Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, October 10, 1857, Image 1

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"B ' V' fl 8 rwmOS.
, " tEyi L. TATE, , '.
'Ktlllor, I'ulilislicr & Proprietor.
"To hold au.(l Ivini tJic torch of Truth and "Wavo it o'c the darkened Kartli."
jOno Dollar & Sovciity-flvc cts, In adrancs.
Vol. xl-no. si... - to)omsbdbxj, Columbia county, pa., sat
Mill lO, .1857;' , ..... VOL. XXL
XX. ii 1
published ti'fy Satllhtay Morning)
, , LEVI L.- TAT.E:. , ,.
lit -Bloomslitirp, Columbia Co.,
Office. In the new Brick llui'ding, pi
positethe. JSxchangc, by side of the Court
House, il)eniocial'ic Head Quarters.''
1,00 In nilvanco, for nno copy, for tlx months
1,75 In n,Irnnco, for ono copy, olio your.
2,00 If not palil within llio first thrco months,
2,23 If not pul l within tlio first ilx months.
2,N) If not paiiiwltliln tho year,
'RT Nosuhsorlptlon takon for IoS.1 than six months,
inil no paper ilUoontlnod until all arronrngcisliall
'b&vo boon pnlU , ,
(lDTOrillnarytiWertlsomenfi tnsartoil tind Job-
.work executed at tho established prices.
JXWE founder of tliia Celebrated lnsti
JL lll9'!"'."' " inonccnnm, ,v, ciiy, m nniy
fjlcclual icmcoy in ina worm iiM inr liium,
R,icturn,H..iniiial ttuckneM, I'aa in llio i.,,n, l
lloli.llliltioiial IMiliiy. limmKliry, Wdiklicn. ol tlie
llntknn.1 l.iloln, AiriTliumof llio' Kliln.y,. 1' Im.
ion o( 111", Hf.irW I)i8iu.sia, N. rnmn IrtiliiMIJty.
DucnM l llio lliMinVrimhit. .Noro ,r Skill, tint nil
ll,,f rinili nml liiHiiiicliolyllinorilHg nrlf tliK In m 1
lirilliiiit lioiiv of uiilicijiaiioiie, ri'itlcrlng niarriage,
Hvrpna in lljn nnr ncra Ulvstes. i in lllinc I H'lr mom '
&c , luiponiltilc,
Marrieil virons,nr Voun Men CAutFniplntini. iinr
rliKe, bi-ios awaro of ivii.iknt'rtu, n r.i inr ilo
liilliy. di'furnllHc", .Vr.. slio'lM iimiifli.l tcly ciniiiill
lit Jntiiittoa.ntiil lie rrfcturnl to pcrlcct hcallh,
ll who pl.ciH luiiMnlf unil.'r ilioraro of lir. John
ptoit imv tliKiimKly conllilo in tin honor as a penile,
limn, nml coiilldrntlv rely upon I113 skill,
Organic Weakness
lininoihilcty cured and full vigor reutored.
'I'lili d,n,'.ni id Ihi1 pen ilty most lri"iui'iily pnidhy
llnVi wiloli.ivi! Iieeoine thu victim of improper iudtll
nciidll, Vii'lns (icmoiis aro tnu Uit Id commit cx
1 iriini 11 ill iit'i L' nw.irL ill inu iirriiuiu i runi.ii( nt-lieu nut enni". Now, wii otlut uiiileriniiiU Hie mil-
J-ct will l.rrtend to deny Hint the power of prude l I
lion m lo.l sooner by llioso f.lllini! into liiiliruiH r
1 1 r , I m '
In . lW,t,T !
" '.rt Vo
P-IhU Il'il ition ofllie Iioarl.iiidiii'.tn.ii. a wast,.iB
;.rili-!lia.ii-.c,i,H!li v',,llon .(. "
'-ill!iiv Xo TAmTI I'm , i.HttiE .even doors '
, T. ?u ,or,' .m' ', ?...?"." , ?.H, ',1 XiVZ o
.i,nihi lol,,, .,1i: ..nil NII.MI lilt, ur I
' von wilt'ittf tit); placn,
.'fir HanautidfOr no Chargi .Made, in from One to
Two Day.
Dr. Johnstail,
MpiWnr Ih"1 Itoyil (,olh'4 of rftifgfo,i.f. IsOinlon
lira Imtclro.o o.ic ol'lho nioit i-nnutMii. ri'lh'j'f'M ol llir
ll'iitfil Htiu-rj, and tin-greater p.ut ol vvlioif hh Iim
Iff ii di nt iii tlio 11 rat lluipitiilu ol Isoiitlou . 1'ariu.t hi
Li I'-lpiua and i'en hi' re, Imd uilm lud hmhio -f the moil
mtlmiMli int; curi-H wtc evur known ; ni.iny trouii
)( wiihrnuiiu iiiih'i ami cais whn iisliTp,
r icii iif rvoiMiU'BK, lifiiijr iiUnu'-d at n'ldd'jn joiumU.
kud ii'-sh, with frt"U'jnl liiu!iio, attend) d
it imiMimf4 tsith il'r.injiiutitipl inindjWtKcurtjJ tin
in'du triy .
A Ccrtitin Disease ,
WImii muanlill nnd imprudent votary ofplci. !
irf fl-itU lit hit mmIhI.i the rcH of this !
'ir fl'KU Ipt h H iimIhIii thi' Rpfd or this naioliit
ditrnfo. it ion 0II1-11 i.tippenn tliat an illumed feiix- ol
fiimtnti. or ol lH .oieiy, dcicrs him from ap'y
1 nit to llio-nt w Ii 1 ffoin eiliir.nidii an I r'pi t.ilnlity
can! ii'Ti ion-l nun d I iynw till 1I01 coiiflilotiun 1
nyuiiitonoi tiTtlil 4 horrid dce.iM- miku thci raimn irnnec.
