I'M." l -COLUMBIA. COUNTY ELECTION RETURNS, held October, 13, 1S57.'" ' OFFICIAL. PATENT SPUING HUD UOTTfJMH. ciiio kii: w. mni'.i.t.i,,nit i.. 7)iFu ,4 n 1 rlgM nf ColillntM.i cminly, Knd I, limv ktcfliicd In fur. tinal Qmm's, Governor. Judges of the Supreme Court, 0?ngicss, Legislature. ifiT Alto 'nn Imnd nil klmu'nf fnMnn,'i.i.. whlfh lip ivlfliiellniiclirAptii Hie chcaiol. 11 ' I.BVI L. TATE, EDITOR. TOWNSHIPS Alio, iicauy.iiiaiio uuinni. atoiion w. coiici,L, Iloomliur(i,0et17, 1M7 Bloomsburg,, October 17. Geii Pack.er? MAJORITY IN Columbia County, is 1.2G6. Don't Hoard tlio Coin ! Thcro is nn abundance of gold .and sil "vcr coinio lliq country for all thoortlinary transactiqos.of daily life, if it is only-kept in circnlation. A small specio currency is (Co life-blood of business and if it bo want ing to any consMorablo extent, business will languish, Btagnato or decay in propor tion as its lifo-blood is wanting. 'fho propensity to board, gold and silver rnonoy is ono of tbo lowest and meanesj vifww nf lltn human toIuO. Is So ito very ossonco of. selfishness, Tbis, propensity is naturally heightened in times of panic like tho prcsont, and often seizes upon good men who in ordinary seasons would bo entirely free from it. Let all who have n ppark of kindly and. liberal fceliDg "resist the temptation and it will flco from thorn." Thero is still sufficient gold and silver In the country to keep tha wheels of busi ness jn motion, and thereby cnablo honest industry by daily labor to. earn its daily bread, Whatever of. want and suffering ' may prevail, tbis winter among those who would labor but can find no omploymont, e will bo largely owing! to' the- hoarding, of coio. Thoso who oauso tbis want to fall upon the poor, will iceeivo their pay in duo season, if it be truo that "with tho mcasuro yxs Bicto withal, tho same shall bo measured to you, again." Death of Hon. Louis MoLano. ' Hon. Louis McLano died in' Baltimore on Wednesday. Ho must havo been up wards of 70 years of ago. Few men in 'public lifo havo been more generally re- spected for wisdom, moderation, talents and patriotism. Ho was elected a U." S. Senator, from Delawaro in 1827, and resigned,- having been appointed Secretary of tho Treasury by President Jackson in August, 1831, to succeed Samuel D. Ing ham, of Pennsylvania. In 1833 Mr. Mc Lano was appointed Secretary of State, and upon Mr. VanjSurcn's rcjeotion by tho Senate as Minister to England succeed ed him' in that capacity, in which ho won the esteem of tho English and gavo satis faction to, his own country. Tho deceased statesman has so long mado- his homo in Baltimore that ho wasgonesally supposed to havo entered publio lifo from Maryland. Ho remained faithful to theiprinciples of General Jackson's era, and his son, Louis McLano, Jr., recently represented ono, of tho Baltimore districts in Congress. National rWiOE Gazette. This .great journal of crime and criminals is in Its twelfth year, and is widely circulated throughout tho country. It cuutoins M tlio great trial?, criminal oases, and appropriate editorials on the same, together with jnfor- Jiatiorion criminal matters', not to bo found any other newspaper. t " BSub'3cripfions,'82 per annum j $1 or sis months, to bo remitted by subscribers, who should write, tbe'ir names and tho' town, county and State1 wh6re thoy rcstilb plainly, to R. A. Seymour, dditor and proprietor of tho National f'olicc GaseHc, New' York city. TP Wo havo received from tho offioo of Fowler !fc Wells, Publishers, B08 Broadway; New York, a pamphlet of 24 pages, giving tho origin, history, characteristics and cul " iuro of tho Laxelon, ut'Neio Hoclttlle Dlack berry. The price of the pamphlet is six cents, and wo would advise all our friends to send for one, and then for the blackberry. For size and flavor, tho bcrriw) tro une . . a 1 1 n .1 nnrl f.M wfiTrt rnaa.n nlipnnen unsurpassed. CSr Tho Kenyon Collegian, a monthly "literary Magazine, conducted by tho stu dents of Kenyon College. Gambicr, Ohio; and publishod by 11. 