Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, October 17, 1857, Image 1

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il Jlv ... jl
Editor, iliMlslicr & l'roprlclor.
"To hold and trim, tlio Jorclvof Truth aim Waye it o'or t)ic (larfconcd. lSartli":;
DdllaF OcvcMy-lWc1 cts, In
Fidilishcd rvcry Saturday Morning, by
In Bloomsburg, Columbia Oo.,
Officii. In the new Brick Building, op
positc the Exchange, by side of tlus Court
Mouse, "Democratic Head Quarters,"
1al,00 In mlranco, for ono eopy, for ctx months
1,75 In advance, for ono copy, ono year.
2,00 If not ia!d wltlilntho lirat tkreo months.
2,25 If not J ai'l within tbo first tlx months.
C.60 If not paid within tbo year.
'10 No tubsorlptioti takon for less than six months,
'ami no paper illscontlnod until all arrearages shall
have been paid.
10-Qrdlnary adrcvtlncmcnts Insottcd nnd Job--york
executed at tho established prices'.
THE founder of this Celebrated Instt
lulioiWoiTin (lie inostcrrtaiii, spredy, it nil only
rilt'ctutil remedy in itio world for filLrts Or t.l.ets,
Htrieturrs, fi'minal u-ackness rain In the l.nlns,
Constitutional Debility. Iniotcncy, U'tnknefs u the
Back nnd I.linbs, Afi-ctlons of the Kidneys, l'tilplia
ton at Urn Henri, Iisppsla, Nervous irritability.
Discasu t the llftiil, 'ltirnntt JCnsu or Skin, and nil
itiort serious niul inelnnrholy Disorders arising from
tlit destructive habits of Vouth, winch destroys both
body nnd mind, Tlicw secret nnd solitary practices,
uro moru fatal lothelr victims than the song of the
Hymn to the mariners Ulyser, blighting their most
nrlllinnl hopes of anticipations, rendering niarnoge,
fitc , Impossible,
Married persons, or Youn? MeminntPmplallng mnr
rlagc, being awaro of physical weakness, organic de
bility, deformities, should Immedia tely con en 11
l)r Johnston, und he restored to perfect liruli It,
Ilr who pWces hiuiselfuniter iht care or Dr. John
ston may religiously con (J do In IiIh honor as n pt'ttl io
nic n, nndcotimleiillv rely upon It Ja fkill
Orga n ic I Vcakn rs
immediately cured nnd full vigor restored.
ThH dgnij ii the pcn-ilty most fnTiiPnly pnhlliy
thorn! wlioli ivo hoc nut the victim of improper iiiiliil
gmicioi, Yuuug persons are lou apt 1o commit ex
rvit Irom no; being aware oftho dreadful conpfqitcrtcc
timt i-ity'ii-u, Now, who that understands tli fiiIi -
ieCt Will pP tint) ilony iUt lit. ,ohI r of pnWM'a
linn is lot sooner by those fnllmtl Into imprnptt
li.tMUth u li Utt! prudent. Ilenht'-t beiiiff drprivcdnl
IU plfunur-i ir IhMMIiy oflipring, tho niojl perlniis
Hnd ileiririJvH -lyinpioiiifl to hotli h'tdy and mind
iiri'. 'i tiu Hy 411111 Ifxomes dunnged; ihu pliydicnl
an. I i it t il pinvprw Wt-akcni'd, iirfvoim dfhMiiy, itys
in.pi ., ion nl the heart .indisc-tion. a w tiftis
f Iti-i I'lani". eo'iali tiymntoinnf e nisuiiiptJiiii &..
CJ-tHHflc Vo 7f-tiuTti lfRKiiitPttKSTii-i,8evnt door"
fro. n lltltimori! flriM't nil". P ""'I'f i'"
pirucular ti(iMirvni4 t;,.. NAMIiand MJMltlMl, or
yun will in I it tike tlin pUcc.
AC re Hai ranted, cr no Charge Made, in from Cneto
Jteo IJOHf.
Di Johnston
M4nitnr of Hip llnyil Cnllp:- of riurpwwi om1nP
llr.i.hintclr.itit ulli iflliM mitvl I'ltllllUUt r'P'l'rt )t tilt
United rii.i h, and tlM'vrn.itfr p.nt oflion tile lias
ti'iuii Mpi"H iii I tin llrtl tlinjjitdln of l.nitttoii , l'.iri.I hi
,tih Iplna I'l'l tlKuivln!ru, h.ia I'lturl'-d sumc f I lie iikmi
iiHioiiHiiiuu cirrf tin l WTft tvr know n ; m uty troub-
I id y it ii xi ii(i "3 iit lb') iH'ad ami ;tia utn nicip
r.'.it in r v.mi nil-'.- It.'iii" nlariin-d Hi Middi-ii ttnuntla,
4iid I -iMltt iIim'xm, with frciiint hluliuig, uttiilidrt!