Bur.h n ulroratr I nor; throJt. din,.QdooHi. no.-inru il 1
pHitih in inr niau(tiiiihutl.4,ii;uii.i W ni3 "l. dual lie.
no.lMBimthf hkln honi'. and nrn loirhn.
hpa.lUco.iidexireun-ti9, nicroihic ullli friclnfiil
r-i'ldit.till nt Cut thfl 'iniato ortlio mouth or the
rpldit .till at Itst ihri'pilati! ortlio mouth or the
ho 11 f a oftho iioie I ill in , and tin vi.-iipi nf I Ins awful
d 1 Itt'Cuinctt u horrid ojn 1 of roiriul'rnlloii, till
d-nih outi u peno.l to hl9dre,iilfiilRUtr.triiis, ty gen-
diuit him to "iliHl tionrtM- train wlienrx no traveler,
reioni-." To Kin Ji thrrcforu Or. JolinKnn pled t 1
liiiixellto (irefcrvc the tnoit onviol ihlr ttrrrerr, and
from hit riteiHlve piartice m the Hrt Hospitals of I
r.urnprj an-i Ainerie'i, iif rati fomineiitiy reroninn'11.1 a
nfi andtpetfdy cure to the uulort male victim ol this
horrid dim-aur,
Tuhc jiarlicuZar Notice,
lr J nddrPMi'4 nM thoi h havr jnjurf A mn
vjif 1 tiy,iriv.ittand improper induljeiirri,
'L'li-se arc xoii.i-of tio ad aiu m"l incliolv effect
pro hired try r.iriy haldu of yoiiih, viz Vrnkii''fH if
thft Hick nml I.lmSi, raii '111 tho IIctM, (iiiniHBot
hitht. Ijoih ol' lNnv.r. I'.ilpi'ntion of the
tlirt.lWhprprtia, NervoiKi lrraiilility, ni'ransenrnt
,t fthe Disesllve l''nn;ciiouB,(Jcnerai llebllityinyniptoniii
of Consumption, -r. '
MKV I'Al.hY -TlU fvarfu) t tlVrtu upon the mind
art; i iiuc Ii to hndrmded IjOsb nlMumorvi Jonlmiou ot
ldu.ii, IsVuriHiMKi of tlio bpuits, Uvil t'orehodiofii.,
Avirtioiiof docitty, Ti uiiiy , Ate, arc tome ofthccvils
Tlious.uidg of perooiHtif hII aes ran now judge
wjut Ii liiic.mseof tneir ileelitilmi heultli. tjoiiufr
I.eJr vijror.hecoinitia weak palenmiemariurd, liavio
avtneuljr appcarnntiialiutit the eycs,cougli nnd ujiop
louin of Coiiaiiinnlion.
Dr Johnston's Jnvigorating Jtcmcfli for1
Organic Weakness,
Iiy this great and Important remedy. weaKnc"orilM'
orxBiitare speedily edied, and lull vijrm rrstoit'd
ThouKundsortho nioui nervnin anl,di'lillitated, who
had I nt all liopu. Iihv been imonrdiatfW relieved. All
. Impedinifttiia to Marriage. I'iiysicnl and Menial l)iiua
tlrtr nion. Mpivoiih f r main tit v .Tremblincs a nd Weak'
neHtf.orextiaiiftinimriliti mot Icaiful kind, spctdily,
cured by Doctor Jomwlon
Young Men
VhohHVelnjircdthcmelvefl hy n cnrttln practice-,
Indulged in when alone 1 lubll frcojienUy learned
ruin evilroiiiptnions.or nt school the fttrectsrtwliirli
ur niif utiv re t. itven w ten (isicen.aiui u noi curco
rdndrr mirri.nre lmoo.ablc. nnd destroys both ml ml
n u.l il'iny, sunn 1,1 nppiy inniieiiiuieiy
ivV.;.i:.i. iT; . .an.iblion.nfhloun
I ry. mid llie d'irl inu of his parents, slioii Id lie siiiitcliril
: . . . . r . ....'...
from nil prospects and enJoyiiielitsnllilc.liylUHCiinse.
'insnreii 01 uev mtnix ironi me pain 01 iiiumr. u
ilulelimlil.icciluin secret habit, Huch persons bufpro
should reflect that n souml mind unit hndyare the mns
iin,tf.,i.i.rn,.iil.lilu.ln nrnnin'. rnininliinl haeiilliesS
Indeed, without these mo JourniytliroiichlifolM ci.mns
a woary pllsriniase.tliiiiirospcclliniirlyilarkens lo the
view ! thnmlnil Incomes sh.iilowi il with 'despair nnd
UlloJ wilhllioinel.iiicholyrPllertloiilliatthohaipiuess
orniiollierliecomeBlilislile.lwilll our iiwn,
OKt'lCU NO. 7 SOUTH I'-t lilir.ttlRK ai'.,nlfrs,.VJ
Al.l,HURllijAf. qffllPATIONS t'ClirOUM Ul).
N. II ,-t." tuo false modesty prevent you, buuipplyim
odiutelyellber personally nr hy l'l'"'.
skin iiistiAHM Bi'iumii.v uunnn.
To Strangers.
The many thousand, cured at this Institution wlth'n
His last 15 years, andtlie iiuincrousimpotUntBuriiicnl
Operations performed hy Dr. Jnlinslna, witnessed by
the reportet"ol the papers and many other
llcnsol'whiclihavoniipeandneaiil and ujalll bchire
the diililic, besides Ills stJiidlnc as n seiitleman of tha
rarlcrand responsibility, ita sudlcicul guarantt. to
thenllllcled. '
Take Notice.
rj Thereare so many Ignorant and worthless
diiacks advertising thcinsclvis t'liysicinns, ruining
the health ofthn alreiuy ninicien, inai nr, junnii,,,
denmsilnreessary tnsay. especially to those uimc
quslntedwllh his reputatlnn.tliathis. rredcnsls and
dlploiinsalwnj'shaiii! in his oince.
rrS-l'KNoTu.-AIIellcrs must ho pest paid, nnd
coufaln aposlasaklauipfurtlie reply, or noansivcr
fcrvvlll sent
,niiaily7 1657.
