Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, October 10, 1857, Image 3
Columbia EJcmocrat.' lit TATI3, I.OOAIi F.DITOII. Bloomsburg, Ootobor 10, 185?. Divino foiviccs will bo liold in Hloims ', (Sunday, Sept. 27th; at. Intrir. to-morrow Iho following Churches : .Episcopal Church. Uev. N. Tur.Mnnn. Services tt 10J o'clock, A. M., and at early oi Jle-Hplt in the evening. r,csbjtcriin ChircU.irx. D. J. Wal let. Service at 10 o'clock, A. M. (fcrnum Ii fwm. llov. W. Goomucil. fprvico at 10 o'clook, A.M. Luther w Church . A.SirAnnETis. Scrvico at 1 0 o'clock, A. M. Pldho Hit Church, Scrvico at 3 o'clock, '. M in tho t'ourt House, nnilt: Lndics of ibo German Reformed I Congregation of Dloonisburg, wou'd rcspco fully aunounco to tho public, that they purposo giving public Dinncr'H and Suppers on tho 22nd and 23rd days pf October; on tbo days of tbo County Agricultural Exhibition, on tbo fair ground for Ibo benefit of tbo Church. lllotiiuburg, Oct. I), 1857. To the lovers of primo Cyders wo would say, call cn Col. Girton, iu Lillmcycr'u Saloon. Tbo Sheriff is daily receiving primo Oysters, and is prepared to servo customers in tbo most approved manner. Do not fail to give him a call Look Our ! Somo persons are in tho habit cf visiting our "truck patch," and taking therefrom such vegetables os suit thcni. y"o would adviso them to keep clear of tho garden in future, as wo hive secured iho services tif seventeen brindlo dogs to guard tho premises. Local Items, liko casli in our pockets, are things to think of, but cannot bo picked up. Order and poaco reigns in tho laud, .nnd tho raw material for 'iocah" is some thing not to bo had. Will Bomcbody do Eometbing do'p:rato, if only ' for tho fun of the thing." before long ? Frank I'mn.r.i Amphitheatre will becu in Iiloomsburg, this (Friday) evenieg. Those who have sron it, and may be pre sumed to bo good judges of pymna&tic perforniaircs, projiounco Frank Phelps, and bin Troupo, the bcit iu tho field. Who will not wish to tec the- sight and witness tbo lols of fun ilicro promised, Capt Noah S. l'nnfiTis, has been giv ing our (ilizoui an example in inqtiovc minis, wutliy of iuii'ation. He lias re cently fitted liiiusclf tip one of tbo finest fljg-p.iveuients in town, and hia had his dwelling liou.-o p.ii.tod. We also loam, that Unpt. !'., has torn away Ljs old Liv ely Siablos, and is electing in tloir htead, a uianilicsiit I! rich Livery Establishment. r. 4 . . M, I OUR ClltoriiriMllg fdltlW-CltlZCn, IiOIiKUT , li. AuTiiun,!., Mho only a to yws '0 comuieiieed iii lilooiimLur.' on iwl'iiif 3J i.ui.i.ui.ui.i.11 111 i.i'iuiu.'.uui, vu m.ii, and am multiplied into tcouiawis, may l,e iii?lly le-nnled as one cf our most enter-' J c prizing ciliZ'j 1:3 fill lest Lll.'ineS-tni'll I 1'ive Hundred Jluufaiid Uric Ic, linv.e just leeti turned out of hia Kilns, 1iMi he is! iliiiny daj-mid night, with a larre foteo 1 f Lindo, notwitllanding tho cncrnl sus pension nianiii, :lr. .Jrtiur, in addition to uti hid rvtrn-iit-o ' thu n'trnw ned llanjiot HA VII WILSON' the celebr.i IO imsilliif, Ull 1113 CXlClldlVC uriCK-JarU3i 1 le.lClHeliebt (iUOllOilllUNItAll.SoloVe.iloncelin Alld lltiMilU'IuU Of JIOUSCS, lias this Sea- ! pctJiimr. I'lllL. DinrrXliACII. the unriv.illcd 0 ' (Jmiarift Thfco fileiite.t anlitt will appear iii 11 vn. (SUFI raided UiC fillCSt lot Of cliClCC CclcrV. i "l ,y N't'r. Sonsia. I mice and Uu'liHMiioiifl, which ''lire ue culati'd to pit age Tin; t nterlaiiimeiil to VfU UVtr UIUICSSCU. Amiiuotyi'IIs. Wc have seen, ot vari ous tunes, in OUT 0XChancCS, EOmo Very ' ccinplhucnt ly u ices of tliu ekill of Mr, G. AVao.n'Hi, as an Amlrotypht ; and wo are pleased to bo atlc to stttc 10 our, readers that ho hup just located among us, ni d picpnrcd to tivo his cttcnticn to thoc who may favor him with a visit. Wc would Author Mate that hia engagements tkculjcro prevents him rcmaii iug with us, mow ihanthico or foar wcclis, and thrso desiring a life-like portrnit at a reasonable prire, bhould not neglect tho oppoitunity now oficred, 'i'liEUi; is no fcaeon of tho year, accord ing to our c pinion, which possosfes so many and fcuch a variety of charuia as Autumn. Wtilcall the seasons have a peculiar beauty Autumn Eccms to bo formed of a union of tho whole, tlc happy fruition of their com 1 1 p 1 TV " l t Mitivu tuiia, jvuiiu lis rental sway wo do not fuflcr from tho piercing cold of "Winter, tin ugh hia vanguard, tho hoar frcst, lir.s.zmdo its appcaranco ; nor aro wo tulijort to those fcclinga of lassituclo and inertness wliieli porvnJcs tho human framo iluring tlio reign of Hushing Spring j nor cro wo cillictetl with tho eppressivo heat of glowing t-uuiincr, hut enjoy a mild and tigreealio oomLiiia'ion of iho whole. Tho anticipations havo passed away, but iho actual possession of all that was promised by tho youuger season?, dcclaro their re alization. It is true, tho bright flowers of bummer 'havo laded nnd gono' tho green leaves of tho furcst havo changed to "red, russet nnd yellow," aud tho charming song ttcra of tlio wood havo taken their flight to moro gonial climes; but then Micro aro otluT changes which awalicu feeling of gladness rather than sorrow. At this sea fcou iho labor of tho husbandman -is gener ally crowned with abundance, and smiling plenty spoths joyously from well filled gamors. With tho (ipprcssivo heat, dis- 1 I . . .... . . uroii mm twain, ill many loeailllCS, UCIU fi .rft.l wnv Iml ntil. t ..: . - t lentil iwnj , iut witu tempering breezes nnd frosty nights, health again blesses tho land On the 30th uU. at tlio residence of tho liriile s fitlicr, in Tuinaqusi, ly tlio Hov. Wllliiim Mullen, Mr. John lUlston, form- ctlv of liloonisuure. to ftiies JJciia Jiat- -lift' I In llorwiok. o i tbo 27th ult.. by tbo Itov. Henry O. Dill. Mr. Lewis II. Oon-1 ( Yac1' ,i,BVC- aud Jlijg Martha IBDa(DSaS!BlUIBB fiSlABlBSEV COUHE0TED WEEKLY AT 1IAIITMAN SSTOhE Wheat SI 00 ltyo 80 Corn 00 Oats 40 line!; wheat 70 Duttcr 20 JSffi. ia Tallow M Lard 10 Potatoes 00 Dried App'cs.2 00 Whitoltoans...! 70 nrt. inrn T 1 TI1A1T Anil 1 Ml jJ 11 L 111 1) liL J" JU ill U J liiL 1 Tho following aro tho receipts to Ibo office , ,n ri r... . 1 oi mo ULUMiiiA. LMiuuiiAi, "i '"ri . tno mourn oi ocpicniucr, ioui ; Col. John O rrcrze. 00; IIiirIi MrCoihiiA, John J. Mclknry, 0 nil, U. I.. Monro,' f! W Itnnort. L'nllfur'n.S on A . II. (llrlnn. 2 0(1 JlH) IWI C. H (loir. 2 l loac Wninrr.Pr,, II. F.8hinnnn, , D.inlPt (tcarharl. (Ico Kolchnrr, Esq., J.-ime rutlcron. tjol Cn AgBocifly, Jon-lstahrinEcr,Usi, Aplnminm. JoKfjih tlnliliinM, Henry J Ynplo, Hutnto (liilcon Vorkfl. U. M. llunk,I.., II H Hfllrll, .V. II. Fnwlrr. "atnti" nf J'lcoli N'unp. CnrntliiM ltr-ynolil, t: Krrnmrr. JnmfA I. Ilmslrr. LMit.hi (.. I nrlnn, John II. Dictrriek, 1 5(1 S (III Jacou Arnwine, Itinliilnlt (,'noprr. "5 Win, flnlcliivnn lq , 75 llrnry O. Kilolinor, 4 (id Jon. W.Hhilncr, 3 00 Hl.uo Agrirnllnrnl 1'nlr J Ml .1 ooi V. IHI l m i;npt.j.iv untcrtcK. i ;i (Hi! (iencva Coal Co . SSI II" 1 V A. 0. .Munich. .HI 5 IJl H II irman, Utt . S '.'0 fl 00 Bh'-rlll Miller .100 5 on O W. Cinlnm. 