'M, Edmonds, at one dollar and -a half per academical year of nine mouths; for October has been received. Among tbo EditoTS-wo arc glad to find tho rumo of our young .and talented mend. J, T, Ohl, of this county. ' Tho Collegian is -really an excellent' publication find ought io bo encouraged. Tho' present number sontains eight articles on' various subjects, several of them ablo' and interesting, Tho .Excelsior Spring Bods. Mr. Geohcie W. ConriEix, of Blooms- .burg, has purchased tho exclusive right of this excellent Patent, ol ihaty Beds, for Columbia county, and will put up tho Springs to order. Wo havo ono tif rthem in use, with which wo are wclj pleased, and invito our friends to call and examine it for themselves. Mr. Carrell'g Card is in cur advertising columns.' IN THE BLOOM BENTON HEAVER t.vt BIIUGREEK.. O-VTTAWISSA CENTRE.. CONYNGIUM F1SHING0REEK. FRANKLIN QUSENWOOD HEMLOCK JACKSON XOCUST MAINE t MADISON., MIFFLIN,..;.' MOUNTPLEASANT . . .. MONTOUR ORANGE PINE ROARINGCREEK SOOTT SUGARI.OAF TOTAL. GOVERNOR 01? PEWA, BY OVER. 30,000 The election on Tuesday, resulted in ono of tho most glorious triumphs that has graco tho old Keystone Stato for many years. GEN. PACKER'S MAJORITY IN THE STATE WIIL BE NEAR THIRTY THOUSAND. Tho vrholo Dcmocratio Stato ticket is elected by largo majorities. The nows from all quarters is a succession of Demo cratic victories and Democratic gains. It is probable that Deinooracy never beforo swept tho Stato moro completely than it did on Tuesday. From all parts of the Stato wo hear nothing but the most glori ous Democratic news, Old Columbia, too, has dono nobly. Every man upon the Democratic ticket is eleoted by a'handsomo majority. Belief from the US. Treasury. r Tho New York Times bestows high commendations upon Mr. Cobb, tho ablo' and patriotic Secretary of tlio Treasury, for shaping tbo Government disbursements foa- the, last thirty days so as to afford the largest toqasuro of pecuniary relief to tho community. Sinco .August 24th ho Lib reduced his balanco'hi the sub-treasury!- Now York from 22J millions to 82,750,000, nearly all. of which has gono into, tlto banks, reinforcing them with that amount of, specie, Theso movements uto to no followed up by Mr. Cobb tha wholo effect being " to popularize the sub.trcasury system, in a season of sevcro pecuniary trial, and to afford i degrco of substantial aid to buai ness, or whioh tho publio ro largely in debted to the practical sense of tho hqad of tho Treasury Dopartnienfc" Firemen' Parade in Philadelphia. Tho Firemen's Parade in Philadelphia, on Mondaylast, was a grand affair, and passed off very pleasantly. Tho procession was imposing beyond anything of tho kind ever beforo peen in tho city., Ninety-three companies wcro in tho lino, twonty-four .of them being visiting companies. Tho wea ther was beautiful; and tho glittering ap paratuses in the lino, which wcro burnished and adorned for the occasion, showed off to tho best advantage. It was a gala day in the city, . During tho progress of the profession eomo-of tbo'whito bands'tok 'umbrage at the prcsohco of colored musicians in tho lino, and they quit tho ranks and paraded through tho streets upon their own account Odr PosjnpM.