Cuiinubus fllalo and Tcmalo Academy,
miir, fourth Term oflhi. In,llitlmi will couiiiifjicc
1 on Monday, Iho 3d day ol Auensl nest, i hn In
stl.iuion l,yl?i been Iu '!
lsit (icloher. under thorhirpn of l'ror. AHriBFox, as
lVincsf.rS. Jlth comp'lenl ami assistants, and
l "s been w" Il 11 onli'd by sludems from abroad -The
iouVlics of llucks. I o i,,i,b a.
llsYlng fV",hed n good portion of thr5cho beside,
seveijl from the far west, who lime attended the
"irr'An Ojienlng Address, will 1" Jrllvi red on llm
ilsy ul Iho conimcnceinclit, at 3 " cl TllfcnT.E3
New Uoluuibus, JulviS. lSi7
Huaus,lla:r Oils, I'omnde. ttt t he had u
C Ul.AKK'H Hook Store
tXrnKURS.'byfte laws of this Oom-
T V' t .ndlrwcitlth.U UninW' tlu' Vuty'ol tlio Hheriir
of every enmity tu alvu notice of the genual edition,
bv publication in on or morn iicwpniipeM of the coun
ty, nt least iwenty uia J elora the nlrdinn," nml to
entnuuruta therein " the oihern to hQlcleciotV nml to
t tics I gnata ho place) at which tlio rlrriloii U to ho
liolJ." Tlirrctnrfi, J, HTCI'JU.N II. MIIjM.K, lcli
BhernT o( Colombia count v, ilo hereby imkn kirnvu
ami nroclihii to thu qiiaji'ile.l r.lrrtor nf Columbia
county, rt OI.NCUAI. J'l.ncTlON wil ho hehl
throughout all cnnnty.'on TUESDAY, ihc Til III
TilllNlll DAY, (UTOlinit,liein tho si'onmiTiios.
tay In sitnl iliontli, at the scvcrnl ilutricU wltlil n llio
county to wit. :
(teuton owulili, nt the houSe-of EMc! Coin,
Heaver toiviiftilp nt tint heiiae of Christian H human,
tltoom township, nl the Court lloutc, lltoonifljiirg
.llrinrcreck torvnMiip, nt the Town Houie, Ilenvfek
Catawlma inwuMnp, nt the house of the Jatoditacy
, Majii'rtw.iii.CatfiwlBFii
Centre towtifhiri, nt the tioiisC ofJc rem I ill Ilc. lrcM.
I'lt-blnur reek township, at tho hotiaoot Abraham Kll tie,
now oirupii-il Iiy William Long.
CreenwooiitowiiBhjp.Titthe l,oii of Joseph R, Patlou.
lli'inlitck toivn.liin. at tlii I'uck Horn
l.ociiHt lownFtnii. at Hie liou of Oiviil Ri'tnliolil.
1'iaiikliii tovMixliip,rit l.'layton'ii Hchoot lloiisu,
Mifllin tiivliliii at llio liousi' of Julio Krllrr.
Mndiimii low Hie lioiitn iifjno Wtlllvpr. ili-r'il.
, Mii!"ciihi'.o,"1 "JW"8""'," 11,0 1""'"! '"r wiiinm
i iMontoiirtiiwn.lilp, it tliolioniM, nfjohn KicLardq. i.ovn
om,,,fl, hv Wil mm IIolllnli,.ail, ,,.,,VI1,i,., nt im-Iioimc nl lmi-Vottor
JV,iccm'k wwn"nini IhMiouil-of l W Diiaa
M, ,? w ncru nliil liv I r.inkl sTiiim'in W-,""1S
orioio loVS 1' 'illno
n!?ii,. 1 '
J'', ,' . .i,. ,, I Alhrrl llimlrr
Jwin?f tt
y - ' - 'v" ..' - ' -
It Is iiirlln-r ilirfrti'il that tlio election at Hie said
several districts skill lie opened liclw ecu the hours ol
H 10 o'clock in thu rorottooh. nml tdinll cnllnu,.
opeiMvilhotit inlcrrtiplion or ailjonriniicnt, until 7
o'clock in Hie evening, when the poll, shall Im caused,
The otnro is lobe elected ut tho time and place afore
said, are
two juduim op Tin. nuntCMU court,
0'U l'l'.lttlO.V l'OIt PKOTIIONOTARV, Cl.r.RK
OK Til C COUItl' OF (tUAU'lTIl e-l:SSIONr, Of Till'.
o,lf i.-iiuici-. .u ui- 'lin; cuuiit 01
1 . ....... ....
",.,, ,jnu v !,. itl'rllTCa AKli ni-rniiiipi!
W-i'i itvi' Vrl'l' u I1U' I.LCOltUI.R,
a i,(, iv-I-v a I ill I ri ill
iV,ta,i"!elll of Congressman Is held in
pr.Manre.irawr,tlo,,ind.r.cld l,y llm On m,or ol
IheCoiiiiiionwrallliot P-iiiis)lv.inia. wliorcm it is Hi.
'Mti-imiiii Ion .. ' 1 1 "-"' 'r"'"",'.
alive, of Iho HiniiiI Huich, in conje.pie ico or lie
Until of Joill (! .Mill rno.MikV, L,., elicl id a lillllilil r
of the Twenly V, III, C.r., fro... Il Tvollll. Con-
Blclsinnnl llislllrl. enmpns. il ol III,, counties of Vn
hniil.l. I.nzrriiL.,Mniitnur and iVv nml ux. i int I.Sia-
I 1-ln-n II. Miller tli-jh Hln-ritrol Cohtmhia rnnniy, Miall
ltH or raii3) ki uu ihjio, irtuicn lowitfeiiip, ai thp
Uiof nml at iho places oturfatt'i an cirri ton lor (Itorw
fug a Itt'prcHfiit.Uivc ol ihN 'oiiMiiouur.ilth in J Ik;
IIoiim' of ivt'B oflhu United atatus, to till
lh' vncinry afori'saiil.
Ami, wlii-rcaK, 1 hnvclii'pn ilirrctft liytlieRovprnor
tnjjiv i' notice thai n join I icpolntHtn. prninsin u'rlin
nniontliuonts toilioOoutsttuitiou ofi his Com inoiiwcalth.
h id iwifti iri-fil to hy a m.ijoiiiy of tin' iot.ubPrn tc
to e.trit lltiiibti of thu l.iymlaturp, at two sucrrpnivt1
terint ol th'i came, and that it l provided by the Con- f
Miltinion. Utit any oMcndmein in agreed upon, thai) .
hii culiiititii'tt to tho itcfitilu lor ilifir uniirovoi o- n I
ti mi . 'I licrrfi.ii'. I jr the urro of nctri lining lint
n'Mtso of tlit'Cill.'-Hs of tins Coiiiinonuciltli in regard
tli.TPto.l.Hicphin II.M'lUr. UiWi&ierltl'orColumhj.i
' Icrtors or trni'l rn intj, that an rjcrtion will l-e held
1 1 o.m I 1. f 1 1 1 t 1 . v f .1 9 . -vv a r.j n n U 1 i jl r i rt r 1 11 er i f 1 .
s'juU' ir "Ui nonce ami proraiui 10 inn ni:ninii!ii
on tno an dmi 1 ui-.sii r m uu, a. 11.