t iiiiwi wjiii iit'fJiniftiuuni oi ninu wcitturiu mi
A Certain Jiscasc,
Wh'in M" mun'ild'-d nml inintiidfiil votary ofidca
pitf llmU li Ins tiiilitbiid tin ivHd of tliln pH infill
diffir-, it iom ifl imi liappfllfithiit mi llliimvd t.rlit.1 nl
vim ne. or drciU it!or,4yt iirterv hint from npp'A
ln l tlMiD't wh from cdiic.Mifin ami reppvctaljilily
e.m u'oiot ;i-inciM Hint un lyma tin in! roiiciiniu"n i
Jit the matter tf the " German Utformtd Oft n reft In
Jtloomtburg ;"
That Oeorjra Weaver. JJaniei Fernwald, David
llftz, John Reiewlck. William Sriyder, Jacob llntnlioy,
and Itcv, William Uoodrlrli for thrneel vt and their
pucccbrom, nil bring citizciiRnl the PUte of I'cnnsylva
nia, and heing dcslroiu ofnciulrlnK nnd rnjoyinp tho
linmiinillei nnd prlvilpgei.of n body corporate, hnvc
exhibited and prctpntcd to the Court of Common Ileal
of Columbia county, on instrument In wrl tine, purport
Inglo biho propoaed charter of "The German KMornv
cdcintrcli In Utoompbnr;," In the lowmhip of lllooin,
nnd county of Co Inmbla, tppclfyjne the object t.orilefes,
enndlilonn, rnmci, Myle nml title, under which they
have tissociat,d,nnd mean to atxoclato : nnd the said
Court having peril red and examined the a id instrument
nnd having found the ohjcctn'and conditions therein
net forth and contained 'Id be lawful, and not injurious
to the community, liavp dfrectpd writing or instru
ment in the office of the I'rothonotory of the Court of
Common Pirns ot snid county, nnd notice to be given
in nnc newspaper p Mdlshed In mid county for nt least
llirrc weeks, until np forth tint nn application has ht-pn
made to ald Court to prnut a rliarter of incotporatinn,
an tppcifiVd In said inntriimpnt o" writing; that appli
ration linn been made ui the Bptcmbir Term of raid
Court. A. D.J857, t grant titch n rlmrtpr; and that if
no uuirictPnt reaion Ui pliown in tbo contrary l.y the
ArHt day of Dpppinber Term, 1657, offaid Court, it (vill
decree und declare said person fo argoriated to lie a
body politic or corporation, in law nnd in fact, accord.
Ing to tbn snid nrticlcs nnd condltlnnv, nnd to have
contltiunncc by tho name, stvlc and title in ratdlniiru
tnent incntioneil.
jacod nvrRt.v.
Pro th on olary.
Illoomsburg, Rrpt 17, 181?
Columbia HDcmocmt.
TjBVI I.. TATE, r.UITon.
Bloomsburg, October 17.
Tho Worthlcssncss of Gold.
It is stated by many of tlio survivors of
tbo Central Amorica's passengers, that
thcro was Eoldom so largo nn amount of
monoy owned by passengers as was in the
caso with those who caruo by tho (,'cntral
America. Mirny woro persona of largo
means, and thcro woro but very few whoso
irnmcdiato wealth did not amount to hun
dreds, while numbers reckoned thoir gold
by tho thousands of dollars. The greater
portion of tho passengers woro" returned
minors, somo coming hither to invest the
capital they had realized in hopes to livo a
lifo of greater caso as tho result of their
industry, nnd others to get their families
and once moro go to the land of gnld.
. . ,.6v., .vo-
tl!i!HMSStlES Hi,
TIIU underlined respectfully invites tha attention
of the i'ubllc to his extensive nesnrlincni of Cabinet
Furniturcniid Chairs which ho will warrant to be made
nfgnnimtteriiltinnd In n workminltke manner. At
hU Establishment, can always be found a goodnpiort
ment of
ft Wlilch isruinlin stvlratiil fiiiili to of i'lill
i'i'oL,d'''rN"v v",;cilk'ian"",tl,l",vi,rlcc"' and less. of gold was thought of, and when,
SOFAS, ggP?'g;Si,iv, on Saturday, it ,bpeainc , evident that they
m wSK.1 51S:; "lifn'i'rj waT.m wero like,y at ay lo ifca
Xi bonoalh 1,10 wavos' wealthy men divested
wiiii i rri'insnnnparinr .urnnil5, rou. cnr.l comre ana tnOtnSClVCS 01 tUOir treasuro UOltS anU Beat
nlr l.'ilil. . il( ;i a till a. rlii(riii in ri tv tin t tiril n nsl -imci n I
dre.nud allk huUof f,iliinrtnblp work. Ill ntnrk ofl tnrnil flin rrnld tmnn thn nnliln flnnra nltin
lilimoin nml PAmn.nn ,,",1, .1 . I O 1 "UV,HI """"6
lilSii '"JtVInmman tnoso to tajio H wuo wouiu, icst lis weight
tint section oi me country, ne nut niso necp n good a lew 0UUCC3 or pounus u.nij iLuu. t
mon friMiies- lie will t-lsn lurnitli spring matr'sfes tlJClT (icatll. r UU pUTSCS, Containing in
durability audci.iiHfurt to any bed in nn I SOIDC lOStailCCS UUO, WCfG lying UDtQUCU
mnn.i.'wir April 6ih, 1M4 " c'i on sofas. Carpet bags wcro opened by
How lill Hat Troubled Him.
" Wbco I- was a young laL just begin
ning to tiink about tho girls' eoid Charley,
tho Lord knows what besides;, that- had
been accumulated in a tub, untlor-tbofas
cinating cognomen of 'swill.'
" Thcro was' a- predicament' for you,
T.Vhat.sJiould I ,dpj If Hdttjr had obsorved.
it, tho matter would not have teen so bad;
but she Jud not ; could I tell horl Nol
heaven forbid I At first I thought of litt-1
, found ;, and the fcoor, food and
Cir. Amchicax AoftircLTowrr!-! srnd you llii rural roittlCtit. Tho poor and the Hell alike
ongwiiica may serve
"To itcit unfeitttte tedious time atrny.
"I wasinonstrous pious, and went to meet Jng it out, but imagining tho spectacle it
ing cviry Sunday ; but I havo fiinco ccinc would present, xriy courago failed mo.
