Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, October 03, 1857, Image 1

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    3 0)
Editor, I'ubiislicr & rroirlc(or.
"To hold and trim the torch of Truth and Wave it o'er the darkened Earth."
( fjnc Dollar & fiotcnij-Uve cts, Id advance.
VOL. XL-NO. 30.
Published (very Saturday Morning, by
In Bloomsburg, Columbia Co.,
OrncK. ( tiir. nun istidi Huil-iitig, op
posite ttf lixefutngffbtsi'lf q' the ( oral
Ifo tse," Democratic Hea l Quarters."
$1,00 In ivlrtuicc, for ono copy, forrlx montbt
1,75 In alvanco, for ono copy, ono year.
2,00 If not pil l within tho lirstthrco incr.thJ.
2,23 ir not p ii.1 within tho first six months.
2.60 If not paid within llioyonr.
C7" M.3a'jijription t.ikon tor less tlnin six months,
Ami no pupur lUjontIucd until all arrcarugcsshull
biro been pnid.
D"Ortlliury ailvortlecments inserted and Joh
work pxocittcd at tho established iriccs.
Election proclamation.
ui.iu.AO y i ie iaws 01 i u is uin. is m . I; 'tlj'' iluly ol tlii-SlM tdr,
of cyrv county u-jrivnii. Urn of tliPirfiiprjl i iiluing.
ly. ai lent iwHty d iv linlur tn ctiou, ' nnj to
ni'Miifraiu tlif rtiii tin-omn r to bo ilcricd." and t
' desl miate tho plac at wliuli tli-i olutlmn Is to !
hMil." lh-rcloii!. I. tfTIWIICN II .MH.I.MU. High
HIip riiF of (,'oiinilMa cminlv lo livrcby knaun
and procUiiu to (lie .pinhficl i-N'ii'.r nf Colninlim
cminly, tint a (ilA'UKAI. fll.Ui'l KiV w;J b WW
lhr luintul nanl cotinty. oil TUIliAV.wl1ie TI1IU
TP HV I'll II A V III' OU IT) II nil beillv tim ncrond IMi..
day in Hani mourn, at Hio sevtrai .minu wiiuiii tlie
ami ill v In :
UMit'in inwiHlilp, nt til hiiimp of Izkicl Cole,
llfAver lowni-hip, at th" Iimhp i.f Christian Shuman.
Illo't 11 towutrliip nl tin Ourt IloiMi, lilooubiirjr
Urlarcrt'rk t'wiilip, nl lliu Ti wn Houx1' Ik-rmck.
Uaiaii twiiti. at the house of the l.itu Htocy
Maai'rman (ntawiia
Ceitire'liiH. ut lite Iiouiih of Ji-rcnil 'Ii Mew (he'd.
Vi liUj-STCk 1 iw mcIi nt tun home ot Abraham Kline,
ihhv occupied hy William I.ohi
(ItHi-iaV'iniiiott lif'liip.ultlii' I. nunc of Jore( h It. I'itlon.
tl.-'t.l .rk I'uvii'hip ul Hre lljck Horn
Loam liiwiivliin at Ihe nmvi nf lUvfd Uelnbotd.
l-Mnklii iiMidliip.:it OI lylou'i School llouuu.
M. (II in luwiitfhip at tin li'iUf-e o( Jhu Kller.
Mrt4iion towui-liil at Ihe lioune ofJno Williver.dec'd
Momiileaii.iiii townhip, at tho hoube of William
Montour tuw n.liip, it the hntiic of John It ic lards i.ow
occun.'j.v William Hot 1 1 net-head. it tiiCBtefcJhM hOiidM ol! Velter.
RoariiigrnHflptp at (he lioiifi: of (. W. Dri4t
b.ith now tiITliy rranklin huiiian
Oranut! towuhi, at the huudu ut 1'our 1' Kline,
Or hi Seville,
riuo Iownhtp at house ol Albert Hunier.
Uucarln.iflnwtis'u;) '41H10 ijQ.ipe of Aliimn (Ale
Hcoltlowut.l.ip at tlchiHtse of lnocli Unwell. Ufpy'n.
Coitvnthnil towiii'tlp. tt Hie limine of l' It Wohurlli.
Juckoii lowi.gliti, at thf lioune nl Joshua S.iat'H,
lilt lurilmr ttirtri.-d lat Hie eietlion ut tlx- eaid
everal dii'trlrt" c-lt ill tie opened beint'tn Uh- houm ol
8 a nit In o'dock in ihe loroiioon, and thall cotiti uui
open .1 1 lion 1 Intiirruptinit or atljoiiinieriit, unlil 7
o'r lock 10 l lie event iir when Ihe (.oily thill Ut closed.
The nuVeis lo bo elected ol the tiuinoitd place d lure
aid. are
two j untie or tiik hiu'RUmi: couut,
A OAS A I COM MlttriUiM'U,
a Mt;Uii:u or co;uc.
A SI'A IT. HUN VTi'll,
OIlI'ilAN'ri rilllllT. AND OP THU COUUT Ol'
os ti rr.u-ov ron 1 islamic ami iii;;or.nni:(
a i oumv 1 '""1'" I
A ColJV I 11 HI I OK. I
And th aid i-litti'i't of t'.iuiiriFHiiitin In hild in
ihi Commonwealth of Penni lv n la. liirein it
reded that b'i-iuM a nrauc Ii.h liajipeo.-d m the.
raprpenlai i.'ii ol lhH Si.ile in I lie llout' ol licprcpiif.
