COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, htVl 1.. TATE, ED1TOII. Eloonisburg, October 10. DKIMOCHATU; STATU AOJHAATIOAS. fou aovERNon. GEN. WM. F. PACKER, or LYtnniso cotHTY. FOR. CANAL COMMISSIONER, NIMROD STRICKLAND, Of ClISSTOK tTJl'HTf, JFOB, JUDGES OF TUB BUrUEMB COUrtT, WILIAM STRONG, $t ftCRKt COUKTT. JAMES THOMPSON, or cuts 01 NIT. UmiUCUATir. COUNTY XOJUNATIOSS. r..n congress, PAUL LE.IDY, Esq., OF MONTOUR COUNTY. FOR SENATOR, Hon. Charles B. Buckalew. OF CoLTJMMA COUNTV. FOR ASSEMBLY, PETER ENT, or Columbia Co. JOHN V. SMITH, of Wyoming. Co. FOR PIIOTUONOTARV, JACOB ETEIiLY, of BlOom Township. FOR ItEOIsTER, AND RECORDER, DHIBIj I.EB, of tiloo.-ii Towuslilp. FOU COMMISSIONER, ELIAS DIE'IKRHK, of Montour tup., FOR TREASURER., JAMES S, McMNClI, of Calawlssa twp., FOR AUDITOR, JOILV 11. 10 .IE, of Mifflin Township, TOD WQEBiKOH AY; Democrats of Columbia, wo liivo but two moro working days in which to make arrangements for tbo Election, and it is important that wo get out every vote in our County. Are you prepared for tho battle ? Arc you certain tbo wholo vote will be pol led ? Wo fear there is to i littlo activity in somo of our townships. Not a singlo meeting has been held in several, and wc fear oar friends in these townships arc not "wide awake." Arouse, Brothers, and go to work. With a full voto wo can give 1500 majority in this county, and WE MUST DO IT. Spcccli of Mr. Jones. Wo have been favored with a copy of tbo Speech of tbo Hon. J. Glanoy Jones, of Berks county, delivered on Friday evening last, in Bloomsburg. Tho crowded elate of our columns, this week, wo regret to state, precludes its publication. Col. Jones' Speech hero, like all bis efforts with the pen, on tbo stump, or in tho nails of National Legislation, is a frcsb. able and manly oxposition of the unchanging principles sad true policy of tho American Democracy, ond will both attract attention and command respect throughout the worJd. Montour Democratic Mooting. A tremendous dcmoeratlo Meeting was hold at the Court House, on Saturday evening last, in Danville. Tho Democracy of Alontour is wide awako and is right as a book. Tlio Court Houso was filled to overflowing oeforo the meeting could to organized. Hon. J. Glancy Jones, of Old Berks, Addressed tbc meeting in ana of his most ablo and argumentative Speeches. Col. 3no. G, Freezb, of Columbia, in responso to tho call, also addressed tlio meeting in a very spirited speech. Both speakers acquitod themselves with honor, when tho meeting adjourned araia rounds of applause. Magoe's Gift Book Store. Wc direct attention to tho Card, in our columns, to-day, of Magce's Philadelphia Gift Book Store. L'si week wo got a 35ook of Magcc, worth one dollar, and received with it, a gift worth ?3 CO 1 We confers wo dont exactly understand the operation by which ho makes it pay, but if ho is satisfied, ho certainly have no objeo iion. Give him a call. United States Court. Tho next Session of tho District Court .of tbo United States, for tho Western District of Pennsylvania, will bo held at -tlio Court House, in ,the City of Pittsburg .commencing upon Monday, ,tho 10th of October, Hon. James G. Campbell, tl United StBtcs Marbhal, will accept our itlianks, for tlio presentation of bis Card. Wo incline to tho r pinion that wo will oboy XUo bummons. Xoss by Firo. Wo regret lo know, that tho dwelling llouso and Hotel of Mr. HAusayin Montour County, now occupied by Tho's. Darr, "Esq., was last week totally destroyed by fire. 3Jr. Birr, H is said, lost almost every thingho possessed in tho conflagration. "We aro not informed of tho origin of tho Hire. Columbia Domocratio Mooting. A meeting of tbo Democracy oK'olmnhia County, convened in Ibo Court Houso, on Friday evening, Oct. 2d, 1807, at Iilooma - burg. Tio auJicnco was largo and gavo .,lf.,l ll.,ll.,., nn.1 (i: .l j li:?'l.llUI uiwuuuij. jU'V ,llll., UI1M good order prcvadid their cn iro dclibcra.. itions.. On motion of Sheriff Miller, the meeting Mas thus organized : CoK LEVI L. TATE, President. Vice Ricsulents, Hon. John McRcynoltls, Jihn Ramsey, M. D., Thomas 0. Elso, It. 1!. Aithur, Gordou 11. doff, Tli. Unangst. 11 O . A Til. TT i 1 Seen lanes, Wm. II. Jacoby, A lent 1). Tate. Tho Committee, appointed for that pur pose, consisting of Messrs, Freeze and Woodward, intioduccdlho Hon. J, Glancy Jones, who was present by invitation, who addressed tho listening audience, for near two hours, in strains of eloquence and incontrovcrtiblo arnumcnt. which was , received with demonstrations of lively i ... , I approbation. aho following Resolution, was then unanimously passcd,aftcr which, the meeting, adjourned : j JjMom, That tbo thanks of tho Demo- rrntJn I'irK- nf ( nnnnU- l,n n,l thoy arc hereby tendered todd J. Glancy ' Jones, lor Ins very ab o and tru y pa riotioi Address, Tho Stata Ticket. Wo need not refer to tbo Stato Tit kct of tho Domocracy again. It is comp:scd of ablo and intelligent men. Gen. PACKEH, fur Governor, is ono of tbo best qualified men in tbc State for tho position : Hon. NIMItOD STRICKLAND is known from ono