Idnchlnea 'made to order. I.evcr nowcr, n:nln or trfad toner 1 neural itoiigu iron tiirosning iiinchlnes, ttiat ever ferertliy the I'nleiiicclotlllenial, It will erlnil limmlil .flue mWilM busliclsin one hour Also bolts am i. fi.vli. torsnll liiol.tehnlsortngilc's I'nlcntiiiower nisniifnctiir- ed by O. II Harris u Co., tlm nio.i nn war nil Itlower now in urn wlththclrnstsinitilnt flfpniver, onnnf h i ( II.. hl.n.n Mnill W I I ll.n n i.l. l .1 I. ! . . ... ' 1 .". I itii i"e fiuii u um-u. i"': tin only inr -cill tittlon. ii'lnl .117"'"'" -- "IHIM!i;tl lOll" Wliai inCV ft ! r 1 . .1 . i-.ii .. ..... . ... . . 1.1. n..lMJ iS.-.1J"a. . . , rurtser, aniiriuuisio nsc incm Jntbecountirs lit rntsim ,lilo.Moteur.Nnr(hiim'iprland.l(vcnniing, PiiiiitolVanii t;int..n, one of which can be seen nliiiv shoo 1,1'U'rs II M ttfs .... (. .QH n. . llll P II . .tl.VIJCJ. n..,i .. .1 .1..1.1 . .. .1 " "it lSinil 11 ni.iri.il .if, irtiui JHOOmSLII , It 01 llUltii.l tC . . L Br M 'fcj ff B 1 j s. f tf fcOilirliT'rtEl 's GREAT CURE1 Foil Dl''sEIS,IA, TT'.u'idrorSicJJR.nOUGHTON'S Juice rrcpared from Uennett nr the fniiith I Stomarli of thoOi.nfler dlrfClioiisof n.iron Lie. 1 uip, mcgrratriiysinloff Iral ChemHt, by J. H Touithlon,Mt) rtillq oo i pii in ,rn Th'fisNatiireowiiUfmedy tor nn linhealihy tto morli, No art nf nlntican etunl Its curative powers, t contnlns no Alchnhol ,1'ltti rs.Arfds, or Nnusaons f ttiss. It Ie xtremelv flereriihtetnihrtngipltitiH mnv Lntakctiby the most feeble patients who cannot rat n wntercrackcrwithoiitacute distress Hcwnrcnffirngged Iriitatlnns. I'epsiti is not n Druir Cu'l on the Agfnt, nnd Ret a Descriptive Circntn p, rails, (tivinp a Inrpo amount of Scientific r.vidence froniLiehis's Au1ma'Lhr,nltry,Dr,Cnmhr'rhllnlnry Dicestioui Dr l'erplra on I'ood and DirtjKr. John W Tfapcr, ofNcw Vork Unlversllyj Trof,. l)nnplion's ryiolosy; Prof, Sitiiman.nfYoleCollpdcejIlr Carpen tei'sl'hy-iology; Aic, together with repotlfof Cui es from all pu'itsnflhe United Stars, Hold by U.r.LnUnnd J. H.Moyrr, Itlnomsbtirp H U. Downinn nerwlcl,. Dcta, IPS-I tyi li)oms?)urg Tinware and Stove Stors rpliriund'TslRneii repcc' fully Informs his ld friend L nnd customer, that h1 Ins purrjnsfid hisbrotber 1 uf crest iuthenbove eRtsiMiihiiif'nt.'auillhecniiceruwi hrreall'T bo conducted by himell eiclusivrly. He ha just lecelvctl and oflers for'sale, the Inrifstnit IfftS mosteitensivn nssorlmcnt of FANUV i'UVi; tvjVJ ever introduced inlothU market. ills stofk cousins of a cninpliiionssnrtnicnt nt ebtliest Cooklnpnnd parlor slnvos in Ihe Innfket.io thecer with Htove fixtures nf every description. Oven nnd Hnxdinvei, lUdintors.Cvlliider Sinves, Cist Iron