Nlivr of 111 L ulled Hl Uin, in iouti"iiif nee of Hie
(1-eili ol Xotii C Mosii.oMt KY . 1 1 1 ( 1 1 .1 u meiubi-r
.f iho Teuiy I't nit Coiigri' Irom li 'I'ltcltth Con
icreikioiiil I.KiriU. (iinip(Hd ol I ho cuunlien of Co
l i.nbm, l.iiz-'rne Moiiintir mid tt 1 oioihl' . that I, Ste
phen II M 1 1 1 r limn ttif nil 01 1 oiumhia cuniy , fiiitil
h.M or cana- to be held iii rarii in. uslnp, at H,m i
H.nriindai die i'.irei.iiloreMtii. an Hertmn lorilHHH-
iaz u Ui'i'fOfcfnUil ve nl itiia i;oi)iu.iiiweallti in the
H."io.e of ttepreM ut il ieK of lli't United till
ur .tmrv al.ire1)''
Ami. wlv reab. I iiaveheen diterted by the Cnvernor
in itive notice t h H a in nil lenoltttion liioi'iihiiiL' cert-nit
lus tieen Psrfi1 lo '' .1 m.ijo' i,y nf the memliers e'eclecl
to eirn Ilitiue nf lh I . s o tat lire, iltwo nirrrssive
irui ol lift some, mi 1 tint it m provided hy the Con- j
( I HI. 'on lll.ll .Hi) nn-iioineiii mi nin uiui, pii.ik
t.e -ubnuited to the peni.lL I-ir th, ir apt roval o' rej- (
11 hi (ir tin- iurtiik nl fcc M'iiiliif Hie i
f-otnof tu..cli.z"..f tin Com in1 ni wealth hi repnrd I
111 -rein. I tie,,!,.!, l-ller. ll.tliMttloM.ol.iMm,,
enutiw d' civ- n 'lice mid proc aim lo ihe pm!ilmd '
?!,".','', ,' co..niv. n,.,; . . i. . .j- hi i- nod
ii. r .c Iih i.iwn.lil i wHnti.Hii.1 ili.irina tliiT-iu. 1
li"17 t il Hi" ..irpn.... iiniims "I III" aimpi nil or
iti'iiiii ill" nil'i ii Hi' ii ii iiir in H . r 'iiiy m iii'-ni
hull sil l H.rt Mill l. li.-l l l.t I ip III.H.H uii.I
op 'ii" I ii 1 1 ail im inn.' in an. i iiiiiii ninrii i ic
.! .n...l I'.lnrll ., I.I III. Ci..i.lili.liU.'llll I nil' III' III.
ntifiii'il mill c'iibpiI . nii'l it Mliall lie lliu duty ol 1 lie
Jllll r. I'l-pTtll 11 .111 1 i.'IfrkH o' 'Mfh nl 1'aiil low a
.inn. urn. nin' district 1 to litriMMil Mi .aid ilcc-
imii. ti ki-u 1'itliT rilh'ii ni prliiti' 1 urijy writ.
. .... ..itrilv nriiiif d I mill clli.L'ii. duly nlllilifii'il to '
Till" l'ir .leu i" "' ....-..'-ii.... ii""'"'i
dii.t.ii 1I11.111 111 n or
li'H'- t" 11 "'r puri'ii.o
prnVI'""! III" l'."p' f inn-, r. ; wium i" ' a "Mil ui
riuiTliv ly lilfll 0 .'" tli" (nit. nil' -Tirst Aiiioml
m-nt ' HtO'iiI Aiiiinti'ii.l " "'I'liird Aiiieii'lnM'n
auj rourtli AtiMMid'uent " nnil III 'H1 v tin ii'ii 1'ivora.
hi.- to . lid A trie mini.. (.14. ur nil. of Uirm. 111.1 ez.iri'..
itinir ili'.ire ti oltiii: I'aeli u. many .I'piirnii' wrmrn
or iirinti'il or innly wriiifii m irinr.l b.illois ur
tirln.s. rontniulin.' tlm in.iiio llieri'itf tlif wnnl.
K'trlll" 111-n liufill. "and llliisi. Willi are ii('p"cd to
.oi Ii am iiidiui'iii.. or .nv nl tlim. nriv exim . ilinr
oppo.,i,o,, hy .,Hi,.f ,,ri. u. r,,:!";r,..w.r.,.,'r."
a r print d haUo or hckfU cohuiihii fit tlie liivido
ineipni i tie woru --.giinpi uti n.'- m.
And furt'ipr. I dn h rHiy givi- iioIicp. din-ct ami
proclaim. I lint lh" uh-ciiun ni tin aid .roiosid
.iti-ti'lm"iilii, luU ht oltite I .itid t-lhrd ui lh' aiu
Xiiii ami in nil rei"rt !. co.'ditt li'd . :ih Ufiieml
Kleriioit of ihl C.tiiiiunnwi'iili h ur'' nw condiicti d. j
w wo 1 1 as ri'n ft tho ii,ilitii:iiMnt of vofru ihf
lim und maiimsr ol making ri turns, as mi all ollur
pariicuiiifB I
II M firtlfr dtrrm I trial Ii intt'tiiisa of the rpturn
judi'fi nlth.'ri.uii tloitifiii IlliNiiiifilmru't m i.i.tkH out '
thu SPii.'rat rHurim, h.illlmuo tin fir' Fndiv tie
eccilmit lho ceioTii) fh-ctiun. uhuli will bu tlm t'n
te'oth '.iv oi Octid.'-r. !
Tne tJormrpfftO'tai rrlnrn Jurlgr f thtiTwrinh Ilm i
trict CuiiipnUHil ol the riunilii'tf ol 1.'r.iniha l-urliP,
M tn tour und Wyoming, u ill meet nt t Court It on mi,
in IJlooinsiiurjf, on TUKHA V. Him T"pntii'lh d.iv of
O.'ioticr neit, to inak out retur s for member uCCou
pics 'ihe St-niloriit return Judeps of tin Thiririnwi
Hn itorul liitrict . ctmip'tsi'd of iln rouniiPti of Snyder,
N'tirtli'iin'iTlnnd, Mmii'Mi nnd C iluinhia HI um a
IIih Court lliiii.".tii iIh hriuh of H'tnlmry ' ihe
cnuiily of Wihutnberl md onTULSHAY tlitT'.nii
rth i'ny of Octuher next, to make out relurni lor fiwte
BTil0rieMrii Judgnit f Ihf UpprctiMilaiivr District,
compod of tlif counti" ' f Wjomlna, Sullivan, Co
liimhia and Monionr. tinll mpl nt lho Cmm ll.iuon in
PI omitb'irj. in i cminly of OlnmWs on 'I UK'IJA .
ihe Twfiiih'ih d.iy of October ntxt, lo inane otil returtm
f-jr moinhi'r of ,fiii1it.
And inandhy Hm aid nM, I am furllipr dlrn-lpd in
i v tiniint thai mm v rtf rbnii. i'tci ntinii lililin s of Ihe
pparp who whatt hold mv othrp or jippoiiitm'iit of
proht or lri"t MH'-r I no uuvi'rnmMii i me unm-.i
fiuiif.orof lhiiBint,o ol .myittvor inrorj.orutfd
dmrict , whether a ctjiiniilsinned nmrt r or olliervvtHj,
a Biilionliiiitiii t'flicpr or as iii.uliait or rtiall ! fin
ployid uttripr lh lfiiljtivf , or ovemivn, or judiciary
dt-naiiint-iiiof ilu f inle, or il iuy incorptirat. i district.
nd ahn that Vfrv tnPinhfr of I'onsrfft .and d ihe
--I.... .....i.w.n rmiiicil of any rilv.coinmifyionerM
of any inrurpirati'd iintnc- I hy I n, iucnmil.lp of
unnointmpiuof iud.inffiorr ctmk ot any ok-ciiuu
nl thin rom.noitue.Hih, und lh-t bo inpffiff; JNitru or
anv offlcp r nr any rurli Hi etion sh ill he eligible to any
office lhan to he votrd for ,
Givpii u''dkruiyliindaudeal.otmyomcelnnioom-
byrlfU.f t3Ut day ct r-M.U. 'millkr.