quarter of tbo Stato to tbo other, and his namo is tbo very synonym for honesty and integrity: Hon. Wm. S'MONG and Hon. JAMES THOMPSON, of Erie, arc legal gentlemen of the highest ability, and during the wholo campaign, there ha3 never a word been uttered against their competency for tho exalted position for which they aro caudidatos. Such is the StJto Tickot of the Democra cy. Wo expect for it a largo voto, and confidently rely upon its oleciionby a largo majority. Tho finest proporty in towni Mr. J. J. Br.owER, ono of our shrewdest Merchants and best citizens, is tho fortunato gentleman, to who tbo abovo lino is appli cable. His large new Brick Mansion, looated on Market Street, below Main Street, is acknowledge! tbc finest finished, best furnished, and, most valuable property in Bloomsburg. Wo recently enjoyed tho satisfaction, of carefully examining tho premises, and wcro gratified to find that this motirl house, is constructed on tho most improved plan and built in tho best modern style. Mr. Brower,has about completed tho "fixtures'' to his establishment, by crectinrr, in front of his houso, tho neatest and most cxtcnsivofij-TJatwieni extant. ARE YOU AN AMERICAN ? If you aro, rote tlic Democratic Ticket. Dn you lovo tho Union t If so, voto with the party that defends its honor as a Nation, and guarantees sovereign power to oich and every Stato. Do you believe tho Con stitution to bo a sectional instrument! If not, vote with tho party that maintains its National application. Do jou believe our glorious constellation contains but sixteen Stars? If not, votojvith thai pariy who contends for thirty ono I ONE VOTE. At the election on Tuesday every voto should bo polled. A few years ago, ono vote elected tbo Governor of Massachusetts, Tho opposing condiddtcs might possibly compromise, and one votb may probably decide tbo gubernatorial question in Ponn sylvania. Let it bo remembered then tint every voto should bo polled. Sco to It Democrats that not d.nj: vote U left behind, for that ono voto may clcctxwd bo of the utmost impoitancc. ' rite County Ticket, Two weeks ago, wo referred to tho County Ticket at somolcngth and tbcrcforp deem it unnecessary to do so again. Wc may add however that upon it may bo found somo of tho old and rcliablo Demo crats of tbo County and that all tho nomi nees havo tho qualifications to fill tho respective posts for which tLoy have been .nominated. Child Lost in tho Woods. Mr. Jo7(ri McKUrnan's littlo Son, near fivo years of aco, wandered from homo on Wednesday of hst week, in tbo woods of Fairmount township, Luzcruo co., and has not since been heard from. Hundreds of tho neighbors searched tho woods for him for soveral .days, without finding any traco of tho lost child. Wo deeply eyinpa thizo with his bercwed parents. C45r Tho annual Agricultural Fair of Northumberland county, is.lo bo held at Milton, Thursday and Friday, .October tho 15tb and 10th. Fire. Jjhrco framo dwelling houses in tha southern part of Muncy, wero burned uown on Monday night of last week. t&r ThoBtato Fair held -at Fhiladolphiaj i.during last week, was well attended, Hon. J. Glancy Jones. 'XLo sterling iotogrity and gmuino patriotism that han so distinguished tlio 1 jmLlio. career of tlio lion J. Glancy Jones,. J his gallantry and Ii is unselfishness, hnvo i.ll.. ....... f 1.!... ll. . .l .fit... nun IU1 Ullll liiu wumi ituui Ul liiu National nomocracy of every I tho country. Mr. Jones' rccci section of try. Mr. Jones' recent visit to Dlooinsburg, his endoared himself to all who had the pleasure of incclini; with him, (and carries with him tho conCdonco and lc - lccm in an eminent degrco (f thocntiro democracy of Columbia, as ho has ever boon recorded tho unsworvW rhnninion of O 1 tho Demooraoy of 1'iunsvlva.nia. Tho Macon (Gd.) Telegraph of the iiuth ult.,iu referring to tho fact that Sir. Jones' has declined being a candidato for tho Speak ership of tho next llouso of Representatives, says : Hon. J. Glanoy Jones has declined tho canumacy ur me spcuiicrsliip, Mr. J. is n model for cur opposition fiicnds. Ilo declined a Cabinet appointment, and now ' .tl10 Speakership. Wo wish wo had ono hundred just such ablo, patriotic, lndcpcn- ( dont am, high.lolscll gontlomcll jn ' National Councils as J. Glanoy Jones of Pennsylvania. Wo want you to como lo1 Georgia, Mr. Jones. You promised last yc"t0.SFCak 0t tL .CoUs1 t',ommcn?': 1 Cnt at liBgrangC, but postponed V0UT Visit ,to fiSLt tIlQ ,1laoK publicans. You will " ,V-"7V" .Ju". ou how her. pooplo lovo to honor truo worth in high placos, by tho kind and cordial wclcomo thoy will civo to Old Berks' favorite Col. George W. Rupert. Wo aro indebted to tho politeness of our worthy young friond, named abovo, now in tho far-off region of Colifornia, for sundry subsiantial favors. Col. Jiuncrt is an activo businessman, and, although ho wont away an Old Lino Whig, ho is now a good Democrat. A month ago, ho scut us an interesting letter, tho essence of which, is rt corded under our usual heading of Monthly lloceipts, and this week we received another loiter from him, from