" 13ut then' reasoned I, " she will bo sure
to sco it cro long, and then how sho will
to tbo conclusion that it was not so much
for the concern I felt for tbo 1 good of my
soul,' as it was for tho sake of gazing
l cruel vi
JjI1K 1NMJKAN0K lncn anu tuo sawing metal was pourcu out
r;KrArc the floor with lLc Ilrot3ality of dcnth's
uospir. uno or tap passengers, who lias
foriUDittely been rescued, opened a bag and
dashed about tho cabin 620,000 in gold
dust, nnd told him who wanted to pratify
his greed for gold to talco it. But it was
pnsped by untouched as the vhricst dross.
A lew hours boforo hp would hivo struck
down the man who would have attempted
to takc,a grain of that which ho now spurn-
CAITJ Mu (paid up.) SJUU.tiOU
Wiaritr t trpemai.
tin? iiinct r.u4otiablL term.
Thn cmKil IiRlnc naid on and InvdPtcd. tnccther w illi
l.irve mid C'MHitnly lucfeaing rcttirvt'd fifi'd, olfuiw
a perfort scmrity to the mm ml.
The pre miu nn muV. be pai.1 jcaily, half caily, or
Tho Cmnpnnv add n l'ONCS nerldicVly to the
rnncM for Ml.'. Th 1'lltST liONCH appropruted in
iiiTi'iniier, ipi.aiio M.Mnu uu?i ua j n uecciuiier
I'l.tho 1 IltllD lOMJri in tircppiliT.
12? These ndditMMiit are made without rt'iuiring any
inrrpip in iri" prrmunn 10 up pam 10 me t.otitnany.
Tin Intloivinciirf a fun exnninlps Irmn thu Recisler
Amount ot I'oliry nml CU from tlinit
iiiMiiif to lie incrtasPii
ivmirldiiio ol'Uii horrid di"'aseiinki4 tlici rniiiit'iirfliiPe,
niKb ult'eratfl iiiri! throat, dim-ined iiokk, iiociiirtnl
ii nn. in tins beau nid iiniM.d mip nt ntsiit.ficafnpi's
ti'Mlfxiiu Hie Hkiu bont-K, and amis, hloirht-K mi Hip
h"ad nro.uii I exiriiiftl.'ii, prngrvfsing with frijihlhil
r.ipilitv,till at list the pihitn oflliH moitili tirtho
liMticj of Hit niMt; tail in .and Urn vjpuni of iIiim awful
illi'u4 bi'CiMiittii n horrid object of ointuiif'T.ilinri, till
t( -.iih I'll- a iieriii't to his dre.idfnlfiuileniii.-A, hy spii-
diiiKliiiii in ' bnurtiQ Irmn whcnci -t 4ravclrr
rtnnii.." To mii-li therefore Dr. Johnrtnn pled-es
Ii i in I i iri tirpdprvi the moiit e'lvinlable trcr-ey, and
from ini exit-mtve ptneuce in inenrsi nospiiais oi
ll'iropi and America, lie run ruulidemly reconiuiPiid a
hf! and spppdy euro to the unfortunate victim olthii
horrid disrasi-.
Take particular Notice.
Or J. nddrenscs all thope nho hnve Injured them
el ve j by privnti! and improper iudulgeurc,
Thee nre notr.e of Hie vad nnd iiirlJtirliot V otfects
nrndnceil by early liabitu of yoiMli, viz : Weakneps of
thll irh ttud l.inihii, I'aiu in the Mend. Dimnrf-FOt
Hnfhl, I.oib ofMncular xower. ralpitntlon of the
lli-art. Iivspepsia, Nervnim Irratibilily, Derangement
nftlie lligpstlve Fitnctions.CencralUvbiliiy.syniptoinH
ofConfiiiuptiou, r.
MHVTAl.t.v TLf fearful cflVr.ts unon the mind
nrn much to Itcdrejded, I.n-ts ol Memory , Confimnii ol
1 1 psii. (ipnretiiii of thu hnirit. llvil t-'orenotiiue!
Aversion of Society, Tinuty, fcc, are some of thee v lis
Thotigiuda of nPjsnnnf nil na now Judge
wnat is tin came nr time iipcmng neaitit. iooritig
he'r vigor, bccmiiHtig wenk palennd emariatpd, hnvln
n iin?uhr nppoaranco about the eyes.cough and symp
t Din nf f 'nn ru limltnii .
Dr. Johnston's Invigorating Remedy for
Organic ivcalcims,
Hy thlfl great and important remedy, weoknew or the
organs are peedlly cured, nnd lull vigor rertoted.
rixincititlanrilin mnal norvnlll fin it dpltll I ta ted. WllO
hid I t all hope, have been Immediately relieved. Alt
iinpemmenis in marriage. i-nyKirm mm mciiini i'n"i'i'
iifiriiion. VervoiiB I rritaliilitv.TrembUiiuB and weak
tiesB.nrexliauslinnofthe must tearful kind, speedily
eiwed by Dor toraonton
Youns Men
Wlm tiftvn Inlurpd t bpmaetvpii bv n ccrtiiu nractlce.
InJulirPit in wlifln fllnnn a 1 11 lilt ffP'HIPIlltV Jflartlpd
from pvM companions, or a t school the eiTeclttnfnhirli
nre nlglil'y felt, even when asleep, nnd If not cured
renncr niarriairR imposnm;, huh ui'ivi" u,n nnn
noil lifiil i. clinn til nnnt v IniuiPihntrlv
What a pity that a voung nun, the hope of hi eoun
try, nnd th" darling of lii parents, should he snatchei
from nil prospects and iOoymefits of Hi" rone .invlmlnn frnin the rnlh ofnnture. nnd in
dulgingin ncerlnin secret habit, Hurh person before
should reflect that n pound mind nnd t-o-'yare the moi
iiatrjipAry ruuisllie to promo. COnuiibiitt hllpplneti
indeed wiinout tnee.aue journey inrouuu tne in-mi''
.a ivfnrVnllHinnfi.tllG n roliPCt llOllf I V darkens tO til
ml w i hn mind liffOniftv ktiadowed Wltll dl'Sllflir UU
-Ailed wlthtlia melancholy reflection thntlhe hujtpiues
ifnnotherbecomps blighted witlipur own,
OFPICT. NO, 7 UUTII I'11 UlinitlCK!tliiore,X-
Ai r. v;i1i(('ICAI. nl'I'.RATION'S 1'EItrOllM LP,
N.H. f.-liio false modesiy prevent you, but npptylm
d ateiye ther personally or ny iiner.