Alr-Tlgh Slovei, Cannon Htnves, &cM &e Htnrcpit penml Tinwareemstanilj on Jmnd nnd nnn uhctured to order. AW kinds of repniriiiK doug, ns usual. on short notier, Tho patronacenf old friends and new custotnorsrc sncolfullr solicited, A."M, RUrKRT. oiimtt nrj( , Jan. 3, 185-1, tf i&i&St CHEAT WATCIl&JnWULKY RTORC, iNo. iNortu beconU olrcct, orrosiTHTH: muxt vi:uno iiouRii.niii.A ColdLeverWatcheititlUcwetltd li?R Uusib, t'.'y U Bilvur dn ' ilO JV U do tiepl n c do V 00 Ouartlers ' S nolo 70 cold pperta fie, 4 anto to uo I Silver do I 50 51'vertniiieHpoons perst-ll, 4 out ol 8 00 10 tlfHivrl i1o tin ii orituii ol do Ten (o ilu ColiH'tjnraTiiiColt'Capps, do Silver dn 4 75to 7 .10 'j y.ito 5 no -i i mi f fine Cold Jewelry .Col T occlherwith n vnrietv Cu r . C ii n rt" ti n it Vn h t J !i ,t 1 n i i ciinm warm ni t fih as prented, .Watclics and J owcl ry repalret. i n t h L-iinHniii'r N It. At IrjidcrFBcnibvbv ma i lorotlicrwIse.wJI if. punrtualtyattended tn . ntovirmhcr I inj.t i ANI R. R. Omnibus Line. rrMIEf nndeyiyncil rcspeot fully iufornts his frifids nnd the public that he hat taken ihe F.irlMMue Hotel, n lUoompburp, locate tl nn Main Street, lirerlh nppi-iile ih,' Court House wliifh has been tnrniiptily repalrrt' uinl Improved, wlcrt he it pre. piired to iicciimmodiiif hiscuitomers with good tare nnd to geneint satiKfncitnis lie also ha in connection with the Cichanpo 11 o. to, tin ejct Hem OM NIDUS LINE, runninprepularly severa I times per day ,tn nnd from tho Ucpolon the nrrivnl of the Cars, by which (Msieng ent will be plenoaiitly ronverd to Ihe Depot Slntion.oi taken from uinl returned in thnlr residences, if desired. Cllewill ntw iyn In-hnppy to eiiterluu niidntcnm mod ale his Int'iidrto the utmost ol hisnhiliti-r, rCTUlt iullii i-ii. Proprietor, nioompbiirp ,ApriI,5,lr?.lG y, ri3AM OU1HT MILL. rpilli underpinned 1 (akr nleasure i n n n . ..oiincinpiut inir trrieuitsnii ( sz'vJJiJt.r' mepuMicallniBi. Ihattht-y J$hm haveJ'Ut'rccteil an,i pM1in 4rp-UWr Wherrthcy nrp maklnp t he very hestjnl I'lopr I nthe hortesttlnteandi nlendselllng'nt iholoweslpricoe tMierenrefotir r u ii of ilius i n this Mill, nropejet'hy itcani'power nl I pcrforpiinpi n perfection .ftndjfriiifJiii nboullht riyuusiieieoi grain per noiir i no uouriit.itie liore has been examined by tlie best of Judges, and pro, noii need nuprrlorartlcle. Wd nvlto ourl rlendttocal andexninineforlliemsenes. 'CS-Ordersfomour.ehop.fef d.Atc-.thankliillyrccclvrit and Gl.edniilhcmoetre.