Illooiluburs.Si-pl 5, 1837
ORVVAItri .mil deliver packisf. m. llij 'line or tlie
I' I'oti.v.t V ami Itoi'lioe UalUttlMii. W lllnm.port
ami Eri. ai'd Willlaio.porl oni Uiuiira Pa l.ia.U.
Cooi. il.liv rfd'aoil r.mai- collulcil Ho of cnainf.
plill.iiMl.lni' Aiib'.II t7-y
' .. ........... I- IVmLii lm..rri. Jiwilry, IVllllUlO
A..p....... o,u.
rpIII'j founder of tliU Celebrated Iruti-
JL lit I Inn. i(Tts lln1 moM certain, o-idy, n ml only
fih ctuul fL'iiiiMly In llic world fT i Hi (is lor titntn,
Ftrlclnrpt., Ht'Miinal wackocm, I'.ilrm hi lliu l.iilnit,
t.'oitsiitiitiotmt ItcLiHij lui oli in v. WiiiMii'M of thu
Hniknnd hi in It AUictioii of the Kilinf. l'iilii.i
ion ol tin Hi'urtt lipeisia, N't-mm Irritability.
UiaeuMi ill ill) I linl l liiiml, N.d trMfln ond nit
111041 ppmoui iiixl uti lanclioly Disord." tr nrUltitf fniii
the lU'iinictivf ImliitRdl Youth, which (('y belli
Imily mill mind, '1 lies" ferret ami eohtar) rurtici',
,irn limn' faial I" lh Ir v ictlmrt tnati the mm.h tf the
MyriMM to i In- mariner Ulyjmi, hlighifnf; their omit
lirilliant hopes nf .inlidriAiiuMi. Hindering m-iinage,
&c , iii((oiiljlB.
Married personi m Vounj Mrn OHlHiiplMlnff mar
rlaijp. In I it if uw.ire of ive ikm, organic debility-
deformities, .c, cluiuli Mi u.-di itely consult
Dt Julio mn.tiiitl lie rinl'irtd to itr Itct liLitlili,
lie who pi ci In nisi'lTti int'-r lliurafe nf It. John
ston io.iv rulli!iiiuly ci'iilii'r in hi honor 09 a pnitlf
men, and cuulUli ntlv rdv upon Inn t-ki II ast-physician
Orga n ic T Vca hn es -
immeiliMfly diri'il ami full vigur ri stored.
'1'lilj ihsfjse U I ho pfiiiltv inot ir-'iii'iily paid by
I host! wlioliavii In en tin lliu victim ol In proper im in-
ffmn mit , nwJff, (f 1n(J,,M..lttll, ,.,.,,,,, CL
that mjyp Now. who tint iiii.ii' Hie h.Ii
.,.Pl wll7, p.Un.l to d-ny iliat Hit- pow.-r ut pmcit-..
s,)0IH;r i(,rt uilna into
' luliitf thiiii by tin nroiMnt. Her-ldeit being ill ittiviri ol
Hit! phaiiim ol h'ulihv otrpnnit, tlm moi kuiioiis
mid detriicliti: nliip1onii to Imtll body mill im ml
iirixi'. 'III.! jystfiu (jfconif dtirnifi'd; tdc pliyncal
a Hit m 11 1 1 1 1 kmv .' tfl u en k e in'.t, iicrvoii iicliiiiiy. nys
p'p"i.i, ii.ilptlatini"lilnj M'lirl Imli.'eotinn aw.tni(r
ol tiicl'nuH'.CMiili 111 ptoiu t ol c tis'i'i ii in 11 4tr '
UU tllCH .No t HoUTit t-'ltklikHftK ti IKkk f.fcUVI II ilOOff
r...f. . ..t -
i;.iti (.!'(, up 1 nf sift
luri.rninr inHKirvnw 11... vahi: mid Ml.MKLIt. or
you wil inidtike thu plce.
.1 Curt Hat ranted, tr no Vkarge Made, in from One to
Tieo I lay 9,
Dr. JoJtnsfoif
Mcmb"r nf the Uoy-tt College of rturRenn. l.otn'on
ttrailuiite from ou ol tho omat emiUfU' c licet' ol tin
Uuili'd cftaie, and tlicireatfr pail otwhoof tile lij
hue 1 1 spent in lliu hrl llopitala ol I.uikhhi I'.ir.l lit
l.nh Ipliia and eUuw here, has I'th-i t d turn.' 1 f ihe tnott
iisiuiiiiiiiifj curi H that were evur knov n ; tu.iu) inntb
11 witn ritihitf in 1 Ik: head and ia a wl hi mUep,
ifrat tiervoiiHiii-sa bfjnp alarni.dat bii.M. 11
and liJBiifdiiiettK, with freucn: bluainoiit attended
B'HiietiuicH itlt ilcrarij;eiiifiil ol mind were cured im
A Certain Iriscasc.
When 'he. niiHunlfd and imprudent votary ofple.'i
snru finiU 1h Iim imoibud lliu of tlnti piolnl
Urease, it loo olleu nap p.' ns that 11 11 i I III mud H'lin- ol
ah.imo, or dread ol Ih .0 rety, driers him liom t plv
init to llioai w h . from educiiiou and redpi-ciainlJiy
cut alo 111; berrteiid Dim d.l lyim; till the cotitiliili.nii
lymptoiiH ol Dim horrid disease maks tii.-t r.ippi ,
iich'ta ulcerated tiure throat, dise.ucd 11. me. nocturnal
p.illti in the head a lid liuili.diiiinettf of m alit.ih al ne,
nodeson tlm bkiu liniieb. uiidarmx. Motrjirn on
head laco, ami extrenntieB, proroaint! with frilnlni
raplditv , till ol lut the palate of ihe. imiutn or tli
houej of thi iiom tall in .iiixi Hi- vi. tim of thin a w till
diseiup b.'Coiiii! a horrid obj. ct of coiiiioiaer.ilioii. lilt
d-Mlh put 11 peri. id to hli dread lu l nutleriugfl , hy fiii.
diffj him to thin Imiiriio fro 111 wli'-nce no traveler
reiuuis.," To mirh therefore Or. Johutmi pled ifc
hi'iie to prtn' rve lh uiuxt i' 11 viol M; necr'cv. ami
from IiJh extenitive pinrtire lit llie lirt-' Hop.tiiU nl
ljrnpt mid Aliierici. he ran conlUleuily ri routine tid a
aft; o nd h peed y cure to lliu'o victim ol tit is
hurritl dtB.'.ifti1
Take particular jSbticc,
l)r J ad.lrere(t all thoou who have injured tlifin-
'I liehean; mi,e ol Hut h id and meLi
jiirhoii edec ib i
en km n. of
tln'Il.ick ami t'.iiu in the Head. Himiifol j
Htsiit u n m ocular
I.'irt llviieiima. N'ervi.iin lrr.itil.ilnv. Itfr.iuiri-mi
i fcll(j
oftM. n,e,.,im. ruiiciioii.(3eiierttlllt bility,fitoni'
.1 r
MUM'Alil.V The ff.irful ed'tflu upon the iiimuI
ore ouch In he dreaded, l.os ol Mciii'TV. IJoutti kui ol
Ideal, l)preioii of I ho fpifiW, llv 1 i'lirthodnn.-.
Aversion of riocivty, Ti miiy ,Jc.,ure miic ol iheevil
pnolured. '
THoiiaaiuU of pertoiimof nil n?'B ran now judao
what i Hi rainwof ti.fir declining health r.o-in
ho1 r Vigor. becmi 112 Weak p ilemiil .'iiiafi ited, hav in
a xiugo la r appearance aboul the c h.cotigtt and eiup
, TnhiiKtmt' hniiiTtirnthxr VvMCtbt for
JOMMOIS iliVlSOtflfini tammy jot
Organic Weak-ess.
By tlimcreat ami tmporidiivremedy, weakneoniie
irinarc bpeedlly cure and lu'l visor renmed
ThoUHtndnoi the most iierviux nod dpl.ilii.H'd. win
lud 1 t all hope Have been tiumedl itelv relo-M'.l. AM
l.iipfdimf!iilt in Marri ige.l'UVHiral mid Venial liiua
i.fl 1.... Myn. I .-., t In lit u TriiiiililtilC fl llll Week-
nem. or eiiiauiioiint the nioul Icartut hiuu, apvuui.y
cuivu uj uui iu, nu"'i"ii
YiiUH2 jMcil
h , r,i t (inSlv--j hv n crrtun nractice,
i,. i! i ' . n ilu!' i I. iioi t rfmetii lv learned
I - lluu(r-inr(lrfrho-theeneclb.lHhirh
ir nm 1 v ' ' " , , , ",A ....i , c rure.!
y,';;1,';;1 ' , 7 ,vii' ,y'.f
" ' ,, ' , . ...... u'V
,,.,,,. ,. , -nafill .lioul.1
" '.A, ,,.. ftl,1,'.,,,.Ji,otiiiitiirc. anil Hi
. : .,..,,. .....I.,
till l!l nil 1 11 Mai ll
truili person
should rf fleet 1 lint a .muni mind and Im-'yari- lh m
iiei"s.iryri"p(i.ltii-i'l priiiiio e conuiil.ial li:i'pinis
I .. i.. i .u..!....., mi.. tlm ioiiriiov lliroilL'li llO liermil1
a iviinry ll'ljrillllL' ui"r-"''-'.'""""
vi,.i, ; ih,. ,UI lii-riiini'. .11 Mli'wril Willi ienirii nin'
filli'd wil 11 1 Iih ui''l.-i'H,ii'" rrii'-ri "i "kt url .
,,1-n urn u.'rU"ra n" MiiMil'Miviii '"'"".
oi'i'iui: N" i hiii 1 11 i't i:iii:i:h;k i. .vj
At. I. i'UltCKi'M. in l.ll II lii.o 1 .......
N II -I.-I ii..ralfni'Hl.'iy iiri ii'i'l.'oo.liiil app' H"
ediaw lyiilH'riiiirrmijlli ,1.1 l.y ''''''
SKIN mSUASUS rll'l'.lllill.V LUl.LU.
To Slatners.
i'i"..'.nv.l.n''"l .it tin. lintilntion witli'o
ij- .-t 1 y. ...mi ""'V7;:v.':::p0",:'!:-.''i;.
CliMI'ltlOII. I
1"" .' ".' ' . nil. or it., ran tl. im
XK:::S::S r ; K
' v.i .imiv other oerotn no
r.rti'rinil ri'i'io.lbilily
lliu alllittea. .
Tale Xo'V.e.
N.ll Tlnrmt" o ni.liiv Ijnornnt anil worlhl-'k
U'.ack. 'V yi-ro. .. . ; .I0
'tri'. k- v.. , J. k. ' iii. iii-r k mint t.o po.tpniii ami
. r... iim tenlv. or noanswcr
column a i"..va6 .".'" --.
llPW ill r''flt
.nnaily 7
D E N T I S T K Y.
Ite.i.luliCf. first Brick l.uil.iinn ti-low llarlman'. tor
OM illll'l Clltxi
Wliilh "III I" In.'llfil "" P'c' "' 6"hl l"JU:
'"a". Z :V article of TOOT I POWBUn. all
Juno U IH7. ov I. oil Illtl'I'
Tlin umlcrnsnul rt.p.ctuili I
ol; and lira putiln.
inrorrm tne iuic..i.
in gpocra,, inai no
bat op' I'i'u a
hoot and S'.oe Establishment,
M'1; "l"! " ...."..;! 'K3
a lurijo a.Hortiut'iil ot (
Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, iVc.,
And will maki' up oik iu ordi r on t lion o urn Hn
In nc oipmieucf in llii: l.u.iii'-.f , ana new- nil know
ieilsu oi 111" ..inl.o. lho uropti. wil I eua 'i' In III HJ
irii'ler Kali, iruou lo all ui. ru.toiifrs. and tlioilia
burure tiini p.ilroiiag winch im hope, to tnerj'
lllnoiii.lnira. Miy lp37.
FlllSUSltlTII J.ilKU'1'llFltb.
. .i-spn-Tl'UI.LY ilf-r. hi priifi'.ioral .ir-ifs , , ,. , r.ii,,u . ,n nnd nro at their WltS did. !