lKi7. for Ui purpose nt d ndjnj upon tho adoption or
rcjcrtiou ol the tald aiiimilim-iitK, vr any of tle'm;
uliirh unid (iMtioii fli.tll Uj Ik I.I M llio places nnd
npin I and I'li'tcd at th? tlmr ;ft mnl villi in whirl) tor
ijeio'ral llkctions of Mti IVimimiuwealth arc held,
opronl and c'oscd ; and It shall ri the duty ol tho
JuIl. Inprtn ftim oicrKH or oar 11 n mui town
ftilpi. wnnu ninl ilj-trlct lo rrerlio ftl tlic rnUl (Uc
ti'in, tl-kcU rither rltu n or prlnV'd,or ynti y writ.
n nnd partly printed from ctijens dyly qualified to
vote for Mr rubor ol tne t.'encrai A'cmniy atut to
ilr pur it them in a uo or boxes to l.e hr that purpoFu
provided bv the proper olftrerD ; .vdiicli tlrkc's xhall bo
regpertivf-ly lahetld on tho out Hide "Tire I Amend
ment. Hrcond Amendment. " "Third Amrndmcni ,"
a n J fourth Amendment," and thoc who o-o fnora.
bio to slid Anieiidinenlt.or any of them, inav express
thelrdefiro by votiiiR each as many nfpirate written
or printed, or turtly written or printed ballot or
tirkeiit. ronlalniuii on tho iiuid'! thereof thu words
For tho Ameniluitintt" and tlio-,o who are opposid to
such Amendment, oraHV f them, tn.iv express their
oppoiitmn hy vntinj etcli n many separate written
or print d ballo'n or ticket cntit-ihiitifj on the i n suit
il...rnAf iho i,.nrrl4. Arrrtinst Ihn Aincniiinents
And finther, I do liertby givf iidtice, direct and 1
n.....fnl... il. n tlirt rti'ftliiii An t lift ii,l ti rnnnsi il
till th'i raid tironosid
Amend, noitu. li.ill iio oiene-l siodTloieii ni ihn same
time. and in all respect be condui ted a the Cenernl
UIcciIoih of this Cotiimonvvoahli aro now conducted,
at well m rep':rta iho 'ti'i'iriMtiona of vou'rs.dthe
lime ,-nd iiiauurrol making return. us In all other
It Ii further directed tnnt llm mcetinff ir the return
jud'is, nl the Court llotiein lllooniflfurg, lo niako out
Die seneral returns, FhinK-'on thfl lirn Friday uc
reedittg the ccuenil election, which will bo the six
teenth day ofOctiditr.
The Congrewinnai return Jmlprs cf UmTwiirth Pi
trkt, composed of the cou lilies of Columbia, Luzerne,
Montour und Wyomititf, will meet at tlio Court (louse,
in IMooniiburir. nnTtinsiiAV, the Twentieth t'nv of
Or toiler next, to make out retur e for member ofCon-
'Ihu fleintorial rctuni udjea of the Tliireenlh
Henalortnl Dltlncl. composed of tlx! counties ol fuyder.
Noriliuniberlmd, Montour nnd Columbia, will nucl at
iho Court IIoimp.iii the boroujli of Huubury. in the
county of Northumberland mi'llJUtiUAY IhoTwonti
eth t'ny of October next, to laku out rclurni for tftato
TIih return Judges or tho Representative District,
romnosed of the counties of Wjomhitt, Pultlvnn Co
liimbia and Vontour, flnllmeit at tho Court Mouse, In
lit.if.iuahiirrr. in tlieniinlv of Coluiubil on 'I CI'SDAl ,
tho Twentieth day of October next, to make out ntunm
'-' l"r' . .,.. .
A,l'i n an. ny tne aii i am i. .o-r ..... ......
rive notice Hint every,eyceillllgjustires ulllx!
l"-ncp. who sli.nll .noM.nny on. nr iil'po niii . .. ...
.mi . ... ... mi ler i lie 1,0
!!'"'' LV' i hii sinti'. or o( an v cil v or inrorporiiteii
' dial rie t. hel her n rnliiinissloned olhier or otherwise.
...i.n..l, nillrrr or nieiit. who is. or tliall lie
ployed under the legislative, or eji ciilive, or ju.lici ry
depallmeiil of lile Plate, nr urmiy incorporated ili'trih'.'
.1. ,1,., .vrm nie'inlter ol L'uiieress . and of Cll
selrcmr common .council of any cily.c.iiijiinirrlniirf.o
. .r.h. lornrnimted (lillrict. is.livf.l
, holdms nr eiercilns "1 I'm s imu lime. Hie ortice or
nnpniiitiiienlnf judse, inpirtor nr cleiki.l any cKrilnn
i ,. roiuiiioiiwcallh, nnd Ihal no Inspeclor. junsi) or
iiiciirii"!' o .
n,.u ..trier ..rniiv such .election shall he eligible to any
office i ha n to he voted for
linen u nil. r my h.'.ndnnd seal, ntiiiynmcelnllhioins.
hnrg, ,1,1, 31., day of A.Jj,& fuhhrAl,
nioollishurg.Bcpt 5, 1S?7 Sheriff
Stoves nml Tinware.
a 'III; subscriber having ereiled a largo new brick
Foundry and Machine Bhop, in placo of llio old
one. is prepared to make all kinds of castinu lit the
l.iweH iiric. a flows constantly on hand. 'I ho sub
minor has also removed Ins Tin Phop rroin Mam n.
lo the foundry lot, where ho has erected a building
altogether for Stoves nnd Tinware.
Tim Hooking Slnics consist or the WM.rcNN
JlSfCOllK, ItAIIII l.'OOK. VANI.lmt COOK, and
SyCrAni.Oll STOVr.S ofall kinds, tho r.uu uv
TSEuNIIUIt All kinds of Spoutiit
nude lu cdc. ,03CPII 8IIAHPI.B88.
