PALL PtOWING; Tbo ndvnntngo of fall plowing may ho enumerated' n& follotrs 1 1. Id llio autumn, llio loam having be- oouio intirod to worn tiirougn 1110 summer, . . . . more vigorous nnd better prepared for labor tlinn in tlio spring, and other farm work is less pressing in its demands upon lU limn nml nflnnllnn flun !n llinl lillt. llio lirao nnu nitcnuon man in iiiai iiust- ling-period. Let all-the plowing bo Tvlileh is possible in .1.0 fall, and still (ho ipring work would giro nbundint employ. went to llio farmer and bis teams, lu drawing manure, cross plowing, cullivatiug, harrowing, &c. In the fall, low moist lands aro1 1 CCncrallv in better condition for plowini 0 , , 1 thn in spring time, Moist lands aro very , . ' " . .'. ., , moi:t ni present, ami we cannot no.c icr any lictter stato Tory crly Dext year, and if plowed as they should be, wet Inrds i!ll onffr cum Kliln from watfir tho winter. 3, Slilf, bcary soils, plowed in autumn, undergo by the action of water and frost, a moro thorough disintegrotinn clays nro pulvciized and crumbled, and heavy loams and bird pan lands aro acted upon in like manner and with liko benefit. 4. Henvy coarso swards full of rank weeds nnd grasses, can bo better subdued ly plowing in tho fall, their roots arc more apt to die out, and far less liable to sprout again Hi in when flowed in tho fpring. 'Jhoiurf is better prepared by iis moro , aJvaLOcd state of decay, for the use of, orons which lniv bo sown or Dlantcd UDOIl ' j . - . it. f. Pall tllowinir d StUrbs Iho "winter 1 ., , arrangements ' of numerous worms and insocti, and must destroy a largo number I , , , , . i o thesa nc-ts. and also their cum and . rni J . i i i larvae. This is a minor advantage, hut - . , .. Ore worthy Of consideration, CPpecially on i . i r . i .i .i lands infes'cd with the wire worm. ( The principal objectious to fall plowing , BrO thOSO : , mi l .i . r , e li " j- 1. Iho lOSS Of that frCSU friablO COUdl .. ,., 1 1 , .t . i tlOn readily pcrmvalle tO lUO air and ttOl'stUrC, Slid tho consolidation of tho S il by long exposure to changing and stormy weather. I his; on soils of a light char-. aetcr, is a very serious objection to plowing ' in autumn. 2. '1 ho loss of vczetaHo matter and tho gases of (ho samo, whilo in a state of decay, is anoihcr disadvantage. The latter' is buVa samll'los ifl'the work is done latoj in tho fall, but often on hillsides, a largo part of the .soluble and floating organic matter is washed I'way by tho heavy rains of winter and caily spring timo. Tho soil is also consolidated by the same influence;. Heavy swurds thu3 situated would sustain less injury than light swards or stubble lands. The advantages and disadvantages of ' this practice may bo appropriately followed . bv brief directions for nerforininz tho' work. 1. Do it in the best manner. S. Throw up Jow lar.ds in narrow bcd3 and cut cross furrows and drains suffi ient t carry once all eurfacc water. 'I his will obviato one great objection to fall plowing. 3. Plow deep and narrow furrows such will best secure tho action of the arneliortitinrr inQuencca of frost unon the o " eoil, A- rourh broken surface U better tban a' smooth one for this purpose. BUTTER. Will salt proscrvo butter I No, that Viiinellnt. la a icHtr n matertrarl . nll. 14 nildnrl . . J . .1 to butter lor two reason? ano IS to assist in its preservation, the dairy-woman vaiuly think that will keep tho butter sweet. Another sett add salt with dishonest mo ivpst wi'h. tho idea that nil the salt put in tlio butter is sold at tho full prico tho butter briogs. It is a great mistake. Every pound of put in butter over whn is' required to give it flavor, instead of bringing a cash return to tho butter maker, proves a. positive loss of several cents a pound, because it reduces the v-luo of every pimnds of butter so over salted, frequently as much asthrco cents a pouud. Butter is not preserved by salt. That'Js positive. It will keep just as long and just as sweet as Olivo cil, without salt, if no other "subslnnco is inrorporatcil with it. It is the casein of milk that spoils tho butter, and unless free from that, r.o art can kecpit sweet. Buttershould be churned at 05 deg., and immediately afterwards reduced to 40 dcg and the less it is touched by human bauds tho better. It must be worked cool, ei her with i r without washing, as that is a iiioothed qucsiion, until abso lutely freo from but cr-milk or partiiles ofscurcurd, and then just enough and not moro salt added to suit the taste of the consumer. Tho salt must bo puro, and ono euuco to (cn lbs. of butter will ho ...rr- i rpt. ... ,1.. t ,, .l'.it .... I BuffioiBDt. Then pack tlio butter solidly IU j any' 0 isk of sweet wood, or Stone I Ot. SO as 1 J ' ' I. ...l.l. ll. . ni,, - 1... .. . .1.-1 fcV MUU.S IUU Ullj MUM JUJ. PU .UIIB WO HI" I ir is excluded tho butter will reinain ewect. hould bo' kept perfectly ex- eluded, the period that il would keep sweet forcVer, JYour question is answored. Bait trill not preserve butter. T. ..t ..VS Ha" Hogs should always ltavo access to tbo ground, and' for brccdiog sows it is indispensably necessary., The want of this has been tho of many n line litter OATAWISSA, WILLIAMSPOllT & i ERIE It A Hi 11 PAD. i tlitttt RaitrCad nvntttttn ittrtt Megara Fatla PAttaMpHa thrrlttt wtrlrf and I kttpttt Bant from . lliftrn A'tto 'rkt$ rkHaittyMtt Jlamibrft Fitt$burg miivtMM.rlZrintH Pf8?. . ! iv LJlJlt.h r f .P. I i Sundays,) III A. M. passing It IIHamtport nl 10 13 I A M 6o,,ncclln, will, Rcndn, 11.11 II...H atPortC lon.un.l reaching Phllndi Iphla al 7 .10 r, M Itelurning. rhila.ielpnM rr"m nrnrnad nil Vincstrecl,,al7:, A. M reaching William, pott, inu vine ai is.p. M..nn.i arriving hi:i iruniii, p, m . . p()RT 0LINmN mn uAimiSHUItO, nircci.vla iiauphinnnd su.iueiianna naiiRoad.on ih, Kffii,Jl!!,T","'M44" '"" "" I Hi'l'iruinglcnve Il.ltrl.l urjnt 7 15 A M.. connecting al p0ricihiinnwiihiJtilMriirn hound west form iKiS,!" "i', Erieiiu i iin.ui t nisn. wim the ni.nirn.Oananiingau, ..; .lectin.dircctiy win. . '? " a ;' v? . e r n r a i i r o.i ' '"" 0 1'hll.delolij.i tollio.e ooll.ta. A FKKUJIir TRAIN. J,,1 r' wiiiiam.port daily, at u 30 a. M.rn Pit I I. . 1 rrcltliilcalninnndfromrhllailelplila wlllioiiiirnn. ahlpi.icnl.rroni Kr-nillti Kail nuad rrclglilllepot.cnrni , crofiironii nml chpriyanr.i.. TRAINS PAB3 I1ANVILI.C AS P0M.0W8 ' rr'i'gi"? Vrai'n!'' ! Paj.enpnrTraln , ' p''ht Train, 001. 0 K..T 19 M. 0 II A. OOINQ WEST. 3 53 Pi 81! P. -FAnrM. . Oclweciirhllaitclphilaniiniipcrl, tl 40 Dan.lllf, 4 00 Calaivlna, 4 .10 . Tnmaiila 5 110 " Mill, in s II) " Wl.llamipnri, .1 no n ft. pound, orpprsonatlia. pnee alloued In eaolt pan secger oxrei.cliarprdof doiilili.flr..rlQ.rlrrl;lilratP4 H A FONDA, f.iyrrmlrmrB! Jansn. IPS 1'IIII.A. AND KEAIJ1NQ 11AIL ROAD llafp jtrroKffemfnti for rauttr TValar. January Isl, 1857. TP Train. , coins N'orili. leave Philailelpbll1 nt 71 ) A M.anu SI P. M. u7j''"W1''Bao11'. '""''' T' a.m y.'l"''" ln;v .AV V:df ?,!V.