To Stra7ts'crs,
Th.n.n ihnii!iiHiii mred at this Institution with'
tho lam 15 years, nuilth'f nmnerousiniportaniHnrgicnl
wpeiatioas periormuu ny in 'viii"i ninn
ill. rrt,,r.M ihn nnniTft ntnl mnnv other
tleesofwhiehliave appeared again nnd uguln l.eforo
iixn dnbllc, be Bides his standing ax ft gentleman olclia
racterand responsibility, is a sufflcient gunraiitee to
Take Notice
N.n. There are so many Ignorant and worthies
Quicks advertising themselves I'liysicinns, rulnln:
thn hpnlih oftho nlreidv afflicted that Dr, Johns to l
deemaitnecessary tnsay, especially to those uniic-
nualnted with his reputation, inai ins rruueniui
.ititinntflH ni wnvBlianu in hlfi oflirc.
lrl-TAKsiNoTicB. Alllctters mnst bopcslpaid, nn
pnntatn a pusio&u .." r " m'" r
Lewill sent
.nitarly 7 1857.
Valley Inured l-nMill9il I by lutiirnnl litiotis.
No. tJ,rT 2.VHI " .no C't.lii.v
irt2 ;-(Mio nm 3U. fo
" ik jootj :i:r, 50 i.r ih)
nai 5'iuo lioq r5no to
l'amnMeis. CMiUnTiiiK inbles nf rate- nnd rxnhnn- vivuvmwi, wsw., ouuuu uuuiuwu.
cVniMlT.daXln ftn1 iat,hPr ,,,,ornii,l,nn After dinner a Mrs. Davis, her two sisters,
THOMAS WDflWAY, rrtetdent,
Jo P. JjtMF, Jlttvnrtf.
octobpr iu, i8.-,7-y nurnoso of bcrrvint?. and haviuL' nrocccded
snuuKiug Tra'geay.
A mo?t shocking tragedy occurred at
'and a Sirs. Douglass left homo for tho
old liiine. 1H caret
liver Lever, full Jewelled,
liver Jippine, lends.
oiu spectacles, .... iu iiuu nut tg liiii lurs, jjuvia, uhu put uu
' . ' V': I 1 .1 t xi . 1 I...
01 it uracpicts, . . it uu 1 uur nunu to piiau iiic rovoivur iiwuy, uut
adv's Cold rencits. .... 1 iHt I , 1 . 1
lUer Tea HpnoiH. set - 5 IK DClOrO SllO tOUOUOU It OHO CLiargC CNlCrCU
niu rens, w tn l euci' nnu envcr nnitier, 1 v 1 n , 1 , . 1 t 1 r 11
cold rHiVer.itinEa.itTifeuiRinSKO-.Wniriiciassps. Mrs, Davis' breast, who immediately fell
'LSl1 wWwmVcI 1 be' wl',he; Davis then fired at his wife again, and the
.ere sold for, . ...n,iur charrn nln nntnritd Iinr hrnnsfc.
puiuf 1 1 iv Ah iiniiuiji 1 o ----- ...
riin hand sonio uo i anu Miver fevers anu t rp j k i T-a T.,:
epines stiii mwer than the above pnecs. went off, and tho sister spoko to Wrs.Dayis,
UPlOner 1U, JM7 1 ,rv linrnol lo wri vWv,1a Iirt twl
In tho Now brick three- Stpry Corriag
Fnetorv. on Main bolow Market.
mill, auiisriihi-r wouM rejcirnlly nnnounU'lo rhe
X pUllllC, lU.I.'lP llOiCVUiiiH-iievu ,iiu
uiNr.Ha, so., vy
aboui tlio room, and thinking to myself
uhich girl was the prctticft,'nnd which ono
I would rather marry.
" Well, 0110 day I singled out girl,-!
who, I thought, eclipsed all creation for
Lcauty; in fact,' I' was soon head-ove'r-hccls
in lovo with licri But a few moments
sufficed for mo to form a- resolution to sco
her home, pop the question, and, if possible,
to strike a bargain immediately. I was
all in a tromble,- The sermon seemed, a'
week long, and very uninteresting. Many,
no doubt, wcro praying for their neighbors
and their neighbors' children, but with mo
it was different I was praying for tho
meeting to break up.
"At length tho meeting did break, and
I broke with it for npy hat ; but to my
surprise and mollification, I could not find
it until after tho object of niy affections had
gotten so far tho start of mo, thatj it would
nave required quite -an cuort to have
UYKllalu,.. l.v.. .Jr4l... ,.nn nnnll.n.
consideration my hat had been, under
foot, and was so badly soiled that I was
rather ashamed to be scon with it on.
Taking all theso things into consideration,
I resolved to wait for tho next opportunity.
" From thai time 1 was a changed chap.
I could think of nothing but tbo girl I had
seen at mooting, except it was .that of per
suading tho ' governor' to buy mo a new
suit of Sunday clothes. Tlio old lady sided
with me in paiticular, and between
us both wo succeeded in carrying our point.
I was rigged out in style cloth coat, satin
vest, eassimero pants, and to crown all, a
beaver that cott five dollars. This will fix
tl.ingn, lloalIl OOUl'l I but fcCfc Lu. uvnj-
I wight set her dowrra.i mine.