-T-iWa tho' .Local) are now the boTo Editor of the Columbia Dem ocrat, sinco tha departure of tho Editor for the West, and the' Assistant Editor to Lanoastor, T-ho Georgia elections camo off on the Gth inst.,jirul resulted in tho triumph of tho Democrats. J. O. Rrown "was electod Governor by 12,000 majority, and the wholo Congressional delegation is Democratic. a w 5s o u o cr f-i 3 s; a 108 101 118 170 204 103 118 204 170 170 22 103 22 118 70 ne 173 70, 120 115 80 102 70 102 7C 118 70 09 1 oo1 32 12 08 08 24 35 110 37 4 72 30 4 2 181 41 113 25 38 181 42 181 4i .24 35 110 37 4 72 1 113 113 11S 120 7C 170 80 135 1GB 38 5 70 2 46 127 71 127 74 173 173 84 134 154 84 1 131 154 00 39 2G 45 27 30 24 23 '1 no 20 40 20 00 4 00 30 130 40 42 88 02 37 131 20 35 130 40 27 3M 30 24 23 128 0 40, 25 41 27 42 88 02 80 02J 132 6 24101144 30 2307 2307 1005 1Q05 Berks County. over Wilmot in Uerks county will bo over 7000. In this city tho vote 6tands as fol lows: Packer, 1552'j Wilmot,558; Ilarlc hurst, 779. Bucks County. Doylkstown, Oct. 15- Tho Democratic majority for stato officers, including the Governor, will range from 800 to 1200, Clinton County. Lockhaven, Oct. 10 Gen. D. K Jaokman, one of tho Democratic nominees for the Legislature, has 800 majority in this county. Col. Lloyd, the othor candi date, has also a majority of about GOO. Packer a majority .in Ullnton is abnout 400, Delaware County. Wilmot will lead Packer about 100. A gain olaboutUUU over the last 1'rcadcntial election. Tho Democratio Sheriff, Treasurer, and Assemblymen arc elected by a small ma jority. Indiana County. Johnstown, Oct. 15 Returns from Indiana county indicato about 4000 ma jority for Wilmot. AUeglieny County. Pittsbdrqii, Oct. 15 All tho- Dis. tricts in this county have been heard from excepting nine. The returns so far show a majority for Wilmot of about 1000 votes, Tho county ticket Li closo and uncertain. The Democrats wilt brobably elect tho .County Commissioners,, and two rcprescn tativcs to tno iio gistaturo. . ,jMticaster County. Lancaster, Oct. 10 Wilmot's majori ty in this county is about 1000. Tho Ho publican county .ticket .;s all, elected,, with tho exception of the Prothonotary. 1 Montour County, Danville, Oct. '10 Tho, Democratic majority for tho'State Tioketj will boaboutj uuu. Northampton County. Easton, Oct. 10 Correct returns from 18 districts in Northampton couuty, shows' tioouj majority tor Packer. Lehigh .County. Thq Democratio majority jspvcr 1000 Lycoming County. WiLLiAMsroRT, Oot. 15 General Packer's majority in this county will bo about 1000 votes. Tho rest of tho State I'lokctis Democratio by about700 majority, Tho majority of Col. Lloyd and General Jackman for members of tho Assembly will bo about 1200 votes, in Lycoming and Washington. County, PiTTsnunan, Oct. 15 Tho vote Washington .county is closo, but a par of iuo jjcuiuurauu uckci is ciccicu. Daupjiin County. IlARHisBURa, Oct. 15 Pecker's majori ty In xorJ. Jiorou"b is 09 votes over all. Packer's majority in Harrisburg is 419 votes; a Ucmocrauo gain of 370 yqtcs. llralford County, Tho oreturns recoivod from Bradford county, ehows a Democratio gain 'of 70 votes oyer last year, Carlisle, Oct, 15 Packer- majority I i jnrt VT III- 1 ' - .u.iuig vuuuiijr is over 'iuu. jowvmu uit1 trict alono giycs a majority of 227. Ashland, Oct. 10 Tho Democratio Stato Ticket has 110 majority in this jjorougo. Ccirtan County, Uaston, Oct. 15 : The Democrat!0 majority in Carbon oounty is estimated at Westmoreland County, Gruensburo, Oct. JO Packer's ma loriiy isfrom 800 to.000. The Democrat io Senatorial Legislative And County ,tickpt is elected, Senator. '"o i F . fed CI W o s v-r w g. ?' cs, H CJ- o i a S h I 3 109 104 117 158 74 176 J,00 175 105 177 22 23 103 22 110 104 114 105 70 121 110 100 70 121 77 113 7 117 32 184 42 112 125 741 172 00 o 23 00' 121 32 180 34 114 4 72 33 43 111 132 100 88 138 150 00 3D 130; 1111 121 130 74 171 34 4 V4 84 132 2 38 84 139 154 03 35 131 fclM 28 2S 02 44 45 30 120 45 