-i9onahlccondiUoBtfc N. R. Cash pa Id for C rain 1 POWLUU&CUCVnLINO rjpytown.Jiilyaa.ltfn Spri n g and Summer GOODS' ai'ICelvy , Weal &CO., HAVINC just reccivett nnd opened their ptock o mere tin mhre for spring sales, which comp rises thc LAIlCliyr.CHUPKKT, nnd IIANDSOM LST assort nient now otfered In this TOWN I Havlnff pnldpreat attention loth.1 iclrclion nf I heir entire stock, ns pricennu Miianty, they natter tucmse.vcs thai tney "'J co'',I,e'p with the rheepnt. nnd till thoso wIshliiB lo buy cheap, can save ninni;y by piviiifisafnl). wo ,lflv a'1 '"ds o I floods and warts to supply the reonle. A verv Inrue lot nf LADIES' DRESS GOODS,' , 1'rencli Me rrnoes.U'oo I I'laids, Alpacas', nbinhazinest' dc baiwo I'oplius, raramotta cloths. Mohair Lustres, Muslin Ue Laine,ryrsianclvllUlnghauisOuUui:i, 4cc .' t ' WIIITn GOODS Or AM KINnSPicvesiCollars, Handkercbiels. iloitncf ugs) bauds nud trlmmiiips, LaceRandedi;ings,hnnnet rlbh ons,,in larco variety velvct'ribboiisan(flfTaids,ki!',cbtInninnd liila thread gloves, Mo ban m ills. &c.,. We Inviteniirfriends nhd the public generally to clve us ncal I hefdre purchasing e )deu here. We have hrtughmur ponds at l,owestCash Trices, and will not be uu ersol d by anybody, or the rest o'manMnii. SJcliKLVY, NEAL & CO. lltoon, 'burj, flarcli SI , IPS?. 1'IIltENOLOGIAL 0ADUSTEr.' t'OtaERS, WKIsLS & CO., riiiicNni.oairiTs ami puii'msiinrta, " 2!U Aioi Stroot,-liclbw Seventh; lUijln'tl. .vf'. I. "' "l-'t 1 "u in. -j"t in o in"".. , iijfriuii'fjr tAvAll WaleCure. Mattaellsiu, nud Phonography; ytvboesaleandrenll at.Ncw YorVpflCcp1. ' j - i luivrniuiiiii ;uiiliuiviia,, , lu -, ir, siis C0 fijll wrillen ilpsrription uf cbaraeier, day and evenlntr. C'nbtnci free.. ' May IS, 1KS3.-V.- Pen nsylvania Mok ie riniip wen Known uoici.iaieiy Kt uy pa Hi' Jhr JUctlIJ iti-Bu, 011 laio yiret,iir iitiivjilc.mr UU UCCII lUBb-ll VJ UIU Utlrtlllll'd W II TU ISI pored id sccimniudate truVsllersand s "ihc.ini- 11 tht best miuner..1'iiuliouschas I en, thoroughly lverhnulod.nnd u now reillted up nnd furii.ihvd fur tiiiL-etui nn 1 11 111,111 01 aul "is. iilsstaiiiiuB is tame ana coain ssinbilns Is lane and r.onimndlous. ivllb'lliirses and vehlelesfur Jure, and Jin will .pare liopalnslo render ecnrrnl sallsfariion' 'I Ci-A libcralsliircoltbe public patropaee is iispcct ruriysolicltcd,- 1 ' ,...,i,,.rc.. WjjisM nwWP.'Y-rBKczti. Dr. rrands ft Harrison. TiroULl) rcspecimilylnfiirnfllierltliensoflllooins mm mm STEAM GRIST gTjffl MILL. -wiu-w-T' V burlnnd vicinity, that bLIiaacniuiiiiiicodtliiiprac tlrtil .MniitiitcauUbtp.uicr.y,. -inil solicits a tbaru o pnlilicpstronuce. unn.inilivdysbe fouudalibe&xcliaugellutcloppoiite C'uuit House Uleuuauri:. l'lb.i,!. Ofallom nese) the grent first causa . . Hprlnj.lHiirreglectnl Nnlnrij'sllwsl 4 ' vviikn ACURI! ISOUAiiAVTprn 111 11 r . . ".:.. NTtl' ETAOl.- OF SEOUET DISEASES. ..,,. ,,.,. ,j ' . 