" Iii a few" evenings thcro was 'a 'prayer
meeting at Union Meeting IIouso, nnd I,'
with' my new 'fixings; waited my way
thither; not, however',' until my mother
had given mo much good advice concerning
tho management of my fWriggiDg moro
particularly my hit, its I lad but a short
blush 1 Already sho is looking nt ine, as
if sho is wondering why I don't kiss her
perhaps I had bettor not Stay any longer;''
and suiting tho action to tho word I madft
a loap for tho door, and was off, liko a
comet. From thonco all was tunfusion,
until I found myBclf athomo baro headed
receiving a raking firo from tho old man
and tho old woman nt tho samo time. This
13 bad enough to think of, but it is not tho
worst. There i3 ono thing that now rings
in my cars nnd will continue to do so as
long as I livo. It is the last words of
Betty. Poor thing, supposing that" I had
taken offenco at bor resistance, sho called,
after mo as I shot out of tho" door. i
" Oh, Charley, come back 1 I was only
in fun. Comeback, dol Oh 1 Charley!"
CORN. An Agricultural Song.
Tunc "Sparkling and Bright."
Ten years bad cliangod Bomowhai the
appearance of Charlc3 Frankly, yet that
bright shining smile still lighted up his
countenance. Through him tho distressed
STAUFFFK & HAUI.FY auout. a mnc, nearly 10 mo snore on mo
cur.jir lrjircii r.s ouisiuc, nau uccoino Eouicwnai scaucrcu,
W",,,,.,'.l'f ANintu;rAii..nt'pMa I While there Samuel Davis, the husband of ' time boforo got my old'onc crushed up at
ali-li nml Jcnrlry Klori),' No 113 flllil No lll) 1 I " J
Nuriii siiconii Riri-i'i.rorni-rni rtnarry. i-iiiiniiciniiia. Mrs. Davis, camo un to wliero sho was meeting.
nlil I iv.Ttvntrlii-p.fullJewcncil.iSrarHcani!. ...... .1 i
V'm Blanul"S ucr sister, aim ucnoornieiy i nau noi Dcen in inc meeting nouso
jl aimed a revolver at her. I no sister asked long, before' she whom 1 most anxiously
expected c-mio in and mm thence until
tho services wero concluded, I was in a
sea of trouble, lest some fillow should cut
mo out, or something nf the kind.
"As soon as tho congregation was dis
missed, I 'yoked' her, and off wo started.
When wo reached her homo tho sun was
just setting, and so, to bo mannerly, her
Old dad 'asked mo to stay all night. I had
nov objections, and after supper was over,
Mold Bctty for that was'lho girl's name)
that I'd liko lo' chat with her a little more.
Sho had no objoctionsj'but said wo must
go ''to tho kitchen, as tho old folks' tlldn't
Romantic Polly,
Tne Inland Daily Times of Lancaster,
Pa., chronicles tho return of two young
women, who became fapcinated with the
attraotions of, a" circus whTclf UsiKid mat
place not long since, and took it in their
romantic heads;: to ,gooff with it, despite
tho earnest and repeated remonstrances of
their parents. Oo they must, and go they
did. Bui a change camo over" tho spirit of
their dreams. They found tho tinsel ;of
tlio arena but tho trappings of a miserable
life. They were subject to treafmcnt,
found their rougji companions, " angry,
surly and. cross," and they took tho oppor
tunity to run away from tho circus. In
tlio course of their wanderings' they reach
ed Ilarristiurg, and from thenco made' tho
best of their way homo, thoroughly cured
nf tlii'Jr.jfnfsb deluuiri, After much,
weeping and m'any'promises 'thc runaways
wcrctakeniitito their houses onco more.
Hoth of- theso hair-brained romantic girls
arc under sixteen years of age, and very'
good looking. Having vonturcd so near
tho abyss of utter ruin, it is wonderful i
that thoy escaped.
C2r A PHYSIUIAN'fc LEGACY TO moved her lips as if spTcaking, but almost
his wife, proceeded about ono hundred
'The glory ofn young man
1 1 1 1 t strength. "
ruin (e ovRuuy jiviaicn. jc to j r, sing . jdji.i I t
Our readers are nwnre tlmt we seldoni. if ever, re-1 fnf ulinn hn woa conn hv liiu' Rislnr In
rniiMnend any inrnhral puihcai Ion, if not endorsPdbv , , .t J
vt-iy iimiiiBi uiiiiiuu y. na ruin i"""'"- b nlm iUU rovOlVLT Bl IUS UrCUSt' OUU UTUU
an ni tnniitlmt Hp. I'nl.vrDu-Vi t.'a . mihllrKtlnu. ilw - f 1
row DtblUty nnd other veaKnetses, tho result of early 110 fell Upon' IUS 1 f ACQ and Slie Went Up tO
xlant fer the complaints referred to. lilO partlCS WCTO botll yOUUg, anil Mr.
Ksnvrtv, the imvc n-ign rpniedien for Huinlnal WeaUiiessJ DaVlS IS EpOUCn Of as having: DOCn a Smart,
Rexual Htrbility, Impotency, Iiivnluntarj .nmissionsJ . . . it M
rje, c..nre ior baicuy iiiqbi c uie itatum ijrui'gisia muuawuua jjuisuu juiuuuoj .13 oaiu
111 iHt rnuniry.
I)r u v I'AMPULST.ns nbove. eonlninlng full advices
for tho euro of i-'ncnnatorrhtri. &.C.. cm be had In a
secure envelope, bv eudontnjr 0 ftunp in
lit Avenue, corner IDtli Ctrecl, New York. Pot Uox
tin, -l.Vu. lJune 1 o, lam.