-'V nsDrmTn,n Zra.,M . ,,. n llceCoe connection, are made by Hie 10 51 A. M- miij Train rromPortUliiiliinln Cliiiiraand all Internie. dialein.inl.: and bv Hie ll.ya P M Uo Train from Port Clinton In EIioIm. Itnllo'ii. Vlnii.'ir.i. 11k. P'U. Chicago, St, I.oul. llivenpnrt and lima C.tvl St-klne I'm route cheupett to la. Lata A'eeiuiiM,a. Onsunday..tha iiown a. m. Tnin from Pottiviiie, and Up P.M. Train fruni Phil idelphla, ILKKnaooCosurrion., by Dauphin Railroad atAu bum A ipi'dal Accninmndatinu P.l.encer Train leaves Readluailailly (exrept Sunday. )at7l A.M., retiiriiing frnni Auburn at tl P M., on arrival of 3.10 P. Al. Traiufrom iiur'i.burp. ' ',u ,V'AY PAKE8 FnoM Remjinq to phltidephlt.SI.7SandJ.5i Poltivi;ie$IUJ and 0,63: Auburn, t. 75. TIIHOUCII PARES, lo Ilarri.burp $J53; Tjmlqitm Ui; WiKiamiport SI.IO; Eimin l,:i5; Canandiu 9 no Htiriliior Nltpratlil OUj L'liMveand no, 71 Tot-diU.7".f 'ClncinnatlJlWra, Clneavn IJO.Uli. AM. rar.enper'nulHprnc'ure ticket, bpfiireenerlns naVfV", all over thai weight a. charged Extra Hwrcace' . u. n, hiijui.i.s, January 3.r. 1857 tf. Geu'l fiup't ATER'S PUIS. FOB AIL TEE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC. Thkhb has long existed rt public demand for an effect he purgative pill uhic-h could be relied on as sure i and perfectly safo in it operation. This has been prepared to meet that demand, and an exten sive trial of Hs tuci lias conclusixely shown with wnai success it accumpnsDCS ine rmrpnsc aesignea. It is easy to make a nhvslcal mil. but not casv to wi. out not make the bent of aV pills one which bhould hae none of the objection, but all the advantages, of every other. This has been attempted here, and with what success we would respectfully submit to the public demion. It has been unfortunate for the patient hitherto that almoit every purgative medicine is acrimonious and irritating to the bow eU. t This is not. Many of them produce so much griping pain nnd revulsion in the system as to more than counterbalance lh good to be derived from them. Thee pill produce no irritation or pain, unless it arise irom a previously existing obstruc tion or derangement in tho bowels. Being purely j vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any qu tin Ut)' but it is better that an)' medicine bhould be taken judiciously. Slinule directions for their i use in the be.eral diseases to which they are ap plicable arc ghen on the box Among tho coin I plaints which have been speedily cured bv them, we ' mnvmonllrii. lU- (Vm.iUint in t. . st';,h,. f,w. roAv mmilon Ucr Complaint, in its various forms of Jaundice. Indiueftion. Lnnuuor and J,nbs of Ad- petite, Listlessness, Irritability, llitious Headachc uilioHs 1'ever, Fever and Ague, Pain in the Sido and Loins ; for, in truth, all these are but the con sequence nf diseased action in the liver. As an aperient thev afford prompt and sure relief in Cos tiveness, I'jfes. Colic, Dysentery, Humors, Scrofula una ocuny, uoius wun soreness 01 ine ooay, Ulcers and Jmmirity of the blood, Irregularities j in short, arrpr ana every case where a purgative is required. cessful cures iu ltheumatism. Gout, Dropsy. Oral cl, 1H.-Y i.lic Ul-.ll IIUUULCU biimo siiiKUiaxiy sue Krysipdas, Palpitation of the Heart, I'ains in the Hack, Stomach, an4 Side. They bhould be freely taken in the spring of the year, to purify the Uood ana prepare ine system lor the change ot seasons. An occasional dose stimulates the stomcch and bowels into healthy action, and restores the appe tite and v igor. They purify the blood, and, by their stimulant action on the circulatory system, reno tate the strength of the body, ond restore the wasted or disused energies of tuewhole organism. Hence an occasional doso is adt nntagcotts, even though 110 serious derangement exists; but un necessary dosinp shopld never bo carried too, far, as etery purgative medicine tedttcc. the strength, when taken to excess. The thousand cases In which a phjbic is required cannot be enumerated here, but they suggest themselves to the reason of every bod)' ; and it is confidently belict ed this pill will answer a better purpose than nnything'Which has hitherto been available to mankind. When their virtues are once known, the pnblievill 110 longer doubt what remedy to emp'ioy when in need of a cathartic medicine, Hcuijr sugar-wrapped, they are pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use In any quantity. For minute directions, see wrapper cm the Box. l'UKPAHKD II V DR. JAMES 0. AYER, I'riicf icul nml Analytical Chemist, I.0WKM., MASS. Price 25 Cent! per E01. Five Boxes for St AYElt'S CHERRY PECTORAL, Fur (he rnpltl Cure of cotKiiis, colds, iioarsi;m:ss, ISltOM II1TIS, M HOOriiVK-I OI lill, (JR0l!l', ASTIIJIA, AM) (o.siuii"riox. This remedy lias won for (tself such notoriety fiom its cures of fiery variety ef pulmonary disease, that it is entirely unnecessary to recount the evi dences o( its virtues in nny ctinimtinity wherei it ha. la en emnloved. 80 wide is the field nf It. 11..W fulness, irod to numeious Hid .casea of its, cures, ,hat ahW every section pf the country lAound, P'f'ons publicay known, who have been restored from alaniiuig and even desperate disease, of the i i.,i. ...... ivi.. ' ..i,.i I,. ...... : LI'S. "J ll. uii.w nu i,a i'iivil. over every other medicine of it. kind is too appa rent to escape- obit nation, ana wnc-re us virtues are known, the public no'lotigcr hesltato what antidnte to employ for llie distressing nnd dangerous affec tions of the pulmonary organs which tire incident to our climate. Isot only in formidable attacks I' upon the lungs, but for the milder varieties of C0Ll).C(ll.01l, HllAKSENlinS.ic,; nnd f"r Cull.- . dues, jt Is the 'W.aulct and safest niediejue that 1 can be pbtaiued. j As it has long been In constant use throughout i this section, we need not do more than assure the ! Eeople its quality is kept up to the liest that it ever j as been, and that the genuine article is sold by pCP, I.UTZ.and all nni.ilitl In Dlo.niiliurg n lieslers In medicines everywhere May 16, JPJ7, . E. ?XTI(A O.I MACKEREL fir Ml. al IIARTMAVfl UI.SE A: WILSON'S- WHOLESALE AND RJi'lAIL CONFECTIONARY & 1'JIUIT STORE Ojstcr anil Hnllnir saloons lT"h,rll, Inform. -1 Hieeltlr.en. of Dlonnnhnrj and (l.cpul. W5 ... ,..., h , Hicv have bniiirhlthnj& l 'r A r I . (Tm.V In lh?I "! nunlillilininiil, on Main Htrrct, mill lave ripened n general liakiry, I nnirrtli tun), ontt 0).i r ltaii,h menl, where Ihey w Mint ll tJnir keep n full snppl)rl Provisions Hweel meats nml lliliihles. .iicliu. llroarl Pies, flw rt Potatoes L'ticcse, Markrcl. Ite.iscrvid up in conn prir rn mi on ill oner i- 'rrnis mrir ii"'."" I'livn iiiivr pii iimj hi ""hh r riI.Ilarnr.i. I'rnnpi NiHt Wili.ul. llnKn Tolmrro Cliaf ".c , wlthrfrrr ImMlrinhlrilclMiUhelr linr nrbiidlnriP.nn.l nflhe firil nunlltv mr Pnmilifitcu ip)lilnl r'I llnifd wllli nrpa't.Ciikcf. Pifr.Oyrtf m. tc.nn d all nrdrrg pron-pi I) mini Cash ni 1.1 fnr Conniry produceand the public iiiUr reipcclfulty Inrltnl. I 0 E 0 R E A M , aii t..n,l .1..:n .I.a .iimmn. cinont. ,.,,,...,,, Hi.,.f,ir,irr,,n. ' , , . .,., 1 wlllalway be al lliclieomnianrl 1 THOMAS O. EI.?R. (ll.IVEH T. WILSON. Illoomiliurci "f 1 . 