1Y1...... lr .i I'u rcri, i?', ,M,' "'.' ItMitr, Mtro,'. 'Jl,JJh',",?.!l IllAWi' ' " Uplte Hi, il ma t IMt, td iirsit. "tMtf frtn niwngtmnetf.Ui fnvnl Otfni, . j r ,. "n"s 'I renilillng. Loss of Memory, LnSs of I'l.wef.Cicnciftl Weakness. Illnini. ,r vi.i,.n .ui. peculiar spolsapprniliigli"tnro Ihe eyes Loss of Bighi, M,"!,iiii'-s( iiyrprpvia, iiiver insinrc, eruptions ' i;-,i,,-r, ;;j'i" ,i'r,i 'irinre, i.rupiions upon the I ro. 1 nlu In tlm nck ami head, I'emnla It' '"ll"l, itd H Improper dprhsigcs, from .both, r""'lt crts(, ninl in n sbiitlcr time itinu a, , permanent cure inn bceflicteil by m y btliir ItihlmCti' ''vt'" ""' r Um illsnrf hnr Inflteii'iVblkin at eititneti 1 Pll)""'lnns unit reslstui nil Hull minus ol cure. 1 hg lllrllic" pli nnint wlthtuit ndor, causing no sick 1 V P tl I til UMirttre I Ml. r...pli,l I." .tr , h n- l . ... u . ' u n""i 11 in, m i.ni.nin. jiuring iwrniy . "1- iKujuxn,,! Hon III luijnv thHiJ4aii(l9tu lio, in i',ip I not singes or the ntiovei.i'i4t ImnJ dirfnFcli iad brrn ghen up ID ttie liy the flinictrii, wi,n rutiy' j.ltirt) iWinUc. nndcr iiv cnre.n pernrl fiutl mu,i ) ni tyrt, Hctti l din net nro tl c grrnti'H riirmlrnio ht nil ti. nit they nre Die flfft ratine ot t'oi)uiiiiitlntij pf ruhiU nnd mntyy vMwr iHa jaics ntiil iJiniilit.ito n terror in ttie hiinmn inmlly. Ag n prrniniitiit nnc If ftnttcly rttn ( ChIMI, a mnjcrliy ! mr .iuii.f tsi i ii u p iiuii me umii vt, inroinpetrnt pcrti'n?, wli6 nnt nnl fhil 1 in run i he riifcaats lut lain nir rritistiiution, iimtift mo syMtni.witii mercury trcury, Into o rapid i'iiiniiiiUoiiV ntllllllllHIl Ills: HIPL-Url.- IlilClUIIB I iiu ruiiciui tint shnutij me iUeare rjnd Hie treatment nnt eniro dfnth speefttiy nnd i he victim marnisi the fliseam g rnlnllrd upon 'he rhilditn. l o ere Lorn with let bio coiiMltullti.i, fthd ulerurMM nl life ci-rrtiptcd ly a virus which hetrnss JrtcM In Frrofnla, Icltcii Ulcers, truptlniii nndolli(rnnsflioiisof the skin, ryes', ilitont, and Luii(rs, entnilinR' upon Uu;ii) a;i rief (liiif tito o f BUir- rinp nnd ronsigtiliia them to nn (nrly giliie, BKI.FAItlJSU Is iinother lornildfibiurni in j'lo hralth. for tiollilug fire in lite dread catalogue hT huinuti dis cases rausis so ilcHructlve n ilrnln u)on Ihe rjstciii. of suilerlhs dow n to nn itntinii ly craw. It c'enroys the nervous fyriern,-rapidly wnstrs nwavtlm rneictts of lile, e nu pes mental uerni.pf mi rt, prevents the poof development r ihf system. dlEquolihts lor inarrincc, mcieiy. Iiiirinrss, fiml nil enrllily linppinrss.nnd lum s the ulVerer wrecked in bmly ninl nuiul, predirpon ti to consumption, niul it iinln of tvisiut;re lobe ilrfftclrd linn death lUeir. Willi the fullest rnntltteiirr 1 annuo thu n ii or l u mil victims nl FHr. akuse thai n prrmanrijt unil speidyrtilr enn be enected, nud vnih the abandon mem if ruinous prutlices ir y patients can he restored to rihust, igoriiiis hratlli, 1 The nflllftcd arc cautioned tipnlnut thc-hsc rf Palrnt MeiMcims. for Ihcre nre rn lunny instil. tisiinris in the col u in it or the public prints to mtrh nnd r(b the unwary sultrrers th.it mlllioim have (heir conMilu lions mined hy the vile, compounds of quack doctors, or the equally poiiniious nosiiums endi d ns I'ntenl Mciliclnrs 1 lmu cirelully snnljreit many t-ftlie so-called, 1'nttnt Muhciiif tuid f.iul Mint tnntiy nil of lliem cetttoin Corrosive' t-'tibiiirn e winch is one of the stronfM st ptrpaiullons nl nurciiry and a iicndly poison, which iiifii-ad of curing tlit disease tfitables tlin sjstim lur lile. 'I hrce 1'iuitbs of the patent iimt rums' new In ore nro put up by uupriticiplui uud iirnoranl petrens, m do tint uiidr iF-tnnd (rn the nl bubtt nl ihe vtttttin wtdlca, nud are (.qiinlH ps tU stuute nl nty kncwlntpe of the human SyrlPib, having nnc'ohjert tin'in'vi w, und tli at lo iiu. kit mom y rt pan less of conn qut nets, Irrccutarltirs ai.rt all nifiase nl malts fiinl females treated on prlueip'rus i rinliliulu d 1) iifiny inrsof prartlre, und FniKtiolinn-y thnurntn's of the most re marknhle rurrs, ftleitichn-s v ith lull itjitMlnns sent to uuy part of Hie Unltui t?iat s ht lnnndoir; ly in. l tents 'niiiii iiiiiuiiiiij Ihf lr ytiploms Ly letter Uuii ness rorrcspotu'cnce sirlrll i nnhet ni tal Addnts, J. HUMMIIIIVILLC, M. I)., Oilier, Dm I'iisirhrstrctt,(nhl No. Kill,) lirlow 'J vvdftli, riiiladtlpliia, la. July J I, lM7-(Manh i) " IMrOHTANT 3)ISC0VEKY I co:;suiiirTioN,' AND ALL DIHIlAtfLB OF TJIJ LUNCH AMI T1IUOAT ore poltlvply curable by luhnlalinn, which cuneys Ihe n.nie.inrt n tlm ciittn-i in Ihe lunjis llimuli the air passages ant, comiitjr in dlttcl contact with (he diseon-, DtiilrriiiKis Ihe t'lbijrrulur ma tter.nl l.i s the cniich, r. list s i. trf'f' nnd insy t'jpt r tnraliii't, heats I lie lungs, purjfu the blomi t in j:i r t renew ul vitality In the iirvim systfiu, nhitif; tbst totn- ninl i rd'rjcy so indit-p nsnle Im lb" n r-itnitiiun nf htulili, To be able to si.tic conli.lt nil) ilml ( uiinnup lifii it ciirnbli' by iiihaintint'i ir In men source nl mini Injcd pli-iiMirn. It is as much under ll.e rontrfd nf iniiiii.it iruilmt-M as nn ntht r furmial ) ilirensi , ninety mil nt every hunilit il ihmhiiii I e run d in Hie Ilrsl stag's noil filty per rem irf the stenud ; 1 hi in ihe third stde it is linpf sflble Jn hivi more Ihnii fie f r rent , for I he luuV's lire sif em up 1) the i'iM'ae nn lo hid dcUnncn ) meiliral fkill l.en, how i t r in the laH unres. liihaintion ntrnrds i-xtrr ordinnn riliff'iu the siitlerinB iitieiiiliiif; this if Mini urnurtM', v hirh an nunny iictrojs ninei tiv U'Mi-jhki pettnes in lle United linies iJoiH',! und a rorn rt rnlrnlrtt n khon I lint fit the prrrt td pVpul.iiMih nl lie earth, lehi mil linns ure th stim-d infill ilif conBiimptivo! pw 'i'ruly the quiver nl demh las no arrow m fnt.il as Cntmimpt inn. I n nil npes t has be( n m p r til M lny nf lile, lor it pnies ncilhcr tip' nor if j liitswtips ntfnlike Ihu hinve, the beautirul, the prsci ful kih ihe rjifieit. V the he'p nl I hat Miprt n e f cine . fit ii. v hum rmiietli every pof.ti nnd perftn pifl. 1 nut i inbini in otl'T lo Ilm ntllirted u penunntnl nud spinty i lire i u Coi.sniiiptmii I he flrrt c.ii.te nl inbeir It Fit from im pure blend, und the I mint ilmle t fi rl, prntlnretl lij t lu j r tn po 11 inn In Hit iitifs,!'' tti prt vent thef rte n'miiui of ni r ttittt ilit- uir ceils w hit hf jitr n enkt nett y it.i inviuri ii-n uie t-mire sjnem -j ih-h uji , t f ntitf0 rntinun 1 lm-iitiri en nter tnntl from mt I'irlin" mti Hi.it Ihe ravhies nt ih liinci tPnu from ilu-Ke (ii'tiiitiUicuil Ih rou h the stttn.iitl. ; i prt to in will J'lwir fiml the InnuH free nud the breathli ir en mil r iiilin'mii' rt n.r- dies Thus itili ilnlmn a Inei.l remeiU , netr rtht h r rTi n rts ruiiM i lutlfiiiii II v. .i int u i i tiilntv than rcmr ilj.'s ntlmiiiUiered lij the Hf mnrh 1 n prr.vo the powerful nml dircri iulTnence nl this mr.ife of iidmlntslralitin, cliluroftiriu luhciitii uill t niirH d tirny seiir'ninnjni a iew miniiies ptrnM rinj: i! i i (Ire nrw-,iifc fjslem st that b ln..h n.ny h(. rmfi.i. .1 wlllloulllio rlijihtf st p.ilu : inlintirir the ordinal Unit! KIT pas iwierinir uie iii fi it;v imiirs 'J he Inliahilinii rf nmmontn wilt rrhre'ihe ptiti when I win ti i' nr ap arenj It dentl. 'j ti- mVr f. inr of the meihrlnes is prrt rj I iMe n the rUu n ft w win utesr nfier brine; lnhateil, ninl n ny be immt tliately t v letteilin the blood A rni.viiieiiipproof nf ihe ror.l" tuttapat ellrrls nfi tilmlnlM'li is lh"ncl ihm sirKcetF is nlwis prodiirttl by brenthii-p fenl njr Ik m t rbit porliiie cvidenro that proner remnlics, cart Htlty pre pire.d ntti Judiciously ndmfnit( n d 1hrmif.'h the Uivy thoilld prmiucethe mol happy results? Ihirinp i ,tt. teen jears' prnrlire. nany thauant's supTern p fr i t dlieafes of the Itlnps nnd throat, have been iinrter my rare. and I have efTecli rf m.inv reiiinrknhlt-riires rtm alter th" siiflerers hfid Iter prom uruetl iu tie inn stajjesi which fully sati- h mt ih., consiimptjnn Jt nn loncer