291 20 33 21 28 51 30 20 48 45, 42' 89' 92 41 22 41 87, 02 -125 OO! 02 10 1028071098 20 24001108 2405 Tho Foroign Nows. Dy tho arrival of tho steamship Atlantic at Now York, wo aro in possession of three days later nows from Europe. From India tho dates oro Calcutta; August 23d, Rom bay, August 31sljand Delhi to tho 12th of August, From'India tho accounts aro gloomy end dispiriting. In n.ngaltho population wcro rising, murdering tho English inhabitants and spreading the spirit of revolt over the whole district. Calcutta was becoming crowded with fugitives from all parts of Rcngal, who' wcro flying from tho fury of tho mutineers, Numerous sharp encounters had occurred txk.iL.,:- wutu ti.. .-uvi., were defeated, but they still held possession of the city. I ho European reinforcements wcro arriv ing, and an assault was expected to be mado about the 20th. General Havclook had reached Luoknow, after two moro Vic torious encounters, but owing to hit force being weakened by the encounters and disease, hb'had been compelled to return to Cawnporo. A doubtful dispatch states that Havclock had reached Lucknow, tho garrison of which still held out against tho besiegerd. Cotton and Breadstuff were steady at tho sailiug of the Atlantic. tho Kansas jcioutiou. Pt. Louis, Ootober 12. Tho Leaven worth (K T) Herald says, tho official re turns from L,caycnworth county aro noarly complete. Tho average Democratic mojo" rity.is 250 votes, fecuring tho election of three members to Council and eight to tho House. , Donophan county gives a Republican majority of 20, votes; scouring 5 members of tho loner, aad 5, of the upper houso, Atchinson county gives an avcrago De mocratio majority, insuring 3 mombcrs in tho lower and. 1 in tho upper house. Jefferson county gives a Republican majority of 150, securing 2 mombcrs of tho House, and 1 of tho Council. Douglas county gives n Republican majority of 1500, JohnBon county gives a Democratio majority of ,1GQ0. Tho distrjet fprmcd by these two oounties, elect 3 racmborsto ,tho. Council and 8 to tho House, and tuoDcm ocrats claim lip election of, tho. cntiro tick-;! ct.by GO,,majority,7( Shawnee oounty gives a Republican, majority;' of, 350. Cajjipun county-gives a Rcpubliccn majority of 84.. This district .elects 1 member, to tho House Tho .Democrats chargo that, a large number of, armed men came from Nebras ka into Kansas and voted tho, Republican ticket. The Democrats claim a majority in both branches of tho Legislature. Tho President at Homo, On Saturday last, says tho Press, the. Court room at Lancaster was unusually crowded, as an important jury trial was going on. In the midst of their proceedings James Buchanan,' tho President of tho United States quietly, and alono, walked into tho Court that ivory Court beforo which ho earned bis early reputation, and in which ho practiced for nearly forty years. As Boon -as ho was recognized, tho Judges on their seats, tho lawyers, jury, witnesses., spectators and all, roso as if actuated by ono common feeling, and stood uncovered to wclcomo their old friend and fellow citizen. Tho President kindly sa luted thoso about him, and after shaking hands'with tho judges, retired, apologizing for haying interrupted their proceedings. tf$r Mns. Gunninoiiam Gone Off, Mrs. CanniDgham fjiled to make her ap pcaranco in Court when her trial was called, shooting to forfeit her recognizance. Subsequently, it appoarcd that sho had gono.off 'to the South, heartlessly abandon ing her "precious .baby, Ilar.voy's Jittle darling," ,to tho tender inecies of Us real mother. I'roMry, lies ' lite Comm'q Tre'. Auditor. a v E? rM w H f3 1 s. - m n o n a- - 2.- ?S. Ej: p -. S g r : : p s P : : : : : . : ; : . . : 182 181 188 228 '151 187 100 20o 102 178 20 89 23 110 12 104 10 103 102 10 110 4 121 115 118 110 . 