20 '10 1 75 O. C Hailler & Cn , 5 00 2 0" A. (!. C.illell l Co., 3 () 1 75 Damn it Ojlcrhout, 300 t Ji i:. II. Urwig, 5 00 o: Wo lost cur list, unfertuuatcly, con lailiing tho names (if those whs hail paiil up to September 7, anil comcqucully, their 1 ' payments may not hero appear. Will tbey let us knuw? We atoml to civc J . every cusi iinur iiuuuhi, utuuit iui un inij- aMcrtioti. It i.n utd with decided advniitaRo in Pcro IllClltS. ami hope many tll'irc ff our good fM. UyBicruia, Liver Cmiplalnt. llronchiti, Uulanc- .i tj i i 0l,a i1sC'l8r'. nnd ull nlTeilioiM nrlsing from an lupnro friends will proniptly pay Iho 1 nnter. or weakL.nci col,diiiun of tifo blood, hn n9 nnc be Our customers, hereabouts, -will plcaso ' JIJ remember, that wo want and will take. if & A MAuruiwicoi: ouruo.vi2.-wc n ...u ...... . ,, . liitt-ty siipioed Aycr'n Chorry I'ectoral was tbo Ullima WO can get all hinUS Of prcdUCC. licet, Tlmh! in iu line, and Hint notbinp had been or would Pork, Oats, Muckwhcat, Cider, Apples, and 1,e i"vcme.i which routd trn t in m fine rointa or all the ncccsgirics of life included, Now, friend, please roll up tho articles. Km jbuctliscmcnis. FRANK PHELPS & CO.'S COLOSSAL G7M3lASOTj g i UONl'AINI.NO A GKCATEIl AJIUUNT 01' Novolity Talgnt and Skill, . It- '7?- Tlnn lilw cvrr bcrnri! tiei'ti rniicenlriileil ill one en b llMiinunt. given miller il lie in 1 1011 Water Proof I'.ivilinn, irallii" :I0U) ,ouilu t'lnllil iilcnitur m il attraction , . a sniuru I (ijimiastic niiil Acroballc Troniir, i Conipo.eil of the bail talent In tlio country, among I u hum is PRANK PHELPS, 7V; rr.on.h'fi caoiiv.'avj jhsivm, Al)i , ,.rriir,er In tin world. a(.ed by a ';;. i.'i'.M' ii' n"ntei prmiimes nr ilm ne. .11 uillll the iiiraiitcniitiHIioinst.ullo licKrin t. f'llAIM.It: iti-i er'ntel nrmliuli'S nt Ihe ae. .Master il to lnive 110 HiH'riir ill lliiMMirlil ui'l niiiar in Ins 1 .tii.l..rl,il niKlii.lniilihllie 1'iili.i Kiil.lier l.-.ils. Mi'Mi: is.mkiiik mm i,a I'iii i ri: vnrinul., ..I,.. 1 it... h.iil I he honor of iiinLMriiiL' hi lore lie molt rill I nml'l tble ii'jiliinim 111 Hie wurlil. will tlluiear III n Varii'iyoi l.miyillio ouriri'iou iianree, iine'inaleil by any nun in I hi! nrnt 'S.iou Also, in roil lieelion will' thenho-o I e the lelubratcil ADD H'KAVKR'S OPIJitA T.'iOJJPIJ, I O'liiprinMiir Ibi- first perf r ni-r of lb" diy, riinfin; . wbuiti ihainpiuii Wr.AVllII, In bi m.iteiilfNH Couiie ti 11 tl Senium nt il Hootr, l.tnLe, Nf ero U'Iiihm- tionfi, c HANK TOM I KlINs. tin' nijtl.lul vinl.nist. 1 renovvned Uui v I.onir Dntrr i IIATOV I.AMXIV. u t'mtniui w lip unfit, uj A B. WIIIT?jQCSfS 7 CKLEHUATKD C01UVI5T HAND, Compoed of the flre nim'Iclarin In the country, tind l"t II MIIUM V HUH 1' ' llllfll IU HIND V IIIIIU l I'J-IUH among the travi linj liamlrf of (be day. Tho pmdic may reft aftired tint no expense Uaa tfen fin red to render llii the most iitiricilve and nmuiiiff enter li mm nt ol the pn-si'iit day Tlio u tiole coinbtnatlofi to be exhibileil under one iiumeiioo Pnvl lion for one nrlre only. TTrWiM ixlnbit nt P.LOOMSHUnG, on rRIDAV,1 (THIS AITPItNOON AND UVIINING.) Ottolier Dili. ADMISSION M cnt-i ChlMreii hum r II! years. L cnitii. Doors open nt '1 and 7 o'clock, P. .M., to coin 1 uiMice half an buiir ufteiwart's J. KNAPP. Jxent. fi- On ground of Mnj. SLOAN, t tlio ! lower cud of MAHKET ST., Hloomsburg. Oct 10, 1PA7-U F AL If ARRIVAL. to IL 03 lT !rJ 11 rJ lu riMiu u ru.-mstie.!, grateit.i ir pan patronage, re- .urged by miny thousand ladies who have used ihetn, L spertlully in f iron Ins cihtomers and the pubhrJ .,.,,. , ' , penerally, that he hai Jiut rece.ved from Hid cistern t0 ,l,ako tllc l''!" l't"''C. fur the alley iatlon ol Hiopc fill's, the largest ami must mh'ct stork ol mirring from any nregularilhs well FALL AND WINTKU CLOTHING 08 apruveuiivo to tnoso whoso health will not .1,, . s..... . . ..... . ' n. .vn.t I i n t,.n.u.,... ..I f". ...I I 1 Invites the utieniioti of his friends, and nueurea them that tbey are oilerttl lor su o ut great baig.iins. 11 u titock romprlees a large iisrorlineut of i mi ins y(4 ui'fii oneiu'o i n iiiooinsoiirK. io wuirn ne ijcntlemnn s Wearing Apparel, Couslstins of FASIIION'AnLU DUCHS COATS, of (fvrry iii'fcripuoo , i.iini tbis. boitis, iravaig, . oiucM,i;oioiinatnikcrciiiei,ui es, euspcniicrs, &c Gold Watches and Jiitcliv, Of every desrrlplinn, flue and cheap N. 11 Iteuif ,UvcKbeg'M cheap Fmponum " Call und see, No charge for eiumltiiiitf G(.eds. JJAVID LOIVISNUURG. Illoomsburg, Aug "1, 157 a saw cfiUty noun sroiu:. Corner ot 5th & Arcli Slrccl, Philadclp h in . Henderson & Co., BOOKSF.LLFMS Jl.M) FVUUSltF.ItS. INVITE tbo attention of all Persons Visi ting l'liiUtli li'hiu, ivtiullicr nn llnsint-is or plcnsure Iu their Uxirauriliiury t'olleuiouuf Uooks upou all nib, Jccts, llonkiollrrs. Country Di'iilers. Ti-nthrrs. Piil.tlr nml nrivji LiburicB, supplied Willi Uooks &. Siationary at lowol rates. 0..0. HUynUllgON&QQ.. March 7, I837.-(jivl. ADJIINISTUAT01VS NOTICE. Estate of Jacob Nitss, dee'd. LETTERS of Administration on tho Kslale of Jan. I, Nnu, Lit - of Milllin .t';viulii, (iilunibia cuunlv tleceiM'il. luve liucn L'rnuled by tlm ltccister ol Columbia county, to Ilic undersigned, who result1, in gam amnio loivnsnip in uoiuiuuiu couuiy . nil perrons havlns claims Lgnliiit the e.luto of the decedent nrn rcnuesled to nre.uiit llieui to tho Adlnlil' iilrntor without deljy. aud all persons iudibled lo make payueiil loriuuHii, rnTi:n nush. Bept 5. 1837-01 Jldm'r l'OWOKlt DISSOLUTION. mull pirtnorshin hcrcloforo cjlsilnu liHwccn tho ' .L suliicribHis. In tlio llrlaicrei'k I'owJur Mills. iimli'r . ,iu, n,m r n. n. .(; c, lus been dissolved uy ""' 'L'- i'uwlui! & uuuvcLiKa. I Csnytowii, Aug 1. 1657 Special Notice. (" .", linAni, yiTaituopi-ii, nuADii , (lT. iiti.bni'i mr..r to the nniieir rt i,ta (trmiino i'r- pnratlon, Fluid Uxtrnet Ruchy. hlrh haanerc mptlpficil iiiuinortraotiiinry dies. Itcnil Urn nrtyrt Uscmcnt In nuoilicr column. l itentieil " lieinvintii s ..cumin: . trpu-iuiu ' '.nl.P, Oennlnc rIll...- !Qy- I lie tfc icr lair, iwmng itnni V3T of iNn National safety Compmy, HV street, south westrorner of 7it J Mroc-t riillAilolt'liia.'nnw liua iif nrly On Mittiot kVD a IliLr of D iMaf nil In Real IIstatf, i MottTAfim, (1 rod up Hints, nnd other first class sucurl 1 tM, to the benefit 1 1 ib-poslwrs. H THOMAS W. MA1THON, Receiver' tho FriM Medal nl ttid World's In IWjii, IKM, fnr TRUNKS. CARPET IJAG3, l;iotff..liocs and (limn. (lrf nl lii'lucmnitx nra now ntT.'rcd to purchasers nf tlio abovo articles. Thlsts mucti Hip Inrffoxl tork o It ru nks, Carpel Uaps, Vnllces.