Better than gold is our corn tenfold
From tho Icrtllo earth advancing,
Twill give you health and brinj you wealth,
Yvur happiness enhancing,
Then husk yourcorn before 'Us morn
Fpr the pumpkin pie Is waiting.
Ami fill yournrtw, 'tis Natures Ii
To give yourselves a halting.
Wilh ii wc make a-Joliney catcej
-''6rriuiBt;or fry or 4rlihlle, .
, . And puddings gepdj be, H understood,
Are stirred up with a pipdlc.
'flien husk your' corn, tic.
When It Is green, as we havo Ken,
Tii first YLte boltc3 tor toasted.
And when 'tis dry who dear den
Tis,qulte good popped or toasted,
rfThen husk your corn
Turkeys and liens count it by tcrtti ,
Axid never stop to laite It,
And ducks and gcesc, n pint a p icc,
A bushel IhejrMl soon wasle It.
Tben husk your corn, &c.
Bitiiricls by day , red. black nnd gray,
To store it In their "elrlps,"
No questions mnke for conscience sake
But snatch it like the lurles,
Than husk your corn, &c:
Tbe brave chipmuck with rlfht good pluck
Jto'ind ll y iu'11 see him lurking,
tyilh puutlng Hp he'll seldom chirp
Or talk, like boys while working
Then husk your corn', &c.
Atmld of night with much delignt,
Old Bruin filled his backet,
By light of room the knowing coon
Tben'husk your corn, &.c.
The grunters all both great nnd small
Will liquet! to hear il raltHj
And then, '(is good ns any food t
Tor horses, sheep or cattle.
Then husk your corn, xc.
Joint D.Tjceft.
Rtm?tn, OxtIJa Co. 1&7,
t '
A Story from Real Lifo.
Can mortal minds conccivo the glory of
that upper sphere whero tho sun never
goes down and night can never eomo I
Whoro tho river of lifo rolls its crystal,
waves around tho high whito throne of the
groat Eternal. Fairer 'flowers' than noy
Flora's hand has strown on earth, bloom in
tho fields of immortality. Chfirub forms
float on tho waves of music; swept from tho
golden ,. harps of God's elect. Earth's
brightest sunbeams are but darkness com
pared to the light that emanates from the
sun of righteousness,, Frail.mortals.decm
it shadowy land ! Not so ! There, no
clouds come to dim the 'light of eternal
day ! Sorrow ncvor, flings its dark mamlo
o'er tbo sinless dwbllors there- Shipwreck-
i'r'es J":SXiMMSi LjW ttnd t.urncd ,lim ovdr W 110 s.doad- ko 'to be disturbed by a' liglif iirtko ' big cJ mar,nor tbsscd fo5 lemiicstubU3
room' when they wcro to cod. J o an tun ca , WeaTy'-pllgrira, treading tho pth
1 consented of course, and bo wo woro' soon ,,ii;it jeaas 0 acath ! Let nof cSrth's fleet.
on the vcry'best of terms. I should hayo ;ng pleasures dcCcivo'yo'ii trust alunc in'
havo been tho causo.
A TKonumont to Horndon.
Hopkins' City Hotel,
ku, art nuiirii tiiiuu Hiui.iii,
j?4t' llicf itmt.flrmtfly EICl.ll UOIT.l.,"
Tllti umlrrfilgni'il lin. un thu nlMvo wrll'knnwn
Un ti.i Dii a Fon and rjvnrat. iitcniie, ami 1m. fpn
boon extremely happy but for ono iause
tlio stamp of plenty, in tho' form of" grease,
was abundantly impresscdjUpon everything
Tho nobloCant.IIerndon. oftho ill-fated iu tho room, excepting tho choirs upon
Central Americans probably no moro. I which wc sat, and consequently! was muck
What morn nnnrrmriatn nptinn. snvs t!.o troubled about mv now bat. What Should
.. ..... , 1 -
Heaven; Kate Clair,
'1 1
New York Journal of Commerce, could bo
taken with refcrcuco to his death choos
ing to perish as ho did, at tho pdst'of duty,
Beauty not a Requisite of Lovo
Thoro isi a most affecting and thrilling
story told, in i)lustralion-of our tbonio of
I do with it? I did not want to havo Commodoro Barclay, who fought tho battle
honored him.
"Did you say your mother wasvery eiek t
askod ho, taking thd liitlo hand affection,
"Yes, sir," slie answered, timidly. '
"Well, then," said ho, "wo will stop and
get a doctor."
So, crossing tlio street and ringing adoor
bell; was 'answered by anion with alight.
"Come with tne, doctor, if you please,"
"YcKlr, immediately;''' nnd stepping
b'aclVinto tho hall, ho fiit'tlic IfgbKdown'on
a table, and putting on a large ovcriioat,
quickly followed on with Frankly and the
little girl.
Ere lbngthey camo to a dark alley; this
they cntered, and'fromit pSS'cdinto a room
dark, damp nnd dismal, while a faint groan
met their cars' as thoy entered
"Havo you no lights '7 aaid Frankly to
tbe little girl.
''No, sir,1' said she.
So giving her n picco of money, ho told
her'to get some as soon as sic could. Sho
went, nnd quickly returned, bringing' a
light. On a low" couch of straw lay a
woman, and as' tho light sbono through tho
room, 6'joJgaze'd wildly around. Walking
up to her ritlo Charles Frankly told hcriic
naa & ftjcnJ, hail pnmnrtn ..nmfnrt nnd
K faint toncssLo thanked him, yet with
aifull nnd Ovorflowing lioart,!twas.th6n that
sho looked back over tier past llfi and
sighed as sho said
,"0h, had I beca a friend to tho poor,!'1
Morning camo ; so seemed new life to
tho' sick woman. Tender caro, nouriihing
food and. medicine had done its work, and
sbo-frlt rovived and better.