Illoonuburg, Aplll 11. 1837.
fTMIE HEV. 0. S. DUHNETT, whilo
I laboring as a Missionary in foul hern Asia. His
covered a iuiple and c. rlaln cure lor Onsenimmi. -insula,
UrontHui. Couglu, Ceds, Mnou$ ;elili!y,nnd all
iinpuillles ol the lllvcdi eusy and eir.clual
mode ofinliallng Iho Kcnti). Actuated bv a itesiro to
I n i.i. .,.,r,.rln.r.lim,. ha ulll rheerfll IV send
llie Iteclpo (free) in mirh nsdisire II, Willi lull aud
explicit dire, lions for prepjring and succcsslully using
theMedicme. Address. ; fl
631 Uroadnay, N. Y. Oily.
August 1,1857-Cin
TrmipiTii. i.u-nni?oo flflM DAW
i-oiiwai:i) and deliver packages on the line or me
M n, 1 n.xi its. irhii-f. t'nit.iwisiein. Wllli.iiDSiiurt
and Hrli. oPd vyitinnu,.?tand Uimira
.''""r'i'ill'VnSi delivered and fiood.ciiiiiciti in.e 'f'lms
I'hiiaiL'ljihia Augyilfc-7 y.
i V 1
Saturday Bloruing, Oct J.p, 1857
Tlio Pennsylvania Election.
'riio'olcctioii in Pennsylvania for Stato
officers is closo at hand ; abd the democra
tic nnrtt-. who have the honor of tlio Stain
iu their bands, aro working with their
charaolofistio zeal and determination,
, , ,. ,., ,, . , . .
Tho contest is unliko the contest in Masaa-
chuictts ; for Davitl Wilmot represents tho
combined lorces of know-nothmgibm and
black republicanism, and Ucneral Packer,
tho democratic oir.didato for Governor,
represents thoso noblo constitutional prin-
ciples which triumphed in tho election of
Mr. Iluchanau.
Tho democraoy of Pennsylvania under-
I stand tho proud position they occupy, ami
well know that tho dcinocr.ii-y of tho whole
tt;.. .1 : . .:.. .1 :
Union expect thorn to maintain those prin
ciples which they did ho much to mako
triumphant in tho nation. Never had a
party greater incentives to gallant action
than hav'c tho democracy uf the Keystouo
State. Could tho combination in Pennsyl
vania succeed by ovcu ono majority, the
scctionalhts would mako tlio welkin ring
Hut such a result is not possible. Never
had a party moro able and patriotic load
crs, whilo their organization is thorough
and their action is zealous. Thrco years
ag", when knovv-nothingism was rampant,
tho democracy of Pennsylvania nobly rc
fused all tampering with it; they f-tood
manfully on tho ground of religious trocdom
and of equal rights; and they dcu.-unccd,
as did tho democratic parly overywheic,
.n tntKnr.iliIo knmv-nothing anneals to tho
lU0 "borau-c Know noimn .tnpeais to int
worst passions of tho human heart. Iho
ccmen,uonco was a defeat, Tho disgrace
ful combination elected Pollock iu 1651 by
about S7,00l) majority over the democratic
candidate That was a pcifcct union be
tween .tho two clcmonts, but with know.
nothingi.m largely in tho ascendant in the
combination, which took iu what was sub
sequently classed as tho Pillmoro clement
thoso who denouoce sectionalism. That
was a democratic defeat without a particle
of democratic dishonor. Now the caeo is
very different in Pennsylvania. Now the
controlling clement in tho combination
against tho democracy ii puro abolit.ouism
Wilmot rcprcsecta tho iutcnscfct sort of
sectionalism of Kamos shrioMqg of
war on 1C OoDSlitutiou of OUr OOUlltry. -
Whst Clinsc is in Ohio, what Hanks is in
Massachusetts, Wilmot is in Pennsylvania.
Now, it is a glorious fact, that Pennsyl
vania, though deceived in Pcllook's day,
into know nothingism, has never been
wheedled into disunionism. It is a Union
living and constitutional-abiding t-'ta'o.
In this respect Pennsylvaui i lias a history
worth contemplating by tbo whole north,
every free Staie. It was the first Stato to
provido by statuto law, 1780, for tho abo
lition of fclavcry within its limits. Do wo
Icsiro to seo bow our noble revolution try
(f a it Btn4 8118 It a 1 J S
fathers acted with regard their own st.ito to him, Cually turned to a friend and in
rights and tho rights of sister Stiles I j quired, 'An' that's David Wilmot, ch ?'
Look at this Orst abolition of slavery act in 'Ves,' was tho response. 'And what is ho
this Union ' This net or amithina ill il
contained, shall no.'. give any reliijoi sJicltcr
to any abuonding or runuwuy mgo or
mulatto, slavt or servant, who has absented
himself t or shall absent himsrij from his or
heroivncr, m any other state or county,
Hut such owner shall hvve like rigid
and aid to demand, cliii.n. and take aicav
his slave or servant as he might lave had
in case this act had not been passed
Thus did a senso of justice to sister States
. ...
in Pennsylvania anticipate a similar pro-
vision in tho 1787 ordiuaneo : in tho con-
stitution ; and tho act of Congress of 1703 1
And this act, still unrepealed, is now tho
law in Pennsylvania !
And i3 noio forsooth a combination of
such sedition soiving demagogues an Wil
mot heads, to bo allowed to bear sway ?
All,lnhn.llawell,.imnnrl intn (L
Knva(nn Rtato tbo treason, stltutes 0r
M.nchnmtUt Tho answer to thoso
questions is to bo found in last fall's politi
cal work in Pennsylvania when sho gavo
tier vote to air. liucnanau uy twcmj.x
thousand moro votes than roiioci; receivoii
in 1851; Pollock taking 201,000 and Rti-
ehanan 230,0001 And when tho lattcr'a
veto was a clear majority over all I ! Thou
tho " union electors" took hut 204,000 and
n. t ! i. T7:ii-..-. T
voces weru given to vmimiiu, w 1
democracy' but do their duty in tho'
I coniina cloction, a nd tho Wilumt phalaiu
i .
will bo ignoiniiuouly Luittdn'. ,Vo aay
; r.. i i . ..i. .
tsjiwitiiimtfii, ucnien lor jjavm iimot,
to buy Itnow-uotiiljig su2)por.t, Lrtscly stul
tifiod priiiciploj whicli for a life limo ho
had clcfeiiJcil.
1 Wo look, then, for glorious tidings from
Pennsylvania'; and because its patriotic
votOH will not allow thctmelvoa to Lo drawn
into a war on tlio constitution of tboir eonn-
' try by tho election of Wilmot. Wo look
to 6co tho.dcmocraiio flig win now honors
' to boo Pennsylvania coming grandly up
i to sustain tho patriotic administration
which her favorite sou i3 giving to tho
Boston Post.
, , , ,
Charles II. Buckalow.