. .i :r...". tl.liull ol 1 iilll"lilft' ""'I JllUltll.Ll. lias uuuil usuuia.viv m.3 wn""- . , . .. , ,
SC.? -me. d .rewiIOljl . Hero we might close ut one refleo .jUnj-, . J uuri-d
r.t.,.,prov.,i . ,rolh I total on board, O'JO Out of this, it is said i"n lorces itseit upon us ..u,v ku... -
Vorcelam Teeth, I t?1'11 . ., L ,. ' , , tlmt tl,ro..,.hout the land, a uni- among thc captive
TOBACCO UUA liEHSi, templation makes us bliuuUer ami tno
s IV. uportniiow iw
10 1JJ
WmtlKN MR THE lOUMVti DrMOtltil
RrsprclfuIIy (!(d!cnlnl lotLefrfcutlsof
tho Siilftrtrs by the Central America.
Mourn not for Hm ilrad j 1I10112I1 In ha si e lliry dppattud,
Tin old ii ml Xha you wj ; ilif a( mid Ifv'l't h at led;
hikf tr.Ti mid lik. (Ioitb lipiorr tli" same gale,
Tlic lovely, I In le'-iile, tlif hrariy mid hale
Muurn not for ttie dead.
Mourn not for th' dfid, limy know not of lorrnw,
Mavp no ipnr l'ir in if.iy. nor 00 cor'-" to morrow.
lull v i hncr ami Irpczt on tin wlnir fnrdi.
'i'hey bloom in tliu unrln ol their luavenly birili.
Mourn nul lor thu dead.
Mourn not for I he doftrt, all rain I n vour weeping
Io r ih'inp who arr i 1 Iim liolv kfi ping;
VVI10 (fiv.', who c 111 1 ike, and who rl.-uuM hut hli own(
Wueu It 4 rail f a 01 w c) rch; arooml hid pure III rone,
Mourn not fortlin dead.
Mourn not for Itu dad. your tenr-drops ar" fallinff
i'lr ricv (Ml UfilT H'IWIT I IIP ft IS HH rl'C Hllltg
Oi )i fe v. Im-ii tU poiip wipe the tears frt.rn j our eyes,
They heed noi nnr wfcpinp, ilicy h'it not our gh$.
Mourn not tor Ihe otaJ.
STonrn tioi fnr lie ilea I, who In hitn hire dip.irteiJ,
1 lo ire and tin linvi, the ton hi: Add in.o heaiifd,
Tluy iivc n it tiMina'T in Mf m and pain,
A will many 01 111 who liave to rriiniin.
Mount not lor thu dead.
Mourn not forthprfrid, I lirarnncel voices,
j Which welcome tin m hon e, nil In avt n reji Icef ,
I ir t!i piiif rera now know no ani!Uih no tnntp.
Their trouble i pat ami tbiir piiynmufic o'er.
Mourn not Or Ihe dead,
Philadelphia, StptembtrU, 1W7.
From the Prttt J
Tho Wrecked Steamer,
On tho 8th of this tho steamship
Central Amcica with a full crew, 525
Cnliforni:! passengers, nnd 01 000,000 iu
specie, on freiIit, (hciides what the pas
briigers niut have had with them,) quitted
the port of Havana. Next diya hurricane
arofec. fiercely it raged until tho llith
nobly the ship and the g11ant crow battled
with tho tempest. Human cfTorts avai cd
not. On ihe l-th, when the tempest was
moit licrcc, the vessel foundered. Out ot
all the human beings on board, only sixty
were saved.
That same hurrirano caught other ve
sold, and did them more or less injury.
Among these was the steamer Aroro'L
from thU pjrt for Norh'll; ami llichmond
Lllto Ol) Suijd.l V llillll', she W8S Wl CC'llC'd
went to pi' ccs early on Monday inarii-
ing but ere'.v an l paisengcrs ca aped.
Tlie last man to leave Lho siuhiri s'.tip v.a
tho oomi.iandjr, Caplain J. 11. Kelly, who
was uoLly seconded by !iw olliccrj and
creu-. 15ut for their coolness, course and
gallantry, the Jiad tr .pody of the Arctic
might have been repeated. A it was, the
stealer portion nf thoe on bord were
picked up by the stcauibhips Joseph VM
try and Cacitiiza, tho commanders, crew
and rutfr-eugors of hich treated thorn with
surpassing humanity, kindnuu and care.
'J ho 'oijM, it Philadelphia vessel, is ut
terly lost.
Tho Central America, 011 which life and
treasure have been such a great sacrifice,
was heavily insured, with her freight worth
81,000,000. Iht5 is not the place to
disL'iis tbo morn worldly fiuos'ion of dol
' '
lais ana cents, uut we may say, f;i ;r,s-
....... .0 .
s'tit. mat tins larpo amount 01 snoeto was
locked for. with anxious cspc-t-tion, bv
the monetary interest in Now York to
rebeve the pressure on lho money market.
Tho insurance of tho gold was chiefly effect-
ed in England.
All considerations of this sort, however,
cinl. Ii.ln ll'n 'ln.t J i. on i t., t i win UMt! tlm
1 , ,:...':.. ...i.:i. .i.:.'T. ,,i i, i. mi,rn of s.ieb
r n
n - -
I moumfu. catastrophe miut f re, into the
, of even .bo least reflective. For
many years there has not been such a tra-
, K, a lca a3
The only parallel,
.,.., ,.... U lliaf nf tt.r. 1mr:
trllCi ost off th0 co' fct of v,, over S3
vrar3 i,j0 with about eight hundred con
J ' . . ....
victs on loard, who perished in a suuucn
ciiuuu. in-' tj.vvw
hand-cuffed and Imbed two and two Willi
. . ..
fetters, and unable, th.refore, to m.ko any
effort to i-avo themselves.
Tho number of persons who have per-
. ... "
I .. p . .!.... , 1..., .wl I i rti-nnn
nf our fellow.crcatures have been lost.
i 1 !, flsl, nf liln of bono of cxnco
tation, nuny of these hayo perished ho
can measu.o the amount of which this
loss will strike into mauy au anxious audi
this vast lerritorv.
i loving heart, all over
- .