Beador, you havo probably soon .many Charles irankly stood by her side and
noble-looking men, but never one more so gazed oarncstlyiinto her palo and caroworn
than Clurles Frankly. His looks did not face ; and as ho did so, he wondered whero
belie him, or ho was all he seemed to bo. away back in life, ho had seen Ihat face ;
Ho ;ns tho an ot an honored nnd rotired' boforo long, memory, came to hisaid,.an4
mediant, that, dwelt far up ,in the upper ho remembered.
part of the town, away,,from the hum of. "-Vlis lcroy, was that onco your name?'1
business and tho cares of .business life. said lie, addressing her.
His business ho had givcnjjip to Charles, "Who calls mo MissiLcroy'?'' said sho,
who carried it on with suoli energy and with a quick start.
tact, that it could not bo thriving and pro- "Ho younotrcmombcrCharlcsFranklyl''
sporous, and bid fair,, eve. long, to become said. hd.
the best in tho wholo great Metropolis 'What,. is fhissyou I'.'isho cxcliimcd,hnd
Many wero tho temptations which daily I do you eomo horc now to chcor and comfort
beset tho path, of Gharlos Frankly; yet he rac when I turned you away from my
passed through them with a character un- door liko a, dog I Oh, how I havo longed
blenched and vitlwuta spot, to mar tho to bo forgiven, arid can you now 1"
great namo ho boro. Many a proud belle "I do, freely," said he, in return.
bowed low beforo him and sought to win "Oh, then may the blessings oftho Sffist
his smile, hut 'was all in vain, for ho saw niBK at nrm W."
through the thin gauze that screened them; "Listen," said be ; "I must toll you some-
and scorned them tho more for wearing it. tu;nc. Your father has forciven you fcr
A beautiful brido his father had chosen Wcddiri that man, and lonccs to tako you
for him; gay, dashing, and brilliant ; they back to his home Ho knew well tbat
called her Isabella Leroy. Yet, he fancied vour lusband was a poor man, and wasnct
sometimes that a false robe shrouded ner lT70ilthy as you supposed.
Walking slowly up the steps 'of tho Le- tono to iho doctor, hc,'left tho 'room. Ero
roy mansion, was a seemingly old man. iong bo returned with a white-haired man ;
It was Charles Frankly; thus disguised to :t was Jaul.3 Lcroy., Joy beamed in his
sco through those that others-wore. Itfng countenance as bo beheld' amTcmbraecd
lng tho bell, ho was answered by Isabella onco again his nnly daughter and grand-
in person. With but one look at his old r,iia,and how fervently ho blessed Charles
and tattered garments and outstretched J .blankly f0I,bis ..kind caro.ovfif thom.
palm, sho said, "Begone fir," and shut tho ,Ero longlMiss Leroy -for, she toob not
door iu his face. With a curs upon-bis, bcr husband's naino :was duly installed
lips, ho walkiJd wiy. ' ' in'tho mansion, and a.short timq ficr, (icr
Evening came; tho mansion of James husband, who had .dosortqd her, died in
Leroy was brightly lighted, and ill wes gpa;n.
gaycty and mirth within. Yet there was .But novor again, from that, door was
ono that joined not the gay. throng ; m her ,irivcn tiic'nccdy. -,Sho' teaches Nclly,-,hcr
room sho sat palo and trembling, holding. ;m0 daughter, in glowing words; to over
MyTYl than mako an effort for his personal 1 judging that to bo tho safest phce. Being ghl. At Trafalgar ho lost an arm. At
thus rolicvcd.ot my greatest cmDarrassmeni j.ako iino ho lost a leg. un returning 10
I went about tho work of courting in real England, feeling his condition very acutely,
ojrnest. Iho sent a friend to his betrothed .to tell
"After many fine things bad boon said, - bcr that under tho circumstances in which
I.rt l.nnl n r-n rvri-.i1 nrrflin clin Ik 1 il. . II
grease upon it-no, that would never do ! of Lake Erie ngainft Perry. Ho was ' " , b . rcmcmuir mo poar.
u -f Li. nn mi,,,i ft.2.' ..l i. reads it over to sco that there is no possi- Thoso were two. eovero lcs3ons that sho
n'(.n'ti?m'"n'iufo'"i'ii can be mmi.iio.i n room nnd safely than to erect a suitablo monument
ffiffi'SJSSaKWK'; iitucii iii. nil ii'ii &?o on Ocean Hill. Greenwood Cemetery, whero
ih'L'ro M 1 1 ' rcs " a lot is resdrved for heroes such as ho; and
rir I'lid nnnrlrtor flattpra lilmftir nn lion.o in il,.,o m'i r.T.. f
rnTTadeluliki Umll jnrimta tne comfoit ami oiicntton ""V v't"-"""" J
wlilcii whim round aliliu City Hotel.
Ju 111,1657. i
the man, but of his deeds for 'ino contem-! and a marriage contract had boon partially bo found himself, ho considered bcr rc
lit all iUtianrn.i. Iln I" prPnated lot (? " "'
and hainnliindat rM.ntanniinrtmnnlof nniiiii'il worn
wlilcii iiurclimiira wlllQuililto tlieir advanlaje to cia.
Wlllbudone in Urn mom priiiupt and rnrrr.ii iniinncr
,nd uponteiuii fnil m clvi'.uilninriinii.