which without his permission wo mako tho following extracts. Star Col : I wish I could send vou somo of our Poaches, raised up hero in tlio mountains. Thoy aro from 12 to 10 inches in circumference, and tip top to boot. A friond of verity, told mo to-day, that ho had a Peach tree in his carden. onlv two years old from tho eced (or stone), that produced 812 worth of Fruit this season. Can you beat this, Col., in old Columbia ? mink not. , Ever yours, fraternally, G. W. Hupert. On Tuesday next you will be called upon to chooso for your Chief Magistrate, between a nativo Pcnnsylvanian Wra. F Packer who thoroughly understands tho interests of tho Commonwcalih, and a New York Frco-Trado and Abolition Agitator David Wilmot who is ignorant of the business and politics of tho State, and whoso wholo heart and mind aro wrapped up in tbo ono idea of hostility to Slavery and onmity to our Southern brethren. Ecmember, fellow Democrats of Colum bia county, that "Eternal Vigilance is tbo Price paid for Liberty." Go to tho Polls, every ono of you let not a voto bo loft at homo exercise, your rights as Freemen, at all hazards rally with energy and zeal to tho defenco of those timo-houorcd prin ciples of Democracy which you havo so triumphantly sustaiopi in by-gone days and proclaim once more to tho Stato apd the Union, that tho Democracy of old Co lumbia ore still truo as steel to the faith of their fathers. The Legislature. Governor's Mcsiagc, Tho extra session or "relief Legislature, assembled at Harrisburg on Tuesday. Tho Governor sent In a mcssago recommending a rclcaso to bo baaks ot tho peoaUics and forfeitures thoy havo incurred by suspen ding payment; and also recommending ihat said sucpension shall bo legalized for "such reasonable period as will enable them safely to resumo tho payment of their liabilities in specie." Tho banks, in return for this lenicnoy and favor, aro to help tho .Stato Treasurer to specio to pay tho inter est of tho State debt. The banks to take each other's notes, at par, for payment of debts duo them. Tho banks' debtors to be accommodated with an additional stay of cxecuiiou, Tho issuo of bank notes of a less denomination than fivo dollars, not to bo authorized, Tho mcssago was ordered to bo printed, and subsequently bills in relation to tho banks to meet the present difficulties were read, Uriug in the Returns ! Will tho pcoplo in tlio various election districts mako arrangement to send us tho returns as soon as tho ticket is counted off? If thoy will, an extra, announcing tho re sult, can bo printed offbeforo sunriso next morning. itAn -govt xtot vox.e;p;. DEMOCRATt' Remember that tho election polls will oloso at 7 o'clock, pre cisely. Aroto early in tho racrniog and then no unforeseen circumstanco will de- privo tho country of an expression of jour sovereign will at the 'ballot box MW FROM Till! WliSTl California pomocratlo to thQ BackBono. Tho steamship "Star of tho West," ar rived at New York, on Saturday, bringing California papers of tho 5th of September, and 81,000,000 in gold. Tho Stato Election t'iok placo on tho Sd inst., and resulted in tho triumphant choice of JOHN B. WELM5K, for Gov ornor, and tho wholo Democratic Stato Ticket by a majority, as it is estimated frompicsont roturnsj of from over Edward Stanly, tho Blaok Repub lican candidate, and a majority of several thousand over both him and tho American candidate, Maj, Bowie. Tho Bcpublicans aro much chagrined at tho result, as thoy fondly hoped .that their candidato, by mounting tho Settlers platform and nil tho isms of tho day, would havo gained a do cisivo victory over the Domocratio oand idatc. Ono thing has been very definitely settled by tho present election, viz; that Sectionalism cannot tbrivo in that State. Tho pooplo of California havo an abiding love for tho Constitution and tho Union, and aro opposed to tho agitation of Slav cry, believing that it stirs up strife, pro duces aljenation of feeling, and tends to weaken tbo bands which bind one portion of tho Confederacy to tbo other. Au Editor for the Legislature. Mr. Daniel n. B. Brower, tho Editor of tho "Montour (Danville) American," has been nominated, by tbo opposition of tbi3 District, for the Legislature. Wo were Eoareely prepared to believe, that any respoctablo Editor, in our Legislative Dis trict and tho Doctor is one of them would so far degrade his high position, as to thus consent to transfer it to tho undig nified station of a Member of tho II. of If. Perhaps our friend was caught napping, or peradvonturo, ho only consented on tho sTRnNa presumption that thero was no danger of his election. Another Screw Loose! Mr. Dikmeb, tho nominco of tlio Re-1 publican-knownotliing party, ?ias declined , the honor of a defeat. Such a oourso on tho part of all tho other candidates on that partynrganization, wouldbc truo "economy without meinncss, ' Read Jlr. Diemor's Card :- Cattawissa, Sept. 28, '57. TV . I 1 .. of tho Republican party of this county an.1 I youraclf ono of tlio Standing Comtnitteo, 1 1 xj I. .juiird : voiir nnnnr 1 I in nrrrun ' rcsDCCtful v mal:c knoun tn tlinm (limnrrl, . rf( ........ V...VUU i you my declination of tho candidacyof coun ty i rcasurer, icntiorcu me oy tlio uonven- j lion. I liar.utul tor tuo honor contcrrcd, resnoctfullv decline lliR nsn of inv nnmr. !n that connection. Youis, &o. S. 15. Diemeii. CHARLES It UUCKALEW. This well known and distinguished Democrat, nas on Saturday last, nominated for Senator. Never was a bettor man presented to tho people of our county for that office, honest, upright ond fearless, ho has always stood forth as ono of tho ablest champions of Democratic principles in tho State. Ilo has already served two terms in tho Senate, and his past acts and servi ces aro tho best pledges and promises of, his future oourso, ho has proved himself to be an ablo speaker, a true Statesman nnd .in honest Itcpresontativc. That ho will bo elected, thcro cau bo no doubt, but lot us try, fellow Democrats, to givo him such a majority sis worthy of the man, and that will anihilaio tho opposition. Snydcj Journal, Democrats, Beware. From tho reckless courso which our op ponents Jiave hitherto pursued, wo think it well, to again put you on your guard a gainst any new ilandcrs which may bo put in circulation against tha Democratic candidates between this uud the election. Something NEW will bo vamped up, by the mongrel opposition : no exertions how ever baso and dishonorable will bo spared, to deccivo tho .unsuspecting voter. iQr Amidst tho political excitement wo fear tho Amendments to tho Constitution aro overlooked. Wo hope every citizen will duly consider tho necessity of tioso amendments, they aro of tho utmost im portanco in theso days of reckless spocuia. tion, .to prevent tho Legislature from plung ing tho State into debt, sco to it then that lyou voto this ticket E7"Tho no.v. David Wilmot will startup Salt Hivor on tho 13th inst. Ilo will b.o accompanied by his friends. Ilo sets sail in tho long, loiv, )dack Schooner, Abolitionism, JCSrltis now bclinv.ed -tint a boil on tho nook of Senator Rusl:, caused partial insanity during which ho committed suicide. Nciu&Duetit0Cwcnt Brick! Brick! Brick! T7IVK HUNDUED THOUSAND I Pill Mi: liniL'K, Jim tumril mil, nl tlm milmcrl bcri Uric k Ynritf In niDninoiirji. fiml nre ofTcrcil lor ale. Tho beit In ihe toiiplry. Annlyln 11. II. AUTIIUB. ninnniftliurp, Oclnlior 10, pi7 ES MAY. QTIMVr.n trom Hie milxrrlbrr nl Cnmpbo'l & Won k ilcn'a I'ow Irr Mills. In Ci nlto lowmiilp, Ooluinlim Couniy, on Mnmlay, Ike lllh iiCHeplpnibrr In.l.n )nunj WHITE cow, a? sO, Willi unmcbrown rpotaupon her. anil liornn lininliiiff ilnwntv&r,l. Ytvn ,l,.lli T.-n r,r will bo clven for lior recovery bv llm nuhnrrlber ELIJAH SNYIIEII Centre, Oelober 10, 1K17 STOVE TOR SALE. A "OOO 1-ARI.OR STOVE, In cicillent onlcr, for r Mle cheap, Apply lo LEVI L. TATE. nionmMiiirji October 10, 1857 PIANO FOU SALE. Avery bui-erior nosEwoon tiano r.m be purcha.cil very low for ca.h. Ifnoiilleii rr wiihln two weckn. It I. from tho rennitlvan'n I'inno Man, nrariory. Philadelphia, and la In evey way aa tooil na new. Apply to , , JAB. ANDErtSON. At Aew Columbua Academy, Luxcrnc county. Pa. Ortoher 10, IBj7 St GW. IVAONEi:, Anibrolyplat, Bleren.enpl.l, &c, reapcrtfully Inrormithc rillzena of Hlonmsburi; nnilvicl Ity.lhnt he haa locntcd In. bualnraa for n few wceka In llm EXCHANGE ItLOCK, lUnonHlinrR. Ilo warrant Ills pictures to poiteaa ilulnliillly, Ilo nlan lecls that ho not flatter himself In believing that they po.acaa a lone ot correct resemblance, which lew nltl'ta e jcel, Xo ch lrec made unlcks perlcct aati.lac tio n Is given. Call and examine specimens. Instructions given ut reasonable terms. , , , (!. VY. WAGNER. Oclobcr 10, 1S37 HEEDS. PRIME Timothy nnd Herd Crass Pcrds, Orchard Cms. Italian flye flrass, American nnd English Lawn Crass, Kentucky lllue (Ira's, krt, nt l'AHCIIALl, MOIiniS & CO., Implement nnd Seed Htnre. "tli and Market sire, Is, Philadelphia. October lq, 1847 OlDElt MILLS. jtf-V. KRAUSEU'S rORTAULE CIDER MILLS. isSi?!.'10 u"n "!! Wheeler1 llorso Powels nnd rV-f Ihreshcrs.CornBhelletsofvnrlou.dies, lln, rrjiraw nml roililer Cullers, drain Tons. Hoot Ci Hers, rnrmers' Uoilera, Side Hill, Hub Soil and oilier Plows, Plow Castings, Corn llaskels, Spalus, k.M,u-i,,., ,v oL... nmiiEiaip nou re in 1 1, at I'AgCIIALI. MUltRIB Ic CO., Implement anilHccd Store, 71 ti ttnilMarKct streets, I'lillaiielphla, Oclobcr 10, 18i7 PUBLIC SALE of Valuable Real Estate. I N pursuance of an Order of the OrphauV Court of Tnursday, tlte 5lh day of Kovemhcr next, At II) o'clock In the forenoon, Jonathan C. Pennington nnd George Moore, Executors, be., or Robert Moire, lale ot Sugarloaf township, in said county, deceased, will eipobo to sale, by Public Vendue, upon tho prcm ies, a ' ' CERTAIN TENEMENT AND TRACT OF LAND, Adjoining lands of the heirs of Samuel Sledman .llnil. of Joseph Lockard, Cxekicl Shullx anil others, conlain- mg Uno Hundred and Sixty-Two Acres, More nr less, on which i erected a 1.0(3 . IIUUSE. FRAME UAKN. and other outbuildings. tiilillfl Laic tho estate of said ilernse,, situ- Si3 I 4 IV-'t atn in liiu