On tho 20th ult.. tho Senatorial Confo-
, rC03, after numerous balloting, ncminated
'ii,0 Hon. Charles 11. lluckalow for Senator
'for this district, composed of tho counties
of Northumberland, Snyder, Columbia uud
Jloutour. Wo need hardly say that tho
nomination gives ontiro satisfaction and
that the coufciccs could Lavo made no
nomination thut would havo been moro
(warmly received in this county and tho
i .... .
Mr. Uuekalow has been in tho Stato j
Sonato six years, and for tho last thrco
years has been ooividcrcd the leading man
in that body. His abilities aro of the
highest order, .whilst ,his modest and un
pretending deportment h only equaled by
his merits. Iu tho borough of Sunbury,
wo preiiict, ho will receive tho largest vote
ever polled for that office.
Sunbury hnerican.
Hon. C. B. Euckalow.
It ill prove gratifying intelligence to
tho Democracy, throughout tho Stato, that
this distinguished ijciitlcmao who Ins con
ducted Iho present gubernatorial canvass,
in so able and efficient a manner, has been
renominated by his constituents, of tho
Thirteenth Scintciial District, for a feat
in the higher branch of our Stato Legis
lature. Wo &io innly indebted to Ids
zeal and .energy for tlio passage of tho
several amendments to tho .Mate Constitu
tion, to be passed upon by tlio people, this
fall. His previous services in our Legis
lature has been eminently honorable lo
himself and useful to tho State.
Tho district being Democratic, Mr.
Uuekalow will bo elected by an overwhel
ming majority, I Wsburg I! cclcly Union.
Wo rejoico very mueh to know that lion.
C. R, Duckalew, of Columbia county, ha3
been re-nominated a? a candidate for State
Senator, in his district. Wo look upon
Mr; It. as our of the nblebt men in Penn
sylvania, nnd a Democrat in evory sense
of the term. His return to tho Senate
will be hailoflwitU delight hy every Dem
ocrat in tho Stato. VmUoh Sentinel,
rjeTTho Westfiold Argus has the fol.
lowing, which ii not only a good joke, but
a fact :
"Tho best political joko wo havo heard
this season wai 'done' on tho occasion of
'King' David Wiluvit's speech at Erie. An
Irishman who had listened attentively
running for V 'Governor.' 'Governor of
' Kausas is it ?' 'No, Governor of Pcnnsyb
vacia.' ' Faith he said nothing of Venn
sylvmUi, 1 tluH it uos Kausas, sure !"
Glocuiy Prcspocts."
The Tnbtitie soys tho prospcct3 in
Kansas aro "gloomy," No doubt. Tho
frcc-Stato men having resolved to vote,
, black republicanism in tho North is likely
tn bo a bankrupt quite before election day
-re l'l. T." ...!. :
cmca ou. . .u aSM uiriwi .a
all 6. Gloomy prospects, indeed here.
Hotter suspend ; add one moro to iho list of
failures, and bo dono with it.
Cut and Tio
Democrats in whoso hands tho tickets
havo been placed, will confer a favor upon
'lr PlJ' J"u u""tS "
election day by carefully cutting, folding
anJ yln8 UP tlia wll0' tlckot-
OSS' S. W. Taylor, a son of the lato ox-
Prcaidcut Taylor, has purchased "Ronnie
, j.,, R odo)jmca raccr( fl)r 50,00
j fgy-Tho crop or sugar in Porto' Itico is
' a miili0n pountb muro this year than it
wa3 ; 1 850 mokbscs 220,000 gallons
m0I.0) colToo 300,000 pound3 more,
Car Kx-Onv. Wright, of Indiana, has
nc.ieutod tho mis-un t" Hcrliu.
Bpnator Douglas, -by ail Oppo- I
SltlOU 1'apcr. ., '
i mi. ri, i., , . , r it oi i
iho followifli! otcltpf Hon. Stcphcu
a n.t, i Vi iu r if i
A. Douglas, by tho oditor of a Kcpnbhc.ui
.. J. 5 ...
paper, the Nowburyporfc (Mas.i.) UcraWiis'
graplna and nnmsiDg. U appear that ho
was a pahicngcr with Jiulgo Uotiglas on a
trip in tho cars from 3t. Louis to Chicago,
nt tho close of tho celebration of tho open
ing of tho Ohio and Miasiasippi Hailroad f
in June last.
Tho littlo man, with a big, round hoad,
a brow almost as broad as Welstcr's. and
n . ., , i, , .ili , . . 1
a rpiiLU, activo e o, that rolls under tne bo a permanent and a perpetual peace in
heavy, projecting brow, watching evory ' Kansas. No such mbtlvoa inspiro tho '
other man, and not allowing a motion to i politicians who want war and dissension. '
, . ... , ,, , . ...
escape unn witli arms too short tor his They dosiro to help themselves as narlisaus 1
n,1.:.l. :. f.,ll -.1 1 11 1 ' . . . . .
tiouy, wui' 11 is lull ami rounu, as though it not os patriots, and hooeo thty cry out
never lacked tho juices that supply life jj agtipst ,tlio amiable and fraternal iiirit
and with small duck legs, which, had they 1 which' is preparing Kansas for ndmissioli
grown as thick as his back bono (and they, into family of.ohlca. Two gentlemen con-
,, in..,,., , . J b"....v.....
would probably, if Providence had not'nected with tho public press, but bulb
l 1 11 .111 I .... . . ..
lorcseon tun 110 would waut li.acic bono entirely independent of party politics, who
mnrn ll,nn l,.ft ln II. I ..1 rlT 111 . . ,
more man togs m ms oattlo el lite,; wo'ild , bavo just returned, from Kan3ss, ooneur in ,
havo mado him of respcotablo Mature; that saying that whenthoy left rvorythiii was
littlo man is no loss than tho groat politician
ot tho West, who his attraotod mure atten
tion in tho last four yeara than any other
man of tho nation, and done moro to givo
direction to public affairs than even tho
President, with a million and a half of
voters at Ills back, and tho army, navy,
and treasury of Nortli America at his
command. It is tho " Littlo Giant," Sto
phen A. Douglas, with whom wo parted
company at Vinccnncs, and who has slowly
conic along, feeling tho public pulse, to
learn tho political health of tbo "suckers,"
up to t'pringfield, tbo capital of tho Slate.