Illoi.mihiirE, April tiS, IBIS.
nlntinn nf fnhirr. rrfinrtrnlinnQ nnil oq nn
rpuctuuscnlier hnvinrr removed l,i Marbl. Yard, incontivo to lofty ambition. Whilo thd
J- t?! rf . CyyjJ-.l'W. .?"',,.-"rr imtranm nflVmlow nrfninsl Iimnnn
ni-r or MAIN anu MrtUM.l .irofi.. in liiipeii . uow, "tn -i
Wfcari.oi..iei.rrdionirni.hnni.ind..f and divino, is covered with dishonor, let
Vl- MONUMr.NTB, Cradlo Toinbi.lRox Tnmbi.nnd tllO groat and good bo held ID perpetual
Hi-ail Stoncj of cvety dmerlition. III. .Hick U ol Ilia I t -annn '
best K luu, mo worKinaiuiiiii uni vy uim in .v.uwh..ivv.
the country, and at low pricei. C.ill and Judge (or
M.iitri. , fur houe.,!,IH Ooraaa. .Mnllc nml f 1 la i,fit ,,lribulcs of tlin bnad nnd heart must
iiiankiul lor pnauavta, o boii.toraraniiinunca oo oomUlUOU. 110 WHO W0U1U inucOU uo
antiiOny witman. serve lhat proud epithet must bo devout,
courteous, and accomplished, conue, cone-
linwnRii TiiKffnT.TTTTOM rous, and hravo : nuro in word and aoou,-
rpiID partnorililp licreiofoie ril.iinfi bilvvern tbe. ,uiwiui)jsh;u, pHuaumropio, au nuovu mi,
lirm of .. II. Purltliy Co., lias been dissolved by I . - ,.'.,' if - , ; , ., .
;uaiconni. I ing tho weak, tho lowly, and tho poor.
Tbo Reading Railroad wcqt to protest
O.t Hide nP alnnb M.rn
A 'y..P"Pii !lu;r oil, rnuifiie'.. kt., to i.o im.i otl mailo in Philadelphia, on Saturday last
ortli same.
llloonisburt, ApiiM. 1E57, Cm
blc mistake. baJ learned, ere their import was heeded.
Miss Leroy : I can not attend your A.nd oh, reader, whoever you may bo,
party, x saw ino poor oiu raau uiituoou foj. Qr own a 6w anil jn tll0;fut,lrc,
Z.rJZ T L", UB ' yU "mUCr "Kemembcr tho IW.
CnAiiLxs Frankly.
p. s. It would havo been better for Lying in Bod with tuo Head high
you and mo bad you been a friend to tlio, I
entered into, 1 proposed a kiss, lou may leased trom all engagements to mm. -Qor 0 p It isftena.qucstion among pprsons who
be sure sho rofused, but I insisted. A lady hoard tho mossago, then said to a ii0!t iat j l sho said lo herself. "Gono ara unacquainted jtb tho anatomy and
ecufllo ensucd,-which lasted until sho was friend, " Edward thinks that I may wish f , uut who cares I" .And suddenly physiology of man,' whether lying with tho
domplotcly exhausted. Being unablo to our engagements broken bcoa'uso of bis
hold out longer, sho turned up her protty '.misfortunes, docs hoi tfcll him that if bo
lips und said": "If yon must kiss me hero; only brings back to England body enough
but don't you over undortako such a thing 1 to hold, tlio soul hp carried away with bim,
again you bruto I'
"I stooped over to perform tho opcratiqn
when all of a sudden, I, felt an unusual
I'll marry m.',
Mr. Payje, ono of (bo survivors oftho
Beforo I bad .ill fated Bt'oamor CcntpljAmcriea, aud to
roiVLiiii & uunvci.iN'o
Espylewn. Aiil,1B37
. .1 .i i. . . . : , ' i ... .i . i.' ...i '..: ir..ln
timo to think whether 1 was going to lain, ..wuoui iii" iniiKijnr.yinii.aiii "wuk b.u
M ... .... , 1 1-1. I tr. l,:a H.a I i 1
I.V LXAllK'H IlouUBtorc.
llloomiburjiMay 30, isj7
I at 18J.
(it not, I heard a kind of splashing abqut
my feet, and casting my eyes downward, 1
saw great heaven's 1 what 'did 'I s'co T
There lay my ftvo dollar beaver, complete
bis watch to givo to his (tho Captain'1)
springing up, with a forced smile entered head exalted, or even with tliq body, was
tho presence of bor company. thpk most whqlgsome. Most persons con-
Not long after, Charles Frankly brought suiting their oiji, this popt, arguo
to biS'iity houso'a truly lovely and4rans.
cendonlly beautiful bride With bcr wbolo.
soul slid loved her poblo husband, andcthat
lovo was fervonfiy'returncd.
"Plcaso, good 6ir, do eomo and bco my
poor mother, sho is so slob," "said a littlo
wifo and. to suv to bcr ho wa3 cone. ?lr. j girl, ono dark and dismal night; looking
P. cavo thabeart-slrickon.lady tho watch beseechingly up into ChJrlbs Frahkly's
nn rri.nriU last, in Now York, where . face. ' ' 'i ' I " . i
"xes, I will go," ho unsweicti, "go on
ly immursod iu a filthy o'oiup ouud of tlislt she lives. Tho hopo tint tho Captain1 Is "Yes, I will go,
water, cucumber ptola, tatcr' skins, and 1 saved is now almost entirely abandondd. and I will follow."
in favor of tkat.wkick they prefer. Now,
although-, many delight .in bolstoring up
their heads at' 'night, and sleep Roundly
without injury, yet wo ;declaro it to bo a
danccrouajluibit. JTho vessels through
which Iho' blood passes from tho' heart to
thd' head, aro ahntys..les!ltiitd'in their ca
vities whon tho head is. resting iu bud.highcr
liap ttljo body ; llifieloro iu .au diseases
aitcrtd,cd with lover,' t'io head should bo
prcity ,uarjy.ou ,n, icvei witit (mu uouy;
and tlicfcoplc Might to aeeufefolu thcui
telvcs thus toslod to avoid danger.