1657. , EVANS A- NEWCOMElt, j (Ftrmirly tt'ibb $ AVieeiinrr,) Arcli street, almve I'hird, l'hiladclnhii, HOURS OF MUAt.S llBLKrinT, S, 0 and 7 n'clork to 10 ' Di.,(lintleiiien'airilinary. I o'clotk toJ. ' l.adira.S o'clock. T. (Ilo'clockto 11. I5VAN r.VANS.I U S.NEWCOMCR Auf.ll,lfl55.-y. OIIARI.ES II. MARPI.E'S. WINE AM) LIQVOU STOKE, A. 143 North I'hird Street, Above Hacc, Eaii Sie, Two door nbovo tl.cUigel' llotrl. PHILADELPHIA llaa conitanlly nn Imnd Krenfh Itraniljea. Holland anil n pencrai a.aorunenl t r nrclfii. witic., ol.o, all kimH of Antpriran Pplrpa, &e. Marrb 15 'fMv, National fls flotcl. ( IiATE WHITE SWAN, ) Sides &" Stover. "ace Shcct, abn;e Thirv. Philadtlphia ' ! l";;nlaleornienr.n.fli'ven,i;elllli.lieji)i:Co l" . luY uliin iioiet, Augusta, ltj.'.S MONTOUR HOUSE. CORNER OF MARKET ANII MII.I, STREETS, (nmstfistely oppoiHt las Csurt Iloutt.) I'A.mVilLK. t'A rJAVING been recently renovated and refurnished In a slllolinr style, this Hotel is now mum lor the reception of stranjern nml vlsilor.,who.epa. ronage isrii.peclluily reiiuested. S. A. llttAUr, lyiS.ISSG. JOHN II- AI.LKN & CO. Nos. 2 ij- 4 Clicsnut, tore I soiith side be lw Water,) Philadelphia. (Tut OLnsvr Wono jar llou.., Ix "In. City ) MANUPACTOIIEIH Wholesale uraler. In Pal. enl Marhine maJe llr- mn. Paten Qrimved Cedar tvariMearaatrilxot to.ariM Wood nml IVillnw.u.m. CoriN. Itrujhcs &.c,, ufall dccriions. Please call mm examine onrsioi.K, Jan ury a., IrJ5. I y. SPKINU AND SUMMER 1? n 1$ 55 To be Salt Vei y Chrap, JUST RECCIV E AT THE STOKE OF J. J. HltUWER. nioomsbiirg-, April 23, lS57-3m XE1V 3IARDLH YARD IXJRLOOMSDURC. II I RAM S. CAREY HAS opened it Marble Vard in Court Alley, opposite lite l.xchaii-ie vvtire ha is prepared to Auisli.tlie best work from Italian or America 11 Aliirblelor MO NUM. N J'ri. TuMIKs. Tnnib-stones, Tables, Mantles, Window-sill, and len I".!- . . I i or Hi e cm racier and nnish ofhiswork lie refers to such a. hn has made He will rurnl.h ..esipns for work or eiiniteini Ihalpiay be r.irnnh.i ed In hi m. Ilipwnrk shall alua)s be sjlisl'aclorv in! Itsstyleund reasounbleiu price Miuuiniuurn, wee. o,ieao J. S. & E. I,. PEROT, P ro d 11 0 0 11 n 'I G 11 11 n r n I COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Ho M North Wharv n, PHILADELPHIA. R.rsRKNCE.: Johnl" Penl.ton.Esq. Philadelphia. Messr. Hacker, Lea It Co, Pliei, Price . Co. . " llilcknor McCntunion it Co. " Charles Ellis St Co. .. " U. Morris Uain it Co .. . Onterhridgp. Arvnv it Co. Charle. it Joseph Pirot, . Thomas & Maxuell, h'uw Vork. " C.'l. 'IcCluupicCo..Bl Louis, Mo. .. .i-.Z?i0""ks"tt' Louisville, Ky Varch 15, lg5Cy ' DYER'S HOTEL. Gattawissa Pa. ft HIS old and wellknown Jlnlnl I .,. 1. -.., 1 I rfntlitu i..n .l.klill ki,. I.u i. 1.- fJ? al iaiiuw 1. fa .1 m .1111 KUl.l nv I lm nti..r. .lu sittied..ndinsnitea(ullllcense law.. h 1. ItSfH aetermined to make hi. house one of the'oiuloiia bleplaresforiravelerslostop al, thai can be fnimil in the Interior or Pennsylvania ed uaily Willi me nest tne.llarkelcan aiTord. EJ-JIyoldrriend.andlravcllerisenerally a re Invited 'Mvl.l835.-y. JAUOIIOVER. States Union Hotel. FOR.MEERLY II Ell LIIIN llnTi-r v No. 2U0 Markrt street, Pliilwletphia JEORGE V. IIINICLE . Prop rielor. fnr.,,Vrl . ol VT lumhia Pa., would inform liisfripmi. n.,a icthat heci.nlinuesto keen tin, nl.i.v,. ,,,., ... '..! which is wel 11 land favnrahly known ihroiithonnhn Slateasoneorthe oldest and mnsl convenieni Hotelln hecliy. Heiiiolrespecifulivsr.licii,nhareni,,ub. "' "n1'" April 7. 1835. OIDKK Mil. 1,8. 500 Kit A USER'S I'ATIi'Al tiinnriimr. POUTAHLC CIInit MILI.M. vl V'.' inaiiuracliirtnif t.i. ti... nod .1 rpnif ihwiia.i .1.... i,A..n,l..n.....i.. . . .v" - Mill, i V '""""I't'.y "men a. ivuoie.i e and Retail Mill..liippeiltouny part nl Ihrlnlan. tvh . i .. lM!,CHALL MllllltIS It COl. inpni'.'SI!' "r!"" I)e;""ln ABricullurallmple llicnlsatla Machines, ' 7lh anil Market streets. Phi ladelnh la. 111 ILAD ELl'HIA CARPET S I ORE 1ARPETIN08, Oilcloth. .Wln,lii' uh.j.. ,.... ' Mattiiij.Ju.l received .'U.IIMI piern neivslvle I , V. . """ i.".r."ii expressly ror CARPEP . "'"""n's and llousekeeppf. will please no. N.s. lH and aoNorllt Second Bireel. Isl door below nsl's hiireh. March IPtO. J, SII1NRV JONEB Esyptowu Cocli ami U'gon Factory THE uiiilors.Kne.i having succeeded Jacob H, F.v in the Wagon a ud Coach ninklng his Mini, In L.pylowu rs.peitlul'y inlorni lher frlenc. andtho nibllc.thatlhey coiitiuuivvilllbo j Wagon Making Business, Inall il. denai tmeiits. vvliere thev will lm h.nn. I..a Iceive order. aiidpriinpHyexcruteallbu.iuvs.lntliel I line, with neat net. and despair h I It Wheel harrows unite In order , and all kinds ol EVANS It IIAIIENIIUUII j Hipyluwn, Jum-7, lB3b y j JOHN u7 YEA (.KIlT ! Fashionable Hat & Can Store MO. Ilia -.UIITII TIIIRI1 STREET, I'MII.ADKI.I'IIIA. ry Merchanu and visitors from .Yuttherii 1'en.i.v vania.areresunclfiilly Invited lo give'liim a call, when vi.i.ihie i ui'uueipiiia. June JF.IbSli v C. C -AhLER cj- CO., NO. 0, North Wate Street Philailel. paia.uOMMIRSIONMERUHANTS, anddtaler. in i.uiii.-i nuers .uneese Hams, Huckets, Poik. Plout ic. And 11 aj3-ly WiM.iS. SMITH & CO., Produce Factors AND apjfF.RAl COMHISMOy MKncllIXTB, No, 00 North Yharvcs, PillLAUELPHIA. The Mi.krt value of all consigpiuant. advanced In va'.! woen ue.iren. March II, tail -y I v.Tv'KH COAL lor isl. by J II XV, A. IV N, CRHA8V. IH:LM1J0M)!S CEMUi: PltRrAIIATIO.V SALAMANDER, FTRI3 AND TniEF STRAM EtJOINES AND ROILER .' or l'llOOF SAFINS. 1 IIP..ib.cilberlsTiovvptep4red. (villi new Mnthine ijA.irvciivfia. prcru .iaict rcturna i t.l Kt.ih,. tLi It II W llll'lut iiiiii rr 1 1 1 ip i- hi i .III I C9mplaintl IHttnttt nf Ml AHfltr Trnm Htrraitpii nnl liitpruttf ntlcii In II , and rnioviii9 nt' 1 tnprtr IMiinfiro frinn ih Itldilder. Klilncyi.or 8ejnl Orffnn-. w Ih-Uit 1 11 Jug In MA IX (in I'llMAI.Ij. IVntii Hlnterfr ttv (li,y inny hni nrlglntited, nnl nn fuaitf-r of how l'C vlitM'Injr pirl(f li oil ill mill vlsoi to llm lrhriif, tiihl litnuiii In ihfn'thl chgi k, jor 7i Tin: jihn.icn:im It rurf "Nmvimis a ml I-hililalt-l tultt em, nnt rnnnvra all tho ryiiMiiniDfi iinvinr wnuii will be Tom nil Iro'leiio . . fl, , li,. ni I ..iff I 1a nff ftl V ...fc ILirntrtif .,.,I,Kun..0.' "lnU,,,,l.fll,V,. V ''",rur ! m hi i wrii i."ph iii iii r mm v , I tim nf vimon. Ungwu VnWttmi Lnolliid.! of llm IMM-Hilnr S)Hrm. Oin Knnrmi.m Am.lh" w th liyrnptlrr)mpififflff Hot riuliln ill ih ll.'tly, I DrjiirMof tlf Ml. In riiltiiliAiintrmiernui1UruptloH lrt. l-i'pliiiliy Unck Hpnl- nhirf lurorn I ip Kyi, t ...i.i. ...... . u...... i: i u ..... . ' A I It ill lull, fi rrnt Mt.hi'llV. nf.lli'.. no.. . u A.r.i. Willi i riiif.Tiui ; cm i-ii in ii huh tut-m in OIRMl WHIIl ni nfanciny Niittiliiu l niniailFilraKalntiirh I'nilenla Hum aulitude, and noiiili p iliry mora ilreinl Inr par of tliomaflvca i no rppnapor luamipr. mi rnrnci nr. no upptnlnilun, but a Hurried trin.iiioii Iruin one oiic. tin., loaiintlipr. TIic.p .yinplnnn.if allowed In po on-ivl'lrli Hill it III 'onitiiiiiption a it)tu vltnrM to 1 h irulh nl tlif ' nm rtM'tis. In l.unmic Apylmiii Hip must in.