133 170 09' 125 107 107 109 105 108 114 75 90 00! 100 GO 81 00 80 71 40 50 121 47 118 01 04 00 87 102 71 34 32 3a 32 02 ' 24 112 84 183 18 145 40 179 173 18 33 4G 27 43 24 37 20 42 41 10 110 110 110 111 110 80 140 112 111 110 38 120 30 129 33 122 42 125 124 35 4 G5 10 77 2 75 4 73 74 4 07 180 40 185 57 100, 02 133 103 51 2 72 10 84 1 83 74 81 30 13S 41 12b 33 111 CO 125 121 8 27 151 28 152 20 154 27 153 141 33 50 ,01 ,0 ,74 30 44 70 06 03 38 20 41 21 3F, 24 40 21 39 30 18 38 108 55 '134 28 124 41 131 120 34 20 51 21 00 23 27 40 44 41 24 18 51 10 01 10 42 12. 31 39 10 113 03 110 97 110 88 127 85 84 120 6 89 0 02 5 921 0 92 02 5; 201 108 178 OS 08 20 110 117 117 100 70 120 32 178, 42 111 103 70 74 52 74 121 00 321 241 32' 178 42 24 34 110 113 33 111 124 120 38 73 73 4 155 101 07 85 85 132 38l 24 42. 211 30 20j 2l! 119, 0 132 40 155 03 30 127 4.2 33 105 87 155 03 30 it 50 130 88 42 38! 18 09 113 I 92 1037 2304 2300 1070 1001230411132405 CONNECTICUT 0. K. Democratic Victories all orer (ho Country. Township Elections in Connecticut took place on Monday last, nnd tho Democrats seem' to havo made a clean sweep. Tho Middlotown Sentinel gives results from several towns, adding that ''they present thus fa ""L'-1-" ! f uemooratio triumphs, and yet achieved, without any extra efforts on the part of our friends. These results indicato in tho most unmistakablo manner how ftrongly tho popular current is running towards democ racy, and how fast tho fortunes of tho pie bald opposition aro ebbing. Tho 'sober sorond thought of the people' has every where, even on tho borders of the far Pacific, approved tho verdict given in No vember last. Ono moro effort, friends I and Connecticut will inevitably bo rescued from Dlack Republican misrule" Geoucib the Fourth's Death No man clung to lifo with greater tenacity than norgi IV., nr waa morn nnwilline to hear from those about him any hint or suspicion of his apparent dcoay. When confined to his room, and his oaso had booomo evidently hopeless, ho .still felt tho vital Miuiiua so strong in him that he would not believe his own danger ; ho talked of preparations for tho approaching Ascot races, which ho would attend in person, nnd showed a confidence in his recovery, which all around him know to ht impossi ble. On tho 27th of May, 1830, prayers were ordered to bo road in tho churohes for tho restoration of tho King's health ; and though tho work of death was gradually approaching,tho most contradictory accounts wero constantly circulated as to his real stato. At length tho awful moment arrived. He went to bed, .without any apparent symptom, on tho, night of tho 25th of Juno, !,o awoko iu great agitation, and called for assistance, Sir.-Wthcn Waller, who was in attendance, camp to.his bcdEidc, and at bift, request helped, to ,raisc him from his bodi no thon exclaimed, "Watty, what is this? It is death 1 Thoy , havo deceived mo I'? And in that situation, without a struggle, expired., Moniouu Works. Wo. regret to say thoro is'no, certainty about theso Worlss goiug into operation this winter. Tho managers havo been unremitting in their endeavours to raise funds to pay off tho workmen up to the present time, but have not yet succeeded, although thoy havo over 8100,000 worth of ltails, jn market, with other and ample means; thostatoof monoy market being such at present that it is almost impossible to raise funds on tho host security. Wo aro assured, howovcr, that tho Company will porsovcro in tho effort until it is accomplished. Tho month's pay now duo to tho workmen amounts to about S35,Q0O a sum not.casily raised under prcsont circumstances. Montour American. Democracy Triumphant. Tho clause .in tho Black