&r., In Philadelphia very chnnp, nr c.uli. Manufactories: UO Market Sired, H. W. corner, nnd Hi Market lrect. 8 I. corner of fourth. UCfl.t:onoN. "fnr every inllo n Ji-nvr1 tlio turfhrc of onr rnrtli, l lie tfiipcrntnro flllfl flvo itrgri'cs. At dirty llvo ml'ra tllptnncn from tli glnliowoj Slnbo weft beyoml thoaliiui-phcre.nn.l enter, strictly , fprnkln;, into tlic mslnnn ofincr!,n Imrc If nipornlnre ' V''"" 1,,l',w 'f"n',irei5n. in nil full." Tlio fcnllclnan lm ivnit liiyoml llio UV moiplicrc,' nn.lliclJ tlio lliurinonmcr hi tlio "rrplon. of tpnee," linn lncc lit return ilochircil that tho noxt coolrrt thlnii li.a nil of Ihnffrllahl.clccnntnnd eraco. ul iinnmcr clniho, winch have rendered Ilia f.iihlnn nlito' Emporium nl (Innvlllo Sloke. No. C07, l.l'c 500 Chcilnut rlrrrl, f.imouinn thli lerrltnrl I orb. to- wniTi: Tr.cTii. i'i:ni'U.Mi:ii iiiicati and IIHAUTirUI. CUMrt.KXIUM-ron' ho ncnulrcil hy tiling tbo Ilabn iif a ITioumnd Flowtrt." What lady or gentleman, would remain under the curio nf a rlis agreeable bmath, when by mlng tho "Uai.m or a TitoesAKn I'lowibV ns n thntrlflce, wuld not only reuibr It sweet, hut have Iho leilh wbite us nln. terl Many persons do nol'know their hrenih Is lud, nnd Iho niblect Is so dclirate ;tiiat their Iricmls titj never iiiculion It. lltwure of cr.uutcrfeits. lie biirc c-icli hollle Is signed rirrituion & co.. v v. nj-WOIITII Ui:.Mi:.MIIi:illNU.-rarnpnlllla, . r the eitract ihcieof. is a favorite nrcscrlntion w!ih many or our best pliyslci.iii,nnlnt ibis scasonlaifely se-i to "...ify iho biood.nnd tren,,.l,eD tbo cnniin,,- tion. The iirrparallon inannractnrcd by Mr, ilnrlry, of Louisville, Ky , la universally admitted itipi-rlor to a,,y ,l,"t l,n rr J"""" ,,cc" 0lTf,r to tin public, und tbo larjje and lucre sing demand fully juttilW Iho excellence ns a medicine. Hot wc are confidently as fiitred by those competent to Judge on the Fiibjecl, that Da. Avlr's new Viu.h cxcd In high in rd Ira I nrilftry even thai widely celebrated embodiment of his ?kill. He hif Mrcedi'd In ma king them not in'y pJi-ifqi t to take bntpuvvcrful to cure the lurgecbiss ofcomplaints which rcpilre a purgative jemvAy. Lancaster Jttguat cuITiToi HoNCf.DAt.1. Co , Ia., Jan. in, 1850, Mr. Setii Hf. rowu:. Sir; You arc nt liberty to uso tlm followine ttiteineiit rr tbo benefit oT (ho altlicted. I wnsntt.irked Willi the l.ivcr Complaint, which np 1 parently broiiliMuj t thobrlnkol the grave. During my sickness I was Attended by three pliynlelanfc In our j place, but received no help. I alo tried tin'otis remedies recoouncudid for eutli complaints, but they afforded mu no relief. As it Inst resort. 1 was persua ded to try Itlstar's Ualiam vf Wild Cherry, rod hy using , four bottles I was re.tond to bettrr hcallh than I have enjuved beforu Tor ten years. This statement may bo relied uouii a xlrictlv truo. mrrscY rL'Riiv. The above etrtificate irn given in the pretence of Ur, A. Strong, p Jianen'tate, who u well known in hU vicinity as a tuttcatful practitioner, NonegfLiiiineunlesssined I. BCTTSon tho wrapper. KQUALlTiT TO ALL 1 UNiroUMtTY OI' I'tlltinSI A New Tiutcrk ii Kl'sinmh. Every one hia own Sdttttneitt jon ts Ac :o.. Of the Crescent One l'rlco Clotblnj Ptoro. o. 00 .Mirrtet stret t, above Sixth, I'hiladelpliln. I'l addition to having tl;c largest, mo' varied nnd I uMiionable stork of (Jlotlitg In Philadelphia, imde (xpreiiflv fir rttal Falef.ji.ivc ronhtitnteil every our hiown lah'tmnn, hy hiving m-irKed in figure?, no each arlii lo tbo very Iovcpi price It can bo nold for r tbey cannot podbly varv nil immt buy ntik Tim gMHnr well ppoufj amlpreparcd.nndsreni pa mis takiMi with the iuiUik f hat all tan buy wiilj he full a-mr.iure ofiii'itins a nnj article nt the very lowest fir ico. Also, a large itoek of pieco goods liand.of thi I ttst Ft) c and best qu titties, whirl) u ill be made lo order, hi the most f itbionablo and bet manner. 25 per rent, In low credit prlrca, Ito number tho Crcttcuil, hi Market, above Sixth Pireel. No VBO. jovhs t 'o. CrTtinvATTirwiTx mrpAHM-oit an v Vedirinethit will cirul I'll VTl'te HUTUIlKU ri MA GIC Oil. lor the fol lowing disease: Uhi'iinialli'iii, Xeuralftia.Spimt All rrimri, Contracted Joints, Oho'ic I 1'alns. 1'aiiiD in the Hide or Cn' k ,IIeidache, Toothache, Sprains Soro Threat, Cuts Unmet, Ilnrns, kitd nil i diseaf of Un 31(in. .MiHdci anil the (.lindf. None genuine, without iinj Hiimluro of "Pratt it Itutrher" nliailu'd loeaih label, oinco, ,.irM Waibing ton Blreet, llrooklyn, New Yen k. Sold by'c. M. I1A 1 GCNDUCII, UrugiM, Uloointburg. 0"Thla is to certify that I lia-f made hut one appU- ration of the Magic Oil on nOiigers w4iirh have been d avv 11 from ronlrarilo.o of the rords, broiigbt on hy rlieitiiialm. It wa of seventeen months standing, and 1 tun now entirely cured. I cheerfully recommend it Lo nil ltllirtcd hkcwlt-o. J. M FINI1ROOK, 11 Locust street, Harris burg. Au2iist 1 . KV7 VJ A CARD TO TTiTTlTATHjSI Golden FiiENrii Piu.d are infallible in removing stoppages or xrrcgularities ofthe menses. These Pills are nothing new, but have befn uc.l by tlio Doctor for miny yoars.boili In Franco nn I Aineri cn, with mipnradeh d suecers In every rnc ; nnd he U r,-,M,' vnu.v rregnantfiennleii, or those iii'ipoem tlicmfetves $o are cautioned 112'ilnnl ming these IMIU.ns tlnwpronri itor asnniefl no restontiibility niter tho nhovo admi tiiliou, although their m ilones would prevent nnv in jury to health! othcrvviic, theac 1'ilU arc recoiu mended. Dircctloni nrrompny each boi. Trice 1, Pold vvholeaolo pnd retail, hy gcokqu m. iiAGi:nucu, General gent, Kloonitburff, Va, II 0 will supply tlio truJo ut tlio proprietor's prices,, andfcrd the I'll I j to ladies (confidtnttaliy) by mall on receipt ol $1 Hircih the Ulooimhurs Tost Office. ONI2 MICE ONLY ! MPl'INUO'IT it. MUNTCR'a Clothing Warehwjie, toulliWest coniT of Fourth and Mjrket streets, Phil adclphia. The only One Prfeotuothlng Store in America Cash purchasers o( Men's or hoys Clothing, nt vvholcsaicand retail, can here, make their selection fronian ImmenBe stock.of fashionahly cut and well made clothing, got up with a view to gido satisfaction toiill.nndat ery lowest pjsibto Belling price marked n plainllgurcs on every garment, all buynt tho sjino price, and whether they are judges of goods or not, they ran not ho dcclcveri. One uniform low price to abk and take, suilseverybudy, wile the usal motleofaiikins two prices, and taking all that can be ot, suits nobody, andclicatsthree. fourths j for irstance a man askS9ii.iuracoal,andaierward agrees to tale 810, and equally certain, llial ho. would have taken 813, irho could l.ave got It, and thus actually chat lie purchaser out of live dollais. To remedy this evil and establish conn jjnee in the tradu.LU'l'I.N'UOr & CO., il a iiniformbeluw price on alt their coed, (very much blow the usual rntes.) and will nevorvury one cent iiudrany circumstanri's, t3 CALL AND flKGCa At theSotfth Wtst come of Tou'rlh nij Market street hiUtleiphiJ. . . -- IIOitSR LINIMKNT AND OATTLK niHi'ni.MiQ lUHlll.llO, at th0 offico of tho Cl,lumlia ' -AI.IIO- Heeds UUuits, Si.itinuery M.irrM3aX.'ctliJScatc9 a.c , &c COLUMBIA COUNTY aguiuiujTdral society, WILL HOLT) TIIEIB BECONI) v - - M. w tf vi ' I . m A 4r C T,m,,(k n t , no iw W WlM' r - I'rcinliims to Uti Aunnlril as fullnwj! ' .j- --- - Nf). l-IIORSIliJ. nftpTe.-irrliigplioriei (HI lrtnliiatPCrtrringoliorsfS (Kl I Ht-coitil hrt ;i 00 8 roniltieit I 0l lirslpilr Dnifl llnrics M-t '"lt. 3 ynnmoM S (Ml HTiMi't Unal 1 5i a. coliil 1-CKl " I (HI llcst Hlallioti aiMMii'M Colt, 'J yi iirn uUl a 01 Brronl 1 AO Ht'r.oiitl lif-l 1 no Mnro lllll IWt Cull, I yc:ir oM j hi Srrumlh'Kt J AO Hccntiil hnut 10) Oorumitwo. Join K. Vacb, uf CrttcnwouJ, Vrnl id Hrrin,(,f llrinlurk, Henry It Mi-lnktof Haiti, JI, 11, Arthur! ofjlloiini, nnd r.llat Kline, nf t-'cult. no, 2-oxr.N,CA'tTl.f; nc'tlliill,3vri&niiwanl2no2,l b.-.t I on 2ilbel 1 00lletllcirir,llo2yonrfil (10 Hi ll I'm Pleer IOOO.IIioU .'.II Ilrstyoko (lion, 3 'cars lloit boll ralfumlcr I yr 1 1)0 i1"1 Wiam ii ii ,i -r, , ,, lien Milch Cow 21102,1 lirit ' 51 I Cniniiilliec Veal M'Coy. of Madison. Ceo Weaver. ! nl niounshtirg, Daniel Krelirh,tj( Caiawliia, Andrew Frcas and Jacob lllll, of Cenm, NO. 3-811 CCP Ileninnrk 100 Hem 2 fat Wiallicr Ion 2d heal 502dlie,t 50 licit 2 GwcEhcep 1 no lictp'r Iambi, un'r I r I 00 i ueii .in -ii urn ;m ( oinmllteo t) inlet Melick.ol ricntt, Isaac U('i8,or Ccnlrc, iiml Michael 0. Vance, nfOrantie, NO. 4-3WIXn. licit Hoar 1 10 lleil lei Pis. 0 nr more, 2d ben 50 2 lo 10 wtckl old 100 licit Uow 1 00 2d h,'sl 50 2.1 In pt 50 licit I'isSfnolnvcrOnio 1 00 llest I'at l'iif I 00 2d belt Su Coiiiinlttet! Win. flnte, of Creenwnoil, Uvecii , ol Centre, l l.ntn.i n M'llenry. nl Oinnfe, Jim" ph MotMcr, of .l.onluur, anJ Henry llolllnt htud, nf Cam wImiu. N'O 5-I)U(l3. Pest Ncwroilmll-ind llog - 5( I Hhephcrd Dog - - - - 50 " TeirierlJo'i 50 Commltte". 1'iter Itlllnieyer, Thonica and I . W. Ituonc, all of lllooin, ' I NO, 0-POUM RV. Ileal pair IianfhaM 50 licit pair Hacks 10 t.'tiill if niafl 50 Turkeys f'O Cnrlini China 50 (Irrr-o 50 I'olish 50Hcstnnd prenle! variety Hainan 50 Fowls or any kind, 100 tiorklllt 50 ' CommilteoUilaii C. l'nler,nf Prnlt, Sith tl. now- man, ni nriarcreek, anil Aiiren unwell, of urntif;.!. no. 7-oit.M.v ami anAta aci:i)S. i'.esl llnsha I ol While Wheat 2(H) SIX) I 00 do Meditcraii'-un do live - - - do Cur u Cais iCmiiii) do do (Yellow) 50 do do (White) ft) do Oat - 50 do llucUvltf at ... do 1 biuliel Clove! Seed - - 1 00 do Ims-hel Timothy tVed . 50 Ctiininiltee. (JetUL'e Y out. of Monlour. 2.imtn r.m. mett.ol Hemlock, Jobn llnrtman, of C.itnwisaa. Reese ivi. t.cK, 01 nriarcreek, nnu Jloriieica ihcka.of Centre no. e-cttniiN am mucu ruuir, wincs, &c. Ilcst 1 husbi't Winter Apple j 51 !est 4 btifhet Kail Applet! - - - 0 llest epecimrn IVarn 50 do IMuins - - - 50 do Tenches - - 50. do (iuinccs - - - - 50 do C'ooborr 09 - - - 50 uo iirnpii Dett difplav nfdiir.fent kind of rrults liest peck of I)il d Apple - - - - 50 do do IVuclita - - Best quarts Dried Cherries ' do do f Stoned J - Bet 1 quart Dried lluckc.hcrrtait - Unst fuiiipb; Ciirrtnt Wine 5o Committee. John A. Iiiutn,nf Mndlon Reubci nr,... l,.. .III. ...I... I- A 11. f I n. . I I, ' I xo. tt-vi:r.nTAixs. , It'tbush Mrci r Potatoes 50 1'-esl aosen Carrots fi do Cummoti 50 iJot dozen Pnrmii ps CO llest 1 bushel Bvveit " 501!et 1 bushel Onions AO Itctt b.iinple 11-mn 5ultfst ;it;qo.isbes Ail ) do Peas 50 llehl .limde CLlerir M llest doz ti'd Cabbage 50 !ebt Vnk Tomatoes 50 1 Pest 'J I'ompklns 50ll'8l Sample Cliinee Iti-st diiKiin lb eH 50 Cniiii 50 1 llest I Inish Turnipi 50 j Com in life. J. Iteitrirk, nfMontour, Samuel Crk.of no.irincruek.iiMl John Darner, of Locust. I NO. 10-llOI AND DAI KY PKODCCTS. J P.CFt Duller, 1 pound and llifi npeeim n Pu klc 50 I upward 50 do PrenTves 50 Ilett Cake Cherro, not lb st (iuart Appb buiii r 50 (ftihiii 10lb4, .loilrm J-irPir.uio'd noney ,'0 lie-1 Lonl Win; ut llread (Ui'nl Sample loni-y Comb do Ilye liread 5C nut h-im ihau .1 iha. ' 51) Rest Hpoime C.lho .HI lli'ft rnred limn 50 Ib'st Piiiiud Cake 50!eit Sample Dardonp 50 lh'bt Vrltlt ouko 50 do yollloao 50 tle-u Spi e'u Prtiii J.-tly :y r ' '' .Mrs 1.. Ij. 'I'p, Mim Marv TaJitter. Mrs II. C Dower, John C Pieezi, Csq. and A'Mud limn, all ol liloom, NO. 11-llOMi: AMU IIOUSmiOIiD Mi;t'ACTUIti: llet pit.i o Chilli, Aj'th IJi-tl pair Line 11 Hhn t 50 or inoro 2 1V) do Pilow Ciuim AO I!ei cj it iit 1 no t:,n r-hi -t 511 It ft CoiintcipninQ 1 UO Ib-bt Under Shirt 5t' UitPuir l!lanket I oolU-Ft pair Yam Dose An Dot i5.uupf Carpd 5 do Mil ten a '.'i ' jlir U and 111(1 10 I Oi) do Cloven Ad IJeft Coverlet I lid Comiiiiitie, Jepe I'oteiuin, nf Oranjo, Itamnrd I'u port of (jlooni . .Mrn Jaim' Ka'Kti 11, of Irondjlo, Mr. l'etr Dnl, of liilit atrei;, aid Mis Harriet Ilasman, 01 Centre 1 no. n-isADina1 wouic and plowlks. Hen Taney; Co vi r Alt 11 ml di.lny ttmd Work 50 Ch.tir Cover " lo 'iMIchet Work Brut iS i m il u JsJinn or Viiw Mat 5g llekl Hlitrt Cillirs und do r.uicv Kmltiiii; Ml do lliuliroiilery U do Natural l'lotvcrs 50 do Att'lkhl ' SO liosouis do wui rnut, tic. Comnnltee. Mrs. Win Onndriih, Mrs. 1. V. Hart- man, .Mrs .Morris Van nu.kiik. .Mrs. .Morris tiluau. and Mrs 1. V. .M Kmi, III I nl lllaniil NO. i:i-ri.ouu. Ileal S.VT le Wheal IMour, io lb. or moro I 00 .in so do lliickwheul 1 50 do Com " 50 Cnniinltlec John I.eeitett of I'nie. J.icuh .Vcliclc. Jr., ol'cult .and J. K. rilininless, oftpuvviisa. NO. U-AUIUCULTUR.M. IM1'LR.MUTS. Uest I'luw U 00 lle.t Thraah'g Machines 00 'Jd In st J uu llisl bep.iralor & titraiv lleil Cultivator lull lilmler 1(0 .M Iml 511 li t Il iyJt Slraw Cutler I 00 Hen Harrow uu lien corn t nuiier l iiu llest Holler 1 till IS.'Kl I'.l lllllns .11 ill loo lleil Side lllll Plow 1 tllllesl Stump .Machine 100 llest Corn Tinnier 100 llest A: must niimi'ioiis Hi st Hiiih: It.ike 100 cidlectiiin urAsncul. :ebt llraill Cluillo 1 l0 turn. Implement. '.'O'l Cniiiimlloo. Jiulah lloune, iintlooui. Win II. Wood. til, of ll rwiik, and 1.1 la. He tru Ii. nr.Moulniir. r.u i.i-iv Auu.n . Li.iiiiti.ii. 1.0. nest 2 horse Wasmi -J Oil 2.1 bell 1 00 Vd best 1 00 But 0,ien Pujy 1 00 Hist t! hor.o Cjtii.igc 2 10 llest Bleish I ll'l Mil InTt 1 00 llest 3 horso Bled 1 Oil llest I lore Cnrilage 2 llllle.t sirmi!lruck nnsonl 00 Cu'iiuntti'O Jacob Arnvvitie, uf Montour, tfaiuucl Kihiier, of.Madisuu, ami liuac Kridei, ol liriarcrttk. NO. IO-M.NUI'ACTUI!i:il ACT1ULU3. lit lltrlilm. llest Sperin-fcll C.'ibiui'l Woik - - 2 00 Mt'i.t lliiuulel Suit Carriage Harness - - 2 oil 111. I Single Hett do - - 1 Oil llit-l;oii llarneis - - - - I 50 11.-st 2 Cairr'kihslili.hed - - - 100 llesl2Klndkllis do - - -100 Ue.t 2 Hides Harness Leathtr - - 100 do Sole l.e.llh'r - - - 1 00 do Upper l.ialUcr - - - 1 oil nest pair lloiftu Shoes - 1 "0 Ileiluriihhiug lloe - '50 llest I d..i I'jiuy Chairs - - - -loo Uest Dress Coat - - - - 1 00 llest Vest ------ 50 Uest pair Thick Boots - 5" do Ca'JiiMn Hoots - - -100 do 1, 'diet' Kid Shoes - 0 Cominitlee.-D. r. r'urlinr. of r'niikhn, P. Ileavcr, of Caiu ls.i. Joseph Con ucr, of ci nlre, Joseph corrcjl, ofllclulock, and Joieph lllcks.ofUriartritk. NO. 17-MANUKACTUUEU AHTIULnd. 2d Vulilon. licit Churn ----- 50 Uest Cheese Press - - - - 50 Uest Waihiiig .Marlilnc - - - u0 llest Wau-c!i Cutler - - - 50 licit dispbiy of Coopi r Wars 50 Ileal :i Corn Haskell - - - fo Uest 3 Hand llaskcts 50 llest Uee lllvo - - - - 50 llp.t I'nrlneStnvo HO llest Cooking Stove anil Trimmings - 100 llest Crcateil Vnrlciy 'Pin Worn - -150 llrul Knerimell Wood anil Iron IcACC - 1 00 llest Gale lor llarn and 1'icld Uso' - 1 00 llest I doz Com llrooins - 50 Ileal M.-imiilu 1 dux llrifk do Pit Metal - - - 50 Committee. JjIiii Keifi f Catattlssa, Jacob Kos teuboder.of rruukiin, nnd Iram Derr, of Jackson. ' NO. li-.MANUrACl'UItCD AKT1CLU3. 3d irlsen. Heat and largcit variety oflienlal Work 5 no T do i'o Marble do 2 no do do Udt'u 'Pools I 00 do do Hirlheu tVoro Cnimiutten Dr. A P. Hitler, of (Irfehwnod. Ill l II Tot. of 1,1)11)11, Dr. j. A. Wilson, nf llcrwicrf, Josi.ih Ulultll, uf Scott, and Or J. K KobhintotC i wiwa. , no. pj-noMr.sric sun aim, .c. I Uest 2 pounds Sugar from China SugarCdno SO no minim puiiar ou nutuarisrup uomfninas.u so I 1,11 .Mupio so I c,imillee.-Mnnln llupert, nflllooro, Win 1'l.her. ;iurffH.&aft''M M). SO-Pl.OWlNll MATCH. IK. I p owing, regard lieiuit hud to tliu skill of unrkiiien unl discipline of K-uuis und cxvcutiou ' of Hid wolk, ns well ris limn nr fit hit J il M jS.ltiwt - M 1 CWuiltten Jicnh Urnmlrf Motion , Ml ntni Ktiiirj ofFithtiiSCirek, anil llh Mmdnilnll nfUeMoii, luscitrriON'Auv rpii'iiu.Mrf, CommiUeo-tjiutton llnj(lic of Denton, AOnna Colt) I f of Htigark),i(, Tli on ins 11 Uvea of (JrecnwooJ, t4tU , Bctiu)lcr of M.iljfioii, n "il Win. M.i Hit uf (Irtr nwoutt. INflinUOTlONH TO COMMirTpLjJ In wlthoM Iha ,rVnilum II tile a. iimrw 11 on xtUm Tha (Join ml Urea will It nv rilHcretloniryitnwnr articiu iniuiu-u ii not ntufrrtlnnnrv nrrmlum uitl nwnril micli prenilnm tin tlicy may ttiink pm'i, oi arncip not rrovnicn wr in inn at ncr.ii ("rnrutiuM :l. T'" "'-". n.'o "" coniiMiiiiii, win mnktt 11 n point to In on III' grtniml n mity lis iniMlb'i. , nn Hit aruiiul (ley not Iiiht tlinn liin'rl(ick,nl which ll tin tfmir tin hip a will lui rnllnl Imi. II... .iiti.l. nn.l iiu" t'"1'' will bo rnlicd Immi tli-ialaiiJi ond ttiry will In! i'jMi"ctcd lo nrii''ard lo IiiiIiph. A, I Ito Chtimtnii of tno dlflrent cnmmilter art ro qi'lr.l to bund in itflr report an tail n im-fl.te, nnd nut litfr Ibin'io'clork, Th irciiiiiinia will beuw.irdvd hy tltv rr'B)d'!iit tit a o'ct.tclt, p ni, KRUULATIOH, 1 All nrttflrg ftrcnifipnthloii miHl hj on I In frnud uy Kiociorn.n in., nnu m iio liock, n ni.. l it com mlt ip will irici-f Inrxniiilnr nndawnrdlhepfrmhim". 'i Allltfllrii'd (ibibitud milrt rt'lli.lhi on llin trtruitirl I until 4 o'clock, p. in , and on nil occntions will bo ro turhrd to (lie oxliildtor. mikxi othrrvii! directed. 3, IJauiioi. All Uf ilclptirxhibilcd, wbrtbi r ealnblM or niit.iiiust IfreFniflidiip private pro) crly and nny pcmnn di tci ted In purloining or Injuring tb tii, ill bo ili ll w Mb iiu-ortilnc to Ijiw. t. AW urticto11trid lor loium HUmi, mnt he owned by ihi'coinpf ll tori id I Jfiifl, vi'pi l.iUM'i, flow er, i tc , inuslb Ibecrowtbitl the rompctitorf, mnl u iiiiiiiiiIjc tnreil nrticb nn.rt haiebt in n mli hy lhi compi tiiurs. !i Lvcry corn pet I lor lor prrinnjinx, muit hf n rpnidtut orColiimhiaconiity. lint pi-rnona fromoilu r Uounlies 3 ninyiiav 1110 1'tivi icg-oi unnj t nnri cirsonrxiiiuiuoii, on tbep'tj uienl ulan enl ranee lee ol 1'illy Cenlii. sn:ciAL Noncn. Tin nmnunt tci red fiir meiolierOitn to the Society Is FinvCcNifl. io Imbicou ro-oper.itlon of the people rf Iho whole county, UieHoclf-iy Imp Itsm-d n riumlMir of Ct rtlltc'ilevniid plated ibrm Into the bands or the icIhiwiogti-iHicd peraunKln the iliHercnl p.irl of the County, who fire authorised to prnnl Ihfiu to such ns may pay I In In Hint ion le In In thfir bnnds, to wit ; ItliMnn. Lli Carton; Ib-rw Ick, U1104 Towlcr ; Ventoii, Ull Mendenhiill; Heaver, Isaac Divli 1 Catavvifra, Jdm Keillor; Cen in. Gilbert 11. fowler, I'tsbiiifiereek, llcury Itittenbt'iidrr ; L'runklin, U, 1. rorltfr; tireeii' wooif, Ulllia llnjinin J lleiiilock, kylreMer I'lirsellt Jackson, Theodore Smith; Locust U.ivi'l Itflnbild; Mltllin, W'm. I,. Rrown; Monlotir, Kllas lleltifck; Maine (Icorcc Bhilinnn! Madison. Ufiibpii W'iliion! Mount IMpani, J II. Vpnder'tice : Oranpn, (Jporgc V.liOtt; rinotJnineaMasteM; Harln?creek. Hamuul iak i ouKbDi'iii, itnarrw i,nuuirn; Dtou, j nomas Ore v litis, nnd likewise ol the President This Cirtiilrnlp not otilv coimilinics Hie owner a member ofthe Columbia Comity Society, for one yi nr. hut lie ml ties himself and family tnntleed the Pair withmilextra cliatet, and lurthT r Ihivv him a privilege cl bringing urn articles on exhil itlou is lw may uiooie, vviijio'uauy mrincr payment of ctdraiicc fro. 1 hl opportunity bowevrr, will onlvconHnnc unto too 15th ol October, 'lliote iml inibraclntc Itanterlor to thitdite, will b re-iolred to abide by the raits, both lor rnlr.iuretif.irtirlesatid ndmlsicti to the Fair Mat nan uti tutopttu nt mat time. PAM'.MOV JOI1V, lVfc'r Dloonisburg, l'a .Pi-pt.. lUth 1W7. Ilnacrs, Drnot and Tlaster mils, AT Tllti JUNCTION Ol' York Jivcnue, Crown and CatlowMtl Zticcts, PHILADELPHIA. WB offer a large idnck ol Clu-mlcnl Manures and Feitillzers at low ttrires. nnd vvarrnnied to be dp nn inn : n motor u IiilIi will br fnuinl tout) tons iv o 1 lioverumcut I'emvtan liuano. iouutons ueiiurs's jo. 1 wuperpiiospn.ite ot i.imc. 1 The above staudird nrticlea are. rsih of their kind. 1 tho best In the world I Our Land P last 1 1 manufactured 1 fro-n select"!! ftone, is een orated throughout the Union tnr lm itiiril v nnd nl rnliPt h. ' WC INVITE ORDHRS FOR Do Uurns No. 1 Huperpboipbate of Lima No. 1 Government Peruvhn Guano, Trench's Improved Huperpbo?phate of Lime. French Philadelphia Pondrcttn. No. I Phosphite Guano, l'hllad'a Co s) Metkan Guano, (A) Ultra La pater. Ordinary Land PlaUnel, Chemical Hone, Pure I '.one Dust, I'iih Guano, Ground Charcoal, 10 U00 barrels 1 and Planter. A.tKiO CnftiiiK Pl.iter. 10 000 Hydraulic Cement. AAl'Hi True Roman Cement. I.ihjij Portland (Dngllsh) Cement. ALSO Dontlrs Platter. Powdered AnthracitoCoal inbbU iStereotvin- PtatT, Powdtrt'd Uitui-inotu Coal ' Gl.isn .Makers tlo Ground llrown'gtonu " Ground Siap Hionc, u tl t tt Sand " do. White M.irhle. Ground I'.rlcks for Painters do. lllue Mirble, Ci1emir.1l Done Dut n:i;i n. riciiaud &. co , S'enin Mills and Farmer Dcp'it, At junction vf York Jlctnut, Croan and CaihirkUt Sts . 1'lltLAUL'LPIIIA. pi'pt 12, l.'.7-gm CHEAP STORE. SPUING AND SUiAI3IEU GOODS. riH K undorsiffDcd tal;c ploasurH in an J nouncln-r lo theireuHoni r uiul tbf publn peiiT ally, lhatthey irive lust lereived, at the Lime Ridge Siore u choice a&Borliiient cf Spring and Summer Goods. Comprising every arucle usually kept in Country fcMrre. v hirii biveltin feletted Willi caro, nnd will be iodd nt very low pi -ec for ready pay. rotiBiiting of n lartv ariety ul 'utl's,X'as3inieH, Delaines. Drazcs. C.1I1 oe, &c. X3r Country prnilnre taken I n exchnngr for goods Give tiii a call. None need go away dignified. o. & o. hOW, Lime Ridiri!, March 23, IM7 NEW' GOODS. SPRING AND SUMMER 01? 1657 3 ho und,lDedl raielul for fur incr B Mhenl patroimse, rupecifut ly lufcrms hia friends and cuxtomers In gent, that hi has roin; nu'iiced husiiief sin his rpnnoiis Now Store House next door to ItPinh tihuuiairs Hotel, where lie lias just received, nlullsupply of SPUING AND UMMEU OOOD3. contprisln-ivery v.iri'ty of fashion, iiualiiv a n d tyle usually Kfpt in the hi-si stored, Croirii',(luiiiceunre Hardware, i'ian. a.ii. II its, Cap . Hoots, Mioes,&c., which will hu sold on inc Terms. XZT Cram and p-cdure tf ail kiudvv nted, A & S. AiNDUEWS. M invil lo. March W7,y 1 NKW DUUa STORE. nxciiANci: in.oui;, main sthuet, TIIH iind'Tiznen would respect fully in form tits friend and th p iLihr aenur&Hy. he has purchased I)r Teirgvl's liniaii(l Chemical Store, nnd Just returned from thecity with u large. md tclucl stock, consisting ol Frcslt and Pure JJntgs, Medirines.ClienncalK.iireuud it nd whole.Spicen, Taints, Oil, Varnlehes- DvePtufls Window Clastof nlNizes, mpi'i her with n cnmpletenfportmeut ol Taint, Tooth ami Shaving llrus lies, Tobacco, Scgars.I a ir)ij'jaiis,tjhav lug Lreain. Purn Wines aod Rrandics, For Medicinal ueP,Uif;liAh, L'reiicliand Annrlran Per funiery in short, every aillnlekejiliiy Urn f gilts gene rally I3 Prescription smrefuttv compounded . N. Il Tim Dental FB-tKtnov, will hu continued as iifiialfn Itln imslmrp nnd Iisht direct. AIo.'.i full Jisortinunt ol tho latent stylo Teeth for sale by UUU, ill . IIAUIiUUUIl, lloimsbtirg, Fcli runry 1, 1H57 13LOUMSRURG 1300K STORK. MM undersigned respectfully announces ttiathe ro uti nues he Uloomtburg Hook Store and Stationary V.staMhment, l,it ly cmolucted by herdereased hdshaud. Mijor Clark, in all ih-ir various brnurhes, nt tho old staiidjn Jie Fhanse l!ui idinpg. Ilrt-tdoor 'Uastof the UzMiantre Unlet, ntidhuviua replenished her establishment with a choice sjork ul A'cio Books and Stationary, she Is prepared to (commodate, all who may givo her a call hi In r line, ALSO. Tho Restaurant Saloo'ts, hi the basementof the above n0i.niiiihuifiit.uil in continued as usual tiv llio nh. scriber, vvliera tho public can nt all times Lhj Fiipplied j Willi IHO ClH'lCeSl HEVEROOi-" "-nuan.ST8, Sliril as MineraU.Mrsnpnrilla, Heor, Alc(&c. Hardines, Spiced nnd Pickled Oy ters, Pickled Claim, tie. trVThe public custom is respectlullv t-ol cited. w CAUOMMI CLAIIIv, SuMr to Jcts O. Clark. nionnnl.urg.Mayg.lP.'i7 TRUCKS I TRUNKS 1 1 Till! I.AIinnST. I1RST li.iiidsnmeit and rheaptst as snrlment ol tiolo Leullier. So'id lltvt ted riuiFKUyn tiwxks, VAI.IHr.'TIM'Mrs. "5 juHcs' fluid .V)rt7VnU - Cllll.llUr.N"H Ct).Clll:rt. Propellers. I.eatlitr and Carpet llas, Packine Trunks. &c, &.C, at 1I1JMAS W. MAITPON'S. Cctebrnled I.nndon Prize Medal, luipiuved leil Slililti;. Solid Hole I,enther Trunk Maniirrt lory, mi. icu ma iik i:t tiii:i:t. Houtli west roruer Poiirtli an.l .Maikct, Plilladclpliit, . l3Ut H5T-tr K. i7oiwio, Manufacturer and U'hotcja'e Dec'er in ClMlAII, U'OOI) .1X11 U'llsLOtr H'AKi:, ID JL D M 3 y CI.OCKH I.OOKINtl l.'I.ASrilW. COKllAlir., Oil, Cl.tlPIIS. IIIIL'HIICH WIMlOW HIIAIlUS. At! X... SM Nottli TIIIKU Street, 'iit u jf bttovi the City Mr. AugJ t oi PlMLADCl.t'lllA SWAN & CO.'S LOTTJIUIIJS. Xl'.ty AKO nillUAANT ICUF.V1S Caplial I'rizo $03,000. Tim lolliwlng Brliimi will Ii, ilrnwn l.y H. I,ivk k Co.. Mnnnvrt nl tlm I'nrt (lainuf llnitfri't In incli nf Hielr LnitirlQ fur Ortuni r, JtJ-7 iit AtJttlJMTA, (li'tircln, in ivliltli cliy tli.'y Imvc rimovtxl lln'lt Olllm. CLAF8 t. To bo drawn In lli fily nr Aimiwi.nrnrrih. in .iililic, on SjuiriMr. Ocinii r J.l, I H17 l-LAPd .17. To bo dnwnln l!in rllynl Ansnr.t' piiblrr, .in niiuiiu.iy . ijcin'irr lulu. iryl. (I.ABdSS, To be drawn In tho rily if AtiC(i-l.n,f'tnrclti, In nuMla 1,11 yiliifilw f 1 r,t. t- I'M, un Sutnnlny, Ociob'-r IJtli, Jt7, LliAHS in, To bo drawn in lhi rrty oi Auanjiin, rtrttrpla. in publir, on H.ilnrJay. (w t 'illli, Ia.j7, IfArtrt to, To be drawn In tlm rllynl Aiiiula, (Jeorfia, In pub lip ' in riiturdny, Orlolc-r II'bi. ItJl?. on Tin: i-JiAN up HiKfitj: ncmhcks. Vice 7toutatid Four IJundrtU and JAntty Hvt l'rtt$ t i n , ... vi.. M':i. ealy OllU J'llZO to CVCry iSlllO llCtctB. jimoa-wc;:.v' fciiF..:ir.i Til UF I'ltAM N B A TDK II A V IN OOTOIICKI ' r. a c ii I I'rizeof I $1.(1,110(1 I i I'rlzes of v . inn i 12 000 I 7,ni,lll 5 line 3.500 l 100 lllll I, .'ilill l.nno 230 j iVUrfl,jin')Aitrux'tiij tu (K ihtiiTizftarc sirno I i . I urn I i.;ni Mill 1 4 4 4 4 soon 121 I I'D 7 imi .nnu 3 :,n I 1,400 4.IH :m i'i , M'bObU I Vii bru .ItO. Prizes ntnmwiinj In , wiiuli; Tn;Kni'3 sni; halves mm &n. ( wi.ora ' Plan of the Lottery. TlioNumbcrs Irnni I to So 000, cotrcinnntllnir wl'b llime Nuinbcls on the Tirkot prll'tf d nn fiMinlp ilip ol piiu'r . nr cnu relet wild siuull tin lubis anil pUfetl in ciiii Vl tied ino mil St., I ri7.i", illilll riy priimn mu innr' cled, are pheed In unolhtr wheel. The wheels nrn then revolvid nnd a mimbcr Is drawn from the vv In tl 1 1 Nniubi r r.rd n the wime tlnn' n Pri.p lit 1 rnwn from the oiher vv JteH I hi Number and l'rir.ei'ravn out are opened and exhibit cd to the tiudierc't and regitf red by Die Ooa mis inlinra; tltn I'ri it liointr n tin nil nr;il ti tit lltf 'lllt.!xl drnvvn. 'Ihis r i i ration U repeated unlli all lint 1 Prizes are diuu o out Approximation J'rtect Tlie two piffO(Ui3 nnd th; ' two nuLtefdini; iVjiii'if rs to those drawinff the Hut I 7 Prizes wit be tntillut to the ,H Approxltnati'tn Trkes. For rxaniple: II Tiilf tNo. lly.iO draw tbo SrojiPO Priyc.tlmn: Ticluts miuib'Ted ll.Sli', II 1'J. ll,lJ5), 11.'.', wil rnrh beenlitltd lo CK0. If 'I No. 550 draw a the 'i.ooa P ixe, tbore Ticketa b(.red54", .140 Sal.55i willfh I mithd tu C3lKt, and so on accord! nn 10 the above 'tlicuie. Tup 15000 Prizes cf ?-") will be, iletermHif d by the last figure of the Number tint draws the 10 100 Prize. For example, 11 the Number draw Ira tbo guUOb Prize ends with No. 1, then all Hie Titkil. where the Nuirber tndu, jti l.w Jt bo entitled lit Slju If the ' Number end with No 2. then all the Titktt where the Number cnaa in S n III be entitled t , and so on to 0. , Cerlillcntr ol Put Kngm w ill be told ct the ft Hew Ins rate, u hit h i 1 1 . , uir - Ccrtlflnteof Pu(k gV"rd 10 Whole Tickets, 010 1 u no iu 1 1 ill 1 uu i do do 10 Hutrlcr t'o 0 do do 10 Lisbth do Jt) IN ORDHRING TICKI7IS Oil LXR'I IFCATri?, Unclose the moiit) to our addrmllir the ilrkeH ordered, on receipt of wJnrb tiny wil' be furvvarili d uy nrsi man. rurritasersran navo ucheis cuumg in nnv fliuie thev tinv ilcBlinnr The ListofDriitMi Numlirr" nnd will bi sent lo nirchr.scrs iiiMiifdiatcly after the driivvins. Turcli.iFcr will pfm; writ" thei r finnan res rlain, a idcive tticl r Tost nifitc Cotirtv nnd Hiale. Rpmenilior that evi ry Trize is drawn nnd pijiible in fu II without di duitlon. All Tnt s of QlUwunnd under. pvidlmmedLtetynOer thi drivvmj-oilier Tikes at the usual tine of thirty davs. All romni mirations Mrtctty rorfidenti il. Address ordtu for Ticket" (.r Ccrtificnle to 8. PWAN Jt CO ,ujff, da. Tcrsnns resnlins near Montcomerv. Al'i. or Atlaii'-n, fa..cnn hnro Hiclr old-rfi lillid. und favo linn', hy addrerhig rt, wni t In at eith. r ofthoe etiies. K3" A llslol l'io numtiers that nro drawn from the wheel, uiiti tin- amount of iho prize earlt one h entitled to will ,. nulilihed alter every ihnulng hi the follovvim aprrs : Xtv) OrUans Jlrltn ,MotUr Pe filter, Chirlefton itand&rd,' Jfiuhcille flaztttr, Atlanta Intclttgeueer, Xcio York Weekly 7Jay look. Sattnnnh Jiiornxng Aens Kichmond IHpaUh, Xito York hi'patth and Paulding (JIUss I Clarion Sept 2d. lt-57 MEW VOUK L1?i Tim CAMIin.V AN'U A.IIIIOV KAILROAO AI rHII.rMJHM'IHA ASH 1 1tUVJO.V UAILUU.UJ COMlANVfl I.INCS. From Philadelphia to Xtta York, tad 1J'of rjrc Lenve ni follows 'tz : ' i'Ar-c. At I A. M , rout Kensington D"pot, via Jersey City. Mail ?! At (i A. M.. via Cbiudrn and Jrisry Cjly, lw Jerpcy Accnmmoi'niioii At 0 A . M via Camden tin t .tntry. Acroiuino.ti tion 'i At 7 A M.. via Camdtn nnd Jery City, Morn- inc situ a At III A. M hv frnoih nt Tri'iifui, via Tacony and Jersey L'ltv, Morning I.pre s 3 Al2l'. M, via C.imdtn jiim! Amoy, C.undA. Cnres , 'J At JS 1'. M , via Cijnjdiju and Je'sey City, Kventi 2 Mail 3 Als'lF M . via Camden nnd .rnljny, Aico'iiaiO ' datioti, 1st (;Is 2 At .1 1. M , via Camden nnd An boy, Accommo dation, Stl ClaJ 1 At ti I. M. vii (.'ism h'li and Amboy, Accommo dation, ut ci.itfl : ,' 2 At (j 1. M., vii Cniml.jn art Amboy, Accnnimn- ion 3d Cl.m I The 5 V, .M huo ruiinduily. all oih'ju. Sundays ex ec pled, Isxpirsi Line (itnp nt th prlucijnl sta'l m ottlv. Tor Ilflviilr-re Hantou, I"liiii nto ii . .c . .it ti A. M. and 4 1'. M . Inint Walnut tirei t v U;tf. For Wnl r Grip, iioiidsbiirs Hit int. n M'tlrindinrr", Montroe, (If nt 'It nd fee, ni i A. M , v ia UjI.iw are, Ioickiivv iiina at Wesiern itnilronil. For Frjilnld at ti A. M.and i l M. Fur Mount lloliy at 7 A M.. and St nml I. M. WAV LINIH For Itrislol.Trrnion, &c , nt and 1 1'. M. WAV MM! For Taimyra. nTrrocr.s, lh v i r'y. Uurlinjton, P-ir-deiitovvu, tit .nt .1 V M. WAV MNR For Mount Ilotty, liurliugtou an I Way S.aiions at 5 l M . Steamboat Hi Ii id Ftockiusi for IliirlinatoT and Hri toj at 8 A M and f.r i:rd'nttiwn unl mlt rmediate plates JtSl I'.AI. fieninboit Trei ton for Tacony nt 10 ami 11; A M. and 4 V. M., nnd for llurlintnn nnd nrittol ct 4 P. M AH lines, otitj I I A M , havo Walnut st. wharf tryiVly I omnirt ol hizsiiL" onlv allowed e;iri pi- senu'er, I'a'H erarepronilnud troiu t.ikircan.' lone ns liaitiiaEO hut their wtitntt nj'plirel. All U.njs.tun over r.lty poiinili n Ii'1 nnl lor extr-l. I lie Company limit their res .nnsihillly fur h-irsitjie to one duliar per pntino, nd will not bo halite tor any union lit beon.I SIhO, except by special cott'riet IV.H II. ti.VPZMCIi, Asent, I! t A I It CO. MOItltl.l.l., Acent, 1'lnl.i Tr. P. P.. Co. II II. Btca,15-7 ALLKX & NKKDIiBS' SUr F.KI' llOSF I1.1TF. OF 1.IMF.. I 1AUIION. Uo particuldr lo obsorvo Vy that evi-rv Inrrel of our nrlicle Ins our name and that of I'otxsSf Kteu branded on the tida 1. This Cafio is renderid necessary, cs tli'-n am s t many nrtieb's of doehtfitf va'Ul fciild under I h itamo of Snuer-Phosvhate tf time, a to iuil-ad Uaa iviu am uiricieaiated iiiU i thevalue. of a cnNt'iM: Ar.Tici.t:. i Trice S 13 per WRU Kit. di c-nt p r lb ) A liSeral de(!uctloi( iiiailo tu deal rs. L'rihrs l- r i.blc j FtrtiLier atti ndi d to pnnipitv Faiitdilet ill ni-nhnii: it. nnd the n.o V nf upptji t;,can be ind trauntously , nt our stores, or l nml vv lien d sired. it has no superior as n Mitntire (nr ll i.a i . li,, w i and nil other crupa ru inlrinp n i(i"r(!n ;iuA I.AST1VC Fl 11 I'll. 17.1 It. proilrirjnfT not only it heavier yield o'(1ram tbnu Ptru vian Cuaiio, hut tttfiuH'g the trau to support the head. CIU.-S eUVM rarely fails lo tiil.o will where our l'hophalo is applied to tchtat land. FACIFiC)CCAN CLA0-We haven small ninn- ity still in i-t'-ro, l?II MANUItU-A winn'V nf Ihii valuable n rtkte lor s.uc. rneo pan per :wj ns tu renis per Iti.J no. i uovnitMicNr Pi; uvi.ri cuAvof.r s-iic at the lovvett rate ttJThn leading Aerlcutlurol .'nuriils nnd i vvpa pi'rs aro regula '.ly ilkd ut tiur v-lhrc lor (h-'ut-eol l'ar iiiers. Coods rnn he loaded it iithrr limit id our Wan hoiiH'M Fu ilium iiio iti iiiuuif-ud- d lo drivo t Waiet I blre e nml avoid Un i n wdi d Wlnrf Ampb' ia i'lln-s 1 aro atfordid In luu;;ni; vvavus mid attending to th 1 l141'1 .... tin. ','3 ftonili WInrves. &- 1 Ho-iih Watr ft , 1 si torjiiivo Chevtimtsl., flulaJa Alport 1, 11 H'li rowDKiiri'oYvDKun mill; undrrsipncil having nociaied ttgUher, undot X the turn and sili of lliirsrl Jacoby Wilt conn into the Criarrrctk FwiUff U'tunesa In nl is'ilel ai iiH't.t. 13. . PURflClM J. O JALiiiU . An? IS, I&7 SHARP NOTJ0K. IX pirponi In hhted to thi flnn of liar' man h llowvr.ari- h-n-liy notltd lo lull 4i)J si'Mlu t a same a nd tav cofI . IIAtirM W I'niVFU. AlhO. Hli""i' i" b tit ' ru'iut-iti-d tocjiiaua F nv u tv u ' ti r, lit, wr IIAUPMV vm 1 eun 1 POSTSCRIPT. i 1 a(?,;'r'"' r AUOUSI'A, Oct. 0, 1937. 'I lie Klccllnu to d.iy piwctl i ff nulct'yi ni'i.but litllo incitement. ,J. 0. I'P.nwN, Deni 4o.t ocrat, clos'cd Governor by lJ,f)00 nmjor njii;i(? Congressional Jclugitlon Iclicvcd also to be I-Cinocrniic, DIl'I.OMA AWAVDKO Ptt tt-e VtitTtfulroiiltl Flnlr JTgrttvlntil tfHrtperd bv irre'ml trttnty urhUe. fn VnhLVM t-IUKVI I-IUJ) CO , for thttr Vrtctra'fd I'rgetrlU CrtTTLll I Utl'HEIt jionecH " iOIl !lntse, it Is nn Invaluable r 1 incdv for the rurc . und p cvemion ol all i'i(-i-s Inctiieut 10 tbo unlii'i atiimil. mt . !)itcntper CtoilH. 'i'lirey, Fpi rt Fm tul.i, i'l'd dlinsr, Lin-.'P. It'll Greii'e, Gnot'4. Inflanui ntion, Jauudir', Kinnrv d wases. I Gl ntders. Tine k L"?s. IJiJ'tmuJ Ii'.ijcrr Vtv l ClreM In Liuicr. Sulfeil, rs tttrngl.t Hair iVurms, Hon s. a e, I FOR VUAT CA1TLM In J-Ulit'lre, Yi'lby,i, ilovrn or Rlr,vn, I'b ody I Uriic. HmI U'ifr, .Vnrrlan linf.frn.i, LorsofAii pi'iit llinrrluet or lim si-m s , lleui nmyoi,'. olf in jib! Toll. IN) How Morn, lliuoily .Milk. IMood dUe.ise, Luaa if Milk. , rnn notfl. In Swelled Vrrk. Poles in th' LiVnr. Atcrstrs in 5!',1' '"!,?;, tbo Lines, Ulrirs of tbo 4Jvvtl!, 'ams if Cranipi. No farmer rhoitld be w ilhtit it a einsle dtv : It I hi thect-tii cbor lm il)f an- t.l his Hoik. It InriMisttt tbo anion nt of mtlk. buiier n'td tat in ji.ahb titumntt. tro:u nmnurt ol fond ui Itavt IiTji itt to W per tent. s tlif etpi rli lire ol (Mr til Old) Harm t. Ii 1 have und H w Ht let-lify at nny thin t ANimimi u dw 1 iM'ovrt'v i CATTLli LINIMENT. Ci.niiidli v any otl. r l.lulnehi or fnibrocntlon e vi r jti I w it to tin' wo rlil. It w gnuj f.-r the fol low intr ilMttiM 11 :nl ban prov d itn-li in ttt- hard of ibiiu J'Jidfi 1 1 fairn i", Inroii ikui.iI Ujte prrpnetors to tia id a t vt hi it ( 1 1 In- kind ever oflVr d to tU pi 11 c vm: enru: U.mxi A3 is r.cui ion J Pprains.llrrisej, ' Foutuhirr'd Feet. ypavin, riwruny, I alula, yrun. I Galls ofuverv' kind. Wini'miUs, Hand Cracks, i l.uuiuics.trnini, , Pcrniches or Grease, I r Ii ir K LtH", Hard Tiiniotir, r.tnsb'mo. Foil Cvil, CrnfKed lli'f's, Ili.Uth Hool, Horn Hifiin tier. lll'MAN CUUV I uli'i'iintifi Cunirncted Sinews, Krot llite. ln Il.itids, Fwcliinc. Tuiuou rs, '1'ootl.nehe, Ta:n 111 the LiL", Tau n th" raelt I'.iiu in th" yiiou!i.:ra, Xervei: Tainn. Chllilalnx, P. Hen r Aninnls, Htur Jniatf, I And litauv niher dlsrafe. It In iv -Ik rt - e m o , jonplfl.j nrd on I vena I Mnin.iiit lfiat tJ,nfito hi- eve r jn pr' niei'ti. Ectcare cf Covntrrfiits, m holh our va'a.ildo dirover ies iin already founti rft'iti-d by pcii-ou-i In fiiif- r i 1 parls ol the t'ntfl Our p- wdir has our written ii.i t ore on etieli bolitc. Manulnctured only bv I liRMMii, FUONnrinM) st co., . Xo. 317 ti. Tnird st , N. C comer Th ird & Wood. ' Philadelphia Denn p0, 16.7-tf """lIOVEirS LIQUID HAIR DYK. 'PUIS 1IAIU DVi: nredn only n t.ial to saitfy nllor X i's p'-rftrtion as a Hje, : nd th- f dli'ivin teril menial Iron t'rit cmti.oni A j at tict-hiuisl I'rofef.or llooth, ol i he IJ. H. Mint , will o.dy tonfirni whit thuii cands liavc previously borne Irs I'mnov to ''Laboratory Jor Praaiml Chemistry j i St. gteplim's Place, I'lillada. t'eln? well acqua iuidt with t he iiliKianAes lompot li3 Hover' Liquid Hair Ihr-lum ratifn-d that hy to'lnw in j thi huptc JirLrilons jjivm (or il iif1 it will not injure the flair or Bkin,tti.t ivitl give ;i i.atit ral and durable color to liic t.air. JJCrf ( HOOTJt, x ' Anatytic Vhcmiit. Au- ),lv-7 I HOVERS WRITING INKS, TN'cuinivc ru'iii am novf;n .j l.v- k. DCIiini.n INKS, n to loo vf II kimnu and Intmd'ircd to req lire nnv ndtliiionit testnnin v of their cbnrjirti r I Thi biL'S Inve been inrre.inii fre timtr 11 rn Int'o-iltittio-i, aiviinri viJ'nce tint Hie i vd'"t t-uty po hff t that intrinsic merit claimed a. lirit lar tli-in bv the I in mufacturer, j Or ati nddrespd totlie Mannfart i , Vo ii Uie I stri'et , iilmve l-'mirth. (old. No. J 11,) Phbido'pliiti, will i rec vo prouii't attenu in. JOdCril II. IloVl, ' Ai'S 1, 1837 ly JUnufac'MCr , Spring and r GO OPR. TU R undcrpiinrd rcp,i otfi.l itiform tin ir rus In iners ned I lie pnli 'ie ei in r .11 v that I In y Inveju t received nl their In w Urn I, 1 e r e I louse, I u Idglltlfel. ii select lifsorin enl ol In. Inoui.lde i Kpring end Summer flocis. i dirirt Ironi the U.istcrn eilits. couiprih.i.p nil toe "arious selections to be found In (Muntrv Himi-s , tliir.i-ting ol Clotlis. Ca.lnii'rrs. Ilt-lKins, llniei, , liiliroes.S'C. Toi-tlii-r uitii 1,1 kinds nf Un ss i.ui1h I for Hie ladies. . wrr, or Al.:IoE!', Vl'.ltV rt HUT ANI IITYLl, l,lllt:srAI,MA3IIKtiIIAS,ll.VI,fi ir I Molasses, tU',iiM. 'Pejs, t'olfep Kpires anil III , inn, i. veil tut II 2 111 tnevtnv nl lli relliini .. ItUAIlV M M) t'I,OTlllR. ol ivry description rc?" Iriul.t-'lrel, V.llts.tlul'f.v Sitrilli'S &r lF 'Ph.inUlul for pasl vatri'onue. it will ti nelr stil'iinus iiitu to olea&e tlltii en. looters aud I glto general'aciiuu. II. W St V X (.'Hi: ' l.l;lit Street, s.nt II, l-.ii KSl'YTOWN NEW STOIIE, refill: utuli rsigt'td. I.nv t p,:aii d tt,tl. 'ii iu X Mi rcamtlc Ut'stiH is. li l.t pie. utti iiuini .iiitn 10 Iheil ItlMlds aid me J'ltldie ti jenital ll'Jt II ilmv rHore lloune, Inei.,i 0 on fllsiriF.lrul ret.iiil lpiotin, Columbia cuunl, lias ju&t Ik-u sink ll.'l Acw Spring Goods, I Co pprttn n i rt"n.ive ussortuietit of ''loll C."si nitres vosllitTa I Lines, and eve-j c Ii", er linlit in ill Mv 1 1 riu line, iiicl Klin t I.jrd.t.tre Chun C irtletn nn I Hull ,,v wan s, Cro?"ries, Sugars. 1'ei l.ollct. iilrclolmes elc.eie, with nil cles nl co it.nerco ailaple I lo (olntry Hires ALSO-liEAJJ Y MA t)E Ol. O TiUXi,- Oral it. I unliir, Provmo u. Produce, c , of ul I kinds, taken iu cvchatige for merrhamlix ii r. iihio i un, ii (s. cuir.xMiy F.pMoivn. Ap-ll 1. 1-57, . ftJ pna r X vnn 3 v,Ork I k i -tr 1 I L-Uifi Will OClU Hi? 'V. Saillvillo, Columbia Co., Pa 8VfTi:rvrtc mrfof iiMiinf lioo n ifiveii 'ii T. all the Hnvtisb liranrhi-s ni .ttly Pri ipi I will he tin. -ud during Hie on I. hi riii ir-nn vti 'rn'fd n-io er. renin irom Ul l,nneater eouni v Nor mill ft li. I A vacation of ttven vveulswill .,ioMe i- (y lt, TCRllfl. Tali ton, for o.iy pupiM. .3 1.50 io .I..j0 p r .,tfi ter. Vtoirniiii. Tuiiiou Washing, I.iih'n, & e , f u p r 'pniU'r it 1 1 vo wi-t Un, nnehjtl in t.dv.nic. Furcirmlir cunloin', or otlh'r tirtn n - Idress W.M . .LttM.tW Millvllle. April 1, lfli7. "i A RKTIRKI) IMirsiOlAlC, 75 r YIIAItH OF Ann. haviui lost hl f.Uher brottiiTs. (tntiihter. fm .n law. uin u two nitd Mi-ri'fi. bv Hint ill ea lint iiise.ii.f, i i'Sfi'ji,iiu', ned m f-riiie with a Covgh,l, iU frm'ned ti vUft iho l'.n-t Indie, tig v i nnd'J ipin. w li r hi' I'trnvt ri d ,t irrrriJrifiiud certain rure lor Cohlp, ijln llronrlui m L'uibMption li'iv(u 1' Ilit t nd A-iinm ( sciiifli wan turi'd immcuuiii l , l. ii turutil. urtd ttis elz- ti" v.ho iti'ipriied Hi rtiwn. and i inn vv nh hi i fu have inploy d it in their pnn m - urmg t'ir,iia;itii n info" ciiitiitljicd h n I - ' m For thf piii.iuvu ot r'roine us mui" m li -nil ei fi i nv 'pin"i a ';,tl'. h " ?' nt" in.' ". ' ill who winii ii lor Un csnt : '1 of i: a j',iy ihe i o ; no. nml ttn haiame prii.tltiu. Addni-s nn ii r, vni Jill P'prins fit , C jotil-Ft Nirb! - F June IX W7. N w l I'OKTARU: CIDER MILLS. yUMJrtlJIl'd Patent. f)r hi'-d or hori" powpr. th. IV a tid Id Uiii Wheel tr' ll'irf P- vvitp trtd 'Hire. It ers, inprovi'l (inhi Fans, FomtcV's Wlnnti fili1 Cm p i Li iu mid (i uaiio tji r.'iih r.'. i he mcst n p t Hay md Fodder CiilleM, IoitV Ih.ih-' , i.iii i n rt.i'lv luinx ; with h peuirtl nsarinieiil uf i iuura' anu llort ic Ural tmiilemti'tj.r V v'.Ml Lfi .Mcv:i!li ft cn Inn li'iueiit nod u t i i Seveu-li mid MarH ts., l'iu' . a August M, 4357 OSl-U'il KUSSKLL, f?rw u i f urn pi u ni W M 'In lllil Mini, i ... ip i ui ktii HTRinrr ti- .' i.. i-niunini'i