"Who shall coolly calculate Ihe deep sorrows
-tho wild and bitter griefs-tho deadly
tlie wnu aim t
tlU.'itinoilltllieiUS - liiO uamcu uaiifuiuii
--be heart-rending bereavements -the
,,v LinLltbobsorbin, desolations
.ont afl'ectious tho absorbui!: desolations
. .1 . 1 !..l..ll!..n...A r.,.,of Krlnif 1 1 I fi
i WUICU .Ills sau luieioguuiu u.u-.v u..u6 ...w-
J many a loving bosom. Not we. Tho con-
I ouo pervading thought iu our mind siuco
IthonewMCJched us has been au imperative
conviction, forced, as it wcrfc, intn us, by
tho great and sudden shock, of lho uticer-
tainty of human life, and bapniiirss, and
hopo, of tbocortaiutyof that death which other feelings wero absorbed. In tho case it seemed doubtlul whether the Cob j The nlevatinn of Macaulay, the historian
Failhassurcsus.tcrminatcsonlyoitrcarthly of this wroi'k over COO lives aro lost, and would not distance even these, so tnurh j to Hritj, pCera.o,is gt'iier lly com
bein; nf tho necessity, nmid tho wlurl of every 1 110 is deeply rouccrncd ; iu 'ha event had the peril of the occasion increased tho tncntod upon as a tribute paid to literature,
busings and tho crowded action of our of a ba'tle, in.itiy thousands miser. bly per- national elasticity of his mighty muscle. ( jrojja) v ;t ;d s0 (o n action extent but
daily life, of remember ng by what a brief isb, and, wilh our feelings blu'iicil by tho But prcsoutly a charter fleeter lhan the not onijrcjy. The want of a brllltait
t' nuro of sufferance wo ''live, and breathe, consideration of wlmt is 0 1 cd Olory, few rest iniuht Le discerned gaining 011 bis SpCakcr in the House of Lords, on tho sido
and have our bcinj" of the necessity of (avc tho near relatives of the dep rtcd) human rival, and approached so near that ,,f tj10 jTjr,;,,,. i,as on i,e0I1 f,., anj
being always prepared for the chango lo sited n lear over tho dead or lament their the dragoon r ised his sabre fir a coup de ' though Macaulay is not a ready debater,
which Ibis poor mortality of ours is mo- loss. grace. O'Neil became eoncious of h'13 nnd therefore does not thino in lho Com-
meutarily subject. r ., . ' da ger, and hastily plaekoned hi. epeed, ' mons prepircd orations will bo quito
California, that modern El Dorado, to' Tbo Central America, ,t may bo neccs- ,m tto Il0t Btre!im of emoko from tbo on ,Q ,Lo wor0 j!gDilioj
which all nges nnd sexes have mvdo pil- 8r-v to state, w not a now vessel, but an husoes no-trils appeared to mingle with tho n0UE0, 'I'l bestowal of a peerage on
gritnagos for cold, sent back to us, in that ' '1( ' tlmeJ;.f1 a n0W nBln0, t'' 1 U'ir' au, tI,on cnK suddenly, he Lim, even though the reasons aro p'arlly
doomed and lost vessel, a liulo army of ,u"; in , 7. Oeore ''j 01 I,ew lircd a lound from a reviver, and tho pilitical, is tho most rracious act which tho
eager minded persons-men. women, and 0'V'nd br, b,ua,n u'7 7,; rider tumbled from his saddle. 'I bo victim House of Flan ,vcr has ever done for lite-cbildrcn-the
greater part of whom, no ,!licn " wa3 cim'&ei undcr 1,10 folloH1" I then renewed his flight. raturo. Scott thou h a pcrsona, favorit
! doubt, wero bringing back with them more
or lesss oro of that necessary ovil -M noy.
It has gone down into the deptlt3 of tho
sea, und they have miserably perished with
Amid such a large number of passengers,
altnon an cpitomo of life might, perhaps,
l.nvn lii.nn fnnml. Thorn ven t w nnlilloian I
eager and earnest i prep-red to stand by
his party, and honestly believini? thit bis
par'y was the best. There would bd hus
bands, coming h me in pro'perom ciicum-
stances, once more to clasp his wife and
little ones ju his arms, ablo und anxious to
provide them with some pleasant homestead '
in which the remainder of their years might
.D... ,
happily glide on. There would be ihe j
betrothed lover, who had self sacriQ cd his
bcu years of early manhood in the pursuit j
ot a competency to share with the beloved ;
one. nroud of the eneravantl norscverance !
" Crf I
which had enriched him, and gladly atiti
lipating the delight and enjoyment of
mutual and virtuous affectation. There,
too, would ho wives returning t their bus
bands, children to their parents the mil
lionairc and tho merchant thotoldier at.d
the aiti.-au-the seaman and the clerk all
'ijics, occupations, rank, and property f drly
represented, aud most of them returning
with high hopes and flushed cxpectati 111.
And now, wo ask, "Where are they?''
The waves, which wash their cold and stark
remain, tho wiudii, wh'uh sadly sigh a
requiem over the victims of the hurricane
thisu moan back a wailing and mcliu
oholy answer, and the reply is but a sad
and voieei'ul echo of the words, " Where
urj they V
Manhood and youth, hi auly aijd defor
mity, a!! lb.c elements of sociily comprised
iu an assemblage of live or six hundred
persons, ail weie mere, as it were, so lately
as yesterday, aud now they are no more.
Tho world ot waters has rolled over them,
and they have perished. To them never
uiraiu will return lho hu uau sounds of
mirth or sorrow, tho light biughter of joy
or the sad accents of grief. Never aain
for them will human passion make tho
heart swell or the pulsoruti with quickened
I . .... .
specu. Jjovo aim uaircu, aumirauun anu
! . r 1 .1 ... ,
envv. coiiuueuce a' u eaiousv. av,ri'-o uuu
1 izcnorosity- all that de-rades, nnd all that
clBvates. arc now the s unc to them. Their
lmtu.n race U run. "After Life's fitful
fever, they sleep well."
To such a mournful catastrophe as this,
how sadly at.d siuaularly applicable is 'ho
. nri'a.i vr 1 n n .. n n n nl 1 ri STli rtfd 1 LGVclatiotl.
, .
thou,hts as this event forces upon us, that
! we Jul the simple ,-randeur aud truthful
beauty of Holy Writ. How toueh.ngly
applicable are tho following sentences, at
the pre-cnt moment: "They that
down t , tho sea in ships, and occupy their
l..!n in rn:,i waters, these men see tho
. ..... .... i. i ... .i ......., ,.p in, .it"
works oj mo i.oru, aim mi wouut.a ...
- i -
..l.t tr...i i - ii.MKnAi
ar.sellt, nicn 11. ctt. up tut. w w
I Uoy aro rr,o; up ?""'uZ
iinivi io luuuul'.i. iiiv.ii owu. u.v.-w.u
aa''' ,0tUeULCp,U . .'.
away bee . use o the trcuUle. ,ne reu
to and fro, and stasger UUe a
i Ira. and staL'L'l'r IKO a uruuneu
. .. .. .... . , ., ,i.