-taiKfmly tpilnliition appears Tim cimihumi.iucp h nrlmlly otf dot. ntni quite tiiMtitiito i.riih-r niirih or crlpfi ever viiiii ti. t?ii'iitil a founJ uf Hie voice occur it Ji rarely orU'iilme V(t!i wiefnl meitircn wnn dppntr Low a.illPii pound his fjrii-f l guiVi). Dfhillty la most pr rlul-1 nml liu'ighHlioua)).N upon llimmml ti uniimely arivectium Kip nniMtion many .tohle )ouihs It can lie tuied by t liu use vtlht Iryouarr nitr.'tli.i! wih nnv ni ino hIiovp ilist rrvino; nilnipni. th.' F nl J lxtiatt Itnchu vi ll cure you. Try it a nit be. conitiirol ni itn t iTiriiry llewatu nl Uu ck rVimlrntif ami Unnck I)oc torn, ulin falsely h.-astof biliie.uil rpterpiircs LiJiiPtis kunw aii'l avoid tli.Mii .Hid sovplnnj siifTi'ring' tuoiiey, ami exposiirp. by seuJi mj nr calling, tor a bniile ir and ppnllc rempiiy it n'liyn nil p.nn n-ni imininnniion, li perleCtFy nlp.i.atit ill it. anil odor, but In 11. action. j IIEtiMBnMra EXTRACT IIUL'lllr I. prepured ilirerl ly aci ordinir in tlio rules of Pharmacy and Chemittty, Willi Hie greatest uctumcy and chemi'al inni.ledpe nod rare I'l-Volnd In il. cnnililnatiou. Sen Proreppur l.cwiip. Vatil ible Worka nn I In pranlcc orpli.ic, aud niot oril.e I'te Btandard IVnrk. iir.Mi'diciup. rrroNE nuiimini doi.i.aii!3 One.huuilrpd dollar, will lie 10 nrv pl'y.iVian wl.ncnn piuve llul 'llie Medici lie ever injured it Pa put ; ann ine luauiniiiiy ni iiK'u.ani a en. i.e proilueeil ruve that il dies ureal coml Cases of fioui onn week lo tin rteen yra'a smndina linio men effi-cted.-. 'J In. inns, ol volun A y te.tiiil'.uj in posses. inn of thu proprlelor.voiichinpits virtue, nml curilive potters, is immense, embracing names wj I known to gi'Jeuco and Paine. ' ' 100.000 botlles have been sold and not a tingle In slnnco of n fuilure h.i. be-u repnrlpil J ( Pcrsniiaily appeared he lore me. an Alderman or Ilia .1... ..P HI. ln.l..l..l.;n II T llLln..P i.l. ..I . i ,i.,i ... .1.... ... n,. i !...'. ..... . i tain, no N.ucolic, Mercury or Injurious lliug, but aro purely venclabie ' j 11. T IIELMuOLD, Solo M.liiuliicliirar. I ownru nnu iui-ii ih-iiiiu me mis ..hi nay oi no vcmitiT ici. ii.ii, r iiiiitiAun. Aiucrinan. Price 8 1 pi r bottle, or tlzfor JT, drltrtreil to any ad, drett, acrtiinpauied by relialile and rerpitusihle certifi cate. Iruin Profii.sor. of Medical Colleges, Clergymen , and rthcr.. Prepared and .old by II T IIEI.MPOt.D, P.'iictictl and Clieun-t. Nn .Vjftmth TENTH Ml., below Chestnut. Assembly i Hull. !lnz.. I'hil :nli-.pll 1 1 . I 1X3-7'c bt had of J it MOYRtl. Dloamtburff. end of all , IhxtUffitla and Ofaltra thronhoat tho Vnittd btatet. '.alto, Canada and Brillih rroetneet IIEWAItE IIP t-OUV I'EIIFKITS. ASK Fin IIIH.MIIOI.II'ri T-iKi: NO OTHER. CUP.Ud UUARANIEEU. June 13, If57. 1S57. SPUING AND SUMM'FR, GEO. HULPIN & CO. ijiiPonTKnn jixd MiffCF.irraRnns, 171 CIIEsNUI STREliT, ArciiMvprcp3rPil to vxtiiblt lhir New Ptylcs FOR SPUING TRADE. INCI.UI11NU m.1.,1 nn.l An.nrn.ldillr Sli.nllll. f-l.nll.. T ...... Maclillas. Trench Lnrr Mniitll n". Einhmldereil Silk iti.iiilllla, l'.i.leil Lace nnn'Nit Alanllllas, Mourninp 11 v. it 'iin.n. a... a... All ol wiucli wiilbo Ultrpil ut'thn l.nwe.l rrire. 1 UEO Illti.l'IV Jt t;t). 174 Che. nut Street, abovein. I'hlladihia , March7lh, Id57. ALEXANDER KERR, IMPORTER AND WHOLES LE DEALER IN Salt, Salt, NO. n-J SOUTH WIIAUVKd, piiiladclpiiia. Ashtoii's fii'fl Liverpool L-rnuml Turk'fi U la ml n ml Dairy 3 ilt roiisiaul ly oiilunt. anJ far sale, hi lute, lo suit the iratle. AhCXAKDUIl KlaRIl, April 4, 1637-Cm Pennsylvania Motel. THISwPllknown Hole I lalelylcpf byPxM- JkjL evlII Ut-RD.ou Main Siret-t.hi inville.xjrfjn' litis hern taken by the snbpcrilit-r. wh is ore pa red lo accommodate l rv Pliers and s angers 11 tliH bHl minner. The house has I en thornu-hly ivcrltaukd.and is nowreiiKed up and furnished (or olieeiilprlalnmcnt oftests, Ilisittabiiiij is largo and roinmodlous, will) Horses and velncjepfor hire, and lie will spare no painsto render peneral satisfaction rxJ-A libcrnNlureolttie public patronage is respect fully solicited. . gcokqc w. ruuex. v Danville Dec. S3. 1855 NfciW WAGON MIOP, Willow Grove, South tttoomsburg. a'HU iinderpnrned rppecif-illy infornih his (fiends , and the public g.-nernlly, ika tie has luken tlm si ti ml Uiiv ortuplt-u by Mr INbeit ltiolfUlu ilmw Grove. S't'th Hliiomrburg, btlow Hie liuiil read, lieie lie will continue Hie Wagqniialiig xJ3tfsiness, In all its vario r dppartmenig, Jn food style and (.niuoderuiti ii rim. . Also Kt'pairl g Wi'uons, ili'FPlte.Cnrriucfjj, Sul kindsi tc .none to order nnd ou tho it lime, iLT Produce taken fur work. OIlAULCd lIKUWEIt, Eloouiiburff April 25, 1857-3iu NEW LIQIfOll STORK. tNO,'l3JiNORlil TIIIHD STRUCT. (In the ash BuiblingsfJibove .Race St.) Philadelphia. Tlin undersigned tiepi taveto iuliirtu hi friends and the public, ih 11 li li-c op-iiii'ilatiiRHH LJQUOll DOUSE, In the Eagle nulld'iies. No. 133, N.. 3,1 St., as above, where In, will bn hippyto sup ply M rrhlnts. Hotel, keepers, und'iuers Generally, with the 'choicest blauds kept in Philbdilpha. WILLIAM IIROHST. ILottof VantWl.) Mareli7lh,le'jl'.-y. 1 ' HENRY ZUPl'INOKR, flock ami K'nlclimalar. South Side of Main Street above the Hail Roail. DirFlCULTrepalrlny In watches a nd Jew elry Otasseslor hulltinir watches and Jspeeti.cle., Aic, uiuoiti.bur(i,AUr, :iu, ledu. JUST E13CEI.VHD AT OUR NEW STORK. TVJO. I MACKr.RCL 1131 per barrel, and others J- v in proportion. AI,o, a irvsh supsly of flupur v,..., i,i.t otc. inu jf iirw supply ot wall la r.ofjur aty'es , which will be .old low ' ,0 II. O. fc I. W. IIAItTMAN. May5 lf.57. WHSTUK'H' IBO I KTa, Nos. 0, 11, 13 and ISCourtland street, aa,v, D. D.WINCIIESTI'.R. TIIII3. I). WINOIlnfTnU, I1UNJ, l-'.WINUHLSTfilt. My 31,1850 -3in Dr. Francis 0. Ilarrlbun, WOULD respectfully Inform the ciliicn. oflllooin. burg anil vicinity, that he hu.roiu meuceittlie prac llrol'.MsoiciiuidUiJKuiy,and solicit, a share o nullrpalrmiure. lie ,au 1 1 ways o fotindatlhvlUchaiitellolelppposlte Uourt House, , IHelulbui,.l',b.5, 18i3. Dr. J. C. StuUtsi-, II 0 m oao pa t li l c I' ll y s I c I a 11, Ri:l'Riri FII.LViendorslil Prore.lonal Screes to therliixens of lilooni. burr and vicinity, generally XCT Office on the corner of Main aud Iron Ptreets nioomsburg, AdJoinlPff Mr Erawer',eior. Kept W, 1M I'oivir raiuliy.and i:p.lpplle Kiia In nni; nr wlilrli