township of Si.gnilonl, nndS"v4i couniy alurvaid. lic..ia.urj .,, , J COB EVEl'.LV, Bloomsburg, Oct 10, IS37 CYcr . I'UULIO SALE or Valuable Real Esiatc. BY virtue of an Ordrof ihe Orphans' Court of Cc Itunhjn rnnnty, Colnmuu Nejh.ird, Adiniiiirtr.itor of Itenjaniiii IJayiiinu, dctenncd, , on Saturday, the 24 A of OctoUr 7icztt All o'clock, P M., expose lo Public Snle, upon the premises, in Ornnre township. Coluiuliit county, at thu la'.e residence ol thu tieccil nl, the lolluwlne Heal Uataif : The east end of the farm ndjolulnc lauds of Win Oe. Iiinif. Jncut, Itauli, Win Me.irs Jiiil i tiler lam's CI II. lldmaii'seBralo nml containing 00 ACRES AND 101 PERCHES, v5lr5 " "'"eh there nre erected n I'llAME n .us-crn iiijuhi; ui i a n.irn Ttiem a .n. mlUl ffiiK.1! n',,:. .'.".'olNof!';:;.'; aSStff, ul&SSzs&Vr''-, ""n"""'11 cleared Intnl. At the same time there will bo sold av LOTS, Ailjonilrg tlio nbnve nroperty, two of llicm on the well containing respcctlvilySl and T nrres'i theulher four on lua south, eontaiiilng rcst,crijvely 3 ecea 31 j,er dies, S urea 112 perclics, 5 ncrea 18U perrlies nnd 5 ncres .UU perches, and adiolnhij Und 0f UcUiuiln Slcliifr. u. gitier nml I). Munleuiiiery. At tho same inn,: and placu llieru Hill b sold the decedent's interest In a LIMESTONE QUARRY, In l.'cntro towns hip, raid county ; to wit, the undivided I otu quarter acio ofgrourd. I.aiu the cstnto oTsnid llenjamln llayinati. deceased, ofOrange township, Columbia county. BOI.OMO.V NEVIIAKI), .IdmW. Orange twp , Sept. sri, lW LIFE INSURANCE. niEaininn .iff. iJssviutAVE.jimrvrn-jjsD TJtUST COMfJUfY OF I'JIIMDK.I'JIlJl. orriis, no. 403 uiesNUT hireet. CAPITAL, (paid Ui.) SI 00 000. Charter t'crtictval. CONTINUE lo make INSUUANCE3 ON LIVES on the most reasonable tenna. The capital being paid up and Invested, together wilh largo and constantly increasing reserved fund, oirors n perfect sqrurity to the insured. The premiums inusl bo paid yearly, half ) early, or quarterly, ' The Company mlil a tlONtM periodically lo the Insu rnncen for ifo. Thu I lltST IIONUS appropriated in December, 1841, the BUCONIl HOVUS in December. 1449. tho T IIIIll) IIONUS in December, 1334, Q-'l hese additions ure made without requiring nny Increase iu tbo premiums to be paid to tho Company, riie following nre a few examples from the Itrgister. Pum Itisured 83500 ' 3000 1000 5000 tec. Eonua or nddilion S-ili 50 1175 .123 50 1500 Amount nf Policy nml bonua to bo Increased by futu re ud.litjona. el.SID 5(5 a.tiTi uo 1JJ1 00 g,:uo uu policy No. F " 132 ." 199 S.13 " &c. Pftmnlllets. conlnlnln nl rnlAB n,,,l .int.m,. lion, lorma of application, and further information, can be found al the othce. TIIOJIAS IUDCWAV, rreriJenl. Jko, P. Jakes, Jtctuaru. Oclobcr 10, I8S7 ly STAUFFER & IIARLEY. CHEAP IVJ1TC1IF.S JlffD JF.WF.LUY. WHOLES M.P. AND RETAIL, al Hio 'Phllsdelidiin Watch anil Je.vvel.ry Store,'' No llafOldNo Du) North BIX'ONi) Street, coiner of Quarrv.Pliilailelnl, la. Cold Lever Watches, full Jewelled, IS caret cases, fin no Gold Lepiuc, 1H cant, . . 24 00 Silver 1-ner, full Jewelled, . Vim Silver Lepine. Jewels, . . . 0 00 Superior Uiiartlers, . . .700 Gold Spectacles, .... 700 'ine Silver do, . . 1 50 Gold UKicclels, 3 00 Lady's oold Pencils, . . .100 Silver Tea Spoons, set Sou Oold Pens, with Pencil and Silver holder, 1 00 Cold ringer Rings, 37 J cents 10 JM) i Wo Ith Glasses. I'lllrj. 11 cents, patont IB), Lunct 25; other articles in I'luporuuu. niiKouus warruiueu 10 tic wiiat tney BTAurrrR t harlev uT-On hand some Gold and Silver Levers nnd i,epines sun lower than the above prices. October 10, 1657 I1ROOKER & MARSH. Auctioneers & .-t'oiumlssioii Merchants, S!01 NORTH THIRD STREET, One door bdnw Vine.J tPSGaOtjiitDStLrPEiail Sales of Bests and Mors, Dry Goods, (luni.llardwarc, )VaUhc Fancy (loodi, S-c. EVERY EVENING. ti3-Countrv8lorel,eticrs.and others will always fliul at our Evening Sales a largn nnd desirable assortment of llieabpvcfJooiU, to bu ,old in lots to suit buyers .Goods packed on the premises for Country Trade, BejilHO. I7573IH A GIl'7 WITH EVERY ROOK Worth from 5tteeo(j to 100 dollars, .ill Ai a gee's Gift lloolf Store, NO. 337 CIIESNl'T STREET, L-d door below 1'uurih, Oct 3, 1P57 " 1,J r nm PUBLCALE Valuable ReaJ Estate. IN pursuance of an Ordcy of tho Or plmm Court of Columbln county, ntt Saturday, the 1tli day of October mxt, and the several days lelcne mentioned, At 10 o'clock In I hi" lorenoon, Wlllinm Snyiler nnd Dinirl HnyJcr, Jr., Ailinlnl.lralo,., Ar,, M' llml:r. Bnyokr, lato of lilootn lotvnMiip, In p.uil county, tie coadl, win cipojc to nle.,y Upon I he acveral prcmlici. Dig fol lowing ilnctikJ Real Estate, TO WIT!- On Saturday, Odobcr 2lh, A Certain Tract of Land, situate in Mad- is n tnnn.lilp, mljolnlng Irmls lale of Jacob Glrlon, dccrnpcd, on tho North) John Heller ami Mntihi.x A. Mooro on the South nnd West) Peter llcllcr nml uthers on the Enrt, containing ONE HUNDRED k HIXTY-THUHE Acres and Sit Perches, strict measure. Oi Motulay, October- 2Gf. A Certain Houso and Lot of Ground, j,., mm in mo lown or tiioom.biirg, lying on the south side of Bicondstreit ?,r..v'llo??:A,,J?J."