Tho means of successes Scintor Douglas
aro very apparent. First ho is really aud
intellectually a groat man. Eastern people
who view him only as a low politician,
should disabuse their minds in relation to
ono who is to exercise a wide influeuco in
the affairs of tho country, and very probably-
for ho is yet young to be tho head
of tho llcpublie. Ho is matsivo in his
conceptions, broad and comprcheniivo in
bis viuws, and in a good measure h en
dowed with all tho.'c powcru of mind that
mako a s atcsmau.
l!ut ho is greater still in energy of char
acter. Thcro are thoso who think that a
defeat of him next year would bo his death
in poli ics ; but tho man who sprung from
a cabinet maker's shop in Vurmout, and
without father or friend worked his way
to an honorable place upon tho bench of
judges, who onlcred Illinois with Icsj than
fifteen coot3 in money and noi ono cent in
credit, aud bus acquired great wealth cud
tho highest station and influence, :a not
ea-ily to bo whipped out. lint if ho is
reat in mind, and great in energy, ho is
greate.-t in those winning manners from
which tho world calls him a demagogue.
Scarcely a mau, woman, or child in the
cars escaped his attention, or was pa.'sed
hy utiaj.oken to. At or.o moment ho talks
with tho old, steriijvmgcd politician, who
has been soured by thousand defeats and
disappointments, in tho next to that well
formed and genial Kentuckian, who has
just sought a free Stato; now ho sits down
with tho littlo girl approaching her tcoti3,
and talks of her school studios ; and ho
pats tlio littlo buy on tho head, and in tho
presence of bis fond mother and proud
father (what father is not proud to seo his
boy noticed 1) says a word of his mild eyei
or glossy locks.
Again tho lady is approached with a fair:
word anil a bland smile, and gees homo
pleased to tell her husband or father how
bo looks and what ho says, and then half a
dozen ro about him, all standing together.
Ho can talk ruligton with the priest as well
as politios with tho statesman ; ho can con
gratulato tho newly appointed office holder,
who hps supplanted his friend, tell the dis
placed friend of tho " good timo coming,"
when his wing shall bo up ; and at every
station, moro regularly than the conductor,
Mr. Douglas is upon the platform, with a
good bye to tho loaviug, and a wclcomo to
tho deporting traveler ashalio of tho hand
with ono man that stands at tho depot,
and tho touch of n hat to anothor. Ho
knows everybody ; can tell iho question
which nflicots each locality; call tho nauio
of every farm oh nor ou tho way; tell all
travelers something of tho homos thoy left
that thoy never know themselves, and
suggests what they aro adapted for in
tins life, aud what placo thoy deserve 111
Iow such a.Muan as that, in cgntaot
with everybody, knowing .everybody, .and
capablo of pleading ovcry, and at tho bottom
wrapped up with iho ono idea of picfor
mcnt, power, and dominion among men, is
uot easily to bo put down ; and hia oppo
nents might as well believe at once, that
when they fight him tboy figbt a strong man i
a liulo fiant itifioed. Ho would bo
popular in ASoton or anywhero else, nml
' . , . ' ' .
half tlio " tlireo' tho-jnand clorcymcn ' ho
, , ,,, ,
denounced would havn tho r lieirtfl Mnloii
nnnilliir in llnfin nr. rtnvtrlmrn rljf. nut!
" """ "
.-; , , , 1f .
1 .
PoaCO in Kansas.
1 - '
Thq war of factions, on tho Katms
question, h confined to those outsido of
Kansas. 'Ihc nconlo of tho 'iVrritorv nrr,
deeply interested intcrcstudinthcirhomcs,
in their household n-nmli ilir.r rtmrA at..,!!
siuSularly( quiet, ,and satisfactory. Tho (
people were absorbed in business and other i
4 . . i
pursuits moro Cnnunilj: than P0lltlC3S and As oeuvetoiictnveaiid.rl.yme nnlo
; . " . 1 ' I 1 caiiriulwicp hut lour teals will lie flowine
it was only when our informants returned
to tho States thatthoy found the real Kansas
war. A lew days, however, will settle Iho
matter, and wo shall then bo ablo to tell
how far those prognostications aro well-
ffltinilml nr lint.. V ,. cnminl ,lnl.l ll,... 1
, ,
What the people of Katisay most desire
themselves thoy will obtain, no matter how
the factions, who havo no rinht to interfere.
may clamor. The I'riss.
Thu Causes of Suiuides. In Franco,
in 1651, according to tho Westminister
Review, thcro wcro 3399 calcs of self-de
struction. Of these, 903 aro set down as
resulting from insanity, and 1G0 from
"fixed melancholy," which should be classed,
we thinl:, as a species of insanity making
1 1 0 iu all. T.lio detiro to avoid physical
pain killod tho next highest number
namely, 313, and pecuniary embarrassment
ii03. Gambling is charged with only 0,
but tho probability ie tint a largo portion
of tho 203 driven out of tho world by
pecuniary embarrassment, miht havo
traced their embarrassments to tho gaming
tabic. Disappointed lovo caused 91, and
grief for tho loss of children 40 ; shame and
romorso 7, jealousy 23, grief for the in.
gratitudo of children 10, want 17D, and
sudden anger 1. There is not so much
of tho "romantic," it must bo admitted, in
these statistics, as ono would espect to find
in looking for tho causes of French suici
des. Indeed, there is nothing very Frcnchy
in the main features of tho table ; and we
suggest to Monsieur and rda'raoscllo, that
since all sorts of people l.avo como to kill
themselves for all sorts of reasons, and
suicidea havo thus loil jnuch of their for
mer interest, thoy may as well bo aban
doned by the fashionablo and ri '.iantic.
A Man oliot by a yotitsg Lady.
On Wednesday night last a distressing
accident occurred at tho residence of Mr.
Georgo Smith, in Charles City county, near
tho Henrico cas'crn line, which resulted in
tho death of a worthy young man, and in
groat anguish to two families at least. Mr.
Samuel Thros, overseer for Wm. U.
Randolph, Ei-q., at his Greenwood farm in
Henrico, has been paying his addresses to
Misa Smith, and on Iho evening of tho
accident had called to spend a ' few hours
with her. After sitting in tho house in
conversation with tho young lady, her i
, mother and brotner for somo time, she
i left tho
io room for a few moments, and on I
.. , . , , '
g on tto porch, picked up a guni
which eho supposed to bo empty, went to
., . , y ,. . . ,.' ,. p
tho window Icadmc into tho direction o
..." , mi .
.her mother, brother and Mr. Throg, at -
tempted to snap it to frighten them.