tureii nv r.nrrpia n ncrrinpa were, In our Ju'lgniPiii, pi T CJ a , Hi' palipiil mjy t Ire. Vl.n can My tliul Ibe-e pj. damatpd folly fll'tppa ppr pent .morothantlio.o laken JI. l. O. 1 1 fllliTII I Oil Si cpi.e. nre urn frpquenlly lolliiiipd by llmse illrePil from Kvnlia k Watann'a Safe. . . "wulliuil CJ pb In. aMtyniiit Cnnininiilloi. I 'J'be rprnrd. nf We bptipvi-lhe above inliave bppn a fair nnd Im GREAT CURE FOR DYSPtPCIT lliu Inwne Anvliiini. and Hie mPlaiirhnlv dentin, by parliallrial oftlie re.njrllvequailtlp. of bnlli Safe.. j.ui juoiiii, m coo'l term! rnn If obtniitfil front any btlier houMi in the cnunirv. at P.VANS L WATflOV'fl- 20 B. 4tU tt,, riiHmlolphln, TRimi Ifl MlfJMTV Wll.l, IMtlUAIM Jtrpnrt efth Committee, cppottfdt9 mitriten4 thtJlHt. tup eft hi Iron ajtt. at Mailing Fttutiry 135) Thf tinilcrxisneii, mfnilirtn of Urn co'iinnllc tn ri(ini rih Ih rrimrti Mini unMOw llphvn s.ilf ntlni . ' .. . ,. . ...... : ''.I liy ngil Pfl llrtnnny rnrrriP lir rrl iff inn lir 1 II II at, W U7w nlur- t .til- l.v .I.Ik In i.irA ich.'vln t Ti. Hull Ih I.y the p., n.iHrr i.f inM' and HrtrtlijT ni irnni. '"I'"'1 M f"r K7.i',: hiamifnniirjii Pnrrr A ir.,r rini ant iIm Ru y "'r ,,v,n.A L,n,1,t ' V? ' lP I nuilhRturfd n nnn& W lon, and put inlionki and paper) t "" was rumen m c t u . mi n, rt . ii ..ami itvpi li ti until litur unfit nf nrnnil lllrlciir v. I W n .1.., " ' J "". '"" ' -J : " Oak 8 d linlt' rl.-.rtnilt 10. WOml WITf PnllrelV mil' i'"""". in" wnoi. iinarr m "open nu-iiui'iir or llio fiilir llicra memb-n ni tl.e Cominllirp. Tim Silr wr llin rnoipo on Willi wnipr, ar rr wnicn they were ntened and tlip hnnki nnd paper, takpiinntby Hip Onninilitpp anil pernio II A.l.nni.,i atnrr lor p'llilireinnilnalinn.niid nnike d by IheCnmnnllee.-. I jA'ion iK nvpiinit PANIM. 8 HUNTCU. iravlnpj bern nbipnt ilurlntr the hurninfft wt) r-il'y cnilH lifp. ullh thp itlmvn Rlilpniptit if l Iii rnii'lillnii of the paper jitd bookitaken out of llio rusp-r tle O. A . WC0M.4, if. ii. tiurii.nvnnna. JAS MIMIULLANO. March S8.IP37. KEW AND USEFUL. OLEUM LIQUOR. A Siiistitutc for Linseed Oil. . . f'ATCNT APPl.ICI) IV IH. -J rpilCuniloMUiuri nllcr tnlln- pulillr. lliPlrOle.ini I.I J quor is nn llirii-nt .ub.liiuli fni Klnseed Oil. as a lliiiiinr Fir nil .on. nl I'alnu crouiid in OH, except PliPliali Iteil. Whpn tliinned win, Hie Ulpoin the Pnlnl will envpr belter nrv nuitker nml ulll lm mfirn litr.dilp. mid whmi varnirliid, die p.iinl will It.ive mid ritiln Hie juoct pln-ty lippi-nraiice; an Hie et.ialicllv i.f Ibe lliimier will pinlilp Hie pain: f. vicul ti. ttii 1 mid the crackin? ami iie.itrna nliT coinniiin ill ordinary vat! ni.lied ni' p-iliit. i. fuiireiv niniiil. Tor Tin Rlml. li. ohtial cnnnul be linind. The O Vina can bn ii.ihI i) li.ell, nr In roiuiiimi will) Lin.'-ed Oil Vnrni.ii. Jjpjn or Turpentiiu at Ibe op lion i f the Painter. 111 cn.t is annul nnrwiair or that ol l.ln.eeil Uil lliu. r-ildy lejuuiuz lheptnemieiifinititiiiir We f.iilhiully reroiniiicnd il I or nil purji.1.. ludlca. led ji is it n.irr.inl It lo pi vo sati.fictloti A lilii'rul di.. count lo thftrjiln. DIREO l IONS. Thin the pnlnl with the Oleum 1.1. quo r u nd work II wel I, until it Hows freely from the brush, 'I he br ish mut be frne rrniti all nioiiturc and ina rlablv ought lo hi soaked well will) tha Oleum (.iuuur . -..!....- ' T... i ... i ...... as p.n liters .n.r.iily di.. ihev'outhl lobe put In tile o'i um'ior. which 111 ereally Mcllilaie th" work. The paint lull".! with Hie O'emn I.tqilur will work b-lter if ll ha illl iwid 11, tl Irnm li lu !! hniirs pre irimi, 10 11. i" . u ii.uii, mm 1111-11 1111 . iieu in such .1 Ci.nsi.tency a. In wnik Iron -md elsv un.lpr tnu hrusli y tlM U nf J.llill. Hie p Hill will lie r nd!reil still tinner. Mix lliu J ip 111 fir.i wilh the palm nnd ihuii tliln it with the Oh uin l.i'i'ior In the manner men 1 tinned nh iVe. I 13-lliu poinds of Paint Ihinnrd w Ithtlie oleum Li quor, will cover a nrer .unite 111111 la po in I. thin- ncd Willi oil Tue Oleum Liiuer I. not lo he used with Venitlan Red, nor will Paml ciuit.inii.5 any pioifirlinn of it, ml l 1 1. . , . 1 1 ,. 1 , . i. st liui.tiilt. , Am ricut P.iini uml Uu'.t VV'oikn. r.nrne t -Uti and (rt?tt Sli..PliiK i..t.,i.i. Offlcf ti curei rinril mt'l WuuJ it., l'jta I vi niu.T. ri. i O- wp also niinuiac.nrR oiidiii-j Yellow, Uu me Orffii. ClMtifai and frti11-1'1 Hhm, Veriniliii tid Biurltt Kfd In virinm'--i'iU i lalillett, eitli ry or in oil, and w.trratti thtiti to I i i ial u uiji m t bur m ike, en her lieie or .it) road Juno G. efo7 OLEUiVI LIQUOR. CERl'IFICATB. WE, tho undcrMgncd Hou?o Painters, hri'hy cerlify that wo lnvu given ihe newly Invented Oli-mu Liquor iinnufni-t ired hy llreln , H-'itluiili tt Ilr.-illl4, in Philadelphia, an imparl , tml nnd h ivn fi.uuil 1 1 ii l i-fli ' i'liil sub.til uto fur L seed Oil. la r 8 iperl, r tn it I u ever v respect, ut e I of i.uly iihoul, h .If ns ui ich this eun.tdi' reducliii llm expense nrp.ilnliii; We ivuuld recnui mend the public m Its use.uml utter it lias been tried its superiority over Linseed Oil will be at tested to by nil, CIMP.I.iy? aUIGR. AMOS UNDER. Wll.l I AM WOLLE. 1HHVA1U) UENIIARU. June 13, IB37, TIIEREIIY certify that I lnvo had Il'i'im raintine irotnic(I liti'ty vtlll tln nlMwe ikipih'ii u Kii m 1. 1 ' nor, ntiii cinnir nt ;iu ipuri t wiui lhr n-'ComiiifiiltiiMii ol' Mm abot iitni-.l 'it!itll;iiiii, and will hfpiiiM, ilul it) fiinire I will hivi uo piint i ii t oiM'iaiien )fil'iirinfil uhhrtut , al.inxtttrt i ? above naitiHtl v.tluatlu tiqtm r Tlio-t- whn may d-ir to vifw us ftri, iv hi rail at my rwW ncc uicri llify rnn convlnco Hir .uclvt'i of ul I tti i i- prLeiit-d of the OlemuLI'iiior in riiird to beauty and ilur-tbitity, J. I3AAO I1RCINIG. Juae !2. 1857. CENTRE STORE. sruiwu & su fiim n goods. rPIIK tinilcrsisncd laVi pleasure of in J fur mine the citizens of Centre aiidviclnltv. tli Delias just received a larce and selcrt atsnrlmna of H PR I Nil siiMMnn nonnu. Comprislneliieiieavipgi stocktindinost variPdasnorl me in o 1 1 .mil mi name, tispiu i ami siiuMnntialMerrhan ihte thai have Iipp n nflereiMn thepul'lir o'e cry kin and'innliiy.wlilchthey wJHseltforready ver reasonable pricey. C3"Ctlinf r V nr riiilirrl a Ve n Inn irlinnirr fnr ClrnnAm Inrliiilinr firaln anil Lui berandtlie publiceustoin rvspucuuiiv so iciicn SAllUKL LA3I15ACK, rotvlersvil'n. Mnrrli'Jf 18.1". 'mm I70P. Mar.ulacturlne nnd llumlng purposes, for sale . by ' J. it A A s AI.I.PV Nos. 7 nod ti t-ouili Wharves. Philadrlphiu Jiiiie'0, 1657, LANDRETH'S WA HRVNTliD GAR. IJiViN S ISK US. GR8.S smin.i I'liILU SUCD8, and FLOWCR S i:i: IIS, Tor sale by P. I.ANDRllTH la SON, Nni.'il and SI Sou Hi Mxlh sl Philadelpliial March Si. 1817. OLll'HAN P, WOODSIDE & CO. Iinnortor3 and Yholosalo Dealers in iDiuc0 anb iquovs7 1 Io. 4117 Arcli St. nbnvo Fourth, PHILADELPHIA. P,Oufiuht, J.Wooo.lns, Gno.McAtrin. January, 3,1, 1S57 y. Franklin IJonse. VMMl A MIRIi. Pronrielors. Chesnut St., between Third and Fourth, 'PHILADELPHIA. -Be'ptemberlS, 1H5G. LPaAJ? THRACCO & cjtiARS, il, South Front Street, u rnir.ADw.piiM. t v fifjuriircrttiMi OILS, ntf Ai pinup. Allrombl.ilF nnd 'rnlily fiiraetlnn. Al.m -c liuiiijr fliieaml iniiiil.irltiirr. cikI iron co.i.' I.ri,iks irrpnlcntrrl Iii IBSIIitiir IhriiililiiK icrmn nun ernrklnr ',om anil now mailt on ti Inrfnornle lor pri'rk.iiff -o. .rMKInp rtinl llravymlnlnp plllnp. 