!!, -f Jr.' '-- hi, uii me outim; intirrw moiip. uIfrscuntaiiilnB fifty feci in from nnd In II V IF III iOI lUl'li Also, A Certain llouso nnd. Lot of Ground, sltuato In II I twin fmi re. lying on tho iQMSV South ildd of Third street or paid town, iR53lIIIlniJol"','II "" rresbvterlan burying )U3B J,ifc?ground on the Southwest ; nn nlley on 0M BMlSr llic South; Dr. John Itsm.ry nn tbo 'XcuwKlEnsI, nnd Third itrctt nfsnid town, on Ihe West coiun'nlng In from firty.lhrce lect, and In depth two bundled and two feet. Also 5 Tho undividod third part of a Certain fynLk iiouse ana 01 uroumi. situate jn II loom Ml bnrir. lying on the writ nlde of flrnl Mrrct nf bo ill town, ndioinine n lot of Huriw-v & huh. pari im thu ent, (ami belonging to the Ulnoiirstmrg Ilailroad Iron Company on tlm Wct-t. Anil a lot nf 1 1 ii r lev tc Ca'liciir t nii'itir Bmitli niul WeM.nnil fir it street of the tuwn ol It ftumi bu rjjz on tin; Snuili, ron tiilnliiRjn Irrnt, lUty-imcHctonilin dt'ptli one hundred nnd siventy tno Icet Also, A Certain Lot of Ground, situate in Scott township, adjoining Innds nr Gnorso KnFtfr nnd oilitrs on the North; lamb cf Hie Uloomslnirg Unilroad Iron Company and others on the South, contttliilrs SEVEN ACHES and Ono Hundred and Tw only-Nine l'crchca, neat muuB'iri', Also On lucsdaij) October 27th, Tho undivided half part of n Certain Tract or Lot of Ground, ntiintc in CnltawJtua town rhip, county rorriaidt iHiindcd on tin; Nor Hi liy tlio river SiiBqudiinna, other lands o( fnid dtxiMfrtl, nnd Joscpn W, Ilenderchot, on ihf Houth, and Linda of liamel 3 human, on the Cast and Went, containing FORTY-THREE ACRES and Thi rly l'ou; lurches, strict uuuMire. Also, Tho undivided half part of a Certain Tractor hot ofl.nnd, situate in Cnttawisn tnwusliip, nlores.iid, mljinuinff l.inda nf I) injel Hlnimnti and Ullus Kruin, on the ortli ; nnd the List ndove dehrrifx-d tract on thu east.iiud the river fnsquehantia uu the Cuiiih, cuiitaiuipg FOURTEEN ACRES and Tour Perches o. L;ind, strict measure. Also. On ll'idncsday, October 28i A Certain Houso ond Lot of Ground, situate in Oratieeville, Orance town. Flitp, uihniiifii!! n lot of Wii'nw .tl.iri., Son Wert ; n lot nf Widow llcriitie on the Ejl: Samuel Achenblih.on the Hiitith.uii'l Market street til ail lonn, nn the Norlli, containing TUIItJY PEHOtlES OF LAND. I.nlo ilii- llftair' f said dece.ii-cd, siLuato In the lowiwblps and county aforesaid. JACUli EYERI.Y, tVrr. COftDITIONS. The f.i rejoins valuable property wi!l be sold upon Ihu lo'loumif condition: The share oi the widow in the preiiiires lo teitmni ihe bands of the piircluri rs during licr natural I He, th! iim rest Ibt reot la be unnuillv and reul.irly paid ti Jiorbythe ur chasiTti, tlHir lieir-t and assiiti'r' holding ilia pripiriy, mill at her deccae li-r sliare ol ;hn nun hnne moiiry to be pni I lt tli a pTion lesally ciititVd thereto, leu percent, off tho two thirds of the purjiaeo money to Lc paid on the day of sale. one h.iir ol the Lajf of th" ihq thirds on the Ira day of April nest, and ihe nt nialtider on the Qri ihjr or April, A. I) , Ir'SU, wl h fjuterent from tlic 1st daj oX April, A. t , IPm', Said salu to be continued Iron, day o jiv, uutjj oil the above described landsnre sold. WILLIAM SNYDER, ? . , . DANIEL SNYDER, Jn.,S A,lms- niooui.bjrg.ept. SO, 1IU7 51 NEW CARRIAGE ESTABLISHMENT IN BLOOMSBURG. In the Now brick threo Story Carriage Factory, cn .Main below Market. THE subscriber would respictiully nuuounceto rbe public, III a ie hascoiumenced the UAUUIAUJS li ,jrwr5 WAGON MAKIKr: BJJ.CWaflCaV ti, nil l.a,,..,.l. lln I a n.AnK.n.l , and liaaonhnndal resentnnassortinentortiuished work which purchasers wlllQnilu to tbejr adyautagc toeia REPAIRING, IVIII U.l..n In l.a ...... ... n. - J ,.. ".uu ,,, ,, iiorD, i,,.i, , i,u tm.iui in. inner and lipontctui8 whichcnniiot bill to uivc satlGfaclioti, tmiAWURIUUE A. WILSON. iuoomsnurg,April.'n, is5. r 1ST 01' LETTERS remnlnleg in the Post Oinre r.t I 1 J M1(inttn.lillr(r l'rl.. Oilntlrr mirllna stii.h,i,,l.. Intl. I 1637. b 4 Uarrns William IrUoan JnrueB Moyer JciTt rion Nnuu Tntns. I iiowin.m Marry 2 uowiniiR tieorifu Lvans Catharine nirfitia l(is.rril IF 1 IS orlon John A Evans Lllirk rCrllfith David ft uai Jesse Sharp Richard Snyder Jacob tkhrmer .J W cttory Jame's'J Shilman Mr fitec llanna Tints John 11 Wnolfl homas J Willinan Lewis J iia.ucgicyratr.cK (Jarvey J hn iicister Joseph Dan Talnck Ilugheg DaUd Ham Teter S Natl set Sidenbain (lillBamuil Kenciigcr J C Ketthuni l'eter Knorr Thumaa wiuie tienree u David Jones J.,,U Pllnn Ruben McDonald) cnvrbniis calling for the above letters will pleaie HIV llmv nrn (.alvsirt 1 PHILIP UNANGST, Oct , ,IrU7 V. H. NOTICE. NOTICE Is Jherby ,iven tint an application will bn made ntho iieii session ol thiLenlslalure of l ennsylvania, Qir tlio incorpora.ion el"a Itiut, with the usual privjlt'tcs, to be called "Tho llloomiburg Hank," wilh a capital of two hundred thousand dol lars, nnd to bo located In the town ul IJl3oi.tburg. tolumbia couniy Pa. WM. BNYIIER, 