.-rrarl Willi HTtSOS ami U L.fULTJ.l o nil. .v"
i. awakened, at such a loss as this, while
- carelessly read, without sympathy or sor-
fw; f ul
mtell.gcnee of thc daj, how in tho Crimean
I II III 1 S.LI 1 LIS UUU - I - -
- 1 Ubcd of disea-e, aud perished in the battle?
i .-.n ...1.1
i . n r, i. o o '';iii 1 1 1 1
m less man io jea,,, ...
human beings were destroyed, in tho On-
.,,:.. and for them wc had no
m i vt.l..e"i
pity. How is this f It may bo answ.reil
that those whose death at sea we have re-
corded bclou" to ourselves, and literally
aro our own flesh aud blood, members of
our own households, as it wero. We grant
this but let our readers remember tho
lato war with Mexico, and recollect of
what small iiccount was privato sorrow
over tho brave who pciiihed, how in tho
liahtnin ihsliint? word "Victory" all
r ,
' 11,0 Ueore L mad e'8Wy"n"
voyage and .rr.ved t Now o,k on June ,
13. A hen she reached the Quarantine,
:.n indignation meeting of nearly seven ,
.hundred passengers was hold, at which ,
, sucu sir 'iig rcsomuou,, compiammg vi u.c ;
..""-- ""'"""o
P"v'on neither of the best quality, nor
1'" b""""--' " , b-
ot sucu a reputation sue went out, on iter
next voyage, as the Central America.
It will be impossible, we f ar to obtain
anything liko a correct and full list of all
tho PDS"3 until ufter tho arrival of the
next California mail. Each steamer brings
1 .... . ,
"cr owu "st- anu a P'"w 19 5CUl 00 "7
a sul sc(lue,)t T0S5cl- Thu h"'Plre C l
' saiJ' Uad Mch a duplicate list, but it
wa8 relessly loft at Norfolk, whenco there
'3 Just a chance of ''s lurnln UP'
Tho lino wa9 formed, nnd then broke
into two columns,when every insTiimcnt of
music in the Mexieau host sounded a merry
march, and they moved away with a quick
step over the prarie to tho west,
I'ive miDUtes afterwards, a singular di
alogue occurred between the two leaders of
the front columns of the prisoner-1.
"What makes you walk so lame Col.
Noil! Are you wounded!'' asked a tall
handsome man, with bluo eyes, and bravery
uVbing forth in all their beams.
" Colonel Tannin, I walk lame for fear
of be'tii'i wounded ; do you comprehend ?"
replied the other, with a laugh and such
a l'Ugh as no words might describe, it was
so b ud, so luxurious, like the roars of the
bre ikers of a sea of humor it was in bhort,
a laugh of the inmost heart.
" I do not comprehend you, for I am no
artist iu riddles," rejoiced Fiuuin, smili ig
himself at tho ludicrous gaycty of his
companion, so strangely ill-timed.
'You discover that I am lamo in each
leg," said Col. Neil, glancing down at the
members indicated, and iiiimicing tho
, . f .. ..R 1 1 no Im '
...-. - - 1 -,
Itii.rlinil inn 1I1T tl, '.Ti nrnr. "Alid vefc." lie
, . j--. ---
! a 'dod, in a whisper.. "I have neither
tho rhi'umatum in my kuccs, nor corus on
'my t.cs, but have two big rovolvra in my
boots!" I
tl That ii a violation of tbo treaty by
which wo agreed to deliver up our uruia," I
(!ol. tannin mourufullv suggested.
however thai 1 shall need
"You will sec
. I II
them before the sun is an .,ou b g ,
rephed Neil. "Ah l anntn, you do not
know . ua irtaw., u, .-u. -
a. m .u.u. ... .u .
go'oxt 1 lurv un.iiam v. unit n. ui
,, . . , , . , ...
flower cups flung their rich odcrs abroad
. ..
' over ihogrceu prairie, as an ouering tot no
fin i mi! i-niiiiiius ui iniauuuio t:iu uiuuvu
hollow souares. encircled on every tide by
, ...:..':... l f !,,,.
. , ,
- --
And then a momentary p. use, awful in its
only by an occa
aud tho most timid
s realized tho impending
storm of lire and extinction of life's last
Ool. Fanniu fell among tho first victims
but not eo wilh tho giant O'Neil. AYitli
thc ordfr 0f tbo Mexkan officer to his men
earth, so that the volley passed entirely over
l.t... Ua .nnt.n.l lint 17..- 1 Cl.A.1.1 'I l.rilC.
1 1 tn in . iiu wuneu llOL 1UL U DUUUllU. I
- , ,
tin - a hand mto the leg of o.U boot,
rose with a couplo of MX-shootcrs
.leauiy revoiyer -ana emmeueeu
charging them wh the quick rapid, ty
li.htuing into the tbiokest ranks of bis said ouo fricud to another. "Is it possible J
foes. j I truly pity his Bad mishap I"
l'auic-Ftriekcn with surprise and fear, )
tbo Mexicans recoiled and opened a passage, B-New York merchants allow only
through which O'NVil bounded with tho 9,0 cents for Spanish quartOM.
spring ol a pintber nnd fled nwsy, na if
wings were tied lo bis liccls, whilo a halfa
dozen hor'tmcn cavo chase. Turn whilo !
A mad yell of grief and rage broke from
tho tr -op., as they witnessed the ,
fdt0 f th, ir comra(J(! alltl it3 cfrcct wa3 ,
itnmcaiatcly e,iJcut ,B tho C8Ul!,.nof ,cir (
uit . f tL caiorj(1a afterwards in
0M body grctly retarding their progress '
s t, , q,n ., , j ... ; bofnrc . ,
them. 110 naused not a moment, but 1
plungcJ hclldloni, down t!l0 ptecp ,,ank
into the current, and etruck tor tho otlier ,
j,. j
Tho dr-goons discharged their ,
Grc-orins ineffectually, and gave over the
In a lew minutes O'Neil landed, and as
soon as no ieit saiisnju inaL 110 was per-1
lectly sale, burst, into an insuppressivo 1
, II , --.1 , UTt I
couvuiMou o. laugu ur utm e. ia,..,eu,
will kill me, just to see how astonished tho u Th(, noM, of u
yellow devils looked when I hauled y an ordor wLIch hM ncariy onll!vcdu4 day,
revolvers out of my boots 1" I M SQOncr Qr UlCT 6UCCUmb
ouch was Col. O'Neil j possessing a fund . tQ CS3 at ea3t a3 a po!itoal iubtilu.
ofhumarthat no misfortune could everj,. Jn ,ho oU fcwU lJUM wlo tho
exhaust, a flow of animal spirits which baron3 wero noarly absolute in their own
would have enabled him to danco ou the aijtrjcl tho IIouso of PccWi aa ft council
i-ravo of all bis de.trcst friends, cr to have I tQ ;d ,Lo y wUh useful
sung lankee Doodle at his own execution -' ingtitutin . but it has long ceased to bo
m,, mm Tr.ov,or, I u than a convenient fiction. In tboso
The following beautiful Arabian legocd
wo copy from the "Voice of Jacob."
Tho sito occupied by tbo Tcmplo of
Solomon wa3 tormcrly a cultivated field,
possessed in common by two brother. Ono
of them was married and had children j the
other was unmarried. They lived together,
however, in lho fireatest harmony possible,
cultivating the property they had iuheritcd
from their father.
Tbo harvest season had arrived. The
two brothers bound up their sheaves, made
two equal shocks of them, and left them on
tho field. During tho night the unmarried
brother was btruck with au , excellent
thought. "My brother," said bo to himself
"has a wife aud children to support is it
just that my portion of tho harvest should
bo as largo as his?" Upon this ho ar. so
and took from Lis stack eeveral sheaves,
which he added ti that of his br dhcr ; and
this ho did with as much secrecy as if he
had committed an evil action, in order that
, hu oSl,riVl, miht not be rejected.
I o c
. , .. :.. ,. .i, ,,,,
On the sumc night the other brother
awoke and said to his wife : "My brother,
lives ulono without a companion: bo has
none to assist him in his labor, or reward
hiui for bis toils whilo Gcd has bestowed
on me a wife aud children ; is it rhlit that
wo should t.ko from our common field as
maDi' sheaves as ho, sinco we have alroady
, IUUIU 111. U IIU 11' J W UIMUSIIU II ill' 111 UI 33 .
. I
I of eom 01IStIon will0ut Lla knowledge,
i)no .ho hMWJt iucrca,oa..
i ...... i
The obicct was anpr .ved and immediate
Tint ,ntn fvopntmn
In tho morning, each of tho brothers
iu ino moniiu
' went into the field, and was much surprised
govcral succossivo n!ghti thc tamo contr,
vance was repeated on each side; each
, . ,. . , . , .....
keptaddin.- to his brother's store, but tho
. om
. .... ,.. , ... ....
uolu uav,U!5 MOUU 'u
iiutucic, moy i.iei cacu ouier. was
itbus lhat a11 wa3 elucidated, and they
pushed into eich other's arms, each grate
, lul 10 "avcn lor Having so goou a oro ner.
INow, says tlio legcuu, tlie pi ,co were
j SH0U aa woa liau simultaneously ocourrcu
l luo 0Mlllcrji auu wu" B0 muc" r01""
" GoJ'
Jlen blessed it, and IsrarJ chose it, there
. , .1 . 1 .1 1 1
lo erect the house of thc Lord.
, 1 EST .Mr. Wm. liancocl. u buildiu,' a
he t aJd.tion , anJ
the ..... 1
iruu Hums vi vautuu.
. ..
AS?- "Ned hasranawav with your wif,"
Idacaulay tho Historian.
0f George the Fourth, obtained only a
baronetcy. ilulwcr, though descended
fn oM Qf (ho oWca( fani. .Q y
nQ Iu
,:...i ....;..i : i.-
fcinco tLo Guel h j t ,scM t,,0
Uuelpli dynasty as
Even Queen Victoria, that pattern
aF nil ,lm vi.lnna :n n ll.M,..
at Windsor as a guest. An author, who is
merely n author, cannot bo permitted
tn come between tho wind and her nobi-
a : u . 1 , : .:
tW(j h S0lotLing , Lc wia on Lo olhcr
It must be confessed that literature
ha3 rarely boon the friend of tho british
., nnvprnmntB ,..
1 , , -
times, tbo IIouso of t,ommons was com-
' posed of tho knights of the shires and a fi-w
! burghers from thriving towns; aud was a
body of little note; but it has loDg siuco
become paramount over both king end
peers. Tho ablest of England's lilerary
men see this. Tho consequence is, that
' Uritish literature eoutinually exposes what
'ft poor old lifeless fossil the peerage is:
aud naturally, the government, whii h res's
one f-ot, if not both, on the peerage, carc3
little to honor literature,
1 The great body of the existing peerages,
also, are of comparatively recent origin,
' jch adds to the absurdity of the th'n.g.
1 It is i,ot till we come down to the baronies
that we fit,d a creation that icachei back
to nearly feudal times The dukedom of
rsor'olk, the oldest English one extant,
origiuatcd iu 1-1S3, when the war3 ol tho
hoses were nearly over; and when tha
"king maker," Warwick, had been dead
' yiars, cjrriug feudality down with
1 hiiu forever. Tor, after the battle of Ilar-
1 ct, wliera be fell, the fi udal system cristcd
, , .
, ouiy ai a page -nt aud Ceiioa. The Mar-
1 quiaato of Winchester, the oldut peerage
of its kind, dated Irom only 1551. Tho
earldom of Shrewsbury, which has just
fa'lcn, temporarily, into abeyance, is of
tho trcttion of 1412, and that ot Derby,
tbo nest oldest, from 11,85. The Vis.
couUy of Hereford, the premier of its
liaSS.UiU UU UA.SV UU1U1U ltt Ik 13 blUU
, J QJMo
or ,b0 other, to some noble or kui.htly
f f n ,ent Jat but ,h
peerages themselves, through the oldest of
' .i.: ..... i.,..., u .. n ,.,,.t,,.,.,t
lUUIl I USIUtll, i VIUUS, 11V Ult EUU'JVu.
to tho really feudal times,
A few of the baronets, ubieh existed
That of Lo Despencer, now held by a fe
ma,Ci dalM from ,,01.
Thc Do Kos
inrd,il!n. now in notion of the twentieth
tings goes back to 1200. That of JJeau-
mont t0 ia09, Most of these owe their
surv;vinn for 60 lonz a period to haiina
- bccn jubcritablo by females as well as
nmicg. .11 these aro barouies belonging
so t0 England proper. The peerage of Ire-
iami boasts one burony still older, that of
Kingsale, which goes back to 1181, or to
within one hundred and fifteen years ,.f
tbo Norman conouest. 'Ihe oldest Scotch
I barony is that of Forbes, whuh is as old
I at least as 1 1U0. Niue tenths, however,
even of tho barons, tbo most numerous of
tho nobility, date their patouts subsequent
to tbs feudal age. Half of the Doblcs hold
IieoT-igcs not two centuries old. It is an
institution, this order of nobility, which,
1 as a political clement of pnvcr, has lost all
1 vit lity. It belongs to tho pvt. Li'era-
( ture sees this aud says this ; an I bene; tha
, peerage owoa it no thank I' .'
Btwjr'Jta. M i SO 1SH