'rtilil Uri fnjifnil rlacpilcoiiiiiti'lrwltliiloiililii net jnnr foriiliic ptimpiini Mint, iiriiilllgiariiisiinl I.imih citlnp mn'li. in orilrtl 1.1 fir- linn lug with nnv ilp.lril aitraol pnllrya Diil.lia xllli Imiiji-k lronplnl a 'Jl rr. liinj'n. kind. il' Iron lutnu. Usnty pro a anil oilier acrrw tiirni'il wild any iierlri'iljitHiniiiirnaii, !l Tlif liti Kbnsl. .ri.ii tlirliliit, .Mnrhinn Ihat fvpr roiiipii'Tora the pnllic.dat Iron iinil w1 oinlihiclilnra ninilrtonhl. r. l.vrr ifiivir,,ii nln or Irrari tntirf nmilo Iprrncr lnlnki'i.rili'rarorlliifiilnwlnaiii.i. clilnory! llnirlon' larl'imi n t grain mill, $1111111 0f. fprcdln llif rniriiiirlorln-inai It will erln.i 1,1 u..nrl nnn.nii.ilu.'i'liiKlirl'in on lintir Al..liniiainlr.pvn. Inranll lnnl.lpr.niolllsilu't I'.-it' tit'r .iiki iinr.ictil r ...... ,. -"- ilium (MMwtirilll IlinwPf nnwln nun with I mm cunt iMMnintitfnnwf r, nnpof" likh h.1 llrtft ni.lit iiBpflt lht liin.. .li.. . n,n 1.1 ' . will"" plilin iibp ai hip tiiiinrltv fnr ' t ti IMl I nn h.f i. ..i..... . ui I I llm . in i'ith " "o '"I"" a rril ill e l( iou wnnl llK'V .nlil Inr. Aln Tnlin nrnera for Srnlt'a PalPnt ninrk.mllli Birlkeri anilrlstilaioiirr' thnn Inllicroiintiepntl'nhM lila.Mol.oilNnrtliiniiierlanit.tivriiniiiiiriiiinran anil Clinton. one nf wlilch can be .pen at n.v anon I.IUVIS II MAUS Marti. 12. 1850. Gloniimliii Cnli'ii l li rc T"fl.L 0!"SV.,.fr un irouaiiTON's Jittee rrpitir'd from ilrniiet, nr the rniiilli Sloninrli nf I lief lx, after illritintinof ll.irnn Lie. hie, tliPirrrat PJiypinlng Ictil Chfinlht,. by J 8 Tnuitliloii.M I) , Phi la ilolphja .'a.- Th isNaturesownKnifily lm an unliLtilili) Pt" mac No nil or mnti can eqnul liu curat I vr powers- ' contains no Ateliohol lltitm Aritl, nrNainniiii T urs . It lie xiremely agrp nMctnttii taMe.niwf may elaken by thu inont fet'hlf pntirnlF u lm catinnt enl walercrackerwlthoulnciite flUtress UewarcofDriicged Imlintinni . ' pxin Is not n D117 Ca'l on the Ag''iil, anil get n Prtrrfntlvp Cjrrtila Br;iii,tTiviiip a larpc nmnuui 01 rcieiuiuc iivii'riirc from lilchls's AiiiuiaiJiriii1rtiry;l)r.Cii!iihiiPlilltitotty DteKtioM, l)r Prfrnon Food nml UleljUr. John W Taper, of New Vork Unlvrraltyt Prof. Oitngli.nn'8 Pvoii'cvl I' ror, 1 itmaiuoi YtiiM;oiicoirp:iir i;arin'n tRt'ftPlivfinlnrfv: A.c..incptlipr wllli rfporiimf (Jut en front an paiiaoi I he 11 nitcti Aiarn . tsniauv i 1. liitir. ami J. ii.ainyrr, ihiiimiipi'iitit R.n. Ilowman Herwlck. ocinBS.' iy. OIIUAP WATUItnS AND Jewelry Slorci f TrllOLBSALU AND UIITAU. at lliePltlla. 1 11 lilu Watch 11 ml Jcwulry Hiort. Nn. It t Nirih'.triiri!it cr iter ol" Unury , Phi luilt'lulila. Zi (lolil l.i-ver W.ilchi carat $.'n no tlnld Lcnlne. 1H taral 84 00 rfilvur Ltver. full l well cd It! tfivpr Lfiitieif wele, v Ol) Superior U'lerurra, 7 " old r'neciiiclen, '00 t me Bltvi'r (to, iu C dltraccleti. 3 00 t ic'fl (.ti Iii renclli, 1 00 S r'lVa Spoons, set, t 5 1,0 G tpins with pfnrllandilverliol(ter. . 1 ou 11 11 sit rlnj Wtk crmt to $0; V:itrli glasftei, pi 1 12 J cent, (Mti'iit Lnni't -5 ; oilier a r licit s I r ,ir triion. All iood w.irranlciliu he wha 1 t h. v ar c for ft IIARI.nV On tianiHomi Onlil ami Htlver Lcvern I.i'pfni wcr t lieu thusihovc prices. Oct 1 ItfSQ IHoomshurg Thnvare and Stove Slora I'linnndiTsigntid repec'fnlly Inrnrnis hi o, friend nml cittt t . thai llf) linn h iscd hitt lirnlher mirrrit intheu'inve -ila'liln:ienl,uiMl thu cnineni I liereuU'T ho conditcti''! ny minn'-ll iciuivey. lip ha Jiiki ipccivpii ami oiiprn inr a iih 111 nirrpxi 1111 gl moil PdPiinivp nMf tnif til of FANCY rfl'OVU rt L'ver I tit roliired I nl oil) is markpt. Itlf tncn. ciiiumU of a ciimpletf assnrtiiiPtit ot p tatieU Cooiiit'nTiil pirlnr ntuvup Id llio market, to iIiu-jit wtUi iSiove Ft vlnrPHof every dptr riptton, Ovp h .ii'd U.ixdtiives. Ui liHtorii.Ovliiidur Stoves, Cast Iron Vlr Tu rftovt. O.niM'Hi Siove, Ate., Ate. sinviipit pp.iini i iiiw.irpRti 1'iani 13 on nan 11 ami man itficlured to order. All kinds of repairing done, nt umial.011 hM noti'',. I hf pntniinsf of old mends and new customers re ipcoifully solicited a. n, 11 u n.iii. 01 itili urn , Jan. 2 J 854, If Aviso's Oil CAP WATOIIIaJUWP.LRY STORE, No. 7a, .North Si-coiid Slrtel, OPPOSITi: TUG MOUNT VURNO.V IIOUSCI'll I LA IIiildLeverWatchesfuHJewellcd IPR Cases. V-'." U silver do do it.' Oil do Lcplne do fl uo Uunrllcrs sontojiuu i:;.ld8pectccles, 4 Sutolllllli Oliver do , .-.f, ailverfabledpoons penell, HOIlloletlu ueserl uo iiu !l nut oil UH do Tea do do 4 7Stn r,n, 3 5to 5(1(1 do Uilver do no Totelheiwllh a variety of fine Hold Jewelry ,(inl Ciir.Hniiri1 nnd Toll llhiilns A 1 1 aood. w a r riinli r t oh ns presented Watches and J ewelry repalri i I nth he. (manner N II. Al loiderrsoniuyiiy inai lorutherwlse.wl Die punctually llteoiledto . November I? IB5.I l SXGSfiKSB HB'ffl, AND R. R. Omritibus Line. rPIR unaer!ij!net! respectfully inlornis bis frieids and the public that lie hao taken the F.rehatipe Motel, n Itlnonibbiirs, located on Main Strrel. iliipcllv opposite the Court House, which hasi been tlifmighly repaired and improved, where he is pre., pared to aecommndnlp hWcustouiern with good tare and toetietalgalisfartioii, lie also' has in connection with llie Uxchaiiec Ho le, an excellent OMNIBUS LINE, ritnningreguiarly severnlliuii-s per day ,lo and from Hi.: ilcpotonlhenrrivalollheCars.bywhleli u.mig. er. wiilbo l.leasantlyconveyedli. the l)eiolfl:ilioii,iii takenl'romaiidreturned to their rcsidciires, If desired, d" llewill alwuye be happy to emertain and aicoiu in. ineuusio llie illninsi nl Ills nliilllte.. PUTIIP. SHLI.MIlVI'.rt. Vrosrittor, Cloomsbur!,Aprll,5,lB3C y. S I'EAM GRIST MILL. fpilK undersigned I lakr pleasure lit nn. III. iiouucllislutheirl'rlendsiin,! 7Di-j thepuhlicallarso.tliatthey Ai&4tfi iiii'i"., ..ut.din Pu'ln,VS5iji5'.ia'"-r5:"- suica-ssfuloperation aNfAijiiJj 5 J K. ,g . f STEAM GRIST MfflSIPJ MILL. KfsiT Wheritlicy aremakii.c thcverybc.trol Flour, iuihe horlcsttiiiieandiiitendselllnsul the lowest price a rnerearctour run at uurs i n this Mill, propciienuy t'ai'Pniver nllperforniliifio perfection, anil irrindinj ahoiiuliirtyhuslielsorgrnin per hour The nourmnde here has been examined hy thebest ofludces andiirn- uou need a, uperior article. Wei nvite.ouri r lend itocal onilexnniliiernrlheniselves. tTj-Order,lortloiir,chop,eed,ftc-.thanklullyreeeived .""n aIITm CWlV I, u IV M UllLV UlllAU F.pytown.July s:i.lP3:i Spring and Summer (iOODS Rl'KcIvy, It al A: CO., HAVING junt received and oppned their stock o merciiu mitre for priuu sales, whlcli f omprl set lite I.AIUIKVr.CIIUPCwr, nnd llANDFOMl.ST assort, nieul no,v olfered iu this TOWN I Ilaviuii paldpreat attf ntitiii in tht eliclion of Uieir entire stork, us lo price nnd iiiality, they 1'alter thPiuoe.ves that tney ran compe.e witti the ehtopttt, and allllinsr.w lib lor to buy cheap, can suve innuet bv trivinp usa rin We havo all kliuU nl floods and Wares to supply the Peoplu. A vry large lot of LADIICS' DRKS8 GOODS, Prench Merrnoes,WoolPlaids. Alpacas; llombarinca, de baise Poplins, parauiritn cloths, Moliajr Lustres, aiusiin ue iuines, Persian cloihs uingiiaiiis.Oalicocs, umiiti: coons nr ma kinds Bievps.cniiars, llauilkenbiels, fluunciiikfs, bauds and triunuitigs, I.arosandedtf luffs. bonnet ribbons, in larun varleiv. Vftlvet ribbons, nml braidi.kK,coiloiitand lisle thread gloveu. MoLali mitts, hr We inviteour friends nnd tli e public generally to Hive usa ca 1 1 before pure basins el setv here. Wchavn boiichiour ffoo.lf at hoiveslCath Prices.and will not boun erioldby any body, nrt be rest o"uianki nil, McKKLVY, NE AL & CO. ninnu. -Imrjr, MnrrhSli 1F.17. PIIRENOLOGIAL CABINET. FOIVLKRS. WELI.S & t0 piiitnNOLoair.TS'ANii puiiugiir.RB, 2U1 Arch Street, below Seventh ; Phila'd. ir,sTi,'"n'''1 l Iwu'l. un Phreniilngv, Physiology fcyaH1-, WamrCurn Majnellioi, and Phonography, wlmlesaleandreloil alNow Yorkprires . ''refclonal eiamlnailous, wilh charts, end r- lull vvrlilen descnptlou ofcharirler, day and evenlur. Cabinelfree. May l2,IBJ5.-v, NEW NO i 9 MACKEREL lusl re cUvrd at HAM' IIAtl1MA"l. Of ftllomnPMi th great( flrtlciim Birlnj( ilsn r frrRhn nl Nature's law. StJFF E KOTi WllENAuiIu'ljlSOiJAnNTCCb IrTAtljSTAOtB OF SKOKKT DISKASKS. Stlf. HuU, foHtmt titiUj Mrtctvri: M'ttt, Gf,rtl iAabttt, Dheaiet tf (As Kidmyt and tthftdtr, Mtrn", ria! Ilktnmetttm ttttfaU f'aiaa in tAf Banti ti Jnllea IHaeait,' tkt.J.uea, Throat, Mi s 4 ,yrr Vtrera Pjian Ih Iiodp or I imba tantttt Drfpiy tfptie Fits M Ftta a Danla and tit ii$li$ti srtm ii a dtrang fmt f (Al tttvat (jigant Hucn n NeKiusTriiMtii, Loss of Memory, 1 ni of IVvvur Dimticts of VUli'ti wlih nectiltar1 M","l'l'","'Kl',"t' Ibe tyot Lou nf fmtn, Uatitluliie.B, Litpip!.!, Liver Jiiiraie, lr t iohsj lip mi Hie lice. Pa Hi i tt 'lit' I'Rtk ami, lit kd, Ferualv It. funlarliii'S ami all impropei diK)n.riis mini both bp tcs. It iniittira hot from what cause tup, dis'iia originntiii however lung slnudliif nr nbtlbVte Ihs raff, rifvntg it ttrtatn, and in u fhittUr time than t I trmanciit curt cnMie iliclitT by any Vtbtr lifHip. rvt-nam-r lie dLi at- liu- I itft.i 11 v ikil nl mtn,,., pbypfriaus and reristed nil thtlr tmnns ol (inc. 'j ,. iMi'dicines ar pleasini uithnut nduncausingn.o ttrk tipop Ami Hee Itmit lm tciuy nr balsam. Dutltrt; iHtiiir ypam il prncttte- I hive rt-scued Into Ih jam it lUoili man H"uiutiri, liu. In the ,lnt fiuf-u ul tlie hbuve inflntloncd ilff-attfi bud bn n filf rt tip it nie by their physicians, vnIjkIi VtBirauts li.e in prtiii.ihj tg tlm iiUHited, wlto inov nloco lli luielveB i. . care, n perftrl und moit t iny rule. Becitt uimmmi are tie ftreatetltiicinipalH ni.lih as tin y are ibe fjru cause ol f onu'innuioi, hcrotii'a mmi Ihbi.j tiHortii. faek ittultibouldLp a tvrrur to tbc bun anian , a j.eru uncut Hue f ilrttci ly vi t t Ih tit d, a n portly of lite casts liillitig iiilo Hie htnpi u 1 1111.1111 (), ,, nirmif. t hn 11 nl null frill In inii. liu- l r.-. ... I iuln iliefonnilniliii,, filMx the ynnt Mlih tuiirurt ' tvliirh. n nh ibe ntHfiisc. Imttt ns tlic uttttir i. ... . 1 lipid L'OI.MIJliplJPIlI I flu l thou In ine dieraie nnd the treatment tletith sptcdily and the vittifn matntsi ll ilirean if eiilulh d upon Mie rbtl-iieir, VI ui re hrn with In tin cniKtiliitions, nil it UiecuiHIt M life ci rit.ntrii it 1 vims Vllclrbetllls itttll In Scud la, 'idlei, TJIitt I Crupiim 1 iiiidoilM raflert'otisof the skin, it f-, ih utii. ami laiiupn, fiiiuiuiip upon iiiflH u Hfll-1 CI IfclMit t 0 f fcutle tup and ci iiiftiiir t he 111 lu an iurl gtuvc BI I.F AllUtCisntniihirloimiiitibieeiiinijiobtAlili, Tor not Ii i itg tlc lu Iho tireml topof of iipi un tii futtft luiiMfthu tit itfucilvi' a dtniii upon the )tttu, drav In; its limit a ndf of v if limn ibroi -h u It w )imi Qf uiltrih tiovtii to mi 11 nt Inn ly giMe It (CMrojt llie in rvixis )tti in, iDpmiy vtusti p an tt thr rni i.ii of lite, eauaen mtntnl 111 1 til (.1 n-i 1 I pici his 1p i ur develi'pn enl of Ui ay sti in, iliqiiltiii p Ut, fotifiy bufitifss, ami till f-ailhl) I.Hppitu sr. aim' lidvi the ri'lli-ter n letkMl In liiy Mm li.tim pll Htipi to i ii KUirpt Ion aiiM a tiiiin id t vilr iim if in be ilniiiji d Id 111 ot ni li If Willi the lulu si round! nre 1 aui Ibe ontoiluiiiili- viCllniH nt Ki ll-Vnn u 1 1 liiLinent and tpi 1 ily 1 ure tun be elleitul, atiit unh the bbani mi. tiieiii ol rninous print ice n putituU can be usloitd to rt tnifi, i(jfti hp In hill.. 'J he iifllideil tire caiiliiuied nvaitipi llie t-ne nf Pali nt iMt'dictiiii, for tin re are n many inceni usiitiris in toe colniiilip nl Ibe public plllite lo (Hlcli mid rt b Ibe unnary Miilercr lln-t milliuii have ihelr conr-iim. t mn n riiini it hi the vile ciiHiuii( s ot t'tiai It ttoctiiii, or the i-iiially'ptiitnuoiis iiostiuim vemted ti I'aiiiit Meiiifim s." 1 inivu c.irt-lul'y iinahKHi many 1 1 the so called Pnieni flit iiu im el. ml IH.d lb til m tii) nil if ib em criitatn LV-rtipivi' tubulin e uhih U oterf I he Bironpit piipitatiotii. ol inerfttr) niul n dcniliy pnison, w litch iniriad of cuting Hit diftune iliioiKi the tt)sli hi lor lilu 'lluie leuitbs id' Ibe pud lit iintliuiiiY iifu in tue an; put up by unprltici ph ti und lf.iiraiit pi 1 1 un tMt do not tiiiderrimid tvin the nllabtt 01 I lie mitttia medico, and are 1 qtinlli us ill ttiiuie' nl iit-j tiuHhrcn ol the Iiu man viem, h,iviiK onu Mj rt m vow, und thai in in. ke iimi ey ti tut li f id (onn (Ui i-ns. 1 r r fu I.i r Hn s niut all i in use ol ii.ul and (cniatfi treated on prinnp'ix i-HtihlMiitl by lumiy yibnuf prjriKe.iitid rantiioi nt i Hooifuniis ni Um most re tn'iikalile iiiren Meoiutjes Willi lull iiitiitoiiK nnt tunny pail of tbc Diihio ftiiteu or Ctiimdiis, bv a. ninth '.1 n. u uiiiuitJi'K tin it in, turns by it tli r. Euu lie in corri spun tL lire nnrll n f-nu mini Audr.fci, J. kummcrvii.i.i;. y. D Olllce, Hill 1 1 1. Mill -lut i. (old Wo. 11.0.) lie In w '1'ntlltU, PhiljdilphU, la. July 11, IPST-tMatcli 4) IMPORTANT DISCOVERY I " coxsumriiOiV, AND ALT DieCASIiH or T.ID I.UNfJH AM) THUtlAT are hokilively cuuble bi iiiliaUiinn. VihUh conveys the remediis lu Hie cuviliik It. H.d linn's Ihri'iiL'li the air ii.isnaueii. ami comiiiL' In nlntt runiuct wiin the diseuru, m utrahz the tibt'Hiilur tet ,all.i)s ibe, c. nsi u r. f r 1 find cat) iipi 1 toritiio'i, heals thu Imijis, purjhes the bloon. iiiijiis rtuewid vitalily to Hie nervnuw f(li'iu, (iniit tbt lu liu umleiiert!) m iudit-pi liflible loi thi ((tUiun n tl heiillh. To be able to st.iie cotifulelillv Ilia I Ct.l.i-uitPli- Hon is cur.ililii by 1 n halo lion, is lu me u sourer i.l .u.ul loyen pifdHtre. 11 i as iihkh uiinir 1111 ctiinr''i 11 in ci tuil treiitmei.i ns any tithii fiitmitalle, ninety ohi id' hi iy liu nitn tl taes inu l.c tnr( ri In ibr tiifct tusea and fill v inr fi ul. in Hie fftonil : l.nt iu lb third stafif it is impi stlbie'in nit lenrc tlinn fiv v tt cent . (nr Hie lung ore so cn up by the 1 it 'hit- u in bid debaiice to un miaUkill l.v en. bow 1 1 1 1 in lie l.irl napes, Juhalalion iillords 1 .lrirtriiinai ).ri In I tp tbe JuillerniR nittiidiip thin ftbiful vi-ourii', vtliMfi m tin :i 1 ly ilef troys niiifi) live iouund peril)) in Ibe U nt tuil tStati g"tilne ; and n corn cl ruli u to 1 m n il.i n thnt'tl ihe prpneiil rMpiiluliiw4il lie eurih, (iyhi mil lions ure ttneil 11 fill the ci'iuuiupiivt'' j. rt. i l r it I i I lie tju 1 1 1 1 1 ti, 11 1 11 ins nn ui row M I.i I l ri Coueiimptiuu, In all apei n lbs b' t n t i prttil 1 ii of tile, tor it npales nrith r ape 1 nr at x. I i't tut 1 1 olf alike Die tuave, the be.iuliful, Ibe pructfii I, a i.n tin ififteil. II v (be bein ol I Jut Mi 11 r in 1. I.i Ine Inn wli in coiueth every irnoil and peril ct fill. I ahi iiihblnl lu oil- r in ibe ntilifled a peimanent timUpiiity iiirc m Consumption 'I be tin t cat. v id 1 11 In 11 i t i ifi-n, iiu pure menu, ntio ine immeuinte men, roitnrriT ly 1 ln-ir m posit Inn in the tiitipf,J. 10 prevent tin f tr t- oin, ir if.n of air into ibe uir 1 eiu w bit b cm es a w 1 nVi ni il iim lity tlm u-h Ho entire )mi 'i In n Mini) Hit, n t ie rationn 1 loextx cl j renter rood from' mi llicliien rnterii u thu cavil ics ul the Inn? Umn from ibose m! inn Mem' wirmijHi llie sion urn ; iiii pnt lent w HI Mv .ij p fiml iie htiiLn fieu and the bn nihtnir 1 y nili r iiihanuL' tine- thes Thus, inhilaiton is a local remedy, neverlln Iris il arts eiiuHil'itM'iinlly, ami w t Ii n.ore pi wrr and ri r fi i ui v than remedies adiiiliiMoreilh the hi mtn h l n provp the powtrhil nnd dirtrl influence nl this nmiip t f udminUirulioii, clil'iinfoiin inbalid wilt tniiril) tlr stroy si miliiliiy in a few minute, patahcinr llie en fire nirvKUs shtem stihata liol may bt! nmrulslid u illmul tho slight! at pain : tnlmnrp 1 lie urdinu ry bti tn- 1 v kj in u ' i 111 r iii- in n it., iiuurs. 'I hn itihataliuu of nminntiia will riuie the svinm when (tiinilntt or upparenilt dead liu m'or nl iiHt-y of the uicdjriues is pi-rrepttble iu the skin a A W min utes nfter beins tnhaled and 11 ay be iii iintliuieU f e -lectpd in the blood A rnnvitifiiif proof nf ibn count lutionaleirects ofinhalnHon is Um IjcI that srli tt. i nlways proilured by hrealhinj! foul uir Is hut flu poMiivc evi'iencp iimt proper reimiiies r(uriuH) if ni red amli liiilieioitstv ndmluipreii ibrniii'h iIip iiim . should producetlip inol hnppy reMiltt-T J ri ip nili teen years' prnrlire. n-nnv tnnunini'r siilTeMtip fit m diseases of thu inns aud throat, h.'ne In en u;idf r idt rare, and I hnve frifecieii dinuv rpnmrknb tern res, rt ni ader th so Ife rem had been pumi uiuei' v lbf.lait siiipes. wlnth fully saiiifles ine IliM copsuniptioti Is mi muiri-r a latai niseaso Aiy iremmriii ol coitsuniplinu Is oriclnal, nnd founded on lonrexuerienrp nnd n tlin. rniifh invet-tit'iiliMO. My perfect iirqonilnM. will, tlieufttureof Iubi'rr1e,&.c.i enables niPio iHlnpui h re.uljiy. the various forms of iitate Hi" imuiiite coiisumi tinn. and apply tie proper ritriPims, rrrfly liHnir misiakcn even 111 a sinplerase, J hi fan Hirjriiy . In rnmierlion withrertain patlioloi-if nl nml micio"" pic dUrovetietj, enables tne, to, reifevp the Innpf from the pffei is of contrriclpil cltpsti : 10 rnlarpe Hie rlml, purify thu blood. impnit In It renewed vitality, ghlnc enerey nnd Ion In the entire svi-ti in. mo nines wnii inn iHerUnjn iidit tfliyn rt ot lh Uniied Piatt-s nnd Cauai'ns by nalirnfs'roniffluiii rniiiic 'lifir sympioma by iitf. Vut ihe'ciir?, Id lf more, cirtam if the pain nl i1 ruhl nt u-e n vini, vlrrh wtuld pive ine nn oprHitiuniiv lo ininise tlm In mm und ennbU mi in prescribe with ninth fiaiT cnuii ty. aid Hun Ibe rurr. lould be e ilicled w Uli ut my ntli g the paiit-nt mj tun. . ti W (3RAIIAM, M Di,t Oflice, 1HI FlLBUliT Sim l,(r Id No. lb! 1 ,t,Mow Twclftlu PliilnditlpliUl'a July 11, ie57T(.Mjrni 4) MAKIIIAOi: 111111)11 11V lilt. WILLIAM VOtlNO. M .Mill 1 Alii: I1UIIH1 "V DR. WILLIAM VODNG. MAiiRiAni: nuinn.iiv int. wii.i.iam yoi nc. MARRUOK. (11'IHR HV 1)11, WILLIAM YOUNtl MARIIIAISK HL'llll: II V Hit. WILLIAM YOI'NO. MARIIIAHi: HDIIIU HY Hit WILLIAM VtlOMl. MAIHllAOi: HUIIIH HY Dll WIL IAM OUMI. MAKIIIAOi: GUinn-YOHNO'H URP.AT iS?ivi1ll.LYf,l.01-.9:.";AI' woukitiic iocki.t JWJ?A;UI.PHIri, ,,r I'verj One- hi. ,, . Hopnr, by Wm Yneao, m ii Itlswriitui in philn lnicuaVe lor iinrfir' audi. lliu. Illiteil Willi uptvard. nl one hundred i-lif mviiips All aoiing people, or Ihose cont, nipl-itiii;- mar lace, niul Irivina the Irntl, iiiipeilimeiit to nianiiil life, shi uld read this bonk. II sirrecl. thai ivirv one .linuld henciuainleilvvitti: slill, i i, n book thai ixi'.t be kepi locked up und not lie tibniil lie Iiouf. ll v ill be suit to nuy one nn Hie ri-ceipl ol iwentv 11 v mils, Addrc,,, IIII. IVM YIII'NO. 152 Ppruce sirct-l, ni.ove Pnurtn. Al'gg'l, 1817 1'l.ll.u'tllilill, P.t. 'IMIE liEV. 0. 8, J1URNKTT, Avhilo J laboiine as n Misinuarv in Si-uilierii Asia, ins coer'd a imple and c r'ain nirp lor Coaiuiaptioattk ta, lirouckitu, Voujrha, CetJ Jfcrrou Dtlthiy and all inip'Mitiii ul Hit Hood; also, uti easy nun ifTviluul mi de ofiiihaUiiB Hm tttmtdy Actuated In a di'-lip in I beiitfii bi suOertup ft hows lie will cherfluby send tho K pi Inn (irxiV. in nn, 1 iininalm li uiii. t..M n...l exphnt din ttionsfor preiu,ritig and siAcesslully using the Medicine. Audresi, .Itev C, S. BUIINCTT. fc'Jl Uroadway, N Y, City. Aufuill.I837-6ni ' (!(ilninliiis m.iln nml IViinli. a-n.1oi.iv . . ........ ...... i ,,,.,, nvauviuji rplirj I'outlh 'lerni nftbls Insllllllinn will cnmloeneO J nu Monday, the llil day ol Amiii.t veil. The In rllliitloii having been iu Miccessliil operation sipee la, t Ociobi-r. under Hi-charge of Prof, Asnsaso.. , u Principal, vyilh c'unp.ieut nud relinlilu'nisisluiils, and u. ui-vu win patronize!! ny stiiiinius iroiiiubroau 'I he nun th. of tlu.ks I.i hit li Caihi.n'and L'nliiin l-ia, having luihl.liiil aeombpoition iflintrhoot, besides several from Hie far we.t, who have aiteudcJ the foiue . ' i , CT An Opening Address, will lie dillvireil on the day ol the coiuiocnceiueiil, at 3 o'clotk, .P, M. TIIUHTEES. New Coluiobuf.ilalv S3iaJ7 JbfeEPii tussell; MANUKACTURt'll OP 'Umbrellas anil .Parasol;. At tue i. in riapu NO. 2 NOR I II I'OUKTII rrrni'.ET.' A ug TO, 1 ?57-3m l'Ull.n:LPHI.t. t A. M. RKFER't'i I Tinware and rlbeciilrnn 4IanufacurerTBaaT to Mi.0 Bintttfe niipwr-, rrDTvi