8. a. BIIIVE, El'IIRAIM P. JTZ, A. C. MI'.NCII JAt'Oll EVER, PETER IIILLMEVER, EI.IAB 111 ETERIEK. E, MENOENUALL. A, J. EVANS, 1. W HARTMAN, J. RAMSEY. A. J.ULQAN, II II. ARTHUR. WM. ROUISON, lliAOMsBina, June 27, i37 NEW TINWARE SHOP. MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE THE IISCOIIANGB. rpilE undersigned rcsperlfully informs his friends J. mul the public icueiully, that ho has opened A Aiiti iYicarc and Sltat Iron Esta blishment, In tho buildmi Inrmerly orrupied for that, purpose, bj Joseph Sbtirplens, wheru he is prepared lu cuuduct the buaiucks in nil Its various branches. Unworn aud House Spoutinj of all kinds mode lo order on thorl notice and at, AI'o-fJTOV'Ed, of various tiyles, constantly for Ripalrlps done to order in quirk time. to-Country produce taken ineubanrefiT wo,k. 0, C, MILLARD. nlooni.tiurg, May IB, 18.17y ill l jS. L. Pancoasf & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. I AND DEALERS IN FISI1, PROVISIONS, SALT, dr. 17 North Wliarvei.riilladelpbia NOTICE. ''".XT""' """""" n'Itm'1 h 1 rpo A 1,1, Whom it mav i-nvrr.nm, n..i. .. . f . T,"?1 """I", Wenvrr, Ilamci FrnlS, V I i,:,''n.nim,P,r.,.",w,t:k.' Wlllinm. Mnyder, Jocol! TjonSo 'J ilii 'Mnbtiy, I niOiliinilila county, nu Inmrii ""'! "", '; mm llllr, Ullier Hlllcll llieii iivo nnocintcil,nii,l mrnii to nrnorlMo I nm li e .touithnvhiRperniicilnnilrninilneil the in 1,1 Inttrunie it I nii.l Imvlnir tho object, nml comlltloni ti eii net forth nml conliilne,! to In; lawful. nn.l l i. ; ,jy-OT,.wa three nrctki. iiolllij foilli Hint nn npplicnllon ha. b",'ii imiile In rni.l Court to grnni n tinner of Inci'iporntlon. n .liecinei In ril.l iiMlrunicnl o' wrlllnir! that nnH . rntlon linn been inn.le nt tlio Heplcmber Terra olVnlrt Lourl. A. I. 1M7, to mnnt suth n charter s nml that r .. ... .... PIIU,TII . .Ny ruuiinry Ly llm nrt ,iay ofUccembcr Term, lK37,of.iil Court, It will ilecrco nni IKII . I'l r.on. roonclate,l lo be n, mily Dolltle or corpomilon, In law nml Inlacl, ncc.frilL y til llm inlil nrilclei nn4 eoiiilltlmi.. nn.l to havu I Continuance by tho name, slvle and til Ic in snldlniliu. JACOII EYERLY,. llloomsburg, Pept 17. IB'7 i'ratkonotary. PUBLIC SALE ur . -w-7- i t t r l -rsj , Vnmnlilo Kslaff. BV virtue i.f on order of thr Orphan Court of Co. luniltia county. I pane K. Kil li:hiiii. I'.Yi7ntnp ,.r Johi Kline, dcciaii-d, will, on Saturday, the iiith day of OctoUr nnt I At 10 o'clock In the forrnoon, rjtpnpc to public Kile, on thf prptniics, in the townMilp of Henton, in the county of Coliin Ida. nt tin Intr rcfiflpiitu o( the unid decedent. thufolloHiiig Ileal Cslntc, vizt i W3SAIW 0:3? JtAHB, Tin tM end olihefjrm ndjolntng land nrJnenli AtU, on the, tlo lirim of John Kl no, drcenvcil, on tho; enst and north," und tiaiuuul I. lion c on thu weU. con I latning Forty-Thrco Acres nnd Fivo Porches, nioH or which ii tlmbor land. A brnnch of Rnvenrrrrk run through tho land, nndn cimd Paw Mill in In . tho inimrdinto vicinity. 'I ho noil in ol excellent quality, and the l,md, laltct belnir rlcarid. witl ho wpll ndiptpd toiarmins. Int4 tin- rstato of John Kline, ol llenlon townhlp, I ' Columbia county, decerned. lAl'UU liYURItY, rtrnton twp ,Hrnt 19, I857-5t Clerk. SI,OOlYl8llUl&4 CABINET WAKEUOOMS. Tlintindrrsigned rrrpfctfully invilrs tho attention nf the Public tn Inn extensive assortment of Cnldnet Furniture and Chairs which he will warrant to henindH of poo-l material nnd In a work manlike manner. At his Cbtabtishmcnti can always be found a good assort incntof FASHIONAHLE FURNITUItE. wnicu is eqti.ii mi siyiennu iiniiiu to Hint 01 run ndclphiaor Nev Voik cities, anualui luw price;;. SOFAS, of different riylis and prices, frnmf 8 .'J to $iiO. Divant. liOitnceM Wal-" nut and Mnlmjroity, Parlor rhnirs, line k Inn nnd eanv chairs. Plana Ftool. and a vnrlrly of uphnltrred umk wilh Dressing and parlor bureaus, Fofa, rnrd centre nd pier tald. n,iptnshii9i rhellculers what nuts and cnniojl dres.nnd nllkindnf fahionallc work. Ills stork of bureaus, enclosed nnd common wnh stand, drem,, tables, corner rupimards. sofas: break fait tables, bed Mends, enne sent mid common chairs, is the (nr. est in in 1-9 section oi me country, nr! WH nlso keep n pootl nsnnrlnifnl oflnokmR Klasea with fancy pi It nnd com mon frnmes- ll will nli fiunifdi sprinir uuiresses fltle.ltonny slr.e of brndstend, which nre juipenor for uii lui'im uiiumiin iui i iu nity pLMi ill iinf. lloonuburg April 8lli, 1M4 SIJION U. BIIIVE, car A PHYSICIAN'.- LEGACY TO YOUNG MEN. 'The ijh.ry of a nttnu man Ik Ins ntrenj,tli " (Frem Ihe Si n da if J)ixpattlt JVVtf York,.4u 2.1P57) Our readers nre nwnre Hint nu'seldnm, ir rvi-r, re rommend tiny medical publication, i f not en-toi ted bv tin very highest nitihon y. An nich tin inrtanre we may mention Dr. t'n.vthWELL'ii pat, pultitction vn Jftr rous Debility and oilier veaknefe$. the rrmill of early indiscretion. It is n small hut valuable pamphlet.