Republican Constitution of Iowa, which gavo negroes tho right to walk .up to tho ballot-box along side of " do whito men" and.put in his ticket, has been defoatod by an immonso majority. Election of a If. S. Senator. lion, Andrew Johnson, Governor of Tonncsseo, has been elected successor to lion. James 0. Jones in tho .U. S. Senate HSf Tho threo furnaces, as well as tho rolling mill at Dcnvillo nrp now landing idle. Car Two countorfcilirs wero arrested in 1'ittston last wcoh who aro said to bo connected vith a gang near Muncy. I 0802178 110722032207 971 Tho Now York Banks and Suspension. It is frequently asked, will tho New York banks suspend ? Tho answer is thoy can't suspend; thoy may go into in solvency, but they cannot tell their credit' ors that thoy must tako their paper notes or nothing. Tho constitution of tho groa State of New York has a clause in it which was framed by men who partook of tho character of " tho hard moneyed men" o tho revolution, os Mr. Webster called them In that constitution is the following sig nifioant clauso : " Tho legislature shall havo no powrr iu iusa any law, sanctioning in nnr man ner, directly or indirectly, tho suspension hi fpuutu payments oy any person, associa tion or corporation issuing bank notes o any description. In cases of iosolvcnoy of nny bank or kauliing association, tho bill holders shall be entitled to prolcreuoe iu payment ove ait other crctlitori." It follows that no extra session of tho legislature, ns in Pennsylvania, can legalize bank repudiation, and theroforo tlio ohartor lifo of the New York banks compel them to redeem in specie. Tho legal compulsion i3 not tho same in Massachusetts, but the credit of Boston is an obligation oven moro imperative than statute regulations, lloston must not lose abroad tlio tncrcantilo character which her "solid men" havo earned for her, and tho taint of repudiation must not touch her commercial credit. Tho banks will not suspend if tho merchants do not compel them to, and, therefore, tho banks must help tho insolvent merchants and thoy tho banks to sustain the specio paying basis of credit, Boston Post. Good Advico to Brutus and Yourself ! Thoro is nothing truer than theso lines: "Men at f ometiinCB are nnstcra of tbclrfatcat The lault, dear llrutna, is not in our alara, llut In ournelvei, ltialo nio unilirlingB." When we consider -that a chanco is pre sented to tho reader, which Brutus never had, it is utrangn if ho should dcclino to become tho "master of bid fate." Swan & Co., with their popular Georgia Lotter ies, como onco in oyc(ry week, on Saturday, at Atlanta, Goorgia, to allow tho adventu rers a cbanoe -to get easy for life. Many havo availed themselves of theso bpportu nities, and now hatk in tho sunshino of prosperity. An investment of S10 books ono fori a splendid fortuno j ?5 for an ele gant competency ; and ?2 SO for a com- fortablc start in lifo. The ohanecs do not depend on tho operations of tho " Lulls" and tho "Bears." Tho stock doe3 not fluctuate; tho chances aro always tho same; and largo sums aro drawn out every week, by thoso who never siw large sums before Why, then, continue to bo an "underling?" Try now, and if unsuccessful, remember that next Saturday you will havo another opportunity. Hcmeinbcr that every brave man can command luck in the Georgia Lotteries, fST Many cases of Dysentery in its most severe forrni havo been cured by tho administration of Du Vall's Galvanic Oil,. Cholera Morbus and all diseases of tho bowels aro relieved in a short timo, by a lew .drops ol Ualvanic Oil, Sold by G. M. Hagenbuch, J. It. Moyor and E. 1'. Lutz, Bloomsburg, and Country ftiercnanis, generally. Creditable. Wm. J. Youno, ono of tho enterprising citizons of I'hiladclphii has comineuccd legal proceedingo agaiust a number of tho Banks in that city for not redeeming their notes as provided by law. On jtho 30th of O.h mouth. Thomas E. Eves, of Millville. Columbia County, to Francis M. daughter of John Wilson, of V anoy lownsnip, Montour County, ra, COLU5IBUS MALE AND PEMALE ACADEMY. rplin TrftlM a ihU limtllullon linva uiinmmniiily X rlcclcl II. n. Walker, A M or T.rnrUt nmt I't In rllml u mill Armlcmv. in nlacn nr Pmr. Amlinnn. Ivjin.n flhin .ml... n llh I tin n r.a.'til , . Til... ,Oil. .l. i.roclnUr inn! , , , ' IMr. Wnllrt-r wift'inrfcil Mr.'AnitorVoH Imn i loilulnjr nnrr tlm rlofc of lih l.tlmrv. ii la iiomnoii iiy tho Truilcci, with iliclr new rrln- Inill. to InllkO lliii Infclllullnn one ir II, n nr tha GOOD NEWS POR HARD TIMES. TUtJ ruliErrllinrs havo Jnt rclurneil from tho city, , Willi it guod n,orlmrr,I of Uooill lit pritct to lull Hi o tlniri, wliltli they will ilUpuaa .of at nricra for ria Ji pay: ic invito on persons who ywmi in niiy rnenp, to cnll nil exaniino our ilock. Country Troiluca tnkou ni muni. II, C. & I, W. IIAKTM AN, 081 17, IS "COLUMBIA .OOUNTY1, 55. AT nn Ornlitin't' Crinrt lielilnt Hint mi. Mir;, In and for o hi ColM'ty, on Monday, September ?tli. 1837 i n tljiu was era n ted Pupon nil tlio hMm ntiil Itval refirchcnin liven nf L 11 go I Tox, late r I-ccual town ilil t. In mill cntintvt dorpntrrt in u-ii. John Tax, Kacliel Iltiglici, bio Hachcl Vox Franklin luionri, uunnimn or Knrimri t or, nnd Uaftpnr Ilnclici. Gunnilnn ol LUrtbetti Tox, Ilnrrfot fox, tnttrmnrricil wild Urt.iliTlloyan.IWilHnmrfn.fhililtfiK'l U'iltlnm Fox, ilrrrnml; ron 01 inM Etignl Fox, acquiring tlicm lo lw anil appear nt nn urphan'g Court In bo ItoWnt llio Cnti r I House In (tloninMmrg, in mit counI of Co turn bia.on Hie7lliriay ol" l)ccimlirr iipxi j ilicn ami thorn io ncccpt or relate the utile or ihctnwdecPtleni at tho valiintJon ttirrcufi oml In case llio. suirt pnrllca no licci or reiusc no io inkf tnc mme, inrn tn simiv can no, f nny thevlmvo. whv tha tatiio thou Id not Le mM. according to taw. 4AUUU Li LUI(T, Cltrk. Tho helm nnd I rent retirriteiilnltveB. and nil nrnna Intern mrd in IhcMntoteuftliesald Unite I Fox, decerned, are hereby notified or Die uiuniitliig nnd txUtcnco of llio auoc riuc, una oi i nc return nny iiiorrnt. muruun ii. iviii.i.r.d, thgriff, n'ooiusbnrg, Ort 17. 1637 Brick! Brick! Brickt I?IVE E 1 niiMn i HUNDRKD THOUSAND llUICK, imt lurnrd itut.nl the itibicri bcr'B Urlck Ynrds In ItliioiiiAliiirji, und urn offered lor sale, 1 lie Lett In the country, Auuy to H. U. AUT11UU. !ilofimiiurp, Octohor 30, lew QTRAVItll Iroin the aulicrllii.'r nt Cnmpliiill h Wof ilort'a rowler Mil la. I n Ui'iilrp lownstiln. Cnliiinbin county. on tMniiday, the 1 4 111 nt-Hcplcnibir latt.n ynung WHITE COW, EEasgj) tVlth sonii'lirown spotBiipnu lier. nnd riorrm yt"yi iliillii(r ilownwMil. I'lte ilullars rctvnril-wu will be given Tor licr recovery by ! lip mlbsrrlbfr. llt.IJAIl HNVDEU. Outre, October 10, 1817 STOVE KOU SALE. V ooon I'AHI.ou srnvc, u oxiiont order, for V tale clienn. Aplilyto LCVt I,. TAT11. Illoonnlrar. .October 10. 1657 1'IANO I'Olt SALE. Avcnv suruiiion nosinvcon piano cm be purrbnseil very low lc-rfenh, irniiplh-it for within two tvcckii. It Ib from the rentitij.lvari'a 1'i.nin .Man. ufnrtory, rliiln,lelphia,nnil ! iu every yiny &i good u new. Apply to J AH ANI)i:i!S()N. At New Coliuiib'iii Acndcmy, I.iucrne comiiy, 1'a. October 10, IH7 ,jt C-1 V. WA(!MI!lt, Alnbr,ilyj,li,t, I reiurnplat, Ar , T rpsiiertf,! y Inrnrnii tin- rillz'nn nf ItloiiiiitStirc endvtci lly.tbnl lin Iihh lorutnl ln lml ni BS fur n few wc.'ks In 111" l:CII A.NCi: III.Ot.'K, III,,,,, ,, !,ilt;. Ilu w.irr.lntii Ills pictiiri'4 to io.cii. dillabiliiy, Hit elan fieU tlnit lie doe, not