I fortunately tho gun happened to be heavily
chamed at tho time, und when tho trigger
b , .. ,1,1 -.- .i
was pullod it cxplodod, depositing tho
1 . ., . .1 ,
contents in tbo sido of young I hrog's head,
killing him almost instantly.
1 su "ni"i
to persons never to point a gun or pistol at
any ono, iu play. Accidents aro
ally occuring from the o.reles3 use of Cr0
arms, and now that tho shooting season is
about to set in a number of casualties may
bo expected if carelessness is not strictly
guarded against. Richmond Dispatch.
The coin that is moet current among
mankind is flattery-tho only benefit
.which is, that by hcariug what wo aro not
wo may loam what wq ought to be.
Dcmoerub, stand to your guus on
Tuesday next.
I'ho following esciuisito .lovo Bong is
it.-- A.;i:n...r.Tnt. -
, . . " ,
ho composit bu of Joseph
, , , 1 . , .
Irishman, one of tho cxi
"",luu"i ul
exiles of 1919, who
died recently of consumption in New Or
.jcan - nt tho ago of 28. iJNUhing could
1 1)0 moro cauliful tIlfin tllia balladwhich
ought to bo set to music, since only tho
' voice of tho a sweet ninger" can do jasticp
to ti tender pathoi and p.Won :
b wVi'rmneTim "fti!i'!I"wid
jjOin in hi", UPArrn. rni oneiv i
tiii lonely without Uiop,
I 'in thinking ntKint thpf,
wlitch cuae. to fold ilicu
i uri-nnis i m-noia nwu-
i."iii lo rue, orirllri", my sorrows to liitlden,
tw l" tiiybramy to Liesmnd toinisineii,
c'o'I)!' iltily "11 iuae.l'iyr "i?a ilSiJ'i '
Rivniiows will flit round Hii ileulaio niln,
TeiUn,ni.ipriiiii nnd iisjojom rcncivinc 1
And lliouslilsor Ihy luve nml ll ininiriild Ircnsuro
Areaming myiiourt wium promiu of piiamre.
Al.J tliy fondness alorc l the .mulilne enn win it.
rUurcs Uul move llknn soniHiroutli llioeven
rtres 111 up hyu titles ofiiiavcn- '
Lvea like llie skits of poor Crln, our mottipr.
where iwdon-onj unsiiirra are tiisitm eocii other 1
Him le rnnil iijr St Idoiu liilt cliilitlike nnd simple,
And niwninj their oymftom iho henrmia cimpioi
Vs'ic'tYoVheimuiVi'i? hilre'nmi"g''"''''8
v h, ,,M rM , kMW , w lhMfBf4,
Ii"',' "rn "ow ",' '"' 1 a"! "'U'""''
Our nearlseVwr answer In liino nnd In lime, lovo.
You cannot smile, hul my check will ho glowing-
i woiini not oic without you at my sine, love
You will not linter when 1 sha'l have died, lovo.
i Come lo nt?, dear, er" I die nf my sorrow.
i' Use on my gloom like Hie sun ol lo-morrow ;
I blrong. swll,,.and fund as the words which I speak,
" love,
With it snug 'on yodr lip and a smile on your check,
1 I,,.... '
t dilute, ior my ncnrl tit vonr aiiicnce is weary
'llJsi.for my spirit Is sickened nnd lr nry
Tlio;3ilcraco of au Artio Night.
The following eloquent description of
tho silonco of on Artio night occurs in Dr.
Hays' locturo on tho Artio regions. Wo
have, at least upon ono occasion, when
eight or nine miles under ground in thp
Mammoth Cave, seemed to feel the darkness,
but wo never imagined that other 'negative
attribute of nature, silence, oould bo so
intense as t.i bo hiiril. Yet tho dootor'j
ilescrip'ion.niakes this strange paradox a
i reality. He says :
Tho moanlighta of tho period (winter)
aro tho iivst grand and impressive of any
thing I have ever witnessed. The clearness
of the air, tho whito surface of tho snow and
ice give an cll'eet. monotonous and cheerful,
but truly grand. Rut thero is a new cle
ment which makes this mitlnight moon
light seem almost terrible in its imprcssivo
ness, it'is silence.
I have often, to e3oapo from tho trying
monotony of ship-board life, gone off six
or eight miles into tho interior in search of
novelty and in order that I might bo alono
Thero, seated upon a rook or snow-bank, J
look around me, and see a groat, uneven
country rocky hills and glaricies covered
with snow; myriads of crystal gems
sparkling in tho light of tho palo moon,
which shoot its rays down through tho
crisp air, making it almost as light as day.
I look seaward, and seo a long plain rf
ico, melting into tho hurizon, dotted all
over with hugo, towering bergs nothing
more. AJ1 naiure is in tho roposo ofdeath.
I am too far from tho shoro to hear tho
crunching of thes tables as they riso and
j fall lazily with tho tide, or tho roar like
distant thunder as soino hugo crack opens
through tho heavy floes. Thero is no
animal to cross my path, no trco among
whoso stiff branches tho wind can sigh and
moan. There is no song of bird to enliven
the scene, no wild beast to howl. I stand
there alone, tho only.rcprcscntativo of
God's living world tho only being thai
I has life or pan move. Every sound that I
i .......,,.:, ll,-,f T !a iiiniln hv
' . , (i, mu,tt.n,
'"T" """" ; "
of my own heart, my own foot step, or,
' ... .
' ' . '
deep rumbling of a falling snow-bank,
, ,. , ,.
Tho sensation of utter loneliness nnd
1 . ,, m,. T,o,n,ta
!. 1... .U. 1,1 .1 ,1. -,,..), .1.A Mniil!
; as " v . j a3
."'fa"- "
'with discordant sounds. Silence has ceased
, ""u"wu
'to bo ne"dt vo it hasrbecoino sternly
lo ut ' 1 . '
prcsenco m unendurable, i spring to my
b 1, ., t ... .... .i...-. 1 :i.. : .t,
, vessel, glad oven to fiodref go in its dull,
dul1 llfe of borrlJ nwtlv"-
E Young lad,ics .who aro accustnraod
to roadnow-papoiu aro always observed to
possess most amiable dif poii'tions, invariaby
, . l 1 .ll nnnA
manogoou fa
of .husbands. Kichange,
GT "I am goiiM to tbo pwt offee, Ilob,
1 shall I innuiro for you 1" "Well, Y3.
J you hwc a mind to, but I don't think you
sll fl 1 .1
will fintl mo thcro.'
l!tooin,Vri(, Hay 30 IHN,