Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, October 17, 1857, Image 3

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a r,B?i n. 'rlJlT1". ,
'" '":
THE Ladles of tho .Gorman Unformed
Congregation of Uloduuburg, would 1
rospcdlfully afanouneo to tho public,
thatthoy purnoso giving public Dinners
and Suppers on tho S?ifl and 23rd days ,
of October) on tho days of tho County ,
AuricuUural.Uxhibition, on tho fair ground
for Hiq benefit of tho Church.
Bloouisburg, Oet. a, 1807.
Divino ectvices will bo held in Blooms
burg, to-morrow, (Sunday, Sept. 37th) at'
tho following Churches s
Episcopal Church. Rev. II. Tuwjdois.
SoTviccs at 10. o'clock, A. M., and oi
early candlelight in iho evening.
Presbyterian Church.-11ev. D. J. Wal
ler. Servico at 10 o'clock, A. M.
German Reform. Uev. W. GooDRicu.
Servico at 10 o'cloelr, At M.
Servico at 7 o'clock, P. M.
Methodist Church. Servico at 10 o'clock,
A. 51., in tho Court House,
jfir'Tho weather fovrs has been delight
fully autumnal for a week past.
Jon, of every description,
neatly dono at tho offico of this paper.
Orders sent by mail, for ball tickets, oto.,
will rcccivo prompt attention.
BaT Mr. Allen's son, a boy of somo ten
years old, was attacked in Iron Street, on
Saturday last, by a furious lnalo Hog, aud
bit on tho back. Tlio boy is recovering.
His hoguhip was dispatched.
'I'l.rt .A(lini flurinrc .llin nlnnrinn I
, ... . . i,
Jay this year was much more pleasant,
, ,, i i i ., T.1,l
.than on tho samo day last ycar Indeed
tbo fall so far has been unusually mild, and
unchanging. Tho farmers consequently ,
, , , , . . . ., ,i
aro enabled to get their crops in tho ground
and the barn
ter Ciunr.KS bTAiir,, nooitLinuor,
whoso advertisement is in another column of
this paper, has removed his biuilcry to tba
house furnierly occupied by Mo?es May,
near tho Bakery, where ho can always bo
found by customers.
Wo aro glad to bo able to add hero that
Mr. Stahl is a first rato workman, and his
prices very rotsonsblo.
IIhjii 1'iticKs. It is wondcnfjl in these
. times olwvcro pecuniary embarrassment,
how tlealcM m tlio article ol mcnis aro abio
,to keep up tho present enormously high j
prices. Thii I most every thing else has
fallen in price, whilo money o buy any-
thing is so Hjarcc, and wUlo .o many
eoosunicr.s.uro iu ne C of employment lo
obtiin the means of buying anything, the
price cf meats is maintained at iu Ul
figure. If there really is a combination by
drovers and butchers to keep up the prices, 1
ilhcro ought also to lo an associated effort
iby consumers to reiluco tlicm.
OcTODElt. IL'his h tlio beginning of our
worlcl-reuowncd Atncricau Autumn, and
who is there tint docs notlnve its changing
ibeautics? tho season of tho year truly
.emblematical of humanlifc. October brings
much the samo contrasts in its induction of
ijfll, as does April, instilling the Spring
ti'jie ; but with all its fickleness it is charm
ing. Its morning fogs.fjivo way to bright
hides. It brings to us rain-clouds and
.storm, but afco days of mellow sunshiuo to
.complete tho picture. Now, indeed, is tho
timo to .onjoy a tramp through tbn woods
(ho grandeur aud stillness of tho cornelian
tinted hills and valleys enchanting the vision
and feeding tho .-ni'md with thoughts far
(happier. than, can bo gleaned clscwhcro in
ithesoitroublesomo times. Far a caeo of tho
"blues," says a rotctnporary, we -kuow no
-remedy half so potent an a day's ride, at
this timo, along tho .valley of tho Susque
.hanna. It will prove a sort of panacea
for the ills tho mind is heir to, und render
tho dispirited ono better satisfied with hu
.man nature.
; "iio tney miss mo t homo, do miss mo."
K- TTflTO llinnv fl tcnnilnrtr vnnrtla llinon fmv
Words in liifl fnr niTmnminn'fi.wlipffirr1 tin
f . .... .-. b ,
is luxuriating in tho homo of tho L'msurj,
or wandering on tho banks of tho Nile or
lazily piciog tho quarter deck of a steamer
outward bound or digging gold in ali
fornia or Australia. Let him bawhoro ho
may, ho will oftlmos ihink of lho..sccna of
Lis boyish days, of his mother, whoso tender
caro.and absorbingjovo aro now rendered
doubly.precious j and as bo puffs bis cigar,
perhaps in a gondola, and watches through
bis curtains somo bewitching creature with
.dreamy bluo eyes, or orbs black as night
and brilliant as .diamonds, ho reverts' to
"bluo eyed Mary" in his own sylvan-homo,
and reclining jollily, bachelor liio, on tlio
.cushions of his gondola, dreams of old timo
walks, on tho banks of tho Susnuchanna.
Ah I bow wo tiro of homo and its soencos
"( and how wo cry monotony ; .apd yct a trip
to Rio, 'or a run across the plains to Santo
,Fo, will cause tho mind ,to look back to
theso old familiar homo-places with such
yearning as is only known to tho wanderer.
'Such is man -novor satisfied, always wil
ling and anxious to believo that ovory ono
clso is happier .than himself. Always do
firing cUango, and cvon then not contented
with Lis Jot, Hut.Bo ?aM tlio world, and
so It will wo rircsumo till "tlio crac' of
Connecticut, it is said litis been tlio birlli-
phco of tbitlcen U. S. Senators) il has
fiiven birth to twonty-two representatives
'n Congress, It lias lso bcou tlio birth
jilaco of nino Judges of, tlio Superior Court
of the Stato of Now iVork, and C at least
firtocn jujgos 0f tlio highest coifria in other
8 , m presidents, and eight professors
' r
of colleges. In 1831, tho President
of tho United States, and ono-oight of tho
United States Senator?, wcro cither natives
of or wero educated in I.itcliliclu countyi
In 1 800, ono seventh of tho whole number
of tho U. S. Senators was found to havo
been educated in that county. Tho list
contains tho names of a largo number of
individuals of still greater distinction in
various departments of life.
A Citizen of Muncy Lost in the Central
America. Sir. J. Adler 1'ostcr who was a
passenger in tho Central America, and
whoso statement wo published last week,
arrived at this placo on Tuesday last, and
wo sincerely regret to learn from him, that
Mr, G. Washington Montgomery, of this
placo, youngest son of tho lato John Mont
gomery, was also a passenger, and w
lost. Mr. Montgomery had been bick for
snmo days, and just boforo tho vessel wont
down, and while he and Mr. Foster wcro
conversing together, ho was washed over
b6ard., and was not again scon, Muncy
BSrA FAinirur, OpriOEB. Mr. Jacob
Eycrly, of Columbia county, Pa., was ap
. , i ri it , -lonn i n 1
pointed l'rotlionotary in 1830, by Gov.
n .. .
UCOrgO W0I1, anU SIIICO mo Ultncr aumm-
Ufrnfinn wn nnilcrstanil tin lnq Wn .
appointed and elected for each successive
term up to this tira,c, and is now tho dcui'
ocratio" noiuinco fur ro election, thus show.
ling that a man who has had esporienco in
i b . . . ,
imuuu uuuiis, icuuuru iiruiuur auiiaiiiciiau
J ' -it v i
' . '
nd consoquontly is moM competent to
discharco tho duties of his office.
Sunbury American.
m0ntSqm-vjj Ledger says
'a0 j10 fnIniy 0"f inr J,
Ono month
ago tlio family ot Mr. John tilougli, of
Skipping lownsliip, Montgomery county,
comprised himself and ,wifo and two sons,
both iu the flush of health and iu tho vigor
ofearly m inhood. Tho oldest son suddenly
sickened, and within a fow days died ;
within two weeks 4ho fathor followed him,
and on Saturday of Inst w.qclU tho younger
bou was burled. Tho disease was dysen
tery. The mother, too, wo lcarn,is strcti-h.
CJ UJlon a fcUflerer3 couch, with Hitlo hope
u( .recovery. Tho onto h truly a bad one,
strikingly attesting tho uncertainty oflifc.
4 KK t
jcQ?" Somo of tho papers oro lecturing
women upon extravagance in dross aud
advising them to retrench, especially during
the present financial difficulty. Doubtless
there aro many!Hjcd-of nu unwarruntaMo
cxtravagano in this way j but do people
ever con-idcr that two or three glasvcs of
branny aud hail a dozen regalias indulged.
. ! ., i . ... - - I
in daily by a man, to flay nothing Ct GVO
1 i 1 it V...1 t '
4iii ,.u "Mitut mihiilii;, uiui'uub iu uiuju
a year than would bo required to drc
woman up to tlio full requirement of fash-
BlSS-Thcro arc most mcilaiicholy acoounts
of l" atofipiiig of manufactories, in various
parts of tho country, by which thousands
of persons, whoso families havo been thrown
out of employment ; nnd 'should there bo
no material ohungo for tho better within
honest few month, a largo number of
pooplo must cither suffer, or bo dependent
on tho charities of tho publio.
13- Counterfeit half dollars aro in cir-
culation. Tho dio from which they aro
mado is good j thoy aro well executed, and
might readily bo taken by tho unsuspici
ous. Thnv sin J.n .loloctnil 1. lir lii.l.f
-j "v..w.w ..j '-o'1".
weight. Look out for them. Tho Governor and
fjonni'it nf Nnu TTnTiinliirn linvn nnnfilntnil
i ii'
Thursday, November 20th, for Thanks
giving day in that state. This is tho first
of the season.
tSf 'Tioso of our customers who intend
paying us in Produce, 'Oats, etc,, will
oblige us by delivering it without delay.
Tho following aro tho receipts to tho office
of tho CoLUMiiiA, Democrat, during
tno montu ot September, 185
Col. John o. freeze, $3 no, Hush McCoJ.'uin,
John J Mcllenry. .UoutC. I.. Moure,
1 50
1! Oil
4 00
ij iv unpen, wamor a, a uij.a.ji. iiirion,
(1. ll.Cuir.
3 no, Iliac Wnfiier.Br.,
II. F Hbuiiian, Csi
Daniel Gearhart.
Geo Ketch ner.-si,
James I'atte rpon.
Col Co Ae Societv.
7Z jonn it. uieterlcK,
1 Ml Jacob Arnwltie,
-U tin, Kudolpli.Conpf r,
'J'"5 Win , IJmrliiAon , Esi.,
j u,r. nrurv u.-u. icuiicr.
Jon.israhrincer,Us,, '-' iu Joa.W.iihrincr,
u, U.( W . DUTIIie..
Joseph ltoblilns,
Henry J. Yaple.
1 no state Agricultural Fair!! ao
i .,'i .'Sjii.ji. v uietericK. i .j
J on (ieneva Coal Co.,
so :
3 '.'0 I
estate i.iucon YorKs .
V. M.ltunk.Esi..
II. .8 rVhell,
N. II. t'uwler.
Ks.tale of Jacob Kuss,
Cornelius Reynolds,
C. Kreamer,
Jumes li, Uruglcr,
Kliihi c. Karlou,
1 7U A, u, Mensch,
5 00 S lljrman, list .
3 no Bherlir; Sillier
S no.' o W. Qiahaiu.
SO 00
3 00
3 00
I 75 CO Padhsr & Co.,
S 00 A.U.Cltlell SlCo..
1 75. names fc Odlerhout,
1 751 U. II, Oiwij.
Wn lncf Mil- llcl .infMplnnntoli, fnTV
taining tho names of thoso who had paid
up to September 7, and consequently, their
payments may not hero appear. AVill
thoy let us know! Wo intend to givo
ovejy.custumer honest orcdit for all pay
ments, and hopo many inoro of our good
friepds will promptly'pay tho Trinter.
Our customers, hereabouts, will ploaso
remorubcr,.that w,o want and will take, if
yio can get all kinds of produce llccf,
Pork, Oats, Huckwliciat, Older, Apples, and
all tho uoccsswies of hfo included. Now,
fnoiida, plunso roll up tho tttticlw.
Valuable Real Estate.
IN pursimcco of an Order of tli
pliant (iourt of Columbia county, on
,ho Or-
Saturday, the 21A iay of October next,
ana Vie several uays ocww memionca,
At 10 o'clock n 111 n forenoon, Wlllliim (Snyder nnd
liml.J Hnyilir. Jr.. Administrators, &r., if lUmtL
Hntdka, late or lllooin township, In said county, de
ceased, will eiposo tti sntc.h
puBLUfc vendue.
Upon bo several premises, tlio following described
Kiaai Estate,
On Saturday, October 24th,
A Certain Tract of Land, siluato in Mad
id n township, ndloiniitff linds lata of Jacob Olrton.
deceased, on tho North; John Heller ami Matthias
A. Moore on tho Kouili and West; l'eter llcllur nnd
others on the Hast, containing
Acres anil 81 1 1'urclio, strict measure.
On Monday, October 20,
Certain IIouso nnd Lot of Ground,
H tut a In tlm town of t.toomsburi?.
lying on tlio wtulh side of Biconri street
of said town Adjoining n lot of Jucob
Drllerlck. on Die Pmlth ! Andrew ttolle-dt-r,
nn tlio llflet; nil title on ihc South
eontnfnln; filly fret In front ami In
den Hi 164 loot.
A Certain IIouso and Lot of Ground,
sitiialn in i nninanurir. ivtnn on inu
gioiilli slud ot lliiru sircci or rnhi town,
b n.ljoininj? tlio rresli)tQrlan linryllig
irniin,! on tlm Rolilliureil nil nllci oil
fhe siiu.ii?
Hast, ontl TJil lit Mrcd ol'Bnid town, on
tho Writ, coinninlng In front fifty-lhrco cct,anj in
dertii two Hunutcu onu two icri.
Tho undivided third part of a Certain
i;m iux lloitso and Lot orf (Iround. sllualclin lllooms
I" ioH urK lylnR on the vel siitcof 41nt street of
.lflga.sam town, uiijuinini; n mi oi nwiuy u u.ini'
carton llin east, land hcloiiclnc lo the IHooiiisIiiiir
linliroail iron company on ino iuii. nun u ioi m
nuricv& Caihcan on tho south an.nvcst, nnd nm
airnot oi tlm inwi, ol Illtioiniliiirir on ILfi Coulli. con.
tvay.ic wi
A Certain Lot of Ground, 6'ituate iu
Pcotl township, niljntnlug lands of Ccorso Krosiler
nnd ullicr on tlio Norllil lands of tho llloomshitrg
uaiiroa.t iron uoinpany nnd others
tnu ouiii,
nntt One Hundred nnd Twenty-Nino Tcrclici
On 7ucsdayt October tljth,
Tho undivided half part of a Certain
Tract or Lot of (1 mini it. situate in CiIUwImj town
ship, county nforrpaM, l mided on tlio North hy tlm
rivt-r Sutfiufliiuna. oiIht InndB of tntd dc-ccam). nnd
Joit'lih W. Mciiderfliol. on the Hotitli, and Intuit of
IMiltel S li u mi 1 1 , on lire L:nt Olid Went, cunlain Jug
and nlrly-Fouri'trtlicsshtnci meakiiro.
Tho undivided half part of a Certain
Tract or Lot of Land, illuato in CnlLiulava tnwnlii(i.
nforesaid, odjinnintf lands of lMtuel Bliuniau nnd .IIiur
lrillllf nil lin: iniri" i unit inn iubi f-nfyr urn r lurii inii. :
on ilm caitiund tlio river fcJusiuilianiiu on Hiu gg.itli, I j.
and Four Tcrchejoi Laud, strict measure.
On Jlfdncsday , Octolier 281
Certain IIouso and Lot of Oround,
situate in Ornngcvlllp. Or.insc tiitvni
l-liilt. .ifljminng n lot fif W'li'ow Alnrlr.
on llitf Wt-ft; u lot nt Widow lL'rniiR.
mi tlin j;.tl ; Haiiiucl flii'iilmcli.nn tll!
IS1.111I1. a ml .Miirkrt strt'Uul feuilinMi,
nu tin) Norlli. containing
ln1o llho Lutnlc of mid if'rejsed,racitualo in tlm
towiibliiiis nnil co,'jtty nlorromii
Th forcsoing vninabic proppny wi!i he eoid upon
the follow, mr rmidhionsiTlic ttiarcol the widnu In
tho ncvurnl prfinWm to rcmnin in the Imndanf the
purrh'isi'ra during her nut urn I lllo.llw''.'rctl thereof
iu . iii ii j antimuy ami rrniuriy pain ic n r iiy tlio pur
i p',V
to mii to inu oirjuiis icki uy ciituii'ii tiicri'to, ten
TCOIH..HI trio two iinrtf ot I lie imifliasa liinncy to
pa hi on tlm dav nT sflln.dlio h.ilr of tli 1.3 1 T nf tliu
two thirds on tlm first day or April next, and llic re
iiialnder on tlio lirct day ol April, A. II., Ie51l, with
I '"hoIiI safe "o b continued frCm day to day, until all
i inu uuoic orgcrnieu linusnre foi,i.
Illoguivbjr,Bcpt. 10, 185751
LIST or MVITERS reinalnli-s in the Ton Offire nt
llloon.iburE, I'a., (luarler vmlina feiittinbur 30th,
. gS!v,;'1,l7,,.,r1,
' "?,?h"rrino
I Jivan" 'J,"'1'." M
l.vuns Llliek
oriinth lijvid n
' "mXi "'
j ,!"?,!',' "? s ''
Innnn James
Moyer JiJfi,fsnn
Nowey lelne
Nvlmi John A
Oat Jesie
Kliarn Rirhiril
tnyder Jacob
Bclinusr J W
Ftory Jnnies J
rjliiliiiiin Air
flteel llanua
Tims Jolin n
Wooll Thomas J
Willinan Lewis J
White rjcorgo 1)
David Jones )
James Plinn flup
Uuhoil McDunaldJ
II rinmuil
Kencnijer J O
.Kuorr Tliqinas
ivirK niary
ujr 1'ersons cftinnsior tne otiovo letters will please
i y'"oy roudverned
3, 1657,
NOTICR (s h.reliy given tint an application wil I bn
inndo nt tho next session of tliol.ej.ii.iiuro of
1 en ns)lvnnis. for tlio fnrorpora.iou d n Hank, with
tne usual privlh'SiH, lo lio called .'Tlio llloiiniihure
Itank, witlm capital of two liundrcil thousand dol
lurs, nnd lolm located in Iho town ot HJuiiiburg.
tohiuiliia county I'u.
w. a hiiivj:,
A. O. .MCN'CIl,
jacoii i:vi:ic.
E, MIINIII'.NflAt.t,.
A, J, dlMN,
II. II. All 1 11 UH.
fi:-n:it iin.i.sjaYfR,
L.I.1.LD Ml L.1 l.Kllfv,
IIloomfbiro, Juno S7, 1PJ7
-Jjl Till', undersijneil, tlianklul for the liberal
m patronase with which he Ims been lavnrd Tor
f HIJ yenn gone by, would infonn Ilia Iriends and
cusloiiicis, Jiat he continues to uianulactuie
Hoots and Shoes.
At Ills 'Old lllll 'H.II.LnniUn.l,i.J nn ll.ln
75 Uloouisbuie, in all lliclr various ami forms, in good
"3 ,, .vims.
ills Innir ptnnriniirfl In . t.n I... .In... ..t
4 no '"'"wlrdsoor Mm I'rople nl ijoluinbiai nunty, super
1I """led lua Hied determliiatiou lorender satisfactKin
.-,lu! - ' ...,D.uv,,..,.
I" ,""'V i;l""M "e h"" increased pa-
i r--
JAr!iin 1.V iilr.'i'P.n mv
Rloonisburc, Match 10 lf57.
TIID umlcriisned rcspicifuliy Inrorms his friends
nnd the public (eueiully, that he hus opcued
Jl iVftw 'lHnu-are und Sheet Iron Esla
Iii'tho Ihiiilding formerly .occupied for that purpose,
b) Joseph (Sharpies, uliure he is prepared tu conduct
the business In all lis various branches.
Tinwaroand IIouso Spouting of nil kinds made lo
order on short notice and ut moderate prices .
Also-BTOVKa, of various ityles, constantly for
Ren,iiing dmio to order in itiltk time.
Er Country produce taken ineifhaiieefur woik.
Illnonisliurs, May Ifl, 18.57-y
JOHN IIOI.I,, No. HLJCorllt Second street aboye
Arch, EMillariclplia,
Importer of Toys qnJ Fancy Goods.
lias Iho largest assorlnicntt of Curiosities in tlio city.
Tovsofnll kinds. Tancv Ilsskets.Hiiiokplnpa 'i'nl.n..n 1
lloies..Violin and if,..:.. Harmonicas, Accorded ...
aiorekecpersandotberi u ill yleaio wil Lelorv pur -
clioifiuu elffiwhoro
Aug Jv, JvJ7 3ui
AGiraiiuii mwi
;a o o m & w w b &T
Ootbor 23 & 23, 1807.
Premiums to bo Awarded as follows :
no. l-itoitsiis.
Host p'r carrlngo horses 4 (Hi Irt single carriage ).orso3 00
Hccoml hen J.OIlHi'Conillot lull
not pair una llonei w Hcstioit, 3 ycots old
1 Ml
1 (10
S Ml
HcCOIld bfHt
1 AurWunri Item
Hcriiml Ifst
licit hrootl Mare
3DII licit Colt, ilymnolit
1 SOSrcoliill.csl
3 CO l't Uult, 1 year o'iI
second licit
1 au crconil lien
I 00
CominilloeJolin K. llvci or (irrcnwooil. Vial.ili
llecw!, nt Hemlock. Henry II. Milirk, of Hcott, K. 1).
Arthur, ofninoiti, nnil i:ilai Ktluc.of ecoii.
NO. a-oxr.N, CATTI.U, &0.
l!rHll'ill,3)'rtuiiwar(lil)SJ Ijcrt t 00
'.MI.cM 1 OUIipiallrircr.lloSycariloU
licit Fat Siccr 1 ous.l licit id
llcityokoOicn,3 years licit bnllralfunilcrlyrl 00
nnil upward 3 00!Mbcit so
2,1 beit 1 511 ncit holler calf 1 00
UoitKIIIcliCow SOOSilbrpt ! 50
Coniiultica Nfftl M'toy, or Madison, (leo Wcnvcr.
or UlouinpbiiiK, 1'anlel Krciich, of CalawlilJ, Andrew
I'rcas and Jacoblllll, of Ccntn.
no. 3-biii:cp.
llpitRuck 1 00 licit S l'at Weathers 1.00
ltd licit 50 2dbot 50
licit S flwo Plccp 1 00 licit p'r Iambi, un'r I yr 1 oo
".( I.ntl S0'.',l ten .'.(I
Committee Daniel firoit, Isaac llcss, of
wcnirc, ana pucnaei u. vancc, oi urango,
IVit Hoar 1 CO licit lot rial. 0 or mora.
Id licit 50 2 lo 10 weeks old 10ft
licit Hon loosdb.iit 50
Sillied .Wllost rijs.notovcrCmo 100
licit rat l'ipr loosdbckt 5a
Uoniinlltee. lVmi Ilotc. of (Irccnwood. NclicinlHli
uccii,oi yciure, i nomas nriienr; oi uiange, job" ic
Ucccn,o( Centre, 'I'bonias lrilenry of Oiangc, Jos"pu
lit st Npwfoundhnd L)o
riifpntrn nog -TVrricr
Cotiiinilteft. I'ctPr Blllmt-vcr. Tlio mas nilluinn ninl
l. tv. uuond an oi uiooin,
licet pair Ptianglinis so licit pmr Pucks
umu.icunt r iu Turk hi n
Cochin ClJlua 50 Otfuo 50
loiien fn uciinnd p rent est variety
itiintitm SO Fowls of any kind, 1 00
uarKtnc 50
CommiUco. Hilnn H. l'owtrr. of Prntii Fifth n. rtnw
man, ol Uriarcrrek, rtnd Alfred llownll, of Orange.
NO. 7-CKAIN AND GUAbd bcnna.
lien Rnthel nl White Wheat
'2 00
uu Meditcranean - -
do ltye - - -
do Corn Cars (Gourd)
do do (Velio)
do do (White)
do Oats
do Iiiiekvicnt
do i biifhrl Clovri Seed
du hntli-! Timotliv H-'fd -
1 00
1 00
Commlllen. feiri!U Vim t. of Mnntour. Jame 11m
metl.ol llfttiluik, J film llurtman. of CiUiwifHat Kecie
ii. L.rK, m nntircreek, ami Aloriietca Hicks, of Centre
NO. 8-GUCCN AN ' 1)RCD mUIT, W1NUS, ficc
llest i bushel W,irwle,r Apples 50
Itest bushel Fntl Applm - 50
Ucst tnctimen Tenrii - - 50
do riiiins - - Co
do readies
do Quinces - - - - 50
do C'anljerr.cs - - 50
do drnpes - - - 30
Ifopt diFnlav of didVrnt klnda nf Trtilta . 50
lies I pock rf Dried Apples - ( . .50
do do IV acli rs - - 20
rJ est -I nuaria Uricd t'licrnts
do ilo toned - m
licit l quart Dried UitcKeihQrries
tin st eatnplo Current Winy - 50
Couiintttee. John A. Fun lonrdf MadUon, Reuben
uomiioy. oi iuiiU'jck, and AI,crl Hunter, c I fine.
no. n-vncnTAuics.
irtbush Mercer rotates 50 ltstaozon Cnr.cts
ctt luiili'il gwect " 50 lict J hnshfl Unions
Ileal 8Jimpl Itians
5uniniH(iiple Celery
llcst I lo h'cl Catiliseo 50 nl I'ick 'l'niualocs
llnsiv I'limpklns Slllli'sl S pic Chinese
uesi nu7LMi neeis ou our uane
lli'st Inuli Turnips 60
CommltU'e. J. Ucttrlck. of.Monlnur, Samuel nek
Ituulnccroi k, nnd Julio llar. r. of Locum.
r.ett Uultcr, 1 pound and lint specimen 1'icklrs
upward 50 do l'rcsc;es
licit Cake t.'hefte, not Ilrst (luart Appkliutirr
hiiMlim lOllj. 5Ullesi Jarirnlnfd tloney
Beit l.oal WUcat llrrad SOIfest Pjuiple Honey Coiufc
do Rye llrtud
oy. in I if'is iijaii a lus,
50 llest rurod Mniii
50 Rest aauiple llinlpoap
5 du tiultSunp
50 .' '
Rest flponse Cako
ltit I'nuud CaUu
llest rrullCake
llest Spec'n 1'ruil Jelly
CwwIllM. M.B. 1.
into, miss Mary rainier.
Mrs. II. U, llower, John il ricczs.Uiii
isoii, all nl lllooiu.
anu a .iiau
llent piece Ukilli, 5 ydi Ucst piir Linen sheets 50
or more
-in uu t now Cases
Rest Umlt
I'm st Counterp
I'.ivl 1'air Ulaukets
I no llest fhlrl 5U
I mi ucst. Under Shin 50
i no ucst pair Y.nn lioio
llet t5aniple Carpel
5 do Mittens ?5 .mil mora
1 00 do rjlovcs JO
llest covcrl'"
Commltti'o. Jesse Co!eiuan. ofOratiiro. Rarnnrd Ru
pert of lllooiu , Mrs James Ita's ten, if Iroudale, Mrs
t'eler i;nt, ot Llglit ytruil, and ulss Harriet llasman
oi venire.
Rest fancy Table Cover 50llefl dlspay Read Work
do Chair Cner 50
do 'Intchel Work
Rest Hiimple Lamp or
Vnsc Mat 50
Rest Khirl Collars and
do r.incv Knitting
do I'.nbroiilery
do Katurnl Fiowtra
do Artificial
do Win J'ruit. kc.
liosems oo
Cnminittee. Mrs. Wm. Roodlitli. Mrs. I. W. Ilarl
ninti.Mrs. Morris Vnn Ruskirk, Mri. .Morris Sloan
ami airs 1. 1 . .n ivi'ivj . an oi nioofu
Rest Paaiplo Wheat Flour, JO lbs. or moro 1
du " Rye
do lluckwhcat 50
do Com ,50
Committee. John Leccolt. cf rino. Jacob Alctick.
Jr., of dcoll, ond J, K.SIiuipless, of Cauwusa.
Rest l'low
2 on llcst Thraih'i; Mac(ilne2 00
1 UU llest r3i'iarator ic 5lravv
I do iiiniii-r , i no
50 Il't May tSlmivCuttcr 1 00
1 oil llest Corn BhclliT 100
1 00 llcst Fanning Mill 100
10U llcst Sunup Maeluiifl 100
1 00 llcst & most niilui'loils
1 00 cullcclion ol' Agrictil-
il lirst
llcst Cultivator
Sit In st
llmt IJnrrow
iKt Kollur
llcst &me it it now
ItcstCorn Tinnier
Heat Horiu Rake
IICKt (Irmn Uraitlc
100 tural Implement. 503
Cuntmiltcc. Junali ioonc,ol lllooiu
Via. II. Woo il-
in. or Hi rwick. an.t '. iai Dcltrirh. of Mnnlollr.
llcst 2 liotso Wagon MOU'.M licit 100
Al licst 1 00 lint Open' Itucgy 100
llcst a liorso Carriage S oo licit siclgli 100
best 1 00 lltst 2 liorso Slcil 1 oo
llcst 1 horse Carriago 2 001tetsiriizlrucK ungnnl 00
Cuniiuitli'ii Jacob Arnwinc. of Montour, riamuul
ICiklvcr, of Madison, u ml Isaac Kridcr, ol llriurcrcgk.
Ill Iluiitlit.
llcst Specimen Calnnct Work
llcst inmiilcHcitOurriago Harness
llcst gnigla Srtl do
llcst Wagon Harness
li-st2 CuirkiUs iuiilicd
llest 2.Kip Skins do
llest 2 Bides Harness Leather
do Knlo Leather -
3 00
- 2 00
1 00
- 1 30
1 OU
- 1 00
1 Oil
. 1 00
do Upper t.tutucr -
l oo
llcst pair liorso Phocs
- 1 00
llcst urilbtiing Hot;
ltest 1 do, r.incy Chairs -Ucst
Hreits Coat - - - -
Ucst Vest -llest
pair Thick lloots -do
Calfskin Hoots
do IMies' Kid Htiocs
Committee. 11. 1. Koitnr. of Franklin. I"
. l oo
l oo
- 50
- 1 00
of Cainwissa.JusephCtinner, of Centru, Joseph Cor re II
ui jicmiucK, nnu juiepu tuchs, 01 priatirr ei.
"d VlltiiOH,
llest Churn - - - - - 50
llest Chci'tta lVnss - - 50
Hest Wnfiiing Machine
llest Baiisegi Cutter - r - .SU
Kett ditplny of Cooper Waro 5U
llest 3 Com Hakeis - to
Heit tl Mund Haskets 5u
Heit Hee Hive - 0
llest I'arlorSiovo .. - - - - 00
iet CooVingHtuve and'Trlrnrnings - J (tu
llest Create! Variety Tin Wuro - 1 50
llest Hpecimen Wood and Iron Fnco - 1 01
licit Cam lor Ilarn nnd Ticfd Uso - 1 00
Heat i doz Corn ... 50
llest in .iiplcl doz Itrifk 5'
do I'm .Men I ... iu
Comniitttt;. John Kcifj f Cainwiiia, Jacob Koa.
teptodcr.of Franklin, and Iiam Ucrr, of Jackson:
3d Ihtttte.
llcst and larficst variety ofDcntnl Work 2 00
do do Marhle do 00
do do Udjre Tools I 0(1
do do Kan hen tVoro
Committee. Ur, A. P Heller, nf nrrcn wood, Hi
II Fox. of J.ocust. Ur. J. A. WiUon, of llfrwlck.
Josiah Smith, of S;otl,uudUr J.K Uohhins of U
UeEtQ pounds Kugorfrom I'hina S 11 jar Cane
do Maple Sujrar
llcst Quart Hrgp Jjom ChmaB. C
do dh Maplu
orKR"''" " James rKi7Pi7 mMt S' -r hornio c
' KO. '20-1'I.OWINO MAI CM,
, jjon p'owinjr, regard hemj had to the skii: of
wyrkruKU riad diifclpllnti of ttioi,and rikmtipn
nf tha wo Ik, as well ns timo occupleu it in
2d heft - I no
I'ominlltrn Jlcnl, DrmMlf Mlrtlroq. NlraM Klinu
tif riiUlnecieck. uud Ell Mrndenhall ofRcnton, ' I
Coininillee,l,its'jn Uugtiea of lleiiton, Alinaa Cole I
of Biliarloaf, Thomas H jKvvs pf (JnanwooJ, Lewis !
Bchu)ler of Madison, ulil Win. Mather of (IrocnwouJ.
i n tint uuii o N a 'rti Com m It Tuns
1. ThaOoinmllll-cs will lit ve dl-icrctlonnrr'poWi'r '
tu wl bold the premiums H lit cut II etc exhibited la not
worthy a premium.'
2. Tlio committee on Discretionary premiums will i
nward such prenilumsns they may think propor, on 1
articles not provided for In thu general schedule.
3 The members ol tho various Committers, will)
make It n point to be on the cruund as early as possible, '
on tho second dy-nnt later llinn III o'clockiat which
liui liieir names will be culled Irotn the stand, nnd I
thry will be expected lo proceed lo business, (
i. i ue 1'iiiiirinnii oi inn uiiirenl committees ore ro
quested to hand III their report as carl y ns possible, nnd
not liter llinndn'clork. Tin premiums will bo awarded
I... It.M I'.nalilun. nt 1 ...ft.tlr
All articles forcomiietlilou mustbu OB (lie ffroiiii.t
ty lUo'ctnrktft. iu.. Qml at 11 o'clock, n m..lh cum
mlttc will iirticrcd UirxaiHinc.nniluwnrdiliL'
U Jllnnlrlca ciliihiftl murt remain on tlio pround
until 4 o'clock, n, m , ati'l nu all occntinni uill Im rc
mriteu 10 uic ciinoiinr. uiiitin ouictnix uircclcil.
j. vjiuno.f. aii nrucirsrxiHuuct.. unci urt eni.ii.ifjt
r iint. mutt rcfiiectotl as nrivatc urun-rtv nmi nnu t
pnun dnlfUcJin (iiiijnjne or Injuring tlirm.wilJ ,0 t
flclt with urcotilliiiT la law, 1
Allarticleflollcrearorcompctltlon.tntiittKi owned I
tliy Hi! competitor ; All JiuIIk, veffi-tal-lt's, lluwotB, ttc , 1
mum ic iiiuji iOMiii ii uiv tuinin;iiiurti nun an niaiiunc l
lured nrticlt intint tiavcliccn maili iy llin coiiipoiltnrs. 1
5 Jvery cotii iieti lor for itn mmtns.iiiunllipn ro.hir.ui 2
of Columbia county. Hut ptrnii frum mlitr Onunhf
mayliavcilioprlvlIcgortr)nglnKfirt c( a on cxTilbjijon.
on tlu'p&yineiiloran entnnceteeol Fifty Ctnta. '
Th amount required fir tpcmlicrltlp tn the Society
i KirTY Cents. 'Jn Indtica h enncral en.nnrtln ,.t
tlie pvoplaoftho uliole county, tliu Suclcly imurii
a niuntwr ofCVrlincat'-smi(t hi need Hit m lutn iim i.nn.i-
of the fullowl ns named pcrsonflin the tliirurcnt
thot.'ounly. whoaro authorized lo Brunt llieui to such
nsmaypay in.' iii.iiniioii 11 e nun tntlr lismls, to wit:
ll, ,.l, l,.ll., erlCK, uiiu-. l OMtCr: lleillOn. t
:ii Mcnilciihnlli Reaver, Isaac Uavij ; Ualanieia, John I
Oilller! Centre, (Ijlbcrl II. Fowler! Pl.blneArJi,
Henry Rillcnbendcc i l',taiikliu, II, l", rortuer t (Jreen. I
wood, Ellsha llajmau ; Hemlock, cjlvesltr rursclli
Jackson, Theodora BmUhi Locust t'avld Helnb.lilj
ni inn n, mil. I. uowil monton, CImij lleitiick:
Maine, Ocorse 8liuinan Madison, Reuben Wilsons
Mount rieasant, J II. Vanderslicni Orange, C corgi
Vlott; l'jnc.Jamea Mn(rs Uoaiinjicrixk. rtaumcl J Fugarlnaf, Andrtw ,nubn(ii j ticolt, Thoum
Urovlitifi,nndHkfiwne nfthf President
inn urrujicmc nut only constitute llin owner a
member ofHie Colujnhla County AgricullurHl Society '
r.ironcypnr.biitlifi)tltle8lilmsclIatii1 f.imilytotittend
tlm l'o( r without extra charpes, and luriher Lllows litm
n nrivilcue nf brhmlna such nrilrlfs nn f tinMi im.
id may cuooie, wiiuouianyturtiicr payment ofcnlranco '
Thl onnortunJlv Jiowetrr.ulll nr,tn'7
tiic Ijlli ofOcKdier. i himuiiot einbrncliiir it nnterior
to thai dittt. wi I be required to nbiiii' iiv iiw. rnif.. tn.
for tnlrnncenf articles and ndm .union in n.n i' i.,i
i iallheadontcdnl Hint tlm. .
fALiLsiilUN JOHN. Iris'T. I
tiloomsburf . I'd.. fVini.. tfitli lk..? 1
1'arinerS' lirnOt MUX i'USICr MlilS.
. . t
York Aitnvt, Crown and (JaUotchilt Btteeti,
WB ofTern largo nock ol Chemical Mnmircs nnd
Fertilizer at low pnei. nnd wnrran M lo he
ec nn i no ; nmoii-r u inch will he found
lutiutoii No I uoveriimcut t'eruvinn uuano.
MOOtonf Do Ilurjr'f No. 1 HuperphOBjihnto of Llm?.
Tho nhovr staudird nrlirles are. rnch of their kind.
the best iu ihc world 1 Our Iaud IMau-i, manufactured
from M'lect'd nloiio, icftkbraleil ttifuy;liut IhUfiJo.i
T)e Rurg's No. 1 tiupciphuphaie of Muo
No. 1 (lovcrnmcnl IVruvian Uuano,
Trench's tmprovf d Huperphophate of Lituo.
French M'hlladHpliia i'nudretle.
No. 1 l'liophat(! (luano, I'hilaU'a Co.'b)
M ed can Ouano, (A)
Ultra La' water, Ordinary Land riatcoeJ,
I'lit-iitirtii IioiiM. li rc IJonc DuBt.
riih Otmno, (.'round Charcoal.
10 mo harrcli Land riat-ler.
.looo Uavtliij Platcr.
1U.0U0 ' Hydraulic CemciU.
5.0"0 'J'ruii Unnnn Cement.
I'ortland (KngliahJ Utmcnt.
DeniittV I'liBler, Powdered Amlmcfle Coal In bbU
Ptereotype l'lnter, Powdered Gituiniuoui Coal
Cl.iBsMaker'n do Ground llruwn Stone
(I'ouiii)SoBpHione, White t,nd
do. White Martile, Oround Ilricks for Painters,
du. Uluo Marble, Chemical Hone I)ust
S'cam Mill and Farmers' Depot,
Jit junction cf York Jlvcnue, Crown and Callovjiill Sts.,
Se pt 12, lM7-2m
rjpilE undorfligucil toUc pleasure in on
R nonnclns to theircusluiners uud the nuhliceeuer
n'iyi iliti thfp hnv'D Jusl avivd, al thv itinia tlidgQ
.Sprini; and Summer Goods.
Comprising every article usually kept in
country DWre. wuirii imriieen FRicctCd wiwi care,
and will bo sold at very low pies for ready pay.
const itinf: of n larp, variety wl 'Ju'b, Cassimcrs,
uri.tiiits, iirnzes.uaii oes, kc.
p5" Country produce taken iu pxehanpefor goods,
Give us a call. Nono need go away dis&alifiud.
U. St O. LOW.
I.I me ti jrlfr" . Mnrcli 59, 18S7
r S Mic undersigned, gratelul for former
ft noerti paironago, rcpecuuny intcrnis his
( and cuistoiiUTs in cenerjl, that lei has romj
uiciicud hiiBlnessiii his snacious Now fcStoru House
nejttdofir to Is?Jat ghuman's Hotel, where he has
just received, atuiisupply of
comprising every variety of fashion, iunlity and style
usually kept In the best ttores, (Irocories.tiuincewarc
Hardware, riau, .ina, n.iis, vapi. i.onin, runes, ac,
which w ill be sold on aicomuioil.iliiig 'J'erms.
tC?" Grain and produce of all kind willed.
MnnyjUe. Much 26, 1617, y I
EXCHANGE 1U.OU Iv, M A I f I ti Tit E E T
rplln ii nilcrsignen would rcspectrollyinrormliis friend
aim tun piiiuin generally, mat no lias purciiaseo ur
Tcgj-ist's llritgand rilore, anil Just -returned
Crow IhLcily vvitli a large and select stock, consist! tig ol
lucsli ana rare JJnws,
Medici nea, Chemicals, ground a nil h holed pices, Paints
Oils, Yarn lilies. Die tituirs. Window Class of all sizes
together will, a complete assortment of t'aiiit.TootJi and
annvtng iiru.slie.3, tobacco, t3cgars,f ancj boapa ,nav
ing Cream.
Pure Wiars nnd Brandies,
For Modlcinal use, English. American Per
fiimcry; in short, overyartlclckcptby Druggists gene
r?l'rGcrintions careful I vcomnoitnded .
N, II Tho Dkitio l'RorcsiioN, will l.o continued as
usual In lllooiiiiburg ami Light Street.
Aho.ii full assortment of the latest ft)!c Tcctli
lor sate by
ono. M,iiAor,Nnucii.
Ilo jiuibiirg, February 1,1157
TIIE undersigned respectfully announces
that she rnutlnues the Bioomsburs Back Store and
Stationary l.BtnbUshmentt latfly cniniue li byJirnlecfased
il usu nnu, ni ajar umrKi in tui im-i r vainnij orniicncs,
alllieohl fetamlin i;he Kichamre lluildings. first door
r.astof tlm Uxchmigo Mottl. uud having replenished
her esiahllslpient wlh n choice stork ol JVeto Books
aid Stationary, she ia prepared to accommodate all
who may cive her a call in her Hue,
Th Keslauraiil Salno'is, in ihetnsemeutor.the nbavo
estalilishment, wil he continued as usual by Al.o sub
scrilicr. where thi nubtic al all tunes be supplied
wlih tlio choicest lik.ERas and KffRisiijjkts, surd
as Mineral. rfirsapinlla, Ueer. Ale, tec , furdlnci,
Bpicedaud I'nkled Oyters, Tickled Clams, et,
OTh0 public custom is respectfully solicited.
Sueeusot to Jens a, Clark,
II Ion m s Mi r n , May 5, IP37
hinilsnuievt and cheapest as
sortment o Hotu Leather,
tjn'ld KivelcJ
ritJirF.LiMi tuv.vks,
vtl.lur 'I'll iiul'u
vfgMlW Bfmnittilreii Wunii
rrupollcra, Leather and CaructU&2s. t'ackine Trunks.
&.C., &.C, at
Celebrated London l'rizo, Improved fitcel
Sptiilg. Sglld Hole Leather Trunk Mauufnclory,
NO. 401) AIARKliT r-TUEET,
South west coruer.Foutlh and Marktl,.l'liiadclnhii.
August 8. lM7-tf .
Manufacturer end H'holtittlg Dealer Im
an Up
CLorili. 1IUUHHEH, WIYDOW 8llAI)i;rl, &c.
No. 225 Noith THIRD Street,
One dvorlitev fas City Ifrttl,
xpir ji.ta umluast scjya
Capital Prize $00,000i
Tlii lol lowing Uchetne will be drawn brB.tiwiit
tin.. Managers oT tlio Fort Calnes' Academy l.ollr-ry.
in rnrh of their Lotteries for October, lttT, nt
AttlllKTA. (l.'nrcln, 111 which City they have iiiiiijk.iI
their l'rlnclpal UOue.
CLAPS 50.- , ;
To bo drawn In thn city of AiiirurtatGeoriia, in putlfe,
on eaiuruu v, uciouer jii, imi
0LAS 57.
To bo drawn in tba city of Augusta, (icorsla, In ptibllrj
ou lialulday.Urlobcr IQth,ll!57.
To bo drawn in the city of Auauiln, (Jeorsla, in public,
on Eslurday, October 17th, lt57,
CLArU 59,
To ba drawn in the nty of Augusts., CJeorgla, In publid,
on Saturday, October lillb, 1857.
i.i.nns uu.
To bo drawn in tho rltyof Augusta, Oeorgis, in publio
fin raturday, October 31st, 1337.
Vro 7'Aomasd Four Hundred and JAnety fcs 'rites
Nearly ono l'rizo to every Nino 'Tickets.
10 BK DRIW d
n a o n
i'ruc of
;rji,(ii)ii I
i itiim or fioo
i " " foo
y.i iiuii
13 uon I
7.0IHI I
5,0011 1
3.. ',0(1 I
I ,iioo
Arrn.oxiSiAno.v i-iii.m.
I, SltitiApproi-ii3 to 4U) tKioi'rizoate 10(10
21 U
uu aro
1 Urn
" MJ
" a
" im
' 300
' ' uoo
J.nj p,i,,. ....ouniini to
93 ; IIUAR-
ivilOLli T1UKEIS I0
1 Tl'OU bnl
T), 7, "V ,,
of the Loltcn .
The Numbers Ironi I to 50.000, corresponding with
llio.o Numbels ou t)io Tjrkes printed on separata
slips ol paper, ore enure, lid will all tin tubes nnd
placed in ono whicl.
The lint 407 1'rires, ei;nihrly primed l lid cnclr.
c l"il i nrc pi iced in uuul htr u IiloI.
I The whcfls ore then revolved nnd n numhor In
, ilrnwn from the wind vt Nmnlicri nnd nt the ama
ithne n I'lJzrs 1 diaw.ii from the other wjieel Thi
Nuutner anu l'Mzeiirav. o;u aro opened ami cxnifii
cd to the nudicnce anil recistprcd hy tltn CnmiuiS'
Rffncrr; tlio J'xlze hci.ig pNici'tl ngalnst llin Numli
drnwn. i ii Is opcriuijfi in repealed until ull tho
i'rlres am, dinw u cut.
stpprozimanon rriiz$, mc iwo picccnmR nnu ma
Crimes will lu entitled to tliu S8 Annroxhnation
l'riief. For example: If Ticket So. WiM draw tho
SbiMKin t'nze. thuafi Tickets tiumiiereu ll.'-JC n '-JUi
11.21, ll.!.'o2. will e&rh he entitled Iu Sliiu, ll Ticket
No, 550 draws Ihc S23.000 l'r ze. thou Tickets mini
uercu on, ,r.i, Ml.t, will cacu vf iii;ucu u
und SO on ftCfnriMnir In lhi nhovc IcllClilti.
Tun 30UO l'rizpg of $2D will be dcti'riiitned by tho
'I'or exiimplo, i'r the Number .IrawhiB the fctotioO
insi ii pure m inn vnm mr innia raws im: suu.i uu iritr.
l'rh.o endi wild No. 1, then oil Hie Tickets, when
me Aui'incr cniig, in j ,win uc vmiiiro m n tnu
Number cnrii whh No 3, then nil tho Tickets where
the Number ends in it will ho entitled to $20, and au
on to 0.
Certificate!! ot racknrB will be bold ot the follow
Inu rntcx. whlcli ! ilu uk t
.Ccrtllicatuof l'ocknge of 10 Whole Ticketi, 5?0 ,
Jo do lOllulf do 40
do do joauaricr do Viol
do do 10 i:iEhlh do 10 ,
in oiiDcniNo TiuKirrs oit ccmiiTCATrs, i
Hnlosc the mnncvtn r.tir nddresf for the tickets
ordered, on receipt of which they wit' he forwarded
ny iirsiAnan. rurcna pe rt can nave iicki-u ctiins in
uy iijute tney may designate.
The List of Drawn NuinlH'ra and PrUeBwillbi! BCnt
rtopurchaicrs immediately after the drawing.
1'iiFf-li.iaii.rai will ului.i. i.i.lln t r I rt 11 1 1 11 rf a fl-iln.
a id ijivc their Post OlTic, County and Stale
lleuteinber that everv t'rize li drawn aud rayubte In
fa II without deihiftior, .
h rr , oi giuuuann nnucr, piiu immi'uiHii'iy nucr
tho dr.i.'iiig other Prices at (hs uiualtinco thirty
All complin i cations utrictty confidential.
Address orders for Tickets or Certificates to
S. SWAN At CO tJuguita, a,t.
rcrsous jpfcidinc near iMonifioinerv. All. or Atlanta.
rCa..cnn have ttielr orders hi ted, and save time, hy
addressing H. Swan tc Co., at t'Uher of ipose clues.
tj- a iisini tnc numners thnt nro urawn iujn tuo
wheel, with the anion nt of Hip prize that enrh ono is
entitled to wil lite published oner every drawlmz in
the folhiwinz naners A'etc Orleans Dtlta XoWe fl
plsttTt Charletton Standard, Xashville Oazitte. Atlanta
Jrtuitgcnctr, etn j orn ntchiy nay uvon. cuvennan
McviVtnf J'tvsst Richmond Dif patch, XefO York Mlspatth
pun t mmiutiifi ,uifB j vtariu,.
PCpi -U, ICJi
From riiladtlphia (tf'JVew Ttfrl, and l'$y Vlatea
heaves as follows viz. .Fare,
At 1 A. Mi, from Kensington JPcpot, via Jersey
Citv. Mail 82
At G A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, New .
Jcrwy Accommodation. 3
At 0 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Acconimoda
lion a
Al 7 A M., via Camden and JerFcy City, Morn
ins Mail 3
At 10 A. M.,hy sleamhoat Trenton, via Tacorty
and Jersey CitV, Morning Ctprers 3
At2F. M., via Camden and Amboy, C.andA.
Express 3
At 5 i'.M.via Cumdon and Jersey City.lEvcning
Mail 3
At'3 F M , via Camden and Amboy, Accommo
.tot inn, 1st das S
At 3 1'. M., via Camden and Ampoy, Accommo
dation, yd Class 1
AlOl M'.. via Camden nnd Amboy, Accommo
dation, 1st Clam 2
At OF , M via Camden and Amboy, AcctinniQ- '
union xu viass...
The 5 1'
M line runs daily, alt oihem Sundays cx-
Kxnrpss Mnes Eton at the nrlncinal stall t ns only.
For Hclvldere I.nston, Fitfininpton, &c. at 0 A. M
and 4 I. M , Irom Walnut street wharf.
For Water Cnp, titroudslurg.Scrantun, VVilKcsbarre,
Von t rose, Urtnt Br ml. &c m G a. M., via Delaware,
i.ncKwaitna at u estern iiaiiroau,
For Freehold ut 0 A. M .and 2 I' M.
For Mount liolty at ? A. M.. nnd 21 nnd S Ft M.
For Bristol, Trenton, fer , nt -i and 4 F. M.
wav mm:
ForFalinyra, Hancocns, llct crly, Uurlington, Hor
dentown, &c, nt 3 F M.
For Mount Uolty, llurlingion ami Way Stations at 5
F. M .
steamboat Hiclnrd Stockton (or lhulington nnd Uris
mialBJA M., and for Birdcntowu nud iiiteruitdiate
places it 21 F. A,
Sleamhoat Ter.ton for Tacony O1.10 an.l U A. M.,
and 4 F. M., aud for lliutingion and Urutol at 4 F. M.
.Ml lines ..exccf 1 1 A. M , leave Walnut it. wharf.
Fifty rpunds ol haggnge only allowed each pis
Bcucr. I'assenersareprohibiiLdlrom taklns miythlng
us hhl'i;'i; ii'ii incir wcariiis aj-piini. nti uiicsigu
over nity point in m w pnm ior vra
Tho toiiiiinnvl
limit their responsibility for baggage to ono dollar per
poiino, and will not bo liable far any amount beyond
sluo. except by contract
II. GATZ.MCR, Agent,
O. Ac A It It. CO.
R. R. MORRM.L, Aeeul,
Bejit 50, 1SS7 riiiln. 'I r. R. R. Co.
suv f.hruqsvuate of limv,.
CAUTION, Ho particular to observe
t that rvi-ry h'irrel rf our article Ins our name and
that of rem & Klett hraridfd on the head. This Caution
is reiii'i'ird neepdrary, cs tlicie ate su many uitictt-n nf
rtrttilitful va!(ia sold umler tlm nrmo of Super-Phosphate
of Live, as to ir.Ulcad (lioo'vho arc unaciuainled uh
th'c value (jf u
orA' autium:.
rrice 515 per Wuu lb. cents tier lb) A liberal
deduction made to tinders. Unh rs fur this val'mlda
Vcrtihxtr attended lo promptly rutnphluu descnhing
it, and the moJe of apply! iii. can he had gratuitously
nt our stores, nr by mill when d?Bired.
It has no superior as a Manure Tor
and all other crops ruiiilring n igornm und
IASTIN(; I'LUTlM.till,
proJiuing notonly n liPJiviT yiehl uftJraiu than IVj-u-vian
Guano, but ttijcntn the ttraa to suppprt tlte head.
(JUAS Sni;i rarely ail lo inku well where our
Fliorphate ii npptted to xkcat lend,
rACIFIOOUCANGUANO-Vo liavoa small -tan-tity
still in rtoro.
i'ltll MANUHI.-A supply of this valuable article
forsalo. Trice $30 per VU'i hits (U cents per lb.)
at the I owe it rales.
OJ-Thu lead hi 9 AfiricuUural Journals ami New spa
pers are regularly tiUdatour olhcel'or thi use of far
mers. Goods can be loaded ut either front ot our Ware
houm. Farinrrs are recoin mended to drive to W'ntcr
street and avoid (lie crowded Wharf. Ample lacihties
arc afforded ia loading wasous and aiteiidiuj; to tho
ALisKX & Nnni)in5.
No. S3Soutii Wharves, &. 1 tiuili Water it ,
Pt rituro oUovb Chdttinut st,(?hilada;
npHK undersigned hiving; associated together, under
jl. tno ur;naaiiu stio oi
Panel S? Jacoby,
Will continue tho firiarcrcck roudcr llusincsg In all
ts (U'pariniegts.
C. 11. I'URSRL,
j. a. JAciiiu .
Auj 10, 1M7
ner eons indebted to the firm vt llartman k
llower, are hereby notlled-to rail und suttlu iim
same a ntl avc cost.
JIAUT3I.W & noivun.
Also, thasn indebted to the subscriber, am likewise
ru'pualed to call anj sellle.
Jtowu.-Juoo 8, lWT-3ut
Death of QeorRO Waslilngtcn
Earko .Custi.
WAsiiiNnTQ.s, Oof. 10.
Georgo AVnsliiugtoi 1'urkp Cujii, Ilia
last luomlcr uf General Vaiiiigton'a
family, died jestorday at Arlirigvon, Alex
andria county, Vivginja.
VSr'ViiE SusI'ensio.v or' the Hank?
l.ixi Ai Tbo Legislature, on 'I ucij'
day hit, passed a bill legalizing tbo sus
pension of tbo IJanls of Pennsylvania untij
tbo second Monday of jApril next, and tbi
bill was signed by Governor Pollock.
J! it the Pean$ylcanta t-tate JtertcuUuratttrtUln and In
itttrat County toeittiei. If JlHt.IM'Hl. hnbXb.UI.U tie
CO . for thctr Celebrated f'egeta(il4 CA'l ILL I VltDEH.
IOlt Ilnrsest it In nu jnalunl,Je tti tnty for the euro
. npd p'cvenliiHi ot nil ilic.v Incldi nt lotho ViAil
ii ti i in 1 1 . viz. IntPnipi'r.Cotifhi, Tnicy, Vvwrr, KH-
i ii in ioiti tiifenccft Junx uncat-rn, i imi trenrc.
Cripes, Inilaitunntion, Jnundlfc, Kldne v d.rmnea.
(ilandirn, Thick lar. Uidlnmd, titaer. Vircrs.
Dlccri in l.unftii, Surfeit, rounders, H irilght Hair.
Yonii oori.ii ic.
roll Nl'.AT CA'lTl-n.
In nyn,Uce Yellown llnvcn or Mown, Hloody
llrfi e, Itrd Wnt.T. Murrhiu. l.n of Cmi, Lou of Ap
pel if s JUarilicoa or l.on9ci,cB( Hocf dimnse. Wolf iu
tho Tall, Hollow llor.i, llloody Milk, lilod disease.
Lositf Mllk.i '
von uooa.
In Swelled Xcclc, Ihlis Ju th's Llr(er, Abestcf ia
tlm lu iiRP, Ulcers of the IJowcU, paams Lr.Crampn,
Choltf riisenneg.
Nn farmer should be without it n Binplo day ; It ts hi a
Bhcetpicliorfordiseric iif ht uUk. H tncrrorm
the ouionit of milk, Uitler nnd fat in htaliliy nnimaJst
irom e,u il amounts of food nt Imut from 20 to Si5 pci
cent., db Hie experience of ccr 10 0(10 Innners, nlnj
have used it will (ruifynt nny (ininl
ANoniEit fii:v niscovnavi
L'nuiaiitley nny other Lfulment ot nmhrocoti'tn
ef r jt t ln to tli world. It t pond f"r the fol
luwliiff disrurepind lias proved Itrell In ltio hand of
thoufamln f.l fatrterp, fai mtfB aid atage prrpniiorB to
txci ed nnjthhiL'f f I he kind evi r nlTured to the public
Foundered Feet,
Ppavln, Sweeny,
Fisttilu, PiU'.in.
Calls of every kind,
VV'iLidjjftUa, Kind Crock a
Pcratches or Grease,
J'liick Lctjs,
Hard Tumours,
Uiiiliiine. Foil Uvil,
Cracked Ilcols,
Ilotten Hoof,
Rhcnmntl nn,
Weak Joints,
Contracted Sinews,,
Frosl Hues,
Chapped Hands,
I'nm In the I.ejt"i
I'mn n I he H.irk,
1'niii in the Shoulders,
Nervous I'nins,
Mile of Animals.
SllfT Joints,
(lorn iJisipniner.
And many oihcr'dlscne
It in, 1 1 short, iho mot
snmpjete nnd universal Ttlniment that science has
liver j m prrniiceu.
Beware tj Connterfcitt, as hot hour vahiahle dlccover
ks nrc already counterfeited hy pifoiis in ditTirent
parts of the State Our powder has our written sig
nature mi ench holltc.
Manufuctured only tiv
nnEiNio, FiiONi;niuD c co..
No. 317 N. Third st , N. 2. comer Third & Wood,
Dcnu IS37 If
'rllli HAIR UVU needs only atrial to allajy nlloT
X its perfection as a Uyc, and trnvfollnwlns; test),
tnonial from that eminent AnalvtieCliCQi6t,rrorcio
liooili, olllicu. ii. All nl, will only confirm what thou-
isiius navo pitivii'osiy oorno lean loony 10,
"Laboratory or Practical Ckcmlitry,
St.Bleplien's 1'laCe, M.llsda. I
reins well ncmalnted with the snlistnnccs cnmtios-
lii Hover's 1. i Mil 1.1 Hair Dyo.l am' Fatishcd tliatjby
to'iowing me siinpie .iircciions civm tor use, it
will not inluio the Hair or Bkln.hut Hill ttive a natU'
fal and durable color to the hair. r
AU3 20,ieS7 Analytic CAcnfst.
iyct,uniNo liovr.ifa rtujn and novtii'3 K-
L HUMBLR INKS, are too w ell known and introduced
to require any lettioiony of their clmracl.r.
Tin sales have been I ucreasin; si nee their first Intro
duction, clvlng evidence that the articles truly possess
that intrinsic merit claimed at first lor tlicm by tbo
Onlcis, addressed totho Manufact i, No. 416 Rao
street. above Fourth, (old No, 141.) 1'bMelpllia, wil)
rc eve prompt alteutlo n.
JDacrii e. iiovcR.
Ave 20, 1857 ly .Viniioeturcr.
Spring and Summer
HTMIE undersigned respectfully inform
B tlirir customers nnd the public generally, that they
havcjii't received at their new llrick Store House, in
Lightnireel, n select assortment ol tashionablo
Spring and Sunwior Goods.
dim t from the Eastern, cities, comprisinE all the
various selections to lm found ill Country Htores,
Couisting ot Cloths, rJasiiinercs. Uclains, liiazes,
Ilalicoes.Aic, Togelhcr'willia.l kinds ufDrcss goods
for the ladies.'s wear, op almost
VUitv 8 ony Aun'iVW"
(Iroccrics, Molasses, tfugre, Teas. Uolfee. t?plcc
and in sliorl.nverythinr in tlie.way of Mcrchanilire, .
RUAUV MADL, ULOrillNO. ol every dcsci.ptiori
J Iron, Steel, Nails. Sulky Springs i.c.
l Tlianklul for past palronopu, it will bi noil
studions aim tn please theitj:Ubtouicts and tr give
general satisfaction,
I1.W.& W. N. CRESY
l.lgLt Street, ,pll ill, 1CS7
MAiiuiAci: oinni: r.v nn. wii.i.iam yoi'nu.
MAitiiiAtii: fii'inu iiy du. wili.ia.m yduno., (iuim: .uy int. willia.m yoi'ko.
M MtlilAOnitll llir. IIY lilt. WILLIAM OI'NO.
!f7f!SS.',Ei:OUl.fl I'lUS, or Every Olin his own
,OC0r by w.m rarxa.M.n. Ill written
In pl.iln Inngiiage for the general leader nnd Is ilhis
tratcil with upwards nl one hundred engraving,. Air
)oung people, or llioso ronteniptatinc lunrrugn.and
havinir th'i least iinpediment tu innrried'.IHe. s.ould
read this book. It discloses sirrecls that citry one
ilioold bonriiiainti'tl wlthrstill.ltisn book that must
I ho kipt locked up, nnd not lio uboiillhe house. Il v 1 1 1
i bo sent to nny ono on Hie receipt of twenty-five rents
nuuiuu, in,, .,., lw.'i.v..
itt-4 spruce 8irc:i, nuon eouini,
Alls 2, 1857
Greenwood Seminary.
;?5illville, Columbia'iCoM
AHVST13M T0 course of instruction f aivea In
all the linpliih branches usually tu lights 'J he
I'riiicipal will be assistedxlurm: tbn prcf ent yenr by
T. M. rtT'i'ti,an i-xpt rifnced leader, recently from
tliu Itaocas ler county Normal Hchonl.
A vacation oi cvcii wccks win cominenco juiyfist.
Tuition, for nay jiupiin, $'t,50 tn Sl.iO per iunrter.
lhMidimr. Tuition. Wnsliln?. I.ishts. ic . S'M nor
TU-uler tit eleven weeks, opcli sir in advance.
l or circular, cmau-ruf, vt wim r i iriicui ijn, u iuhjb
ML'lville, A;irin.l7.
rw YIIAUS OP MHZ. In vim; Ion his fathe r, two
s nroiners. imufinrr. sun ih-juw, hi imicwb anu
ni'tct'K, bv ihal dren'lha disease. Conhtmptios, and iuf.
f'Tiiif with a Covrh himsiil, iiitertnined to visit Hiq
i:n.t liniipv. Hpvi.iniid Julian, u lit re ho discovered a
preventive and certain cure fur Colds, Coughsjlrnnchitis,
CoiiAumptton, Ncuoiis Drbi lit y and Asihpia ,11 In cough
was etirrd Iminedljitly ; hu returiud. turtd his relet
live, who liihtrftcd ilia diteiua. und in connoctiq,ii
w i its hit sou have cmpmy id it In ifceir praihce,cunng
thousaTiils nfcaie consnlerctl Impelc by others.
l'or IIib inirposi) of n-Fcuinc as many of his Guttering
fellow- lei mri ns poiihlc, lie is send lug the Rrclpe to
nil who wish it Tor Un cents ; 3 of it to pay the post-
;c, and the balance rrintlnjt.
AddreM nn. nn.vTH.
J 01 a'prms St., opposilu St, Nuholss lloitl,
JijuelJ, l.-w7- New V'oik,
TT'HAUPnK'B Patent, for hind nr horse paw er, the
IV IWt lu liso WheehT f !- ri-weifoud Tlirfth
ers, Intproved Grain Fans, rni'invcl's Wheat JnlU
Clipper's Il m nnd (luaiioHprendpr. Hip mnstflpp'ovrd
lluy und fodder Cutters, Moll's Hollers, GrlniNiom?
ready humj ; with a fee nerul ns crluient ol Agricultural
and Ilortic ural Implements.
PAd L'il.XLli MOilRIS A. CO..
luipleuient nnd Hoed r-icre,
Hrvcnili and Market sls.t I'hlladelpua
Aust 13, Id37
"oStethe lrst in use : Whctler's JlnrtH I'oueisand
P,9Tlirehers,CnTn btiellfis of variou sizrs, Hay,
M&.6jraw and Todder aCtUitraf Xiraiu ran. Itotit
Cutlers, rarmers' Hollers, Hide Jlill, iub tfoH nnd
other P'ojvs, now Castings, Corn !.ikitsi bpsins,
Atmofplieito Cliurus Ar. , wholerali and retail, at
I'AHCItALl. MOilUIH it CO, ,
liniilmiput and Heed Storm
71 Is nnd Market slreein. I'hlladeltihla
Ocioi(.r id l7
rvj UW NO. 3 sMACiitUJJL, wiit-ie c.v.d at