ll.llter liiiiisrlf In be hevlni,' tlu tliry poiiiii'BBa tone n enrnrt rfurnibluiiro, ubirli Irw nllina oicel. No clmrsc made tiiilCbB ptrlecl i.tnilaf tin n Id given, (ftll nnd riainlne fir ctinna. ltiKtrucllons given ul reaaotinble tcrnia. a. w. vAONEn. October 10, lf47 PUBLIO SALE Ol' Va8uab5e Ileal E&iate. BVvlrtueof annrdornf Hip Orphan!1 Oitid of Co. Inmbi.i rriniity, Irnnc K Kliclbftllltf. lllctutor ol John Kline, rieccafed, will, on Saluiday, the 24 1 A day of OctoU-r next. At Itlo'clock ill tho forenoon, expnae uipiiblie aalo,oc thfl iiremiaea, in the Inwlittiip of Hem In Hie county of Cutuir.liin, at the late reaiilence of lliesaitl dicedtol tin following Ileal Latale, viz: Tha weal end nit he fur in adjoining lands of Jnrob A ah nn the routh, the heira of John Kf,ne, r1fTeaaed,on tba cast nnd north, and Sauiuel Ulionc on tho weat. cou tal naae Forty-Thrco Acres and Fivo rerches, nioal or which la timber land. A cJr'n branch of llnvtncfei'k riina thioii-h JC$tJi?'!5 tlio land, uniln poo.l faw .Mill ia in S.'iil.W the liiiiiieouta vicinity. The anil la rVvv nf excellent nnalilv. anil the bind. W- aftet beinc rlearid. will be well am pica ioi inning. i.ata tnc estate of John Kline, ol Hellion townibip. JACOB CYCRI.Y. llcnton twp.,Brpt 19, 1637-31 Hrr, l'UBLIC SALE nr Valuable Real Estate. IN pursuance of nn Order of tho Orphaua' Court tr Columbia county, on Thursday, the Gthdai of Nov cmher next, Al lUnVlock In tlie-fnrenonn. Jnn:itbnn O. IViinlnotnn nnd tJenrge Moore, llxeculora, be, of llobert Moire, lain oi bng.irioat township, in said county, deceased, will expose to bale, by Public Vendue, upon the prent- CERTAIN TENEMENT AND TRACT OF LAND. Adloinine- lands cf the licirs of Hamuid Rti-riinnn.tanria t,fJoceplii.ockard,i:ickiclSliullz and others, contain- Uno ilundrcd and Sixty-Two Acros, More nrlcss, on which is erected a LOO outbuildings. IJlTl 1 Laiethe eatalc of said der-ased, situ, pol E u.u ... iuu wi,vsuil'Ul UIIUUI, UUU A county afurvtaid. c JACOB CVEIILY, niooinsburg.Oct 10, I8S7 Cltri l'UBLIC SALE YaluablcKoal Estate. BY vlrtuejof ttii OrJor or tho Oiplmnfi Court of Co iuiiibla county, tfuloinon Noylturtl, Adminlvtrator or llenjamin Iluyiniui, iltrccasuii) will, on Satitrday the 2-lit of October ndftt All o'clock, P.M.. cxpoBO to l'litdic Fntc, Upon tho pn-miiea, jn Orancn townihlti, Columbia counly, nt the late rot idence of tlio iJeceilint, tbo foiJowine Uval Catate : The ca t end of llio farm Diljotiilns la tufa of H'm )c long, Jacob ltaub, Wm, Alenrs and Uhr-r I an tin cf II, Jluymany nsalO and containing t 00 ACRES AND 101 PEBOIIES,. tin vtiucli there are creeled antAMK IIOLIrU-: and a, Barn Thcro la a good ri'iiiigui water on ine lire miles, and till kinds of Fruit ' Trees. . About Bfty acres are Al (lie tanjo lime mere will he gold SIX LOTS. ciearen innn. Adjoining aim adovo properly, uvu of tho in on tliewfit comaliiine refepcclivflySl ud 7 acrom tiiu oilier four on tlio voulli containing rrtpcrllvrly acres 31 iir cliof, 5acron 1 1 J pfrclit'i, 5 nenn l'.'O t'enJiei, nud & tic ren Hi) perclifi, nml iidjolniug lauda of llciijamia Huiner, il, Siller and I). Mnnigomury . At tho vnine tuna nud plucu liter will t sold tho decedent's interest In a, LIMESTONE QUARRY, . til Centre townihlp, s.hl rminty j lo wit, the undivided i aa quarter acre ol gnund. , ,. I.atn Uie usiatii ofs.n,l Ueiiiapiln llaymati, degeascd, of Urange tuwiishlp, Columbia county. FOUJMOX NllviMRO. vMsi'r. Ornnge lp , Sept. '."J, JM7 r SEEDS: PRIMU Timothy and Herd Oraas Sro.li, Orchard UrnaS, Italian Hye'flraaa, Auiericau and l.nglish LaVin Urass, Keutncliy nine (Jrass. i.c. iu l'ASUHAI.I. MOIIlllH & CO . Implement and Heed ritnre 7lli and lUaikti alra.tsf l'biladtlphia, October 10, It 37 j 11