--1 1 1 prrparallons the lUntiskiuioa" nn "Nr-bvink" nru imjycotHidrredthe sojeiitid only elltctual rcmedie ex'oiil (rt die complaints rrlerredin. !la iVivinwrM.s Hcminu. UrjrMrtTon AND ItnVAt, NtuviNi'. Ihe miverr-igii reiiieili" lurHemiiial Weak neio', Hitiral DeliiliU', I in potency, I u v ol milar) I'miM-sinn, Tilew, JVc ,re ler sale bj most cl' the I aiiinj; l)rusiviu in tho rmtniiy. Dr C'd rAMpiiLKT.ns nbnve, rnelainliii? full mMref fnt the one nl Fpennalnr t In n, , tun be bud in a secure unvt I-pe, by cnphMiji n iamp o Dr. Cll.ilM;H J. C. KMVII, ltit Avnue, corner IDlh Stiett, Ntw York, Voi V.ox No.4Vfi. Uuue I 5, Hcoty(,ie5r 1 1 OopkTns' City Motl, NO. 3.7 NORTH THIRD STREET, Mjvo lUm lUut, Sormtrlij 'FMll.t; 1IUTF.L," PHILADELPHIA. fpllli under finned his Inken the nlmve uelhkllourf J II mine mi .1 Ion? and l.ivorab eleaie, and h.n ren ovati'd and rurnihet it enlircly anew, nnd in ntnti n ktylenud manner as will give fl.ti fj.iion to all vvh iii.iv iM'cone hf tf.utrt (jcntlemeii who witi can te furnished a room nit I supplied will) ineam nt their plcaxure. I'oni a l.irjio Cesisiurant nml la 1 i 111 H.itoon altaUieil,in tbn l.uru penn plait," ,'ir at the hotel lablu, ut regular hours us 'hey may depire, ITit The pnnrielor fl.ilten himself that no hntise in Philadelphia Hull Ftirpasn the comfort atid aiteutiuii winch will be found attheO'ty Hotel. June U, 1857, MARiiiAflK numn ItV DU, WILLIAM VOUNfll M Altlt A.GU (JUItll'. I.V DU, WILLIAM YCUNU. sMAUUIAOn (lUiDH IIY Hit. WILLIAM ()L'i(L MAUKMfJi; niiini: by dk, William youmi. MMlllMCi; LL'lllL ItY Jilt. WILLIAM Y(H)S(;. m a uitiAt; 1: (ininn iiy du william ouN(l. sVAjtujAci: ;i:;iu: iiy int. win iam oiino. MAUKIAOK (IlllDn-YOUNtl'B (JHKAT "SSTNlMIYHIOLOtllUAL WOUK Till! I'OCKLT 3AOULrtI'IUd, or Cver Orm his own J-k- Doctor, by Wm, Yocno, At D. It is wriiim in 4pl,ijti lajiiase lor Hie general render, and i IIIiih l rated iv ith upwartUol one hundred iiib ravines, All young people, or those contemplating innrringe, nnd hxviop thu least Impediment to inanied life, should read this book. It djf clones strrerts that evrry 011 h Miould boacqtialnlettwith: still, it is a book thut mum be kept locked up. and not lie aboutthe house. It v ill be sent lonuy one on Ihe receipt nl twenlyHvn rents Address, DU, WM. YOUNfl, lS'JPprucc street, above l'otirtli. Ahs 2fl, 1857 riiiladelphla,,ra. RLOOMSUURG ROOT AND SHOE STORE. THE undersigned respectfully infoims the citizen? of llluonifliur; and Ihe public in ccneral, lha't liu has opened n ' Root and Shoe Establishment, In ihe white buildlmr, nn Main street, nboVo Else's & Wll'on's iiakery, wnero ho nas conitaniiy on liand a lurjfe assortmeiit of ' Roots, Shoes, Goiters, &o., And will makeup woik to order on short notice Ills long eipenenci! in the business, unit general know', ledge of the antio, tl, people, will enable liiiil In render satisfaction lo nil his customers, ond sjiould secure hiui patronage which ho hopes In merit. r IIENR.Y KI.EJM. ntooinsburg, May 3, c57. REMOVAL. 1TJE subscriber bavleir rnuoved his NnrJite Yonl r,,or nrnr l!miri 1,0 nm houhi wet cur ner of MAIN and MARKET streets, In Rupert's How. whsro he Is prepared to furnish all kinds of , Marble Wwlc, yin: MONUMENTS, Cradlo Tombs. Itox Tomb,, and Head Stones i,r every description. Ills stock , ol tho best k lua, the workmanship not surpa'tcd bynnv In tho country, and at low prices. Call and Judge for yours Lives. fS" lie will also furnish Table nnd nurcnii Tops, ? .' . Imuies, ,Uase Corses. Lmtles, cud Bills for Wini'ons and Uoors, at n low figure. T Tbankful for past favors, wu hope for a continuance or the same. ANTHONY WITMAN. IHoomsburg, April 4. I857Cin ROOT AND SHOE MAKING. I'llE umleralsneil. Ih.nklnl fnm tt.a l.i.nnl , ........ ...v, ,,0 ,,u. UWII lavuiti U years goneby, would infoinihls friends and 'custuuiels, 'hal lie continues lo manulacluiu ' n,lrn,m,n will, ulil.h 1.. . I, ...... ... , . Roots and A'iom, At his old and well.knownstand, on Main street, uiooiiisburs, In all their various and forms, in good sly le and on mud crate terms. HI, long ciporlence In tho mtsinosa, nnd general snowledgeof thu renple of Columbia, puply, super added ton filed determination lo render aulisfaeliun tonllhisciistoiners.fhouldsecurehlni iucreased pa. I rpnagu which fie Iidpes4a merit. JACOU J". IIIETERJCK, n.loomsburg, Match 10 ik,7. " nicccor, nil being tho rJtntc r IWv .V nla,nna ,elnsdrlto,i, or ncpilrmt nn,l tnliy 'Z ,' i .viiiiitiii .t'ciirici, nr ti,e,.iin , ijouiiui uonimnti ricn. iiipnilnwrlllncniiMm.i. inn .,, ipa pronoj,l minor if "T leOermnil lirinr,,;. rilL'ImrcU In Illooin.Uur,," In i, ownhl i of Ml "n IllHl county of Culunib .l, pecllin?ll,ci,l,Jeinrllclo"' w 4 GREAT ATTRACTION. JOHN HQLL. No HI North Second street abovo Arch, Phl'adelplila, Importer of Toys- and Fancy Goods, Ilaslho largest asBOrtmenll of Curlosilies In Ihe city. Toysof nil kiiiila,l'ancy.ilaski'ts,SnokePipes,Tobario lloies. Violins and Hlriiigs.'Hirmonicas, Accnrilenna, and n lir?o variety of other aitlclcs too numerous to mention Slurekcepersand others will plente call bclort pur chasing elsewhere Aug VJ, IM7 3m TT EW NO i .MACKEREL Juit received al 1 IIAIITMAV't
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers