Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, October 03, 1857, Image 3

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    iUl 1U1I1I (
entutdoy Morning, Oct. 3,1857.
Divine eciviccs will bo held in lllooms-
Now BookH.
T. 1). Peterson, No. 300, chestnut Etrcot, er a mauiiik-i'ikoii outuunu.-Wc tm unit
t1.iK.V1..l.!. ia ,, r ll, ,,,nr T,rn1 fin iairiyfupr-ou '
x,. ..... r"". 'Thulcln I
Ambus then aro
The Lost Vaftghtir, by Mrs, Oarullno
Leo llcnt?., certainly ono of tbo most suo-
lirff. lo.morrow. iSundav. Sept. 27th) at . ccsiful writers: of sketches in this country
., , ,. . , . , . , Her storica aro so well known, so widely
the following Churches : . '
. . ,t m ' icad, and so cotiefally appreciated, that wo
Enisconal Church. Kev. II. Tui.l.inaii , b . , , '
jHstojmt "'"'n' , . ,. .,,. need only anuimnco tho work, lo insuro it
Services tt 10J 0 clock, A. i., ana at J
early oindlo-lifeht in tho evening. a host of readers, 'iho volume wasreauy
r,csbiteriin Church. TXn. D. J. WAV I on Saturday, September tho SJGth-Ot.;
j.y'i. Service at 10 o'clock, A. M. I volume, bound in cloth, for SI. S3 Two
Methotht Church. Service at 10 o'clock, volumes iu piper cover for SI. 00 And
A, M., in tho L'purt. llouiyj, to bo scut; ofjnslogo on remitting tho
Luther 111 1 lunch. Hcv.Ii.A.SliAKltKTTS, .lt;co t0 iuo publisher.
There will bo no services in this Church j kcci.,ls rorlhc mu
(Servian lie form. ltcv. W. Uoourucil.
Serico at 3 o'lloek, 1. M.
ki line. nLdlhct nothltiz had been or would :
riiilill&lmra In llirt rotv. fttiil 14 r.nlltlnuallv ha I vr nmd w.ileh cotilil lurn&ssltlli Ha fine minis rift
brinoWout something 503131710, AT
Un. Aykr'a now 1'u.i.n excel In high inrdlral nrtMry
uvcillhit widely etitj rated c mbudiincnt oTliU (kill.
lie litl Mtceedid In in iklnj them not on'y jtetai t to
tfiky hutpuwirful to cure Ihe lurgddJKi of complaint
which reiulru apurgallvi dmedy. Lancaatir Wfjjui,
U'y. ;
II. T. Hcliiili'JlJ otfeM In thu ntlltrtdl Ills Genuine Pre
paration, final PJUraet Uuchu, which ha acccmpUehed
the mo it extraordinary cur of all other timilar romc
;B, :i. o o ivi; ssunf.,
October 22 & 23, 1857.
Prti'nms to bo Awarded as follows:
' " no i-iiunaiis.
Heiond lost
111 ! Ktflllmi.
i.ies. ueau mo iiuvcriiscincui hi unc-iucr column, setus,! best
headed llelmboliTs Ueliillno l'toporalion." I IImI t'toml Maio
" uuTtnjFiTiaiMtfiriruvliliT " :
HoNLtDALK Co . Ta.i Jan. 10, j
Mr. Pktii V. Kowtii. Air. Vou uro ul liln-rty lu lieu
tin! rullowlng bLitcmciil tbr lliu bciu-IU (if the IlllllClt'il.
1 uaiull liked Willi Iho lilvcr CouipLilnl, uhiili up.
purcn lly lr on j lit ino lu Uio brink nl Hie crave. l)uriii;f
.1 1 1.!- I.iillilimr
rnilK Indies of tho German llciorincil """i "i' b"""oi oi
I Congregation of Illoomaburg, wou'd maniagefl, cccdlowork, riding, swimming,
respec tully annoutico to tho public, trees, painting, birds, amusement, etiimotto
jihat they purpose giving public Dinner's & &(J i.-j.,,,,, tbis abstract, the valuo of
and Suppe.s ou tho Mud aard days . .-alculatcd. Ono
of October: on tho d.iys of tho bounty . '. or c . .
Agticultural Exhibition, on thofair ground . volume, bound id cloth 81.85. Scut free
for tho benefit of the Church. of postage.
Uloomsburg, Oct. , lb57. j uidci's iVorl;s, complete,
r " . ' I published by l'ctcrsou in twelvo
BHT ho aro gnu c,Uti0i,3, at various prices, ai.d in div
neihbiir, Mr. John I.cacock, has been
putting a new dre.s on tbo American bo by MnJ.iig fop ft circukr) wh,di wiu
Hmun :" iii tho shanc of paint. Vi o tire
pleased to tec this evidence of prospciity.
jur Our cllterpriin fcllowcitizon,
John iii. M oyer lias been laying allaa-ttono
pavement licm his Drug it Variety Store,
to the Street. It is cvitaidy a great im
provement. E5T Trof. Amlciou Las reMgum! hU
..situation us Principal of the Seminary, at
New Oulumlms. His limo will tcrmiuatc
ou the yoih itist. He has ncci-ptcd a call
for Cincinnati, Ohio.
CCllitS fot tllC million, by Mr. Karat) ! ny fte I a aticmlcil by three pliicianin our
J, ilftlc, h another of 1 ctcrson a vorkn, r,.J)n(JC9 rccoi(Unc'nit,i tot mcu tompiaii.t. but they
ami will lo ready cn Sa'.urday, October ummM mo nu n-iirf. As a last t(ort.i m i-.'mia'
, . ' . e . onn . nn , dcillo try tl?ttar's VaUam of mtfl Chtrrj, end hy uting
yd. It id tt book of I'caily 800 puged, con-1 im , WM (CslijruI tiJ Uuer hcatlll llun , 1(1V0
tainh) ' 15 15 receipts, facts, directions &0.. ' unjovtd (mora for tm jvars. Till siatei.iciit may liu
7'Afl abote ctrtijirate tern giren in thr ptesenco of Dr. .
ttrung, if ItoutsUalc, tohit U vctt knoan rt hit icimij as
a lutttirful jirattittontr.
None gi'uiiineuiili'ss dig "l ! nCTTSnn the wroppor, '
the txlract ihetcuf, h a "avorltfi ireBcrl(tiou with
many of oil i b3t jh)Biciari,niid al tliin eeaaon larguly
used to imrify Hie hloiJ, anil etrunat the coiiitllu
lion. The prci'aratlon tmmila',iured hy Mr. Ilnrh'y, of
lJouiaillp, Ky , H universally admlited bu peri or to
any Hut for years hucn bile r rid to tlnj pu'ilic, an.!
tlifi nrgii nnd ilvmitndj fully juitiAca thu
assertion. It la iiud with derided ndrnntae In Stro
fut.i, Uy.ipt'pei I. Liver O nflplnlnt ltronchllH, Culanc
wit i'ip,tsct nnd all ufTeftiotn orisirtg from nn impure
or weakened ronditiun iT thi Wood. Li.l tio one be
ttccilvt l I n lo neirip aii othfr.
I jpfcy- 'I he I'ivc Lcr Cent. Saving Fund
JC0?" liCll 1)U ArALLTS GALVANIC OIL ofthe Xatiomil Mfoty Compiny, lt'at'. direct, aoulli
n . , i i j .1 i . . i vi'f t roriiur t f 7'AlrJ Bt rctt . Phd-itLlpUia, wtw h;is nearly
was first introduced into the market, it M,oN Alsn k IULtaf .,', L
never was thought of being applied, by tho Moaro., (ipuikd iuhj, ami utiwr nm class uri
lin, iu iii"; iifni.ii. ii ii'.i'i'nu'jia.
arc "also
in divers
lo promptly furnished on request.
C"'I'IIO.M.3 W. Al.VnVON, I'jvi'l lift lliu I'nw
Medal lit t'io WorlJ'ii l'Jir in lurid jn, 1S3I, fjr
'UlUMiS.CAUrtiT ItACS, llnou. lioes iinil Cuius.
tl rt at in'lucciiionts are now air.' red ta purchasers of the
.ihove articles. 'I'liisis muchllielarireil stock o It runks,
inj" 'e were viaited on Wednesday
night last, v,ithiuili. a heavy fiot. Jack,
was app irently determined to let folks
know of his oniiing, as his tracks were
everywhere, isibb tho nest morning.
itir Thi a is the season wbon staves
uie ag.t'ni brought into retpiisitioo. Per
tons should look to their siovo pip p, and
bee th'tt they aro properly seemed to pre.
vent lircs. A little ixtra care iu putting
,up stoves ami pipes may be tho means uf
Having much valuable property.
proprietor, to Lung Diseases, but its being
applicable to almost every other disease,
the nlllicted havo used this preparation in
Consumption, and, although it has never
cured n purely consumptive patient, yet it i-'arpot nags, Vaiko,&c, in riiiiadiiphi.i verj cheap,
has saved many who havo been prone to ;n, ".,,."h ""'linnu.
the (lUcao.from an early grave. uuuiwilirrXtJflO'.N -aVMoVy Tmio'tuVt
Snlil liv fl M. naffpiihiteli. .1. U. Mnvor 1 wo leate thu turHitu of our urth, Hie t.iieralurc TiIIh
, ii i ii " i five ilegri'es. At forty Uo uI'lb dUUncc from tho
land h. P. Lutz, Jlioomsbur, and Country Io,(UWnrli,!.juu,ui.eatm.lKph1Irr,a.Mi mter.nrictiy
I ppr.i kins, into thu ntiuns ofsp ;iru,vhi)Fii temperature
I id Jj tltruB below wto, uiid here (old reigns in all
parts. The grntleman win went "iieyomi urn n,
niOBl'hcrt',' ami litld thu ilit-fmumttcr in the "regions
if (ipaci!,' ha EinrehiB reiurn dulired thai thf neit
cookpt thing i,n suit of tho-fllht.elefantand grace
tit svini-n r clot -U3. which havu rcndeied thu fashion
ithlr liaiuriuni ol (Jr.mwllo ttiokfa. No. Od, la' c -'U
Cln'lnut Mn ri, f niioiiB on thu t':rntiri il oil-.
IlcFtp'r rarriiigelioneit 1 (M H'l ltii(lecnrria?r horaeS W) liopt .ytJf' fond hext J till
lleeip-iir IfiurWItmis ih) Ifuct Colt :tyeardbll UlHl
i -vi Hfiun.i nest "
:t 'in :,.h Coll, earold SOU
j .'UH.ctiHU-t-i i u'i
3(0 lft Coll. 1 (j'J 'J b()
Bt-coiHl hot I ."ill Hcrotid Ik'sI " 1 Ul)
Committee John K. Uvr, of (Irfrnwood, Vri.l.ih
Hfexe, of llrmlmk, llnii It M. lj. k,of ;'utt, II. 11.
Arlli'ir, of lil'iom. and I'.Ha Kline, of b'cull.
NO. tfOM:V, CATTf.Il, kc
1 Ucdtthill,3)rdStupivrd0O21 Ui I 00
.'d hedt 1 00 licut llcif. r, 1 toSjenrs 1 00
lickt l'.'U aiccr 1 W il hctt 0
I Ik t joke iisun(3 years Una hull rnlfuiidvr I yr 1 0i
I nnd iinwaid 3 ODVd lnt ' " 50
Cdbet I SUIlfdi hotter calf 1 00
I liirtMilrhCow '-Mid 2,1 (.rut 51'
I CiMiiiiiitu Nfal M'Coy, uf .M.uliion, Cen Weaver.
I ol IMrtcrtfittiirir, I .i Jilcl KrUh,ol Catuwiata, Andrew
i 1'rtiu uui Jacob Hill, of Cenirt.
U. 3HlH;i'l'
tt.tllurk 1 OOllrfl J Tut Wtallicti 1 (")
i lJd b-dl .10 2d h"t
Ih'sl 'J Uwc Sheen 1 to l!'t p'r lamba.uii'r I jr I 0)
'Jd ie-t 502d 1m nl ,"0
Ditiiti it lou lijiilel M'lhck, n Hroll. Isnae Hess, ul
I Centre, mid .Michael C. Vance, ofOrangL.
NO. 4-3WINI:.
Iht Hoar I to Mfdt Id Pic.Cor more,
. 2d belt 50 'J lu 10 tttfks old I 1)0
UcMHoW 1 O'l 2d boat 50
, 2d In' ft 50 Heft Pi,'?,llotover Cruo 1 00
Ih'nt Tat ri? 1 AO 3d brU 50
' Cmtimitti'H. Win llaU, of (Iremnood, Nelicmiah
' Uetcc , nl Ceiiltc, Tl.ouiad .M'llcury, ofOiangc, Joseph
.nouicr, ' .vouigur,aiii iienry Jiunniiuiiau, oi uaw
wHia. 1
No 5-DOOd.
U(.Et NtWIiiUIHillIld 1)U - ... 5()
" hephird Pog - - - - 50
'Vi rner l'nj 5(
Cominittfj. I'ttf r Uilooiyc. , Ih-nus Dallman and
. W. Uocnci all of lilooin.
no. wour.inv.
Best pair Shanghais f.o UCft pair Puck 10
umu.yoiiaa ,.u rurke)s . C
Corliin L'ttlna 50 11m cc 50
l'olith 50 Uf dt ntxl eriaieM variety
Itaiitam SO fowl t-f any kind, 100
Porltintr 5U
ComniitlMU fcilaa 1. 1' nlcr, of Pi nit, Stth n. How
innti, ul Jln.t rcrcrk, and Alfred llowotl, of Orango.
N0.?-(;ii.IN AN U GUAM bCIUiH.
ilett lltithil o( While Wheat
of tlit wolk rt4 well ns time ffctipird J(hi
2dn"' - t (iii
t"niuiutlt'o -Jtenb Petnot ff Ma.lfdon llirnm K'inu
of risliliigciuek nnd l.ll M i nd'.iih.iil i,f l;-(,t n. .
pi3jii';tio,ry iiti:iu.ttf
Conirtntlee. Iirt'hn lluglrea of llcntou, Atin.t Cole
of Hiigarlonr. 'Ihoiun-t li. llvi a (f Of epuwoid, Low In
Bdiu)ler of Madidoii. ud Wm. MathT oMlrccnwou I,
I N a l It CCT IONS '10 CO.M M 1 1' T U V.A
1. The (?ournillM,R will h nv odlnrretbuiary powir
to wl (hold t'li H the article ri bibittd in iut
worthy n promium
2, 'llm c-iftiinli'fi! on lijpcntlnnary prcmiumd will
award tut li pri'tiiium( nit they may think pror, on
articled not provided lor In tui gin ml fclicdute,
3 The inoiiilipf ol the viinoun Counnlltecf , will
make it a point lu he on the k round m iriy hr poiflililf,
n the eon I dy not lulir limn lu o rloek.nt whith
II ii" PX'ir i.aiKfi will be Calif il iiotn (tin olaiuli niid
tin y will h'5pccled to proceed in bus liu.,
i i. ii u 'N.iiriiniii ii inu in u r fiu coin tuiittT are ri
I mi i 'I'" diet mint uri in tlir report in raily m podttiMe, and
not i ner irbin'.K. in premiums w ill to ti warded
by Hi'; I'fcui Jjut j t 3 n't luLk, p in.
1 All nriHua f'jrconipi U1 inn mm! be i Un gnuud
by ID u rb k, ii iu.. a ut at 11 o'clock, n iu., th- roin i tew ill proceed toe i.i mine iinduwnrdUieprtnii im.
U AUnriirtes cihlbiled must n miiii on t,io jiiuuud
until I o'clock, p. in , nnd on all oi caioiu will bu ic-1
turned to lliu rxliiliitur, tinkus otherwieo ihrtcled. I
:i. Cautios. .Mlariiclev CAlnhiied, wbiiber lauides1
or nut.met Le ri.epeitid a private propt'ily ; and .my
puriu d If led lu turloiiiiig or liijurfng tin in, w ill Ite
dell w lilt inroidii-v to law.
, 1. Alt articled otferett fur com pi tlthuii rnunl Iks owned
by Iti-H ompetllori ; nt I iiult4, veaetables.llijwer, f te ,
numb tliettrow Hi ol the competitor', niid ul I mno'il.ic
tun d itrticli e uiut have hei n n adi Ly i Jin ruinpi ltira
5 ry com pell tor for premiums .must be a nt-idoil
of Coluiiibi.ifouiity. Itnt person iruiu other L'ouiitiei
may ha, the pnvt )'? -,tt,ri 115 manrl rim nn rxinhiiiun,
on thep ij incut of an entrance .mo Vihy tent.
1 1 i uui win uui 11 1 wwiii iiwiwiIiii m
"diploma AWi:i)inrr" '
Ita the t tnn ifttanta t-taic Jlgrutfitra itoti'tv fl.'rf
fi . f.,e ihrir I etthrattA I ttrrtaUt Ltt'TLR I UiVDl'.H
IMill Mordif, It Id nn tin until ru inrdr for Ihu rure Al)1iCin1lTlQllt 1)V flfninl Hfini-
? and pievemioii o( dll iflivin. n tnchh tit totlte unlit l I'l'ylUlJJIUUU uy UU(j,
aninitl. vi3S.-Piteniper4Coippli. Turfy, IVvom. Vi XM&HlOUQVS? "
lul.i, loot illMtide l.'inj illnetid" lull, CJrBfftti
Unpen. lnfliiiMotillnu, J.uu.licr', Nidnrv d ;, (Jol, JAMI iMcOfltMIfK. v DfilHllIc.
(il.ti-.ltrc Tlnok Lnffi llid-hoiiiid. Hl.iftaerd. Viven. ' '
I'lrer in Luiirp, Burftit, Found, n, Mrnight Hair, iMontour Goutitv. to be Collector nt IJeacli
Wiimik . Hnr. . Alt
loll Nil AT CATTI.Il
Iii J.iuntire, Vellowi. luven nrBIUuwn, litCKiity I
i rir e He ti vxut, itirrtuin, i.n-t 01 uui. i.ur m Ait
Oellle, IlitirHiUM or Llifaeitf K. Ih'uf dl4 U8. W LIT in
1I1.1 Tall. Ilulluw Mom, lllojdy Milk.L'loud dJL.t'(
rou iioca.
In Swelled Nick.liiltin In tlm .liivur. Ah'rrriPd 11.
thn I.urijid, llleerd of tltd lioneld,&puihi tr.Cr.mtpj
Clioke iliden d
So farmer dlmutd he witliout it a single diy 1 It id bid 1
hcr L'OM Ii or (or ilinnn r-f liid Hoik. It Inrtetif r '
Die ninf iiiit r,f ndlk. Iiiitier .ninl Htt h ll.allhv rjllHtinli.
1 Iruiu vi .ml a,tioui.ti i.l lnodut Itaul ficm SO lo 2. per 1 rocMvnd ln.ilnv frfttn tfntr. ivihAt
tent . ti llieixiieritim-or ever 10 two lurmerr, w h 1 .. ...uvjpu
t have u c u i Vf j r'i il 1 m t ' -1 v'ni'ricoviniVi ' September Sth, fctato.? tint fwo companies
Haven; viOo, (Jar.t. John Follincr, d6
ccaEcd. Urpm Waahjngtou.
7Vc Utah EjjjCtliCipnfanwrtunt from
Utah, " -
AVamunotok, Sept., 30 A letter
Corn Hard
2 00
Alercliauip, geoerally.
Ji Sure Cure for a Cough. AVifctar'd
Utlsaiu of "Wild Ghcrry is pleasant to the
tahto, and seldom failsHo ciTcct a speedy
iuro of every species of throat and lung
diseiifecrf. It ii a bciuntiGc preparation,
skilfully compounded.
((,'oiiid) 5u
(Yellow) 50
MVIiil-r All
Oatv - 50
Iluck'vhrat 50
I busliel C'lovci Heed - - 1 no
i biilK I Timothy S-nl - - 50
Crminillec, lifiirue 1 out, vi .ilniilonr. J.nne 11m
met I. ot Hemlock, Joim llarlunn, of Cnlr.WHsa, Uei-se
M, lick, (f Itn trcrei k, and .Mordeic.i llnkH, of C litre
no. b-(;ui:i;N an wucd rnur, winks, lc.
He-it i liiHhel Winter Applej 50
lieit I hulitl l'.iH Applet ... ,,
IWtl epeLimcii 1'earn - - - 5U
id) I'liiins - - - 50
du 1'eaclied - Ml
do Uuniee - - - - 50
do tJ'atdjerriea 50
do j Ornpi ii - - - - t
llcpt didplay nf ditrertnt kinds of rruita - 50
Hcst puck if Ptied Apple - - - - U
do do 'i nc'i en - - 50
Itett 1 'juaru Prird ('ierrii- - 50
do do Htonedl - - 50
He-4 I ipiait Pri-d llurkelberri'id - 2.1
ISmt taiiiple Currilit Wine - 5lJ
t.'otuii.iiteu. John A I'unnon. ir Madi-'tn., Hcuhuii
r.jtubuy. lUinlotk, and Albtrl Hunter, il I'me.
NO. !i-Vi:0UTAHl.t:ti.
The titdniint n mi r,d fur lueinln rl-in fjiltw, K,.rUiu
Id I'lrtyCiMs. 'JVi 1 11 du lu a iooprtiun .f nird lu.uuur,
the pt ople of the whole cniin'y, thu Society Imn itdtud it' nirhon'. I'ot Uvll
t nuuihur olCertllicatednnd placed lU;u Into the hand it Cricked Mi eP,
ni ine ioiiqwi n iiuiuiu ptroi." in me iii(i rentpnrtd of ,i' il' "
nit .'Jii:ny, tmj iiiu iituii'Mii u i vr.iiu nn 111 10 Mini
af any pay tlieiiiiilutmn fee Into their bauds, In wtt :
llhioiu. Idi Itarlfin; l'i rwick, lino l'owleri It" n ton,
Illi .Me lull iili.ill ; tlunvor, Isaau 1) ivis 1 Cat.iwUi-a, J. hu
Kiilhr; Centre, (iill)ert II I'owler; ruhingcreck ,
Henry luttenhendi r ; t'rjrklin, II. 1'. rorlnrr : fircrn.
wood, lllldha lluimau : Ueiiilock, Ucfter I'lirfeli:
J 11 kfoa, Theodore Hmii h ; locudt P.nid llimbcld;1
M llllm, Win. It. Ilrowu; Muuiour, Hlins Itelti itk j
aituriif, (,'eurge Sliuman; M.iditou, lU.utjen Wilon ;
Mount I'hMMint, J It. Vandurtilire.; Orange, (ieorgu 1
W.Hutti Pine, Jauiee Masters ; H'uiriiiiruek, Hditiunl
lick; (ug..rIonf, Andrew I.aiil..n it , t-cott, Thomas
Crevhng 11 ml likewise ofIherri;did-iit )
Thid Ctrtlhriite nut only tuiiitifJles the owner o
mi'iiil'tr ollhe Columbia County Agriru linral Society, '
fir one year hut I lentil lea himselland family to attend
tin l'aii w jthouti xtra charges und turtLir Mlo a 3 'U'u
a piivlh-e 1,1 ttrinclng cucii nrticled ou fhiiittoii n.i
hi may (hooje, withuulany fuither 'a)iueiil of entrance
fee. 1
Thl opportunity howeir,witl only continue up in
t tic I5ili if Or i nli t r 'I Imso not f mbraciitr it anterior
to that date, wilt be required to abide b) the rati s, both 1
for intMiri!(fariii-leiiaiid aduiiHHiou to the I'.iirihat
shall Le n do pled at Hmt time
I'AMlMflV JtlllV. I'nj-'p.
UtJoiuiburg, I'd , lUth lc5T. nut injure the Hair or Hkio.l.til titl glc a halu
... . , rai ami unr.iuic loior 10 uie uatr
A T.T.WV Xr KV.V.U1.W.& . ... JAMCS O. HOOfll
svpKiirjiusriisiTK of t,
GATTJjH JjINIMKNT. I oi Iroopa Ijnd arrived there tint day, oa
I n(uiriey ntiy other Unlmnit or FnibmcntloM I tu. wnv (rt c.i. T!,- nriIl it,-' .1 A
rvrr jet k wit to the world. It id good for the t.ti ; ..v, .v jjiu u
iV.r;ul:.,?1f;:?i;7r!ii;;r:p;u , 10111 regiments of Infantry had reached
'""?c-! Laramie. Col mcl llolTumn had
,scizcu livo liuourcu tcga nf ponder in a
(Morrn 11 trail). Hcturni.ij Californi.iDS
informed tho wilter of tho letter, that tho
j Murmsns vcro mahin,; prcparajiins for
I the fight, and lii nut conceal their hoctilr
j movemcn's. Klder Kiilnll, in his Eomiori
I in tho Tiibcrnaclo at S.ih I nLc, s.iid he
j could, with his wives, whip tho twenty-live
hundred troops, sud do a pood day's work
I on his farm in tho afternoon, lie further
remarked that tho provi-ions fur tho army
would ronch iho Vullcy, but the troops
wou'd never enter Salt Luke City.
J General Walter's tivojd y.23 fist tohjm
tLU morning j cxpreis.
l.'ATTI.i: ' , HUMAN l'.OUV.
Pprainsillriilsi-s, llhi-iirmllssi.
rittii!i r ,1 Pen, tlvak J'lini.,
Hpavlu. Hwtuiiy, , I'oiitraiti'ilr'incwi.
1'l.tiil.i, PiT.ih I'ro.t Km
Calls ol .ery Kin. I. Uunipn.l llaj.lJ,
Wl mlp.-i-J , -.imt ,'rti k., I f u, llntcs,
l.ain'iie-s.Hlraln-, 1 'l'omoiir,
Pcralilios or (llia-e, 'I'oolliin lie.
IlirK I.r;i, l'i, n, III the Lies,
Tain n III-1'.... k,
fain In the tl),iilhtct9.
.Verioii- l'.ilns,
.M.ikl'', 1:11 f Aniin'its,
Horn Iiuinnp-r, I r-'liil' Jiiint',
And many mher .ilisiases. It is 11 shirt the ino.i
ooiiipl.'!.! anil liliiimint llul
ever M prriluci'tl.
lltvarc of Counterfeits, as hoth our valnattle ilisroviT
(i's nru alreaily cimnti rlVit'-il I'y ,! mjtitj jii ililfri'Mt
parts ol the M.ito Our puwJir has our Htlltcn si.'
ii., inie ii iMcit itoitie.
'Maiiuf.rinrril only Uy, riiONi;fti:i,ii . cn.,
Xo 317 X. Tlltnl sr, N. U comer Tli Ir.l At Woo.l,
Ilenu 0, Jt.r tf
rplllrl II MIS IIVI! nec's only a trill lo aail.ry nllof
riHU undrsi!;rjc(l taKc pleasure in ari.
6 noiinrlii to lliitrriistMui'rs and the iitililii pptier
ally, that they hat e Just rrri.Lil. at the l.lme ltnlgo
u- A s iciety has Icon formed by the
young ji.en t.f llloouirburg, for tho very
laudable purpose of improving themselves
ti ti tpeaUiug and decliimation, It will par
,take.j()::iehat of.ttiu Tlpian, aiid if eon
, ducted 111 the spirit in which it is projec
ted must be U'liolici . We certi'i'dy wi-li
it success, and may each of its members
be a second Ned I'm rest.
trj- WIIITi: TltWII, IT.UrU.MKI) IIKIIM'll AM) ,
llilAtl'l'll'UI. CO.Ml'l.nXlOX can ho acpilriil hy
i.i T din 1 ll.ihiL tif a 'I'ltauiautl Hatcirl." What latlv I
nrerotleliuiinvoiihl r aillon.h r the - urn" of n ,1,8. U'I hMl Meriwr i-otatoci SO lii'sl nozen (I.irrots
ari'ialile Irealli, when hy using the "IIai.m or a
TnoisA.Mt 1'toHFna" as h iltntnliii , wvuhl not only
remhr It sunt, hut Uau lliu t c 1 1 Is utiile lis alls.
I inrl M.iiii' oersiins ilo hot know their hr Mill is
The loss )S ' anil the sulj.'Ct their fliuu'n flll
1'iui: in T.utAQUA That town was
again vesited by r.nuthci dcMruetive lire
on Mon lay evening last at about 11 o'clock
that done much dama''t
estimated at 510,150. It is supposed to I "n" """u'". of couimnoits. lie sum
mve ueeu tuu worn ui an luceniuary
Oi'inliioii 511 lli.l iluzen I'arstiitis
llo.t I hiishul sweit " 50 liest 1 lioshi-l Uaiuna
l'it:l sample ll ans 50 Hest : S'pi iltes
1I0 1'ias 51) llesl Saioole Cclerv
Iljst 1 ,ti . Ir,l CaLhagc 50 llerl PitK 'I'olnatoi's
50liest Vanillic
50 Uanu
L'S?" Governor Pollock has, for some
time been staying with his family iu .Milton.
jfcjr It is stated that Col. Ucuton is in
immcduto danger of death.
In Hlomnsburg, Sept. Ulth, lSoT, by
Krv. K. A. iliarrctt, .Mr. Levi Weaver,
to .Miss Helen Mauser, daughter of .luseph
iuoii'er ot .Montour township, l.olunuuu co.
I In Danville, on tbo iilthult., by Hev.
W. II. Wilson, Mr Thomas Kdjiar, of
pi ton n, to Jltss Mary llartmaii of tliti
HSJ- Thc"J!loomsbuig and Lwkawanna
llailrnad'is piogrossiiig finely, and in a
lew months, this much desired load will
bo completed. This will place Dloonis-
burg, within a few liours lide of New Yolk, t former place
and thu minor towns Khvcen thistai,d tliu - : -
iliuipiro city. Thc.roadh located through 3'hVUM&iiUlli M&lljih'f I
11 rctiiou abounding in picturesque scenery, ciumr.c n:i) wkkklv at iiautman'sstoiic n'L' ". '"r '"tiowinj iwa:-uii"iiiii.itisiii,
, . .. . 1 - - , Aireittonr, Contr.uteil JoiliH.Cho'lc
'UTltllKIt: k CO.. V Y.
UNirointi'iv op I'ltii.'ns'. a nw i'uhm h
Itcsiscss. Kccry one his oirn fid'tit'tcnl
jom:s it co.,
Of tho Crerrciit Onu Price flolhlns Ptore. No. "-'DO
.-.nrkel strcel.ahovc Sixth. I'hita,hhla.
In nililition to liavin tho largest, mo.t arirrt ami
isliiiiiiahle stock of t.'lothllil! in Philailelphia, linnle
espressl) Tor ritnl sale, have l on.litliltil e i ry one
liisuiMi salesman, hy having mirke in figures, nn
earh artii I' the M'ry louis! pilccit can he sold for
t tliey rtniiut posmtily t iry all must hny nlik
Tin! gtmlsnrc well sjioiieciI amlprepan il.nna irre.u
pHins' taken wtlh the making so llul all can hn ivit
he fall nsiuane'e ol'Ki llins a eoo.t arliclc at Iho very
lowest pn.o! Alpo.n larjto stutk of piece roihIs nn
h inil.orthe I i:cst s-tte an il hest pi ilities, which will
lie miileto oiiter. in the most rmliionatile anil hest
manner. 23 pi r lenl.hi low cmlit prices.
Ite ncn. her thu Urcscent, in Malket, nhovu Kixtll
Stroll, No .'UO.
JOVT.3 ti ro.
Medicmethit will excel I'ltAl'I'te lllJl'OIIUtl'S (1.1-
Ue.t I'limiikins
Itl Kl l!li7.MI I'.lltS
Ileal 1 hilill Tilriims
urn ill . J. IVitrirk, or.Manlnur, S.inincl Kck.of
i.oarini rc k, ami juliu llnri ir, ol l.ncut.
NO. 10-1IO.M AND DAIItV l-ROUt'CTri.
l.eit lintli r, 1 poliinl ami Ili.t spcci n I'ukles 5n
upwarn i,o no rie.enc..
lift I t'.ik ChuCie, not Jlest lloart Apiih hallir
50 llfnt Jar niran.ed lion,-) ro
"1 lie. I,l,. Honey Cuaih
5C nut !. i s than 5 ihs. i
511 liei. rmeil ll.tin 511
50 Heel Samplu Hani Soap CO
50 do S'otlSaap 50
1.. late, .Miss Mare rainier
mid A .Mad
and will amnio lcnav a person, thf; littl
,thdt arip over the road wuuld cost
,Sus?css to the enterprise.
buckwheat,. ,
,White lleans.
SI 50
. ..80
.. .-10
.1 75
Dried Apples.
CKiY Tho woathcr.lsiiow becoming ci)ld,
.the thermometer ranciuit iicioug th.o st-
tics. The .keen , morning air, tho dniup, (JfJLUMBl A DEMOCRAT,
chijl qf evening, tho porcep iblo sliovluii-1 Tho lollowini; arc the receipts to thu ollice
,ipg,of tho days, the (uruiiig loliage ot tho i of tho Uiii.umiiia Uemockat, duriu
,uc,C3, allxeniiud m that8unimer has dc
parted, With the change of season, there
should bo a correspondent change in habit,
diet and dress, particular ly in tho iast
Tho neglect ol these matters ii a fertdo
Cituso of disease Let the clothing be ad
n. ),! n tt,.-. .i-nn tin.,. .iM.l )1... ..I Olill
........... . ,. nirfi
' many of tho colds, fevers, and chill-, so I'Jnhn Jiik, ivi ,
11 Jno, (J. Jacohv,
commgii at certain, pciiods of tho year. Jaeah i:, riy,"i:..
.'- '! IV iii. Ilrasinii.,
will bo avoided. ! Uul w, ih
the month of August, IB57 :
t ..') llun. II M. roller,
1 1
'I'li.tiii i Si nl. house,
S. I, lichen. Inr 1 K.
Ilr. Win. A. L'a.e,
.i drew I'reas, IJ.'i ,
3. Tremble), lur list,
J lues S. McMiich,
J C. If.irnhalt.
John i iter,
llavidSi llot.'ir,
5 III Joseph I'll., ell,
11) lint t;ah 1, I'lene. Ilsij.,
I7.'i)l',.l I.. Ilopklos,
1 PO Win li .(inn k,
hH' Joseph Miyder,
. I llavidSi II
J.K oh lEoiVC
I '"Itit. IVIer I
4 HO
a mi
'.II 11
JO lid
I 50
'.' 75
1 no
1 mi
1 5n
l thi
1 15
xfHf It was our fottune, or rather mis
fortune, to pass tho Kpi.-copal (.hurch last
Sunday evening, and wo were shocked to
fcco so many boys and want-to bo-young
.men assembled iu front of tho C'hutch.
It is said that "actions speak louder than
words," .and certainly no ueliou could
tpoak louder against tho moral character
of any one, than j!io oue under comidora-
1 no Jonn A. 1'inMi
1.77 ! ler i:m. I!'l
:i 111 Dmiel liee, i:,i..
liarlacker, 5 no - A A. Sniitliio-lh
I ou n n Hi-no, nn, r,
'.' no' Ii. . Iti'n.nloy
II 75 j Henry Alo
1 I'll ( It. I'. Deal, 7 .
I I'd Cm U. shoemaker, 1 Oil
1 10 f 1) U'. Arnulroni;,
1 no, M. SiUerihorii. 150
lu (III Ceo. II. Jail.. nn, Ka, I 75
aOJiS Huan.vl.'.i., ill HO
5 U'I (Si, -1.111.11 l'ulio, 'JIIO
KUO Win. Kaniner. a (10
a'O) Jo.lph Manser. "70
5 O.l! I'r.nicis 11 Hnjiti r, 75
7 25'MnJ.Jno Cniiioiiiiss, J 75
li in; I'Iiim J M, Henry, 175
:l(l John Wanicli. 1 lid
i! ooi Joseph IIoMiu, 175
t.oo'i'eier j:elii4;. 100
again, thank our friends for prompt
It is this that sustains thu l'ress
I U'ttliiio Pine
1 1: ijiiieoii,.nii,.r,
1 Allen li Needles.
S. li. Pan, U.I.J. Ct
i'.IH.ll .Mollis A. i; .
Arunr, Oniii in, a. l'i
i J S, u I'.. I. Perot,
T W al.ilisJii,
Win Ilh, I, -I,
Hlie. 1 .t Si Hers,
(v. I1 riniilli.
. S. W. r.mlo fcUu.,
and eucouriioes tho Editor. Wc ask our
customers, everywhere, to try to help us to
ion. It snows a want of manners, a want, meet our heavy expenses, by prompt pay
of the proper training at homo nnd 1 had t incuts, and thereby discharge au houorablu
almost said a want of brains. It does at j obligation. Kij.ceially do wo request
least shov that those who aro guilty of distant subscribers, to do as many others
such conduct, do not exercise the small 1 havo douo, viz: ti remit money hy mail,
umount they do possess, We could find 1 at our risk, as wo havo never lot a dollar
in that way, and its receipt will bo duly
acknowledged by mail and tho payment
also published in tlw CuiniiUu JJemociat.
DDI! SAllSrTWWJWHT.TW.'Jnw.l.ll. T-T y. ,
fcome escu'-e, if tbo Church waa not largo
enough to acooiuodato all who wish to
t enter, but as it is, wo must condemn tho
ractifo. No doubt, they flock thither to
teo their "Ladio fair," and to this wo cauj
not and will not offor any objection, but
wo do t.bink that if their charms draws'
them to tho dour, their influence could, if
properly exerted, cause them to enter, and
worship with them, and wo jbink no Lady ,
having a proper respect for herself .would j
potniit'a .young ; an, who was ashamed or
afraid to enter Iho houso of God, to ac-1
"comp-ny lier.liomo. Ladies, wo aro a dc- '
.put believor in your power, either for good
or evil, will -oii e.tirt it in tho cause ol
I'dlnc. Pain in the Hide cr llai k ,lle idathe, Tooihailie,
lii-niM ti iro Throat, Cuts. Ilnmei, Hurns, aud alt
diicaseii of ih i kiu. tude and the ClamU. None
pe mi toe witlioul thu tuiMiuru of "Pratt A, llutt-lier"
at lap id.lo Hch label. I'rincipivl utlY'u, 'Jul H'a!n n
ton strei't, llroiklyn, Nun Vork, SuIdhyC.M. 1IA
UNIIL'CII, Dr migiBt, nioomsburs.
C3-'l'hi ii to certify tint I hae made hut one app li
cit ion of the Maic Oil on my tug trs, whn h have bten
drawn trim roiitraclion of the tordd, brought on by
rheutualifm. It was of wi-uteeu montha tilandiiiy.
and I am now entirely mrul. I cheerfully rtcomuieud
it to atl ltllnuj likeniBa.
j. m nsmiooK,
72 Lociibtblreet, Harris bur
A.isiiht I, iP.17
X A CAItll TO Tllli LAtJJCa.-Da. puivsui'd
(Ioliiki I'rfmii 1'illb arciifdlUble l'i remvvittff stoppages
or irrtgulanliea of the mtnaa.
These 1'iila are nothing new, hut havo been upd by
the Doctor for nuny eara, b'Uh in Franco an I Auieri
ca, with unparalleled tucccm In every case ; and he id
urged by many thousand ladies who have upcd tliem,
to make tho I'll! public, far t lie alley latum of thote from any irreyularui'jB whatever, us well
as a pr tveuine to thoe la lies w hoe health will not
permit anlnrreasii of family.
l,rej,'nnl lem tit, or those f u;iposi ng tiiemelves to
arc cautioned .igJiiut iisin these 1'iliti.nit tlie primri
rtor assume ou respomiibtlily alttr lliu abmo mluiu
Dili on, alilntih thuir mihiiieiJS w oul-t prevent any in
jury to lieatih; othcrwuc, thuru Tills are rcroin
meinh'tl. P.ri ciions acciimpiinj each hoi. 1'tice 51, Fold
wliolikule nnd retail, by
;mi;(;i; m. iiAniiNr.ucii.
(eneral Ayent, llljomsburg, 1'.).
1 II e wll.l supply the trade al thu propneior'd prices, ,
md juiid the, I'lllii lo ladiei (conjtJeulialhj) by mail ou
n 1 eipi -MS Ibriili thg Hhiunuleirs Post Odieu.
I.IPPlXCOTT U MUNTr.ira CloUiing Warehouse,
,oulh Vt.-t r.irr.'-r of fourth and Mark 't mreets. Phil
adel(.hia. The only Ono I'rtcahthing Afore t n America
;aati purchiSLrs ol Min' or lioy'n Clothtu
wliolea.e and roMil.iau here, make ihcir ntlctliou
from an immense utock.of laaluonahty tut and well
iiiadetliJniig, ytup with a view to gidu satiafaction
In all , and ul tha vi'ry loweit p iisible selling prico
marked n plain tuiet, on uvery H'lrinent, all buy at
lliu 8 1 uio pr ico, an I whettu-r tliey aro judet of gorxla
or not, raunottu deemved. Ono uuiloiiii tn ioak and lake, uitsever body, vvilu the usual
mode of asking two ;.iry , and taking u that t ait bo
got, bUllsuhudy,au'dcheitiiUireuloiirllu ; for it bianco
a 111 j it akslj,forarn,ti. .md aftewards agreed to lake
51U, itud itjsfiiiiatly it ii.tiu, that be.would have taken
13, if ho could l.'ivu got il, aud 1,1m aauilty
ho puruliuser out of live dotbrj. To remedy i!ii9 evil
and t"talili3h toufidence in Ihe.tradu.Ml'PtXCtJr ft
CO., 11 a uiuforiubelow prnc 011 all,theirpouds,(very
iiiuiu u juw iiiu us uiii .iitu wjii iiuveri try uim
i.-iK iii tn hi
I Ursl I ,ua I W hunt
do )(e Dread
ltefl r-pomiu Cako
ili-fl I'liiihI Cake
Ilest I'lnii unko
Utnltfpii.'ii rruiU.'lly
Comiiiiii.tu -Mrs 1.
Mrs II c. Dower, John (J. Frecz , IN')
1 sun, nu oi(iwiem
N'0. 11-IHlMi: AMi HllL'Sl' .M AMJI'AC PUItn
Hvt piei u Cluth, 5 yli llc-it pur 1-iik ii Shet it All
or more il hi do 1'ilow C.ul .in,
Hi m (null 1 Oil lleiii Muri i)
l.ihl Couiiterpj'n" 1 (.iflSesl I'lid 1 Phltt iii
l'.-t I'.nr lllunki U 1 Ul) pair Vaiti Huso 60
!ol riauiple Carptt 5 du MilletM ','5
jar U umi more 100 do Cocs &l
iVhl Coi rb 1 1 ihi
CouiiuMUe. Jejjuo Coli man, of Oritupe, Ihrnnrd Hu
pert of I'liHHii . Mrs 3 Jta'itti 11, 4 Ironihle, Mrb
i'eter Km, ol Li'a'iit direi-t. and hs Harriet llaauiau,
oi Ci litre
XV, l'-'-l.ADIl.ii' WOltlC AMI n.OlVUIIH.
UCft r.iucy T.tM.' Cdvi r fit Hvp dipl.ij Ibud Work fill
nn tper no ran net uoik si
Ilel Hiuiplu hamp or do I'.incy K'tittiug 60
Vuse .Mai 31) do 'lij.iiruiik-ry in
llett Hluri CLllare and do I'lowrri M
Uoitmu M do At t nit ia I " ,MJ
do U'.iv Print, e. 5D
Coniiniltie Mr, Wm Coodrnli. .Mi. 1. V. Iljrl-
mati, Mri. .Morn an liiuKirk. .Mr. .Murru Sloan,
and .Uri l.W, M ICelvy. allot Itloom
IU. IJ-il.ULU.
llet t'aaiple Wheat Flour, 60 lbs. or inoro I 00
do Imckwhtat to
do Corn " 5J
Committne. Jnini Lcccoii. of I'ii.c, Jadib Melitk.
Jr., ofscoil, and J . K. tiliatjilons , of Catiw utu.
(lAUriON. Iio particular to observe
J t ti -It. every barrel of our nrticle his oar name and
that 1 I'otis ;y h'lctt liraiided on Uie bend. Thin Caution
n rendered iieip-ary,'r.h tln-ie are to many articled of
dmibiliil va!ue o!it under t lie na'mc uf Atyicr-T'ia'Ane
cf !Amn. a in misltad tlusu who are unie-piainied villi
llievaluu of a
fir.NtyxB AitTici.i:.
Price $13 ner (JiMi lliu. (Sf cents pur lb) A liberal
dei'iirtion made to dealer- Crth rs f-r this Val"nldo
Feritlner attended 10 promptly Pamphlet de-rribnii;
it, ami 1 lie mo ie 01 atipiyi 12, ran no inn craiuitonsiv
itt our Rtoren, or hy mait w hen d-pired.
11 ina no rJiiiierinr a n .Manure inr
anil all other mm reiulring n 1-orot14 and
l.A(j ' Xf PL it l.l.K t.
prcflnrtn? net only a heavier jield of (ira'u thin Piru
vntn iiij 1110, l. u1 frtH.n(,' the straw to sujtjivt tutiitaiii
Clt.-rf Piil'.li riic'y j tit's lu take will wheet-ui
Phoi-phnlu ia implied to tcht(,t land,
PACIFIC OCHAN UUANO We Itavea small quan
tity flil I in Fi"ic.
1'ISII MANUI'i" A Fuppiy of Ihi8 valuable article
romilc. Prlr, 5:10 per sinno h (U renii per ll )
Ml. I fiOVP.It.NMllNT Pi; UVIA.-J (IUAN'0 for fale
at Hie lowest ralci
G'Th- leading Ay ricullu ral JournalB nnd Nwp-
perd are regularly filed at our lilc for ihi ueof Far
Coods ran be limited r.t ntlirr front of our Ware
1 1 nu m-M I'tirmem mo reromuu nded to drive to W.ltci
reel and moid thu rmwihd Wliarf. Ample lanljiics
tiro a Horded in leadmtr wni,'oii8 and attending to the
turui'ti. tt M:nni.':s!,
No. 2.1 Fouih Wlmve-t, At il Houth Watfrr n ,
I'ft St ro abivtj Ch"i nul si., Thilada.
A 11 (uft 1, 1 1 Hit
ffi IL V IiJ 10
rplll; tinderEigncd, prntelul ftr pa?t patronage, re
X i-pirUully 111 firiitrf his ci momer mid ibe public
fineralty, ihit he hi Junt rrreived from tlu Ilajitcrn
titi the largest auu rmsl uelect stotk of
Th it Ii m i t Iieen opened 111 MhnJuishtt):- I v hu h he
init-B the littciiihin if Jii! rrien.ln, and Hi3t! tliem
that they.ire oth red Inr t-u e .,t reat l.irgaiti. His
Mock roiiipnep 11 i.irije ntMiiimeni of
Guntlcmeirs Wearing Ajiparel,
Cmihi-stins of I'ArilllON'Am.F. DKIISrf CoATS, of
, i-rv decripiiou , P.inn. W-iis, Htiirti, t'ravatt,
E?t(jc k-, Coltoii llandkerchiefri, Cloves, SiifjiendLra, tic.
Gold Watches and Jnaliy
Uf 1 vi ry d t upturn, fine nnd cheap.
N. II' ltemeiol,! r "Is ''rube,'' Cheap Fmporutu
Call and fee . u 1 hargrf fur examining 1U nd.
DAVU1 i,oiTMii:nc.
Jllnoni-biirg, Atlp lST '
i.o.l il Ironi th-tt eminent .nalHlfCtiemisi,Pnitevnr
rxiotii, r 1 tliu u. , Mint , will only run ti r 1.1 what thou
tandi Irvu rrcviously tiorue testimony to.
,La:JQTatovy fir Practical Chtmlstrij
ft. ticplin's PlaCi , I iiltat-'a.
Heins v ell nnuainld 1th thu tulKtnnre toini.o-
Jt. llr,ver l.i-iuld Italr Djc.lam FaUM..-.l I lit ..1 b ; lril0VCi u' rhotfr aortimtit c I
I opini ami ouinmer uoous,
tOonipriaing every anielc uMiallj kept in
Country More whirb hai Inn fehcted wuhcaio
I ml Will Li molil nl VnrV lull' III ,' for rnn.lo nn i. "
t !)i:i.llll.i:iVKr',a,! t 1 "" -' , , ,l, '"
t re'pilroaoy additional testimony ofthcir .hii'icur. -ni'f ol a l,-.i... ,.iri.i " --oi"f, Casslincrj,
Th" sales hae lieen incri'asma slmo llieir liisl info- Delaines. t,alt oes, .
line lion, m v iai! l vi Je nee Ihat the articles truly pifse-s j 3- Country prodnre l.;k. a ,j i m 'lanpefor goof's
JlnalnlU Clicmls!.
m iimiacinrer.
orders.. iddresstd loilio V aniifactory , 'n. 1 Id Rice
I street, abovu l'onrlli. (old No. Ill,) 1'h lalelphia, will
receite prompt a'tentio n.
jnscrit i:. uovr.R.
Ans -1, 15" -ly .Vaaiiaclur..
Swung and Summer
G 0 ODS.
rPlIE undcrslgnetl fcapcotfull inform
JR. llieir cutomrr ami the pub V pctK rally, tliat thpy
lnt ju-t retfivfd al their new llrirk tori Iluuge,lli
ldhldtreel. a gelei t npnriineiii nl lar-bionablo
Sprinc and Summer Goods.
dim t from tin U.i stern ntieti, romprisint; nil the ,
vuriniifi delertioiiH to be found in Country lUsief,
Coniivtins ol Clot lis, faniiiiere4, Jieliiiny, l'.ru'en.
j.nucocii . i oeuitrr Min u 1 1 f.:ui.a ui u 11:3s guuue
for ttie Indies.
I.AIMi:riTAI,MAtiaiUHI,W,!IAV!.i ite.
(irocenef , .Molanaes, rgar, Teas, Coiree, f'plceF,
and in ifhort,evur thine hi the way of Merchandize.
UllMlV MAUL ctol HlNn, of every debcription
xrr lron,rtee, ,tifj ,vyull:y nrinirs .c
kS'Thankful for past patronage , it will hi neir
(tnmiHiB aim to please then customers and tr he
general talisfamoii.
11 . . (i V . iH. UK tjf M
Wjrht Street, ptil It, le37
r?Mf II undt ri-igni d ba in? aFocJalr it tr I Iht in the
X .M re a utile I! tin it f. take jili-enitt 111 a imonncinK
to their I ne nil jt und the puLlii 111 (jeni rat, that their
new ,tSiore Iluiine, located on Mam etnet, central in
IlKpuown, Columbia count) , had juut been blocker
New Sjtrng Goods, citetiive anflortmtnt of Cloths, Cas-!-tut
res Vetitia .,Miiliu3, Lines, andevry othiir nr
tiile mi tin tv.jirni; line, includin;' Hardware, China,
Hart hen and Hullow ju, (Iroceriefl, rttiij.irh, Tet ,
Coih-e, llice.MulaJies etc .etc , with all uth-ir jru
ctes of coiiinit rc niVipted to ro intry etorus.
trJirain. Lumber, I'mMimiH, Produce, &.C, of at I
kinds, taken in LVLliangu lor mere I nndjjte.
Iisptnwn. April -I. ;57,
I. tine Uidfc-r . Mart h il , li,".
u. to a. low,
""lio untlercigncd, pratcful for fornier
S libTnl patronage, re'petifuj ly irifuriim hit.
(rieinl and cutmni r in cf,irrjt. that ha ronij
nt, jid L'luneFfm hit Fpiiriotift New fcUore Ilounv
mfkl doo l Iiati hum.iH'i Hotel, w here lie ha
just received, aruHbuppty of
coaipriilnp-very variety of fashion, nualiiv an d nt) le
iifiiatly Ki pt in the bent btnrei- linn 1 riesxtiuuceuurn
llatdw are I'm 1. Hal'-, H itn. Cap. II0.1U, JMioes, fr.c,
, 111 c 11 nut tie uui 11 mi uceum.iionaiiiirr j erms. .
Cram and p' kiud w 11 1 d
Maiiville. .March V, 1S57. y.l
r-oyui; to rhe !
rat op 111 Vdc, 35c ,l',5c,, and $1 hoves.
cosr.Mfrt" turn nru iixtiuimimatcm.
Tot up in lc..5i,' ,75e . nnd $1 hollies.
"COSTAIl's,1' IMIWDIlll 1'OK A.N'Td,
Tut up i'n C7c. and 'Oe hoses.
I'rintipM Depot, No :ib4 Itroadway, New Vork, und
sold by Driiu'i.ts and Healer 1'vu rywheru in tlio -Uni-t.dsll.iies
niadas, West 'ndii'tf niid tioulh America.
Ants!. IHS, - hi
VTUW M3 JMAChUIIULnal rei.ivtdat
1 IIAUTtt i,V3
cent under any tireitinstanies.
At the rioitli IVe.t couu ol l'o,ra aul Markit street
hiM ilelphu.
NO 11-AUUICUI.Tl'ltAI. IMI'l.r..MI'.T.S.
Ilest flow li 01) llest Thr.lli'' .Machines CO
Jd hen 1 no lle-i epataiur tilraw
llesl t'ulliiator I on limner 1 ,l)
'Jd In st 50 li t Hay &Slraw Cutter 1 no
llesl Harrow 1 ll lle.t Corn Sheller 1 no
Inst lloll r 1 oo iiei-t raiininj! .Mill 1 no
l!e,l Pi ilo Hill Plow 1 HO llest Plump Machine 100
llesl t'oru Plainer 1 1'O llesl mobt iiuuieiiiiis
llesl Horse Hake 1 ml collection ol Auncul.
lle.1 (Irani Oradlo I l'i) tiirni iiiij lemenis u'l
L'oniuiltl'.e. Jlitlah lloolle, ol Hloooi, Will II , Wood.
Ill, o! th rw l k, and 111 lis I), 'irirh, ol Montour.
llesl B hotsu Waou !! OU 'Jd hest 1 '"C
M, ,efl 1 no llesl Dpen llajjy J "U
liistii horioCarnaio i in Hest Sleigh llul
'Jd hest I 00 llesl 'J horse Sled 1 Oil
llest 1 liorsu Carriage U 00 Ileal sprinztruck wasnnl oil
Couiiiiilleo Jatoh Arnwine, ol .Montour, r-auiuel
Kisiier, o! .Madioii, and I.aac Kridel, ol llnurcrtik.
l.t fiUiiua.
llest Ppirirren Cuuiutt Woik
Ileal D'tiinli' s.ett Carriage llarneap
ileal SllllSle Pel't do
Ileal VVlU'Oil Harness ...
Ileal 'J Cairskihs nil. lied ...
llesl Li Kip Slkllis do -
Heat '.' Sides Harness Lealhir
do boh, Lejlle r -
do llppi r .eaisir -Ileal
pair llcrae Shoea -lie.
I lltllhhllie. ).t,. -
Ileal I ,(. Taiuy Chairs -
Peal -
lle.l Veal -----
lie. t pair Tlink Hoots -
do (.'a 11 jskiii lloois
do linllea' Kid Shoes
Cotonilllee. 11. 1'. orlner. of l'r lliklin. I'
of l.'alaiv isaa. Joseph Can ncri of Cl nl re, Joseph Carroll
oi iiuiuiucK, aKi soaepll llieha, oi miai'ms..
NU, 17-.MANUl'Acrilltl'.D AUTIULKS.
a .ucl.iaii.
Ileal Churn -Ileal
t'lieeae Press - -
lle.t WuHiiui,' Mathhii) -lle.l
Sailaeiri Coin r -
Hi at d.spiny of t'ir'pi'r Waro -
Ileal a C"ro I'llakPls -lleit
II Hand llJaklts .
Ili.l Hcc llivi) -
Heat Parlor lalo e -
Ileal Cno'iMU Stove and Trimmings
Heat lln ale. I Variety Tin Warn
Heat Specimen Wuotl iinil Iron 1'encu
Heat (iale for llarll and I'letd Co
It. at t dim Corn Hionius -
Ileal aaiuple I !,'. Hrnk -
ill, 1'IL, Ml l.ll
Coiiiinitlte..'ahii Ke ,fi f Calawissa, Jacob Ivos.
tenhodui.or Trut'klin, and Irani Ilerr, of J.uksou.
NO. IS .MANl TACI'intUII AtlTlCl.i:.S.
;W Jliei.iaii.
llesl and 'uraeat variety ul' Dental IV'oik 8 "0
ill, dm Marble iln - OH
do du lldjo Tools "0
do do llurlhen IVare 7.
IJonnuiltap. Dr. A 1' Heller, oniiienwood.Dr
II I'ii. of Locust. Ilr. J A. WiLoti. ,if llerwieb.
I'Juaiiih Smith, of Scoll. and Dr J.K llobbiua of C
Iluat C pounds Kuiar Irani Chiiiu Sugar Caiiu 5b
- a no
I Ml
- I all
1 ill
- 1 00
1 01)
- 1 no
1 00
- 1 I'll
- 1 00
1 no
- 1 1,0
. Heaver,
1 (10
I 50
1 CO
1 (ill
Ia the New brick tlireo Story Carriage
factory, on Main below Market.
rillli; suliirnber would re.peeuui:y aj
X public, hascoinnieu'-etl tho
17, UAU1UAU J's X
111 all iis iTinelies. He is preoared loesecule all t nlers
I and liiisonhiiidiit re entan.i.sorliiieatot nuished work
which purchasers w HILinlil lu their adiattiagc tu eta
ml no.
Will he done In Hie ino'.i prnnipt an 1 carefa, ni'inner
and upon terms whirl) rail not tail to eive sUttsfai linn.
Illooinsbiiru, April J, lo55.
"nkav duug stoiir";
rMIIIiiiniiriirnpu wniihlrff pet itully i nfnn.i ?ti friend
X and the p riihr ifener.dty. that he ha jjurctrfed Ilr
Ti csi-t's Drug and Cktmiral Store, and jihI reinrned
froui thCeity with al-uc.'-u I select nm k.cuiiJtiiig ot
Fftili and 1'tuc J)ntaxi
Medicinrfi.Clieiiiiralis LToundiilid w holi Hp i tea, P.iiuis,
Oils, Vara i-heti HwStutls Window (ilat-cot ullKires,
loji the 1 w ilh a complete iiMnriiuent of Paint. Tooth and
Hbaving Ilrti lies, Tobacco, Sigarfc.I an r) Soaps, Shav
jug Cream.
Pure Wirjos end JJrandica,
For Medicinal une, rJuuli.h. Freiichand American Per
fumery ; in short, every art ir. It kept by HruvgistJ gone
IT -Preciipiioii s cnrefuH coin pounded .
II The Dun i tt. Pilot i-.-tiios, will be continued ih
iijitalin llliiOiiihiii'f and Light r-trett.
AU1..1 fall adorl meiit of the IttCFt H Ic Trcih,
for aile Ly
fir.O. M.HACCMtUClI.
L'Qinijburg. Feb itiary 1, Ioji
rjIIK undcrMgficd respectfully nnnounccs
Q that he roiitiuueo lite Vlooutabur" tiooh Store and
StansnaTH Establish mutt, ul ly oinlii-led bj In nti i e.tMd
husband. Major in all their vnrinu- hruiitlo i,
al the old btnuuiii the hauge l.ui Idingu. first door
Cut oi (be CAchaiijMi Holt I. nudhaiiug renlenishd
lier iriitbliHhment with a choice vtork ot Aw ilooU
and Stationary, she in atcumiiiodale nil
"liumoy give her a call in her line,
Tin lleiaurarl Siloow, in the hauement of the abnvo
efciablibhmeiu, wll he touliniud na nnual ay thet.ub.
hrrihor, wliero iii" public cm at all lime a ! nujiijci
Wlllltlie .Lm.C'KI littltU.ti AND ltFl-RLr-ll,Mt, 1 Ijrj,
a Miiu', Ihvr. Ale, cc , .Surdim'b,
Hpiced tm! Pnkled nviern, Piekted Ctani-. tt...
riTho public custom ia respj-i t tu I ly sulu .tij.
.ucffjor (a Jesse i. Clatk.
IHnomaliiirir.Maf 'J, I H,V7
Greenwood Seminary.
rfSillville, Columbia Co., Pa. 1
AFYHTHM T1U course of in i nirt ion is civen in
nil the Kuglmll hramlies usually taujilil. The
Principal w ill lm afsistrd duimg the present ear by
'p. M I'uTl'S.aii txpirieiicid reci ally from
Uie Lancaster county Normal gchot.l 1
A vucatlju of i-een wm ks wjl conttnciicc July lit.
T F. II M S .
Tuition, for uny pupiid, :j1,.n to l,J0 per quirter.
l!oirdinB'. Tuition Waaluntr, Lights, , ,30 ur
pntiii r ol eUvrjii weekd, oiie-Iia'f in advance
Fr circular, l it a log tie, or uln r putatitart, ad Ireoa
MilUille. April 4. 1R37. Principal.
rp'lC fithcriber havin removed ln-a Marble Var.l
1 from near the Court Lo m-, in the ftouiii v i ft cor
ner of M l V niid M UKliT ir,etn, in How ,
whore ho H prepnreit foliirriU'i all kimln of
Mnrhtc WwL',
Viz MONUUF.NTH, C'rallo Tombi, V.n Tun In, nnd
Head r'tonea of eeiy dettcripti tn. HU ctnrk is of ttie
IiphI kind, the wiirkuruiiship iet sur)aed lyanv hi
the touMr), and at low prices. Call and jiu'ge tor
jouri i lie.
LJ He wil aNo furiilhh T.ihle nnd rturccu Topa, i
Mai-tiN ft i lioinea, Jiae Cdtmh, Lintli , and Hills
for Winrnwi and Uonrtt.M a kw fipure. i
Tlianklul fur past fuot, wu'hope for a conilnuinco i
ol'ilie eauie. I
PloomFhurff, April 4. !057. Gin
F.iriuers- Drpot and Plaster Mills,
York Avenue, Crotcn and Catlotchill Streets,
WF. oiler ii larpe Hock ol Chemical Manured and
Fenili7er at low pricin. aid warrauied to bt
r -nui ne anions w hith will e foujid t
I unit tons o I (JovernmtLt ftfuvian Cuann
UWOi'in He Hutu')? Nu. 1 Superphtisphait! ol Lime.
Tho nIioe stautlird nrlicleii are, i acli c f ihelrkiud,
tli a bt-fct in the w or Id t our Laud Plu-tci , iiianulacturej
frmi pi'b ctd ci.iiie, m a li brati J thiou;hout ihe Union
tor its punt) and Klreiizih.
u i; in vi i h ortncitH rou-
Uo liur's I"- 1 MiPi'tphosphate of Limo
So I f.'ovttrumeut IVruinii tiuano.
French's Impiuvnl Siijh rpho- hate of I.imo.
From h f Philadelphia Poudn tie.
No. 1 Phn-phni! (hiano, Phltad'a Co 'e)
Me titan Guano, (A;
Ultra La' sater, Ordinary Land Plalctiei.
I'heiuKnl Pone, I 'tire Mime Iinst.
Fish Cuatio, Orotiiid Charcoal.
Kl niio harrLte I and Planer.
I v J C,itfii' Placer.
IU WW If tiraiilif Ctmeiit.
5.0ii0 Tr1!" Iloniau Cement,
l.uyy Portland iCnglislij Cemcm.
neniit'j phpter, Powdirtd Anthracite Cvt inbbls
tterenljpe IM.uter, Pnwdirrd Hiluu iliou Coal
(itass Mnker'n do I iron tut llrow u fume
0'oiiint Sncp time. White Hand "
do. White M.irb I", (!round Unckufor Painlcra
do. lllue Mirble, Clieiuical Hone Dan-
Fi:i:Vt!l, IIICHAUHS ft CO ,
S'eni, Milli.ud' Depot,
.4unctfi;a cf iork .4kiu., Ctic Ca!loir!n!t Sts ,
Sept 1-3. iPfl? Sm
rplti: under isned rcrpet i(nl ly jwlornm liiti friends
X end ;I e imhlic fieneiiilly, tint he ha opem d
A rtmvare and iShcit I'un Etta
In tho .I.iiililins formerly nrnipift! fur tint purpnan
hj Jtsi rijiarph - j. w In-re tie ir pr pari d '. couuuc 1
tlie bimine-ft in all i inrioii- Irancties.
I iuw an- and lli"ie Hpotitinp ot all kunU n,i i;r to
or iii r ou r-liori notice and nt 11 oil crate prm g
AUo-aTOVHd, of anoud fty.-s, Loui.i:itly for
IU p'titiiij done 10 o: ih r in initk time
C3"Cuiiutiy p'rodm e t:il en in ei lini'e rr w. n
H. C MlLLAP.b,
Ploonistitirc Miy M. lr.1-y
L. Pancoasl &, Co
and in: 11. 1:113 IV
fish, rnorisioxx salt.
Pint 1 U Ipina.
17 Nurth lnrvT
Till:'j-fizneit, UnnkUl for the literal
patroiidii w Hli whiJi he haa Leu fa;urd lor
tr 'one nj .would iiitJiniiiu iriemiB und
cUfiloi:iei k. ' liAt lie coiilinueu to Loimlarioi i
I t.. . V t
At In k old end wull-kiiimnvtand, 'on MahibtrrM. C'?&E2AS: OC3C S'S'4CtS
lltooniflmrp, in atl their various and fornix, in good
ty le nn don tut derate terms. 1
Ills ions eipericiici- iu iho husintjpa, and gen rail
knowlidgeof the eeujde of i.'olumLiat ounty, supi r
added tun fixed dctcrminat ion lo render s.itiff.utinu
tj all hi customer , fhutitd iieuuro Jiint increased pa-
trouage which he liooc tu invni. 1
UJnouiKburc. .M.nrh to 1K17. '
ixi 1
liaiidtoiiieK and rLeaperi n
s.iititii'Ui nt tfolu Leather.
yu'iu Itiveteil
do Mania Suear
OATTI.Js Heat HunrlSjriip Hum China S. U,
I'ropiillcrs l.t .tiller und Carpel Uuus. I'acl.iu; Trunlis.
S.C kc , nl
Celibrated IiOihIoii Pne Medal. Improved Sled
Spun?, Solid Solo Leallier Truak Maniilarlory,
no. aim AivitKiir rvritr.irr.
Hiuilti weal tiirut r rouuli and .Market, rhitadelnhia,
A'liusl S, lrir-ll
il ii. oitwia,"
Mmufuctunr and Whottsale Dealer in
i--tYi:AUH OF AtiH. Jialne Uwi hi failnr, two
4 t I'lirothern, iiauyhter, eon in liw, uepliLW nnd
mi cetf , bv I hat ilreu Hoi dif e ie, CinsLMt'iios, ai'.d suf
fering with a Covgi .iiiiiielt, uVtertiniud ti visit the
Ha.-l Inuie, Cyjit jml Japan, wlicretiu discover-d a
'rrrLfidrcratld certain cure for Coldf, t.N.tili UroncliiUn,
, Cr n um p tiu n. Ner mid D bility and Astbm-i HU tnujh
watt cured iiiimt-iiiatelv ; he rriuriied, cured hi tela
tuts, who iuhmttd Iho diM-iiate. and 111 connection
wm'i tit poii hav t; "inploy d it in llieir practice, curiny
Ihnii-andH of cases tuiibidert'd hopeless ttyotturc.
iir the purpose of rtscuiui: as many ol In siinYrtng
felluw - heiiiux tiH po-oihle, he U iteiidjut; the lleripe to
atl who wuhuicir ti 11 tent ; U of it to pay the post
nc, and the balance print, nc.
Jul rprins Bt , opj osiir f?t. Nnlint 10 1 1 mil,
Juiioi:i, Ifi". , Nw Voik.
KIlMJtM'ICS Pattnl. for hind or hi'irurt power, iho
hest hi ui Wlieeler'ii Horse Poter and
era. luipiott'd firiin Fans, lVntiiw f.' Wheal liriH
4,'iMijif r's I. line ami Cuuuohpre ulerx, I lie uicsl approved
rtady luint; ; wuli a !ue'ralas(itnH'iit-of Aruuliural 1 fPIH3 iinderisned li uing aiciatcd to,ii'ih ,
unujit'ttic umi 1111 ni iiienij. . tiui mm- iji
r.V&L'il.ILL .LOUKI IS fc t'O,,
Implei.ii'iit and Seirf sioro.
Coruir oa 5 Ih & Arcli strict,
Phil a d e Ip h ia .
Henderson & Co.,
not KbiiLLxxs rvnr.isnms
INVITO tho attention of all Persons Visi
ting Phil idtl) 111a, win tin r (iu liu-nn rih aur
to llieir Uxir.i'irdniirv Coilcctiunnl' l!ook 11 n uh suh
t.iok-eUer Cnnntrv l- :ier, Ti nchers Put. nni
priwui Lihrarun, ifiii.plied with Uooka a-Sta' iuu ir
lowest ratex.
c a. ur.vur.itsoN a co
Minh 7. l-'7 f'tnl.
KkttUs. of Jtito't r'r f.
.UTTKPiS of Administration on the
F- tato ol Jacidi Niist, fif n' Millhti i-wni-hip
(Nilumbia 1 ouuij ih reM-u Lave uci) .'i.ttiti ,1 1 . he
Kemsterof ColiiL,itia lojiity. lo the unni ruiynoi who
rem.fe in saiil il.J U11 low iitflnp, in Coliimln.t , .0,1
all iicrroiis In hut L'niuw ltpiitit the in.t,ue ol Uie
lUcedeM are rt'i,ieted In prefeiil lUeni t.. it, mm
iflraicr will 1 i.tlav, and all petto' iittieoied t
make paj nam lurthwillL
rerun m
rept 3, 1357 Ol .ia
Seven ih and Murkut Hj., Philadelphia
Augtt 13,
I.L person indebted to the firm of Hnrlumn & 1
Hower.iire henby uoified tu mil and nettle tbu '
samu and invo cost
iiArtr.M t &. tiotvnii.
X the linn an. 1)1,- of
- 1'urnl Jacnby,
Will continue ilm (initrcreek I'under Huaiiieas in a i
ta dcpariimitts, '
v.. ii. ri-ttsi:i.,
j. c J i Jilt
Aus 10, lr57
" BOOIC-lifNiiTlVG,
Ci:i).li, Wet))) AMI ail.1,011 H'AKE,
la & 3 HI 55
1 J n lrilO, (.'mmitttr Martin Kuiiuil. of lilooin. .Win, JVher. i
I 1 AUll Sale ttt tlO ofilCO Of tbo OulumLiil (-fa'tf- J-im-' Keiter, ol Sen it, Mrs.ThomaU Cru ,t,LOCKrt. Ltn iMNU CLAUdi:' fOUHAnn, OIL
. 9 .. 1 , euna, oi coii, ami nun jouii k uruu ui ihouih. , CLoriifl, iiittrftius t iNuuw Hit ji:h, Lc.
11 0 Jt Lho-. o. VU.-PI.OWINLMAHH No. 1 -JO North TIEIltD Street,
Deedjj Lij-iki. Stationery Marrlau Ccitifiuittit iivi i whm regent lit m-j (md to lliu -kill t s r b , ,
J. 4. c 'ti'uj i f in- it. inn ti -w- ti 1 y t i 1 1 1 v l j . i-1 It
ANo. thote iud('lit'd to thu nu'mcf Hei, uru like wide '
ro'iUbuied lu call and tet tie.
1 npytowu, June ti Icj7-.iil '
n HAKLCS STAI1L would reIefifull'
J -uieim uf )!i,t.niil.urif and vkimii
i) l'latl I llalll Jlltlll-p'.UV 4 (..III, Ilm
prepared ti. tfu ull kind" uf v -rk m
e nlitiriel ti.itin- mil re,iH,,. , in. i
Ul. fc l H L.l-t Ilh timing , ,1
tiiorill Ijir
lh.ll lie hit
i iy lit
111 fil
Hh t Ih i,h.ti a ti 'i