n fatal dlseasec My Ireiitmrnl nl rorf umptinn Is original, und founded no l(it;?f Aperienrr and n Ihn. tough ItiVfftiirntirin. My perfcrt nriitninltmrr niih ine nam te ni iioPrcici,c ,, t iiablt s. ine.tn di H)nrni'h . rentliiy, the vnrousf..rn.. f (HK,.nr.e that slmulnie ciinBiimi lion, and npply tin prt-pcr n metiies, r?rely being nilstokeit even in n sinple rase. J hi fnn iliorey iit conncriinn vih certain patholopirnl'fiud'inictnsri.' pic dlroveileri, enables mo to reiiev e the lunps frmi the mTct ts of contracted cjirstf ; to rnlarpe the rht l, purify the blond, nnpait lo It rent Wed vitality . r inr energy nnd, Innn in the entile syf-tt in, " Me iirineR u ith full 't'lrcrhoris st nt to nity n"rt rf the United H into a andCnnndai" by patfrnls fnnimiinJ' cnliup their syinpioms by It tier. Hut (he cure won hi ho morn cerlam if il.e pnlient rbotild pay me n rlt it, v-lt'rh wiuihl pive me nn oppiiriunlty lo examine lint unys. and. enable m In prescribe with nitith preatrr ceitr.i tyftnd Uimi the cure tould be ciltclcd withiut my tctiug tho iatjejitnpnm, f). W G11AI1AM. M P., OfUcr, 1131 riiBxsTSlreel.fnld No. Hill.) Itclnw Tnclfih, rhiladclnhia, I'a July 11, 1857-(MarCii4J NEW LIQUOR STORE. NO. 135, NORTH TIIIUD BTRRnT, (In the auh fiitildbtgs. Move Race St) FhiJadelphia. . TUP. iinderHigncd bep 'tveto iomrui his frkmla and tile public, lint ho lm iipeiiod.iiiiejini t ; , LIQUOR HOUSE; t 111 Ibu C.-t;le llulldin;s, Kn., 133. N..'3il el!, nsnliovc, where li u llio.; Iiappyto supply MerChsmk. Hotel. kt-t-pi-rsi and iitfiiui.rn rcnerally, iitb tlio 'clmicett brands kepi iu rillludcliiba. : J '- WILLIAM IlllOII9T. ' - (isle e Jlmnillt.) Alarclilb, 1F57.y. v ' JUST ItECEliVEl) AT ' OUE , 'tn.STOlMi. ' i r TJO. 1 JlACKnitUL for 3151 per barr(l, and tilbi rs 1" In prniorli'o-n. Also, ii Iresli supsly "of Huynr, tilasses, ilicu, &.C. Also, a new supply nf Wail 1'a t. bf diuorilnt sty'os V vvlncli will bii sold low.' " i.iv-1, , NOS. 0, 11. IH and '15 Cotirr.lnr.il sfrrnl. NEW YORK. II. il.WINCIIUSTUIl. - .- , ' ' thus. n. wincui:?ti:ii. . mi.NJjf.VVlNX'IIKbTXlt'. My 31,1851. 3m ALEXANDEH ICEHIt, . it- IMl'tlltTCIf A,yyij9LU9ff.I( DU.IiC IN ,.Sali, NO. 38 HOUTII WtlAllVhS, Pltlf,?.lKI.l'IIIA. Asblon's flue l.ivoiroi'l tioiiiid 'fiirV:. Island and lialry Halt , tmistaut ly on bauu uud tir sale, lu lots, lu suit tlio trado,' ' it';, , , April!, lfS7-Cin WILLIAM J. UEIDLEMAN, ' Sabhk anb' jjautcss .HAMIFAfiTCRliU. llbiotnrbur,;kAu:i 15., 1357, 1,Alit.V O, 1 .VIAcKLIlTlL lor sale U IIAUTMA.N'J. I -,u fj7-jn,s r piiiitiir.LrnM 4 . il, Il.lll.ijlin, AprlfJl, 1W O ii. w. 4. W N, CnLAdY.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers